HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-07-11, Page 4JULY a ALTHAN4 he Leading Watch TA xt Fall in Prices. Gent. Lower Than A Full Line to be had at R. COUNTE JEWELRY EMPORI a Largeat and Cheapejt tared) stock of Jewelry, ! Plated Ware and Clocke iairirog in all branchea of NV a and Jewelry -all guatete sa.tisfaction. Pine- Wit ity. Twenty-three yea perience. Binge, Looketa hes, &O., mateufacta st notice• _ k out for a tree of saver [ridow ; it is the place, te J., S. Porter's Chea Ire store. VL R. COUNTER, The Leading jewepee LL PAPER WALL PAPER LL PAPE inr HEST ASSORTMENT PEE CO (I --AND- (EST PRICES, Ai W PAPST'S, SEAFORTH„ - R R tT IS IT ? WHY Ir IS TIM POPULA )TOGRAPH PARLORS, REW CALDER at the helm endear /Way- season ia fast approteling,asa ople of Huron and. Perth well doe* something neat and artisUein rata to- send as haliday giftsto demi alatives, and M. C. being fully at rtanee of this fact, has made Beeeki en ants for the accommodation Of te. CALDER'S for Cbristmai pER'S for New Year's Pieteres. aty design, exeellence of ebadteal and graceful position, couple:dm& background and accessoriee, glee tit , trial. and then go away smiling it good picture. iANDREW CA T,DER, Scott's Block, Seam* P. ESTS ietthe place to go, Jewelry quite a thew. jewels rieh and rare zi.test styles are there, asotaable in price - tocket 08. on Papst, is sure, k from others goods ao poor. man arid woman bern, pst's stogie to -morrow moult ashamed to show his stock, found in Oardno's fhrist goods are best, k or Watch invest. on he will do his best, ana to rival all the rest. lace west of Toronto to purchase locks, Jewelry, Saw - e and Spectacles , popular jewelry store of PAPIST; REET, SE A VORTIt. TAL & BLACK, RACTICAL R MAKERS. re have bought the Tools ant se lately carried on by the Ga- d, Manufacturing Compellh perionce of over eight yearti prepared to carryon tee trait sted taus will receive vomit elasa work guaranteed. - oilers made and repairedOugu - Sheet Iron Work, &colt rev made and old onee repairedost e, and, at prices that defy �Offl TAL & BLAC 'FORTH HOUSE MoBRIDE n informing his mantold s that having secured Licesage • of the RR -away StatiOneal" is prepared to furnish tile dation to all favoring hita vnta U provided and furnished e best Liquore and Cigso d in the Bar. .yhour. d Attentive gost1er4. 71° y invited. JAMES toteBrolDre JUL te Ova %waived saseger owed aro a loan of 0 s, Why, incneYs" r thin tor rsffecti 4, I don't • ), pot, Ear. , if Woulet yotL 50 w 44 There ussuppo 0 is to' by, sir." The ban stranger w eerenary, ban Ue entere if the hard boa. He feted his roet a 1 ober had for the in morning 11 gestionlati him were s Before noo snit its doo tanker wa lynched. ' She es the be osked. "Yes air "Gan I "No, sir, him 1" why 08 te speak tp "JJyoU Duly doctor sn eye on bout. A. me to pass hire wasial he knowed him that s little app stomaoh to that sons o defend tha break for t break up t loft. We he give's i come dow afore that, There sets Jim up i wary the I reckon y not get nii As the heard her " Jim, w au' want t And a gr garret reap . Soss 1" AD Insuranc stand on t ene tries to sas Travel this tende of the co the other d on the insu 'Wants "1 gon't " Ain't, y 4' Yes, I it "Den ve burned up "You w pany." "1 we're "Conine, "Hole Vitaz Ur. j " Wez "Yes." Wall a jos' betwixt Da walls o' my sto'. E my sto' wo o' der aho' see ?" "No, I "Den I I?" "I'll rec de con't away, rant cotap'ny W de ate,' afir A Dut A. writer story of an he ()ailed fc. follows :- Ah, min yes, your v era. Veil rest s yew is enough. Do you oholera? Veil, I te and drinks der inflarci 0013368_ on, is A.siatic c der hospita fright. You Yan der Irish gi knows what at home on year round. earn der m und soon s Say: me." Ali, all, ib is de nothing but nna all vi climate is Ge General four sons. to Parke ly,ashingto LeXitigtort, ever by his death. He Confederat velaich he impetus ei ment that diately afte latterly it Virginia U held a, first founded b homestead hill, it 86811 general bli en upon th 1884. . • . e . , . - TH. HU ON 1 I . .... XPCISITOR. 1 , . , . - - - . . ' iimes:n — 1 gy Lesson en. Finance, e banker in a Western town State of Virginia. another R011 Gene of t e gre 1 Itunity.,Lie, t Confederete ithe occupant the other roo ao ' is , o the o benefit. confined air of When the . . EXECUTO , S' OT' CE, S H RIVALS _ HENSALL. call not log Awe from a commander, lead. t e foe of a -UTORS'NOTIO indebted to k rho. .dePosited el.Ch and then and and asked the banker for 50. . air, 1 can't lend you any plied the banker. : you can. Please take time Virginia farmer, calves and green life of public Lee' family,' denied admissioa. familiarly called, oar servile t by a.. inexorable 7- i: ti ng o w 114, ob e youngest genet more for fat s than for the -whole fate Lee, as he son a is is of several oocn lit at mealtim kip tightly, th !windows., put 'fire, and. let purified. It menta to rai int: , in y s an. the wil e to of a sitting tead Of aid er big ir be alio ! z tmp' room quit leaving it shut Open a couple of stick on. the changed and but a few mo- erature again, ENE lifetthl B a Iltlell th s Ex au f310.la es claims esilsatet of tolife ', a :pec :re. by e mut be mad, ois, on or before d all part.es ate are notified ropetly atteetted 4-A1l part eel., iliV nof ftb000dvhiu nt fled diet a wit- tliki ,the 1 D day hateng c airrisr that a tatemeut land gi ingithe es his ,settle'maffignet of undersigned of August against the of such nature of . -AT THE ., -t-• • New Millinery -AND---- . FANCY GOODS STORE. 313. " want to reflect upon the stab- this bank damage General R. quiet farmer. near Richmond. E. Le , His o 11 , nd e i i he is also on the Jim a s, land if ever h niay be seen openwindow ada6 eav . e materialize, th ! they room by those th. sec un ere August. and th rity held (if ate) gned ott or and alt claim estate evil be must be flied efOre t 0_ s nOt the. in Wilt wOund n. ae, with the id 1st day of be b tired provided by , . JAMES MURRAY Has pleasure in announcing to the a run on eth ?" be run here." Even G: et ea., , Bedrooms, tofteftioadly n be. gleo : an ed, aft bedding • are far as proper law. Execet . H. WOODS, re, Hayfield Jun: a d IS. BE4LA. 8rd 1884. WOODS, ; 861 6 , t ladies of Heneall and -vicinity, that he has opened a ,new Millinery,and Fancy' will no small oh ldrzn have an e e lairing is e there was ?" o absurd to Suppose. Good for the eternal 3 year:old boy fitutss a h m of t loot 'lugs. Giv , eta he will a oonc To -many it s '-of caloric to 1 rne ems t in , speOially a uniiecessary e 'proper in winter. waste amount of ESTRAY ST CE. MA 11110T1-1 ]1ARGAIN - 1 HOUSE, I - Street, dSf Htaoline tehis.:11.-t latest li K closed for the day as the liked out doers. He entered tated that he!was a depositor ie and asked if it was sound, a -ery„goods Eitore and asked immediately, -"Yes," being an old was a goveruor, and her brother note. Beingof cry 66 t for the sal', "M maid. 'Jou hen .b loth -,.1a• a a looking•glatis. ry barna near ee her father r a Colonel, scieptist Of fresh but col ever be mad solothes have tof air for -at 1 We reembe m a un een ast ho , bet i the . rifted a If an Any a bed should room and bed by a current hour.. When ounces of ina ESTRAY ' thb Knoilim"a-;' marc on provng MOOAL *SHEEP.-1-Carr1e undereigued, onVerlasblte4;volneeerwc's property and IJ4. - info th lot( 17, c neeselon :). nsiheseePe. payin_ charges. • : premises of 14, Mc- 0 She has the same JAS. 863x4 1 MAIN • STR I 1 1 1 ET SEAFORTII. ahtniaag:raols:ceofkarrilaoeintell. stock 0 able styles in HAT. S AND 13ONINETSs .• Together with trimmiegs atA every de- scription. This departrabit is ' times mightnot pinole the enteredcon- a drOg store and of: ertificate of deposit for O. , , Dwyer, and inquired if a re. family, she liad Wb0 ebe knurled near net getting -The olerk.of stich 0 be ; nd yb.d.Y. a a ve she t lavvyer; dietinguished y r particular came Whig , on the - pure and effe ]by the humat every twentY that a part o Iby lea boolt fou th ter three honks, inuet are thrown off h ' ' gits pores, band °refect be absorbed `and EsTa ist or J were n ar ad ieovra, , tt SHP,EF.-Stayed sni''-tn, fin'tilij-' 'ewil:. marks. Any lei% to th ram a, Iu.efil.(v..rsiinalri0b,s.. ot givvine. 14. ir ecooD) yAwLill, lot 32, aboutThtehr: cshb inf?trroja- IstincieDfieblYd ' under the personal supervision bf Mrs. Mur- ray. The stook of Fancy Goods is also . complete in every department, and. prices will be found right, 1:" -Try our been appointed td look out '5erests of deaositors. Neat latter's return absence, reporte gre to t e 6 t at ffic he atter a brief ade secured stnd.retained bedding, we ee z pight t the clothes housekeeper it, a P. O. dia 862x4 . AL) i tttt 750 KID G1.09-4/3 ; they will give satis- faction. Inspection invited; no trouble ) was at the door of the bank ig and lamenting, and behind aventy-ftve or, eighty citizens. , a the bank was cleaned out re closed, and an ex -private - retainer from much did you giant. " Teu "What 1" roared mean kJ tell a, ge doll me ie» , inqtli rs, th s r, c ' w.LB jtrist, hat _ lett. "How oa the legel the reply. " do yOu you allowed a who prides h Made up bef -breakfast, na -it?) a very d.rty slaake up the ' clothes so th. rsel re t b sill t t n getting iminediately wonder 10Man. - s, throw e air her -beds Ether -to if I dare s.ay. No indeed; off the bed can circulate -- -- STRAYED of tallieluttidierjkigrdt;m1. Infieuot a perty a 866x - - -- SHEEP.- n°er scale: d paying hal:ie. ''•-,he expens — ad ame ato osth8e,.con at Beane Pby s. J HIY ,he premises 5 McKillop Id' one lamb: pro-vir g pro- HoRAN. .1 ONE HUNDRED , 1 ENDS SHTCIN'S I BEST PRINT. show goods,. ' N Butter, and. Eggs talten as Cash. 1 JAS. MURRAY. , i skipping outtto avoid being - • any min to "But it was . hire., all the he m:n or ", en dollars ad," sail the t" among them, dress and put don't it a' roll lup y in your night an embroider- - - - .111PCRT lti N II TICE ---- S. TWENTY EN I t S OF .HEA Y SHIRTING. , 4 THE GREAT , 1 new She Was Right. entleman of the honse in ?" _ he clerk apologetic reply in a rnolifl he had, that can do More altere than; he ily. d ton th- ha a " ca ." h," was the if you took all e ; po. lawyer ' . St.d " case,") a high." You you have give. ,14 i air pnrificat id r oo a t on,' i e the tihen : 1 re retina 'Which window "sky consider that and bed an is less efiacient TO B -1- BI guaran waitea. ACKSMITH ickem tat, Mune ed. . Apply to-ONA - .864 .-Wan -0, a lately. 5 D .1AMPBELL, good steady Deady woik BUCKSKIN . OTTON T EED . TWILL SHEETINGS • Ind1ustrial -AND-- Fair • air." t ee him a moment ?" you can't see a hide nor hair -"Did yon asked a New ter, who had Yeaa'a dinn't• York just e ot r tu at pi er ne frond's agent time?" of her dauga- . -from a New- Lonee. tha,n soap an. essential to a And. see to •aller eau it is to eesd A t your • at least an rooms are - pLACIKSIIITH'S — Wp.nted learn APP him/ diatel the blacksmithing EN ICE , a at int, *awe bu. Mese ,WANTED.- boy, to Apply to b63 WHITE , COUNTERPANE I I __L. CARPETS. - ' . SEMI -CENTENNIAL EXP3S1TION , I , 18E34 "Well," a ' ventilated by • ay 1 d by night. Your THOM/18 HILL, Egmoedvide . oft I, madam? I would like him on. business." . vas a-dyint Etta Jimwar the in Dakoty, you couldn't sot im till he gitee in an' talks she repre ful dinner, a d it a.nd everyth ng pleasant but Or t who sat joist ]opp , w s delightfully ul. t h, s te we, ha,ve rri 11 e had a beapti- served been very I Miss Snooks et the fable." ' awn health -requires that ozoneladen ti 13, child or tw only lar nd he . wil 'e at of il oa o grown o ten your family be fed on pure, people and sleep in a small for a bed, a 1.10U -1-4- cOttage antly bnainesia KIDD''•Seaforth. 'E TO RENT containing *wiled and dome part of the to --One nd 3ight oonill. 'tient ' o the . Ap >ly ! L half story It is pleas - station and 1,c) THOMAS 857 SCOTCH OHAME3LY AND I , AND CANADI UNIO N SWINGS. FLNNELIS, 11 1' ETOFFES, & . Of Live tural and pleraents Stock. Poultry, Dairy, Agsrioul- Horticultural Productsilen- and Manufactures of all Hinds. dinner a while ago he told him the apple-soss, an' 1 tol' him t, soss, but sass, an' he Said better, it was soss ; an' I tol' when he took a notion that "What did .41h mother. *1 by the end of h r sp side, and it nit tit°, the vul ar t do he oil it 0°. i g !" " te stead eat etnquired the her soup front of from the ay my appet i ;room neair and a w ,except that -11 'ppen door int oom which . hut sh: ic • th- as ee tionen : nd, t . ey z kite n :ueed and with no air• tet through the en or sitting- r ,_ , i Limy and TENERS cei,tved ing of the Grey. or to AINDREW WANTEDi-Ten up to the echool house ;For inetructions SIMPSON, 28th e* fdeasa crs of Jt ne, f sole 017 ; pp) Ja best will be re - r the repair- • ction No. 4, to Trustees, wn P. O. 863 8PECIAL ; FOR TH Ai ! , . WOOL TRADE. , - tToRioi\TaTo, SEPTEMBER the 10th to the 20th, le-sass'd feel soothin' to his -Lord 0 len e is eelighting his up tig I hat they vvake t a reight iredi ; a d wonder un sted, and Wild, FOR SALE —or sal: chomp, a Tho- . The Largest Prize List in the Dominion. say BO, an' he said he'd have ' die. Then X tor him I'd , sass with life, an' made a Ile shotgun, an' he mate a the into the 'English fei-nds American], v sit, this: .He Wa at Everts, and allang said: " rha 'e heard it and :mong Moen a t 13 Yemen one at 0638 of his I them was with Mr. Washington, he a very. eivons, and a ailing, wh€a g, w es overwork, no of the little °se hat it ' th e baby not ' inherited la•ch causes is so cross 11 cl• er disease, nor' depravity it, but a • otieelibred calved ed in el on ee mondv Durham Mae 30th, 1883 t) Canada Shoet , cone seion de P. 0. SIMON . ,'- a Horn T. till, 'Du roan olor H rd clue- mith 1.113i PER. e of May," and register- ook. Apply or to Eg- 858 , * THESE GOODS AR HOt i CAKERSI ANO DON'T - - Prize Lists and Entry Forms een be obtained from the Secret -Bales of all Agtieuitured &defies and Trlechatics' Institutes, or they will be sent anywhere on appVeation by pest card to the Sec - retary, at Toronto. Entries close Augnet 23rd. -will arough scuttle his senses come to him an' i that sass is sass he kin stroce man hys ing ou the lawn c lly he e, and e Was that stand- odd throw ft iimple lack air.-Beatrix of u a, fresh, . life giving i . AA USI0A.L.-MIts. •LLL a limited in l T. number n lesson D of Pren ergeht pupil fcq her regidenc will receive instruction A, John F RGET ALL OUR S OCK ! I - i ?OES AT AND BELO This be the GRANDEST EVENT ,but if he makes a break, off goes the top of his head. the- sass, stranger, an' thar's a the loft, ear thar's the natter staude jist now, an' In . 'd better mosey along an' :ed inter this rcivy• 1" gentleman moved away he dollar right • crces bank." Mr. Eva to measure the It seemed ra her waa not for o im his country e the " Don't yot be Coleridge. '' Ye•," the til p o iStie ar" t 'o -be) icy zs love III riv us ce 11 ' ttic, cif it ? . Everts r On the other. d A momeht Rib. his 'eye. story, but the Fatherof a foreigner. ' asked Lod replied, it Beecher': ItIr. Beeche ager, Mr. Po lecturing tor Beecher's sal He averages to from his lect L ha! d, tt f ry re res LI tir4eas natriscted book r net • 120,000 e ve double d a EEabits. his man- ; an extensive year. - Mr! pei• annum. this smn ergo e d di tional pian street, QHOP tt Seaton]; tnte ha,11. cidedlyet rouneed .t.11..!Ii_ali,?..latr,o.irtel IUD" and organ lieoand door west TO RENT. -Go next door( Altogether he best businbis by meat maiket businchs 11 in a, at Eng ish ehurch.8494.f. d fro anal o the Medhanics' epair geed ituat on id , ban , pelet A •ply on Main St., Insti- cellar. De - town. Sur - office and o -THOMAS WHOL.c.ofru..c. MINE. FIVIE SEEING I HUNDRED • IS BELIEVING. PACKAGES I ' - CALL AND EX- . . OF FIRST-CLASS i Of AY IMMENSE SPE TorontAis Semi -Centennial year. PROGRAMME 1 —OF -- IAL ATTRACTIONS roice saying :- 'en you git tired o' yer foolin' ds sass; jes' squeal out l" . uff voice from the darksome I think its v ry l'kely know a doll r w -days than it will bune. _ 'told _to now. to fe '- _ e true. - Yen tlied in those ew York Tri- sum from his ever. [ He ke son, with wh loanstindorse: ness-lihe thins pen ,ps m an 6 Hes 1 en . 1 resildes, doe r4 statitly, not rich,how- OnSt3 with. bis 1and gives ' other unbusi- -•with at a heavy pElliWAL.-A. G. 'LI: hut office to the buil ntunrie4d\41' oeoredshealnIclas where g. , the establishment Vititic g ood ling o posi all )al el lc e b. trs icake will hereefter A. e.VanEGNIOND. , has removed e the burned sos f cn lo nanneucitaecd- be con- UTTER IN TENNETS ANT D.. Is being prepared for that time.- Cheap rates and EXCI:trei0IIS an all RailwaYs. The best time to vsit the City or Toronto. Wait for it. J. J. WITHROW, Presideet. mded : . . ' his ductect 854tf H. J. HILL, 72/annex and Secretary, -Bisnaarck Tribune. A Br- at a have f iens of . herr re in -da Air. 1 'mith he cost to tree yond his far, se 1 at his eelpfsk.ill, said that be- the house - • i A SPPENDID Engine and Boiler eor sale at a & West's 01 Stand, Campbell's Block 864-8 Toronto. . sap -c °bated' Negro. e companies are forced to err guard, for every day some swindle them. The A rkan- ,1 a / Whom I call quit. a' suite of rooms with a hall onn it, toth up a d Windows free in a lar n.g t a own t the ue . g e .w •tai dar city epee ly,. she has ri k h !se I'rick on hole length s. . There arra of68 and stock the bric-a brac thzre great Word pante fur his large manV years. eca 'Deo - Hi i nd 3 d at as nothing ' efor • library his library and Brooklyn, the to show h f each o -very • is so large •Lel• b rgain. Ergine„ -make, 5 horse power. a large fly wheel. Beller inDches in diameter, front rates, smoke s Hensat. . line 11 ack, Gold e & she, t 12 45 ho se power, feet 5 inelibs Lec. D. McCulloch's Vet, long with 49 flues, long. Fire URQUHART, 860 • 1 , , ROBB'S GROCERY! SEAFORTH. .ler, -humorously illustrates cy of man to get the better ipany : Shortly after a fire no zxce transom and side but there is . te hall, : lwa light indotv s clo ' in at ed 'end stained glass the lower hall, the end of the curtained. that'it is no view of soon has expended bei aki it '66 catalogued ici a sale : esti' with a therefrom. He ated, $130,000 eeuaa FOR SAL dd -foe sale a Thoro registeted pedigree. i.--1The ghlin.ed He ode urhani is e:g it Months' - lied, signed offers Bull, with old, of is .j A E's. PIOKARD• . Parties wishing to pnachase Fresh Groceries the Choicest Brands, ty, a colored gentleman called upper , .. red colbr, is low. set nd beav bo ed, and a of are ranee agent and said: my money captn." . owe you any money." 'eborence t My friend's roo .. pleasant, ye I. I n taking a Ion hr bell. Why? Bei s a •ver ath ease airy,- isit fte I k heist and her vvithont e . - ringlet; the ow that when u books, and Riven him by e, . reekskill, bu e Beecher, say as 13 lib It co ny hers et t long It hini ore have paten, His house . Etwee, 1 es A40,000. tot . at , .141r. ers magnificent animal. Southdown Ram La on -Jo , oncessim T DtA27 C 0 . VID HILL. Also ha, 8, a ew fxt a qUalay. Iliblaxt, or ,, 1, ., horoughbred Apply to Staffa P. 865x4 MUSICAL INSTDUMENT EMPORIUM I particularly requested to can at the Popular Grocery, Stark's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. I haveaow a fine stock of the best isse'f de agent ?" ins an ieaurance agent." ' r owes me money, fur my sto' andurin' de late fire, sah." re not insured in my cona- I Step insi:le an invol travel the hal column. and my -n odors of the mo last irittzrs ' leu ' ostrls ing litany th ' s. a shiver wilt f • ' my spina ere • aled with g zefsteaks and lied hard. i who watch b are familiar e _ . e70,000 woul His COWS are . t isbelieved.Q sinze: . it he ti 11 i le • matters ts growth, e • rer 1 ernelvs, or th closer . say the correct and the $15 000 to and that . urn. erd ' 18 it Oen FOR SAL -lea- etellien ( f Eng _ fifteen and a half halide weighi ig foui teen liundeed arm, s ank on hind leg —Fors isle le, cart 1 ontelbreed, high, colt.' Ms , tWenty nine a id 0.1 •, 0. fine young stands r dark bay, five inch half inches Jack's SEAFORTH, • ONTARIO. Seeteas in the niarket, -ef all brands, 8.na will give FIFTEEN POUNDS FOR ONE DOI.LAR. night's an g As I , ," By Irn orted Englaed's Won. er I mare, . t ?" • ;it out of here !" tor boss, an' lemma tsplane. Barnes New+ om • i s too much 0 in 6 tad it so :isd ti r won d Ds e, er on the invol nt I . .. ark. ' ' There 1 sta,iacase." : rilY hold. my 1 I X.)00. His far . ! mug and opei tself to absor yet somewhat • ho' • a Inc its itality i rge 'shared. manner of is enou income. His co un- in t is leo- Olive, imported ; ago nee; N 'ell propartion DVI App y .a) M Rill; IWio)1,eter. A" A l' two d ea 1 yea d cle Conce. • sold • n lirnbs. sionI5 1 1 18th of Juoe, Pedigree Turnberry. ' • 864-1 ' COTT f?ROS _ .5 PROPRIETORS. FRESH 140PIEY. mes 'shored in yer comp'ny?" , breath as I ,urr the doormat au up s air the las tripping ovr step in t e tion of bricet- oral • °eta make a 1 rge 1 n GERTS WANT' .-e-Wanted, alctil e, reliable I have as fine a lot of extracted Honey as be found in the market, - r. Jackson's ?" darkness, on y i :n I dulging m safe i n a full res my friend'sthe aud alu bl a 0 - v . bronzes,. pale m t. me 0 :613111. sta I t F• Da6 pr - , intry-anyt t 13 8, - mg 4-1- Agents at Seafo sels, Blyth, Gotrie an th, owe, Exeter, Winghs s, rakes, Giederich, ne, 60 Bins - canvass for Wine binders, ria can at 15 cents per pound. , . a' good.' Now, my sto' WItIZ , Mr. Jones an' Mr. Jackson. dar sto's made de vvalis o' ! you'd. a took dar stott erwe.y alder been go.ne. De inshoin ; insho'ed mine, doan yer piration wh r00133. One day hen saner kraut .act quence of a sea Prees' s favot te vegeta enquire : " Why is his tbe o all ry, te e eatural of' he 61p, housz s -melted like conee-chinery, ustrian Em- I yentered hermitically I a to I beautiful in a ,ehiper in Me .th t h • c et a e ann New York or leg a purchas labor to resist tempting sho apt B:1;i a g o • rol or ao ens v W , r color, her, t ro u . yn ' eroically vent OWB. find a and -it is th the streets . th I 1 ent e as he, his eyes wor- said of om- ay, rom salt drills, wagone, able and can. Agricultural lecturing WM. it, A merician of reapers, eeders, plows, trueks, horl traction stearin dm , mannfaCteeed Imp Company, McLEAN, H Mannino t uting sulky pOweis„ , entent on rm plows, sep,rators., engines, s by the• and 0 on, (Intl. II, Ont., o CompanyeLondon. traw cutters, port- w mill ma- "Orth Amete- neral Menne Apply to ; to the North 841 1 d4„y " " "and -1. Read the following : " The Upright lendorsemeett, ad Sympatheti queity, 31) IT I--I..a.1\./1 testimonia by one IA Pianos of Me srs Dnisham a decided succes . They can not be ierpassed in their musical P.I.A.I\T 0 - , • I - the best mnsiciane of .the present deserve, as well an emphatic develop a tone, which in power and by the aow existing Upright Pianos, • as well as in , CHOICE TAS • As usual, cheap and ood. Robbia - .. celebrated Cured Heine and. meats always on hand. - The hams are especially flne this seaiton, having been cured by an improved process. Cured Imelt are eg ally eautifnl qualities their exterior on't see." • dn't goin' ter get nothin', is. sealed? I etre ' ai open, and the sa the is BO da 'm front do'pr and i ntpiare p . , - . How the tuck IF • i.. ii D-Liel Settled. in Ke ENT RE STOOK FOR. SERVICE. " appearance "-THEODORE T slOMAS. • tand s wholesaleretail. All kinds of Family Groceries always bandit. Iospection respectfully in. in the hall t 0 at B Ire. t'intist be un- e, s on healthy."' will 1 last . low it to be "Fellow cit It won zen t do , thelm's for this my B nti- - fight t SUFFOLK on PIGS. -The hand during the undErsigiled preseut seism, will keep a Thor- vited. RO B-. ROBB. 611eck dis, sah, -an' see vvhut -Mrs. al ments go oughbred Suffolk Pig t which a limited num- EXCEL IOR ORGANS.— 31.1 hab ter say," and turning :ered, " Ef I'der know'd de Ls so tricky, I wouldn'ter set _ open. She s afraid and of thiev s at bad, but I eep o fli all t me. . my ow s in s ummer The air rooms well it." is on I The Ba , . 'Thrustou liv 'twelve an'a h boys, gra.: s, -11 If ide "her people stye; 8 ts; 'Squire whar S !lire he fit for and them bad Har ison ber cif iiows itilitsporttit-class 'tie iolilege the faiin will be taei in th of returnin of the unde ct sig . Ile is odic unty. Terms, if necessa$ ed a G of the best Si, with e Apply on eve's bridge, HUGH J. This celebrate . . Organ has a ways reeeived Northern the highest award wherever Union Exhibition in October, 1883.. N. B17 -King's Specific, a sure cure for Dyspepsia, always on hand. LIP • ventilated a o d try I think I on to :tend d m ke the thieves •• town lives, when h. r . them out of his Nolthern GRIEVE. Gravel Road McKillo ' 862 shown, taking Among other first Orga prize at the s shown at this show were W. Bell dr Co., Guelph ; Kilgour, F IT Will • RS . PAY YOU a aaRME 6 1 Doctor's Views of before I latce will call him old Hamilton; Etarus, Woodstock, dto. Call and. see us before buying. Old instru- h present of its y ,ilver. sp ons ,watermiliien Cholera. in G-ood Cheer tells a quaint old, Dutch doctor on whom about a friend as would have - tuts .running thr 'ugh house, and if between fresh ai nel •llei with foul air the hol length of rot the ho e must • and flie I will take y be fightin' ninepmc, :better than a but I hate a _ nest of yaller,lac.4ts. d ;hat ' had .i I like a good ight t iddy of a cold .n ght, tight worse th a . There am' no. . a...et,' . ments take it toi at once. I i t th ir full value. 01 dors for , SOOTT , tuning pianos and organs attended -BROTHERS. • —TO CALL AT THE— . HURON F,OUNDRYy HIGH •r advice my compli sent , 1 ox3gcr1, even if thee d • fl,iht goo in this . , ohow. I don't like . . . --___r_ -.mini i N• Bi s ma 1 Instruments, such eal . . Viohns, Guitars, Accordeons, Con- R THE SCHOOLISEAFORTH g 6 vriend, pe seated. So ? ah :lend,. has der Yankee chol- t is not tangerous ; he must lays, and eat very little; dat is a fly in it.. "cranky" e otiga reason why hirer that house i a Morel vet ar ma 'net to bel eve that ohe per 1. an nt resident tient is tte 6 octo 's a , , , of the weepone . , . . riot for inju n- s turned big tinted yer e -double n 1 , s a a i g es t er, Mos is all b re a int Ej • ar , but a . riends. If you had ..h ck wit yer fist , or , t it • 4 ;11J ' ,.. certinas, den, Allekinds of and Outline • oft h nstrn mbroideries. nd ; also a good assortment tion Books. El AMPING of Piano Covers, Piano Stools, tto. Patterns for Kensington Crewel And. see our stock of VT I" Ina 0 8 Which has been made especially for s er v-ntil tio even o another up ith . now vat I call the Yankee want of pro : , - The smellof objectionable ; aa . , - ray coke ae not lwas odo of tarrstew, y . . a, kicks, when , i°e nave been reg throuide one on lar,. not: narrelled, t to • with it would go borin' le rifle b lls, t:1 ' - et AIL THE ME . 10AL HALL, tnis county. I have greatly improved nay Gang Plow for this -season, and feel satisfied in saying that it is the best in lis you ; you Ya•nkees eats everydiegs, and pyeundpye sets in, end, bailie whiffasagge tive and everyth ng •ice," a 1 d w of ' PU ari and spice fte eterves as say, the dinner smells an , like augers th do at all. The otitis 3 poplar Inmatidmea loan Won't of the tit "Ante „ e.,.,, e t • ' , t,„ __Ar.- .:.0,t,,lirk., • e the market. Our . ROLLERS aation der toctor `Ah this appetizer, It is di Scripter says, 'Th e o shalt not kill', but - a STIR, =1, SA_POIVT1-37, LAND nd says: iolera. Carry der man to ;" and der man dies. of : tees live to veil. Look at rl vat comes here. She never good." nit- these smell be, confinement an as if yeti °du d cot circumambi !nt enough, peo le a ereetithing ome oldi a so t ick pri slices : ir." leo sell& when and stale that you. fell " from the at, strangOy getout, will by t don't say he fist and kick eller makes "therefore that with a shooti • hiskey. 04 t,hoel ti , yo 6 wet g me sitie :halt h tlee 1118. d in -d ch, fO agein • not bit ith foot wh n a.' . I pro ose, 1 up this ght a gallo Of your ide, ' v..A. • .... .. i",t.. .0 ., , .. es, ' Has now pie. Iti will cleanse dition. It is Cnstonaers end ed in the a pnrzly othzrs the market a ne and :ystem from all impurit vegetable co pound, wh.ose syste or blhod. onderful Blood Cleanser and Purifier. es, and leave you in a healthy con- and as a, blood medicine has no equal. is out of order, will do well to try Are large and heavy. running light and doing good work. Our . , GRAIN CRUSHERS Are from hard iron, and will b sickness bees. She lives live year out and year in, n ,an atmos- . he bottle made brittermilk and botatoes der Veil, she comes here, und at and trinks der. ice-vater, et feels sick and veak, und Ler chlimaat ; ' it is killen det. ! it is not der climate at • good living. Let her eat i buttermilk, und botatoes, 11 pe wellt Der American phere which ,woOld • seem to kno it, ailing' their ay been he'll° ses rooms was s permeated frorn decayi g vegeta positively si keeling, not seem to notipe Some of hese ki 1 a .th ho eve be ha Whe t les, y t t 0 it. " nest - at, and never unwell and • e sometimes e air of the y -the effiuvia that it wds e inmates did , , perticular • " . ill shoot at tret 1 ixty yards, a 4. ja , earest the c ntei • " 1 So soon a• iPeeoh, Three on ad both -bee cool ddity simult neo nother the r • ht followed and he .1 ' Size or di ins. a liven n d elle ly ,e : nd. 11 cut of a an, an d the hot , . finished his Harrison ho to laugh a its ten e o one d d t A hearty sl ake y was all o er. In ly inc Store ations while, somewhat decided rder to keep easing busin will be greatly already h.aving this is beieg crowded to. clean out ace with es, - ' aaton . nlar commenced, d 13.8 for roeun, .. any , lour rapid- Bros. ed o er- ,g , p and i is we wil e and have lines of a of C . d be convinced la at it is represen of $1 per bottle, . 1 Du , an can's E tra hat it has no eq al. 0 ed to be, and no hamlet' judge for yours lves as . ' --t of Red Clover 9 . .. e trial will convince yon that it is . You. can secure it at a small cast to its merits. longer than any other machine made. • Having special tools for recutting Rollers, we can guarantee satisfaction. . Special attention given to repairing Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Reapers, Alowiers, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of machinery repaired on short notice and at reationa.ble rates. To contractors eand others --- Bridge lowest e pest in der vorld. . housekeeper:: who are so s ared of a fly , Prolloway'S 0. il !me and P. s. seasonable goo ds at a eat g , reduction , Bolts and Castings at raten. Quotations furnished on application, neral Lee's Sons. , Robert E. Lee left three or The elder, George Washing- Gus -tis Lee, is president of would find sernething eal,y fright if the eubstance whieh to gather in he air, of their cling fo thei -walle,lco Id a mass and zxhibited to i worth Use they allote rooms aod e collected them. They 1th di- in T- 1 Notable F: cts. . Monte; the an I °trail , a,nd . encourat es febrile disorde s; • I nte es o e development . erefere se heat ang- skin disease, of they Shoield, and all our austome ,_ ally, everybod y, she advantage of this as Wintend. to e , . 's, thzipablie 'id not-fitil gr , at e: tenaive eke it v ,ry interesting, Oiler - to take Bale- EIRE DRUG ct e have in a ful. and w CHEMIC LS 11 -assorted stock of ND PATENT - • MEDICINES.- 1.-.. Alec) agent for the implenients of L. D. Sawyer, Hamilton. A full line of repaire constantly on hand. , THOMAS HENDRY. i and. Lee University, at Va., the institution presided father at the time of his would see purities nd son enough to dismay then wonld see too that 1 t Ile and . Pe- ; and they t air is filled• , , as they may, 0 e re tergent and p rify stomach co .6 as oved by these de - • Lit preparations. Li et:, liver affectiOns, as w 11 as ple Assuriing yeti of sa t aid la ea bes services, i profitable. an a We also keep i . stock all the latest i'atent ' ket If Medicines in the mar . 10 -BELL'S MILLS KIPPEN:S11 1 was a major -general in the ) army. The university -over with such .. atter, the mt into the lung • to be abs rbet to the detri th he st breathe by the blood , it. III& pains and spa ms way's ungue t We Of the !bowels, H ilo- ' rtilibed over the soliciting a call, everidO our utmoet tve . sha l io; gi •e latisfacti0fl more than you don't see wha you want, ask 1 r it, an you are sure to get it. JOHN MeNEV1N, . these knownand mills, Iresides had some life and en it by the heated aenti- irevailed in the South theme- r the close of the war, but Las not prospered, and like liversity itself, a school that place so long, and that was. the great Jeffergon, whose overlooks it from a distant is to have partaken of the lits and decay that have fall- ) once proud and mNnificent Jo - Ventilatio cold air blow but it does roquire supply of pa that one can feeling the i I. affected by lowering which create is changed. -Opening and shut up sends a current . - ent of does ng directly e air, sit in ward a onrren rooma ih of dold , not the in t flo a n im. neon arranging Bulb. e r . • ind by door t air 1th. ly a draft a, person, for a manner iom withotit This is beet 6w at the top, 'which the air into a cod ld • entilation, on the feet Of , . of a ' A _ affected part greatest ease, inflammation, diarrlacea and . The poorer in II 'Will find thee z !friend when from tin , oils, absoessen e presence the !within the sy: and effective . ii • . - imin erette °he aye abi re any . no of of em I ra zdiately .1 ts iconaestion Es the t inCipient a ts e ies estilence canoes, lcerations t Ants d ' e mifdicines. 1 gives threatening choleral. of large cities to be their best rages, eruption, betoken or or impurities all for instant 837.52 - • the nd or in eve& RANTO , NotedIfor - transaction. • EXEtTE , , , Nice . im, .• - Gioods. , S. , . . All Next N. B.—Ph orders fiom a 6 Door to Dun sicians' Prescri tions carefully ":tence filled wi h care C DUNCAN . T sa fit Duncan's ry Goods .. . 2 and a,courately compoundeu. nd despatch. / TO E. H,I0liSON dr GO. Store. - _ . ., Proprietor of well popular has now got everything in lirst-elaes working order, and is prepared to turnout an article of FAMILY FLOUR whieh cannot be ex - celled by _any mill in the country. GIUSTI/ie. Doug Wmis Tics FARTle WAITS FOB IT. Flour exchanged for wheat, Chopping of every description promptly, attended to. Flour and Bran always on Hand, and sold at -the lowest ' market priCes. Remember the popular villa. - jOHN Mc:NEVIN, Rippe'''.