HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-07-11, Page 1, . I .. - - _ ye was instructed to eacertate 0 fence on amid lot would be a • to the road in the -winter seas° ort at next meeting. Menet) tt applied to have the stones ed between lots 13 and 17. eions 7 and 8. The sum oe ated. Andrew McNichol and- , men, applied to have the tri doing half of their statute hi en Iota 13 and 20, concession plication was grarded. Aloe hn Hislop,secoaded by Walter Cl t the Clerk be instructed to u m. Featherstone, engineer, to dinspect the side drain at toe ession /6.-Carrieil. Moved by tins, seconded by Waiter 011 the jobs of cutting ditches tting in culverts, according te eer awerd on sideroad be 0 and 31, conceseicins 10 anby d el public auction on Saturday' th inst.-Carried. George Ben, plied for aid to pay for slate; 'eel on his road division. Moned Bryans, seconded by Wen t the sum of $10 be granted. d. Application of Wra. Smith ve the Gove,naneent drain on inn .cessiori 17, cleanedout. Coin lou from the Clerk of Morris •t the Morris council will td on the gravel road between .1 Morris providing, that. the encit expend an equal aum. E. Bryans, seconded by eer, that this cenucil expend eneeet read between Gr aud el wan' t dtlerrni courted r '1:::;•!,7,71;•ted t IV,tify •I; r . • .= . = • asosos`aammaamsow SEVEN TEENTII YEAR. VTEOLE NUMBER 866. SEAFO TH3 ID Y, JULY 11 1884. MoDEAN BROS., Publisher $1.50 a Year, in Advanoe. HOFFMAN BROTHERS' Cheap Cash Store, SEAFORTH. PROM BARGAINS IN GINGHAMS AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS AA* A....m.1. NEW SPOT AND PLAIN ME'S- ent-tS 41 -ST OPENED AT FMAN BROTHERS. 1 ertnett useful tnitortnat eerecerniug tee international series of lessons and the best modes of imparting instruction to pupils, and at all times endeavored to impress upon all the great importance of the work in which they are engaged. His meetings here, will, no doubt be productive of good. He is, in many re- spects, admirably adapted. for the work in which he is engaged, and is in addi- tion an earnest and entheisisetioSabbath School worker. He very favorably im- pressed all who attended his olasses here,, and we have no doubt but all will cheerfully welcome another similar visit en some future °minion. TRE STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL.—T110 P. 61. 4.4 Ot the high tielto4 Fetley *venire: leen te** * very tleitiattef te•ei eterentenn ana ,,, I t. ellaritet ••=-_t tf. c -1t 1,1E...1!1; AktE-41i1.1, -, .**. . •L '-1-40--3-,,Y* • 3 - 4; _ oti :,E71 • f.t-tt gtAttioe t t ' *- t tied - *10 -- _.11; i 4.1.4 SW.1 *-14 **44 *Li 127 t 17.! ** reloainot-t r- io 41* C.511..-1.A.ki-T**1-4.10 tie• 41.4tiittlat_ee of tt f40, w1.4 vit_thol Iteten tn. sweet ;amo that wee Ining devour:awl ort the liana and vocally,. Meseeetunp bell mei Johnsou gave several very nice vocal selection, while Misses Downey and Ewing presided at the piano with their usual grace aud accept- ance. A reading was given by Dr, Catripbell. The duties of chairro.an were very pleasantly performed by Mr. S. G. McCaughey, chairman of the Trustee Board. In the other room tables were set, on which were served the etrawberries, ice oream, eto. This room was thronged the entire evenieg, and it was no uncommon thing for sev eral sets to be waiting for seats- at one. time, while the young ladies andnentle- men, mmils of the school, who acted as waiters were kept busy. Although the attendance was much larger than was expeoted ample provision was made fee all, and the general verdict seemed to be that the affair was "just spleiadid." The scholars who took part in the affair nave good cause to congratulate them- selves on the success which has attend- ed their first effort ie this direetion and our citizens are 1,ndebtedtto the scholars for the opportunity offered them of spending such pleasantnociable even- ing. IIYaINEAL.—TWO more of our ;bache- lor citizens have joined the noble army of benedicts during the present week. At thia rate of going it is no wonder that house accommodation is scarce in. Seaforth, although there are still a few atand-bys left whom we should like to see going in the same happy direction. Oa Tuesday laat Mr. W. T. Martie led Mi88 Lettie Inept, of Godericht to the alter and. in the presence of a- happy gatherine of relatives and friends the importanbt ceremony was performed. The young cottple went east on the noon train aud a considerable number.of the friends here assembled at the station to extend to them their congratulations and wish them a pleasant voyage over lifes turbid waters. -On the following day, Wednesday, another similar happy event took place at the resideace of Jelin Batie, Esq. in this town, the principles on. this occaaion being 141.r. J. • On emb: of th natio This maki Dulu ned. obli oomf is te ger, som the them • [Wri tet 'Satur1a ked o b Beat y COM .ar boat o g the th h. I The o ng, a • d its o piing en •nd ab n What isa beqtfaorire i w ODERICEE T NNT1:"EG. for Tus Zxposrroi.] morning, June 20 and the steame 0 inOorthwest y, hound for Po oug is we a ES 1 , we ario, ra spor- t A Voile. f the four ste mere trip from Sae ia to kept and veil man- . cer4are cour eou and tte tive to the wants and 1 o beard. Thei table iii rig to a hang y p ssen- auv y sepplied. We were pp nted on lea nin that aid not reach Poe Ar - W draesday morning hioh le was- E two ye it4d a - nigl t onger than .we he alonletted on, a d onger theta the t d t inpire taki te tratke the top. - t Outatio union he orth- elienl•arr,,ingit *open el te tini enewee at .- t4.,4 i-0,11,•rpot•g. * wi tilver it.±411 tit tiv:• ,1•41ii tert re aloiet tee t..,-..-rth - t el ae tee er 1",.-- ev• nee. et. ,-.,1 4 VS k*, ter - ,..., -1 .41 . . 77:-,-.7.• cjE47]. :E..- ' g :: -'1,_421,4 4 4* ...:-.4 * ._ iktiti t 7 4077' -....: 771V-, ' .r-1 • r " y *4: ;It . W • -T:-••••*;. -.E.E , •••••_-, • aging tiletforta w *leo petronizeel by the- y ung fol the various swings Were kept in perpetual motion. T e servic Highland piper had b en secure occasion, who charm d the lie enlivened the spirits f all by t 'enchanting and en igoratin music. In addition o the b the violin and orga were e manipulated at inte vela du day. Some ' disappo etmeet pressed on account of the p tem te Rev 9, al fo rts e • CI f a, th OS pee,. utter. ing the, as .9--1 se cussion on the Scott A.ot ue tio taking place.. Mesar. Sacks° Of mondville, and Moi of Exet r, 013 hand and prep ed to d b aetainet tlet net. t• -•••a *Iv creseut 7 ,..%-aMit•; S7a-tt tlf .0;14 %%t..7tg-' tee , t, see t , • • 44* 1017.67", 14,* • n tta E.• , , • tc' L • - —11 uu to pr Aet, I• the eti tladie Mne OCCU 11 have been the or ous metal within people, re esent homes, me umst uniting in •raise such a ace, solemn th Heaven a and. bars depth of s who ooul unbelieve Monday aground, t ribl the er usual mar In a shor again in made this stepped has a ver ing ttSpee and very cut ilewn. There eue le *Li het s a 08 la ibetw knoll be and itrione. ving fog, and time eep e tay concealing the preen This congregation of 'lig so many different noes and classes, all and worship of God in seemed a grand and he limitless canopy of and only a few planks en us and the mighty ding waters below us, atheist, agnostic or an ir such circumstances? ng found - the Ontario run too near shore in which prevented the guides from being seen. e were off • and out water. The first porti as Miohipiooton. Wei ree hours. The place rough and barren-1°okt The trocks are high and bare I. The tints have been, be shrubbery burned off 1•4111 A dt.M.4:11. 1- g or moult ta a *ALI the ali-srl. Wren viral tendered *I, 4--.' ,'•_ ..-Lt/i,1 •-* W*,?-;tg: 7 -4i2***:,;„:, ea •-.-11- ' * - ,;:.7. 1 .,14, ,_ t • non. **a bete number he Bulimia4°n • is county have tons recently oirce f the Methodist an apron fair in the ied by Mr. Brownell, noon evening of Te Aprons seed refreshments plied to all applicants for ii Bider tiOn in specie. All sh -Dr Pie ndfoot, the celeb list of Montreal, who is; wet n to many of our e Commercial t- itle 15th and lien he will he gl le-- ratty wish to **-.4iik4;q•-•-• ,...'i!." k. ‘.t kfit LeIta?.-1 F3,3 t *.-t y104 • 1 8 ably lino ne at t town o tE - . 7'11-* ;1*. 4, a v°'•' '• •• *?, * 51,11 4.4 . --.. ;-I-* *1 U.*. # - ir '_ ;..... -.• t---,4-4. •-- le ••_•,-, •,::;.* tere ,;..:, -4-_, .4: •#___ , i •-: k-..,•.4 * * arii,- --;et -1 vs -it t., --'tate tta tiort ft7411`4; Mr, '4e;41.,- ailed IL*, g*Al-frern the .1 teetneettenC, stet ab Ste the 1 etta , .ftUallY ‘-11.imat.04 tt ma, a see:- • * tb litit Tildes were give ii for Mr. Vet 1, Stli for lir. Wilson '' fr. Weir t us w • ning thc piteher by bo heeds III jority of 467 votes. Miss Stull Mukoka, who ilia& preseut v siti Mr. John Dorsys a this the winner of the ea d receive a prize to the lady p °curing t number of votes for uy °and' the conclusion , of A i ei voting served on the growls •, and bef ness set in the grnands we lighted. with lambs inc., and ceedings were kept tlp until o'clock. The affair ' was a success, and everyt inn poet done to make the owl aftion pl conducing to the comfort, a and entertainment 0 those p e -1- 4 I ' '7-INg,., '.10-113 sisli tat i U-3. .•:....1! tit c .* J.vaa a,** fi• $ A* lenett ,ttent". ate tate tee en ow, Abe milieu**. an., bat enee ilt 1 takes twettet two hours, end we mede good time, a riving iiii Winuipeg at 4 p. t m. Thured y. At ort William we crossed tne apid, rue *ng Kambaisti na river, The rack here runs along he bank sortie distanct. A little bo the oar lo k ng out end watching sriegolittsa,nuan co scionsly, gave a very prehen,ive descriptioi the oount y et weeni Port Arthur Winnipeg. He said. " Re a lake, t a rock,la d. henOan old shanty.; a like, Ba erofoorke,:ia d an old shenty, all the ti e." , a gentleman ho had bear going out this ould kindly bake way, ask that part of the partieula route ly Winnipe of it, as interestec Or - he in or - of nd ten eftj Seafort. that I w d be if I- nptice of ng betweele Port Arthur end nd • him a descrip e lad always felt_ particul in that sec iou, but never an •oppor tiiity of • • g it. I now r that gent.' • to • e little boy's iteriptiou live th' he reeks,. wiere •fittne hem tied -. little sell. are wit taro*.ak and 1.'41-411, *Iv ptvila a. ep hrge:f It.E.E. 4 11'0P i*rig'.* kr* 1.•.,• c4;144•! 1,4 •-• wAtAl„ _2.01 L. 'i••••••;-',,,•;,' IVA , 1,, 74 4k;'. •• • .- k-kItL'i. • * nd ion rly lad fer de - - = ete „ n dures eiScott enOot on heir re the the day 11! b rIta ld a will lately after - next. sup - I con- ttend, ted 1 occu- nd !favor aders, will tel in this th ef this to meet 1,01.y.,r3r tore, Oxfori inister, who county, J. Parke . e Epiecop as also be ere, has been ppoined onference to die change Grey county.Boh I gen i been earnest ve rkerslin cause, and hay enjoyed th esteem of a large circle of 1 neighborhood. 1- Building • n brtskly ore eubst ely to be of Mitch horse from - -1 continue to go and several buildings are li -Mr: J. Hicks carload of fine a few days ago 8 44, E. • -E !Li 4,-5-'2.- • he Ine 1 lethodiet n reside t y the sankje f Pricevi1II, lenaen hate h Ideate s t a d t tio s id bri et ed ati spe ie ds • leper n •Our Ojai oon er 11, ship this s WM 1 t with -L7 e1i: M-ti1l' O ,•ik.1::N!-7:77I:4vt 14:t:WO wt nt, i!4014l t't11nieziL - f*.;* • it4 •••• • 44 144w.s.04 =tift• 10* k4A.. le§ • g4fr 44 - Ant- wawa. H.4f AS* tior* . act roan a-$hes wean *Ary twit hero, 4i•ud hut it 0-4 um • cetigidet* • would gladly have but thee', rightly co fcln of gala an,t g at r a LOCAL BRIEFS.-r- MoKillop, has sold heavy draught horse prizes at all the Messrs. Winters t.& sum of n520. They the States. -Mr. J. present on a busines -The millwrights placing the new mac min in this town, nearly so plentiful were last. -Most of vicinity are now harvest. The crop but will be a fair ev teers returned from last and some of th scorched up. Gleng very efficient protect on fro rays. -On Tuesday 1 at th at the Seaforth etati n 59 Toronto ; 193 for G- aerie Winghana.--The an nal Seaforth Presbyteria Sab will be held in Fanso 's gro vine, on Saturday. Mr. of Exeter, was in tonha on last. -The Galt papers ma sarcastic comments cn th the Seaforth foot bal teem match againet Mind s. TI out of place ootisidering th graceful defeat theirowa te . John D s splendi which ows la Donovan re to be . Broad trip to re now e inery in trawberri thisye he ferme sy with not, ext rage. --T amp on m were p rry caps •1 — • . • re ti , a at s. Le p 111 is asked is more t stiiipd in giving a so ool ueh as ours s, a ally o iz view of the f t be n cessary to emplo a f at a early day. -On hn and Mrs. Sholdice, f wer retkiening from the hors got frightened a a 1r the road Bide near Mre., turn ng suddenly ar and bugy, throwing the o cupa bees, ing a wheel. N 1114 dam go was done.- lt r. a firmer esteemed resi tow , hes returned fr m is a, ain located amon et retitle ed his old posit on a in t e big mill. -Th Be the lIew Methodist m nist towil yesterday, and will pulpit next Sabbath a fil• l wn Tees giv nger elt ate .At tea was re • ern- e iicely the p eerie It) ble was CO u • asa t e 01188: at cks n of te na of oo first t 1 11, Ie, fo the hip red o oot is an tob ed vie'st e nPt they flairy avdr, nun- raftY Well ot a sna's sold fer 5 for If the ohool ond- fEard, say very ayi g of th late s r ther os dia. ived ge Og e s a e Sat ett • re he er net -41 IC Pi dn re the vttices, t the y would Tpte oi may h tleacher ay s Mr. else smith, <nth their e anon° on errs and upeet the te out and er erious mith, nt f this ntr al and e has Liea4 miller r. roley, arr ved in lat hYouhriss s . Pripp L 0 TIES.—Messr enlo k chipped seve pri e sore cattle to t plac 1a t week. Mr. ped wo car loads o Sun ay School in co Presbyt rien church ing hei annual pion (the thint.)inBell's of ari us kinds wil geth r t!nith ample ref inne men. It iS to larg n •baber will be p Mr. 1i1 has severed h the e hodist churc for 'j fr eh fields and prea heet his farewe alto e o urch on Sun curs on to London o oste n sib to witness figh , orjroute march in emit there, was ;lumber 1 of our resid sionists returned in dis std frame of mi w did not take pl pa ad a company 0 re n. al in ha, OR Hee re, 00 OVe be esh ese 8 CO he stu 1 se y 1 he f th pat nts. he 11 • 111: S :o go e, 111 • re & Gov-. 1oads fr m this 1sc ship- eas .-The 9 with the rpoee hold - "deer next inueements retried, to- uts or the ped that a +The Rev. ecti n with ndj leaves SO ne ." He en in the ▪ he ex - ✓ d y last, ow, share i1itia then tze by a he ottour- ;e i g in a elle AB the cl a1 they gZ miuitia 1** t-=-44.•!*: .r;= .ssr OW *44 a- i*** .4 44 W 4** it:4a ***140140/ , ifs,,,s*4**4 ta* • lit4‘161*, 4.1 4k 4 1444 *it 1-440**1..4.4 kiettla 'It:- eine:* etteeitteient tit• 414 Vtit1tti**1 f attn t tha evening, rtga #4.04 OUT -04 Oa • howerery conankrattle d elatiefatatto vialtors, as y of them early in the at cr000n, or next day. 1- e Shall description of he. races the prize list n xt week. arlock. SCHOOL .E MUATION. An e ation was held in School ecnion Hallett, on F day last, nd the ner in whici the pup Is ac themselves r fleets mu h ore theirteacher, kir. W. D. Lamb. sidering theb sy mason there goodly Jumbo of visitor prese all seemed -tQ Ibe favors •ly im with the teachr'amannerj of con the school, 1 • tiII0OL REP ItT,.--The 01110Wi the names of e Pupils w +tan est in their el sees for t Or mo JtMe, with th exception of the Fourth, to whi h marks sere not Junior Fonrt -1st James! Re Blanche Torr nee.. Senior : Th. Bleary Flann ry, 2nd Idinnie Janior TWO 1st Emily •f2ask IA ggie Nola . Second- st G rett, 2nd Martha Lei (34 3rd Reid. First-ilst Elsie Idarge Ellen Tasker. BRIEFS.—Joilin Torran e and Allen, are doi g a lot of and a fencing this s mmer whi h adds ly to the appe ranee of t e r fa Robert Gaw i getting th 1 mite new house on he ground e if he intends 1 ving alone any lo Mrs. S. Reid as on ham • a choi ection of new rints-P1 • r4s are to be a failur in - this par, bu pacts are fano able for a good apples. -Ther ielno scardty of bugs now fend they seem o be i ing by thorns ds.! Woe o the week Ivhen t e holidays begin. Robert ; Knox can show tlie p flower garden and Rob rt him putting the G wl farm i good Wondee if he ill vote or the Aot ? Guess Sq.—Henry esb,wh his arm aboutia month o Will s June. Woud if one be cher o i able to else it again. -0u soh averaged abou seventy fe tne m TIGHT BINI)ING • _ . ie. re; wed., W.; F. 8. J. G. Skeet Representa FIE. -0 p.m., the ditizens their shimhers by th alarm. Tbe fire was the building occupie as a shoe sleop, and hie hand, with which he vd blonts. The ' thief finally knife in the bed, when. be I Mon[affe firing another 'eh° be leaped o t of the winde out oeffect. I ! -TU Ti ;onto storaleep that the erni-centennial has not helped trade inethe have durin the week not e busr as us al. Many 8ubis seta ncentepnial fund i4i. doi g a big business, and poiritment is great. : -I•A two-yeer-old soli of stone, of S. Thomas, nano death by poisoning on $ ded off two broke his vented, Mr. at him as , but with- rs complain celebrition city.'hey en beep as ribed to the ectation of heir disap- Wm. Eegle- ly esceped turday last. The chiles mother tied. been esing laudanum to cure toothac e, and left the bottle On the table witlein reach 6f the little fellow, wine sWallowed a mouthful before being diseovered. rising to his feet in a parlor car on the Grand Trunk t Belleville the other tlight. A. Ai. 8 ridentsp. a -M6titreal gentleman. tn.!, ed left lig; 1•4'04 * tU*01.-;fr thit4- tt: 11144:-* & tis *tib* Ee ti k a ttp tr4. If .1E. ' I •,,irtxta• ail, ay s; cat, U. .; D. e, Scrib; Ja ive to Gr nd Co Friday night ere at riogi iSCOV by F. 8. D taller shop. The &erne handin g od time and ha at its stan at Vanetone's hose in shape for tiestrea a of water, in the fire ati being bontiaed to the ori- ginal build g and, With fve minutes water as t formerly pa pad would have drow ed tbe ffre con ptotely ii -,e_ IA • ee. tee , . ebsou, T.; es Wilson, ncil. about 1.30 used from g of the fire red to be in McCulloch, nfrd, as a were me the eugme an-, and the 111 ft4; 1,1-4 •Intf, . ttt• ts- C•Wttl "H- - . - water can:: e. d. L. Rio !..1 an.4 ‘i,, .., base, 4.% 3 w, -:4V, 4 • kat, •.*-0*-4 0?*;*l tie *ei,- :*-. li,-**1- i li-:-....,•*tela Ana*, 040_4 OA ereis in- 44.".*n-t-!, •••,t *wawa 4• i'4,,,e *•0,r,*4:•;. -__;.! -* VW- ?=4 *00.441i:•E 4.- 7:;1'k.-. ablEtt,!.70 451:4 1-4,t,i1- 407:i-04 *-."'_*.t-, IIA 910 44.::4-.* Oa:. f.e: 1,4 :iie * 44.24-W ,.44.. q84t.1.,* VV'..:p'* *A . **-,t,;t .0•••0*&. C -i:,1 1-it,,:,..:4-4.5***4 itAtitict ** 4* 1** --1004.* I -' ,,- :k:, t- 44 0 coie *ace* *atm atin•&044 E tis4. ,-,t- w,, -4t4 .*•.4 ti4 t•. Vio ot, it •t!,,-* Ica &wit 4 *tit *4 4-1 1#. Ncheit,,i *Le knertia4-t _.... 1 f 4.nitty, and Vrtuatly. ma* *mt fr, land on es. : 1. 111.44,1 that }the soztton was inskng air ;..1 *to •Ibut *tit it would se ha fr an fo th pa ch of bsines. The members all present except Mi. Heyroc. ,ved by fet..,',een, seconded by Mr. Soren*, . 0F, that Rinne 1.v instructed t -t repair th sideread betweant lots 5 and .44 Moved t,y Mr. M.FEee, 77,„? 1:14-it_to_, yr:at thm. THE 'CASH IDRY GIYIDS it was found it is evident that the cabin is very old. The property on which it wait found was once the Askin farm, though now it is in the very heart of thecity. -Patrick Crow and Bridget Skein disagreed on some matter at the form- ers esidence on Lombard street, Toron- to, n Sunday night. Patrick enforced his side of the argument with the heavy en of an axe, and as a result Bridget lies at the General Hospital and Pat at the jail. The woman's wounds axe said to e serious. A. young Ian named Robert Francis, years age son of Mr. R. Francis, 15 wh lives near Sbeddan, met with a terrible accident one day last week. He wee driving a mowing machine on Mr. Orhard's farm, near St. Thomas, cutfiug hay, when the seat euiletenly broke down, precipitating the aufartun- ate young mat in front of tbe knives. arm Wee eut off letween • the wrist atilt e:bow end Le el -a rretived ether uttril • 1 tt.c rot et ittir.ttto oit davov tft t r := tne tsar:4! %,•,.._••=t-,:•44rr,,,-. tv-rdte i••••• 41: - t,= -f• t eF'o rei ‘ • 411:1 r.;. .•• r-• kt; • 7 ' , • 4 '3 f 'Cr '- - " • uicirnnn-Trie Uotirt ot Revision t pursuent to adjournment on Wed - day 25th. Moved by Mr. MoEveen, onded by Mr. Surerns, that south f lot 7, London road east, be taken m J. Billier and assessed to Edward Zereen Bresseau, and that Sohn lisle be placed on the roll as farmer's • Moved that the Court of Revision 1884 be now closed. At the call of Reeve• the council met for the des - windove at the tear and Wanless' at- tntion was directed to him by hearing his sale door ellen.. He made for him. When the two istrangers stepped in, bolting the door and knockiug Wanless tinconscions with a blow frora a horse pistol.. All three then hurriedly lft, carrying off eeverel articles of jewelry. -An accident occurred in London about four o'clock Sunday afternoon on a Grand Trunk aiding near Adelaide treet, by which John Hunter, a yards - an, lost bis life. Hunter was en - aged ireinaking 'up a train. He had just uncoupled nit car from the yard ngine and endeavoured to run ahead of it when he watt caught and pinned last between the ear and the platform, which at that poilit is very Close to the rack. The driven and fireman of the engine rau to 'his relief, but the lath= had to, be SaWr, away before the ut fortunatente.n enula be extricated. ILtedigal ,,,ti was 4on -obtained, end the pt:Jr kik w conveed to his borne, hut L UtIly sure tvt *le et an. henr. Iftrr' rfLUA -s If 1, _ 4,1 1- ,3 - f. 1-1-1"..:7e a - 1 -,y VIM— ITIUSST:34et" &all lir'...1 lit3Vena freight cars ettach,ed to it, Nikki reduced the shock -to 'auch an extern that the passengers escaried with only a few bruises. No Otte was setionsly hart. Both engines are 73adly wrcked, and the draw -heads s aahed neatlythe r• whole length of both tra ns. It is said . the conductor o the w st-botin train . is to blatrie for tinning n 'the : asset - ger train's tinae. t • ,-,,t et* 4 Les* env his* waa We wa* not work The eat day C. . 1, R. Cooper W. Annley *Mined the e engine an found that the packing in r the mono hose WIS mis aeed, hence tin the failure It was at a ce mended and workedas well Be ever but it wa like locking the Stehle after the hors was stolen Last winter the fireme appointed their old enginee , D. Sohagg and John Meadowsii as car taker of thel engine, a, post he had fill d for years, - In the fac of this tie cou cil appoint -4 ed W. Ai ley as nginee and caret taker, he being engaged b $400 pet annum t do this and s veral °the* services. The firenaen objected to this, as &inlay knew n thing Ibout an en- gine or th runnin of it, lot but that he would ake a ft st cla s man, if 114 understodd the werking of it. They feared wo ld be this result in case of ea also warnid the pcinncil o what they fire, and their worst fears ere realized last SstOrday morning the engin not being in proper shap , not througli any carelessness of Mr. Ainley, bu through want of ' kpowle go. Schrag wonld not run the engine or less tha $5 for each fire, aink$2 for aoh practicel, and the cituncil wotald no allow more than $4 foe a fire aid not &mg for piaci,- tice. As 0., result Of a co' promise be tween the company and th: council both parties a reed to !let A nley act at, engineer, nd C. R.' Coope was to rua the engin for the aufa of ; 4 for a fir, but he wit away from to en ' the night of the fire Oar council s mild learn 0, lesson fro Saturday last nd in future have a co petent party in charge of the engine, one who will be c rtain it will work bef re it leaves the hall; also tb have thel approaches to t e river fixe so that pl nty of water ca be got with- out havin to litt it 15 fee , there being now only ne place where " ater can b ni3 had for t e businesa part 1 the towr, When the e should have been three also have tank knit for the northern part of the village and g t some addi- tional new hose, an it is ime our hose was getting replaced. If they do not attend to this at onee our citizens witl find their insurance rates increased te the rate for places with no e protection. The follOwing are the suffers; A. SI31•11- N 7 ni nit it 4111 wa t, res uct Est A ex. s, Hery d- Wire great- rrn- fe a meder ger,- e )3031 - gang pees: - to of po at° cr es- - est re. ett at el is eh pe. S Ott br ke- en ne 1 :as nt :of AO 11 • 1.. E t i *.tiftis.*** riAilariat k...,,tteeee.:u, Mao, ,•, it 4 4.11.1* by teemeneetet *tette tiAttil 't... .1741 .*.iiii*r. tii. actOcti*3.4 ari4 i3.34-4 of • t ."-i* t 4.- Va- Fi*W11** 44 t v444 Llt.n4 _, 4.14 ti it Aallt1 t v 14 ctia04 111t*wit; •• ti„ *I to4 1; of th# 144144•4 ht* .1 44 •tut.). t44 by r. Kttouis, Att. ril by Mr. ,Mt,twat,, that the Reny and Uf*rlb* eUttoximst 44.4 Nirtaw,V#X1'.' to pay ntr*at. tiro:** ttil di. time* sr clleelia.--•Carried. A. untuker of i nut* were passed when the cOuticil tetta=t Cinvarnor to eau** * survey .3 ittrriss td aetablielnjig *ti -4, 1 Ito! tri* ttAttelary 1440 tottiercu ",i t• .1,, ti., ; *Id 7* in the I ;et, rtn, &0.1 a 1 Minted to met on the tilud Aaigust. Grey. ACCIDniT.-Mr.J&Ine& Sttillie, of the th ooncession of Grey, met with a fnl &pendent on Tuesdayt night last. got up to shut down a Window, and the 4arkness naistoohis bearing, i d stepped through th cellar door stead of into another r in as he in- nded. He fell down the stairs, severe - spraining his ankle, so tb.at he is now liged fit use the aid of a cratole, but hope lie willsoon be recovered. OBITUARY.—Tho death of Mrs.Richard arlingnof Grey townahip, which (ta- rred on; the 5th June, leaves a blank hich will long be felt be those who k • ew her; 'Her quiet, unassuming dist p • sition won her many friends who, hen they enlisted her friendship found f om tim to time its value and depth. rom chi dhood she was connected with t IS e church, and death at the ripe age of 61 years ailed to shake the simple faith i k and 10 'e for her Saviour, which was so appar nt throughout her life. In le farnu1T circle, where the beauties of • er character shone brightest, the loss an irreparable -one. We sympathise ith the ereaved. MUNI IPAL.--The council. Met at uck's l4ote1, Oranbrook, Jane 20th, ursuant to adjournment. Members all resent. Petition of Robert Blair and o hers preying to have the hill cut down o iposite 1 lot 4, concessions 17 and. 11. was read. Moved by William tine, seconded by Walter Oliver, t i at M4 Hislop be instructed to e amine said hill and have the ne- esary work done. -Carried. Petition o Neil Richardson and others, praying ti have a wire fence constructed on s deeoad in front of the teerth half of lot 6, comes ion 7. Moved by E. Bryans, s conded by John Hislop, that the eeve b appointed to examine the remises and stake out the length of ire fence required. -Carried. Cona- unication from Neil Richardson, s sting that he intends building a hoard fence along concession line, •in front of let 5, co cession 7, and would, if the buncil e e fit to grant 25 cents per .rd, buil a wire feuoe Lama, lThe I ci 114.- GREAT BARGAI c:RE 0000 Ut Evd* • Groot (Irin4804 ter Drestes 3tan1te.d. from 7 itdr AA/ top. few more •lengalsoi Si1272 asi aroatie-s yet e,)6 (li.sposed ot a half pries. All Wool Buntings in gades, at only 15c per yard. Splendid assortment of Ma Ornaments, Loops; Cords, sfi•c. Large Stock of Parasols: I"' 25c up. See our all Silk psot at One Dolla. In the Millinery Department We tle very busy. New goods are arriving Per express constartiy, and the nunthieri orders we have taken to date :nn by far any pr vious season. Xotwith standing our 1 rge ¶US1flGSB in onr customers win find our gtook complete as ever. - We are ju-s now showing large - range of Ladis' Sitn Has, Misi3;4'sua Children's Sailor gat% 86c. A Call Solicted, oomP801• 1 assortment, q alityand pricerenu • TERMS. OR PRO° E. crAVA THE CASH Day moos AF0111, • DID YOld SEE HOF DOW OF HATS, E CHOICE FOR ONLY 1 Cardno's flick, -L -The livery etables owned by W. MeCullec tre lust week., - farm rigs. lard a hti•;*;• - 511;554., - • 1!1•;-.;'Ffir '5 ":E'rtivav'lelt.1-1:•„"*.:,ai'it41::1 :t:341 -5: t ilitr. beintiging tl• tho 411.44:rt,4• *Man says ttlic left ow Vont, and ref . ec t•); katerson, when tirreFtitla attiliffhilpeoorhruhtsopreenlrynowliettsh. cn Friday. morning hotel ahiuutth1e2.; oltiot: rearryt 04 utheilat i:Bingu. a geiesut a:b43,1 tita inglato.newmhnaa rcant* beet *all was left Standin traversed by the de: The losses are put at quartet' of a, minion. will piobebly reach lama of the lss. evneryt ofiltehsePi°rIlasitetinaliiones1,,tr 1:iiglecbnilarin!alteafti aneblitiill TIlcirkfcea eftore at 0i0nMraainirY Wy, Th -1 iirsigS y eavrennliang°tbiltse "ffe" carcie over her ibe intention of "doing, getting some rope. around the streets f4 wore heard to remark naeu were only farmere. itirtgeeattmtheot irelniteiriceIllu en tingh heityaenankandar hadhewtitlikt ectiple of hours they 'W• tiniafrtchnetyo;tSuinhlierr'on.st a4:1 votheiiyee lime iailvweefia:StratfordhpaovtIitlgedi t .404e!::actirihhi:enaeptgletMr:210:rone:nfat it I, etwhbEen lot pl is ,NIA to the assistanc0 ni. hie coat, which t thth: astwlireieiti:r Moran heduotran•wt , itte t a!to jesaeli akiMg88htht!. • ;: ' praroinify la:loot:he:cis sto 3 aFoswkotr irisipi.dee: '' Unneli 1' on -the st •