HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-07-04, Page 5I4, 1884. 141d HUR N.E? OSIT 41 T (P La loontinuancie B fo 11-Tew �mber will con�trjbuitthh a ArraugamOuts have been rays are more dirlet, yet: have not f aorty of viraen. The The Chea Cas Oub. twelve I aile E HENSALL. 'Xhe- socilety is with Mr.F.E. King Dodds and an them in any way op, re jej all a4 1 eea was Bowl on, ilia 10 -h of A and WE ST )OT tt on a j9th- ulbi, the P ve, pril, on the flame Itaff to contest every inch of is always a Ine breezi cc mes'o� i 6b6 t the crop is I xpe I bBd t, be ready for WileofMr.Johu Vestoo t of,ft daughter. Goods. prinel 4ijoient I New' Millinery )rder of Workmen- PIS d educate the public minct 10 O,OIGck, leaving th ni�� hi cooi and harvest by th, i 251 ly. The far mer ROI)A S.—In Win hi ca, on � the �23id ult.,. the jenitDity, au I O: Ju ofUr.F.H. alarue(fai to the gr"t injury that -will pleasant. Dil this farm there GRA 150 member ais Mr. John 8, Rai .-In Brusliell, on ihe g6th ult., the �s L by the passage -AND jo 0% country axe now grow ng 2 L2 Lo of Mr. IF. or nj fs of a on is$ res of wheat and V fair held in do08 to that laws. To accomplish Near it is expect- TAYL .-In MorriA& 0 the '2le; jiult., the wife atories Prohibiti n t:L Xt 40 acres of 0 a. a ( a son. ANOY GOODS S were, represented ad to have 50 SO: -a rider crop. OINEIL.-In c the 22nd ult�,' the wife . I urpose 8, large amount of money 0 job TOR OAF . in Tay, C' Of boxes offered Ila view of the, beii I -B A daugb ter.: Every brewer herd has uteri u it now 9 he hous ) ol' at ,,espri T H. Richardson of Mr. T. acipally of I$L taken in the Pro ibitiOn u June make thousand dollars, and n by a ir lb fl few KEDID EMPORIUAT ad was bought, and n Manchester, % ras at Oy a, JAI-V&k.1ES MURRAY a, and w ri 9i to 10 &fi obas of thetrade have been 0 tle f it' �daysago. MIS. &H a r" iWeries ten, thousand dollar ders the -follol irig let, I on was as. rangea f Thomas Home Journal m IBI be of nter- I , - H is pleas re in announcing to the Z WOU other brau i at the 'time tle firie originated, preaum- JACK ON.-'InGrey,o:: the 21 fit ult., ohn las est - bera odds will, in a ably from the to le V�pe, and- with,won- lailieB of H risall and vicinity, thifltu he aft h - Mr. D i. ould It SiR,-A so 2 oged 85 Years- -make, the, Chas! Au for your co- 13 See you arE bcut t6 sub- -NOT -At AblleDflli Keilfisast Ila, 1jeloved wife of has opened'- a new Xillinery and F ing ods, Prints, d;ys'. CE611 upon you �derfuifcourage aid preience of mind th eat novelties in mii1summer Dress Go mount- to, nea- 4. Robert Ntt, nAl A 26 y =s, 5 months and rly Q47-- that every mit the L he county of Goods Stor�� in the Waugh Block�.'_ fasbibnable '000. ,tion and we do hope tt Xat n �Iaid' the bab, , ir ,, safe spot on the To -day we Show 0 oicG of Q'Ver 500 pieces now om Logan. ghC 11 days. Grenadil!es, etc. Purcha having a ch ';00 .& f Otis its tc how 01, ti ;ij �& made by yo, to assiRt in Elgin 1"tho 11rast appeared � I to carry on the LO CK I &RT -In Me] �11 Dp, on the 28bh ulb., the Street, Hoosall Ho has a coil�)Iete u the newest patterns at 010se prairie d tehei one day reOei our State Is rospe P , -a n-6 the best of goods i rinj V fide the lei al 0 tion as I t the object which is of effe C t a, th( greater po in� ant son of Mr., eorg alt, aged 12 st)ck of all the latest and most f ion- Prints, can rely on eaurin, libe oArr7jugou ot, sua with a.- importance to our furnitu an y nice things in White Muslins, Oatmeal Clths, 0 tral4ft interests. restraints p ced oni a 11 I i ai styles In es. We allow some ver Ls- Rib- a') da ys. L71kh iof vvhic 8 a 1SUO008ded in removing to Mont lof Corsets, Neck Fichu .ad if h ;1jach vast the voterB -01 Kansas, and b oi r th4 pc liques, Hair Cords, etc. A. Splendid assorti ld -ewa%notal . a lot - ible things in Silk, Litle fra Vell ivil a, bit,,- e oorn poll -,d ;o deeist b., r the as all the fashiona and Rid he said ple I ike'the ' Drese'rit'law,, von -1 I be �mt HATS AND BONNE By lions, Ties, Laces, etc,, as .RIEC P_"V S_ . 1junett Boy's OPiniOn c f the fiti to, YLC ur leader 3 i t 0 a prea ldevonring elemen TIIE A� speciialtyi; hav�irig large- stock on hand, it Gloves. Dre 7jit to- etoWiLn! aay. Ug as and Mant,16 Silks a South. -The WinnIPE Free Press sa5s. I T)gether w th tri mings of every de- wl'Up- to call apaask our �prices before investing. 0 intending puTchasers When ho wag Only nine time. The 'aw has beer i� fori ti 7 9 F FORTH, �,uly 3, 1884. Ily iV isrshall Brai t 'Mr. Gorham, of the 0aada 'Pacific he ription. 17MB department is x rider git ffila athrudk thwai a, of Mr. years, and i that time aas closed all Mr "Old Pj 11 W�eat per �11 tiel... �l 00 to 1 07 sh iRailway, has:irecle ied a letter from t "Dry ;$Meg Braithwaite, town i aeat per; bushel.. 0 80 to I 00 t a personal supervision of Mrs: Mur- 1 uguaj, pllea -with the latLst European iP Clark Of the breweri a, distileries an Ballool.81 Dient'- New Yall I MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, ai iflitt, who is at present on a trip i Mingai of %ho cistorns. depart Sprinw �Vhlai per bu[ihel ..... 1 00 to 1 05 r Y. The stock of Fancy Goods if also 0 nr ex Ork, has ma it very dif �clitl ve 1`1*80n, Gf the Orphali ana to.Obbaia tnd New� York n Ities. All express won4er at romely low prices, W I a( ra at 4 ng the best. city house& Stating that t ]a du it m house Offi. Oate por bushel .... L .. ..... .. c mplete 'in every department' and o 1, &ddre e-Southe'm States, writes to na -e'3'&m ,through th -liquor, exce-at on th3 0 wtif cate ...... .. 0 -68 to 0 75 materials a we rank for styl seed the congm ld no, )a (in duty on 31111- POR13 por bushel.. - ices w onsidored, as 01-intou New Era from Knoxville, Dhys- of a I Emerson w 0 60 to 0 60 P illl�efoundright. EFe-Ttylaur Is, etc. , in at y Sun Hats, Pailor o= own prIzes. .the ician in regular prac i li for me i- araaols Methodiat church, Re& I d4s, statutolly h 31 ays, nor aer Mae Barle3 per bush to 8 00 7 a KID GijovEs ; :they will give; 3atis- prof usion ,4-h, morning as follows: cal, raechaical, or Q-1161 n' ifto u Clovez Seed per bush I. 7 5( f shours af The xiain Timothy F83 ad per b 8 .. 2 00 to 2-50 f otion. I apection in-vited; n n o lt�ouble. and much D30 SLip -After attending con ter t& fi�3 j of July. A day None but re 3pectable citi aiiscianobtoin , i No. 1, loose. .4 'from the a ctcsBe8 the line sbout Buttel ... 0 13 to 0 14 1 1 ans on to' Show go . iO4cet report Says. Lexington, which- the Keriucki it, as the d ctor is 1i x1all I 16 a f no of seq ant- Butter, tall .. ....... to 0 15 -1 READY M ADC'--' CLOTHING. i1sr to our annual $200, E morn ng, con 0 13 to 0 Is luaceSs as. all esirneit h is Simi. with i DA 611MOUt for a. te rm of four o'clock i th %, v a let.' Eggs .. ............... k f Mr. Ming 100 lbs ......... i 2 60 to 2 65 ly if the cont tB o r t.00 well known to .$46L Of live a years fit hard labor for grantin, , a 11 Do Fork, par I 0 I,-erm ib,'wh'o I I I Butter aiad Egg taken as Oash� tr is, stock in 11uron, -but here thre Flour, pe I ter are acte u, to, the, train' oo poun4i`i 7 00 to 7 5 asgemble with their horses, pu rposbs I ut I She also, spokoL in th prescription for any* othe 7 00 to 800 a ddlged, until lock to await thi con- * Ha., .............. ....... 0 C .4AS. MURRAY. 6 00 to 5 50 Gospel Temperance ulea as6ttlew Sheep and hogs, as well as those set foi -th in thf i -ac L: � 'l.'he i dri Lg- Hides per 100 lbs... .......... . 3e,lection of goods of nchex�ellenee in 0 venience of the a IF40 8 officials. lith. 0 80 We hre now in a p sition to offer a i and farming implements, Sheep ikins each .... ......... 0 40 to west, and giat is responsible who Alls: he -liqu)r, mpetitin in the )attern4 erto the.Canada - adific Railway 'Jom- Wob) .............. 0 18 to 0 20 THE GREAT out, fit and finish, as to eallipse all col �ariety, Id under the. hammer to store of J, B, Myers has, ich are So . even on a CErtificate; - f hy, a not ex 3r. pauy, Mr. Gorha 31 a have paid the S&i otamperbarrel. 1 25 r pricos commandtlie attention of the nost inrdWous Our styles axe the Ly .1 00 the stook will -be, Sol highest bidder, by six or eigbt, cise due care as to the UE 3 L6 Ii U01 is 10 ly adding to on Stock garments of the latest per'b rrel ...... d ihe clustomeofficershriv rk done onts[de of Salt (" holessle) t moklern, as we -are constan i. realize the con. fined in Pritames, ?or bushe) .. ..... ... I 0 50 to 0 55 Ina I TL 01, best d new materials -leas ulotjoneers, who ride back and fc`it�h likely to, be put to, . and r �& v, ])a st al ir ol goods. We offer �r goo i for tj regular hourBi bu thi �y io propose to ts on in of all-wo on -horaeback, like t ood, p -or ,ord.... ..... ... 2 00 to 3 60 ventur ar of -contra- . I -a to a6gert, without fe lasing pai lf t. in his gh the streets he f 6200 L6 E. i O 118D e, d stop doing Soj so tbat x nless some ar- lar bankrupt prices, and -we Ka ago by Mrs. portaoi ti lbrou an re iy garferals in the army. I took 0 41�f t ND- Otion, t at. for airthiar' infrko 11 be found the choici of price, pattern or shape, rangement is' coil -to t ie result -will be nowhere also wi III- The' OaSe wasL train for Danville a 0400 with a term in th i t 17191 For Cue our inspection, M tom Work we but -ask y4 "I a Serious impeE em to paseDDger uitable or any size boy or man _f I ra. then, mcec iving at d� employed is I High B-ridgeL I obtained a and the loss ofhiB aggi it. 5 EMI -CE MW IAL EXPOSI"IONy -we keep conitantily a suffi-oient guarantee to, Lo On %rr the very large staff q traffic. while 11kei to. Tarou ' to ermit from. the. conductor to, lay over In no ca, se c an a minor o )t ih liq aor or -Mr. A., J. TLbrapson, Of the large at our cutter, MR. MADDAUGH, is tuirnig:out the right class of work, folly rflinuteg, and take the next. train 'Cai every Court. It ' _L � 9 - r, I . - i G onts" Furnishings, Hats and any purposE whatevei. 1 prices m mud meat exporting ir In f Thomp on 8z aur ust be Seen to be appreciated toL View th 1-nourred expeneag to 8, this p -ng -,mie sple time In regr I to accou irr�6 'at' n or Flannagan, Toron 5o w ile in Winnipeg in all the newest seasonable goods. CfLive SOck, P ultry, Dairy, A Tioul ent always Supplied with the -best of everything. ust to 0 since this, trialom. ;kich is Supposed to be the traveller' d teams, I Gro e'ry Departm i Wagol, 9 must I ;Onf 5BB recently, was int E I vi sw by a nowspa- 4 bigheatL the continent of Am tural arfi Ho i6ultural Productsjm_ rra�nts t erica, C. First, that I am urprised, as 1 y are much avery cheap Teas, Sugars, Raisins, Cu per reporter on t I Li 3 r 3 a t ques ion. Mr. a consignent of 1 fag0L James Pindib][ being 290 feet high, by 1,200 feet, long, better -her under p ohL 11 pleme4ts and Nanufactures of a a "a Thompsonsaia tb %t, f the past Six or aU Rlni blass produce taken at the highest market value. of Kentucky river, from High Be StB a atom- Stil, a few Boots andShoeB left., which muti be sold to mak room for iairg� I soross the Ontario wi h a lic'or 0 m Good seven years,hisfirmlia beenac ou '�an a had n llag I tovu 6(l to B had an alteri_ Blidge to Danville. 1 still travel thr i Ivi , g on the way. A icallsoliciteA_ gh meals'�an " V Winni eg market with elt of.clothin upply the -,shipm of the finest deBeription, cents, ,un war&- or city for t wen ty firi it al. iss meat for blue grase J ilia nd Jidly. This bgrige oars a r 13. f 11 Tilly atraek Prinible t Danville and take the L. fare fo ty cents to 1.50 p(,r diy, summer,boweve.,t[lo arketwaisup. -a The liveryptableg THOMAS KIDDI M, 11-1 Street, Seaforth. ketutri g bi aw bone.- R, for Knoxville, via Jellico, a 911, f E 1 Lois( 8 bay, The E EPTEM�ER tao 10th to the 20th. pliedwith beef �(A i 61, ae provinof 1 Atter was, able. to leave rod that has been in. operation but a with good table roi9ln, i t ten to twelve beef, he Said, w E a qu ally as go ad as laa time, running for 150 mailes The La est Prize List in the D6 on. 1. .t to Stratford ailia phort cents per 'In wb t w'p cal f ad- used to be BiJift u) ficim below, ai the thr n Kentucky, a very rough before Police Magistra Stables are kept at t: le E ame t as cheaply in he Chefse Markets. and Entry Form g s can be -c btained rats' In butchers were la i 3 Prize Usti icUltux&l very in- L from the Secretaries of allAgi Kan, %a ' have not yet bought at To- .,V,OOD�TOCX, Societies Rao' was heard last week saa hilly country indeed, and three visitf§ to y 2.4 -At the cheese Winl4ag as it coul be I no aill red he 161,nd. Meehan es t t or they wilf be sent 0. R dories re a of the mountains, with varied n f nywhere o i ma-10ted in cost-.% and failar land'L At Livingstone we came in -a D N'T F G t -T seen a drunken m eaqu: ronto. The butche: WinnipOg pay mai kettwelve f a ered 2,813 "pp catton post caTd to ffis See- upwardsof $46 reason, and was in rmi d t1 at E, fine of r aundred i etary, at T' nto; ntries close August 23rd. from 65 to 853 5 1 a -fil6lling boxes o1i oheeee the lasb If of June lual closing ex-erioises 0 finest character bola from §20 t $50 widuld sed on t 9c : 300 at This will be imenery of the be IMV -meat at 16 centi I io pound gives' them mal te. 'I Sales -269 boxes a tae i Vi_ Oademy, Toroi lasi the party caught dinn' apntty good p-ofit. rhe Supply con- 9 -a - 16c 725 at 9 3 and 6$5 at 9 5.16c; The train -ST EVZN kTiul �ie, dan with peaka half a m aence to con, vict is" elway't fort coming siBtsargely of t e o Ker brought intohe totel 96 oxes -T T ,,a picturesque mountains can be seen ana:' ghter ile high. 13 R"A D E rung slow and very, lev( 18 a re. appear& to, have winding a�rourid,the in such - cases. The la, v, I bei When, they of Joseph sales, I country by the i i mE Of I`Jronbes E emi-Centennial yea�ll. USUai irself as one of the gradg� motintaias, Sometimes loc�kjng clown well admiDistered in at east thdleas erni commeticedfarn-ing bhey began Speaking of theL yon.ug from hioh ridges into the fl�arful abyss 110caiNolic0s. half of the state, and in this 3THE county t a with oxen, but the �majority have since ING N AT artist theL Mai owRy &OUM'S new 50 d�ent I - V 9. on able to see a i a ho, -sea, and so they -i, Saa, somelaimes down on the bottom people est m it a &eat blesaii i n' be WILSON ey c of rivers, or on some old river bed, then 5ri diplf sail L to Yoni)g Hyson an pan I eas th an1 be --OF— creditabil, and showed opponent of the law in n are fattening the i xe,j I for t arket. t dqks the supply will it of artistid She through narow, ravines, then instantly me ti in case it was -sxibm4tel to beat n in town. 80 Mr. Thompson h's Dry Goods Store� would vot, i for rol 1bit on, I rvE hundred �acik& es of first-class Vocalists of the day, penetrating the heart of the mountains, the people lie holdout till Ch: ist as, after which the lat SPEC I Ulm W la* butter wa ad V tile 10th rof July, packed L T T1 A C T I ough, tunnels, in. utter darkness. a pap ef Feel ua 11, a W)rBt 11 have to draw Winnipeg mariet wi in tpnet �e Sam' `Axi thro this mountainous Conn. as it had removed , at the Mam., oth Bargain House. 862 kp rates being p �epared fox! that time. Cho; great taste, showing passing through of all nuisaces, the sa; oon, ouq of tbi from below. I j the corse of a few W, F, will take. wool ati.the highest nd Excurs. onsn ail Pailways. The bast time trywenotice the mountaineers come way of his family of eig it b ys. Crim( 3fi- 1. Rsessed of a, rih voice years, however, 5 Ir � T iompson 1� co3 -ma&-eb price inexal Auge for ry goo, , a and 0 VsIt t a ty 9 o ro, 0. ai or ad the gold medal, for down from the mountains in large fiearly so Com 0 1 n w ,a bero-r' dent that tho couju ry will produc�emore br, I 4 0 Mam aloth n House. is not wholesale, at argal ke 862 he tment, superiority crowds, for miles around to Bee us, and T,HROW, P16ident. eople are begInAing to r�alize t the -law w Bin force. 3heroke r the local r4arket, J. J. WI The p ilk erOke, coi than is nec talook upon the passing train in won. a. 0 gaol OIRL WANTED. Wainted, mmediately, I water color), honorable with AS 13,000 inabitg be,:: a ILr,, �amager ai Secretary, w Awages. Apply fact What we advert' e OM3 and rhe. -J.H ise usic, and honor. on.- Reaching Jellico f C lun 1w -centennial is in pro. a. g(od servant girl. he hig al m anditsco atysestthe -A 8621- -3 Toronto. DiCi der and admirati grand sell, 364 at I fir, EXPOSITORIO Ice, Scidortb. -1 has not iinf gr6ss this week i I Tolo embroid- ILt 8,40 P. M., aistance of 200 miles, on ver :3,000 inha bit to, Dto, and the city mean to do so. ory wibkp IevouingGlIast week,,3no, the State line., or division of Kentucky more thin a SM611 loc i -up. Its proBf is orowded full visitor8who are being 11ousk WNTE .-'V� an ed to rent, at and Tennessee, being- the terminus of ao playB,� trades oDep, a good dwell g b01188, ontaining from REAL I TE A E. %herty's hotel Mitchell T entertained by military dis and people'say they do not a , E S the ExPOSITOR ine an ions the L. & N. R. R. Jellico is located in pr6ciessions , -while sex4n to niuc rowill App y a 861 Call, Exami d Secure Bargains. with Will., Vni%, ir., at present, and otlier attract' ,e, Seaforth. -VARM IN", GREY FOR sAL.-For sale on 0th OW wi E lowing t a 0 ty: a era dit. trees, Fom words filow Valley ab the foot of the Cumber- Our peo... le are peacii ai ve I �,DWARD CA811 will be prepared on easy teltis, part of Lot5, Con�esjsitnfB,co- 4 laws, in which the fathef an r tions of acres, land moun kly settled by coal itnessed -i quarrel of de6e gress made by the _U TOCK NEWs FRESH AND RLIABL� AT tains, mo8, I have no -w ebro w tainiw 86i acres, :lb ub 60 cleared ind well S elac after Monday t a 21 at Irist o buy fine no miners, who work in the surrounding 0 ilast half a (Ilion N 45 ; two .esideiiie in ::::t ntury ty an any shape, if s%leet fenecd ; goqd bank I iar a and stable 68 1 P. Connelly took psi I I kind in a six montll§ etro olis duri 06 But iter in at) y d who appear to be Onlv ll twholesaleandre- acres of a bbafing or-1hard; one M a I lalf miles Se e writ f t -8 85 from seb from Brussels. For fur- a rough one, and Mr. mountains, an county here Boeins io be no dis osil �e new election in ai &ood color ch street, rth. ool, and two per- t .61 Of thor particulars apph rht. des half civilized. As an no fu�- tion to have foug the train r n, he ,on� I th� place tail dealer, Goderich o r eal the �Iawi, but d thle county 0 131 Ok I ii, to 111 on the premioes, or to of Drees I L 865 .of Mr. F quie , n seated and- .,kj30U eight hijudr Brassels P. 0. WALIER GOVENLOC ir the riow had contintied ther than the State line, we. were com- trary -it w ould be 6,ar ied by i, n disquali- ed y8rds au tay over -Dight. here, Bome yard, to be 'J, SMITH'S', SE A FORnsirmMR, fi 88 A to S lar er.maj�)ritV than -v hen rs pa a nom!ination Goods, ranging fror i l5o 5o 2)c a R W I minu he was rescued faed, h a Is been i 3 3 a d. The thait was very G, -her. RM F R SALE.-Fo conces- .to g -9 largailli House. VARM F r sale, Lot 34 It undesirable to me, by the sts to. � It w as ed bY y 16th, cle red at 5c, at the ! fammeth I irrants, were issed. for will, we'believe,ta�e place on Jul si. n 2, Walvalliosh. . This 'desir ile pro- Vi -Fo, ly appeared next in such company. However, I had a 34,000. Erom bE it it fqrl latian X ad th electio4 Jql�y 23rd. FouNi) ind, about the a sold t iq summer, in ord4 r to close -nd the perty will le sold t or Cull to, answer to the: at night, as I was for- -- [ng f ac J of April, on the I a It Co, 3SitB Of 200 gi,cres of choice South of Mrs. Kidd's Hardw e Store, Main Street. that prol ibitio Thetwo, tunate enough to gain an ar, as tbc loAs ti 45 aercs cleared; good farm bi streak of luck th can got it seem t( bi a I teaE middle onddin road about 3 up au. qaintance EcLucati the Elephant. mil -,is south of clilatc p, a la) ire r6ii of blacti goods. l&n(j, b., One Door n p Lys 0 ving pro- particulurs y two vated assault. in the Th : owner may hv the s"Me'lliv pio I ingsaDd or0iard. J,oi app, y to IDg feature -t Cou� with a gentleman from Columbus, Ohio, revenuedd 'more tbftile�n) in th The most ori ,pensts. I—,',\CA.N W. FAR114N, Clint(n P. 0. 865 g out of the gr eery lite. Conae and gt your Groceries ad- their guilt"b"u ifiedy and pa3ini P, S. -We are g 40mitting that he was. in seardh who appeALred pb�nt is the- sudden- -864 'Iministrati of tI,e lf�;w 3, t sa- a situation Sic on -of a education bu assault. denied that very conversant, and as anxious ta mahe not the valualall grain tt at i Put L I from a wild and PRUIT JARS, FnuiT J*Aits, Fi�uiT JARS. VAttM F R. SALE -For sale, Lot 2, Concession! at cost. biDg 01 ness of his traii3itiDu 14, toNN71131lip.of 3yr ..y, contain! g 101) aere8, of' denizen of t�he forest to the -dat yciur fruit i tir in j z, Yountr's. They my acquaintance as I was his, under the to a better use as fic od'for the r eop] 6, a 9 lawlegs n 60 and 4 act 'ew 'trs wporial me (s cleared, umb,ler, The two,form, asjl�e I -%vbich thei� are bel wee circumstances ; we afterwards bUnked there is less than hali the.liq or use I quiet, 'ploddid go d-tempereas and ha ­e a large s,eck. is 3 !07 grain growiug or graziog. 'ed for. sentence nd Mr. and suitab a dithei -he -hight very con- all sizes, at rock bot �ln pr ces; airsu SWIMS very There is a !good Irs. me, barn and 14g boi ise, and a i ad, bail, f or their appear. toether, passing t now tha under th 3 ol �ataibffo. th ng 6 cheerfnl beast ofj di e_ll(fLp at, WIL SON ood beari ir, orcha d of choice fruit, and plenty or pen T TOOLS I' 4-i valuable tim 6 Th�re takes place: n I he keddahi tentedly, and lef t on 'the 6.40 a. m- Add t H pted. O t 'a the o d societs of the Metho- 00 ter. This i 3 a splendid lllan,'la for any HAYING AND �AV ran Ladies A.. of goo w1a y train for Knoxvile,Ten nes see, a distance and the poverty ani 11136 Y C&US4 d b� of capture a rr gh �y Struggle- etween -118t ult a a gala dw diFt Church wili how an Apron Fair on the fdtor- I person islihig It 94d fa,m. Apply on the pre- . i the peaceful of 7 �y -through the ;of, hlao- b� -a and evenirig of Tuesday, the 8th of July, j mises orw -villa, mile principall the ifldi�(Ximinate S a the giant strer g h of the captive and no,, to Walton go Of the ingenuity 6i man, ably secorided,by Be �reshrnents of YaHi.uR kind WAL 1113MITH. Cumberland mouutains,�11148i�g through partieB who have no ikte:. -est at tall swill be provided, 865X3 in the day Growd of 0 ;ed to give th e4� e e ay ets i ai C1. I thin T, a few powerfu pi r For sale, Lot 38, Con- 'F:)rks, Hay to Mr. D, 16 tunneI4,some almost half a mile lung ; but theiij pork k Tb a public are coi-dially: invi eir their- - w onage. 864-2 either end to tterly o'ercome P '' FAR'� sh, ontainililg 150 sh ths, Ha -the, h u y or ATTIENZI Roberb r two watcihmea stands at y .11 parts, of in aud t OiV (Of S he finds his Btr �uO cessloil 6, Eap i Witwant, Grass Sc thes, ei, from a 9' rQN. signal, if anything is wrong, as Thomas ill see by tb - intel �e co he yields to the WORTH cres, abodt 100 of vhich are cleaae give the Be ow fAGtS that by man 8 teaforth, has on 1 resent a the pionic in W; llis, the people's tioema ker, and aeli A, the whole -cede to Iss' it- is their duty to go through wit a aleas is COMPOrIl.- pts the situation whichshould cult'"t1on, Church, The weather as fa as I he state of 11 inevitablel and acce ha 3d a number of e er-dueltceounts the balano is well hn cried with iirdwoolrTbe' G and &-in passes. Theae anderBon once had a st, and of arley Fork$5 arden, lantern before every. tr� ed, her days of selling Jiqox by'ice*Be philosophicall', ha ve been paid on t i a first of jauuary la fenc- Rakes, B �ld be, deaired. The foot farm is Nvell faLced in has on it I ilent3 il these accounts mountains have a beautiful appearance, rul e to bftve a a thing ol the past. e on the he is now deter timberi. Tb ere is coinfortab.c frame house 1 10 death whil All ac7. Ween Dablia and Kin- IV narrow escaipo settled on or before lie 15th 0 July an as they are covered thiokly with flowers, inf, eddah a barn 40x8011 eet, both iww. There is a pades nd,Shovels 'a o &e Ot ,Dubi winuingbythree. back of a tamf E leahant inside a k ad will b& ianded' to Mr. J. counts not then set.. good beari rehard f choice unR� trees, and I b ave been very ow i f till t 1 Turnip Hoes... Jones S in . . Brine for collecti n, in e Rped: aS YI a bae tri C plenty of pr co Served at 12 o7clook ivy, wild roses, catalpa trees in full g but ti ithaa W the vvoiki h &ttem ting t6 BE' ure a wild female ive of llersons, ood ig ivater ne ifent for Stock i P ti?e s etra ari the ) not sfticiently bloom, and �Iso soe, species of !e aT so Plai 31(:pb&Tlt long and VlCl' th-, profits in t and a will mill purip It is with n ti Yee miles �Iej after which the IS& of the law here. The Bile fought !B64-3 ri d th", Machine -&,-a to ji: of the proi perous village of Relgr ve w ere there Stopping at one best quality. Pe -e es an 0 '-ped th light fantastiO Magnoh - on the frontier where the law is not th the tr rigth and courage of lai ously, wi is EL railwa;y, mills, 3tc res, churcl) s an a all other &ins of tbet'Stratford G. watering resort, where the water cae- respected, but &S Soon as. a got d, moral but all 3 was -finally overcome defiipaii9 -Febo 1 adjoiniiig it. convieuiences. There is a 6TIC'E S. forml is adapted eith r for grain or t IV tumbling down the rocks, the passen- rumb r,_ Although her � File RJ et' and Clari3 an people Bett e, theso I`* by Buipprior composed of Messri IMPOR ANT N Thi. oils, Belting.4 Lace Lea geri out to pluck the flowers for -more con�eniil attack on Saniluson in the keddah was i stock, and.the land baSneverbeei mue�i cropped. 4 il�! 1--, -9-cphee, and Rai=. breakers 'move or to n he Will besold cheap. AI)plytotbePropriatorionthe liville ass he 3co W IT PLetion of the day, how.- bouquets. We arri ed in Kuo of the most nip rderouB descriptia , t good steady plimes. floping you Iiii 110 BLACKSM -th, or to X -Coun -,onL6 r her defeat nruediateiv. Stendy work promises, 'to WIR G HAMILTON, Bl� I hreshers oit , the county seat Ot Kwx eceive th 3 b] 1.,essu States that her conduct afte Blaelesmith, oflers,3 Bel Punc 'ers, & LL, .0. 4 'j)OBBIN. the tiuderOgned, 1361grave P VX. i contest between Misk y ty, Act and i gs DQ1NktD CAMPBE I at 10 a. m. The'eity is I on the ig placed n i 8 P. -Op 3r o.plary, and she never gq'ftrai APP13 to 865 U. ina- liquor beir , , t ax.(� I from was mos 864 situatec NV)alton, ly ri gre -temper. ful Silver tes bank of the Tennessee river, and 18 a place, I r;inet close, oti DE th �t afterward shots dan. 7 sign of ill wad teirms':befote Ifor a, e hould lear4 ou es 4. LE ID FAR UFOR SALE ox Sale, Lot auti SP S r pri� kora Mr John W elsh, of beautiful place of 2-1,000 inhabitants, - I the Act 4oes not 10i , ore terfito -Y Mr. SandpriMi and an elephant driver LL- FOR S @.-T ie 1' dersigned 'offerl L' E, 'N In 34, 0 cession 6, moKiliop, containing 100 a d 114rham. u n ofi nig it will attain a outily, I -it' �e ele- Bou B 11, with r, - of j7 -a tha a sAgle l$ed.1% fuMgrown feWS1 for sale a TIZ,"r -nee well Both aidea - Was told before long C Y, as once moun I acres, about '70 peared aud t�e bals the seaso 0. He ip. eight nio nth.%' old, eyed pedigro at .5 acres of The main por- indre ej ectiveif th dqy after her Capture, re fist timbered .. ith bar wipod and a�o making tl�leir cont�acts to etically b iiet and beavy boned, and is a ut when the populatiori Of 50,000. lieve. itwpnld be rduc. phant Oon the tame red color, is low , dar. he cleared lfu�d is' free from� cl,'clook, the vote. for the is built on a high ridge, whol'of Ontaio oui be.briaug�t without the . resence of 9, thoroughbred f1rst class a even tion of the city the whol. magniflefint anilbal , Als stumps, all unde -.drained, weII4 fent d and all which,gives it a natural draage, and O" as it *Oi indr-son Tennant recordB wn Ra I'Atmbsi (..Xtta quality,. Apply acres. b9i is a goo� &tood aa follows: Afigs- naer its influencle at no 1. Sir an elephant fed Smithdo (in 8, 1 1 1 seed(.d to Yrass exwpf 10 nd n( Everything, in the hardwai I �e line. cheap The ' f I r its en�mibs anIma on Lot 27, Cone ss! .:Ibb&t or to Staff a P. spring ere K�xunn4ligtbriugh th pla!e a F Rome beanif ul building sites. bemuch�laorqdifflcu.. 0 an instance here'n 8Q5x4 0 DAVID RIL r wet lau , a splendid orehurd of thi mountains are dotted with private res, to defeat phe,,aucicessf I warkin 7 Ofa I w from the ban'. on the first night Of its wasie or wet lau 1.) . i ---. o a good, comfortable stow a majority Of choicest fr �oil Stoves. ale the fa dencesarid cotage ho looking -y few days evinced rhe 11 sweet Home mes ove A peop aither O�Nefl pregen4 so full ofl beriefits to capture, apd. 11 a vei TRAYED SH bto the pTemises house, all ce Y aili;4(-d and well lal out, si 1'� P. -C8.1016 '�l the Con. 6, MCIU1101), good barrij shed the river, with delightful native groves, Truly, 04 A, . �GN You'r great pleasure i t being patte& on of the undo si � ned, Lot 8j s in4 stables. Ther is a wel few-eill, *LL eg as the above can id one lamb. 01. elegant lawns., beautiful water courses he Dk( C Kiins al)out the lst of a, two 811cop al and cistern at the aok!lse. Thefakmis cleauan e of the day. Ca 1. an i exam' ag the ho cot -am bus, C r B ty aSuch n taric head. 0V Vorie Nil the samo by provirg pro one mil live I -Ong t, oy their *an& ravines. I ani given- to understand June 24 be multipliei I iridefinitely. T 6 wbO .The owner can 11 early frei from fc I weeds. Is withi D enj. �8844 pense. JOHN HORAN. and a quarter of t ie prosperons � village of KiO pi rty and payino Ile has been built 'up Bince t ibuted than philo- nagan. was. alao presiont- that Knoxvil else Shall the: 7 1 a a 865-X4 burn, and within c im miles of 8eaforth. Termo the war, principaly by bortbern capl- he pat, of the easy; will be Bold either viiith orwithoattlaecror!� my stock. 4tver cruet Marh_o7l�_a_ald NortbvVidat s6phical reas ning On t ]IOItSE FOR 1SA E. -Mor siale, a fine. youug ignificent E Applyonthoprems oraddxes&Conetance,P.0� gold- teists, who seem to have more enter- qlepbant? N AE rt horse breed, stands stallion cf Eiglish 865 S prise than Southerners. Here we find k bay, color dar ween 1)1r. Talinea Blair, The bontract or. L 1i ion of the fifteen and a halt hands high, ri our diet, being' ages M ing ourte6n -,und d Ills., twenty five inch Mr. Geoi -U, of considerable change I i!ishaiik oil hin n lounty bulldIngelhas been A4 Nepew4 & P i leg no a6d a half nches. 0 .1, clorn dodgers, ] i PYPER-BE ?-At the residence of the CHEAP FAF N S! GOOD ARMS M R S ic?mposed of fow peach ai m. iacli!s was. woa by he latter The cost is S16,800. bride's fath(r, on the 2nd inst., by Rev.j. I i ud's ffoluder; mare, y Imported Ei�g' Pie, M.ufjjuB arrd batter cakes, with vari a, t,,v( yearsr 016 18th of June,1 of g Land; par 1111 'a Mills, Mr. ftin H! Two Thousand Ac res -The Winnipeg st] eat 3ai Fyper to Miss Lizzie, c live, imported ;� a limbs. Pedigre of hatham For Sole In tbe "a wnshi us kinds of salads.- The people are er c nit. lower eldest daugbt! * of John Beattie, Esq., all of 1 384; wenpropottAped. ei A clean THAIN STRE'jEL2jFjFL� SE-AFORT t iall wel. receipts �kre twenty -Eve Apply lot 1 Turpborry ak hospitable and intelligent,'ancl Seaforth. e Ln be gnt. Coricession 5, lCounty, ofRent. 0 me tin ie 1 t YE Or. -DAVID MARTIN, 4'Nroi ter. ir 861-4 e-WeIrs anc-L Dilatfl come the immigrant from any source. thall for tihe sa in futiiro be M.ARTIN-PAPS)ii 0 erichlonthel8tinst I - I ­ � ­ __ s Think. by the ReN. J. F, -di D ds, Mr. W - 1. V. artin, Sale 1 their Towns -No fileeping care S ON FERTILE FARMS.- Su�bscribers ol er for eHO I have visited. the national CometarY, wil�e regul' druggist, f3eflorti o Mis of Chatham Jai andt 1� prihes they as r&ndon on t s Lebtie Pipet, APPY THE pu'blisheB the run west 1 of B stock-Raiaers attention I The Citizen and also the place -where 2,000 soldiers daught Ox of V 7 In. 3?j1 st, Esq., of Goderich. Farmers au for them, eciusidei tl ey re the chet pest land 3 ass em�ept on oi days and Thuts- an Catholic askatchowan itio RBtEIR Company have half a y confidentia war. I pr at t a pr isent timi fsll in one week, during the BLARE-NTGH­-in� St. James'Rom y in the offeredfo.fsaleia Ont'lao, CAMPBELL st., by Bev. P. on days thiti 2nd in s of t e ebuicestpark countr Brewer* church, Sealorth illion aer( Those Fatme are con posed of d uplo iid prairiC hg,v. arts of the country, -to - -,st. EettlementH at creseen e seen some p twefit set! Mr. m4b, Blake, of MaKillop, anadian North witheun#hVood tileaeblotifo bul."' ve -Tbr w hundred and es J. Shea, Mereha.-lats, Proteat! see and that lying y sa Nigh, of Tuokersmith. North Saekauchiewr n, and Bed Deer, com. particularly in Teunes Mies Margat at Thep ake rails ati&ftrewood enough to last for many ear n nitoba, lately the residence of the rise rich and bea i tiful t ra dmircd, d between the Cianibar and Alleghi I TAYLOR-SMII.A. - I& -. Lt Fol cat(le aind tcck Farms here can ently orgi ize in TO 11V of land in SbUtherIL MEL otq, greatly EL Finne3 n FA! a for wh,ich be n I useful Setti (Ruide, with mups, sent free or rm. of 0 Le block owned b fathei, by Rev. A. MoNaughton, r betterdo-� On the home fa' To EM 0 .4&r rama, as Mountains, which is very'rich and fer­ bride?s mean to settle' mae d. CLOTHING i lums lt� I .1. n OOM WIL13 �or, of Hallett, to f ppiiestion. h( lever ypu the 18th ul t , 31r. W: n. TaTI W -as., nature f ans, and 3 Bed ji2,000 si ce 1116�� have tai$ed 110 11i of corn, 70 bushels �f thwe rofn . I aeriia tile;well adapted to agricultural pur- miss jaiiie, s ad daughter of James Smillia, t is' OHNI T. WOORE, Mai s boo oats, 40 �ztshels a b busl els of pe a� &net t last Wea� in Winnip g -4 made 'all along &net on to Ti r.. C 82 �1�g 865 PoaeB. Here they can produce every-, Esq., of Grep Peet ast, Toronto. to the ace, and a, fi ae potatoes, turn ps, carro, i ta, the Brewers rops in Vinebar$ for $3500 -At the manse, ARM and ma, gels rec en, ly b an hea y r n c. �..IeNaughtofoi o sowing we have cut two t mg o'timoi 0 in thl Walton, by: MARY spring une season, Maing it i a thing of thefinest quality, two 0 --There has STRONG- RIB EN. n the 30th astl country could s) ow. Fro very profit ani;o 6 e. ult., M, i. IV] I A axidng, of EAFORTH, th acre About W) aeres of he b) nk are n iv able"to 13 ac a Mary 1Y cKil I int" E, INFIR Hallett, to Miss pemedi it neciessairy t& Soutbern M b an No made enquiries In in timotliy. All the farms ai feileed, and a W 10,� Of the land tiller. I ha I havejust open -ed up a �i- Protective Association- from Col. Charlton, an old land agent, looking "Oellent- 1� 13 TEES -TA ZLO 1. -.0 he Manse, Whitechurch, -IORNER of iaq is and Goderich Streets, no pprin in at opee., The Home g crop eould�be pui esbyt ri agnifieent one t lea in 611t&rio wheat !one foot hiE d th 3 h i t., by Lev. J. A. Anderson, B. A an:� Church, Sealortli, W& cGunt- Whoi thousads on the ?,5th E door to tho f rLrm woi ild be a for large stoft Tees, Cal- ittie, sheep, or an � Xr.J lee [163,S0 ot Mr. John : in h, gh spirit nt. All diseaMse )f Horses, C! rm,a on it the -e is a good hbuse atablei3 for -tings, scotich a2id Irisk Bbie and Black &ryes. A which they farm, a ed, in all of at from $10 to 550 per acre, according are treate 3 jigs miss I � ary Ji ne, daughter of Mr. John I aninials, �,ucccssfullY twenty- ve horses, cattle -shed! fort seventy�fiyoj ross,to A the domestic a lai Ile T umb 3r -41 vota On �the Taylor Bag. j 'Vawat osh. di I -pens an I fin orchard §f t ce hand to location. I-bave t&ken a, trip down Y hea the -Scott Aot Laf, week for Lt the infirmar: clacwhere oil the shortut pi ped f rom Mitot the JAE. W, -peach ard lherr3 trees; and, d the let 0! Nave were 8 W THER -G( )DRI(H.-In Wingbam on Chowne mody-rate. Dr, Of ea-valloy, and find that all 13 Rev. I 1. NeQuarrie, Mr. Jl[iimbs lotice. Et I young ple,peax, Worsteds in aff t It c-, s A the Tenness dd,�for � E p. $.-A large stoc'k I ades that is MI- n '"he price 3 PE 25th i t. Veterinary Surg yn. Po ILL3 s ixat cigh s h andred acres coul I be boug at ange of bare majority kinds oi cereals do wall, heatif Win dj 10 Wethe is t� sa, daughter ol )t co4stantiy on hand. land in farms of full r a, corn, w mr. Ran d.o them ri nged froin i ive. and a E 7eterinary Medic i ies Ica intboblock. We v. ill sell thosel aroot Grop one h�audred . Ontario, they are 10 * The vhble bai peas and oat o'dri 3'. 1"iotl of Turnberry. U som G bo h 2i )00 aereshe Hats 'on cl ta per r our d ve w 3ig. it. better here than in Ketucky- it iS 8, BOVen el cl j k BBN.. -At Wingham, on the ock- Of 7)raud I-etv nt3tlrouj HUTSON close toqeiher, so� a number of settlers wishiDgto fall 3n, j n to a h- _6ttL I Rev. H. McQusrrie, Mr. i dated. The 11 f their settle close togeLbeu, canbeaeeomm �and fram th� GO"Vero' -Raih..has lohn ORTH. ionable. An imiense st f Ifilrae t uit especially BAYFIFUl AND'SEAF grand nursery for fl he- rl3gi(n' and as far (!&at Hutsop,of 'erris, t) Mrs. Margaret McLi oport lies -*it of gary :of Se on and f Boy's an I have 8 a of Wallacell'irg. Terms easy, o vive" cal eeln out t I pr hin nine miles Chatham, f ve probii- PfteheB'amd Strawberries. 0 aw.. ofland i of Dres on and d ithert o b en _riurs and Stras. A 4' e, pria , 'it appears as MOOE This hits 1 _G_ HAY in equal ye Of Clinton, on the�25th V1 , i ky 80,13ae very fine grazing. lan t, �Fi say 07;e quarto a3h; balane6,. regarde, I as a air id o Lid r linle 3s ist, ic T by 1�e �Cer kt the pr�!S`ent ult., ner, oseph, eldest of ,)e granted. j to be- well adated to that purpose, ry Elaving been &,�wailided flia contract' for carryi g payme over 9, ex of years to suil , the buy �r- but tiliE 1 year it ie en bled to nd alge. in H VeWian 0 Hallett, to misss�a Nou sjjfferi�gthe blizzai of Dakota, or go s coliv-s, Tie, of Prinice Edward 3,rge fortunes Mr. the nl,,�ils betwe a Bai� 116141 and Seaforill, d Inany farmers here ma,ke 11 Cli On. yout7jW Readgmade Clothin-q, Sk'ril of Nova Scotia wasbou's. Ann la.' of i ave Bayfield 6 6 o1ii and Se%- thoulsa as of mil0i �roin a market in the Nor 'with cattle and sheep, witbout MuCh in DIEHL ^',OScl.--IqCl.nton,ontbp24thult.,by le i morning 4t el yo� I, will be flarnis .I- w!6t, v, hen lauft i �i-e those eai� I)e,b:)ujyht at - �he abeen -Biully s..bw,n grai a� i.31 doir g -ehl to Mr's forth al 2 P. AcconmodRtio -answick ha at as S wirart, 1dr. AndrewDi iew 3�r 1,11-bor, although Tennessee is n ed for a limite di r umbei 3assengers. Pai price wi� offer them in the gaiddn copty of Ke at, inly for Msh or di itriA.' E a a ELve Tolin Ross,all of at Fiectiloll of Cana P,ite, ana inn Call and see-. I b4y the Sbe'll Riv M&g_j (1E q �hter. of - Mr. "Mi. of delivered wi SS,- . t t A c 'Wealthy a S entucky,becauBe 0 - he h the war�ue tate as K &c., will be coiivit a�e and Ufs 11, f �orn 18 to 21 XL64es hi Yh., Pkita_ Clintot i. N: PaTC41e for Bruce 0 and wheat R. -In -Grey, on the 5f h promptittide. Dprei field will particu tars cheerfu a3 Riven by pplyingto,10 N counties of, this, Pro Ilai has not done so mucill for 6ra PATTER ON- V RIOE, �r NVM. NORTHWO D, Towt of Chth, Lin, & $ loo 4 Well, d e )me Of tl Le I ar Mr. also be tai larges mpderatei Patrona;e out cam- ult., ei - the i 2iNde 864-2 Ontario. cesa has de of the bride's fatheT. 8654 with view Of their sue eded principally too but ane Patterson, both of solicied. DAVI: HAI'. sell at bottogn, ash prices.. egro are ho ing� for tbQ Be onA tirhe,`� eirriative. soil. The ri Wm., Valk tq f posj"tion, o1a the oultivation of the ]Ken. other g en stul f is baie ward. A rub Grey. jjOU8EKEEPE WANT`i� salted inlwe- eter of they th, thei 4 on thil In. a V � Population is not so- large as In is Outti ig off the eel ry Lud at to CAXPB L I 1.&ATY.-At Vern 4, 30th THE TUC RS19: r,TH BRICK YARD. di4tely, ng housekeepei f a f, 4. M.ban! 1 tucky; here are people of all list ult., Y by, Mr. John Campbel -WM. C is ganizai W1 ional. pen ce and be -well recor V W %AIAPBELL i -Tb a Winnip, g ree Press ha ri CanlpWl, Esq., to Bricks and tiles'realy �ba�t the middleo Must we ex ornmen ad. c f the late M. one interested in ities The weather'iB somewhat hotter eldest so of next week. ThE tiles t -oni p to 6 inch bore. J. middw gedpiefeired. Appi3,to.roHNE(OJG, 01j, Seaforth. eived a half ZE Alk" (11 "'Wing Miss I fary IL Delg ty, youngest. daughter No. 2, C%mpbelrs Blo a 865,3 his tr dve Lot 28, I than in Ontario, but not that exceef I eat ully he d* ro.i E, e q., of Stanley. SPROAT. 86�x nite to defe a Rosal&lLd fbxm R. De] gat Concession 5, McKillop *h aiticlal ow heat that Canii suppolle; the sun 4 a 0 b 7ft ial JAIU 'a Eli LN N L I R f r F lis t 'U re h �n u 6 h h i' u h n U' �h ag, nf6 as