HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-07-04, Page 317 41 1884 kM WATCHES ig Watch of America, 1 Prices. Twenty Per ewer Than Ever. Line to be had at „OUNTER'S tif EMPORIUM. rad Cheapeet (quality of Jewelry, Watches, e and Clocks iall n the branches of Watches, eaky—all guaranteed te na. Fine Watches a 'enty-three years' patiRings, Loakete, Chains manufactured on the' a tree of silverware in t is the place, directly , Porter's cheap cash COUNTER, Ile Leading Jeweller. 11 APER' PAPER, P ASSORTMENT COUNTY D— PRI,OES, AT ?APSTS, FORTH. P. WHY Ir IS THE P. POPULAR If PARLORS, .LER at the helm, and now lh ia fast epproaehing, and [troll and Perth will doubt - it neat and satistic in the ad as holitlaa: gifts to absent- s.`d Mr. C. being fully alive aids fact, has made special the accent-la:Iodation of the D-EliaS for Christmas Pic- ,taew rear'a Pictures. For an..ezeallenee of shade and asful positien, coupied with ad and sea essoriea, give the then go arwa,y smiling with aura. EW CALDER, iScott' s Block., Seatoith. PI' a the place to go, el quite a, show. h and rare t,,,les are there, _ in price - -there goods so poor. dd. woman barn, ; ;Ock to -morrow morn. eclto show his stock, m Cardno's Block. oods are best, rvratch invest. viIi dc e his best, and all the rest. west of Toronto to chase Jetvelry, Silver- ( Spectacles ix jewelry store of 'APST 3 tr SEAFORTH. & OLAOK, ;Tx:AL .MAKERS. 1 .et bought the Toole and cerriedl on by the God- .tifactariag Company, and. ice of over eight years in feed to earry on the trade us will receive prompt aork gua,raaateeds •rsiade arid- repaared, also Iron Work, &cast Yea- tnd old is.es repaired 011 at priea that defy eom- & BLACK, ITif ROUSE. VcRIDE farming his. many old ;Laving secured License ..!,e Railway Station, Main a...reared to furnish the ta all favoring him with ravided and farniahed at Liquors and Cigare tile Ear, pensive Eostlers. The al -PS MeBRIDE. RIA 4, 1.884, 5 THE .URO *POSIT R. e Was Somebody's Mother. theanariangratei% day' ea-Illea'aircanaustaaabb.11"ellelrettWheeltdchLll of with the winter's snow, oalbetrOmanai feet were aged and glow. possaal at the (Ironing and waited long, oak Oared for, amid a throng asannan beings who pawed her by; atasshasdoil the glance of her anxious eye. Dosa the street with laughter and shout, aka in thetreedom of sehool let put, piottie boys like a flock of sheep, ifaese the snow, piled white and deep. past the wangle so old and gray, ,Thaaaneathe ehildren on their way, or °limed a helping and tO her, soineek,S0 timid, afraid to stir, loathe wattage wheels or the horsesfeet aaaeld emwd her down on the slippery street. loot came oce of the merry troop, The gayest 'addle of all the group. Hapaused besiae her and whispered low, arnbelp yon across if you wish to go." as aged hand on, his strong young arm polkaed, and without hurt or harm, aided the trembling feet along, passaithat his own were firm and strong. abenbaok again to his friends he went, ins young heart happy and well content. ape IgnitebOdy's mother, NM, You know, rasese is old, and poor, and slow; andI hope some fellow will lend a hand Took my mother, you understand, If she's old, and poor, and gray, oalfhet sollerm°ebownayd'etiamr boy inctherrfraway."towedl ow her head Warhorse that night, and the prayer she mid was: "God be kind to the noble boy oafs somebody's son, and pride, and joy." Gaieties. 0 It is said that water composes three-fourths of the human body." It only necessary to keep the head under for & minute or two and the whole body eomposed. .—e -Were you ever caught in a sudden 011 ?" asked an old yachtsman of a worthy citizen. "Well, I guess so," reeponded the good man. "1 have helpel to bring up eight babies." —A. little fonr-year-old said to his mother: Mother,' believe God thinks rm dead." " Why ?" asked the naother somewhat astonished at the _remark. -"Cause I haven't said my prayers for a week.,, —Baby said to his mother who had salsa_ teeth; 44 Manama, you are very lucky." Why, my dear ?" " Because, oily= teeth ache you can pull them ont tPapa,tonce" what is tariff ?" asked a Congressman's little boy. Gazing com- passionately at the youthful knowledge seeker and sadly shaking hia. head, the father replied : "My son I cannot tell a lie; I do not know." —"Well, Pat," was asked of a re- cently -arrived emigrant, "and how do yon like America ?" "It's a foine eounthry, sor ?" "Have you succeeded in getting work, yet ?" "No, sor, but I have a friend in Washington who is after getting me a pension." - Do von know the Jacksons ?" asked a lady of a young man who lived in their neighborhood. "No, I'm not personally acquainted with all the members of the family," he replied, "hutI always speak to the dog at the front gate as I pass." . —In one of the new girls' schools, the inspector arrives to make an exs amination. "1 wish to have the best informed young lady come to the black- board," he says, solemnly. No one moves. "Then," says he gracefully, "I should like the prettiest one to come. They all stand up. - I can't pay that bill just now; you will have to wait a little for the moray." "All right, sir," cheerfully responded the boy, as he seated him- self and unfolded a copy of the morning paper. " Them's-the order lt of the boss." "What are the orders of the boas?" de- manded the gentleman, sternly. "I'm to wait for the money." —The Rev. E. C. Hall, of Boston, gave a birthday party for his favorite dog, which was attended by a nthriber of representative people. The dog sat at the bead of the table with a napkin around his neck, lapped soup, licked battened toast and crunched candy with marked dignity. It only made one break, and that was to kick a flea off its jaw with its left hind foot. —Mrs. Blimber, walking home after the church sewing society meeting, en- countered Mrs. Jorkins. "Of course you've heard of the latest clerical scan- dal," said Mrs. Jorkins. "All about an American Minister now in Berlin. Ita very shocking. I wonder why be left his congregation for ?" .44 The very sub- ject we were talkin' about at the meet - in'. These clergymen are gettin' so aow,Mrs. jorkincathere's no abiclin"em. I'll not let this night pass without speak - in' to Mr. Blinaher and gettin' him to ask some member of the Board of Foreign. Missions." —"Ma, Pre now 17. Mayn't I enter Society?" Yon have to ask your father, Lizzie." "Ob, but he's.so gram; I'm afraid to." " Speak to him prettily dear, and be will hear you. He's in the sitting rocan." Lizzie summons cour- age and goes to her father. "Pa, dear, I'm 110W 17 years of age. May I enter society?" s What kind of society ?" " Why, the beet of society, of course." No. Do you suppose- I'm going to have you make a fool of yourself agoin' about here saying " caw " fur car, ,;,iofo:wila"yfeur.,,rfor, and such nigger talk? Anxious for Father. " Namma," said a secia,..11 boy, "do yon believe everything papa says ?" "OE course, my ohild," replied the motlaer, with wifely pride. "Everything, mammal?" "Yes, dear, everything.' "Wail, I don't." " Hush, you wicked boy; you mustn't talk BO. What did your papa ever say that you couldn't believe,?' You know that widow on the next square who always looks so Baur at as boys?" " YDEI mean that.pretty Mrs. Bontou ?" 'She's the one. I heard papa tell her yesterday that she was the sweetest 'Norden in town, and then lae gave her a 'mach of flowers, and it made me so ashamed to hear him tell such story that I ran away and wouldn't let him know that I caught him in it." That will do, my child," said the toother with a peculiar look in her gen- tle face ; " van out and play, and I will tell your father when he comes in that benanst be particular not to destroy his Boa's confidence in his veracity 1" Edgar Allan Poe. A.11 intimate friend. from boyhood of -Edgar Allan Poe says he never saw him anaile in his life. As a boy and young he was retiring, and made few 'ends. He was strong, and evoted t� alt sorts of athletic games, about which lie went in a serious, determiaed way, as in all things else. Ilis melanoholy Peculiar ways were in keeping with els weird writings. Once at school a °Ygot his hearunder his arm, and wail giving him a terrible beating, until byatanders frelid him. he beat ing was in pro so Poe kept I erfectl still and endu ed bei g of a endur ing, tough ph signet, s n :ern.gjjg h remarked that he had de ertnined to wai until the fello got (nth ustifil,, When h meant to pum el him no ' •Or all— just like his ti nal notio a of prooeeding He was mar: .eou, t ongh he neve sought difficul ies. A Little St 17 of a as Robert, a ba hfuli yo ng Cupid, recent' suMnao ed °enrage to eso rt a iyou g I At the breakfa t table n xt father said : ; " Well,. my on, did y n g any of the girl.. last Inig .t?" " " Tee said 3 ob. " Who was be ?"1 Robert hesi ated; but •out : "'1 though it was but when we g t to the she went into lla 111a "But I sho ld think told by the so ,nd of her father. "Neither b Bob, blushing troit Free Pre 10 118sai and st MIll B. I fin tpi 1Varren urn f he roa • . ht hav voile,' said hi 1 Boy t dent o P: enough homeElorniiag hi h me with blurted A Mr. B.—" paper that yd Mrs. B.—" rats and mice. scattered abo clear them .OU Mrs. B.—" are so awfully MT. B.—" mint. But I rats and mice Mrs. B.—" the mint they of the house that therefore Mr. B. cha 111 athe A mathem Village, Conn jr., aged abou young man of has a comm.° mathematics ability to add, tally. It is s complex prob minute can gi questions as t omotive drivi in diameter, the wheel ma how many se has attained months and month to con ifely ere i so ougl t t hatis t receipt f It sa.ys t the h o d," Bai ri oth ng in this kn. at? r go ting rid of hat wild mint use Will eel int? T at i what you fond,of, i n't Vell, yes I ather lik 'Wonder n hy i elears out I) roba.bly -hen they smel eonolud the. 'the ma iE a ha d drinker, and he cepb•ard 18 .empty." !ged the s bj7 atiCal •ro *gies. tical w •ndea at Falls tctient, is Rob let; Wilcox', 21 year ileea is a Ordinary ntel Once, and • school e uca ioa, but in as deVel ped eioaarkable 'abstract rid iVide men - id he is ot a le to solve ems, but in 1 ss than & e correc ans et$ to such e foliowi i g :1 Wen a loc'r g wheel - fee 4 inches ow:many revoartions will e ni going six miles ? Or onds has mail lived who he age of at !years 3 days, supptesting eacit 'ain thirt days? 14 Richmond, mind which i results in a m who will not May, and nei his sevens no in mental ari times his arse branches. age land Price, w carpenter, an other childr any rare m morning last stairs and as twice and that there w upon the lad two twice an that on to th ly stumbling len to so kind, which iorplexed they had taken no p him, and the could where he got his ideas coming of • t e holid mind becanie eugro childish thin s, and he cloned his m the atic consequently re u ing latterly devel ped into Perhaps if yo aek him times eighty re,ihe wil thousand and twenty s he generally 'yes the in one total, and do with as little thought as he would t111 you while he does not deal computea od numbers as he doe); ev n iones, ample be in addition multiplicatio i . fel his father sa d " Ro cents and yo r father then I gave aam nine; I left?""T • irty-nine quick as a fl sh, and t .am 44 years •f age; ho that ?" He j st as'pro "2,288." In tead of h head and a d arfecl bo such individ ale, be is portioned fo a boy, forty-five pen da, and 'of forehead paid hardly be were one not 'PPrised af hie ch tic. In habits be is olde years, remain ng with his stead of takint ta children' often saying t • neighbor chi they come to slay with hint better go ho• e mot kids of her (sen to both he is precopi• • s in eve phenomenal • mathe Cha ging a host JOhn Willi ruseil w 8 roar Highlands, an heard many gh told by peopl whp re lly be them. As a consequ nee, very superstit ous, itho gh be confess as m • h. At t e age "he joined th: soldiers "and only six rneiat s a eoldi r w ment was ord red to Ir :len was in the fir:t detach .'en new barrack a he had :eve tions with th sae about o I told him, anao • g other hin captain had d ed a month delirium tre ens, and th had been see, on seve al those on nieht duty. this John ke yt to th b nightfall, in t le -ho e t at tleman woul. follow 1 is spirit. It fel to Johi 's sentry on the ourth ni ht rival. It wa dark w en his orders, so hat aw surroundings. He :wen in box, end stay: • there or minutes, duri ig which ti came above t 6 e horizo that with its ght be fear, tknd bold y steppe But every ha r stood o saw what he ought t tain standing only Ove him with dr wn swor _ ndiao, as 811 antutore capabl of ilethnishin themati i al vs 1.1 A bo e six yea 8.01(1 until nex her s bi Sixes no his al • hab tt ;outrank hmetic sihol s of three and well tp i the 'higher is Mast r Gorge Row- ose fath r M L Price, , like h'swife and his n, has n ver manifesto ntal att ham rite. On the •oy ,cian!le clown ed. "-Ho nin.ch are two ne ?"- Ha: fater replie e no su h taieg; vvhere- 'ejoiued : 'Yi; there is ; one ma e 411 et. ' Fre holidays eonstant et ia or the his parents, as his to iostruc • 9t understan roue With th ye, licessever, hi for a tine abaJ se - d :With mor 1 pi blems, but th °, he ha me; tal,marve hovv ans xtie cor s it nd is in Ti just het 11 mhclifort '' TwL over," bu t ,ant3We apparent' ' prompt! ' Bane. An i:actions, he. as readily or the ea- traictiou or ow workmen cf I have 4 aye!, seven an ow many have " he: replied a e na n said, " 'many weeks i ptly spondecl, virig a massive y as is usual in ery evenly pro - g about is exlra breadth noticed racterisi- ban his ents in- orts, and c:1'PYnhaduowhen enough In fact, bat only er rb4r.7 wy d1 in the st stori s ieved obn W1.8 ould n t f twent had bee en his regi- . As Joh to roach the al mayors ave.! The s, that their reviOnsly of t his gho t ccasions b hearin rrhq ke e,id agfr et Int 49 go oh noir !his tar - he little of his o his sentry ally twenty te he moon . He thonght igh have little e e out of his box. d when be bo the old cap - ac s in -front Of •. ran w s a 41 against all la ; s ohn thought he liF: wotild cover •Jim) 1 w h honor by ply doing la's d ty e challenged the first time an me to " port "— answer ;- a s " ready "- -9 Now, rem the third time, I'll run you thr A moment's tiltI:18 611d Of TUUU with full 1 I he as thrown Wuen he got ou he W 8 eonfronted by l an officer who ad n riecl to the spot when be hea d t 0 challenging, and Bai , "Well, Joa n, Wih t have you been eh rging ?" " think t Must have been th dld-des-eil, for 1.1 Was dreadfully had, d, ".said Jo n, sea oe able to bring on the worde. " Pao follow, I hope yo4 havnit bro en yen ba,yonet•against thia tall pump," said he good-natured officer. SI for no th con me and came to o a er i; he then said mbe to challenge nd otS don't answer ugh Who goes there?" aus o answer; and rce, r�hn; charged : but ng object through, n h • tusk by the recoil. The Electri The Liverpo covery has recta trie lighting, w patentees, will tohring the atien for dom fo lig or me an pu at tin uec Th en lig th th be all Li t for Domes - 1 Pd tabee that a dis- tly loen Made in elee- ich jit ..s hoped by the olve the queetion how 1ectriQ light into oper- stic s It has been nd possible,it ie d, to produce t e t without t either engin s ynassios. required aule rely the ord nary tals and carbons a peculiar ind f acid. These are into an ord uary cli and immedi- ly the acid i poi d iu and the con- ity establis • ing e electric fordo ins to devil op. xperiments haVe ently been mad by Mr. E. H. ompsou, tin we 1 -known electrical ineer, by «hich H twenty candle t has been con inuotisly going by electric cur ent b ing generated in s way, land theee periments have n pronoune d a cided success by who have itnesie41 them. By this prOcess no accumulat rs are required, and the batteri-snijtc e so as to supply one or two hu died o More lights; at- cofding to the nuin e required, The new light, whi h is la led the Acme, it is asserted wil be a mirably adapted foij country r;sideiic s, yachts, etc., an1 can, it is o tine ed, be produced at a$ that of gaisi;s I uniinating power n8O of providing ty candle power h is calculated atra out £5 Ei ELI 11 a rice about the s with very sup rior wljuiie the origi al e tv ea enty lamps of tw 45 !Grand Portad -\7oy One of the Most 1 the early history of Gand Pottage, on Gr River. Iu 1679 Du thre, the ruins of Wh ib e a few years since, stance of the place after the establiSla st Company, thotig h. Declaration 9F s ,said to have alrea inercial ensporiam of b6ght with a mbtl is ence. ntil the bound rtage was the g arjd rendezvous of t ti e world, and bee to the voyageurs, o 01 e place in the w ti eir interests cent a,s ociated with soc is in. places like Gra • and the Old erg. re ting places in • ke Superior was •sselier bk Pigeon Lath built a fort ch; were still vis - but the real im- id'not begin un - eat of he North- atthefil igning of Independence it y :Men, a corn - the backwoods, na " bizarre "opx- • til • ts, treaty tee Grand rat headquarters e ia this part of a sort of home as at [least the eraess , in which , and which was pleasures ; and it n1 Pertage and Fort heroes of the P tkes) !ahem that one get;ddle. They are the best idea of i gay, droll, bragga t fellows, full 1 �f p9etry and music, kvlliose every passing inlood found expres io s in verse, which WKS often enough cogerel in form, b t more or less enniie in feeling. T iey were true beli ers, too, in the old G rman saying, "En anderes Stadtchen ei anderes Mado en; ' tand often ei ough had a sweeheartf at every post fr m Montreal to tie P office It was erefore natural tha some "ma Doud- 6 te " or" ma belle' ose "should often h made the them o co positions, the b dy of which wa raadu up of the im- p essions of the jou nay, the steersman t aching every pas inge;.ncident in hie mposition, and t14e th ra joining in a jo °tie chorus, keepn time with their p aches and theirs aying bodies, and o thing could be a idspiriting than a brigadeof canoes n der full. sweeping d wn some rapid iv ir. I Theirs was, h wever, a life of 1 a dships. and Lower C nada a1 -ways rer ai,ned the, home to W iioh they would p4ie time return, but t ward which they n4iverthe1ess ;always t rned the longing yes of exiles, and t e result was a pe t liar and pathetic s ddness runuin n tn under -tone t rough many of heir songs, giving t eir " complaintes " in particular a pe- c liar interest, and he might often 1.1- ve been seen at areuin slowly mov- iu4g across the polis ed s rface of some HI ent forest lake ith lowly dipping paddles, chanting" ona lainte," which p rhaps related t e ufferings and mis- t rtunes of some real or inaaginary "voy- a eur." At certain seasons hey came to the rand Portage, and 1 terl to Fort Wil - a 11 m, in numbers e elltn lg the popu- I tion to severalthOu au ; s, d it was invariably a season o feetivity and re- Aicing, when old fiiiends meet after seenes of danger, en3. o d vows were renewed over brim ng bumpers. Dur- iag the day there w r wrestling match- eand Indian dance in open air, and night after night ti e great banquet hall ith its low ceiling was lighted for the d lace with blazing pine knots, revoal- iifig its unstudied ecoratioia—a few p ire of snow -shoes leaning in the o rners, cutlasses °passed with muskets a intervals along the walls,' and an o casional pair a ibrawhing antlers, hich may have been the gift of some iglaland laddie, fo Sandy was by no 1 ea,ns a stranger to he fur -trade The'euling social eleMent, however, as always Fran , and there are few nttore picturesque a airs thb,n those bor- d ir balls; with an cicheetre, composed o a bag -pipe, a fid.! and a flute, to the usie of which t dark -eyed half - b eed girls moved 11 ough the stately d i.nce with the wi Ls grace and freedom o , the woods, wiila ga partners, who ,ere doubtlessly v: . ha dsome in their seft brown deer :kin leggings, their b lie capotes and s arl t Bashes, from hich bung gli' 1 rin knives and eMbroidered India' youchea—Harper's Magazine. Although ipaere Are ozens of worm re al?die i in the market ere is nothing ike or equal to Dr. ' E chilling's Genui Worm Cream. *others can rely ph it i,nd use it with safety. For sale by0al1 dr ggists. 837.52. 'a 1 E.ECUTOR Tign. VXECUTORS' NOTICE, all p hidebted to -a-a the est te of the late 'Arden Waods, in his the allege of a settlement of he undersigtied day! of Atgust ras against the tement of such )g tale !nature of filed ;with the 814 let day of wiII be b irred nivided by WOODS, 861 6 lifetime, D ctor of Me ic e, Baytleld, ele hereby notifioi that the stune Must be made With Executors)] on or before the 1st 1884, and all partes havir cis tiaid'ostaleptre notified ths, st claims properly attested ai d givi the security held (If any), lest b undersigned ou or befor the August, and ali claims not ben 1 and the estate wia be wow d up as law: W. s. WOODS, an talabEL Execatorsa Bayfield June rd 18a4. ESTRAY TO K. V STRAY' SHEEP.—qam into -la' the utidersignea, let 1 1 cox Killop, in May last, a whit we no mark on her. The Ow er ea omricopArotvLinug4property and p yang the premises of cesson 14, Mc- hees. Sue has hay a ;the same chargea. JAS. f363x4 ESTRAY i SHEEP.—Stra ed frim to 32, con- cesaioa 1, L. R. S Maker mitb, about the 1st of June, fur mat s and, five lambs. There were no marks. Any o e lVingj suqh : informa- tion as wit! le Ld to their reOvery will be suitably rewarded. DUNCIN alciaON EDI) Brucefield P.O: 802x4 1 4 v, IMPORT ANT. N OITICIE S. RLACKSblITH'S APP1tENTIraE WANTED.— as!' Wanted irenadiatfsly, st alt„ active boy, to learn the blucksmithieg 'nisi/testa Apply to THuMAS HiLL, Egmend b63 ja OUSE 3T') RENT a -a) -a'. cottage contaiuhia ei antly situated and oonveni business part of the town. KIDD, Seafortas. alid a half story it rooms., ft is pleas. it to the istation and App y 14 THOMAS 857 TENDE10 WAN-111).—TenOrs 'vill be re- ceiveall up to the 28th ol Jur e, fo the repair - lag of the achool house of icho&11 8etion No. 4, Grey. Pot instruction pa ase EL nala to 'Trustees, or to ANDREW SlafP ON, Ja esto vn P. 0. 863 1 "aDa ULT., FiSR al E AL — -1-• ough red Durham calved alas 30i h, 1883; ed in thelanada Short on lot 8, tic ssion 9, mondville ,P. 0. SIM° ‘ori a ale 'else p, a Thot- B 11 "Pak of May,i' f ioan c Mor uiil register - Ho -&i Heri Book. Apply I'm I e smith, ot to Eg- JUIN I ER. 858 usidAL.—Dai s. T. aaa a limited number f 1 in piano ail(' organ lessens street, secend door wo4 of SI HOP T RENT:—C otal Seatuab, la at doua tate hall. 1 Altogether in rep chledly the best husineas hit rounJecl.ba meat maikits, all that attraots basins) s. KIDD, Seal orth. end rgast will receive pils for iristructi on t hr resideace John. ngli h el tiach.449-t.f. - - - -- ron age n Main St., he Mao attics' Rata ir ; Rao c llar. De- letion in t wn. Sur- bank,1 po t dice aud App y t THOMAS 857 MOV'e,a.L. G. :nal gmo ed aas removed -I-4j Ins office to the budd na op made the burned mill, wheee he has a utenp14te st, ck of manufac- tured gocids, and who e e1I bt Mae s ;connected with the establislunel t i1 herea tar be con- ducted. 854tf A. G. Van GMOND. !: -- A SPLtNDID Engh c I3o 4-1- bargain. Etginc, qoldi make, 36 bailie power, line -hal a large flat wheel. B. i er 4, her 58 inches; an diameter, 11 e6t 5 front grates, sinoke stack, Hensall. ler or N ale at a & McCulloch's 12f430t long with o pi war, 49 flues, chds long. Fire • It.LIQUHART, 860 AGEM% WANTED.— antc, , active, reliable Agefts at Sea(orah, , -eter Go1 erich, Brus- sear, Blyta, Gorrie and W ghat , tt Canvass for the sale of ',capers, mowe s rak, :s, t hie binders, drills, seeders, plews, sulk v p:o ,a, straw cutters, wagons, a mks, horse" )tis IS, epatators, port- able and lraction steain en ine , • sew' mill ma- chinery, e , manufaci.or by the North Ameri- can Agrie aural Irnp1.meli and Gsueral Manu- facturing Company, Loncla . Ontaria. Apply to Wal. B. cLEAN, 13ensall Ont., arito the North American _Manufacturing 4. rapany, exedon. 841 ENTIRE STOCK POP, SERVICE.. a-'UFF0 K PIG—S.ho undersigned will keep on hand during the present se ison, a Taor- oughbredl Suffolk Pig, to la hell a limited nem- ber of soas will be 'aken. ! ore of the best pigs of hie class in the, col! ity. Te ns, 81, with the privil go of teturaing necessaar. Apply on the faim pf the undersign i et Grii.ve's bridae, Norther& Gravd Rosati cKi.lop. Htma J. GRIEVE 862 FARMERS, I . —TO CALL HURON F R tHE HICH ; And see o 0 Which has been ado this connty. I hay gr my Gang Plow for t s s satisfied in saying t it it the market. Our LAND R Are lar e and heavy, doing god work. GAIN C U Are made from hr iro longer than. any otl r Havin special to Is Roller , we can gua rate Specie, attention 1'Veil Steam Engines, Sa an P# YOU T T 00 sto 11 un ID;RY SEAFORTH, dt elf (12 espeeially for atlet improvea aeon, and feel is the test in I ERS in light and HERS aUd.will &chine made. or irecutting satiefaction. to !repairing Grist iMill, Reap", Mowers, T1i4reshng Machine, laine rea ot and all kinds of ma short notice and a To contractors an Bolts and Casting Q notations furnishe 1s� agent f pf L. ij. Sawyer, Ha of repa rs constantly ;on h y repaired on onahle rates. ers Bridge at 'lowest rates, on application, r the iMplements A. full line and. THOIVIA§ HENDR-Y. 13134L'S MIL S, IPPEN:ili JOHN M N VIN, Proprietbr of these well k own ndpepular mills, has noaagot everything in fi st-c ass working order, aid is prepared, to lurn c ut an article of FAMILY FLOUI whi h cannot be ex- celled bb any mill in the ounl ry. GEIST1fIG DONE WiaiLE PARTY • WAITS BOIL 9. Flour challenged for wheat. b1hoping of every description promptly attrndedI to. Flour and Bran al 'Itys on Hand, anal so1I at the lowest market rices. Remember the popUlar mills. JOHN BUN Kippen. Croquet, Cr icket Ball, Boxing Gltve Fishing Poles: UMME? OAMES. Lawn Tennis, Cricket Batf, Forts, Fishins Baskets, ait B,X83,cc., C6C. Base Balls, Foot Balls, Fishing Tackle, .Reels, ‘MUSiCAL 1 STIRUMENTS. Vi tins, Cone rtinas, 4ccor'deons, Vouth Guit rs, Flutes, JeW:s Harps, The best value i LITMSDEN the above lin s is to be found at & .cott's Block, MENT EMPO USIOAL INSTR 1SEAFORT /OTT BROS., rgans, eaforth. 'CiINTARIO. !UM, PROP IETORS. PII.A.11\T LI Read th ta following testimonial by one o the best musicia s of the present da': " The TJpright Pianos of Messrs Dun am deserve, as Well an emphatic " e dorsement, as a decided success. They devolop a tone, w jell in power and " s mpathetio quality, can not be surpassed by the now existing 'Uptight Pianos, "aid are eqnally beautiful in their musical 4ualities as well as in thieir exterior " aPpearance."—THEODORE THO AS. i , , EXCELS! R PRGANS This celebrated Organ has always received the highest aweed wherever shown, taking first. prize at the Northern Union Exhibition in October, 1883. Anaong other Organs shown at this show were W. Bell tt Co., Guelph; Kilgour, Hamilton ; Karns, Woodstock, ttco. all and see UB before buyiag. Old instru- ments taken at their full value. Orders for_ tuning pianos and organs attended to at once. SCOTT BROTHERS. N. B.—Small Instruments, such as Violins, Guitars, Accordeons, Con- certinas, deo., on hand.; also a good assortment of Piano Covers, Piano Stoola, Ali kinds of Instructian Books. ST MPING Patterns for Kensington Crewel Outline Emhreideries. an 05. TH ME ICAL HALL, 1/1.A.,121\T?TET. SDTE, Hs now placed in thp market a ;new and wOnderful Blood Cleanser iad Purifier. It will cleanse the sy tem from all j impurities, and, leave -you in a llealthy con- dition. It is a, purely vegetable Orin ound, and as a blood medicine has no equal. Customers and other e whose system or blood is out of order, Will d well to try a bottle of a of C. Dunan's El4ract of Red Cloy r, d be convinced that it has no equal. On triai will convince yo fliat it is at it is represented to be, and no ainhug, You can secure it at a. small cost 1 per bottle, and judge for yours° ves as to its merits. PURE DROCi, yo Al NE have in a fail and well -assorted stock of i • CHEMI6A S IND PATENT M DICINES. We also keep in stock all the atest P tent Medicines in the market. If don't see what y u want, ask fo it, and you are sure to get it. N. B. Physicians' Presbrip ions carefully and accurately orders from a distance filled with care and despatch. xt Door to DUIICE111 DUNCAN orapounded. SUCCESSOR TO E. HICKSON Se CO. Dutican,'s Dry Goode Store. NE SPRING GOODS -ALP, A AT Mc SE To mak room lance of Winte Fogs. 11 inyit du OUGEELIT FORTH. diced pric the time. PR I am still offri g the Goods at gratP y re - DUCE J. McLO'UGHI4 d bargains AKEN AS CASH. Whitney's Block, Se _.. ow' forth. A SMALL MAN. A MEAN MAN. Smaller than an ordinary hay seed and meaner than buckwheat straw is he who thinks rhubarb pie t are plenty good enough withopt sugar in them, and doesn't see why hi4, wife wants sugar to can strawberries airkh. He is sure to have cramps whensthe warm weather comes, and its right here now, for he'll find such sour food won't agree with him, and then the doctors bill is no small item, and he growls about the rhubarb and the gooseberries, and says he doesn't like them. I wonder who would when taken that way. Well, to. take that forlorn look away and send a pleasant smile over your countenance, let your wife have plenty of sugar. She knows best, and then she'll be happy and she'll make you happy too, and if you consult her she will tell you that Renton Brothers is the place to get good cane sugar—not pipe clay or powdered bones, and the finest grades of white and granulated. Yes, Banton Brother3 are offering great value in sugars. Pure cane sugars, ponncls upon pounds for the dollar, just what you want and 'what you have been looking for. Come and buy a barrel and see how cheap you will get it. Why, you eould not grumble any more, and for fine granu- lated sugar, the best to be had, we will startle you. People who want sugars that will keep their fruits should not fail to visit Ranton Brothers, and they will be amply repaid. It will pay you to buy your sugars, sugars, sugars, every time for pure sugars, clean sugars and good. weight, at Ranton Brothers, who have just got in a big lot of fruit jars— pint jars, quart jars, half gallon jars, all at low prices. RANTON BROS., EXETER, Noted for Nice oods. ROBB'S GRObERY, SEAFORTH. Parties wishing to puroha,se Fresh Groceries of the Choicest Brands, are particularly requested to call at the -Popular Grocery, Starks Block, Main Street, Seaforth. I have ataiv a fine stock of the best Sugars in the market, of 9,11 brands, and will give FIFTEEN POUNDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. 1 QTRAIGHT loans at6 per tent., interest pay a-7 able half yearly, ou Ili per cent. yearly, with) privilege to borroWer 0 repaying part of Francis pal moneY at any time. Apply to F. Oman, BM, BaritOr, Seaferth. 850 FRESH HONEY. I haveit fine a lot of extracted Honey as ca be found in the market, at 15 cents per pound. CHOICE TEAS As usual, Cheap and good. Robb's celebrated Oared Hams and Meats always on hand. The hams are especially fine this season, having been cured by an improved process. Cured meats whohisale and retail. All kin,ds pf Family Groceries always on hand. Inspection respectfully in vited. HUGH ROBB. N. B.—King's Specific, a sure cure for Dyspep+, always on hand. TEAS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. 1 --AT THE— POST 6FFICE 'STORE We bave:juet received a large cOnsign. ment of Teas, wh.ch we intend jobbing off at Wholesale rices. If yon have not already tried harlesworth'e Teas, do so at once. Fiiie Pounds of Young' Hy- son'tor Five Pound of our Fifty Gent Tea /or $2. Five Pound of our Sixty Cent Tea jor $2.50. Five Pounds of our Seventy- five Cent 4eafor $3.00. Our fl*ee poun Tea for $1' is super- ior to any 40c tea in the naarkete! M. A. CHARLESWORTH. A SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. The undersigned offers for. salehis Blaekismith- ing and Wagon -making establishment in the vil- lage of Egmondville, together with the teols and good -will cif the butaness; abed a considerable stock of Iran and lumaer. There are to large shops, one for blacks ithing and the other for I wood -working. Therat are three fires in the blacksmith shop. Th s is in thecentre of one of the best -Wicultural districts n Canaa.The business 1148 been eats lished thitt y yeare and a good man With some aspital can 'make i money R0tnEUigeLsTOoNr . s fast. The b, est reason given fo a sellinga Apply 110BthEeRPTIel • dress Egationdvilla la 0. MONEY TO LOAN. 1 ' 1 .