HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-06-27, Page 6t 6 TH t iitJp.ON E Stories of Blasphemy. The story is told of an old man n Philadelphia who with twelve kind spirits, was taking supper the ot evening at an hotel. He was asked offer a prayer which, being a loud blatant contemner of -religion, he provoking by his burlesque the lan ter of those present. When it was tined that thirteen were present at table some one said it- was "the supper." Soon after the old man' tered an oath so terrible and blasph ons that it shocked even his oomra Suddenly he grew pale; complained great pain exolaipaecl, “rm-afraid i my last supper after all, " and w home, suffering severely, and feeling if he had been struck a heavy blow u his head. The next morning he found dead in bed. Two or three years ago an Illi farmer who was very 'anxious ab saving his wheat before it rained struck dead by a bolt of lightning his doorway just as he was cursing the thunder storm that came on a soaked his grain. About 100 years ago a profligate E lish nobleman' named Lord Sand belonged to a company of young fell like himself, who lived in a deser abbey and caricatured -with blasphe and obscenity the monks' religious s vices which used to be performed the At one of these orgies Sandrich inaok the devil, and to the horror of hims and his comrades that personage leap from an old chest, and, after runni about, tumped upon the noblema shoulders, who fainted with fear. was soon discovered that the " devi was a baboon that had been hidden a at the proper moment liberated by Jo Wilkes, who afterwards made, li Bradlaugh, an obstinate fight for a se in Parliament. Tho records of the Scotch Chat • contain many instances of the power the clergy over the lives of those w • disregarded or flouted them. While t Rev. John Welsh was diseoursing to company at supper a young man dispu ed him, and finally rediculed him b pointing his finger at him and Maki grimaces. Welsh charged the compan to take heed and see what the Lo would do to him who had mocko Shortly after the young disputant san under the table and died in the presen of the company. At another supper some time after member of the party laughed at th solemn discourse of the Rev. Mr. Ho Mr. Hog turned around and assured th scoffer that he" would soon seek fo mercy and find it not. That sam night the scoffer was taken ill, and i great alarm sent forithe clergyman, bu before he could arrive the sick man wa dead. A drunken man imitated an uncont way of pitting ont his tongue which, minister indulged in while preaching • Bat to his horror the mocker Joan that he could not draw in his tongn again. The tongue stiffened, paralysi ensued, and in a few days_ the man died Three gentlemen left the church dur ing a discourse to go to a place of amuse meat. The clergyman threatened them with the divine displeasure. All thre died violent deaths, one from a fall o his horse, and another had his throe cut. A Scotch laird, having pulled a min ister out of a pulpit where he had n right to be, the indignant_ clergyman cried : "For this injury to a servant o God you shall be brought into thi church like a stricken. sow." A shor time after the laird was engaged in a qnarrel and his bleeding corpse was brought into the oh,nrch. An imprisoned old olergynian cursed a young girl whom he heard laughing at him outside his cell. She was after- • wards blown from a rock and drowned in the sea. Whether anyone is inclined to believe these stories or not, all coarse,caricature • of religions beliefs is like profane swear- ing, " neither brave, polite nor wise." ear red her to and did, gh- no- the last ut- em- des. of t is went &a 011 was Was Lois out was in for nd ng- ich Ws ted my er- re. ed elf ed ng n's It 1" nd hn ke at ch of ho he a, t - ng y rd d. Ce a g- r 11 li a d 8 - ffft t 0 The Onion Crop. "Etna," the horticultural correspon- dent of the Husbandman, says _ In one sense, the onion crop is a peculiar one. Rotation is, consideted • beneficial in almost all farm or garden crepe. The onion is an exception to this rule, as it may be grown for an in- definite length of time on _the same ground, provided of course, that the regular supply of manure is kept up. It is even claimed by some,that the yield gradually improves from a given piece of ground. A field in Rhode Island is said to have produced onions for seventy consecutive years, and one in Scotland. claims to have passed its centennial year in constant onion growing, and it is said that neither of these pieces show any ill effects from this long continued cropping. As weeds are the- chief enemy of this crop, it is not policy to change the ground oftener than it is necessary. Any good farm land pro- perly manured, will produce a good crop of onions. The amount of crop will usually depend on the amount of manure used. A piece of ground with fair manuring will produce four hun- dred bushels per acre, would under very heavy manuring yield eight hun- dred bushels, other conditions being the same. One thousand bushelshave sometimes been grown on a single aere. Hog manure is considered preferable to that from other animals, but almost any -kind is good, provided that it is thoroughly decomposed. Guano, bone dust and wood ashes are also excellent. It is customary to apply stable manure or compost to the soil either before or immediately after plowing, and then use the commercial fertilizers or ashes as a top dressing at the time of sowing the seed. The surface should be made .imellow and as smooth as the harrow and roller can make it. It is very im- portant that the seed should be sown as early as possible n the soriag. Large growers nee a special machine for sow- ing the seed. This Kiwi two rows at mete and covers the seed at the same time. About four pounds of seed are sufficient for an acre. • If the laud is rich,the plants will not require thinning, unless the seed was sown too thick. The bulbs will develop well, hence it is the policy of the grower to plant his seed. sufficiently thick to produce the largest yield of merchantable bulbs per acre, without the necessity of thinning the crop. "In no other crop is it more essential to keep weeds undeaabsolute subjection. The plants are feeble while young, and never shade the ground to any ex- tent. If weeds are allowed to grow among them, they will soon subdue the crop. Excellent hand cultivators are now being made with the help of which a careful mai can do a of weeding, By m ans by the hand a sharp each side of the Ow a and with a careful the tool, only a few w pulled by leaad." mo of 1 lad th ma --7----- ors B. Muencipee—The o un Court of Revision, aco di tisement. Members a p following appeals were dis Wm. Woodrow comp ain high assessed—cri sed stun, too high ass sse —r James MeGee, too gh dialed $100 ; James hn too high—dismissed; ,,. entered as owner of so th half of lot 15,, conessi n 6 H. Clark, dog and p rso struck off ; Wm. Phel n of north halfof lot14 co place of Wm.1Wilsimi. a , entered tenant of aort .ea lot 12, concession 19 ; son entered owner of ort lot 26, concession 5; i m Robb and John Robb e te the south half of 1 t 2 i Charles Hingston en ere north half of It'ae 2 an 3 5; Arthur Hingsto e te north half lot 00, c n.5 M dog struck off.: Tile C art then adjourned and o di business was proceeded wi ber of accounts were or er when it was moved by W. seconded by 1 E. 1Bos a Reeve be instructed to pu lot 10, concession 1, in pr repair—Carried. Moved b and seconded by C. A. lo Treasurer he iastructed to. from the .bank1of Han:alto. , as satisfactory applicat ons have bee receives for loan on re:1 state—Car e ried. i• ved by W. Wr y nd second : °moan, that he tatute labor • a' d ' est side for ed n the 2€lived by H y ' .1Itosman i rub ed to hav at lot 4, con o : xp ed $5 n idehrie, be con eteton 9 Wr y sec - at Et Bosman 70 in : gravel- ts 15 and 16, the grading is ran 1--tOarried. d; eettaded by ! evee, author - ,e pu np on ap- 'd --4Carried. d 0 aiaded by ygr 1 li ianngt h oorn- at , concession nc1 then ad - 30th of t all the wok vel'8 operated is' run along same time, to operate are left to be it] met -as a Ito advea- ! seat. I The osed of, vii.: d 1 beipg tact D ' . , iving- ditoed J20�;$ 13868)38 —ral- ie as eased antelon was alisof north i i place of al property tered owner cession 9, in tel Hodgins, t quarter, of i. A. Thomp- quarter of Robb, Geo. d owners of nceeeion 6 ; owner of ! , concession ed T tenant of a. Haird,one of Revision ry council . A num- d to be paid Wray an , that th 1 culvert at per state of • HI Mooney e, that the draw 2,000 , Wingham ed by E. for one t along the eas of the township be pe gravel roads—Carried. Mooney and seconded that C. A. Howe be ins gravelling on crossway cession 7; finished, also in cutting down hills tween lots 10 and 11, Carried. Moved by W. onded by H. Mooney, t be instructed to expend ling crossway between 1 concession 2, providing properly prepa4ed for Moved by C. Ar HOWE) a E. Bosman, that the R ized to have a hub hoar proach to Armstrong's b Moved by C. At Howe a W. Wray, that,111. Moon ized to expendi $601 in crossway at 1001, oa th line—Carried. 1 The Co journed to mee again June next. , Manit ole an 1 Notes. The machinery ! for tory has arrived at Minn —There was a heavy r hail at Emerso last wee age to windows A great were broken. The Bail size of hens' eggs. —For the petit tw Or fires 13.ve been aaging in the Turtle Mountaiu. The ilia o in 2 22, and has worked its into, Dakota. The amo nt done is considetable, an ca be calculated. The itettl the loss. —Says the Winnipeg . an inenamiller say e that ac ord present outlook there wil b. bushels of wheat in the or . export next MIl.1- But th ea the crop is not the ozily on A good crop “ boem ' th abroad as well as put h ar settlers already here. —The Brandon Sun ,of 1 A few days since Mr. A. half Emotion, oven the rive from the city, at $15 per Russel has also haade a g izing about $4,000 fora h the Souris Rivet. Sever have been made during t days. The prices in eac been very good. ; —The Brandon1Sun of la On Tuesday last the expr left the Brandon station passengers, mostly young mechanics, etc. 1A report with some of them learn could get nothing -to do h leaving the counitry in dis were purchasing tickets f our cousins, and ot-a few ing to Ontario-. —Every night this we fallen in South rn Man points west of 1roadview water Lake the ifrheat is high and if the h vest is there will be an verage in of at least thirty bushels t Moose Mountain, too, th looking famouslyj but the a railroad. The est repo cora°, from the oosotnin Galgrave, a larg farmer friesshire, who hs been o farmers there co ld make tune by raisingj turnips cattle, that is by oots and Winnipeg butches can, affo Iowa fed cattle, t ey shoal pay a pretty good price for fed cattle. 111 heelLest. II heese fac- at . torte with Lich dam - Many Of them wa half the th ee lweeks titriber at mmonced ayi south f damage , spercely se eore at r)3 Ai prom - rig to the 3,6100,000 west for h Talus of ideration. °pantry into the st eelt says : hi p !sold a t ee ' miles a,cr. . Mr. J. od ale, real- lf atm on er sales ast few se have 1 t31e1i says : es Yoh* east dfes.1 n er wetsh, nversing at1 they nd were A. few e land of e return. k kailn has tob and at t White- ftei inches ellj gathered thi distlict thd acre. At c ops are ar ers want ts, however, reg On. Mr. fro ,Dum- t 4tes, says f3 all for - for 1, feeding graaing. If d import b able to he anitoba, 1 t 0 1 ro en r d re, t us Vital Ask the most e Of any school, in the world for q irritation of the n forms of nervot natural, childlike ways ? And they will t " Some form of CH. Ask any or all physicians: " What is the b that oan be relied on to cur of the kidneys an as Bright's disea or inability to ret diseases and ailrj men "— "And they and enaphatically Ask the same p " What is therr cure for all liver constipation, ind znalaria, fever, ag tell you: Rlestion ! inent p ysi ian hat is the b st ' thing meting an al eying all ryes, an cjuring all s compl int , giving • refreshi g ttbeep al - 11 you nt1i. itatingly Hops 11" PTER 1. f the m st eminent st and ally, remedy all diseases rgts I such s, r tention, :ndj all the to ivce urinary e, diabet in urine, lents pec ill tell y "Buchu ysicians oat la ea aseases or -dy pepsin ; gestion, bili usness, e, etc.," a d they will vcplioitly d surest 11 " Mandrake 1 or Hence, when th •mod with others And compound() wonderful an • ower is develops n its operations t ealth oan possi ower, and yet it i Harmless for th eakest invalid or 1 CIE " Almost dea For years, and g f Bright's andat iver complaints, consumption, hav Women gone ne From agony o ess, wakefulness, • °culler to women People drawn o ruoiating pangs o • atory and ohroni orofula. Erysipelas ! " Saltrhenm, blo s a, indigestion, an iseases frail " Nature is heir to Have been cur oof ad which oan neighborhood in th andolion 1' remedies are com- nally valuable. a Hf p Bitters, such e ys °rims curative hi h is so varied at no disease or ill lly efist or resit its oat frail woman, sliest ohild to use. R Ii. " Petiento 1 r nearly dying" n up by physicians • kidney diseases ere coughs, called een cured. y crazy ! neuralgia, nervous d various diseases f hape from ex eureatism, inflam- or Isuffering from d poioning, dyspep- , in fact, almost all d by Hop Bitters, be !and in every known world. None are gen o green Hops ea un all the vile, Hop" or , "Hop 4.52.m. me withoat a bunch the white label. soneus stuff with in their name. WROXETER MILLS. LEX. L Begs to announce t • has commend WROXETER WO aud thatlie will b good v FULL CLOT TWEEDS, • UNION T FLANN • PLAI • GIBSON the Public that he o operate the LEN FACTORY a td varieties in S prepared to give 110 111 Spinning and Fullin ed:to. Parties from a dis posible, have their them, and as he has goiel, working order but efficient wor wrranted. Remember the W ALEX. L. ,• ARDING, ronaptly attend- ! • ce 'All, as far as olls home with nt the mill in o d eimploys no4e all work is o ()te Mills. ROIRIETO • synoysi puv sapvcrg no ivd.quojw .10.1 S..191.tV72ZPV9H AGRIOUL I VIPLEM ,•• • ID. • CD t• The Glencoe Agriculture factoring Company have pl the femora of Huron and P arranged with ,VERITY, Ex MONROE & HOG ViordAs KeDONAL To keep constantly on hand WROUGHT IRON l . arid all other Implements I them, also for all the macbit feetured by THMPSON, & ford. IAll orders for Machinery le or aditessed to Box 33, reoeivepaompt attention. 815 I. BO • • • • • lImpleMent Menu- nre in informing h that they have eaferth, 1 repa,ins for the liMUTER r41anufctureded by fornierly mann- TAMS, of Strat with their agent, N144.1411, will 'nun* Agent, a POSITOR.. RAL ESTAT FOR IA LE. or n ARE FARM FOR SALE.— rth half of i " ht 30, and north hall of aortlji half of lot 31, donoession 9, McK111op• Most o this land is ir Seeded, and in excellent condition atm meadow or pasaire. FOr furthe porion' s apply to ANDREW GOVENLOCK,Winthrop P. 0. 819t1 FCR ALE.—A comfoli itable oott go and two shoe, suitable far !blacksmith and wagon maker, lin a good part Of pie town or busness. The cottage is in good rfapair, and s pleasantly situated. The whole prcperty will 11,resold in a block or separately, en very ohe p. Apply to W. N. WATSON,Sealort a 80841 -FAum FOR SALE. -4 -Fr sale a farn containing - 95 sores , being comp Bed of lot tjlo. 2, in the 91h concession of the to nship of Griy, in the county qf Huron, mostly cleared and free from !stumps. There is a bank barn 5444 ; a brick house at d two good wellsi fril) above property iidjoine he incorporated village of Brussels. For farther ertioulars apply to D. DOBON, on the premise ,or to Brussels P 0,- ' 857 OUS FOR SALE — or sale, t prclporty on John St et, Senior to St. Titomas church p rsonage, oupied bfr Mr. Boole. Th e is good s Lion, firs -class cellar, six edrocian,p room anl a good kitchen. Also a lar hard an soft water, a ne stb. .3, a neoessa es complete. r futher' apply to he proprietor. D. ROSS, t desirable h, next door nd now oo- one founds- rlor, d ining e woodshed, d all other particulars forth. 830 T_TOUS 11. sal south of Seaforth land, all The bou a good c water To on the W. T. Al FA' C885 FOR SALE R TO 'ENT. --For or to rent, a (la ening ho e and lot, the railway track) adjoining he town of There is three uarte s of an acre of actor -iced; a so a goo orchard on it. e IIlCUlflfllO(liOIUi and coinforlable, with llar and woods e ; also hard and soft venient. Wi 11 b sold cheap. Apply rernises to the undersigned. MRS. EN S. • 855 0118A0LE.,connig —Ntihhalf of lot 29, con - 0118, Morris, 100 acres, 40 of which art cleared and neary free from stumps. There Or4 on the premides la good log house and frame strle, two never faraing wells nd an ex- cellent o chard of almosli, two hur dred fruit trees, all bearing. The /arm is oonveuietitly situated, being only twiaa d a lalf miles from Brussels and thirteen fron Sea rth.; For fur- thr part oulars apply to . S. COT, Brussels, or to RI HARD LEES Lndsayj 841 N TUCKERSIi 1TH FOR SALE— ale, lot 4, co ce ion 3, H. R. S Tuck- ontaining 100 acaaa 8 of ;which are he remainder s hardw od bush. There brick house and fraiio outbuildings. splendid orcherd and lenty of water. nient to school, and ch reh. jIt is with - es of Seaforth and six 1. Clinton, with I roads leading to bo h plaares4 For rtioulars apply ou the preinisee or to 0. ROBERT MoVE Y. j851 FARM For ersmith, cleared; is a good There is It is conv in five mi good gray further p Seaforth ARM N McKILLOP FOR S LE.i—For sale • on reasonable terms, lot 1', concession 4, McKillopl containing 100 ares, f which -about 85 are cle red, well un eradrain d, well fenced and in a good state of cultivati n. There is a small orcl ard and pleat of good water. There is a sprinq creek runnin t rougl the Voce. Also good franae buildings. C nveni nt to schools and post Mee, and within ivo m' les of Seaforth, with a go4id gravel road all the w y. For further particular apply to th3 p oprie or on lot 13, concessioij 6, or to Beec w od P 0. ROBERT McKERA HER. 860 _TALUA. LE FARM F0R I ALE —Lot 32, C. N. v 6, Hu lett. Gravel road to 0 inton, 4 miles distant. trhe property contain 1111 acres, of which 1001 are cleared, well fene d and under - drained. he buildings re all in good order and commodioaa, including a brick dwelling, two large bari s, large driving shed and datable, all built on s lid stone foun lotions; farm well wa- tered, witul large bearing ordhard. Liberal terms. For partic lars apply to W. W. ARRAN. Clin- ton. 861-4 VAP.M I L• 1o14, aces, abo well fence the balanc acres of bis orchard an ted within Walton, w mill, chees miles of B past tho pl first class on reasona get more 1 Walton P. VAR F -1; lot 7, acres, abou free from s tion. Ther and a neve the place. school and gravel road running past particulars liddress Harlo lot 6, conqession 12, H Proprietor.1 GREY FOR SALE. oncession 1'4 qrey, t 70 acres cleared, free and in a high ritate is well timbered thei ck ash and cedar. Melo is a good It l hi situa- ing ;village of school, stores, o within six ssels and a cr od grave road Twining oe. A good' nelv fra no house and ntbuildings. Th ls fax • villa be sold le terms, as the propri tor 'wants to nd. Apply on he p emises or to . THOS. MT'D ZE N. 1 861x12 For Sale cheap, onts.ining 109 from stumps, 1 cultivation; being seven splendid spring 'water. one mile of the fiends ore there are chirrolies, factory, &c. It is al R SALE.—Fdr f4de tl oncession 12. Brllat, 40 of which ore oleare amps and in al hi h Ida Ole a good tran° bans, failing spring or k Is within a quirt r of s Convenient t Market he tlaco. k1. O. illott. e e cent , w et half of ining 50 11 fenced, e of • eultiva- two orchards ning through a mile of a ,&c. A good For further or pply on HOS. AMOS, 861 VARM FdR SALE.—Forsa -2-- 2, Gre , containing 100 cleared, fre from shunps a of cultivati n. There are on house with eller, kitchenlan barn, 52x76 with root hothel neatia drivi g house, two il good bearin orchard of choi e frui are fourne er failing spring' ells It is situatell seven and a hal 'nil eels, twelve miles frohi Li to el, wi roads leadibg to each e, c chthchesan1 school, bein ly 40 corner of t apply to th Jamestown Le, lot 11, cencession cres, boat 65 acres d in a g ocl state e pre 1 i8e a frame ciste n. A bank rid 8 able under - a h lf a res of a tree . There n tlje farm. • lroinBras- h good gravel nvenient 1.0 ods from the pcnticulars mises or to 8614. ia o farm. F r Authe proprietor on the pr 0.—Aix. Ros . VARM FO -a: or to r sion 5, Morr ing ipo acre 52 acres in and crops n There are 1 25 acres of s roots; bola sion at once GEORGE A SALE OR ¶0 ' RE/4 .—,For sale nt, the south ialf of I t 2, oonces- s, two miles fou4 Bru sels, contain- ; 80 acres clered. Th re are nearly rop of all kinds. 1 Will nt the farm w growiog, whioh loo promising. acres of fall wheat, 15 ores of hay, ring crops and an acre :nd a half of ce good pasture. Will give, posses - Apply to PETER HOMSON or MSTRONG, BrUssels„ I 863 VARM P1 R SALE.—Fr sale, 50 acres of first-cla s land, being lot12 an. the east half of let 13, co • cession 9, McKillOp ; 1'1 wiles clear- ed and in a ood state of cultivati n j the re- mainder go hardwood bush.Th 1ais well under -drain d, well fenced, ' two well and a never failin r spring creek ;I frame b rn and stable and Iog barn,two comfOrtabl log il houses and two orcl ards, It is con'4enien toi schools and churche . Is eight miles from Seaforth and eight from Walton. For forthe particulars apply on te premises or to It G. ROSS, Winthrop P. 0. ;862 QPLENDII farm oc gravel road, farm contain nearly all w clear of foul There is a I bank barns, other necess of three acre besides a lar It is one of t Huron tract.' Also lot 33, o of McKillop, Containing 75 Good buildinairs. To be sol crop. Posselssien at once. LOCK, Seafrirth. FARMS FOR SALE. Foiisale,the upied by the undersi! ed, on the ne mile nortb f Se: ortla. Tlie 176 acres, of +,vh ch 160 are cleared, 11 under-draiea we weeds. Plenty of s rge brick rsidece, tock stables, driving s ry outbuildings. Ther , surrounded hy beat e orchard of the hoice e best and hands niest t e` 13t or s, 52 w th or OBE FT_TIEZ,1TIT J. S. PctRTEF 8 er ant dete Entire less of mined to took of Fur9 ost. 1 feted and ring water. comissiodious eds and all is a vinery tiful hedge, t frdit trees. forme in the concession cretleared. wit out the GOVEN- 863 Iv" A ORTH. iear 02t mj it2cr rgard ! ra to Oscar- ewhere. g cosh, ea• chairs for gBed, the warranted . CSrifotretrh t, allow. No ORTER. THOSE IN WANT, it will ay ra .) (recount to tlios payi ' tain prier before purehaa'ng el give a 'erg pecially to nerly married cuples. I am still 9 lling six highly finish 1, $2.50. I als keep Knowltoni Spnj best and ch apest in the 1 market , I perfectly nit:11,16es. Wereroome di/ectly oppooite M. MaramothJewelry Store,Main Stre East Side. Cash for hides, skins, fare and truck or trade. Cash for everyf g. 625 S.CAMI ° ° and CM ly attended to JOH* S. ! BELL, Provincial Lard Sarveyor Engineer. Oadeas by ailprompl D. EL 0AMBLLI1I1OtIU i! • N TRA LA Proprietors o the Central ROCERY. FAIRLEY, G °eery, till TAKE THE 00 ERY AND GLA ed. W keep large stocks' o EssMcheaWpeaks sAelS1 ur BUYER. CHOICE RO ERIES 0 We offer liberalindu ements to the fu11y assortel in all d partment . ho se in Canada, q ality conaide Green, Black and 9 apan. UA FINED, SOT' H, LISVERPOR C FFEES rbasted and groand on the Sp ces and very choic Extraot . ickles Co nmeal, Roller Flour, Peas, Jat, etc. Butter and Eggs take Laidlaw & at airley, Seafo IN RAWS, YEL L AND GRAN premises. We keep n bulk and bottle. A. Highest Mctrke EAD IN SWARE. p our stooks ny reliable TEAS Lin OW RE- LATED. tire ground so Oatmeal, Price. th. •••••iiiii=f777 PLOWS! PLOWS! CHILLED OLO JUS O. C. Agricultural Implp Genu S & RECEIV IL ine South iBend SULKY PLOWS, AT— SON'S raent Wareroom, Seafo Whieh ill be sold at o1d prices,1ot impOrt duties the sub criber beitig d stock, imported One H ndred aul P. taxif: ; conseuently, h4 is enablel3 to sto4 is exhau, ted. C ,ll and see tho ferior article. Every Plow guara4itee full stook of Massey Reape [3 Toronto Mowrs, Toronto 'Cord in Sha 'a Rakes; all of which will be so of a14 kinds always on hand: for the a before buying a machin, th, ithstanding the increase of 1 per cent. termined to keep those tialuab e Plows in ty of them a few days before the rise in the sell theta at former prices until the present e Plowbefore baying a common or in- to:give satisfaction or 110 sale. d MisI3ey Mowers, Toronto R: ers andi Massey's Low Down d oheapi and on reasonable term . Repairs ove machines. Don't fail to se my stock • JimeTE 2T, 1884. HOFFMAN ROTHERS' Cheap ash Store, sE OR-TH. NEW PRIN 13 AND GINGHANS AT HOFFMAilii BROTHER& BEAUTIFUL PLAIN AND FANCY SATEENS AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS. NEW HOSE FO LADIE', MISSES' AND Boy JUST TO nAN;AT ti0FNI LARGE STOCK OP PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS JUST OPENED OUT AT • HOFFMAN BRTHERS. FULL LINE OF ALL SIZES DR. BALL'S HEALTH CORSETS AT HOFFMAN BRTHERS. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S BOYS' AND CHILDEN'S FELT AND STRAW HATS AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE OF HOFFMAN BROTHERS, NEW MILLINER GOODS iEEK AT MARRED OFF THIS HOFFMAN BROTHES' Cardno's Block Seaforth. SEAFORTH STOVE ;AND TiNWARE • EMPORIUM. , a 0 M WHITNEY rta inder, and - 0. C. WILIL ON, lain Street, Sea orth. MILLING Fl RM IN SEAFORTH. THE SEAFORTI1 ROLLER ML LATE TINT RED MILL. McBRIDE & SMITH/ from Strath Having bought the above mills, and refItted them throughout wit and best machinery thati could be prooured fq a 1 GRADUAL. REDUC ION ROLLER MI L, And the result attained is, they have lone of the best mills in the Farmers cad noW get all their GRIST NG and CHOPPING done in and have it holt° with them the same day, and Satisfaction Guarante FEOTJR /31.A .A. 13 SIT s, 173 all the latest For sale by the ton or in less quantiti s—FOR CASH. Cash for of Wheat. MR. THOMAS SMITH will pe Mills. Province. Seaforth, d. TS anyj quantity cBRrIDE & 'S I H. sonallyi superintend the 5 1aforh Rolla Cg We show this wek a fine range of able Clohs, Table Napkin D'IlOyles, Towels and all licinds of Linen Goods. Extra good alue in White and Cream Muslins and Satens, suitable for Ladies' and Cihildren's Drilsses. Embroideries and Inertions for Trinaming. Mailitle and Dress Silks cheap. Full Otock of Parasols from 30c to $4.00, coIJ e—naatera I "3 INT L±� We— tr.A.Z.41ISO E3 0 1=t, Always keeps on hand a full line of the latest styles of COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOYES. • Their beauty shows them and the price sells them. TINWARE Of every description always in stook. We make all our goods, and guarantee them good and right in price. A f all line of Table and Pocket Cut- lery at very low prices. We have a fine lot of Granite Kettles. in stock for preserving, &c. All siaea and prices. EAVETROUGHING. All kinds of Jobbing Work promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Parties wanting goods in my line it will pay them to see my stock and compare prices. Sea/orth Cheap Stove gfe Tin House. 0. M. WHITNEY, Late Whitney Brothers. • THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE, STONE BLOCK, WINGHAM. HEADQUARTERS FOR Washburn & Moen TWO-POINT Steel -Barb Fencing Wire. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WORT MAN& WARD CELEBRATED BARREL CHURL See them before you buy any other. Best brands of ENGLISH WHITE LEAD —AND— Linseed . Oi—Raw and Boiled. Farm and Garden Utensils at bottom prices. JAS. A. CLINE & CO. YOUR FACE Tan Freckles, sunb_vi, Pimples, Black Specks, Mot& ches, &c., can he removed/1k stantly by applying Tan & Fre o kb e Lotion( Safe, Sure and Effetual. PRICE 2a. PER BOTTLEd by all Drugeieta tuppi Coral at:: their -‚.•. on 101 efts,' ,0 rnOnt ilave trian say t Unite back that Frew and 11 gurlolt fell oi of $t • lying ing bc ened Prd:`eE *mai tiled °good tIYaoni na*htae appLr ingul —A barbel ielae aCIO:nr: shave ingib ouS h ar shop,tbaoteiajer then serve if Bo chariti la ea rav 7 t t i0ovrsaiieh, it ar road, living they c horn I Vfbi OdaP raPel k enee G-- the it Pce : wegotolbe f t chase anieifae gnswg te l t been aren been ohlige 4,000 Seripti ailumetr0.11:i anoth Geller tTb:heeTI au Itow "0 ray tr West, stamp }lunar and br in the the pr get ex were whete down You: gets wheth Those and a given the c made front at g, ri Barely ed an of le was pect excite when ter oe siaok very q to v7 steers cow Sarlar