HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-06-27, Page 5eirUNE 27, 1884 aeeting the seine day, tea tees sin 4 to 6 p. m. A. nninber et t. speakers have been ireetee hodist Chum& choir win -7,4. O enliven the proceenev7 to be applied to paying dai 1. The members of the Orest a generally are invited to at. -n raising took place ou tin Er. B. Williams, in Eaat week ago. Skies were %kb. Re C. D. Armstrong and f( out 140 men were present te; me During the fore part et the side of Armstrong Ilan tee e but they fell behied in the Toil's side vriuning the ooze. y a few slight injuries eeenie agh, the breaking and f aiii the main plates would hoe damitous had any one been Mr. MeCassey, of Belgraete aer, and when completed, the be one of the finest in that ainton New Era gives the fol. di Thursday, the 5th insainst. fleeting Orthe Licensed Viet iree somewhat weighty mere, ia Association were puede, Let street, when one ef'thei nbastic mariner remarked, t a Scott Act man anti down." A well-known rese. 3 town who is small of statuee, e remark, boldly avowed his with the expression, ',Hera on." The Licensed Victualler the party, was astonished at iess, and amid the on >f his friends, walked away, n You are not the man X was rts still continue to join the , le Lord's Army in Clinton, mber in their street protes. e quite it formidable Array. objection may be raised im, this much can be Said in , they have succeeded in re. number who were formerly , n of society, and these ars tying ta became better mom. Deiety. When they went &old the week before last, a made to break up thein al threats were made against. A they return, but Captain Is that this . will not deter again attacking the strong. a in that place. The gun. aeetinga in the town hall are t very large numbers, in fact 3 in from the country who to make their way into the ise a common expression, ie Army to draw the crowd." ;oderich Star of last week Wednesday of last week, r. Mr. 3. W. Waterman, of L General 0. M. Poe,IT.S.A., e of friends, arrived here on on steam yacht Uarda, on a ' Lewis, our Crown Attorney. an, and Dr. Taffe, both of :es also a the party. Gem a now charge of the Artily n Lakes Erie to Superior, ' tuarters at Detroit, spent loathe here before the war . North and South, on official a staff of engineers. On number of the party enjoyed me trout fishing on Sharp's ,righ the courtesy of Mr. trier of that part of the creek Thursday evenitig the set some 50 young people on a moonlight excursion, and ning left for Detroit. Mr. eterman, the owner of the n charge. The party were n the opinion that we pos- ae prettiest and neatist little a continent. hilialct MeIntosh,the Gorrie e who has secured some sty in connection with the able rates to Mr. D. D. Seaforth, and whioh was a these notes last week, le following card i in the terprise : Will you 'please correct the statement made issue, that it was owing to Vilsords temperance prim he Licensed Victualers re• serge him double prices. i that it was for the use of language against hotel the statement that hemade s that only for the drinking maid not give those cheap e for one would be willing --% n_ B.- tate is a man doing a en, has from thirteen to a on the road dependent on Donamodation, and has also ale than other travellers. le years that he has been Huron has he not made um through the drinking to take him on his own d if he is stating his honest e ought to be ready and ✓ the extra price and not be there; for a low rate nor until the Scott Act cornea e being willing to pay the And farther, he has given understand that he will as right in passing the -ret nd influence to hurt -the rid. further the Se-ott-Aets on these grounds that the ;any hotel keeper that fail; ;him what he says i& the li-es no interest in defend- .- 12 ed 41( ar by th 31 ro Is ft or fo Cu til ea to ye aE wi in in of as a in of to 0 Pa of to in the NorthWeet- gr ng letter appearedin- the al last week: 6 [Aibert, May 26th, 1884. rinformed, whether oor-- on will be able to judge, e in the fall of i88°° fi n ea paper was sent to tete li en aotice warning all peoPie. i Or one P. Moore, govern- a rorest ranger, as he could a I. Report says that the a iwn to Moore, who imme- w -in his pocket, remarking Is political spite that had writer in making such v row, if this report, he true, Ir d you,. and perhaps- Your ow of Moore's conduct rat step in his pretended V was to Viait In anyoftha., [surrounding countrh sha, that he had been sent (en all disputes betweed rties, aa well as between he Government. Frac, [demanded fees I have no Wing, further than of OP ded $100, and used enerY [power tointiMiaate- Dr,: - he money was for o.Lic. as to pass upon all alai_ , d unless Evans got 07 .... ___ __ , „ . , , - _ . . -. e ,„ J.TME 27 1884. ._ .. , • _ , . H 1.X RON fl EXPOSITOR. . fi . • . . . . ioney he would report against my hold- I inimediately naade the ation ' terialiy and aided Whose e thee c Pe he has, so ma- the wornai seeing him, relinquished T111:1 • MAREETS. THE GREAT* ' v.„‘c AITTE EX.PLOSI0i) ! .matter eg; nown to the crown timber agent, who „Noe a oore's conduct to theGovern- ,fiio, and in reply Sir John made a peneeeequest that I should make my her of sympathizers his idel-1- more the. liber ; good eireeern'esgt331111 gathere _110W11 1 than Usual . AO et the place pitalit has. andtheWI g '1% and been ne 3talei! istevi40 Here Mr. 11 handed hpoliceman. the statien dottopakkirnjutgrinTizze:. bb er vim e her, an ' dovertook h d Ite a At . ve the name of Annie Old Fall Wheat New Fall Whet Spring Wheat ens baeh SEAFOFH, per bushel per er buthel 1.... . . June 26, 181114. $1 00 to 11110181.. 0 80 to 1 00 to - 0 36 to 1 07 1 00 11 05 P 87 Indutrial • is -Fa0 , -AND -a - . DI ••••••) e oreplaint in writing, which I did.- eie William Peerce was sent out here ) ivestigate this charge and others. the meantime Moore was Suspended ing is our editor with paw, quit ` II e Old by an aniMate4 enters the o e I I R 4 ec t one se So, deer la.' ' e iii sale 41, ' ' eia give us , her- W,tend e your • ' B DeGriffit , papers whet were gathe . g , eh. d u .A. he fragments of some 'Was Seen to tear up, -and, when 'pet to- ' per Peas per btteh Barley er Clover eed Timothy Seed bn per , I...., bushe er bu ....... ....• 0 68 to .... . . 7 60 to hel. , .. 2 00 to p 76 00 50 SEMI -CEN • ' ENNIAL .EX . 18E34 OSITION1 _ , Secret , Revealed. Great xcitement 1 id given full opportunity to defend Level!, and a more unblushing state -era Ant never was perpetrated in open art, than Pat. Moore made in this we seek ance that this man sten it Men is et ; put to the p to -day? ' a ree and dile e - ce i' t h ere I Didn't ol!'gButter, and temper- ' el 11 teach ntry, and that hat he hem a ' ' ether prove Lannyann Du • y chain , as si3 an. accounn A, to Y f anti, be a receipt to Miss r a -gold watch and for the payment of No. Butter, tab Eggs • • Flour, per 100 Pork, per 100 Hay 1, • • p iloose • • • • lbs unds 0 18 to ....t.. .• .. 0 14 to 0 13 to 2 50 to .. . . ....... 7 00 to 7 00 to 14 16 18 2 66 7 50 8 00 - Of Live Stoc tural an H 4 liniments , Poultry,ID rticultur Pr al and Mannfac , Agribul- - ducts,Im- ures of, Merchant . . ' = Wonder . Citizen$ Jubilant 3 , . 3 atter. He had nothing but hie own iblashing cheek to contradict four re- pleases, boys. h I Drink re, Lan t t a eT le ____-___ ' w . ,aet it tip fcsr eftectorla health. the . Manitcibard ••• . Northeueest Hides, per 100 Sheepskins este lbe.. .... .,...... 6 00- to 0 40 to 0 18 to 60 80 20 ' all Einclit , While -Lille - ' * farming commUnity rally ieetable witnesses, but so long as he Sew the matter was to be finally settled r Sir John and his Cabinet the men eptittered to feel perfectly easy. Hovg. Chorns, For he's body ' a ban or i e's joll go eny " • a, d 'oll A f y goo • allow, !ifellow,' Which i * no- • . - A. meeting has been cal from their o ed to c editors. °tee. i . , citizens of Emerson . . hear a proposition The tow e is BO Wool Salt (retail Salt (wholesale Potatoes, per Wood, per cordl per)arrel. Imshell per . • . .. barrel. ..; 0 60 to . ; 2 00 to 4ker,neen, p 1 26 11 00 0 55 3 50 - TO SEPTEMB ' ON R the 10th te 0, the 2 th. . • around the . standard of the bld and re- . er, a change came over the spirit of ha; ream, and he had to skip out, hiding', chorus a..citiden are floe ing rid a, vi•sitin oe the evening's stranger air ete s financially officials are embarrassed o b that ;all the discharged. The as- have At Tel FttlliWNhetettar hunhsi .34; June 26, 1884, $1 00 to 1 07 The Largest Prize List in. the &minimal. i 1 liable ; he did for three days from the policie ! this place, and it was only by denying- [s identity that he escaped arrest by le police at Troy: - He was wanted to istver a charge of wilful perjury and [s guilt or innocence would have to be wised uponeby a jury of his countrymen id not by Sir John and his Cabinet. once his enxiety to evade apprehension. is this in, eying visitor' intelligent pears dernoestra friend, tor, the Public the fOurth asks to b " tl .late School. the or h g f loo n te th: ob ion • " at i the lira:idea:II He est to eva ieade gee cot ": editor in rid ti i of Oh in)low uriousl 'whoYi. . a.the!court eman evhe such a " I Bays of the Refleo- of- St. Mary's a member s ire' s through - The thate ap. n ' ois.y his . of the 'maser and cf being reduce Goldie & have been building a and are no -There exhibition neighboring c Ilec evi fif oC awarded et no bus a e s a far or resigned. ion the assessment y per cent. Hoch, of Galt, Ontario, • the Contract flour mill at Yerkton, ly engaged Ert the me stalks ef wheat iunipeg, taken which measure is for work. on from a e , '44 JEZper`rnr ' gaWheat Oats, per bushel Barleyper Iniehel Peas per bushel Butter Eggs Hay per ton... Potatoes, per Apples per barrel. Wool Hides, 100 pef . • .i • louchel• 1,,ushei bes4hel.. • i' • .. : .. e....; ... i.' Tbs 0 80 to 1 00 to 0 86 to , 0 50 to 0 68 to 0 14 to 0 13 to . . 7 00 to ... I. , .. 0 50 to . • • ei q ... 2 00 to 0 18 to • .._. ' ..... 6 00 to 1 00 1 00 0 37 0 60 0 76 0 16 018 800 0 55 2 00 0 20 7 00 Prize Lists an from the Secrete. and Mechanics' anywhere on ap retry, at Toron This will be the GRAN Of Toron se Entry .e ornls les of all Agricul nstitutes, or lication by post : Entries' ESTI es Semi-Centenn ' ea the ,close i 1 be obtained ural Secisties '11 beesent r o thOlec- August VENTn al year. 23rd. 1 M , LEADING E" • NTREAL F101)t. RY GOODS HOUSE IN 11HE 1 COU TY. ad now what man's punishment r two of as grave offences as were ever to the door of any official? the patro Hurop of, Sound., an halt ape of Pe th t th I; good people ome a moulder " - of • inches in for thirty e gth ores i , The average fully twenty height inches. per Pork Cordwood.... • • • • • • s . 1 .. 6 f 0 to li. .... 8 25 to ....: • . 07 60 4 00 AN- DIM HSE PRO , RAM E ' !ought mply he is transferred from Prince Ihert to Winnipeg, and, as he boasts, given a more important field to oper- e in. But perheps this may enlighten su in Huron in regard to his doings a itle. Moore boasted before he left Kelly, of your county, was how, him the is easily " He Ant hi intere'st l' say h a Orem the o s y p tip. et ro (if tl con 'ted ed the- cons ty te ss pe E'er: blio aeg is for, dont anee, Or ' H pinien. 1` r, " do we wd ?," "that says his friend.- ou of the did ' so in vested rights, But' find iScott 'assigned the This whea _The ei age Is Pra present, t se a: hard, is now -A °or was erqu re, h hig co, .qaoted.at ei pendent own on April tte grist mill, s been clo price of w se for so doeig. 90 cents of the 9. at ed eat a Winnipeg • Port- for the being No. 1, bushel. Invicepoore 07 3d g . California N 2, 07s Zee , d° " ' on cheese, bee . , ;4ci. 06d nem, jane.2P.-Spnng 1 . re ; 6ii ..., e0d. ii ,. wheat, °Winter, 7H ()Os 02d; California, ta' ea e 5s 05d ; bitribay 05d' ; pork, 72a 06d 1 • 5d ; . SPECIAL Is being prepa and Excursions to vsit the City 3. J. WITHR —OF— ., ATTRA i •d for that in all Railwaye. f Toronto. LW, President. time Wait TIOHS Cheap The best or it. i i ates time We do not pretend the public generall of a firet-olass 11E11 by ourselves direct BEFORE QUAN profits, and Ed; we undersold -that iii to sell goods' for fun, although our are surprised. at the great bargains we nery and Dry G-oods stock -goods imported rom the lea,ding manufacturers of the - ITY. Our motto is first-class goods nrchase for cash, can assure the publi where quality of goods is considered. numerous friends and offer in all the ilneE and purehased world. QUALITY or reasons e wing bl r ''' that we cannot be !Please come raid See aethat•Pat le master of Sir John and that this elly was his friend, thta•john A. never back on a friend, and that Kelly and perso oeiviilg cause' th he s al a phi on ceasfully -, , se en •!. he is now f those h ' c ampione , re- whose ' d • i'' - -• ' Free Pre.I range 2, w the 25th o writes , that sr from he BOW h, which 1 oweship 3, d wheat oe oks exceed- • TORONTO, 0 . . spr t $1 10 - ' ' to 44c. June 1 ng, 73o ; 26.-4•Fall wheat, 0.03 lad to 61.12; oats, to no barley, 50 40o to H. J. 864,3 = LL, Manarr a 1 d Secretary, To see° • our finentock of ; i Heavy Twilled h,eeting, Cotton-a,des, Striped Denims, Duck's, Shirt. ant PRACT1qA.L. • peas, ' ; isseem=mdeseei - . )rild see that he held his position. . ,: ingly well. He ills° Bends u a head of - 5oe hay, ore, $7.00 to 614 00 info, &c. '_ryints, Dress Goods, and Silks an Satins in all 4 barley-n barley be 16th April' ; per ; OW, Mr. Editor, Twill make no coin- outs on this dark transection. Should. in so desire you can use the informs- nt there given you in any manner you I here MR. dreani ried away ED*OR, I hid .ze P tie b ao .. ah 'd AR her 0 Dream.- Sin, eighteen -In s, Orions night I wee; hupdred , car. so ' is over : blossom, week, and Routh h on foot a den t e fiest ve been of high: Potatoes peas bloarm strawbe gathered. which are -in d last ries, of the In fact, butter 15o ' 80.70 to P.M; dressed hogs, , - ebi.20. - • to 1 eggs, n - a ; ipotatoes per Par doz., 16o to r 100 lbs $8.00 , " •-e—• ag, 7o . to 0 tri tl C 1.--1 eei CI CD til g k , . td 11,4 the vciied shades manufactured.- Umbrellas and Parasols &c. in great variety at the ) ) ay see fit, and will state that .e facts in the above have already been rorn to by three parties, and yet Moore years away and in Asha o th: ali e ino ient . I city of Epnesus, thought I heard as Mr. Tr iyer lovely. emarke, everything is I . Live TORONTO, St June ck ;Markets. I 2&Prices are easy, ' C./) H (;) H 0 pet , ii_i 0> iVida\TITR.I_A_i_J 1-1017S-RI- ads his position. Respectfully yours, S.'W. VAN LUVEN. a great of the and their n0oar city : nd oco piei kiraf I $9, u b 11 . the ult in that silversmiths On making part- en. -A tele Medicine couraging ram t, refers erns ecently reneive4 in the to the growth from most ea - of cereals an e outlook. d th for sellers. i Shippers1 ' s not very encouraging are holding back til tri P> 4 td !, 17), IIN OAK HALL • , CLOTH . - EN S -FII 1NO T - . INC AND G T RNISH ' S ORE Friend of -Temperance V7ho - q wry • into - the late. cif he uproar I was of all ki s d mi .the Cana ian Pacific from purobasing snaoe and . . . owing to difficultIT in antim. atio P in of en I W eel tee ,i i -el . , Opposes the Scott Act. told that tie , as ve ce g ard of the Sal- experiment 1 foams. ' Peas re in bloom getting lower prices, - ' ' export caittle - me i 1 Firstelass value in Scotch, Irish and Canadian Snremer Tweed Snitings, Sir, -The Exeter Reflector of June ' th contains an article in which the genes a friend of teniperanoe takes a icided stain} against the Scott Act,are id endeavors to sustain that position , some arguments, which, to sayLambs Le least, are, I think rather peculiar.Spring e says, " we yield to none in the hor- r with which we regard intemperance, vatiori general le - imothy, and were recruits their that the silvers lent -Way making nr busil to i spietida they and y, I ii ••e aul, had m: . e s ma. e d ki had MCI iths ti the iiv se lin: d s e • aged 1 re I g, reed exposing are images the ; their etanding Icaus. command his aide -camp appearance enlisting young arm It Seems the hatred the fraadu. making rich of the of , y for of by and barle , oats are al vegetables -Two semi can A • 'b ' ago, when rade named on his bac. The latter the other, li - heeded well a. e grOwing ys a t o e, 13 Newton, nd ot 'frightened d both ont. advanced, luxu were bathing Winnipeg, a years old, 11 years ;swami out i went heat and iantly. few got of the rid own, and garden in the. days. a come ege, river. choked when rule at 5p cattle bring' from 4o to in moderate at 4ic to " are lambs according to 100 per to 4no, 5ie to. Ile, Jim, o 5c to and differ,and per ' unchanged are quality.e dressed !hest per lb. Good butchers' 5-te per lb. ; ordinary, . inferior at 3tc. Sheep prices steady 1V. for butchers' at 5no to $31.50 to $6 a head, Calves firM, at Weight. Hoge Use. 6e. 8c in Re ,.„41 Z 1_3 Z tt Pd' tt Cid il. Rt t 1 re tt 1 tal ' i 1 ' i q) ima 0 0 and gentlemen ea the shortest not Gents' Gloves, Ge cool b ettin one Y g g celebrated and popular Oak Hall Clothing get a snit to order m the latest and most approved style -on ce. Gents' Shirts, Gents' Collars, Gents' Cuffs, Gents' Ties, . ts' Hats, Straw Hats, Felt Hats, Silk Eats. Keep your h-eail of the latest Helmet Hats -all the rage. Don't forget the ' . and Gents' Furnishing Store, Seatorth. . . - , ) look upon humiliation, and -would ill with delights any legislation calm- Diana, to care which 1:4, 11 sii a represented er godess as able of trotibles, but the elder .i to the ba I ked k, where himself free and swam he fairitede New- limited offer per /b. and , unchanged at 6o to 1 hic r t 0 kt ti ., , . - Led to lessen the evil, though we are Fie to confess that it is not to any co- Dive legislation such as the Scott Act r a remedy." Now all -legislation cal- dated. to lessen evil up to the present ne• at least has been, and so far as we n see in the nature of things, must be which' humbug. them trate were and vgishe their ge 'off t and !turn continual era a• The cr th: o h odg ad a. ng he a iiy-1 int .ii tsnaen e coMplaint arid w rference showed., wae all were hauling Of the chef naagia- hat the . y n ' d , psi e own, f passed t prcievent a d t• stop ton sank. recovered. -A Pon, Most pais Charles C: of the Por can lea is Art f 1 accident v rlee, Arthur n d, ody has net yet been , ur ;despatch toys : A. happened to one of the proprietors House.; AB, far 'as a party of ' yougg men - The; WOODS'061, tories offer 5a1es-340 and 835 sluggish. at - Ch-ese J d 3 , box.s 9i, one 016 at . Per Markets. 25. -Twelve boxes of cheese. 9ic., 650 at 9ge., pound. Mefetet fax. (sn tee 0 '.-3 Z a n OD tal CAQ 1-3 .‘•1* m til leo t--1 1* CD 0:› I t GROCERIES, DUNCAN GR GROCERIES' ! , OCERIES I -AT---e- I & DUNOAN'S 3 . this en te'l ercive. As to the nature of pa- at non -coercive legislation, the ad- at of which would be hailed with their important noise. hit m tea S 1 ne musing ' , the scene. it on these ! was went fishi i the numb 'a es: g Mr ? re A dieiment Caverley being emong t • foolish, and as. Proved was teied hy ex- LOCKITART-In , . , AI IA .Killkes, m s. on the 17th inst., the �Q t74 0 td•I 1-9 0 MAIN T R • T , n 1 ..._ - • S ' EE SEAT` RTH the Reflector suddenly cha g-' often Oaap-- costly Mr• Geo. I ockhart of a son. j light by the editor of ach will lessen evil without prevent- g anybody from doing anything, we pens right had time in at home t mails ii ga he !a r'`eirforth, !my Id I w an wits landed before I ut e I plc:ding d da thus catc right hens mite them. nd to stun the fiSh, and Mr. Caverley had his art of his arm corn- • wife of PETTRICK.---sIn wife oz Mr; W Joh • s Roo; Pettrick on the 21st inst., of a daughter. the 0 Pete en ril First-class Te s -we beat the world. Good ',Sugars cheap, causing people te . Mustard, Pickles, Spices, Raisins, Currants, ttc. ust confess our ignorance. Would the eflector please rise and explain? . He further contends,- "if it is not a n or a crime to drink a glass of liquor 3 fail to see how it should. he - oonsid- ell a sin or a crime to sell it." In king this stand he places himself not heard kind, of action of the tam n Amazon% from ano and I sante- Gage, the her- : P , pn hs rrti was tot oil at assnitelta end ip , na y t u ,.. t al beigade ab proar o f g off to the was a detachment under y a company f er o pip under 1 ' a si i ar ecene one Cap. of k d ked Men Rear- letel tors p y shattered. pletely.pa shock, an dition. the young his misfo off, His a yzed e lis e is nd ti ne. nd his right leg badly right side is now cora- from the effects of the in an insensible con- great favorite among deep regret is felt for - DENNIE-BMSA Donald,ith,on ellonse, daughter smith. • FORAN-LENNON. the bl: Sdafort df 11 . M: E 2105 the ! ...tee__ Triages. .-Ati har.i. d to te Peter In Ethelston, Tu 13.3,3i.nbuyiult, D.. of the Dennie Miss Marian, youngest Ramsay, of 1 nieker- St.. Seines' church, ker- Me- ,. . Sea- --, OD i pee , k- -z ,1 ' ii -s • - Z .--• ,Pell i tj en '""',___ tll 0 Pt tee. tit PD.,..., ee.,,, -4{ _,....1 '' c•4 t7C21 L--1 CD ril 0 C-1-1.,1 stare with surpri Please bring on yo DUNCAN * e. Coffee, r Butter and Eggs. First-class value in trade given for Balite, - & DUNCAN. _ Scott Act, but 'noise ' he by.Rev..P. J.1. 'Shea, i-3 jali Ili Lly inoppositionto the so to all legislation calculated to regu- to the liquor traffic, for, according_ to s argument, if it cannot be made a Admiral .were drums, Dan, so great the sut f o shied the tlie g and beatieg Of the uproar of big men and - Th We har distr — Is th'nk his Who Laughs. of him es bad. Wel of life asi forth, On Mr. A. Maggie, of as cKillop. Fo eldest an, of ( rd ie Bay augtfcer et., City, Dlichigen, to of Mr. Js. Lennon, , . ! Miss . w . - P tdd es, )"' , z tei -eel p . . ,,, Z les F RE • S H irae for one man to sell a glass - of [nor it cannot be Made a crime for . iother. Again he says," We contend,ROBVRTS 0, that the Scott Act belongs to a class legislation which history demon- rates to be exceedingly dangerous. It ' the seireartang dren, the teouble. declare, again* .vglio, arch I could . the King they enemy sfir 1 ot t u " y wei a leoliol said Were of in 4 e eke heard e ;ila Iq'hia.to women out the tbe • g gain on and his league (mallard, end chil- cerise of • leaders t o war, forces, with the icor- may somethint firmness, energy - o t purposes. • of cherish The clea :t (emending i d serious h e Bat 'lee dark , ringing apprehension earnestness devoton ccomp is a l• h will not and ha,te peal of andl of every' en o its t f aspect bina, al .passione. merriment ti:'• '' 17th nit. daughter • of 'Chieelhurst, and 3 months. VANEGINIONT).-In -At I . I Hi 1 , Mrs: Of W eaths. h B Ma . a Tuc E tiff Manitoba on ' " searet Boberte, eldest :n ti Mary Latta, forMeily ersmith, aged 21 ond.ville, on he the years 25th dd ?" (1) q,, 0 ; 're set- 1 s,.._ 0 riDI )-3 Lr'i_.../ 0 Ra (Th N..." c+ - 0 1.43 • . c - • -AN THE--; al not do -to say that the majority rapt and .dest oy ; bath the soul and we are inc i ed to hold as ir ecoecilable inst., ConStant Va k gmond, aged 76 Years, se1:3-1 74 1-...1 lama rist rule in all things. This is what Aurelius said when he peraecut- bodice of their fell' K WI Soldiers I *as an '' ,sub. with sinis to e purposes. It tat is not very jean 2 months McCLITRE.--„In sind 16 M day Kill 4 e, on the 21st nst ., e -"N s-ei, .P'3. - ,r( • . areas L the Christians. This is what Eliza- th's parliament" said when it passed .e Act of Uniformity. This is what iarles II said when he tried to enforce pieicopacy on the people of Scotland. )1 does jects on the .was directed whoseeZed on the of their ground opened against opPosit ng -li syr e to be si edits. n Ad.miral edonbt streugly e Of a, pretty of the entrenched the square, no .long brisk fire Dan, and enemy, and easy pe rit is reall of faith as Yet, loo we would the man suade I O. monster he is is g at : led o laughs. ourselves of cru pf mercy. it from an to think no Ver quz • lty, as void ther view, the best of much of • Catherine Clure, LOCKHART--;-In Annie I, aged 27j AIRD.-In Laird, Sr., egeil M. Fiench years.. elores -flCD Mills, 47 y si aged :3 . relic ars eltil wife on yeete. of the late Joh Tad 6 moriths. Op, on the 22nd of Mr. Geo. Lock :the 18th inst., Samuel Mc- nst., lart, 1 Ft- 1-3 1-1•1 tid 0 I d.J o , -iviAmm TH BARGAIN RousE , lien the rule of a majority vio• . ace to the conscience of a minority, as the cases above cited they ha.ve s. ;ht of appeal, and that to the highest int in the universe. In • the cases determined . number with insurgents,an ber of of which lareebos to hd buses to bre thy ie d the nd k strong fort, and baggage wagons the ranks 0 had quite a -voiced f had a- the num- Rows the la,ughi weakness mreatnres. 'pages we popularit we s and: Th s love sy Skill do, is elm follies of se ht11110 to read in ox' ted by the our fellow ists whose gain their ibiting the , . TRY WILSON g If aloe Young in3* town. too: , & and 8,6-- 1 Yo apa !otices. NG'S new 50 Teas; they cast ' ,eint t be bd til Wfi )--3 t•-4 • e STREET, SEAFORTII. that was used, the do in hums' entioned right peel was hotted, and in the course of tie their wrongs were righted and eir cause made triumphant. But I doubts of from SOMe. who called , the -tall were girt Su ke swear tom d co Int: tribe rig, ithicertain ils; whe cotild ' if neceesera, explesives brandy -mashes, 'Old and ridiculous The fears the wise, eritertain gs oin a the r: de ant: B brave and leted pitio 'sly The absu by character.MAIN he follies of for onh dittos into their FIVE hundred dairy butter in tenets, at WE W wanted the 11 Ma ! tab a packages of first-elass by the 10th of July, p noih Bargain House. wool at the big for dry at eked 862 est and REA.L ESTATE . --.P.11151 FOR F Township . .. SALE. -Lot Of Greyecontaini FO _ 20, SALE. Concessicin g 102 aces, r -- 12, 60 'mot help feeling very gra-ve e success of an appeal to the same un t in behalf of the present drinking ,ages of society. • - He says farther, " Individuals have rtain invaluable rights to determine r themselves, what to eat and drink is Le of them." As the law in question .and lager,; ing asserted not facethey and tee of decoetio I s s whiCh t ey :manDer at that! th • half I so sad Were • lot moreever hey a patent, or l , Waved the liquor-setere , as of had cease leather in a enemy,' , represented jolly gond a right from dialled thr4aten- fe by the and were • in fows, vir- Gov- which me and vanit ridicule, a»' pathy to held up a But it 'a: the ibette have bee : to , are Mr aira : n object been 'traits Bo etrayed legitimatel can offer ho suffers for len often th: of human ortrayed a pride subjects ol little spit- from being later. case . that character to appear market pri below. whol GIRL a (rood ser at EX1 HOUSE once, a g sevento nine e in sale, ANTED. ant• osgreR WANTED. od; excl at i girl. 0 dwelling ' room ang goods, Ise Mammoth Bargain anted imrnedia Th highest wages. i ce, Seaforth. 862 'Wanted to rent, ouse, containing . Apply at the EXPO3ITOR onse. 62 ely, pply at from 861 acres cleared And the balance is premises a good stables, also a miles from Eth Ruaddway: one Illile 6 miles fro aparticulars appy 0 rapbrook P, 0 in a good well timbered. frame house, good bearing 1 Station on from the Bruesels. For to VALENTIN! , Out. sta e of cultielction, T ere is oh log barn and or hard. Iti the Great Western villag of Crantirook te ms and further FORESTER, 864-13 the frame is 2 1 . ONE HUNDRED ..............m..........43••• . ENDS ASHTON'S BEST PRINT. ies not interfere with any person's ;ht to eat or elrink just what they ease, to . bring forward a proposition ernment a,s much a mind #sel to of ttds d tol-whe her *lee adly it or mi stuff as killed off and th a sell y had lot of rather a c. should coils has the h r cat an ocri re, than a our respect. y of Peckspiffbeen icture - that : Not onl hel office, Seaforth. BOARDEB1 could accommodate or gentlemen, I WANTE .-Mrs. J. Haegan a fee boarders, either ladies on reason ble terms. Residence FAR , o tail& fre tr FOR Lot 2 Concession r 50 am'ee, tum.)s ALE. -e -For 13 40 acres of and well sale, the south T ckersientle, whi h are cl fence, ; the re half con - con- ared, ain- TWENTY ENDS - OF HEAVY SHIRTING. . this kind and endeavor to palm it off an argunaent against the Soott Act is L absurdity so palpable that to believe its sincerity requires a greater amount charity than the editor of the Refleo- r seems to think eau be found in the mmunity, because he Bays in another the fools allies; furt shouting and another their; way these exhilor beverages wile use sI er e scooraged ut t at ells the e weuld tin. allo ed it ;if' w . and br not, one enotber these crazy nanaed not be and s they and Scott a d imu oul these by fools had, op cif ating have up for der ness of miln have bee 's laughter. appreciat: really a the situat s on, and presented Ve he e tlerhan, cs ss ie4to ut the amiable weakl women of fervid- piety as eubjects fo fear that few reader ;fact that Piokwick is while laughing at which he is betrayed on Jarvis Etre EDWABID er and after SI Butter in dny - and good color. tail dealer, - ABOUT °inlay, Godericl eight t, below tl e market house. CASH Wi 1 be prepared inst..t 8 the 2 st o buy n quantity and any shape, if Es war . Cash, wholesale and str et, Seaforth. h ndred yards of Dress to 20c a 859 on on p ' new tweet re- 88,E o be 8 der is bank There bearing. be sold separate. horst. in 4 good hardwood am, 56 is a goo ' Two alonglytth Apply P. 0. ROBERT . • bush. 36 with stone ' h hg house an never failing crop, stock on the premise VARLEY Tnere is a st:ble underneath. au ore ea in d ' h el - sin ng wells. end all complete, e or to Chisel- 864x4 good full Will or BUCKSKIN, 1 WHITE COUNTERPANES TWEED, TWILL SHEETING S e CARPETS. "we well ter his The cause o Goods, ranging fro 16e .yard, - et of the same article, are to drink n in taking a stand opposed to it: gat;d tie d Pump w for salti; when and by art truth and e.s simplicity. v rtue is damaged when we cleared at rc, lit the Maremoth Bargain Hose. - 'EXEOUTOR-S' NOTIC k SCOTCH AND CANADIAN SUITINGS. vare that dry or go to e Scott Act there is a sufficient want castor oilatnd charity to accuse us of being opposed porters with ;he: the pi uggists frightening ospects of then- a very sup- dry make one the subje I ..ho ie t of laughter. truthful and virtuouel ' COU MIN SH RWOOD FORES To creditors of Jas. Calm, dececfsed. FLANNELS, ETOFFES, &Os Here we ln h in But Wig I ter s not alone' ea exprese CHAMBLY ND UNION the cause of temperance." . season if Lye in one short but pregnant sentence case of a e went of charity deplored and a very on -the other eat need of it pretty dearly indicated. soldiers to Now, sir, we may be quite willing to • they ' Nettle, er vie .or . hail sten d se f:11 all unlimited d, like The Salvati encouraged men,for battle orec . nists, their hould e off sion of en '• We often with laug nese. Vd met, o get s wit i e then but one of its causes care, and join the man a sense of , real hal*. we may sometime e C°1ZJI(t)TirEfEtuReWs the Oddfellows brethren sordially , tary. . OD pOREST, 6065, ets eve y alternate Mond Ha), a . 7:30 P. M. Viiiiting , invi ,ed. J. FINCH, f the y in Secre pLIRSIJANT , Statutes Callone late of County of Pert or about the 6th . _ to chapter f Ontario, the lie township , Farmer, decease. day of, Februa 1 - 107 f the Revised cre 'tors of James of Hibbert, in the , who dind on y, 1884, and all SPECI)?kL FOR THE WOOL TRADE. either the Reflector in ivoti.d ' be censure t e jester for bringing into /idle' other Persons having claims agai ,, es his estai.te are tend to the editor of victerions s present position's fair share of that- theirs; and a c ow' "I 'ell qf oti glory whet iti ,fri nds," cube thin serious, we must, on th DRESS DRESSI AND M NILE MA K . . NC hereby notified undersigned, P. to send by Holmested post prepaid ib the Esq Seaforth Out., laxity, the abeence of vvhich,, at least it is; sonaeth sufficient quantity for his present I saw i led, he so shrewdly suspects. We be., sheep vo 3ve that 116 is perfectly sincere in tak- sidea, the g the position he does on this question., quarters id that he will labor earnestly as an riers wavi Ivocate of whet he believes to be right, retired to , ng- in . dr ley: tv.re Sal ati indite ith dr i g, ehiht thei ca, wOrth m, ms ' teen, fig that. a fired o retire begin the lig ther tin ter oik to an or to for. a few both their ban- forces stow' whole, ra of benefa ness of eh - hearty la than he, cause th: eorrow w illes e him' t rs. eart s h, does, o with pression upon- as one of the greatestSolleitor He who forces the sadf to the impulse of fe scarcely less good soothing words eau of anguish which the face, to change iiii Begs to in doe after do D41,.EKtes.:11 Mr. *the' Mie 6.hasnitCS°1;e. m. to 7 p. i orrli tic id s . SS ALSH the I edit* of Seaforth that sday,'10th ' of June, be prepated the same LINT BEM ihrsie up net-fromr Appr ntic s wa,nted. 8511x4 shed to toarr sr 8 a * on theirt ssearitt t sem there of Jul will er joenuet,ulfiethfuL ri b for th pefore th ,chrgiettlanuaind ice (if an f and nn , 1881, t distri Executors of twenty-first surnames, accounts, •,) held by them, nediately after e assets af the uted among the said dee da of July, oaf. dasisregla and t e nature and in default th said 21st sa d James Callon, the parties entitled need, 1881, de- , a of the day THESE GOODS. FORGET ALL . ARE HOT °AKERS, AND DOW .. , OUR STOOK GOES -AT AND BELOM i opponent of what he believes to be _ away the tong, and there is a possibility of his for the enemy am MI tin : lori e I they h turned "He d i ver store . . n my fights itself into faith. -Si i e meek beauty of resigmel. ny South'. ' TO BLA -A- Black K mi 'MI " S. W. anted, a good h, ii. se. ately, Steady teady work thereto, whibh -. ...- )e• inOLMEST having the said regard only Executors shrall D, Solicitoi• • the claims t s en have notice. for the Executors. of WHOLESAL . SEEING IS BELIEVING CALL AND EX . bor being crowned with success. He bed I rep the able ad- ate th: line: 1- live to who .ght! some A . orse's Mistake. guarantee Walton. . pply to cONALD CAMP ELL, Seaforth, Ju e 23, 1884. 804-1 . - II then be recognized as and gets wa , , sh ; mate of a triumphant cause and will other day . eeive the congratulation of whom? ' . Just here, let us imagines little scene. -A few re will suppose that polling day has ; osed, and that the Anti -Scott Act well, dres f Monte tittle has been fought and won, and 9 i ' d tat the Anti -Scott Act party are jubi- hour an payable nt over their victory, and that the . hear the Reflector, after his arduous be signed "-is T) _ a -. mo p• ed ,.Jan el s or i es nttd. pr . o E. A. by r. eemee. . s ;ago 1 .t y Dean, a mi ithe enteredarm, after a. cheque • pur H. Hub . ' dle e opening for' or ting ardi iw . aged, Bank 8300, to Mr. to -In the the battl: having dis took poss very beau ea it. WI' the horse withstans him • nor coten rebellion of 1745, a f Falkirk, Major MacdonaldBAYFIFLD ounted, an English office a ion of his horse, which wa i ul, and immediately mount au the English, cavalry fled r n off with the victor, not i ng all his efforts to restraincan s id it stop until it was at the Home stall fifteen and - weighing f shan . B Im ported -olive, impOrt 1881 ; well be got DAVID MARTIN, o on a. half ur in proportio Apply ____. S • E. -c f En rush hands een h ndr•A hind leg sine 'k' ngIa d s d ; ag , tw ed and Lit 1, 1rox For Bale, a fine art horse breed, sands high, color dark lbs., twenty fiT and a half Wonder; mare, years Old 18th of clear.. limbs. Pei onceseion 5, Turn .ter. 8, oung bay, inch ches. ask's . une, gree • erry. 4-4 . I . , Haying been a' the e'renle bet leave Hayfield forth at 2 m AND ---.J.- • AVID arded the .een Bayfield ach. mornin Accommo • SE FORTH • Y bontr t for carrying a.' Seaforth, at 5 • clock, and tio s will be furnish a will Sea- - . AMINE. Fl BUTTER IN E HUNDRED PACKAGES OF FIRST-OLASE TENNETS WANTED. of -, d Hubloard'e id long-contrintiedi labor, feels the- nee ; a little rdaxatiPb., he rises from his the cashier Big at i o thl- notice re . is we 11 hank of eSE 4 h at t k no Montreal, h e 11 ' • eigpa- head of • patently, it: ts e regiment, of which, apt master was the command A FORTH OR v INFIRM E 2 RYSnaith p. ed .or a limite ae., will be co. promptitude. number of veyed with cere Express paresis pass ngers. Parcels, aid deliver fir Brticefte with d will Ar ...„. est.'s Old Standi Campbell's Block ell -polished ehair witla a -something -and he at 1- thee on the me-to-earmamiglita-repose sort of fee . .. Hubbard onc h ' c (in t was sen I was f or, a for n 1 b t da , ery . the Mr. mean. or I The a. time ladi trees daneholy, and at the Bern gum which poor Mao t .NE 'tOR 11 tn door to of the Jarvi: , , Pre an byt i Goderich Streets . Ch h S Oen ure , e next rth o , also be taken lieileed DA so . . Charges D HAY • mode :te. Patronage 8134-3 . ig, he lays. aside bis trenchant quill, tithe . 0tie *OM to a stump ; ,he dons his coat the ,vorii: the cheqn ad caster, and steps leisurely down the ing . . sreet, he drops into the place of bud -'ved in time 1.1 t i him ass of some of those good citizens who out te as that day so narrowly escaped spoil- street ea k . - - • ' . n . s behind. o :ne h , a: sie : e a . Edetly ted stole Mr. Hubbard . e woman th man was heading in p . .,. Weir pointed ran . leav. ar- for -a t, and , - donald es the victi s fine hors his life o conceive . , , vgh f his hich . the' n he thus saw himsel ambition to possess ultimately cost hi scaffold may be easil fi . • - Ont. All diseases of the domestecated at the infirm . 9+47 notice. Charges Veterinary Surgeo Veterinary M.adicin . • 0 or , , , , , Ho ani else mod . s leer . stee, cattle, sheep, Is, successfully t there on the s ate. JAS. W. S. -A large s t e.onstently on h 1 _ r any eated ortest DER, ck of d. Bricks next SPROAT. THE TUCK, and I week. T 86. • SMITH lies ready se tiles from x3 RR ahou 2 to 1 _ CB YAFID. the milddle inch hire. . . o J. .. JAMES PICKARD . -,.. .. . 12 ed 41( ar by th 31 ro Is ft or fo Cu til ea to ye aE wi in in of as a in of to 0 Pa of to in the NorthWeet- gr ng letter appearedin- the al last week: 6 [Aibert, May 26th, 1884. rinformed, whether oor-- on will be able to judge, e in the fall of i88°° fi n ea paper was sent to tete li en aotice warning all peoPie. i Or one P. Moore, govern- a rorest ranger, as he could a I. Report says that the a iwn to Moore, who imme- w -in his pocket, remarking Is political spite that had writer in making such v row, if this report, he true, Ir d you,. and perhaps- Your ow of Moore's conduct rat step in his pretended V was to Viait In anyoftha., [surrounding countrh sha, that he had been sent (en all disputes betweed rties, aa well as between he Government. Frac, [demanded fees I have no Wing, further than of OP ded $100, and used enerY [power tointiMiaate- Dr,: - he money was for o.Lic. as to pass upon all alai_ , d unless Evans got 07