HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-06-13, Page 7. 13, 1884 RE I ma a full line of the styles of PARLOR STOVER. wathem and the tlE ea always in stook, nods, and guarantee tt in price.. ble and Pocket eat. ces.. ►t of Granite Kettle" ruing, &c.; Alt/ sizes atng Work promptly faction gnaranteed„ ;bods in inv Fine ti see my stock and in Hous4 EY# `hit>re-y Brothers. • O EER STORE,, NGHA . `ERS FOR &Moen )01N- neing. Wire. OR THE WORT WARD L CHURL au buy any other. FITE LEAD D and Boiled, Wien Utensils at LINE & CO. ."URAL TENTS. :eel Implement Manu- censure in informing - Perth: that they have $titer, IN Seaforth, - LLD, Mitchel, ed all repairs for the ESTER its manufactured • by hinea formerly mama - WILLIAMS, of Strste Left with their agent EtENSALL,wilf UWERPITAN, Agent 13r 1884 E ` WORKS. 0N., opportunity of re► ihebitants of Brussels tie, and beg to state itiprovements in their they,. are nowin. a lefore •to k uappIy the kion. at Carl busiuesg lying !given. unquali •cthbce c.ca rely on re -- first-class f rst class article 14 "rens at the kiln for plastering at they ` E 1 X i�m�e�(Works. N f7r Freckles, Sunburn, slack, Specks, Biot au lbe removed n- appl -ing rev kie Lotion, tie an d Effectual. d . PE Bow` t y all Druggists. tints for postage aril a costly box of goods :i e, to mare menet' else #n this- world,. sbsolu oly sure. it" igusta, Marie. 8 ownP Councils. -- The Connor met on Vase •miturday, 31st of May, as a' Court of Alaska en the assessment 1884. 8 the members by - cerk,he flowing appeal Dae heard. and disposed of e Joseph G. appeal against assessment on Sustained ; Wm. Johns, appeal t ncome, sustained. The follow - Om os fog n es were added on application• dareaoiah Kelland and John Selland, as os- Iot 6, concession 3.. The Laing names were struck off the Neil Stewart and W.' Marshall, both deceased; and the' following 'ms made in title to property ; +omsa Clark, occupant of south' half filet 14, concession 9 ; Henry Francis, ,P eame;_John Gilfilian changed km farmer's son to owner of lot 13, bion 14 ; Thos. McCurdy oltanged. �npant of lot 16, concession 13, - -*farmer's non ; Leonard . McTaggart, Otter of part of lot 22;, concession 1. The neat was then closed. The:Conn- rd met after the Court of Revision for routine business. All. the members went. The following perilous were sprinted to Constitute the Board -of salth in compliance with the Pablio Hoa' Act sof 1884, viz:: Messrs. /hard Hunter, Donald McInnis and eale. Duncan, together with the Reeve and Clerk. Moved by James Hackney, i.00nded by J. Shier, that the account afaould ct Cameron for cedar lumber, amounting to $90, be paid—Carried. loved by J. Halls, seconded by J. Hackney, that Wm. Balkwell be in tr-aoted to expend the sum of $50 in /welling -on the4 Proof Line, south of the village of Exeter=Carried. , Moved hyJ.15119, seconded by J. Hackney, gist Thomas Wilson_ receive $16 to pay ntof house and provide provisions and other necessaries for Joseph Hewitt snd.wife_-Carried. Moved. by J. Shier, seconded by J. Hackney, that Wm. Diehman be paid $28:50 for, fifteen, Meeks' board of Wm. Stark, being up to May 29, 1884—Carried. Moved by I llackney,seconded by H. Horney,that the; account of A. Bolton, for board and clothing for Thomas Bennett, an in- digent, be paid—Carried. The 'Council hen adjourned till Saturday, the 5th day of July, at 11 o'clock, a. in. U sy.—Council met at Robertson's -hotel, Ethel, May 26th, as Court of Re- vision. The: following appeal was en- tered against the assessment roll. of 1884,, viz.: Charles - Grieve, assessed too ugh. 1,1r. Grieve not being present the .court was adjourned till 2 p. m., and general business taken up. A come muuioation from Robert Bowen, asking the Council to make immediate provis- ionforthe support of David : Tinsman, an idiot, as he could not keep him any longer. The Reeve made application some time ago to have the said. David Kinsman admitted into the Orillia idiotic asylum. A letter was read from. the manager of the asylum, stating that there were already 130 applica- -tions' and that it would be impossible to receive him. It was moved by Wm. Milne, seconded by E. Bryans, that Kra. Barker receive the aura of $5 per week, to keep the said David Kinsman (idiot) until a more favorable arrange- ment can be made—Carried. 'A com- munication from James Livingstone, requesting the Council -to have Govern- ment drain No. 1 cleaned out from lot '25 to 27, inclusive, concession 15. The Reeve presen=teda copy of judgment iu theme of Green vs. Grey, also Garrow k Proudfaot's hill of costs in said suit, amounting to $ 250., A petition from Joseph Armstrong and 32 others, pray- ing the Council to consider the matter of ereoting a hall in some central place inthe towuship, in which council brad- nem r ai-nes could be .transacted, was read. This matter was laid over for further -eonsideratiore Moved. and seconded that any pathmaster finding it necessary to obtain gravel from another beat un- der the jurisdiction of another path - master, shall be permitted to do so, as the pathmaster of such other division may direct, provided always that the reads are left in a proper state of repair for public travel—Carried. W. C. Stevenson applied to have the drift- wood removed from off the road. in front eflots 32 and33, concesions 7 and 8, -caused by the flood of last year. At 2 o'clock, p. m., the Court of Revision re- opened. Moved and seconded' that no alteration be made in Charles Grieve's moment—Carried. Changes made :' James Denman-, personal property struck off Jams Bowes, Robert Scott,. and G.V.- Taylor, each a dog . struck off; Malcolm McNichol, assessed for one dog; Samuel Holmes, assessed for one dog. Moved and seconded that the Court of Revision be adjourned till June '20th --Carried. Robert Lang applied to have 20 d ave statute labor allowed to Work on the sidewalk between Ethel . and the railway station. The applioa- tiott was granted, and Wm. Spence ap- pointed pathmaster. Moved and sec- onded that the Reeve, Clerk and three other ratepayers, viz.: A. Rayman,. •John McNair and George Brown be ap- pointed a Board of Health for the ear - rent year—Carried. Moved and sec- onded that the Reeve and Mr. Hislop be appointed to see Mr. Hawkshaw about roadway through his property for the accommodation of ratepayers on the north side of the river at Cranbrook —Carried. A by-law was read and Passed to compel . the construction of wire fences along the highway Where public travel is obstructed by the, ac- eumo€ nlation anew in the winter Sea- m, and -for the paying of 25 cents per rod to all partiesnotified by the Coun- cil-to ounculto Construct auch fences. Moved and seconded that a new road beat be formed in each;mile and a quarter, to Work on the gravel road Fetween Grey and. Morris and that one hundred acres betaken orf each concession fox that purpose, and that the following path - Masters be appointed, viz.: Ad_ain Sho Ht- dice, John islop, Donald. l toLanchlin, Var. Forsyth, James Strachan and Jariies Simpson Carried. Jno. Forbes applied for aid to dig a ditch on the '44, in front of lot- 6concession 8, which he considered would be a benefit it the road. The following accounts wore presented and ordered to be paid, •r Mrs. Barker, boarding and taking care of Davielinsuan , an idiot, $25 • J 0. Beffernian, repairing: road scrapers, v2 60; G. A Deadman, index books for Qoters' list. $1.25 ; W. H. Kerr, printing, Ql2.16; Alex. Gibson, examining rtin the Green. case, $3.25 ; Thomas sura ha , witness fees in Green case, 16.1-0; Wm. Milne and Walter Oliver, e�h 2' 50 balance'for witness fees in Gtr, case • Lewis Bolton, witness fees It Green case, $8 ; Wm, Spence, witness and snbpeening witnesses in the ween case, $12.85 ; Wm. Bishop, sal- ,_ ary as as putting i ooncessio Ianking $2; Ja Stephen side drai 16, $250. to meet brook, on next. —A regarding ago at the Bang Crowley, to be en Presiden ment wit lady nev cation. steadily d that this quarrel signation Carolina. —The an extens who has before the charge of present Id gives par which he the Derb apector o Dover rail the Earl ;places. apparentl' —John Montreal New Yor tentiary The Chic father of of the fas methods The latte week bef one of a. elaborate At the si lay a me an artist' with his and his previous was read him anxi said, "th as a me are poor eseor, Culver 3, $ ridge, of es M. tin, iohols n; `'p contra t, o The C . num then ain at Tue 's hot Friday, the 20th d 100 ; at • • THE HU4ON E • FSO ITOR. Hen•yl lots 15;, lex. c Co c� Gra. 1, rt p y aessi n News Ni Wee* gton- the death Lookport,' - ry tes.; spec :a Neer 'ter of ex•Congres m hat a year ago she :aged to Ail n- Ai t. 8 son, Who broke the out any app tint reas recovered f om the onanmption set i -Wined. The penia[ c as the real cause o ith the President as special coninsel it lection: ases arl ofAylesford ve oattl rancho i n 1T had his name un publiel oonneotio n adultery against hi Englan A recent culars o a. drunk n was mixed up on t , when he asbaulte the Lcndod, Chath way, who in his t arn own, br akin hiseg lie Earls ra the life !• , improved his ma n C. En is tinder a and will : robably b s jail. If he escape t o will pr bably be a go Hera d sass ohn C., as 'a str nese of usidess which c: erecter gave a dinn re the pa ic. Bavege, and 16, +' 1 ne, e� 2, slut, on '131 nd + jou ned , 1 e'en. June 1' Isays, aye Of n . sok aid he e e!ge- )n a he mA r n;; iheen n �k's y's re - e buth ns and tly is i at a oh W in of in- aand bleed two :not, at a. Pi- an. no, liker oeial non. a Was Was rest. dbynt, 1bed rdl . by t he , 'eyed. 1'4th p it Were on has Th ozen gue tst., Eve and costly to the e of his plate, as u card, beautfull hand and iaiicifu aloe. H ins este anghter- n-I'a ,- xp.eriene bee ta to• reprove su h usly . "j Cls- a,,, s is very no. I I ento to r min m f the ti es he he old an's pr aunty of Mid less Scott A .t he a n the 2nd mist. T ng was to retie ve t anded in. Th o g over 4,0 0 n me: ole, and report hat so son as se e heard f om the s for th Scott to over ,000. required is 4,300, cent. demanded b cted that by t ie; 1 s will all e i . ' r to the S i orifi an or the su :miss'on e County of iddl in Gonne I wil th name a d, y fo th been real zed. —The tee on th. London the meet already containi on the ta showing ships we signatur mount u of names. the 25 pe It is exp the nam hand ove mended Act for t Governo tioned to EPPS's rQRTL\G. the nate ations of by a care perties o has prov a delicat. may say by the ju diet that ally buil resist ev dreds of around there,is, many a f welt forti properly vice Gaz ing wate and Tin labelled pathic C Blee Mr. N. took a se chest an lungs. gave him him so s fat yth 0 t t ai ly i lit ho gist a, 11 w d et Crocco.— C RATTFUL t r "By a thorough k • w al laws which Bove i t digestion and nut iEtio ul application f t q well-selecited oco.: ,M ded our b$eakf st able ly flavored eve: us many dont Ors' Dills. inions us of ubh ex a constitu ion ay ne np until strong e ry tenden y to dise subtle maladifes a s ready to attac weak poi , t. IVe tad shaft y keepin ed with pure bl oarished frame." tte.—Mad simply or milk. Sold only a Ib,. nd b.), s a JAMES PPs & C: emists, L ndo E „ • g from. t A. Lefebvre, ere cold *hi brought on Meed bled free y and hi up. A good Sntarit e of Dr. Wi scin's `Cherry Balsam, and( l e use until he got entire y manner more than an value of this perfect re 0 c co Wel oth dy and colds and all manner of lung diseases, became; so favorably known. It i " v congestion of th:e'lungsr 793 elieee,r .A Great Dioov: VI Mr. Wm. Thomas, of Ne says : " My wife has o een affected with a cough or years, and this spring mo than ever before. he had remedies without re. ief, and to try Dr, King's Ne Di cov with mos' gratifyingroe u lts. bottle relieved her ery second bottle absoln has not had so good years." Trial . bott Roberts' drug, stor 833.52. uc telt' ure hlth est rea e.: are. -••a sed ern rTh a fg n Sae Never Giv1e rinlgt' wit is a app deme d b he or a • If you are . Buff depressed spirits, lo eral debility, diso: constitution, heada of a bilious nature, by all me a bottle of Electric-' Bitters. be surprised to see the rapi meat thi.t will follow ; - y inspired with,. new life; strong activity will return ; . pain and will cease, a -d henceforth baa rejoice in the raise of Electi Sold' at 50 cents a bottle Roberts. 833.52. e t`: iin ]tof t tions t,Glen, aid Lade o _In- e•of cull ber sing Art. jtily e;8f 'to O l !c e - Scott The eti- I o?li- g3 poi oder- ; pnd ro- with hich- I4 is les of *84- 141 to Hnn- at`}ing so e :reber elves n ,a 8er- bfoil- ckets cera, once - 31.52 e, 19 f tlhe an ht r is is e a e !#in Holloway's thin Old Wounds, S Daily experience co has triumphed over forty years, viz., t known egaal to Hol. curing bad legs, sor of the skin, :ery sipel scalds, and in truth the skin is broken firmities quickly is anee, as compulsory and g4 wegK cease o ore ill rove - ll 'be and isery Iwll Iters. S. • et which 610, wea mem Oint sores very oeeil ever any PlaY Mr Buff Cons physt was r In MI dock perfe and f enqui mita A contr and .cal o Bitten failed tried the u emer terria ®ns the general h tb. le of cure are fon n in hent' and Pills, w icb and expel the.r can worst oases the Oin me in effecting a per eat other „eans had ile elief. - Desperate di : ea s vire, es. 8,27.52.. erriarkable R . A. O'Brien, 372 lo, was supposed rnption . and aba Dian. She snffer educed in flesh to a 'condition she r Blood Bitters, a t health and weig orty-six. She wi ing sufferers on e stamp. 857.52. The ready heal the In the t has suo- onre after in giving 0 8 or oh be on me rte on la ewes tion, al by her rribly and y pounds. e to Bra- es,' enjoys hnndred aved from the so pel. oration by the est hysicians ; all other trea me t having when Hagyard's ello Oil was failing remedy for ace dents and elides, and is for e ter al and 'in - use. 857.52.2w. Danger in th Th recent strange pl net ment and' electrical ph no (level ped the fact the t paseing through- 'a dats when atmospheric infu weak ed system with t regnla or, Burdock Bloo 2w. ry move - en a h ave e earth is era a period nee will seri- ortify the at eat tonic Bitters, and A Fac The e are oils white, an But Hagyard's Yellow I the very best oil of It c res rheumatism, n, ness; prains, bruises, con soreness of the flesh. It and in ernal use. 857.52. s black, ra ted cords, , and all r external urn sl w. The remarkable ease of ...Edgers, of Fra kville, who suffered fr m disease of the Ivor and kidneys s b dly that He -r mained ten and thi teen days --days ithout action of th bowels. Four ottles of Burdock BI od Bitters restor d him to perfect health, which be ha not known for twenty years. 857.62 2w. ow to Cure a Cold. Tak some gentle opening medicine, bathe !the feet in warm water, adding a spoonful of- mustard ; remain indoors ; equalize the circulatien wi h a warm tea, arid. take Hagyard'a Peet ral Bal- sam, the most perfect t e safest eough cure that can be p mu ed. 857. e2.2w: National Pills are uns safe, naild, yet thorough rpassed as a urgative, act. alas promptly Prof Low's Magic 5, 1 hu Soap— ful for toilet use. 857.5 Free an's Worm Po dere are safe in all ases. They dest an remove worms in children and adults. 867. Nathing Li In the market. One b three any other pr for a d see that you moff's Russian Corn Wart Ipradicator, and t First e ass druggists kee Strengt It t le equal to t Serape - Corn and t. 837.52. is a Val able qtrality und an. circum- stance The Strongest always the Oil Li iment hi one of e trongest remedies knox6a, but w u ed exter- nally, when the skin'. s ot been broken its effeCts in reli tug pain are like it has no equal. 80 2. There Are clts. Of people going around r mb ing, and Erwho ight bel well and happ , if they only used Dr. Carson's S o ach Bitters occasionally. It is a len id blood The best sal e in the erld bruisesi sores, cers, sal he corns, tad all skin erupt ons, la tion, or money zefunded. Price 833.52. ve. or cuts, m, fever ilblains, equired. satisfaq- 25 cents oberts. eve Not nothe ill pleasan cure r my bill ta aftacks as Dr..Canson's St mach B t -ere. It ren- ders the blood pure and o 1 a d makes bottles 0 cents. 838.26 The Weak and th The merry little moun it lightly dances over t sparkles in the aunshine o to the niver, is pure an active ;1 therefo e, it is vigoron ; there ore, it re But he slug ish pbol, water i moti n, is stag Dirt and rub ish• are and stay the p. Impu odors make it breeder an object to be voided. Whet( the bl od is str and re , and vigorous y and vei, s, the' system weak, into it, and It as no st them o t. Th n the sys Sha er Blond Syrnp riches he 131oold ; curing • 1 in rook, as ts ay down cleft . It is alth . It is ere the cur - to eep the row into it, dis ase and g and rich conrsee its he rty and nd gth rn ifle crof OA oor and ts creep to cast s down. and en - la, Can - Skin and Blood diee ,A dollar a tottle agent, Seeorth. i.e., 855: Sold by Lu ade & Wil on, ru gists, I have need D . Scrap mo 's R Rehm Cern and Wart Eradi tor, and can recommend it as doing 1 it protesses. One bottle is wci th four of ny other corn cure. Li corn ar rai sing. Seaforth. 830 26 Oh! 1.E1 w Tired through th spring hous purify your blood es Cruell Mur h, lee s and . Roberts, icluweyee cleaning bottle o itte be 43 th ars being slow y nin dered by untried nostr ms for such eo bles, etc., wial might easily re and energy bif usin Moire To ieonvinee t em tha such is Wilson's Ding Store. Price Fluid igb.t Fluid Lightning is he only take a day or sin hour o care it a militate all pain is g ne. Th woest possible cases have been in one week. rice 25 cents at son's drug sto e. 851 52.m. eee to the La any ease of pimples on tbe face . either Made oir face, 4nd leave It will also he 1 aye, sore when and do not e per naded to claimed to be a good It is b ere plain s 85 etive- the ase e will yoer own town. get Oh two s to eye - 8.26 re fo , toot niche, but a les tban Ban s hay test.o eum tithe:. The rm a en tip cured Lam. den Wil - es. Cerate wi Mire em soft a silk. 11 ote er pr para - ed it. As your 26 cents a box at The ISEAFO c;rs to info and commodio ly re -furnished ton1, and it is and convenien to merit a sha are all well fe will be kept s tentative and in attendance. pial Travellers. nd Goderich 0 RMIC s VV IR 'S) his ld friend c that having p an• d re-ffitted it ow one of the hotels in the e e of public patr 'shed end well plied with the est, rust worthy hostler wi ,Good sample re me t and the t avee chased thilo new unty. By strict tome s he opes age. The oomo nd at- e "Royal Hotel, Greets, Seaforth. YARN 884. NE SPRING C corn r of ropr Main etor —AT THE Post Office I stock i now complete splendid ssortment of N tees Goods, P 'into Tapestry a actory and B cached Cottons, Summer Glov s, Fancy Ties, parasols, limb atlas, &e. Also mertt of Boots end Shoes, lln !,rand display f Crockery and hand. A full tea of Groceri Hardware, eon isting of all kip ils„ and Glass in all sizes, Sp aving now a 1st -class tailor re te opal ed t supply all wh rade prices gielen for Butter ai ent of new NS all Paper and Pa heed. 852 JOgEPH eons' ting of a Spri g Tweeds, erlid , Lac Cur- es, !emery and Laces Ed ings, s of filet and retie re a good hand Hi hest Egg , oat and er Bl* ds just to ORROW. BUTTeR AND AT THE rocer Dep 9UNCAN Main Street, Seaf r en AN rth. CHEAP SUCARS & CliOICE TEAS —AD A— to Select fr tiled own i brin their g9NT 3m. Farme terests woul atter and Eg ES suiting do well to s to he EAL HENSA New Milli in annotiri sall and yid new Milline all. He halla n the Wang e latest and as pleasn I di s of He has pened Goo s Store Street, Hen stock of all t able styles i Tog seri the TS ther wit ersona ray. The s complete i prices will b 75e G -LO factron. In tb show goo s. • ing to the ity, hat he BloCk, Main ND BO trimmings his departnaent , under supervision f Mrs. Mur- ok of Fancy Goods is also every department, and found right. 1" Try our ection invited ; no trouble Butter an Eggs taken as Caela. JAS. MURRAY'. rand Tru Expr me Expr !info: GOING EST— GOEMiipeer :ain :i76•:65 AST— GOING oNTN— Hensa Clinto BLoiyntdhe Wing am, arrive1 Gomel BWlyilithg tun, depart. i • ailvrayi _ Omer . ,F 8 56 • 9 26 4 ..1100 0176 066 1600 10 31 16 • 7 49 019 Exeter 44 • Honsale Londo , arrive.. . OO :1900 132830 We kton, Gr GOING osTir— Ethel Brusse Bluev Wingh GOING fa Wingh Blnev Bram s Ethel. 1 it 36 Br be. In en 41 65 1 12 1 28 P. M. 2 28 2 39 2 52 8 05 Exp. 5 48 5 68 6 13 1 26 1 88 1 00 1 16 ST. JAME SHARP ar., 111/ (Forrnetly of Sharp's .aotel PROPIRI 1.0. THIS Hotel, which is Eit •ated and re -furnished thierho t an the best nd moat co iforeable 846 JNO. BRI OTELI been re fitted is now en? of oteis in the -qty. id to gues s end Me donee, th lately o enpiedi by Dr. Hatt:him:, Auburn. east of P esbyterian Church. S4 Acoonche North si east oft au, Surgeon nd e and Residence, t Brick /louse 490 M.D., C. I., Member of the College of Physicians and Sur, eons, &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Office Vercoe. 48 DRS. ELLI TT GUNN„ Licentiat of the Hoe al Licent ate of the Egal and Su eons, Edi - aed urgeons, Edin- 833-26 don, E gland. EYE, EAR AND tHRoAT. Ophthalm e Hospital Moorfiel s, and Central 317 C STREET, TORONTO. of Str tford, will e at his Office merciel Hotel, oery Wednesday and '1 bursday, e cvpt the week when Tuesday co e's first of the month, a d in Clinto the sewn Friday of each month, a the Grandl Union H tel. Teeth _ex- tracted n Rhea pain. Charge moderate 'and .TD rr 1ST to School of Dentistry. Office in Whitney's Bloclee up the same attars as he late M. Buggin's rooms. Office IPTISTRY- Faculty Gold Medalist and College Gold Medalist, Toronto School of Natural Teeth eth EasilY and Ca Charges; Moder the late r. Buggin, e ill com Block, Ma n Street, Saforth. Saving efully e business of lete all opera - Store, Merer's S AKER BLOOD SYR • Cures Comipleteiy Scrofula, Blood Disease Of ever deserilas Catarrh., illee414, and 'kin- and $1000 reward to lane, them st. wbo will 1. find, on analysis of 100 bottl s of Shaker -- Blood Eyrup, one particle of Mereurn, . Iodide of Potassiem, or any mineral sub- ' SOLD EV&RYWHERE. stance. ± Sold by J. S. Roberts, i)retegist, Seaforth. ANCHOR VINE. 11. 3. MAIL, STEAMSHIPS Sail fr m Pier 20 North River, New York, Every Siterdav, for' GLASGOW VIA LONDON ERRY. TO GLASGOW, DERIltle B ELEA 'T OR LIVER POOL, CABIN, siil? to !$,14 . SECOND CABIN, $40. EITEERA E, OUT. paid free o charge in ...angland, Scotland and lige, Cabin Plens,Book of Tcinrs, &o., GREEN, sw YORK, to EL DICKSON, Post Office, Sea orth. 832 LARDINE MACHINE OILS. Cyljnder, )3o4 Cutting, Wool and Harness Fir —GOLD IAN Prizes and 1 MOCOLL, 854- 6 D SILVER MED 'ALS. ID lomas Wherever Rxhibite 78. Take no other. WILSON, Seaforth, and JAMES A 16 CO., Wingham. Since nto. TEAS CHE If you] want tilit betst value tha PER THAN EVE can be had in the Provi ee for y call at the II h of your money. Bla.ck Teat Green T a, Japan a ponnd, are now selling at 2543 a pou d, or five priced teas are cut down t a very eh ap rate. first-claes grocery, can be had at the Seaforth wands for $1. Prunes, ditto. Tea dust ve y cheap. west possible prices. A fill stock of rockery, rid. will be eold at a small advance on cost ; in. for oats at mill rates. Alli goods cleliv red free. That its the place to get th wor Teas, that areiusually sold at 40 Sugara are being sold as fol oWS Raisins at 531 er pound, or 22 p All kinds of oceries at t e lo China 'and Glassware on h nd a fact, everything to be form in a Tea S ore. Oatmeal' exch raged money, GRS4COLDs,rg f4eIartin,P613.31StZ IS°1 4coN,U.MPTI:13 4-• The u lie that ness, bit in Iiippe Huron. Dry Hat dersigned begs to anima e has 'purchased the gen erto carried on by Mr. 4 and is determined to ks of general stores in Our stook of ce to the pub- Ienry Schafer, lace t in the the ounty of Goods, Groceries,I Cr ckery, Will be ound well assorted and ompl te, with splendid lines of Spring Goods rrivin nearly every d y. We show excellent value in New Cotton s s, Shirtings, Dress Goo s, Pri ts, Cot- tons, Ca. ets, Tweeds, Ducks, Den s, & e, which vill give tr customers tip, advant e. iir o keep a first-class stock and sell as heap as Reme ber, we do not quote lon price • for low the next Call an examine our stock and rices ad con - keine pri ed. are satis ed yen cannot get as gold goo s at the Butter and Eggs taken in exchange, f r which he highest prices wi 1 be r aid. No Troluble to Show Goods. Five per cent. discount allowed n all sh pur has'es exiceeding 81 atter March Ls D. WEISMI L R. 1 THE SEAPORT NSURANCE AND LAND ACiNCY. d to tisk risks on the moat favors Alit° A Slit for the Sale and Par and Vill ge Property. Sto d is le te at L hese 1 proved Farms for Sal 1550,000 to lionatenrea:i. gent fo the sale Of Ocean Eta, OFFIC — Over M. Morrison' pe k, Fire 1. an So. f Farm cent ship facto Stole, Male 845 ANA IAN BANK OF CO H AD OFFICE, TOR NT EAFORTH BRA CH. The Se forth Branch of this Balk COM receive posits, on which interes s Drafts n all the :prineipaltown and Canada, Great ,Britain, and tne States, b ught and sold. Office- First door South of t e Co 689 4. H. IRELAN M RCE: • banes to wed on eities United ereial LEG -AL. P. S. OARROL -1-4 Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Mo eat Office in Meyer's Block, Seaforth. -&-e° lend at lowat Tates of interest. Corner of Squave and W est Street, Go ey to loan. In Street, 794 money to erich. Tee Wm.Prondloo b. 686 °AMMON, HOLT CAMERON. M. C.CareeroneQ C., Philip Holt, eron. exich, Ont. . Came 506 -1-1•-• TAW Oliejtor .Chancery. Co for taking affidavits in the Province of Solicitor for the Bank! of Hamilton, re,TANNING & SCOT Barristers!, Couveyancers &e Solicitors for of Johneton, Tisde!le Gale. Mone Office, Beaver Block, C inton, Qatari MANXIX03 JAMES SCOTT terney at miesioner nt. 688 the Bank to loan. • 721 is4E-VER!& DRAINS N, Barristers,. e., Kent's •evj Block, Winghatee, Solicitors for the 13a.nk of Hamilton, -Conernistioners for ta ing allide.- vits in Manitoba. Private furide to Jo. n at '6 per .cent. Lueknowoffiee 'very Wednesd y. H. W. T .A.TE with Cameron, e'•-•‘ Barrister, Solici Money to loan, I3enso Block, Seaforth or, ConveysaIxer, Ate. tes !Old Office, Canine& 786 -Nronur Public, Conveyancer, Con snissionee, -LI die. Office in 'Carmichael's Bloek, (ground floor), opposite Tire lex !osiectis Office. Money to lend. Farms and houses for sale. 836 F. HOLMESTED, QUCCESSOR to late firm of McCaughey & 'a Halm sted, Itarriste; Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend: Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main street, Set:forth. AND MACHINE. SHOP IN FULL BLAST AGAIN 1 ALL sorts of repairs of Agricultural Imple- ments, Engines, lioilers, Saw Will Work, &e. done with despatehil Vje sell John Abell's Horse -power and Steam Threshns, Saw Mill Rig , Stationary and Portable sell ' Clover Machhies, e. We also keep on hand!repairs for all machines and engines made by John Abell. _ A large stock of Plow Rants, &c., kept constant - All sorts of cattings dene with despatch. We van supply you with any, artiele in the trade en the shortest possible notice. Please give us a trial. ! 856x26 PORT BROS., Wroxeter lot 21, concession L. R. S., Tnektrernith, a Thoroughbred Suffolk 'oar. This animal was recently purchased from the well-known breedere, A. Franks & Son, and is ' from imported Ethek both sides. Terraa,—$1, payable at the time Of service with the priedlege of returning f necessary. GEORGE PLEWES.. 783 1- P. BRINE, Lieeneed Auttithaeee i or the " County of Huron.' &deo attended in sII parts of the County . An orders late t the Ex- esmos Office will be p omptlyattended to A DELGATTY, Lice sed Attetioneer for the -1--1-• County of Huron. Sales of all deseriptIons promptly attended to on :reasonable terms. Ad- dress Brussels P. 0. olr apply on Lot 4, Con- eession 12, Grey. 77 JAMES CAMPBELL, ieensed Auetioneer, Lot " 10, Concession 14, MeRillop. conduct- ed on the most reasonable terms, and satisfaction guaranteed. All orders 'addressed to Walton O. avill receive prompt attention. JAMES CA.MPBELL. 8494. f. MARRIAGE LICENSES is13171iD AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, • NO WITNESSES REOUIREM