HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-06-06, Page 7MK 6, 1 r`84. FORTH LI Ili NWILRE )1 iltaft !HI TNEY and al fall line of the Eitylee of PARLOR STOVES, kwa hem and tha ou always in stock. Dods-, and guarant _ ht in rice, ►bole✓ a d Pocket Cut - ices. of of Granite Kettles it g, &o. All sizes.. Bing Work promptly sfaotreri guaranteed. foods in my line, ih. see my stock and tope et Tin Mouse.. Ell EY f` ay Brothers. ON ER ILE STORE, gF INGHA r. S FOR fen PotNT rencia ` Wire. roe THE WOR WARD 1 OHURNE fou bv any other. 7r LEAD: w a "ol Boiled.: tar an Utensils at UNE &. CO. L.TU R aral inplen ent Mann-: pleasure in informing d. Perth thatt they have Exeter AIRF, S€aforth, ISD, 14.itch en, d all repairs for the HARVESTER ;i 1884. yrs Notes. eentford has a new 3,031/b. ire frith which they expect to arouse �b� t�lal `sof t. Thomas rioters the country 1,500, the bulk of ie borne by Elgin county. young lad; so of Mr. Pettit, of Oak, was kilt a few days ago by l?ow iellinft on hi _ g Redmon ▪ while walking on the sown), track ear the Kingston pitundsing, Toron o, was struck by a igang train and se 'ously injured. The wife of the VP, W. H. Ram. ..r, of m- ..r,of Win London, formerly of the Chapter has fallen heir to tottjekleft her by n aunt in Europe. M, Archibald N mmo,ofKinueard," claws instead'of hat Iike a bear tgh otherwise its ynnagralf witloote , looking somev Aerie the feet, tho nation is perfecta .. Wm. Reid was a rested in Toront Sunday the 25th lost.,=for brutall *wog his wife, assa ting his fathe in s, and brutally kicking his mothe il.1sR, breaking both of her legs. S p.:in a critical oondFtibn. _ -Ayoung; man n red Wm. Baron, web, out from K nt, England, was saidentally drowned out of 'a canoe, out. IS feet from s ore; in Lake St. john, near Longford Mills, Saturday ming, He has been in the employ jthe Longford Lumber Company only two weeks. He hadin England a mer, brother, and tree sisters. ../ohn Howard aged 55, was brought tat ehospital in Toronto the other - jay etatbed in _ the abdomen. The vow/is one inch and a half long and nentraces to the cavity. He was ;wain a drunken row at Lambton I laby Joshua Glover,- colored, who irreated. ° The wounds may prove is 4u the Synod of the Reformed pbyterian Church at Pittsburg, the art of the commi tee condemning the liquor traffic Tice sed by Govern- -meet and providing fo the excommuni. Wien of such Church members as deal ialpirituoas liquors a d rent property to tavern. keepers wasl, after a heated debate, unanimously opted. Two young lads n Hamilton, in - died of observing Sunday as they' should, got playing With gunpowder. They filled a pop bottle full, then put. it lathe ground and pita. same bricks end it for shot. One of them. Win. lidlabaugh, then bent over and applied the match to the month of the bottle. n explosion followed. The bottle was blown to -pieces, and pi ces of it entered *tame and body of y ung Dillabaugh, cutting hire severely. --The Cornwall Fre holder says . A freekled.faoec youth, ith an expansive countenance and the c ruers of whose mouth, as he smiles pa s each other, at the"back of his hea put a blanket mound. Mr. Tobin's oung- Berkshire pleat the fire a few' ni hts ago and ran off with it. The pig h s not been seen lime and a strong sme 1 of pork eman- ating from a • house n Water Street sure, indicates that it ever will. How some polished hypocrite will make a hog_ of themselves when they get a chance. -As Mr. John Dodds, of Middlemiss,. accompanied by his child, was driving over a bridge Wedne day near that place,: the horse becamd frightened at. a new plank which had j st been put in, and turning around, s . asked the buggy --throwing the occupants over the bridge at stance of nearly thirty feet. They , and although lously hurt, his as to all ap- ather laid his and went for g what was his and uninjured.. xreveler from a )oto, arrived in afternoon he ell known but- tter's -wife, who 0 r r- he • nts. manufactured by nines formerly roman - tt WILLIAMS, of Strut- :eft With their, agent, , ]ti $�;a1f a3A �.L, will f7r.5!AN Agent.. f �i.at.1 ,000 e rde-o5. •VP.-13...341:i �t 4footot i+1e c€3 *, Securtiiie aQ roar Vie_= grart Q. falai r egie n Dt etc arenes, eta -aim. des. arta sa1 lu- ai e, `iicraso' 1.11. „C GARLAND hat t}ep will keep, g season, at rut $'eatratia, a, Lime, which they Mt. Coriish will Y and Thursday, aUil And Friday. Mr., Cha- t Ex --ter every day.' who se l Dowoing'a of railway. This ie rilS-S FAc.ER Freckles, Sunburn. >laeb, Specks,. _Blot- can be removed -in apply ing . ESQ 'S neo1e Lotion. e an Effectual. 0. P R BoTTL F all Druggists. - ~entxs f r postage; awl , a coyly box of good ex,: to more moIIey else ithis worm al sent ely sure. 14e gusta, Maine. 2 (-ANLL . ✓ cent.,, interest par per c . t. yeariyf v agingtart of pried' pit' F. froudjk 8511 fell on the hard grout' lir. Dodds was not ser child was stun sed, and pearance -dead. The We one on the bank assistance. On iseturn iii jog to find his child ally -The other day - a large brewery in. Tor. Belleville. During -tb went to the house of a v chert and told the la Vida alone with a lady friend, that he s!epresented a musical house,: offering toeell the lady a piano on favorable terms. Not being satisfied' witha peremptory answer that. she was not in need of a piano, the eco- ndrel wormed himself into the house, rid grossly ,in - eked the lady. He wa finally forced out, The head of the house was told tithe intrusion, and hiS wrath knew Bobotinds. He followed the man to Brighton,and meeting b.im in Clarke's hotel, administered • a ohasti-sement, which, however, will not end the matter. Aerimin.tstted.: al action in ooirt will be in. � England's Wore Enemy. Io me of the last add asses made by the late Duke of Alban at Liverpool, lacharacterized drink as " the only terrible enemy whiph ®ngl and has to ." He was ledl;p to this thought h Speaking of teaphing cookery in con - 'lotion with ragged schools. He thought that if they cojild teach the n`ldren early to see the difference be - Wen what dirt and waste and shift - u•,., make of a poor man's dinner, indwhat care and thri t and cleanli- roan make of it at he same cost, they would be civilizing them almost mote directly than by t : sir sums and. + mar, and would be eking in flank-' ergreat enemy. ",Dr nk-drink,the , Y terrible enemy who England has hfser." This sentime t elicited the est acclamatiall.ons froi the crowded The Lord's ork. It's a great error' to s c ;ppo-se that we ire doing the Lord's w • k only when Isere engaged in devotional exercises, or laboring for the con :rsion of sin: s,orfor the edificatio, of Christians. fat which a man do.:a; heartily, as auto- the Lord, is the to d's work. The 'fller when he is carefully and :wisely *luting the soil, is doi!e g the `Lord's ork. Dloughing is as t my a religious te as graving.. The m:.rchant when i�ake9 an honest cxc wage is. doing ,Lord's work. Deali ':g justly is as • Y a religious act as w- ruing sinners eefrom the wrath to c« me. A man is • God's work when his doing that pleases: God. man is doing the Lor 's work when faithful to his. ern lover does a is daY'a work • when h takes care of health . when he go -v rns his tem- ! when he iscareful to speak the exact truth. ,, when he i courteous to gers, and lends a he ping hand to needy; when he beeord f -- ement for the desp ridwing owhenen an example of industry and tY ; when he return good for evil ; LiLu4alit dlea-h heds such an u right, benevo onoring life, t at men take ledge of him that he has been. with Jesus. Re solely in readi attending ohuro conversion of me ant duties, but t whole of duty. once to every Observer. gion g t e an God t of r e la he HO wi fur not . ible,: p ' ring f lar incluc 1 hs ve EPPs's COCOA. -GRA PU AND PORTINii.__.c' By a hor u : h howl the natural laws hie ' go rn 4.hations of digestio c an n trit;o , by a careful appli c atio of he /in perties of well-sel €ted Coo a, Mr has provided our re akfast tables!' a delicately flay red bey rage may save us man doctors' hills. by the judicious u e of sue ` actio diet that a oonstit tion ma ` be ally built up unt'l strong ;enoug resist every tende cy to disease. dreds of subtlemaladies are I fl around us ready to attar " wh there is a weak po nt. We many a fatal shaft by keepi well fortified ,wit pure leo properly nourishe frame." ' O' vice Gazette.= -Mae simply:wi ing water or milk. Sold only in and Tins alb. and lb.) ; ,y ler labelled--» JAMES EPPS & Co., pathic Chemists, ondon, hug. Ask Yo r Dr-ugikistl For Dr. Schilli g's Ger 'aril ' . m Cream. It is preped to et "dii'ctly on the worms, a d i ea e, s, re and palatable. 837.52. : i gist i man :nt relief, until b ing, of D . Sings: New Di the sum tion, Coughs a ort-. had a magical effee the per 'e anent Cure. It i fer- curetI Diseases of the Y. or B'lahial Tubes, T i J. S. Roberts' Drug S o $1.. r852 Reliable oti- e of �r- nd ro- e ph ick t is of u, - to: n - ting ver pe es a er- ii. ets raj 03- 1 .52 Spring Cle Every good hoes wif the house at least ,.very seri Our system often c ee ds ren and there is 'nothing bet pure blood and cle.-use : nd. the secretions than Bu doe tars, preventing diseases i cid the season's chang: 857.52 - wi There e. aof Of people going around ern e, b1i . half sick at the sto'e ach all the l who might be we 1 and ha epy,if, only used Dr. Cars en's Sto ach jBi occasionally. It is a spl -ndi{ purifier. All drug ists 50.c nts. •s Well It war1de will be paid to" any uce a ca e o Liver, h complainttjl at 1 not speedil pre. oth- re, Tour •o,ri od nt lv to f 11. iso, ke all it. to liberal reward. party who will pro Richey" or Stoma Electric Bitters wi Bring them along, 't will cos ing for the medicin and you will be wel, trouble besides. Billiousness, Jann and general debilit Satisfaction gnaran: funded. Price o bottle:. For sale Seaforth.-783.52. A Ge who always keep a Sturgeon Oil Linim horses, for which it dy, thought to try i from which for yea ferer, what was his it cured him comp' if it fail rewarde 11 Eloo ice, C are gnio sed. or ly fifty by J. tleman upply 'of nt on h is a soya on his r s he had delight t. tely. 793 -o e ` f d not fly 16 on Ceti Dr r id le sig r ren bee field 52. , atfs Hollow` y's p Any dyspeptic serer a purifying, regulatirl, and' ge ant powers _of these ills, shoo no one to cloud his udgment his course. With box: of Pills, and attention to its ace directions, he may f fled that he can- sa release himself fro out impairing his a his digestion. T medicine facts as a tonic by aiding nut a thousand annoyin.; complaints. An o Holloway's remed salutary to all perso ill, whose .digestion a condition usually ness, languor, listles. dency. 857.52 ee, el thoro ely and e his mis petite or is most nervine ition, an • forms casignal willpr e a wethler:. a sloWorli&ip videncedl et' ness an :d e le The Won d - i ful Po er of Shaker Blood S ' up, in a meati every form of Sc fula, ha _been clearly and fully d monstra d th leaves no shadow of daub be t heing the greatest m:dictal di cov r� this generatign. 00 0 d. er 5, f "'My son had save al uglyrofnl ns sores between the ani. le and nee of his right leg. He has t: -ken two::bolts le of Shaker Blood Syr a p, the s res I h , e disappeared, and he : eems td ' be; free from this humor." T. J. KELEY Carriage lanufact Por l • • I have been afflict ed with and scrofulous hu or from My mother, sister and broth€ this terrible diseasJ. Before taken one bottle of S I began to improve, well. MRs. J. J. 92 To aker Bid nd a'm n� AMPDELL pseud s eet, Syrao er `1 41, nc;er tj ,infants died ha d Syru v tlearl Shaker Blood Syr rp cured patients who had be:n confin• e bed for several monde s with sd Rheumatism. Without the r: ee would have died. I have n:. e skin diseases with m rkeci en urea JOHN D. '' ILBUR, u ! D est • rly, IR J. S. Roberts,. agent, . eaforth. 55 e, o Cis t. t h' er nri:1 e y h:' t fo A Victim of den e. The individual whi places many of the Clad eo S of a spl cel C remedies is often a but the array of honest virtues of Bur are indisputable. I diseases of the blood, Investigate the proof 857.52.2w. r e dly dila of acts reg, din ock $lo B positiv:ly• cure liver and kid he s andtestoo�'a 113 52 at tise nte� tter 1 A Wide Range of T Tse The great househole remedy lar with the people- : agyard' Oil -is .alike valuab: for ext internal use, curing r e eumatis sore throat, croup, oat bi bruises, and all lame a ess and of the flesh. 857.52• w. A Startling ® iscov Mr. Wm. Johnson, .f-Hpron writes that his wife h : d been with acute for man and that all remedies tried ga 8 �e��o L Op a e ll of gis , bitrnr or One a 0 ro> b; ye p occredab ttl ver for lon Colds, w icl nd produced_t guaranteed- t� i hroat, Lungs 1 'bo ties free a e• . ►urge Sizt R.N..Wheeler, of highl of Hagyard's P havi g seen pits effects i sever inf afniation of distr ening cough, was feotl cored, which ha treat ent. 857.52.2w. Painful Oc So a of the most p that fdiot me -Asia eco tism. Either the aunt may eradicated fro earlyse of the grand renov te, Burdock BI .52.2w "Tb� both e suffer yard's tions, dy cl Ontar week. • Th: bruise sores, corns, Lively It tion, per. b 833.52 Nat ;A Bad. In loes_of the sense nnoyipg and da ng from deafness s Yellow Oil aeoc}r. This invaluable red' John Qlarli, o, restoring his h 85,7.52.2 w. to .a. erten, speaks: or: Balsam, is : N « U case, a h : lungs an ickl ; and per. tog :ted otfer a !i re ce. fol stafferings froej rhenma- oh onic foam he a ood byl an rift' ng system Bi tern. 857. 't ucklen's Arni host salve in the , sores, ulcers, salt tetter, chapped ha earing is s. These oul try Rag- ing .to • three - use a old reme- f 1,i ilibridge, ari g in one 1 S - ve. orld for cuts, rh:nm, fever ds, chilblains, ins, and pasi- ay required. rfec satisfac- rio: 25 cents S .Roberts. acting on the stomach, er d bowels, ele• 00 Mary Tlionipscen of Toro4o, icted with tape *term, eight feet h was removed bfy one bottle of w's Wurni Syrup 857.52m. Mrs was ft of whi Dr. L Pro highly . Low's Magic S lphur Soap is recommended fo all humors and skin cFseases, 857.52m,1 Fre man's Worm PoWaers ire agree- able o take, and exp 1 all kinds lof worm from 'children r adu. ts. 85,7. Not Anothe Shall- o down my throa please t cure for my bil a Dr. C rson's Stomach Bi dere t e blood pure and bottles 50 cents. 838.261 Pil ;I -pr mpt and is a tacks es tors It ren -1 ine. Large I haye used Dr, Serape id off'El Russian Corn sind Wart Eradick tor, nd can recom end it as doing all it rofess s. corn ttre. My corn are missing. Sold by Lumsden Wil o , ruggists, Oh ! How Tired d Weak feel,' don't believe I ill ver get throng the spring house- lean ng ? Oh yes yo will if you take a ottl or two purify . our blood and ton up the eye- tc.3rci. n large bottles 50c nts 838.06 In the rovince of Ontario evar year thonsanda untried °strums for such co p aints as costive- ness, in rgestion, liver comp] lot, Ki ney tron: bles, etc. who might easily reg i los strength and ener by using McGregor s Sp edy Cure. To convir ce them that such isi t e so we will give the a free trial bottle- at I urnsden & Wilson's Drug Store. Price 5:1)(3 an $1'. See • Fluid Lightni g. Fluid ightning is the only en e for pothache, headache earache and Nental0 . I does not take a da or an hour to -cure it,: at in less than a minute all pain is gone. Thon an& have test- ed its me its ;within the last yea. . Filed Light- ning is al o a positive cure for rh umatism. The worst po Bible cases have been Die 1.13 anfintly cured in one weiek. Price 26 cents at 'L den & To the La any case f pimples on the face ,o either h ds or fack, and leave t It will ale heal any sore when all lions fail. Thousands have taste and do ot be persuaded to ta Lumsden Wilson's drug storJ, (flannel t be ss good. It is bu • erat -will cure rough skin on soft as silk. other prepara- arbolic Cerate, e anything else cents a box at The Royal (1, TE CARMIC JAMES W paEGS to inform his old friendsla ling ublic that having pu ly re-furni hed and re -fitted it o attention o the wants of his cu • tol to Merit a share of public patro • are all wel furnished and well la". a tentative nd trust worthy hostl r in attends ce. Good sample ro II cial Travel ems. and Gode oh Streets, Seaforth, otel, EL'S) d the travel - rased this new has thorough - top to bot - y. y strict ers le hopes e. he rooms ed. The bar will ways be for ommer- of Main 733 prietor YARN 1884. EW SPRING -4 THE Po t Office M Y do is no complete, Dress Goo s, Prints, apestry an Factory an Bleasahe Cottons, tains and Immbrecin. ns, Cretonn Summer Gloves, F ncy Ties, Parasols, lir mbrellas, &o. Also a ment of B' ots and hoes, Rnb hand. A 1 11 stock f Grocerie Hardware, consistin of all kind Oils, and- lass in al sizes, Spa Having no a first-cl as tailor i are prepar d to supply all who and Seafor h salt al aye kept on trade price given fo Butter an other farm produce. N. B. -A OS 1884. e. naist ng of a prin Tweeds,: emp Carpets, cks nd Den - ids, ace Cur- . ery and just to he v lage, we noti e, and a nd. Highest Igo; oats and endi assort - Blinds just to OW. IE HURON E Po IT D. G 3 I G ilyth Go Wingham, , "louden, iWellingtbn, 1G rick Want-- stxuperdesTikiTai las NO= NO SOUTH- depart arrive sit Nonami-- BILIPear . !ow .1.n41:4:6501,...mi /41:0505 . Bixpres! 12 /6 Bruce, Top. 1.. tdail. 6 69 67 50 Eip. - . .; . . Express., ..10 16 i Mall. ... 7 85 4 .10 80 C re and Ace. -1- the 10 J Union St best an .Eve, p MES HOT been retatted hotela in the paid to guests 1 Proprietors. city. and centay ble P' tion, has r oat comfor ssible attention II' Is' Bill V V den east * Surgeon, Acconche r, tee. e, that ;la ely occnpie 1 bY Office and red- Dr. Hutchison, of Presby rian Chino .. I ' "842 ems of the Me hodist Church. i496 x. I.,o. and and Ver loe. M., ember of the Coliege Strigeons &c., Seaforth, !Ontario. Residence same as formerly 848 of Phys occupied br clans Office Dr. Mid - ifery, dii 1 f r Women, Lgland. Lon - burgh. 33 -26 pital don, EYE Ear and Ophthalmic -E Throe If R AND THROAT, College, Teren- and Central , Trinity Medieal eptal, Moorfields, naont mont tract terms linton the s c rand Unio . pain. Ch. cord Friday of MOO. Teeth rges moderate 730-25 each ex- and ., and in • at the •,d' without cash. eck, the a up me ' i hitney's 13 ,Eilmansir, . to ca,efully i era omplete are! ''School. of ' speciav. 9E11 all operaf Store, Meyler's D G.113. Saving rr the late Office Block, AT Med Nat 'teeth Ch, Mr. Bu ,lyier Jo Main Stre ON, list, Toro ai - Teet . asiiy and rges Mo 'n, I will nson's Hard t, Seaforth _ Clures find, iedi stanc , Trice, ,old by K L000• . sy • om p let ,,-. oh anal is of 100 bita e of Po -slum, or :3 .1 SOLD EVERY 1- Sle . Per Bottle, Jt S. Bob, rte, Druggis,,, 0 ly y H or Se u Seroful s of Shak Mineral sdh- RE. z to $5.04 forth. r 70 GLASGOW, ..nch laid ire Eor iBEEN, 0.4 ' Ev:ry I; r Line Di of char mirage, Ca NEW Yo 0 R Li I N for AST t I 4, ok DICESON,ea OR est Scotland f Tours, 141v.§Ei rates 1(i ism 40., t , Saturday EBRY, BE efts issued e in in Plane, x, or Engle 13 to 13 LARDIN Cylinq.er. Bo GOLD CHINE g. t • AND SI VE Firs2f Prizes and1181 Diploma NI COLL i3ROS, L"41 and Ha DALS. ness WI erever Exhibited For sale by RBI 854-26 Since & Co., ro *onto Seafor0, and JAMES A. LINE TEAS CHEAPE If you That is Teas, t pounds Sugars Raisins All kin China fact, ev Tea St tHAN( EVE ant the best va ue that Oim be call a the place tb get at are usually sol for $1. Also, thi3 re being sold as tf at 53 per pound, o s of Groceries at nd Glassware onl worth of you at 400 poun 22 pounds fo he lowest pos and and will re. Oatmeal exOh,anged for oats had ini the Prvince for iour the mone Blaok Tea, Green Te , Japan money, • as are at down to a ver che p rate. 13, 15 and 16 pounds of ach for $1. very cheap. he eaforth livered free. $1. Prunes, ditto. Tea dus sold t a small advance s groce can be had at at mill rates. All goods d 4. G. AUITTI Main Street, Se forth. 01 • R EUMA1,1('3„':./;. Scictica, Neuralgia, Cramp n S rains. BES HORSE L J. DRAYLEY; ALI P.q. BUS NESS AN . The und lie that he ness, hithe in Kippen, fronk ran Huron. 0 Drk Will be fo splendid li every day. Cottonadc reigned be has purcha to carried on by Mr. and is determine to r stock of s to announce to the Pub - ed the general store bu.si- enry Schafer, the Coun y of lace it the ods, robe Caps, Boots ies ind well assarted and es of Spring Go ds We show excel ent , Shirtin s, Dress Goo tons, Carpe , Twne s, Ddoks, Den were bong t for cash alt a di un will give ou customers the a ant Rememb r, we do no qua lo k and sell graded goo+ s, merely f the next. Call and xamine our vines yours -If before "pn same prices the highest prices wi 1 No Trott e to Show Five per chases exce stock rchasi t get n in oods. ding $1 aft r Mar and oes, &c. values in New s, Prints, Oot- , of which vre ge. prices for lolw ny, but mean t as cheap as rices and coii- g el ewhere, as we s go d goods at the .cha ge, for which all cash pur • ed h Is THE SEtIFO INSURMWE AN L ND ACENO. 18 AGENT and Life I d to take r Also Age Also Ago and Village for severa Firs Entrance Cimpani sks on the oat f t for several of t t for tie Sale and Par Property. vora le terms. e b et Loan So. ase of Parri lm, roved Farms or Sale. $50,000 to lboa± at Six per centl gent for t e sale of Ocean tea ship Ticket! OFFICE -7- Over M. Morison' Store, Msin 646 CANADIAN BANK OF CO HEA OFFlOg, TOR Presici:e Hon. Wm. MERCE: NTO. ,000,000. 00,000. S AFORTH BRAN H. the Seafo h Branch of this Ba continues. ti receive dep sits, on widish int rest s allowed he most fa orable terms. Drafts on the prinbipal t wns I and ethers in tates, bengiht and sold. Office -Fast door South of thi.t Commerclia 89 A. H. IRELANI, Manager. TED, Solicitor. LEGAL. j ATE of Garrow -11-4 Soliclitor, Con tar e in Proudfoot'a °tee, oderich, eyancer &c. onex to loan. eyer's 'Block, Mai* Street, 794 p C. BAYS, So loiter, &o. Private oney to -"J. lend at lowe t rates of interest. FFICE-,-. Corner of Square alld West Street, Gode ich. 774 686 flAMERON, HO 1--1 Solicitors in .,Philip Ho] oder'ch, Ont. 508 W.0. MEYE , Barrister and At rney at or taking affidavit in the Province of M nitoba. •a- Con eyancers I Johns n, Tied Moe, Be ver Bloc OTT, Banisters, S &e. .Solicitorsi for t lOOTT&. Gale. Money ;, Clinton, Ontlario NSON,Barristars, &c am. Solicitors for t rivate funds to loan t a6ffi ;231:;• CHEAP SUGARS & CHOICE TEAS ce every 'Wednesday. H. W.- OHLNSON. 738 Hattori Cony yancer, 786 EXE & DICK Blo k, Wing f Hamilt n. Co its in Ma Robs. ent. Lu know o LO TU Toney to loan, B lock, Seatforth. e Bank o loan. 781 !PERFECTION AT 7 LAST. SUCCESS EXTRAORDINARY EGMONDVILLE ROLLER MILLS, The only genuine Roller 14111 in the County, whith now has nci superior, and few equals, on the cohtinent of America for Manufacturing Roller Flour. The Bread Quest n of Vital Importance. The Gradual eductionS stem by Roller now in 1 Op ration. Boller Flofir bringio from $1.25 te $1.50 per barrel 7nore than the best Flour made by 0,e Old PrO4e88. Farmers will i a all cues get their own wheat ground, and by our new sys- tem get a stronger, whiter, richer and better grade :of ftiour by far than the public has hithertie been able to get. Remember, the is Po humbug orex- periment in Our a opting the Gradual Reduction Syetem Our new -system is thorough and r liable. It has been thoroughly tested 'and proved a great success in Hung& y, Germany, France, England and the tnited Stetes. 1 We gave A, 1 lour previous to our extensive change at a heavy cost, and we guarantee bet ,r Flour now, __One le trial will be suffic ent to prove our as. sertions correct. NCHO PI G. Our facilities fo this class of work are unsurpassed, a . d -customers may de- pend on getting th ir chopping done at . once. Be sure and try our famous new process -roller flour. ' Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed deliv- ered to any part if Seaforth, Harpur- )01-• Our Saw Mills at Egmondville and Bracefield in full operation. 808 mus ;CARD. BUTTER AND EGGS AT THE Grocery Department -OF- Main Street, Seaforth. e Bank • S. • RUC UGHEY, OTAR Public, Conveyancer, Co (tc. Office in Carmichael's mock, oor), oprosite TN EXPOSITOR Office. end. Fa ms and houses for sale. STOCK OF GROCERI.ES to select from. Farmers consulting their own interes6 would do well to asionerl TOODO oney to bring their Butter iad Eggs to the 836 UCOES OR to ted, Ba nd Note y Sac eke in S ott's Mo late firm of McCaughey & 'Eder, Solicitor Conveyancer tor for the Can Adieu Bank of WROXETEB MILLS -to lend. Farms for sale. k, Main street, Seaforth. IVIONTREA HO USE. RO AND MACHINE SHOP IN F LL LAST LL sor El of rep irs of Agrie ment / Engine Boilers, Sm c., done th deep ich. We sell ohn Abel 's Horse-powe bresh!re, Saw Mill Riga, Stationa 11' Clover Machines, eec. We also eep on Nand repairs for and engine made 134 John Abell. on hand All sorts of castings done with d spate n supply you 'with any article in the t 8 GAIN Mill and Steam and ortable 56x26 ode on a A se UFFOL PIG. -The undersigne will Franks Son, and is from imported st th sides. Terms, -$1, payable at the t cep on smith, Al vas ock on me of 788 of Huron. Sales att County. All orders le tie will e promptlyatt eer I nded tat t nded r the in all 0. dr ce DELG • Coma raptly at ss Brass sion 12; y of Harem. Sales of ended to on reasonable tdeermser grids- rey. 77 0. 10, Con on the m aranteed. will re PBEL MPBELL, Licensed An ssion 14, McKillop. a reasonable terms, an All Orders addressed dive prompt attenti tionee les co satisf Wal duct- ction on P. MES IS TJED AT E HU OH EXPOSITOR OF CE o WITNESSgli REOUIREDe Begs to announce to the Public that he has commenced to operate the WROXETER WOOLLEN FACTORY and that he will be prepared to give good 'wane in FULL CLOTHIS, TWEEDS, UNION TWEEDS, and varieties in STOCKING ARNS. CUSTOM CARDING, Spinning and Fulling promptly attend- edPtaer.ties from a distance will, as far as possible, have their Rolls ho e with them, and as he has put the ill into good working order and entplo s none but efficient workmen all ork is Remember the Wroxeter Mill ,PROPRI TOR HENSNA... New Milliner FANCY GOO S STO E. JAMES MURRAIY Has pleasure in a nouncing o the ladies of Hensall an vicinity, t at he has opened a new MIlinery and Fancy Goods Store in the -augh Bloc , Mein Street, Hensall. He has a co plete stock of ail the latest and most f shion- able styles in - HATS AND BONN TS, Together with trimmings of ev y de- scription. This department is tinder the personal supervision of Mrs Mur- ray. The stock ef Fancy Goods 's also complete in every departmee , and faction. Inspection invited ; no ouble p7to5rieschempsoweeigll be fouled right. ry our GoLoodeegsg. ; they will give eats - Butter and Blies taken as Cash... JAPI MURRAY