HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-06-06, Page 66 To The Deacon. As it isnot "in meeting," I suppose I can express myself in regard to your .� creed" as set forth in The Christian Union for October 18, page 312. I believe, Deacon, that in all tree women (mark, I say true) there is im- planted the mother inatinot to hover over and proteot,to reachout and gather int the_ young and friendless. When a woman is destitute of this quality her _unhappiness begins. - If we have always with us the poor,. we have also the young in life that de- mand, a woman's -love and care. No woman need be homeless, fee this God- given feminine grace to hover and- pro- tect gives her the influences that makes her a home in wilderness'or town. On this belief I argue that there is but one rule' for married or unmarried life, and that is the one Christ gave ne the Golden Rule." When John says he takes Susan "for better or worse," if John wants to be a happy man he must add., " To do to you Susan, as I'd like you to do to me ;" and Susan must say the same to John. No other rule under heavenewill make them a: happy pair, or enable them to transmit happiness to their children. No, sir ! :No Deacon or minister, or male Angel shall bring up my children for me ! God gave them to me to bear, to rear, to train,to pray for, and bring up for his glory. As sure as. I and a mother, he will hold me respon- sible for that duty, and not my " hus- band alone," as you claim ; nor can I. escape this stewardshipby liking a sub- stitute in teacher, friend or servant, if my mind and. health are spared to carry out this work. Now, Deacon, do you think yon can take the children ofeyour wife . out of her hands and bring them up e Not if she's the woman I take her to be ! For I have faith enough in you to believe you married her not from e fickle fancy,"but because you believed her able to mother your household, and yon too. Why, yes ; you, too 1 - Riese you, my good Deacon ! you men need mothering all your lives,and if you don't get it you look sheepish enough. My opinion is that if St. Paul lived nowadays, and had a faithful wife, mar- ried "in the Lord" he would gladly allow her to remove the " thorn in the flesh." and allow her to heal up the wound with woman's skill, and smooth his " tempest -tossed" hair, and go arm in arm with him through sickness and health. Then, when his peril was over, I believe he would be as manly as he was brave, and go out into the world to support his family, leaving the the wife to the home ditties allotted her. Deacon, who picks the white thread off your coat, and the specks from your linen, and smooths drown your scattered hairs,and bridges over the flaws in your testy disposition, and softens your quick flashing reply to an irritating menial, and gives your coat tail a little twitch when you become prosy in prayer meet- ing, and reminds you to take that quin- ine pill, and puts the hot brick in the sleigh for your cold' feet, and then brushes your seedy beaver, and makes you appear your best among men ? " The Deacon's Creed reminds me of an.old farmer, who declared in the country store, to an attentive male audi- ence, that K4 he believed in women as far as they went, but they hadn't got no .judgment." When children grow -up a credit to a Deacon's family, the world says, " Just look at the Deacon's children ; what a credit they ate to him 1" when the children turn out badly, it is said, " Just look at the Deacon's children ; how bad they are ! but he never had no help,; poor man ? his wife being so shiftless." - Yes, the world will give the men the credit for most everything ; but the orediit the men may have,only give me my children, that I may give them back to my Maker as pare and undefiled as nay efforts, through the grace of `God, can make them, and let me never be a Rachel mourning for my children be- cause some man has taken them away from me I By the way, why didn't a.Joseph, or a Jacob, or the Israelitish men mourn for their ehildren with Rachel a—A Mother. - House Plant Enemies. A correspondent. of the Germantown Telegraph furnishes the following de- scription of the usual enemies which at- tack house -plants, and tells the appro- priate remedies. The article may be read with profit by all who keep window plants The green fly, or aphis; is a green- sh-looking insect infesting the tender- est shoots of a large majority of green- house plants, from which it suoks the sap or juices, causing them to become stunted and sickly. When tobacco smoke can be used without annoyance, it is the most satisfactory means of de- stroying them. Take a large box with- out a cover and -place it upside down ; put a quantity of plants under one end ; then take a pan, put in a shovel of ashes, on this a few live coals, and on the coals place a smell handful of mois- tened tobacco stems ; put the dish under the vacant end of the ,box, and confine the smoke elosely until it sub- sides. An occasional treatment of this kind will suffice ; but if plants are allowed to get very bad before attended to, they should be treated two days in succession. A strong tea made by boil- ing tobacco stems in water'is also good when cool ; appry by sprinkling them thoroughly with it. The mealy bug at times becomes an intolerable nuisance on some species of pians.' It gathers about the axils of the leaves and branches, and resembles at first sight small patches of white cotton, but closer inspection reveals it to. be a repulsive looking bug, covered with a white powder. As it has no special dislike to tobacco in any of its various forms.; it can be removed with a small stick, pin or needle. If too abundant for this dip a small feather in • alcohol and touch each white speck to he seen, and you win find this sure destruction to them. " The red spider is an exceedingly minute insect, so small that it is the merest speck when seen with the naked eye, and in conseggence likely to work great damage to plants before its pres- ence is diepovered. Its presence may be detected by the leaves becoming brownish. A dry, hot atmosphere is. their delight, and under such conditions they increase with amazing rapidity. A moist humid atmosphere, in which plants delight,is very destructive to them. Sponge or sprinkle the plants thoroughly, taking pains to wet the a under sides of the leave most. congrega e. " When theleavesf- whitish or mo' Idy ppeara ease is known .a rail sudden changes o -atrium hightemperature by ;day, a night, or by cold draughts or windows. The neat prev. •even, genial temper tur symptom' of the'disease plants and dust th m wi sulphur." Marrying Cretin .Jos. F. Potter, American C ,field, Germany,' has been dna tigations in regard -to a . mat •interest to ourfair oonntry- the result of his labors is to report fall of information vital interest. He' has bee into the results'of mareia .American girls, and German what he tells us is Most star In thirty-three rnarri.. es not only not been a Single h but either a divorce or I de speedily followed the wed finds the reason for this ;unh of affairs to be that the Arne -have in every instance ,bee treated, and in some oases a lance has been Used. The expected to perform the :m offices. In one instance, th who is an officer of rank in t army, demanded that his wi the service usually eapeoted want of the hunt bleat sort, a the things she was or'dered t superintend the cleaning of This lady was the daughter railroad magnate in a Wes and the story she tells is am one. Her hard-hearted father precaution at her Marriage t daughter's fortune upon her, up in such a way that sh relinquish its control even if' to do so. After inanY humili had been given, his lady, the ing was required. Then she She drew the line there, and American blood, at the boiling flatly refused. Her warrior who besides his military title of Count, attempted t cipline in his family by ul i whip upon his reoalcitra. after a serious time of it flogging and left the ed the knightly ulilan, f he Her husband could no departure, but tried to co , pe meat of a certain sum of mon of salve to the wounds' his received by her abrupt doper did not succeed, for the lady property in the province 'hat held, so she got away wi ho loss of time. e T 0 POS1ToR. e bugs u mea e die - fled by from w at door') is an e first en the er of t71ed. t Cre- i inves ✓ . great nd diva most airing s tween o a, and link. the a has pyl nion, erti n has leg He p1' state toed wives natally o e vio- i were t ' ental band, e rman e rform a ser- ine of d Baas to boots. leading er State 8 ''>Stiable the settle his dlednot it sired tasks tasks lean- 9lled. t her t she e and, a the c dis- �ding- - : and :.the d of and. . her the pay. yb;way erisi s ility are. He no 0o d be 1 ther t ran. g,is grid va 's :b lie and p Americ C " There are mire t. an oar wheels in use o(1 A roads," said them 'seer one of the trunk line an about 525 pounds .of pig i n one wheel. Abort 1,250,1 10. worn out every year, and t . her of new ones must be a.;.1 their places. The iron . upon for only a small pro .9 ti 312,500 tons of material these new wheels, ho eve f 290,000 tons are supp led by out wheels themeelve . . 1 Or life of a car wheel was :,ti eight years, but the red I die railroads genera ly o tab: t gnage, and the improv eme • is i and unloading facilitl s, h ve ly decreased the len h of ser a wheel may be depended bit form. The uniformity in; gee cars in more eon't'innous u:0, decrease in time of loadin . an ing enables theta to ne + nt active service ev:n when hey only on short to • 1 routes. " These figure: do not in e wheels on palace 'oaches : d t class of passenge coaches. IT on that grade of oiling etc •k a most part what are kn.n wheels. That is, the wh I with steel •rim or ii ange an. tr or hub, but the fi ling or ''ell the tub and rim s compos :d of paper oemente' togethe as serviceable as the Who is iron,and combine ightness, 1 —a great derider: tum whe •e s economy in mote power : re mount irnportano . 22 ! The Best Wo The property for whish wo most valued is trueness in a true -bred sheep each stn each lock into wich a gr naturally forms itself--wi growth throughout. The the same thickness, as n sible, _the whole length, or at point than at root. .:The shaggy rough wool in . sheep be Dross -bred, or 111 posed to storms, the fibres at the points and coarser roots, the reason of this b the wool gets longer as it posed to bad weather . ;and ment, nature makes it stro what it has to nonnte part that is next t to give greater w even when combed never lies smooth bred wool, and is c much valve. The: wool which farmer and writers on the but which is found cross bred sheep at too much exposed tricts. This is known' as dead hair. These kemps va and eoarsenees iloobrding to of the sheep. In white, Hig are about two inches lon thick ; in cross-brec very short. In the the ander side of t ter they are so feel fine skin armth. and' spu and eve onse9uen re is ano s do not subject more or �d onshe: rnd fled Austral former e fleece, as not t importance. They are, h alike in this, that, they are a �. shining white (enc pt on the sl ie+ ,lctc: 41 r They Den ec e of the Wog my suita ler. 1is bree le o upb br,e e arlY ew il 3? ileal ing s h> 1 w ,: gray wool, when they are they will not die tl .e sane 0 rest of the wool. depreciate the oval greatly, snaking it goods.—N. E. Fars —The other d , Fran young man, took t e train Craig ; when about mile on hill he was standing'on the the hind oaaoh, •whn he sl fell. The doctors cameo whether he willtreoover. iron rail c of ires ake le are um- take lied - the for ariy ern the at the and ing e ial- hat er- 13 e the 'pad - more . e j run elthe tter eels the per ade tre een gets pare lid gth nd para - per l 0,. 0 E. res e nal 'ill be 'pee- per 11 be no 1 the 4 ea- ough the t as ex- rent - o resist '1 ' he ne ol, n, t 'e- ot'of as rt of d, 0, 11 re is- or - nth reed dthey d .very ie are over he 1St - of may r, ill 'll:azo t, p h k),ad as t e uE E y 1 e' y f a a h rryta for! rtlsa of at ri pf $ d f s y et, r REA 9� 1 81 de r ACRE lot 80, eonoessio ed, and i pasture. REW ARM FOR nd north h 9, MoKillo -excellent For furthe VNLOCX —North halt of rth - half 'of lot t of tide Iand is n for meadow milers apply to op P. 0 819tf ottage .end two th and wagon n for bnsinesa. d is pleasant y 311 be gold in a heap. Apply o 80841 VOA SALE —A oomfo t ehope, s itable for maker, in a g.od;part of h The oottege i ' in good r situated. The *hole pr blo' k or separ hely, an W. N. WATSON,Beefort p 1 M VOA BALE.—F 95 sores;being comp 9th boncessioh of the to county of Huron, mostly atuinps. There is a bank ho se and two good wells. adi ins the ini;orporated•v far her partionlars apply pre ilea, or tb Brussels OUSE FOR ,S ALE. property oh John St t. Thomas ehnroh p led by Mr. Boole. Th ,first -alas cella,six n and a g od kit hen. t and soft ater, a ne esaries complete. to E cup tion roo har neo, 11 0 farm ccntaini g of No ii, le t e f Grey, .int e and free fro 54x64; a brick , above property Brussels. For OBSON,. on the 857, , that desirable forth, next door e, and now oc- d stone fonnde- a,parlor,dining large woodshed, , andall other her pitrticulars , Seaforth. 880 apply to the p oprietor. Te USE Fda .SALE sale or tk rent, a d south of the ilway track, Sea Orth. There is three land, all well f3nced ; also The; house is commodious a g od cellae{ alnd woodshe watr convenient. Will b on ho presCises to the W. . AIKENS. FRM FOR SALE.—No cession8, Morris, con which are cleared and ne There are on the premises frame stable i two never fa cell nt ,orchard of almo tree , all bearing. The situ ted, beim only two a Br Msols and t irteon fro then pattioula apply to or t1 RICHARD LEES, L F M IN! jtu oKERs For sale; ot24, oonoe er ith, containing 100 ao ole ed ; the remainder is is a' good brick house an There is a splendid droller It is convenient to school a in five miles of Beaforth a d good gravel, roads leading 0 fort er particulars apply o Beef rth P.O. ROBERT RENT.—For hoose and lot, g the town Of of an aere Of orchard on it. mfortable with hard and soft cheap. Apply' igned. • MBS. 855 hal of lot 29, con= ai Ing 100 acres, 40 of fare: front stumps. a L ood log house and lh g'wei 1s and ah ex - two hundred fruit fa m s conveniently d a h miler from ear rth. For far- . S. S t OTT, Brussels, n say. 841 I H 0R SALE.— n 3, H. R. S.' Tuck- , 85 of which are dwe d bush. There ram outbuildings. d pl my of water. ahurloh. It is with - ix of Clinton, with both places., For i h premises or to VETY. 1 851 si a a FA ' M IN McKILLOP ^ 0 S E.—For sale on reasonable terms, lo 12 oonceseion 4, Me . flop, containing 100 a r: s, o which •aboint 85 • cleared, well - uncle -d dined, well fenced and n a good state of co ti ation. There is a sea + ` orchard end plenty o g • od water. There is a is • ring creek running .t ,'r ugh the place. Also good frame buildings. C enient to schools and ost office, and within Sv: mires of Beaforth, with a good gravel road all the way. For further Parti mars apply to the pro rietor on lot 13, Dona ; scion 6, or to Beedi\m P. 0. ROBERT lilicK BACHER. 860 EN IRE .1 TOCK F(R SERVICE. BU L FOR fi ALE.—for sae cheap, a Tho ughbred Durham . Ball, "D ke of May," calve May 30th, 1083; of roa colc,r'and register- ed in the Canada Short Horn erd is ook. Apply on lot 8, conctssion 9, Tuck° snit. , or to Eg- - vide P. 02 SIMON HU rE3. 858 neo R FOB SERVICE.—T eep daring the present Huro hood, Tuckerswitb, a Quire oar, to *Isiah he will nam: er of sows Terms -31, of se vice, with the• privile neves ary. JOHN a B. HEND o undersigned will : easo n on lot 21, horonghbred Berk - receive a limited ayable at the time of returning if 'RS ON. 852:x4 TO - POCKRISi+RS.—Tlte h m Bulk, 1 "'Duke of Cana a Short Horn Stock R be ke t on Lot' 281, Concessio •ersmi h, for the! seivice of a cows Terms -Season cows .calf, 1.50. Wi .1 OBB. 'horonghbred Dur- ulla -ton," 10,864, gister, vol. 8, will 2, H. R. S., Tuck - number of cash; to insure a 858t1 IMPORTANT OTf CE S. SHAWL POUNDi—Found o a the b tween Seafor'th and G i ton,. The o ner can havle it by ro ing payin for this nonce on up «1y ing • urou Road, lady's shawl. property and O the finder. 2.2 -LE a limited number of pu in pia o and organ lessons, a street second doorvvest of E • erg er re lish receive instructi on idencs, John sine cidedl round all tha KIDD TO RENT.—Good I o aforth, next door to th 11: Altogether In repair the best businTss situat d by meat'maiketa, ban tage Me gOo on i ly 111 hea• d& Inglis cellar. De - town. Bur- st office, and o THOMAS OltSE TO RENT —One nd half Story lottage °obtaining eight oom It is pleas- antly ituated arid Convenient o the station land busineas pert of the town. Ap ly THOMAS 'AA' hi office to the building o posi mill, vs here he his a complet tock tured goods, and where all b sine with e establishment will ere as removed• of manufac- ter be con - Mao a secoed-hand melodeon order. For,full particulars gpi make; 5 horse pow r, line sbaf a large fly wheel. oiler 45 I 0 58 inch s in diameter 11 feet 5 front gtates, smoke Seack, &c ebo s go in ly t rd, just! as d discount. ood playing iler- or sale et a 12 feet long with se power, 49 fines, nch long. Fire E 860 STR -u2 of Killop, heifer. Y HEIFE. .—Came i ito eihe premises he undersigeed, lot 2), -one asion 6, hie - The owner can have th same proviug prope and paying merges. he undersigned, lot 6 Grey, is yearling caves—fly steer. he steer and one heif r color ; he other four are red, w of a fe white spots' on thr person tying such leformatio their re overy- will [receive JAMES, SMILLIE, Walton P. 0 A GE TS WANTED.—Wa gels, BI th, Gorrie and Wing the sale of reapers, mowers, r wagons, trucks, horse powers, able an traction steam engin can Apiculture' Implement a lactating Company, London, American Manufacturing Com 8 t. a ER BEATTIE; the premises of colicession 18, heifers , and one 're ol a dark gray as illl lead to ab ye" reward. 861) Retive, reliable God erich, Brue- n to canvass for s, twine binders, s, etraw cutters, operators, port - e INT rth Amen - Ge eral Mann - aria Apply • to or t the North y, L uclon. 841 -2- to tlie undersigned, at Be be recei ed until Monday, Jun o'clock, tor the erection and ii. do all w rk. Plans arid specifi at the re idence ef the maders cession t, MoKillop, on and aft 2nd, andl from whom I all nec can be o tained. The lowest ic necessar ly accepted Unless Oth GEORG " HOLLAND, Secrete Trustees tende ctiwoo th, mpl e don h all 9. one ed, Mo ary slay vise of t es addressed P. 0., will 1884, at 12 don -of a atbrial and an be seen ot 12, con - day, June nfermatien tender not tisfactory. e Board of 059-3 424 SEAFORTH WOOL T BEG io info= those in -2- mearefacturiug or book ac to the enitire deStruction of my compelted to call on you for ment of four accounte, th ebted nts, ill by pro boo tO me for hat owing p settle- s ust be A. G AttE410ND. gou,1 sed most valua 41oes 11 -kJ rdn esi rom pen ost erfect ehem rs le ds of s 00148 0 1 Stay me Home" with all tit latest and a any cook stove, andlguarante d d smoke, and not _affected by dra s windows when in ofier lion. T e oz st ve MA IN S H N K 1 DD'S, BEET, SEAFORTH ;1).1 L WS .! Pr -.1 W HILLED A Which wi invert d stook, im kaiak is e ferior arti Sharp's R of all kin before bu PL colf Genuine South Bend $11•ILKY UBT RECEIVED AT -1-- 0 C. WILLSON'S I piement Wareroom, ties, the subsiiriber being determined to keep those v orted One II ndred and Fifty of the a few days befor sequently, h is enabld to sell the at former priees le. Every Plow guaranteed to give s tisfaction or no s stook of Maseey Reapiire and Masse Mowers, Toront mere, Toro to Cord Binders and assey's Low Do a always on and for the above mac ines. Don't fail o..e. WI4LSON, ATain Stree ricultur E MILLING FIRIVI IN SEA TFIE A1FORTH ROLLER impAir E THE RED MILL.. Mcl3RIDE & SMITH, from Lows forth 10 peo pen liable Plows the rise, th til the presen ommon 'or in le. Reapers and. n Binder; and rms. Repairs o see my etock eaforth. ORTH. Having be. ght the abov mills, aitd refitted them throughout wit and best achinery tha could be procured for a And the re Farmers o and have i all the latest RADUA REDUCTION ROLLER MI L, nit attained is, they 1)ave one of t -le best Mills the Pro nice. nlow get all ,their GRISTING and CHOPPING don in Se oeth, home with t ern the same day, and Satisfaction Guar nteed. FIJOITIR.; .Aa\TD 81-1 For sale by the ton or in ;less quantilties—FOR ASH. Cash for any quantity of Wheat. ITH personally luperintend the Id &forth 'Wier cn 10. showjhls wOek a f ne rpmge of Table 4)ths 'Table I'lapkins, D' Towels, an,d all kinds of Ltnen- Goods. Extra gol (30 value Tri mix*. Ful Stoa. of Par ideri stand. Insertions fo and Dress Silks cheap. sols from 36c to $4 00. ;;Esso*...T3, .A.3E1c) 1 • . PAPST'S is the ving in Jewelry qu 11 the latest styles very reasonable in Ohl so nice. please ea I on Pepsi'', Hie word is sure, R ever man and 47 man been, pl!esto go, ndirare are there, rio LoOk A so To st ain't ashamed t shoiw his stock; can he found in ardao's Block. a says Chris' good are best, please you he will o his best, and try to rival all the ;est. Th best Iplace west of Toronto to Watches, , Clocks, .1 we liy, Silver- ware crind Sp ctacles at the popular jervelrn stere of AIN STREET, Ei ORTH. 0. L. PAr8T, PRACTICAL Subseribers have bought Et iler Business lately e ed havi g had an experience of ovee that hop, are bow prepared eat in all its bratiehes. An work entrusted to us ill re atten -ion. First-class work All kinds et Boilers made and' sone lp pass. , Ne Salt Pains made and ol one petiti CHRYSTAL AUCTION SA VAL ABLE FARM e Tools and by the God- mpany, and ght year's in on the trade elve prompt eed. epaired, also repaired on at defy own - BL OK, Tr N En and by virtue of a wer tained in three several mOrtg Andrdw Hall, Joseph Elliott d iti pea ent the eof, will be sol by tion a the Roy Hotel, Parkh 11, on SAltURD y, JUNE At 1 o'clock p.m., the follo ing p Coun of Mid lesex, metal ing land. Soil a fl e clay loam an sou frame house an good sized ba the pl ce. Ca tally situated as t mark ts, being seven miles fro Par miles rOm Th ford. Par ei 2, EL IOTT FARM. Lots the la th Conce sion of the Tovitnship Count of Hut n, containing alsout large ortion of which is clear d an state f cultiva :Du. Well wat red fair h use and utbuddings. ell si roads nd mar ets. Par el 8„ C NNINGHAM FAR Steph n, Count of Huron, cold Good oad to P rkhill, which is ten The fa in is eel sadly watered lay a creek. TER pay a mone one -h there secure years partic Vendo eposit of thereof If of the ter ; the by a mo t the opt purchaser a Itch 10 per cent. of t t the time of ea e, tgage payable tn fro on of the purcheser. re, Hamilton. of sale con- es, made by been made Publics Auc- 'oken Front, st Williams, 00 acres of y loam with Two storey ood well on roads arid hill ind five 20 and 21 in of Stephen, 92 acres, a in a good nd fenced; uated as to .—Lots 12 ownship of 200 a-cres, Fine clay timber on iles distant. ver faffing arcel e purchase balance of ree weeks in cassb, or one to five For further 860-2 OUSE. TH Has m friend for his Street, 'very b their p The throng will al Meal Goo public AFORTH ch pleas re in ieform4g h' many old and patr ns, that bavin secu ed License otel, So th of the Rail ay ation, Main tieaforth he is prepare to furnish the Ouse well provid farnishe'd out, an the best Lig ors nd Cigars Served t any hour. Stabling and Attentive Hos lers. The re respe dully invited. -2- tu ing tha ks to the inhab tants of Brussels and vic nity for est patronage, and h g to state that ha g ma: e sevtral improVem Yes in their kiln an Linde o burning, the ar now in a public ith firs class lime. This eing the tenth season f u business dealing in Br els, and having gi unquali- fied satisfaction o far, the publin ea rely on re- ceiving good tre tment and a firs 1 s article from Esia First-ciass Lime at 14 cent e.t the kiln and 15 eetata deli ered. We allsO burn No. 11ime for plate/Ong at the same p4ce. ,111 J. S P6sfiTER SEAFloRTH. Eniire Stock of furraturo regard- less of COst. 'mos IN WAINV, it will pay the to &seer. tai prIcesb' fore purchasing elle where. I give a I rgi disc mat to those pe.yipt Cash, ea. I am till san g six highly &Oleg hairs for $2.50. also kfilep Knowlion's [Spri Bed, the best an cheapest in the market arranted perfect' noiseleste Mammo h jewelry Store, Main tre t Seaforth East Sid Cash or hides, skins, furs nd How. No truck or trade, Cash for everyt g. 626 JOHN B. It RTER. SE FORTH PLANING MILL, SASH OOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THEsu him sin.c trusts ha Partie him a eal erg° site Dry Bli isseriberbegs leave to th nit hilanu.merott he may be favored Itith s or thiamin a. intendingto build would do w Ilto glee ,as he will continue to keep o hind a k of alikinds el ine Lumber, SaAes; Doors, and Mouldingis, Shingles, but first- laseworkenenereemploYed. Partioularattention paid to (just "iPlanin1 201 JOHN H. BROsipkOOT. JUNE 6, 1A emennammit EAFORTH STOVE AND 11 NWRE EPORI a x WHI Always lOeps oe hand a 11 line of tilt I test styles of COOK, BOX ,„kND PARL STOVES. Their beauty shoWs th and the price selles them. I ITINV(AR Of every -I des alw We make all ur goodie a them good an right in p A full I Table an We have a line lot of G in stock 'for reserving, and pricee. EAVETROUG ys- aeon. guarautee 08. Pocket Cui. into Xettles 0. All gime All kinds of Jobbing W attended; and sa.tisfaction Parties wanting goods i will pay thene to see m oorapare prices. Seaforth Cheap Stove cf Tin Lro' use. rk promptly my line stOok ant WHIT BEroYalz STONE BLOCii, HEADQUARTER Washburn & FOW Moen Steel -Barbi Fencing Wire. SOLE AgEN S FOR/THE WORT - IAA et WARD 0ELEBRATEO BARREL CHURL See them bef re you buy any other. Best brands of ENGLISH WHITE 'LEAD 4-AND— Farm a d Garden Utensils at bottom prides. The Glencoe [ Agricultural Impl ment Mane. lecturing Company ave pleasure in informing the farmers of 1IurO and Perth that they have To keep constantly on hand all repairs for the WROUGOTIOON.HARIESTER and all other Implements man lectured by them, also for all thej machines fo erly, matt. ford. lectured by TEIOMP0141 & WILLI XS, of Stmt. All orders for Maellinery left wit their nen receive prompt a,tten ion. or addressed to tioI 33, litEN ALL, 815 II. BOWER Agent - colic teneesoteet ce to Laud c° • -tit itIN 1101Vri" -0004° 14---7-4-11alaxecgUtliNY e noire 3/1 es- CaIng:1:16 or 10145' 1411-017 CORNISH & GARLAND Beg to inform the public that they will keeps during the comirg season, at 1 ifirge stock of First -Class Lime, which. theY will sell on reasOnablu terms. Mr. oornish be at Centralia every end .y and T uraday,anct at lions411 every Tue day and Frida land will be in ettendi ce Exklte every -41.1Y.; ettihneleoonni Mr. Ow the b.est Lime in Canada. 848:8 I Tan Preeklee, Sun 'Pimples, Black Speeks, Blot- Iches,S&e., can be! Temovediu- stanty by applying PR10E 25C. PE BOTTV A PRIZE sena SiX cents for receilte free, a costly which will help all, of either sex, to right away than anything else in ost el Ord ore multi his world. once address TRUE & Co., Augusta, Maine. 8,5001 MON4Y TO L0161.14. privilege to borreaver repayIng pal money at any timek. Apply to F iii-j3;f1:!ro'gseg:b!Fle. won -00,k%v74's 1;1 °j. I it. III )11° Pt -br6: :51 2e1 18t 1111. tmWili 1°w,it law' we: innlY'bgrlfri.t, e seein-4)Nv I 3f h' rinti-hul lanAnfkr*-lwii4n11:I. e:11811151.1.: optfi 113tb:viebil:Peglmr Ife:0113:' td/siottibieerh,oshrpoit:aeir; leaund is ono 1334 ine -railer/07 tool e 4'8E1 g to...tale:brt.uglipeytidolefealrra4:.161., beds byi;ruolladurZ arrested. ' sb:libqYubeorriatrilaCffi: et of the cl anion of such e :spirituou.s liq s t ot414e12-::::Tt el 7:e' urot Inf II. :lien inbe na ePt ugei..%, ini uld, got plan I) abangh, then th match to the th wfilaneteePnideehoeeld explosion foil ting him fieVe . 7h4libteaenla:Coef ahnids mound Mr.' Ton tffigwatittheit!reTah: shape and a stron ho of themsehl pla e, the horse lit; tPularnnikngweethiochn throwing the oce ehikl was stem ue e one on th0 stance. 013 T 3oyito find his ehi: lartieThberuout,heeryr da Belleville. Duriz s Went to the bailee milted the lady. 1 che , and is:tit:1y: sai, ;‘'tepiv°641-4a:elema1811:pthtleeri\TyQatnsivi* 'need of a piano, t Itiroself into the h cont. The head of met t enTitueinotte, fa,1 112C:1i ih' , haodwnleily3eiert,ewr htoia, and. me ht et her Ili° e libit ener eatiDc:tufeekru It let lzyeeo. dwf I alll infeter‘e'e.kHiEllivoaf 8 tel. ellitl thoirat that if th ehil ren early to tneen what dirt .:61:88:ter.ri:ibaTlehb:iitii:rin ' 1-141111:71stiati:a:111.rize-0 ici3ftoit.fl Fartilleri:triraertte'tell.teinnYdetn).‘12.:- I mete can. malie of Tte It is a grea doing Mae tee are eiagaged or laboring for the Darner for the edi the Lord, t whoa he it 'dating the soil, Work. Plooghine tot se praying. ."11 the Lord's work. dee front the wra g°ing Ond's work N• V11104 pleaSen God .11a413. je doing t la faithful to h - when he ea ex-aet truth "• when einent for th an 'exarapi cane such -honoring edge ef him