HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-06-06, Page 1• 01 18.84. TAU RY COODS rti )ffetirig_ 3ARcA, t Ns , Demerits ion. ik§ o Dresses awl- arcl 1th$ ett: Sat and a diaposed f ag tngg er yard. mem of Zan* Corek &c. _Parasols, from ail Sitk _Parasol extrema we aro da are arriving per and the number et 'pm' to date exceeda ts seasen. Notwith- husluess in this line find our stook as showing a large ate, Misses' and iets, &e. .and comparison in and price -requested. H OR PRODUCE. AUL ODDS MAN O-RTII, aid John Pentiale, 'owners. On motion • to meet on Wednes- ter the adjournment tevision the Council . the following busi- , Ffeyrock, seenrided et S. Rennie be in- ee ditch opposite kit Mr., Heyrock wale id the sum of $5 on Oppogite lot & L. B: Heyrock, seconded. that J. Voelker be of J. Grebett, and ma a R. Carlisle. ad MoEsven were i•ne the road at the tale filer °resent on rid consider whether ty to build a- new [r. Ram:tie, seconded et Dr. MoDerniid, Steinbach„ together Clerk be appointed d for the munioi- _ eapliatece with the , Public Health Act ley-iftw be passe& epoin-tinentet. The were ,aid, J. Bon - if; j„ C. Kalbfleischf el the Con•nell he deli of the Reev8. a•Ve. ial at the parsonage is well attended and 'eery enjoyable time. as at -aging, deo., pro - A. Chown and bis ust that there may ia summer in our Lc Hartley, of.Blue- in the Methodist en Monday evening spoke highly in at. There will be s. few weeks, when cted.-juo.Gregoryt tied family, were in Eonday purchasing a are about through; &Grope look well in ster, the tailor, hal ling lately ocoapied .hoemaker, who halt tipple.. He ifeagais 'Est-cless work and a gents' suits and 'here were a few Qteeen's birthday* a- les returned again.-- - tilt a commodioue whiohifll aott Aot meeting a* Dean said there wag )Omathecountyarith i)r one dealer fa It was decided 04 eioipalitiefe ehoula ving to carry On Stretford Oa_ IL, Mitchell .1714 1125, Riansheirat ilasthope, Ilibbarfa 11100 each, W $50, Ellice 6= total of to, 65 . - • . _ . • , _. 1 i , . . - . ..e., . ' . • . : , , • ! . - , . • _ . ; • - '.. .•,......„!.,„„ . _,,,,. .......,,,,,wc .. .;. ,-.,.',,',.,,.,,, ,.7.•:_,....... „. ..ft. tt---------th .,. ....1:. . 1 . , . ,. s , 1 > _...T -...V. ,,,,,,.• 11111\° i . 41: .. . / SEVENTEENTH: ' zi AR. WHOLE: NUMBER 861. I 1 • . SEAFORT RIDA • 41 E , 6, 1884. loicLEAN EIROS• Pub, . .,, v..50 a Year in. Adv 'shere. Tice. - 140F Cheap SEAFORTH. NEW PRINTS AT HOFFMAN BEAUTTOUL. SATEENS AT . , , , , , , , , HOFFMAN: NEW ROSE HISSES' A,ND HAND AT HOFFMAN __ymg LARGE STOCK AND UMBRELLAS. OUT AT . 14OFFIVIA FULL.LINE BALL'S HEALTH HOFFMAN _ - LARGE ASSORTMENT BOYS' AND AND STRAW DIFEAP: CASH HoFFNIAN ILL NEW MINERY SL3RKED OFF HOFFMAN Cardno' . AN - BROTHERS Cash . . Store,, - GINGHAM . , . - AND FANCY , . -S. E R LADIES,. JUST TO • - :PARASOLS OPENED - t OTHE RS. . SIZES DR.for AT 1 E Rs. OF MEN'S FELT AT THE, OR ' 'A GO 0 D S WEEK AT • , , Seatorth. . THE CANADIAN ANCE OR-" (Concluded . 1-11- No Conviction, in any such case, certiorari or otherwise, Majesty's Superior nor shall any appeal ed from any mph or elder, to any ter Sessions, or wilentheeonvictioit a Stipendiary Judge of the Sheriff, Police Magistrate or conetaissio Coxed. I 1 • 112* Any person an_y of the provisions Provincial Act 'from time to time eince respecting the sale of fermented liquors, or of " 1864," .compromises, fftles, or offers or compound:or setae person or pereons venting any complaint respect thereof, been made with of such --complaint, having the same prosecution or of an offence conviction thereof, at hard labor in. acounty or distriet was committed, ceediug three 113. Every person. in, or is a party composition or the next precediag guilty of an offeileelunde, on conviction taeteef, ed in the common district iu• whieh: ratted, any three calender - lt4. Any person cation under any pare with a after he is s•ummoned 'These on any awally Buell Act; or by i threate, th X tl ei: er ire° y attempts to induce absent himself, be liable to a penalty eachoffence 115. In describing the sale or other apirituous, fermented ing licenser, or sale, in any infermation warrant said Temvietion, peran.ce it shallsufficient . be sucient ful sale, beater, intoxicating liquor Oating_tbe name or the price thereof, whom it was sold, of; and it shall state the que,ntity tered, disposed case of offences essential, and then to allege the sale . less than such ,be necessary.: conviction, warrant', negative the ence of which -would planed of lawfull circumstances the defendant this prevision shall eircumfaances exception in the offence is laid sectionor otherveise. 116. In the between the inforMatien• adduced in stePport or Magistrate amend 'or alter • may substitute :therein Esrey other provisions of the of 1864," or of that the defendant misled by such ticee or Magistrate !shall therenpon the case to some defendant waiyee 117. No cola/lett= forcing the BE.t1110 ptooeeding under Ads shall be valid by reaeon tween • the information or by reason form or substance, be understood warrant, process the Barna was againat eorhe within. the jurisdiction Magistrate, or or signed the same,' is evidence to prove --greater penalty • orized by stash ilt. Upon any such COnVietiOn the same, or other ing, or to discharge tody under su a=pplioation is habeas corpw: , or otherwise Judge to wlao to whinli or to has been •eaad way of cei tiord. pose of s.uch a th.eametits, no. variance or de Court or Judgt the same kf necessai•y, where it ppears Eli been trie , and warrant, uneeSs ficient autt valid otherwise, .an process or pro or shall not b May be,) and process or .preceeding • . , SOOT . TE fteek.) be r i9 o t ,0 • e Co rt ee e, Of -at et h v tlea ow .i of or er •o t . e ol) en t it 4 ei •• • . of 0 : i h t • B be • o • le 4' iS t c • ell lot te : 1 • al th- i - 0 o n le et e pp p doe effsr ity 1 y snc w arf i1ft. nee ell 4 otb me eu e edi tg a an s at:ea:lel' or ipi of an red be or pt, e ci 1la . ea endditish .BAC p nee ke tJie po ved lin ac • ' ed n 1 • a f ,, SIC aid i • for offetice cc 9113 ; ut •ee1 ye t .7 th.el da • • h 4f tiffi a• y arir or• I either " p de a • ch 11 -.1 `1 eroc r , o of t er pr 6 of t io I./ g per , w : ppe , w' it - t- ,• a s h • 8 sin sa ii in. • ree: Iy ao t a hel e i o tio • all (: oh . 1 1 • , A -a i nb in iy r 11: j er th , f • • g t or ic s ne.: V1 ra •e e 0 11 e o r 1 ct ro pi h6 d co En n , 's . ny g At Iti -are d't o lot ' • ,.in, rijr ls d4 • re di r iitt atetof rid ula erities le' , 4u * r e o x . • 0 9 c , ni• b n su he a p:Itgeiilst ofr1 I lia r44tiria11y e t h • i va :-• c 0 eel, a, s •• One :n6 a • , • fite 1 y is a or e .a id 8- ii e e 1 ' , eau n II 4 Til°11 • or o ' l• 01 acle "•e : ,'' 1 titting I 1 e 1 tr nay • • , 'n' r 4er i - if i a •• • r 1 • • r, oned i , 4, hi te c ll'ore T dunder -' e 1 1 p e h reon i e siteity tt i • more I ei, 1 nyt eV te 0 h. 1 er ri ,y: e Solstices ..1 r ,E0 ,e. pai atelofficer hieing ' )e,ss Ont. ! Oit epees 110 nee j i v , a 'o1 :1and .1 . : roceed- -a e • r e• dal m is, 13 i ry I i s taaetion, gi i: c • :rrant t , : • ..ed ' ER- a - me 1 fir sh awarded: order d by or Her - ye cord ; tie' allow-- am went fo Aar- or itever si by an rder, ed eace, tr- i fe "perish is ' , or elated he pf anti pr be tr I'm- pr es fot ho tuou be et of w r setj• inject o h any p f pre- an de i - pe, ha . it g rid an g 4 w ut a m gailt he; d o a sone be of th uit °nee Ot ex-. sa ' fo erned • di mise, no ia sh . ell be de and tailor tiepin °rite ty or halving co potion edie ta M Prose- ca:e, 1,1am- hi or sh 1 o such of fe oney, fa Way, faili lc es or o_la to m: 1 , shall ag: ristfoe A coaviotione ecting follows sal of xieat- ofIteer , for co ' ,, con- o er the thereof Act, it .. alaw- co .ing of a. ithont vi icener, m to BR posed hi ary to qi , bar- ti t in a is vi , cient dt or of 11 not or ;.9201113, mg to ci waist- e cone- such heti donee ingthat ; and conviction r such a a.y .of . e'hieh may : ntive s o lance or donee s o may a a , -11,nd o. • arged the a co Ai:et el pears ' iC: coil Jns- ot ulagistrate of s the w. o en. . vi Or. b; said .p or in. a be-. ly *tide, -o ect in 3.• Can n otion, viVion that . al ffence belen Act, ice Or c made vi there al ne• a auth- t. , c gnash fb toing -of en cus• 6 such m upon a zorctri ai Or v : de or prt, cation vi or by ti 11 dis- a upon s such M such C:rdingly. mend : cases n_.• have A p But. loll on or d , .p rmed, c : case rrant, T or a ruled the ed 11 • 122. : their ich er e Apt e, : ny eller shops liquors fficke.d al euted Iso ' lace, e been visions y is secietion se, taken le keeps 20. a er pose offence ance ' hail money s.actuelly gistrate ring ransaction ter lv . - 21. a Temperance sale posal be uld cripti the n , •istrates so e that 11 sufficeently law dent , lt 11 22. tion inst a in p.. The corning ly, ' asked seictedeas.allege• d if Italy lice, 11 - gistrate ire n or . tione oion the Officer, *out 1 character, 'donee; 3. els er :other .• be ch offeeces the pimishmout fell ences d ence 5.. • y second •• ing thereof, viction; • erwise • oh • s made, their ted named .reon ce, ocetviction, puniehmeut • ged • ver intents 6. visited ion erwarde ainst er nviction a second section Ly be rdingly, y be a in, erevaideagain ntion ' us e -Manner hird tion y be 123, pater te rson hnsband fending 11 hl a eding, lea, mperance the %. and sane on be . . Wh p1 ,anI the 0 a bai, 9tli to fouled Hitch proved ahop, .conclusivel, Ir e untanful ef *Act not the or 'other took le ,. Ot Of necessary drpose . n the precise fact taken or' to knowledge, soein the cornplained • ote of his convict The fdr any oaEie :-' jiistic shall and if he whether he answers ' convicted, or question, concerning convictions. The s co ptoof A conviction fora there , Coinvictiona rnade same only • conimitted after ; • In the of second hand, to appear fails amend had existed, shall made In case Of the such provision dealt for any of whethe offences, offence, one .dealt 'On Or mentioned opposing e o t matter Section -following amended manner ppettl, and ecoverab in an • ce in a prohibit revisions 1884," 0 counter, r applifen those'usu where spi are abelistinield in are to • or other. in Bitola liquor kept for s: of each 4 byte ; and th: room o therein e proving t • , disp • . e.ny pro under th of 1864," be -nece:s:ry actually emend, or othe case, is in the'. unl place. . any pros:c A° barter or intoidea . dinnt to the lit co of sal: place his own b or othe as it aft) cite= est: o his d rebutt: him ac proceedie 1 . comm of the.p of e...pr,v heing c es or in the • such the acc shall, th h: a does not the or other au number all be pro t eband a cerify-1 victing. Ju:t or of the of hi: or ly - le first o • may or convic 'ions offence, f• under may h • b da', e be:re-Cove informs . event If or subs. void defeat by reason being set rendered or °the or su is may by requi at in each to appe such s and as as m ,such and -el thereu and pur , in the flea, any p:ron of a contr -second Conviet• .provis of t Wien be offence one hund with although aets of d'fbren ease al cos any pro r simil Bach be dee wit hnndre wit. ' the tria question or or of suc o shall be so•,• ' ' give e-vne, or • thi; Act su e 1,911t9e, y ry of : beer, e lly tenons nd, intotioating house, shill le et, tithe, • c e a ieedin • : ,r ; 1, in • liar is t t b , f 1 • t 'lug : i : s.d 11, 1' •r a • h 4 • : t : • • : • t • t a In o a a • fiat me : :um r °end 3 g Ir • o:es p oe e e • e A n • t ' i : • ci • 1 • •if • • e 0 u t s may asconvictions the 7 - ennnicipality a of Or found contrary- tin d oc to •ei• sale 1 :aid or ss , eta, ere ture fuL Alit', n ly at y der: sr ith ets•nal the a° ate nee: ish :hal nee, If rdin s ovi ous rge• egis t.in:tarice,inqui hie - an as th t st • sw stic:s a cer pre uch ble un °es erk sign othe y oe, ve several • is e Inc tabe •le ny nen ve, of :ide, ado quit th ime or • dg t :via. h n ine enti rt sap one• thi of e . gn icte. ion or nvi•tion d th of nd nde der end erso pet - ce aitio -foe he stit . be 'costs if l'ef-larw The this pumps, preparations or to teed ehop1 be ees fendant u taut place • e • uor or ef liquor " 'u 0 der t• d,or i 'the er ;atisfied of isposal a der le her lie nor, ny to the sa d tion ao her his Justices r 0 in. he put and s 1 oh !ly. u ion any ons onviotion rate uent b found • 4o infonnatio if Ile ds :r shall 'ions previous by 0 et or 0 f ture , in any 0 otwithstand- -0 eon for • et, be -n •eased ore i • ifferent la d onviction offence fter ny quashed, e r,, t m ns parson and ohs, n r eubseque such h ve e a ended e held 13. once hp n f of or against a the , fete p • nishmed t • o deseriptioes; h of o a Ot a o is • unshed a y ' hie ng • ntd n . of 07 ted ...„ enforced, afa thereof originally, amp, room in - passed - Temper- Act, is in kegs, in taverns ferment- be sold spirituous, liquor room, deemed to the the 0011- in any of such shall the person for sale, barter for the relative The Tem- thisAct, show thet any liquor Juetice,, or Coutt. thet a sale act- under ate this Act, unlawful it . shell witnees precise or barter- therecIa. dispose' -pertidi- Baia eee,r- r trying t them or evidence, infraction the de- in de-. evidence, any inf effen° of t1is shall be or oth offen ouil not atm previoue was P mute directly , or Pollee then ia- cony co the - pip- the Magistra the Pea or o satisfactory case -a prior thsame offen althou committ penalty inipos the case da for a fi for be- the mak - previous- Justices by whom. conviction under b. con-- place if ..suele his appe pena been convictien coil. ,valid if it had ' ; has • been of any pro- this Act an offina,ce ay part, such coriviction meaning Act, and en- convictioas I person I a conta the said to the pile shall ,in viction tor meanine Act, t'aucl. ac- .)roceeding, any of tbe Act; the or the wins opposing corn. h sue pece . the sai rePealied therefcir .... ., - or to • or of Or - r e o - r s r e e y e, Y • , e' pf to c- i- e, e, - be r r es h d d of se st or or is to r- t- t5 d- to 'is is a- - of or 'd : ti 4.03, be vi int in 0 Lica. the cute spec •Lieu case pros stun .the wee peli thit ceiv fund frecliond Epg arid ed gut was ago. --The Gra 6,a who for ' cele oth:r hav frill, ,by hey one ;she '. Fa c•.h esee i opening Can wee her in- 'Paz Kin of nes th ells wh• at by sen at. wel the wa the fire by sail: Bel ste: pre . . tie, tar dis•onti Fri pasted A,ct atic ' ber fut allowed a ABA GovIern E20 res Ha mo sen of sed'-aw the 'oaks, -23t 2.1t , TO the rail pia °ha gre mil the in - off has the Ex ta Se tesiane tiorial to charge lig leo thr the eSc h 4, D age, mile ' . or r:cov Hag J 6 c: 0: se t a • ieu or 4 en sue :cut* sh It u om If ( y. uy s1Il part d b to E ' " T e and t er zide —IE no t ,00 - c l in tot ge . • c- wit Mr. is i reat , The irat C Per be cro t ie 1 1 - Th .rai It t t : h Mr. s, h en , on The o treat, : da fine wa • ,5 A. fie • sto 0 $ .00 )0 A,b 'Gal - rwalei Th wa 'I alt : far Th: ing e s r e.• A ar seri to a im. Be tea ast me eh Th ha , cores Before 1y ; te; an. pr Th of I, • re to 08 s:ssion., Ow in t el ,001 rve ., er ' t.. ris via, tha ed is el -1-Th 21s , a , agled A - nt ot ay ds e. Fa tly ion ar amo eapi ---E. bee teat ibit Ei, f tem Re c ' ell Paring tui ell, e p ear e. Ppn • s rein len' • eeeas all *of • .,,,....----- Ontario, ,y portion ed,ehall stioe, Justices se, and shall e Inspector voluted uLdei • nant laover, • • mplainant, . nd by h t Governor 1 !Inspector or compla 4 be paid iciPality itted. ' he Comic set apa of sueh the said cure the pf this Ac I a the o aem be aid to ' or y him o License the or, is e paid m epplied 1 ay direct, or officet nant, to he 'T he ein 1 o eveey t not less • nes or pone, municibalit • roeecution ." ' :said ethic the ' ,Magi o autbpr th t is tljei ea tie thai 'hem, o ',roe- t a i u o ne ti f , s S 0 e I. g - d o u 'N the be a I a ' u h • 1 e' s tain covered Guelph last ocupied antford, Cunard nged 2nd. Associa- Array temper- f - for length -hen wgeek. a was the stem ge on s _prison e long by exciting Drict ranee d has re Oxford, r .27th rebently 1 remove ill people 0Ow gable narrow dewy t •e y thin re , en -al- may con- trate any ty of e In- the nd in t the the er ,of Eence - nici- one- s ee• or , a in- - • for reets scrib- nt Of nacoe days tario pert e nnox York • . being and t tn other ' lesex stock out hich d . the agars best al at ly re- wean Kerr irl on' meet- adian e - in chase . y car When r • find ridge , River found iver. itend ip of gas on to set at to milie to onrm Union Scott mem- the are for the its - at three pre- eve pas- on of 78 the on the walls the the are of to be set dying of et Ot- 1 of have e 'storm George and of . • at I - 1 coun- Iweek, f ars on one or less - - --.... occupied with townehip for tiven by five years township. -The general jeweU, in Pembroke, the ether night of clothes, a numbet and shoes and goods carried -Bev.A. B. over the midenominati the 23rd -street and is acquiring _heal r, is a Canadian, past r of Knox - eorge Carpenter were buried beneath at C Ilier's pit mor ing. 'Carpenter ribs rotten, and ered doeibtf al. - he new Tho art Hon. ed tom Victoria Mr. rancia is and ublished .in the State of - ean Lyster, mak floe trip dle f June. plet d the twentietk done: in Kingston mon h. t -1 he body Unit d States on `" ednesday cros:ing from dian side, was id,ay mornieg 111:1_8.1 , . d tes wine Met 4 odist denominati nece sary to dispos tian hurch propert was sold by chur h bringing $400. -Archbishop mon preached dral, denounced Hen y Ward soil, and urged , the atholie faith new sensations. - le Jas. public thirty :was store and. a off. Simaso Taberna a repue church, at St. his American Allen • an old the first Illinois. of to Indan The of C arm nigi Fort foun last the u auctio 03po Lyholi in St. ale Beech,er his aed PeIton, bud es the years to observat - go gro raising day tal.)e cut i had where widow Webb, Bridge She 'eyebath fire fe buji1dg ins evening eabject T3130 time and b to e num oasec Queb destroyed of New and i' on recor• or t °tele of due or the Waage of their' of the . 1 , the. Pre Modera of Can: ,.. i infant, in - wrappe• The couple,* at the old 'rem bis Ilastlin 25, almost to was to as a hiEi go et of iqu • I • a a twil Tht•mas, ha, re Fr B n K can ye on pta , w t 1 laqara in fattened , ion of at t S floc of e of 'th c • ,. ex :Mine re: ng He: tor nd, itr it t I pas h a o *ill County, 09 t of ra Whi atillamiltdn beliefs hortified net t he erci pen nd er d s les o, Ohl Allier* 'lie, So • o h me k ti eaid Mo pu ,• I 'tercolonial of o 'address of t the t le su • w bu ti II a s t it hi!a 1,9 i ., v' ter usiness ears, aped easurer of Meehan as buratnriee• : nineteen lathsof • tity of , who FIrlid-Ei nal chnieh le, New tion as id was fOriner : amiltoos a d Geo.. tons Of Satard a leg andtsev 'very is consul lads, has ish Colutnbi wspaper wspaperissu gston, about theini0 will have r of his e 18th, a Dove,. o was deownal st week to the the lake to of the differ° ns it he Bible Lambeth•. e other aay, nd the; in &recent iohael's lvation nd Bob to adhere ot follow: Innerkant is apple! lue lice nse of the - and wotild their pus. dent of !largely into has Wight nd located. and befOre hickens le ndsay e illesisgt:IY ce expitiag ed the had gone' Of the lette has arrived d accepted the whirlp.01 aye eomeehar,e ith the . t's saw was, Friday lumberl was oe on the , li greeted of his le whose were at tiegr , .' m Officials e arrival fair stnaggl e more Icaref s meet has already ! ate that i extent:dye and grain tuft and ''n maey York, Midhig ' have, alsoauff of the has made betwe • d. „H -ars less ' n • ing 1 onday over tread. 51,00,0 he Nova 'chase of .to the interest he U. P. May 20 yterian or of the da, delivered Presbyteriaial o weeks itting-robra other i3veni only in losed introits :re - observed ate contiats e. •f the Jnncti , , ent of that Welland fiche had this I :aid to have e list have than any years en the grant, for .i expired . in' t I far ' cif tie sin boo f3' ma le 1Yer a fait Ada gray loons' ' , fdr S arri • ma mitten coin red- of th , of t • iwh' ban: Satn a nig becaee Chit . t enanze . se ' Gath:- I *rm., Inger- aft fin tre:s "whi Iblig di tre:s tend t it lo Y nu.. , traep Ithr:w teatime- i ight I , Cale- tie . histo mill totally Morning eCa. irisur In Beee wa Wet wont conitd- ha of of the da in t gard Olac 0 t ti r r ti ban t Ow orni on F .Seo the r tr $ a ' M t R i - Chu • Prue Celle Presey- on t old, .• o • a bre w s j been cou a see ot of 29th t he e g s 1 it . y s 1 n - . . , d s - s a e - - , t et - 1 b le - o r ;6 h t e 11 e a on ig _ - n, or : t n t go' d - - a re is at e a rs 1- er e- e. ,s is n s.. n, r- . e rt e e n g. i- 0, ia st ; - le e '1- h - e, la • e m as a g. - a to re n, c• il 65 ty ed ed er e, of ee aa . nna havi char he d - Com sale som E. nu will the '-o onto the ter doct Eac regr he,y: - at Spe dee, son, Act, agai nen did: - Assir ing jtal Jus this and the Met the de ening wor mietions, being extension -Master left at dur of nor pro est ing are exp riot me fro Th the sho of the lest, a bill that that have onellaftlf couiety. -Some bunch Aylmer epplied works. °anted- to iltake anitnal window creating sevre1y the bui by one secreted movements it Wass pici sul dea mo Nor to inquire Indians, me mo pot poll kno -Tuna- fon -ebo ty, previous his hor living, tecavery. Mi . wee proved. lands unchained Onei dra pee thai was for ide kno can on eve what death and' --1-011 tiering -no wor, a n wo last trio). the gangs -A lan far Wo eng the thi W9, Th - hu maned an ho le. to g no oieethat e, was ed. - he 8 any's 1 by th time a . Edd er of e out 1 BW Yo he Mi met on I. ore pr ewed w ine of and a1 tted t been i4ij I SCOttl 1 xbridge of To a, looal and Meeeirs. •st it. Consery te for Pextiament. onie of e Court If the fight- tens, called ice Galt'sInerves murdering begged • ord Ittatians. In the • odist °intro esplutieniof tbe . in Japan wasidiseussed, finally of London,Friclay randon. ng the Hearing undies& h of Breeden. emente te a half f horses. St, Thonaas icking nse hummed rs. They t induced, Ireland, name where city's expense, Id pay E. King Halton at whielt for the eonnty petitioos, already of nineclaievo" of firecrackers on a match The a horse fright dasleed in general Two glycerine t dynamite ding were of the I placed ns, and 'ug in t h -dealing Fred. iated pollee, laweet into Which t is beg e seriou deckers e, and .n. d lyin t a mil having teen night. clothes,were es were( and ' The appearance dlesex is reported On . it i farme ned a hinge s by the pay f At noo seen fl . • It w tified • n as e to Br hie 24th ing - 1 - . • and is a four oh Ma Company, ess than 1lers moulders taber Lave on th year, u Eethib .numbe wor young , name% ing lwich. ged i reins b poeitio and horses 8- bees upon atom e noti • 4ke peeforce otItish ol, , liElull, ieees- p kl i mrnenVme th e ati barrister, MI. the at the Montreal Carried fOreign I Fred he -mile against all the the of he e White, on i. nning what in from dead, hopes county the soil reports ating s s ice ntford e kt mystery. -ahem 150 tion, of ng ith hind recipitated backed e h ed care o woul kep Can: 0, which w I receiver , have bee Que was lin Ottawa market. 'terial Ass onday an • , reference olutioa ao•d onouneed so many , reseed wit et field nig last wee. onto, and ap ?sari- King 'odds Patters°. tive, and witnesse St. Thies, between the latter could of the Q offenders co -hi held Rev. M 1 extension at the ex thsi miss Grigg to j Mr. Sam ereete on his f A has construeit course( city and payi•g in t claim the these peo and broege they wer and t costs Dodds con . liquor tra• it was de repeal of t • immedist in favor teen signe registere us 1 to Queen' to the frantic act attached and run throughsthe Marshall's havoc and eartr to dest discoverecys officers of a straw the prison aroused -t institute fortun.ate explosive,1 coin left Mmiday the trott the to re than was he es n may morning' P his wa Carp, struck h His bo torn int but are en of up to have lighteiaad* excellent, it is almOst h:aving flew laet increased the expendittre Friclay the in the brought t • . Matthias Elliott, on Ole ay, and w had been present t; 23rd the of Tor hands, and 1 received 10th of th-s to the tim the Co their em -day and. man recently . Fitzgerald, -Mr. Ge The other rolling th his ba the bolt o up ti ht an g , the Yo until som' the accid _ . • 1...‘..- himself, take on in • um re I the purchased eo. 40,0 this e eittlen a leers to the itizeos it at t Air. ire probable 'at t as , the Eae-tallans. een' to fere t . Ga of ense an a pro on and in their idl $.5 m, tang tot 1 i El. an . e .14a1 a at le t t t ; mei e G ened e on tied e .S .1y. of by vot ds a dog's birthday, ini ne Ito a aw groo•ry 0 1 ages oy 1 f Sane ati ]er M e g: a isco tro Use& last.I le Lelia lize upp t tot ili on Ca li ts sh ah ert the to Ithe but tall, crop bod ce.n la E f B e s 1 dr- e e le ease- nto, tic lac not re of - pee loye nigh rge fte la k, i a t ng - p nt -jail . effered company The 0.• °aeon. number Beecher's revolution. theory,and ok Mr. g , n aot renounce ce roekville, rett, ing .ork. his 00 our *other he in . y , vernent a ' He the i .attached ture f y, 01 4 ttingitsell and he - wich ess. whose sler's search ery 1:r among ae sed. Trait . w ton 1tnmg nd eds. ned avidly 11 on th . o I ot f ni et ki au.se yes • .ae na e int se y Is, . f, ono. ils Vanairdngs, oon . o ilnaiRIS and him in till Lumber for by total They for • of Tor- of were in should -place F. S. . Patter- for the and Bell a promi- can e Special speak- rish and suffer English of the eon- issionary of home endment of the sister father rigg has worth miles ine- d on his epeed- cotuaty of the of the Govern- mitigate m to .St tattled at in -meeting Saturday 9 submit tt Act in stated repeal ore than rs of the ' a tail .at and fire- the dog ilk wagon_ and the -ate glass store, eta,- 'whole da-y,s ago gaol The cell sus- re- of the of the for the He goea the Depart- looking . Pea- of the is not . er was le nenable, Conn- the most of Both was still for his wheat in present Mee drained heavy, failure. roughly and. ex- o more a -man a Brant- ncl.was , better rd. He g train s en that g some- of his • . a wife Itlanfac- iecharged wood- ths, and to quit . All Indus- doubled and had Scot- learning he was He tied d while in Heat gave a`kwards. as the ,oller re- ; chest o at th.e -,I...,-..--- ...-. his relief, Dr. promptly .oxi bend could to relieve patient. NO bohes internal injuries -John G.oddarde builder in Hamilton, 11.30 last Friday by -a blow from Was found kali au :Conscious and weltering : blows had evidently the banwhich was Six wide, and on,e-half robbed of $325. e ean-uot recover,. -A young Brantford Hartley was arrested day morning on gram received frdin town 92 miles west that be was wanted bezzling t 500 trope 3er. Hartley, w the latteras a h. that the arrest i and there is to fohnclation -Last Monday mill at Paisley ground.' -N-othiag of flour was saved. els of Wheat • wer least $20,000. ,ohinery were ineured Mutual for $17,000. what insurance fire is inipposdd to nendiary. Dr. Scott, of Ilegersoll, familfof a fatm a long times- and.chaeged vices and mediciine. ed to pay more was taken to London denee was all medical. declared the -charges while other emoted sive. The parer 4540, the :amount dant, plaintiff paying -At the meeting Board ;of Education was passed . ordering 1,000 New Testaments teachers an , teacha pu Intermediate Be that the would y .. Campbell thong would only aread, w-ardly digeet," teaching of th well eapended. would be , -On Saturday„ was driving t•fr. das, out to his When just 1 at when turning to; the wheel .strucle Steel was tlerown opine, He eva-s where he :died o • day. Mr. Steel, his properta in time past has -John • 0. York banker, morning lafit on steaniship anc. was leaving Qu- with a eompatti priest, took pas at Montreal, antl 011 board the sh most unusual thing as Quebec le invariably harkation. 'Both plenty of mOneY to wary life. : --eThe tnieunderstatiding 77th Battalion . Army abont quare ni Dniidas settled. Dr. Walker Band, called -on vation A y 8,11,d ing to give up square to the • - Friday evenings matter has -been both partiet willhave catering te the pub ways. .. .-e ei ' ',an Th Cana& programmeof the General Colancil commeneht Juhe Statistics, ev. Qtiebee ; Training Printipal John, toba .; Ronaanism Rev. Robett . Nova :Scotia; Relatione and WomeresAssociations r ts, s Rev, Ma c ip, BriallSWie k ; Re James Ora, Mientreal. -In •conformtty recently rode in on the Main line an order has been . . . , . . similar reduction diviejan ana its'branehea, • Toronto branch, Bruce, London:and Huton and done . . folk 'and Port Burwell, The reductioni naonths, and t f th ginning oe forth neve hrak per day for t conductors $1.7. - ' ' es -An intereeting tried on Saturday onto, before diistice plaintiffs ate the are suing the SYnod. pel pa,ymerit, to 'them • Episcopal Endowment collected veithin ent Diocese of Niagara. collected when . and since the separation not received itS Bishop of Toroeto, gara,Dr. Hodginsamd gentlemen . were fendants claiM from which the Judgment Vilraf3 .graatca to the Master there is -sny fund, amount of the Plaintiff's direction will be _ , , - - - ,,.... ..-._,....i.L-...ji-_-...: pavage, of and did the suffeeings were ihrokeia, 'were eeveret a econtt.actor returning night was eitruckdowe a. heavy ir hour aft in b been about 18 thie The doeto manl in -that the strengt : Morrisb ef Mont on a, -ch- a man ti o was tr y -fork age the outco foi night w -as burned but a small About ;0,000 destroye The buildi in t It is *as .on the be the w a r named BillingtOn S9 Billie *an 6540, a aSSiZt Se wer thee nave a verdilet tendered costs. of t last we the to ils of the • , 001S, It W cost about • , , t that if ttie mark, learn 'alive fiectirding Testament 24-th tilt 'Gabriel St' property a. their dest one side o a large st out, dielooating carried into the follow or many years, Aneaeter, ade Dund. no, tae m as arrestedSaturde :board th uyer, just bee for Liv n who was age on alael came down p on Thureday for travellers the men appe,ared and to understand. -and and.the ecupyitig the has been in behalf -the captain feund him the ASS of Band on of each peaces,bly th.e he in t a es figueno n on Presbytetian proceedings 24th, area G. D. Matthews, of Students, M. Kit3g. in the It Una, D. of t . H . . - titteni , ort on Elderf3hi D .. with the the pay of of the Grand issued announoing on the Great including Welliugton, Port ,Staoley, Bruce , Brantford, and is 5_ per es effee• t from resent month. men will be first year, at the, start. -ohurch at Osgoode Proudfoot. Synod of 1•Tiagara,neli of Toronto of •such Fund the -bounds The the dioceses Niagara share .of the the Bishopfi other, examine"- that there money can. f°r ti aseertaill and if BO claim. made when 4 Elora, veal what hi of, hit bte ani home a a bar ani rwards ma ood. Fiv, truck 'will •nclies kat • Ile wa s at -ate h named G city Fri of a tele rg, a ema] eal, stain ege of eta ined .But veiling fo t, declare e of Spite the Charge tark's grits to at quatatit hu•sli I. Loes a g andma e WatorIo bot know rain,. I- Tie rk of in in , tended th fo 0 for sei ton dentin d the eas. . The ovi eral idoctot moderate ere exeee .awatdin, .hy dates] e Londe k, a inotio urcbese, use by tb entre' an .8:estimate 200 D• I . • : euvenia and h to a the MOM , a frien el, of Dui Aneaste nation, an the .roai ne and M h a neighbor ng Wedne lived c ut for son .s hisloin tieing Nee Dominic as the veils' Iva. Em 1ressed. as Vancotivi to Quelei last, to d port of :en to Ina ho: e. between a .Sialvatio markt arnicale of ti of the Sa tii. e ' 11 q t w the mark Tuesday at week. T1 settled, at ' privilege • • . , eir sever 'n 1 i ,.,i t Alliant at Belles Report e I), E Be D. D. Man ited State a Halite ropng Mee the-Chur0 . - . - D D -e . , N B Id p , reductic trairtme Trim] . • . Weetei . a - Grey at Lel No - Lin Loop cent, for a the b Ilene paid $1...] and ne -Ca80 WI hall, To n to con part of tt as WE of the pro fund we were on let Th epoilisit n we,afinItJ4nevit' , t et u'l 18. n° Inn be pita -9a refer -ell< Ithetet tO ft tb Furth( that he 41 front shall. eonvi Conrt othet Megistra •SeSsions, Magist . whiCh in the The attempts with or if the dismiss: othetwiee under the in for months. . eettleme ; gaol the perio Months.. -who, of witness, trial or by or • or in or , ; nielaw • the or Aot disposal or : of of or where or quantity, in Any cireIstast being shalt are: the or eyelet or such for said" this vatian ; adjOurn - future anch held .df of froite maide prevssio. other le imps: Acal soli° iOri wa ade r by he such whona. upoll q, or peat with ect le may that that or under h eonvi ()fading quaahei anyenene - l judgm Cour wh of 'has who, -of is fore: lesuir Teme corn the a vie or shall corn •velalh any wh to,. . se sh o d the or or the in d• ire any fe of .1 - off : kee . proc to si kin or bart not liq -k it eli dis o mi hat pr be appl eta !seal in ther:of, oth:r the offe• A.ot has Or a I or eith iu. I- any 1 , I or ot end ego • l- iwa prose !any ran , in an, COu a,p ha oth. or tan af in pee:, • s e AND f BROTHERS -a._ PLAIN . , BROTH I C on. Oliv: on Satur• will spe• elks this huroh, et ards ,e;e7 ey & Co.'s ydestroy ext meet 'MAIM of be held a . H. Roe , will be t: ult. H: I Feast of a by the Jew adian to anent in done t s in man. te frost Selvation ad sntficie CeMetho• union wil ni. H. • success lub med :1 free trade Brazilia• has arra of the • nd Brazil y in Ha $27.15 fo to the Silly °Nair and Railway 1 negotiati worth o by ws b a imoque t :etaacktdt body of drowned In the 26t II er four Quebec an engine (tire to in . orted to eminent •• ested Sa•urday us charge store adj.() 1 • Dr. Coo the Pre:by en the lit Bothnia, 0 London' Toronto :; decided and th: ue their : it adjo . the �nt solntions in favor • ciples in sessional onal e Quebec be $600, outgielature owing to , lag to the d e New Yo ent of* ( worth of It will le A. Mee •eady, left a f btip to &dieted. ith a pur:e parture. e aged 're:idents reeentl It., at th r. Gottli cl 73, and 73 year Onvict at liamed t er night track. H ad reca,pt mere in 't othered o 'of caterpi y .worm. g the inset ly. .Chamb:rs, appoint e depart a on, to be m the 2 4nd er . Geo. Ro the past° Lureb, Georgetown; ille, Queb:e, f a churc • the r g Struck te of Bienhe gs ' 'aro ew , err, •eoein, can eleG. - Aid 1,0'-'42 encs, Onday aft:rneon was a, o d b lived bie where he • - , a Ila• ay . d :unimer. Ono, th' brelwery • d ng the, Kingston'. MIP.P., ken ii3 Pentecost es n ur • le p Ar • t lit n en ed fo Censul-Gene , ged irect ris a J. coatractOrm g t btding rn e o • in ll ise u ul ile GO r t est II a erehant of attemptin nil* a 1 Ji nd err 111i o S un rn rid in of tteaohing he allPwance Le he excep ,. entanl k snide gold liere ' ye days of ' . ,h : advanced. le -Rothman F. . ' the nig nd • w re e Ottawa •,er lap, 1 n' tis Ilivnd d en he • ertson, ate where of ceat e ;stables ea., ating .Ea; • . t 1' li ed, . . . ' owat ; - 03,000 has e.ndowna . by fire i of the Sons to saidto i a Toroot is ' pple ts of 11 y in • ndsi Claurithe t be or th in 1884 for trede on named seu'lt tion Battle, or the n a her shots Min it Oran ' , has 'down erninen the gate 0 been high the a edam} ne, by hae on the isterial sk the lvation ay parades. d at Baptist aver public this year for Money to stren -next postmaster ago $100 of irs. W. Nieha . Central scaled bolted s pursue after the appe suppos epidemi they Esq., uperinteudent at the this to of the. about thunder killing had dieden h g , of t ix y•nine etime was • , sailed .. o at in a fpw of . ot• .Ne be ; la ' I the ' ;an M W to: e rpair : I , o Winning for en . ea, ' • on Army . itle, ' p raistonl* day. mo its, ieP ben t tow ce di of one B Cituncil the arr city- Bra4tfoid of the seliocils. ' d ills 16700 tional gold. market is importing on He 9n Berlin Bet an di 13Piettou - Eas`s Provincial ye is the • who Congrega- wi he 60D of a the El- gin 'la - m • .. Foil, BOY'S . . • ; BROTHERS. . N . OF- JUST BR OF ALL. CORSETS BROTH: • ' CHILDREN'S -HATS STO.RE , BROTHERS. the liter he for the °thee and -An South poultry large, half will berless -The 3:3edlfjllie88-en 1.7E bee stently. , the shel .,- tain SusPension posi rapi of the cal rapids. ...4fertn Edengrove, destfoyed last,' unkbown. for 02,200. ber. _The er T hug was to cling erably Beeeher's -The been woman will nese, time tectd -a•Reports cent age Pro ple The Penaeylvania, ed s ada fastst Art; was advertised Souad --)The day being. Government way of Ctuaso, way!. -At Syned pal Marlitoba, terien able success in 'Canada- ---1A. left hot The fast mid dep not -John Crotvland, tionc on tim jail, at home. mo Ile ple4e. was! January months. eaves and lly covered upposes past two growers give their enterprisin intends busiriees, patent incub Ian acre -of eommence thousands. .other and was He look up, er. rs. Webb, Matthew ion of cashier s park. store connected et Bruce by also 500,000 The No audience ursday one. The "Evolution." to old shocked sayings. Windsor reinforced searcher. now have as the lady on the boats quite a receiv frosts have 6 fruit, vegeta ince and te being States verely. The steamship Pacific Railway * trip nr and Owen 38 hourn time, at 8,30 Goviernment to the Bank the melte:int from Nekv and branch the meeting in Edinburgh 4ing, of and Church and interestihg and progress female Pia a lounge 1 in St. Thomas - babe was shawl. le aged sit the bundan !suspected MeQuitin, an breathed unday, May g committed he can bp Certainly -like home MeQuinn committed last, When • , THIS . BROTHERS., Blork Employment - Me. EDITOR,--MUCh regarding proper eloyineat for poultry raising, lave been t he result ben total. lau.t there: Ave MI oppeettuaity a follow auy Lo this class was entirely a nonths ago Siban.y, New ions°, and we &area which he "flattering. Td. nade a, plattn-g eir knives, forkst.apoone, Et only oost perfectly; So what we had *me plating Aye worked hat time $94.34. 10IISO il got ilatiug to de,. nofit. Just easpoons 1 got nee for laidieslas ill indoor woo, rily brether„ although. lays longer 191.50. I era auriosities„ au sending roe. a lirections for rnaking mama like laver and nic Ition:es,„ orest s Liof geological Whet I want into iteeimens froth ill over the °gantry eddrese for Ladies. has been writte • and -remunerative em .wome.n. 'Silk culture and many other theme °roughly ventilated, tens Eno doubt -been very bene- are 1338•Ily ladies who to raise silk worm, mployment of that knee wish to open What to hi: new field. Some thre- an uncle of - mine from York, WaS visitin.g at on were talking of plate was engaged in mann gratify my curiosity h: machine and repla•te and castor $4 and it did the wor., se of our neighbors fieeins lated, wanted nie to d• for them. Since then 2 days, and cleared -atm At almost ever • from $2 to $3 worth o nd, such work is most al :or re -plating one doze.• $1.75. This work ie a: for gentlemen, as it i: and aayone can do it he worked tw• than I did, cleared onl' . etti•n nit a, collection a g g to any of your reader: -pecimen I well send ful and using a platin 2 In°, ttliit Witi plate gold', ' ei. Send small pieces o .ells, old coins, &a. An • specimen, will do get as many differen, as many -different place as I can. Pleas I ' - HISS Mr. °ABBEY, , Oberlin., Ohio. -The Lon Wm, Cattier Elendersonta Pandas east, sobjeot ehose -Union of th the diaccarae, WaS Ede -lied t attention by t The reverend 7511). year, an oldest nainist Wag. ordained his' native t Tyrone, Irela log ever nue this earnest a has been insti, thousands to beeu largely i great revivals ide, 4 few .8 career wil 1 nr- °Esther h 146 rtillittrY 200 Bermon,s lie° sentas- Male over ]O,000 oat nearly a quartir So - ' • familiar it hyran h ok th - o volume cora • :on preached anada ast wes fonr a inoet thrO,OfelOilt e ge is rs ex w d, . .el umental °in entified ia 'ores not a daring Preached year, he a t Ited Adver•tiser Sabbath arge tleman said n aetive otly , and , During devo-ut the Englan.ct Prove . with e-• h 13. to says : Rev. in Mr. G. W. Methodita church availing. The on occasion of the denominations, and impressive one. with marked audience present, is noNV in his to be one of the seryi3e. He 55 years ago in Omagh,. County oi has been preach- his ministry servant -01 God in bringing many church, he ha,ving with some of the and. his native i11 connection with llainteresliog the 55 years al on an average maiden a total of He has- offered in Prayers; and given million of hymn.s • • • - the old Wesley - ets nearly the whole his memory 00 0