HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-05-30, Page 3EMPORI e last ten -days. 111••••••.m... N -AND- ING or Is complete stooks of DRY GOOD G AND !M.TRAIS ced Before the _ [i People! ig the discontent of se over the grievaieet still march on,, OUR lily increasing, which `. ITSELF that we of goods, and lowest living profit, LOW PRICED, 3 A WIDE BERTH, 7 are satisfactory to ER NOR SELLER'. GOODS, emit will be found the season in Rich Bilks, erials appropriate for ning orders. ERY. aur trade requires no fent to say Muse turned, from visiting prepared than ever' a of her cuatornerre a large staff ot Lcly to suit any one g millinery. -- ND ORDERED -IINO. is fully supplied patterns in reliable )rder, or if you can- pply you with a ial in quality, style,, ilbing made to order have now- a premises, ready ready t# tuitomers.. [SE WHO DEAL only road to- bust RST-OLABS PRIV LI. NOT BE HOLD. ATo Trouble la Oodss, :MPORlingt RTH.. he ro• pi oast alt me; rat mins to an S$S-At MI auctl haT fn bold ; aaAI esk from soot IWO"cal Worn paw rooms *by uremia It sndlet wad lathe Pauli views twolik t° • kneW; ripens h Bittoothee tefent questi gootuan't foot") wooled to ihorto inirrpee tomu Bather O14 tom Sad so I sh ern to Jo tip it Iswore I no him Tablet k *Jo lo strike a clean fsado? begged With treaslil * on eve And then he to an I wondered boy fri Andjust as heart There came friend' ye 4 R-fihe's been aftern She wentwi loon." A rash acres road. And I was side. Int -ought s she she And never lo say, She wanders dow at And. says, " strtic ill CO s e a good' taste. Th . .e e i li t d h la la in Pia" ,ong w en we an t e s: di e ir w en and rgati lessoue t her re idenae • 4.ahh , ' shown t king first prize at the Northern Union Exhib' ion in ()debar, 1883. FRESH . HONEY. ' nick ; andin, thls hut ray purpose le will be out medium tight, i • h t d - - 1 • ry is made, to represent t eel undred stree , sa.:cona olor west or' nglish, c urcla.g4 4.1. Among o her Organs shown at this show ere W. Bell & Co., Guelp •, Rilgour; • I liamilto ; Karns, Woodsto k, &o. Call nd see s befor buying. Id instria- I have as filie a lot of extracted - shetilder will be made soft and. • : la Clegreesjof nsoisture en th I ial, and the. SHOP TO EiTT.-Good rontage on Blain Sti, ilia treasure bright already stowed manta ta en s.t their full v e. Orders f r tnnin piano end organ attended Honey as can be fon d in the market, wadding. hand o poiriter moves b:c. war; or for- ' •eaforth, 1st xt door to he Ide hankie' I et - - White vests will be worn to , con ward a 6e Imoisture in t hai varies. tate hall,. -Altogether Inrepr, good cellar. DO- tolat ono at 15 cents per perm . , , If at, Cashier, and Board of quite a sidera.ble extent but not cons'del d a cidedly the beat usiness sit ationi in town. , a*-- eit ecomes too dry .. olio ,team is roun ed by meat Markets, lank, P at -.since and I S OT B OTHE S. 7 bank, I - ,..i...../..---• Ceept myself' to please -and no one fashioneble as heretofore. thraelian in; if too moist, I :sal :team is all that 6tracits business. Apply o THO Af3 KIDD, Seafolith , - - that*: ants are out e trifle larger h ' s aL allowedto escape, and th : th: atmos-- -85 f N.. .-Small Instru ents, snch s Violi s, Gni ars, Accord ons, Con- OHOICEi TEAS Con - makes my heart beat fast -and lam son than last, and trouseringis go .a e i phere f r the nation's sta e:theo is mon ' ' , ; certinas, Ni., on -hand; alsola good'aissort ent of iano C vers, Piano tools, &o. g old, ha Mines and small checks. o al - f 0--• nouo TO ENT -0 . t and .a half i ditoify All,kind of Instruction Bo ks. ST' MP:NG P terns or Kensingt n Crewel. As usual, chea, d d : R bit'. hing to love or leave except this- pile • lated a d kept at the hos. th u point,. ese cottage Ooittaining eig • t roam . It is!pleae- I. lig t patterns will be fashid a.b - r. which ie about 50. antly situated and convenie .t td th station i and and Outi no blend or I were, Ind somethi and lo And I came to stay Ambler, with sway. rm Preside wealth With none e else to But nothing growin With not a t of gel But I hovel as fate When we toe key co And that I'm happy Downed a h " stru -"I wa- rner to a after looki • poets. " young m pocket. -A litt bright ape look at he mirror, a "I'm not fanny." -A. bla VV er who "xii The first tion carel shoe, and once. -" Yes, praise of Texas lac of water." marked hi another w Liabilit Few fa the extent hired hel address b IgElli) Fa rules of t the torts pIoyeee.' to this in llama Wrong act oceasionin one Of QM erja conf ill disobe fraud, dee duct, 50 lo -the ernplo farmer ha ors or hea loan to ts it or trade Warrant o resort to make a s !Itimped 18 asked answers, or fault a not be a trade is liable fo was in th A.hired °cm out killed it the eseeie coin A farm hued ma of big em land o It being unload a, throwing Purposely PkTer is I'm no p there WO of regpon vim done Embroideries. celebrated Cured ems and. Meate the "louder" styles are not in lay t i 1 busi • ess partlof he town. Apply o THOMAS always on hand.- The barns are • aimed a -thing or two: I know as sure KID 0, Seaforth. '857 t especially fine this eason, baying been season.• , • Taking Him at H srd. ,.. k up our .lives for wealth, the gold in hate, the light-cOlored b • , I t cured by an insprovded process.. Cured meats wholesale an retail. . Tans ovstie- . G. Van It mord has eon -101,0 THE EDICA cues too late ; feether-weight -and veutilated op , • ill This enecdote of Red a ket was re- e -e. 1 le offiolo le, buildino oppOsite the burned 'roarer eow than through those he the favorite with many of p 4 e 1 t - -lated bh Judge Sheldon : t m :Siting of mill, whets -h s a- complaite stock' of noinefac- HALL_ All kinds of rand' y Groceriee always daya in which • tare- goods,tan where all busieess connected t ,art, and aid not know that I had or gentlemen, as being - lighte , to e the committee of the BO lo Hietorical 1 on hands. Inspection respectfully in - with the establ shment will hereafter duct d. 854tf A. --G. Yar GATOND°. lit _As_1:1\T 'SIT r'iba - 1: it rich I" ana m,ore dressy than straw. I I h.: I • Society : - T ere was a bla kerdth ehop ..eae.p1401:-F11-3- vited. s ' _Harepeet9 weekly. lax Fedorahat, ie light milers, ; n see on ehe orn r where the sto il ce now F1U ' 1-1 ROBB. - styles as those worn last winie , 11 b etands, kep by a man ed Meese. Ao NTS WA. TED. -Wanted, a tive,, rel ab e ' . . .Agents at I Gaieties. WOrn quite generally, as they co u b'n He wa a. /very fine wer Ma e , .a real eaforth, Exeter, G clerical, ru - sets, • lyth, Gor ie and Wingham, t cartons f r Has now placed in the mar et a newand wonder. ni Blood Cleanser and P rifler. . , Nu B. -L -King a pecific, a Ore cure neatness an.d comfort. They .a : ha artist i his line. One dit Rea Jacket t a, Chaucer," said a custo- the s: le of reap rs, mowers, rakee:, twine bin er , it Will el anse the system f m all ihapurities, an leave you in a health con - for Dyspepsia, alwa a on hand. ; a remarkable run, and are, in fa. k h came i to h s shop with hi in erpreter drills) seeders, p ows sulky plowa, traw cut r iew York clerk in a bookstore, dition. t is a purely veget ble compound, and as a bloo medicine his no qual. only soft hat that has been sie ; -he wluld ever speak ei ili:h„ you wago isotancks, here° powe s, sap ratora, por Customees and others whoa system! or need is at of order, will do well to try- - I able nd tractio steam en ines, , s w mill 1 m , - do over the list of English BELL'S MILLS KIPPEN 113111 ,... , ceived for dress purposes. T I e Kan know. :He anted a n o .. ahawk ' 1 * ?inc out or plug ?" asked the . - .- ' . ' . ; • .... chin ry,,eso , m nufacturod by tli0 orth Amen- i a bottle Of I • another favorite will be offerea i ht made. Th y had some tal , b t ileese can . gncultur Implement and a21 neral Atlanta- , us, putting his hand in his . ' • , I colors for , summer wear. : , H , finally aid e would mai° . th toms, teetering Comp uys Londe , Ontar. o. Appliro- tio sai or- ehape will also appear ti tie hawk f r him, and told h to ome in WM. B, AfcLEA , Hensel', Ont., to to*the N rtai hs Duncani!s Extr et o R. ea Clover, JOHN M.-NEVIK .e girl who is noted for her . Aroe :canManu aoturing cos. panY, Loodon. 841 * i W-1 I also be Offered this season in el c in two Weeks for it. W en t e time I , .1 1 .3ohes was seen one day to an the somber colors -au e t re , ri Was up :Red Jacket came f ir h s toma- mmannammammamm And be nonvinced that it hss no equal. no trial will cenvince you that it is Proprietor of these well nowo and pop:alarmilba, reelf for a, long time in the has now got everythingi in first-claas working feolture in. these hats. hawk.; It was a fine piec of workman- - what it iS represented to be and no humbug. Yo can s cure it at sm cost order and is prepared to- turn out -an. article ot fter which see exclaimed : /114..L ship, to. He went off, u iti day- or of $1 per bottle, and judge f r yourselves s to its erits. FAMILY FLOURwhich canunt be n; - Why bit _pretty, but I'm awful : celled by any mill hi the country. Why She Liked two rettirned with the to ao alia••k. It 4 ' ' . , . I . did notsuit him. -- II , asrath advertised for a help- They were walking thvaug at . .i CI -EDITING DONE WHILE THE PATITI ALL 13 PEfi% : I WAITS 'OB IT. Lust be as quick as lightning." on a beautiful. Spring day . st • Of cohrse,,,Reese was ad ao , p. the told . CLEM who applied for a sittia-: She was leaning, with - bewit in a ne Red Jaeket if he would . a. el : model We have Itn a full and ell -ass rted stick of Fldpur exchanged for wh 1 t. Chopping of every )sSly picked up a hot horse- fidence upon his arm. - Tit m e , or out of maple wood of ins nch a tome, deScription promptly at nded to. /flour ane the blecksmith hired hi•rn at hek.venly eyes to his face, she onto. oe - hawk ale he wanted-, he • o .14 make it • Bran always on Hand, a d sold at the loin* ed for him.. So Red Jacket al : &phis model A 4. L P A E . , . DIC N rket prices. Remem er the patellar mills. " cried Jones, in enthnsiastic ir Isn't it charming here, Ga ? °, I de and brought it to Reese, - 1 I told him • 1 t , k PURE DRUGS C EMICAtS AND PAT NT ME ES. , 1 JOHN °NEVIN ITKIppen. his native State, "all. that so love to walk about the parkl ' a 1; .to nom 'after it in a wee . Rea Jacket :s is good society and plenty tithe." • came i a week with his:. tete) eter, as LAII EST AS IIRTMENT We 10.1sO keep in stook all the _latest Patent Medici es in the taark4. If T EA S ,i And, Jones," quietly re- epo you, pet ?" he responded. 0 . ?" liana'. vi Reese had told te erel people, a friend, "that's just all that "i Well, I don't 'know, exa. il ' :h: and se end were in thtes I 'p w en Red : . . 1 you dorasee what you want, ask for it, a I d you re sure to get it. ANT WHOLE,ALE P.IOCES. , • erm place lacks." co' tinned -sin a voice as tende 1 : : ;13: Jacket am in. 'Reese a a deo him the co ing of a dove, while her h D. hatche . . 1 7 for Acts of uired Men. eyes veiled themselves ben a I di: Red ticket looked it al a ver flung it mere have a correct idea of • • drooping lids and the rosy II sh 00' across he room, grunted ' g . !" and INII, B. -Physicians' rescriptions carefully and accurately comp° nded. -. cheeks outvied the; glom s f 12, went o as mad as than. e I. : e had --AND All orde a from a dietetic° lied with oar: and deepatch. -AT THE -- of their liability for acts of he . a Judge Parrish, in a late rose, "do you know I love to h w 0' forgot to Make an eye in i: model, and , 1 I • - , • POST OFF1bE STORE ev n more than to be here ?" ! Reese had made the hateh t without an C. DUN .AN lore the Grand Rapids (Mich- LOWE T P-10 - AT , ' Do you, dearest?" respon e ' , eye. -Buffalo Commerci 1. SI. : I Vile have just received a large .00nsigie; mere' Club, explained the . his face gleaming exultantly a: - 6 a . , • e common law in relation to - • . ; ment of Teas, which we intend jobbine greetelated.hh. imself on the co ao pl n- : ; SUCCESSOR TO . HICKSON it CO. off at wholesale vices. If you haVe and negligence of farrn em- he all Kno ,, : 9 - . W PAPS , The ' farmer according `''',1hn ma'''. . " Wh t ' k y - • net already tried Clearlesworth's Teas, authority, ." is responsible .L. o ,riv•tshoeiekte.; " I too a large spider ft one hie web II I de so at -once. • : for the Ham: in t s . a , eincler tlhe b sement of s eill, out him , . I i,fes to third persons for Next Doer to Duncan & Du can's -Dry Goods Store. -1.. , ' rgen ies of hired help - s or neg i c . Gussie," 'demurely respoo a eel t on a ol4p a d set him . oat on the . a. den quiet water of the pond. He walked S AFORTH.• Five Pounds of Younp HyI- g-inifiary, whether the act be in • ugnstus a face wore a thou h • .. eAl abo t•th sideslisf hi: .ark, survey- son for $1 lesion or commission ; wheth- re sion for a, moment after . ••h h: fug th lift adoli hery ; a efn ly, end ‘ , , . a-mity to his orders or even LT AM WAILCHE NEW PRING OODS P.. d ' a settled 'gloom NV ' I ' h: when t e fa. t that be w • s real y afloat W re pee into. Five Pounds 'of our Fiftip ience to them,' by negligence, - : me tally vowed to spen t e no : 1 \ . eit, or even . wilfol: miscon- d h ' h: end a ut a yard hem s o a ese used to , . ng as it was in the course of be been hoarding to.purchas: t a r. be full comprehended, a : pr spected he Lea mg Watch of America, 1 I Gent Tea tor $2. t." or instance • The ymen . -I', - • - tic ets for cigarettes a,nd a re. n , :,.. for the -nee est_point at lam . This I . I point fairly ettled upon he, mmedi- 1:MTSTI C31-. - 1 s s a horse affected with gland- 1 : Five Pounds of our &zip Vanderbilt's B ow. ill e ately began o oast a we, ler, . t. He , veis and he orders his hired ke it out on the road and sell TE STORY OF A. NEW TO II CON CC T II 1' threw iit as far as possible n th air and Gres t Feal,n Prices. al eray Per , Cent.. Lower Th,an: ver. . , ' Cent Tea 10... $2.50. . with the wi d. It soon eec ed tire . iu. ' it off. He is told not to hile the Central train for; th J.. KoLO GH IN'S ' "t shore and made fast to t e' pires of Five Pounds of our Soenty- r ree,ommend the horse, or to- wa waiting at the station le 6 6 ' grass. Th n he turued mee f about, m............• J ,•ny jockey tricks in order to the other day, for the Beaten trai , fh: and in rue ailor like feels on, ; egan te A Pe 1 Line to be ha, t , ! jive Cent Tea. for _ $3.00. le. The first person met is pas engers in the smoking- f ar r: haul in lean over hand .a hi cablel , : I kr a, trade. The hired Man ent rtained by a. conversation con u le Ca/eft:4111Y he drew upon 4 . ntil his bark M R COUN, E Our three pound Tea for $1 super . H I the horse is sound, and he in p ate, loud tones about .V: n r . 1 f SEAF RTI1 ior to any 40c tea inethe !nuke . began t move toward th •hot•. As it ' " : " . , . 1 "Perfectly so, not a blemish On man said it was ad, outr:gei • 1 I , . ' t moved he f suer, lie th fast: r . drew 1 : I JEWIJ.RY • EMPOR' UM,. 1 . eout him ; and that he would Ya; clerbilt did notehrove out n °a upon it to It' ep his haws:r 't:ut and M. A. OHARLESW RTH. 'raid to warrant him." The at is residence on Ehacua o • I i ' ' from touchi g the water. or • soon he made, and 'the employer is and that hisses from the ore s: 0. . reach° the here, arid: g if kly leaping 1 , . :be d.eceit,becanse the swindle wer the consequence. And. he elf . - . , , ,. to terr firma he sped hi we- home- I to make r oms, 1m still offering- the The Lar:lit! :course of the employment. side able was said abceit ward. Thinking th th he ' ht b ' . g en a "43 e considered) s ock of Jewel' • Watche FONTHILL NHS RIES. - man is driving a _neighbor's gre d' and uncharitableness. , , a spec al exeiert and an ,x6e; tion in. ,-i oilver•Plat Ware and: go Its in Ittielli :f his employer's corn field, e ell," said al well-dress:d ' L that lirie of boatmanship to th: -rest of . • , , , . . •ith a atone. The court held pu ng away at hie (Agee, " I 13 county. 1 , . . , -his co 'pal:11610,i tried is • eral of them ' GI ood$ at greatiy re - Repairing n all bra ' h ti f W t h L bala ce of Winter . THE LARGEST IN THE BO INION. yer liable for the vale° of the you a story about yanderbilt flue and th ell came ashorel ile li e men- , clocks and ewery-all Iltl : rantetal to ____I____ corns myself, and thati know at , ner.- ti lid (Me.) Fres:. ve satisfa tion. Fine: ',Aches a , - IT a- is liable for trespass of his -no hearsay. Several years go ISALESMEN WANTED L. done honestly in the course conductor on the Fourth Avon u� h •, 1 1 specialty. wenty-three y ars' pract -begin -work at onee on Fan Bitiesi . 13teady ployrnent-as cutting timber raileoad, New York. It w a he A Vi tim of Misp cod Confi- ;1 experien e. Rings, Leek ta Chaine, . 1 duced prices. For g4 od barglains now is employment at fixed- stalaries wail g an adjacent proprietor. - time When the twenty -Cent pi:ce a t -' donee. roochee, & ., mann actii d on the , • to Work. - : the duty of the employee to ma e their appearance, ;end or k o yr The indivhlual Who - pl:ces trust in shortest noti e. 1 ; ---4- cant have pleasan MEN AN WtO EN 3ertain load of, wood, and by- the looked very much like i n many of tie claims co a vertised Look out fir :a tree of hil erwar in ' t overboard. he accidentally or abo t the size of the twenti fie: : t remedies is often sadl isa pointed, he windove it ii, the pl , dir tly the t me. All invited. wounds a by -standar, the em- piec s. Horse -oar donductoe a but the a ay of fact eg ding the apposite 31. S. Port r's I heap aiih' WORK THE EAR R4UND I Liable. But if ;the unloading kee 0. sharp looknit for:these pie :- r honest virtnee of Burdoc : loo Bitters f o . itnre sto e. ' it . from $40 875 pea Good agents ice . ,rt. of his duty 'at 'the time, thei would take Jhem for t, en, • are in sputable. It - 0 tive ye cures .. ' -Month and expensed'. Terms and out t free. Id be no liability. The test cents. When in the neighb al' oi f disease of the blood, liver anct kidneys. M. 00 14 ER1 STONE WELLINGTON*, sibility is not whether the. act Ma; ison Square one day, W. 4.y a . . Investigate the proofs and testimonials. ? Toronto, °uteri° according to instructions, but bilt ot into my car. 49.s Ip se 857.52. w. • . The L ading Jewell . 854 . ! J. McLOUGOLIN, hitney s 13 ock, Seafor 11. . . . 1 , . . . . . - . - i , • I _.. _.. ._......,._.-.. . t • 1 , , e, ' ; , ' . , - I • • • • - t • --t'''r ; . - - --•,•, - _ ____,....., . ,.. ____ h n a •/ �,1884. .• , • . . -T141E - H RON . E ._., POSITOR, ,,--,... , ..- . ----i . • __, .e... - ; 1., tj _______ .....*........., seient Tainer'S Storp. ty vor,a, CARLBT011. that as solid, Sir, as most of Mks whether werk • Ili tioniar done in the prosecution he. was doing for his p the hired Men, io perforrnin a tot in a particular ma n fh•om instruotfons to infli t a otiete Par4 the doe; Su, to Calle dent pi fourtee up to ihe t fares de and ''rP cents station h.e save me a I g in change. V When where we minty- g ve him wegot were toI to. It' ' M L i. - FT AL • N " DO rfki OT WAIT BUT - ; • E FORWAI4D. 20- 100 BEAUTIFUL 0 PLANTS d sniff at coyote Poverty has ceaseto i -worth *molten down -that Is, it Is .; ' ,,- ht cost to though, I couldn't . Connecticut, this dream I mad to cellar of our house should spring a' fitte injury on a third person, 4 pl yer is not liable. I. • We give the aboveIas both i p _ .. . interesting information, and Pee emeseirlfit if: if: reah tilt) ea i nnge cheesl 8 ..17 ' arbeerettehrteLegdraivnetrheiass° ebarri 4 €4t1 t a IIII-; here (Y4 . n til d change the off hHee bdeig: or not, sain",tYy0oultare?„ "Yes"416 orses e. eatthoenee.we ut I,did. a I was sent or to . There eat V ndeeb wtoh:tshker ei halnueewst,ihonims. Said h • conductor this come ltand , ' road, , - MI gi e ' • oi. s'sd- . know our e are anxious prices. . , that you should . see our goods a'nd , ! FOR SALE. , ......._!.._ , . 1 - I have this seation the finest lot of Plants ever grown by me, and, as far as I can learn, the choicest general collection in Ontario. I will her that collection of Oh Oa, mnsatwtehry, 'present. iBI ill "Whit'S t e fare on th railr ad?" ,.,„_ 1\TOW IS !'"I' M 'II IVEM unhesitatingly state my- bars at any time a abinialf lump lar in this rock that's just that sort lg. . r father slaved himself for twenty sufficient for the . N g careless help can inflict seri u upon their principal, even thinks himself least liable. ' SO,' less he " Six "Are ,. Yes pent yon sir. ." rettv good on : rith ' member wh cha etio ?" ge you . Tr • Asa ' Nei IMP .11C Whi e stock is un)proken. , , . : to mak: choice selections!. Geraniums Yerbews a _. Are among the iinest in this prima of the folhavieg class Plant s : and coleus, country,: Note the of Pot and. Bedding , ops -Y. , gave , -GERANIUMS, it of that there hole in loss than half_ tit1 him up you path, I'd make him Chicago ' Cheek. Chi'j's May I have this Seat ?" the looking • ' "Yea, .,- Do you I sir ; r fourteen cen s." now what pi o of ' ' money , ese.4.4011110,.. 75 CENTS TO *31.50 . PER DOZEN. at least; . sborhardaned hands are_ mouldering East. , genteel drummer gaige was occupying it. l' I don't know ma'am," he se bag. °red gave ylon "A • soon a c wen an y-oent piece, eh e came over h a ?' (and o unten- STILL PRO RE SI s G - VERBENAS, 35c TO 60c PER , DOZEN. mother*up this hill, and open to her PO itely. "It belongs to the a I know but I'll oad,. lince which pretty Sever plethis ti e ha stern). ' been Have - 0 r purchases - or this season lave • .• clipsed all -or- P. 8. -In addit OIll M to former years I have adde ' superb collection of 25 new varieties of give a benefit' to all the poor Bile dear old , isa otharipinese out of her yoti ; • see .th a.nd maybe he can give it to you" 0.he grew purple and said • • ss You don't ator, I - got the ".I th -as tiece nk ,and ?"- . have, sir,," a thtz, piece Silk Tq day my I - 'a ife iso ff d of cones° to get Ji her d nie Nleve most mer ones • cheaper We are than ever. now in a position to give you go ds special merit', the trusses ure 2i- inches, while the -11 diameter. They are gra f some of them meas- 'rots are one inch in .1 beyond description. a struck a lead of gold in quite a dif- place. 'ell, maybe this is soft; but since the tn'a put, - sil this to any one except a "tender- limb those -eastern lulls (ehe was a ;eg woo), on what , o k it rich."tve would do when I had father hadn't the heart to let us poor, ek off Yankee duit and took a West- it. - lasted several years. The old min t, no doubt, rer would COM baOk till I could buy* CSC • se floor, up come ash • she it 1`. mee, for 'I finally : understand me. I I I take it'" : Well, I don't know that,ei e it is fastened very firmly to t and would be troublesom ; how.ever, Ill have a 'oar en on board at -the next sta 40 ii his advice? I don't want to take the. old t I howled. "Is this your r r , . No'nt," blandly answered tie "they belong to the firm ' , - '' , 1, Well; can I sit(' down he e, screamed, after shifting ‘.48,n 7 o 0 r' 0 i' " : av r g d e , , w pr . Vend added:. "-That's Then "I thipk your wi 'Oh, , know a said Ya . .' I was conductbr, of the incident, turned art any lack part. How ace rbil it w I . wel out der "a "as o of . : looked at it refulte hat I gave you. eh B the condn tar's have °olivine a you , ," (doubting y , that -I'll th uk ilt. trifle worn i d" to what ono t for I did io , wa my plaoe, :s eci nty or atte . t on ver, my ana e y i-tvr: and ? ' t rn. against 1 don't it over," s id - the grow out t to be lly for n my soon goi although summer; to a R say well my just woel, too, pieces, other. St n f rDress, 11 , onI . on and iend, ispened and s beoeu she but, ;sci , -71' Bros. : get chetp. she's sue - tne i Mere e she NVants lily got then yo now s • KW, for where 1 Silks as cue right i Ne.w a' lot ne kno e h they. o ne ,• w 1 p ce tim. B•litellt f Mhi : Jacket, one t out s to a vgone a y a wear be or the Sake tie last hive peo t Orna- all to le so es 've is we hfix,ve same as ,.. maple arid IRrAIMI no real cash. . ' Fancy Dry Go latiRe . old - st ck dn L, mi. -r : , ds and Groo ries, on door e StSth• ardwar ore, ea ox . hand. • .0. . f :outh of Mes. odp_ce ' dd's COL 60c TO $1.20 PER These are at once the foliage plants used for gar•eten toavleeuns ,bsevenroyseti.s2raldervicemlostonoal varieties grown in 4 loch Riots. one of those beautiful Cinnerarias, only 15c each, or 81 fot atesembeanteennim ,Cord plant, only The each.. Sen SILVER LEA yx Mad Sallavoria ; it 01 gr in one season 16 CaltS e ; Send for .US,, , DOZEN. most beautiful of all decoration. If you wyos nii etoweora Send for at least now in bloom, a dozen. Send for folum ; it is a grand for that new GERANIUM; " w two feet in diameter h, $1.50 per dozen. Several days hen I it. - - LOW what It is to hunt and -dig from day,tit' - tin. that almost shows, then dodges awsy. . ell, yea; but have you starved, and „. and almost died, i es that Yon couldn't find, heaped up- 7 side? ._ . font to the other. 1. ; - " I don't ,madam, you a ' bet judge of your muscular po •• i'' Where do you travel fro.. ? screamed." '1,1 Chicago," he replied, 4` That settles it," she said ' m i. - " well you please move your .val a: ." a kl a :, : • relievhds received me that; joy, I folund waiting 'have been reason _te Albany a I had for di teere find Argos.. eassed note from the ffio- been prom I t d., a, desk in th.: (slier e, at -a good s se., ever sine:. fault with la and I telling To my 1 office and I I I ave noi :rbilt.- . melt.is, I beautiful. new 1 bargain. 1301B, spdt weather. • line and Mosline, eehe IL • 1 in1D We slice " re. S. sa clies you • es Goods- offer great a nce Saws, &o., -a they shonle Oa value ranee for are see y in of he pie Para- : 1 'whit war , al MUSICAL IN SEA • ' TRUIVEN r ; - 1 - , ORTH, ONTARIO. MPORIU'IVI , • Begonia 'Weitonieneis. Only 10- cents, it is a ...8f1e D.A.1114AS, I have a choice lot from o 15c to 25c each. Solid fo to 250each showing hie will send you 15 plant pot plant Send for , - e to two feet high ; HYDRANGEAS, 15a in. Send me $1, and I ' in 15 varieties, suit - like; then permit me to occupy a small pot. 1 en a ,. . able for vases or hatiging ' baskets. Send for a . letters wandered; tapered aid : -• a it fox a while, then VirolO a school- end:. • L had struck thie mine, and my old est Wets- • . this seat ?" . T Certainly," he replied, " sv a. yon say that at first ?' • he train sped on,while he s: t d nit ' , The In the ington I he OUSE), W . ba:e is ihe the 4enate, rk of a S 0 ;Ile of the Capi o et enginery oy and di, clo :: air. Wash- w ich the mittee Yeung I • ing place, a lot more V.V-iteds, Me no IN who want e, we have w Tweeds, a siylish jus Pei , receieed tinge cloth field SCOTT BRO8 - X y RO RIETORS. price list o it will pa Y you ! W. H. BUONHAM, o do so. Address, I STRLTFORD, ONT. a letter up the .111101i -it wag my up his expenses, and she Wall he: . (b ught very ohe: p), Twholi . . s reply : -- a -wandering in her raind : the other if Chicago cheek had any ego al the ; n I e rooms are the altogetgab itarmed i. li er a and •eo tila hted by ele :et icat big apparatu: eoes ed. and i a, , a it is sting of . wee er I 1 will °seise at let - a- Whig pr peedyea i; ces, dated e. 0 "all which profit , riarl_E ID , 1•1-1 -1 IVI 32 ,A. -1•T O r.. F?OBBSG SEAFORTH. OGERY )013, thin the asylum walls, as crazy as a I String and Summer St i I I!: 1) three i eight b mense - Hens; . fans four ngi with the nzol sear 'es and • • appli- and quick ret rns at , 1. I i :.- e s e ., e, 5 the barren plains, a snailish rail- ide, n the asylum too, a -kneeling at her . , le knew me, just at first; but soon rank away, oiled at me 'gain, Whatever I might Gentlemen. mall, invisible plaids of, il B ooth surface goods will be m c to ' business and evening. -snits • full dress suits ' English and CO : kscrews in black, blue, bro en co or, dahlia and Oxford -will P 0 e to four -button outewayis -w ;us - :Nr " ;or 1. fi •e &noes f and Me nation' which tells or too dry hair. . saturat the moi r. regulating BtUte le4is1etors iS A peefectly .1 d ale, ture Oa- tem of, the air s. p elle. . T a e its Whether the : ,r is operated by • dry ai i:in that is, ai oar it will hold, i• Pu. erature to the eument too moist 1- u at human - ring all at 100. RAN I Noted - IET \ 011 X for Ni B Rs: e G - ods.I • • Readi ay : "'?he 0 endorse " eympat and are appear the following Upright Pianos ent, as a decide etio quality, cian equally beautiful ce."-THEODO se II testimonial i , • ' by one of the est mu of Messrs D' nham eserve, 1 success., Tb :y develi p a ton t be surpass: d by th now e their music 1 qualiti s as well E-• THO AS icians of the see well an, , which in isting Upright as in their preeent emphatic- power Pianos., exterior and , , Parties wishing t Groceries of the 01 particularly request Popular Geocery, S 'ark's Street, Seafortli4 have now a ;fine Sugars in the Mar purchase Fresh oicest Brands, are d to call at the Block, _Main stock of the best of all brands, round, or crouches in a western win- t4 favorite styles with the no eb , - .1 r A dial ith a hand like t a t of a clock : .et, and will give toile, drssed The .• , young men, coat : e f : 6 A represe ts the different detrees from 9 1 IL ay love will come to me when he has- cit rich.'" with soft fronts; button high, •• it II to horrespond, presenting a sta. re • a,. :t to 100. tura like The a human hair a leer rope, and,- i.e a, a mois- rope, it h9'0 TANT NOT' ES. ; I EXOLS1 R ORGAN . FIFTEEN POUNDS FOR • i 1 ONE DOLLAR. ' tok for mes Oh, but the eastern hills sg seemed to always. say, " Gd book de yourgold I"- neat appearareceardund the neo .: codouble-breastedlI Will ats, eleo be in , ro b °come ono() in shOrter length when wet. The. between 6, ' h : it', si.• differ- inches mesiee.h. -sae 1- a halite n as. T. D. Prenderg: tuber of p pus to .t will reqeiiii struction ; This celebrated Organ , has always eceived the hi heat award wherever : 1