HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-05-23, Page 6• ] Pr T We Did It.. We are a little country church about twenty miles from New York, in one of the most rural and quiet towns in all New Jersey. : So far—although we;eee the wave advancing, and on many Re- couuts are Lglad to see it coming—city people, with their generous or lavish ways, have not been in the habit of making our village their home, and,. therefore, -all that we have done -for religious servi'oe for others, either in missions or other ways, has been done by the people in old fashioned ways of giving, and of limited inoomes; and I need hardly add that when we decide upon our " offerings" as we call them, we think seriously to see how much we ran do. We collect every year for the Woman's, Board $50, from as many different ladies, and that $50 represents more than the money merely. It repro - gents also t a great many pians of self- denial; it represents a living interest in the cause it comes .freighted with new. !She is always the same. Thle REAL ESTATE 1FOI4 SALE. dress in this case must have a c rt simplicity. It costs her little tL u and little time, and when the of ti n, becoming worn, gives way tie new, the change is not perceived, it noticed when -the new in its =ta c Hies old. There is a great economy .in d o a few becoming colors in the'r s axles, and - confining one's d t ; ese. Choosing colors that h w th each other, like grey, bl b ue, yellow, white, and neve a y other colors, one may, in o er garments, use one with a t at nothing is wasted. T ap to Catch the Cod . John McIntyre, reeve o to nship, Lambton .county, ex erience in destroying the a to the Canadian Agnojulturist loving prayers; it means •our earnest , oil fro love for the missionaries and those for 1 str whom they toil. That $50 pays, too. Many of us have no money invested in earthly banks,but somehow our share in that $50 gives .us a very sweet sense of " money laid up," and we feel through it as if, after -all. we owned aninterest in God's king- dom. inbdom. But to return.. The Jubilee came -or the tenth year of our Women's Board—and at the prayer meeting one day Mrs. Smith said, in an offhand way : `' I think it would be something to be thankful for if we could raise a hundred dollars extra this year for our missionaries," We all looked at Mrs. Smith—who is, by the way, a very quiet bat practical little body—very much as if she had expressed her admiration for the moan, and a desire to touch it; but one other sister, who has a strictly just mind, said ; -a Yes ; that would be pleasant, it it could be done which is more than doubtful ; but, first of all, we ought to pay our own church debt." " Ohl certainly," said Mrs. Smith. " I believe in paying that also; but some- how I have noticed that our Lord always helps people to help themselves who -are, also willing to deny themselves to help others so, my i sisters, suppose we forget all about the aaot that a $150 are harder to raise than' -$,50, aed simply go to pray about it ; to learn the Lord's will about it ? If we -can raise it, we will ; and if we can't, we oughtn't to." We all saw that that was good Chris- tian logic, and assented; but we had no idea that we conld raise the extra hun- dred. Mrs. Smith couldn't see where it was coming from herself, but she has a very comfortable way of feeling that ea long as she does her part of a duty the Lord can manage the rest ; and this proved tree in this case, little as we looked for it. I only speak of sister Smith because she happened to start the subject. Once suggested,everybody fell into line, at least' to pray about it. Our pastor's wife is; just like sister Smith—only, perhaps more so. She prayed over it, and thought over it, very practically, and then wentto Mrs. Smith, and said, " Here Mrs. Smith, I have prepared two papers you take one and raise one fifty, and I will see to the other." And forth they went among the other forty-eight sisters, and here is the state of mind they found them in: One sister said, "I can affeld no more money from my supplie but I will give up the price of a dresI had planned to have." Another said, " My servant has left and I will dd' nay own work long enough to save what I want to give." Another said, " I will give up a trip to the city I had planned ;" for every woman who gave, gave by some apeciai act -of self-denial ; and a more spontaneous, happier $100 never rolled, with a smaile on its face, into the treas- ury of the Lord than that one wore when we put it in with its $50 halfe sister and sent it to show what hearts can do with love to give back to -the One who gave so much to them. We astonished ourselves by the ease with whish we gave back that $100: and the dear Lord surprised us a thous- and -fold more by the strangly deepened sense of working with him and for him_ that came to ns by it. Somehow it has made us feel that all anybody needs, no matter how poor or weak they are, in working for God, is a loving will and faith. We don't know what we: couldn't do if we tried ;. and I think we shall try as never before. Did we pay our church debt, did you ;say ? Why, certainly, but that was quite large; and we didn't tarn to Mr. Kimball to do what we ought' to [ourselves, the self-denial for that has lasted for many months ; but it is going, as surely as last year's snow, without any outside help .but the sun- shine of God's love and our love for him. Of course, loving him, we can easily, ar perhaps I should say happily, do anything and everything we ought. This may be an old-fashioned story: of old-fashioned Christian women, but it is true in: •every staterinent, and we are one of the happiest little churches in New Jersey or any other State.—Chris- tian Union. - Character in Dress. A dress that is so peculiar as to be striking, either from its brilliancy of color or any other cause, should be adopted only by a woman who has many ohanges of raiment, and so May wear it only oocaaionally, or the sight of it becomes a bore even if at first it is inter- esting from its novelty. The woman who has so many dresses can afford also to.give: it away, or convert it to some - different adjustment, which gives it an entirely new aspect. A woman who has but one best gown can ` wear it with a difference,' like the. rue Ophelia offers to her brother, so as to make it suitable to many -occasions: ions. But the dress must be of a very general character, like black silk, or some dark color, or the pleasure of the new impres- sion is lost. The wise person with a small capital never bays any but a good and lasting thing. Each year she adds one or two really solid possessions to her wardrobe, which, treated with care, last her many years. Thus on a really small sura she may dress many years very beautifully. Without capital, one is often obliged to buy what can last but a few months ; but there is choice even here. There is certainly a great economy in a woman's adopting for occasions of ceremony, one dress from which she never diverges. Itbecomes her char- acteristic, and there is even a kind of style and beauty in the idea. The changing fashions in color and material pass without affecting her. She is never induced to bn anything because it is th ev m re ink th oor eVE cal the wh re.,—In the year 1879 I pro barrel for house use, and to m taste and smell of the oil, nok me that the beat metho rt idea out would be to keep ry day with whey until the �rning, then to feed to the pi i11 and leave until the followi , .&o. I filled to about two brim for the whole six nmencing about May lst, an sry kind of moths on the ballot m nights, not taking though t destroying the apple mo ught I was seasoning my eh I did all right, and dent ri pi atin g- minACRE FARM Fon id&I,E.---Nor h half of a lot 30, and north halt of north half of lot edi- 81, oonaeaston 9, McKillop. Moa} of this land is the seeded, and in excellent conditiot` for meadow t f - or. pasture. For further particulars apply to ANDREWGOVENLO.CK, Into p P. O. 819tf dng eral sib, else yl�] king r'so tfri il li$ oth c fit th dee toloarry it fled 11 ving ben ye moths as well, and freed the Lipp' es worms at the same time, who grown very bad, there being I h: d apple but had a worm in it. In 4he 188 I had no whey ; result so • e worms. Then I underst the whey was the trap that can mo hs and freed 'my orchar woe s. I have set the whey t sin , and have never seen a w an pple. Set your traps in the abo t two feet or so high. Th oft a whey must be seen to, a trap or dish filled to within two of the brim. - Now, sir, I do not claim any it happened purely accidental catching the apple moth - is con Any person acgn ainted with th ird knows what a peculiar our there arises from the bl row the moths flutter am ng and branches at that time y evenings ; so I think the Flu ie whey attracts them, a, d h on the whey in the dish : nd it. In. closing, I would sk ns using whey for pigs' feed to t d report results to the H. Ale . If they will persist in sing along, they will catch their net oths as well, if close • to th - m orch or oc and treef bale of t. light oaum. persc it, a turis right bors' r sg gt and bet e1, the m an ear 882 t he out ver rid es Is d.. .. Highland Patience. A ighlander was one day b befog: his chief, beim accused of steali'g. The crime being fully Dona d was sentenced to be h It ho 'ever happened that a si indulence was given to orimi those ays, namely, the choice partio lar tree they might wish hange on. Accordingly the per office 'ent up to Donald to im. him which tree he should .prefer tucked up to. Donald, with a • count nonce, shrugging up his s ers, g anted out—" Oich, oich ! fo would like a grosset bush." " A rosset bush, you fool ! a g bush i not large enough to hang •a Oi h, oich, but I'm in no hu will ju t wait till it grows." - The 'story of a Curious Pie oI Embroidery, A 1 1 - it ongli shi3 rose ngp god r els i f an to be on i ire f to b ne ul on d p osSe yoee' ry 7 curious piece of embroidery, be r ing ev'dent signs of antiquity, and framed in black, has been on exhi itlou. for a few weeks in New York Of course he piece of work has a hi tori.. As the roduct of the modern nee le at would a considered far from bee tifgl. As th last work of Marie Antos ette., devised in the obscurity of a pris o n, it is inves ed with as much beauty s i - terest. It is made ;from an ord'na y - towel, which has been l delicately , some parts resembling 1 e, trdinary embroidery, the, ho e roof of remarkable patience and Chis work was recently sent ta ing in Harlem, on the death cif er, Mr. Chas. Phillips, formerly hton, England. It came ino llips' possession in an int res' tier. Marie Antoinette was ' prig: the Conciergerie she was fo big ssements of any description an• id to have devoted herself . h t. ipulate others! giving skill. lady liv her fatl of Brig Mr. Phi ing man When oned in denami she is ECa a needlework. As she was led for exeouti n, it is stated that she dro a piece of needlework: An oflic r i charge inked it np. A nun who as the prat eding begged tbe . officer - to 1 her hav 'the embroidery as a iouven of the u fortunate Queen. Her reque was gra ted, and the consoientioas nu forthwit carried the trophy , to 't. royal fa ily. It remaiped intheir po: session nail Louis Philippe abdicate and fled to Brighton, when itwas sol to Mr. hillipe, who paid a oonsiderabl sum foe it. Mr. Phillips took the E).. broidery with him. to Auckland, Ne Zealand) where he occupied an offici: position or forty years. When he dies it was sent to his married' daughte, residing 'n New Yolk. .Asti fi cial Butter. ing of the value of a ci:r�a pe' In j ud i snbstanc as an article of diet, we nine consider three principal points—harm lessness, taste, and physiological utility. When w apply this rule to the arti finial bn ter it can hardly be claims that it is in any way harmless, unless i be to the pocket book of the purchase who psi full price for the fraudulentf article ; econdly as regards its to te, the very magnitude of the industry shows that the imitation is very sqc. c,essful, and time and again,people Who prided t emselves on their ability to distinguith anything by taste, have been unable t choose between the artificial and the natural butter ; lastly, the physiolo ical utility depends esserhtia,lly upon its digestibility, and in this point careful experiments have been made re- cently on adult men and children. But slight differences were observed between former wit digested a .trifle better. The the natur and artificial b t u t b th er, ut e last experiments revealed one fact how- ever. Wiien the artificial butter was used in piteparing potatoes it proved to be uneatable ; and this may prove of use in detecting the presence of oleo- margarine in some of our so-called butters. 1?OB 8' .hop maker, i The cott situated. block or W. N.W LE.—A 4c mfortsble a tt suitable for bl okam th a good part of th * tow e is in good' rep ir, s d The -whole props ty will separately, snd cry c es 1'SON, Seaforth. g a or, 0 "ARM OR SALE.—For ale a 95 res, being compos:d o 1 9th conoe:cion of the town:i p o County, of Huron, mostly of ar d stump. There is a bank b rn houseau • two good wells. Th adjoins t e incorporate d viii ge f further p tionlarspply to • , premses, or to Bru�eels P. Q. alOUSFd FOR 8AiE.—Fo%sa e, that propsrty on Jon 8tree , $yea orb to St: Thomas church par onagge oupied by. Mr. Soole. There s gest a tion, first -„class cellar, six be colons ,p room. and good kitchen. 1so lar hard and soft water, a new s a neceesarie complete. For apply to tie proprietor. D. and two d wagon business. iesssntly sold in a Apply to .806 -tit outaining 2, in the y, ' in the snd free from x64 ; s brick bove property 13rnseels. For BSON, on the 857 ab fn ejE e, titer' 8,18e n desirable neat door .now 00- 0.0 founds - r, dining oodshed, d all other particulars forth. 880 rl e HOUSE _ FOR SALE , OR sale r to rent, a dwel Iug', south ottl a railway track, ad join Seaforth. ]There is three quartor land, all well fenced ; also a good The honselis commodious and c a good caller and woddehed ; also water oonvenient. Will be sold on theremises to the undo W. T. AIK ., NS. ARIL F B SALE.—North ha ▪ cease) 8, Morris containing which are•gqleared snd nearly fro There are do the premises a oo frame stable, two never failtn w cellent orchard of almost Iwo trees, all bearing. The farm eitnated, bang only two and d h Brussels and thirteen'from Seat thor particulars apply to F. 8.8 or to RICHARD LEES. Lindsay 0 in s of rel s to ar he rsi n 0 ENT. --For e and lot, hp town of en acre of and on it. table, with and soft p Apply MRS. RS. 855 itf ot 29, con - 1(}0 : c es, 40 of fro stomps. leg h use and 114 n an ex - d fruit enientiy s from . r -, . ? or fnr- 0 1,1russels, 841 VARM IN TUOKERSMITH For sale, lot 24, concession 3, ersmith, containing 100 acres, 85 cleared ; the remainder is hariwe is a good bile* house and fram There is a splendid orchard and ple It is convenient to echool and dh in five miles of Seifbrth and six o • good gravel ,roads lbading to bot further parttoulars'apply on tits Seaforth P. 0. ROBERT Mo*•E OR SALE.— le. Ii. S. Tnck- of which are bash There ontbnildings. ty of water. It is with- llinton, with places. For wises or to 851 d x ENTIEE STOCK FOR SIERVICE, BULL F03 SALE.—for sale oheap, a Thor- ke oughbred Durham Ball, "D calved' May 30th, 1888 ;; of roan oolc ed in the Canada Short Horn erd on lot 8, concession 9, Tuckersmib mondville Y. 0. SIMON HUN1'E of May,” r and register - Book. Apply ', or to 8g - BOAR FOR SERVICE. --The and keep during the present season Huron Road Tuokersunitb, a Thorola shire Boar, t which he will reoe number of s ws.. Terms -$1, paya of service, vt ith the privilege of r necessary. OHN 13. RENDERS IN TO STOCK RAISERS.—The Thorou eh ham Bull, "Duke of Fullartn, Canada Short Horn Stock Register,jjvc be kept on lot 23, Concession 2, B. 3. ersmith, for the service of a limited n cotes. Terns —Season. cows, $1 cash ; tc calf, $1.50. WM. ROBB. rsi n On hbrei sd will ot 21, Berk- imi ted ie time ing if i5ex4 br d Dur- " 10,864, 1. 8, will S. Tuck- tt her of insure a 858tf ;FARMER; HUR RTHE ! IT WILL Ikt TO CALL AT THE �N FOUN HIGH SCHOOLS nd see our stock df P(L,®W Which ha this county my Gang P satisfied in the market LA Are large a doing good . GRA Are made fr longer than Having sp( Rollers, we Special att Steam Engi Reapers, Mc and 511 kind short notice I To contraol i Bolts and Quotations f t Also of L. D. Sav of repairs co: ti's TF You- RY, FORTH, been been made es 'ally for I have greatl i proved low for this seaso nd feel saying that it is e bE st it Our VO ROLLE d heavy, running l ght and i'ork. Our IN CRUSH cert hard iron, an -•.11 any, other mach n : made, cial tools for n ting San guarantee ea i f• o Ion. antion given to a ring nes, Saw and G i t Mills, were, Threshing a bines, of machinery r psi ed on and at reasons le rateia ors' and others — : ridge Castings at low st rates. arnished on appli ati.n, agent for the i p e s. eats yer, Hamilton. 11 line astantly on hand. OMAS HEN I RY. fr • P. • WHAT I IT ? WHY IT IS T PEOPLE'S POPU PHOTOGRAPH PARLOR ,1 R With ANDRE CALDER at the helm, nd ow that the holida season 'is fast approac+'n98, nd the good people of Huron and Perth w' o bt- less require so ething neat and artisti+ in the way of Portraits to send as holiday gists t bent friends or relati es, and Mr, 0. being in 1 ive to'the importance of this fact, has made pe ial extra arrangeme is for the aocommodatiolt of the holiday trade. CALDER'S for Christ a io- tares, CALDER': for New Year's Pictur s For It< Photo of tasty design, excellence of s a e end nish, easy and graceful position, coupe With ppropriato bac round and aooessoriee, i e the P. P. P. a tria , and then go away smiliu With elighe and a god picture. - A DREW CALDER, Soott's Block, Sea orth. !884. NEW PostT. t ti a f: fi ARNA. SPRING GOODS i88it. AT THE— ffice Store �Y stock is +ow complete, consisting of e splendid as:ortment of New Spring awee}1s, Ilress Goods, Prints, Tapestry and Hema pets, factory and Blea hed Cottons, Ducks an Don- s, Cotton Shirt nga, White Coverlids, Lake Our - ins and Lambr:quins, Cretonnes, Hosiefv and trimmer Gloves, Fancy Ties, Laces, Ed ings, arasdls, Umbrell s, &c. Also a complete }a sott- lent of Boots a Shoes, Rubbers; &cnd a nd display of i rockery and Glassware jn t Ito nd. A fn]I sto.k of Groceries, new midi es► ; ardware, consist ng of all kinds of Paints and els, and Glass in all sizes, Spades, Shov'la &o. aving now a firs -class tailor in the villtg e s prepared to s + ply all who requir s ood Shionable suit of clothes on short nota e. nd a i guaranteed. 8 • eoialties—Egmondvil a doer Id Seaforth salt : ways kept on hand. 'g rt de prides given for Butter and Eggs, ate aria er farm product. N. B.—A splendia ort- nt of new Wall raper and Paper Blind adu t to d. 852 +JOSEPH MORR he CN ,itX?tITOJ et ome Oil Stove. a • � . pwe • ilou4ekeepers s ould ser the • ost va able oes all kinds of bions, (Fs, as well f troei smell f e anl om open doors or et oil std MAY 43, 1-84 f1 Most per, them a seait ch of a ,1 et Home" wi rove ►cents. evil .g, Roasti+ s any cook st first -Class 0 l Stove, h all the la est and he " Sweet Homo t ►9, Baking, Heat4g ag 1 ve, and gu4rante d smW e, 'and not affected b wind ows when e in ,the mar OHN MAIN STREET, SE in ;operatior ket. i Call kIDD' FORTH, li drafts • Tze nd she S, PLOW A C • r L9ad • f Genuine outh Bend - C1' ,L:D PLOWS; & SU KY PLOWS J1 I ST .REI ]EIVED AT Y1i LLS gricultural Int Wh' h '411 be s: imp rt duties, tl stoo , imported tarif ` ; onseque stook is exhaust ferior a iole. 1 A full stook Toronto Mowers Sharp's Rakes, e of all! kinds alwa before baying a >ld;at old price to subscriber o Dne Hundred ztly, he is seal. d. Call and (very Plow gu of Massey Re , Toronto Co . 11 of which wi ys on Nand fo nachine. O. C. w N'S lemet Wardroom, Seafort notwithstanding th increase of 10 ing determined to keep those valuable nd of them a few days before the ri led to sell them at fbzimer prices until th :e those Plows before buying a ammo anted io give satisfadammotion or no sale: ers an MaBsey filo ers; Toronto Rea Binde>s and Masse 's Low .Down Bi be_soldoheap and oh reasonable terms. the above machines. 1 Don't fail to see LLSON, Main Street, Seafo er cent, lows irk e in the present or in ors an der, an { Repairs y stoop th. NEW !VI ILLINq SIE SEAFO FIRM IN TFI ROLL LATE THE McBRIIDE & Havin and b bought thl above mills,. st machinery that could bprooui ed for a RED MI EA S FOFiTH. 1 R MILLS, L. MIT.111, from* Strathrc y, nd refitted them thr GRAI And t e result at Farm rs can now and have it home )UAL RE;t ained is, they' get all their with them the PLO-jR I For sale by the to or in less qt of Wheat. Mills. ughout with all the Iatest )UCT[ON ROLA ER MILL, ] have one of the bes mills in the Province. RISTINN G and CII0 PING done in Seaforth, same day and Satis f tion Guaranteed.; . THOMAS SMITH w Clot: all k `N A.. 1\T ntities—FOR CAS MciR1DI ill pereo4lly° snperi SinlOPVTIS Cash for any quantity & SMITH lend the Seaforth Roller L .D� .NTLI I 0 �e sh ver this 1s, Ta le Nap nds of Linen in bite nd Cre suitable fo Ladies Eimbroide pies and Mantle an Dress of Parasols from 3 IES eels s fine ange of T ble ins, D'Oyles, 'Towels, and -oods. Extra good v tae rel iuslins and Sate ns, and Child j en's Dres es. Insertions for 'T'rlmml g. Silk cher ; Ezell st ck )cto$4.OU ! 9 I SE . h Kl PPEN STILL .TO THE FRONT For Farmers' fimpleipents. Farmers; Patroazi Boms' Ind Plows, T. nHand) priug of 1 re inters ekes mers this ato u and the Ie t on of imp and RolIc lows, Gee rend Chil . Bell's In e•:, Call as iso on ha, +e sold at, a s ++ all profit ACON ;1'r rro 8, Cultivator Land Rollers.. IELLIS, KIPP Na' gain, ans1 dive to Business ier the 384, who es always study ng th Farm- ts in reg trd to farm! impl nments, tpportu ty Of notilyi g hi many and tho a in need, that he as on rgest, th best, and the cheaselec- cements n , the county, cons' : ing of rs, Gang Plows, Cultivators, `stubble oral Pur se Plows; Sod 'Plow South ted Plow, Iron beam I Plow. j, also. tproyedAmerieau Steel plows. Farm- td See Them before buying els Where. td largpsill Straw Cutters, wh ch will bargan. All implements saId for s.for oast , or on short t=ine. 8try. and , CAR !ACES AND DU }CIES ade to Order, and rill repairing of Buggi; a and News Will receive attention. P bws a Har- r•+ws Repa red. Fat ers, now is the t . e to f: tch along your plc s and harrows for re airing. armera w nting ne mould boards, plow earns, 1. +d side. second- snd Iron beam or i. No. 4 p ows, can et suppl ed. at my shop.; P10 oast- 1.gs and ng plow dastinps for all 1 the ading p ows in th trade. Remember that T. e;1is', I ippon, is he place o get your wants supplied i+ the plow line. Also repairs on hand for the N own Hoo er Drills/ Rigors 11. Blacks cI hies and Horse Sho Ia' Iall its br -nahrs executed with neatnes , dura- bi sty, and espateh. Small Profits is My Otto. 011 and see "You will always find me aiLve to b tl asinetrads. e, a.d good humored, and read to do 9-1.1. T. MELLIS, ' Fppen. „ avrin7aI3 HILL eILVIONVHS CD 1 0 0 td tit 1-9 • ONE CAR LOAD WASHBURN & MOEN MANUFACTURING ANV1}?O3 Having in Rip in al v To g Oh plea His Run the la ry rea so ni e call P. COD C3 CD ITII T'S is he place to go, wels ri h and rare eat sty es are there, onable 'n price ket n Pap ord is sure, uying from others goods so poPr. very an and woman bern, ;I* Look at Papst's stock to -morrow morn. 1Paps ain't shamed to show his stock, And can be found i Cardno's Block. iPapa saye C rite go ds are best, To p ase yoa he will do his beet, and try to rival 11 the rest. The est place we t of Toronto pure ase t the popular jewelry store of, MA ST EET, SEAFORTH. PH YSt'AL & BLAQK )30 LEA SEAFORTH TolvE Alsu T1 NI,Vitutz EMIPORIU • NEY keeplotenaltiaslas fon? lirfe of t4 COOK, BOX Atio ?ARUM STOVES. Their beauty shoWs the price sells theta. ; 31 flea tjaji, We make all our geode, an' guarantee Of every, description always in stock„ TINWAReoeitet Cut. lerwy eat very low prices. and Eprditi ev,ETRouG lima . All kinds of Jobbing Woic promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Parties wanting goods il2 my; line it will pay them to f3ee Illyi StOOR and, compare prices. Seaforih Cheap Stove ce in House. Late Whitney Brothers. THE PIONEER HARDWARE Si-Oil:Mt STONE BLOCK, WINIG4M. HEAOQUARTERS FoR Was,liburn • & Moen TWOu"-P0:1144" SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WORT -- MAN & WARD CELEBRATED &WEI CHURL See them before you buy any other._ Best bra ds of ENG ISH WHITE LEAD —AND— Linseed Oil—Raw and. Boiled:. 1;4- Farm and Garden Iftensils bottom prices. JAS. A CLINE tik CO. IMPILEMENTS facturing Company. have pleasure in informing: the fanners of Huron and Perth that they have, arranged witn W. H. VERITY, Exeter, THOMAS McDONAata To keep consiantly on hand all repene for the- WROUNT _IRON HARVESTER and all other Implements manufa.ctured by them, also for all the machines formerly manu- factured by 'THOMPSON & WILLIAMS, of Strat- ford. All orders for Machinery left with their agen4. or addressed th Itiox 33, „IiiitiVsALL,wilr receive prompt attention. 815 I 1._ BOWERMAN, Agent 1 'es, Bele IrArY, AfING ?arde 100 c:11 r -f one ke• "111- liecr71°12-11re; On - Bog to inform the public th,t they kficPp- during the comirg season, at Denman, tiieter, ,atut Centralia, A large stock of First-011iss Lime, which 0117 will sell on reesonable tero.s. Mr. Cornish Win be at Centralia eVery Monday- and Thuesday, at& at Efensql1 every Tueeday and Friday, Air. kilers land will be in attends! celat l' -'xi -ter every 40. - They ate the only parties who sell le.rwalujeet 8railwayi This is. erich Fo miry an Manufa truing Company, an HE S bsoriber13 have ought the Tools and hSeing d an e erionoe of over eight years in' that sho , are no prepared to carry on the trade! frliAanliyitws rrkaleincthruSeated to' u twill receive prompt. JAI' kin s of Boilers • e and repaired, also Sinoke ks and Bisset on Work, &o., et rose ade and old ones repaired on the short st notioe, and- at prices that defy cone- RYSTAL TOUR EAC . Tan Freckles, Sunburn, rimples, Black Specks, Blot- Stinatly by applying Safe, Sure an d Effectual. PRICE PER BOTTLE Sold by all Druggista PRITEgelid six eenta for postage 9d which will help all, Of either sex, to morel money right away than anything !else- In this world. Fortunes await the woekers absolutely sure. et, once address Taut co., Aeensta, Mainel 854'5'4' EitioNey TO LOAN. abte half yearly, or oi per oent. yearly, with. privilege to borrower Of repeying part of pencil. pal money at any time. Apply to F. HOME. 8TED, Barziater, Seaforth. 850 There Ns' igattiered itaings; for tit io):111- ge At last a member of , followed th The bus lawn, awl p Sbotit -interstices ; and so on raised- So „eat etones ...oarth was and then be would_ be a 1 smooth, 1 and there kinds. T110 tale pyrami stands the a' ; Its base geranla birddike to meet wed] eary mid mirason and turtinuta colt .ohiored. trim: while betwl bloset pansies, veel se it is! Au ss heretofor9 atones, the e lect mare rockery ou *here they. leaves will 114 the flowere. SuPPIDgl IA London 4eaf and lel during the I* much ittenti died in th Before his d one of the h the attendant deafness am feigned. He -Vernon of kr -of the best When yeeen] aed in a love dey he so wt terness of his Hie -cruel mix became mela left home. himself ; be tory exile for own living, I keep his rela of his wherei barefoottd entire time, speak to no li ten years of complete his :home and nee betrothed he ,alive Bald in -kept bis ialrist; die be pubialid- as se« far ss it ha peddler's stor family in Swii aCquainted w' An .4 fiiEb ma pablio Well. '25' feet dowr, Senna it had f the top. ra and saw that took o:ff waited etit8 neighbots disc -a, and eaeing windlasi the bott rn of .feW lital of imitate at la fre excavatots we're wonderit Pat eame gocad natured'. relieving him was so:d the 0 to Idr. Hear) —The Centr of the tweet ever attempted Upper susreut Was conetruct' 'Wooden towels company has f placing these durable mateil vita the questit, Central Bridge and they agrett 13)a Wednesday. the work of trn the bridge froze neve' was silo idea of what formed from. a 1,280 foot :opt] to be trausfel-r • ton$ at each ell small hed piata • Tine was posei Cantilever briel EPPS'S COCOA PonTixo.—“ 13y es of welt -i aa provided 01 a: delicately