HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-05-23, Page 3VIAY 23, 1884 y TIMES 1. IXOnfiewife. sereset t." day iwadee„ nres swat, leie way. ths land mold* tit rink and social strife; *ens is snore than fame; -feitlatdielfa, doe ere *oft end fair, 01416111*!' fill the cottage trees, - Ural* .--.00a_sentiangulatries„ Notwomrse• 1NG -AND- ye- Beat itioro her face, {Semilook; cUTot0bm and greee, of the surnm_ st brook. ifeewsrbeet the MO ate cold, estbeisndsespadesd and bare, iteepe-her little fold. _or Oils tbe ffre betide her chair l imisigniesige, with pride, to school, lbststbses salmon turns to play, Intiddirber frugal rale, gooaderly she moulds the day. ifsher stations vaunt their claim, ethers sing of- rank $ad birth; faithfel housewife's honest fame etat to the best Joy on earth. -New York Ledger. op plete 'stooks ee DRY GOODS, I NO AND 'MIRAIMs ced Before the People! rg the discontent of e• over the grievane4 still march on-, OUR illy increasing, which ITSELF that we - °lase of goods, and .10 -west living profit, .LOW PRICED, 3 A WIDE BERTH,. ir are satisfactory to ER NOR SELLER. GOODS. .ent will be found the season in Rich Mlle, erials appropriate for :.ning orders. INERY. our trade requires no • aient to say Miss turned frora visiting e prepared than ever i,of her customer& la a large staff cf- Cady to suit anyone ing millinery. AND ORfiERED fully supplied patterns in reliable . order," or if you can - apply you. with & nal in quality, style, thing made to order; i• have now a, first- • • premises, ready to customers. Base Ingratitude of Man. Takes the average bachelor wild lobe froni a young lady a beautiful ma or cardinal slippers, with gold r•-- weritea la over them, and find ...reed made up, but that he lisseeOleaput on them himself. a would make the young lady war crazy if she could see that using those uppers, which she atonsiderable cost and sacrifice •eatefor lifting hot things with and fewilieg pal 011. • USE WHO DEAL Us only road to bug- LOST -CLASS PO& ILL NOT BE SOLO. Wo Trostbk Gooch-. •MPORIT.31 RTH. . Gaieties. sew people are always fieding fault ligtaatereforputting thorns on rosese igegataank her for having put roses et ikorae- aanien With• a eorn on each toe is in splendid= for writing an essay on tiontieot, Ten sabers 'enough." albey on being asked what was the egad- apen1y,» replied with great imptness and simplicity, " Two- Pliteannet covered with birds does paling, but the fellow who has to pay iritwhistles when the bill comes in. -go Miss Skimps and Mr.Limbs are toga married. Well, I declare 1 That wedeouple 1 And she is old enough to 41iismothee a Indeed she ie. And *for hini--why, he's old enough: to be ' *father." . -What's tne difference between a *audio tears down a picket fence and etwhadresses a spring chicken? One *lathe pialtet and the other picks the Palk aeetraegeeyea said Ethelbert, as they at en opposite ends of the Turkish litui,"why am I like the letter Q?" adeilence fell, broke only -by the melo- dious cough of Margery's warranted New England throat. "Because, dear," sided Bthelber", "1 feel that_ I am use- Isi without U. ' • -80meremarkable answers are some- timeegiven by children in response to eastionaput to them la school. At a Stool at Wallsend, neat Newcastle, the masterasked a class of boys the meat:- ing of the word "appetite ;" and after a tisfpanse One little boy said : "I know, air; when I'm eatin' I'm 'appy.; and -then I'm done I'm tight." -A gentleman dining at a hotel, whose servants were few and far be- • tween, dispatthed a lad among thexn for scut of beef. After a load"time the lad learned, and wae asked by the faint sad hungry gentleman, "Are you the lalvilietoojc away my plate for this Nei?' Yes, sir." "Bless me," re- mand the hungry wit, "how you have gown 1" -"Oh, Clara," he said," hew 1 have longed forthie happy hour, when we *should sup together alone I Haven't loe also 'longed, Clara?" "Ye, vary much." "And why, darling, have you kepi? yoa really think so much_ "'Olt, yes'Henry, I do think every- thingof--s" "Yon do ?" "Everything inthe world of thee-" "These happy, hhafel moments?" "No, these oysters. They sre the first I've had a chance to bite into since last fall." -lel Coleraine was noted for im- Perturbable presence of mind. Going WA' room in an Irish inn, one aishithe famed his bed occupied by a itunger, who started up, exclaiming furiously: How dare you come into olYbedre0M, sir! My name is john - en: t sball demand satisfaction in the wining:" Just then a wizen -faced littliiroman popped her head out from tider the clothes. Lord Coleraine point- edother and coolly observed, a Mrs. Tolleson, I presume." -The Duchess of, Douglas, -whose lough *it was long -remembered in Sootheidsoecespeet an evening in coin - !el' With Baron Mare, a judge of the Cout oMeesion, but one who did. not tine in society, and Was afterwards idea what she thought Atf 'him. " I think him a very barren muir, indeed," looted her Grace. ,,Thtt an excited political meeting Kele &Mr. Hay was called upon to morn reeolution. This gentleman did oot sail the taste of the noisy one, and ktheY -drowned, his voice with their The chairmen vaiuly tried to Wore order; at last, getting exasper- Ited, he shouted at the top of his voice, ulheve only one word to say -Will you aheorliellev ?" "No 1" yelled the clis- w4ora - "Then all I have to say is, %lathe first instance on reoord of ilehaises refusing hay !" gireaon, the celebrated mathe- llatioien, was exceedingly absent - Minded, and practical jokes were not ulifregsently played off upon him. On ene or:wagon one of the College porters, for the purpose, 'came to him - Asking charity, and in answer to the Pldessora questions, gave an account teuthilaself closely resembling his own '1ERY. When he found so great a, ?eeenablauce, he cried out, a What's lour flame?" and on the answer being gi,"Robert Sirason," he exclaimed great aaithation, "Why, it must tqwelf PT and he gave the poor proles- t?ribandsorrie gratuity at the same * tebewailing the sad fate of an unfor- - roan of genius. ,,--Zverybody has heard of Mr. Tom 4:Pliston's clever and severe query to a well-known; Beaton society woman who *au Orayed in a dress astonishingly eel")letta: "Who undressed you, Mrs. m•?" And the fellow to his cool remark 1148-ewnytfilraid at &fancy dress party on aeaeear night. A young lady was ia & marvellous dress of green l'„u• red, in which imaginative eyes were x`e'ePPeetod to discover some more or leen 43 resemblance to •lettuce and lobster Lr a their she ret he ilea liberal haven' dressiu gels aoe rue ed exp • yo• e, Gett You a t mornin 41 W "An on No sor ter last nig that he wo wid hi proise er to bee rpr T e r BoAmp osyr oll bnung elev&tes t station las place w th side, an fi dress the 1 sting t e make ti e b with its he ing on o 10 each tii e t metih.e hi be mad to endeavo tation. T conclud d t to he su d lap wit th " Vel4 v pone str ig The h all the'plass latittler OBNBRAI 511 I was 'eta Mr. Greele when a a The iol dinner, ind as polud le, laid ein er rarest in was &anon ters hal peered t of beau ifu Yo ca the w ite geticall to tleman wh sects of an Late. Oli the 8a!'O t wine w s hand. He not nn bee • "Do yo '" No " never , rin "Is her drink ith little d sap vf you Greele , " like to h milk." " M n wards in of electing drink butt I ne ing r while the m not w be- su printe work, Work. It is Can St vigor est tr part the the ar the is a tr thus branc please Yo whO Girati . er 1 th ny roy nte to *ob Ia • roc nd or b de. f t ade isa de, sur off ha ad fro the tw ent day, oe hiwt atli ly exp ote mero ant' said t hi «v iy trade.' " W at " G od dema d w the 'c ope have math The you ed a teade old ine,ste make. Giraird maker 62, him: " N w, ing ho se be dep nd Girard a good tra The ou waders oo Year a of to -d y wrote: a It i a know t at tired of us satisf tor farmin , s lasts, t il offence at underst n roor•ho s And 0 depend tit Ata• "Ho moinufa itt "Th p flowers t and vio et flowery France w devote be flowers fol whiohi re the 888 rio iu all pomad - _4 . • _ ,, . _ . .. . _. . . , TH e . -.Ki • • - - - OSIT011. _,. • . ,_ • 11111111111111PIMIIIMIESW . , . . • . • . _ 1.J ' 41110=1.1111111MMIIIIMISMOIIIINIIIMIIIIMBI".."111.1 .. - -.- Wilait'd43. 3"1, 11.1". , 431:114) "41944.41 IS t. ' ,! i: rearimerms........i. 1: ja i Several -J:1 ed, hut -ni •• irooesses bave nelhav'e been ait animmonnemmumi evis- , , as ; IMPOR rE ANT:,NOTI,.} S. 1 , DO'. NbT WAIT BUT MOVE 1---s----- FORWARD • . „,,,t --P..011.1 Y0 I tth' elortntiger'O..' -.4a._ill '/' ; ? . i '4'erininfie athe -0-161 - " raw preve atheeasi. ,i,may e, everywhere so de :say fro g, that • the ' 'impuitisliomsainteri :;;;-` ted num' , r ,of1pupile -for Tsa.:4.01_,Pr4etniholee:78 it: dwetliae..f.70hIv:. ,r.- 'Amebic)* . . . 1 BEAUtIFUL ' PLANTS 'el- .Wil , 41 .malie , ,„,e; ial by the same 1" • mesas - street, second doer eftt of English 0, i 11.434c)-t.f.- x • , 1 ! Thu" her ' en a tOwitsea to ilia- . . lt 01 ii r :: one objee all'hourefvel' f' (am. the shelf ha aercal7thictide°:Vall 8:ttbe It w a an• 0:311.: SFLO 8 tate h;111. TO RENT, !I:well:vintage , aterth, next oer to he. Mo..: Altogeth,rin repair goo. . ) 0 lia,in1-St .011 101411. use. per , • ' W - . that.iou • ur Old FOR SALE. , •4.36/4-17. t° be BUIL '1 12113nlinge Mrs 0' •h a 't y . end. • ‘"This i: is shipped odor the original in from Egypt. •Ci• •mat nd is obtained fr 'et m hi is -- h a •°81vtieit- ouch• 4.1:3llutVdt li, IDD,_Seatorth. , , mea. ___ t_t_S. r_.11_, po4 ilit-a"'"I;;;:is :el' .1' bank, •° •• Co 1-.._ - n. Still. officeial lit;571 - A' ' - . know ift.tr are anxious prices. should see good* , • I haVe thie seasOn the fineet lot of Bantsever grown be me,. and, as far es I can learn, the choiceet general collection in Outario. 1 will o be in a great bur is,- sor.: 1 11.131," B sick -at your house V ; yo See Mary Ann te la' ret 'oderfkia ' - . on an alai ttl'al ifil secrete. it the musk bent of that name, • -The best' kzio tisk, 'which. is ob deer. China fn Twenty five ' n a n of n a la oh it a lineal d from e -the le otISE ji-ji. cottage antly situated =ease 9, • TO RE T -One and a contai ing eight rooms. and ionvenient toithe4 part of the town. App y t Seaforth. tan It t Story is pleas1-. Lion ,fintt. '113(27hIA . Whil INTOW . stock is unb s oken- o 3M 'rTIIMM ake choice , . selections. her .3 tuthesitatingly state that my collection of 1 Gera itiumi , Forbonati and COteus, . Are e ong thel finest In- thiecountry. Nete the priees of the ollewMg class ot rot and Redding g bt froth* !gentleman fr' ,:n ) quali are pache y, in oblong boxes P co s r oaks osed of pEMOVAL-A. , Vane gmond thehouomildpiregoosptpooesti 118 remove ' Plants!: . sld bring, a brieg a ,bi I the. ouse todlight in'. we're busty p: to ; r : t :: or ; d • plates of 1:ad of Pe.steb.itrd. inclosed in a The oaddyl looking os is d de is toe bo ated ters. mill, tured with the oeffiret to goods, and • here all huskies establish ent willGhereaf ft e me abnurufnaeo onnebte be eon . , ' GERANIUMS: NTS , 50 PER DOZEN. V5 C TO $1 a gateau ahead, ye see. ' with curio Musk •ts • , s Chinese btained 'from Assateria; o a a , dacte 854tf A.. VanEG ND. STILL PROG . ES IN G. IERBENAS9, . Baby Woulclet F . the Altai. varieties London is the f mask." de o f all A GE T.S WANT ' D. -Wanted, ad 4-1' v •To , reliabl Ou f this h ve eclipsed all fir- 5 60c P:Ett. DOZE , German '. woman , oti , and with flowing roe )y. boarded.a Third "av,iu; raiu at the Grand. . a. et . ... . n e " What !• "That Secreted i maceati w is ambergris ?" a ahother aninaal the intestines ale. A very cur f oaa do h ; it is aper- f et is Aigents at Seaf rth, Exeter, G 8618, B yth, Gorrie• nd Wingham, to the salf of reapers, °wets, rakes, t 'lls, eeders, Vow, , sulky plowe, eV, ‘dvnagon ., trueks, ho 40 pciwets, separ able and traction st aru engines, sa tr c • n a t , eh, rtru81. nvass foV binde cutters1, rs, ortit: niiliPma- * • mer one cheaper • purchases t. We are han ev.er. r sea ow in a ' on osition -. • to. give F - , you golds . P.13 -In addition to my eeperh former yea,re, I have added g5 specie merit, the trussesof some ure 2,1 inches, While the fioretti er. They ars grand collection new Varieties of them are one itch hepand desar of of mt3as- in pylon. t evening. She seleot:.4 ai that amb rgris is only goo a, ul t d by inrano adored by the N Ge rth Amer -Amore. two vadant seata oife t sittieg. covered -wi w wooden partitions' : it se eh er 0 ee disease -t 'Rick what! 'color, and St is, it is only . Jt is hard, of is. found in quaiati $ c tol, et g ie • in a it gray vary- ,cahrilnAer4i,&ittu,ame plement and , facturik Company Loudon, Ontario Awmele.rin.aneiciLaEnuerao,t zaz,1C1;:m(=;,rttoondhoenN. e al Mann. Apply to o: L,W , ReM 1=1E13 1:6 • '4' • 1 COLE U S , I Thile °a.acrefrt !!c43.21)thePtortot nbea7tifraiNo.f all sea* Then -she t ied to Og treaty; to fifty poP ids It is ' We ha e no real old tock on hand. Prodlice foliag plants Used for garden, decoration. If you aby -lie down bY h IA in her lap. Not .11 aide, she tried the other, he !mall •'of the hab .den partition,and it o fit, -The baby resis r i co '$ i Al ed a., e • cl! tit Qk til, he .from Worth $30 party. of whale th maceti W of.Sumatr n the Ch an ounce. So sailors 'strike .04 er make for lib() aleare found ne Rfellacoa, Mag tte. sea."-Nort yo i• W s V. h' so et e if a i d. of per. aela,nd r and ; rade. w , . • 1.1... VV -• APER) LL F'A ER, •. i same as I cash. Jv • . 1,..... NIITH a•i I 1 j • • I., have Coleus, varieti one of only Hesenihranthefnaun plant, SILVER ever yetlseen a Choice lot of wtnfeAj)red sense $1.20, and I yid send you grown in 4inch pets. Send for et those beautiful Cinnetarias, now in -5c each. or $1 for a dozen. "Send Cordefoltina ; it is -a only 15e,ea,ch. Send for that pew LEAVED GERANIUM; telve least bloom, - for and , ind raised a .noisy Le motheaafter many hat its perverseness ad, and snatcheca it i. •ff o :n: • ba o tee Els0W t Some if 0 Popular POe to be Written. ty or sixty years go e s o am" e : muel• W A L . PAPER .. Staple and Fancy Dry Good /I -and Groceries, one dware Store,'Seaforth. •I door south of Mrs. Kidd's . • - I , Mad Sallavoria; in one season ; it will grow two feet in dr. 15 cents each, $1.5O per rotor d• zen. , I. -•Send r a remark.. 1 . in you can't keei• ' 6 it, I tink it's petter * . I looked around to , a engem eeere laughing -.....- . la o • • : : k. sit :Woodworth, 'world one ;spiting 'poems 'written. . I; The co e Bucket" Mello a printer, of the mOst ton that hay . position of "Ti0 - ati the result of hotel keeper 0, • hi e 11d a, e g ver e o t. the , d in- been teken : rk by d sorth LARCES •. T H -ASSORTME C 0 T MUSICAL . • INSTRUMENT SEAFORTH, . , ' (J)NT EMPORI-UM RIO. , . . 1 . Only I hav egottie. r cents ;' a choice Weitohiehsis. it is a fine potplant. S 1 , SPAII1(.42hS, 3 i lot from one to twO feet nd high; for nilk With His S !one loocasiona y,a' ly dropped in o a lOry's ' AND-- ••• • 15e to to 25c 25o eachJ, each showing Send for HYDRANGEAS, bloom. Send me -$T, 15e and 1 hotel of a i evening there tell any) • glass . • will 8 nd you 15 In 15- verietiele suit - BBIDAN 0 STORY ABOUT ' GREELEY. •after _ tioned at New Orlean- Lcame there on h .dids.te for the Pre :0 : -, ea C en air cy. 'of tossi led his HI enimatio, .snverior and water. (heel* g off the Ipotatioin a a,nd declared that Mallory's o any drink w br he he th n h c i atiibn •brand s 0, adk. einch y was d ever • W-8-11- , 11AT PR1OE: , • Al - i 1 - ' P OPRIETOF8. I• able ter price list va‘es.er ; it will W. el. ,plante, hanging baskets,' pay you to do so. Butz-NH.1*m STRATFoRD, Send Address for GINIT. a I 3reole residents gay l to make it as 'fine ite each of thememy hoe oontributime for som S in his dellar. Whe ' a of i gli Nair • se he, . 'e14 i 'tasted. , "Yon : 1" there w Ieitimatio " 111'') hat re . mietaken," sal a a &hall which s far surpassed thi ' '• 1) tea? i b ." :Dory, t i our : •• d eorth 7 V Y . . SE PAPS . FORTH S I; . v. I 1--I. 3"-YCID•Ti-ljaelVI i • •testimonial • 1='IA.1\TC0- , • ' iced_ Sad the half-sh lisappearek the wa't Er.Greeley's seat with 1 shrimps. • .: - a take them away, h then he added i , 1 a a 'Yea p-1 ate e t 110-, , -' ' yv !somewhal ! " Tile f !drink fro ill ung in t the fields ' - - - was asked i d l I - acre a ous y. eide ispring watet the old oaken e well, after re* on a sultry day .» • b ' 0 e ok i n t g ' ed to that_ froin W LTH T Leadin M • WAT • Watch of A 4 i i • HE (., :rice. Read t day : " The " endorsemlent, " sympakh. " and are " appearan e following Upright -Pianos of as a decided Humes& tic quality, can no ually beautiful in e."-THEODOR by one of Meears 1 Dunham They be surpissed .heir muilical THOMAS.. the bet deeerve, 'develop's by the now tialitie: musi a, tone, ex as well ians of the: r sent p well an temp which in pOwe , ting Upright Pi aos, as in their ' ext • itio nd rior LADIES!! We have jtist , . ful Trimmed!. Wreaths, Flowers • . 1 opened New Lnd Millinery„ Sail& Ha Ostrich PI eaut- a, &o. 7, and. thelorrified old Cre p e aan4 At the . recolleotion of th se oeties A large lotl , and of the New mos. Oolla s for 01 preeidedi, " 1 never r kind." . , . eat ii•t WoOdwo tears in h was much affe is eyes he deparie ted f ' with Great Fall i Cent. L Prices. T tver l'han i e ty P4r r. . 1 • • LadieseBlack and Colored Silk Gloves, a sc•up was SserVed • tavdrn. tc, his duties in lth r nting - . . EXO LSIOR OReAN . and a host !of Mantle .OrnaMents and me a glass of delicio 'laced at Mr, Greeley,' pushed it aside 'quiet rved by therehief-hos 4 , not drink Wille ?" led snswered Mt. Greel E any liquors." a anything you voild • y . ass • y, i . nit • • ha , 1' tiA edS -le at- to' " office. song whiclh by the voices The old o . The moss well. • Tbe popularity -Buckot "- at :night he cepa shape then has of millions ken bucket, the iron covered bucket which :1 of " The was perhaps onlY brn -ho •qu'al osed tal hnig Old eohOed b the cket, in the aken ed ;by . -A Full . M. R. , l' JEWELRY Line to be had COUN EMPORIUM.' at ER 8 This o shown, ta Among ot Hamilton, monis take to at once. lebrated Organ hiss ng first prize at the r Organs -shown at Karns, Woodstock at their full valu i alwaYs reeeived Northern this show * &o. Call and .;* Orders for I ' .80 t nion ' re W. Bell see us tuning TT ie higl xhibiti de before dames BR _ est ,award *he n in Ootohee r,. o., Guelph ;..Kil buying. Old in nd organs Atte , THERS. ver :83. ur, ru- • 434 Loops, also and Ottamaa -member for to Renton Bros. . a, few Silk New . pieceS. of Dress for M .9RR Ooods everytiale - .41-oods tl.' ' R ea., 6- go your soup," the host pointed. , :: .• 've got it," answe4 and it isn't any .trou aye a glass Of fresh 'Aka hos iak . le n , Id '' er- f $,I . I Hoode'sa ongs we ood, evier estitutien don, wrote cally. ' It Song of the the work oof . alive to the of the poor w the words al a through' vario hi h , ,, iin:•n Os s a Ulan imp:x.3 mechani- han ', lof Bcith hoar: end Lon- • s be- •T cousidered) -Sil county. • e Largos sto PI t d v r is e R pairing in -s and Cheape k of Jewelry d 01 are an o , all branches t liVatches; k , (quality " t e in atehes, , Ns . certinas, &k., e All kinds d and Outline . . • .-Small Instruments, on hand, also a Instruotion Books, Embroideries. I • augh as good ass)rtm STAMPI Violins nt of P1 G Patt:rns Guitars, no Covers, for • Acoordeons, I Piano Stoole, Kensington Crewel on- - &o. . 1. GENTS 1 • ' Straw Hats, !' said *the ; er- . pass Cleo and Je elry-all gu r nteed to Yon should see our New is broken 4 lagligh, ' to ze Presidency a .1rnailk vis hid soup 1" e ; I de. ' , . fore it been for wife, thel never ha ot into print. a he resolute perse probability is t e been published a a had aric, it H. e :ent it inot q his wonld it give itiecia cal satikia.cti It T y. tpfkience. e‘c., u. Fine enty three ye Rings, Looke s tchess e' prac 'ChM t a i- • s, THE EDIC L . 1 HALL, , American Styles boughb very Alse a few : , and juet the very low ; will be eold - Pieces more New latest; heap. weeds "a to two or, three London p b ishe s, but rocliv,; shor es notice. manufactured on i Serges to, su;pply the deina 4 for 14eaam Tra.d.. e..• . , it was i . each case •ret rne.. Dirs. L ok eut for a tree of sil erware n mA, -1\i".• Sri? _,.. S A_ 1/4../...cx.,..L. and .. ook at my old at I don't bleas strength laets, of !Le w.orld. 1 I can go to find work; rade thoroughly--ne work, book steel My I am It in the type for I lean work, .an • "iPc!§'. I , o p - s , el Raste • a « • I '1)6C . s'et • ' e t • e - ee Hood then more Cht4ice. sent to ' Punch, - ; deemed_ into the " heartil ite, urged hira to I Almost die' - ark Lemon, then • that sh u mtable it migli paper bask ,- sick and tired cif t ve r it d be as e '6 °led r 1 t h: si:ht °Ile he ef the sot be roWn Wks of • the my - - fuT itedow site ture 114. - i ; ' J ' store R. i is the pla t . • Portei's 0 . COUN The Leading e, direot ap ca po "1 weller. ye. h Has now ri It will olea. dition. It Customers. a 'bottle of aced in the marke se the system fro is a purely vegetab and others whose .e...iirr a new eind all impuriti e compoand, ystena or bl. onderful s, and nd as a od is 011 Blood eave y blood of ()roller, leanser and Pu filer. u in 6 healthe edicinehas no e will do well tl ! 4 on- nal. try First Class want a Nobby of Pants a o Gents Farnishbags, RANTON Ordered Olothing. f !you Suit, a good fitt-in tpair • . rich Tie ! or - anythinor in , 7 be sure! you go to • : . BROS1 1 il. I 7 ra glad I have a good t ade At the ext weekly m kit n ef the E -i--- , ' 3 Duncan s Extra t of ed Clover, ... . ... , , LE upon wh. firmly. There rth body and It is the str' O self 11 the ' is h: :1 mind in ngeet an, man. '' "B h :u a B'',"11 no I il °U 1 es '6:1" directors .for their ors, wlail mueh m that its serious of Punch, it wee pproval. Man admitting tha it, opposed it o tone was- s ' f the i 1 snit: b os •• Wed irect- : eased roUnd ble to AT • ' . WHOLESALE t A s 1101110E • i ' • And be co . what it is of:$1 per ivinced that it has lepresented to be, and Attie, and judge for • i . . no equal One no Inneabug. yourselves as trial You to its merits. ill co all sec vince you that lit re it at a small . is cost Noted EXETER I I 1 • ! i : e : for Nice Ooods.i , ray to the bench; or, tinting o'. it p 0 el ' the papa of a Comic jairn its 1. But blicat'ore Mirk as _ , : :for, to be sire, md a grand e feundatio iliac, you true one at th , and af er • r . r , • in: La ha yo • Lemon recommended be was ali33081 found sensation, prevailed Sure it -word and havi upon the direct due p oreaa: a' pall s o kr p a pro - pre- ss it, Dec- • POST' ' AT OFFICE 1 ' THE 8TOR I . •' •We have in • a full aiti 11-assor ed goo . of , . whate e heard per 'mores ape of t .io e tiler te 6 it was published ember 16, Nor was in co 1843. •Mark Lemon e icr oug ' o in his 1 I W laaVe just ' it i -, 0, U.eas, eoeived a lark' • ' ' Which we intend e Consig . jobbi PURE g ORUCS, CHEM1CAL$ NO PATE T MBilel ES s ROB13 . , 1 , , 'S R . ER . ' . a , faithfully m boyhood efirst tenni,/ served manh rsary of . ' • I 0,, set '11 jectures. 00n • sensatiou. bres.dbh Of i crea It d'd t Throughout th Great .Britat prmerIl etigt. a d Ieeland found a,nd ff t 'wholes ° ' ' - not 1r sdy tr do s a once. le ri e p o 8. If ed- pharleswoata's you ha Te e . s, We a10 keep in stock all the latest atent Medicin t a in the markes . If SEAFORTH. . 1 ' went to his istime was master .Psere4 he ' d r i .1 ' ‘. • tili the song 'atrets. in Was sung every the 'isausio halls e e. 1 the In the dwell- 1 ' • ' V • 1 4-% el-ounds of Yolt g H you don't - ee what you want, ask far it, an i eon a7 sure get it. I Parties • Wishing - to purchase 1 Presh 1 important 3 service. B a: well. - Now , trade, sir?" aarrels and lliutte bile you live! r's trade ; i a perfect harrel romotiop t Stephe . go and mu Go a land bre a 0 110: 1 ar a ..• 1,2 .ar ' t t - . . ' i f reti ngeo i. of kings it It "pore than Punch.' the English - preciation monument soulptur .-- : and -or and • p., , was alike sung trebled the On the death. O people. show of his work be over his grave, di the eimple of the 13 he d or ulat ! om • the ereo in win •kai aph ir ." palaces ad ._1 ired. on of ,Hood i ap- ing a h was. "He 4-. r On, • Ft e e Fi e e for , Pounds t 1 Pou'zds t re $1• . of our a for $2. of oulr for $2.50 1 ' ".-P rij • . Six All orders y .-Physicians' Prescriptions tom s distince filled : c with dere • , . , . C. DUNCIAN filljedESSOR refully nd desp 1 nd aceurately tali. I TO E. compou . ; HICKSON & 1 led. O. Groceries Of Particularly Popular Grocery, Street, •Seeforthe I have now Sugars in. and will give ' FIFTEEN pawn the ChOicest TfIr.a.10,4, requested to call at 1 Stark's. Bloolt . a fine 'etock Of the the market, of : all ' r FOR ONE D01.11r-AR. ar( tho M air bee' nde, . I , ng man went away a , and.in time brongb d 1 ay I are I h - Rest Awh. You are wearing -out th ... le. . •ital forces Fi e Pow , - , , ds of , our ,i5 venty- Next Moe to Drincani It Dunoan's 1 Dry Goods Store4 _ 1 i [ FRESH • HONEY. , ' faster than there is any i e a d in re Cent Tea for -4) 00 . 1 . a splendid barrel of 1. . exatiained iteand. gk 000 for it Etta then s e a o t I : this way Ibubtraoting years total of your life. Tlais ru day after' day, this restle - soniethiog you have not , run t h and :mi. g t, i e sum orrY. ty for like 0 r three p.1 ior t any 40o! Dna Tea for 111 ea in the mans is sup t. - . 1 NEW SPRING I opps .. • . I have ,as Honey as can at 15 cents , fine a lot of extracted be found. in the Market per pound.,, dr, I want yOu in m3i • but henceforth you c 11 tun- n it pebblest nes in maohiner and grin the life out of ye ; they . Yo grate have M. A. 0 HARLESW • R11-1. 1 ' • OH 0 ICE 3L1 t uvon thei whim of te h ii useless b dens e throw dr e• off. You dump ...-- IZT INC3- ,tEAS , Jet what will °Cale y le always in reseirve. a :e hav,8 a g eat load of useled it. Pull in the, strings ; are ; o te pac your F NTHIL I NUR RIES. 1 - • As nsuals celebrated' 1 cheap good. Cured Hams and • bb'i eati ng Mari-S&W the wisd , e and business take time for t • Mat .1 bet- . R , i . . always on band. •The ' hams I lirl 1. • .• ter thin . 'Go out into t g , ir : rid let 3•2 5 0 E S - 325 Ai.T cLQ Tii., G- LIN,s especially 4ne this season, having beet ;o, when the Were boys, middle a Horece 4 r 4. alley 0 God's su shine down up heed. • Stop thieking of s op at yon ti ines: d erse busy and provi- THE LARCH IN THE DOMINION. : - . I cured by an meats wholesale , kinds itaaprovi process. Curei and 1. etaila ' of FamilY Groceries altvaya 1 great sonrce of consols, ti n to ' 1.All 6 profit, grumbling deuces. You Will probe, iri this y ne a med er see -aid; SALES EN ‘NAN ED • on hands. Inspection respectful -I* ill when the as. an editor,- livelihood. public we 0&j at Bettie al 4i: y ie r much be ter ttmea and your most opportune your hap iest day is to,day • ke son i now; alnaly To b giu work at employment nce on Fall 811 t fixed salaries to 11 to work. . Stea willing y , , SEAFOhTH. i • . vitied. . HU 1: 14 - B. G H OB . y D that while our , , thousand blockhead article they r , t Jo gt in n t do your uty, and let God His own orld. He is sti the Kin Do not ims.gi ta e live e hat are; of • no:31 is hings EN c 1 ND, WO have pleasant - • EN' , make room • . I am s 111 6ffering he N. Et,, for Dyspepsia, , . -King's Specific,!a sure alwayaron hand. - , cure some 1, could not drive us t, th• will go' everlasting time wh:n ,You 'Do WORK T 11 3 E YEAR ft IMP.: MILLS KIPPEN.V1 )." - ne,ny a man becomes t u i - disappea from this mort not fanc that the curse 1 tage hea , .1 • en in Go d agents are mont and expen earning from $44 es. Terms and out . o $75 per t free. • - • go-BELLI , 1 the shap of the vain 618 a disjoin ed earth, is imp o wri e upon ing n -P you. Ad es's :- S NE & WELLING ON, L balan e of Winter Goods at greatly le . i.k About erfum Cease to et and fume e a e to jump 864 • Toren _. o, Ontario. : 1 JOHN McNEV!Ni nany &we are used ire of perfn es i" rincipal one are Pages, tberosep, the jasmine . Aside frotn the rq: perfumes aee prode here farmer, .and g o :s to : toi th - u SS t fie i ille : • o and wor time is c it. God sit down breeth. : lifeeand, or. Taylor. y early an d late ming, but you c can. and will; t: and test, and Then o calmly g, do your work The neve . e breath, ke g • he t • 111.- Ood g . bring sir; long sk of r. T. A SPLENDI _ Th undereigne ing a d Wagon- age f Egmondvi good '11 of the stock of iron and shop , one for bla wood working. , BUSINESS HANCE.. offers for sale Blacksmith- eking estataishm t e, together with -business; also a c umber. There r ksmithing and • h 'here are threei in tie vil7 too s and nsiderable two: large other es in- the duce . , _ __ the ti for prices. e All illivitecl For !golod ! , 1 • . . 1 i • ... arglins nO --lie .,-, - Proprietur of has now got order, and is 'prepared FAN'ILY celled ny any GRISTING, these well linpwnandipopular i.11e, everything in first -Alms wo king --I to turn out ism. Artie e of FLOUR., which eannot ; ex- mill in the ceuntry.1 vu )30Nli - eelaralg TkE ' PAimg VirAtTB 100 IT. . .1 Chopping tmselves *a the •culti •etie -purpose. The, • . • k sa -Mr. : m. King,eetinni . g is a blac smith shop. the t agricult This ie in the etin al districts in 0 of One ada:. of be , 'K A C SH. Flour exchanged Ice" wheat. of very description promPtlY ntteneled to. Flour fInil -and, t the I : the a sort of vehicle t for es, are shippea to . arts of the world. me all made in the 0; MI lo i et • 1,..e • . , . • y penniles tune as £100, L150,0 . lad, amassed an a curiosity d : to an hoapital, te his medical . , . - .. men : :r, has ; ntl it . t se dan e for- left s said . busi ess has been ood man with so ast. 7.he best re • on t e premises ROB RT FULT ' I . , established thirt0 e capital can in 0110 given for Ete dre r ad ss Egmond N. 848 • ,__ . . s an ke Mo ng. A . P le r.. . :. a ey 1 7 0. J. . . . ,.._ _____, PRODU McLOUG __ . -._-.... E TA i, . $ LIN 'W I i i N itney Block I Seafort Branalwrurm market p cots 1 'JOHN i I I d, Staid ber h ;tiler Inn om 4 • Po . 2oldNEVOT, RIP _ 1 I welt Us 1