HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-05-23, Page 1Y i Its84.
Ii r, Drew's belt
sllenit rendering of
Professor Cha
nd to the very
by the local taleili
nerited vote of th
'rofessor Chapin
Er. G. Hoffman re
Whither are w,
h " What can b
3rmaneuey and
here:' position,'
ely discussion a
Wks.. Miss Oliver ti
prepared essay
which was well
of Miss Helyar' c
nplause, The foliowi
an aviation, are
}inion that a dif
Pledge of the effects o
•eatly in the intt
it can be well taught
Wil, and, therefore, we
\Luister of Edticatien
sons on the subject Se
'easel Legislative ai4
to public schools. and
ie basis of the amount.
sr. t
oat of Mesar¢. J
s and Idusto.
n, to urea
of the East Ettlro
on, anent the mutat
appointment of G.
gate to the Province
tht this pleasant
to a close.
2nd inst., the death.
ohell,, of Mr. Thome
Deceased was born
land, about 79 yeas ..
country at the age of
Lied in the town of
lie lived. until 1850,.
L to the township` ot
Ned there, respect
LU• who knew him, up.
ago, from whence he
residing there up to
ath. Only three weeks
th his aged pare;
ieth anniversary of
ring, a few days ago,
` John A. Morrison,
ton, Elms, a serious.
doling man named (}..
i was erected and Mr.
act -of coming down
e building, when he
race which was loose
place, causing him-
f 18 feettedislocating
therwise severely in-
r as pricked up inserts&
d was soon in atter
lured man properly
to be hoped that Mr.
Y recover from his
correspondent is re•-
}llowing ; " Week be-
own farmer in this
:on belonging to his.
d high and low, far
here could he find the
he missing article.
1 to give lip his search:
his porkers strolled:
g significant glances
ed to have an -all -
liar look about .hit
anrely have devoured
de piece of cast iron,"
The pig was to-
-after• au hour and
utes—dissected and
golly, I might haver
art was -not big enough:.
ip1ete at.
':AUL 'S
)RE BS--
plete at
F. L'S
O 0.1 STCI .-
tplete at
[CODS STf1Rif.-
Pieta at - -
I _
GOODS fali
Owing to the continued depression in
Vie, and to the well-known fact that
there are too many shoe stores now in
$eafortb, and for other reasons, I have
aome to the conclusion that in order to
avoid further loss, it is to my interests
to go out of the business. I have, there -
f , commenced the greatest CLEAR-
ING OUT SALE of the whole of my
immense stock of NEW SPRING
ever known in this part of Canada. I
have bought out Mr. Morrison's grocery
6tsiness, and the Boots and Hats mast
be sold.
Four Thousand Pairs of Boots that
must be sold regardless of profit.
One Thousand New and Stylish Hata
to be slaughtered...
My stock at present amounts to over
Six Thousand Dollars (96,000), andis
quite new ; a large portion have just
lately been opened out. They have
been made by the most reliable mann-
facturers in Canada, viz.
W B. Harnilton, Toronto.
farmer, Valiant & Co., Toronto.
Cooper & Smith, Toronto.
J. C. Merritt & Co., London.
C. S. Hymarn & Co., London.
Wm. Silver & Co., Hamilton.
Jan Garrett cf Co., Ramilton.
W. D. Hepburn & Co., Preston.
Pinkerton & Turner,, *Montreal.
George T. Slater, Montreal.
McCready & Co., Montreal..
. A. Rolland & Co., Montreal.
James Witham ce Co., Montreal.
Westgate Brothers, Montreal.
Fogarty & Brother, Montreal.
J H Botterwetl & Co., Quebec.
George Bresse, Quebec.
0. Migner, Quebec.
John Ritchie, Quebec.
Louis Cote: & Bro.., St. Hyacinthe.
Seguine Lalime & Co., St. Johns.
A Reply to "Fair;.ila."
MR. EDITOR, --DEAR Skit +I WhJ(7'ave de-
layed for some time in answer ng "Fair
Play's" letter on Ministers' Sal ties, not
that I looked upon it as sour d hard
to answer, but because i4 is errone-
ous in statement and utterl efective
in argument, that it seethed n ile to at-
tempt to answer it. Indeed, hardly
think anyone will attach Buy import-
ance to it. it certainly !betrays on the
part of the writer ("Fait, Play) either
great ignorance or a deplorable inten-
tion to grossly misrepresent the Presby-
terian Church in several thugs. His
letter is like one of those very untruth-
ful representations which, when a per-
son has heard it, he tarns awa , saying
to himself, surely no :one i foolish
enough to believe that. I clearly see
that the source from which it emanated
is not mach, and I feel as thou h I were
doing wrong in trying to , an,aw r it, not
that I think that I am of so uch im-
portance, but it is so much lie one of
those things in society that s onld be
treated with silent oontemp would
here say, as "Fair Play" th-nks my
"conceptive ability luso lo s to be
unable to -comprehend ,plaid English,"
that if he would use "plain English" in
Betting forth what is true I : hoald have
no difficulty in comprehend •g -hat he
may be able to write on; an gi .d sub-
ject. I suppose that heithi ka _because
I do not agree with him tht alent in
the pulpit is like a co m -real ,com-
modity in the market, ort s• `Winch,
that I must be dull in a pr a sion. I
certainly prefer the vie* an : uthority
sf the Apostle Paul td th': : rroneons
view and weak authority -1(4 do "Fair
Play," as he should be c: `ed on the
subject of the gospel m ' is ry, and
specially on preaching the ; • s el. The
Apostle by no means s ea . s f it as
worth so mach in the Mar . et : ocording
to the talent of the mini?ste' . It might
be well for "Fair Play" to.1 st 1 dy the
1st chap. of I. Cur., that 'b ight be
enabled to hold sound 'vie 1 a on this
The reason that th "reSbyterian
Church has so many conir: ;at
And quite a large quantity of ;our own
make, which is always acknowledged' to
be first-class.
Times are hard and money scarce,
and I know goods must be sold veryi
cheap to clear them out. . 1
Look out for our list of prices ; i
will make the poor man smile.
Mr. Morrison's stook of Groceries
will be sold very cheap. -I hope all his
old customers will continue dealing at
the oldstand, where every effort will be
made tojgive satisfaction.
Seaforth Boot Store.
ons pay-
ing less than $750: with •• n e is not
that the ministers of t eel• ongrega-
tions are lacking in abili y, . n because
of the inability of these c ng egations
to pay more salary. They re weak in
numbers and in wealth. the services
of not a few of the € ininiste s of these
congregations are: undourb :dly worth
more than a thousand do ar a year
as compared with the eery es of _ men
in other callings of life h ' a e receiv-
ing that sum. -. If ;these •d misters re-
ceiving small salaries we e_ • resign and
quit their charges, w a would be-
come of their charges : hey! would
cease to exist as c l' 1 g egationa,
as they are wea a d not
self-sustaining. The c u h says to
the ministers of these ch • gen, `do not
resign, for the good work Iv i go down if
you do ; you are to sere hrist, not
man, and he will rew r you. The,
strong congregations of ' ou church say
we will help those of yo u w ,o re weak,
that every minister in the h roh may
have at least $750 and: m, ns .1 And
nobly some of these coag :g ions are
contributing in this dire ti Yes,aed
I have been informe• iia :several
wealthy men in the chu c ar taking -a
deep interest in this sch :m , n contri-
buting liberally, .and in :ee in to make
it a success by wise sou • se a d; j udici-
hous arrangements. . Th :y ee that this
scheme is necessary for he n -building
of the Presbyterian chi chi, here are
many vacancies, and a m n to fill
them, and it is not lik:ly th t; young
men will be disposed t '. pr se uta, such
a course of study as on h 9. c requires,
unless they have the prix p ; et f getting,
when theyare throe h a 1 ast $750
and a mase.' But, wh le,"Fair Play "
seems greatly in favor 13: n educated
ministry, he is.opposedo. the way of
securing it. He also sei:m. to be afraid
of, and grieved at the gine ono attitude
of our wealthier coup':g. tiolis As it
woald appear to hint, t is church has
too much brotherly' to : : mid progres-
siveness in seeking d ft i up and
strengthen the wea ' c+ ngregations.
Indeed, the way he sp : s about minis-
ters' salaries, he appea : t e one of
those jealous minded m ' who are
grieved to see other tar sp roue, ' and
especially poor ministe o the Gospel.
It requires no prophet d s e het it is
not in " Fair Play's " • e rt o do any-
thing noble and genero s fr he cause
of God. a
But he sets forth th S of the
ministers of the Pres.. • t church
are riot well educat ' eed, • he
writes to the effect that '
of many of them is
they are unworthy of t�
occupy. He even inti
a minister is a gradna
sity, like that of , Tor
his education is too
ministry. I would as
that not a few Univ
sadly failed in the Ilii
turn their attention to
There are undonbtedl
more important than
cation. But I am sur
Play" is inclined to 1
ministers who are not g a
University as so illiter: to
It is very evident that h
quainted with the cour
men had to purane
aminations they, had
seems to think the
education of the public
is above that of those '
church who are not gr
University. And yet
ministers were once
and before they could
try had to pursue a `six
study at college. The c
Play " in this connec
tonishing. I am not di
him with want of ca.
ignoranoed want of
of the educational meri
ters. But his conceit i
very surprising. He see!
.. r
.. t•
is one of those men wl
oh for many of our i
e to instruct him I c
e finds that any m•ni
roh is not -able tp in ti
er it to the obt s n,ss
d and want o spir
sion of the wor of
• • Dated men have beer
fled and built up in the
rs whose secular ed
to limited.. But i oide
y " may have a 1 ttor idea of the
cation and merit of one ministry I
uld ask him to t a notice to the
trance examinat o, the. course
study (both Ili is and theo-
y)- pursued in n z college, and
examination - a be close of
h year, and also to t i k of the abil-.
and integrity of t e P ofessors ' and
miners of that ins it.at on. -
ne thing is very e ide t, I think, in-
case of " Fair P ay," viz., that he
not a friend of the a n st and faith -
ministers of the (G s e . He appears -
be a great admirer of a Beecher and
Edgar Hill. He pireciates them
• o are not sound in the faith. But I
happy to say that our church would
t take in such in n, although they
ght be able to cdrn.mand ten times
e salary they do. Men of their
mp would in the ;end do the church
re harm than go¢d through their
rnicious views. It • i k Mr.'" Fair
ay_" does not very wel understand the
erence between ort o oxy and het.
odoxy. He is noir u h c'ently read in
e bible, I would aid .is: him to get a
•nfession of Faith i as has not one,
d' study it thoroi h1;' , both articles
d proof passages h Holy scrip-
t re. I think that if h ad done this
d had sought by pr y for the grace
humility, he woul • dt have lifted
mself up so proud! ' , and with so
rich assumption cf .e n an educated
an; and hence wool •o have thought
melt to be so c: p: be to unmask
hat .he conceive o e; the hollow
noation of the s• n stry . ' of the
esbyterian Church a • to put forth
Beecher and an E : ill as model
inisters of the g•sp:l If. Beecher
0 (midget into main • •• else scandals' it
i- hard •to.say how IS a y "foot -prints"
h: may leave behin lin, giving notch
'a••ple scope for "F i lay" to wax iso
h'ghly eloquent as h: d e in his last
1: tter on the "foot- r nt ' of Beecher,
In regard to chn c p operty "Fair
' lay" is as much t se . He seems to
t ink -. that _ inas n h as leave . was
g anted by the Pre b • t ri of Huron to,
t + e trustees of Cli tin f dongregation: to
d.spose of certain of th ie church pro-
p :rty, therefore thie r party was de d-
r; to the Presbytery. n unwarranted
c a nclusion. Thees y term does not
s.11 the property but o ly gives its elm-
s:nt, and thus saves h trouble and ex-
p use of getting a sp ei 1yact of ParJ�ia-
eut, which was at n$ time necessary.
he church propett of Bruoefieldi is
a so spoken of by hi as deeded to he
resbytery. I wonder/which he meas,
e union or anti -n n? If he me tis
t e former I think lh is mistaken. As
t . the latter it is ver evident that i is
n t so deeded, or els it would belong
t the United Chutcd not be 'tit
o the union as it �s t -day. Befor.' I
elieve that the Pe sb .very holds he
eed and owns thel p en church •to-
erty, I must have' i - ram better :'u-
t ority than that of .' air Play." or
t e sale pf enlightenin him a little. I
ould tell him that gongregatio• 'in
r church can dist, se of its prop:rty
ithontrfirst gettingth consent of he
resbytery, and thn church can be
f eer from being arbil r q iii the ma ter
said property.
hien l
e ducation
refe five that
cosi ions they
le tat unless
m a Univer-
for the
ow it is.
ten helve
id had to
ng else ?
ity edu-
at " Fair
on those
is from a
nd ignorant.,
is ( not ac-
stdy these
d I the ex -
s. He
s of our
from a
of these
e minis-
coarse of
of " Fair
very sa-
to charge
✓ +nt gross
ty to judge
f o minis -
is respect is
to think that
d ti
Eo know too
sisters to be
uld say that
ster of .our
not him to
ring of ,a good Presbyte
have been born and br
sol, he has certainly got
old path and become a
He is'indeed to be pit
r.an. Ile may
�tght up one ;, if
Out of the good
'vandering star.
ed, as he is so
of his own 'destitute of Christie 1 sympatihy, aid
tual appre- feels Miserable% jealou and envious, ; as
rod. Highly he sees others coLtribu,te with pleasure
instructed, anti blessing to a good cause. I think
aith,by min- i he co ld only see h mself as others
noation was , ` true light, he
r that" Fair himself,in see -
i ay he has been
ral respects the
free and great
• tic ? It is, cer-
�nd he should
e and true like -
has applied to
cords again lest
nd as they are
ase ;. " ,As some
s passed, turned
plain fools at
Editor, for your
s &o.,
ee him
onld f
g that
rying t
less in
tie. I
or idioapplicable, to his
whom the p
Eritcs xt and prov
ast." I thank you, M
aluabl sptce.—You
and that in
el ashamed o
in a miserabl
criticise in s.
and actions o
Who isthe c
Fair Play."
ee his own i
he quotation
will quote th
rgotten them,
I :
ti .
a1 What "Fair Play
ged and infirm tui
lso about the- wid
rid is far from the
piece of gross exa
i he had known th<
r. Barry's case hE v
oned it. I havep
f rmed that the doict
ore to the funds of
ver' he received o t
i "Fair Play" mid
people in contribu big
voluntarily. and i is
of them as "Fair 11 y'
agination expres e
tatement appears
e general asseml'I
• every congrega
eee minutes. I
ad economy to p' i
Statement of their f
' emends. This w E
ble outlay, and h n
hose who have ' t.
These funds are not
them in any such
+hem so that they
mount of good.I
o soothe the min f '
he amount that aa4u a
Who is put on sial
elves each year is v' r
he men who masa a th
ood meal, and wi1,t cC
and justice. I beli v�
bless these who c ni
runds, and hence p eir
ot concern " Fain la
to injure and des ro
new who he is, we
to give them any sn
ive us his name,' at
able to possess his s
s i these funds are c ne
a dollar to spare, is
wording to his o n
ive it with heart an
cheme of the chu ch
pprove. But, if he
4.ny, why should a se
!there from contri uti
eel disposed. He
eeking to serve it e
ainly, society or t e
fford to dispense w't
his -direction. If '
ember' of our c r
ee his ,face. I do no
he appearance o
hunch. He has,
" ( says about e
ni tir's fund, : d
os' and orph: s'
mrk; indeed, i t is
gartion. I th' k
circumstances of
o ld mit have 1. n -
b en credibly in -
or left E very m • ch
he church t' fan
�f them. I wonder
do this? The
o these fund do
n t "wrung t"
i his wild
t. A tabul ed
n) t e minute I of
a d every,e der
i re l eibes a cop of
ori certainly be
t �eich a deta ed
as "Fair P Sy"
cur a eonsidler-
m pleased that
nailagement of
used to wa to
it to husband
o the grea
ould say t
air Play," t
hese funds, re-
malll ; and that
m ,are wise and
ith prudeioe
that God Will
ori me to these
existence hoed
y s&as to s ek
i' them. If e
n d not ask im
ip r He ought to
d t en he would be
fn i peace as ar
ie ned. If he as
ie seems to h' e,
to ement, let him
sotil to some
f which he Can
a not approve! of
to . discourage
as they may
say that he is
p blio ; but, ler-
p blit can well
Jis services in
air Play " is a
a. would like{ to
t ink that he' as
g d -son of the
d =ntly, not got 'the
The own of Pete
he elec tic light syst
—Th Canadian
ill sal for England
—W . A. Rykert,
i ykert, M.P., died
�arolin , Saturday.
—On hundred an
enma e, Ireland, on
teams ip Manitoba f
—A econd Conven
upper re in Barrie
he,ca paign shall b
—Jo ii Ide, of Petr
of pois because his
O'Neill forsook him.
—Th: corner stone
dist Oh oh at Kings
ether d : y. The buil
000. •
few da
and M
tare 0:
organi 1
lin jail.
— T
oro has adopted
imbledon team
n the 28th of
eat son of J C.
Aiken, South
orty p ople left,
aturday, in the
r Can
ion of Sed
ye doth
proceed, d with.
iia, tool a dose
weeth art, ' Miss
e will ll kely die.
f a new Metho-
post $12',-
ott Act
ed that
on, was
li g will
, Bow
shoulder while
yor Loscomb
ed his right
g a fruit tree i
s ago.
.ntreal have
ploring the i
ut County and
ct supporters h
tion with a
. ality.
am Wilson,A
a few days a
He will be
e fine for fishi
lolling 'without a p
three;. ears set apart f
tion of fish is $200.
—A on of Mrs. Jo i
aged t o years, set b"E
few da s ago, during 't
mothe , and was dang
— T omas Weir, of
of Wel ingtou, enjoys
potato s on Friday
cents! tb $1.50 per bag
—Tile rainfall in
fell cbisiderably bele`
the :et and smithi
inches, or 0.72 inches:
—T e Ontario Go
tided •, purchase th :
Shingl: Bay, near
erecti cottage asylu
patieb s. !
has M
for $1
sten r:
1,100 i
15th i
of the
doing i
the Co
of Quo
—The preliminary'
ing theCredit Valle
Ingersoll have been j
wall bE
. —T1
box in
107 ye
and U1
The c
and to
— a Credit Val
and B rice and the
Railways are now op
tarid division of the
under! . the manage
n the cellar.
ere were over
s offered on t
turday. Trice
iynod o
chard a
n over -
of party
'.ord City
m d a joint
for each
t to Ber-
ing from
ed to the
,was 'ee
, suffer
in Lake Conch -
mit , clnring the
✓ the propaga-
Dodd, Oshawa,
clothes on fire a
e abseece of his
rowdy burned.
Puslinch, county
a meet of new
hey were
2,000 bushels of
e London market
ruled from 90
ntario for April
the raverageS In
est it was 1.24
elow the average.
Shannoh farm on
rillia, land will
for' 100 insane
limits of the Governments annexed
thereto by the treaty of Paris and set-
tled by proolamatio October 7th,
1763„" Mr. Merritt pr cured the me.p
in Landon in 1859 whil engaged cdl-
lecting documents for the library Of
Parliament. Although the lines and
letters are very fine th y are quite dis-
er the town of
Woodstock on Thnrsda evening of laot
week, doing about $10 worth of dela-
age. The fences and, t e grand stand
at the race course we e blown down..
Many chimneys topple : over. ,
—A. burglary has bee committed at
Lactinte, the sum of 2,000, being ea -
treated from a general Btore and posit-
offic0 there. The money, Whibh Was
deposited in an old fas ioned vanit, was
takeh therefrom by me ns of a Crowbar
and *ledge hammer.
HA. large meeting of the hotel-keeP-
the ight of the Domin on License In-
spector to collect an dditional fee iiitf
Ontario license.
—Sheriff Gow, of
home a few days ago
ben fit of his health.
d his fine epee of grays at To-
o Captain Et ghes, of Kidder-
onng Indian, who was in King.
cently, stated that in one week
he Rideau he secured 100 musk-
nother below soianoque caught
four weeks.
ring the than erstorm on the
st. lightning ruck the steeple
tely demolish g the 1 roof and
light damage t the brickwork.
committee ha een appointed by
lege of Physi no and Surgeons
arities in conn
sity exanhina
commenced. at
e firm of W.
propose to re
, on conditi
give them
o. Lessard, o
rs, sues his t
ntenarian fon
k part in thel
st Friday $
Gem heridan, Gen
tleme crossed over
are fis ng at Pelee
e Governor.
stet that it is H
that he celebratio
'hhonl be deferred f
is until the 28th jun
1Dr. Conniff, of T
inesi an interesting a
tion. It is a photo
inohe square, of a
North America, pub
into tb
tion wi
west ard from
mpletel, and it is
tion of the line
Sok (it Co., cigar -
alt, employing 20
ove their works to
n that the city
roper encourage -
e alleged
h Victoria
or extend-
t nude
eal, aged
merle n war of
y, TorOnto, Grey
tario and Quebec
rated as the On-
anti:die:la Pacific,
cretarv Lincoln,
▪ ompki s, Bishop
Stager, •ohn Ric-
her American gen-
neral h
of he
one m
iota fo
aph les4 than four
shed 1763. It
map ul British
ap of e British
erica, with the
s received.
ial Office
ty's wish
as reeeiv-
the Un -
in make-
nelph, returned
from Bermuda
e winter for the
His frieads are
to say that his• health i is very
The Rev. Dr. Co Inane preachLpd
improved. ,
ann versary sermons i Zion Ohm. h,
Brad tford, last Sunda , in conimem r -
For st, broke his arm n a very; sim le
ma ner. He was sta ding in the door-
wa , when some one 'called him ; he
tur ed round and stru k his arm on the
A new steamer os the propeller
mo el is to be built th e summer to plY
on he route formerly travelled by he
calibrated Maid of the Mist, mai Niag ra
riv:r, making landin s on both he
Lo d'i on May 19th, at his residence in
the township of St phen, iLeonard
Sh uldioe, in the 44th sear of i his ai e.
He leaves a wife, two ons and!a, dan la-
ter o mourn their los
A new pest which attacks 4he gr pe
Yin has been discover d in soMe of he
vin ;yards in the neigh orhood Of H m-
lon with a brown bod and black he d.
Th grub (miters the p int of the b d,
an eats its way back nto the 41d wo d.
The Michigan Ce triad hasiissue ,a
tab . The rate from rind sor !to in -
$23.50 ; from Niagar Falis 323 85.
Th se rates are secon class, s.nd ay
col niste' trains.
—Five lady mernbe s of the Me o -
dist church choir at iarton :have n -
toned the bonds of aatrimohy in ne
year, and the leader o the chair h a
lar e number of appliaations fliom ar-
ria eable young ladies for petition in
th t desirable society
-I-The hotel -keeper of Cutaberl
minty, Nova Scotia, have resolve
fight. the Scott Act, a 'd. have shbscri
$2,000 for that purpote. Counsel h
been engaged, and th lawyere are
fident of defeating th act ori a on-
stitutional point.
*Mr. W. Stahlsch ai idt, Principal of
Preston Public Sohoo since 1869, has
ha ded in his resign& ion in !order to
de ote his whole time and attinatio to
th manufacturing o school; elm oh,
office and lodge fu niture. He as
opened a factory for t is work.
—A Married man f Matbic elo ed
the other day with a ,woman livin in
Foxboro. He leaves a wife ; and
children with no mea s of support,
abe a husband Bind th ee children.
rival. Better send b
asylum until they reg
-e-The town conno
ha,Ve decided to adve
aid any person buildi
in that town to the e
capacity of 100 barrel
.L -Mr. John McLeo
met with rather a s
night. Owing to his
th late fire, several
ge her and presented
fil ed purse before hi
ko a, where he goes n antioipatio
be ter luck than in arringt4i,' ha
ber burnt out twice 'within tWo y
$1.50 a Yeex, in Advance.
Soutilidown ram, on sport intent, braced
himSelf up for a tilt at the ponderous
posterior of his owner, and !with all the
force he could muster, he "butted" Mr.
Fanner in dead earnest,1 lifting him
clean off hie feet and landing him rather
ungtacefull in a_ puddle of water.
Forrnately, no material ;damage re•
this sudden assault, and
now enjoys a hearty laugh
his Sunday morniiag ad -
snit a from
our peighbe
as he tells o
—1The lumbermen at the Chandler°
bay° reduc0. the wages 1 the work -
Men, and consequently a st ike ensued.
The employers, however, , ad no diffi-
cult in filling the places ofi the strikers,
as there are any amount; of laboring
peoPle looking for work. A dispute oc-
d bet
ers Fri
took pi
of t 15 own,
Geolrge Ke
een the strikers and nths.-
own has 8.04 independ-
The Herald says " Mr.
nedy was elected. Captain
Dean, First -Lieutenant.
names were enrolled on the
line, and in /carrying the women across
in their arms. Drenched and cold they
reached the hoMie of George Taylor,
where they were made comfortable.
The vessel now lies high and dry on the
beach with her rudder broken off.
—The afternoon &press goingeast on
the Credit Valley Railway, on Satur-
day, struck and killed a now on thefarm
worked by Mr. Win. Brown, near Cedar
Creek, North Dumfries. The animal
was pasturing with others in a field near
the line, and the wind, it is supposed,
had blown the gate at the crossing open.
When the train carne along the engineer
used his whistle freely, but to no pur-
pose, as far as this cow was concerned,
-for she was strtick with terrible force
and thrown a distance of about sixty
feet. The animal was valued at $60.
—A Galt exchange says: Captain
Galletley, known as Lightning Fred,
organizer and loader of the Salvation
Army in this town, has been compelled,
owing to failing health, the result of his
hard, earnest toil, to give up his posi-
tion here. He is going to England to
try a sea voyage and change Of aii. He
bersbi list. The object of the farewelled on Sunday night, when there
is to ake a special tiffort to bring was an affectin- g time. On Monday
sou s to Christ. They have adopted a about 100 of the members marched to
few! of the lkst features of pie Salvation the station to see him off. He will be
51r. St phen Nairn, witod and coa1
chant o Toronto, whoi leaves that
shortl to settle in Menitoba, and
has b en a promieent officer for
s of th St. Andreyes Society, was,
late eeting of the Society in Tor-
, made an honorary nole ber. The
other honorary me lbe s are the
e of rgyle, Sir Hug Dalrymple
the E rl of Elgin.
Georg Peters, an elder] man and
mu h addi ted to drink, of iSharbot lake,
his eight-year-old dangbter, and a
yo ng wo a, an named Brigdent, lost their
liv a in th burning house of the first
ot earddiyaubg
BO tal result is
rs old, was
fe red. ed by Petera
t owing down, stairs.
much missed, as be was well liked and
universally reopected. His successor
Me has uot yet been appointed.
wh —Some shipowners, realizing that
yea live stook shipments were about the best
at paying freight Offering at Montreal port,
OD resorted to economizing space by reduo-
onl ing the roorn of' two feet nine inches
Du usually alloted to nach aninaal to two
feet six inches, and refused to heed. the
objections raised by the Government
inspectors. The matter was referred to
the Department of Agriculture at Otte -
wan where the decision of the inspectors
has been confirneed, and owners in-
struloted to widen the spece of stalls
consumed t conetrueted on the decks of vessels
some two or three inches. The regula-
ter, twenty ye
tion space now insisted oil by the Gov-
ernment is taro feet eight inches per
he fire was an
burning lanp bullock.
ther day Th.
K 's hire
on the Mc
tu ned up
field never
the teeth
is a good
mystery a
tine may
amble vioti
Ed ward
Ottawa th
15 11 feet
oe lent.
of Lord D
re oyed.
se ted.
A cal
n was,
o mon
rs, but
ot serawtisieg
nails, die
I and, on
attained t
ely en
a r. Calvi
a ly to h
g at Pe
as total
ere wit
a D
ve a
th to 0. lunatio
in their senee.
ex -
;1 of Palmer
tise that they
tent of $2,000
ption from
per day..
, of Herring on,
severe losses by
riends unite to.
him with a ell -
leaving for Da -
, The widow of Patrick Flyn
laborer on the Caned Pacifici,
whose late husband as by
alleged negligence of another ;enapl
of the company by le ting sotto h
machinery in course Of delivery fro
fall on deceased, as snedthe
$10,000 damages. •
On Tuesday la t week Mr. Ho -
m 'Forest to Live pool twit carl ads
fine cattle. Th se cattle we4 all
rs in that locality,
$100 per bead
were t ten ead
annual: mee ing
Bible SOciety was
eek. The re ort
the year be
re -
purchased from farm
at I prices ranging fro
down. Among the
bo ght from David
fo $755, they weighe
1—The forty -fond
of ;the Upper Canada
held in Toronto last
shawed the income o
tidns, 21,266.02; tota issues since
comMemement of th societ5f, $1,
elected president.
ing of last week, a f mer .rosiden
the outskirts of Dun as, whci tips
Scales at 250 lbs., aft r lighting his
to* a- stroll down 1 the lane le
fr ra his house to hi fields, said s
re ailing in the pure °ruing; air a
fi ds and flocks and herds4 While in
pensive mood, a thOrough red
ing in a field
Ingersoll, he
ton.- It had
time, as the
ed. Some of
geld. There
wn over the
—The death at the General hospital,
Montreal, of George North!, stenograph-
er, is announced. Some years ago the
ay farm, near
name of George Norris was on every -
human skel
body's lips, and his acts were chronicled
n there a len
in newspapers all over the ' Dominion.
had been Oo
ere filled wsth At that time he Svas confidential clerk
eal of talk in
find, which is at present a and had access to all that gentleman's
to who the misfortunate vio- private papers By some means he be -
ave been, or vOhether it' was came possesse of doeuments which re-
lated great Panifie scandO1 and handed
of foul play. ;
. Harris, artiL3t, of Prince them over to Hon. L. S. Huntingdon,
sland, place in position in receiving for them the SU of $1,000.
painting h his made of the Latterly he hats acte d. as court steno -
held at Quebe for the union grapher. His death r suited from
ions British rovinces into Bright s disease.
aeration. Th painting is r —Rosa O'Toole, well -k own through -
and the work aeship is ex- ont Canada as Mlle. Rosa d'Erina,
t is placed ofintceormior. " Erin's prima donna," was married
last week to Vlcomte de St. Croix. Rosa
ding, where a I rge painting d'Erina, was made organist at the oath-
nce to the nstehe
fferin hun ' t latter being Oral in Armagh, Irelande when :twelve
There are ersons repre• years old. In 1865 she give 100 organ
he painting. recitals at the Dtiblin exhibition, and in
of an extra nary descrip-
hursday ni last, born on
f Mr. George illsie, on the
townline. Its etriking char -
were a double hea.d,four eyes,
ha and nosesdhall perfectly
There were t ree external
he centre one, located where
ads joined at the back, was
o a double aliening. There
t curvature in the spine, but
the body . of Ur calf was
Calvin, ex -
at his 0
Sunday ni
e ripe age Of
aged in Shiprbnilding and
n political end mnnicipal life.
great wealth he 'gave liber-
seitala, churo es; and public
s. His 'Iota ill be severely
re to the b f Frank Col -
joining the k._ The barn
y destroyed h its Contents,
a fine y of oxen, sixty
nd its con including five
wail also de-
e at Garden
t last, having
6 years. De-
nd active life,
been exten-
nshels of
smith shop
oattk. The horses
rescued. Colume
b tvas also burned.
fl mes were confined to the above
places. 'The total lose will reach
•-eLnk Phipps will be
e law Sandwich, j
ars ago ivho killed hi
jealous in Prince'a
d die
as the
e wash
ent of al small sum whi h Humphrey
o aimed was due him.
—Thu sday night of ast week the
was blo
t en mile
le Mon
en livi
v tree, th men attemp
sel in fishing boat b
ne, but ere swamped i
ooeed in getting to
religion after
he third mur-
e penalty of
il. The. first
egro, over 20
wife in a fit
rove. He ox-
ide sentence,
happy. Aust'n Humphrey
child to go
nged May 22,
the scaffold.
1877, for the
ritish Lion, o ned by Messrs.
ontgomery, of Windsor, and
Golden ValleY for lumber,
ashore at Ket le Point, J3ix-
Besides the
were on board
wife and the
above Sarnia.
Yen men, there
gomery and his
e Captain. As the schooner
nger of breakin up, an et-
as made to et the ladies
line was floe d to the beach
line hauled in y some fisher -
g near. After eking fast to
to reach the
the aid of the
the surf. By
bition. Two ears later he made her
debut at Mar onaugh h use, London,
•and in 1870 c me to Am rica, and has
since given or an recitals and sung in
allrparts of the United States and Can-
ada. She is Cousin of 'Very Rev. Dr.
Wm. Keiran, who has jttst been ap-
pointed rector of the American College
a Rome,
—A veteran, of Canadian politics died
in Montreal on Friday in the person of
HOD. LOMB Pellet, at the dvaneed age
of over 90jyeatts. The de eased belong-
ed to a family famous in =adieu his-
tory, and Was a member of the Legisla-
tive CounCil of United. Canada up to
Coefederetiou, when he became a Leg-
islative Coma illor of Quebec. Though
the old vetera had ainunit passed out
of recolleetion, he • suddenly centered a
good deal of Oratefal public interest in
himself a few years ago by having hims
self carried from his sickbed in a litter
to his seat in the Council, from which
he bad been absent for many magenta/Jo
vote against the sale of the North Shore
Railway when Mr. Chaplean was en-
gineering that precious scheme through
the Quebec Legislature. .
e—Rev. It. M. Parsons, pastor of Knox
church, Toronto, preached an eloquent
sermon lapt Sunday evening, taking as
his text let Peter, iv. 18, " And if the
righteous scarcely be saved, where shall
the ungodly and the sinner appear...
Ho said it is a puzzle to many of God's
children how it was thee were afflicted,
whenithoile who werenotdriously wicked
escaped without apparent punishment
for their sins. He thought it was a
sign of God's goodness, and that the
sinners will play up for their enjoyment
while here, when in hell. " Many peo-
ple," he said, "put their religion aside
when it stands in the way of their ads
vaucement in politics or business. Too
many think they have a, life insure:nee
policy for Heaven, but they will have
their minds disabused whea the indg-
-Theilaroilton correspOndent of the
Army is making steady progress here,
and in its line of march may be noticed
several cenverts of both peace who were
formerly chronic toughs, whose presence
at the Police Pond occurred periodical-
ly. They have succeededi in drawing
into their, ranks men who were the chief
pillars in some of the city churches.
Last Sundaylefternoon and. evening the
ed to the doorS,and such wOuld indicate
that the noVelty of the '‘ Pal," as it is
terthed in common parlance,has not yet
worn off. A great majority of the con-
verts are uniformed, the men with
bright scarlet jackets and; navy blue
pantaloons with red faking, ' the women
with bonnets ef the "Shaker" type and
neat dresses el dark blue. ' During the
week they 11B0 their barracks for salva-
tion purposeis, and on Sunday the opera
e ohlore on the house is utahaa4.