HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-05-16, Page 6The .Ouiture of,Panaie The essay yearly grows in favor•with amateur aS well: asprofessional .garden. era and no garden or lawn oar afford to be without it. The &data pf Eng- land, Belgium., France, and o tr own States, vie with each other in p acing larger and more delicately ti ted or marked varieties. The stands d shape of the fiower should be nearly o quite a circle, and the size should equal °a silver '' dollar. i Pansies are easily gro n from ems: mad if they are planted arly in the lesson, in boxes, placed in a hot bed, they will be Large enough o make a beautiful edging or bordering or beds of geraniums, roses or petnni The seeds should be Sown on son y soil, mixed with .an equal portion f very . rich compost, and when the plc is have five or siu leaves, transplant th m into the beds or borders where they are to bloom, placing the plants ,four or five inches apart.. - f . Very large flowers can only be obtain- ed by tie most liberal use of fertilizers. f The pansy is a gross feeder, nd will not grow to perfection if its n da are not coneulted. The beds shout be pre- pared as richly as for asparagus or celery, and when they begin t ` flower give thein a plentiful showering every night, when rainhas- not failea. Hot, dry weather will prevent their raking a fine display, if the beds are not well moistened and shaded frons the noon- day sun; In the hottest weather, water the beds both morning bond evening. When the young plants have begun to flower, a weekly watering with' liquid stimulants will be found -very beneficial, and if yard manure is not at hand, soluble Pacific guano will make an ex- cellent substitute. Dissolve two table- spoonsfnl of the guano in a gallon of warm water, and pour it freely about the roots, but not upon the leaves. I find it the best stimulant for all my flower beds. When the blossoms ap- pear, if they are small and infelrior in color and shadings, pull the plants up at once, and do not let thein remain in the bed td spoil its effect. As the seedlings - were plated closely, their absence will not be noticed. If, however, at have fine flowers, and are too crdwded, trans- plant some ot them into another richly prepared bed or border in a damp and cloudy day, towards night. They will not wilt if taken tip between seven and eight o'clock, after they have been thoroughly watered. They should be shaded for a day or two... Pansies can be quickly raised from cuttings of the fresh young ehoots'which spring from their roots, by planting. them in sandy soil in the shade. i They will make fine planta for, Autumn fiowering,e,s young plants always 'bloorn the finest. If all struggling brunches and seed pods are removed froth the planta raised for early spring flowering, they will also bloorn luxuriantly in the Autumn. With a pair of . sheites, cut off the first growth by the last of Jane, and do net let any pods mature except - ng those especially desired for seed. It rains pansies to let them seed lenti- fully in September and October. hose whogather these flowers with avish hands for themselves and their ends, always succeed best in their cults e, for their plants will constantly send forth fresh buds and flowers. Thera re no flowers more beautiful for parlor eeor- ation, for the dinner table and for. -bou- quets then pansies. Their odors are not overpowering, and yet are delicious. A. basket filled with pansies is a leas- ing, gift to everyone. -S. 0. J. in oun- try Gentleman. - s. 1 o nsider her wants and u w'thout delay. So sall t e al conflict" of 'Bi dy's tw yours in regard to the $owe; amicably settled, and both Oil after live in peace. Have 14 o Liam, aand,and road dnst,an g of ashes, charcoal, fin aced under cover where can -sun themselves, dust th to the,destruction'ot annoyih and scratch and bury themsel ,flour together whenever the seize them, end you may lay icg bholion to your soul : that tilde whioh refersto the 1 Mercy." may bb applied to yb if never before.- Poultry Wo - AMan. iia Tho s A remarkable instance b liruptcy has occurred i Lo. 1874 Mr. Samuel Osb manufacturer of Sheffield, polled to file his petition in b with liabilities amounting t and assets estimated at 5 bought back the busiaiess fr tors by a coniposition, of twill in the pound, payable in t m nits, the last of which w Da titles before it was due. determined to pay the 'bald shillings in the pound, and ten years in which to ac teak. A sum of £28,000 and the other evening -reseived the intimation th t wits now prepared to pay th their claims in full. Church Con.veni r' The Spectator " in t Q ion is inclined to won er people will be content to at 1 in ,, damp clothes and i Why should not the oongr ga - The Eider Duck: The eider kuck (Somateria mollis ma), is one of the most valuable birds the northern oegions, supplying, as it oes,a most "important article- of commerce, anditarnis$iing one of the ohief means of support for the people. For these reasons the eider deck . is zeal a usly guarded aid cherished by the i o ' abit ants of Norway and all the nor hern islands ; and in Iceland the kith g of one of thecae birds or the secreting a f an egg is rigorously punished by law. The eider duck, as is well known, robs her own breast of down with which to line her nest, and also reserves. a Supp y of feathers as a covering for her -eggs hile She is away in pursuit .of food. The down is thus easily secured by the owners of the Island, who do not hesi- tate to rob the nest a second or e • en a third time after it has been pati ntly rebuilt by the mother bird. The eggs are also daily collected, and cons itute aft important article of food. Onl • one or two are left in the nests to h: tch, and those Which are not consnm : o are pickled for winter use. Thebr: a ing places of the eider duck are privetpro- perty, and. are a source of a lar se in- come to their owners. The plan to ost frequently adopted is to remove both eggs and :down, when the female lays another set, of eggs and covers hem with fresh down. Tnese are gain taken, and then the male is oblig:d to give his help by taking down from his own breast, and supplying the pia a of that which was stolen. The do of the male bird is pale -colored, a d as soon as it is seen in the nest, the eggs and down are left untouched in or er to keep up the breed. In the male bird the top of the ead is velvety J black, and the cheeks are white. The ear covers and back o the head are pale green. The tack is hite. The neck and upper parts of -tie b east are white, the lower parts of the eck pale buff, and the breast and abd men black, relieved by a patch of whi e on the flanks.The bill and legs are g_een. The feiiale is reddish brown, mottled with dark brown. The total lens h of the bird rather exceeds two feet. Said Bath for Fowls. Fowls must have a gandbath. It is their sponge, towel, tooth brush and dressing comb all in one. How mild yon feel, my dainty lady, if denie all .your toilet appendages and compelled to go day after day unwashed and un- kempt, and to wear soiled and rurrlpled garments? Even so suffers Mistress Biddy without her daily dust bath,rand Nature, that infallible teacher, dirrects. her to the nearest and most convenient Place for such a renovation of the skin and feathers, If no other soft, sandy, and loamy earth is at hand, you may be sure she will use your flower bed without regard to consequences. She may learn to hide at your - appr ach, taught by a blind instinct that you are her enemy, but the idea that you be- grudge her the dearest delight o her hapless days -the use of the free so for her bodily.needa--is one that poor Bid-- dy's small brain can never comprehend, Descend to her level, then, yourself a'Vestry as well as the mini to where they might depos't omits and overshoes, and tiaa hat which they are generally put under a dusty seat ? so ;uncomfortable and soh a church on a wet Sunday there be any special inipr haling a room for wet or 8 garp:lents attached to it? If tions.were dry, as wall ,as w wopld listen with far greater c th sermon ; while it is un fact that many colds aret ail existing bronchial troubl increased, by the relaxing halting from the hundreds oaf inerts slowly drying in a he to Besides this, every man n fre beE tiv aw: on cal: the by dot spa ne co vi th wi: ch'ldren of light -especially small things which, just bens ar: spiritual things, so readil spi 'trial influences ? . fo uently he'haslaat his s re n put into a mood highl n for spiritual contempla io wardness of taking off r o his overcoat in that Lahti ed a pew." It is . notori highest things are often`�i ery small matters ; and ,th bt that many a Sabbath_ . s rvicn is iled by an overcoat, or t e re if a hat. Theatres long ag . ok his tingency into considerati n, nci ro- ed for it. Is there any ;tea • n by children of this world a ould be er in their generation ` t an the term reit- and be are. 11 of rink- hur owls °dies sites, y the may Iter- ati- ty of hest and. steel oom- ptoy, ,866, He redi- - lings stal- hree born ight self this. ired, liters. bprn le of - 448 irbtian ow long church et feet. n have a room eir wet e; vq best 1 to pi e is til as W cid tiet in rfl ous ngr ga- m,.: he ter to ebb dly en;, nd yinoh tore ex - et tar - ohs ch. ow' ty, nd regep- bq 'the putt ing d sp CO s i t at nen ed e is no hose se itiiey min,ate S me Distinguished : aclelp s. ope, Pollock, Herrick, Go s.sci th,- M: caulay, Watts, Hans Ando :::n, ol- tai e, Ballon, Swinburne,e ton nd a a ost of others were or ar: `b= hql rs. Pope was known as the i i to ogee on po nt of literature, and hat:d n. Ja to es Buchanan, the bac elo i Pr si- phael, Angelo, Lands er, Jade . was something of an : nt or. i In a the bachelors were ala • n + . e us. R: us, R : nolds, and Beethoven • eip t rye er m ; ried. Congreve, the darina at, as a peoimen of the -bachelor la er, an Sift was of the selm : a er. Co per,at twenty-eight yearn of '. a et wi h a love misfortune, and Mh • w nd ne er healed. Keats, too s : fie ed by Cupid's dart, and sieve r: . v ed. Pope had the iron driven in 1'a oul by his*deformity, whioh ma, e r I. all the more bitter. Doctor kiln en rg and Adam Smith had' 'puri + . et , les told about their love affairsta + + ! : na Andersen had his love trial er, th -artist, had his life sharp n : a To a shadow. Lamb was a self en; ing b helor, became° he gave nil : age on account of hie sister. G _v • nil E amus were old maidish ' b G ldsmith was a blundering an his life might have. bee h : o he married. The ideal W e ittier,who is everybody's • e tle, good and kind. Hume w: s ba helor, scoffing at everytb bo• went through several bu remained a bachelor, B yle and Spencer were neve an the fact may have been of: hem never had time. Hu a eneral favorite in societ co rted and feted but • he- rie Buckle was an inyali' , de. oted to his. mother. Er . a best critic of his age, was; b So was Horace Walpole. M , atil ne er married, but was dev sis era. When one of them he said he had 'nothing le a " bition. 1 • rs. or, .a. ed hell' r' is n d,en- a biter 13. s, e, edny ale as ar- a8 the ler. has his ar "ed his Signing the Pled he late Rev. Dr. Ritchie, ro ' , once went to -form a to ciely at Peebles, and a Mari who had heard the speeches sci nee smittten, and after tae ho a the wife said, Od, John, we this me ha'e to set down our mien �g yet. We'll no do't n. Olad, we canna do o'er Rube -it's an ill t drifik, I see:" " So it is w there's to b� another meetin' night, an' we'llhear what( tur an na av bu tak sist nig loo, wh cin � O ae ta'e it's , n n th n." Next meeting showed 1 of a young man ruined 1py the two went to set d,dw • es. " But are we never , sir ?" " Never, gnoth th for a medicine." So a n home, and for two wee :d every temptation to to t1e, t he took a pain within hi ing in the wife's' face, aid t if I tak' a wee drag o h lc' stung a ; pity y� ,Yfor loch ae touts otter - al o- •ivfe c qn- s int. tlii k o at q» th aa 1 t, n, at btnt ) t - say e ic- dr nk, tglr .ate it is ea, gas rib titd ry, mdi- o!' Jeri 've at the nicht ? 0, . t John, man, it's lang o' apeakin.: sae mony o' th dune." A largely attnd0d meti •held in Collingwood on Mo of 1st week to discrlss' the S of stro g speeches being Heade by h sig st the measure. y as night 4ot, rand REAL ESTATE' Olt SALE. r►ACRE FARM FOB SA id' lot 30, and north half 31; c enoession , McKillop• seeded, and in excellent con or pasture. For furtherpp ANDREW GOVENLOCK, .FABM FOR BALE. -For si 95 scree being ookposed 9th .concession :of the toeingb ooanty of Huron, mostly els' stumps. There is a bank b hoose and two good wells. 1 adjoins the incorporated villa] farther partiertlare apply le 1: premises, or to Brussels P. 0 [,E. -North half of if north half of lot Moet of this land is iitien for meadow artiou ars apply to nth op P. 0. ' 819 tf ole el farm containing of lot No. 2, in the ip of Urey, in the a red nd -free from rn 5464 ; a brink 1'he< a ove property e of russets. For . D0B3ON, en the 857 OUSE FUR SAL -For sale Chet desirable property on joint/Street) Seafortl, next door to St. Thoma; church pareinage, and now oc- cupied by Mr. Soole. Thereis good steno founda- tion, first-class cellar, six bed or as, parlor, d ining room and a good kitchen. A so a large woodshed, hard and soft water, a new stable, and all other necessaries complete. For 'slither particulars apply to the proprietor. D. RUS , doaforth. 830 OUSE FOR SALE OR sale or to rent, a• dwell south of the railway track, ad Seaforth. There is three qu land all well fenced ; also The house ie cdmmodious : n a goodcellar and woodshed water convenient. Will be on the premises to the u W. T.AIKENPo - TO BEN r. -For g house and lot, oining the town of rterg of en acre of nod, ochard on it. co fortable, with asci 1 aid and soft old l c esp. Apply de ned. MRS. 855 FARM FOR DALE. -No cession 8, Morris, cont ti which are Cleared and near y There are on the premises frame stable, two never tai in celleat orchard of almos trees all bearing. The a situated, being only two an Brus els and thirteen from ther , artioulars' apply to or to RICHARD LEES, Li ha in: fre f 4f lot 29, ton - t. 0 .acres, 40 of rom stnrOpe_ 00 1 g .houseand well and an L1ex- wo h ndred feint m le conveniently half miles tram eaf+rt For !hr- . 810 T, Brussels,. say 841 FA erem •clear is a Ther It is. in fiv food orth Seafo M IN 'l'UCKLrRSMI +H or sale, lot 24, ounces ic(n 8 th, containing 100 nor II ; the remainder is h oqd brick house and is a splendid orchard venient to school a miles of Seaforth an ravel roads leading 1 r particulars apply or; th P. O. `:ROBERT s, 851 o r we d amp a .d plenty of water. R SALE.- . R. 8. Tack - which are lush_. There tit buildings. hero six on both he _fpr E 0 It is with - linter', with laces. For rabies or to 851 F about of cu batik nee chard Road foi th rep:` will or to M FOR SALE --For s: le, 1 t 24, Huron goad, Tuckeramith, fair ih r 100 acres, 90 of which are clears : nd an high state ivatiou. There is a 1 : brt house, good barn with stabling u darn and other ary outbuildings; als a Taiga hearing or - It is pleasantly situ t: d n the Huron about half way betwe n C neon and Sea - The buildings and fe cc Ore: in good and the land rn first l:.ss oiedition. It sold very cheap. Apl o the premises aforth P.O. MRS. GG O' CIHESNEY. 853 1 - FAR ERS, IT WIL PY YOU -TO CALLA H .HURON FO NARY THE HIGH SCH 11 I L,S AFORTH, And see our : +'ck of Piafly Whi h has been ma anis oanty. I have. my ing Plow for this satin ed in saying that the arket. •:Our especially for atly improbea easori, and feel i is the best in iRS 'LAND ROL Are 1 rge and heavy, rn doin good work. Our Are n longe ,Havii Rolle Spec. Steen Reap+ anda short To c Bolts Qnoti; n o ing light and RAIN CR lade from hard i o ' , end will than any other a aehine made ig special tools for recutting rs, we ban guarat satisfaction. al , attention giv :n to repairing 1 Engines, Saw : G ist Mills, rs, Mowers, Thre ing whines, 11 kinds of machi :ry'r paired on 'notice and at r : sena le rates. �ntractors and tI. ers Bridge and Castings a low at rates. tions furnished o .: ppli ation. Also agent for he 1 .' plements . Sawyer, Hamil on. o. full line irs constantly on • and. THOMAS E DRY. n PE PLE'S HOTOCRAPH P. T IS THE 4,0 LAR R4ORS, With . NDBEW CALDER at t that th holiday season is fe t the g. o + people of Huron a d less r: ; e something neat n way of ' ortraits to send as ho id friends or relatives, and Mr. to the i portance of this fact extra a angements for the a o holiday trade. CALDER'S o tures, a ALDER'S for New Y ar a Phot of tasty design, exce e finish, asy and graceful 1 :it epprop ate background and e P. P. P P. a trial, and then go a delight : nil a good piottere. ANDREW C Scott' e hal • , and now pproohing, and erth will donbt- art'<tio in the gift to absent eirg fully alive as m despecial d tion of the C iri,stmas Pic - s Ilio of ce on, esec ay urea. For shade and a Riled with give the smiling with DER, look, eaforth. V., 'H RUA N .IsX PO if i • I 0 AY lift OWS PL Car Lo O. ricultural W ich 11 be sold. at oi sto LIM tar nsequently, he sto k is" hanstedliC A fu stock of as Sharp's a.kea, all of w of all kin s always on h of e South JU T RECEIVE APO-- . IL SON'S notwithstandie red a d Fifty of them enndalibel par y Reap nooliCwoil WS reroom, Seaforth g the increase of to keep those val a few days before d to sell them at former prices u teed to -give satisfaetion or no sal rs and Massey Motvers, Toronto Binders and assey's Low Do e above mach nes. Don't fail t WILLSON, Main Street, 10 perl cent. able Flaws in he rise in the til the present mmon Or int Reapera and n Binder, and ms. Repairs see my !stook WHAT the entire country. LYCE AT Wil be re for ne de Qua omers per pottle, UST COME ognized as the standar BOATS. If a y wan in Our store an o Itti healing an o for Tle by er & Son, 17181 Cr .Dr 8 WHO LUMS 18 listen rqu mille ESA E *OR RE1TAIL BY HALL CO es t eulty in introducing a new remedy to theipub- f the enormous amount Of adver ising resorted e many article already in the arket, yet we and, as alrea y in these parts o throughout D BAL AM OF remedy of the further proof ng properties age for COUGHS y testimony offer re truly marvellou J. Wrigh4, Beechwood ; Kifipen ; R. Drysdale, G. 11. Ilewson, Bay - E. Kinsman, Stana. COLD14 and ttle, stand d by grateful . Pricer. 50c & WILSON, ANUFACTUIREBS, SEAFOR El, ONT. MILLI G FIRM IN sEAF THE SEA IOIRTH ROLLEit Having bought the above Mills, aiJ1 refitted them throughout with and 3itiit machinery thab could be procured for a ORAOUAL REDUCTION ROLLER MIL Farmers ca now get all t GRISTING and HOPPING done And the re 'tilt attei'ned is hey have one of thil best mills in t and have it home with the the same day, and Satisfaction G-uarau of Wheat. VAR 1884 NEW SPRING Ppst Office MY stook is now °ample' , Factory and Bleached Cotton Dress Goods, Prints, Tapestry a &mime? Gloves Fancy Tiel, tains and Lambreqnins, Cret Parasols, Umbrellas, &o. Ale ment of Boots and Shoes, It grand splay of Croekery an hand. full .stock of Greek e Hardwa e, consisting of all ki Oils, an Glass in all sizes, p Having ow a first-olaes eare pret ared to supply all who fit gn anteed. Specialties - and Sea orth salt alwaym kept n trade pr cies given for Butter n other fa m produce. N. B.- ment of new Wall Paper and Pa hand. 852_ JOSEPA op 1884. Spripg Tweeds, d Hemp Carpets, erlidie Lace Cer- es, , Hesiery and 202e EdSiD829 compote assoet- laseware just to new and fresh ; des) Et ovelsr&o. n the village, we require a good rt Inetiee, and a ondville Flour hand. Highest Eggii, oats and RAL element Manu- a in informing that they have repairs for the VESTER tie their agent, fts.4.1m, will GRIOULTP PLEM The lencoe Agricultural facturin Company have plea u the f ees of Huron and Pe h arrange with , W. H. VERITY, Exetr To keep constantly on hand all Ifs/ HUT IRON H and al other Implements II I them, o for all the machine; ford. All or receive sed to .1130i 33, Mpt attention. 83.15 is Bo McBR1pE SM OMAS SMITH will personally sup' erintend the Sea 1804. ORING. 18 RTH. LSI the latest e Province. eed. orth 4. EAFORTO TEA STORE. SE DS AT THE Field and G of tGO,Q WA!=?Es sea The highest price imothy and l[tx Seoztls fresh and Pure. A good as ortment of rden Seeds, Polato ()lion Tops and Dutch Sets. Mao Is, full stock RIES, PRiliVISItONS CF?O'CKERY AND GLA6S- id for Batter and gg'0. pustom rs of 1 t Fria. year wit It con ins 111u trations, prices, directicIns for dog Vege Seeds, plants, c. Invalu SI. CAMPBELL, Proeincial • ond Civil Engineer. Orders ly attended to. nd Sur3reyo, mailprompl MitaboU (PUBLIC NC) ICE! THE undiirsigned, having neen appointed Agent CONEDERATIO 'LIFE make sati tore provision for fa es and friends of Seafort*and surrounding coon y, 80 ite to lie case of ath. This is undoubt dly the best Insurance Gompany doing business lin Cana at present. A look at the Daily Glo or Ma of May 100810, will satiety any reaMonable man of this fact. 041 at once on 4OHN BEA 1E, i N. B.- oney ta Loan on Farm or Town Property o the easiest terms of payment and at KIPPER STILL TO TH For Farmer.' Imple I eri, Patronize Home znlows, Halraonts, Roe 1761 7.87 ELLIS, kl T. for the On nd eta, and Alive to Bus Spriu of 1 84, who is always stedyi e the Farm- ers tore ts regird to farm plements, takes his pporfunity of notifyir his many cus ers, and those in need) th he has on hand t e he est the In st, and the C e at selec- tion of imp ements. in the couoty, istirrg of Land' 11 rs, Gang Plows, Cultiva. o s, Stubble Plows, Gen ml Purpese Plows,Itod ws, South Bend f hil ed Plows, Iron beem PI we, Also B. Be 's proved American Steel P o g. Farm - Also o ha d largpeill Straw Cotte ,1which will be sol at bargain. All impleme t sold for small roll for cash, or en short V ry t rs, and EN, WAC N CARRIAGES AND UCCIES Made , 0 er, and all repairiug of ggies and Waggcins v, ill receive attention. Plo and Har- rows Wipe ed. Fanners, now is h time to /etch along your plows and harrows' r repairing, Farmt wantin new mould boards, plow beams, land Mee, seco d -hand iron he or No. 4 plows, an get s pelted at my shop. Plow cast- plmopiso itshlet e. Remember tha Mollie , ce to get your wa t supplied in t e low line. A.Iso repairs on ha for the ks6ell tug sand Horton meting • nd espa h. Small Profits i y Motto. Call an see, Yo will always find e alive to 84 T. MELLI Kippen. • • SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, SEAFORTH. sag BARB STEEL WIRE FENCING, THE BEST IN THE WORLD, AT LOWEST PRICE. ONE CAR LOAD WASHBURN & MOEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY TWO- sin 0 Rings and jevr In all the 1 tea So very re o TP get a ock Oh so nhe. Please Call on His ward is s Ee'r buying fr Run every ma is the place to ls rich and rare styles are there %hie in price apst, re, m others goods and woman bo Look P pat' stook totmotro Papst And can Papa says SoinaCt To please tr The be4t Is at MAI as amed to show hi foo nd in Cardno's Chr s' goods are best ck r Watch invest. lin e will do his b t, and to 'tad all the rest. poor. stook, ware po L. PAPST $TR • west of Tor rito to ular jewelry attire of CHR THE Su Boiler baying ha that shop, In all its b Any wor All kin Smoke El eonable ' New Sal the shortee ET, SEA:F0 $7*L & BLACK, PR CTICIAL MAX RS. cri ere have bought the T oils and neleess ately carded ot by tie God - and ufacturir.g Com tty, and el Boil re made and teem ed, oleo ie an expe once of over eight years in ow p pared to earry on h trade F • st-ol es work guaranteed. ks nd heet Iron Work, &,o ,st res - Para; en de and old ()nee re ed on POPUldli STALL oN The following Siallieca will). tend for OLD CLEAR GRIT AND HIS SON. SWALLOW. the Improvement of StOck this Season as followS: Bbattlingr°g;suble.14oatnetdId, ePlorrgr?tshte'ed uhtigthepti .3uibThienune'eseI:tA°YFillinieteicoollegel°;:Atat 4 at the Olark Rouge, t. Mary% for the miglit ,tbe night. FRIDAY -4G, rit will proceed to ger. stable, by way &Ili he will remain until t AY -HS proeeela to Hoe pen and Brneedebi, Note4 e fallowing ed nday aeon Swallow will proceed 85fo: :eon ; thence to OEM GE WHITELY, Proprietor. Ilawkohaw's ii 1, &ewe for the night. Seen gins' hotel Bengali, or noon; thenee lioMeee ENGLAN %.3 GLORY. MoNDAY-will les his own stalde,iot 12, eote lot 21, conceesion 9, or noon; then southto Thomas Nesh's, ton ces-ion 3, foe he tileIe TuasDAY-Wiltproc ed to _Robert Gindon'enee N142,13cDonAye_esuidoinn peril, eefeo4 tnooTonho;ransthet:elit130:01:: concession 11, for noen ; thence to bbrownsteble for the night. TknriniDAY-Wi,1 proceed to Weis Cameron'e, lot 10, concession 14, for nobn; taer, to Thomas johnston'e, lot 9, eoncessioh 18, nrea ler the night. FnIDAIT-Will proeeed to %nor'; at Beirnes' hotel for neon ; thence west two mike, thence *south to Christopher MuldooCts, lot 32e emecesaon 18, MeXillop, for the nigh &aura DAY -Will proceed to his own stable rriting 4 noon, and remaining antil Monday raotning. . Worm Ar -Will lea* leis own stable, 13th -en. proceed to James McCallum's, lot 17, mescal. 4, for noon ; theeee t4 James Romeo ne lot 10, concession 16, Grey, Or the night. uzsDAY-- to John Slemmonhf, lot 22, concession ,_ or the night. WznNESDAY-37Vill proceed toB. lot 19, conceksiOn 8, for noon; then te Gecege Crook'n lot 4, coneessien 8, for night, Tertiasner -Will proceed to Wne; Sheddon's, lot 14, teue teesion 4, Mori* Or noon; then to James, proceed to Jehn Kelly s, lot 13, conoer 8, fee Morris, for the nigr. SATURDAY-WU pro by way of the Mc illop boundary to his own stable. where he,".7111 reT7Dinteuttictislo:e;rofolpInetorioidaig 857-2 Monday morning., SAFORTH STOVE AND TINWARZ C. WHITNY Always keeps on hand a full line of the latest styles of COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES. Their beauty shows them and the, priCe sells them. TINWARE Of every description always la stock. We make all our goods, and guaranteed them good and; right in price, . A full line of Table and Pecket Oat; lery at very loW prices, We have a fitae lot of Granite Kettle' in stook for presprving, &c. glue and prices. All kinds of Jobbing Wor promptly attended, and satisfaction g aranteadt Parties wanttng goods in y *- will pay thera to see my took eud compare prices. Seaforth Cheap Stove d T • Late ";AThitney *others, CORNISH, & GARLAND. Beg to inferm the public that they keekte during the coming season, St Bengali, lExeter, and Centralia, A large stock of FIrst-Class Lime, -which they will sell on reasonable terms., Mr. Ccanish will be at Centralia every Monday and ThUrsday, and at Heasell every Tiredity and Friday. Mr. Geed land win be in sttenderee et Exeter every day." They,ie e the only parties who sell Downing'fr the best Lime in Cainda. 848-8 SALE OF STOCI OF GROCERIES - AND DRY _GOODS. . VOR the purpose cif closing tip the,,estate Of tho- 2.' late James Campbell; of Walton, in, the co of Huron, snerche.nte deceased, there will be . hire in the village of Waiten, in thu eounbyori Huron, at a rate on the -dollar, on. Seetirday, Ode Seventeenth day of Maye 1884, at t e hour L generel stook of the said halms Ca pbeilt die half-Rast three in the afternoon, thew Usage Ceased, consisting of the iellosiing amonneten ,. Dry Goods fen:manes &o.: Dry Goo4s, 4414'Q Patent MeaieineS, 4741; Bookg, till 5; Grcieei.- $18.11; liartlware, $83 ep ; strwot Erae ; ShOo. Furniture, $26.50 ; total* eliou 46. 'stoat -Fe' fresh and well selected a ed a good beisinessbla been and can be done, se them is only aneetbat stole in Walton. The above store ean probale1,3b0. of the perclaalie moue/ to be paid in eissh at tee time of sale and the balattee in one -month, _lobo' satisfaetorily secured before possessioe 1012-017'd The stock can be inepected and stock list bean efn application to the edministratrix on thhpremiteldeo N. 8. C.AMPBELL, ,Administrarrix E. -on WADE, Brussele, Solicitor for Admiuletredrix. 8574 THE IIVIPROVEp SEEGMILLER LOW: No.'s 26, 28, 40 and 10, mazinfacturdd in GI* edch, can now be offered AtTa oreducTionlier:f PLOWS: ANO REPATS Of any of the above No.'s ean be Obtained 11 ill! ORDERS pitoiniegmy ..F.041.Ell'- '' Apply to O. A. HUMBEIle 849-t. 1. APRIZE 88na six cents for pop which will help all, either sex, to more right away than anything elm in tide - once address TRUE Co.,,,./taiguRtfis MAW° Ailanj ichiq he aml pow for t 41044tbirket.-attni,Plutraarlialleueee-Za-rbsi;:init''Ieltetli ley till Iterer 0 is pro te was ipassews:1348-ki4::13:nrsuirlgeiteeeteet_,,oa:ekrsitlitwoydsaww9saangeadfya.eao.nririrmetme(-! 11:84:PIT:htrehream: ncestusshtielabyer Diketa build, the .arethb:deditgetrn:eaelmrth.oivtneghtiettii vi)w... be 00 wmoritinesse(ito --Above Bleu Isa143 ...dnTri-, ijawgehi rttehi. att :11 riAollucemer,i.'tebaTe:asetEactabk:akl, befit authority, 4( .0ehTlbafwet"::4 ewtiw. s:3731 31, 86:: 31 lily' :8 1 1. AL° feate4 in the Ho redtInfEnhieeat:eMinl:rrwY,A; nn.ttaidliVraimlehPpoltahtvtate.threi: of 156 to 151 - followed cheer 1 43ide, *Web we galleties. Ladies handkerchiefs, tn.; Morrison yielded Father Point We proceeded up th 'From; hea it was Vnka,F160,i-iwclia7 cheamrgett vessela being sun' shock. One bun persons sunk wit twelvt with the -total Osfi tof life the steamer Ar, last SUnday that her rudder, and 'This 4ccompliHhe boats atid reach ioarime:ilterYf • rd• Seu men eMplOyed on vbe4louneled4tto551too on Wednesday. Justice Prouilfoot pizsyeicni c. -ease, end Judge brother of the la 'Peterborough, ant the Co missioo oiarly art of Jtily, ary week of the Jr, felt that it would tempt the esa/leeti 'while the ease wai -11eillelt.1.7110tasTretehPriSeeroofeilwearit;rai the Advancfinent, -"ellisnergYeric Ltualim(Tttiti 4rrandaneg;tenTtliatsintrerl 'lumbers of, thii3 1 Exenrsions been mapped out '1 'Wish May go elear Toro* *ill moat of the' savants w 'visit the Falls of 1, ion Patliatnent ha ."itiont°'rrorgi8d bytoitinradiel iltheEtn:e47stinegoco_ofAt„he oytlato:une7n;a14:t,riretr.-xteraftis14141411.1aapytaaap:13,:,te bastia lye?.,sirrevyteiedlyesdru-fieF:y0I dreets of subtle 11 rest bt .11-beverynteal nudueti/1 leietththettiutaa,eicon°asstiut Peebles of .well-sele ns digestio tinvAnbeeirilotitifitantor7dalnideleastv:rt.til