HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-05-16, Page 5f IIIIIIIIIIIII?&Y 1894 o., i884. �T HUG EX 5'' POSI��R Of it being r P� before th Harry A mdiwson, the Isimp trimmer, Manitoba, Aheae 0: 01 ItE Xio. Weak. Other 1publics t ions, such as TH El ad p.4 on the boat takin an oar .and a lot of bAxLAxb P11 NE �R
hy!tn books, doot i ial orks, defenses ombl''un.—In Clinton, on the 61�h inst., the CAMIPB LL 8 o ke "gh it. f as, all thi DEAR EXPOSIT01%.—A j j a o� I d kal 0 Army's op r iti I I, etc., ave n w4,ofMr-W.Gil 'rofsaon.: i - has 7 dragged out Mitchell, 4be been said I illThe poor I I he h
regarding t a )Ii -a etc., large Bale. The - tal ncome of the HAW 3H&W.—In 61rreo;, on the 4th lust., the engine mau; he HAqDWAR"- WrORE,I 0 a Bon, cal yeareudi ce, ma durin the ELL.—In Mellillo on the 9th inst., the oil "ng in this provi.n , Hawksbaw
o,tiher shops was rsv wi' of Mr. X-Aii, ___ I I a i 2t(resting rganization and ad from the terrible I anxiety and ng CAMP 0 L 0 H I N" R4 PO R I Ll A gooda in ball, jr.,� ofj a daughter. bing, the foul air undorneath. S' to Bone of your re ra lo -I wran few eptember 30, 1& 3, w t considerably wi. Of Mr. Win. Ca AM. oon facts of which I on CH.—In Seafort., on the' 5th lust., the IE, WIN'3 'Clock that after noo III Bat from ore than 0400, )00. i "ash accounts DE ric cf a daughter. 31 Of eVery per. Ises oicen t-up-bbat anahoistecl a sail' —in Sesforth, an tl e 18th the wife lDhr bottom L in a barn amc two 0 n we left i tic Yc u from ing two Years' exp6rien I ; 3ir. oxactl a open to tbb inipecti i of Mr. S. Deit
t Y pled by !VO years -past the 2ad ol th a 'I 111ionth n having a djr the of Ir. N. Cluff of a df4 aighter. 1 Mitch'ErIj j it -being quite calm. The three boats et' hterest in Road Ble-I turned t he fir A art * bore. rmY, a a y a anee sheet is kaRt togebber that night. This wall HEAQQq,` ARTERS, FOR er& mmex 0 Usti ec i a foreeight of M Allan,thl Year we cc' a e4tg2!'on B@uecl, pigned by In li a wountants,'by' I have j o dup a eU) lotof beautiluf Scotch Dwing to,Lth or!) st0 hom accou _penq eft 16th sril, and finis 3 'a nts a r 1p ilarly audited. W -ng only one light &men st us, which a 0 BAMN.—Iti Lon Mr. 111aw MOM4FAIR Rev er I . Washburn' & M o e_nll a ep t i k, on the 14th in Mr. Jam4s Moir, of deuak� la him. F6nr I -ge 0 and Tri�lh Blue land Black Se2' A and ba Sic - M4 of May. That being.tj 'I'StL crop, the rhere isProbably memb: ship UP S itings, ground required more . br aki �n the Army of h f a nilion pers"Ons; UE orne, to Miss eR Fairba�iru, fourth I the crew of the aunkeq bark We're down, and conseqt-iontly it to �k, more- time, )fficers in the n ng Ora about da zilter of Mr. Elli Falrbai , of Tucker- jj�cued, one of them U d 0 BrE h. tenc but 110twithsanding th lit !WO hid n4 a gie rsO ds n all the hadeSL t OINT- �rthe Past Yftr 7bat is lash- ber in 400 4 in 0 Ill r c(untries about DAY N--GREE.NWOOb---In Lonlilon on'the ra TWC- break in theweather air ag .600. In Gioat B itain, and Ireland 141 inst byRev.. in. Butt, iml,.r iWrr�. Day- WENT RAVING MAD AN� DIED. aiOf 0 boat , NOS. 6 and the who[ -)e ag her Two 8 7, were smia�h time.of Ile jul Tuckersanit !tudlea at, tb* eding, which at a, good bed here are between 4001 a ad 500 Little Of to Misi Elizabeth, The 0131lision must redica-1, �*a by the c0tliiiOn. for the y, 9.est daughter uf d, Esqi, nable. An stock braud new 'ts in Steel -Barb T,Izciw�, Wire.! College, geed and the It,; rag a crop oldier Corps, wit i a of 0 Ha; 1,bo,ye been due ta-shameful miama a 000 L emberobip of Omborne -1a CIO SIng fully The h .-On up to Ouk exl) 0 ticna'. Tbis etween 60, and 0. i ead- FRANd S-FjANCI be 7th �'MA�., at St. was t Bomewhere. At Iast- a fri I he -loon season We COMMenef 0 ad iy ad, ng U the uartiars are in L)n I 175 persops M Fs, by Rev. W. C. nderson�:M. A.,Mr. iqlts, Furs and Str4ws.i A A Ill. ee given by M Alsil, hove insight, which pt�ved to line. of Boys and 4th of April and will fin B n Francis tp M Elizabeith Francis, N. al r orwegian s to day, h'v I re employed-tbere., ting men and of the townshi the N bark - T�etesa, !of 5 P C sborne.', SOLE AGENTS F Latural abilit v rhegt 0 OuDg women tire traill bol t �esid OR TBE WORT�
V, ambi� ushels; il in London for �ed- effort, i0ihristiana. She to�k us on board. As "ag Bown 730 b ROBb!"*1rS-WOODMAN. kt the r enca of na e -S Imust one. Of OatB and 75 of baxN), ctive operations, at ccmi(jerable cost. i thf � brides father, L)i depboro �on tile Ist uths' ea tes.1 as I stepped on deck I fell d - f which I . MAIN & �VAR-'D W, N ovember, 18 inf i by Rev. Air. Stob bE, Mr. D. i Roberts to 0 n has beel1Laccom&sbedjwi austed. We bad beeo thirty-five I i four tennis From Ma.5, 1882, t o 83, both of Londe�boro. lsee.i U of n an- old spa i ag to the last retiar is, Z,00 were t fittlier,by Rev. Mr. Cornif;b, Mr. John McLean Of ou ard tha vessel W'as extr idiv-8 Ponies. It ill be Been I b 2nain, fE of.last week i ood. The I o2 horses, three -�oke Df men and.one 150 received this tra In] nd accbrd- Mi E. Woodman, & c. Cal! and r esiderLt Without f kinness of hen MeLF I- GRAY. -At the reeidence qf the bride's and CELELBRA, E34HRELL CHURN. ein, willift Tliere we have less work seedini, t als , year, subjects of it. The dvation Army to Use Sai all Gray, a� Of Wfngh�m. was not a drop of WE iter or a. bit- 3 , sie$ at bottom c� 3rd which is accoianted fok$3 the land be. owns cOpsiderable rE &I esiate and other sh, piice cGut 7 of Bib n any of the boZ, this I be. much ther andi m re -easily rovis Oi ha� been made 3. Ing smoo propert P Deat F on jijve is contrary to law. Vre halled tile See them, �bef�re Y�u bav �-aiiy other.' P 90 tO Sebringyfliq, broken down, We baveo li' b d one Jay 6rp6tuity V AMPBELL. PI an he Originator MORMop, oil the Ilth langt., Hugh rjarst steamer passine. because the ca�,p, �or its �O. 2, Campbell's Block, Seaf0th. Best brandstof i ta - broken w ather this d leader and his m ife atiall die. The 0 I ken short I Gr Ove, eir., aged 72 years and 6 Months. So is in, d with CUMM�NGSIn Waman6sh, on thp Sth inst., 44iihad a very small quanlity of water the exception of ]a of an officer iE n ill4ication f where. ]he thatand'a few fro4y 4 ti., Lizzie C., '-pow-b ENGU ddenly ill and died le. This steamer took no notice nBrusseli,, ontbo 6bb - ' I i was anxious to get us transferre 0 0 is Nil mmings, aged 6$.yeara. ve SCOT mornings seeding operat ot, 5 c uld bell *,omen rankiDgequally idth men in a SH, WHITE �EAD robability, is that 11 ail ti tine, an rganh; io 3 t o I %eat daughter ct the late Donald Scott, r o it four, been- carried on ork of the o which fo il 17yeaisand8monthg. ng been so q militar 7 n r ry, respect tr ave ta ver. S( oil in I Sweet 0- ba 3fbndk� morning. ab 0: a W a Ilo a y it
better - eed bed I'll. t1hat of tb rhe Elonle Oil Stove. *hted a-seciond Steamship and she AMI -in Usborne, oil, the 3rd ioBt., Ernest Imy experience, aDd t t 4owing 8 mr-'W.IPLairof Exeter, aged habits I he 4 �i the purpose of sec'n in 0 UtMOSt e P 9't'81Y- Re red towards us asking what was He ry, son of age, coming throu gh the ground in fibe C111"ency-a aars and 4 monthsi led,, anted- Mr. Allan called out, 1W SPIND? 4R. -In Rulleft,lon the 5th Housekee tit -�earOli of 7a R rst- Class Oit StoVep Lin8ee E9i I �! yle. These few facta,,wbieh' S k * i NMEWM0WN1111111111111 inst., Ann, I pers w1k of Mr. W. Spindler aged 42 years. 41 1"M -Tou TAKE OFF A SHIPVI Mclm OR p fort-bemselves, put me ia a p e an Disast9r. Dsiti -it �! -A number of broe iog mares have WHITE Y. -In Tuckers ith, on the 6th inst., State of ll,Bid are' In ied this season in tl viainity-of ProB- _NV lu. Whitely, aged 71 years. Flori4a, ?I') The Bay that the seasons 0120 otmeed th6 s ould see the Sweerl 1�om'.e 'With all the latest and more elly ontho ft inst., Silas Meer on the steamer made no answer exbeirien6d �iect Hill. Other! ANDR�IVSIn Clinton, )yable thgn a, E w ral saved by a r, aiid Ga.r.dn tensils, 0 in mid-ocesin, a6r= �slng An -ewe, aged 78 year .,-6 months 'And 14 days. right on. Soon after the ship in Ontario. . With'r siargical operation b9iig performed in bottom pricos. ihe bark f c 40 t I gime the HALSTEAD.-In Clinton, on the'6th inst S& Pnerna ii Louis&," of Cardiff, came along" we country is meantime W4,ming with dme. The � local et3l nary snrgeon Detorah Mary Maud, I daughter ol Mr.'Johll 1�1 st valuable im ents. Tl,,,e Sweet Home -Prpve Stbte 4 Wled her, and her captal wllling�y ducks, geese, plovers, at Ve have also thinks that. the u asir a wet weather' Hiili tead, it ged 6 mondis and 4 days. and bed wrisented to take part of us, Mr.All" had a visit of a lar JAS, 0 flock. pelicans, I�Bt Summer was the pr�ibjary cause. which resulted ia 9 11 -1 i i -_- ana 23 of us then went on. bqard, and- probably over 300, to thE 8 Wit: ON,, YouNG have a large Stock oes all kinds of Co4i�v, Roastin(7, Baking., eatzlig j ore a : of the Thefol- lake here where tbey of choic. field and garden meds, boog�t from the Captain John Griffith, a g od-hearted Ap?a ently have Ijo, THE 24*11M N SEA ORTH )-occurrence jagiven cal N ot,i4es. most rJ able seedsmen in: the Doininion. All WolAhnian, made usexceedingly coni. enjoyeda-good time, flhi � forropinkae KR' Acar load of Amei ican Seed Corn in any ot er if , esh, iv seed and for sale as low as' -on �C., as e' a a coo, stove an rantee of- Lo ay we 6ighted &O. etc., which are quite Iftlume; us Rtore, Scafort ouse i, the business, quIlil - 1 lortale. On Tuead % u r C, u-jnsiqered. only cabi at Ived at 0. . willaoil'o seed h We other Steamer, which proved to be th� the shores. I have . see iri,A'" a and have 8116 following vari ties: W��te Belgian AC CLOVER'and Ti obb & c Long IR , Scare Ili rined-iDto and other carrot' ALA DAY ON FA RVI PARX Ill 0ty Of Rome," of tbe I�man Liuj., have sent it to your addr 3as as a speol- t] an C Wills 's Beied Store, .THE COLLIffrox eeds; mproved Mammoth -ed, Carter's a bp di afts wbe & It Prize 11, ermediato and -- 11ow diob�e Marlgla� a flag of distress, an gave Bi men'Wf W from smeM nd ke, and not afected w 4I i rmo hat we gro I I most S eaforth. 854 said Mr. Bennett U, Horse Race4! Bleycl� R -lace I Athletic -1 Royal rfolk, Fine West y Impro-4ed, C rter's iials, 41commianicate 0se but the amusing to watch these at im %I i gob- TRY WILSON & 'YOIJNC,'E 116W 50 Cott SPOrts 1: F4ewOrks and usle! Mt of the Public,. prov Skirving'ti I pr9vvd P6rple Top, t' ',City of Rome"' never slack ned speaq. bling lap the f194" with �thejr'Bcoops. �enc.e, I Will, exteu, klarqui of Lorne, lutton' ampionj Shamrock, Mr, Allan siguaRed will you, take off a Should the o frc in open door,�� or 1bin, ows When n operatim. The- I ung Hyson and Ja 1� at Tea they cai:33 be ne se t youjije suitable, b mten in -town. 855 I VQ1I anything �augho in, n I all thel best varie- East Lothian, shimeeked crew from the 11 State Of I will expect t Be it - stulf,ed and set ANY qnantl y 0 oleo ee o a oes- , es o * ve 114 ak, tile los� of Dr,. bat %3 the 'Rome" dH not slacken up in goods ap the fi �t 6ime,I have for sale cheap at WILSWO] Y, 855 g if 3rior se"O, but -buy vzo,3t perlect oil S 6 U0 ( I roots by SOWil) naelf tove in Will twl3year in sTanuermeet, Were f the m zrket. Call nd see
Eating he best from Vi ILSON & Y T. le he stopped signalling, The "TheresO the pleasure o cal ing oE Yi U. I b ave RAisiNs.-Don't fail c i, get Charles- equ 1: e Committe pro. d t alled the "City of I tome," but also commene' gro, v: ED a )Ie (ash oth's 6 cent Raisins; excel en't value. 857 gr ore the pubhe Ivh1ch f April 18bh when fail draw an'lm oes room aboft next �i 0�tained no response, th 14 leaf) and have, sow C 6n at at VerBel won over 6'� SPECIAL Values in U g DI 9 barles- , I
NTI' RVICE. th ense crowd. IM. the Irish. cow. )d 6 pounds for 4 mot Btop for either of US. t is said.� be a ve goi wbrth's; 10, 11, 12, 13,14, It and ri ry, ULL FOft SALE.—For sale cheap, a Thor- SATURDAY TET_F,6p.Apjr SOU", distinguish the passengers her dee bearing qualij y, bu � !, I - i 24TIFf, 1884. aole,of tbiS 0-00. 857 MAY oul abredDurbam Bull "Duke! of May," they were poi tiD g to us seemed t, after. Yours sincor6ly, -n RID POTATOES.- Still anot aei� car of those mlved k ty 30th, IM; of ryZu color,a)ad register- on. deal-, In d A in thi i banada, Short Horn Herd Bo§k. Apply �L DINNER Will be flerved At the V 'ouzhotels at i want the vessel stopped, but Bhe pass ,013E�T I a sille e� 'R c6lebrated Pot%toes fro Bruccicounty for see The Ppokts %vill commence Looking 'M R S H Pr I D D'S 110,01001, se4 Late on and many and deep were the our they cannot be equa� led. :9. A. CJUARLES- n lot concebsion 9. Tuckiiii-smith, r to Eg- Uf.t. facJinD- me of I'm �emmith. Faityiew Pa noon, isbarp, when breathed after the captain of -the I I Cit, r [NOTE.-Atthe tim� !of 857 ondvi)3 P.O. -SIMON ]a NrER. 858 hold of k car' pelimu, MAIN STREET F A10 4TH)- the followill tra-( ive programme will be pro- 'by the has not airived,'but when it doe! we ' y will ha ve ceeded with of Rome." The "Lottisa a also ver :WILSON & Y :9.icar load of OA MR. SERVICE. -;T a, uiiader�jgued will Fow God"s sake him properly attended t Iadiately there fol r6 o, atil, Nil have him t choice Late Rose Potata 38 f! 0 iahtford. 857 B RACES. ighort of 'Water. We passed aeven 1 mo in shape to welcome his�aa, 'e ocoasion ke p'during tho present season �n lot 21, ptor an 1 steAmers, 'but it was too foggy to d' his next visit to our Sanctum. -1 Giii� V� 1� TED. Wanted im- uro oad, Tuckersmitlii,: a Thoroughbred Berk. FIRST RACE Farmers' TrotdPurse illire%� the b 9 -1 0 . I i i ark to which be will receive i a limited mile heats,'beq�l� 5 to barneEs. 1 Open to all: thing then. We had to leep on th m-ediately, a good servat t irl U dd the work of a �mall family. Good N is, es. Apply to MRS. $1, payabie M horses owned it0th 16 infics of S�af&h for at )f servi�% with the privil Iage of returning if, least three mo4nths previou to thel date of this deck. The ;Titania" was APLT;Goderich Street, �o foltb. 866- 'A Ni OT R S lam, New Bruns. any E leep on th lumber' 'Terms the time
teross U%. we all at lengt The Salvation A�basr.i H10F F B0 H glited after fourteen days froin the dat bill and used eiclu-4voy for farm �urpos, 1i I iecessal� JOHN B. HENTRSON. 85Ex4 As the Salvatio4� Arm� is to that never ' arted � a - 2n L UP the hurricane -.SEEDS, SEEDS.-" a Nat valneB in es, and ,of the wreck; W ' eye St X a race. Ist ll?�se_, V5 > , d# 1;�& Struck. by tibie Ing a good deal of in tere A 6 r�. whe 0 over and Timothy so ad, seet . Pbas, Flax and 0 ST I CK RAISERS.-ThJ 3-horoug'hbred Dur -1 R15; 3rd $10, : i Four year ia all, directious TI�Z " TITANIA!S GALLANT CONDUCT. the following short Aetch O' f rde-' B rley will be found at E DW%R CASH'S Seed 1C..ham Bull, "Duke of Fullartub 10,,F(34,� all and et 8ome ol 140 Bli Bar,rain -Purse! B tter Store, Goderich Street, �eiiforth. 846 c lanftda Short Horn Stock R * t r, 8, will best 3 in 5 to Ili General e Oun s 6I HOFFMN BROS." SECOND o
The "Titania" was at 9 $80; mile hea,At� �ss ; open to aed.. I first a 10129 way er and commanderof the Ar' Yi 0 I ceived, a dar hiialt �f MaDitob '16P Cash Store. Lrabagi of the p&gi. off but ahe bore down on ds and an,L Win. Booth' JUST re all colts foaled' 1880. I§t boraej 0; 2nd, .520 toget�er w, a dbacrip a �ekepi,in.Iot23,C0DC081Ji0n2,H. .S.,Tuck- 3rd._$10. rsinith.. forthe eetvice of a litnitedi numb,dr of Sf ed Wheat, Red. F31e varet3. �See qnslityst Cr&wl-ing Bweredoiarsignalsimmedate y. Wh�ia tion of the s � o, insure a r tions cif_ Cliarle9worth's Gro'cery. ]I' ble. Also A*P"8- ;I I Irms-SeasOn cows, PI cash; t T11IRD RACP,.�OpenTrot-It,n)�eepe-ia'purge, Certain lin e8 of La s", Girl'g, Cl�ildren's. and Boy's S200 -open to all horses -m they uderstood what we wi 1, ted a boat 0 ri(e rqasona �,-alne to where No. the forces will. be of intere5 Alf, WK. ROBB. 858tf ll hew!� best 3 in 5 Oft hands, car load of EadvRose Potatoes; choice W harness. Ist horse, 125; 2nd $50, 8rd, $25. *as Bent, and took us rd. This - ! Comnlis loner, Rail� Siraliv Hat8 'aliost ien a ay, at HO N BROTHE S' Cheap �Out my penkaffe, S-11 a;bO In March, 1880, q ality. WAI. REHILL, cc et fo th i 854 FOURTH CB. -Bicycle T: -gold atid wWabGut.ten at might on May 5:tb! ton and seven Hallelujah L' isses landed CHEAP FLOUR.--rlve fir( now BelliDg ,R1iALESTATBj1'ORS,&1�E, ivas cover which, Ct A Store. silver medals twol mile d&gh. Is prize, gold, -;ania " was- in New York, and*pr d 1; 2nd, siltver meda Captaiv McLean, ofthe 11 Til i Ompt. Ig ol r best flour at the folloving pi ces for cash at e a ter some difflulty bi an the �OR SkLE.-1!,or1 rth �alf of Very kind ; so were"his offiegra, giving work of the Salv ti tteMills:-1001bs.for 4,2.30; 2)0 lbs. for 85.1Q; ARM sf de, the rl� FIFTH RAQE.Slow Bicy -.1e,Ri ce, 800yards. tGat out and on Al 6ay on the F loti 3, in tbo 6th conce'SiDn of Stinlay' cori 4(0 lbs. for $10. Town' oi ders delivered. , Far- Call MThe last bicydo ill to win the race Thebleyele us acithes-why, I �lave the first offi;. I I ' _Embroiderw Whio ani Coloredl 8fljing very Ae4p. lto the boat North American c ntineht.� The' pro- I mlers gristsexcbanpedon the Ame reaFonable aining acres, nearly all!, el ,,arod, *(ell fenced, to be kept moving, and if the rid (r falls off to be: oar's boots on. -now. I lost every stitch no� to 4eav hey initiated terms. rider d1:6 Lined and in a goO I state*of dultivation, examine the od8 a d rices OFFMAN BROTIZERS greBB of the movement A. W. OGILVIF & Co., Big Mills, Seaforth. and 2 out of the ra cej IE t p) ize, gold medal. e: him Illed with firemen d �%ste land on the if�.rm. Theril are good SIXTH RACE.-7Two billildredtT, rZs foot race Ili l noi t s ago. CAe Cah 8, and all my cAsh. I have one of poor 8554 n 1H -Cpen to Liu-, pux,�e qX Ist pr1ize *6; 2nd, $4. 1 '41 was slow until eigh't or' I I Walter King's cardi in my pocket -book., Since when the deij�l duliari- SPFCIAL ANNOUNC133 [ENT. �E. MeFt �ramneob�ildings, an oichaid and plent�.of ...j. seiveral atee onstr iti,; 1111 rage, ,a Is CODY61 lent I 0 schools Ond churches, and is SEVENTH 4A U -One hundrcd yards foot' The,salt water has badly damaged i: &act Q80 saw th6 tie's of the organizati?n ei Iliq d the Salva- ti CasWDry Goods Mail, iA oe for sale up- Iree mi i4froinKippenR"Iil,vfiystttti�n. Thisis race, to be ii� ba�kwaxds-puiso Nc-S, Ist prize, ety in Prin 8, Gin ha Q f Here is some of the black, brE ad we t y have -be ;ne v 3ry we w4rds of oue hundrcd P1 urt et idi (,f -silk.q and fine 16 very 0 ice lot and will bd, sold on -[reasonable An dW8 vai ns, Dress Goods and Trign V5 2nd, Q8. .1 known dress goods, suitable foi :ills ieii' and children's min at lol pr ce a� HOFFMAN BROTHPBS' C e displayed greg on ve s a numer- dresses,also ab-iut fifty endi f 1 choice goods, P. 0. j PPI FOREST. 858 y I I R 8 'ID' REIULA�HONS. from his bartb ' I 190,' tion Arm 7 T on bbard the Norwe I:do in M, av- ;erms. on tije premises or to Hills Oreen
no an d t! uibable for mWng wit! i and gia,n bal1k. places. &C. A Cash, L t believe that - y more ar� ous; 913 were reported r: Ameri. s' rimming bdies' trot no t think it possible-tbat . I bh The races tFo I. e ted undc.r the Nation saved. The first Xifficer did not'do dresses. The. e goods : try fi rsi -class in quality position, neither, can headquarters i a OlDle 01:k recently. Association Rule.& Entrance fed IO per ce'nt. of, AR -Lot 30, corcessiol hdt bein in shoit length e ae desirous of 8 -much., but Mr. Allau, the third offil 9 Me illop, coritailling the 1 )rders.. were giveit Cell, Soldiers, both mal�, and-Jardale wear 4 a C16'sing them out, and to tl at er d we will give .0 rcres, well dri C ilirse. In all otes ficur to :en I er end three rid fen d, and cleRr of I iriu nps. A: good log e, to start or no race A0 entrieg m;ust be 'Made did ill he possibly -could for us. You r all and inspeco our s A 9f ffil,imry Gobds, which �or styl dark blue dres tri7med wil �ed braid gannine ba:rgain till thE lot is d �spo.q�d of. Come i waa done and at askme if anyone was to bla, 11 Ouse iiih frame kitchen 4rilaframe' barn and 0 in meajed ell lopes; with entrar �c !fee enclosed, m 6 thinl�4, and m arked The niei lobk Inelt e&ly and make your seRctions. 856 G to n the tr de, at HOFFMAN t dowa she. og stablL' Is thi ce qnn qdity and pue are se me va a Seci etary n4t later tban 10 wag 11-te) F; of N mil and lodged Wh Up as it was the first officer's watch that b i I is an hour The 6 natural BROTHERS' Cheao: Cash! Store. o'clock- P. M. on the night of fh� 2:3rd ay, ex.- i in their uniform, but Only p an, five from Seafoi Terma4,000 cas).j. 0 waS,if,anyODe. Hasawthe"Ponemal." grades of the women save t 4ir a, I ppear- THEM 11 TS. �alaucelcI:ii mortgage at 61 por cmt. Also 50 cept forthe farineie trot and bi4cle races, Tot ted to Clean out i1icres in�. Tuckersinith, 3rd oncessio L. R. S. which entries iy�ll be taken until 1;2 o'clock on the some half au -hour before the collision., ance from bideous!nesg. Hallelujah did not under. here is !L log house an I it e arn rid stable, djay of the raco. - The Committbe reserve-, the SEAFORT May 151 1884 ie, Atlautie Ocean. ce fifty �,ents,.is I t In artis- cod Wirt and Ftralight rail�� ences; fille acres of rjght to postpone all W any of tb� races in, the and the sailors on t1he State Olt Florida bonnet, pri I 014 Fall Wheat per bus,.lel... �1 00 to 1 '07 CHEAP C 'SH STORE SEAR H Dorted the light, three timed before the tic piece of attire, �nd. a grell tish. I 1-ituaLed two and�� aalf mile4 from Kip- 6.urse it gave the ZVI A dea� must I n NowFall Wheat Der bu81el., �O 80 to 1.00 ereDt of unfavo�rable weather A horse distaiiellig I - enan4Housall, and ell 'forth and -DO11iiiOn to him. As the barki a-PFOR'ch-' be admitted as to the 8-1 Wheat �bil from Se� the fleldjnal�, race will only be �nl Ried to -first but it did harm peyveli of all P� n: per busha ........ I Exeter. . Terms -$.R L,000 ca balance I on roort- I money. Entra�lce to bicycle race; 60 cents. td, the helm was first. put to Tort" ana O#s or bushel ............... 'O 36 to 0 37 wom-en refused orgaiuization. the Ifemal in ge at 14 per cent. MRS. W. OLUTTEN, JuDoEa.-TbQ�rrias Robinscri, ]�Eq., Ilderfou;1 Peas er busbel ............... 0 68 to 0 75 ppen 0. 80 Alfred Roe, Eq�, Wing,ham I Elijah gartin, Esq.,' then to "starboard." Thelookoutma 4 whicb'wear head gear so a#oiaisliingly B�rley per buAbel. rawned me any- 0 50 to 0 60 11 �D HI IN __T__j I 14T.— Ion the 11 Ponem.a., said tha ae Saw the Godericb. it also 7 50 to 8 00 ugly, not 0121Y �ithout mutipy )u Clover Seed per bust The Ancient Orddr rores�crrsl 3�aud will be on 3i,knothy Setid 1)er bushE King. and I jump- - I I I 4RT SHERWOOD FOOEST, the Park during the day. �Steamer's light hef-an-hour previons t f. 0 without protest., i TI her� ar i�nft Lrly one 1., 2 00 to -2 50, Dutch- sail -or out ,the collision." Bntter,,No. 1, loose ............ 0 14 to 0 16 !i hundred.corps, con Admission t sisting if , )etween a Park, 25 �ents oarriage, 25 Jig the boat Rua - I 11 B4tter, tub .. ......... ........ I 0 16 'tand 16'cents. rid
six and seven thousand me ibers of th OUR! SHERWOOD FOREST, J66, of the cents; adramou to gra S the sea. T hiff Eggs, ....... 0 13 to 0 13 in the evering thete vi eet Ty alternate Nonday in ills end otthe.grandesti� A. 0 F m 81,e, I in _E, -rer *itj�es.�ed in this sec Pcixl,, per 100 pounds ... ........ 7 o 0 'Vi work te� the vessels ay. 5 the Od� ello it !Another Black Fri.. Salvation Ar the U [bed Statee Flo'ur: *p1i'l. ....... 2 .50 to 2 65 We show thisi week a. An range ol T'able 0 P. M.: siting displays of Fh e so and Canada.'- e'd -A ar at 118 tion oi the count*.. The 0onlinittee Will Sp 9 with one end in The brokers and qpeculatois of Wall H4y ................... 4 ........ "I 7 0 to 8 06 tPrethren cordially invited. J. FINOH, Secre art
yn, an no pains tobospitt.blyeiateitfiin4llvisitorBw aving a So tto 124 Waverly v nue, Br! urawu under her.. ,streetNew York, are h mewh Hides,per 100 lbs.. 5 (10 to 5 56 :the boa each ....... ... 040 to, 0 80 -and I may favor,the t'own wilb their pr4sence, extensive stores forl the Sa I of Cloths, TablE Na klis, D'Oyles, Towel usical i i tr W6oi ............. ..... .. 020 hingto afre (retail) per barrel... Mguk only. seven -en0e Just now. Several leadiog bank' I 11it of Revision, for the T6wnBhip of D. P sident. It. LAIDIIAW, Secretary t at fint, inord interesting than pleasantj experi,- 0 18 to NOT10i. P ture., clothiDg and in a Um rHE 0 TuO, rsmith, wi)l be b 1� at Mrs. Knox's Ho- and baukiRg forms have alreadf faile4 S&!t (wholesaide I 06 at 221 and 223 W0 �et ili, Sait Rer baire ...... 1 26 M ) re 1 e b gla 884, at he hour of 1) 0'01�& in., of n �in ie, .qhrld in TDr- za Lo o -dingly, M. Me -eens s accoi Aite EAS
D an P whick all i : I 1� a atoes per b allk inen Go'ocls Extra gooc_ U O.jlOw the same city Major a th ushal ..... ..... 0 1,0 to 0 b5 t ei, Harpuihey, on Tnuesdf): e 27th day of May, iAds of.4, I e
d others are likely to f 'These failures culminated in a Analicial Commissioner from! En charge W od, per co ....... ........ 2 00 to 3 60 orso iteruited -will take rotice
. Z .- Sprj gove7! W .good Swimmer, of the work of the brgani - I . . 8,14v �,� N r�, T, L panic on Wednesday last whicb�' is der� Captain IVFRPOOL, May HE �h em an CrOaOi Mus ins and S, despatches as follows : ii ng wheat, D L, E S AL E PH ICE Sl* Norti American contillAn Terk. 858-2 WW �aeribeiT in the A T
it as; ard aa I Light, formerly a.da"shing re rE sentative 07-s 6d red vir tor, � 8s 2a Ithi' Ther scene at the Stock Exclifinge 8 my mouth, and iersman on t ie Western Ciklifornia No. 1, 0 3a Nd ;� C alifornia HIGH SO 0o LS f nicirilingwasonecif the moSt,illtells suitable for I, adies and- C�ildren esses. more buoyant 0 f 0 d HE ent ucc* to H b Schools lamination or -excitemen. There was, a rusli to sell border ofKaboas, is' the M Becre. No'. 2,07s 08d oats f s barley, T was in my wi )e held on Thill, lay nnd l9riday, tary, and sniperiniends 0. details 5W.6d peas, 6s 05d p6rk, 73s 00d;. n mid 4 Ib of A PII'CZL- —AT TH E17- eks, partly for the accoun ly 11ext imi occur -Sto t of `brokera� e 3m: p Er�broiderie- and I�seetion collisi - ader him. Representati "a of the 4eese, 65s 00d. s for Trin ing.
who �oon announced their inability. to u t� on s sh)l ild be sprit to eit 6 i of the following: 00 his counti claim ta crawl on top' ea Sue- a cc U le .meet, their engagements. (Here a long T OFFICE STOR Army in t E M' ton ; or .1 C. Har- Eat, $1.08 �amcs Ti rnbuli, B. A., and two otherg cess for it duing recent In Zlitlis, and ORONTO MAY 15.�-Tall w han Ithe Ck We b ave j upt re "ivd j a rgo cop B. A., Seftforth, not a er V Sign- ied to, rescue two list of the suspended houses is giveb) �one, 1st of
anticipate astonishing vid6ries over. to $1.13; 9pring, $1. 4 to $1. 10; oats, 43o ' *ntie and s S�Ik_s ic�e 11 1, applicaions must m`ost prominent teature, June, didates in sft re p. Fu to bbing 1. caught under -distrust is the ment of Ters, whicla we intebd jo the world, the fles and t dvil.1' to 44c; peas, 73c to 7 Bo ba le 7, 57c to state wbetber they prol ose to write at! Clinton or e rutinizin ou have -at, also an. 66c hp�y, per to 67.0b to' 415.00; and the banks ar - carefully sc eafort4 857-4 off at who�lesalo prie6B. ly all accounts. The 6uspeaded houses Its methods of working Q, cidedly I — not already I' t"rie-a Chia Te" �,second Steward . 1 )Ot%t6e per. b io� Parasols ft 0M 80d, to $ �.00. ter, ag; Iare surrounded by dense nat,ages of unoonventioidal arl4 shocki many do so at once. 0 Iboat which, WAS humanity, and many disconsol persons Nyho, hold precisell, lie same 6 .75 to $0.80; eggs, )r d ot., 15 c to 16c Township f IcKiHop S A. 60 6e worEff of it drpi3sed hogs, per )O 148. 8,f3.00 to 1 J _A� T%& 1, :S SPI C) t -z T 01F 1i V11810N. Five Po iznds 4�f lgaze on the closed doors. Not' sinc doctrinal vie4vs.!. H.
poor Black Friday has Wall The Salvation Army WRH� r iginated .�0_30. Bion, street resented The Ccurt of Revi dId do, nothing or the Towmbip of such scones as it witnes6bi-d is morn in the East of Lcinqoli, E 11 $11�, in the 1k McKillop will be beld at Fp Wn's Hotel, 6n Mon- $o crying, Live, Stoc M tS. day, May 20,1884, at the pour of 10 o'cock a. mong the crowd are Several well� year 1865, by William Bootl� w ao, with .11 the. ni&b, it PA13T BuFi,-ABo,Ma: 4.. -.6 tt e -Only ZiA for tha purpose Of 17LV!i�iag the to)] and con- NOTHING So NIC� M A FINE kAD OF HA IIS - his wife, is now its leader. 1: Booth y I — dre. 6d'ladies, Same of whom are pre Fire Pounds oj our Fifty Lring nppeals against tho issessmelit fur the _1 tvto cars of sale stock a ada ti�he fresh an curiosity. was brought up in the Cbu b E I Allparties iliflerested will please 13d e that yo a v ill all have a chance I to in Bent from motives other tb I t1i durrent y:ar. ladies %I ake 'S BOAT n arrivals, which went ff a S . emember, 9 2,; Yos� tiLkc notic a and govern therts6lves accordingly. 'he new& of the disasters. spread with land, but became a Wesle a 1'�'fbodigi Cent Tie /or T 8 yourselves look oAng and prett M . Doren 6 id, of the Pari Hair orhs, 105 ant down" came 7day's prices ; feelin Cr r 86&2 JOHN O'StLPLIVAN,. Clerk. y carriage� as the result of a remaIrkab' religious to and pros- lightning iapidity. Private I - t. I __ e Street, Toronto, ill be at the ()oxmElic Ho,!EL, Seriforth, w -Lt# a large ker, and George beep and la a S Four cars YOE -from the up town districts h we beeil experience. H6 soon 11 t 0 PE cits fair. S Five Poun(Zs Of our Sity �t meet and fashionable 1 stock of tawain by nSMS in tirn' ale. Feeling not q to s� Strong. [any now ing," ad 0 was I a e ja local -Or 11vilig through the Streets. 8EAFORTH WOOL EN MILLS. Hair Goods, s 6 as La- off. But the H S few offering w r t 65.35 to $5.45 Cent! -Tedfiar 2.1 0. sia p:reaeber in the Wesleyan b Sub- ving he wanted ud outside the doors of the )anks =4 dies' Wigs, Wat�r Waves, IbankilighouBes. The directois of near! sequently, 'having qaalified Anise'lf by fo light Yorke to $5.85 for I4 in those �iridebted to me for we 1 -ay 011 BEG to infor Langtry Waves auld Bangs, b me 111lia, Five Pol indsf 0'ur r ones, an ai 0. 0. ng or book 4c counts, that owing all the banks are in sessi�il, ".or ia study for the ministry, he wag admitted manufacturi -1 Saratoga Waves, Opera X7 nigrat and ergelicy, IE)rsbip in the el of the Co- fire Cie: t Tea 0 0. their buildings ready for em to memb ONTRE&L, May '14. --The demand t6 the eot ii e destruction of in y mill by fire, I am 3a e . Iva cc)mpel ee, to call on yru for a prompt settle- Waves and Bangs. or kc ive, an a h- 'w Co Rin lat Peree- I warmthe WaR 6 fo shipping t f ur accounts, s t lie book4 must be Y. Th doors of the Stock Exch%nge are Methodist Ne linection, at offshoot quettes 9 as continuall number of good E te rs ere pur. from the parent Weglayan ch a -c h. In guarded by policemen, and the galleries bions, Long -Haired Our three pouu Tea fo.�l is super-; a ppeal v��11 not Inecessary. cleaX, and he caus( 6 it ol: in the chased at 6je; sy(on, are being cleared of visitors 861 he resigned his p I I ss sold I hope, i second a be ' ecessary. Switches. ior to any 40o teii in the m rh et. a lake. As m 6jc to 5je, and t iir, 3 ss at 4c to A'6 G. VANEOMOND. for 1� Of the, failures is generally put down to ministry in oider that he aild is � wife fro Also Gentlemen'f*3 Tou' ortion of 41 o per pound live v e gh . Calves sold �191 Prop the depressic of the market. might devote them�elves to eving listic al M. A. CHARLES MRTH. PRO. I think the -the way from 20 to 7c Per pound pees and , Wi s, in I work amolig he nniastruct HIGHISCHOOL. or StooliB are weak and lem�oraizec Shapes and all sizes, of the .to realize thdr their own way. Four years i te hoop e, in deman an I11()lders axe making fralatic. jfforts to 1EXAMIN ION -i ery finest kind 3.1 V af in ide at -f rom. $5 to 6 L4 e c . Lambs IMPORT8D H0 SES. 10 Gks and the Zamrlys Besides theSE, Mr..Dor- �Ltswaha did not Obtaia cash for their st they organized the Sal II br bt $3 to $6 each. El g% from Shouting, d0 Ug 6jo r HE Entrance Examination into the Seaforth enwend '%vill 'a e with bulk of sales are this way- nees fell General Booth will visill United CHARLES MXS N vals an night- t Vith Ii rtly. Heis,anabl) Ili o 7jo per p9und live wej gI t. High School will be bq� d in the High School r uo i ghtning rapidity, and tb 8 brokerg States all edu him PPIY Of Has returned fr to the Old Couni ry iwith !lie im nildirl on Tiots rsduY 4nd Fri- eaforth, vessel beaxiDg 09, Golden Hair W h, which porbod stock, wild hag sta tcd ll� s i�ute with his lost their heads. Three lines 6 deposi ted and earnest man. 1H H inter- 1, Ry, jt y 3�rd and 4.111. Inte�ding can- A� e s. Thig cheered ey: edness is shovul in the fs A it 2at he Montre;�i ]]:or, -;e M k t 'es th' beaut ifu bloi ide shade so mu,. admired splendid four ye4r, , C I I i ule Stallion, -The tors thex names mot later W old des
wte demanding their at the, est di es ni wit end in app 1s. t ihut our hoPW 11 to the IEI& r produl, aa it is feaiedi receives 130 8 ian 31 24th to the He Mastor. Free following route, will be tro elled season Second National Bank, alary as com. al 1 er the usinessin the -mar (luring the by t a ladies. hit; own' etab,e, 31111 Rogd, Septe b bel n i Before.- After. Tuefersmith, and will proeee id tuition ea,r or, 1884, Moniday-Will loave Manyf tbel alvation Army. He wild Mr. Kimball, of 1 the bank will Suspend. S great in- w k has been fair. y -r �d to the! candidate to It le Alms hotel I S boat fluence ind power, but ev 5 a -?,x h like, reports d di 6 , ls t u do richest men of the United States Will 90i u I ii 3 oheinies t Montreal Hors I �i h b! r I marks Htron Boa, or the! night. - � Tile s ,night at Ntainin Ti[E LATEST INVXNTIO�4 is eter Raw_ l we hailed it- under* do not accuse him of abut ing them. th following Sales III black horse I I J. 0. HAB S`ONV, � I Kinbarn. day -Noon a; 0; d his boat W50 2 �0, two bay 8 6-3 Hea,4 IV ister,1110 School. Eur'9 a, a preparation ��atei en thorn a, e an � Max op. M Callad& business men have for. � His executi�e_ ability is iho w a best in at 3225, one ditto a, 5 ered by Mr. Dorenwendj after y 3ars i by way of Roxboro to Mwks aw's bo:-cl, Seafrty, 1 I . T Im. I j I i
laa bettervrait in tres at $390 two r 1 horses at v y w, Ly of the llearV a year been acting with grea the work he has accomph 3hiad. 1 At the, foic the night. , Thtaday- Road to his ot; staple. 1112 ay�� o vn the 2nd Caution, and there is little fear that t6, end of September, 1883, t 633 6320,and one bay carrag I lorse at 5190. A SP. ENDID -Bus E �CHANCE. of experimenting, to remove asir sail and went busiliq8a convulsions now the Salvation j Lrin, ,most of M r.. James Magu frOULladies' faces or ams without concession of Tilckersmith 84 haffer>8 botel, Bhaking New' -60rPs 01 ir 1, A (illege Stre t The nue ersigned offers for R i5lacksmith- e Irls,naclian them in the United King, o 10%, . t h a M;,rket, re bay horse at lug aDd' agon-making eta Isbment In the vil- pai or disfigurement, ti ie hair never SIL rday- -14p the Lon� t ports: One irw0th the! tools and urn. Hundreds, Of ladies have Rippen, for the night Sa don Row
York will extend to u -21 ilge ot E, mondiiiie, togeth to r EE: I his own'stable, he, had to; give . - rest in 'France, Switzeiar 41 Sweden, $220; one brown h roe at 0 Bills will be i1olat next weekL-Oving pedigiee and failures reported by Bradstreet's last LO ; or �e d_will� A the business; also a c6psiderable bee Ig9o, relieved of this (t�i a lady)i 1111 large i urtber particulars. -Week uumbered only 20 -one loss th the United States and at 44, India, gr3y mire at $250; lie Drown horse st siWos I APIII of on and umber. it LQre are 'two I nat ral growth, 0,1 a New 30: other for c Ora hiril those' oll South America, a s�ops, op. i for blacksmit; ind the. and bighly pr is SZE Of the previous week, and equal t &I a $1;0; one bl k h a at �155 ; one wood-woi :ing. - There Ur es the is not f6r a a, ut will be lappl�ed by Mr. alone on, thla thO", of the corresponding weeks in Qaeensland, New Zealatid a, tnsep"e, cleatnut. horse at 1142; two brom 11 this wonderful remover'� This 0,ticl M ON�Y TO ILO N. A bj1acks1M`1 a shop. This is ill, is centro of one of ain raturu -of Good Hope. The Ws� C' Dorenwend himself, in order to ve gatisfacti n. If you are bald, if 76ur hair is 1883 and 1882. While business in the h( roes at $450, and a ie gray, horse t tural dist The . h t! te best �� gricul �n an A mof the boat-, thenewspapibrof theArni' i ubbs ad % 50. The shi b d jArty y0ar re it, if you hav sur�lus hairlon ibe: see or araas I osib. remove STRAIGHT loalls Ot 6 per centI., I iterest pay i 1 I13; U can resto DOIniWon is not brisk, it is on a pretty pmet t of horses to tlie bisiness" asbeenestablis yearly, or 6j per ce t e&r4, with ve G�clock I abie half sixteen different places't an �Beveral U 3ited Sts, es durin )od man with some capi I can make imoney hi ve my show rooms at the 'on, and no reas able fean in it No money ask(d if not atisfietory. �Wi 1 ower of repay Bale f9undata rivilege to bMT ;P of prn to fi. on t ffif veek was 66 9 p fast., 'I ( s reasons givI[n for sollh�g- Apply MOND . bottom Of tbXt every- Wednesd�yla Satur h valued at 39,3 30, �&N Cb MERCIAL HOTEL, SEAF(i)RTH, !ON AY an4 IUESDAY, yal moneystat)yti2ne. App�mgt
nd 19 mares ri8ed Ibe entertiined that The panic languages mitbep-imises or addres� ggillond-ville P. 0. nt,161. &--411 tr � sactio, jSTED, BUniDtOr, Scdorth. there alust mong our neighbors will exte ad to us. day, Sud its total io,i=74.lati i '700,000 _9 breeding purposes, valued at $2,465. Td0BlZRT FULTON. 8Q MAY 19th and 10th. an Le etrict. confide derne&th, sud, IiIIEk, r
r aIT19
Fj wk
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