HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-05-09, Page 8•i 8 THE kibR N E POST rO MAY 9, 8. 4 11, Farmers,= Atte-nt on A Car Load of Seed Potato s-; from the high lands of Bruce just oehand. This is au excellent opport nity , to change your seed, as the pot toes I offer are first-class, solid flesh nd dry, mealy cookers. L. T 04INE. Don't forget that Thorn's'e:s are the cheapest, best and pares in the county. Raisins at 5o per poa d. Six- teen pounds of sugar for , $1 Canned goods almost given away. WAuronzpoo tor. DISTRIQT MATTE S. ART ExITION.--Professor Buell in- tends paying Seaforth a visit, and -willgive an entertainment in this town ander the a spices of St. James' Roman Catholic Church, et Sunday evening next. The entertainment will be given in the chnroh.. Tho scenes to be exhibited will include ail the natural wonders and places of interest in the old and new worlds. Re Fath( r Kealy, of Irishtown, has known the gentleman for several years,. and 'witnessed his 4ntertain- ments on more than one occasion, and a recom- mends it as something that cannot asily be excelled. The Toronto Globe, of Fehr ary 2nd, says, "It is a brilliant success." The S . Cather- Ines Journal, of the 22nd of April, i equally eulogistic, and from its article we take t e follow- ing extract: "The views shown wee really superb in artistic beauty, and diversified enough to please the most exacting. Every a went away delighted with the scenic art trees res un- folded to their gaze." 857-1 SPECIAL values in Sugars at har-les- worth's; 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 p ands for $1.00.. 85r WE desire to call attention to Mr. W. H. Burhani s advertisement in to -day's Ex'POSI- TOR. Reis offering 20,000 beautiful pot grown plants for sale, at remarkably low prices, + Strat- ford. Mr. Burnham has now ' an enviabl: reputa- tion for growing choice flowers, his gene 1 stock of plants is saidto be one of the choir: t in. On- tario. Be sure and read his advertise ++ :. t, and send for a pies list. 857 R&lsias.—Don't fail to get Cis axles - worth's -5 cent Raisins; excellent value. 857 MONEY IEY Foui ».—Found On M in St., Seaforth, a small sum of money. The ow + er can have the same by calling at the office o 1 P. 8. Casaiont, and payingior this advertiseme+t. 85711 PoTATOEs.—Still another car o those celebrated Potatoes -from Bruce county f r seed ; they cannot' be equalled. M..A.� C s ARLas- woav . 857 SALE or Boorns.—The booth p ivilege of Fairview Park, for the Queen's Birthd y, will be sold by public competition at the Com + ercial Hotel, Seaforth, on Thursday evening, e 15th of May, at 7 o'clock. Conditions made k own at the time of sale. T. P. Baxx5, aucti neer. CALL and inspect our stock of Milli- nery goods, which: for style, quality and price are second to none in the trade, at HOFEM N Bros.' Gheap Cash Store, Seaforth., 857 WILSON dc You expect a car 1 a of choice Late, Rose Potatoes from Brantford 857 THE rash has fully set in at th Sea - forth Boot Store. Hundreds of pairs gc'ng out daily. See advertisement on first page. Great bargains in Groceries at Mr. Morrison's of stand. GEORGE Goon. 857.1 Certain lines of Ladies', Girl's, Chil- firen's, Mons' and. Boy's Straw Hats almost given awayat Hoffman Brothers' Chem Cash Store, Seaforth. Embroideries in white and c.lored,. selling very cheap. Call and examine th goods and prices at Hoffman Brothers' Chea. Cash Store, Seaforth. An endless variety in Prints, Ging- hams, Dress Goods and Trimmings. &'c., at row prices, at Hoffman Brothers' Cheap Cash Store, Seaforth. Call and get some of the big ba gains at Hoffman Bros.' Cheap Cash Store, Seafo th. WORTH APPRECIATED.—The Str4tford Beacon of last week says: At the re- quest of the Ontario Governmen , Mr. John McMillan, ex -M. P., for ou:th Huron, has consented to give lectures to the students of the Agricultural C lieges Guelph, on Practical Agriculture, >xring the absence of Prof. `Brown, in Eng-• land, purchasing stook for the E peri - mental Farm. Mr. McMillan is ne of the most advanced and intelligens far - niers in Ontario, and is well girl 'lified to give a course of lectures on this sub- ject. The Government- could not have selected a better man to fill Mr. Br wn's place temporarily. SUDDEN DEATH.—Dr. Hanover, o1 town, returned home on Saturday after attending the • funeral of mother, Mrs. George Hanove Paokenham. Mrs. Hanover died suddenly of heart disease on the vious Tuesday. She was apparent her usual state of health and , had arisen from the table, having par of ahearty meal and was - crossin floor when she fell down and ex almost instantly. She was 76 yea age The Almonte Gazette in refe to the sad event, says : ' Decease " highly venerated and beloved. t+ has gone'to her grave full of year: " retaining; to the last the respect o " who knew her." Ii this last his , of very pre- y in just .ken the a ired s of ring was She ,and all • INSTALLATION OP Orn.rcEES —The fol-, towing members of Huron odge of Good Templers in this town ere installed as officers far the ca rent quarter on Friday evening ast Worthy Chief Templar, Bro. J E. Kent , Worthy Vice -Templar, siste A. C. Dorrance ; Secretary, Bro. J. H. Pyper ; Assistant-Seoretary, sister M. A. Dorranoe ; Financial - Secretary, : ro. Frank Pillman ;. _ Treasurer, a ster Minnie.. Brett ; Marshall, Bro. -F .auk Smith ; Deputy Marshall, sister Mo Bride ; Inside- Guard, sister ena Thomson; Outside Guard, Bro. Joe Smith; Chaplain, Bro. M. Pill an ; Right Hand Supporter, sister N the Smith ; Left Hand Supporter, s star .Williams.; Past Worthy Chief Tem lar, Brut Noble;,Muff. THE •CHORAL' SOCIETY CONOERT.-1 he concert given by the Union Ch.ral Society, under the direction df Me T. O. Kemp, on Wednesday evening last wasvery fairly attended considerin _ the wet and disagreeable state of the weather. The Musical part of the en- tertainment, which consisted of c or - uses, glees; duets, quartettes and s los, was really good, and as a musical t eat was superior to anything we have t. ad in Seaforth for a long time. The fall choruses by the society were joined in by souse twenty-eight male and female voices, and were very fine ; the correct time and harmony observed showing the great care that must have been taken in preparation, while the selections were equally approprite. The other selections also, without an exception, were good, and in fact l he whole programme was carried out i.4 . a manner which seemed to give the most complete satisfaction to the entire andi- enoe. The instrumental selections w re particularly worthy of mention. The cjnintette was compose t of they two violins, a bass violin and a �1 Otte, and the performsnoes ad ai 'much to the success of, the evenii no means the least intereating, a fainly the most . amusing pa programme,' was the exhibition 1 larley's Waxworks. The pea 1 1 arley, the great and tiiinitall Work exhibitor, was teak n by Jillman, who, considering th ime le had for preparation art well. There were six epresented, viz: Florence Ni nd the wounded Soldier ; • low ; Father Time ; Gr cejDarlin pratt and His Wife, n the eaaty. The identity Of, tie `haracters was, of 'course, supp to be known, and consequently i not do for ns to expose them. ever, they all acted their sever Most admirably, and had ne no differently . the mistake of npposii trhe- were 'inanimate'' v;, ax ins nimate natter, and that their ere influenced and regulated winding up process of .the rank, 01 by the mind and will; might have been made. The piano paniments were played by Miss wing who, it is needless to s her part well as usual. We 1 hear from the Choral Society at tant day again, and w a so hot will be favored withPb tte w which would ensure a m • oh audience thanthey hadron th o of their last two entertainutents. THE QUEEN'S BIRTHD �• Seaforth is' never behih in b ration of Her Majesty's# in t ie programme which has be fo this year promises a bett r tan we have had for a ion ti will be of coarse the usual ho for which most liberal Ipt r es ed, and it is expected that o beat horses in the Province e t, while liberal inducem nt offered to induce the bring' g yo' ing and promising stock of boyhood. One of the mos i festures,.however, will he races. This is becoming a pastime with many of our and not a', few of them are ve bicyclists and the trial o s skill of these on the 24th w meat interesting to;all . on oo additional attraction promi ed is 4 magnificent display of the evening. This, it is to e will prove by no means the !le: tic feature of theday's pro will make a splendid term- good day's sspert. If t e • favorable we expect to g e crowd of people here on `t Fourth. , th 0 yo e 11} •day u i ay; •e.7 SO' are ,e 1 b ar Iut he to aano, rion- very • By cer- he Mrs. ton of -wax- r M. short id his gures t ngale Win- Jaok eping rious d1 not ould How - 1 parts mown that ad of ►tions the stead asily a cord- nnie h , did peto, n they. tiler, arg4r C : Bion 1 • O tp ing Y ce 1. er th wo ex. „ e 1 1 ?RTI(. cele and sued iiort here aces 'ffer- the •res. also the igh- ting yole ular en pert and ove An year kis lin ebted raee- fap e :b 1 lige B tr. 1, TSE CLIN L ON OUTRAGE ing paragraphs explain themisel New Era of last week says- " girl Who gave her.name si es :ie of Goderich, was brought on Wednesday in a half -define ditian, and placed'under the p of t a authorities. The glees into erently, is that while Bohm the . station after miss- t train for London, a man offer her in his buggy, to one of th Suspecting nothing, sh got him, and the fellow drove her the base line, notwith� stand resistance, where he was joine others, all of whom, she alleges ed her person. Some time do night she managed to make he the house of Mr. Hill, who subs brought her here. Her under is said to be badly torn, and evidence that her storyi§ only 1 Parties acquainted with her say always borne an irreproachabl actor. It is to be hoped the parties will be discovered and —the following despatch fro ton appeared in the Toronto psi Tuesday last : " On Tuesday last week ka': young girl named whose home is in Gocderioh, was take�li outside the town limits of and outraged by villains, one of was ja bus driver from Seaforthi n Hunter, although she fought he ant desperately, being left' helple the roadside. She wand red duri night j several miles ,'turnilg np morning at the residence f Mr. the base line. Constables Pa Clinton, and Yuill, of Goderich ed in (Seaforth three young me were brought before Mayor F and sufficient evidence was eli commit them for trial. Med; amination of the girl showed t had been shamefully abuses, h being black and bine, and slie las taro c-1 such a shock to hes system she lies at the point of death." —Since the above was int p leap. the parties were pot coin for trial by Mayor Forrester, bu t simply remanded until Wednes ay when ;they again appeared before M Horton, of Goderich, and ForreJs Clinton, when Hunter was fully muted to stand' his trial at the assizes, but there was no evidence ritainate the other two, and the again remanded for eight days wit hope that by that time the girl wi uffieie�ily recovered to give avid Both !the young men strongly pr heir innocence, and whilethey •a acing been with Huntr, they aping participated in the crime Oh .gainst thorn. They have both, o, bot espec leasa find t How' - he ng testi o Wit i te on= of c ion or 'Id ng f on acing to d ice • of ls, in with o,t' tc nb therow• o trag- i the •n elf hi g th re is goo tr e. as .hr- ailty is pli - ts •on t of ates, fo ib.y C ntcn horn mud sal s i u tiie $• 1, 0 ; sl ,1f est In, wh rr tel rit hd t ca` e sh` 'odr sus- tha we tted g 111 e s h h t r p e good characters and a ably connected, and the v st position in which` the iemselves should be a war them and others of, _ the damage keeping bad company. er Or ,o om ex in er th + CO temeni it ge er tm to of THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. --Th - an- nual meeting of the members o' the Seaforth Mechanics' Institute was eld in the nstitute rooms on Tuesday :yen- ing last. The attendance was _abo t as large as is usual ' on such occas ns, After reading and adopting the re 1 its of the treasurer and librarian, the fol- lowing officers and directors were ' ap- point°for the ensuing year: Presi. nt, S. G. JIcCaughey ; Vice -President, Dr. Campbell ; Treasurer, F. Hol es dad ; Secretary and Librarian, Pm. ¥o re Assistant Secretary, Join Dar in. Committee—John Hanna , R. _ L 1 ims- den, J. C. Harstone, Rev. A. D. Mc- Donald, M. Y. McLean, . D. Wil on, John i 1°Milian and John Mulhall nd. A m ion. of whioh notice had previ us- ly bee given to make a special rate for High. Ochool pupils, as follows : 25 c : nts for tree months ; 50 cents for six' months and 75 cents for nine myon hs, after being discussed was_ �A,eolared lost on a vote being taken. Mr. Har s one • gave notice of a similar taken np again at the hal ing. The papers and mag i the reading room for t out s were then dispose on, t r. Lumsden acting i th - absence 9f Mr. Kid t to notioneer. Thee ✓ alit d the sant of $10. e ar glad to say, is in a o s ' oudition,, both fi o her ise, than it ever h la si hi SC ti to fir 10 80 an pa an to re during an 0 ed esti cid ed t bo ks pr nted is xpe ly add w 11 as a they • • re fa ao ro be ag le th re igad een 47 Fr -to be meet- eoeived ent six lesman cations y and The e year 'an we forma- ke are us 317, s 213, travels 6 total e is 308, te: Life era 44, mbers , there m the eaders alas - 4,402, d ravels at fie- argest istory fairly tables apers, azines and of Mr. Fall, held un ted ouhnast meats /11 11 1 IS us bfwen°drd: f la the red and ma erial- sti lute as eel t the eis re at e p rt of lis may chi es his Ott, losed alar ee ding - boo hs havaes tar: and ale. ce of asa er to • 11 111 11 W leen, druggists, of this ) wn, last w: :k re eived 'an order fro ode o the en o, fo a consigninent c4 their elle ws hat _ the repiiii ti a of this ex ellen cough remedy her; gone be ond local bounds. I giving the Or er he stated he did no hat th nie ine was oompo e f t t his cu tome s demand it and net have ca tle d:: ling business.— r er is at reset. t in town and is n the T e doe or spent several we in Sea% for h so di e severe or eight Ye ago and di: dosed of 0, large quantity iii edi• pr serve the people in to e a lyi 000d he lth e er since; and no o b his pre - se t viai will be 'attended: it Itti ally on Mond y evening last,Pr ones as ing the Session to t e vote th organ question.—Mr. i4 rri- so has retired from t his faml and effects to • stoc in ab ut .a onth or as soon tii .ca get -his basin se wound up. H s be n a roe dent of Seaforth fol o .fi teen ye sa— he fall wheat in vicinity pa t two weeks, and now ()noises to we le sown moderately ear and Som- me -fallotved look well but ood many th t were sown late and properly pe ranee On the whole,' ver, it is thi time last year.—John tis ' has eo e men ed work on the ond1ville oh nth, uelph, will assist he cora- yterian be doming the fashionable p time with me , and several of them aye large flo ks of ery high bred bird A meeting of e to n.council will be d on Mon - da evem g next, when it :xpected cu ed.— he grounds of th sehool ho se on he Kippen road, remit ha e bee very much i ed an be LAI& by being planted shade ex ,ple for the peopl to Mr. Anderson, of ha: sold his young d th 4th concession of c lop, for $18 . M . Anderson has ale et mate for er an they will make nobby tea a— DLI • Robert Scott,of t sol his ell -known grey dii mare to r. James White, of Ito ille, tot dri r, coming two, to Mr. ke eYe 'for horse flesh and e e glad II 11 • 11 he is'makin it pay.—We are glad to learn that r. Charles Mas waled in getting all his h manta the .; ktlantic, sad is The I Rev. 1 pulpit in th chureh la ed 4 mo tilaying mit as Well as but is re enlist, of d attentio to his Seaforth office.—The any frie s in this town of Mr. i and rs. John tigham, of St, James hotel, oro to, we a, deeply pained la.st Week eare. All ired farm arents th deuce in o in a load of the houst4 however, ha upon however, to place it. in au °titer oom of thinruse so that i it rained he fellowi morning the f rmer's Wife hy aking rota it a 'roll of bills (ma° in; a apon opening drawee in the urea , surprised the onlooltere ontaning o er three thousand dollars. t is nit° 43 ident that these retired farm re hay lots of this kind of Stuff *hen they' eave it lying aroundl so Toro to, wil be at the residence of Mr: J. R. Miller, Goderich,on the 17th inst., When partte wishing to commit hire and rs. Cr w of Carberry, Manitoba, spent Sunda last in town the guests of Mr. ithatn Logane They were I on their ay to heir: aide home in Nolva- rses safely expected to r. Graham oecupiedl the Egnamadville Presbyterian t excellent sermon dis- h originality of thonght McCoy WRB indisposed his town, has his weeklyhfisi 1 hereafter give . Watson, decided to s to Bras - is undivid- ng, of the death of their bright little boy of three ill extend to the afflicted DOI, few days • ago pent furniture to be placed in The former not yet left th disturb them his furniture leaving it out i houseland the farmer could take the yard LOCALITIEB tory will ope milk rawers, lig at the bin 4. 801TY arra , of —The Walton oheese lac. -on Monday next and the will go their rounds. The that all inteeeeted will d have their milk in order, to draw every second claY .—The masons are work - ding of Mr. Beirnes' hotel, pea/peace, that beautiful add lustre to our thrivfng Sherritt, of Blyth, is eek some friends here— o say that Mr. Judges rids, lost a beautiful mare week. She died while ndrew Morrison, of Me- rris, a fines three year old Ea nste. en Sunday last Rev. Jas. L che cl, wild, has been our pastor for se Leo at the Hill church. boring his o §i years preached his farewell stay iv th us : performed seventy-fitie baptist's and dfficiated at thirty funer- al . r. Loot ead has given splendid sa isfa dtion every respect, and We very pouch re ret losing so able a man. H no god to take charge of the • R s.—T e many friends of Alex. R bingem will be glad to hear that heIis wi 1 sa In be ble to be around onoe m re Sa.bba h School opened in this pl ce 1 at San • ay, and although the day at end nce. 11 the old teachers agaM to k arge of their classes, and se eat -five s lendid books to our dlt • of goo read ng.—Alex Watt lost a sp endi mare and colt last week valued at Imo —mo of the farmers in this A coat act fot planting shade trees On the sch ol grog nd was let Tuesday evep- in CI elgr ave. 011E .—Mt Carson, of Clinton, and hi mot er, s. Morley, were here On Su day -The anadian Order f Forest - be s by adding new members. da la, a He was one of the earlieet set lers in this neighborhood, where:by he nd is amiable wife made a good ho e f r two a' nit in Morris, and. only las yea move into the village of Bel - grave to live t tired. But as I he had been sliffering , for years fro kidney disease, he could not cling to life any loncer and left a widow and wo son§, States1 nd wh could not come to attend by the range en, to which order he he] nge ough the day as wet thi vi nity, e. not half of the people co Id gilt into he church to hear the ser promo d by the Rev. j. Pa ke,i °iamb nt of Trinity Church, Of me be wi Th Tu bef 8848 oc h, m roo sda re i ly e BRIEF of th ha• d' di tingui: an wtfe left f rnateria with Ge tle en al - be ty. goo common, in oar midst.—Many of oily villagers are (+gaged gardening.—Mr. James Xeurig, of Freemont, Ohio, fe speeding a few days with his wife and family en thie Village.—Mr; Gardner, ;41 his pl ee, left for his home in on T esday last.—Our young d b• a' ball club. Base ball la a iory healthful exercise, Oe though • -Tailor Smith, of Ford- o Gorrie on Tuesday.— foundry caught fire ort fire being discovered ade much headway, was hed.—Mr. James Leech Manitoba on Tuesda Leech took with hi hioh to build a house.--1- ion Temperance.Society progress in our village. permitted to take the her are not allowed .t.b resent at t e meetings of the Sod:As- a the ociety accomplish mach tn. village. Drunkenness is too In milt, in. Markh men ha any kin or crick besides being productive of good in other ways, when properly' managed.— The ate warm rains, s oceeded by warm, pleasant weather, beneficiel effect on the grai —Mr. Dow, who had been that hie friends intend t removed on Tuesday to his Mitchel . His d Michael intends to remain or some ti have had a apd grass. very ill for have bim home a ear and ds. ugh ter, Mrs. go with him e with her frie St stialey. CoN7ssioli.—I am the o gin of No. 4 my lett , and hereby aide forgiveness from 'an ono who may have been in'ur- • Hay. MORE GOOD STOOK.— r. Ch ries a finely red bull from Mr. obert °- Murray of Goderioh tow ship, s me idea ma be gained of the s ze and b ild of this 6, imal from the fac that h is -onty fift en months old nd weighs say he s hard. to beat f r his ge. Huron already noted for its supe ior and hea y horses -and we think in the cattle: e it is also filling ap to the • that his st ck Is now complete in lel lines. He has Fur, F it and Straw Hats, all R209, and a all His Print Department is eomplete, ontaining the latest desig • s and styles., His Dr ,ss Goods De- partment p eases all. Hip Tweed epartmen far Very fashi enable lines in Glassware and Croc ery have pe n eceived lately In Groeeries we offer 21 po ds of Currants for $1. ; n pounds! of Raisins for 1 ; 14 pounds of Prunes for $1; 10 pounds pf ranniated Sugar for 1,1, and other 8574 sugars equ ly cheap. and R. "inter, ship ea- th e carloads day la t. Two cars were gitiped for isi in that inte eating and profita le pursuit, bee-keepi g, this su er. He has laid in quite stock of apari n supplies be buzzin around is pre ises.—Our jovial bo iface, Mr. Shafer, is about to put down a new sidewalk around his example i this respeOt large y fellow d. —Our po ular young tailore, he Mess s. Brandon, in connection with the Kipp n store, dre delightino the he rts of the fiancee§ ;f the aforsaid y King men, with the xcellent fit and et ensemFe of the large number of sprin skits they are turning out. Bueiness ia this line genial yo ng apprentice, Tom Warn r, uffering from a bad han He has i3 take place on the 24th inst Farther dame rn our assert that our loolal votaries o the Terpis horean rt, intend about tLe 7th inst. meet ng is -to e Men ts. again. smith, Aso Waters, voe bert, a $180. MARE. Michigel J. 14 - nay parch sed from Mr. the 3rd onoessi n of Hi Which he aid th' sum f ' FIRM R DIVED .—Mr Jas. roadfoot, of the Mille Road, has rented the front fifty acre of Mr. lex. M Cirtney's farm, and ays $200 a year fd it. Mr. Broadfoot ow works 50 acre of land. Mr. McOa tney left or Ka sas, this week, where he has urchas d a large Henry Ma on of the 4th concession of Tackerarni Li, recentl sold to his neigh- bor, Mr. H gh Melia , a three year Old filley, sired by Old W llington, for the sum of- $2 0. This dne animal was bred by M . John Thirpe of , the 2nd concession, and was durcha ed a few weeks ago y Mr. Maid. d for 150. s A GOOD POINTMEN .—Dr. as. Gray, son of Mrs. Gray, of t d e Mill oad, has tendent of he Genera Hoepital in Mon - college, and spent a y ar in the hospital clever younig man, and his ma y friends in this seat on will be leased 'to learn of his nava cement.. meeting o the Tao ersmit Council, held on Tu: :day last, t Was reed be- tween the members that he Reev rebuild his i actory, in the ev at of the by-law not being carred. I ' wads con- sidered by he Council that th' numbd milted is nut sufficiently large to justify them in ta ing any odaer co rse. We have not learned, whether r not Md. VanEgmon has acceded t this ar- rangement. COUNCIL EETING. —T110 CQ ncil met on the 5th net. All the mem ers pree- ent. Move by Sam el Smi lie, sec - asked for t e following jobs : raveling 20 cords ; o 1 Mill road, west feom Egt cords; on : ensall road, concessions and 11, coneessions 1 and 2, lellt.S., 20 rods ; graveling and turnpiking on side line, lots 10and 11, concession 3, L. Rl S., 80 rods ; opposite lot 7, conaession 6, ooncess 9n 4, H.R.S.,20 rods ; graveling and tutiking, lot 5, concestgion 4, 20 rods ; o rear of lot 136, conoessi n 3, L. M., 2 rods ; opposite lot 23, conces- sion 4, It S., 12 rods • betyteet lots25 ' opposit lot 45, concession 2, L.R.S., 15 ' cords ; milting at lot 21, concession 4, Housto 's, and that the clerk advertise by han bills for tenders for the above jobs.— arried. Moved by D. Manson, ' second by ohn Sproat, that Jacob ' McGee nd W Payne,' of Egmond- field, bp appo nted health officers in accordance wit the provi ions of the Public Health Act of 188 —Carried, Moved 13y. p. 1 andsborong , seconded of Clinton) be .appointed this totinship s provided b the Ditch- ing and Water ourse Act, a d that the -clerk d aft a by-law con rming the master in pla e of John cCaa, and John H naah id place of J noes Johns- ton resi ned, ad d WM. McConnell was drdered to perffrm his statute labor on the Mil road, rider the superintend- ence of 1 Mr. reland. The reeve was ' authori led to p rchase rook elm plank require foe bri ges and culverts. The council hen ad Purned to meet Again at Kyle's d otel, co cession 8, on Tuesday, the 20t day of May, at thehour of ten o'clock .mI, to receive tenders for jobs and for he tra eactionof ordinary busi- nerc.cm NT —0 ne day last 'week while Mrs. Mcilut sh, of the Mill Road, and her son Otd, es ere crossing the rail- way track t th station in Se foith, the horee-g t friohtened at an engine which was tan ing on the track, and becoming nm nageable collide with wheel of he uggy and throwi g the occurants u on the ground. M s. Mc- Intosh was pret y badly shaken p, tut is now nearly re overed. Her so , who held tot'he line until he was dr gged a buggy arid tan s far as Egnao dville before it Was aptured. It wa ' unin- badly demo aliz d. , GOOD OeL this vill Exeter, m ing four ea $325. Thie by that iwe Old Sorrel McLaughlin ton, also ol by Sorrel CI these priees, not pay tO b on Tbursda ing chore 'ensuing y ter's War en Warden ; an Jackson an sentative to A. Waugh. showed the debt and in previous tina: son will done act FIRE.—Ea ly villagers we e bell and tae ries soon disc ve ed ;12 fire, and tha th done in the ay mystery. Port having be n ain no damage was buildings th ugh done roneh for thing is -new egi green.—Hou e-cl be all fu to the in the or s o death to 0. In we might ea M old establ shed p the right ha d and ably a sist does his wo k gallery is he late place. -5I . hos Richard Hu which he sa ware mer ha large gold n wd aayti apfataearago a name of ic while corlpli was caught oet severely btui d. quickly born by Mansion ouse, done for h an hat but his inj dries w early Sab eatla mo learn fro the Lo dd shortly to hive true, that n the death, an how i prepared. bt J shipped from his purpose h . reds.— shipped, o the sa • s. wh Mr. Thomai Be ry, of is well know d as a essful horse 'deal :r, re - ase from Mr. 'Bistatt, of gniti cent driving fill d coin- s old for which h paid fine animal was rai::d by ce, Exeter, and wa sired 1 -known carriage s anion to gentleman fro Mon- th same age, also sired ud, for $330. In vhsw of whig will say that i does eed. from good horses ETI G.—The annual estry cetis were elected fn. the Wm. A. Waugh as i inis- S. A. Wilson ; as epre- as sidesmen, MessF. S. he London Synod, Wm. he treasurer's eport chu ch to be clear f etter standing than a any Friday morning our wakened. from their by the tolling o the of fire, fire, and i was hat the large grain of the depot, owned flames had g ined at nothing 'total be f saving the bui ding igin of the fire is a nately, owing to ihere hortly before the fire, one to surrounding some of them, includ- ing mills, were very e past week's rai has ning to look fres and ailing is now, ala , the ith its cold lun hes, discomfort. It ay_ gentle disturbers, but the frog fable, " b is an with the la fest n a manner which. time.—A she ting t innovation in this Berry has purch sed ter% trotting horse for th sum of $275. Mo - g ars at this sta ion, een the buffers and The injured man was kind hands to the here everything was human aid could do, re such that he ied ning. Deceased was young man, and we don papers was very een married. How idst of life we af in portant it is to be mes White, of ay, station on Tues a,y, load of fine gen ral a Thos. Berry lso orses. e day, for Philarlel- 1 Canaan Douses —A meeting of Hal - the 3rd M y. AU he membereprei3ent. A bonus of 20 cen s per rod for putting up wire fe ee wa granted to Edmund Willis, lot 26, co cession 12 ; and Geo. Stephens° , lot 6, concession 6, when completed to the satisfaction of the Council. One d liar pet week 'fres granted to Widow John D. Staples, an indigent p rson, ts be spent Mader the laid over on the • ound of her having et direction o • J. Bri ton. A petition from Joeeph We ster a d others, praying for aid to MO. 8aki of Londesboro, wile declined to acoept uch aid at the pres- ent time. The st tute labor for the present year Was r duced one half. By- law B. for 1882. for dividing the taiga. snip into road divisions, ars revised, Ives, adopted for the present year. 'A by.lata viewers and poundkeepers for the prat. ent year was passed. An account of 13. 11, Knox, of $111, for plank, was pasted. Council then adjourned to meet again at Londesboro, on the 26th May, Being: the day for holding the Court of Re., -vision. IN A TORONTO HOTEL.—The oronto ,News of Monday last says; " Thursday a gentleman arrived adthe Albion hotel and registered as A. Taylor, Hullettt He retired at an early hoar and Iteera to be a man in good health. At nine-, o'olock next morning the chambermaid knocked at his door and he anewered, As he did not make his appearance, the proprietor, Mr. Holderness, thought that something might be wrong, and himself knocked at the door. Receiv- ing no reply, the door was forced epee, Taylor was found lying in bed insensi- ble. At first it was feared that this wets • another instance of blowing out the gas, bnt inspection of the room disproved this theory. Dr. Ross was immediately summoned and pronounced it a ease of paralytis. He applied the properreme- dies, and Taylor recovered sufficiently to state that be had a brother, De. Jae. Taylor, living in Tara, but immediately sank again into insensibility. But little hopes ate entertained of his recoveryt The brcither has been telegraphed for. In the the sick man's pocket were found tickets to Clinton, whither it is suppos. ed he was going.'1 HOTEL4—Mr. William Rosso hada taken possession of his hotel, the Do- minion, as his tenant Mr. King failed to secure a license. TEMPERANOE.—On Sunday -evening last Mr. W. H. Kerr, of the Brussels, Post, delivered an interesting lecture here, 'on the subject of " Temperance."' A Woman s Temperance Union. haw been formed, and from the known elo- quence of that sex, we may lo k for some good speeches. have arrived home. Mr, Farrow haa moved to his farm where he has erect. ed a handsome residenee. Mrs. Far- row, we are sorry to say, is still- in sg. very precarious state of health. How UP.—Considerable lond talk hae been vented lately concerning the late liquor tiial. We may add that any thing appearing from here in your paper - is ,quite justifiable, notwithstandieg the vaporings of some individuals. It is perfectly well-known that lip° was sold and that the evidence was g eatly strained. DOT8.—Mr. Timmins has pure WWI the blunt lot from Mr. Farrow a a in- tends erecting a store thereon. —S. Modill the patent medicine m u, of Brantford, has moved here to res de.— Mr. John Sherdown, an old resid nt, is. going to Manitoba.—Mr.Malloch, °heel inspector, was in the village last Week. with the condition. of our sch.00l. Fall wheat looks fair, probably onetf urth has been killed, but still if what i left grows out all aight dere will n t be mac reason to complain. Seed is proe, easing favorably and many have finished.— Scott i Act discuasion are the order of the day—this village emit to be pretty mach in, favor of it. Ed. ward Guest, jr., while working i Mr. Leech's mill had the saw run th ough , his clothes, and Made an ugly gash below the unmentionables. . E. 1111CFAUL' COLUMN. —T Hid STAPLE— GOODS DEPARTMENr . Is Complete at E._ MCFAUL'S CASH DRY GOODS STORK —THE DRESS— GOODS DEPARTMEIvr is Complete at McFAULIS CASH DRY GOODS STORL —THE FANCY— GOODS DEPARTMEir Is Complete at E . MCFAUL'6 • CASH DRY GCODS STORE. THE MILLINERY AND MANTLE DEPARTMENT Is Complete at E . MCFAUL CASH DRY GOODS STORE', Inspection Invited. SALES FOR CASH OR PRODUCE, E. Mel -IA -CIL, THE GASH DRY GOODS MAN SEL OWIZg t° the e, and to ti there are too to :mane to the etot to go out of the -fore, datlidna€ ING OUT SA immenae atm] BCiOTS AND ever known in have bought oi business, and t be 'fioia. Four Tlaousa must be sold re One Thousax - late to be slaug My Stoek at I Six Thousand gaits new ; a lately been been _made by faeturers in Ca Tamer, Valit Silver John 0-qr.rett Pinkerton 4C.• .George Sta Ilam 'Westgate Brot Fogarty & H. Botterip George Bresse O. MiOzer John Pitchit Louis Cote 4- Beguine And quite a tat ma e, which IS he first-class. and know go cheap to elear I Look out fa will make the wild he sold ve old custoraers the old etand, v made to give si G OR