HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-05-09, Page 67 -Tennis Voters._ .`here have been many reasons ; •ven brat and ;last why women shoal • not 'vote, bat I desire to say, in the full light >f a ripe experience, that some of hem • a fallacidus I refer more parti ular- y to the argument that it will d : • e women to go to the polls and vot • like a mai.. 1Vhile Tam not and neve_ have been a howler for female suffrage,I must admit that it is much more of a sac - 'sem than prohibition and space ative 'science,. My wi�e voted eight years wit my frill knowledge and consent, and -day I oa.imot gee but that she is as ; ocile and as tractable as when she vol+ my trnsting heart, Now those who know me best will admit -that I am 1• of a lad='es' man, and therefore what may say here is not said to secure favo and grateful smiles. I am not attr ctive and I alit: not in politics: I believ that I am homelier this winter than I seal. There are reasons. why I believe that what I may say on this subjec will be sincere acid not sensational, a sel- fish' I It is the truth that a good ful vote always wows a list of the best •• omen and the wives of the best amen. A aright •day makes a better showing f lady voters than a bad one, and the w ether • :makes a bore perceptible differe ce in the female vote than the real:, but when things are exciting and the • attle 'is red-hot, and the tocsin of war s • u'nds anon, the wife and mother pats • a ylaer armor and her sealskin "sotto.: and knocks things cross-eyed. It is generally supposed that t i e ie- male voter' is a pantaloenatic, " -half horse, half alligator kind 6I a w • man,: who looks like Dr. 'Mary Welke , •ancl has the appearance of one -who ha: risen hastily in the night at the alarm of fire and dressed herself partially in h:, -own garments and partially in her has . • nd's. This is a popular error. In Wy• +• ing, where female saffrage has r =d for years, you meet quiet, coerteou and gallant gentlemen, and fair, quid , sen- sible woman at the polls whored v is an infnitely;•more proper place to end a young lady unescorted than to'th: post - office in any city of the Union. You can readily see how. this ;is :so. The men abobt the polls are alway can- dictates and their friends. That is the reason that no party can afford t • show the slightestrudeness toward •a voter. Weeks' and months before •elec 'on in Wyoming the party with 'the longest parse subsidizes the most -livery : tables and carriages. Then on the eventful day every conveyance available 's dec- orated with a political placate and driven by a polite young man who is in- structed to improve the time. Thus, every woinan in Wyoming has a • hence to ride once a year at least. i ately, however,' many prefer -to walk o the polls and, they go in pairs, trio: and quartettes, voting their little sent•ments and calnmly returning to their ookies and crazy quilts as though politics didn't jar their mental poise a minute. _. It is possible, and even pr bable, that a man and his wife May d sagree on polities as they might on relig on. If the husband manages his wife as he would a clothes -wringer, and to a s her through life by a crank, he • ill no doubt work her politically, but if she hes her own ideas about things s • e will naturally act on them, while the man who is henpecked in others matt:ra till he can't see out of his eyes, • ill be henpecked, no doubt, in the ma ter of . nationalland local politics.. These ;are the few facts abo • t the actual working of female suffrage and I do not tangle the great question of the ultimates results upon the political machinery if woman suffrage •' ere to become general. I do not pret:nd to say as to!tha>. I know a great d -al but I do not know that. There are a•Fillions of women, no doubt, who are better qualified to vote and yet they • annot,' than millions of alleged men w se do vote abut no one"oan tell now w • at the ultimate effect of a change mig a t be. So far as Wyoming is concerned the Territory is prosperous and - ha • py. ; I see, also; that a murderer was h • ng by process of law there the othe day. That looks like the onward m : rah of reform whether female suffr: a: had anything to do with it or not. And they're going to hang another next month 'if the weather is favorab e and Executive clemency remains do e • ant as I think it will. All these thinglook hopeful. F We can't tell what the Terri- tory would have been Without female suffrage,' but when they; begin t hang men by law instead of by meonli ht,the future begins to brighten up. Teaching Birds. + A native of Alsace, but now ii ing in New York city, has been succe:sful in teaching birds to sing. Rece a tly he taught one of our American robi • s to do so. The bird was kept by hi •, in a - dark room,with a small music- . x • set to play only one tune. " M , Mary Ann," made popular by Harr -1g - n and Hart in their farces. A dozen limes a day or more, this rnusia-box gro this one tune. The owner of th a good whistler and somethi musiciatl. At such odd hoar could get from his work he went room where the bird was confin whistled the tune. Occasion would take his violin to the ro+ play " My Mary Ann." The heard no other music but this, a consequence in a couple of began to sing this song. When so he could whistle it from begi end his improvement ceased. now he sings at intervals this p air in rivalry with the music -b mnuh to the delight of the owne imitative faculty thus develo clang to the bird, who is' now c • o- nd out bird is g of a as he to the d and lly he m and robin d as a •• onths he got r• ing to And aintive x•, and . The led has natant- ly picking up new note's, and las per- fected itself in a•portion of one of the airs from " Fatinitza." It h s also learned to speak three French hrases, and has acquired the habit of calling out in a shrill whistle, " Jul s," the name of its owner's son. Altog Cher it is a famous bird, and its owner -ll not part with it for any amount of money. The method pursued by this n tive of Alsace is that pursued by tr finers in Ertrope who make the educt tion of songbirds a specialty. The bullfinch is their favorite student, because i learns the most readily, can acquire two or three tunes, and is a favorite in the market. These trainers, genera ly peas- ants, will fill a- darkened ro+m with cages of bullfinches, and teach hem by the use. of what is known a: a bird - organ to whistle some particul: tune. The bird -organ is a baby hen organ, and plays only the one song the teacher desires; his scholars to learn. This is Pound out to them a dozen tim -s daily, • and lin a month o two the graduated, and apps ently re el i• education, abandoning thei song ,.for the artifloia one. he: or music -box is o _ton subs itu the bird organ, but'one of `th - t always the acoompa intent • `l t cation of a songbird Oar y e an arses take their mu ioal trai:•'in their] male parents, and 'an t • as have no soug peculi t to the s eo male birds among them hay songs. Generally, , owever, th fanciers, or persons who ma e_ ness of rearing ea aries, se r.ON EXE S1TORq singer and allow the you 'g hear only his song, which by they learn to imitate. O t o mocking birds, havi g no no es so g peculiar to themselves, are efts , lea xi - ed a variety of t • nes. Wh; e t to and 'often pick up a variety themselves they : re mere i s oto a, and 'so &nuke a De re gab ads lose with, properly spe :: ing, no m • !nsi • in it. . , f bzttd 5, t ma y b' dt bei- a ne nBto y Preparing Seals . � pt In a small, gloom' room a jt' a diegy building in down eight girls sat wor •lug sto light seemed dusty nd hot 'dimly through the ofincr • ate dow panes; and the rumble ery below jarred the floor i The girls sat in little groups. Shabbily clad, thengh - t tonehes of bright color here and; their faces all ooked p careworn. Their acks ever weeny way as the leaned work. Each gir held stretched across he lap, an it with great rapidity. T were quite Mack.- They tjel and when a str-e.nger en looked at him listlessly foe. and then dropped their eye week again. , - "They are picking the hairs out of the ski "said, t rubbing his hand over one of pieces of fur. " Weget all skins from Lond n, where taken direct from he Aidi Sealskins cannot colored England. They n : t only h liar! process there, bat the fleeces result in better col can be done herd. So- ' the En land first. 'After they cohhred they are slipped' al world and made into. •eacque:. mus, gloves and hats when t at their destination." " Why are the long black speak of not taken out in Lon, II • tt►P'of str et he ne e- ach e- sazaf yw ly. re re ire nd there, cl: •alnd botina ye th ;ir s n pikdat ir hh 'ods n• Bio -e, rel• t ey ni. nie t, 0 th 'ir black fo een 0, he glo. By ou , seal- th y !:are rgior. s. at ice, of e; : peen lull tip 'n- in,- t an 'U: oto av:• en ov -r he do mla s, e'• aril ve al s On on• ?" " Well, I don't know the t any particular reason- ex qep omical one. The London charge quite heavily for the the result is we prefer to where it doesn't cot ns mac not require highly skilled 1 black hairs you se are n s much longer than the rest t There is a difference of per : ps teen grain of the fur the Wait blow Il h thee all be made to stand out." •` How many hours do tri: work a day ?" " They come at "Seven ' log leve at six: They are paid . it Of' course they do not mak th� tunes, but still the pay is fai ,i s. Monotonous work." - ere �e th ec n- oanoe ns Ik, nd i hi re t ,dikes The very e fur. aSix- gainst re can Oe 41` Oh, it's overpoweringly s chatty foreman,shrugging hi slit impatiently. " The incessa t "''l almost drives me mad at ime then, I suppose it's worse fo the . A Milkman's Id., a - A short, ruddy -faced, waging.t ng ea man said he was returning - o ale west, where he bad been travelling for pleasure and with a view o a ing mining investments. He w s no a) 'all backward in giving me the ire lien that he was worth money,.and u 1 on inquiry I found he was just a f•ee l to. tell the manner of its acgnir a t. < "I have been in the milk , basin s in I an eastern town for a good man ears, i' be said. "In fact, I am in the si es,ss in a nnna:ber of towns, and hay a'{ pretty good thing of it. Of coni , you are thinking right away that -I pt _ in the cans, but you are m j t ` en I never watered a milk -can i my I 'fe. Theme is an honester, surer, ea dr 1 ay than that to get rich in the it ug- nees, and I'll give you the cret, s I know you're not in the biz. When f first started driving my o wa on, fourteen years ago, I quickly cid ghat nothing, not even good mil aid low prices,would bring customers Ike gossip. Yes, sir,gossip-some tow • ' seadal, family secret, bit of news or :omet 1 ing. Well, I used to have someth r.g Ic f hat kind every ;morning. If the a had been any births or deaths during the night, accidents, fires, arrests of t+wn-folk, a new scandal or anything, I • ad it on my tongue's :end, and while dr: Wing,the milk would spit it,ont at a 1 Belly ate. You would be surprised to seri c w I the mistresses on my route got:o; coming' out after their own milk, . ne sad of sending the hired girl. - -Wh - ,!t ey used to be on . the wait for me and tak a!n e g g k wa lir ills rid es. yid the ulders icing �;bizt girls.." extra pint half the time, just k' e talking a little longer. Bef {b ha more customers than I Id s rve, though I•claimed better mil • sin ny- body else and sold it • one ce lli her. Then I branched out- h `re j other drivers and bought a dairy o : ,• • .own. Every one of my drivers had •it np to snuff in the gossip, though !When there isn't anything else for 'e to tell I invent little shortstoriesa a ' Ings, not improper ones, but don 1 fr ouble -what do -you -call -'ems ? o`a Me in- teeders, and they catch on {Jbit, The result is I have a practical mbnopo y of the milk business in four goad; ;towns, and am making money hand o� If you want to build up a trade thing you must study to plea knew," and the rnddycb. ekE laughed and seemed to feel ',I good. -- Chicago Herald. to du ode It er tae, d fist.• my you an -The Brandon Sun poke fun at the great metropolis in the following fas- hion : The people of Winnipeg a et a loss what to do with Main sir e., They have abandoned the notion c#f-titaavelling it, and block paving will cost moreban theyecan stand ; in its natural state it is ecoming less and less en arable. The question,what will they do With it ? has driven all who have tackle I itto distraction. The best It ing they can dolls to move out of the lace. It was never intended as a site or a ci y. Let_ them move down to Sta y Mee ?tain, or on promise of good b havio , 'hey may come to - Brandon! Thi is the coining city of the N rthwe t ei her with or without them. RE3AL ESTATE F a R SALE. 1k17 E FAAbf'FOIt SAL North • 1 lot 3A, and north half of , oelth ' ='i►lt of onceaion 9, Magiliop• Mo! of loted, d is exoo'1lent condif43laidissete.Forfurtherppar :04 'readowGtOVF}NIOCK,Wintapply to .pp. Q. 819tf b $ tQ seed or' ;p DRE • +8-S LE.-Thaefollowing is off red for sale ;tn. the E eter : A planing mill, s• wi h a c m Leto set of or .moi bo er i • first -elites' w oalkie ho Ise, a orehouse, at rete an Twises The facto e 's-asonable. ' e'', 'he fleeto Office, 'eteeeee.'a:rti GUS pr to St o pied tire, r h n minable 'property ttivleg 'village of nd ops factory crye d;1 ergine and ord r ;I dwelling erg dry{ skkinpy onto the itheed Wi h hot air, al 854-4 a e, hat . eeirable Seafot*, eat door agge, a d new oc- geod ton 'fonnd,- tee, a 1 r, dining o e 1 rg4 oodehed, b e, IA 11 other u th r p rtioulare PS, : elft rth. 880 S LOW!S' F •3 E. --For ;Arty en ltehn Street, onus •olearoh parvo y Mr. Seole. There i t -cissa •ce lar, six beds oma d a good ] itchen. Al rd anti sok water, a new et ease es complete. For ply-tthe proprietor. D. R 0'Q'.E FOR 1SALE . OR s:1e or to rent, a dwelli s nth o the railw y track, adj S=afort e:. There Is three qua 1' -a , a1 well fenced; also a g The ho ee is comhodious an a good ellar and woodshed; ater convenient. Wilt be, a o the premises to the u . T. i ENS. • ARh1 ceo ' sihich a here a famea c Hent tees,a s' tnate russet, t er pa o. to a TO R g e +snit h tere f a od ceche cam o t1 leo ard 1d ' c stip dorsi nod, N T. j -For and lot, town oil- i acre a? d on its: hie, with and MRsoft Apply S. - 855 oil 29,con- es, sta40mpofs. Muse and an ex- ed xed fruit n • eniently ii es from Fo�r far - K retseela, 841 FOR BALE. -North half of aion 8, Morris, contain rig 100 re cleared and nearly fro fro re on the premises a good lcrg able, two never failing a orchard of almost tw h 1 bearing. - The farm s' , being only two and a elf and thirteen from Sea orth. tieulars apply to F. S. CHARD LEES, Ltodsa a e 0 f: AR Fo emit eared a go here i I is co it five d gr f rther S : afore AR,, R. a••ut9 O culti b.nkb n:cessa o lard. • oad, a faith. ripaira o ll tobeSe •,e IN TUOKERSMITS }R sale, lot 24, conoeseion • H• R. , containing 100 aures,: 8 of w the remainder is hurdle dbuls d brick house and fra o a splendid orchard and ' eat eenient to school and oh oh. I ilea of Seaforth and six o (Olin vol roads leading to b th Iplao 1aartionlars apply on thq' pre • P. O. ROBERT eifeV SAE.- & Tao- ichLare There t + Id/dings. watr* is with - on, with s. For es or to -851 2;Huron 110 acres, high state Cl se, good a d other !8 ring or - h: Huron nd in good on. It ;remises E 'Ni;Y. 853 FOR SALE. -For sal , Tuokersmith, contA of which are cleared an in, a etion. There is a large l r ok re with stabling under a tb y outbuilding& ; also a1 1 go It is pleasantly siteated J n out half way etweer 1 to The buildings' and fano ar d the land in: first class c n aforth old 'veryP. chea0.pMRS. ApplyGE eh OE ARMERS, IT Will —TO CALL A'fC T .HjRONFdU RITRE HIGH SC 00 ,K + 1 • I. Whitt has been made this c linty. I have gre ney G ng Plow for this se satisfi d in saying that it the market. Our And see our oto Q You P „Y) Si 04TH, k of 1 eepeoi atly assn is�t+e LAND ROLL .Are large and heavy, runni doing good work. Our CRAIN CRUS lly for provea nd feel best' in ht and IS • 11 tmade gutting Mills red on Bridge ion, dments till line le HAT TS TT ? WHY IS HOTOORAPH PA With A. DREW CALDER at th that th holiday season is last * the gee .People of Myren. and P less req e something neat atiel way of Itortraite to send as hoIMd to the i portance of this fact, h friendscr relatives, and Mr. C. e tre ar engem ents for the sow holiday "de. CALDER'S fo t res, CALDER'S for New Yier a Photo! of testy design, exec ci c a propreate background and ekes delight 2nd a good picture. ANDREW CA Seott' BI g ft ing Chritit Piet of DE AR. , and now ng and doubt - t es in the t absent as Pi ad° and !ed with give the ing with VAR A. 1 84 NEW iPR1NC pOODS 1884. -AT TH Post Office o e. Y stock is now complete, splendid ageortment of tle . Cotton Shirtiege, White Co I II II Gloves, Fancy Tie ent otl Boots end Shoes, gtand (*splay of rockery an Nand. a /till stoe of Greco ardwere, consist ng of all k Ile, anid Glass in all sizes, avingeeow a fire -class tail f shioneble snit of !clothes on s t • de glees given for Butter e• nt oe new Wall Paper and red. 852 t ng of a Js Tweeds, nd Den- tin ace Cur- ds, Tto iery and a es, Edgings, las w just to • into and he illage, we d Flom d Highest oats and rtde r n The ,,b-lencoe Agricultural I the farmers of Huron and P arranged with To kee constantly on hand W OUGHT -IRON end 1 other TJtiplements them, so for all the mach teeter by THOMPSON eic All otders for Machinery le or ad °seed to -Box 33, re in that pa es Manu - tor the ured by y mama of Strat• ir agent Agent f A Car Load of Genuinel Whi linarpo etook tariff roc erio tToro Sh- Of all befer JUS,T RECEIVED 0, C. =JON'S Ag4icultural Imple will he sold at old prices,In twithstanding the increase of t duti , the subscriber being determined keep those value ted One Hundred and ifty of them ai few days before t ; eons aently, he is ene,bled to sell them a former prices tint' is exhausted. Call and see t ose Plows b ore baying a co article, Every Plow guar n eed to give' se, i faction or no Hale.' full etock of Massey Reaper and Massey; Mowers, Toronto eapers to Mowers, Toronto Cord nders and Massey's Low Down Binder, sold cheap and on reasonable ternis. ReP above machines. Don't fail to See my a ent Wa oNAf, per le Plow rise in in the the pre ent mon tar in - 's Rakes, all of which will lm kinds !always on hand for th buying a machine. , 0. C. WIUSON, Miain Street, Seaforth. nd nd irs ck HAT MUST COME 8i-IALL COM J. °twit 4atuling the great di otayitthe wealthy proprietors of th elle e merit in the end must win he t3 tire opintry. 79 cult), in introit oing a new remedy, to the Ob. the enormote mount of advertiaing resorted many article already in the market, yet we ,ii and, as alrea Y in these parts, so throughtent GLYCERATE6 BAL4AM OF FIR” Will be recolonized as the standard SOR TEIRDATS. If any want' -for ono day our store and listen bOttle,.fer sale by M. Robinson, Wroxeter ; Walton ; S. McKibbin, er -4er ,c6 Son, Zurich, :diner, Farquhar , D. Weismiller? Varna R einedy of the - J. Wright Beechwood ; ge for COUGHS, COLDS nd et them try a bottle, or st nd es Camp - Wm. WHOLEPAL E OR RE LIU-MSDET ANUFACT AIL pY ILSON3 ERS, SEAFORA:H, ONT. tti MILLING ORM 4\1 SAF)RTIti. S.EAFORili ROi..,LER MILLS, LATE TOE RED IrILL, cl:RIDE & SI4ITH, f. om Stratiiiroy, aVi g bougl lit the above mills, a,nd refitted theM throughout with nd est m4ohinery that could be Procured for 4 ORADUAL RE9yOTION IR d he re nit attained is, they have one of t e ar ers es: now get all their GR STING and C and aye it Oiome with them the same day, and S 1 the latest LLER beat mills t e Province. HOPPING done el Seaforth, or sale by the ton or in less quantities -FOR IC SH. Cash 'for any qua4ity . R. TtIOMAS SMITH will personally euperintend the Seaforth Rokler Mills 1864. *EDS AT THE SPR1NGis 18$4. SEAFORTII! TEA STORE. • CLver, Timothy and Flax Seeds fresh anA pure. A ood as ortment of Vield and Garden Seeds, Potato Onion Tops anfl Dutch Sets Also a fall st ok Vs/AilEs nd. everything required for domestil tiee. ;ice Thi highest price paid for Butter and forth. rks, PUBLIC N OTIC4 I Will be ' d FREE to nu applitants and te custe ere of 1 *st year without orde 'ng it It th tains illestrations, prices. deseriptio and direct ons for [planting all Vegetable and owet ,Seeds, Plants, tete. Invaluable to all. andei attended t • D. B. CAMPBELL, intoiun ELL, Provincial Lend- Stc-tTelat Engineer. Orders by msdilprorapi • THE !undersigned, having peen appointed *gent for the CONrEDERATION LIFE' 4SSOCIATI?N I Is deg' one of insuringhe lives o all the eitzzeno of Sea o and surrou ding cou try, so as to in case of eath. This un oub dly the best Ins ce Company do* busine in Canada at presen look at the aily GI be or Mail of May 1E0,1888, will setts any r sonable man of %)01-1N BEA-11-IEs Agent, Seaforth. N. Ei.-Money to an on Earns or own Pro con the mien Rayznent and sA low in I. 004 KIPPEN T1 LinZ, H atr On Hand Aga Spring of .884 ers interests takes this! op euetome hand the tion of tin Land Ro Plows, Ge Bend Ch iv B. Bell's ers, Call Also on h be sold at erg le a, a wh in ort u th ents I TO THE FRONT We) Cuitivato 8 and d Rollers. IS, KIPF d Alive to Buelnes is always studeing egard to farm in need, that e bud, and the iche in the county, co Plows, Cultivate poee Plows, Sod 21 ellerse; IGPPaluno s, -Iron beam PI mpr ved American Steel, Mo nd ee hem before bu ing nd erg, Rill Straw Cut rs, small proi tit f r ca. h, or on short time WACO S, CA RIACES AND Made to rde an all repairing oe B Waggons reed e attention. Plow lraonwds Hsi: ire . 'rimers, now th plows in hand iron bOam lied at my shon. castings for ell t Remember that LYippen,1 th ple,c to get your want in the plo Hee.- Ise repairs on ha an he con sup plo rade In all its ran hes xecated with neat batty, and de pate . Small Profits is Call and see. You will, always find m the trade, and goo humored, and business. or the Farm - many has on st nig of tubble , South alsb Farm- ewhere. ich will old for CMS ggies and and Her - time to oet beams, e leading Mellise upplied for the ohm eke dura - My Motto. alive to ady to do 1-4 6H1 Havin in !Jew Rings nd jew ve reason To get Lock Oplheise al on Papat And Papa a So in To ple in' as CI ok e 'Oil t to o ;"1:1 tri 1-3 1-3 C. Le Pa is the plaee ls rich and ra styles are th others goo and woman stock to-rno 41) mol an 0 w. o morn. amed to shO hi stock, nd in Cardnoi's lock. a' goods are; best, e will do his best and val all the rest. The b lac west of Tor o to urchase Is at !th p pular jewelry st re of L PAPST MAIN ST ET, SEAFORTH. BOILE AL &BLACK, OTICIAL THE &goo bora have bought the T ols and 'ed to tut will re eivii prompt -1- Bbiler Bu ineas lately carried on by the God- erich Found and Manufacturing Com lay, and that ehopq are now Prepared to earryi on Ole trade soulkNeberleS t P us ade and old one repaired on the sho 6 n Wel and at prices at defy com. AsIssins POPULAR STALLION& The following Stallions will eta d la- the Improvennent of Stock his Seasoia fee follows; eeSSion 3. L. 11. S., Tnekensmith, and MoNDAY-Re leaves his own stable, lot 27, eee, Road to Turner's hotel, 13rticefirld re - from 5 to 7 o'elock; then home by way Mill Road, remaining until the follOwle day morning. Teintsean-Will proceed 4th concession to Kyle's hotel, for noon north a mile and a cleaner, then westio stable, where he *IL remain until the Monday morning. FORSYrrem neer Of tee tame ong the hie on Hoeing 2 TELEGRAPH BO . at hie own stable in Winthrop Telegra h Bey's_ bred mare, havie ft some of the les sired by Old Clea rit, and his dara w Telegraph Boy will stand for raares Ca stseasoete: in the county. He s eoming five years Id, la ee scaphinabeike ocoflgoora, danapd:4,n, ad;idl,diefhtatanidnsed, He has taken prizes at both the Proefec doubteely make fa t time. He hes splendid limbs and plenty Of one and good gener bitten and Westeen F,air. Terms --Ten insure ; to be paid on the lst of Jan All accidents at the eisk of owners o time will be held erepoesibie for the i money, foal or no feat. Mures must be regularly to the horse. ANDW. GOV Proprietor. N. B.-Pa./ties sending a distance will be furniehed with good pasture and water at a reasonable rate, and ' netivee be at the owner's riek as regards aclents or - their straying away from the premises. ese el every attention. 'All mares sent to pa ture win eti foaling returned NLOCIte res from- 17FFOLK PIG. -The undersigned ve a Thoroughbred Suffolk Boar. This a recently purchased from the well-known A. Franks & Son, and is from imported both sides. Termi34---41, payable at th servine with the privilege of return:14*i/ GEORGE PLEWES.. • keep me Wes breeders,. stook en. time et - 788 T P. BRINE, Lieenced Anctionee tot the. L' • County of gluon,. Sales attended In en parts of the County All orders leftist Male POSITon Office :Will be promptlyettended to. 4-1•-• County of Henan Sales ef all deicriptioas promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Aii• dress Bruseels P. O. or apply on Lot 4, Con- cession 12, Grey. _TAMES CAMPBELL, Licensed Auctioneer, Lee tr 10, Concession q4, Mcllillop. Sales condact- ed on the most reaiforiable terms, slid satisfaction guaranteed. All orders addressed to Waken P. CAMPBELL. 8494. f. zEIng Z. zccz 03 xcFm -11 M 171 c en 0 03 rn CD CD CD 03 5-3 CORNISH & GARLAND' Beg to inform the Public that they Will tape :. during the coming season, at II email, Exeter, and Centralia, A large stock of First -Class Lime, whnh * will sell on reasonable terms. Mr. Cornish be at Centralia every Monday and Th it tit at Hensel' every Tuesday and Friday. a They are the only parties who sell DlOwni_uq Beechville Lime onthis line of railway. Tau Ili the best Lime in Canada. 848-8 JOHN MeNEVINI Proprietor of these 'well. known and popilierofilk- horuleurowangdoint perveeptehdiutgo tiuurnfierusti canss eFeliAephyi Layy GRISTING DONII WHILE TS WiLITS Bran always on Hand, and sehl at eh lie ett urr ihngellacintstWara: uwarfsinftgil :73g ai au f fltultr:ElerieAdOcdColor agaen,bnmsiisi IeSa nntwilft!: _..._01:,,antfag,eSehtpt:-e_1:1;bolp:enilto-rilshtqfahe:iirrep:Wiejeecie2rdrei4a0:: sbyne live eta ittearureecabse,tsoeinnace 1 _-FTaltre:err 8 virere betty se Fifty .per col.3 -The Wi towards imp it is the h Caned 2:k:hr.:et:oast evijeescsoempspole w-c;tiTinsthi i limuiepgessno„ doe" 'ffe agi v411 be a fe he that paet -A very teveral men I tteed pgaurni, ,. 13rerdker'81 nal:, 'eetung man passengers a of baggage. „Railway o sarirrestpetditiaofa lamber from 0 dthlaedeyx tito vb0,6tyintog ter la missed from ttPii ;le-en:PT* srheuee nh Pia y ' fG4 a tdhs et ° na ea ' y -Ptairie on aSon,but de tub ,:dreezsi n gr 1 t : attrted at ab jonrney's en next tuornin t6:'3.1)a:illePeer'eesawhetb oiejlaant aetftau2f1. ought to hav iiis-bit.n.t atntriOsOt ,a0t I:It] rthewt8oihn: i tilg:: is t°0 in by other p porte of twill ell l oll ee a lr atte d Tears before ; as most of th ta 'o now PAIP:Adee'Gr, Io coash:taill. ;ttlachueb,L anoesrlsa. LuTbil3 ' benefit ruank lees cures his ePelylsobluetdiotith, : if:: 07: smt eau: -the eonque tmarhirhoaae; epnbz.ai, , oibiTnraudhityeive2eSt r troivtisiirenlisietvIti * phiaisonIrreatgoafio and from w ,euffaleedteiseanze ' ;17eslilyiratr"lzaelkawkYt: