HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-05-09, Page 384. TH N E POSITOR tat my boi* go without them a man.the .hone. Hann&hI" he inquired of gone over to see Stiles' sick homer sat down and took his oFt, his thoughts were too bug)! to abed never looked so mean in arab before. He was still angry Weenie let#e for hembling him so the bye, by giving the minister and iuoh a slipper. Yet now as he it aver} he wondered how he Uve blamed , to Mos howhermach do you fade would cost to clothe a woman ver cost much to clothe your'n," i bis black eyes snapping. enr ht you could have been so mer atis . stingy with any 'one as you eatees d th er. She's too geed for ► , �n timeye found it out. There letesne got � it's: enough to keep her like a lady, tt teeteed of that she ain't even have leiiigntu,work with. Yell never get a case my fortin'.} I'll settle it on Han- ish snd the bays eTbat s all right. Why did you not tell mellow selfish I was before ?" Haven't I been a tellin' ye all the totjsacl"what good did it do 2 • If yer h hadn't been pinched a little, Itsaa never would have found how good it Yowas tJ follow what yer alters a•preaohin' , • We must eoonomixe ' ' We mast 1002.0 . niZe' n /t # I did miss the goodies, but tint Wasn't all the reason, and it's never toad to mend." After dinner Mrs. Gordon went back wihe dfng child, and her husband np and went to town. In stout tw • hours he returned with a tin- smith, a new stove, a new churn, and a !Jotter -worker ; a new Bled for Willie andtwo new pair of skates for the other be n fors. Gordon came home she the children rejoicing over their ettesets, and Uncle Moses and Mr. Cordon busy getting tea. e Why, where did that stove come bea woman, and ai h r" s astonished thenew edchurn and is her eyes fell upon butter:worker, she exclaimed "Why, what does it mean ?" "It mann that we have done "econo- EMPOR 61 n days. –AND -- Q est complete stock of DRY Goo[ 4INQ, AND toed Before the h People ug the discontent of ars over the grievances I still march on, OUB Ldilj•.increasing, Whit ,tT ITSELF that we t ass of goods, and let*est living profit 11.0W PRICED, rS 4 WIDE BERTf ry 4re satisfactory'to C.E4 NOR SEr.,J.E • t ► O0Ds. eeii will be found the &se 'son in Rich. l Ike,. taxi s appropriate for g orders. oti trade requires ne clout to say Miss Bttrned from viaiting r prepared than ever'- Ets of her customer& hh a large staff of eddy to suit anyone ng millinery.. ftli ODDER, L is fully supplied patterns in reliable order, or if you can- apply yoln with ai kiial in quality, style, thing made to order have now a fleets premises, ready t I customers. OSE WHO DEAL 11 US only road to boar r 'IRSF-BEARS P00' ILL NOT BE. SOUL No Trouble to :Doc, ratTP0111111A' MMTH. --r=---rte---- poor creature beaten and tort subnd asion. Thea is the spirit in wb were `treated ental the W. Thewere solemnly ass drunkard's grave was the (lard for them, and; that the' ga hear n were shut ag tinaL.them; A. few drunkards in 'Balthe) their' despair, looked up ' to lielpe was, 11 gan. Be where.; arses fo ire men ess and Their fra love about him, and led him up in light, a bitter spirit we cursed tSte .until the women of Ohio, the Christ-spirit,went abo nd praying with ru sellers lerful movement nown ; a " Womac 's Crusade," will nev fully comprehended. Tho rest the way of closing rum hops we tonisiing. And, what is most imp under the " Crusade" the deal great part, stopped willingly, en hes ily co-operated wits their good work. One ment of the business is the clause of temperance ioh drilui rhingtbti tired th' only pi His i ve He pitied and He taught them that lov dent ' The good work bi ly love triumphed eve more scowls, no more c drunkard ; but everywh down to him in his darks nese, put the arms of In seilei with ing a wont t the we rich aba orth tic} han a h closures by the constabl . Dio !I Sad Finale L LEADIN(# SOCIETY LADY DIES IN ,. POVERTY.I "Mrs. Jay Grace Hugheis, a renal of 21 years, who made quite a o0 .in Montreal society during her residence there last! sunimer, ll died in extreme poverty in New During her .visit in Montreal sh in queenly style at the Windsor Her wonderful personal attreetio cured her an introduction to, s and her agreeable and 'polised nersi, supplemented by ready wit, her a host of friends. At the tw given by the citizens to the offi the United States corvette • IV and H. M. S. Canada withi weeks of each other, Mrs.' scored great triumphs. She ap in gorgeous attire, and Was eaeo the ballroom on the first oc the non of the Finance Minister. mizieefor tbe`present, and that you `rooms were made beanttful wtthl. to ha4ve the money for youself for all decorations, and in them d r •. the batter you make. This is your capital to begin on," said her husband aehehaeded her $25. After this. Mr. Gordon never told his family again, " We must economize," sud Hannah gavehim no cause to do got Grandmothers from. the Southern,. Churchman. ori ndm theme are very nitre folks, They heat ali the. aunts in creation; Th_ay lees chap do what he likes, - And don't worry about edueatiop, I= sure I can't see it at all,. What $ poor fellow ever aonId do For apples, and pennies and cakes, withoht a grandmother or two. Andif he is bad now and then, Anclmakes a great racketing noise, They only look over their specs Add any, "Ah, boys w i1 be boys "Life Is only short at the best ; Let th children be happy to -day." Thin they Iook for a while at the sky, An#d the hills that are far, far away. Quite oiler" .rglight comes on Grandmothers sing hymns very low To themselves, as they rock by the fire, Aboutlraven, alai where they shall go. And then a boy, stopping to think, Will find a hot tear in his eye, To know what will come at the last-- Forgrandmotheia all hays to die. • Iwish they could stay here and pray, For a boy needs their prayers every night -- Some boys more than others, I s'pose— Bach is I need a wonderful eight. A Balky Mule. One day last spring, while coming np Fulton street in New York, my a en- tioe was attracted to a crowd a little wr►g up the city. Upon reaching it, I elbowed my way through, and found it was a ease of balky mule. The mules were small-, the load of briok large, and inthe steepest part of the hill one muleconcluded to retire from bigness. The driver was a big brute, and flourished a savage black -snake whip. One fellow in the crowd cried ont, " Cut him under the belly.. - Another cried, "Hit his ears. That'll fetohhima." And still another, " Build a fire under hire. Here's some straw 1 Build a fire under him.- That'll fetch him sure." The driver was meanwhile busy with hieblack snake. I cried, " Don't, for mercy's sake don't! That won't do him any good." evenings congregated a brill an gamy, His Royal Highnes ,! . Gec-ege, of Wales, availing imi MrEI. Hughes' hospitality with t est of hie comrades on the ocoasi•e i • f he Canada ball. Iv appears that early in t e she called on Augustus .Piton, m1 of the Fifth Avenue Theater, en for n engagement, remarking t lino sa of Mrs. Langtry temptedt ad pt the theatrical professio Piton was much struckith her and offered her an engagein e found after rehearsal that she adapted to the st age. After ations to become an actress pr v less, she became an artists'' m the means of gaining a livelih o was a native of Melbour ne, and was twice married. er hasbarid, a merchant, is still 1. England. Through some dis they separated, but he eras -se means of support. Lately arose and. the , money; was w Hence her death in poverty. I • Taking in a` Jes Lord Morpeth used to tell friend of his,who, to the re e some people could not feel a lees it was fired at them with a replied : !" Weel, but hoo can ye fire of a oannon i" A lady once pat a co nndr rheumatic old nurse, a king " Why are,you like a chum Sallie?" • and gave the ahs cense you are full of pains." Whereupon the old wom replied : " Oh, dear ! somebody's b of ye, 'honey. Them's annn panes. They's been foolin' y iia 0 asrds+ to s f e; in In 0 e t 1 e r 11 d e: - That t r •e e in 8- ,t. rta rs, th dt� dr ew 0 ea JECT y qn t sh rt j st 'o k. ii ed o el. sp o- ciety, man made bells rs of delia few ughes eared ed to n -by Her floral ihe cern- rico elf of "Who are you ? Mind yonr own busi- ness, and I'll 'tend to my mule ;" and the crowd hooted, " Ont with him 1 out with hitt I Give him the whip." • Just then a big negro stepped forward, and said, . "Boss, if you'll stop lickin' 'im, I've got some medson 'till cure 'im." As the teams were accumulating above and below, and as the crowd was rapidly ' augmenting, and two or three policemen were trying to clear the street, and as the driver saw that his whip did no good, he cried out, Here, you nigger, what is your medicine?'' "I want to talk to the little .fool, I want to whisper to 'im." With a nine -jointed oath the driver consigned the black man to the infernal regions; but the negro persisted, "Look a heah, boss. I ` was born .among ithe mules, and brought . up among the mules, and I know all about conies:" "Well, try per medicine, gnieh." The negro put his check against the ,armlets nose, and began with his hand pat his -neck, rub his ears, an •repeat in a low, soft voice. " Poor f flow ! poor fello ! poor fellow to • After a fe* moments the negro said, "Now; lose if you'll tech up t'other one, this one'l1 go, I reckon." The driver torched the othe mule, which had been willing to go all the tune --not anxious, but rather willing ; and when that one' started, and the negro; said to the mule, in a pleasant, coaling voice, " Come, old feller, don't be a-foolin," off he went, leaping and tearing up the hill as hath as . li,e -could go. I looked round upon the croiled, and 8avt scarcely a face that didnet show appointment. They evidently felt that the had . been; cheated opt of a fes.: They were eager to have .the d ea on n ger as ed he e to r. eaty, t, nt a not as ir- it e as he tralia, econd ing in ement her tatty h • eld. t f t&Ven en, a dude 1,' i He as ye rs, ui all his po icy 1 ni ht • fi bu ldeth fir t-bor he pitch trae}mps eth to hi' hour a prairh gr shot set tleth sh t the 00 onel, sa , be di not ret for h dittt bon at be ter tl 1 Scotch hat es r nn- 'ati,on, a j=at na;to er: 1/ e n er Man, Variously Cons d A PARAPHRABER'd TIE V. Dian that is married to w •m_ many days and full -of tr•ni In the morning he 'draws hi$ : al in the evening • Behold,; it is gone. ' t is a tale that is told : t is vanished, and no one k , w er it goeth. He riseth up clothed in' the eh menta f the night nd seeketh the soinnanJ) goric erewith to soothe his info e cometh as a horse or ox nd.draweth the chariot of, e spendeth his shekels in of fine linen To cover the bosom of his Family , Yet himself is seen at the. • city - With one suspender. ' Yea ! he is altogetherwreto Man, born of woman, is of and no teeth. And indeed, money in his pocket someti had less of either. As for iwasteth one-third of them ; teeth, he has convulsions w hem, and as the last one co io ! the dentist is twisting t but, and the last end cif that is worse than the , first, borcelain and a roof -plate b • lackberry seeds. Stone -bruises line his manhood his father boxes home, the big boys cuff him ground., and the teacher w the school -room. He . bay western at 110, when he has 's at 96, and;his neighbor unlo him Iron Mountain at 6 straightway breaketli own riseth early and sittet , np I may fill his barn and store to ! his children's 1a yers spoils among themselves an ha 1" He growleth and -is s • re ed becanse it raineth t an • h upon his breast and seyeth, is lost 1" -because it raineth date rains blight hie wh - - t frost blighteth his peaches. If that the sun ahineth, even nineties, he sayeth, " Woe is periish ;" audit the north wm down in forty-two -below " Would I were ` dead 1" sackcloth and blue jeans, ,u a • tramp;" and. ' t le iless� n bre ' BleE i*e is hei :leen hi butt m fa n a I and b1 d in p the :People or ieth inturanoe f • r itil he hes paid t foods, and then b apse one day, a re destroyeth b's him a house in J is devoured by. eth his tents in N levour his aubsta arises, and aeye way over into fire and ten m' pers fight for himself in Ke next day a by a and al statesma esembles, sah, a like, sah." Veril the tole of his do over again he all, for " the d ion the day of on w e ce 1 a e Blessed. id is the man • o •• ands his iness. sed is the worn n end fine he4 the eetty-five elver for tteth his at same orae. Ilea nd his gitioes drk, and Ee'mov- oarrie h r', while Sores of rope He j and ie leman, a became),' , sah, he: ere is no and if he, d not be death is ski." h}i never !" sew on rying.' ill not he's. your law who marred ions who you are lio1never who don't tb at don't ople who lain. e who are o pays his his wife's husband, " I tot o • s is the man wh a ous when the bab ' Ble `Bed is the woma rry widower ; provi her. :leased is the moth ver reminds you th : t gee ypnr station in life Bless ver k the. g Bless ks u� Bless to oh Bless to cal Bless n't ish they` were sib Bles ed are the single nten to remain that w Blessed is the hnsban other a pies were better 0. Bles ed is the wife for ho never galls up the • ear eparted "" for No Bles ed is the man wh t n Oen s without asking do with it. led is the wom hen the stovepipe nner table, and can fix it up i Bles ed is the friend q • ires he loan of your n Blessed is the .neighbo •out his own affairs tela me t pry into yours. Where are the blessed ? Eche answers where ? Nervousness of Greet orators are al ervo s with apprehens ma e.an important see • his est years, trembled Bred ober e isf efore rs of iven e cou O wan peed] im, erby • hen peak a the some ble o ',Who nd lij ho .i •ld tI ever' innei cera hick he as hat' hole peak: urst; old peecy rator . ervoi ered poke Ilangu The i workE eare ' minds made them think ith he same of aw t em, and se led tk np to ie" own conclude who Lord Macauley oa most fluent debaters eve he .never rose in Perlis feelipg his knees knock t� one of the compensations the ervons tetrperame casino s the trembling is cense of oratorical suoce may lmoat be said th 't g at orator, for a r speaker, who does not feeiin'g. e r 11 n lo • 0 11 a Is d are the rich ok down on you atter. d is the poor rela to yon—for mon d is the old people and child id is the old baoh s and pin cushion jd are the marrie 10 r end h in 0 a h • a e 1 8. / 1 e t 11 ;g s t out her in i OW, ' Be- ty ngly f • olin' rt o' a. is of ,and it r le hith- 1 gar- pare 8 =rilIty. s chase' • 11 I edj tfdto 11 f' the dais. ild be if he lays, he or bis e grits hrongh, iatone 'S jaw full of hold ay, to ars at play, lim'• in orth- short upon nd it . He that he sbs, and de the y Si Hai stress- 1peateth y Drop The d the he lib ng the , for I heth orieth, oveaer If II It ing t Blest old w e di an W. a t n rl widow, v Ts of the i e his wife at, she is het don't lie down on td is the It he pulpit. The a Hall. Mr. Gong .ways ha tremo an audience. M the House of imilar testimony. Id always tell in about to make o the father of th r young man was o e rs in Parliament. e s are es dry ae thee f going to be hanged. e late Sir A. Alliee rose to speak, eve assembly, withou fencing did not go off till e bject." It is moor e 'he shuddered vi ib body when he fl " by Sir Theodore that he did not s, he never 'rose to p 'and calling into play e to express wha tensity with whic within h !never re - its so busy e has no invariably i true of f saes that • ee t;omin g th lead- en have hrough e.1 Lord sen Earl, f the best vvesl known bate," and incap- said, throat a man trEet a after - US warmed to ef Cicero y over his - began to tin, we are tepee° his ell great alt without Way inter - king as he the fittest e thought. is intellect He got his , see things h himself one of the nown, said then It is neture that o t on allY effective xrerience the quantity of ' E ly Rose and atoes for seed. jApply on lot 84 olfillop. JAMES DO A.N O. E. str et, AY i ba ds fo la else sir ng to re 'done ing u oollee xpen settle , Harp forth. -accounts due Dr. yereoe lected having been left in ,y - parties interested are no - e muSt be Settled without s will be incurred." Parties e Send six cente for postage and eeeive free, a costly box of goods w , of either sex, to , more money ri anything else in this wprlid: Fo e workars absolutely sure. II fit 011 & Co., Augusta, Maine. 85452 mi tn wi Spurgeon.'s Th Mr Spurgeon, with c plain ess •and vigor, ea d him no longer preach to mod rn divines whittle w to ' mall end of nothin . our vine Loth to be 4, a mere opinions. As for e, grace high as heeven. III pit hat is bottonelessi love and mercy ; an 6 er if dant ordered in ell thttigs *hie the substance an I 1 1 EITO hi 11, vgh ed ig h th Mee to re he ods, eetab G. VanEgniondt has remoVed e building opposite the burned a complete stock of manufan- where all busiaess connected hment will hereafter be een- GO co ntry oema H lens, D OP e of around er wit ounty t g for a good country shoemaker ut 200 inhabitants and a line House and shop ready. No six miles. Also au opsning BC fa A p of the fact, it GE s, 131 e sale ills, s gone le an inery turi M. B eric TS WA TED ,.—Wanted, active, reliable th, Gorr e and Winghatni to canvass for of reaPe s, mowers, rakes, twine binders, tractio Steam engines, saw mill ma - &c nfacturod by the North Arnen- cultural Implement and General Manu - g Coinp y, London, Ontario. Apply, tb airagteristic in recent s cutting raytty, and Idea, let y tr. Some hey make rtiof blessed selVation to. Veriqes as [ believe in s hell and a • 4 heaven n infinite_ t infinite a d sore, of eelity . is an LL W A L iLARG PAPER, ALL PAPER, PAPER. ST ASSORTMENT E COUNTY —AND— T PRICES, AT PAPST'S Seine rude person found's plumber's bill wit : Going to see th beck for tools and hel leak 1.50, sending for goin back for solde bri ng the solder $1, 112,-1 st. my tobacco 50 eater 83, getting my fixing the pi com $2.50, tilde, sold on , overalls, an s to have ran thus : pipes, to. 1, coming nding the ,g: getetlepn :11..1505: ed finger Bnjtgsettotinwgortko ecartsn'tlgoteinarg elothing ffer TERRIBLE COM At Ciampbells Block, sti my wit le stock of GROCERIES ITRYTH RY, GLASSWARE eloW who sale prices ; first come, first cry dt Al ce one ate safe, nearly new ; odd horse nine years old ; b n, elm h eine, and all shop furni- WIL BE SOLD CHEAp. e Effect TIO drth, Ontario. NG ITATTERE f t e Fir t DA Has Proved Fatql to High Prfc eg ure one The stoee, which is one of the best ds in Seeforth. Posseesion Apply to I WALT AM WATCHES he h‘ ding Watch of America. grocery ate, first of Jun AS one moves that sort of thing, share of buyers we fact is very clear ; at retail must tell, Great Fa A mind, an hears the is dull, few peOpl ave 14ad the lagt .G9o4 gOods auct We gluaran in Prices. Twenty Per . .Lower Than all Line to be had at . COUNTER'p jEtiiLRY EMPORIUM, li setsote ka nodf JCehweeelpr ye s, tw( qa_ ahl ietsy, con 4ideerijeadr) epairin in all branches of Watch'es, Cl ke and Jewelry—all arant d to Br ohes, i tie manufactured o the ook on for a tree of, silverwalre in the win& ; it is the place, di ectly op osite S. Porter's cheap cash fur iture t3 ore. . wholesale and a grr many= much Some people have said us tells us they won't be un_derSold. eVery one our business is not to run M. COUNTEFI The Leading Jeweller. FONT 111 NURSER ES, TliE LAR EST IN. THE DOMINION. To begin Ivo k at once -on Fall &Lief!. 'Steady nt at fixed salaries to all emplo to work. AND WOMEN can have pleasant HE YEAR ROOND I are earnixig from 00 to $76 pet uses. Terms and outfit bee. Toronto, Oatorio, ME WORK Good agen month and Address : 864 mind our own usiness. Eve knows that if one buys a4d pOrs 1 they Cannot sell as low as tbpse w We, 4on't profess to sdill tor p/o goodslat such redu ed raites is sip ing A*A1( AWAY DOW JAMES hot 1 old reside ters in towii, and the ices r at the days, b iholesale very arti at 11, such a rra ant to inform o position, btilt to y in 7.9 ts on the ilar, y for mujch. less. lit offering you 10KARD. GR4T, OIROUS, 13.A.11•Ti M'S HERE WE ARE. attention, What have you got noWr " Why, a magnificetit range of Bina Gros Grain Silks', Rich' Blank S4tins, jackets aed it anaes ; also a full li (ref Ornaments, Loops, Ste., being our second lot ina to hand, and their selling so fast is convincing proof that for new goods and good goods, Silk and Stales, we do do thein right. See our Heep Skirts for girls at 25c ; see our Hoop Skirts for ladies at 25c. In 13estles we show great value et Renton 13ros." " Boys, I've got my new Spring Suit, and it fite like a 'charm, as eme,:411 as can be, both beck and front, Deli for ease and comfort it could not be tter.' " Yon seem so well pleased, we' like to know where you got it." " lit Benton Bros., of course. Yon know I went there last spring fo the this beats my last all to pieces I tell you °you ought to see them., New Spring Tweeds, New Ottemaes, New dandy lot of paetings, some fax nicer goods than I ever Savir them e*er be- fore, and they are giving fine prices these days. Yes, come aleng,; if you waet a first-class suit got up te good style and to fit. Everybody kneeis, thee aStear this seasod wii`,h granier sights, moee gag us display a drew and all the living wonders of t e nineteenth eentury, tall y u want to see one of the -finest "plays of DRY GOODS amid MILLINE Y, do 't forget the MONTREAL ITIC Exhibit the latest and meet fashignable stook of Ilory • seen °inside the metropolis during the ser+n. USE, Great Success of tile Oak H Gents' Fitrnishi 1.1 Cloth" Young man, do you *ant a bobby Sprinn t, Hat, Tie, or any article in w Farm PrOduce taken in irade at DU DUNCAN MAIN STREET, CAN ber th Montreal Ho NC • ;tee Can ORTH RANTON BRO 18 the plaCe for Fine Go. 111 JAMES A. CLINE ik CO.3 Are showing for you to set oe from fifteen different styles of- hopping Axes ; nine differeet makes of Cross- cut Saws. Akio the largest and most complete stock off • CUTLERY AND SILVER-PLATED %1IRE Ever , shown in Wingleant, comprising Cruets, Cake Baskets, Pickle Adettles, Butter Dishes, Napkin Rings, linlyes, Forks and Settees, Also a fill line hl the celebrated • - NEVADA- L%VER GOODS, We have a full Warranty on our plated " goods, and guarantee them to be exact- ly as represented. HENSALL New Winne —AND— FANCY GOODS STORE, JAMES MURRY Has pleasure in samouncing to the ladies of Henson and vicinity, that he has opened 0, new Millinery and Panay Goods Store in the Waugh BlockeMein Street, Hensel He has a bemplete stock of all the latest read moat %Ethical - able styles in HATS AND BONNETS, Together with trimmings of eVery de- scription. Thitt department itt -under the personal supervision of ti Mur- ray. The stook of Fancy t o is also complete in every departme t, and prices will be found right. - rY our 75e SID GLOVES ; . they will gi e satis- faction. Inspection invited ; nO trouble to show goods. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. (LATE CARMICHAEL'S) SEAFORTH, ONTSRIO: JAMES WEIR pEas to inform his old friends and tlk travel. -a-F ling public that having purchased jthle new lyre -furnished and re -fitted it from tep etoraornsbete torn, and it is nove c.Tie, of tbe most , atolls** and convenient hot4als in the county'. Yanstristat. e hopes The bar attention to the wantent his custom to merit a share of publics pert:KAP- are all well furnished and well heated. ; will be kept supplied With the bast, tentative and trust, wo oleler will war bs in attendance. Geod pie rooms, for commer. dal Travellers. RememberthelBoy* gotel;' tenter of Main an4 Goderieh8MOte, Worth. 736