HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-05-02, Page 5kr 2, 1884. !way to eoutefooe on the spot. I hope rouble or dillioulti etch. [Cheers.] ted for the honor and 1 hope that .ountrY• we- will haye eling towards each aow. (Oheers.1 interview with tee iegraph will peeee• due of the voyage es It' I suggestedeleyttet na. What walla nian, "I haven't a ion of a greater part • who la nearly el. 't generally enjoy a t that has beers ray r experience in your - ice and Eiagland.ri, eick. Why, for the :left Ben Francisco, t the - table at all; t over,the sealtioh. mi. a the voyage, kind a temptation the side, so nes a rough oneithen 2" 1, We had'oe de. e; feet, 140311S of 5ai.1 it was the beeLt t waet as smooth re were some cloys ene out in ray scull iaiok ail the way. isthe worst on the demonstration at fy stopped there a aolale were crazy to reached the place iwed by a news. ; got ortt an a extra" the way, he wee id ha was pretty onss He said, "I auccess, but I hope an Australian.' an ovation at saw artything like L Soma of them LV boat. Of course , I guess, who had tre, but the nati•vee caake of it. They he boat,. and look over, to find out aachinery about it. • use a knife te hat it yeas made native king gent • he waa not able wing- exhibition I t he had broken daya before, and oing out in the I family, however, MAY sweelio J. Rayne Oh% W. don oimni Fletcher ; W. BrYes Vona, . o B.C00 . Dinurk' 111 szoi0;.%hoGaht. shwtah. •riPoPip tng B. Phial totteW. Y Burcle tutelleon ; eteretich, le a H Beam Ce tota persons; inaftosebshte;r (a Ai doe, Jame The The con Justice H in Tororito jury broug the parties set down Tuesday c in mutt, while the sated. the bright were, for t 8. a. Blak Q. a Fo Dalton Dtro Master, Q. laun6 d,,EDtd. ero tor Camero 4.0. The defe enter the d mediately i were arraig to plead. Dr. Mc Kirkland, the indict that: the fo tochange t erenient. _ charge had original in heard -befor could not b • Several o same strain eiderably o overruled t Then Da On behalf he demure on the grou law, that n proven. T ell the de Mr. Irvin dictment is issue." Then it "certiorari' defendants Court of Q The mat This argu before the the middle fastened, it will be for trial. hopes that of Queen's in at Auekland !" tore waa one man : were hundred& 1 went up to the :t, bat IICtt .it sod • ore were many on • I suppose they ioriae- big, athletics then my identity welcoraed it the 1 gave an ex - un there, wad • rowed . arrived at about 1 left at 2 &cloak 1 was not able to or lay, but I intended ) make a day in ;se, rowing exhibi. _ a were about 1,500 ad I had te' make k, act:taking them welcome. , From aere. etas nothing The: fo ••=,at I must say changes in h surprised and relating to •kalely hearty re- aminations rhea I eaane to Holders 'ng the Met that who desire icy early." are require A the hotel at 1 the non -or nation in t for five years. Inspector 900„ and I have °Way and the city that cost to exceed 2 • very 131120 like to the- aggr eile and family 4 tained in man caret very say candid tta to a,tt lid to 1. ter will sa - two ohil roil- -except IIIId r yeare o14 and representat lithe old." specter or iiatand to go on • show it to unexpeoted eilf do an Mug sions vvill b etra„ brtt st4ck to =illation. by that time I do A fee of it to do, I in- candidate, il' • er to my men. specter to a aetive part in perms of ak I bevel. won mud send other people, later than , if I °anti: win stating the calottlated -that ply for, th over - 05(10,000 they airead tabe acco donee of c optionel su The obli large building* • ity lama ut of .., Class 110111 fact, to te1 the of the sulti yself." -ed are :- t i•nforraed the i Reading. •- remain iniAus- 2 Writing.. 8 English 1011-ths. He had 4 English inweraentg ae to 6 Compositi igiwo exhibitic•nit 6 Dictation. 7 Aritlameti (Algebra. .111MMI 81 Euclid.. seven years out wed Triokett in oronto pocketed The A -Dep Dal Appoint- 9 'tIlistory. j0eograr, le Mental A I; of the appoint. And (a) N 40digt Episcopal •Ila atuzat Beta eat year: or (b) La a. Wiilianason, k &exii ;la Wyok, B. A.; . Candidat Wellarel„ J. drawing or tff; Barton, 3. any marks .L. Cohoe ; Lyn- bonus to th JHen g it.. . . s tw k-sllamore ; i ak- Least dad '.enheira, 11.. F. will hive w; Hartford, J. from an a i. Charlottevilley male esiadi b., W. lie?ley ; Gerraan, i Canboroe, D. Caadidaates T. J. At 'king; take eebjec Ridgeway'.. D. • 11. ha, Ward. tittrThe wor ementa ; $ WI- is the same erature, w (lardirter, 1. E-; • "The Eleg i Refleetion.s Thcsraas, W. G. Ii, 3. Layeock ; that the pa geaforth, •JA P. of a rug ; Parker ;itit- $1 hitherto, a e•.z.. Parkhil; - 44 Rodasoa' Knott; l.A•". ligh.l' rVICO, (sapplY) ; Erabrd, A.; 3. T. Diva; The sub (inked are . , 1884. .. ,. i . 1 .. . - .. • - THE ' II • • , RON _ • EXPo8ITOEL . . „ • • ________ ..e... __ .. . . • - , , 1 - 5 vir. x.. vonick; Dorchester, as• Westminater, W. H. , , D. Hieghson .(supply) ; Lon- ., John Wood ; Sheddin, Wm, Malahlde, 0. 'W. Volliok, C. old M ' • A, • Springil • • Griffin , L'Kennedy and Wm. Teeple; o 8. Kelly ; Walsingham, k; M0080Min, Manitoba, M. . - third., but the. papere in most subjects, as aggregTh:t. Iln8irtijoini begin on the 7th of Jttly,* llth ; for Seconds wi and end on, the 14th • . Perth I Will or forr, I bee. 1 emii gra ad. • . be: e. Ir. -Aerate 1 1 • d. tad; t 1 " • an l • Will e. 19thtt • : '' hours • skin provlad ing tit Thee strougeseldom.00mpla'ned the heg Ets . said that the i was owing to a fatal,and mug theaystem for poor boy, , althe Street the day bef• usual. • d : lees): sea: ugh re ha • co 1 h rig een p e a eath . • of the at always gnaw- of years. ver very d was on play. ' ' with indact, scintest Winnipeg be tiee the ere is the r in he ecored geni exero tie who • tory . 'snit as a couspionone tics requites wean engineering [Mud, 0110 More for Winnipegi teShave stiil al of their ta n produce a solteme for , 1 salcoess, that Oftdr this skill and, victory I mut* mud.. iinven- field beef. fon ' ente, andi any- horoughliy sat, keeping Maid CLOTH , A I N PEIELLS - ENO 1:130 RI UM. , POPULAR STALLIONS . • , _ _ The following . fa . 1 District -E. Lounsbury, P. •Ninety-three mem lets • r: reo :ived au Latest' Ne a ,: 68. et :et. ino od• condition will Betel be Stallions will the Improvemept of Steck st rid this an, G. A. Fulcher, ; Strath. Andrews, B. A.; Bothwell, Oil Springs, F. D. Ling ; S. B. Allinson ; Alvinston, ips ; St. Clair, .J. C. Nether- ikon (sapply) ; Wallaoeburg, trial' into th °an . e M II huroh siiice Jaly 18 ih. teen by letter. _There is yet no belonging to the poo Mrs. Porteons,•stelen • tche I la ord. f in from , t w t et d o t w sodist eigh. 1,600 • ieset, : fe of - -.rhe of burg, The present. Marriage of Hesse, to Prin.cel. wail celebrated: o Qoeen and Pride ' .- • he announcement rin oins1. I" s cs W eir ' a o • se f esday eatrice a - ' Victorial Batteni laste were • e through a • hay • inri• of al ple t •to re re•on a fortn . e. . s 'The 'minty Counci of Gladstone • decn. ed on ereotin •. count I) 'Id . s . y ui - in th • town of that . aree_at cost n mg: are o come 0,000 The b Rd' • ' t bei -d thi season. , , -- ar ItaVe )ttSt . o - ened p I new lo of • beautitu •1 • Scotch Sewn as follows : RA JOHN . 1 MONDAY -Be lesv,es bis awn sIable. cession S, L. R. S., - Triekersmith, and south to- the Kippen Road, thence to hotel, Kippen. for noon; thence along 1 th Y. - 27, con. proceede *08.ff-ea% London Suitt Se tch a d Ir sh ;lue al d. lack Sera es. A Road to Turner's hotel, Brueefieh4 emaining „; •Sydenharri, T. L. Alc, Thamasville, D. Pomeroy ; kV. M. Pomeroy, Wheatley, avey ; Cottana, P. Miers, tee, W. Faucher; Leamase. 1ickard ; Ridgetown, R. C. 3-lencoe, A. S. Griffith, T. epply) ; Florence, W, C. Mo- 'kolas, G. H. Johnson ; -Cara- . Kennedy. : • • • yers, of S •who took it I -A Mitch • ell ma • Masters be it ii ' - , 0 in viol ttendin and ' - a / g plum., - of•the Salvation Arm -Mr." Henry Voght, a prominent and o , , p p township of is, ha farm and all its bele • nest Htighousen for $ ratfor na, • :ntly das • . in of that for in la, re r std. dispos ginge , e th e - t. " •es. e-iiyicee to •• y t Wk. otidet. ! ' ' ; MO after • .. veers tif the :f his Er, the Ont positg Donqinion the by at.Order•in•Counloi au teri ton Mail of Thursaa tio Act, passed heavy fees 1 oo Liquor Lie° I nstml license fee he Executive IC . entation. of Wit Church in Cana esterdity. The r • 1: at it.: s it, , w . :. : s:ip,s : et 0 Eldon, holders . d s isallowed •• ittee o i t e ee , at bf 1 that the ini... of ditkii to on the peesby- .Kings- th ? Year • , te= at C = C L F A, . 'Births. i • • . . OOLM. let Oak Lake, M nitoba, on ilia 9fili 'le, th: die of Mr. Arch' ald Maloolpn. a a -on. T _. W h th 21 t Ilt th 0 ifo of . r.. Thos. Wright p a eon. ! SBD.- . thiborne, on the 14th ult., howife of Mr. 'OA: McCord, of a . aughter. i • INS. ; . Exeter, on the ? 4th ultr, the wife f Mr. I/ O. Collin's of a e o n. .' • I CIS. o 'Osborne, on he 18th :nib., the ° full Pave ' iona . Felts, gs i i o e. Purs Readymade• Worsteds . 1,7n and . ense trawsi. Cloth • in ;Molt • - I all 14e of . 4 luk ng b , . •. A au , ' 1 des that new e of Bo • Collars . s /ash- - ,.. 4 „ ,;,,„, . (.146 '&16 's -and • Ties, from 5 to 7 o'clock ; them home by mu Road. remuining until the followin day morning. THURSDAY -Will proceed 4th oonceselon to Kyle's hotel, for noon north a mile and a quarter, then west stable, where he will remain until the Monday morning, FORSYTHE Peoprietors. TELEGRAPH 130 Telegraph Boy will stand for mares at lai . own stable in Winthrop. Telegra wa - to & t of tilt • Thurs. long tbe ; thence bis own , ()flowing JUNOB, . is seavon .h Boy is .........,m8 Conspiracy Case,. . • ---The Listowel to • . . m n last meeting a e de - ,00p.Youtiii n. tam thebY-1 o • : -its . ssedmediatelyt eho. and ed the scheme 110. he committee iii o a e 11 IiI• ol • • i. pe e4 to e set su case. pa im- h full e. • D M ansT•611h i t the erTAll'i•Iwn1grererisenoeet , tikt• e ife of . P. McDonald o a son. i ' , ' Call ; A,h,:rt buy , , h, airel by Old Clear Grit, and his dam bred mare, heeler; left some of the fest ia the couuty. Be le coming live years mita a well at etnelt o:d, is oi y case came u before pima . P earty at the orim•in•al assiaesMaritlag last week, when the grand it in a true bill against • all „and bhe trial of the case was for Tuesday Jest. When me the defendants . appeared rcompanied by their eonaBel, rowel also was well repre- le •coun•sel, which comprise legal lights in Canada • • •Cuffs, ,n limitna• zFebruary, hotels to six. The n and thefee made $14 _ On Stinde.y motet aged about eight year immigrant train when The body was taken t by the bereaved pa teem - . _A pima lady of qt. 0es the sum mber is instead ng ' e 1 died o s nearing Poi .' •ents laid 1 May w, of tle ei .tra E ' . . . er of eyen el on- • girl eclat ford, , n, ried i l_ • t o &mita sembly. . stands the El the full has Torqnto throiigh d - ynemi aimed at hylh • The Pres+t m the fore-fren pen s of e s n tipends 't mi amount asked teen received. 1 iti. profound seniato on. Wedniles the discover7 1 •t •cl e car ri gesi r art.:lure e s era. f oM as o 1 1 ,neral ' Canada, • t i 7 e e tw 1 1 e ore church • au sin 1 o n As- now as to n than sed in last; erful a f use PI Beat ' it. E- CA ; PBELL.-At till' residenee of Mr. . na. So. erland, Hallett, n cle of • tho bride,- in the , 'th tilt., by Re . A. D. McDonald, i... awe'. a Pine to Miss arbers, Caeapbell, . oth of a smitten*: . , E -C aRRIE.-In Morri at the residence , f the b' de's father on th '25thaitlt., by Rev. ' ohn R .8, l3. A., lir. Joh Bayne, of Hamil- n, to Miss Catherine, Idest daughter of • r. Doi ld Currie. . 9 . , 11 sell at N 2" 0. • e ctc. 1 bottom : • 0 b 11' amp e s cas 13.1 ock, nd se . prze eaforth. . s. . l X M n 1 ainly CAMPB for ea and • LL. •money, a black color, and stands 16i bands hig capable of gond speed, and, if trained, doubtedly make fast tine. He hes limbs and plenty of botie and good goner Ile has taken prizes at both the Provin bitten and We,,t, rn Fair. Terms -Ten ineure ; to be paid en the let of janu.ry, All accidents at tho tisk of ownere Parties disposing of their retires before time will be held re'sponsible for the foal or no than Mares must regularly to the hope. ANDW. GO Proprietor. -X. 33.--aParties sending a &stance will be furnished of he V DI . Be h -ould nn- splendid - 1 points, ittl. Exhia ollaut to 1885 mares. foaling gelatine( returne NLOCK res fron 3st that the celebration cern-Mitt .ould attaehed, under the C with get) pasture Grown, 2E. Irving, Q. C., o 1 I Deaths. and water at a reasonable rate, and w 11 21. earl LO ,: e Q.C., and oames Bethune, r Ranting there appeared get up a sham fight o the ladies. It's leap There the 24.t ear, y. bet een. k oiiv " Parliament font] building . by a Bon of one .f o:tetekers, • race; were SH . W.-0 the 31st March, t the residence of n -law, Mr. Davi Po/look, in the • ' . every attention. All mares st•nt; to be at the owner's risk as regatds ace their straying away front the premises. pa tura will deets 0; • 856 might not be uch a al , m abotit 2.30 Wednesd a ter .00n. A T I-1 0- 0 f ID 1\T 1_1 I 0119 1\T earthy, Q.C.., Donald Mo. ' arrot ver Sett'. merit, N rthwest Territory, • C., and W. A.Foster, for Nicholas Murphy ; for Kirk- about it ,however.• ._. At a mooting the purpose of getting' , id Stu up a. a a leb ei fo : tied thorough offie found search was t BAB, and two mor under the steps .. al ri• (meshing e by gas the were the • *harlot; paw, late of the township af oe, co ty of Huron, ag d 61 yearil • OflthBlJ Stan- and 11 it..1 • 1 COUNTY OF HU -ON, - eMichael, Q. C., Alex. Cam- r. Caswell, for Meek, Hese- et ,. Q. C. and Dr. McMichael,. - to for the 1.24th it wee decided tug-of-war between If Blanshard, and West Downie, and then it fi • ast NiNi:a Nis: al " pul n ur " ve a i and and d the Speeker'S and thatithe posi p chamber, a n 1 fuse attached.- I dynamite has ion that day, a a a sartridgea so apparent •laced - - wire in la MIJ 11E8. a Wingham, on t e 21st nit ugus youngest danght r of S. B. :. Mo es, seed 19 ye e, 5 menthe aye. TART In Hay, on tho th nit., 1 :on of . Geo. Muttart, ged 15 mon Carrie ? ' and X. and 21 homes, ; he • 7 1 i • . a if - -. „.,. a' a 6.. '444%.: '''•;', a'Ae,, . •':', /Tift , .!!*. . , ,„... .• 'II- • ae 1 - } JULY EXAMINAT 1 8 8 4. - oNsi ideate were not required )0k, but were given seats ha- n rear of their eounsel. TheY " d - o ra n • k tied in eel r a d as ed - championship.. _A convention is t ford on the 15th Alley making arrangements Aot submitted to the be bele or the l' to have lectors. in ' li • i ' Strati. . se of • oot.t . :rth. coul had trid uao h ' nothave failed they been there . f es are about six i • o : • . d h f d an a al in mi. e Reeves, ell t. .1 lo soovered The oar- .g y an b 1 " Dr. BL Fo ti• oa,--e Wingham, nly a of Willi • with° nd 20 -days. EY. --I Goderich to ii icbae oley, aged PaLM Near Oak on t e 18th ult. an Ida Black, sh p, on the 2 ye rs and 4 m ak Manitoba, Willie, aged r rd ult., , nths. the' . 1 / ea e :lea* ae: :, '1,.lodiSig.e.'" . ,'‘a , a...we:4e., . 4. '., i •44 • IR. ,•'f.: 1.. ....i Aijiiklk:' , Te aesseefale, • ea • - • .ezaaa_ ':•-• _ twee. I, z • • • { 1. • . LII. CLASS (nomprofeesional) AND MEDIATE will be held at the High the county, beginning at 9 a. in., MOND I J ito INTEB Tt.t110018 0 ichael rose, and on behalf of Waded to the last count in ,ent which was to the effect ir conspirators had combined 'ae timber policy of the goy- His contention •was that this not formed a portioh of the ictraent, and had not been e the magistrate, therefore, The rat . of pro e era o e krona that there • Sho from all parts Of the county.' _The temperance day afternoon of last was made -interesting the speakers on the c rebate eo the liquor it that half the peopl overae id be, meeting eek, in tethe unoil 1 icenses. of thie t del t giv 11 or • 11 r e. ates -• un- . rYas 6 s of ng a w ii like WhIel 1 monad autherities. Court that and abet and and r. of fGd '11h y, o o exec , v at the instanc : of to appea •at in that city on uesday they "did utile full pijurionaly cause, ad, one John Little, tie. infected with a o:rtaii . infections= disease al ,= .b .en he 1 t .0 t; ,nowingl ,iad b:ing c ed and sum- London Police next, for 1 Y • ise and sick ntagions mallpox, FO H L : 8th ul , the wife of • ged S2 ears and 6 month SYTH 31 -In Tusco ancer •f the steinnah, enry orsythe, fortherly 3 year D. -In Livingston hp 18t , April, Side°. applii Ilood. aged 13,InSeaforth, on 1 ove ' d 71. years. 1 ' - , r. rehibald iltalcolna-, . ; 1 a co at It- y, ich o the 24th ult., of McKill4p, town hip,- Michigan, j eseson of JOhn 8 m nths and 4 the let. inst., . on gala, of Mr. aged on and days. Andrew - Cloths, •, . kinds , , , Mre sliow 1 Table f Linen , this "slaplcins, • • week a a ' . D Or ,. , nle Ex , I . , , ' e• i ange of . owe T ra ' 1 T . e ab I s ' I, and value IL CLASS (noe-prefessional,)at the beginning at 11 a. an., WEDNESDA.Y, 9th JUI L CLASS, GRADE C. (norepre fee sior Normal Sehoole, beginning at 2 p. TUESDA It, 15th JUL. PROFESSIONAL EXAMINA I X, T 0 MONDAY, 2Ist JVLI I. CLASS, GRADES A. AND B, Mg Schools Y. 1,) at th in. . e then forced upon them. followed to hear the other hal abused ' I. to ttavel by the Grant rink Railway . all poods. good I WEDNESIDA Y, 2:3rd JU- et. f the counsel in the ., the argument lastin.g con- rer an hour. His Lordship ie objection. , ton McCarthy took the floor. of the defendant, Bunting, a to the whole indictment, nd that it was insufficient 1.n ) adequate offence had been he dem•urrer was adopted bY sadapts. g -'The Crown says the in -1 sufacie•nt in law. We join .1. was agreed that a" writ of ' should be taken out by the to remove -the, case to the teen's Be•nch kr argument. , . ar now stands. in this . way. .en•t will be heerd in term _per.:John Walters, purchased a farmeof neighborhood of Drayton; $4,300. • Mr. James "Woodley his lanai whioh adjoi age for §7,000. Mr. conceesion of the sam purchaser. _on Friday some. eixty at Stratford for Was home, having come o sian of the Allan Lin. fine, sturdy leas, twel of age. = They had Saturday and on Su Baptist :church. On four were sent to 116 ptovided for them, a painetaking superinte cations for about One of Full 00 acr • pa as - Pull eid, o -towns . bo • Mee 1 4 by" t i The e to fif marc' day att.:. onday es thet, de Mr. .1 dent, 1 mire. t • i n$: a to th . p, : sir li h : w e a 11 a : • • d in ,haa th or i I sol vill, 9th '' thi3 . , i ived son's roas1- e all ear0 op the cept been , the ppli- e. and panj• to travel," were We that' to Islw large sum in in chaiged meains , health o'cicick, lenti continued diedi addicted n a -car of the s i ail in which Other p: so s -etc.'', etc. h: summonses served by a Lo d n de nesdey last. Th d to is they did not kno t • as and had no inj r et : i number of witn : :se: h oned in the case George McCabe, •• . o ee 'estminster towns a •as ondoo • Saturda af rn with thamur. r sf-hie of poison. S : - as the previous I ay u when she wail :el ad retching and c.) n sions, ' for Some ion s, about midi]] h . phe to -drink. 1 i c Cabe ay com- re • wont 1 ective on Stated coPtrary 1 te4t.' A ve I been , . s a! hotel arrested 0111 - last wife by in 1 good to eight with vio- Which and she was married arri thine &atria.. - Y beaten - fo thF t it ti 0 o B 33 Local Notices.. 1- A • r load of American Seed ed at ; . C. Willson's seed store, Seafeith. 1 , Love : nd Timothy, Seed cheaper ' 6ver at O. C. Will Wit Seed; , 854 Teo W sort da Yetave s new 50 n g Hys h and Japan T AS ; they in la. 855 . . .•' NY q • : ntity of chow Seed Potatoes le che, . at Wieson & Y owe's. 655 AS t : t cannot be equalled, , and co convinced. A Car Load a to a ave. M. A. ()ILA EsworrrEt. _ pp ICES WANTED. Miss Sliteth, e amake , Se,aforth wants number of e to th Dressraaking b einets. Apply ' 858 :BEDS, EEDS.-The est. valueEi o er and imothy seed s ed Peas F • ' ', r ey will . e found at EDW RD CASH s t er Sto Goderich Street Seafortie • Corn Store, cent ,can't be Try of Po- 853 appren- at in ax and Seed & 846• in suitable Em)ciroid Mantle of Para.so - White f . , a . , , , ,• - .A. and r L ries d Dress s from I lE Cream • dies and 3 S C.+f) • • Mu ' . and• : .. =• In serti . I Silks c , c to $ . ,,• IT .1 hos 11.d n et. 1 ' 1 , s, eapt. 00 .., .A. and 3 • en. s 4 - -. • o r 1 ri 1 . F.u. I , P 0 . !• 1 IR, teens 1 • esses. ' M1 a ng stock " 'TH. ALL CANDIDATES Secretary, on or hefore school where and he desires to write he wishes to take, holds, if any. d bie periled by a ecrtifieate one dollar, or two for a second as will -1 No name all- be lama unless the fee accompany tion may be had from Third-blass Teachers enuet write at the the Mieleter of Education except in exeeptienel J. It. MILLER, Presidirg Examiner Chairman of . Goderich, April 28th, - --- -a- -- -- WROXETER AN D 1111ACH innst forwari JUNE ist, notice le class of certificate carefully -naming rdhe certificates notice MUST IllS) ' f character killers if the eandida as ao third eless - .i, d de to the. it. Forms the Secretary. clesirieg .-an. July I xereie at ion, will refuee eases. , P. ADA -and Boitad. 1884 - - a : ---------- FOU I N E S ft to tie of th for wind t e option e ahead' e acconi an R ese c re apphe examination partmen D ' o applies extensiel °therms e :tensions SON, ecrersay ' 856-! --- - 7. RN P 'ull about remarkab • , court, something of May. If the demurer is _A very was witnessed on the e eak fa Ea of ) t time do1)- her l beintg about eighteen ..o.t s a widower abou fiv : year ago, he e ago. 8 user eived, a car 1 ad of Manitoba el; Whea , Red Fyfe varlet See quality 's at • ., IN FULL BLAST 'A AIN hat will end the c -ase 'tiered back to the ne6c,t rhe defendants h: the case will end in 'he Bench. ; if not Assize Ve great Court pleas Volker, on- the' • Downie, last week, ai head, eight 'legs and t were two 'separate :bodies shoulders backward.: t co. iamb 6 tail Ther: eee t . . on ol 1 one here the s but He first! the 1 that con4ty was arrested for t . . . urder wile, but was diet, a, god, aisagreement of b. Jury. time lived nea, Ing •rdoil, Of .Oxford, an th .4rcurestan. of his through • Ile at in the CI 0 q fo L,.. $.er, a leswor Grocery. Pie eo reasoeahl 1 and a c load of Early R Ise Potatoes a ity. 1 . Rama, Beef° 11. 854 : GGS r HATCHING. A. Calde t ale' pr ared to liarnish settings oi • orn Eg s. They ate war anted pure. ttib Applyat CAL 'S Pilot . Kee ! • choice , Sea- -White Price hie IAUSICAL -I 'I SEAFORTH, I N STRU. M E . OINTARIO. 1 ' EmpORium, A LL sorts -of repairs •of Agrienith ti --1- merits, Enginee, Boilers, Saw as., doi e with despatch. Vire sell John Abell's Hon se -power Thresh -re, Saw 11111 Rfga, >As: i* rimy Engines, the" Victor '' Li,mble 11121er '&0. al Inipb Mill Worl d Stear an FOrtabl a. d 6 Bid nended Fduoa Ilona' One heart, about doub ; , The month. a good dee. the • larger luit: 1 al size. that ces eoneected i as it_was with th : ii o a called will s il b fr e raurder • sh in the tat se 0., SearOrth. • RR g. (lg. 852x4 ra P ,. 1 sell" Clover Machines, We also keep on hared repair s for all machine !:trnent B.egulatiens. . Sowing are the heDepartmental re teachers' certificate:. - 1 erincipa illations and ex- of ordinary lia.mbEi and • • it was not living, of 'course, . . noticed. . . -. , _The Stratford auditors suppleraentary report had ad., . . pi to the ela: :se. lb pui. roof. 11 test ted O 4 cil to minas 1 be hpped time. wif0, raa Jo of many of our r ad • re. • the villain ',U. n t 'e A few weeks a• • h i who owned the o el • p Operate her will in hi . avia he It is to . = • - cape plus duced his to having b par bef re °°:°' 0 ICE . T. og abou ies ind . I re the to inni n . , g t tor c . TO DEBTOTIS. M. MOr18012 . to leave Seaforth beg's to re ted to him to se le the so.me , rh of May. All otes and' accounts aid at that tim • will be p t. la ti v 851-6 pc ion. M. on ISO,. • 9 • . , uest all on or laced in . . COTT , . ROS., ‘ . • PR PRI . 0 and engines made by Sohn Abell. • A liege stock :of Plow Points, tic., kepi ly on hand. An sorts or castings done with deep ean supply Ion with any article iu the the shortest possible notice. Please give ns a bad. conreaul h.. W trade, el of Third -Claes ce ' the effect that the follovting . id in 18-83 were ill gel in t acci.unte, t a .iition ma e his111her favor oretto convent a i dsay Wa31 ta , I Na C .es, fro a Loa]) of those genuihe Bruce County, so d, and anether po- car . "'IAINT 856x26 : PORT 13ROS., ---- roxeter ' a renewal of such ce I to. presen.t them:elves lessien al Third.- Cie July, 1884 ; bnt th: nay award. marks eptitude in teach.r.g, )0, tie be added as egate number of .. ion -professional Eat tte for renewal. T herwise no titicates at xami .s e - county for effi- no - a bonus4 arks ob- •jects by 0 e Minis- ' l'a---- -, • • of the solicitors :-Gr _ eaecha,nics' Institute, • paesed to that °fleet ; lecturers' Committee, : • 1 -le urely epecu ative o jects Paid manufactures b bonus b statute e $300 toY the Y , . , .1. tute malting no proem the ublic school bo P . for services eendered, nt of a as no b $100 to being a. ea -ban. on or f " d to Mr being e0 Ike :p: • • i • a sre th: ; a x . io the • wail so anu- . t on t t' oe es ided sta,- • I y '•0 b . stone esely dest last' the orig inv . • Ord upper small f roni chimney. - and . - oyed by fire . o rt. The building las ntted xception of the s tIth ings n is not .defiiti ely k own. • t • o i sis er °couple story, and in t e r om stove. Thaftre ay, h ve th • t. f tee stove e connec ions I The roof Was o i • !covered with slat . he forenoon with The .Aaa m in the I Was a'Bement' started. andl mansard ; only liyel ' to wen. the our a!I Me te a rive t 1 gro canno IIIEAP best flo iirssf:r s' ggt, 1113., A. mice . s week ; - guarau eed good. n li ht sandy so I, and for besurpassed .M A. C11,1.111,13 • • 855 L01311. -We re now r at the following prices for -10. sTfooj 220.1; 20dOegesr.of7. xchanged on 0 same reasonablewent . Oonaan & Co., :ig Mills, Saaforth. 8554 & YOUNG hay: a large ' They ble uso WORT11. - • gelling cash at z. $5,X; , - I stack Road • day : " epdoa 4 sympathetic " and " appe*rance'."- rifIT , the foll !" The Upr a qn are equally • wing t ght Pia a deci lity, ca beautiful BEODORE ITINITI-T.A. Stimonia, os of Messrs a B ucceis not be in their 70M.AS. , , , , by one of th Dunha They dev ' ' d - eurpasse by MUSICS' qualithes best deser lot, h ir'existing11.1 . it 1.nsicians a t•ne no • as of e, as well, whichl In . , we as in 1 i i ft a. _hi . - - e present emphatic, power and ht Pianos ir „exterio; DRESSMAKI _t_____ TIIE MISSES VRAHAM, Feebb makers from Galt, ' have rauel in stating to the ladieei-of Sealenth that they have ca oned a dressmaking in the roome on John Street, we Logan's store, \stele they will . at prepared to execute etery deect iption their line en tbe slice -test notice, arid to give entire eatiefaction. Cutting G, na le Dress pleasur an vicinit establish t •of Joh] all times b f *work 11 aratiame a a Attini grant 3r such cirourcistanc:s ions made to him b .Xt6,118i0U as (on • the In . forbid en y statu e. d • b • • t -A. un- man na Y9 'g ed. Li CM : left drerit was! being some dist nee, away, scarce and ha • to le carried lwater: he of inee ease, c oice fi reliab new and garden see. s, bought friom the seedsmen in th Domini° ' . All eei:1 and for sale a low oath, a y other , • done on the most 'reeeonable terros. respectfully solicited. f ila-- Remember the John Atrial' St eet, ilex jouinty Board of ex: - miners,) •on his home, lot 30, conc the evening of the Eldon 4i 4th ull rton, and paile. amonnt •of The building a i etired Of $15,000. hro to the, the! kind-. hqu hay e in the • she I . business, quali!y considere . .We llowiog varietie. : White Belgian, EX EL IOR 0 A S place, the Old EXPOSITOR Office. -- - 853)4 ie. necesaery to me emergency, and en sh e valid only till the t f3Onle exten- next ex- - ye r een hasnot1tb° h twent five years of . Y: . : , , Inches highs oteutra -complex ar o . d f e, fie g . . pr • 1 ft ni , ei e is '" • ten with 'Jess hou vided gli. ff'd-htb o o nen s, w o , r w pen es, ample accom Oda i n for the young ady oarders th•i eir was pro- so _ . L� P R R d n • e , Imi i ie Inte y-1 Norf rl t Int d' • a e cm° , ni e and other carrot oved Mannnoth, ong Red, Carter a ediate and Yello Globe Mangle ; k, Fine Westbury Improved, barter's kirvin 'a 44.-. Improved Purple To This shown 4 Among celebrated taking first other Organs Org prize sho has a= t the n at thi • way reedy orth rn Urn sho were n 14311 he highest a-warii • • . . bition in Oo & Co., Guelp wherever 1 83 ober, 8 . ; Kilgour, HIGH SCHOOL ENTiR - EXAMINATION. NOE .1 will be reqaired f to be remitted by. the Department lo examination. Cal. tb.e presiclieg Inspe the 1st of June, class o.f certificates • description of o:rtoote,e0 • ir poseess If any ; su ipenied by the fee, ora each the. In- the ex- didetesthe tor, not : nOtiPe they ap- : .14 , • • - - h notice tad evi- short whiskers and . black coat andlightpan borhood has been sconred, succesialand it is thought gone a long distance d mind his famil III? B01112 a . . j la rose, an will -give a= v ward to any person a . h b t h18 w erea ou s. - - As a result of the Mitchell, which Wail dre t s. bu he if way. 11 are Yh a, an. . . quaint ..... recent . we eq, 1 e s I in o .. t. i in it eigh- i hont have is of great e re- '011.1afFb ra o f h re- . hosed snd is. a bee pro --The sensetion n t f li. o t Ottewa obtaining only rendered ho le s. out $40,00b.. Steps .9 e taken to repair d r -build erty. . township of °lc ster in the way f 'a .1 amY e enct o e r ary a tf at owns ip rov . in 0 ] t h• a t h with a youn gi .1, a marriag. e.ti cate to New Edi and. The loss already the • . has a case. a ezmer -1 f e os y o and after they were ez e ti a re o s t at a roved,, !Ills of utholne nest s of Swe ish er p of ro lest fro 10 .-Co et ved by ay, for t1 •ts, .e , e. d tender- r uegrhou , d a pen •ring lowest ' g p , orne, button's Oh : inpion, Shamrock/ Lothian, and all the bet varie- Turrips. Do 1 ot risk the. loss of by sowing 'life ior seed, but buy 'Sanwa & Yome.. TRACTORS. -T • nders will be le undersi ed u 'tit SaturdaY nth gii . . , . e erection of a re idence on Goderich th Th b 'Id' - t b f.b ick 1 g is o e o r , r.ii b e ni h . w e whole work 1 ir fo evreceivmed f or flt and laSteking o. r he m , on . . P , ... ,1 work seal, p outing, separately. tenth Ha me , I° a cert.n4, All Lunde and ilton ts once. IV Ott ; Karim taken at their B. -Small &o., on hand of Instraction dine Embroiderie.. Woods full Inst ; al :coke.. ock, dto. alue. Order . uments, o a geo C assortment TAMPlieG and se for trini 00 • o 7 ne g F at be ere buying. , • pa . os and organ ROTHE ' d Glitars Accor ano Covers Piano t . 4 ion ern: for Renew_ , Ild instru- attended - S. 4 41115 ' Con- ' Stools &o. 9 Crewel ?THE Entraece Rumination into a High School -will be held in the Building. Seaforth, on Thursday day, Jame • 261h rind 27th. candidates mnet eend in their names than May 24th to the Head Master. tuition for the yealr beginning September, and ending Jul 1685 is offered t -o the'eatedidat, Y) 1 . h. • obtaining the Theta number nt marks. 4. Ca HARSTONE, 866-3 Head Master th, Seafortl 13 gh Sehoc and Fri. ntendim not iate Fre. 1884 , Hi b School. Eia•racter, and to st.te -w-hat viYals in . proceeded ) 'bur. 1 • T 6 a 1 any riot ecessarily accepted se Plans and ' specita XECUTOBS' /C OTICE.-All rarties, indebte( bjects are selected. bj cts fo. gatory su e irofessional, with t • Third- • e value last week, the Recorder . lowing :-The number membership of the churcheis 130, and that give adde Bible to t t ts ht : e fol- the stiati ethot united Clark,: viceiegal name in. marriage b • th Rev .1 • a Presbyterian nal . is te saburb. Th ar e r as David Walla •e He. Mr , . f r o, the .8 gave hi an I. c - T ec, ss othe t ns may no ers to o t . P. 0. satisfactory. , e bed at the Publ, e Schoo , p or . i S' af th • addressed to'th: undersigned, Sea- P. L. Maim. 8/5-2 I - t • w spi3ING 0 to the estate of the late Archibald his life -time Publie School Inspector, a Seafolth, are hereby notified that of the . sine must be made with the, Executors, on or before; the 15th day lof of n odersigne( Dewar, h the towi ettlemen a ay, 1884 ict anet tile miniran . •-, - ..- .... . • •• ***** -• • • • •• • • -Ararnrear...........-150 le requier- . 160 25 . 76 19 • - 4D dis•t chureh., 110, which names given to Rev. before the servioes, makes added to the church add Mr. Cu a to during el 'hi. 1 he 1 col the hane 11122 year. eldeily woniarie that,the the time Man, and his en e w s It has sinc: o 'if name given ey t . e farmer of his marria e •• a wee a young to i light , at fictitions, 0 la SA li.--A Grang • s eneessi op . • . quantity o Early Heise and is' Potatoes for se -d. Apply; on lot 5 • MeHillop. JA i ES; DORTIANCE. 856-2 • RR, • ITII•T . e , and all parties having claims against estate are notified that a atatement of properly attested and giving the net security held (if any) tenet be flied dersigned OD or before the 13Bid 15th. 8 wit.; dev the saii chola= re -of th the tin ot May iterature.. ** . .... - .... en _150 37 100 25 Of this la et number s town few have me hey been t be kl t th into and of the that his right nal. e is hn 9th concession of 0 tiwa -Lester, [front, E MARK TS. - „ [ and all claims not ithen in 'win be biterel estate will be wound up se provided by 1 'and tie v.; - - - - - - --- - 50 - 12 ' and a ' • _ A. ID . McDONALD, I E . emit ors. 0 •and Meosnration......I50 . 45 100 25 fall fellow ship, and 0 bation, something ove are stil 60 of o . e pea- t attet Glottoester method township T ea was his siste -1 -1 . , girl he a an, she ' SEAROR 1: , May 1, 1884. 00 tp 1 05 A if. ciri IT - I I thi , JOHN FAIRLEY, f Seaforth„ April 11, 1884. I ' 854-1 • - -'• • • • - • • •-• • • ithmetic.. 100 • 75 19 . 75 19 75 19 being taken in at the On Illl ay , FIB .. • s -a I t -Mr., D. C. Brown -eceptio i D o o 1 s• in- vices ,, had ., , belo fami two gs to Osgood°. e t , who y of four, is now 1 vi g Wives. The fore o ng pots as a. with his ' were 0 New •selri.g oats all W Fall Wh at per b rt per bushel $1 eat per bushel. . 0 70-th 100 per bushel . . .... .. 1 00to 10.5 thel 0 34- be 0 86 . H ' W SEAFORT OOLLEN MILLS , . .............. my of these three, several sheep worried n Thu :. a • light gleaned from the poll a • t orities at . Pea• Bari:), per b liushel hel 0 68 to 0 75 0 50 in 0 60 , BEG to inform:. those 'Philesephy, Olienustr5, my ............. . . . ... , Vio or (e) French or C -200. 50 ) of last week. Three sheep dead and one Vilifil severely .w wo, ' a i ound and Otta han ii, who have ta en h . cake in . ciee-r Tim Itit per Seed i o thy Se- No. er bushel . 7 60 tO 8 00 per bushel. .. 2 00 th 2 50 loose • 0 '14 •t•o 016 SEAFORTk 1 ' T -indebte jP"' manufacturing or book account. to the enth e destrnetiOn of my mill , t by Inc ,.fo at 'owun fire, I an 50 the.. T o of il e heep •• r, , compel ed to can On you for a pr- m t settle lall... .. . .. ,.... .. .... . .200 will probably had their blood as tho I h : wolf -The , Winnipeg Free Pr:s describes B tter, tub .. . a ....... -.... .. 0 16 tto 0 18 • • • raent of your accomats, as the bo4h roust bi ea may also take - both, value 75 obtained will be ad usio, or ach, and ed as a *dates Backe had• done it by snails -While Mr. Bream ilea for . the jugl his hi ill lai :d . vein: man • ee 1 the operations the Plon of the Main street of that hin was commeinc•d mid ri it s ade l on g . folloevs : on 'Main E Fl Po _ ti g . n, per ' )(sr /I I • 1 0, 14 Co 0 14 , 0 lbe 2.60 to 2 65 P ounds 7 00 to 7 50 1 7 00. to. 8 00 i • . • , . . closed. I hope a'. sc6ond appeal will not 11 839 A. G. VAN , necessary MOND. --•-- dr aggregate ; can tiatimnera on each . 1 an aggregate of 70 ,o read a passage ahorized Ffth Re. la,tes may substitat in subject . They selected er. Fo- 'French, were searching th, the hired men mote, looking creature of Ifati th, a It faced him and a e and was sO daring that it the better part of v - missin capon . : wild c • - a hid the Ma kr not i. t. , a l th . 1 . p.„ lisle - .etes. yell , • ught tack streelt, the presence tato* origiiaal" and g g . _ . Winnipeg, one of curiou The plongh . . in its design its work was pec the veni. lately, gro. e tva- s na. c• s liar. 1 h, in of sped- thewhat . ruction ; s 'object treck Sh w Sa 13a e. ..o w s, per e SkinS - o t retail) I t whole es, pt, o , pore 0 lbs eh r barrel - le) per barrel bushel d 6 00 tia 5 50 0 40 tb 0 80 . 0 18 to 0 20 t 1 25 1 00 0 65 to 0 60 2 00 to 3 50 balance To make room., . f Winter 1 am Goocis still * at offeri g the great y re- . MONEY TO LO 'TIIAIGIIT loans at 6 per cent., int K-) able half yearly; or 64 per eent. privilege to borrower of repayieg part pal money et any time. Apply to 3. 8TED, Barrister, Scaforth. ! yefa.rly, rest pay- *itil of princi- HOLME- 850 1/Bic, Or Botany fot•i Algebra,. it. • . 1. was to cast mud om of . for Intermediatea Es 1 to 7,' and eitha A 's unly will 8 0 or --The Mitchell 'A son of Mr. Benjamin voc ate inas, of t :ay is •-A . own , the dtreet side railway, piling it uis pomewhat after t ei .. air] on each er •of a 07s VEltro f - 9 ae, APRIL .30.. red wi No. 1„088 Spring wheat, ter, 8s 3d ; 6d California - duced . 1)r , . c e S ' For ood • . bargains. - TI E TO' DEBT RS. : prescribed in eac • as last year excep. aioli is " The T. subject - in Lit- 11 ," : died suddenly on Frid He complained..of being morning, and soon eft vulsions, death taking 3, of la unw r went 1 - place th t t .e la ••eek. • the con- . a me few snow drawn men the drying the plough. The ipaplehnent by four:horses end g' lled•bY operating the hatidlee • ,, influence of -t e :u had resumed it lity . was two Owielg to and wind ten C N 5s c . 2, d e se, rni 07 ; 6' • 10d; oats, • eas, fis 06d ; ' 00d. . ; s 05d ; barley, ork, 73s 09d; • the '1 • time. s .. - All invitecla . A LL PARTIES bulebted to the latelJ ea- of Seaferth, Would very greatly aide by calling at bee store and amounts on or bele,re tbe 1st of May, t th heavy payments to mee en and ID e •t a. st lin KIdd, hge Mrs. hug the elle bae havethe and pats of ' '" Burke's evening. Deceased d of his life turn ring d almost ! as :t bleak twit, aud q. to such a degree as o tax of - eery onoNea, MAY 1.-F 1 wheat, $1.00 =Coney. MRS. JOHN KIDD- 852 4 It is stated, oer on Composition • owever, will be than months a as an African, and la naarkecl the change lit ou h g . le atte o io e re• was , sevetely beas'a. the energy of lho h The latter ha to t ain men and every to to4Ic; 4:08; e pe ring, $1.08 to s, 73c to 76o $1.12; oats, ; barley, 43o 650- to i• 1 CASH. COURT SHERWOOD FO* 4 ST. prEtctical charooler id teachere ate ref i E•rrors in the Ufie leots, VahleS, and ma.rks the sem f • 6 e or ee on rred to of Eng- Te- d for as • paid to it, unless by had forebodings that working on the eysterd. were eorrect, for after who had been.attending is pare orne ,di -Thei death t hipa i , , _. ts a: . •• , 7ho" :ewes , if ises • odor last nerve denser _ , had n o p 1 passed ._ to drag the ma h• no accumulations nd , , . to rack their mu es the track. In lo k ng over one was s a ceLy . ._, _ . __ ___. -.... t t a i roughthe Ite former . keep it the space i pressed . 7 but $0. dre $8, c ; e, .. a sed hay 1 0 $1 pee ton, $ c to 27c e po 80; eggs, per •gs, per 100 • . .00 to 416.5o; aloes per. oz. , 156 to lbs., $6j00 • bag, 1o; to 4-4110DUCE - J. MeLOUGIILIX . , • TAKEN = - P Whitn 19 I 1 . 9 1 I AS - y s , . lock, Seaforth. . - -- . ei UHT. SHER,ViTOOD VOREST, ece ee° it nate A. O. F., meets evarY a er the Oddlenows Hall,hf'. brethren cordially Davited. J. FINC tort. " . . . 9 If , or the nday in v. . letting , Seem, a 9 1