HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-05-02, Page 125 .184. horse and -being t of the iiprin mstancea ail the «t Titekersmith,. her daughter ih The retrains en.t to Turner's Mr. Peter Cat., assion of Godeeien ve birth to a calf ods. It was dead of the 4th eouose arp, captured six I one in a hollow farm. Re had Goderich on show - son, of Clinton, this county to the Iuteruatiortal School Teacher$,, 1St. Louis some f the Methodist baton in June xere`will be 35OE present, and that na'a in session •. of Grey, met a- few days ago, horse,fallig o From, the effects a very critical n and J. ePar- ild one of their riald McDonald, 0. The animal one and is three at Arr. Robert he pump bassi went to• Many ran . near Bran. nt and Yost ail 33rdor Huron - assembled; at ed that helmets. r the battalion y man slial be rryc:ap. hael,formerly of )(tinted loan. of s good news to. 'shiest of friends leased to know eeeived such a n. of - last week raham arrived :c Wednesda_ y e of nearly 'at: e speaking the; lumber of our ey are welcome Win;ham, had flay of last week. 'logs to the saw when inside the die of logs, cans- kne of which. fell ,nd pinned .him. quigkly relieved,; rl erne,; no bones :gee of his right i-JP:— :RT E 11r at L • STORE, RIME: 'at • STf �Y— IST RTME l.4T j at Thr S'C E. IDMANTLE E i1t T L S ►S STORE, ?v ted. R PRODUCE. ajlif }CDs MANI • SEVENTEENTH 'YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER 856. SELLING Qu -r' Owing to the continued depres ion in trade, and to the' well-known fan that there are too many shoe stores now in geaforth, and for other reasons, come to the conclusion that in or avoid further loss, it is to my in to good of the_business. I have, fore, oommenced the greatest CL IN. G OUT SALE .of'` L the whole immense stock of NEW SP BOOTS AND SnOES, HATS CAPS, . TRUNKS AND VA ever known in this part of Cana have, bought out, Mr.. Morrison's g business, and the Boots and Hats be sold. Four Thousand Pairs of Boot must be sold regardless of profit. One Thousand New and Stylis to be slaughtered. $6,000. My stook at present. amounts Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000), quiteirew- ; a large portion hav Iately been opened - out. They been made by the most reliable facturers in Canada, viz.: - n B. Tia nilton, Toronto. Twiner, Valiant & Co., Toron� Cooper & Smith, Toronto.. J a Merritt & Go., London. C. S. Hyman & Co., London. Wm-. Silver & Co., Hamilton. John Garrett cE Co., Hamilton.. ' D'..Hepburn & Co., Presto Pinkerton & Turner, Montreal, George T. Slater, Mon-treal. - McCreacdy, & Co.., Montreal J. �. Rolland &- Co.., Montreal. `acres Pathan ct Co., Montre have •'er to erects here. AR - +f my 'ING AND ISE:S a. I ooery most that Hats over nd is jnet have •anti i. 1. Westgate Brothers, Montreal. Fogarty & Brother, Montreal. J H. Botterwell-& Co., Quebec. George Bresse, Quebec. f O. Migner, Quebec. John Ritchie, Quebec. Louis Cote & Bro., St Hyacin,he. 8eguine Z,c me & Co., &. Joh . s. And quite a large quantity of on own make, which is always acknowled ed to be 'first-class. Times are hard and, money : arce, and' know goods must be sold very cheap to clear them out. Look Gilt for our list of pric s ; it raake the poor man smile. will be sold very cheap. I hope a enstomers will continue detail tile/old stand, where every effort w Diade to give satiafact-ion. GEORGE GOOD Seaforth Boot Store. Hes 1 his 11 be SEA.YORT It, FIIDAY5 MA. Er 2, 18 I ten. 1From that time un Icharged the ar nous he has; held the s7e port duties of Minister of Marked ability. To p , principle of protection in ciitl depression perhaps ability that justly ()TAW :dr, ii name nd rank, of states il the' present aptricate inane° with pulerize the time of fluan- ()Coal opera - tis pr vinces nd ex cutive him o the THE HON. SIR I.,E4DisT Gagetown, Queen's County, New wick, May 8, 1818, and educated County Grammar Se1+1. He son of Thomas M. Tilley, se., of who left Brooklyn, New ork, close of the Revolution ' and be grantee of the city, of St. John. early boyhood of Sir Leonard was in his native village on the bank St. John. He obese a conamere learned the chemist ancliidtuggis of gt. John, -he became, wide], as an intelligent, suceeesful man. The natural inclinatiop of led:him to the study of Political my', by means of which -he ha enabled to rapidly riie from' a tively obscure birth t a fore os tion in the Domini() . In p 11 allied himself with t s 0 Liberal his native province, and was cause. His publio spirit led h identify himself with the vari na way projects which have so la gel tributed to the development ofl prevince. In 1850 the city of S ,1 elected him as i ei representative Legislative Assembly, and fro time until the present he has tc a From November, 1854, tit May, 1 was a member of the Executive "C of New Brunswick, and l'held the' tion of Provincial Secretary. Th Prohibitory Liquor Law qnesti returned to power as leader of hi .p and took his old position of 'Pro Secretary. As one of the chi f strongest exponents of the projle legislative union of the British lar in his native provipce whete feeling against Confederation wis tense. He held poweefor nearl 1e years, but at- the general electi March, 1865, his Government w feated on its Union policy, and h suffered defeat in his own constit Sir Albert Smiththen formed an ' Confederate Admindstra lop. 13 Confederation scheme b cemin niaclerstood the popular will h and only one year pa sed befo Leonard returned to po er, back theprestige of a cense, i not yet lar, still, one that appea ed strop I the patriotic and contained the of a Canadian nationalitY. He delegate to the Charlottetown C ' ence in 1864, which met to consid r union of the Maritime ,Peovinces also to the one which was convene Quebec the same year fot the larger ject of enabracing all the British N (113 Araerican Provinces in, the ba I union. He was honored too by h one of the delegates t the L n Colonial Conference -whi le arranged. details and consuinmated the g scheme of Confederation of 1866,7 the distinguished part he took in neaetiations he was created C. B. bybHer Majesty in 1867. , He also a patent, of rank and precedence If Her Majesty as an ex -Councillor of Brunswick. - He held power in tl e Legislat until the Unicie, when he - resign d- accepf a seat in the House of Co in and represent New Brunswick i 1873, h rom the :The first Canadian I' 011ie ailway Sound on or about May 1. th. has been depided t sub it the tots of the city of pt. Thi) as d the Count. of Elgin. —A Indian in one vre do n the below ananoque eaugh '10 In four weeks. So says a Kings deSpitch. asures —M has th prize goose egg. RD 12 ino es one way, 9 410 and weighs 12 ouneess 1—The fall wheat in t Lindsay so far is tinin'ure j weather sets in now, t e excellent for a good mann , family by sawing Wood. —The population of :the ;5,550—an increase f 323 The as essment is 194,840. has sol a pair of emns, others hich he still oWns. rn lit runs - s the on of t the The assed of the 1 life, busi- city 1111 111 Oil ind orio- een qsi- he y in 8/8 11100 to cone that ohn the hitt • first Dominion Cabinet. 1869, to February 22, Minister of Castems,and date, until the defeat of Sir Jo Macdonald on the Pacific Railway tion in the following November, h the portfolio of Minister of Fi Upon the resignation of the G merit he retired frora the Com having been appointee. Lieute Governor of New Brunswick the 13 day that the Ministry resigned. nearly five years he held that po and during his regime the duties office were not only performed ability but Government house wa ducted with large -hearted hospi without the saorifice of his total nence principles. , When the political battle of September 17, was approaching, , and the op forces were entering the field, Sir ard left Government hause, too place among the Oppoaitib, n and the Free -Trade city of St., John turn him as a member oft the Na Policy Government. He won th October of the same Year, took his in the new Cabinet of Sir,John A. donald as Minister of Finance. R ing to his constituency for re-eleeti the Liberals did not oppose hinall allowed him to be returned by accl other, ity of good Pro- tation d my Galt, is now year. Crease St. eorge, r, it is said, for three wards submitting 'rhe So ,tt Ac to a vote of the ratepayers of the cou ty of This w uld be a good s thee' ir the I -a-Mr George Oliver, oil "est Dum- fries, as purchesed pi : "; Bryjdon Farm," on the west river ri : d, Sib ut 3i ii peace a d school ;commis oner, from Michig n, was fined $5 and osts or 20 days, in the Toronto Pol Cou t the intl- ether day, for taking p r in a street lag , says 11118 8.V81- ine, ears, iliod can part are ple's verdict ant, aving heti° par - of To onto, anaoAgl the al tkayeller third istory se, in Wind - He ill8f4 in s, die last d -the ffice ov- the re - bin rty cial and t of rth pu- the in- ght of de- lso n ti- the ter ed, Sir by pu- to ope er- nd at ro- rth of on the eet Or ese ona to ns he 1, as ter A. es- eld IV ra- ilt- me or on, he ith a ity b ti- me Mai ed f COIL - wee elan- rn- ut ae • 14 he has ed 70,0 and he. beat th team of horses t ilit 0 miles in the;last ants to knerr if a —The Anti -Scott Act attempting to quash the p belongs Ito the county of B been ta, en in for Deminio I 1 --Th hay -fork lagent who hal e been operating is wee ing and wailin fa ers (t --Mr. Smith, a comme c indow of the Crawford h co side d doubtful. Mr. Coleman, County w B app in ted by the Maeda A mini tration, and has fo near 30 years. 0 awa, that Senator Ma heraon as ; It i stated in politi a circles4in go the Governorship of ntario, and la , wi be appointed to is plitoe in , Rev John Anderson, ormeilly of dr ws b urch, Nairn, and ill ' be in - du ted e rly in May. Mr nderson is The Brantford Exposi o says : One 11. ce if ' e would go on he platform n bee me a soldier of th tiny; The (!n3 elate y ,exereise did no empt him. At meeting of the 1 ensed Vie- tiolns to he Dominion C it misSioners. it as t ea known, forty- v yearn ago, di d in °Oen last week t the age of ui ety-fi el When Mrs Macdonald aentence to six Months' • imprisonment tfor ,ia front of the ba age room of Gr nal Trunk Railw at Point app opiriating part of e contents. The returns of the tr c on the adia , Pacific Railway for the week ing pita 24th are $7 ,000 against ,000 the same period 1 st year, a ,000 de mese. Two hiusaad apd miles of the t se k ! are new , bei g 881 more than hp ones - ding a e in 1883. ic.ber 2 iviaion Court its, a0 the ays that the nu se I 4r1 of suits 1882 , exclusive o judgment • pl th an Ca en SIA lai po ag de of the I en red sit Mon fa ment , was 47,171, where ip 1881 it Was 48,58 , and in 1880 it had reached 71,71 . The amount of the cli4ins entered, exo sive of transcripts of jtidg- inents, etc, was 11,743,122 against f8144.1,0,34, i 1881, and 1t2,177,333 in , —The Pro incial license commission- ers, ip [Tor nto have completed their iabors. They have positively refused to rant apy lidenses for the island. The ion board. have granted one, end have 14.ers ender consideilation.. There ill coasequently be litiga ion as tO its Spine tirnelsince the co noil of 'West xford passed a by-law for the purpose f enceuragi g the planting of shade rees on the to nship in pursuance of of the " pntario Tree 83." At their last meet - Mr. ,Wm.tR•vers was a pointed 'Inf. r of Tree e ballot for and ction of ;an organ t sped introd clhurc so planted. against the ed on Tues - evening of last week. Th vote steed : or, 49 ; against, 171: majority against t e organ, 122. There are some- p50 embers in the church. It will thus Le see that 13 or upwards did not yote at all. " —A °envie as liberated from the lugs oh penitentiary last we,ek Who ad s rved ten ears iu that institution. He w Eit 'Bent need to be hanged for rape, but at erwar s his sentence was cern- y ars. His ood conduct secured his 7)nte to i- prisonment for twenty dismi sal at he end of ten Ye3ars. work i the orning as useal, but went home at ne n, not feeling well, after vihich hemor h&ge 'of the 'bowels nd ec:_iak tyi ret ozocloc . He' eaves a widow and en stoma li set li , and he died about ve ni; not omforting to those ho the b siness of beet root an ar menu a .ture 'n Canada andlost mo ey at it, to nd he German ra 1 nufaotur rs reeking ery arge profits and export ng arrived at ll alifax, last onth from beet1roo Bug r. Toren ci on S • nday morning last week. .1=is yr]. w teilt his death So much, to heart het sh took to her bed on Sunday and ' ridual y sank till about nine o' loc Thura ay night, whep she quickly i g fit tly an relatives. She died of a b oke heart. She was 69 years of age. —T e Cou tright salt well, which, is si uated- on t e St. Clair River, in the o 950 feet. , Messrs. Rawlings & Har- ✓ ld t. port t at at 845 feet mineral w ter as feia d, and at about the saine d pth shoW of salt appeared. The i dioa 1 ps an that the hopes of the —Mk.. ,Tohn Scott, of Galt,, was made ar, Which b d been sent him through by a friend. It is - a this nd not very f rmidable in He is now lik the man. te elephant, e does !rot to do with is peculiar b the enpress appearance. ! 1---R b rt rdner It Son, achiniats, M nti a., hay made an assignment. T ie li blities will probably amount 'to E chit ee Ba k, 160,000. The firm has d ring, the epression of 11878, beim ob iged to suit end, but compromised at 20 cents. Li dsay, pure ased recently from lo n 15 tyre steera, one being 725 days oi d an' weighing ,600 lbs., the other 710 days oid land eighing 1,600 lbs. Th y dr:ssed 2,609 s. They were admitt d by pre' kcal b tchers and stook -breed s The Galt Reformer ef last we k of he G lt Col egiate Institute, has be n Se obi 1 eade :. The selection of Mr. gr cefill ecok ition of that gentleman's fo r men from Paris, said to be weavers, an, three 13 antford men,. A large T ipe Paris na6 got the Worst of it, and th police a 1 ed. The Brentford men w re 'arrested, and Chief Giiffiths well est the oth A. young gi 1 named Laving, Huscher. of Hanover, m t with a terrible accident last week. 1 he unfortunate girl was abeut ready for school, and stepping ba kward tro the looking glass in of calding Iiii water. Medical aid wes at once semm ned but all tol no avail, as she died in a few days from the -1,---At the i ision Court in Glencee last week, Jud e Elliott, priiding, Cap- tain M Lauch in .was award d $60 dam- ages -a adast ., e Grand Trutik Railway Compa y, or. ccount of twe Steers ran over ,a d kille on a village crossing. The ju foun that the locom.otive bell was rio rung or the whistle sounded, as req red 14 law, and that plaintiff was not neglig nt in driving :the cattle. —While ur Alexander Ctuickshank, in Duart; con, ty of Elgin, *as engaged one day last week shingling a barn belonging to r. Alex. McWilliams, his uncle, he slipp d and fell from the reef,. a distance of a out fifteen feet, striking his head sever ly on a stiok of timber and breaking one of the bones in his fore -arm. Medical aid was at once called in,' and e rallied from the effects 11 11 • 4. McLEAN BROS., PublisheZL. $1.50 a Year, in Advances, slight hopes are e te tained of his re- covery. He w: s arried only the previous 'week, a d as preparing to shortly commenc house -keeping. —Mrs. Angus oDonald, of Grind- stone Cite, Michi an, died.at the resi- dence of her f ther, Mr. Wm. Mac- kenzie, 2nd line n rthe Werwiek town- ship, on Thursda the 24th ult., aged 40 years. The dece sed Was telegraphed for oely a week a o to come and see her motlite who was ,not expected to live, and was taken dbwn the day after her arrival, ith the Elad result noted above. wa from berdee , cotlandi it appears that lett rs rime ved from the Skye Crofters Who emigraied to North Caro- lina, expr OS great dissatisfaction with their ne , situatio nd prospects. They state they have ee disappointed in their expectations and complain of hard Work, lo wages a d Scanty fare. Others —The 'death o ajp who were prepari g tb follow have aban- doned th idea. 1 sad story in conne ti n with it. Within two year the fa he , mother and two children eve su cu bed to that fatal the last to go, a d was oared for and a self ElEiC 'Mug d nghter, whose devo- tion to he parent hap been the subject —The Canadian R ilway Company's doing a geed worle in building sleeping - oars for in:migrant p ssengers. It is to be presunied that t e charges will be much lo er than ullman rates, for ordinary tmmigrapts cannot afford lux- uries. Bet it is sena thing that persons journeying half a4oss a continent shall have a chance of a real bed, and not be compelled to sleep sitting up,inight after night. I —A yoting mair living in Lindsay went in haste to an issuer of marriage licenses one day latel to get the neces- sary docunients for eking secure a life partner. He had o ly made the ao- quaintanc of his int nded bride a few cleys prey ously, and when asked her tame could not gi e i . By the assis- tance of a, friend, ho ever, her name was given and the as irants for matri- monial bliss were ni ed the Bame even- ing and went off n a short wedding trip. dancing party on Fri ay evening last at about 11 'o'clock an proceeded to a minister's house, got' arried and then returned the panty They meant to man had ntended le ving for Detroit on the ea ly morn ng rain, but at the last minu e the br de room feund it too hard a task to lea e is bride, and so decided te remai in London, and so the fact Of the arriage was made known. -e•A cablegram from London, Eng- land, to Sir Chas Tupper, at Ottawa, dated April 23rd, tat s that the Glad- Fttone GoVernment as defeated last night on the cattle bil and the amend- ments of the ilOtl£10 f Lords upheld. The vote was not a p rty one. A ques- tion was asked about infection amozig Camedian cattle in Cambridge. The G-overnment stated t at it was satisfied that no diSease exist° in Canada, the arrival at farmer ha the count. Williams, iverpool. er leading East Williams made up is mind to leave for Mich gan. Mr. Robert s for over a quarter of ;a ut has sol out his fine 100, acre farm, 5th conce sion, to Mr. Geo. Wyatt for 16,000, and purchased land in Tuscola county, Michigan. Mr. Wallsaie is one of North Mi dlesex' most re- spected fa mers, and e and his inter- esting fam ly will lea e for the States this week. eller for a Toronto houSe recent brought a action a &hat 'Mr. Joh Cumming, Chief of P lice at St. Cat arines, for false arres .- McKay had a watch an 140 stolen rom his room tn the Russe House, an when he coin- plained to the Chief, it turned out very Judicrousl that the complainent was arrested a an impost r. The jury, at Lincoln A sizes, asses ed $200 damages, leaving a I gal point for the consider tion of the courts. —An en erprising farmer of the con ty of Bra t has been experimenting in feeding wh at to his hens. Last ye r he found t at by feeding one dollar s worth of heat to certain hens he rea - year he h tried it op a larger sca e ized two d liars wortlaj of eggs. This ;.L. and finds hat, after fee ing six della s in wheat e realized ft) teen dollars o the numbe of eggs laid. He is firmly convinced that this is profitable, and that wheat is a number one egg pro- ducer. —A so of one Da,lard, of Milford, died, and he father and his Cousin went id home had n altercation, which cold eaot, it see s, be settled without blow . It being n cessary for a free use of fists and boots, they got out of the carriage, and the h se, not wishing to be a wi combatantl3 and ibrolte from the rig, smashing he coffin. The father is said to have be n so disfigered as to have been unab e to attlend the funeral. —R. D. isher,iteller of the Domi ion bank a Oshawa, hurried away by train last riday night, whilst an inspee- tion was g ing on. It is said his cash is about $2,0 short. Efe was intercepted at Kingst n on the following morn- ing by a d tective on the authority of a telegram om Oshawa. He was asleep in a Pul man oar when arrested. It appears he has been in the bank at Oshawa fpr seven years, the latter eighteen 'Months being telter. Large sums of meney have been missed, and as Fisher' skipped out, leaving three children liehind, suspicion pointed tO. wards hini and. he was captured When arrested he eaclaimed, e Oh, my clear children ! I kiss d them before I left home. W, hat a unfortunate man I aim !" Oia his pe son was found e97 in gbld and three c acmes totalling $41. —The residen e of Mr. David Harvie, Itranchton road, near Galt, narrowly *aped (lest u.eti n by fire on Tuesday ight last. it. George MeLenth was d lying heme fro Galt about mid -night e smoke hcntle,not far from the house, *as on ii4e. He alarmed the inmates and they 'set to ork to put cut the flames, which th y ultimately succeed- ed in doing, hut ot before the dwelling house had ber adly scorched. The less will be ora thing over $200, on which th re in a insurance. —Som weeks go Miss 13uck, Peter - hero, issued_ a Wr t against Davis Chur- l** blacksMith, Toronto, for $2,000 damages or bro. h of promise of mar - nage. earing hurley was a out to abscond, he ' ha him arrest d on a c piss, a d be has lain in jail since, i4 evidently lad of some spi it, and she has pr bab y taught Mr. 'hurley Finch a le soteas ill induce hi a to be More gua ded in his dealings 'th the , feminine en er in future. —Char es re lin, agent an grain buyer for the firm of Whitlaw, aird et Co., Peri* 0 taiihas absconde . The irregularities in is books disci se the make it appe r t at for some ime he has been deli ber ely robbing is em - by fraudulen en ries in the boo . The amount o th de alcations is no known as yet, bu w th he debts due t differ- ent busin s en, they amount o a con- siderable su . He had placed is pro- perty in his ife's name some ti e ago. a —Und the recent amend the licen e law, the father, so husband relative of an r other who indn geslto excess in into liquors, May iveldue notice to spector that uch' person is no supplied iwit liquor. The I thereupon is •equired to notify under pe alties to supply liquor to such individuals. The clause has already of service in kee ing liquor to extent from tilice who cannot their appetite —H. F.I Al the Toront who shot tie ckett, his wif to criminal a . Hackett di the effects of wound, and a this and the s minutes, et court, wh eh mime ron shot in th confined t ing. Hao small chi! . —The 1 lakes are opening o Terrace Lake Sim perts the ents to person ioating he In- to be specter all the them • kin ed 1 sise he 1 prove a large control artist Toren - d from though ooting were clearly proven, being out a c epic of rned with a verdic of not e was loud. aprdanee in es instantly sup ressiad. ted by ho was is still ecover- three friends. His wife, leg at the same time lea CB a wife an et re ot Ver hopeful for a early ay, on 'the North S ore of fill ce Soli for fifteen mi es out, and teemater13 Iasi g the ice all a ong the shore as al road. From Thund r Bay on Thursday the 4th ult., the ce was reported 13r e feet thick. T e first boat to leave Sarnia will be the United Empire, a d Idle is expected to tart on Mey 2nd. The Ontario will be he next this count a goo many odd sit !diens arise from th pr valence of t o lan- guages. n Ind nee occurred "ft con - on Satur y, Aptil 19th. As i usual, two sorra ns were preached, ne in English a d he ether in Germ n and of he occasion was t al the hat ' is, of Penns Ivasia aud in unexcep enable lax probably bett r than IISE3 his native to gue. ng freM Detroit to indoor, d nilt, and sentence to be d ' affair, Phipps having is wife on to the bo t, and er ato nd the deck, hot at irfli38; tWO of the balls taking hi diem, and had bee living er mit and her con mit so im as to cause hn to rrib e deed which he is en the scaffold. n with the remain of his was on his way !fro Cali - B lleville. He was et at Mrs. )3 well, and depu ations n the county lodge, oron- arty left on a special t 5.30 ill . he Grand L dge of oth were very han some. ok lace at Bellev•lle on the oddity English s English too, was preached who used t Dutch veraac he could hhv —Luke h shot and while pass was tried week, fon hanged on der was followed chasing her three effect. T and three with anot now to ex oiat wlle. He fotnia to the statio 'nephew of from the tario west to, The for Belle Ontario and the floral star —The se ms to be p 124me she got home ' la say • 1 11 eg 411 • • tfor Advertiser ated puts it so : 1 'wants her beau nit humming, " W he st of #iends Ba in those soft which hen a to go won't g girls must d on dulcet tones, that once heard: are never for - Sarnia girls begin talking about pre- paring breakfast, and the Forest girls ask the boys the old conundrum, e Why they are like procrastination ?" The Watford girls as soon as the clock strikes ten, remove their No. 2 slippers, say "Tra-la-lee Gawge," and gracefully skip upstairs. —The Department of Marine and Fieheries have purchased the screw steamer Edsall for the work of survey- ing the Georgian Bay. Tenders were invited, and her's was the most advan- tageous offer. A new sounding steam engine, made by Brush dt Co., of Mon- treal, will be placed on her deck and other repairs made. She will be ready to leave St. Catharines' in about ten days, whence she will proceed to Geor- gian pay for the work of the season. Captain McGregor, of Goderich, an, ex- perienced pilot and steamboat catitain of the Georgian Bay, is captain. He was selected for his special fitness for this particular work. --=A warning to assessors comes om Kent comity. Edward A. Crag , an assessor, has just been convicte at Chatham Assizes, and sentenced o a fine of 1200, with two weeks in jai , for having wilfully inserted three n mes on the assessment roll for the township gi of Camden, with the intention of hiring them an apparent right to vote It was of no avail that the prisoner p ced- ed ignorance of the statute. The Judge told. him he had taken the oath to per- form the work faithfully and honestly, and he had been guilty of a flagrant violation of it. —On Monday morning last Dr. E. G. Barket, city registrar of Kingston, died. at the advanced age of 85 years. , He was generally considered the father of the Canadian press. In 1834 he fohnd- ed the British Whig, and in 1849 began. the publication of the Daily Batish Whig, the first daily in the Dominion. Some twelve years ago he retired from it journalistic duties, the paper pa sing into the control of his grandson, . J. B. reuse, Last New 'Year's eve the paper celebrated its 50th anniver ary, and the 85th birthday of the ve eran editor. The deceased was an ener etio worker, a vigorous writer, and o e of those early editors who did much to- wards laying the foundation of our Canadian constitution. —At a meeting of the hotel keepers of Brant County and city of Brantford, held at the Kerby House last week the trade seemed thoroughly satisfied that if the Scott Act is submitted in that county they can defeat it easily. It was stated that the farmers and citizens generally having had the experiemie of the Dunkin Act will not forget for 'Fiona() time to come the result of the opera- tions of that Act. The meeting Isis° pasaed a resolution pledging every mem- ber of the hotel trade in Brantford not to give the price of $240 for a license, and. also pledging themselves to cloSe up entirely until such time as a license can be obtained for 1180. The whole of the trade in the city signed the docunient. The council at a recent meeting tycea the hotel license fee at 1240. ----A man named Sydney McAllieter, has been sentenced to six months in the Central Prison by the Hamilton Police ' Magistrate, for obtaining money utider false pretenses. The nature of the charge was rather amusing, and the trial brought out the Salvation Army lads and lasses in full force. McAllister went from deer to door soliciting sub- scriptions for the building of a new barracks in Ilatiailtore The officers claimed tliat he was not a member of the army, and had no authority for collecting money for this purpose. The magistrate also took this view of the case, McAllister, in his defence, tried to make out that he was a regularly enrolled member of the army, and had joined it in the Old Country. —An old man, 74 years of age, r amed Nettere of Niagara, made several deter- nained attempts last week to comrait suicide. He first hung himself and was cut down by his son and was resuscitat- ed. About an hour later he threw himself into the canal, but was. fiehed ont in time to save him. Soon aftPr he threw himself in front of a train, hat a policeman dragged him off the teack and locked him up. He then tried to choke himself to death by running a large tobacco pipe down his throat, but was discovered when black in the face, and again brought ' to life. He vas greatly disgusted at his failures. , He had been drinking hard for several days, and is thought to be demented. .—The Orangeville Advertiser -gives the following obituary trotice of a pioneer of that district : Died at Orangeville on the 14th ult., Daniel MeNaughton, 4ged 63 years. Deceased was born in Brook- lyn, New York, on February 18th, 1821. He came with his parents to Mono Centre when 12 years of age, and resided in the township of Mono since then, until within a few days before his death, when he came to Orangeville for medi- oal treatment. At the age of 20 years, Mr. MoNatighten commenced school teaching, but after four years at ithis kind of business he was obliged to !eve it up owing to ill health. He also taught in the Sabbath School from the age of 20, until laid aside by the fatal illness which ended his useful life. I He early joined the Presbyterian chrireh. and was ordained an elder of Butns' church, Mono Centre, when 26 yeath of age. In 1848 he was married to Marian Potter, formerly of Sterlingshire, Soot - land, who survives him. They had a family of eleven children, ten of whom are living. One of his daughters is mar- ried to Rev. J. Ross, Presbyterian minister of Perth. Mr. MeNatightoia was a juatice of the Peace for this oolen- ty and postmaster of Camilla. 1By steady industry and economy he Sue - only adversity in financial matters being oecapioned by his too generous confidence in another person ; he left his familyin comfortable circumstances.