HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-04-18, Page 71 spa owing hat is it ?" go to Exeter ll get those see how I can.. book yet, and ea what's the td I tell you Bros. are the pat's so, I be - ;,•I; liked their it! we hadn't E iy where else, er they were f ` hey are; wait New Invisible eaks--lBroket 'Surtrngs &c. slrowing US."' s described. r liked them, Lae, why you e fellows had €sn and Sthert anion book to n',tf it is the nd is publish- alll the latest in:te and come ROSE, MAY FROM. 7:ham Ever. t eve bought Joseph rind will be ,Ida than ever and with me ;e and trusts customers• e with the, ort will be - f1, the lowest' nr famous fe aslant, and. t wholesale utter and n as cash. f:Tit wish to`ex- ' alt my GM 1 eir liberal n: in leaguer*" d E desire that I still coil- the nevi' oat office, - at to gra ney. Yatu-a o• • ma 18, 1884. Tc wusbip councils, suamse� The council met on the 5th Wit. Moved by J. Torrance, seconded by J. MoKinlerid Wm.yW ey beg allowedlltdo mon >� their statue labor on sideroad between Iota 10 and 11, concession 6.—Carried. Mooed bS} J. , McKinley, seconded by win. Clark, that A. M. Campbell be appointed ' -n company with a member .of the Bayfteld council, to examine the boundary line between this township and Bayfi4ld,village and report a next' ,meeting. --Carried. After ` appointing .abs. path rasters, poundkeepere and fencleyiewers, and transacting other business it was moved by Wm. Clarke, ,seoonded by J. Torrance, that this conn- .cfl do now adjourn to meet. again on the 15th day of May next, at 10 o'clock a.. nrt of Revision and for other iness.. the oonneil . met pu •suant eat.. Members all. p,esent, u the chair, minutes f last ad and passed. After pass. er of accounts it was a. oved. ey, seconded by E. Bo man, that the G erk be authorized to pure ,ohase six copies of Pratt & Tracy's m.un- ioipal hand books Carried. Mov: d by W. Wray, Beconded by C A. How: ,that the Clerk be instructed to notify Joel •Sellars to give outlet for the wate from municipal drain.—Carried. A p: titton was presented by James Shurri: and others, asking for the purchase af a road through lots 24, concessi nn 5. Moved by 0. Aellowet, aecou:lea 1.s• E. Bosman, that iio action be taker on said petition as this cunncil.has u:) au- thority in the matter.—Carried. ►' oved. by H. Mooney, seconded by W. 10' ray, that by -lay No. 3, 1884, alterin the . boundaries of School Sectiou Nos, and 4, as now read be passed'.—Ca -ried. Moved by W. Wray, seconded. by A. Howe, -that the Treasurer be instr. oted to draw $1000 from the bank of : �am- ilton, Wingham, as a satisfaotoril ap- plication has been received for a loan. --Carried. The following officers were then appointed, namely : Pathm . eters —North Boundary.—Thos, Hend:rson, • A. Henderson, John McCracken, ohn Gardner, D, Patten, George Cttrt s, N. Thornton, A. Miller let line, S Mc - Carley, 1) Campbell, J. --Perde:, A. Jackson, J Lake, J. Sellars, G orge Peacock, M, Gibson ; 2nd Iine, R. ' ' art wick, J. Elston, F. Garness, I. Fe rant, D. Errington, T. Currrie, J. Wilson 3rd line, T. S. Brandon, W. Hopper, Gorge Proctor, W. Knox, W. Hawthor F. Embnry, H. Sellar, J. Ireland ; 4th line,. W. Mc0rece, W. Bryans, G. Nicholson, T. Wilkiuson, L. Wh eler, James Thompson, James Aitke a sr S. Barr', D. Currie; 5th line, A, Hall day, J. Cloakey, W. H. Watson, James "at- son,. J. McCarter, S. Love, John '. om erville, W. Cameron, N Flat , J.. Mooney; 6th line, J. Nethe , R. Young, T. Hill, T. Russel, G orge Hanna John McCutcheon, R. Ni.hol ; 7th line -J. Nesbit, John Waltac:, S. ThueI1,R. Hnghes,J.MoCarter,J.E acs, P. McDonald, F.Ashton ; 8th lin , A. Smith, H. Richmond, R.• Laidl a • , W. Marshall, Joseph McElroy, J. Dio , W. Jackson, S. Fear, George Kelly, G •orge McCall , 9th lime, R. Taylor, ohn Richmond., W. Brown, R. Laidla •• , J. Shortreed, N. McDonald, A. Laidlaw, C. McCarter, James McDonald. F viewers—Division No. 1 James Pol ock, darns Gibson and Jolla B.ichrn old ; Division No. 2, J«.rnes Murray, G:urge Jackson, and Gro:rge Kelly ; Div sion No. 3, James Sheri:, �Vcn. McCra •ken and George Hood ; Division No. 4, ohn Pardee, D. Geddes and W cn. Isbi:,ter ; Division No. 5, James Messer, R bert: Johnston and James Ire; and. Poo nd- keepers—Div s_if•n No. 1, James Logan and • Samuel Thud Division N•, 2, James Murray and G -••,rete Jack ou Division No. 3, Wm. H. Watson and James Sharp; Division . No. 4, ehn Geddes and Robert Bloomfield ; 1 iv- ision No. 5,: Allan Ramsay and Qui , ton Anderson. The council then adjou ued to meet again: on the 291h day of 6 ay next, for Court of Revtsi: oa and o her brininess. UsseexE.—The bon ucilmet the 5th - day of April, pursuant to adjournm:nt. All the members present. Move. by H. Homey, seconded by J. Hack. ey, thet the following persons be appal. tecl pounclkeepers for the current y: ar : Matthew Routley, John Hazelw.bd, Ralph Keddy, John Murley, Al red Coates, Audrew Campbell and ' m.. Gilfillau, that a by-law be drafted on- flrming the same, and that the c erk procure -25 forms containing the d , ties of poundkeepers, and insert the :me ni- eipal m•,ni- eipal by-law relating to pounds, and send a copy toe -each poundkeepe Carried. Moved by James Halls., :ec onded by H. Horsey, that the Cour of Revision for' this municipality for 884' be held at the town hall, E.limville Saturday, tlae Y31st May, -at 10 o'oioc -a. - m., and that N. J. Clark be clerk of . aid coart.—Carried. Moved by J. S et-conded by J. Hackney,; that the li::t of pathmasters as now appointed be 'o- n- firmed, and that the clerk prepare the pathmasters sheets for d stributio o,= Carried. Moved by J. Shier, moo • ded by J. Halls, 'that $150 be. the appro. ria tion for expenditure in each ward:, for grading and•gravell ng for , the co ent year, and that the councillor of :ach Ward be a commissioner for expen ng the same Carried. Moved . by J. Hackney, seconded by J. Shier, tha A. Bolton be paid the sum of $26.18 fa 14 weeks board. of Thomas Bennett an indigent. Carried. Moved by J. H : lls, seconded by J_ Hackney, that_ Tho.. as Wilson receive $20 to: procure provis ons- and clothing . for Joseph Hewitt and wife.—Carried. . Moved by J. Stier seconded b J. Hackney, that 1d re. Wilson: be p id the sum of $5 for attend- auoe: on Jos ph Hewitt and; wife—''ar- vied. ur otion the Council adjou , red till Saterda. 31st May. - as a0 general bu Morula. to adjourn'. the Reeve meeting r seg: a num] by1L1IOO on The Hap y Days of Childho :I Haw bea. tiftil are the innocent nd health imp ding sports of happy G ild- hood ! llo. the middle aged „or till older heart esponds to tender inera ries 0 jocund yo th as the boys are seen ab- sorbed in the merry games I " Out on crack, bang I hair pullel ; germ nts rolled in med., blows, mutterings, and what Victor Hugo avould call " a for- midable br tithing,' with gruntings and Yen out or n ot ?" and after some mu ter- ing. a grumbling assent. These ar the sounda that COMO from the vacant lots of the city of an afternoon, 4 the ; . o s play the merry bat ;and al!.. ; gain Iet ns : remark, $ hood!" PPe a o py c • it Three Carlingford ntle • en Messrs. E. Corbett, jr., Ger B • w ai and Richard Blacklook, recent h' ant red into partnership and' - pure a : ed t, re stallions and a bull,which t e shi ,,pelf from S ringville stn ion t i ed - ood Falls, Minnesota, on on y, 31st alt. It is thir intention to trave t e Erase in different parts of that Sat: d ring the present season, and sell t i em. if sl good opportunity offers. i Tb ho see, which were• raised in Nortt. ast' ope, are all fine specimens of the Gana. ian draught class. One l of them st: cels eighteen hands high, end weighs a ton although in poor condition. T eot'` erg are smaller, but more coca of and just as likely to take in the wet , ; i—. _.._. i EPPS's COCOA.— GRATEr'UL A D OHL FORTING ; By a thorough.kna led: e of the natclral laws which govern he .peri ations of digestion and nutrit n, and by a careful application of the•fine pro- perties of well -selected Cocoa, r. l pps has pro' il1ed our breakfast tabes • ith a delioa sly flavored beverago watch may sav: us many doctors' bine. t is. by the j . icious use of .such artiol � s of diet tha constitution may be - g dn. ally buil 1 up until strong; enoug to resist ev - ry tendency, to disease. ` un- dreds of subtle maladies ,are flo, ting around nis really to attack whe ' vi.r '.there is weak point. We; may e.oape many a atal shaft by keepi :g aura'Ives welt fort fled with pareblood a. d a properly, nourished frame." `Civil `Ser-, vice Gaz tte.—Made simply with ® oil- ing wets • or, milk. Sold only in a • kets and Ti s (,i lb. and ib.) by ro•ers, labelled JAMES EPPs & Co., .moe. pathic 0 emists, London, Eng.' 8 1-52 A ' emarkable Esca Mrs. id ary A. Dailey, of T nock, Pa , was afflicted for er which ti, le e the best physioian !give no relief. Her life was es ed of, ntil in last Ooteb r procured a, bottle of Dr. Kin a gaining i flesh 50 lbs. in three o Free tria bottles of this certain u all - throat 'aed lung diseases Roberts' drug store. Large bot RUSEliaLl Corn and W radicator is selliug like magic, he way 't eraclicates C01118 is Ask your druggist for it, and 'i`771' Th se are Solid Pact The bes blood purifier and.syst ering hu el anity, truly is iElectx ers. Ina tivity of the liver, bilio jaundice, constipation, weak kid any disea e of the urinary forgo whoever equires an appetizer, te mild sti .8131E1.1A, will 'always find trio Bitte the best arid only tare known. They act sure quickly, e ery bottle guaranteed entire sat afaction or money re gold at 50 cents a bottle b Roberts. 783.52 THE HO W hing you deserved success, JOSEPH BRO N, And r. Carson's Stomach Bitters can't live the same stomaoh, one of them has t to go, and it isn't the Stomach Bitt s. The people's own fatorite farm medicine in large bott s t 50 cent 836,26. I An Vxcellent Tonic. ; Augnet 29, 1883. Me rs. Churchill & Co., Dear Sirs,— lest e years, and during that tinie I have alien medicine from five do tors, used ly one box of your Clirnax Eye Salo which I putchased from . F. Rite .er, of Osgoode Station, an can rem Mend it as a safe cure o all aftlic d with the same Id mese. I con. Bider our Fountain of Health n e cel - $51000 Re ard ror y te timonials 1 -acorn e ding wife tion, Sti;ostivenes eadai he etc., bat e not genuine ; 8118 Of w 'eh are fro persons in the S ates d thous - give t al bottles free of est, o ithat you c not be deceived pure asing a Worth ereartiole, but n w it slue an - ears ring uld Me air- ave she he was este e of f the S. lima 11. Cured. no • of uf- it. ey ;or 8 or r Bin nd sn Had Medical. Attendan e; from Co ti4ness. Sick Headaalra, Loss of Appetite for many yea lways ti ed, so that life was a r tid all eemed dark to me. h ad medi al attendance, and hat t lniost all the advertised remake 798.52.2w 574 King street, T who had ii. ed your.Fientaint oflt al Mns. Bete, 1 - on Ga. ed Setreral Pornots:\ Kers, Sept. st, 831 ave disa, eared; and my healt o uch imp !wed that I have gain s v - er nd lt en ve ed ut 5, t- o. Sure I used ago for troubled n a; acted yr ars. 821.25 ure for Sick Head 'ck headache. I av- e to speak of stce. verely with Ilea aoh ) Derham nt be • of dyspeps a, which has troubled Ile f ir 7 8.52.2w 17 Stafford street, T Th Weather -Prothe oohs for pring this month. Th wi e he wants n, Dr. Carson's Stomab n large b titles -at ,50 cents. 838. 6. ighly of s a Stom ver used, 13.18 sprin '114 S Liver and Kid ey 6 best 'family DI :dici ..e Dear Sirs —Per elver twen properly. he diseaie cause a pain over e eyes, and frequ ntly red my w iiing on *account of dizz he phleg a in my throat gaV me nnoyanc: -specially in complany, of which ould occesionally all into my roat, and I oul la breathe t ugh my nese. I eve apparent b eiefit, trail 1 as in by your a ent of 69 Mute str et, your Fou tain of ` Health fter five bottle it are -prepare to 've reoomme ded it to many f a • rs rr • e to ba ls IS OS The raise s ores, orns, t vely I is ton, o per b 7 3.52 ✓ store ether uggt In o pre venal it affor these d 770.52. Parkd r. b Weal, p ease, I hay One bo (Signed gold. by geafort • • Was Recom 'ndsay's Wharf, en afflicted with st three. years, a by soine of the Ontario with Salve, I believe ountain and tal My general healt d, and I now fe Yours truly., ROBERT &JR ETT, alt rheu for est docto is 'in your Sun- g five bottles °Wes of your am perfectly is also much bklen's Arni Sable. latifiearllaseksinorerunpo • ns, and oat, 'Money refunded rice 25 c nts • 11 13 Sickly Yo g delicate young omah n ed tin's Phosphati e. When he ance is pale, the lood eon ses temporary, or onstittiti. 'al lor to; the chee strength to appetite and m e a heal by e; but a food. o sale by all 788,52 e History of edicin and the perm pent aim it kidney diseases, as Di. an Kidney Cure. Its action in , TGor.oWnto.,M-wirilltgaes .Y' "MY eral very Severe attaCks a the atomach. Hearing nd she bail not lia• an att her health is fnu h improv Ely all druggists. 770.52.78 nsed Dr. Scrapelm•ff's Russ ,Wart .Eradicat•r, and nd it as doing all l't proles le iii 'worth four o any ot e, ' My_ corns re tnissi F. C. Barra' ke Stratfo 1.1 ife of of its wo ok d. ail an 68. er d. ,.health ii much improve and I m free fro ill: headaches or a y other soh Et, half bat es ving sed only two an your ii,osphatine., F r sale by 11 .Not u y treolal , half the terrors attached .0 r this I t all be thankful, and to r. al pr ise for having thus re- ovel hitherto *fatal disease froth o r pa It was never known to For a pgh, Cold or any Bronchial family Coughs and Colds- for the pest fon ears with the la ost unvaried success, d today my o •inion of it is that I e n inne to think till more of Illan er, Ontario Ba k, Pickering. -SPLENDID BUSINES CHANCE„ g od-will of the business; ale con idera le 14, g.; od manswith some capital c mak money ll BERT F11. LTON. 848 • rb D' Uar n faith , of a wort ens. - yon r not are poven. dor/ ge will ogre Liver Comp! ins, t costs bottl s, See town, 851,6 Th most or 11 relic time eines Flni use will fin comp et out o Seise store. in toler e sou as Flu of ,tro to b 851,6 bled it der, t Cure 51,52. ON_E.POSITOlt. n dollar is freqUeFtly spent on the nuirendations tor articles entirely t -so with McGregor's Speedy Cure; ked to pcirehase lt until its merits all at Lumaden 86 Wilson's drug a free bottle, and If not oonvined it of the worst fhrnis of Dyspepsia, nt, etc.; no :natter how lon stand- nething. Sold in 60c. and el stinaonials from plersons in your own yid Lightning. ut few that .beve never suffered al - le pain from Toothache, Neuralgia, pains. To Merit each an instant Lightning is an Untold blessing in le. No cliegustibg, offensive reed: - taken for days. One application of g press Sold at Lumsden Wll- th etny unhealthy, Slow -healing gores &. Parkes' Carbolic Cerate, Yon 'liable for healing, cleansing and loving your trouble. If the blood is ke with it a few doses of McGregor's from Lumeden & Wagon's drug POOL CA Arc paid f Irelan For gm apply t GREEN, MAIL STEAMSHIPS ' ' ier 20 North River, New York, very_Saturday, for W VIA LONDONDERRY. TES OF PASSAGE , DERRY, BELFAST OR LIVER 40. STEERAGE, 'OUT - o Li Drafts issued at lowest rat s are e of arge in England, Scotlanc and sage, Cabin Plans, Book of Torus &c.. HE ERsON BROTHERS, 7 BOWLING NE YORK, or to S. DICKSON, Poat afor 832 Thi land puhli with as th the h the yi ome, EW DitP owed ushe hes ushe es p Oc an eed, ER W GOLDEN ✓ ng straw and large compact h aft; °es the awns deop away, le ving a qui beardless. In hi vorable se sons ld ill of as high as 70 bushels per acre, e rain very bright and extremely • and -- Se p peck ; also a quantity of RE LE'S arle in cultivation ; price $1 2 per , '75c h bushel, peek 50e. Goose String e ash $1, half bushel 60e ; linen bags 5c, ton bags 20c. Amber Sugar Cane 8 OAS WITH ORDER. '47' LEGAL. P. CARROLL; EAT of Garr w & Proudfoot's Office, God C AYS ,Solicitor, &e. Private mon -Ly• lend at 141 est rates of interest. OFF orner of Squaie and West Street, Goderieh. ich, oan. reet, 94 y to GE - 774 /.0.orreeror.,Q.C.,Philip 1104, M. G. olieit rivet AN o Job Moe mon ng affidavits in the,Province of Manit Bank of Hanulton, Wing r for fund e ver is, jars of Ram It n. 06 at ner am. • SCOTT, Barristere, Soliei ors, ere &es. Solicitors for the ank sdale & Gale. Money to I an. oek, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. i gham. Solicitors for the ommissioners for taking a Private funds to loan at 6 'Office every Wednesday. H 7 B ster Solicitor, Conveyancer, obey o loan, Benson's Old Office, Card nt's ank da - per 8 6 fl or), opp site CAUGHEY, A. ic, Conveyancer, Com/nisei° er, HE EXPOSIToR t 'face. Mone to 1100 Hol d mme ce F. Barrister, Solicitor, Convert cer °licher for the Canadian Ban of ney to lend. F,arms for ale. Mock, Main street, Seaforth. The u lie that nem hi in Kipp HUI oil, ienrsign hero c ks of lur s SS CHANC 1 ed begs to announce to the ub- archased the general store busi- iried on by Mr. 'Iortry f3cha er, determined to place it in the eneral stores in:i'the Count of k of 6004 Groceries, rocke y, Win be found well assorted and ,tcomplete, A ith sPiendid lines of Spring Goods arriving ne rly every day. Wo show excellent ivalues in ew Co ttonsab s, "tinge, Dress Goods, Pi ints, ot- tons, 01 sets, T eeds, Ducks, Denims, &c., w ich were bo for•eash at a discount, of which we Reme ber, we do not quote loai prices for ow to keep first-C14s stock and sell as cheap, as the next . Call a vince yo are Solis Same pri Butte the high No Tr Five p chases e d xami e our stock and prices and e n - elf b re purchasing el ewhere, as we e yen cannot get as Isocd goods at he s price Iv: I be paid. i en Ile to how Goods. i *EISM1141..R. he reoeive the most Drafts Office - F. IAN BANK OF COMMERCE, FF10E, TORONTO, nt, Hon. Wm. • :aforth Branch of thie Bartk eontinne to . 1 all the principal townct and eitie in Great Britain, and n tne fled ll'irat door Routh of the Commereial Cfrand Tr nk Railways Vrains leave Sesifor h and Clinton stations as Lo don,,Elu on and Bruce. eorigo N UTE-- Express. Mail. GOING 8 13TH— ' Mail. Express Honsall d . L I. :t: 8 69 Clinton Brucefie Exeter 190 8208 2 67 3 09 8 82 4 05 4 21 4 80 4 86 4 50 5 50 'Wellington, G- ey and Bruce. GOING NoR.TH— Ethel GOING SO Tit— Wingha Bluevele Bruggels P. M. 2 28 2 89 2 b2 3 05 Exp. A. M. 5 48 5 58 6 13 6 25 Exp. 9 41 9 55 10 12 1-0 23 Acc. 11 26 11 88 12 00 ST. JAMIE HOTEL, SHARP * BRIGHAM, (Formerly of iSlear 24' Hotel, Seaforth ,) THIS Hotel, whi01 is 11 Union Stationi has the best and most chuf ; charges very moder .846 JN egtt tuated directly opposite recently been re -fitted out and is now one of rtable hotels in the city. ntion paid to guests and tGRHPA' M, dence, that! lately obcupied by Dr. Hatchison, Auburn. i 781 McGill University Physician, Surgeon anld North sidejGoderichj St est, first Brick Hon e east of thanietho940 urch. M.D., C. M., Memberi of he College of Physicia. and Itesidefice Sane as fcirmerly occupied by -Dr. HOWARD ELLIOT, Licentiate of the Boys' College of . Physicians and Surgeons, Edin- burgh ; Lieentiate in Mid wifery, Edinburgh,. 833 26; , Licentiate of the Royal !College of Ph3 sicians at d Surgeons, Edit- ibto ; late of the Hos- pital for Women, Lon- don, ELgland. EYE, EAR :Aga THROAT, Ear and Throat, Trin ity 'Medical College, Toren r to, and Stirgeon to th Mfircer Eye and Ear In- firmary. Late Clinitt Arsistant Royal London Ophthalmic Heap, Thiiorfields, and Central Throat and Ea: Roe ital. SUFF0 K no. The undersigned Hikes), on I both side , recently um tilled from the well -know breeders, !service w GEOLG .PL:Wrin 'S—.. 81, P %Table At t th the pri Sege of returning if ecefniary. 588 time of P. !parts of: isosiTon ty II -iron. Sales atten he Coliney . All orders loft files be promptlyatten ed n all 1•4--a-• Cotrty of !promptly ttendc !dress W ltan l' 77 JAMES CA PI3ELL, Licensed Aneti ed on the1mos, Yea enable toms a d neer Let con net- tisf tion Valtisn P. JAMES 11-71. 1z ICn lent - :CD _317 CHURCH TREET, TORONTO. day, a Friday Grand 11 traded without pain. -terms cash. • will visit Seaforth d ePlinton on the second in eech month, at the ion Hotel. Teeth ex- harges moderate and 730-25 stairs as the 1 hours, 8 a. m. Whitt) y's to Seliol ate Ai. B Dentistry. Office in Block, up the same ggin's rooms. Office 842 D.WATSON, DENTIST, Faculty Gold Medalist and College Gold Medalist, Toronto School of Me iciine. Saving Natural Teeth Easil Ext ilar Charges the late Mr. uggizt, N. B.—As kt have bo tions begun 1:?;y him ea Office ove Johnson' Block, Man: -treet, 8 Te a ac d Carefully ed. -n im -11 0 0 cp 8 cn 0 m Z Z o 171 ;12 CD 133 o -a CO • the farmeis of uto and Perth that th y have arranged with W. MI V RIT7, Exeter, To keep con ta tly o hand all repairs ° thena, also f r allAhe machines fo nrly phe by 4, HE EAFORT INSURANCE f4 D LAND I8 AGENT pr se e al First-Clase a to take its on h most favorabl 'Also Agen for several of the beg Also Agen loth e ale and PArch and Village roper 3.. .21. Nu their of First- ove4 arms for al ph out the business of 1 w'll complete all opera- isfa torily to each patient. Irdware Store, Meyer's $50,000 to leo n at Six lin serest. sate Of Ocean Steams Una S MI LS KIPPEN.`U Over HN . Street, Seal rth 13413 to. infor ! Mensal A. large stoe Proprietor o these We known and popular mills, has now got everythil g in first-class working order and i prepared to turn out an, article of FA MIL, FLO R which cannot be ex- GRIBTING DONE mix THE PARTY WAIT FOR IT. description romptlf Bran always on Hand, market prices. Rem JOH 'mat. Chopping of every ttended to. Flour and and sold at the lowest ber the popnlar mills. MoNEVIN, Kippen. TE I PROVED 40 and 0, Rai anufa.etured in Godl ieh, ea :ow be offered - Tor HE At a redue ion of 2 per cent from lists of las year. PL WS A REPAIRS Of any of th above .'s can be obtained at the FARMERS I ORDERS PEtoltIPTI.Y WILLED'. Apply t C. A. HUMBER, 8491. f aging Agent, Goderieh.; , Morrison's re So- rinfil the o4 Firs • *8c GARL 111.: at hna; tcheeyntwir 1114, oming season, at -Class Lime, whi• t at Hensall every:The day and Friday. r. G r- . land will be ifn attend ce at Exeter ev:ry da They ale the billy arties -who sell Do ninirs Beeehville Li le on th s line of railway. This is the best Lim in 'Pena a. 848-8 PIT I: art det less of THOSE IN give a large I am still beet and e perfectly nol ilash for track or tra TER SEAFO TH. to Clear 01 t Furniture r 'PERFECTION AT 7 SU CC ES S EXTRAORDINARY ! EGNIONDVILLE ROLtER MILLS - The only genuine Roller Mill in the County, which now has no superior, and few eqrials, on the continent of America for manufacturing Roller A CREAT REVOLUTION MILLINC. The Bread QUestion of 'Vital Importance. The Gradual Reduction S tem by Rollers now, in 1 Roller Flour brings from, $1.25 to $1.50 per barrel M ore than the best Flour made ;by the Old 4Process.' Farmers *ill in all ceses get their own wheat ground, and by our new sys- tem get a stronger, 'Whiter, richer and better grade of flour by ifar than the public has hitherto been able to get. Remember, there is no htunbug or ex- periment in our adopting; the Gradual Reduction System. Our new system is thorough and reliable. ;It has been thoroughly tested, and pitoved al great - success in Hungary, Gernnany, France, England and the United States. We gave A_ 1 Flour previous to our extensive change at 'a heavy met, and we guarantee better Flour now.. One trial will be sufficient to prove eur as- sertions correct. Our facilities for this olass of' work are imsurpassed, and customers may de- pend on getting their chopping done at once. Be sure and try our famous new process—roller flour. Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed d.eliv- ered to any pars of Seaferth, Harpur- hey or Egmondville free of charge. egs Our Saw Mills at 'Egmondville and Brucefield in full operation. : 808 firLE & LARD. FARMERS, IT WILL PAY IMO —TO cALL AT .HURON FOUNDRV, And see our stock of Ppowls Which has been made especially for my G,srig Plow for this season, and feel satisfied in saying that it is the best in the market. Our LAND ROLL.ERS Are large and heavy, runniing light and doing good work. Our ; GRAIN CRUSIHERS Are made frem hard iron, and will longer than any other natichine -Made. Having special tools for recutting Rollers, we can guarantee satisfaetion. Special attention given to rertairing Steam Engines, Saw and Grist 'Ming, Reapers, Mowers, Tlareshing Machines, and all kinds of machinerY repaired on short notice and at reasonable rates. To contractors and othtsrs — Bridge Bolts and Castings at lowest rates. Quotations furnished on application. Also agent for the !impleinents of L. D. Sawyer, Hamiltona A full line of repair? constantly on hand. THOMAS HNDRY. The Leading Watch of rx:erica. Great Fall in Plices. rwenty Per Cent. ilower Than [Ever. A Line to be hoia. at M. R. COUNTEli'S JEWELRY EMPORIUM. The Largest and Cheapest (quality considered) stock of Jewelry, Watehes, Silver Plated,Ware and 'Clocks in the Repairing in all branches of Watehee, Clocks and jewelry—all gtlaranteed to give satisfaction. Fine Watches a specialty. • T'wenty-three years' practi- cal experience. Rings, Lockets, Chains, Brooches, &q., maaanfactured on the shortest notice.. Look out for a tree of silverware in the window o it is the place, dlrectly opposite J.- IS. Porter's chea. oash furniture store. The Leading Jeweller. PUBLIC IVOTI rri1111 undersigned, having Been aPpointe Agent I for the CONFEDERATION IFE my Is desirous of insuring the livesof faith° Ms' ens of Seaforth and surrounding country, as to in ease of death. This is undoubtedly t e best Insurance Company doing businees In Ca oda at this fact. Call at onee on JOHN BEATTIE, WANT, it will pay -them o nee purchasing chum ern. to those paying ash, 'ad couples. evealliillpYamag:Briin the market ; w nowlton's Spring seldierealy opposite M. R. we1ry Store , Main Street, 'deg, skina, furs and ; pooh for everything. JOHN S. PO odor .. Agent, Seaforth. W. No N. B.—Money: to Loan on FOItt or Towil Property on the easiest terms of payment and st l'itgi Jow interest. SO4 • • • •