HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-04-18, Page 6;47-* • • ... • • ' • • • • • y. Jealottay Again, . "Da you know, my dear," she I sud- denly said, aa she looked up from her piece -work—" do you know that next week will be the twentieth anniversary of our wedding?" " Is that so ? By George 1 -howl time flies 1 Why, I had no idea of it." 1 - "Yes, we have been married almost twenty long years," she continued, with something of a sigh. You have been a good husband to nte, darling." "And you Lave been a blessed ittle wife to me, Susan. Come here ill I ides you. There." "1 was thinking to-day—I was t itik- ing "Of that sickly -faced baboon who used to go home with you from p ayer Meeting before I knew you ?" he i ter- , rupted. who do you mean ?" • " Why, that. Brace fellow,, of co rse. "Why, George, he wasn't such a bad fellow." "Wasn't he ? Well, I'd like to now of a worse one, and there was yo as good as engaged to him." "Yes, George, but you know you «ere keeping company, at the same time ith that Helen Perkins." - "That Helen Perkins! Wasn't iu iss Perkins one of the loveliest and pre rtiest young ladies• in Liverpool "No, she wasn't 1 She had teet like a horse!" "She did, eh? How about that stoop -shouldered, white-hea.ded Br: ce?" "And such big feet as she had! "ley, George, she was the laughing -stool. of the town." Not mueh she wasn't ! She w s a young lady who would ;have ma'e a model wife. ' Then why didn't you marry Jaer, and all her moles and warts and m sh- MOM eyes?" I "Don't talk that waY to me Her eyes were as nice as yours'!" "They weml !" They were! I believe you are rry because you didn't marry Brace 1" "And I know yon are sorry bee use you didn't marry that beautiful and accomplished Miss Perkins !" a I am, eh? I thouglat you said I had been a good husband to you ?" "And didn't you call me your IA seed little wife ?" 1 Then he plumped down and bega to read the mortgage sales and adver ise- ments in. the paper, and she piekeo up her sewing and gave the cat a gs Title kick. These old things will cern up now and then, and somehow nei her Side ever gets entirely over them. Two Ways of Looking at Things. Two boys went to hunt Igrapes. One was happy because they found gr pes. The other was unhappy, because the grapes had seeds in them. Two men being cenvalescent, «ere asked how they were. One said : am better to -day. The other aid:pI was worse yesterday. When it rains one man says : "This will make mud." Another!: "This will lay the dust." Two children looking through colered glasses, one said.: The world is blue." And the ether said ; "This bright." Two boys eating their diuner,one said. " I would rather have sqraething else than this." The other said "This is better tharnothing." A servant thinks a man's house is principally kitchen. A guest that it is principally parlor. "I am sorry that I live," says one man. " I am sorry that I mast die," says another. " I am glad," says one, " that it is no worse." " I am so says another, " that it is no better.' One man spoila a good repast by think- ing of a better repast of another. An- other one enjoys a poor repast by con- trasting it with none at all. One man is thankful far- his b eas- ings. Another is morose for his too is - fortunes. One man thinks he is entitled t an- other world, and, is dissatisfied bee use he hasn't gotit. Another thinks e is not justly entitled to any, and is s tis - fled with this. One man makes up his account his wanta. Another from his asset Try, 7 Tom • High, Dairy Farming in Fra ce. On a farm near 'Edgily, which I isit- ed„ I found the cow keeping very eolith in accordance with our practices. The cows are never put indoors except for two or three weeks before calving,al d a couple of raontlis afterwards. In 'ery bad winters, it is true, they may be sent in for the night, but as a rule there is a shed for them to take shelter in. This farm was held by a maiden 1 dy. It consisted of 125 acres, of which 62i (that is bo say, one-half of the e tire area) was fed every year, and. 50 ores were annually mowed in rotatipn. The remaining 12i acres were arable and were used to grow carrots, mang lds, and a small quantity of white s raw crops,- chiefly for the sake of the st aw. On these 125 acres as naany as 50 IOWB are kept, as well as the due propo tion of live stock of all ages, while su slus calves are fattened and sold to .the butcher at about three months old. The average annual yield of butter, w ioh is of the finest quality, is 224 po ads per . cow, and it realizes the hig est price on the Paris market ; each cow brings in a gross sum of 'between 110 and $125 per annum from butter alone. Then a large number—of pigs in ad- dition to the calves that are fed e • ery year upon the skim, milk, butter so ilk, and other refuse products, so that the total reoeipts per cow const come o a very large sum. Not, far from this lady's fano and comprising some of the best grass and in Normandy, is a smaller -dairy rm of 30 cows. Here the chief object the manufacture of that delicious soft oh ese known as Camembert, for whir in London we are willing to pay a shi ling each. Now, at this particular farm the Camembert oheese are made from w ale mille.not a particle of cream being t ken off. It requires only three pints of i ilk to make a cheese which sells fa 25 - cents. This particular farmer sold his cheese at $1.50 per dozen, or only a out half the retail price, the other hal re- raaining in the hands of the Be'era,I grades of middlemen who intervene be- tween the producer and the consu tier. even. at this diminished price the g ass return from each cow for cheese a one is between $185 and $200, to say n th- ing of the value of the whey and the calf. I should add that the ave age yield of milk in this ease is 550 gal ons per cove per annum, and the rent v ue of the land nearly $25 per acre. Now, in these French ins oes, where a cow is kept all the year, roan on two acres of laud or ess-ein the bes instances a cow .and her produee onlw and a half acres—the arge return t the farmer is only partly !owing to hi management of his land land his liv stock, and largely to the ;excellnee of the manufacture of the dairy piodUcts. There is nothing in the alienate or the soil, or the grass to prevent, sun , ar re- ' sults being obtained here.—Secretary Jenkins. REIAL ESTA.TE F SLE. rth sII of lot t of this laid is U. for meadow itVars apply to ep P; 0, 819 tf ernACftE FARM FOR SAL North half of r lob 80, and north half of o 31, conenision 9, McKillop's_ 5 8. seeded,lad in excellent cisidi e or 1 past'SVe. For further pa News Notes. I —The German mails_ foe Chip: iinces were on the wreokeitStei. and were lost. The steendshi valued at, 3180,000, and was sured. 1 —The largest European, in : 11 dispatched from the New Yo office wasiforwarded by the st: Eider on. the 2nd April, It co sap 399 letter'and 228 newspaper b these 267 bags were frets. New ee 'and Australia. 'The remainder, up at the -New York office, omit 156,000 letters and 8,000 regis articles. --1 . —The warrant of extradition for Phipps, the escaped wife murder the hands of Crown lAttornee, donell, of Windsor. Chief Bain to Chicago for the prisoner, but to Say when he will return, as it sired to get Phipps across th without -any demonstration. despatch says Phipps and his vtlfe bottelodged in Sandwich gaol alti —Col. Middleton, who succee Lased, is an officer well known ii ads.' He was 'for a long time qu in Termite and Hamilton. Ile a Miss Doucette, of Montreal Middleton has seen some service 'field, and has always been looke as an excellent officer. For som past he halt occupied a !leading 0 at the Royal Military College , at hurst. —The trial 'of Stephen Dun nected with Cole's eine)] , wholsti with the murder of Wm. 'Met young man well -known in Stratf- 1881,; took place at Ottawa an T of -last week. James Chesley, of erton, one of the witnesses, said er was killed with a stake in the ih of Dunn, and then thrown off the, t On cross-examination Chesley io dieted himself. Dunn was, acq 1 —11. S.' Remington, a horse de Providence, R. I., arrived in• treal on Monday morning of last and was proceeding to hishotel &ewes struck down from behin robbed of $2,500, which he c rrie, chamois' leather belt which he under his shirt. He was taken Exchange ! Hotel where his were attended to, but at latest ac he was in a very low condition. the nature of his .wounds there doubt that they were ' inflicted 'sandbag. —The 18 -year old daughter of 4 er named Ross, of the 6th coacese Bruce township, attempted to I tamp with oil without' eitinghishr light, with fierribie results. ; Tha the can became ignited, and ; bot and lamp exploded, the shock explosion shaking the building, guishiag t every light, and leavi inmates in jtotal darknets. , The members of the family were 1una what had happened, as the oil w in an upper room, and a a conse the girl was terribly burri ed befo was rendered any assist a nce.' Sh lived a shalt time after the acoid 1 —A Montreal despatch says : stated here that a seriou epidem appeared ' among 'the sheep ' i reeighborhood, which, in their p state, renders their flesh unfit fo man food; It is at present eonfi Laprairie county, and affectsth.. rnment 'respecter says, about f fifths of the flopka. The disease. •8 eribed as in the skin, the wool peering altogether. What steps taken to prevent the- disease spr xcept isotatio'n, which has been 'd already, is not known.. It is su orae of the careases havellepet di f to butchers in the city, althou ieved to be injurious to health. —Mr. WI M. Cline, of !Stoney ear Hamilton, writes : hI have from time to time during the past reports regarding the preach pre for the following season. 1 I hav amined a number of trees, both own and neighbors', and find, an exception, that they Have all killed as far down as the sno which -.signifies that the present b trees are entirely destroyed; b yearlings will send up vigorous and make strong, healthy trees (b ting them off near the ground) for n year, the roots are perfectly sjn I am very sorry that 11 will be un fill the numerous orders 1 have f present season, but II* e to 'pres My customers next spring some etas peach trees.'? Motheils. W ight. "You cawnt guess how,' much nit t weighs ?" said the Prince to Ma dersore's when he saw that the c sation was about to flag. I should say she weighs) at 1 hundred," said Mary, confidently. "No," said the Prince.: "A hundred and twenty, then V' Mary. a PrO-, 1ann, p11 was el in - ever post ship feed , Of land lade hied ered nke is in aA3- 11 go ines de- iver ater are en. an. ered ried Col. the Poen ears s tion S ad- , con - gad h r, a ✓ in e day 1: tch- nds ain. tra- ted. 1 r of en - eek lien 1 and, 1 n. a ore o the ries nts OM no 1 0 1 0 g X 375, of tha e in an the in- the her e of - kept ence he nly t is as his nt 11 - to ove ur- de• p• be tea pt - ed ed e• ad er ts, a- 37 lit 6. en 111 ng he ts t- xt d. le to he it to t• j No, again". chuckle , His o1 Highness. A hundred and fisfif y ?' mat n ly ventured Mary. " Evings 1" oried Albert, 'o» lit1e a great haotress knows ofIlineperi Mother weighs two' 'undred, tott.k " Two hundred 11' eaclairaed a --" how I do wish I- was an 'Ent re s, Albert, and could weigh so much Here the Princess Beatrice cam JinIto say that mamma, wanted Albert i t away.. and the Prince politely le k d out of the roomr-dLottieville C ..r - Journal. • Holloway's Ointment and Diseases of Advanced Years. T e grand climacteric heinif? passed,1 11 - kind passes to old age. The tae digestion becomes impaired, the n vo s system grows fee1:116, an,d' +the ph si al powers becomes enervated. No n e congestion of the liver, lungs, or j ea followed by dropsy, asthma, or pp plexy, which frequently afiliet and ft n destroy the aged; As the liver let el y becomes torpid, its activity may sp e ly be revived by rubbing Hollows 's Oin4lent thoroughly over the pit of t e stomach and right side, at least trice a day, and taking the Pills at the Ps: e tirae. This treatment also disperees .1 other congestions by varying fhe p: e rubbed according to the situations the mischief. 837,52 1, 'd- • 1 f E. n fo ti rtl ANDRE W GOVENLOCK,1 intb 11 OUSE FOR S ALE.—Fer al propprty on John Streit., e to St. 'I'iiomuh church p,1r80118 oupied it1y Mr. Boole. Thoro ia g tion, fire -oleos cellar, six bete° re+m an a good kitehen. leo ha d and! oft water, a new Stahl ne essanea complete. For apply to ,he proprietor. D. It( OTTN4E Veit SALE.—For pleasantly situated and ;Ccil in Sesfosta, at' present ocaupie signed and formerly owned La4dlawl There are seven roon pantry, tegether with a large and a gdod lawn and nice fo ait g and soft a ater. Apply on the pi JAMES M. BENSON. u 1. , that desirable •4orth, n eat door e, and now m- od stone fonda- s, parlor, ining large woorKed, • and all Other tker particholars Sessforth.l. 880 ale cheap, that oltable cottage by th a under - y Mr. James C. s and a arge oodshed, Seller rden also hard emises to MRS. , 852x4 FARMITOR, SALE.—North ceshion 8', Morris, containi which are cleared and nearly There a4e rn the premises a g frame sth s le, two never failing trees, oaring. • The far eellent hard of almost t sithated •eings only two and a Brtisselsa id thirteen from ,1 S titer parti Wars apply to F. 8 or to RIO a flof lot 29, con - u ;seas, 110 of re from atm ups. O log liouaej and w lls and a e - vol hundred rnit 18 .conveni ritly all !Mica from rtlt. For f14 - OTT, Brusse10, ASID LEES. Linde y 8411. ISARM Fors ertnnich p °Waxed ; t is a goo 1 There is a It is conve in Ave mil good grakte further ia Seisfortht ' 1 1F ii,o about 9' of eultiv bank ba neaessar chard. • Road, all foi th. repair a will be s ox to Se . 0 N TUCKERSIIIIT le, lot 24, concessio ntaining 100 acres, o remainder is hard rick house and Ifr splendid orchard an ient to school and is e of Seaforth and si roads leading to tionlars apply on t 0. ROBERT Me R SALE.—For sa Tuckeismith, con which are cleared a ou. There is a larg ith stabling made utbuildings; also a is pleagantey situate ut half way between he buildings and feec the land in first els48 1 condition. i It very cheap. Appl oi the . p rend ises orth P. 0. MRS. 0 0. CIIESNEX. • ets t 3tielt- FORSALE.--'H. . S. Uia 8 ;of whioh are • od buSh. There 140 outbuildinge- lenty of wliter. sureh. It is with - f Clinton, ;with oth places. For e I preraistis Or to E Y. 851 e, lot 24, Hpron ai lug. 101 aeres, dI b iels house, ',sod in a high .tate n ath 'and other 1 ge bearin or - on the B. ron Clinton and Sea- s are in qood 1E E STOOK FO SERVICE. 11" PRO E YOUR STOCK. -2- will Jeep during the prose ieoncessi n 4, MeKillop, a Thor !Buil, to -*Inch a.limited numb !received. This hull is a yearlir g fbir Jail? Broadfoot, Jr , of T c t. , imovery °sped a firstoelass ani i$2 pas cow, with the privilege Ineeessaral., payable 1st January, I00MER1ILLE. T r WAN TED he underA 'ned 1 neon on lo 31, abbred Dar am of cows will be and was bred. by -erstnitl , and is al 1 erls.— of returnit g if 115. JasSES 3532 1 I 1100 S N8 WANTED. --War tea, a muhber !As" of Itlack Dog Skins nt G & ff. Jacksbn's !Tannery gmondville. Will ep ylfrom 50 e 'nts to S1 a for good skins.- J. P. DAMS 8 2x4 11 FOR SAL1. [BULL iOR SALE.—For sale onhjbred Durham Ran, calved M 30th 1883; of roan ed in the Canada Short Horn H on lot 8, opucession 9, Tueker Ondvilr. 0. SIMON HUN I 1 1 Mon wants ti best ve, I ROBB, i Etafi so hand a Fresh Son, as His Te J and hi s. tried Any purcha price P1 'ork 1 , Sansag Store, A c Glass w I ; N. sure 0 hand. e eap, a '11)uke of o or and r • Book. ith, or R. Th' or- gisiter- A ply to g- 8 lx4 HARD TI H W TO SAVE being scarce, know Where th e for what they THE SEAFOR' ed the problem nice and choir roceries, for th ani be found in are choice an Fruits are fresh olicited. nantity of Good ed, and the high d. and Beef Ham e always on han o.' 1 Sterk's I ' ice stook of e of every descri HUGH —KING'S e for Dyspepsi ES. May. ery per on can get he ve to ape d. ORO Ri He has lon a stook , of oliday s s- he countY, good Val e, and che p. rk and Beef est mar ' et Bacon a d t the °heap Seaforth. ockeryl ' a d ion. OBB. ECIFIC, a always, on YOUR Tan Fre Pimples, Blac clies, &c., can stantly by ftp Tan&Fre Safe, Sur e PRICE 25C. Sold by a, rad, Susibtirn, Specks Bot - be remoVe in- ing 1 11 P le Lotion. Effectual. R BOTTLE ruggists. is iii be festorncrs ctor, hi's•t:tio!ns Pl I " • SEAFORTH WOOLL MILL T BEG t inform those inde d to me or mannf4cturing or book aecoants, that ON ng . the ente destruction of my am i by fire, I compel ed ito call on you for a 1 rompt settle- ment of y ur accounts, as the books must be closed. I hope second appeal will nist be neeeasa D a"edFREE' all f last year illustrations, prices, or plantints all Veg nu. etc. Invalitx, plicants and tC an out orcierinli it. escriptions le and ;Flo ye! le to all. 839' A. G. VaNEGMON y. P.' WH'T IS IT ? WHY I PEO' LE'S PC PHOTOGRAPH PA P. tlaitb AN it the h se good BO requ -ay of Po 'ends or fli, the "Ian extra arra holiday ta tures,0 Photo o nish, eas apPropria P.P. P. P delight an REW CALDER at th iday season is fast an ople of Huron and e something neat an raits to send as bond latives, and Mr. C. tanao of this fact, hs gern mats for the a000 CALDER'S fo ER'S for New Year s tasty design, excelleuce . and graceful -posit° background and ace s trial, and then go a a a good pieture. IS THE ULAR ORS, elm, and new )reaching, ahd th will aou t- rtistie in tjhe ifts to abs nt ng fully al ve made ape 'al odatiouI of 1he hristmar lc- ietures or of shade a e coupled w th orie, give e smiiing ANDREW C DER, , Boott's Bok,Beattith • enuine C L ED P4OW & S ECEIVED 0. C. WILL •Which will import dutle ) took, i por ariff • ousequently, he is enabled o sell them at took iki exhausted. Call and see t se Plows bet f rior article Every Plowl guarant ed to give satis A full stack of MasseyReapers and Massey oronto Mowers, Toronto ;Cord Biihders and Ma harp's Raks, all of which will be sold cheap and cif all kindslalways on hand for the above machine before bnyilag a machine. ; 1 , O C. WILLSON) Ma •So nix Bend LK PLOW 0 S cultural Implepent War rooro, Seaforth, • e sold at oldtprices, ntithetanding , the subsotilier 'being eterniined to ed One Hundted and Fifty of them a heinie mule of 10 per nt. keep ose valuable Plows in ew day before ths rise in the ormer rices until the present re ba g common or in- action or resale. owors troiionto Reapers and sey's jIow ;Down Binder, and n reas nable terms. Repairs . Don't fail to see my stock n Str et, Seaforth. T. nprilinganodf 1 re intere akes this top ustomers1 an nd the 1 rge ti oflrsem, Plows, Ge era I3end Chi led B. Bell's I pr larsf;ot °oaha ad ld I be sold ab ba „, m &Al lepor oNf s ado tci 0 tiger aggons will ows Reps ire etch along yo antlers *nti and side, se lisnlgosviss,ncdang griegb plows in le ti C.ippen, is he ha the plovr lin $oxon Ho ser XInjBllits' alb Iglity, and des Call and 80 0. the trade,and business. 8494: f. frat 4 48 4 TI L TO THE FRONT era' Implements. 6 nize Home'In, u. Stl ry. ro s Crierl ti:atoriiiand i;:taRo IS, KIPPErria Alive to Business fosr the w 0 s always studying the Fenn - °Jeri ur igt;of rdto ofatirfr g onyiimhpiloemsoanants;- tto e in need, that he has on t, h best, and the cheapest aelec- nts n the county, consisting of ang Plows, Cultivators, St nbble Pas ose Plows, Sod Plows, South Plow , Iron beam Plows 1 also ved nierican Steel Plows., 'Earm- ee Thcin before buying elFievvitere. rgp ill Straw Cutters, which will alflJ All implemeets sold for r cis , or on short tinae. 1 1 R !ACES AND BUCCIES and 11 repairing of 'BuggietS and eceiv attention. Plows and s !liar- FaImere, now is the tithe to tr plqws and harrows for repairing. g to mould boards, ploW beams, tid- and iron beam ot Ao. 4 BUR) ied at my shop. PI w cast - low astings for all the 1 leading ado. Remember that T.1 Menne, lace to got your wants upplied A so repairs on hand for- the rill, Ingersll. bin mid Iliormo Sh eilag hes e •ecued with neatne, s, aura- at;eli Small Prtfits is My Motto. on 'II always find me aliVe to good humored, and ready to do T. MELLIS, Hi/pen. HAT MUST OME SHAI4 COME." l" It o with tending the great difficulty in introducing a a w temedy to the pi:ll 11 c, ho ever uperior, on account of the enormous mount f advertising resorCed t3 by title wealthy proprietors of the many articles 4beady itt the market, yet we belie •e nerit in, the end must win, and, as already 'n thes prts, so throughOut re cointry. • , ' the ent Will Ee SORE far one ,olastm per bott W. 11i. bell YCERATEy BALS 1 • recogjnizod as the standard remedy of the a 1111 ATS. If any want f rther proof, 1 lay'in our -store and listen tp the voluntary rs. tts healing and soothing properties are truly marvellous. Price, 500 Le, f(4 sale by ard Snell, Jamesto n ; James Camp- eadbury ; A. Coven ock. Winthrop; Scott, Brumfield; J. E nthron & Son, Henalli; Wag- nr & Son,, Zurich; 4 Simon, Dashwood; 31. Wil- ham8, Cromarty; J. Leslie, Blake; R. par - diner, Farquhar;, J. Wright, Beech4od ; D. Weiimiller'.Pppen ; R. Drysdale, Drysdale; 9 11. llewon, Bay- fied ; Geo. Stewart & Co., • Varna; RE. Kinsman, Stana. WHOLESAL OR RETAIL3Y MOF FIR" e for t them testira 1 . UhRS, COLDS and try! a bottle, or stand ny !offered by grateful Rob Wa son, Wrox4er ; E ton; S. Meltibbin, & Son, Dublin; aliam Drummond, Blyth, • Wm. . UMSpE & WILSON, MliNUFACTURERS, SAiFORTH, ONT. • NEW avha ailid b A na t arm d 11 cB oug mae 0 e restt r. ca v it or 88, Wh 0 MILLING FIRM. IN SEAFORTH. •SEAFORTH ROLLER MILLS, LATE THE RED MILL, IDE ad S115TH, from t the above mlls, and iefitted them througholtit With all the latest inery that °Old be pr cured for a ADUAL EDUTION ROLLEf MILL, t attained is, they hav one of the best twlls: in the Province ow get all their GRISITING- and CHOPPING done in Seaforth, me with them the same day, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. O by Cile ton at. MR Mills. JB .24R,A_NT $1+101R,'I'S or in less quantiies—FOR CASH. Cashfor any quantity MMcBRIDE ITH. Oat Seafortli Roller THOMAS SMITH will personally superintend 188 SPRING. 11884. SEODS AT THE 6EAFORTH TEA STORE. al er, Timothy and Flax Se* fresh and p re. a. golod assortment o : i 1 Field an Garden Seeds, rcitato gni n Tops and D tch Set . _ I Also a full stool Cl\I Its, PROVISI NS CRO KER )ND GLASS cl an1 everything requited Or domestic use. he ighest price paid for 13ntter and Eggs. A. G. AU Seaforth, oe Sr ca st ts; Ne ring It li alled ry 0 mps f iDNEY I, HONEY I ,1----W4RRASTED PURE. purchaser satisified with quality and price. raid a half poued pail, 45 cents. 11.771i SE Se Golden Beardless 13arley, Rennie's Improved Six heat, White Elephant Potatoes, Amber Sugar Ca 41=).AIttAel•T ST.T1=)Pla n, •pyprean and Holy Land Bees and Queens aura Extractors, Honey Knives, Veils, Bee GILLI he basiness safely' and sthicessfally at D. A. Jo r Fif) -list. oney to loan at 6 S,nd 6i r oent. 1 • M eGrgor 4:641.144•44444.364.144;41444 "mmiliaomanmsloimmanssalmom4- Five pound pail, 90 owed Barley, Goose e Seed from Kansas. Single and Double rds. Everything to es prices. Enclose aVrE1011I0 HILL go NON .11,1110,1VHS Cs rn • e . C L. P PS Having i J . Rings an lit all thela, So very 4eas To get a Lo Oh 1 so nice please o11 His worq..is Ee'r buy ng Run eYolty Look at Pap Papet al it And can be fon papa says C ris no in a Close or To pleas yonh y ori The best pl ce Watches, Joe war Is at t MAIN L. P. 'S is the place to o, welry quite a show wels rich and rare st ityles are there, na le in price ket n Pa,pst, sure, rota others goods s an nd woman bor it's took tomorro sha poor. mon. ed to show hi stock, d in Cardno's loo. goods are best, Watch invest. will do his b t and al all the rest, west of: Toroto to rchase 8, Jewelry, lver d Spectacles lar jewe1ryst° e of PAPST, T, SEAORIPH. Ip OHRYS L &, SLA Pi CTiOAL 130ILER MAKES. THE Subs ribirs h Li Boiler B sin ss la e4ch Found a d M having had pn elxpe that shop, tie no* pr anllitsobrrk ennetrs h e. Any wts attention. pirs las All kinds of 4lolle SMoke Stacs aiidS gettable rate New Salt Pan pethesiholaort est noti a tit 011itY814 783 Eaft ve bought -the To eiyearried on; by t anufacturing Crap onee of over eight pared to earry on t to ns will receive work guaranteed. is made and repel eet Iron Wor; &a. e and old ones rep d at prices that de & BL0 Is and e God-. ny, and eat% in e trade rorept , also tat rea- d= y °Om - Box 103, OodiriCia. APRIL 1% 14i4t, Imeemeemet Read the Following! et) - .., 1..11. I.: -1 , ' 1 a . el! r, 1; ,.i : :11 i ; I,' ,: .1 ',1:i '......_ l'.:1. 4 4 . . : : : 4 , .cyl 1 11 ,41.-44"......"- i „4-•.---4•4t. i ZZ.1.4 1 t 'Ir .4.4 . ,s4.•t• , 4,744 -*. •,'44, i . I • I ; ; "ty•-•44- - " Miss C.? All right, M.Lss B. What.is it 27, ‘tTuesday, ne‘xWl6l'say'woannwil 'td. you nego gteot 41'3ot:re' dre,,sviseshyr, really, I don't see how rI can. Ihntk haven't wet hmito get;ashioB. boh o what's f, anddo 118e411ofIligeojillg2" Ustgot mine, and. I tell you those goods at Renton Bros. ate the very latest, and you mu8t!go." "Well, I declare, if that's so,I be- lieve I will. You know I liked' their dress goods so much; but we hadn't seen anything like them enywhere ele, and I didn't know whether they were kept,ghRoirt,not;", should say they are; wait till you read all about the New Invisible Checks—Small Fine Cheeks—Broken Plaids and French Wool Suitines tte. "Just what they were 'showing u." " Yes, and exactly what is deseribed in the Review." "Well, now I'm glad for I liked them5 they looked so new.'' "New. 1 gam they are, why you would actually think those fellows had bought their dress good, and Sthen went and got out this fashion beok to correspond. " Perhaps they aid." a Why no, they wade% it is the!, same book I always get, sad is publish- ed in New York and gives all the latest styles." All right, go—be 'sure and come, early, and we'll go to 4 RANTON BRO.= EXETER, NOTED FOR FINE DRESS CDS, IliE LATEST CONSPIACY! 5 5 ANOTHER COUNTY HE RD FROML Groceries Cheaper 'Phan Ever. I beg to annottnceLthat I have bought, out the grocery business of J-0138pit Brownell at a big bargain, and will bei - prepared to give better value thark ever in General Groceries. Mr. Brownell will be found with me next door to the post office, and trust* that all his old friends and customers will continue their patronage with the new firm, when a special effort will be made to give good value at the lowest. possible prices. On no account fail to try our famous teas; they are fresh and itragrant, and will be sold in quantities la,t wholesale prices. Any quantity of j batter ane eggs wanted, and will be tken as basil, Yottrs truly, M. A CHARLE$W0*rff, Referring to the above, I wish Wa' press ray sincere thanks to all ray friends and customers for their liberal patronage since I have beeu un busIderei here, and it is my wird" toad desire that my friends and customers Will still' an' Untie to trade on with me lat the no stand, next door to the I post offiall when I shall do my utralost to gio them A 1 value for their money. Y0 faithfully, JOSEPHBROWNELL fpowni - t Wved- ; .1. iibit 01131ey5t Ifenmue ets: ledtE reihagEB:eiauf bp:, x))asiv ,, agu:Ii ; . mr1 te ),, oi;a i . _ionoc. 3 t), t ,e nil 8- "If LI weied, Ile:a:le::4: :,1 . I Th , 1 . : 1 l'i 1 : "1: 1 iYelnnl. la' aP:rai 1 e'l IE. " Trmikli 1341t: : daeownew:rasd, Jo .1 aeooira„hitareielZ; Inca 8,1),(11 NY ra- their Stfitne istel 10 eta. .a.0 • IOW •-: 7o, Ifoved lb)/ tr. .- '0100iLiteia in e bi 1 )it ttoy: alai a d;aeHtaoRti t_i 1 hi3 1 atei:eg:::kiuoxecodbeunii .aecgubedrhyo oiktsuil 13siovix ta itab- nasne rviitiri, :3 ,ea:at:iiiii, idnti ergadaisl -ciivlea.swe reainy,:eoPioe: •Sellars Tt;° give e . , . Moved 4:h, :asivstr iveme:hdYanyb:1 3:- 7),r 'Iwi at . :0b :r. W. etNA:Ni*d; iitoounwitiesghaInSt, to draw.31000 fa p1 Bowe,a, tlotnilhatasthbe e 1; i----Cirried. The Ishere apointhd,' ,—Nertil Bound: iardner, D. Pal vAttra h. )(Ir;,0,d.n D.oc, ne,rAs_ GIU oa jakson„, J. Li Poacoc4,1 M. Gih J. Blaton, D. Errington, T. Ikit' T.SBIPeitor„1. Ear3,iHell tine, W.,1 TeleCa Nicholso, T. IN James Thonape 13arr, D. Carrie a tit Ciliock , W. Ciaey, W. on, J. MeCa rvirte Money;:6th 1 Tmrith:ahur trihigeii:D: Rieull,T: 1 3. aj..a.oiti Hugh:deilHill to eh it ii Hanna, jelne MI lackBon, S. Fear McCall; 9t1i 1iebto01.14. W- Shortreed., N. M. C. Mcarter, Ja viewers—Divisit James Gibson a Division No. 2, J, !treason, and No. 3, James Sh and Georgp Hoe Pardee, D. Gadd Division No. 5. Johnston .nd ja aliteeperas—mtTvis dsb a James Mutray Division No. -James Sliarp ; Geddes and Ro ision N. 5, Alla Anderson. i The 4i1) i al us;eistits 8:1. Li 1 i Tc he ziPxt, for Court e day of Apil, per All the L11144120.bt•rti H. Horeele, seem Cotheattets,he fire it -I eli,I,oiwreiwne poundkeep, Matthew Retitle. Ralph Keddy, 1Gilfillall4 ttat a cfalnipalingby: 8: procure 25 forms of oundkepers, send a, copy to -Carried; roved - onded by 11. Hor Revision for this be held at the towl Saturday, the Ms m., and that N. J. court.—Carried. seconded by J. Ha pathmastere as n firmed, and that t pethmastes' shee Crried. Moved by 3. Halle, that , tin for expenditn grading and grave year, and that the twhiteardsm be ae.-CanIrri 3 3v1Isiect3 klun ebyb eo a iel reaaci tde aottle i indigent.icarrie a -seconded by J. II Wilsonreee:ve$0 and elothieg for asete:eond:djosbyph j.fl Wilson be pcid th triillaiatOujradify°,t3ietillett The ilavoy Da 010afeldlajaoeireof hneibdmaerypato!ettisiiiint:uogl lisi): hod! Hoa, the sorbed in the mer I:4AV1. No, 'ti'nt tis; - yeu just ot VoeullteytouI jpult 0% Vs*.ear°rhiala cikt'rV11;a:ntn‘ogr4Y3:1 IIHt :uIII gll:r h'ut' it: raidable breathing, P;i81 I:0Tgl 1 I 1:7 (ladi 11:1 383 gtgl trtir:anithebsoLel itrhnm: ng: ' bePa2::e - CP