HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-04-18, Page 4IfIIIII4 THEL ipos T! AP H U A ON IAFIR 4 ersb�p of the r ads were bad, but' N, EW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ratted �fter the bill ig raporbed n] eas this �gil to,the ty fo Nfarine a d one forXisheries, he' ex re' �ed that the sister had aled nd Spirit lien mone was on the memb! 0 e there was r Vince, 49, . members do not, want pub 1 oly -to r�sc Ord thatthe saw illil P it as to th 1) charge'of both just as he does of left ti40m On the contra i b u rqh,' it OrTher figre- between the psi , ! To ianthoold after ry,joy 4 0 Iusually large attendance )I 44. 'eager into Iewh line,, den to& the page of the r aper on which tb air v.6tes again t them. The ma a �-ity usli'to make it. It is just t hel to the, s t gle one now. ' This �is just what expreo$ed ',bat she had gone hom to lengthened and inte sti):;g discus. estect spectators. The,a RY 3 jpourbom� I -of I -the line to A o atreal T Qu 00 was (,lie with the Depailtment of the glory.' � H p p*y:,Bill in particular see ed si(n tob the advertisement will be found. Taild ar d place on the motbtDds, in-' was certad, nly the b I of the Commons -do not, lill 3 �o aseerbe.- Wanted—Dunoan &Duneax. (1) Ow t is not less just to help- to �ild i to Intel Or twoyears aE o, wh n the Indian to. regard i b as a great gain- to her. Be. flqenoe� and apparent res seen at this show.. And 15 O - - - lof the In heavy'll Horse Roues for 1884—(5), 0 thd bill making sednofta a C Ime oronto. Mr. Blake, conden: nOd in. he Affaii Department ade a separ. Deat . itallign as BAL*ATJ0N o 14a oilift fore this g,ave was left the soldiers an It GOSPA MIES there were some 9 Cent allir guib 84 trongeat terms, the syatem o h &Iie A b tause they ould h me t air r gNing ate I stitution wit aces, and , notion Saile-Mrs. J. Petr e. (6) I re, 3or I it its O n deputy with g4eal i force the hymn, Wonde�f ul no foplid in. so many the and the benefit of i �a�port "Po laid in this way to th 3 Provill(es, decar- bead but with the sme in nister �n Wo dis�" du f. the clitirch ital � Ou lar er cities amp d bIoQ pular Science Lectures- Dr: r -9 ly manifested IMa ore, in i 6 mc rl or �ing him of charl"L 'of I y - t' to nuraller 1: Lord Of thO �y- es. The bill, therEf I' OW Notice -A. D. McDoE�ald#) self in favo.- of ii� reviBiol i to li� ma�sse's that attenr none of th realli superior youni �Mala of Voth brinebei, Butit did $]up, thr w owor agaii), 1 .9 an ofto Io, marglod'coilaition. rea lbeE the Sn- -the subsidy arrangementSdf t e .(on. not Icng re Wonderfulwo1rdsof life, main N,)w-bhereis a i rel ularthurches. There wa consider- In bulls tbereev A Prize -True & CC- (5) me more of their beanty see, er! Was f itie, Musios-1 Instratmeats-Sc6b: Bros. (5). At, tbait at(Ast, bod w iieh does Stitution so as to g ve the Provit ces Minislb 3r of the I oranda Minister 9b � diversity of opi uionon t is subject. at tll�j's show, many 'Of t 3, and g later t,et Lardine OU -McColl Bros. & Co. (6) otbiig itself tug * ii-flicient lerful words of life. recent. ullp in to carry a i their work rope ly, or CO misoner o Iniiat Affairs. of life aiA beauty, bit 0)3LO 'I C 01 igin t* Avol ( Is Be MI: 81 roDgly opposed �he odes and phases being on ejhi 10. u and t 3re&TS cir ffvt Pigs Wanted-Wiaers �onox&n. Tea -it mo faith and duty, 110 n, beco: F; be all IMS i 44earl of beingdef eident bpoin be C an- Whei EL Department is eat till shed and tet ch' gs ofthe Army as Jbeiiig merely goodirank. 'The followit 'at RIQ4 I-6 file n o , Governmeu t. I 'h ia'sp'eecii an Bea Afful wordx. wonderful words Millinery Openilag-A. R, E Mith. 1h, res(la. has to show reasons for s 9xisterice I emotional, dupercial, sod 'ubverf5iW eo;�peti: .6, Crimson Da� Ir thp Lower, Hong and doi) V' hat it wol k arful Word4 of W6.11 tors k mt the Drk and, the staff'rap-1 dly of the truth, -Duke -of BID Executor's- Notice -E. a t ibil together are at ire to have Vi ry gr W6 lake. .1 . grow while others� although HIRSE 8' -Heavy B tb:J ( �e Y. n -A i 2., d i ang ap�amed to do. c ffeict id ithe countit The Blens i In the I wening the opera bouse �vas ro ii)g ot their eutt-1 Ist-A. In Removal -A. G. VanEgmLO d ond lti�pj re The wLo was a third-claf a clerk in not sop met. OLIJ;� or modes Ast, Brooks & COJLqu 3' oun, have th O' ous about it. T1 ey declare that: be o lieries branch i ust a higher again: 3&Wmed with a' large cro cl. gArry.). f tiri th _fi nell & S0100i; For kq&le -Reflector office, xeter. th 3 throw; th at wo!rshib were incliu(-d 1pok upon 2nd, Inne�;& Horto, Fouthill N reat �ttn tiob was given to. -the er- r%uor v Campbell, St rald: are �eeki a t rail3e: sectio ial place' -when that its own C� -Jaycrably and thou- they way 3rd, Colqlkhoun, Por ;er 1) ursedeo-Stione Co. (11, tralic has it on Apprentices Wanted f vices,1widiseveral pets 1`7 . 3 -T. K. discussing the rail. plingagainstQuebeewbic.. tbeyreEre- depu y -head, and WILen e moves a a wenti for rd be p"odu Aive of good, ajud I thiat the Three year old -3 wl Ir olutions- to the ell ient: Ontrjej A. t as � down troold an Pr vi Ce set - 11 r another man nuat rakE his old ri Ina S. 0 3 . recer 'at leist �the sym. & Co oluboun, Seed Wheat -Wm Rehill. (8) 1 4 an tbi Tor trourae Jii U13bO -ever Seed, i I 2nd Gavin, Weht C1 onto New ).an: nde ����n - ntiour- ­jhg� only its rights. Important as wa, I ce.' Two deputy headi, with only 8 patby,*a of the clergy i� stead C. Willtion. (8) U of their uhoiin, Porter T` Ufnip and Carrot Seed- M's,hes the ZILwing re: i a,rk 9, W.1h i c h tie Can�dia-Pac,:fio Loan Bill, it is one bve Tivil tom, W, inister to Io6k at ier both, will Q 1 VHF, SYNOD. Opl lositio'n year iold-s- Alx. 6 rBy.t A icultural Reports -T. Gibson. sh6uld be seriou -ed ov ptiobablciltbat this f-ession will be me - soon f ill Out ail to who) shall be his sgr �Dnd er by UBE SABBATH 8CHOOLS, Joh4 t AgricultuAl orable mainly bee use of ' th3 1,radioal apecif I adviser, and I the ealousies a- dv toO'be recommeu d of the Sabbath Car�-ianter, Road aiu d he annua otice-0. 0. Willsn. (5) Ontar %yei to Tb6 0.1111 ial meeting of the Syicidi of daiio Et 8 aYs: niciasu the Li bar ict t Cheese Meetimg-T. E_ Hay a. (5) vr proposed by als'on wb lay is given, will li tle by little Hamilt�ll Lud' London SchooA Co mmittee was to the fol eap,'Good ;np!byeo's tot ab, how t] le rare in connection lowing outries-1 3b, J. J. M4au Juron Agribul ver, on, ce ilwlay Subsidy resolutio Ihliws 41 .8 trot society's f a -U. Morrison. (8) The drive lie branches hsundr, Lintil one -with Jhp Hbyterian Church in Cin eff4ECt �-Th4t the Prf-sbyteries and con- C'loud" - 2bd, ohn �amp 01117 Asturage-L- Thorne, (8) Count of the th 3bo-r and ct er d abate is'to be resu m ad to -d sy. minis er cannot deaith them. Then ada, opian I i �bi town on M ea estly onday gregat�o: a be very 'Nploma for, best I . urged to ei an We railways, a1mo 'n to comeE & new babinet'� officer, a;ad whou as UU_ t differejoes I'a-e aria an he isappointed he ii� turn Diust Donald, preached the t mmendatiolitts ,,,,'a lig"I rae Qf Merit �O It Gle C. Willson. (8) 7 000, whilie THE BLRU DIFrEJtUN(iE8. eveni The rotiring Moderator att(,n( and carry out Om this time uge, 1�rooks & Coi orse f sty T� Foi Import give -Lum sde & W the maritme province i re iv Rev..�Ag be r, 1CO f the General B .-Aged Dntham� 7 fi being told aLd Among thi family, t ie h,i§ department impoitance and weight, openipg; .. Ass 3n: bl� in refere 'ce -7 Ve entr*,, Ia dia Good Booka-Litlimaden tifinally i nited �On. 000 ini railway sub 3idie uld 8 1noTfrom the text "The n�ce o this braii-ch of -lst,� W. kundell's IC, ford Lad,, Fresh Groceries -Laidlaw Fairley.(8) )ntarig!s- Bleus ini the House o! com M( D 13. T ie a b a old clerks i take sti [I higher Sword df t a pirit, which in the Wc�rd the cl urel work. There v reil�s uipeg- ie Bul f peops, re- 831000,000 Pla ,e bile more DO On* introduction, Pad Is III: I 2nd 10uncan McLa V sha being only $1,068,00c! is t, pmmisea t) the Pi evince of lC 18C HOOLS. rer6wd es fill the low. of oid., I i THZ_PU�LI &.1 ved Bin �qebec has nottbeeit tribptedlin a sat Ce iunary 1889, is n -h �Of the CUnn olilatoryof injuBticatoilie2ridaer. o- A. B. J. =1 qua,ifica'tions to tea glid reelomniendation of ille com_� entries-Ist, B !y!were wnl� olity of the gospel were te Oa he bible in Xublic Schools PriDep Gold, ch the d§c- Vioce to Conciliate -the rbeft nt ISO' t M. 11h( to I - i -_ ", � 2 d, D 2gar, a way as to ple�_ and mit;ee a respect, up to liave got: $12,000 a U ile Ohl th i P8 41 beavy 9 whole Lod I New s of the 'W eel ferred to. Iften God IYa was a ddpi ed as W-U%at the ]Nfilton."' Calved ary, 1*3- ThAs systerh offers a direct'pre..iiurl o rc %d from 03awa t( 01) 6 11$ut tile a a great w,ork follo,,V . I . . . i a gieat man Synod coinduties itsffolits in ihis matt- three en trie-s-Ist, J,; I'M JV it r Is it it to do be Ill to do it. This Provilloia I '"xtravaganeg a I t G.wernmaii1b Seems DF­�T'11 OF anim Aft e9s. 0 thinki .16 hus a il lustrited by the Cases of Alexander ter, th it correspoDdene' -with the other of Ilawtbornoa I'; 2 ti'd, D. SEAFOR�TH,FR -it 18, �,884 . L161adl?, 1ci great B D�ish novblist, died was 0 nt the t3 the, A, IDAY, Apr bf ter plin. If," Pro OSEP tol P Gre; t,"Julius Cesar, Cliarlemagie, chme esib3h :,ever, in W, ness. Oljta,tio bas bu lt apt up with th( view of "Sheriff." Diploma� for bist bull full subsidy from 06(awil tfj Outreal, n, any there. W,Ote t tx,,� by-prov cial aild SlAcolqi Aus. The interest with whibli such 01-0p?rkticin as from time to time age, Soli Millar Du, iL MIX 81S., bu W11 T Cn6p�-Thel wbeat ±r:ge in IOf of u tances Of tho, case may cAl thorne." db for the road from Monti,O4 to Que. I The Synod Meeting. ie au we JI Dolt such men is natural ap'd the ��irt b alf' goh �g aI for which the pe D d Northern Vinnes 3 J. biatter h! op f th' llrov_n6e bei � there -is to be a divisionj V On when their work wou�ld for, ndthiLtiristr,,Ictiou�bbgiyeiito.the J-&D4F_s.-l1orSe easo over last yp .n Seaforth havd been heavily tal d.7 0 ',he Province and half to the; Can&c ar of fifteen and 8-4rchi The meeting of Synod held i I ine ivablo,,� v .6 Qa )beo, to JXV ' tan IBish%, 1. :,other classes a ien pe? cent., reapcicti'my. not ilw 37B� the test. After co'n. -Com mitit�e to. tb at effect. ney _T 1his. week, and which closed c n Wednes - the other hand, bur Panfic. Itmaynot'b Usborne Win. eapp eiltafimt, J4 I ol(niadllwiti d bts tra,8 ing Fa` i th Moses, THIRD PA bulls, RISC). it what the CaDad all K OUSE EMIGRANTS.' Two ban. Mitchell; John Thorp day night, was a someb PA; i 0 bas i io Wo' e, Tnelkeramith .-.,at brief but incuired by the corrup-ion jand waste in t e bodyTillis discourse to. a co� 011 Th ft Atowand in tb do 1with this matter, and,. in ee it .8 dr d a ail thirty-six a4isted iminig�ants Pi- r3daymorniDg,a er evotion- B alls George Sproa't, Tuo'kersinitT.' Bid a ation competitid very busy one. There was no" time fulliess of Ahe the foll owing Firqt, the Thos. 'the ring 0 an Irish workhouse have J unt land. sidf al exerbi eE and routin allantyxle, Rodgervilj;e� T sidd.of f Unscra ulous pribb,thle that few out. Ir points p ril- e p r o w 1 01 11 busi ies the getting id t t and con r coededtotake up tie over- Coates, Usborne. e Gove, th spicuous � PIRO Sym d hozn various tui wasted in preliminaries or politicians jrho have reduo'c' Iment undeistand all he at ston. 113 I Iro.: 0 g fac, is Pau� PI 4�ce:s the word of God in-asla iftePresbyter ofPaiislwhich tare from 11up-Zior.apeell, int' JuXTEN' IVE jisTy -SF,iZURE.- BLTTH. o working shape, and t abd events which go to mi e I P Bd res trict orr 1.011. , ilic busipess Vince to insolvency, lag spert Ift Is weapo to, �) URA in �on owing is a I ingcertai a power The,M v0sent sibuati6n on L alb qub ti :p "'O 1"'Ieveni.tons of bob ve�a and poor cow is BancL, SP-,i:ag Show -VIA seemed -to be tram Bated in al expediti- Prov,incial m aAND DEVElfBIVE ways and is t 3 i I Ed 3 - the General Aikse held u the agri Igent was; seized by tho' health'! iuspec a6su quite evident that thE Go# ri: vilent a cultural grciu�uds nIIons, Systematic, manner. able by -briilging the MIS ire of , 'a eiieeeilin�ly anxious t orS 01 Now York mar�kets'Saturday. warlarie;L JACoud, the spostl 'pro dinE t lab no new colleges or pro- to inollme, t1l e describe Blyth, on Friday 14st. The 'weather Ole I - f . the reverelad' aolid� Bleu Vote to b Gove C ALIFORNU W14! EAT w0rd of the Spirit; third, tie Indeed.,, iin this respect Can I I the 1' fesdurdek sbL&Il be appointed without Nvas . vor4ble and ear on the rn- cliLan PaCi"fle to run its line a wi I to Que -CRop.-The it as there was b avi ag ti- e rn atter fi rat seiiit * (to wn lar Art relid on of 1 the Bible, compared 'with to atten '1P mnt, to draw from theDonfluicin trE as. g: ts an 'm, 31 term, Bee of spects,tors, gen e worthy be inste4d of makin secretE ry of the Agribultural Bureau 0 seemad Farmers" Glf, nu 3 at Montreal, as PrARi says ti a i a or OVerts kes the other religiO is, f. bows its i6fluite supe - the eries, as all ma�ter comin to ta e a. most of emulatioir-by other more ephe 2. nless disastl nudl Itl'o Barrier Act lively interest intho entries�ltt pretentious ury the means to def y !he goal, of n(')IVV seem O on] y Pacifi. Coast the wh4-.t yield-tild8 year ioritY to all )thers; fourthIm'. the iftolap - m t I je. The variciif -ammals oxh.1 Ued, and clojely Zier )Y; 20d, .\LV. s determined to do.! bi afive bodies. Besides this reaular thei local i I I ; e wan a ovei uriawissupported y r. McM ul. criticis -A each as be � ca -me d Or r9utes to Quebec are con'trolle'd )y the V 7i 11 be lub precedeD ted. abilify. of tLo Bible to meet th e - antl a beforethem.. In horses th�are V�S, I on I:.. Manor --3rdl business coming within the- y urview of Grind Trunk. One PRO"almiTIOX FoR LAt*DRYIMk Cleve. Of malihilrld. In closing, the followl a cLeod,and r. 'Ure )f the -ro d 3. a part num)el. Two yc. I&nd JILUndrymen havb oroa lessons wera applied: Oar work 0 c tillers, aud at erwaids unali� most liplendid, show cispec*11yinthe the court,. several questions of social hic Quebeo 11 Ti Of,' thiia whole line RX whic. ized foik� a o give the people some i0ea f,how 8 p rollb IV 10 minil3ters, 1(acUrs, and parents is to moo, ly a (y4ed by the EE YD aged class, Of which: there 1 Were claims her bonus, kamn. a b1h . ( Nortl cc against tb( ruipou w d. all1d in�ra ref orm. were taken up, delib-- jeal prices inAX. o Or oftaly their interests are E uai ded by re Railwayi e liat th barged by Chinese for ashing. proclai, th3woxdofGod. Theauthok. ti re from the P estytery of nine 2ad Thom Sh, It i 3 rob imported animals in the rin�., ana the Sr. PO erated upon-, discussed i � MOT -ay and Tiac ommedd. their vea in thet LIQU)11 QUESTION IN OHIO.' -It ity with w1ch we enforce coun Sary d supported b5 Mr(, Ma'cadam, judges hact & -somewhat diffiult task to .repres6nt&t I)o.minion Go 7ernmeiit brought 3t ch pi�eosx r 3 upon is be Bel t lit oy Stionsmade. These dis tbc Grand Trunk as to.e .1 e�ed Ibat logislatiou� eE en 6 the privileg 8 of 8 a was presc ited Aged Agrim-1. on :the liquor preBE clut and ' hanc the object determine which were cussims were Parliament, we give t1- e biving �e_ Ompel that really' ON a io will I re its upon divi serving of distinction. In b#'lls there werlill sustained, initeresting,and'condfict- marks of a Ott' odr 1pany to part witl � the Nopt) L hore, quoi. tio6 in Oh be ended by the i of God a o of -ici was the securiny Uniformity, iraught' awa correspo, a lit c' O. a . miliesl of the church Ian P do nO5 repeal the local 6 til was not a. large sboA'V, althugh here John Grays ed -in, a friendl but that the Canadia i Paclfi Ption clause of the ity. in tewhing and preaching in r' )orting the f d I I - in tb t t1stical retri a y- and tolerant spirit. ce .'b le Sir '[ erms on ad i Scott Ac in that Stiatel success cl �e work depends upon its ru�. The Synod animals.1 The 161. Sharp raps occa L ATIONIRT .-Offi. ;is is it I athe A 6 bly's Commit. lo Sioually given, Carl&3 Tapper's R red an will not ac(apt them. Im the source as wing re the prize inners n re6o. I PROT TING THE SA T of its infli- ich the author. roami �e were some very fine eral P or ar to i4 Ce he dra-a' lit-g.en. int, generally, they were take: with lutio the 131 ndicat'b t:) 1001: - . P.. b 1181were being considere e Says Ci als a the Swiss co�feddraticu have ence ind Pot or The sermon, which tee 6, 8tatistics. Hon Es. -Aged 9 Aged gen t table. n was *d O T faly )rably a the achen -a of was on elibb ate and able defence of th6 of tries- 4 ohn reasonable Submission. The speech Le thel CR)vern ree6iV64, orders to'proidet �aq.mbei A V'esitiluti:) jai While the resolutions inv h2q V�e d from the e MCI V mb- it offiapi them abo at a In the Salvation Army fro' odtra inthe 'divilie the Ey ia- Child-" 2nd J.P. Yi�be all"A Your'l ill,io of dot 9 r'S "'Prince of three -entries- 0 S& Pa. lie laiE ne-third bf thE tribe w AUI if Wellind, asking tile var�ous de- the Aged genekal purpo as a rule,. were wel conden� dUITY AD INSpIRITION tion I exelliditure of mil-hons f ifio4�,eiv 0 Bepublic se ---:8 hi wa kno Iand many of F he $ciip tires epare a tries-11st., J, were to, I ave gone to Queb4 3c - ORitsi nominaiicibe of the co" to, the point of dia.Cassi behig discussed, the 1.4jority-sof. it will ot d Ejims m GrOAGIA,� ores o was listened to atteill- unt. 18 et'S mBrol, Alt text )odk Christian evide cei with a -2nd, Tho. 0 Ider' 1 94 On for ',he majority of ths . 31eus 'to _T orgia and iSouth Carolina tivel.N by a OV(rfIOwiDg andien them were earnest, and elci it and de. the members paid not ket aE fi-es in --'e PC 8, i . . . I I vi W. Douala tal."I Ro;idsti e s) b test ikt Ia hLve caul ed ereat dam tb 3 inisbiars and ere e' to-havivg it i4troolice, -m a fluent and finished. ityle. In tention to the b' ore Evered i P �-if tbey opposed the Cmad INcific 0�ge to the' farm. which elders w into the Dinnie." Two year ol -� ontneo- usin-es- e flou Ise irg land I 1as Well as toi the tarj publi a. It was pu:� rito � e 18b, WM IS 4, J. MCL-4ughjil: rea0ing gilebee, but a'� the ame timE' I )enbine well iepn seated. Attbe close of th' Robbie Bums 112na, P. F isheres Bell debating' ta,lon-lb, we should sa h 04 t, 1 y the but amused temsel flitte1oreB is. e Committee o a Bible Teach- Henry ;Boadl ies pitic I.Ill g 'bailo itailiema rather hard oh Lt the, Frovin, publio s the clerk of the Synod!, . and e's " Hoest Tom. 1) Road Cc EGYP If TROUBL r. C ochrai 0 illed th ing I coirim on f3c. Synod will Compare, man for im an ve�, boald be deprived'ofl Es.-Vropi!iisals for the D hools. Jobu Ria y and blue books at ach OU ad by e roll of tho and cariiage, aged -3 06-tries-lat e a] wo SC ttl6m an t of Eg it's finalicial' 'aiat of Mr. Walker, of Bin- r 4 egifflative -bodies, playin xt�t at it ec u he Uotlerator then, in a suit'r. Bourbon 2nd JW favorakly- with oiri I d6llais on the prete nee' yip tro bles, Syno A (Omp. Fisher's' Arhie Icc ni�'Ipri-E ir th Carters Basha Ba 9 on Jilaw's harps, mot organ g; edidbanailDgOf brook, WaE t Lken up against the Presby. w4ile, the 1111911019E used is Inuch bettor, * Zythrs alid other m* "f air, railw`Iay comp V. r Bir, velyn able addr99f th ked the Syu:od- fot zaak 'd's E gyp THIP:M.A.0 EL AR00 tian irmy,'� are said O have their und electing bi h ha censured and, of course, vastly more u 13 in rn a year tery (if aIr ilton, whic BuLLs.-AgedDurhAm-s-is.i,-R.ich#4 correct and uts 1, Ib en, su )rnitted to the po�v rs by the ago tc the, C him ft it ng 9. ce -istf W. me ain the' Senate has b hair, and asked -for nomiLl&oa;- rtain I tt r some Carter. Hallett - 2n.d, Millen Hat grammatical than ;one hearis om the Bribish Government. tionis "or MOderator for the ensai time p t) the Glasgow Herqd, and lett. Two years and uilder-J!st �:! i gu�Zing itself. On Wedes D a� Nicho. TAW dry a`fter. Two yew tols FE x I 4-N .-It; is elieved that' dhe re- Iyear. T48 1� "tevils. MeBsr ch, in on las Cumming, Hullett; 2nd,,T. Clarke, average-Parlia-mentarian. Indded,wee OUR OT Hon. MI r. Power reollested the a. Goldsmith whi ir judgmen r eflepted A cent- arre k - of Ia- ispected Feni the count Mr. Walk Wawanosh. a at Buracn-and Moatcher, all of the'Presby arw a eard. at our correspondent 6f last wee.11 aiMinister of the Interior, Ron 1). L. UDGr W. BJ, own R rkenhe d and I n ham, wi lengtl I c eleAcei of himE gt ng into o(From Oio espo? e i bersoin to make:s me explar .9 lead iltc Plav,' I to attend a Synod me Cori Mw irmi tery f ka- D. were respectivel, elf Young Ok, DAIVid e - where -Ation to im I witi regard to the . po ti mt discl sUregi an4. the vela- nominated. the V iou i ObJ ts of his I Att ir _J detail, ton Joll Goderich township Otta,wa, April ch94qesmade a On the vote being taken 4t 1884.' I rie WaE no he Could hear and, see a fair repreE entatiq, tidwof t h 4eadq $of the 0 nspir- Mr. Fletebeil �vas elected Moderator t) L& 5 the Edward Horto er, y I year. acyby infliriners. b�, algal n head art6r Colborne. The only Easter liblida him in connection wi h the I a ogo m a 0 I :)f a by, an d took the chair that could not beatistainel, and leaded Win. Young, Colborne, Alex, Forsythe, of the clegymen of -the Preabyteria P has bc;,en Good Friday, �ment be gave to Big P aC4 it . Dinsda)416 V ! Ii! POW Us ilkin WHO 11 ANTS -f ? that iti aiuly did nr Morris - Liucelet Task� r, Hullett. z0flivs 4 �!' and t( make pp,, ac,]a. THE MONE -[n tho cordingly. )a lark then read tho t offerground I Urg church, we are incined to the opini T! The Minister Of the Into iDr i e on for th t the of at line. I �Washin ton ilie $Ienalte bill recommedclat ons of the Busi for e[iuicll disalp he �.:Fauld materially eba CO MD10 Is sat on not L man of the most gentlete per in ness Com- ai ag and go Uis mind autbori2fr i 0 S8,A1r0RTj1. g, rew rd of '$25.000 o Mr. C 01flainith having beed hEard in ley Giodiericli Saiar ay until allmost. twe-lv )"Clock the orld and the ief r res- mitte(.i as t( .10 a ppointment of C The Tackeramith �iocietyls Spring 0013: ance tot 'ease cu ng or u scertain ag tile fat I .1 e 10 he- Witteestolemmite records, audit t e action �e (if tl a Presbytery's action, the Show wa held on the Agricult *,IV oerningtheir achor-14-fly atainments The elgislaticirs are I- 'd V (irk, bck ' t rot 8 A him. He proc9eded ta-malie all Gi ealey 31) peditioni, Pass . bd. IL - . ar t- treasurers' 1-miks Syno rcm�tled the m&tt(--r tu A coin. nd geaeW abilities. On tb:e whole,we exhi)iticin of bimsell by denoapcing receive the co, is- Grtmadis i n Seaforth, ion Tue sday - JuL Rav horsEs - 'On getting away froru,Ottaw� lli3-week. in y a --re that those who at i. I Mao at and all his ministers, Mr. 131-ske DEATE , OF AN IkAIJERICAN CON!8. sions of 614is and the Stan 9 mitte) to bri a deciSlOki. axe u teti ded. thP There is -a tremendo an' ' I E; ward c- mitli, - mori�au Con4l n at mitteets fo� the nextyearo TJbien CO couraf L Of fi�m tbecommit n due T b e - wea,tber wa4 very wet and; unf&vor. A. M-olateitbi several sederun of thH 8 Must as qu tit V of"bus.- and: L1111 his friends, axid a ii� Synod, tee snqmittt-d able. and the CJiut( umber f M' _)n Show beina bola Nelda, gallett. e and it wi nly be Ot �etf bad people lot a nurr �er of apo p exy lastFri day then adjourn a I to meet Tuesday morn the fo 11o, vi� V d Robert han, y ness Still to bila don a anilhe u I died ci� eport, wbied ?as a opt. on the Same day no doubt 'A evaning n a railway car,ria( e, DO d(lock. ed: TI at! v ile certain staten) hiWebeenvetyfavorabih imprfssed,by i " Jinilitaw - by scamping some an f Do ling, on 4e was ing at mi ruts in against this one to some degree. . But, d ro. ] re a When lie spok s, o what they Saw and hear(i ppil g some 3 home. M 19ir6 and the ot enj b Mr. letter to th lasgow notwithstaudiug tht-sei uu:towa;rd ir. Am bers ho have be EP! of dra Compl.9tely,'that the : I Herat Members thera seemed to be a very whole _.c� r, be gct 'th J il DIFERE�IC]gs. The The! D�&4tshi the court during! ay' hiLve been coil I-Aidf ired as curnstatle4s, thre was W IND MiT. &ng. the JEALI CHunc the bril era, to N rt ' er E� jus 49 mere a le dii ig lbv Ji fair attendamtoe rid of b Presbyteriau Ch4rch of- the the da,iv wembers of thoi 1amil- of Iarge pr I and tWe, he shrieked Lie epitbe follows: -The report miB spectators, and a Very good show- The vpriug h! O -P erance of aged and midble., aod Uffltod.8.tates baB )' :Bui Iaged men, and ver th. TbT. ]an :_4 THE RAILWAY $UBE rDEE fairily foamed at the - of the Bux�bori Idjtg'Fund was sub -I ton nevertheless Pres -by- both of borses and bulli. All theclasaw few wti.,o might be m I rot tt�ou- to the- Souibernbod whi the Ea-st Wa TbeiGovernmen gas ahi which beindu' godwassoialterly ittea, t iat $261. , -)y alled for; of bo�vy drau t's e t -to, 9, in uggl a 9, Ch ar6 In cton was not there.,)y -ht horseil; were vWl- f1lea termed yotin meu. Un ath mentary' that, i; was. d4emed re arded ai being mosti dot Isiv step received,. drmj tile year and paid overi and f rther!,, the steps takei� y the and there were many iiaa lbent ani-', a -of last heads were the rule rather th Xisting tothciR1,evd:!Vrm-Xiug. Thereportwas' I, tei -y in dealingwith th ca e were Dial on ebibit -on. T� gnif Gray ad. bald through the Hou giant bf abou t bes torwards healing thia differencls e Pres an the ex- a the i 6-terests of It e Gove.rn i 'a show of young three millions of dollars to the A vi" 'cut, between iffic two 1braucheig a )I 1 t and the bb(iw M ne inc 3 the received' ab' Om_ irrog air. I of t go abroaq ntil war. So very good g - f Q,a j. ceptio, while nearly all bore too stron not t 13ttbeireport c adopted, and the L C bulls was a] with f mr- 0 pect, Lidt-d, ebee, by tackibg i i on I i ibe aii,� the o)f had been rev sed by:. mitteere-aploiLited for. next year. A Mr...L5leiijitroduced an o er are in able weather there woQld have been a favorably with; so of evidences of close cofinement a d hard n ual, budget -of' CFRIMIXil, 00NDUCT.-An 11nd-cirtaker referenc� fr(m. the Presbyterians of belialt of a �hange in the t ra o: railway - subs i as has tho lea( ing Callservati ci� in.the House. in a Now office much largLr turn ont,l but- as: it mu, hold this Nrear, ersey c ty tbrewl s'onhe ioe Stratford &' ini London regarding ments-1 labor. The lay elemput, &I.- -received a summary dhec, I .(I g' On f -he state f the; 31d erohip, instead of being ,bosen rant,, in Monts �nade agIre orted the I 0 tbereas a marked in4provement -ever ahown N�,ou Id 14 I FailL, w d Grantion e though equally represented with the it must be understood is ropc D . to be as that Blake bad wh eb bad been used fora Be letIfever union of. Luc a a I congre. i for liff oily for a term of th - e years last Year in the number of oiltries u how this princ a stroam near)& seli ol. I The u ( subject to r _(lection. any S 4de,oi , p I d ior )slb in gationB ulet )ne of these Presbyteries., At ter consider- well as in clerical, took e ndar posi-; Pat d he Qaiadia matte tl ie pnrchase of 064r (L the the charac6er of the stock atirely a se�o !ifie, was su ice as picked up andi eat n 6y the was received tud after consider shown. The following Js a list of Ite mer- pposed to. ter �nate at otbi side a stepping stIoile to :po , ation able di act a oi i on the subj, act he Synod . tion in the -endai. Bu : - - r old ex children, with the result ths mi. epi- the Synod uninim usly agreed that th t t ) tran ami 0 er�ure.' prize winners: proceedings, and ver y little' Call -t the jGcVorn Out of a nine t of We diBe e resolvE d i to t t were no fewer t. ish of that pod li�ded deniiiii asa is now ragi i in congrega,tion Lucian should be trans-: Aftie c fisiderillg severa other mat- HORSES -Havydr--rightaerl-eight part in the disou ' I r ee ot a-Diza- nOSSiOnS. It iF4, however,J Mr. McXeuzlei.g�Lve a%bo: us $12.,000 -18PAIA now" Blander. - i I fr. Blakf took the p 6 ortance r in th a mile 'to the Canada entri, ' from tbe'i-)t�bletodeuV,theiB,atermaentI big ferreel'to!th' 13 esbytery of Sti�atford. A' ters of inor imp tries -1st, R. J. Turner, 11 FarinerV ar, 483i8t in plac I e 11� the House. Bial he di� not tion f t ee �'wa appointed to draft a.! the usual v 8 0 an s tb ri e list Pembroke to Callead tU .. HE, MIMICO STAMP T A niodifica. committ e yno the tion 0nd really wields a more important making a connection with the lekistill take., ; 6 trouble to do nil(ro than a imply 1:lE Obnoxious 6famp tax in minute bavl'in , re,hrence to the recent � adjouri iec- " 0 eet in Ha: ilt ory 2nd, Innes & Uortion, it P&oe USES fluence than appears. on the earface. system The deeli 13 the statement f 61 ie 0 is'expectiel e McMillan, Hat! in,, I I an u, the Arthur 3rdi Peter WIavish, "North of railways at Ottav F. a, -not u 3 �rne Meii to be made by the death of * Mr. I del * Dzie, of E mbro, for second M)n 'y in April n xG n his. Star." Threeyear old4-fiff:Ve tries.- Beaale,'Auburt- The OPen.1nR sermon by the zetiring same thing -is proposed io be cl One fo orid(orrect, orunfoun4el, but 11fah Go, e amort 'When all the merchants for SOM6 for n r a the Mo this 1st, John MeMilm JO." y y 3ars connected With closing re deratorisaid n, ­ipuzzlex 11, 2nd, Purp.-Ose . Ist Iinister of the Intexior w onfourned to ts pr visions, Busi. the Em had b en MI most largely-lattened Brooks & Moderator w the Ontario system by gii g 111.1 �,O(iio 9. IThel aii be brocon rej ation. in Zorra. as a clear, well. reasoned, Colquboi Straintser Young; Donal ep air to remel etill o Oyflod t 4 . - mile to the line from' r1all - u 1) I st ping ..gen rally Co der4ble himewas taken up -con- m hat has e-i7er been 3rd, John McMillan i Rothschild.-" 0 ' ered by his rom�ailtic paml Des i in the Ria h nai log�oal'and convx,ucing discourse'. It was Gravenhurst, to connel' and read ed, andil on e lets once is exhibit d in sider held, 61 ler Dg 125 members',in atten- Two year olds, - t tries-Ist, Alm an . I the is uilel as blak form of appoint- ilug a 06010laint againatthe London f the reverend gentle . I - I I bree eu 0 -man' most. Northern. atio' ia-I rAE Was in261k;t 11 88 OUG16 I cry dance h4 �be�n- the Forsythe "Rantoi T I; 2na, Thomp- Wellwo Wilt one, bus Presbyt �y t bat of "arnia for having le But the N t in the hands of Blig Push Wl:lkin*- 41!o said it h d Iextend through to the se EL, , ti j, received'tbo East.Williams con most able efforts,. a , -efore, son. t i n Job nd although soix ewhat: grega- lea arit1he bad ever t4pid0d. son Ross, Earl of Morayshir6 "; Wt. CARTHY ACT A claim is ays the Governmeni, it is the ii Ity of 1 T: MI' tior), which the co plainauts M *U.Mph 0 Gen.. leDgthy,. it, made g aN,:, bti6n .2 xMY11 FuneriL Thompson Ross `&T erE rr. the H peing Sho aged -t o ent s-lat, 1 the Dominion to aid in bui ding,ffie line within the �0 uds of the Sarnia Pres- W I bytery. M4ss rs. Cuthbertson and Mae. Was hatened to most attentii-vely )y the' N6t thstandii3gtba Ithe.Privy pun- IF Ll purpose amilton Spectator.1 throughout. Quebec h takez � graw oil hk decided agains�-his Win. Evans, Young RovA contenti6lis, -T leSal� ad a other bill day Adam werplhf 8 rfection." 'bur large congregation, and receivm the part of 'the work off on - EE Is bY in, tb� i. . I IFEST HURON. i i Honest rd for the Sarnia Pres- and carriage, aged , i McLaren 1v3. Cald ationist8l 1b: e entries-lat, e ae of En�hit on C an ay' - ast. T The I ey, 2nd, C -W. commendation 6f clergy mud laity alike. building the Occidental lit froin. -I. d a On mons orowds bytery, anal '. )r. Proudfoot and Mr. mqual Spring Show und-4 the Goo. White] Ist is pr I able that Mr. D iol 9i a MZA� y of poole iho attend the r services are Rennie for b 3 Presbytery of J�ondon. RuSPIcc i C f aron Whiteley,, " Garfield." !Blood horse- Ottawa to Quebec, and, as ibe 1 3 done. 11 West Rid -it g of 13est horse, The new Moderator seems. to be a 3till b lieves that be woE right iii.bis phenomei The. b Johh� I , a e not good After clelib ding, a m II mile, pinto otion of Dr. Agricul ;ui al Sbeiety was hq ild i a oder- James S 0 uLLO,-Tht so, she ought to receive $1, 000 lit upon the erits of that Indeed nvth: ng calculated Laing's was car ied'with-but one dissen- ti i t. The 'Grit. g.entlem M mu Ci nor utheiland"s Young' an well calculated for the posi- for it, because there is no - Jiffe a rt I lay, the 10 r: Lice in ase.; nd, notwithsta:n ling thao the to dra'W a 0 owd of rdinary D op.16, and tient, that the ynod stistain. the com- 'day was f sit BuLLs. -Aged Ddrb R. B tion and gave. th t ciad ; 6 i I :1 yp. IIE and clear ban cool RUT e bes satisfaction to principle between assisti. g td, : uild f the Gov a et vast ma3ses of eopl,e are ways in. plaint of',tb and thc road and assisting to pay or il his brothren. He is the pastor (If on, 'it ipsbytery of Sarnia. re WE a large at ben an a. of dell's Oxford Lad.l$ m Wo vesi iolds- iis on bbeil. is built.. When the ifter om very serious- amendmenil elgravel of the- largest con' t 7EMPMANCE. spectators, Wm. Young, the gregat PrO�1081 I was be I q 3 or -License Act, which be'ars Eho!rmo's crciwdg'bad� ilne; 2D ions in the h Asse ble 1 Preside at ial three entries-Ist, Da �2 ye&rs--�Wm, eity first hrought down 0 itiop'n a in The*reporb (f the Committeeon Tem, f �bbe Society, perfor n the Xames Dickson. Y. v' arl ings-three 6111, 140i of and is sail to be RIL p dr. I 'C'Jarthy's name'r, that ge tle- he a terncon on Mulberry street to perance was read by Mr. McLea, of I onero-aF dt ttios R0114. -able wanted to heat what ther Gov( �imetit of master of cer am ieB, tries-lat, nd. hage hado a' e ed ol the classes in 90 DickE on; 2 r Clas: k 0� it he b iiqter, Mrs. Henrietta after a long I on I .- rial of a f I - fOI_ was well re esluted, JUDGES.- Horses-Wijliam Gratige; His strong, Highland � - antis and allowai] it t') pass )Ut . 4'. thEned discussion the The .aji. A with regard to ii' ai d -other a not so bad as the chiefain -ma tT1;-DGF,4.-J. divinia and a most estimable gentlem �y t] 113 an Elrobably believes ;hat the Act itn a tb groceediga conne,,ted with Blyth.. The 16por wasx ceived and and Cal' Stafford, -Scotch accent 111 'a ev `V to 6e. It is not often that a aw au b ic a late ho Me he 11vingh �the rat tage without CID nmei 1 Sir I Salvation soldier. lowing recolmiul ndationswiere adopted: land an an: b r f fine animals ere ex- Hlliett; Mr. MO Which he does not try- in the least t D con- 'Charles upper immediate y be an to as ' 6Q. oxceedingly hard ex.p�rienc of ME lady (6' years Old) h d b6en con. -That teml ore. :Wateribol; 8- eonce societies be orgailiz. Illihited inj a I asses. Young at's Black AZD urn heM,,3%rthyAcIbsofah. In the rat V Tnrnberry. Bulls -Joseph ceal,does not leave any: 'erson in d rted in Vb 3 army about ry o vreE ation a a nj h p say how lad be was thit no Op. 'Ise() � t was the work of 16 commit Oe, ad -rom tbA time had a year ago, ea in eve nd mission !W411ted, a nad an bred. Atkinson, Tackersmith; John Govier, T Br. siticill eavy C to his nationality. efatigable was to b off beni but; gen eral P1 Lrt oi a two year 01 , to wnd H The ind ered to his Ei been a lood station; tha, Moo bearers and mem. Job a andwLinever quite fathered by he oldiar. Sh3wasab)utp oparimg Eem n Sample, Morris. tiet!"s Show _11YA clerk, the Rev. D9 Voide Ha d to use their in- Amberl, P, as a Mr. Cochrane, Of Mr. B e in a warni the Government; itscomillyptoopera on e bers be recoi manded by Mr. MoL 3i: nan, of terd honorable'gentleman will bea..: from: .1 J atables foi 'Ahe jabilee tea.-me(ting fluence to ho the Temperance Act,of ;fincI SP804111M of his class. CLINTON., 0 � The sb 16rd,, w&s'as concise and sharp, as ever, i was almost year, an �in eld in the ( rill sh'e(' on � 0 The annual spring w of entire h Ia i� p i I off for V � e ,me in due time. The '-T'ood Fit iday 1878, submit in bh sho and seems to hae lost none 0 pron Ise b it been the xx e ntime a dech ic toll eir several Conn. In Cattle ft .er, ci was also a fah rilepre. stock under the anspicag of the Hdatt theirel wag an im f 11 Was en &at, andlopiingforwardlo the event ties as soon � pr icticab] aentstio a, � he number of hi old- 1more than fnIfilled, for I fr. 13 Al ke On-- whichialsed strong don Nag . t its eon- vith much i itereSt hen she was sud. e, and thus 0 enl ries beling a Agricult time vim and igor. He is the right Saturday, made these' ", i the educate and eople for od 11iii On Ual society, took place Dn. tho- Prosbut. Theti res)1uti 9 6. There we �titntiynality;' therefore it .'Wo 9 re 25 horses market square, C11 211 one of the mo it man in. the right place, and we have no bject -erful pended until this ver important Salva. prohib Th n1boh, o. Tnogd&T p d Rol as Ous. leol., F aken 11 and ent f)r th itory Liqt �or Law, that the Synod :�entered,, al: d12 bulls speeches he has ever de.iverkd y �_es, mono cer . i n d ers tc her i be'd side. expresses it-lyrpst ywith the efforts 1he pri2a I at: gis last, and notwithstanding the inolem, doubt bu much is due to, his p He tA`OU rnig'ht bedecided, a6d now, Isis t ii t t] Oi Whe:1 a w as told t at a HoRs� ney of the weather there was a JW 1711311,18-1011 dealt i the whole queSti)n in IL11 US al a would not put forth by :th Irovincial and Do. -Hekvy draught, 4 years and anoppi a ion recoi ez Coate Parewel 0111 lit Parli ients with a view to the over -10 Fi IFiber, al f r i 'Is life tly inister co W%s Iiiite prep was less numerous than and -good management for the methodi- phases" ting out the mal:13, and it is still i tive and at e was Isaying that minion tFisher,2nd , P gathering of peetators� but tbeshO the Firs of horses of Argyle) Ftes ibe ared to niciet her total s'uppre io of )he liquor traffic. , �3rd A. Idl n.1 oaled 1881�,*Ihh cal and expcidtioua manner in vrhich 86-eOnSdefects of these pr6pcoibions, wn:I with a bill of ame men t 1 ave' been, oevelill- �oi ts tN �t 8 a very- i ppy or ELIGION. F andwound up with n. He- I . : silk isber . . . . . . n. F. Clark, 3r'd arrib'd 4trieg! -Ist, an 9-Mendment ies long. be princi Pal One. he' 66M n was c Ste wart being in ton but the proprietaimi0i the business is conducted. W. e ar �ord dea h would otherwise h kin Boy sure irected'specially to meet t le p!J F-fotiv clans Porn. the The eveningTede lit was occupied in Macdo -&R. e caring to bring the )Orly all 2d that the people- of Seaforth sad all who. osal amenlMont.1s an extens oil of the time houso y Hallelujah as O assist Quebec. The &mea sie , alild placed bearing the i eport o 1882 1 ILD e - in ! ont.-NE 2 - the horses shown have 'such superior OW attended the meetings, will Ion he labt of i the 3 of the Orps of 'sold ors.' the state of religio for the past year, g ob erish Was to th affect that nent for &�l yiDg for licenses from li, iddl, the committee on A. lei the over i r ien t March i o the 15th to i : Agrite Itural, 4 ye f AM il. It is cix- #ym 11 I tol the tuno of omb a"- a "d over merits that it is difficult to discriminstO -Is*. T. I I . . A 'Yo I when brii ging down a pi opbai tim ti d t at the macbino'ry of the ill iiat . 3d between them, an position of 8 pleasant memories af the Synod of Sweet which was read by r. D. D. M`cLeod at J. P.1 Fisher,,2nd 1112 .8 lays' Om we. sung, and t 11 , I theZ ale ;)!'Ind R. BI sist Quelide to pay for raill orge _J111 ell "and. London as well a of bady could'rot -be set going readily be apt4in Ir ade and the reporl on Sabbath Schools, aled 113!- 1E81 113t judge is not d ",a-rrila encin i to a ve vigo one slid powe ail 111viable ne. nle WaRy Of AS members personally, 1111t, shold have made tl e an, rn 6- make tE e Ist of March a fi ting timo ul aqdreEs to which wa nted by Mr. Mungo M. Me le nan.; Foaled iA 11u, ent bro %d enough to take: t - for thee] w 8 esen e as :Bbro gly Fraser. ;rprVr" T. McMullen gave ill Fishe horses that received prizes wera vatiifl6a v, - y0i. h, )tb.er c" r, I at 2nd and 3rd. R�ad Or C Baker, g P osing I receipt -of applications for cted dtk -i ig. his ez aor C to them, but perhaps their PISCW rovinceE a] affe . t ion , and the the report of tl committe riage-11 it a ep.c so, seeing. that nei, y all licenS Sl ohn B F� IThe other aimeudmentB are tears p)ured down hi e appointed om, 2nd. J., P. is- he railwiys in. the- coun, e action -dn roduction. of enbury. F THE MONTR'EAL WitnesS puts the case M tber i, face. Six fe ale to tak the int her, 3rd W. Ratt would be changed under other Idgeo. i 0 led 18. od:088, r -Jameis alil of a purely adminiEtrative c4r- soldiEli ac't9d, as pall -)oar The jahoi bulls Tery Uilt with Provincial eirs, aid whlk- the Bib list RobertBeac m,, 2nd A. jX. was a ery 90 y plainly and corre- mo ey not �a ter, [We'llded, Sir Jol le into t ap Public Schools, mar- .0 n says. Polley, Ct1,y as foll Dws ' have beciii t 166 : to ed beiiii le tie hearse ID thp 'c�met rating what haE been done since the last 3rd A. G r'6E i. and should have been seen to be S*P akdn under th control of Of Om-, I ma4 1143 Act more wor1kable edi g They ook& well in tb ir n, -,ea Irs The maijority iA the- House the Dominion Parliamen . I t meeting of th preciated, and the breecleI and owsto Ut David at iti- i nev ommen. BuLLs year fact Yimns re 9 1st of them deserve much better prL-eg ana Rol( Jrt Brown, Mena is for' some reason opposed to speech Mi. Blake dwelt upo i ti i- his I ti !, er come into force yet pretty t Difc r U. H rUY4 Oncid. The ree :)ld andil over ung� all dations Oi c�r�mj-ttee on the state of A. Bogie, 2 J( imper�E tij ons muSt be of 'tile most g�%r )hn Malloa,94, Ud "Ja. greater credit that it wa! 8 1261b until' 'Ia ;i r at d enormous religion they get &nil tNY 116 legislation against seduceria, but for tely, acc Adin 0a along the Ii I of march, word O-Optect &S followR :-I. Jenkin. 1'niler two yea 0611, area pleasingsia t t r Pr sby erios be en 2nd Jam 9B. 3rd H. S 9 a they either side 6f That the _1'H g Ch (iter whe 1713 Some other reasons they do not to the papbra submitted b i be detedtiad crowd s Of pi�cl ple were on joined to men. h , 0 see a' like to y t' Le' M � i i ister !oil thelace of the measure-. Ud a sciume 6f Railways himself tha the road. - t the 9 ave, aymns were secure of great profit to the cou D. Milne, Y; I returns I every sesai The Jkidg �, _n , t even Quebec i A� 0 R -WORKED D Om! B�­Tobn Wahi' . I . ntry. show their he I . E0.1 i on ; 2, 1.3g I HRSEB.-Heavy Draught hostility., T_ game lit of asking nt, ITMENT. I t -Aged 1) last thong sting, d lorid'and P)werf al addreoes That the religi - for this g at i e, artment of Ma�i le and s cdndition of the oon- wa-nosh; Doilvo.A Hunter, Exe r nd list j. j. Fishers it prince Nession is being repeated this. In m. the Dominion Government :isd he, I FIsh. were given by Sergeant M�nson, Lien- gregaticin I a of K�air;" 2na M.J ever ; D s be Ily watched over by Jobu M 14ean� .3 �er�es ig ided hito t 4 mittee of the He whispered any intention o but with tenani i Moore C J. P. Fisher, I, Lora of th Isle.,, Fog-' we Of yte '60, 0 use. when names M& I Wain Mottashead, and the Presb an4 be made the sub. 4 if 9 it only 'on i I )ad, as at prese . Ron. Mr. Captah H A 11133ERT. ed in, 1881 -1st A. Inues, 9 I calf, I . - Avon; until this session, and ths ti wal nly cLe;k i F ii,ys that the w6r is so heavy e YV Bill. The latter seemed ject of inves igait, on i i,a (?pportunity will. The s&i IIb ow under - Inor. J)L ris', 'Alex. Gari 310t morded, the effective provif L8 Of when the Bleus 0 1 upp( r xhauated id worii, out: by the hard allow; 3. a the #srieee James XDFarlanei Lord iDf the MI Dixon, Xtivvry. *0 bM- M struok out only to at oil eputy cannot -he ser. of the Hlb Agricultnra oci ty was Foaled in 1882-lat Horten and T=A refused ' t the lb na th t!a t I times in t be r Canadiau Paciflo Rsnw&y D , ge it 4, work I iel hag ,one thhough� lately. Ill vice of the Ids i bill tb erefox a proposes to 1110a, one d 'u. these a ot.e 0 a a h e Lrnest prayer be held at % . bi Thurs 2 Ale-, Ral :11012 Newry. ep no word of 4orro offered for th o!' POT ring of the Holy The day w ii,vorable, I week- "'Riumount Willie;" 2nd e. 01A W Itho h Ithe and Carriage, aged -lot! J. _B6#Xl0) t IIt iln t u "t , e �'. tl� t IVol, ,is h b �h e m In I 91 �Irhis (5 out 4 10 Ch ai 9 3 �o rh tr t1111 tTJ IIIII