HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-04-18, Page 31884. ApRIL 18, 1884. ,1L DiSappoinbed 33 wed, see wad be bette Liktr a fool I-00111 my gear, Took a Waage o'er the water And Mouth ayne I caul he Nem 011119 [ sic a eOnntry Nought but we, ds where'er Wcisds- eat flight our Britieh Though sae fond o' mackle st ten days. N • orr aempIete stocks of Y GOODS, ne gees, entry, rees. !we 1 gaze till r am dizzy, Twist and threw my neck agee, Ws e'en enough to drive ane ay— nglimpse o' heaven I canna see. Split sticks laid up like an izz Fences in each stumpy f nn No a bill for ane to gaze at— Aa fiat, dau, and uniform. Shenties,—pigetyes thatrese ble, Which our ragged lairds enjoy ; Borids—(MaeAdam hear and tremble!) Of infernal corduroy. A' the Egyptian plagues beset us; Bugs and flesui alternate strive. Bored and riddled by rnosquetos ; Flayed by prickly itch itihre. -Frogs of every size and saanple, !Mang the powhead puddlea swarm • ane -scarce can atepbut he will trampl On *snake as lang's my. ar t Before the People. the discontent ot ever the grievances jfl:nairoh on, OUR r inoreasing, which ITSELF that lie lass of goods, and west living profit, OW PRIGTED, WIDE 13ERTH, satiefaotory to NO SELLER. 3000S. t will be fomad the wren in Biala Silks, ials appropriate for Lig orders. 4ERY. r trade requires ne A to say KM rued from visit* revered than. ever 4f her customers. a large staff of to suit any one lisilstanes big as musket buliete, Knock the wheat craps out o' sight sine tiles, a wi' bIazingg ts,. FM like bogies throtigh th.1 night. t- Scorching davs wad:roast a errin', My sark back is nener dryj: Peals of thunder people sear' g— Pox upon. the place, say I. 0 for Seetia's blooming heat er, t Gushing burns and cragg Iinn ; 0 for good mild misty weatte Ihce. it wet me to the skin. 0 forbills o' lofty gramdeur 0 for Cheviot at my heels, nmang the dpdit ewes to w der, Where the whistling pioYe wheels. hileswi'grief I'm ready reetin', Rue 1 e'er my sheep forsook, Still methinks I hear them bleatin", in' see auld Cheviot's honest look. 0 for joy's unmixed wi' sorrow; 0 for happy nignts rve seen inen Ai' pleasure nane tan seen, Maggie met me late at e'en: - °for splores I've seen at Meat, , Eights& frolic, fun and s g-- I laugh t whom I turned rOund and preten fito was placed, and sy pathising wit 12 be whispering with great maw My friend flaW the dilemma, in W I e, helped to keep . up a mysteriou t lk about nothing, until the bore wa $ i 1Y tired out, or most Probably hun • i 4 rt Pilliing out his watch, he uttered - I ,x- clamatien of surprise, and left us t • er unceremoniously: ; Shortly after, about three 0'010 - : , s I passed through Great Russell 0 IlloonesburY, it occurred to nee , 9 at / 'would step into the Museum; an I 6- ocirdidg1y entered the room of E . • • ti re ottriosities. i The' first person m = ey s rested tipon!was the bore. He did1 nit see me, however, for I kept dodging 'e - hind the canes whenever he threw is eyes in the direction where I was n ing.. The fellow was running reatlits y about, first to one side, then to t e other—peeping into every cornett: as d occasionally throwing his glancala wards the ceiling. ! Presentlyiorie of the attendants, e- *ging_ to - the Imam, entered,t e room. I saw the bore apprOU.0141 a d thrusting Up his face untilhis;'gee t protuberant eyes nearly touched t e attendant's nose, mutter some words n a mysterious whisper. The attend; it -started back and looked at him 1wi h surprise, as if do btful of his aui y. The bore followed Ihim up, howev e,a d again I saw! his li s move, and hi 1 he d shake mystemousl l " A what !" ejac "alive mummy!' °tided again. Rai maun stop, or loons tly disconsolate harangn —Galt Reporter of laze, 18 Gaieties. "How time Oranges," Yankee journalist, "in tli Testament days it Was 0 miracle -for an ass to spe nothing short of a miracle quiet." • Is it possible, Miss, t exolai O good nsider k, and ill k at yo not know the names of s me of best friends ?" inquired a *lady. " Certainly," she don't even know what ray year hence." ' —" Woman's righta I" man when the subject wits• bro "ir What more rights do the want wife bosses me, my datleht r bos both, and the servant gir bosse whole family. It's time the men allowed some rights." —Smart Aleck met Jone ing, and after the usual manner Slang slingers, he said, " Hello, Jo oIdman, what do yon know whe don't know anything ?" "1 know replied Jones, calmly and Serenel Aleck withdrew to a sequ stered to ruminate. —The laird. to his eery ret—" I have noticed that ever since wife'a deeth yen have cm e- home every eveaing. Weily is le I" J "Weel, sir, Fin on.ly tryis to c myself fur roy lose." TO n how long is this going to I " Deed, rill dootin " sir,/ able I" —An hospital professor was an an -mutation in the presence etadents ; meautime the patient &land sohbed. Irritated •et he much moaning, the profess,br said patient--" De me the favor to be for we can't hear ourselves talk. are a hundred persons here at lea you are the only one who is maki fuss." —Here is a fair sample of a boys diary, as given by an excha Got up and washed me—had be —Elba down hill—hid a fight Willie Smith—me won't spea more—wore a hole in the toe of bootsteerieg my sled—eat supp spanked me about the boot—went —bully good dey." entle replie exclai 'ORDERED fully supplied tterns in reliable er, or if you can- Iy you with in TWAY, stYlet ng made to order now a first- emises, ready to tomers. 0 y Oa to busf- s this T-CLAIIS PRO - NOT BE Trouble 0 e PORIUMe TH. 13 a Old d a now one do your an of ; "1 I be a ed a, hed, ? My ea us the were orn- f the esey, you you," ,and vet ohn, your runk hn— nsole airtl— And at ?" Jelin in onsol- eking f his heati- ng so to the quiet, here t,and g any small ge :— kfast with any y new r—pa bed A Bore. Next to a termagant wife, thee evil On the face of the earth so gr a friend who is a bore." You bore gentle reader—so do I. It misfertune to be acquainted wi moat incorrigible one in exi Whenever he encounters me theatre, the church, the cigar div British Museum, the literary clu the Street, his invariable salatati tremendous slap upon the back, •loudee" How are you, my dear f and a seizure upou my hand fora shake which inflicts the same pain as ineniber were placed in a oar vice.' He ire one of those helple whom one cannot affront with and whom you would not ki heuce you are obliged to finesse y out of his company. e 7 .. Good heavens attendant; and t he burst into a lo lrort standing alo 1 Ilkept out of hi after that ;: but at again in the stree ed he slap on th Bid , tation. He h ell l about the ean be done with Ithie ? Called for a raper i Old Mrs. Mullettle visi the minister, sev ral days reason that she d 1 not re !night, wasi not a1togetber due •go$ old gourmet° entrioity is ether serpent I no pedant:lenge a lin la room Where lkindled during t 1 ofi Mulkittle's e ar but two bed -r halve been made of these is "ma's [room" ani the • adjoining, is the leeping part th 1 children. ' I don't like t sleep i ro m with that b y," said he o to the minister, ' but; my akes dn't went to ale p wher ther 12 no fire for year." - " Consult your own pleasure." " Pleasure, i• deed," she l s here ain't no leasure ahon " I am very so ry that (lire p ievent you bri ging a. idee meth yon." , '1 Yon are not iietof the kited kir* it. I don' see that lpreac any more carefu what they lea other folks are." 1" Only a joke, hitter, approaohi her hair and kis " You shallislee I'll sleep with I - in here," • " No, nmishe erly teuderuess: sleep in there as fellaw *ill be in I go to bed, anyway." - l After the c-hildren had fone the old lady sat y the fi e• in- ck n rs no at as ate a /113 my h the tence. t the n,the ,or in n a ith a Ilow," 11 I met him the ether afterno was issuing from a house in Pater Bow. He accosted me as usual., rad the gap, jammed the han cried:oat, as loud as he could i ears, " Well, whieh way are you g 0 . 0 "Towards Bloomsbury," was t ewer, knowing that he lived at K ton. "Capitel," said he • "I am thatway, too. We will walk tog "Yes," said I; " but my wa through Fleet street.' The very thing," he ejaculete want to bay some snuff at the s always patronise there." " But after all," I added, "1 h ve an anointment with a literary gent email at the British Museum presentl , and therefore shall not be able to p ea by Fleet street." "'I will walk with you as far a the ittieenea," said the bore; and, eking my arm, he dragged me on wit un- pleairent rapidity. "Is there anything particular to be teen there r he demanded, after a few moments' pause. was my reply, delivered some- what impatiently ; " a live man:may!" "A live mummy !" he ejaculated. "Well, by Jove, I must see that! I 'Lave seen three or four dead ones in my bUtnevera livingone. Come along," and he hastened forward more speedily than before. At that moment heaven came to my assistance in the shape ot. friend, to f the •iater's fools orris, ; and urself 813 1 oster ulna- , and my mg?" e an- using - going •ther." Lies ; " op I lated the atteuda .; The bore's 1 sir i" continnd t e en, checking himsdf, d laugh, and 1 ft ti e. way for somet ti • length he in Is s, and. again 1 back, and the athoweaer, fo unithy. 1Now, 1 w such m nuisa ce t: he d whir- .oustiel 'ittu at 843 f Ta ks d he, s go, a d ain but to nd ious and viUenage ill bodi g a o sl a fire hlas nt be season. lIn tb. ho anomie bode,' th me wla re t1 fi uring th wint r. ot 10 tli . n, he ne he a 111 ep BO re 1313 1113 er, ent of BR d 1 ,dy ive, I a n't 0 11 •app in tan in ro I other," her, sm nag her anywhe Mier aria said in a "1 word not. Th the land nd era said t e othi g b rinkle br ou you pie 131 y oice just dea No room," knitting on the °st she seemed to never gel done ; told of her trouble gninea's neat and how & the hen house and killed ens in one night. Mrs. any in fin dcize oh ok- ulkittle as ttle f m s le be a. es On TO 8,11 opened the kitties. Wha " Coin bring m I'd rather have the nettle- •,. Wr;iistling for a liar conditions 1 affair was ba five just rine door and cell Mr. THE HUMM E is it mother ?" take this boy o t .1 liere,a d a paper of tacks o sleep witi. h July I' . he peon Muttrimc ni Arkansa Atidersou had just gradu th plew-handles. it wa 'et ru a -furrow eo .stir 00 would b eak a knock-knee to iwalk in it. This ac Was a ki d of feontispiece volume of great agricult and mo than one young neighbo hood had her eye catch. Dick wasn't ba di4n't13 ein to be partioul with th charms scattered Ilike dro sof water that li trees af r the rain. But his fate, a young lady,- Wi Winnie as a beautiful gi enter a much corn wit crape s much cotton the neig borhood. The devoted y, agriculturally: raised hs daughter with fiow thalt she had attahae her Use' lness, it grieved bf loam her. One Sund ever, ,. going out ether Jing oorn for the " Mr. Hogrow, I suppos "1 d we " I d " Ttl tO mar corn ml Do you to lose bad lac began up, an ton; a, best na a fight the d tab: oironm someb "Id excuse+ I'm going to is arrangement : on throw me, th Yon she's mine. limit my will, 8 nate your If yo rej w. se. • ep th- • VO tle Ore ed., a's ech rer the nto 11 110 ing ot leas e e. oriwhic a n Sou h lig t. Di k d betwe n i that e ht that it mpreinel'ainlee si lean e 1 sure s, ady in 1410 the you g h 111; but e rl impress d re nd. h'm • !el. on leafy le 80011 et • ie Hogro . 1 and do ld a hoe, aid apnl et lmo Yaeild.—i n °grove h d r at care, aid e zenit of to thi k -Dick * nt he old . an s, Said: ; ss ' know 1 n'teuppose anyth n 1, then, you donb 1 n't know anythin t's all right then. y your daughter nting you will kn weaken, Mr. Hog here, young fello y girl. I • have this season. t the corn by the the bugs pitched i d, to Make things le and One of my b the other day. T1:).. Le and the mule hof them died. tames I'd rather dy else." 1 n't accept your in str POSITOIL IMPORTA.NT NOTICES USICAL.—Mier T. D. Prendergast will reeeive • a limited. numtber of pupils for instruttion iano and orgar lessons, at hor re tidene , Jot' n et, geoond deorlwest of Englimh church 849-t .1. A GOOD CHANCE.—Offers for the Wray Cooperege isek will he eceived at the Exteelyon. Office. • I. BLACK WOO), Proprietcr, Galt. • 853-4 MONE't• LOST. Lost on Thursday, April lb d, 188 , betwe Leadbuty au -Bru. sels, a package t f motley containing abou in bills, p'xinelpall Bank of Toront per on II ding th Ex TO — "PST under- ' sign hele of Lost Nation; Sp i ig ),t'heat, suitable fo seed. It ts of fi teilase. 'milt/. Price $45 per nehel. Apply to IRMA GOV.& iLOCK, ear aforth. N. so a Th roughbred Durh m Br 11 kept forlservied 851x4 1 °1°-! osteo Office, ardedi $46 r $50 issue Arty at Tun itably 3-4 same and lesvit- t hem Beaforth, will he s _ . SEED WHEAT.—The sales few hundred bu AT1ON d has fe Vav u -A- I mai hands fo tilltid tha layelse sir ng to res denc et, e, So ---I- FIA'RNI I the eo4taini r tiqn. T ells° to beZt far APply . r R BER .—The ing un collecti the sa xpenses ettle ea , Harpu forth. accounts due r. Vercoe. fleeted having be u len in ray e, ell parties inte ested aro o - e must be settled without • e - will be Wormed. Parties e - do so either by calling at y Ay, or at Robe t Jamies., i's . P. B BINE. 851 17 m go ng nd by n xt s??,methi g. can't afferd d poweef al h cut-iv:brims ti e it came to the ot- worse, my ws got into 00W hooked o ander the ked the crw, ou'd marry i forturtes as rry the girl." , Diek I'll e'll re tle, irl's y ur , if you in ay al Ple sa tly t rew e nd gethe ith e thretzjiais :ksfrornn ree,a1 ho e as at ee ad . Af a. noun s anlala$1,10 n ard, he en gr p • giv n 's he d o gro said, " I'll tell you what 111 make t and if I thro her age exter 111 11 marry the girl, this farm the girt, is your'n. VII —one to -day, one three and the other six weeks. Dick was compelled to the olds man was recogni wrest' r in the county. 1 lenged everybody, and every° e who had weep ing diriner, the old man nese to take the fi willin Wa8 W ing th took t lieg. • The cont girl, went into t e hats ' and the each o her. The signal Dick went over the old plowe a short furrow " Gi e me My hat," girl. " D hangi n't give it up," g over the tile. practir• ." Dick left, di taki Lig! the girlie advice, ateamboat Men and fax time tte: tbe next. trial alma -kited time, Dick ar, row's residence. • "Feel as though you capers putty well ?" ask ." think scel I feel tha, jtist,a,? with the aid of ki ? V i • hr er ed 04 I hop to pile you." " Perovidence cornea in timeenr said the old man, coat, 'but its a hard ma again an old stager. G jooket If I fall the girl a youeni. Fbur hundred semt asleep, and after a bile Mu underifence. Gal weighs began to snore. 1 , and fifty pounds. Big " Well, ,bless me I" she said; 1- if hey The two men grappled a ain't all asleep. People thet dries d n't plowed up the earth. think about nothin' but eat n d sl ep-"Dont give up," said t fild , " said the old than hen re o aw urage reside., ra u til e. A.t ared • ar 11 CU the ol my dPro ntty h ullin ter t •t out •d the rep, 'One reduce • aged e girl. "fort 1. wei •andle 11 , in'.When I was their age:,: 1 c card (Milt bats half the night' l and. nlot feel lao worse for wear in he m bk.,' 1 • l She took down a long-steml pipe sneaked in contentment over her bles as she rooked to and fro. • IFin she put ,the pipe on the mantle -p but then thinking that it might something afire—although it had out—she took it down andi staid the hearth by the ohimneyopened the door easily and ente ed lpiec . lie's bed room. • The younge er sleeping soundly. She u dree ed I/ meted by the bedside, a d w a ose, the boy was up on hie? I oking at her. "Lie down there, eireen go t "I've been to sleep." " Well.go to sleep again; 0 y0 ri"Tell me about Little Re ood." . Thinking that this as means of quieting him, s e t story, subject to many correctio part. . " Now tell me about jaok-t killer." Still hoping that she had ado best method, she told hint ab great hero of itll modern boyho 1 "Now tell me about old Bin Then . she. realized her er tarning a severe eye_ on tbe said : ' • ;;" I won't do nothin' of tie k I' want you to go to sleep t ii " I can't go to sleep. ii a 1 Dogs can go to sleep soon s t their eyes, but boys' can't. Le up an' :say my prayers." "Haven't you said 'ern (am "Yes, but God's forgo • it time.'! • r . . 1" You good for netlike li tle - am a good mind to spank on.' 1" What for?" . ;" For talkiu' that way." "How must I talk ?" 4' Don't talk at all." 1 1" Then I.couldn't say 'an thi 1,,, 1" No, and it would be a !1-Ciouldlal pray then, c "Hush!" 1 rn- and TO11- lly, ece, • set one t on She il- Was and she OWB ar?" best the n his iant- the the "rut if I couldn't ' tal pray. Then I'd go to the the bad man would say, " that boy that couldn't1 tal over there and roast him. he say that t" ' "No." "What would hee&yr • The old lady flounced e 1 ble laid I?" ad h, y and' she and ute." tete. shut e get 6611 ould :1 -- gored dn't , an' ere's him dn't out of bed, is an bund Wond Dio was throw was t thine. hood er fence, and the g ed and fifty—can rfulP' went away and vident that. the o him every time. wreck his life. • He smiled. He 1:f r nd remained unt the third fall was near sppoi ted day he visite • I ' ave agreed to e iok, 'and now I ask a have been embarra final trial take place dark. I will meet yo o'cloc ." A y way suits me, an : At en o'clock the ol the y rd, chuckling. climb d the fence a With ut exchanging a men rappled i The st The d man went up i down and struck the force het almost took for a (remit almost n raise him up and ass the h use. • "T ej gal and the fa said t ejold man, and t embr cad each other. they ere married. cere oily was over, a 1 appe re at the door Dick' alttenti�ni said: fin': the ale man liar him. Where's my mo him 10 and, turning a seam ing look from th expla n," said the bride izing• hat I couldn't th • the a me time realizing ness etended upon t roam ed to a bit of tr he st pped to buckle h his w fe "1 found a knew ooiid throw you, $10. T at's why I wa to ta e place in the dar thro n on, I rnshed fo you Dick had An man o*ed at him for fu and r Marked : "It wa trick, brit the farm an Four hundeed acres tbe g Is weighs one hrt ; - 1 I 1 :8: ow, ugh est al- at - his iok nd. girl I ed and. and t▪ he ed and but ith thgLe tb -Our 1 11 falS 1 ide ce ondereids d marl o lose th idea j s the n the up. he ol y thin ," vor. it d. et -night 6 here at er all ed s." ick nd ne oe 0 RE T.—To rent for a term of yea s, Id Bell 1 ornestead Farm, near Kipp u, g 96 nor e, all cleared arid under culti a- lio farm s cour nitntly turited,be g he villag of Kropen, and s one of he sr in Tr) kersmith. "Ter s reasona le. the endersigned on be promi es. • 85 BELLI GEN S WATSITED.—Wanted, ctieb, relia le Ag nts at Seatbrth, Exeter, Goderich, Br s- s, Bly h, 0orri0 and Wingliann to canvass or sale 1 reaper', mowers, rakeb, twine binders, 3 Ils, se dere, pls winsulky plows, straw cutters, gone, trucks, one powers, separators, port le an traction steam engines, saw mill irta- mery, &c , ma nfacturod by the North Am.sin- Age ultural mplemeut and general Main- tain ,9' Compa iy, Lonston, Ontarin. Apply to McLEAbi, Hensel', Ont., spr to the N tth n lilanufitc,uring Cempanyl, London. 841 Se th dr ab eb ea fa \'M. B. A erica It uld irl ck or - for the an. aid rto the the ten eplied t e old 1 If IU • an to t a in is comb tant app oa ied. ord 141e two • mle w • hort. iti the air, ame g ound ith a i life. • , lay • c nscions. Dick a ed him nto 1 are , youn • aple The nex Iday h rrtly aft ri the ✓ e negro an • nd, attr ting wantem, 110. nongh t• kill e ?"- Dio ave o nd, rece eda o d Maur "I'll om. " eal- o - you, : • • at t at my a: api. i marri• le, I a hery." ere 8 arm a •und negro to:t I d offerei im d the w estle After h had ard and aised 0 TICE TO OREDITORS.—Allparties ha any claim panel, Neil Stewart, late of 11 wnship of Usb ree, in the countt of Huron, ased, who dep rred this life on the 15th da arch, 1884, are 0:al notified toisend in a at •ent of their en •ounts with full ps.rtaeula ti einelaims and of the FecurIties Of any),.hel by t h undersigne , bj post, prepaid. est) presented o ji day of April, 184, I willpt or be respell- s' ble for any aecnunts sent in auei that date. All p rties indebted to the seid Neil S ewart are here - n notified to Eond in sastatement of the amount o ing or due by diem to me, on o 'before the said 1 th da of Ap il, 1884. J 4 sno STEWART, umley P. 0. ated 21st March, 1881. 851-4 ng the de - of te- e of sin, to me, 1 Buell acco sent to me 113 Of just and cor on or before the 140 y; but I will not pa 11111 ; 1 ti —T ton o Davi teri mont O death was =no 'Sunday of last oultes, ministe hurch, aged 2 1 sh.ed, th 1 old lfive mi • tes, mighty le ean gal are your'n. der fenc ,and red. and ty." ced at B eek of f the P years a amp - Bev. esby- d six ALL PAPER, WALL FF3APER, ALL. P PER. LARC ST ASSOATMENT T E COUNTY —AND— OWL- T PRICES, AT POST'S • Selling Out! Having 4cided to leave Seafor h, I leffer my wi4i stock of GROOEBj1ES t greatly riduced prices :for the iext ix weeks. I • 1 , ROOK RY, GOti.SSWAIRE , below Whol sale prices; . first come, first served. Also, one !large safe, nearly new ; one ood horse_nine years old; buggy, agora slei h, dm., and :all shop ferni- tura. WIL BE SOLD CHEAp. TO RENT. : i Tile store Which is one of the best grocry sta.• ds in Seafortle. Posse sion i fleet of Jun:. Apply to M. ORRISON. VARNA. 188i . NEW S• PRINC 1184. io• ost Officer -Store. MY stook Er no complete, emulating of a 'I'LL splendid assortment of New Spring Tweeds, Dress amide, rints, Tapestry and He p 0irpets, an , Lac osie Ed lete Factory and leached Cottons, Duck itaS, eaten 8lirting8, 'White Cworlid tains and La' brequins, Cretonnes, Sunuher Gni Parasols, Um ment of Boot grand display hands A full Hardware, con Oils, and Glaa Having now a epared ti sable s arantele eaforth s prices gi farm pr of new 852 are p fashi flt and trad othe ment hand es, Fancy Ties, Laces dies, &c. Aliso a oom and Shove, Rubbers, &c., and a f Crockery and Glass are just to took of Groceries, ne and resh ; Fg iSting of all kinds of Pain s and in all sizes, Spades, hov 9, &C. rst-elass tailor in Ur, vill ti, we Supply all who minim a good t of telothes on short notice, and a • Specialties—Egmonclyille Flour It always kept on hant ghest en for Butter aid Fg s, oats and duce. N. B.-1 silendid ealsort- all Paper and Paper Blinds just to JOSEPH. MORROW. Den- Cur - and gs„ molt- DITNOAN 1 t I i Ladles are respectfully invited to coMe latadl inspect our h ndeome stook of YTTiIiINERY, whirthl depart- mhas as caused so much admplimentar comment from parties who have Witnesaed our Grand Opening Exhib time of Spring Millinery, and to which ill:113181188 stook Iwe have arranged to add weekiy addition, to keep jaoe with the best houses in the Dominion. M NTREAL FidipSE. No ne should fail to see o-ar stook o Spring Prints, • Crete nes and General Dry Goods, p rchased by our- selve direct from the best rnanufaoturer� in the world. DRESS GOODS—Black and COlored Cash - mer a, Muslins, Black and White Swiss Books, Swiss Cliechs, Checked and Plain jaconets, Gener 1 -White GOod , Parasols, San shades and Umbrellas. D E in st that h men Log prep the to gi don res SMAK N G. MISS S GRAMM, Feshio able toress- akers hJrom Galt, have mu h PlOashre mg to 'tile ladies of Seaforth nd vicinity y hay opened a dress akin est blish- the r pme on John Str et, w st ohi John 's store where they will at 1 ti es be red to e ecnte every desc iptio of 4ork in -line on tJho shortest notio , and in a uanuer e entire. satisfaction. Cu ting * and tting on the fllost reasonable tens; A irla1 is etfully s lieited. Remem r the place, ohn Street, next the d EXPOS TOR Oft1ce. 1 858a4 AN NERAL MERCHANT KCA Would direct the attention ot the far irig 'e 1rto the ilia that they will give the igheet Butter On& Eggs during the season. A Well lot of Fresh Groceries always Ion hant.L CO o An sample of Choice I Teas— eap , Sugar cheaper than ever. Now is the time t etmit. Glad to see our customers. No ' t , show samples. ; N CAN, &I D 1 ROCERS, mmunity price for supplied e and see nd good. get your ouble to STREET, SEAF OAK HA A RTH. THE FASHIONABLE TA'ILOING AND G FURNISHING HUSk "WM „kw OEL en s' consulting their interest lwon1d eire well to 1 cone nd inspect our immense sto it, whe e they can get a 0 I made to order for style, i4ateniIpl and price, d fin competition. -See our chea , T eed Suits, and be oo vinoed. Fine White Dres Shrt, Regatta Sbilrts choice seleotions of Gents' Soerfs hnd Silk Hand- • kor hi fa, all newest shapes ef Collars and)nils—any art ole to be got in any first-class est bli hment we kee . I D DIRECt • IMPORTERS, SPRING To a SEAFORTH STOVE AND .TINWARE EMPORIUM. C. M. 1WHITNEY Always keeps on hand a fall line o! the latest styles of COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOIVES. Their beauty shows thent aUd the price sells them. TINWARE Of every description always in took. We make all our goods, and guar atee them good and right in price. A full line of Table and Pooke Cut- lery at very low prices. We have a fine lot of Granite K ttles in stock for preserving, dm. Al Bizet and prices. EAVETROUGrH1N1. All kinds of Jobbing Work pro fitly attended, and satiefaction gmira teed. Parties wanting goods in my 11116 it will pay them to see my stook and compare prices. Seaforth, Cheap Stove ce Tin 14ow18. O. M. WHITNEY, Late Whitney Brothers. NTS' CAN, AFORTH. WROXETER MIL S. ALEX. L. GIBS N - Begs to sammaece to the Public t1iat he has commenced to operate the WROXETER WOOLLE4 FACTORY and that he will be prepared to give • :good value in : FULL CLOTHS:, TWEEDS, UNION TWEEDS, FLANNELS, :PLAIDINGS, WINCEYS, and varieties in STOCKING YARNS. OODS McLOIJCi SEAFORTH. TAN'S, e room, 1 am sjtiofferingrth balance olC Winter Good I duced prices. For good ibargains now the tixp. All invited. PIFODUCE TAKEN AS ASH. J. cLOUGHLIN,j V19rhitnobys lock Seafoirt at greatly re is QUSTOM CARDING, Spinning and Flailing promptly attend- ed to. Parties from a distance will, as far as possible, have their Rolls home with them, and as he has put the mill into good working order and employs none but efficient workmen all work is warranted. • Remember the Wroxeter Mills. ALPC. L GIBSON, PROPRIETOR JAMES A. CLINE & HARDWARE MERCHANTS, STONE BLOCK WINGHAM Are showing for you to sect from fifteen different ;styles of Chopping Axes; nine different makes of Cross - out Saws.- Also the largest and most conaplete stock of4 CUTLERY AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Ever shown in Wingham, comprising Cruets, Cake Baskets, Pickle Bottles, Butter Diehes, Napkin. Binge, Knives, Forks and Spoons. Also a full line of the oelebrated •• .NEVADA SILVER :GOODS. We have a full warranty on our plated goods, and guarantee then t to be exact- ly as represented. JAS. A. CLIATE & CO. HENSALL. New Millinery —AND— FANOY GOODS STORE. JAMES MURRAY Has pleasure in announcing to the ladies of Hensall and vicinity, that he has opened a new Millinery and Fancy Goods Store in the Waugh Block, Main Street, Hensall. He has a complete stook of all the latest and most fashion- able styles in HATS_ AND BONNETS, Together with trimmings of every ae- seription. This department is under the personal supervision: of Mr. Mur- ray. The stook of Feilley Goods 18 also complete in every department, and prices will be found right, wr Try our 75c Km GLOVES; they will give satis- faction. Inspection invited; no trouble to show goods. Butter and Eggs taken! ag Cash. • .JAS. MURRAY. The Royal (LATE CARlifICIAF,L'S) SEAFORTH, ONTARIO• . JAMES WEIR BE" to inform his old friends; and the travel- ling public that having purchased this new and commodious h otal building, he hastlioreirgh- ly re -furnished and re -fitted it from top' to bot- tetwionlmltabetrietyktee tom, and it is now one of the Most comfortable aartteeainitiwoneutrof furnished Ith.an2sanzaoindf liwpis:erno:tooesmsmtedefers:coeThxninheobarperier. and e,onvenient hotels in the countY. By strict attendanee. Goed nandpethsautrpruelolfedivopuwbrtilio nntronage. The rooms bthytbe best, .and an een hostler always be chid Travellers. Remember the "Royal Hotel,'" corner Of Main and Goderieh Strei3te, Seaforth.1 733 JAMES W. Proprietor • -;