HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-04-18, Page 2`IL r 2 T g .H (MON EXPOSIT `mommemassesa SENIOR A D JUNIOR. i BY AUAI H. HUDSON. (Concluded f OM last week.) " And hat," finis ed Jack. “ How do you li e the hat ?" was Margery's bashful uery. Mr. Douglas sur eyed the article in question—a white 1 ypsy tied with red ribbons—oritioally. ' I “ The hat, or at ny rate thetaffeot, is very, fine," he-: sa d, grave-ly; I. but I should have prefe ed brown for ocean wear, and I'm cert in the rim should have been wider. low e to supply the only deficien y in y ur outfit by offering my umbrel a."• "Oh no. You'ii need it ourself." " Not at all. I' going o ta e the ten o'clock train fo C—. Oh, Jack, upon my word 1 ha quite ergot en to tell you that your new a quain ance, your horse -fancier came last night while you were # one, an amid'. he'd bring the animal ro#!nd agai this reorn- ing. It is unfortun te that he s °Wel miss you twice." . t Jack dropped the rope he. held, and faced about in vexa ion. " That's no end of bother. What time • did he say he'd com 2" "Berne - time al ring th morning. I'm really afraid yo 11 lose bargain. The horse seems a ery fine animals" Jack,in dire perple ity glen ed back et the hotel, then at M rgery, bo hastee- ed to say, .. Give up jtbe fisb-i g, and go back for the horse. e can I sh another day." Jack gave a pull at the lin " So I can get ano her hor e. I reek. on tlga one was a ba gain, th ugh. Any - haw, I'll take my hances, ' and he fastened the rope wi h a vigo ens twist. His uncle calmly folded s news- paper. "Doubtless; it's jt st as rell. You might not have got t e hors . Young Swiaton offered anot er fifty for him last night." .. Swinton of all fel ows! I eem to be confoundly unlucky lately," said poor Jack, in despair. ,‘ Da give up the fi, hing," rged Mars gery. "Well, Jack, as it ems to ave been partly my fault, stipp se I ake your place? If Miss Marg ry evil account me aa a poor substi ute, I «ill kindly consent to go fishing, nd you an secure the horse" a Never was sacrifice ore r adily ac- cepted. Jack made some 1 coherent excuses, and, in his e erness t be gone, hardly listened to Maigery's xpostula- tions with his uncle. very kind of you, but you'll h :ve oath a stupid day with only me." "PM sure you don't want t go. It's "Why, mademoiselle, how yon de:. predate yourself 1 A bung ady- who can dance as you do m st fish o perfec- tion." Margery said little t ore, an 1 am afraid her face expres ed the content she felt, as she watch d the figure ef Jack junior lessening a ong th sand, while ma Douglas 1 isurely finished putting up the sail. Why should I try to escribe that d y of enchantment? That day ia wlhc Margery lost her reputation fo fishin because- they almost I forgot to fish ? Such a companion she had n ver ha before. Ready, keen, epprecia ive, ve sable, witty, it is no wonder he :asein:a ed the crude school girl!. How she di enjoy herself! How her cheek glowe and her eyes shone as she t lked or listened I And Mr. Diniglas, etching the frank, bright, charming face smiled. to find fugitive lines ofi, an oli poen drifting through his la ay. "On her eheek an auunn flush Deeply eipens; such blush In the midst of browi is born, - Like red poppiea sowz in corn Round her eyes her eses lay; Whish are blackest iadne can sa- "Mies Margery he s "d-, as th y walk ed homeward over the s ads in he twi light, " I feel verdant, x mantic as if had permanently chang d plac s with Jack junior." ! 1 " Well, you aren't really ve naucl'' older than Jack, are you ?" "I'm afraid so. Having reap ed the mature age of twentyeight, must Beene a marvel of antiqu ty iny. reyes. A marvel of iniquity in Jac 's," he added, sotto wee, as he BEM his 'ephew approaching. Jack junior was in a very bdaed mood. He lifted his fhat, wh ch had been pulled over his brews, an o joined them with a dejected greeting. "How's the horse, Jack? Tr ed him yet ?" I "You saw that horee in t e dark, didn't yon uncle ?" " Does this mean that the ho isa was a sell, or that he wasn't e sell ?" any rate. Have you ha a goo ti I didn't get sold—bthe h rse, at Y - 1 ?"re "1 . day's cri che fishing, Miss Margery ? was d cidedly gay unlucky to miss it." : unfi "We—we-didu't fish nth. at a can sham•to about the horse r he ha' arded. nio " The world is full of reads nd de. T ceptions," moralized Mr. Dougl s. " To ger change the subject, the eathe seems for to be changing. We shall p obably eree have better days for fishing. T at sky doesn't promise mach Is ightneos for a while." A true prediction. Fo r day of int tenant rain and chilly had 1 'lowed that bright Tuesday, a d foro d the inmates of the hotelto a serable in the parlors, and find comfort in each other's society. To Margery the atmosphere within seemed to have loat its low aa surely as that without. She ha been so happy on Tuesday evening th t she had hard-ly noticed B ,Ila s pideue or Jack junior's grinanese. She hao found. :her hero, her ideal, and life was # oulenr de rose. Most wortde Itil it eerned that such a hero aho ld no e her, should have talked to he as . !:. had that day. Margery begs to bel eve in herself. la patiently darned her sister's old hums, while Bella arrayed in harming cps - times, wove golden and scarlet wools through canvas. Of con Miss Park - mann -did not mitt& for 1 ok of alten- tion ; but how can one m ke a (soapiest of an absentee ? And th absentee Was the only one she oared I eluirrd, the , only fish worth catching. 1 • "Miss Bella's temperas none of the sweetest raring those rai Y days. i he spectacle f Jack's devoti n to Mir ery did not te d to improve a Here was her mho° gid sister wit a rich yduth at her fee , and she, the eanty. of family, n h in sight of 4 satisfa° settlemen . . 1 . , When, n Friday -morning, Mr. Doug- las hasten d away from he break tabe, say ng something -a ou letter write, her patience was-eitha sted; it became necessary to' ake some onetelse more uncomfort le than rhe was herself. With this an able pur- 1 pose, she Eought her mot er. - siMatmia, I think I'll s t u stairs to- day: The only variation n e parlors is Jack an Margery, Mar and Jack. poesn't Madame Lagring 's school be- gin next Week ? Why not sen Margery' home?" I . , " I proniised ber_a longer v eittion. I told her shIe might stay' a41 ng is we the ory est to nd • did." l• " Well, f r my part, I' sick of this. If she doesn'twit to go alone, shy shouldn't we all go? The weather is excuse et:lough. M " y de r Belle," 6030 strp.ted Mrs. Parkmann who had man e agouti for ' wishing t keep the ;be a y in good humor, an keep her where she. was, "the rain can't la t fere e ; and it's too foolish o notice arge nd Jack. They are o lyehildren.", But Mie Bella was net o to cajoled, and had no been. spoiled f oil , earliest childhood t be thwartedo ...: A long and stormy discussion ens, ed in which some home truths were .sp le: # on each side. Bell 's. ultimatum w s uttered over her op n truek. " Very well, mamma. If Margery doesn't go home to-rx orro oo orning, I will. -So Mrs. Parkmann took th • easiest ( way at of the difhoultyt and eoided to Margery send back t the -city. "11 Sono Douglas is in ear o est," she reasoned wi h herself "Mar y's going will only hasten matt rs. A thing to keep ella ! 'elegant." I ' It was on the eveni I g of th4 day— the Wet, wil weathe continu g—that Mr. Itougla: pacing te sand in his dreadiaangh for a t ilight " onstitu- tionalt.. " ei e upon a mall figh g sitting on a reek. I his figur: was e dveloped in a gossam r, the hood of ' w kit was I eOd, and sat With oe sea, a parently torm. • e I exclalned , in thoro.ughly drawn up .Over its face turned oward t quite oblivio s of the "Miss Margery 1" amazement. - The fign. e starte• victlentl with a gestu e that looked lik annoyance, hen falte ted, " Wh I thought i .- was the other M " Jack ja or. Pr natural cone nsion. 'M —in a. cha ged voi matter ?" fo even in could not he p seeing were Wet ith tear reddened by xcessive. The only r lily was of tears and obs, whic heroic -effort to oontro help it ! Ple se go aw Instead of :oing aw on the :roCli oeside her in the rai _ “ Yon mus not cry So. You'll make yourself ill. t Tell me hat the trouble is, won't You Let tne belp you " ! 1 • “ Oli ! it's nothing— rily—rm. going home to mor Ow." ; t ,' ':Going ho III 8 ?"—in -surprise. . Why, how'is thee? Jack is at large till the last of Septe oo ber." A shitke of the head was th only I answer: “-• Why, yon mother has' ju t told me she mean to stay through 5 pteni- her." " Oh yes, s e and Bel a will st:y. I'M . to go alone." • . " Poor chi a ! Was that l' a your trouble,l Margery ?" . , '. Yeies." . " Well, if y tell stop crying' , a d lis- ten to me, I t ink I call tell yea ow to prevent: goin • I cant talk to- you c while you y so," 1,13 remons rated, venturing to take the hand that: ay in Margery's lap.I • "I'm listening "—in subdued to 'es. "To begin,' said Mr, Dou Jas, wish- ing he could see the jealenel idden face, " you knew, without my saying it, that I'n4 fully las sorry to ha e home as you are to go "—the Ittl mblea in his, and that p rt . ek Lind brow left viaibl fl Eason.' Mi. Douglas wo Id en much tolhave left, that se nished, but he forced im clude,—" On account of ac r." I he hand was drawn 4 tlw y. y put it up as an addition 1 her : face, and suddenly? ,sa t. 1 , tonre n ed nof —why, . Jack!" decay. A very dear- lit le girl" 0—" wha is the hat gray ght he hat her cheeks , and he eyelids perfect 'melon Marge made "Oh, I can't [ , he sa. down I ' But Wednesdey—ah ! woful hange —morning, afternoon, i.nd ening brought no Mr. Douglas. Jack e gain- ed that he had gne off at four • 'clock deep sea fishing, and w 18 too t ed to show himself in the even ng. 40 day following he was still al sent—: one to the city on important basin° s this time. Margery could h ive cr ed for disappointment, and cou d havcried for shame because ahe w a disa :point- ed, if Jack junior had left her - Cate to ory. Being the bes.t-nature1 lad 'n the world, and perhaps a littl„ obtus , Jack never suspected that he poth orried and wearied her; and hi young lady- love endured his present and tten- Kona ae. politely as she cku1d, b cause she did not know how to iid her elf of them. Oh, those tiresome days! M gery -“ Jack,junior rather forced i' Iii. fidence upon me a few days age. very much in love with a certai young lady whom he has known a week. He had some screpl rather I, as his guardian, had scruples—about revealing his aff: to the young lady before revealin the young lady's Mamma. Jack j could not be induced to face the fo able Mamma, so he coaxed and t ened his guardian until the latter her for him. Less than an hoar a had a talk with the mamma in ,que She said—" Margery had uncovered her which was quite pale now, and' w terminedIy turned' away from speaker. "Yon are not at all curious," merited Mr. Douglas. “ Bet:tense I know well enough the mother said," was the died rejoinder. "Then suppose you finish- the i I yourself." i " If she found' that- he had pie money, the said ,' yes' and 't you,' " burst out Mergery in a Wit passion. t‘ And she'll expect me t the same." - " I have no right to ask what will say, 1?m afraid I have 'tresp too far an Jack's privileges irt t you this, but I thought -_-I aunties He shall plead his own cause, and his own answer.' : . "Indeed he all not. You can the answer your:elf. Tell himad she paused to fin. w rds atrong en --e tell him I ca. • 't he bothered this any more, t at it's very silly, on go hand f the shed have tence elf to . • ju- Mar- hield very con - He ie very :bout El: or Some ction it to Dior mid- mat-, aced o he time face, s de - the cora- hat inful story ty of ank e of say you seed fling d----._ hear take here ugh. bout and lo t 0 .r a fo w ot bi n gi PI of wi W m an th to we bi to fa th that I shall leave by the Morrow." " But have patience because Jack is young ?" "Silly whether he is ol was the impatient respon marry him if he were as o " As I am was Poor Margery's ainfully than ever feet, determined to " linnet go back angles. And, as arly, I had better "Do= you say [without: looking a kery ?" [ "No, eir ;" but h his as she re sated, e for sure la; sti e ot I've u 1 " Forgive re you' quit talk?" "1 °cabin' f him, Of co 1 " Answer o o you think ack ?" " Mr. Doug The other 880, Jec the se face I as sh end t to 't shall ay goo good - the ✓ eye "Goo eking ou do er. he ad ✓ qne en fai nat do wante nd I left the field clear. d int deretand that I stoo nd I retnove nayee. f. I ; d hia cense i every way; other's; co Beet to hi ctually proposed to von fo a.ve I done y dpty No response ! " Margery," sqdenly co here he coul see her face e way." • ! When they reached t ight it was qiiite dark. iann met the Ot the doo " I have been very a argery," she Sail ; and a ughtsight of- her daugh oe. j " So, Mr. Douglas, ople's love affair is runni it ?" "It is bard tet tell, m argery has refused Jack, 6k. You must ongratnla epee." "Congratulate the Jack I azar. 14 The 'I' Twb bills were' wai their turn o t, inti • Belittle bil 9 ly er was a big bi 1—a I. !While ly ng ey fell to thin sa.! The doll 'Alt! if I w re bd would do ! ces, end peo Is me wherever Mild admire ne me With the ; at good can X oh for me. nee." ' Ali ? yes th :wand dollar il 11 trimmed ed e he little bill, n! hat is so," it! e as great as it ger than yon, th o. some good id e smiled a wr n little dollar. o train to- oment. Silly ng young," e. 1111.71dn't ond question. • u hed more rose to her isoussion. (AO, Mr. e to leave to people 188 liar - fell before (mace nalore. not care for 's very Iind ed penitent- tioln, please. to the ether you mealrf a pleer field, e gave •me hi his Wa ave further - gained ydrar 4nit, and k jun or. iigarotnd "was I in d hotel t at Mrs. Pa k- . xicus ab ut ded, as he er's radi nt our yoi ng g smooth y, ani. Miss d accepted e and scold • : first, ma accepted. o ting the one thou • ,f 11 list then the lit le murmuring po r widow., God bless yoi a railing face de ie hungry oh 80 litt wi ID a wh fat it c jou the mul the gay 00 e bread. thrill of joy no e bill as it wa OVA -hand, an' do some god, e it- saw tthe erless childre uld do a littl there si g about t bit neur as big a c aid m I. 0 ni bu do if as bi 311 Id Id g hen'the little d ney of useful ea • baker's for br er's, then to t nainister's ; a d pleasare,add n fort and joy. 14 1 t last, after a le of= n efnlness am rtg ple, h came back jte ern pled, ragged a daily use. Seel') t bill ying there, w th or 1 nger mark u Opi 44 triter, sir, and wbat Mir; ion of usefulnes4?" T 'e big bill rep ied :tid have been fr aa if the ioh, where few uo the' ;were afraid to let I sh cold! be lost. Few who I have mad4 mis ion. T en the little dollar i 6 t is better to !be amo • g the multitudes d to b iso great as to be the hies of the few.". sati ed with its lot. 11 ma. Ttiis t--Harper's the bank orld. Oiie dollar ; the and dollar e by side, eir useful - tired out : you, what ve in high did be sa careful Id go ! Everybody want to take me *al as I am NO 00437 cartes ota litt et to be of t 1s6, ,angat hat was o s ions re eated. , e thou n you he weal ef con SI le ie 1 dam •#11 g: crie e eive eni loan . . an th led whi t! fa Iver f 1 od 11 a e f 80 said ti eredupi ying het t eperoritie "If -yen and times ight hope ," and its etapt for took the e it, to e , es with it: my now have ugh the t# in the peed, "1 all;" and (3 of her glad that began its t first to to the :, then to t went it g to their 4 Si 'bill t' we the t'mer' ever ethi I g, long ilgeimagel e ery so t of 'mo- th bank, defaced, d :often;d by its LO hons#1# d dollar sc etely wrinkle it, it exol imed : -- has !.een your I ' eo to s fe among Id se: me, and go o t fer lest =lead are they appier by myl aid : small and go bag g od -than impri on d in nd it ested :IS 10 A Cabb6ge Fcasrm. T oki Rural Home de c , far ## tof 27 acres, near IF Yorlti on which cultjvi4tj as follows: " l'ifteen acresj are earl eabbages, Mob able -/aan late ones. T !are o in September, sows rye for green crop are i winter, and in plou hed thoroughly bene t of the coming cabb ge seed is sown green house in Jana are emoved to boxe the o en ground in havie been copiously onghlk harrowed in. tion, the Jersey Wak reed' for market in th and • ngs $500 or $600 stood n rows a foot an feet. Henderson's come next, and is rea Thee do .not bring q acre, standieg th three eet. Fottler's Br.n is rea y for market abo Augu:t, and brings $200 side c bbages 'tbere is and t matees are plants of the rows of cabbages. come4f the farat is, abo # t men re employed three beside k some day hands ribos a cabbage echos er, New on is .. auaged coupi d with re mo e profit. latest cabbage hen t e owner ,spree s m' an- 4spri g all is u der, for the abbag 4. The ' n a flu .heated ✓ , th I plants , and e t Out in ril, f rtilizers lied a d thor. horse oultiva- eld cm bege is iddle of 1d111#3, a i acre, having half ly three a ly Summor early n July. i e so raucI per round. t o by wick is latest, thearid le of r acted • Be- Tnetewe-orchon eoamrde' h the he ross in- $5,40 . Two Beeson, • p 0 • p —A mineral spring has ed at hornbill, in the` 4 o the w ters of which, n Profes or Heyo, of Toroat in val e to those of Bet largel used waters of the een di:waver- ty of York, analysis by prove equal esda or the nited States. Lai ESTATE FOR SALE. VOR th Cull. the Es Mo0A ALE.—Lots t7 and 28; Hip Street, and house thereon, fotmerly owned by (1. 11. pply to 13. G. MeCanghey Executor of ate of the late Donald McIntosh. S. G. GHEY and M. Met xecutors. 832 VOR -IL oho maker, The co situate blook W. N. ALE.—A comfortable oot 0,1 suitable for blacksmit n a good part of the Own gigs is In good repair, and 1. The whole prppertywill r sepsaorislatt;slycar,aenicith.vcry oho Ar ago and two and wagon for bueinees. is pleasantly be sold in a p. Apply to 808-11 SAW ILL FOR SALE.---Forsal ,a saw mill wi h or without stoek. Shingl in con- nection Is situated within ono and a half lintels' of Whi -cl urch station do the %Vel iugton, Grey &Itrue lt ilway. Everything iirgo d condition. Will be eel at a remarkably low pri 3. Apply to J. M'. OWItRAYPretpreter. at th letter t Whitechurch P. 0.. Wou:d , P partner mill, or by accept ef 840-10 FAR (, 1 are ale bd). house a yourg tearing orchard o chore propert well fenced, a - id 15 sown with fall wheat. is mile an schools, easy. premise to Walt F(It SALE.—For i4a10,lbt 2, concession lo ris, containing 125 Ores, 0 of which red, and tho r5tiaindui gocd hardwbod Ind.e is on the Prowls s, a new fame d barn, and a g sp ing ell. Also a trees. The • f new hind ed within a there pin &o. Tains ly on the r if by letter 826-tf The smith 45 Berea of sand he emu Ity. afortli ad a. log ton e vith arieg frui area itus 1 a half of Walton, :her elltirches, Pot4 0,Iffice, sores Pod further pertiunInis to COLIN McARTHIYER, n P. O. 'FARM IN 111c1IILLOP FOR, RALE. -. 50 eros of lot 20. co cessidn 18, which a cleared, free from stun) rinder chained. No la t'#T, hied in Is sid ftoed al out h-lf w -y between 8 Brussels 11 is well feiteed. 'there is lid a iv od baron barn land tram stible Old ess.on.' , MeKillop, or to:Bcx leo, sepinith P. .. shed a. ( a gond nrcino-d planted pl- Ill, 1 a r I. fl' l cloo- v. t 0 (34 in good b t ie one end a (pis!. er miles east fro I ea ibury. Apply te It0B-S.ItT kleMIT,LAN, i (1 83, Con. VALE FARM FOR SALE —For sale, ot . . 834 IJ6 No. -5 n the Hayfield concession, towns .ip of Goderich, 85 500 8, 40 to 50 acres cleared, ad freefron tamps, balance wall ti bored, has T frontage n ayfield River, and en he Clinton oad, a d adjoins the inoorporate village of ayfield. F r terms, further partienlars, and onditio a of sale apply to LEITH KNGSTONE tHN MORGAN, Hotel Keeper, ARM UR; Solicitors, 18 Kings:: eetWest, oronto, or o JOHN ' I 815 A . ayfield. - - N STANLEY FOR RLE --For sale, the oath Half of Lot 16, Bauble Lino, Stan - 1 y, conte inieg 644- acres, shout 57 of! which are ! lettrcd, ell 'awed end under -drained. 1 here is , log hou u and frame barn, shed and stable here is 4 splendid tharing o. chard and plenty of 06d water. Is -withiu. five miles of Hayfield and !even fr1n Kipp( n, on the Great Western Rail- way, A ellen' within three quarters of a mile. here are eight acres of' fall. wheat !and thirty acres See od to glass. 'phis property Will be sold cheap. or Ifurther particplars apply on the remises or to •Drysdale' P. 0. . ANDREW 841 ARkI part t ining 11 der is goo watered. on the pr house and to church fom Blyt o part of said lots, ot th r' ?tinier; apply to WALTER CIINN the So b rough .0. a 0 SALE IN HULLET . — North of Lots 84 and 85, Concessio 18, con - 2 flares; 80 acres cleared; tile remain - hardwood bush. Soil, 0193711.0am, well Ith a never falling spring c •ek rising mine. Frame, barn and a ebles, log a good young orehard. It is convenlenti 13 and schools, and is situated 4 miles and 10 from Clinton. Fir further NGHAM, Londes- 799 al Is OTEL FOR. SALE.—For sale, Joh Hot 1, in the village of Drysdale d the It tel is doing a profitable bu sure of bt iuing a license. There n ction wi g od. stabl n Ter faili fo a rood Bresson's township Stanley The prepay is in good condition iness and s in con - h t au acre et laud, on vhich is a and good orchard. There are two g TWA is an excellen opening ai wishing to engage in the hotel biLsinss. Po further particulars •ftppl , on the premises o td Drysdale P. O. JOHN RESSON. 850 ARM F R SALE.—For sale, tbe sou il half of lotTlg kecoaurce3' acre' ,Gcrleeyar,e'dp cout ittnincft g b lance ha been homed doi‘n and p rt bush. T ere is I, raine house and s• able a oung or- ir ac ese ch rd al d 4 a rs s - Hall wheat. It is situated wi hitt a m le and ii quarter of JamoSt wn. It wi!I be sol !chap. '11. adjsi ing 50 ores are al. o f r sal 1. !this pro pe ty ,will be so'd separate- ly!) toget er. A ply to -sAMUEL or 1 NDREW PCLLOCK on the f .rm, or byMail o James- town P. O. • 650 . - 1 pAllitE F R S 1 LFI.—One litindiedros for li 4 I ' sale in Tuckerstnith. being lot 22, c ncession 2, . ;i. S in.,kei smith There are on he prem- sexs cle tred and 70 free of stumps ndt well ., ise • a good .rathe house, a freme barn an stables, gf a od orch ,d and two good wells; T erla are 85 no er-dran d and in a L ood state of cullivation ; th balidice is Well timbered with hard •ood. It is situated . Ittim one mile of. Brucefiel an c riven 'sit , b schools did Ohurc wi hie 6 mi es bf Seaforth and 7 mike to , and a , ood gravel road to both plac pa tictifars pply to the proprietor on tl ise , or by I tier to THOMAS MtTNR fielfi P., O. I • . VCR SA E —The undersigned off4r their -1- Fruit vaporador and Cider Millsifor sale chela p and t pon easy terms of payment. The huidins h ve been fitted up in a Complete ma. iner for hecrryiti on of the Fruit' Evapor- nth g Rusin ss, :an' are now in first-class working ordler, and; fine paying business can e done. Bu as W 8 Ro: etson, one of the pa tners of thatirm of D. Wilson & Co., has gon to Ed- monton, N i•thwest. Territory-, to re ain per- maidutly, 1 ie property must be sold d the business of said firm finally closed up. or any par iculars lith iegard to said property pply to the undersi tied" D D. WILSON. Seale h. 762 station, es, and of Oli- s. For e prem- Bruce - 805 V BST CL 88 FARM FOR SALE.—Lo 6, son. .1. 1 cm-sion 18,,Hullet, 150 .acres, superi r land; 126 acres a tard, well fenced, thoronghl under dra ned anq n a high state of =Rivet on; re- Mainder, ha dwood btieh ; two frame welling too es;ila. g frame barn, a tone foundatio ; large frame stied nd work-sh. p ; three good ells and cistern; 11 joilas from Clinton, Seal° th and Brusols, a six from Londesboro and Blyth; good gravel cad to each place; young orc ard of 120tres. he village of Harlook, in wh oh is a soh ol, post pffiee, blacksmith shop, a d two ster s, adjoi d the farm. There are 14 0 acres entikelyfree om stumps. and thefarm i one of the beet in tl b cuty. Objet in sell g: the proprietor g ing to Manitoba % Apply to JOHN TORRANCE ' on the premises, or to AI . S. (1. MCC TIGHE '.,Seaforth. 817 ----t-- — NI 11C- IcKILLOP FOR SALE..F r sale, the nort 1$2 acres of lot 15, conces ion 14, Mc 'Pop, of ' }itch 100 acres , aro cleare well fenc ,, well nder-dramed and in a high tate of culeation. The balance is timbered with the best of hrdi9od. 1 here are eighty acres nearly free rorn stu npe and 200 rods of board I fence. Thor are go.. femme buiblings, three wes, and Iwo llarge youpg hem ing orchards. It is qtuated 2- m les from OS village of Walton, 12 fron Sea- fortM, a,nd 8 from Brussels, with good roads leading to each place. There aro 1 sownl with fad wheat. The farm will be one 1ioek, or 10 neres of it to snit pur Appl on the THOMAS SO FA gravel - r din so !laser.' remises, or address Waltont P. 0. TER. 828 IJCICERSMITH FOR SAL D.—For Will be exchanged for a larger noneession 8, Tuckerstnith con - res, all of which is elea4d and from stumps, Under-drajnerJ, well high state of eultivation. IThere orchard, a frame barn and stables, use, and a never failing pring )33 is within five miles of Seforth, el road and a school house IUI the t. • It is also within four ni1es of ippon. - The farm will '1 e sold t. the crop. Apply to .tht pro - premises, or to Egmondville P. 0. E. • 806 M IN -1- ale, or place lot 10, tainit g 50 a f7ecenerel sainidf r iene is a t -class a homed log h well. This fa on a ood gra corne of the 1 the vi lege of with r with° 'r01!Mu! theoo PB AB adiloh p of Ian house t(1,3vucto-db. ri )11°1 uti ac nie are rnamental tr Client order. plete and co tounty and fame bainut tnlo hadt. or to AUTIFII RESIDBNCE nc EXETER FOB. ix sale hep, the residence and pounds ing the Plage of Exeter at present occu- y Mr. Et hert Fanon. There are ten acres .on whi h is a la,ge and comfortabl brick and bri k stable with all other nec ssary !tidings nd conveniences complete, s ich as hed, wc , cistern, cellar &c. There is a Id orcha 'dot* various different varie les of cludin grapery and small fruits. The 1 icely planted with shad and es and hedge. The land is n ex - It is in fact one of the most com- fortable private residences n the mirably adapted for a retired or gen eman's residence. Is within 15 walk 1 the business part of the town tion fo beauty and healthfulness is all uld be . esired. Apply on the premises, xeter P 0. ROBERT FAiDION. 82 i-tf BEST MONTREA CLAS UT NAILS. PAINTS, OuS,BIJnLpINc HARD*ARE. Any Quantity of Washburn Barb Pence Wire oi Moen Two-Poit Steel Lowest Price. #T01\TE'S' .31=b_A_JDPS EV RY FARMER AND D THE H44RLANQ CREAM CA ING ANY OTHER. THE MOO CREAM AWAY MERS. GIVE T LAR. ACTUA CEA FROM THE MILK IS ITH 'THE USE :OF THE HARLAND OREA101 E BEST SATISPACTI6 Y STOCK OF MILK COST, TO MAKE .00M FOR • 1-IA7-AND SI -10V 148., IRYMAN SHOULD SEE BEFORE PUR0HAS- OF SEPARATING THE _ NTIRELY NEW, $ AND HAND R IS GUARANTE IN EVERY PA NS IS OFFER DOING SKIM - ED TO TIOU- D AT ERS. MRS. JOON KIDD, Seafrth. MIL Il\TERY. MILLINERY. HdFFIVIAN B MILLI ERY STOCK IS C( OTHER' PLETE IN EIrERY DEPARTMIA T. *Dr_aciirmx). NEW q ODS ARRIVING WEEKLY AT T CHEAP CASH sTpp,E OF oflman Brothes, Seafortit. DON We know ou While WAIT BUT MOVE FORWIARD. anxious that you should see our goods and Ices. OW Is malim TIME ck is unbroken to Choice selections. TILL PROG ESSING. Our pi rchases for this seas4i have eclipsed all for- mer ones: We are now in a po tit* to give you Ooods cheaper tlaa i ever. We have 1 o real old stock hand. Produce same a cas Staple and Fan • • J. L. SMITH, y Dry Goods and aroceries, one door south of Mrs. Hardware Store, Seioth- iaai T11E MEDICAL HALL, arizzmrr, SM.A.FORTIEE, Has now plaeed It will cleanse th dition. It is a p Customers and ot •-p. bottle of the market a new and wonderful Blood Cleanser and Purifier. system from all impurities, and leave you in a healthy, con- ely vegetable compound, and as Et blood medicine has no equal. ere whose system or blood i$ oat of order, will do well to try C. D ncan's Extract of Red Clover, -- And be conviled what it is repse of $1 per bottlei a PURE DOC We also keep you don't see wha oosist that it lias_no equal. One trial ivill convince you that it ted to be, and no humbug. Youpan secure it at a BM d judge for yourselves as to it o miarits. e have in a full and well -as °ried stock of CHEMICALS_ AND PATENT MEDICINES. n stock all the latest Patent you want, ask for it, and you at sure to get it. caioines in the market. N. B.—Physicians' Prescriptions care y fuiand accurately compounded. All orders froro. a distance filled with care and desp tole. C. DUNCAN, succEssoR TO E. HICKSON At CO. Next Door to D11110411 & Duncan's Dry Goode Store. 4 APRIL 18, 1884. Ana - LIVELY Ti Es KIDDR EMPORIUM For the last ten days. 0 P E N 1.0 G: MARKING OFF One of the most complete stseee GENERAL DRY GOOD, CLOTHING AND GI-Res0 M IR, I BS Ever Placed Before the Seaforth People! Notwithstanding the: diecontent farhaera and others over the grieilin*ote of hard ties, we still march on, OM BUSINESS . steadily increasing, *hick is a PROOF IN ITSELF that handle the right. class of goods, and sell them on the lowest living profit, GIVING ALL LOW PRICED, TRASHY GOODS A WIDEBEETII, ltnowing well they are satisfactory to NEITHER BUYER NOR SELLER DRESS GOODS, In this department will be found the choice goods of the season in Rich Sat, Satins and all materials appropriatefor wedding and nabarning orders. MILLINERY. This branch of our trade requires no advertsing; sufficient to =say Miss HIGGINS has just returned from visiting the markets, better prepared than ever to supply the • wants of her customers. She, together with a large =stff of workers, are now ready to snit anyone requiringearly spring millinery. READYMADE AND ORDERS CLOTHING. This department is fully supplied with all the newest patterns in reliable goods. Lsave your order, er if you oste not wait, we can supply you with * Readymade Suit equal in quality, *101 fit and finish to anything made to order n the cities. We have now a fitst- °lass tailor on the prernises,reatly attend the wants of customers. TO SATISFY THOSE WHO DEAL WITHUS We recognize as the only road to buEi ! ness sticceSs. FOR CASH AND FIRSTCLASS PRO' DUCE WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Inspectio4 Inited. Aro Tit/a/60 Show Goods, KIDD'S EMPOR We* SEAFORTH. • 187 PPPoLfl . rNiiiis wed, and V tike fool Tuba a padaige And *Month is Morn* -on us tote; Nought, hptlAril Wot.da VIA i-3411 - Though sae :for tlere 1 gaze 1 11) Twist anci tiara it'S een endugh 4l1Psemo' he Frogs of 0417301 %wig th! Pow,' Ane sca.rot 3an si On s.soake as'll juilstanes big ea Knock the wh'" Fire flies, a' we I lit Iike bogie! Scorching days v My sark back Foals -of thunder . Poi upon the' -0 for Sc-tia's hl# r:tolling burin 0 for good anlo 1 Who* it wet we 0 for hills a' It ti 0 for Cheviot Areang the do41l Where the wal nettling short of n :T it:._‘ 411satilkac,:tn:Iseewefinio:turtptittrIonasaeysiiii! vi, Ink . twchi e'.egrritnadi. Stxagill meit:ntnielIi BO tf to lygri bsIdlpIti s;ro. entesstil 0 for joy's Inief 4 efuo:017.31-i:pPie:; ,n; seei alibi d Rue 1 te-er naY besto°1nta,aktfynr;:ve wen, nd, friends ?ti.' 0) wri. a panlaetioee.a" iWoman's rnan when the whole bossesollfeafnanadina. ityh.:s L "What more r iatingn, ganstuagfeara,thbee vaa man, what de dallo_no,t ku wseindiosto:anmAeierigyetti replied Jones. cal Aleck withdrew 1 to ruminate- -The lairt( : wvihetera,yr etivenhtiniert :ix Wel, vr, myseir for luy lo. hw"oDeeid1,gi8"Ilrindooitistt able I" ' —An hospital an amputation it students l • in&aul ad and tobbed. Fraaorari let eiweahllo 1 : —go: aoun.? d4 ' nt: )iet inode a ig 1 j alp Et it yosla,fe the only tti ie a re b°Y8cliaarYjasgi -Gttipand-witell Willie Smith— shel down :bi more--wre a ho bootsteering my spanked me abou —bully good. day Nett to a term evil on the face a. friend who is bore, gentle read misfortune to be most incrriibl! Whenever he theare, the chm British Mueum; the street, bis.io, tremendous slapi loud*" How are And aseizure uj which inflicts th taenaler were ie whom one cann< aria whom. you • henceyon are oiit ot his coraps I Met him the iesuing from Row. He a.cosi ed the elap, jal cried out as lou ears, a Well, wh “ Tw-Bads Bio uwer, knowing ti " that way, t00., "Yes," said I. through Eleet 80 " The very thi Want to buy som always pati-onise " But after all tippointrnent ut the Blitish therefore bbali Fleet tret." ' %via 'walk laseur,” said tny arm, lie drag pleasant rapidity - " Is there anyi seen there?" he d Moments pansee • " Yes," was eue what impetientle live 333.11U by Jove, have seen three d, Ude, hut never f14 and he hastened than before. At that naomei aiieletance in the;