HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-04-18, Page 1lir 1484. were oiroulatlea, se. The parea Le lodge for eirott. liffereut ahem. he adna table and the Rev. efe, mei/lime Alliance working of tha y of IlaIton. The on1ated tee° hrtli- tiarophlet, and ill made a judioie ley and commit. These are the.. le lodge or it. to do with. By at,: Mr. Editor,. upon the Mem - Good Templar*. MEMBZR. I Sheewe &how for the ea. k Wee held on Fithstanding the the attendanee Previous show, .., o ELL -41110s superior, - each class was 4.,., prize list wee ce of the Recce- , kraught, import.. llrooks & Colqu• klexeColguhoun ; es QAT:thou/a -1st, "Pride of ow k Porter; ka& Cokahoun; M. COlpthOtill. 4t--.' Glendale,' enteral and. Gen. citig Perfection," :k Lord Heade.," eter-,-1st, "Swale ;ad, e Magician," Sorrel Maud," vy draught -1st, ,,"- John. Gray; George Nixon- ; Sidney Green. under -'1 Gen-- kgrioultural and Bars au d -under- ' Thos. Skinner; ,» Taylor Feltz; W. Grahatee "7 -1st, "Young llquharna ; 2nd„ S. Carpenter, and under- lay.; ter two years- Tge Rook ; 2rid, Coppera .Dor. 4at, "General,' Confederation ' a, one year all [(Au Cole e 2nd, p.," W. Padham. -se Lord. Cecil" tne year old- ty, - UL'S kRTIVIENT eat LU DS STORE; kRTMENT efri DAS STO by- RTNIEPTT 0 at U L'S STORE. MN1LE ULENT 58 STORE, PRODUCE. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER 854. iiats*That Are HATS. Oar stook for the spring is now opm- plate, and comprises all the new st les English, ;American and. Canas ian makes- CHRISTY STIFFS ea all the popular ahapee, inclu Mill Crowns, Lw Crowns, R Crowns and Square Crowns. 4 4jnericcim Soft and Hats In varietyeand at very to price . These goods are cheaper baudsotaer than °vet before. A stook to choose frorn.: • ing und of eat and arge CANADIAN HA s. Ever Y season shows a great imp ove- ment in the Maisie and -style of an- adian goods, and as they are to ning out better than ever this season, we have bought largely of theinhey are very dureble, and cost much less than imported goods. - SPECIAL. - We are - showing a. special 1.t of Twenty Dozen of Man's and oys' Hats at greatly realized prices. We bought these at a large discount and will sell them very cheap. Boys' Hats for 37c,. ujorth 65c Boys' Hats. for 50c, iv rth 75e. Boys' Hats for 80c, ivokth $1. Mn'. Good Useful i4&ts for 50e, 6;5,75c,and a sple did Ha for One Dollar. INSPECTION INVIT BOOTS & SHO Four Thousand. Pairs te• choose et primate suit the hard times. • George Goo Noted for Stylish Boot S and Shoes, Nobby Hats and Caps. _ D. S. rom and WANTED. BUTTER AN p s AT THE Grocery Deprtmdnt -OF- DUNCAN & UNCAN, Main Street, Sea orth. CHEAP SUGARS & :CHOICE T -ANIf A -- STOCK OF GRO to "select from. Farme their own interests vvou bring their Butter and Eg .MONTREAL 4- XRIES s. •s consulting d do well to s to the NOTICE TO D A LL PARTIES indebted to th of Sea.forth, wolfld very gr '-Ndd by calling at icer store a amounts an. or before the lst of heavy payments to meet then an laoneY. MRS. JOHN KIDD. :OUSE. BTORS. late.Tohn Kidd, amp oblige Mrs. d settling the ay, as she has must havn the 85a 4 )1 t , interest pay nt. yearly, with part of prinei- o F. HOUND.' 850 MONEY TO WAN. STRAMIT loans at 6 per• ee able half yearly, or si per e Privilege to borrower of repaiinc Psi money at any time. Apply BTED, Barrister, Seafdrth. t. • 1 —...._-_-.. •-t- „....---a--.--- ---i-_-_--.7-,----- et% "----,;------1-4,•• . -_P%;"'•---•'''-, - -;_---- - ; .-aV•'`.c.":•A x.~•• - -,- • - -- - - ---='-'-7'-' ...... l',N,- % ..: ..----- •••••-'•-. ' la --7-1---' '''. ,.„,_.----- • eeo ette-je!ese ea.; e eta= eeette.., • `eake RIGHT HO . SIR .1 MA DO •ALD, B. The name of ir John A. Mapdo has beco e a ho sehold word t iro ut the Domin on of Canada, an nown w erever the English.- 1 ugaage s spoken. Alt ough not a 0 n dian by irth, ou • disti guished Pii e ier has honored thhe e n of his adoiti n. !Ile was born in Sat erlandshiee S °tient], January 11., 18U. He is the el est 'son of Hugh Macd meld, Esq.'w ao, With his farnil , mos, d to Canada in 1820 and settl d at Kingston. s ,1Ie was educated at the oyel.Granama School of that plec , be an the study o law at the age of fi teen, admitted at t e bee of (I Upper salad& at tseeateeo e, and created a Quee 's Corinsel te goers subsequel tly. is first Wife as Miss Clark, ofuVern ss, Scotland w died in 1856. In 186 he married. M Bar. nerd, daughter c.C.Hon. T. J. dard, of Jamaica. Having acqn red considera jle of a 13 keputatiort in hi profession, the 'Co ser- vaeives of1Kings on brought i ott as their can idate f r that const t nu y in the mem rable lection of .1 4 , hen the stragele for esponsible gwrn ent was ragin I, the ornmons end av king' to wrest from th relueta t han 1 the Governor -Genet 1 the rgh self. governmeut. 11 won the el cti sweeping major ty over his o nt, Mr. Manahan, a d has retai ed ace in Parliament e er since. ath, 1847, he j Med t e Ministry hich the Hen. V. H. Draper as ir ler, and was appoi ted ReC li, te .4. e • ,eal. He only held tbis position uu il eh i7th O f December, w11u he tuok t e or falio of Commiesione of Crow L nd hich he retained nate March 10, 848,en the Ministry as aucceede by 'filhel great Lafontai e-Baldwi Go em- inent. 1 September 11, 1854, -upon 'e forma- tion of the Ma'douald-I1ori Govi rnent he becalm AtLoruey e eral Upper Canada u til July 29, 88,* as Prime Miuist ,-he and hi the Maedonal •Cartier -G which had been armed Nov 1857, resigned, having been d the Seat oK Gov rarnent ne- 11. the 6t -It oflAtigu t of the sem returned to offic as Posttiaast in the C rtier- acdonald.G which succeeded the Bro Ministry. On rue followin resigned the'ostruaster-G and was ye-appo n•ted Attorn of Upper Can da, which continued to hol until May, the Administrat on was defe Militia. Bi 1 and etired from Sandfield Mac onald-Doeio ment succeeded he and Sir Cartier took the t° arrange a basis of union of 14e 'British North Americite meas. He also had the hono bi3ing • oh airm n of. the Lon •Clolonial Co ferenoe of 1866-67, when the At of Union, kno en the British North Arnelica all defrauding meet of the p ro- of oh Act ” was peeped by the Irope Parliament. In 1871 he W9S Canadian representative, op 4er Maje,sty'S Joiet High_ C issioners and Plen•poten iar who, togethervith Earl de G Sir Stafford Northeote, Si ward Thornt in and Right H ontagne Be 'lard, acted ii c uection with le Am dean issioners, apointe e by the Pr el ut of the United St tee, tc se the Alabama, , whi .11 Belted in the W if Wa4sf ton of May 8j He h s • degree L. L. University, om ae , was gi by xt was re sty it J1 Oros of Claim rent 1871. D., f iingsto . C.. L. (honorary) niversitty. in 1865, 4. C. B. by Her Itlej 1867, a Knight,Grato; oyal Order of Int I A(of Sp • .e • • t appoin F, Most 1872. _Ad I Su° career d is 11c4reer the been c lb t no sayto hold h sewey over ti 1p h Is 0 SS ar. BO 6 • f 11 po • a ,• y a, 0 11,1 10 a, v en mber :fete tio ye r -Ge N'Ofn iD aa epees y -Ge ositio 86.2, .teoi ffiee. id VI ril- for hen met, ent 26, • on lOn ,I he ural ent ion he hip ral he en the he . Go rn- Cosor 9 E. r place 98 mileroi ' I . the Opposition until the def at of hat Administration nd the foriaa tie , of he Tache -Ma cionadd ' Gov,ern aa ent, arch 30,, 1864. In the new Adm nis- ration he retnr ed to his old fthe of Attorney-6ener 1, -and was Govern SI ent 1 ader in the A; sembly frorn, t at • ate 1 ile 867. ntil the Union f the Pro ineeS e held the office of iliui ter of ' Mi :itia , om January t May, 1802, and am August, 1865, to the Unioti of t ' e ro- ince& I ' . . Upon the defe t of this P.f.lini try the f roans Coalitie • Govern ent w s f ne- ed to allay the s otionalfeelings et 'jeep the two sections of the P ovine an t to ffect the ',Deeded ration o1 the ,Br tish North Atnericaa Provi ces . e was ntrnsted with t e forma ionrof he 11 .st Administration of the . omin an. In t e new Govern ssent he was . re I lie I - I and Minister of. justice, ad' r ma ne Premier until th defeat of his ov ,rn. ent on the Pe, Tic Railway! q • es lone hen the Minist y of the Hon. le ani- cer Mackenzie succeeded to ,po en November 7, 18 3. Alth ugh. s is tar seemed too pale nd he a keats! be ! re- lieved from the leadershipof !•h e p rty, his faithful toll wers re a edit° de ose 11, y supparted him from his tigl tfal pl c . From 873 t 1878 he led t e Cons r etive Op osi- Con daring the eign of a strap. M cla- t y an overw el ing majority in thM nous Fie y ars changed the cur ent of p blic opi ion and the electora e on Ms 17th ept m - her, 1878, maim d Sir JohnA. to power With as sweepi g a ixiajority. aa ad been -opposed to him ia the , p pee ing Parliament. A11 the ge 08.1 eleatio an June 20, 1eS2, t e elect i[s of ,the o- ininion again su tainei Is poiwy and his Governraent and at the pre ent time he is stron ly en reached! in Ithe popular will, an4 the prospects elf al ng lease of power fa orable. j He Was .ne of the eight Minieters of the Cali ion Government wh went to 0harl4tets *a to attend the oo vention which 'met at that city ,in l'64 to effect the Utios of the Maritime Pr yippee ; was also .ne of the delegate who met. it IQcieliec on the 14th of 0 tabor ofthe sal* ar_ i I I • 010 : - ; in)] in Jen ary, 1 ed a memberi of Honorable ijrvy Co IP , briefly, h s bee of thin bri liant withotd a p4r1lel i heat of polit'cal -contest lied a eche er and wire • mere wirepuller co ld w such high a • a hon .rable the 1119. $68 fo •ntary ond w the es olden , but gr t str ny vile es. , but is en re env able. ut a minen lya ta I M es no befor always ally a owedgi of a mast and c nds bv e mgn is iirite retiVe and aturajl leader of nen.e • 1 Surrogate Co lla Coto 72, and v s, lid er Mtiijesty's lately peil rink i t e pu lie 'totes a -a our hist ry. e 1 as pn 11 r th ial he of m- 08, ey, 'd - n. m • si- tle re- ng - he o D'S e • en ord ted ily, the ica as hole district -Where he n iversa1iy rooked upon as is d falcations are put (2_,%3 drow,,s' ,ohure.h. h s gvei a unanimous John ndersen, late of onnt' • e a -T ten ecti en. _LT iuni the ex -alio,. -T nags Iver casi venii ray, ijind. r. S ing 01 an a third of a c ower even then i as swine weakues, me vices but m made many error abd achievement a Cons ivative in in Mill is neve opinio His nlaatouerfe ivehi olitie of his• a d gr and g 1. Reis pre 'behind the , but keeps ccurato k Makes him 1 geniality m warm frii 1 foes. TI ersep ity, adiniuls confidence The ✓ gate hearin I mid Gi 1 t e pi ullon r, t wusl I otters her h g ouu me t 'him 4 e Ce LI ib tic p•fl • re nr leri lis, nk or6 his He th • as sea iS rat an,. lie astL sari r of men, his rdial ea, ure a among his tic in uno� lectua pove c raj. a first eases ever hear court at Goderich •before his honor J y last week, as 14110 our vs. Gilmon hidr , wife of wh ) formerly ip of TJeborae, 'of admiuistiati, , tsb ud, David Gii tt1.1 t owing to hi eu y years,a,ud not or f tom him for 4.6 reload, io a legal sense. I'he that a init'tiboald be had, defend nt, pavid shoald of the Ithe q or not arin ilmo ce i amer tie gl Wl?en mad a g ve e avid De re ug 0 t a 9 ih be ap esti • av th r t rned up, made th office of Cam n, nd told ef bis e, and amopgst tn he trial catt old friend idence of se Gilmour in 0 James Gilneou our, who lees n Tj ade e, par tyi and hay lication- -for aminis n to be herd- s, d Gilmour was a iveo progress of, th suit his eon, ander uing def idL WI t. in t e ur me on for geTom on thi as Devil 'fl- ed • n the it to ob ain e ta e of ur, u the -9.138 DC of avin bard ars, dge srd d th a br. e vas red t the th r of bo ne, no ice rat on. e her ,d. ad. D vicl pp ter- olt & ng: on n a-nt lo 9 Hour e to Ou as ad - for e on t of Da big an' 0118111 epee er • las t is ev done, of course, the verd t at David Gilmonlr was ave, a iifi d fend nt,with cots., -4 mist atien was used. Ver e Margaret 1Patoin he d ceaaed in hor lifeti ad pi perly signed her w liler de th,made a number the ill, which were no in fact changed th whole cvtath, applied for p obate oiaginal will. The execut ill, and this suit was br whether Mrs. Paton' should stand, or whethers tate, h ving so altered he a:nou t to a cancellation hearin the evidence of th drew t e will; and who w nese t it, his honor Juda that s e died, having Med d,eerae that probate shou of the ill, as it originally tie ex cutors. Costs ott • et iot dee ase - e had m: de 1, but be ore •alte atons Witt' BSQ - tenor f fher. t44, tit er her the srig nal tight to try tigin 1 vill die ines- will sa to of it. After pees n who, a also a wit- ' To s a wi 1, end cl be orarted we's d awn tie f the est Ad., 10 Canaaa The bread inspeet s ized 360 loaves of lig o Mo day. Alexande K s Id tbe " Hill Farm,' • awti hamer;•of B .enh ron Kraft, Esq., •-s ld iijs spleudid fa m t Mr Abram Hun berg —'11e return of Ho f om flalifornjawit the 1 to s fe has been elay t at 8 ate. -T e body of Mrs ho ommitted s icid 1 th b • drowning, as h rbot at Belleville the -Rev.• JS. Blao , of. 'anti el, who has esig, o aocciunt of ill -he lth, s nted. with a chec for • aam.elt Buell ana, f one r. McIetosh t e Aylr road abou 2.t• v 118,0 The Price said •-•A great teal ef xeit esedlin East Zotra,an t t Et ound Theist ck b C riat pher. E41i.r, a, Ge aoid ca tle dealer, w o 0 e Tie r that 'villa 9. o ptsth has,. in add tion o h -nar d acres of la d, b e ;s4Te de ler and spe ulat sr .Jedgin froin • the rn s• o about him, he must hav • . :.4 r in lon t weigh b y of A r, o Mr P aterl at to, ✓ for $ . Mr. T mains •d by fle b. e found• t er da ✓ kine e his hs be 2,000. h , l has 1 es fro ✓ s $4,2 ent h he wh he fi man on t man worki in an 0 air Ace id •,, • • 11. anid ia ter •o, as "nhip 1 4, 00. owell of this de in oy es, br the n hu cb, h rge re - O ght r t at 0. 11 00 Bb en. le is - ht of a rlra6 ter e h y ars g wo ex en - at ok. ted ed in eople in 1the wrnasetwaoirt oat as high aa all4,itoeaCr aris, Brnt I- e Nova Scotia Legislature lias ed , the franchise iii municipal s to widows and unmarried o - e celebrated athlete, Donald , is in New Zealand, peifornang difforeit Caledonian games. 1He ected shortly to a I e ern loyees of S. on, pr sented him titer s t lined with n of is 53rd birth g last ek. .* r. Tay or ex Reeve • as lat;ly purchase djoini eg his 200 acr nders n, of Cart wrie over e ,000. he Bal uccess 17tn6otenalied b -The ow n tho Geor i r, 1w 11 rem ent z gainst nf aPd: ui ah he Att nopnp out a d eot rive in Aius- Oberndoffer, with a, $65 old, on the ay, Monday of McG 00 acre of farm, fijom Lt, for so e- ation Armyl s achieeing in Strathroy. lOne eve 'ing recruits joinid its ea ks. d to conve4 the aka ing rracks. -- era of steamboats pl ing ion Bay and oke Su er- natrate with Ithe Gov rn the expendit re of I ego o money to z4ako har ors Pacific Railway steam rs. rney-General of Manitiobe d that all 1i4uor dealleis ioense under the Domirime under the Ptovincial Act rteinlet b) prosecuted. astt lyealr vein of oil was, struck near lake St. Clair, nd the land is new tryin to stock company. Several ens have taken stock. j e Canadian Pacific Iail- les were boring for water at mbina JunoiOn, the 41her lent vein of salt waf3struck about 1,000 feet. re , still malcing ravages eep flocks in Pieslieph,and s in that township feel like very cur in it. Mel Japes •ht very fine ewes woreied O other night the costs in theCldwell- e, which the latter nust mount to shoot $50,00. pensee at some of the txlia.1s ✓ day. op of Algoma', Dr, Sulli- es pur hased a small stemma', on yde fo his mission work. - She laroie lit net ou one of the Aillen in Ma , The wet of the pasAiige L518 a akin ct a Will c t Be he o rgan ind ay Ose ay, t ad MOD In any este aird in th -I or, ald ere ean, the C ill b 1' tiers ill b rreet ays name 63, • fill istri exten judge trees flair y --. , 101.1 / hurc eor f th reseeted tb le rive net of ze or citi hile ti uthor felt, P n exce pth o • egg the s faime ying -e had ei P011 t is sake ren caE will a eHs e 500 p he Bis £I50 ' . man tithed Chrietian Clzehr was d at Seward, Nebraska, a few go, on a, charge of , forging the of W . McLain, of Ta.vi0t6c to 1.13 ate ue, and obtaining 1$40 000 •e pret nces from other pertie . he 'pea h ;trees, of the Grirasby t have not been daMaged to any by he severe evinter, and tit is. that vitla favorable weather the ill bu and blossom and hring a eld of frnit. n Lill p rtant teinieterial examne- C 'th the cella c ion with - Methodist took lace at thei village of St. e, On .ednesday and Thur s .wee . ;Over sixty candid raselves for, examinati 011 • • day tee rt. --Al. measure has been ?tweed in the ensof As eniblygiiing the children () et th coloured ' citizens of Halifax the Same 1school ipriviloges e joyed by those of white citizens.i:it_ o measure wa 10T.he yl ote on 'the -4 Nova cotian named Thos. Clark, has eceivot a handsome gold m dal from the American Humane Ass cia- ion, n reed nition of his inventioi of o n i proved railway car for th,e c na- rta le transportation oft cattle, Mr. O. J. Klotz, D. L. Se Preeton, ho las hadi charge during the past few um ere of . surveying 'Parties in the O ort west, Ias this year peen appointed y the Government to survey the c un - our, &hree a d three years in Pelle an- rory:wi 4t ogenrs dust um.molti ao euHrs . tii , yd ss oi signed n e B4 a y during the ows, GeorgEt Chandler an Wm. Ifitz. old watch ud some jewelry from Mr. nisi]. ne R forniatory fo stealin a • aurice, well° sentenced '41 Monday.to - hree Hamilton heel', Henry nr- etition ill . e presented' at the next meeting of the ngernoll coeneil, asking that the el ation Army' be stopped from beating rump, tambourines, etc., im the stlrcet n St. F Sunday. — . Macbeth, of 'London, has uhlicly exp essed the opinion that St. homa,s is a One horse city. The r tort ourteous would be that London s a. t it would tack tent fut. th is not aloue S ays 04 ne ass city, bu es. Mr. M ob he St. Tho as jornal. Mullin, who bit Br ord short time ago for Mooso -Ir. Tar ie ortiwest T rritory, with a ar- 1 oad of sto k,l had a very quick trip, eaching Mo semin seven days Irene the ime of le vieg Brantord, the stock each ng its r. Ch 1, loan who w D the v nt- in ing ian, ide t estination lee Glasgow d an old m a cutting wo liege for a p ysician. u good order. residing ear re to an In- od for hi'to On ok,e ing he way h9i4e the mare iiefl and b er neck an also came friar brea he rider's. -A farnaq of Coteau t Pierre,- he disappeared. three months go and was 'apposed to have commi ted sui icle, as tariaed ip rather 3t anely. He as last see4 on the Lo er Lac ine oad, nd th following d his clo hes were ound liear a hole iijthe river. On he 2 th ult.1 the supposed alioide re• ente hims lf at Notre HIspita for tjreat ent. ILt appears that being s s an- ially ember &seed he re lved to 1 ave tibe w rld, biit instead of jumping • to the river took up his residence in an old potato pit, only ve-aturing forth at night. In one of his excursions he sprained his ankle, which reen;ted in the discovery of his name. I -Half a, mij1ioi yo -lag whitefish have been deposit d in the lakes back of Kingston, and a q a tity of salmon fry will ehortly be jpl4oad in the same water, and also ii Lke Ontario: On Saturday five bunIir thousand young whitefish w.ere pu i the 1 e Routh of Toronto island. -The Salvatio rmy meetings Bowmauville are rowded every night, and much good h sibeen done in re- claiming thos who ere living ques- tionable live , besic es awakening all classes from t eir le hargy in spiritual malters. -The barn and Cuthbertson, iving Norwood, wer to all one morning!.st e and eight cow1. out, but is so lad1Ly tables of Thomas alf a mile from destroyed by fire k, with five horses h sixth horse got. h rued that it -will probably die. I T e o igin of the fire is unknown. -A train c 11 nsi ti g of five or six Pullman, cos he , c rrying about 175 ex.oursionisti4 ro N w York,bound for California, pa Bed th ough London last Friday night he lunched at the station, and a‘d th n.gs fairly hum in that neighbo hp° . About 150 calliug for lunch at o ee. • -One day ate y . J. Schultz, Dut- ton, took a d se of ague cure, made from a receip o h's own, and find- ing it too stro ak freely of water and called i °eters, who stated that had the t. been taken in time the sick 'nl w uld not have any further use fo ag a nre or any other medicine. -The G-ra a Tr nk Companyare making exte sivje improvements on their line bet ee G lt and Berlin. All the bridges onlthb 1 ne ate being over- hauled, and ' A olias. y cases re -built; new rails are aing 1 Id. between Doon and Berlin; n.d h road -bed is being placed in nuch b tit :r order than it has been for some ti e ast. - At Dar t, os Saturday Martha, Clare was rel aSe f om further alle- giance to her s an Joseph, to whom she was m.arr ed t f, arriston, Ontario, on the 1st of 1 i ey 1:82. She establish- ed the face thdl be o s ly remained with her until th: f llo ing 4th of July, when he esca led a a. has not since been found. -.In the sp ing of the years 1848 and 1849 Mr, B. e. Ted Ole, of Brantford, set out a number lof St aple trees about his handeome pr pelty in that city, and thisnpringha.itl4e pleasure of eating stagel menufe au d rom trees growing, as these do,inthJ3 ve y heart of the city. Mr. Tisdale t ['pa rhjs year 24 trees Ewa 15.8.4 a DM. 11 of others that will he sufficiently la -gel ap in a few years. -The prop lei f the Queeu's hotel and keeper o ' t restaurant of the House of Co a ra6 met with an acci- dent on Mons ay oh resulted in his death. He as ening from market when his hor e r way, throwing him on the ground, en he buggy passed over hits hod , king several ribs, which piercec tho gs. Medical aid was soon in a ten ce, but the sufferer only lived twc ti .11T -Mr. G. R Pa ul has suffered s ve e death of his le, w place on Tuesday, 8 deuce in Woodsto k. WAS a, daughter o t of Drumbo, and a by all who ha acuaintance. S e of age, and lea+ children, to moor -Mrs. Wm. Sot living at Enfiel , 0 Ieft her homerSn d and did not r tu found in the rye where it is thong t self in only twjo woman has been n for some time, a d i this was the qa se the aot. - During We ne week, after they ha Mrs. WM. Moorbtea •6th concession lof awakened by the no arising, found that t burning. They ru their night cloth s, was ample timet a safely, Mrs. Moor e some of thein ea entered with th1s ob gaining itcces, f' e her as to cut oft 11 s, horrible death. -James Bee* , /3 din, was 'brought b coure, charged y Postoffice Inepe to with having fri nd that he posted a ett at Dunedin, and a dressed to Olie The money, h sa while passing t r Brown reporte h who -sent his ai4s St to fully investig e t was ascertaine t been enclosed. t ro ekaud committle 1 f - Ou Thursde Hodgins, a farms concession of :Bi du half from Luan, w some logs in the wo son, when one o t rolled •upon hiss ,51. until drawn off -it boy. He wail' i home tinconsoion ance called in, W 0 that the nnfort na crushed into las. otherwise internall manner that he • buried on- Saturd y. from the funeral h the carriage Of t 0 • 8, et 11 re lu a • • o, of Woodstock, areavement in the ich sad event toOk h int., at his red - The deceased lady e late Dr. Round% highly esteemed he pleaeure bf her as only 33 years family of eight Cor irreparable loss. aged 58 years, nnty of Durham, evening last week . Her body was near that place,, she drowned her- eet of water. The ecti to despondency is supposed that of her committing day night of last retired, Mr. and , of lot 17, in the Cartwright, were se of fire, and on eir dwelling was hed out of doors in ut thinking there complish her object d returned to secure ing apparel. She eat in view, but on re so • surrounded etreat, and she died • oedealer, of Dune - fore 9. magistrate's Mr. Daniel Spry, Barrie Division. lently represented r containing $50 it registered, ad - umiak, Shelburne. d, was abstracted gh the postoffice. s loss to Mr. Spry, nt, Mr. Henderson, e matter, when it at no moneyhad n has been arrest - r trial. rd int:, Mr. W. N. siding on the third ph, one mile and a, s engaged skidding •ds, assisted by his O logs accidentally d remained there the team by the mediately carried nd medical assist - it was ascertained O man's ribs were ungs, and he was injured in such a soon after,and was On the way home team attached to iinhg tho chief • I 01 • mournersi ra pants out, 1 ia siderably,1 a carriage. -Three e veying as Ma proposedW s Valley Ral Mortw retahesttrsat St. Clair, between th Sionthern tr the river at o lery in lad below the, will termlli Wabash de iilaov-ssTheere r is b ten just n day iecaeslteb a e natl.! Frida the rede from Egy celebratio Tho first lireePatt*h est gsol there is a arnongst th dal &Irvine fere supper, after it. --Eli Prat digging 9a earthed a sna ing the box b found in Whi of silver. genuine, lti, dates, which that they a was aboni Mexican doll The box te s ed to have The hat Iva Toilileboxw eartha fil.le_deArboofh ut even, Nape O tWyear ol tention t eluding t the field tt another ho sore did Ito animaiwas who treate Success. horse to G Reid, V.1S ation substance of the aninaa 0p1ation, filleted a pi long and ful! thick. rep-riLevaesdt F ji 111 home in ra 1875 thatl seventeen ye tion with; a resulted in mane fine stabbed his knife, kUli When erre for one of t weapon. years in th During his In conduct we put forthi b extreme yo ed to brieg short an i -The per cases of Lou Harni1toii d was dis English himself Jo found on pried open nificent ar Two seallsli circulars lin silk jacket dresses, elle green satin one black QV blue silk 13'' gold braCel case, twe go with halt, fciur gold watches, four' g chains, Viva jgrild bracelets, Snake p tern ; two 4 ld deep earrings in c one silver snke bracelet, two gold br lets, two si1Vr bracolets, one geld br o Aix gold finer rings, three geld doll trinkets, etb., one fine gold chain, gold earrings, one gold brooch, th diamond stui it pair of gold. ouffsb tons, one-go1i 1roh, a, pair qf fine g earrings, on. gald brooch, a g ld pen case, twol naall brooches, onej gold j elled brdoc1, itnd a large nurnber Other e lornanaente and. trink There was a s found carefully cone ed about th p $362 in ban b and bank of H to be part ofj t away, throwing the oe Mrs. Hodgins d Iad1y Wrecking t u- 10 s of engineers anle now Bur - o different routes for the eifn 18xtension of theCre it a4y. One of the lin s n ea is parallel; with the r , between it Ind Lae e second line r us along ',pet Western and Canada ki and is heading to strike near the old Rae dist"1 or. The third route 11188 nada Southern track, aid e jet a point opposite t e t M Windsor. 1 t t Jewish Festival of the i g celebrated in .Hole -1.- b the Hebrew citizens. • mmeneed on Wedn e- t sundown,- COLItitini g Aril 18. It e1obratles nj of the people of Ter el ing the tieae of ts e vened. bread is eat in St tWO days err strictly ar observed with tie it, and on- d ye tire suspension of EDSitt BS W ah community. S a- eld in each family e- rayers are Offered f Sandwich west, While aonville's farmun- ooden box. On break - en an old felt hat I was h w s wrapped a quantity e oins appea ed to e 1 n n of them bear ay leade the finder to think bogus. The amount fon d 00 ant was composed Idf ✓ rid old English coins. b d y decayed and appoar- ia the ground for years. alBo covered wit.a railde . b r ea about two feet in he foot of a tree which tibe o n was digging up. ai ago Mr. Thomas Don- a e a, noticed a, scar OM & clb. He paid littl t- ir at the time 1 c n- it had been rumai g in received a kick Item As time wait on rho pear to heal', szia rhe a1 losing in flesh, he k to a veterinary surg on t for some time with lit le onovan brenght he to be treated by J. making an exam n concluded that so'.e bedded in the bre st d accord ingIT made an nit was that he ex- ee quarters }of an inch ash pole newly a, te,ot • 11 0 51 lay Jamas Melamara, a. er, arrived at hie d. It was in the y •arat then maly Bo f age, had an alter young fellow, whch hard words, Mc le. a heat of passi n, anion with, big ja k - ti h m almost hasten h attempted to "l 'fficers with the ea als sentenced 4t o twe ita4entiary for he cei ears' incarceration &lent. The elides, ives, together with Id ar 51. 110 0 ly. ty e. 1$ ID 04 or s *Mess, no donlet combn ont his reprieve after so rionment. *Etter of a itiumber of e-hraking and robbery in rinthe last kikv weeks, red last week. IHe is an rcntly out, find e lls iller. A large box as rmises, which on be ng as fOund to contain a in y ef articles as folio jeckets, two bla,ok d 'with gray fur, two bl • two silk wine -colo lee silk dress, one oli e - reels one silk velVet jacket, oat, two dress t, °ea black silk s, brooch and d recelets and O0 a 1 1 ilk ick ed coats, one dress, wo arrings in ne bro ch Id Se, ca - TS, o ee ld '11 - of il- ve- of ts. al- rson of the man's w fe, l -nearly all in Fed ral milton noes-suppo ed eiplunder. °hel Recorder says: A simg incident took place t pet Saturday I afteriaoan. eine was engaged selling 1 Mr. Wasman, blacksaieg for bids on it from that was gathered about d's Army, led by Captain drums beating and bn- ✓ lled on to the opposite kith, ad. drew up only a the auctioneer. Le a 5 -The Mi somewh t a on the mark Mr. W. B. some st ck scoith, a new wag a large le him, the Rothwel ners flyi side of t few rod moment the sale to hear Davis w and not sertion o or three and run For 5110 hotly, th on the o Irt • d h•1 he was mounted 111 a n er ow Lo w g, O nee fre the creesd, to a man, had left nd gathered round the cap ain had to say but hat Suhit mg d hi VI oing to be ont genera ed, u tea through the de. • forces, he called on two 9.8e slay to seize the - Wil= t ove lose to the invader. neinla ties the contest waiged Cep am of the Lord's A/limy estidIt , Ind the representative • MCT -JN :BROS., Publisher& $1.50 a Year, in Aetvance. - of the -world, the flesh and the — hammer on the other. To prevent profusion of bloodshed, the former after. a time retired quietly into barracks in the town hall and left the latter in po5. session of the field. We do not wish to convey the impression to our readers that the affair was an event of any seri- ous moment, so they must not record it in history as having any similarity to the battle of Eben-ezer when the army of the Lord was vanquished and driven off the field y the idolatrous Philis- tines, who wielded heavier and deadlier sledges at their opponnts. This was simply a casnal and less significant vie - tory, by a less important tribe of Philis- tines who wield a harmless auctioneer's hammer. Perth Items. St. Blares is getting up a cele- bration for Queens birthday. -The appointm-ent of an arbor day was voted down by the Mitchell COIM- Cil. • -Zinn & Rapp's tannery in Listowel was burned down lately, involving a loss of 5,000. .L. -The High School at Listowel has adopted the plan of quarterly written examin ation a. -Dr. Gunner, Congregationalist, I4istowel, has beguns, series of sermons on the " Revelations." -Mitchefi council at their het meets' ing passed the usual grant of $100 to the Mechanics Institute. -Rev. Geo. Crystal hae been inducted into the pastoral charge of kvonton and Carlingford. -Mr. Wm; Morsehead has sold his farm -of 116 a,Ures at Mac east end of St. Marys, to Me. Wm, Somers for the. sum of $8.000 cash. -Mr. ThoS. Sing, of Dublin, is going to raffle his library, comprising over 250 vommee,em the Queen's birthday. Tickets are Belling at 500. each. -Palmerston is to have a grist mill with a capacity of 150 barrels of ilour per day by paying a bonus of $2,000 and ten years exemption from taxation. -Mr. Dougherty, Warden of the County, made ii, motion:, for the rduc- tion of billiard licenses at the last meet- ing of the Mitchell town eouncil. -Mr. Henry Whitworth, sexton of the Methodist chtirch,hes been appoint- ed janitor of the St.Marys publie schoos at a salary of $270 a year. -Messrs. Edward Wilson and N. G. Croker, both old residents of Sitratford, died last week.Both had pelted four score years. • - -The spring show hell at 7'u1larton village was not ver e successful, there being a small attendance. Sorne seven or eight horses only being on the ground. --Mrs. :Mills, relict of the late David Mills. of Downie, died a few dOys ago, aged 75 years. Deceased Was over forty years a resident of the tOwnhip, -Mrs Doupe, widow of ihe ' late • Samuel Doupe, and sister of Messr. J. B. and Harris Roadhouse, died at her residenc-e in the -village of Kirkton, on Thursday, March 27th. Five .orphan children mourn her loss. ' ! --A large business is being done- just now in square timber on the Grand Trunk Railway, mirth and west of Stratford. During one -week recently, over 80 carloads were shipped from Ailsa Craig alone for ,Toronto and Hamilton. recent Tsale of horses end livery atock by Mesers. -,T. & R. Forbes, of Stratford, was largely attended accl a number of -animals changed ownership. A bid of 41,211was made for the splen- did blood stallion, "Oscar Wilde," owned by Mr. Blair, postmaster of Stratford, and. refused. . -Theboys who left Milverton a few weeks ago for Oregon, apparently took no stock •M Republican institnttens. They no sooner reaohed their destina- tion, Ogden oity, than they procured tickets and retuened home, wier, if not richer men. They were shocked by the gabbath desecration and other horrid onetoms of the Americans. Their trip cost thein about $150 each, but they can soon make up the loss in prosperous and peaceful Ontario. • -The St. Marys Argus sighs, for the good old days when mothers and teach- ers gave their children and pupile the names they received in baptism, it says: "The giving of pet nameshas almost become nauseous in the ears of Abarly every person. But few boys or vigils get their proper name now -a -days. This may be excusablein the family dtrale, but we think that the registers of °ir schools ought to contain' the real' niames of the pupils. If you want to -see I'w pet names read, peruse the pro - otion examination list of our Pnblio • ools in another column. You cannot 11 in some eases whether they are male or female." . -The Dublin correspondent of the Stratford Beacon says: 'Another proof of the beneficial influence of the N. P. is to be rowed in the excessive outflow of the young men of the country t� the United States. Within the short space of one month no fewer than forty of this class have left this neighborhood for California. As it takes at the very lowest calculation one hundrea dollars to emigrate to that distant statet is not too much to say that these 'men took withthern fonr thousand dollars, or in other words left thoee behind them so much the poorer. This is a good exemplification of the .way Sir Tilley's taxation policy is bnefitting the country.- -One day last week Mr i: Thomas Mason, of the base line, Halett, • who has been living on the Miller farra, was engaged. in moving his furniture to the farm of his father'which he works this year, when the team ran away, breaking the furniture eonsierably. A youth named Nel, *he Wa8 helping him, was thrown from the wagon, and had his arm broken. A glass cupboard, Mao largest article OD the load, was in no way injured, while stronger articlea were broken. Mr. Robt. Miller will • work this faria himself Cale year, • - ; - •'; • 0.•