HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-04-11, Page 8• i; 11 1. 8 Gi 01 ti 08 th er pa is ab tit lo re sc nu nO da we in a . att tha 1)0 wthinday last the afterebo : nd efen ng all wil be extended to them on the' 00- business and oivi g eneral satisfaction Well. Mr. No tie skill and , knowledge hebitatiori or indifference. It .0 a, offers fel: , tieing this.• If .this mil iia ServiceS Were held in,Oard s hall wh ch etsion of this -the sever t 11 — 1 - ' ,its a veteeiner shrgeon is rapidly gain - dB o a here:ye- -A.nother newin us ry. Wennaderstand ., . , e ; . - lic measure and. has . for its olf ect granted. t6 Ur. VanEgmond h °ill is ' it ill f ." • d 1' ni t The I a- 1 pa .e o accommo at n about efeht eats aera took p ace on Mon- that Miss MeNei is : bout to open out a mg for aim a, provincial reputatiop.- real benefit of the town. . Befoi e I erect a wor,,llen fabbory he .0 h' i 1. et ic o i ndred persoos, and on le. ch occasion . day a id was •ery largely tte ',tied b dressmaking esta li hment here. Miss East •Thiro a License Commissioners Le to these parts I often heard .ea- be at leastdouble the ea ad a let , h it vas paeltedefull and m4n who co id sympa hizing fnen • ds and neighbore. Mceil comes W th good recommenda- Y old their Best nteetthg under the new eN • ; • - • I SALES E R CASH OR P' h spoken. of as one of the nioet one he formerly had, and w il iv:: en- no, gai4 admittance werelf 'reed to e. Gout -cm M -Benne. r. - El -The ouncil •• et tions combined; it Toronto experi- ct on !Mond*, April 21st, in the • . • •rprising and " go-ahead " of lie ploynaent to at least double th n m ter 'tn 1ii hoMe: It is eaid the the h:ve ou th 2 a • 1 e -n in t.; al the na mbei•s p es- enee and will deubtl ss be well patron- gounea room in this 'villag.e. • ' - 3heru towns, and _its citizens mere of work -people with a geed pros • .c, of el ead ' 150 recruits. Werte et, e'.' y.. over nt. 1 petit n signed by eighty- i've ized.-The buildi g eason is now fast t:EI.OterIZed. asmen • of great pu • he a mach greater increase id either ti Ise, to (tare that Mr. lihomae oslin is Li irateP a ars pr yine t he Co nen n, to . approaching ahd am ngst the numerous Varna.r. SO far, Mr. Editor, as I :na an -d in add tion to this a eon id r Ine fin d to his bed with a sev re at - bh• b ' - ° tack of ild t e ri ge at the R nsford fro- other buildinge in contemplation we i CORREDTIOg. +-- .11i.. EDITOR. -SIR,+- I dile of ju,dging of the queetion be portion . of sit Se rn th eh. $8 sal qu he vi Ba $3 SO to 1 wh me roc of r 0,1111 at is bu d We co inf fin, fat all as 200 prt is not hut sive wiil WO The utt he of tlaa, Rh° COR car tha rao y pu -the • c8.trj fort tent nor cite spir cap fore COu if gra. ape - pas ben ben is g sati Ste. 8 ., ! 1 • • . , . 'HE , HURON .. EXP . SITOR. - • 1 . , . . . , APRIL 11 AMICI=MOMMAM ................, The syliftre twhiethg menc mthaeureir.171;..1, post I ilaaknidn, , aMurds.1.:mojoid -We sever Biwa bhyi s t: - weste tailor th-e la a t We w prosprit mor ta goddess perity Contait Singere certs Saturcay Susie roelod 1 which bass sing:r The e will be ; the 12th Tax was d.livo i on the i inst., i one of WoMe a Caned of an chiefly Tempo say thi too lo lecture Assooi lowing Geo. Evans , Annie Bone , Corres Carrte ; , The A ' 1 all 10v 1 setting I i reform. I 1 i It i EMOTE irenaove !The farfrn tished 'county. I A Iltiav i Ed. Bo ilin the istallion , !broken iLine b ;were In 'proved BASE •b ; een re !still too imembe ifor the :purehasle oom° o lff there will, , :prograrrime 1 . I PERSON. IWhO had / SWlk I.a4r this week We are as beeu ime with ; nder O. ELYBIR4TRA I .. ing events ttractidn ast week, r W. Randst alker ownshi he residenie f the Nide, umber Perform4d hesisted lit Prussela. acted asibri was suppo Itrother nery hands ilk, lade he bride • ashmerls the same the bride. Of a largo eostly preen purpose JA1Otit where 4 comforted We wish) prosperity , ' LOCAL nese dal are expe week, and Wm. W others le tenfhe . their 'n subject : • the i red in t ill be taken obertsoin, nd the' E. S. Sett, J as. Wil Ur. John passed a and. 18 • Nett has T oronto, um* iroaSe eafmt f'artenn este f tpbrecitnoleaaesoinng he *CO 109 n iind d sh . be i ed se th ter r- o3n.xon!.-A ev y th 0 '13 . Ott an t 0 g w: tie, lad. ro M I rr re on, L oc rs ab nd se ea st d n B. org we s pur ou be co he- a . r of Of s. 1lea anari 1 .-Mr. ted rner, t oung xt " Scot le egati on, very 11°W nova named C0iii .11.0ittehrdwpeisettel.asete-twfiteektd, r LI f oiut ay: a rot f he , hakespeare, f or hit .• g ft the evening. 101y with deeP, aininent oe i s red nine l ni. Tena Mr4 I and to the eltInions, n. onia or a over, es • n, s. Vice s 1 w a o at Of al408.1_d0Hritrb.111.11110111001 , tin allaavecrmfoe'vtileidlYinToMthLe het ction ba the 4 n tune .logs in the yard -this hilielt . ffoOrr taekbimng. operatiorts on his land j.00buerrt mMaielllipastatttr,g_enoivarl factm, alsod lefit tfon tdhat douniyayetase,seuenrtieerg- MvilelNageeil. Mr. Shafer intends to with the eare8 and • f 1•W• 11-1 siness or a 1 ..e av i enr ealialdk:othw , we hope be will enjoy p r t. omiiier Minnesota,ourw . . pied with /eta bride from Star Spangled Banner. happy couple long life and a ' th ord• of th. • in e wo s e inh- '1 May the fair . . _ smile on , them ; pros- page." • e • f • . • , • • 1, • ; . . CASH. how these oprbiwohcpbourreehatheeedebx learti;otairbtrye able speech Brareeetthh3eug,rrbeesfpozigetDheonawi(e)ri iSedott Act doreg: peeupricesaseef donoisnegxspoeinIdibtenlrieevoef ted a commendable only panaplalets b mem ersany .vou will ilinesresrt,ionfg Lodge. -Yours ' The Tbe Mitchell hibition Tuesday disagreeable was larger and the while competition keen. For are indebted der : • STALLIONS.-Ileatiy ed-lst, •4 ho•an ; 2ad, 3rd, "McLeod"James Three years Canada," 2-nol, ° Stranraer," 3rd, "Young Canadian Thos. Skinner.. eral Purpose W. Evans Chas. Mcenzie. low," Geo. John Campbell J. J. MoLeughlin. ' " British 2-nd, " Prince 3rd, "Pride wood. Three eral," John Geneial Purpose, lst, c' Pride n , oung 3rd, "'Farmer's r y Th ee ea Scotland "Young Roadster, " Mazeppa," RuLLa-Durham, let, "Lord " Huron Chief," hani, wader ; . 0 inson W it b Val.iRoffrich. let " British • • " Marquis Grada, over A- Eekmire. (n•ameleas) pamphlets were yPethneseiod, :011111:let talittldr' delivered by tin hin tilde Codunty of i atilhisoirpottilat tmhoeny er; ii iidx act. 4It that the le bad th' a Ing to • , 1 vstaa,rtne:e onto, 041 confer a favor upon the Varna truly, -A U1 STILL f c i RAISINS NICE. • AT 5 EVERYTHING . e IT 1-1.01RolsTM,... • .. Try Thorne's A FEW. M: -OF trapE- e CURRANTS . . ., AND,..and CT& PER POUN - • RE - . AP 0 . • , age these fax -sighted foster ordinary they deviseth things, that soattereth there is meet, Thousands in Seaforth establishment .T•h,eir recent deed a , least our law, ase nuineayni:o;layi,4toshp. th:r: • beltoerned.e " Let Glasgow 'I Let Seafort written, any one. opinion the town .,. tne space SEAFonrifs lyantioipatedad the ladies,whe of "what gear,"and," now that and summer ed in on teresting , ed at least ; , Thomas ' and favorablY. Miss Efiggins - and when . proval Or . lation to her surveillance perfluons,as,Mi nets always ready sale.. ment of very best branch may be of dress lovely enough , the money tightly tied most economical ner," and Their show and supplied usually found Mr E. • - man, made hi all the room in . as a pieture, varieties with wreaths y in e i• t* t d linery was .. selection l'og and , ios. - This manage•ment credit to Hoffman e ° t this is a ay for an 00M8 are -. :vory- day, hey have eats, bonnets, tag to the end continually • -acantplaces name -The styles °S h f th e o a gly poke :everal lbadiug ,ith. high Be to be: till °collides ailing colors ream and . . : . od for its thillinery, the vai;.ioua openibg muchrto o• ot ian far and or. their turing goods s Pella e- die/. ood•s - Toe VeitEemorne the bOaw VaiaE.gmond woollen 'text. the iliterest should hesitation awe, adoption greater endeavor and man the have cut trade The created the Mr. Brea 'Wilson, VanEnmond, of - in a, lois ooeasioned tbe co•untry way Sbaforth back, at leafit it is e coti ntry but trade things.- enou:t Manufactur concessions find liberal shall that Withholdeth and of as destrnotiOn public oalatnity, citizens mea Mr. i h as one at h a;n d IThey are to -mom a by the . and it ays. ' et filings,. and I be stand." and yet increat: a tendeth dollars ariannti the direct of the VanEgnio by and an do, .s -w ereby.the iss _till) ens! Thahyd prycrient flo rish,' II rish." ditar, at the ve Simply whoe has t, art.! Thao ' -. I • rivi ege, A s m ol!ndb • T " more . to refill fir it ehee4 ,, inpero: r• nd I rpt exprieoe,d : in king LE1{C 1„ , : r.: o . : I 6 lwas 0: I '111 I 1 . !rest I 'MAN. tneetion r5 lonte tai'ened 0 a t 'y o r r 1 s q t•- • e hi i . li a p .e ie prom- .a . en. . a en • ge r d voting M e ng o ee town e in at io o av y loCal :es e ac n •• nil lelehel. st pp ra n# f oe , gh n sena wd fe extra :mglit 1, libere , ere h:; than• ye:ay' y Of &mills. :Ms Uy prieto s:pdonb a T•sa ve nest- • on eagere ; forby head-, u(theri' v fi n:1 &well feand .post, f in under ed &bon- tivith, blistai n, everY house ' coax in ach{ dared thing ment. goods linery show lovely vvith ()hued isite-, n nabin- ; does cigars fha.ve oecial inery tion. y t • and, e pcir- - - from t the hose rim pre- gtry, wn and .ance r3 ienn- ails- tle- : Said leen. orth ffeie .. suild lais eve the 1 but • uae, 'to s e , ery tea- teen 1 his ab- elt 'ore . . ies ied_ -al om il Ire its ed. lete in and an er and °pent the iit th an el; Bet My :for & ' tiP .1 int Pas's'. Mr. tip'. re- an the 1 ilinp Were Most th cor mile the fall- the and of ai n. as are - on d.o_ re, A. on be of all ell of of of of of in- - . g , lie iit : ' so t , ci Of ' ; , , , • 1Van taxes . te Perty quite oar benefi the owner; pp town • uoim , also aOters • 1 tO itidiffe Worn:el ite this 1 1 ' 1°' Ito / 1GOder lEturon icon= 1 'big ITu,esel. liow I iclai3s 'second -Atkin'sin this- ratlier letor 1when idispos:d I -street J, io v 1 fi;11 lY looks Makit new Vhoir 'On , Ithe Army howevtr, VanEgo Triesd- Teoyer kept the oniov t G ,)ting1 ilitle , ito P ; • 13 hTzed foe beteg ; has fOr .111anito given '' • -The Still ' eat expen amo . the oa-n, nine froOoa that ma for idle, duo outs to cars as: spe • ptikro :. rate is aa the bee I Van of t ! floe ! rezid:r ' Sh i Eg- 'mbar !olai and .fatu gatioluIs the t Jars mettl+ Me. pres comet fits. Seaforth tory, oosts ages so fa i ! leono Isetticjd. she induEltry, and and whip, own hese erty be hi ein, ess that from dam enter erectPd, and a of th the iilOU0y his eel) (Arai o give he w ther ain Mond ak. 0 to r • mi greyed. t car We m pro b ' Loc1 e Id pole e, • a be tliey Me ry c st Week w ry Sealy,1 1 , Sat in ; a' so e • la o fre eget) od SS pl: Work yet n, i ovin perio twelve•settings•of f eta egg ' eto d • , arel n o iba y t al m:nt 'd h ed h di S a nid • 8 o a geo is t d orid o s ke e *In law the anEgmond nte she of -nd ills rned wilIlose oilers e releaves of facts holder d•uty rom te very loss with d groond, mortgage loan r. he It ter purposes, o e together this n ake mien, seems n, this a real at mast.vote iy ence y and aerty -laW. • n• eh Assizes -Seafortti t y ook • d -Messrs - eek. too ng o 'llop, eap 0 eat. fai4.--:-The splendid' acher.-The 1 ompany rday (treat •• (tidings. y who Ouse Ile d - ,.were uently al ridaa/ es o -Ir. rapidly ial fowls. n r ady and a h e eetings tinne • nig !tura_ for required . We believe that it e remem road and ork will 'Gang persens 113 factory, d in addible it trade.. t mill to •is a direct y otannet o'g something. :ra of Seaforth ' di o:lo a i• bay ilternveernyt ate As is law -suit ond and, nit we.will-not o say that d a deeision the by-law binds hi,rosel , -the costa for daniages • ain fro, n eo far: concerned of at least expenses drainage is coneerned iSo thanin will will be the law ,suit, have the Mr. VanEgm definitely If she refuses a valuabl have tO in compelled: the its surface we can in the or hie voting against safegttard has ben the t into between the the ma. s executed le pai0. VitnEg factory is true Mr. Van works a his prop will . reo with e xte that dist up fo ther to and w will be fo -• .oppo perm It at least it, tTio the, -as w further! wido qualificatio ten • to p wbill ndo ere spen be fueilished would would Every get beneftt lea m t:eritbs ' h W81281h0 well pen the the be of t . Mole as th o and que or th add deri reliev al drain: a pay aw cos to cl gre wat not tow • inte for t it, to tas-n. ems ot t buil. hinery curio,: be Over. end b _in o hat th: gmon or fire -a. to ei rty, but ive fro th : sion w ict t , v the e fore, t e larg:l thin lish tunit nent nist two-fi *ir the it ca 11 as tate ti s hay . ears of y the intetys that no .r1iThbe riaboloa •• i e hereeted,•1•Sides to - ho, were have to this, be to 1,eraon,who bundle to- the ie here So that tl s.vv:uldi.3:::t t grant omes re favor: k own their i g hetwee• n. The ain refer. (tarts have g inst the a ried, ti pay' e suit; fore 1 eady incurred, ti • g the matter fie will e thousand : mageslan t on in •roperty for all tion to tie e 'rem - d from a laims go gn nd's pr , per o :rant manta bout one s and daroagPs, s; up t t r par r III e how canfzel t siven e by e • ay a s cure t In he 'ag e town : i .g has laced ere- ,aymeet o e onet In ad. nds hi •• et ation own i he 1)ene •trete° end th: he ad on Mr. ncreas:d I give toe 11 1 near t a outl e bulk in f: the p no eed ---* f dm • cleft ie reme 1-18 of b .-law is • e defe b °ppm t un of n the 'an vet: $31 rat ip long a br o - t 1 i I • Mr. hi town ia reli iso ti th a or stoniu pe 'an he ct t d a oll •ie n t • 6, so e a ee nd to th ce ale Be fo bo on o it t an! 1 i y. Of vo op f o g o •• b 11 o te, ar i eo ti teo o ft' of no, a el. 8,, ry im rt lo n mil sh: de art. t• - . e: nd t hu lo • in t 1,e on e ii e ate{ k ie at to be b v f t1his an e ra th Ai both t i Ar k it' g 't to he' •go ogles Wool Own, thOut 0 I e vthehree that Ile 'has 1 • ature ; osuf- t to*n 171in- nem a 1011 l'ti- - will ar lias e e 'Ito eitee lac- f am- tylis ntly lo4n, ring !Otis- drain the ,' ptio- t re- nolo tate , o ten Or- tient Mr. -rein t • ten • ad t and . ter :nal or, ore- no ' the o- cif 1 , . ey he aes e1 he er by a Et. ed is- 'oh to lo t • • er o il 1- a ii ot i ii h s he nig riy is , heir eh to ion ts, he on IT. • 9,8 on an of et be ng sie .---. ry ra a of re- no :m e 0 las n. io y 9 u the on yer ,h.itt eat not . go in- in en 'cl to Mr. - *be in ve 01- re. the. , , Of to he Of to to et . . I - ,.. - 1 't 4 - .- ' 0 e d e it " r a herd 6 s oale etatto e fine; a 6 t tie antd 4 , greeii 1 t e f c ojf flOW iiig •, r f chnfin year la while ti a lt be hearin s Pars i preached by ute„ gee. the thi be- the In era fao lin ob be aft:11:.;;e0 pri studio co wh oh be On the ali• eid so Betivveen Ar4iy *it -r- the his Ufa reg eve ten fain pro wh, say, ber mis app( trio,. ing mese ;Mo ville Sea Viet cha Geo Grit thin said the ness in. the pito lie mer voic !twee spor Seaf T:z tte f th: la@ On ti cF.til'a, lk E3S 1 n'a, She ill 11 unio row sage eat um napl ?the flt a oight day.s s sot an ill oon nly. atis eces his hild he reas is Mo ogg ono!. I . e Id b eie fanl I ' Drin.,4-W e de OMt , Uok ay iOti eble ad -12 nd ver as efor °On lood yoUn as er r. nde et 'lel de th ou ero yore a - sernaHceea and ation.-Messrse well-knoWn town, inees r plows nefda whit, ory .-1--Th ut° °en; e -etre of e fro -re :the ose ad ario. lumbe ady walks. eloon the Salt famuly • n :Ch lar ing.---: 13 rem ly ate/ t degre that , one ioers inted -Th' 'lags oo bly • day Ilea or-th, ria,,S. d ge atellio West that ffeet of t mite,- iosyar. , sang 4htT3h, in hap ness. s rth, • date° Seat t h Of A. 58 's , e seen t e de.paitment ed -sate& ier oent oy sato means al eetin it stem n_as b m ..3 requi nd If otbry, : iV• ncreas: , en Pipulati ng 'at atifffac I i : E rt Snort f tie / et . . !He . , , whine yojung es Sire. 11, 1" .hotv If ndiGuolpti lees bnild ' a ath clang h, ! rernith, 1 sal 4400 healt vet a theug hed n t eXpe her, hinge Ivesel of. blood ine n1 dbat nd, ed t at d to a d less third f be h nd, . y afilic attended NAY LO thin bu ar in to ,. oo fro in b:en as t the C. 4:sociation, 1, we eo B 13 Inepector i • a ev besome : froo, W eiteley of tro o he ti I la 1 will o • Pun LI '1; Co: ; 62 , dep vti set: uo•n eva: in V ad-, th thi to is a the Mathodist when Rev. a powerful oiai, eteubdt doubt profit al plow are doing en season, t being -in exoe lest week thy is unly a sam Mess they ar spring stook new .comple our various steres atoteradoet.ive .idnisdole any where diaposed of, far and near have a large . ,.and closer ny other tow A considerable - for town im received, : nd such like the weather e Synod and sown should b alt of the ear F. Pashley, --int o Goderieh n ral Society kly preotiae i rs. James . ving to Reg on as shecart re. -It is ru 'of oorrectue r.: Robert _tuner, 4)1 the Ontari for Easagero for qho members of tend haviug a d supper in qampbell' ning.-Mr. Laird, a permanentresid nd occupies flare which he Mr. John Brigham will have Is travelhng in Toronto tine e Salvation largely demi hotels and ib r. Brookhon:e Clifton Chur n St. James' in thie town t. The old -ti at none of The usual ra be held on the 24th Ma .-i ohuroh Mr. and (maybe:). toot . withtempipeaers: by a ler aro ct anufaeta nuanall! a dema s of them turne le of th. doina i of our e, and ai cannot eady, :ht .a:as Buch im but oust to -Se selecti rioes th in this porti rovemen and del ill be re ill per the' Sal well stlocked ,12" neXt adoo!netant nds reheoving xt week. ontinne very M . 13ens no. wit disetine Died, be a we c of License , is soon same e.13ox's social da of !the hou recently .4-Mr. four various seasonee-It 11 my ha sing the !hard Oa Bowl h Choir oman 0 _on ' Su. of e favo ts power es and airview Park, . Mills e con- ()gent. ers large d for pply. out satis- this mer- Weer 1 si as ntro. ense mere forth n ft can art n s has ctive aired it.- ation !week. for The their nd n in- her f her with nnot urn- out- to be dis- ane. oing hall aye- nt of e on par- Olear seo- is had tuti- 0011S r, of om. tho- day ite's and ther amt ,the Mr. 48 ; how - o iss. It ' hat the n a rni in- to me teat. day II alf hat ntS oon- ,ovet a • -er. ool hist de- • eat as in her the , of Ilin the ODS e of to or tar, :di- ds - of ri- a in ibut bed, re- fit a the nd ier to is the r a; ire- :Bs,. er- to 11 er of Joint jooesbtnoAf s .hoprroouagth, ley, lug of or Carried. seconded following son, Leod, $1.20 75c.; Carried. be George es: Carried. seconded oil to Dixon's the of o'clock of •examinatioo March parents The running was ,the practical Burn/B.-Mr preseet but -mete -trade .disposed ' were Reid considerable goods. Leceueee,-Rev. lingtou don', 4. Bridges Au Chair aireission Let mupity good tectual 1 I i 13] itlowing Jos his l?fr. has Op° eve • pro r co cl• i - DRIEYS.1 • i Ritchie, year to Mr. • of $300. . working . fiue Johesou, retitle Griffin • intends , , i Doe'e B.all, of ttil!aeilirtitiea'94 ia business Ukt` tylil aentiii eomplletee Gbod$,• styleslrom Win . i ch examine 1...A per yrerber , R &, i. . , HORSE and of hersee Penrisylvaniat -' principally heavy - • Gem) 'chased aitheroughbr peid eleven pentads. DIED. Elliott, of Algoma, has been . unab.le sber of his heirs - DOTS. ed,froni build, erected. giving music Who:is the station-1ft it so Hoyt long • roughs. most been:before case is the HOME Kl-P°1''- on hand, triniped reoeiyed. BRIEFS. ou the , the hands prietor Our Messrs. tend !real ,0: for bui tbe cos: the st • ley, sr Panora $18 ; Thorns Nichol& Spr 1b3yr. oJsodhfon b do, no h 5th day a. m. role ;u otn• in of to Mee/ , .0 Moo at, :Ps o D , adj tel, of 6 , th bridges, including ipl bons. anmdesrecfifibc;tatobnbsn,„ tatd tletnydeSraorafujeolhnLaAnnt • t e two bridgenclude opfl. niszodbsepeacciefieepatteidon.le , , . . . d by Samuel Snaillie, n:•ibdeMpitainds.onm,.thRaotbetrlito . . p:nses for Annie Mo- Sproat, for g 13.11, repairing scraper., i doe, charity, $1.- Man second- d y D. Ma , . : ,gte lit .ab,te ntoht ea 1 icolawiern.d .7...of fo damag es sustained ed by . Samuel Smillie, RI nson, that this Conn- urn, to meet again B ucefield, on Monday, foe , at the hour of 10 — GM -AT- . . , Teas ; they re go . . • tit. • ruron wxpost oro - , Mitch.ell Sh .. spring sboW of entire stock wi last. Notwithat weather the than at any pre - quality of the aniral in each the following.. pr -to Mr. Race of drang Glengarry," Broot -4t Matter," Alex. i and under-lst, Colqnhoun, Dow Brooks IS5 i Samba," Wm.: heavy draught -e Agriculturs -1st, 4' -Young 1 2nd, 4' Black Le i Roadster- Whiteley ; 2nd, " ; 3rd, " Sem Heavy de Commander," Jc Arthur," Gem of Canada," Sid years .and und Stewart. Agrici two years a, of Canada," Thof ;on:1E0n, it Fancy," t• r nd. la er- st s a -tt d 1 Yet," A. 4t3olquh Hadde,"' P. S. three years and A..W. Casey. over tv Elcho." George 1 Roy & Copp two years-lst, 1 * 2 d " C f , n , on 1 Durham, one Crown," John ( of Lansdowne," W, two years -°L, . Grade, one y Foljamb Awty. DISTRICT MATTE. ' p.., NEW GOODS. BEER WEAR. reliable clothier out the cley mow better tenth his numerous Atolcest stock aishings,-; Ottest designs, fever before: mil see those ind Worsteds. insiness,"andhavirkg noel experience. he people, deo.. W. CAMPBEI.L. ' Ituecaese-Pillman orth Carriage ler of Open and taint for style, tot be surpassed cent in Canada. etaleation., and r oa &oft time. et cheap, factory actured by ourselves, aost durable romptly attended. 'illman & Co., A Succesa.-The t E. Mc -Paul's !as an unprecedented Taa Last ale of Croelkery ,rownell's cdfl igs, on Sot . tell. Gooda uctioneer„ Teas thalt icon, and be does to arriie. TRE GRAND riday and Saturday- Lain the greatest onee. In this Let that wa 7eaanti very /lected, and we. ; itf gratifying oiforth and: ated- our efforts, Etree fine the ening day. dap'. irssols, Sunshades ABFBENTICEs ressmoker, Seaforth /es to- the Dres4making no 855, -1 Ate ERROIL-It• e choicest-trimmed v Opening, were tterna, and not untrue and ility oitheir at the mach the tables, Foe Seene-In hed Grocery Fr; will lie sold tiring from N. Lenres- IN m.ber of Ladies.froia t conveniently tat have visited ek, testifying the Millinery r..• A eel- Iva at O. O. WELL PLEASED. ended Manure in: pleased, item ta tee FOR SPRING AND -W, Campbell, the .1 of S.eaforth, ha- goods. stock in store than. ever prepared t customers wi of ats G.ents' Suiting and Hand Gaps and in such quantiiies were seen in this to • Robby Suitings in I superintend m had 30 years' 11 know the and ea* guarantee sa ) & Cue of th: Works.. have novz on hand Covered Buggiea and P • workmanship and ma.er by the. work of any es The y are warranted will be OA very cheap f The teps of the bugg made but have been and contain the b material. Bepairing of a ' the to. !Remember Seaforth. !Millinery Oen:ling Cash Dry 'Goods Store, 'las suCcess.. 853-1 Ohance.-Great CI and Glassware by ant stand, B&nk of Commerce clay afternoon d. evenin!, tyour own prranees. J. .P. 08411110t be eonelled: convineed, A Car Load M. A. CIIMILlisWoRIII. MILLINRRY OPENIE ea Kidd's Empori strecees in. the history department it is a well atways hive had, and • notch_ the largest stock, e• twilit on tilts lowest, living to nit to knovr that the pes.ple eurnatinding eountiy have by their compliment number of orders taken ddri We show a• monster at and Sailors. WANTED. -Miss S- wants. a number of a businers. Ap „ has:been report:el as 1 goods, t McFaul' imported French and anglish their own work. 'Tale rellecte great credit tine!, Milline4 when it can be admired:, and most Stylish • v.7erts trimmed in their own Seaorthean old -ttab.. and Crockery business. on easy Iterrna, as I am business. Apply to M. Mi THE COUNTRY. -A the country, who come to Sealorthon the o McFaurs Sho-w Boo as usual to their "high sta Department. 858-1 lead:of Atherican Willson's seed store, Setifor -The Majority Millinery Opening., were claiming- for -them the - for Millinery Trade. 853-1 . SUM- d and g sold o. 3, 0 far h the Fur- f the Call weeds own prac- s - • Isfac- 853 Sea- nnni- aetons, al, eon- ablish- o give r (Utah es are mann- at 'awl kinds 853 week arin„,o ion.,_at bate April Brine, 53-1 Try of Po-, 53 iast , h.as of the I i own - ve .efully profit, ppre- y re- g our dr . 863 . .eetla, pren- ,ly at that illia eport the roved ttieles rWork Stook about IIRI- -2 arge could ening this dine toted .h. who more 'mostawthorne . ,. 1 - 'is a the laree• in ank .mps able .e to ro- ica-n that -ngs t a fess elks aye in ting o•sed his us, d is we: a,n to -ay the for ,,, 6, .. 11 rest e it and .en- and tter co. ,- are - uak rth ver on '- tied g- •ith is - as of . at of of - • -tasteful 1,tof the f tuition, i branch • deseribing,they . and out i on G. his Tuesday in by-law no ratepayerit sympathy simply its benefits compensate now known; business forth, conetruoted us, the town. supplying trade, . lishments Works, of Mr. Mr. opmeot has the of this going has advancement •New, th ' extent; ternal manafactoties, Smoot, 31stivfae and sohooli eider cOmmettted aina of and very it is ho Rei in e of, bought has lately - ' stre will de 4/ 1 urn, on to be 1 the inte sho opport treat , ' ': i Durn.. E.,00 ' bed ratep We the thorough 1 . Tien. - The publio- in our school --on- la gely attended 4 the yers of the- section. t ink, is in splendid The good disoipline pon by several, and t aoher seems to be work. ' LT ene !came tied . i -Andrews, Ispeakers was elected Jo rer g, ie, too Wroxeter.. ., . .' .he Ball Family Jubilee Singers of their popular con- Methodist church last The programme of Negro hymns and Lousing choruses, in powerful voice Of the in with fine effect. gave satisfaction and on Saturday evening, . , temperance lecture M the Methodist onuleh of Wednesday the 2nd of Kincatdine, sent eat by the • --• •• peranceAssociation o AndreWs spoke upwards a hall, confining herself subject of Women's and it is safe to there found the 'lecture oninteresting. After the Women's:Temperance organized and the fol- as officers : ! Mrs. President, Mrs. Robert h ' n Knutson and ; Miss -Presidents' a Mrs. John • nni j • B• ; as east° rown, Secretary, and Miss Reeordinge Secretary. have the sympathy of temperance, as they are • -effect a • much „needed . Mi, are wh the s • -is Fria a.1 and the Kidd' we oom thennihnery suit In Messrs varie of a dr found. silks i.nd and" out stoe •, piles room with in McFaul, a fne different this establi oeiled of beam and fl - ewers., good' ef oolors manipulating department of her Bros. and season eappo•nted opening, open for and a very an millineryli are of • e pas• t is no lenge crown popular, a leadin are garnet. as thiltinery days increase r town businese. near time and of would a day establishraeot 1 d a. Alai he t stall ).ring app . ;Its bso r first old no*n t• her ay endation may a Higgins' the the Duncan es end goods They geed, f the ing " ef other is the am th d'sple,y -Ufa boqu.ets ' 1112 sholwing, a -ed Mis posi t they d e fur Di bonnets • seas sha,p and .an the and this the, now • would trouble. the kinds in . . EnY -T XiOnbl meme new st we has f ciachitg, , an d t bing q rea, lestabli •hed 1 ho ace-a:tom I this, words from stow be oonsid / . public . 'extensive & qualitie . . _ butone exhihite satans ' enough longest stowed uid wife'sIk•st goods large, liest.ofev llinerydep leash . hetes: tiMelli and draped lace and: Of - e ee if ; . test: iskill • 1 the . is .Stobie, ion. --The . MCLOng . et the'r e pub invite holae I eey thir.' e al *Os ishing de through vary et excel, b ' •seenO- s ii •arrow the 1.1iroad pitted new gre Seafortlr's hand the ,a depart seaso exce • ere° Ladint be if We oOme .. , visiting at d: IC:algid tone 'les ear, irly wa • e ao el/IUDs ing. se, ,w rod ats nd na ept Dune . whi4 a* t welil d of The was f e b't i i : in 4elic 1 nn • any ell i : nape ifttl . g in o#o Eta- ' t th: The " ats, , ire. '4h: •s, ¶0u0 p ;ell 1 n 9 in ahd * 11 whe sive t Sea at . eiok ed has gs whit:3o in gamut . . 6 lock. : lex: Robinson iit at ith. rheumatic 'fever, he -ill speedily recover, b en doing a capital fat zly-882. dozen were yielded • $142. All wi hin ten days. Mrs. in ‘reatied her stock by ty of newly imported t' iver tit Friday taken oents ligent their nity by A • ur.n. • J. V. Snaith, of Wel- Meth odist church, Lon- hi: popular lecture on tb: methodist church, evening, April 18th. t 8 -o'clock. Single ; two for 25- cents. oeople of this corn- appreciation of this o enjoying an intel- tar ing out en masse. Lien as. -Mr. on Mon Thompeon, tarni to Mr . W; Burke, ler removed to lodge Will ing in t e Lee - - t ratnme ly la y 111V 11 • ted . tuna. 1 • '. . uctliff commenced a of this week. -Mr. Ctlborne, has 'rented 0 f B 11 a s, o enno en- IS erly a resident here, Ne • York State. -An be eld on next Friday 3, urn temple. A good b : expected.. All are . • - D. t 0 a 1 Lo:s.-Some I heir! hi It hao h le piing- to : veiling. L. • tined Ib a e fete g ov te n alio is s going ... -The • g-tting s Zurich. . - r.as s wee Happelh tlai k farm from out. village. : is of brick, newly line ue of the base in the days ago Mr. met with a severe loss f his valuable trotting . got one of its front legs down the Brownson into a hole . Efforts cure the le. but the ge Y base .ball club has - • here, and' while it Is :ngage in the game the up algrand concert of • procuring funds to masks, &e, It is to 22nd of this month, and totibt, be at excellent a full house, • . to &seem. -j The average of pupils in eatih depart rth Public S hool fo arch was as follows :. Miss Aul erson's„, ans t '„ 50; MisKate o iss Ttilleran' , 61 • • nd Mrs Con ter s, 88 • • f • from this et tement rtments are ull, and is ver much over- h the prospe t of ev ance so •8001a • s the w in. • It ,was, herefore the ; -trust es eith: her teacher o adopt s -Of easing this depart., / of the Boar. on nue resolved to a opt the this depart +I ent, 'so e necessary rrangeM n oe half of the echclars ed to attend in the fore- other half in he after' • experiment # oes tint p it will the, beCom. employ motif er !Wee in the num er of eel very good i dication. n 'of the tow I is hot . • y rate, and i o this res ory. 1 , • , , of old mate, Renwick , He team looking Oro of span o of Jo ' to re B eh •1 owi si ha thi yo ett 44 4 ' 1.1 ore. - • rt time ago Mr. James k, sold& span of three ed by " Prince Royal," or he handsome sum leo disposed of his . • re eiving therefor, a d soare and 18O -Mr icinity,•hati also -a ng oya lils.-Mr. John • w has sold out and e t . Turnberry .meeineeeeeeteeteeee _ 1111cFAUI • • 'COLUMN. . E GOODS E. CASH GOODS . • E. . cASH DRY . GOODS • E . CASH DRY , • THE .MILLINERY DEPARTNI.E1 • E . • DRY • T .ins -THE STAPLE - DEPARTi : Is Complete at 4 • • • ' • , MCFAUL DRY .GOODS You Hensallosiis titer .ral pat in H still co !II:me of .thd sT te oc ce Iry both in that enables n for you cent. for the o y Store. M. BALT, , • SHI2ME H. Happell from. - 01 dranI g - Meneall.- V elle ol on nkal tint fir r ngli ity to sel ath dst.• titt 51 :hi 11:ns .go ts . tc friends; e e a e t t-cl hornittlifetrya 11, 1 ell es. or nd r a T. aped he d T In. -The Misses express their sincere arid customers for ersince they have been. d it is their wish that eir past favoic . We ss houses in_ Toronto large and . and Fancy French and American e bn cheap for cash Y ' eap. Please , call and We intend taking off the next three menthe. same blook RS A. Kelly's id eggs taken as cash._ ; , MessrsSBerry . . a fine car load 11 on Tuesday for load de n was ma P rivers with a few S. * -L1 for t r p eolfsoi of • foi : n ' : .---I-- •I4.c ;took ji bei . of flee ; The in nen iy he id leo 0 eernaid, tad e • eibride. Moly ;# elm •o a. wi'th adle, I : Iielbride pi Mber tie ing h at d v the h • : iiiin . f the d y unlimited all - kJ orris. .. ki IBS Catharine Farrel, the•ailf M siting past few fmWeeky s., r leaves - ' - ° ' * r home in Kineardine. to learn th•at Mrs. W.. he 3rd concession, who td to her room for some ttack of Pleurisy, has f th b tt nether of thoae interest- - have such a strange lace on Wednesday of g the marriage of Mr. akota, th Miss Isabella _ . . . th c no sion of th s o es . i , marriage to M S W lke& place at f th he presence, of a large .s. The ceremon-y,was Rev. D. C.: Clapplson, Rev. 0-. Lounde, both of 4. Morris, of Wingliam., while ;the -groom by Mr. It. Walker, The 1 bride was attired in cardinal and natural *neon. • was dressed in cardinal receded silk basque of lace fichu, &c., same as . was the recipient of very -neeful -and Mr. Rands and wife here for Southern Da- have many friends' and home • awaiting them. joy, endless that is geed. • BRIEFS. ness 0 , Ilk Star, f wh'eh t a the 'ant. 1/1 ifirst itt Mr. Campbell's Jas. returned i The hot forteomfor over aliandre left.- of his Mr. Gra- for property has been The but what had and taken were good.- ond • by-law next. Don't -for b. of not aide of the to.Goderieh. falling and or profitable. the atores in town the backward has been Charles gaining reputation On order from Plymouth filled. fowls and in MOB ' t of to attract htl 1 y arge We a e .r. - i i 'hi r , the r:port ap oe: hors:ft itchelll s . Wh i:ley's the a Ky/e home Bout. , r. M. ii ottage am, a r• 1,000 o at tot very late so w : Fores"s progrezs - Cli ton's rat e Monda in 1, The ell The ts, :s f ieet oonsid r. very god rail w h .0 o heav I a wil «eathexj don 4.i ## a Mon Po t egg Roc .. seveta from v 'every i 1 en ir ' t• the S. 1, in 1 ye • . inde• o el , rs in : Cored eow ' ed c ". Ma. and -- dm rn so he the n the orris-tn., on Go tired sh. . price lied on n is loo 'sown , b tinder thin ast, o e Salve ertain • oting pia, it. ble ti re y tra : pent o her .here o -day othee e • olOse on th zel, o ore t breeder y last ge la • esti) •Mr. rders ions part: • staneit sa i EtO t'af ation eh iater•st en e d d' -THE DRESS - DEPARTi ' Is Complete at McFAUL GOODS . . Dee PoSTOFFIGE.-The following ratnary of the business done aoi aforth, postoffice; during the niths ending March3lst : Deposits 3 Saving's Bank; $38,000; 3ques paid, $55,000 • orders isened, ,347 ; orders paid, $4;000, and st d, $1,183. This ill a very respec , n erten' business, and like •We would - et- from any other town in the Lee of the eize of Seaforth that )W 9, better. record. The fact n000 were deposited in the Sa EA scarcely indicates. so gre reity of money.as most people pr reel. But, it roust be the rich o deposit their money. • t- Hibbert SR •RrEfORNS.-M . Bettie ha: just arrived ° ith 'ano orn bull ca f frbm ii essrs. J. & V. Wat was taken o i at Du in he was sal to 1 be .animal ever seed th:re by the grand midi fa II B om,pton Hero" and o. e, ws. He ie brother that took second p ize et last fall, nd is, so li tle animal an. .shows p as well as on paper. e CAI.- F from. the sum montl4s • -We formerly died ill fOr, to wo Blueva will -Mr. Mr. tin and his -Mi lessons here. -1t going . hmeh inteta the Scott the•chur‘he . -.-Which work -410W t # from her: informtri? B ,-- Mr d of • 1 un Iof a k. q ea J. nev 'Pars in i tO . A i c) e Jt. ende e r. P. ull 100. 1d,, erstand a. ea D ou iv i all °cal n p e y . gi t ar (Air P 1J • ale. 4 M. Ye0 has pur- Arkell, of Culross, calf, for which he The aniimal is and weighs' 870 that Mr. Wm. orris, but recently few days ago. He ple of years; and ceased was a Mem- t of Foresters', and the usuai$1,000. mins has pure -has- a half lot to re- shop will soon. be ns, of England, is and instrumental t generally known: ir the sidewalk to . ung men who 11Se ing a day free- ill go here -How to be annoyed by constables do the !many oases have -How the liquor in acquittal -Who . • granting to factory carry, in to vote for ialatter will •than for the ta as has andproperty-h railways to the off a which. only this -by • within.- planing -Moen,- and these- fp.ad vet, great trade.iii and as heldeits has impossible • trade we can by judicienely and . Born:Nee- assist will We thien of strongly Mr. of secure show.. been north very.• formerly means deficiene inanufa - the and the the or at lay heft ft • , not to increafie an &Igen him take i tt Seaforththat and he for ' it, VenE • basin to wilabe cost, as fel which and large 'came we ' turi to. rt. cabin egg• eat - Woollen le.ast_ other m.eamu the _ the p been COm'irte. own, althe -been for us -to any it• ert amen opportueit he to o re, plan: word see ur not ond, s , he r (vire _. we4 b 1 e s e is g • T t or t e i d s th a ep oial • mar ielor-fase reci o -THE FANCY - DE PARTI Is Complete at . • M C F A U I GOODS L WARNIN n, who ou ently bee. tarading [bald and I eingm•g- parodies the Sedvat'on Lot only di , is offensive irect violation ;. understand ,stable, bap trroation against 1 transgressing are. It would iaterestedito. hese who sive, as. they fishment. aone through- with any it ie, nevertheless, 1 to all who hope- this the sufficient . _ .-severa boys and y rung ht to know better, # indulging in the prattice the streets at night, an. offensive manner, s•ho of the hymns Army meetings. 1 graceful and blasphe a to many citizens, ag of the town by -I: that Mr. Lusbyfithe been inetraoted to lao any wheal he in this manner i be well, therefor; take warning in t 'may be apprehended deserve, Mae sev We have no doubt b thoughtlessness, intention of giving offeoce, extremely 0 revere Faored things, teference- to the M to abate the nniea o 1 of 'ter of e be:n lnen d:ath a.d la. be is M 11 111 a y b is now a' lo ll ' e - b. T • u.ckereinit c deeply regrzt ii iss Agnes L of Mr. •James the second which took 0 iss Landsb sumption and for several entirely co all hopes for abaudone ted so soon. she took i nd it is supp was stran She was a y of 21 years oved-by all w a specially se s. _Laudsbor he more pal linger daught d by paralysi total' bli d her recYo verl dinght h : er as g and protra en men y ffi. • tl t she can nev • ey, oertan. il e an e t ti • d th to reitord ndsborotigh, La onceesio lace on rough was had bet% months, tined to her final her death A few Leiurs violent sed buret led by ' ice, prorhis- of age o knew ere tria ugh, an ful by r has bezeie for ov d and t' en i s hopel e een ren ted illn:ss, ' ecovered r regain , are bting ympath Ter. home intend Ler t4eeting, Wo c A. D w Nett Brussels. of for ld Act unty." y ei Bahl e creditable a - • -Roads bad and busi- and Mrs. John Le,ekle from 'Manitoba :this remaining here.---1Mr. Grey, and a number of Manitoba this week:, Men's Liberal Club, at will 4isonss the it • be advisable. to submitted and car- The affirmative Messrs. W. H. Kerr, D. bed :and Jas. Buyers, by Messrs. -A. Hyslop. and J. 'Shaw.- was a student with V. S., last season, has examtnation, 'fun fledged Y. 8. Mr• Student fron north of 7 • lottriee, who itemises AND 1 . Is Complete at ' M C F A' U L . . GOODS ; ;haVe 21.6AI Englis 'nimbi. at lowes -B men ' d, of 'is doin itew ' len Bran : --11a...• Tcotb for ribes. 'eines: an ta ght on . Is, t e • a • of re es Miller, taller, and Canadian Tweeds a is er svear, made and Latest fashions just E53 here generallyis le Sippen s t ' ore, in and energetic pro- increasing trade. the shears, the doing a rushing , _ , WORD IN kit SIR :--It mance of the- iaid "Whatever maukind . ,, 1 every good am in like COTDS the interests is me." I the proposed id Woollen. . • SEASON.--1MR. EDIT° was considered. a noble ancient Ronian widen concerns the wel ' . • e • concerns 1:11.0.. I t 1 citizen of Seah -manner .say, " What of Seaforth I , am somewhat surpr . loan to the Van Mille should meet • e action Invite. 11%K - circulated, The pant. e .for circ. nt charm. rnirablean and, ;Rev. Mr. Alliance 'mg 01 the alton. The ed two hiill. hit, and ia. e into'. d commit. eee are the dge or ite. ) with. By r.1 Editor,. the /nem. Templer& MBER. OW. for the- ea. s held eti analog the iattendanco ons show, Is /superior, class au me list we the Reece - it, import- s 4 Coign. 0144 u hortu ; filquhoun. 44 Pride of & Porter; elquhotm; olquhoun, Glendale,' 1 and Gana erfeetion," d Radde," 1st, 1481%1' Magician," 1 cioua," nght--lst, hu Gray; go Nixon; ey Green. er---' Gen.. teral ana d under- . Skinner; lor Feltz; . Graham.. , " Young nit ; 2n4, Carpenter. under - 7o yearn - (la; 2nd, .Thisirt-- 6 General,» cietationr yeiar old --- ole 2nd, • Pridham. rd ear old- , ENT S 240RE. ENT TORE ENT • 1s TORE. ANTLE '8 TORO, HUM L, MAN • s%V•VI\ITV.1 )aat.s 1 Ou.r stook for :8-134 comPr! iriglieb, Am znakes. In all the popn Crowns, Crowns and S7itts Tie To great 'varlet bees, These g land.e.amer than stook to choose fr ANADL •iEvery eeason Ment ill the fillif 8,111 goads, and out 1tter than hive' 'bought lax are very durabli; than imported go SPE We are show w Hats at t Dize: tu nt gslt at .Bos' Hats will, sell them ver 1 Boys) Hats fo Boys' Hats for Afen's Good L Yawl 3 02.6 •PECTV BOOTS Font Thenearti: at prices to suit t; eoro #atea for Stylish Nobby TA ocery ••••../ DUNCAN CHEAP STOOK 0 et . from. tLeir own infere bring tlieir Battu 0 NTREA NOTICE T? LL PARTIES , of Scafartia, a• Kidd by eallit,2: it 3+,3 aialotint on or 1,Aefor-: heav2.- 1,0.2,133( nt. 1111: r4orley. MRS. 3011N- • MON EY TRAIGHT lkats at able balf yearly, 41 DriVilege to bOrrewer 0 131,4)-_ money at any tim, onEn, narrieterf seen