HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-04-11, Page 7AKERS ourtty of Huron - ,ret mind, as the, approaches, that y to know where Ace to the best rtant question la Ying lines; &di - :Jan ada. A, ss ea ail to eee ; n their lite, ough ettperfitte.. 'tincaii trade, gains there I've day went requite content, reel and Spice, Me Rice, Corn Starch tal and some one can find Leh. oae's mind, tem of ra•rtar, athe head look aps and. Chime ashes, Pickles - Ce. tou can plainly can's store snits ey take in trade, for whieh they Groceries 'goo& best class every AHD A ADA &Vora. ONSPIRACY fEARaFROM Than Ever - tri have bought - ?,es of Joseph a, and will be Watt than ever bund with mee- ce, and trusts - rel entitomera nage with the efEcret will be - at the lowest a our famous, ragrarit,andl It Wholesale -I butter and ken es cash.. ri wish to el, - all my old rt their liberal in business deeire that r in gill oen- at the norr et post office, sieoet to giva money. Yettrg ELL APRIL 11, 1884. teseamomommossiennemememim The Metherdiat IVfinister'S Wooing. About fortY YeRms ago there Methodist peeachereveho had re persuasions to "Marry ntitil reached a tol Shortly after en nits,a maiden I was strongly reco his friends tirged again that he ter get married, repreeentieg t lady named would probably no to accept him, notwithstanding pitted eccentricities. 'Do you Vier was the response, for h. perceptibly lisped: " then thee her.' Ile was a man cf His ring at the door bell was by the serving mad, "Ith within ?" bretklyr• tit calmly a minister. "Yes sir, will you 'No, I thank youi. Be kind e thay to Mini-. It—that I ehpeak to her for a momen F.—appeared, 9,4a repeated nation to walk iu. "No thank -thoon explain in bithiness. un you for m otion ?" Wh ably advanc ering oue o:: dy, also of rip mended to h lived a isted all e had d is ir- yea s, • na, and Lad het - et he refuse his re- think very o and word. were& h P k d the a k ?" ugh 'to w'th to ." Miss h vi - u ; 111 the Methoclitht preacer. I'm rried. My friendth I'd better thin arry. -They recommeu wife. Have you any obj eally, here -don't ." " thwer now Win Oa tl4th day week .ryour reply." On that day week h re -ap- peared at the door cif Miss P resi- dence. Is was answered by tu lady • herself. 'Walk in Mr 8 , • "Cannot, ma'am. Have not time. Start on my circuit round in iaaif au bour Ith your ant wer ready, a'am ?" "Oh do walk in, r. 8 indeed, Pela'aro. P eath anthwe me-- yeth or no." " We 1, Mr. 8 ,tis a very serious matter. .1 shot I, not like to get out of the way of Prove :not)." "I perfectly anderstartd you Mith We wit: be married thith day week. I will call at thith bour. Pleath be ready,ma,larn." He c ed on- , that day week at that hour8p was ready ; they were I married, and lived happily together.- hristian Lea er. 'Tommy Learns About - T ds. "01, papa, see w1at a - great ugly toad! Do get a stick and kill h be- fore he gets away" said little T nmy Gray, aa he was waiking in the rden along with his father. "Why do you wisib him killed? ' said his father. "t Oh becamte. h is such an ugly thing and I am afra d he will e up everything in the garden. Yon new we killed several bugs and worms laere last evening. I am sure this to is much worse than they." " We killed the b gs and worm be. cause they were des foyi4g our fi ere and vegetables. Th e poor toad ver deatroys a plant of net kind abou the place; besides, he a one of our est friends. These inse te that are mg so much harm in 0. r gardens ar •net what he uses for hilt food. 1 ha no doubt that he kills More of them ery day than we did. Iast !evening. If you can find a live bug, place it near him and see what he will do." Tommy looked abut, and soon 1. nd three bugs which h placed near the toad, and then stood ack a short dis- tance to see the resuJ1. Soon the ega begat to move awaL The toad aw them, and made a q iok motion of his head. He darted ctt his tongue nd instantly drew the ,! one by one, nto his tootith. Tommy lapped his ha de with delight. "How can such a lliurasy looking el- • low use his head and ongue so Moab y ?" said Tommy ; and lee ran off to ind more food for him. The next evening 'maray went a ein into the garden and 'soon found he ebjeet of Lis search qady for his p- - per. At first the toa 1! was ettv, but be •soinolearned to sit a ill while Tom y placed his food nett him. Then he would dart oat his to gue and eat he huge while Tommy w e close by. Fi d• ing that the boy did ot hurt him, be soon lost all fear, and became a gr at pet. Tommy named him humpy, 4nd sets he would not have him killed nlow for anythieg. She Raised Thena All. A past city official`, says the Bos on Traveler. was enterta ing a number. of m - embers of the city g,z, ernment at is resideuce. The due was Saturd y. Sapper had been parte -en of and at its conclusion "a little gentle of draw" «as proposed, and before many minutes be eatire party were deeply engaged in •he mysterious and fluct ating fortun s of "poker" as laid down re Gen. Schen 's enlea for the governm et of that al 'r- ing but fickle game. The time iW rapidly and merrily, ti ti. biindgodo ss now favoring one and ow another. t length it was noticed t at the hand of the dock passed the h ur of midni ht and the players were ticroaohing n rt the first hour of th Sabbath.. n t What cared they for that! There ere large sums of money oa the table, d the .. pot" was one of ' tormidable i4o- portions. "I'll Tate° yon 85," exCla 'I'll see - t it ted another itt raise the w cie the cry et a 1. 0: 1. ti • .e one a the players. and raise you ten," eho tis emoit€:toent. '‘ dyou oat of this," wa Corner, as a fenaale was seen envelo in her nig t clothes, and with a. ho sis Whip in her hand. There was an mediate break made for the door, some even fatted exit by the wind weandonieg the "pot " and whate aremey there was on the table ; and is said that some of those city officials running from that little game up to present time. The lady of the ho e admonished her liege lord, not o gently, it is to be presumed, on ileseeration of the Sabbath, quie y swept up the money and betook her If once more to bed. There is good rea n to telieve that the 'money was fina disposed of in charity. a -A sailor who blew out the gas the Little Yaek Hotel, at Toronto, recovered conscionsnees.' His name Emerson Barnett. --While trifling with circular s 4eKennedtas planing mill, in Toron oh Thursday, a boy named Mich ,Shay had his foot split Up to the an toirit,and narrowly escapedmore seri injaries. ---A policeman's bible class has be -(orirted in Toronto,. and will meet ev Pareclay aftereoon in one -of . the roo ol Shaftesbury Ilall. In as is „ baud of twenty aruled men, un. leadership of General Agnero, 1 t Key West Tueeday night last week in schooner for a filibustering raid ,°,413Ea Their departure was seen uue Spanish consul, who unavailin 1 aPPesled to two United States war v s- e 0 eels to stop them. 4 1*114nue cu t r was, however, bent in pure i . - n interesting desision on them e i of marriage with a deceased ife's si t r on the rights of property, w delivee on Thursday last Week at Osgoode Hal , Toro to, by Chancellor Boy1. Brief! , the d, Cision Was that after i ()death the Wife the husband is eritIled to life irlterest in the property tertain by c urtesy, and further, to entitle , hushlnd to tenancy by courtesyl a lega marri a ge only is necessary. It need no be °lionized: EPRS'8 COCOA.-- GRATEFUL AND uOM ! ,,, • IPORTretna.-" By a thorough if owledge o the nt4 tural laws which, gove the operr atiousi, of digestion said nutit on, 03 by a careful applioation of tile e ne pro perties of welbeelected Coco4, "r. Epp5 has provided ctur brea•kfastrt b es wi b a delicately flavored beeer which may save us many !doctors' b 11 . It is by the judicious use of such a tioleseil diet that a conetitution may b .gradh ally built up Until strong. ugh t resist every tendency to dise e. ' Hun- dreds of subtle maladies ,a floati, g around ns ready to attack hereier there is a weak .point. We m es,cape many a fatal shaft by keeping' • rselv ,s well fortified with pure, bh.. and a properly nourished frame."- 1 il Se vice Gitzette.-Matle simply i h built- ing water or milk. Sold only ackets and Tins 4.11). and -IN, b roe& labelled-" JAMES Epps & CO, : om pathic Chemists, London, En ' 831-02 • Dyspepsia,. Messrs. Churchill & Co., -Th tain of Health has completely of dyspepsia, which has tronb nearly two years. CLA 798.52.2w 17 Stafford street ett The Weather Prop Looks for spring this month. man looks for a blood purifier not injure his system ; he can he wants iu Dr. Console's Sto ters, the greatest of all blood In large bottles Ut 50 cents. 8 see. Is Your Child Restlesta feverish, peevish, and ailing, if so the probability i worms. Dr. Shilling's Germ Creane will cure it. Ask your for it, and don ot take an 837.52 Rev. R. Large Say Being,for yeas afflicted with site, and 'findinglmy health gre proved by only a little of the Bitters, 1 am pleased to recon to those In like manner afflicte R. LARGE, Minister, of the M. E. Church, Ontario. -821.26. Wide Awake Drug Mr. 3. S. Roberts is- alwa to his business, and spares n :to secure the best of every in his 'line. Ile has Seim agency for the celebrated Di New Discovery for Consntnption lei:4 certain cure known for Cat tion, Coughs, Cold s, Hoarseness, A Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any a Of the Throat and Luugs. Sol positive guarantee. Trial bottl Regular size $1, .783.52. Pop ed 'tite nee for tont wis ft wil d,wha. Is Bit knee's 126. erall i� ha Viror reggil Other ye pep ly im- Owfoo end it &ford, '"*"•-•407 Thousands ay So.! 1 i Mr. T. W. Atkins, 'Girard, rites: "I never hesitate to tee • frour Electric Bitters to my Cu hey give entire esetsfactien apid sellers." Elet trio Bitter Purest and best medicine ket Will positively cure Kidney a.n Complaints. Purify .the blood an ate the I ewels. No family can he without them. They will atter dreds of dollars in doctor's bilks year. Sold at fifty cents g b6 J. S. Roberts. 783.52 • • 11 alive netts tide 1 the tng's The srp- t ma, ectiou On a free. ausas, mendr ,"rrse, a re: the ,and peter Oen- d to un - every tie by 1 . no. , g0110Way'S Pins. Pure Blood. -When the blood i ainre, its circulation calm and egriabl i and the nerves well strung, we are Well:. hese Pills possess a rnarvellou.ower ib securing these essentials Of ihea th by urifying, regulating andstreugl eirmg 1 ,, the fluids and solids. Holloway sTkallisi an be coefulently recommended tenons snffering from disordered i :es- t on, or worried by nervous fanM, or euralgie pains. They correct t.idity cl heart -burn,' dispel de& heeda he, quicken the action of the liver;' au.' I a.ct as alteratives and, gentle aperient he weak and delicate may take the th- out-i fear. Holloway's P.ills are e nt- ly serviceable to invalids oir Lie constitution, as they raise the tacti ti of every organ to its natural standard :and universally exercise a calming an fide- , tive influence. 837.52 .1111 • So- ' Pain Over the Eyes. Dear Sirs, -For over twenty ye rs -I h ve suffered\greatly from nasal cat rrh; 8 neetimes being unable to smell° tote p operly. " The disease caneeda Vere p in over the eyes, an.d frequently top - pd my writing on' accountld dizi ess. T e phlegm in my throat gave Me Oh a noyttece, especially in company ells of -which would occasionally fall 1. own in o my throat, and I could s I orn b eathe through my nose. I have t ken q arts of various med' eines withe t any a parent benefit, un '11 was in ed, b your agent of 69 Muter street, t try y ar Fountain of He lth. After u ing fi e bottles I am prepared to give i as M honest opinion that for the curof ea arrh it is & grand .success. ! aye re0 e of whom en los s his testimoi - • ornmended it to many of My fr e ds, w th mine. . I r181j0g you des rv d success, I am gratefully yours, OSEPH Bno B ok-keeper, 25 Sl oriionrne stree i 798.52.2w . ' To o n to. Every •ne Speaks 1. • Highly of I)r. Carson' asila Stomach, 'ever a e. The best fa•m eviir used," say they a this spring s a blood Stomach t ere d Kidney di- ly medici e we . • Try a ljo te urifier: 88 26, Was Recorau ended., Lindsky's -Wharf Aug. 22, 1 essrs. dhurchill. ••• Co,. Ge have been afflicted -with salt rhea th past three years, and have tr ated by tletne of the best doot E4atern Ontario without an -1 benefit. I was recommended by J. Lindsay, of Kars, to try your It in of Hei%Ith. 1,0 the peens tain an iniaz salve, I be c red. MY gen era proved, ;and I n m , Tours trti I RORER Engineer Str. 79 .52.2w.; HE teitisin fl e bottles - two bottl eel ',Our leve I an erim ly health is ao m eh w feel 11 ean w OD real a d ine. -11JRNIOTT Hy.% Perth.0. Dysp psia Alid Dr. Carson's Stach iliitt liveii the same stoo. 4ch, one o hapgot to o, and it 's 't thee : BittersThe peo 13's owtt fa ily me icine in a ge bo ti cents.:836.26. Rit roaffl sid leu 798 bee tveo y swar r half hav mu oral p 798. 40 et • 5 44 An Eac.Cell A Dalmeny P. ere. Churchill been 'troubled e years, and n Oxen medicine f failed to effect nly one box o which 1 pure e, of Osgood() mend it as d with the sanle onr Fountain • f nio to build up t Yours t .2wr To: lc ust 29 1 T'p 18 o, Thar ith. Piles ing that om five cure. our Clim sed from tation, safe our diseese. esalatth ye the uly, HIE MeD ai-ned Seve kars, . Churchill & C t onbled with C t ars. Your Fo comniended t his place. Af ottles allsy d'sappee„red, an mproved that u,nds in flesh. I am. r 2.2w. • 11 $5,000 R For a y testimonial ,MCGre or's Speedy C IndiOe ti�n, Costivene thatlar: not genuine • are -i; persons in tl; andsl c4 miles away, b t and araned Hamilto give rite1 bottles free o you 4attnot be deceive wort less article, but befoije buying. Trial rnouiIaIH given free Wils n's,Drug Store, Sp 4 • ' ad Medical t De 1 Sirs, -I have it from Costiveness, Sic Loss of Appetite for 10 oit 't itheim tome, oh av,orita' • at 50 83 ode. fo th inee octor hay Ey W. Ft d cant to al con excel AradLD Poun s. ept. 1t, 883. Gents, I have rh foir t e pest ain of ealth' e by Mr Lind. using on and a ems of Catarrh y healti is so ave gain:d beta truly M. L TI ard, recomm for Dys Headao one of tates or rorn per Ontario cost, so y melee ow its naing ephia, e etc. hch hone - one in We that ing a va ue ttles and te ti- t Luxus en & forth. -795.52. awa. and ad ri lmo vith ho rged ides o OM s tired, BO that Ji all seemed dar edical attendanc t all the-advertis t effect. A num ad used your Fo nie to give it a, which made me 11. 98.5.2w, 574 ,King ea* 415P. ucklen's Arni best salve in the •orld s, soine, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chapped hands, ele 1bl and all skin ernpti cures o flee, or no 'aranteed to give p money refunde ox. For sale b Th bruis ores, n Y titan, r .per 783.5 endsaac een a, su eadache any year as a r b o me. I • erer er rden have nd have tried remedie ✓ otneigt ain of 11 ial, thre el like a . BALL, - reet, Tor Sal e• ,but bets, Bath, bI w II O. Or II 8, e er iiijs, ns, a. d osi- ay -1- qu red. rfect ati fab - rice 'ens . S. rt . he Sickly Yo g Gi nd t e delicate your) wom r. A stin's Phosphati cloth: t nance is pale, th lood Biaggi, -erruptions o he f pear, together with all t othe of eith:r temporary or onstit debili, .1 No remedy «il BO restor colorto the chee , stren the m ticks, energy to limb back t e appetite and ua e ales, WOMB,";Plagsphatine, blob i rnedici e, but a food. Fo sale druggi ts. 788.52 • In jthe History of No pre venial it affor affects Buren' these d wonde fnl. For Sale by J 770.52.789 aration has rectaiv ommendation fobr t s, and the penal% in kidney diseases, Kidney Cure. 'stressing oompla n WO. G. W. Minga arkcl le, Toronto, writes "11. ad s eeral very severe attacks ramp in the, stomach. Hearing r. ustin'sPhospha,ati e d lease. tness toZtake, I g ve he ottles, and she has not ha an att thee, a d her health is mu'h impro FOr sath by all druggists. 770.52.78 orn d Wart Eradicat r, • ma I have used Dr. Shraperct ff's Rues "•••••:— recommend it as doing aL t profits One boiltle is worth four o any ot eorn cure. My corns ;re rnissi Signed ).F. C. Burrougle , Stratfo Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, Druggi eafort 831x2 Wethere edic n d sue e allerja • c r as Dif tis aolIio s is Si S. Robe • riting, from Winnipeg, ay melts about Phosphat hen ;saw you last in efelth it much improved, free frbIa headaches or an ij.ajving sed- only two and f our' hosphatine. F r ggist • 770.52.789. • • tYRON I Merit p tient& tielOn dollar is faith ot reoominendation worthiest. Not so with.M you areeFt asked to pure ere prove . Call at Lin stere an get a free bottle, will I our yon of the wo f-dver Co plaint, eta. no ng, it ire te you nnthing. ettles. es testimonials fr own. • 81,52. Fltlid Twig There re buti few that osteint erable pain from Cr like nte pains. To fella as Ind Lightuing is time of rouble. No die eine to be taken for day fink I ig !ming cures. Sol .'s 85 ,52. If troub1 nee will fl ODIDPt ont of Speed store. eGr di tel :ord 0 551 X SITOR. oven. requertly s ent on the for &Mel s . entirely Grogor's-S edy Cure; a SO it Intl its mertte aden & W lames drier nd. if not honylned !it et forme of Dyspepsia, atter hew ong stand - Sold in 5 c. and ttl. Ln persons in your °Wm tning. rave never suf0erccl al- locithache, Nearaigia, hein such .an instant n mated(' 41es0IiteeJn sting, offensive meth- . One application of 1 at teems & Wil - What t Do 1 With any nnheal 'hy, nye instate for la sling olea bee & Parkes' arbolie: Ce remoldeg your tr v dose of uble. If tl ,2t.ake With it a fe e from Limed & Wits ling sorer; te. Yon sing and e blood is cGregor's n's (lion 11f1O ?Mk TO GLASG POOL, CABIN WAR HOR LI 4E. fif. MAIL STE SIIIIPS Pier 20 North 'Iver,]New 021, Every Saturda , for GOW VIA LON OND RR . RATES OF PA SAG W, DERRY, BE FAS OR LIVElt IN, $60 to SO SE OND 01140. STE BAGE, UT - $9S. PRE AID, $2 . 1 at lowest ates are nd, Scotland and o k of To re, ette, $ as, 7 IOWLING . ICKSO , Post 832 Auchor L ne Drafts issued paid free of charge in Engl Ireland. ' For passa e, Cabin Plans, : apply to H 'NDEDSON BBs GREEN, NE Yons, or to Office, $oaf o th. BEA 'lihis varie lard a few y J)UiiIio fbr th Nitstror g tee tis grain -the head .qe the yield is and thcegrai Sonie, weighi plici, f. io. bus el ;!75c Ni IIIPROV rent d barle bus lel, ;5c - What free, bus el ; !half toes per .bus 10c nd See , impoi TE EW GOL EN DLESS ALY. y of Borley was I ported fr m Eng - ars ago, and it i now ffer4l to the first time ; it is a two-roo d kind, tiff straw and la ge compac heads; ripens the RWDR drop away, leaving te beardless. I- favorable (mesons ften as high, as 0 bushels pr acre, is very bright a d bxtreind hand - g 56 pieunds pe measured nshel ; ;cars here, $2 per buehei ; 6125 half (tripe,*; also a quantity of BENNIS'S .D Sa-LowED BA LEY, the b et six- .. in cultivation price 41 25 Per elf bushel, peck re. Goose Spring om oats and fo 1 seeds, $1 40 per bushel, 7nc. ite Elepba t Pota- el $1, half bush .1 60e; line bags otton bags 20c. mber Bug r Cane ed from Eanses 40e per ound. 11 Wm!, ORDER. 847 R. MeGREG R, Hen LA LEGAL. P. S. CARRO14.1 ow & Proudfoor's Office, Go erich, Conveyancer'&c. Money t loan. in Meyer's Block, Main Street, 794 E of Ge olicitot Office rth.. ' tee Seal Tel' 0•11AYe, Solicitor, &e. Private mo ey to I •La'• lend at owest rates of interest.' 0 ice -a I Corner o t SO re and West Street, Goderic 1. 774 I ! I GARROW •PROUDFOOT, Barris ters, °lid- , tors, &et. Goderich,Ontarro.-J T. arrow I Wm .ProndlO t. 686 10AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Bar eters, `•-•1 Solicitot in Chancery, &b., Goderio ,Ort. 31. 0, Cantor° ,Q.C.,Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 506 W.°'M • Lew, So for taking affi Solicitor tor t Pr iva tefonel s YER, Barrieter icitor in Chance avits in the Prov • e Bank ef Ha °loan attli to 6 and Attorrley at y. Commiseioner nee of Manitoba. ilton, Win ham. percent. 638 ANNING- SCOTT, Barristere, Soli itors, 1r Conveya cers, 4c. Solici re, for the Bank Sohnsten, isdale & Gale. Money to loan. Bloc, Beaver :lock. Clinton, Ontario. 4.. H. ANNIE°, .T.An ScOTT.,781 . • EVER & MUNSON, Ba eters, &c., . Block, ingham. Solicit rs for the Bank f Hamilton. Commissionera f r taking effida- its to Manito • a,. ,Private fund to loan at 6 per ent. LueknO office every We nesday. H. W. • MAI -ER. E. . DICKINSON. 738 k LOFT S E. D , ATE, with°. meron , Holt it Ca Barreeter, Solicitor, Co oney to loan, Bensore's PId lock, Seaforth 8 M cCAUGHE RY Pn c. disc • pposite Farnis a s: "I at now than o onto. 1 y and •ther a ch half b tt e ale blv :11 Now th re is a reliable re edy fo4 k'd- rle tro ble, half the ter o s att cb 4 to. hese omplaints have e rem v Po this let all be thankfu , and to 1ai B ren's Kidney i re afwa 1 pr ise for havin thus np el hitherto fatal d sease fro pata. It was nev known Scjid. by J. S. Rober s 770.52.7 A Banker's Test • ony gor a 0ough, Cold or ay a ection, " Pectoria," in jihst th4 thing. I have us f mily for Coughs and • pat fon years vvitlithe mess, and to•day iny opi that I c ntinue to think eti that whifoh I began to thi ' GEO. Ma agar, Ontario Ba k, Jirice 25 e ts at all drugg s Bronchi opinion, d it in old e for t t unveri ion of it more well of. Piekerin s. 837.26 1.4 1 is is 44 1. F. .110 ESSOlt "Io m, sted, and N tare, Comm roe. Office i Seott's lic, Conveyancer in Carmichael's nit EXPOSITOR 0 d houses for sal NCE, eron, Goderich, veyancer, 4e. ffiee, Cardnoar 786 A. M. Commissi per, Ei0eR, IDd ee. Mon y to 36 OLIN qS1*D• to late firm of McCaugh arrister, Soliciter, Coneey °Heiler for the Cauadian Ba •trey to lend.- Ttarrns for Block, Main steel, Seaforth. 9 86 neer k of , -ale. BU SIN Thehetha Ihnecl rail nese. h them) I9 Hip en. and onk anks o f1 1110/). 0111* S r - Goo y Lla 8, C Will b Wadi cry' tton ns, C re bo giv : eme graded to keep. the n ex Call a vioce yo are seti same pr • SS OHANC • ed begs -to anno washed the .ge rried on by Mr. determined to general stores • ek Groceries, Boots & •S ce to the lib- eral stere usie IlenryeSc fere place it in the the Court y of Crock wet?, &c. Yy .found ell assorted and complete, ith lines • Spring Goods rriving se ly ay.1 W show excellent v,alues in ew ds, Shr brags, Dress Go ds, Prints, ()t- ete, ijs -eeds, Dne.ks, Denims, &c., w rich eht foe •ash at a discount, of vrhie we ourcu °niers thf advantage. ber, w do not quote lot+ prices for low 000e. n rely.for a catchpanny, but miean • firstect se stock and selliit as chetret as • d exit ne our stock and prices arid eon- . rself b ore purchadjng elsewhere, as we fied yt Caollot get us good gee& at the -ces. Butte and Eg e taken in exchange, for which the frig est price • -tell be paid. No Tr uble to how Goods. Five per cent. iscoont allowed n all cash Or 013.ses e •ceeding $1 after March is EISMI LER i CANA Paid to R rot, Ie tih Ca St Ho 63 F. THE IAN ANK OF C AD IJPF1OE, TO tlaP re dent, 501, %Ina. ONTO. .000,0410 - 1 900,000. TITrn.. ell -taster. .EAF4 RTH BRAe CH. he S a:forth anch of this Ba k coutinnee tc eive epoSits; n vehieh interes s ailowed on most favorcbl terms. rafts n all th principal town and sitter ada, sn Great Britain, and o toe ed tes,-b tight a • d sold. flee- First • °Or South of t e Commertdat el. A. H. IRELdN ,Manage. OL ESTED Solicitor. weissansi i Grand irritink Railway; fouTrowalne:s e Ve Selfott'h and Clinton stationS as GorIxOporeaWatits. t - SitAgroaen. centres . ..e: 0 E. M. 2:30 P.Mi. GOING h tEf ePer ea: Aff a a ... , . 78: :5608 1:1 . 98 ::1455 PI:. A.M. 444 0.41 q — SEAFORTN. 0Lnex0N.1 Expecte; . .... . . 6:4 A. M. 6:27 A.M. Lon ----r---,}Xur*------on and Bruce. It Express ra me. .1: 0 P. M. 1255 P. M. Mixed T a n. .•. 4:4 P. M. 4:00 P. Mi, GOING NOR n Express. Math A.M. London, d ps t.. '.1 • • • . • . • • • 7 47 Exeter.. , .... Hensall..4 AmonnonalmOmmanalr 9.0 856 ea.. .... 918 Bruezaem. . . • .... 9 17 Clinton. . • . • 9 26 BLolyntdhe.s.b.0.,.t.1 ........ 1.(/ 0478 Belgrave...1 . . . • 1106 3161 Winghann rave 10 45 Mail. A.M. 7 85 7 49 Clinton .. .... .. . :8 11 r Brucefield.. . . ... . . 8 59 GOING BOUT --1-• Villbghana, dopert Relgrave... ... Blyth . . Londeeboro. Enapen Hartsell. Exeter London, err lee... Wellingt GOING Noalimi- 9(8 • • . 1 • • 918 928 lIOflfl P. MI 4 & 8 .5 50 6 56 6 66 6 80 6 60 6 tit 7 16 7 27 Express P. M., 2 67. 3 09 8 23' 8 82 4 05 4 21 4 80 4 86 4 50 5 50 rey and Bruce. Ace. Exp P.M. P. Ethel. . t ., 2 28 9 4 289 95 .Wingbalt: . .... . ... 23 5025 lg 32, ne.l. A.M. A.M Wingba Exp. Ace. 6 48 11 2 . .. 5 58 11 6 Ethel , 25 12 1 6 13 12 0 GoING ST. A!,4 (ES' HOTEL, ONTO. SHARP 841 BRIGHAM, (Forverl Sl+p's Hoed, Seaforth,) FiOPR1ETORS: THIS Ilotel which i ituated directly opposite -a- Union Stltion, hAs rectatly' been re -fitted and re-furnisl ed tnrotnehout and is now one of the best and most comfortablahotels in the city. retT• Eve, y ro4;sib1e attention paid to guests and charges very mode -ate. 841 ,R, L. SHARP, ) 0. BRIGHAM, j Proprietors. MEDICAL. aAr G. S. MACDONA D,P.I.D., C. M., Physician a ' • Surgeon Aecon heur, &e. Office and rest donee, that lately oc pied by Dr. Entehieon, Auburn. • 781 — J G. SCOTT, M. D. o,Phyeician,Stirgeora and u • Acconchenr, Seelforth,Ont. Office and rest deuce soneh side ot Go erich'Streetorecond door east of Preebyteeiao 0unti. 842 19VM.HANOVER, M D., C. M.. Graduate of T 7 McGi11Uiiverajtfy, Physicien, Surgeon and Acconchetir, Sea orth, nt. Office andResidence, North side God rich treet, first Brick Hone east of the Methodist hurch. . 496 R. VI, M.D., C. M., P, and Surgeons and Residence Vercoe. 848 . BR CE einber 011 the College of Physicians tel 4c., Safoith, Ontario. Office pp% sayae as formerly occupied by Dr. CU SUFIC PW.—The undersigned WilTheep '-' let 1, coincesaion 2, L. R. S., Tnokeremith, a Theron hbre Suffolk Boar. This animal wail receuely punish sed from the '701 -known breeeers, A. Franks & 5 n, and le from imported stock on both Wein T rms,-$1, payable at the time of Beryl& weth h privilege of returning if necesierry. GEORGE P -WES. 783 LICTIONEERS. • Pon per tefoi sOVITCB A OE e Co promptly dregs 1Wa Melriltop. J BIN o ho Iffibe Lioeneed Auctioneer for the Herron. Sales attended in all nnty. . All orders lef t at theEx• will be promptlyattendedto. AT Y, Licensed Auetioneer for the nty o Huron. Sales of all deeeriptions 'tten ed to on reasonable teems. Ad - ton P.O. or Lot 14, Coucesseon 14 ' 77 JAMES •AO !BELL, Licensed Auctioneer, t 10 Co ceesion 14, McKillop. Sales conduct- ed on the no.t easonable terms, and satisfaction guarantee 1. A 1 orders addrcesrd to Walton P. 0. will c I iv • prompt attention. JAMES CAM BE L .494. f. imeasmon 55 • DRS. E LEO B U HOWARD ELIOT, Licentiate of tl e ItOyal Cellege of P1 yticians and Surgeoes Edin- burgh; Lieen i lei in Miele ifery, Edit b Ireh. 3f3e6 (I) T& GUNN, FIEL D. WILLIAM GUNN, Licentiate of the Boyal College of P1i3 sicians az d Sorpeons, Edin- inn ; late of the Hos- pital for Women, Lon- don, Ergland. EVE, EA AND THROAT, DEL C dRhE S. RYERSON, .L. R. O. P., L. • . S. Leoturer on the Eye Ear aud Throe, Tr nit e• Medical College, Toren. to, and Surge° t he Mercer Eye and Ear In. firmary. Late lini al 0RRi8tftnt Royal London Ophthalmio 1-toep7t 1, Tfoori1c1ds, runt Central Throat and E al opial. 317 CNUR STREET, TORONTO. 0 CAR VVRIGHT & SON. NTI TS, will, /left Seaforth I ever Wednesday and Thurs- e9, end Clinton on the second 'riday i • each month, at the rand nion Hetet. Teeth ex - treated withou1 pain. Charges- moderate axed terms cash. 730-25 1\1-3Li-V7 stb.irs as the la hours, 8 a. m. t D. VVAT rr.r..Srr FEARL. re- S., a.lso . 0 D'S., of 'Peron- ool of Dentistry. Office in ey' Block, up the same uggin's rooms. Office m. 84.2 Faculty Gold ed Gold Medalist, T Medi STR.#-Y- N DENTIST, list and College routo School of 110. Saving Nat ill Te th a Specialty. Teeth as y zind Carefully E rated. Ear Ma N. ]3. -Ai 1 ha the late Mr. Bug tions begun by hi Office over Soh Block, Main Stre e b nel in, I a satisf soh s 13 t, Seat oderate. t out the business of 11 complete all opera- etorily to each patient. rdware Store, Meyer's Ir. ia-BELL'S JOH Proprietor of thee lvve 11 has now got everything order, and Is preeated to FAMILY FL.E) R celled by any mill i tlhe GRISTING Do Flour exchanged o description prom rt Bran always on El market prices. e d, KIPPEN."U NEVIN own and popular mills, n first-class working urn Out an article of which cannot be ex- ountry. WHILE THE PARTY FOR IT,. heat. Chopping of every att nded to. Moor and an sold at the lowest b i• the popular mills. JO N M NEN1N, Kippen. THE No.'s 26, 28, 40. aJn1 0, Inanufactured 1 PROVED R P L OW n ow be cffered To THE At a I eduction of 25 las 3 PLOWS !AJE RigPAIRS Of any of the above N .'s an be obtained at the Ponndr3f, Gfoderich. ORDERM PKOLfIIITLY .FILLTED. Ap t 4. A. HUMBER, 849-t, f g Agent, Goderish. itt GO- ARMERS er cent from lists of r. CD > I-1 9 03 f^•• rri r (0 -1 .ow 3 c • 0) 1) D3 O Fr 5 izo > m o ., 26 Z 0 ,rn z c c 0 -T1 03 "r1 0 Z > 1> > c F rn xi (0 ZI M m g com z z 4. co m m 0 > 0 0 z, 0 EP — ,.11 0 0 • `er# 0 > -n 03- > C Z rn F o rna rcij Sixi CD -1 XI m > r c CEI C > "CI > m M 0 ZI ° 61 0 rn X °)13 rri'3 m g > Z = 0 71 M I 0 "; Z C1 'CULTURAL gMENTS AG. IMP 1 The Glenc factoring Co the farmOs o 'arrange! with O Motto TH o keep ceinst WHOUG nd all tfhi.e t l ern r, eadb i so o fa ford. All oree s Or addressed 13re1c5vei, e prol 4"1 cHOPPING. PERFECTION AT LAST. SUCCESS EXTRAORDINARY! EGMONDVILLE /ROLLER MI LLS. The only genuine Roller Mill in the Comity, which now has no superior, and few equals, on the coatinent of America for man nhtc turing Railer Flour. A CHEAT REVOLUTION IN MUM; The Bread Question of Vital linportanee. The Gradual Reduction System by Rollers now in full Operation. Boller Flour brings from $1.25 to $1.50 per barrel 9710re than the Lest Flour ade by the Old .Process. I Farm rs will in all cases get their own wh at ground, and by our new sys- ',tem gebj a stronger, -whiter, richer and better grade of flour by far than the public has hitherto been able to get. Remember, there fano humbug orex- periment ha our adopting the Gradual Reduction System. Oar new System is thoronga and reliable.. It has been thoroug ly tested, and proved a great success in Hungary, Germany, France, ilEnglan and the United State. We gave A 1 Flour previous to -our extensive change at a, heavypost, and we guargntee better Flour now. One trial wih be sufficient to prove our as- sertions correct. risting a Specialty.'"' etri Our facilities for this class of work l,1 are unsurpassed, and customers may de- • pend on getting their chopping done at tjonce. Be sure and try our famous new process -roller flour. Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed deliv- ered to ny part of Seaforth, Harpur- hey or E mondville free of charge. ra- On Saw Mills at Egmondville and Bee efield itt fall operation. 808 KYLE & MUS CARD. i • FARMERS, IT WILL. PAY YOU —TO CALL AT Tat,—i gkeultural Implement Mum- ps yl have, pleasure in infoxtming Hurn lad Perth that they have t RIAT,. Exeter, , HOGAN, Seaforth, , Mop:WALD, Mitchell, ritly len :hand all repairs for the l T RON HARVESTER Mai Im len-lents manufactured by 11 th atenhines fonmerly menu - °ii SON & WILL of .Strat- . !Amery left wide their agent, BaX. 3, 1IENALL,Wj11 atteatlen. BOWERMMT, Agent, IINSURNi E L 0 18 f AGEand Life n n N 14 to take4ek Also Agouti e eties. Also Agent f afrrd Village Pr APORTH ND LAND AGENCY. s 'fit 0 N inav al First-Cl/tee Stoca, Flit aIot1 Companies, and is peeper. on tilia moat 'favorable toms. , r seve•ral of tho beet Loan So - r the Sale and Purchase of Fern. pontet. N e int2liro 11$0,000 .. Aken t for the, OFFICE 0 SLireet, Sea ort Bhg to inforen dtlrip ensa WIlarge sto ll sell on teas be at Centralia anti Ha ewunsletilleeien-e hey a:e the B echville Lime thle best Linein of litnt-also; Farms for Sae. oan nt Slx learn cc/183 le of Ocean P. teamebrip Tickets • M. Morrison'e StoreeMeir 643 & GARLAND e n one that they wile keep, the comieg Leeson, at *clot, and Centralia, Pir t --Class Lime, which they nahle tern.s. Mr. Cornish will eey Monday and Thursday, and Tueeday and Friday. Mr. Gar- ttendaa• ee at Exeter every day. patties who sell Downing's. on this line of railway. This is Canada. 848-8 TvElaRiirr-rgiztm.. ••••=41, J. S. PORT I a.an detprmine Entirei Stock less of Cost. THOSE 14 WANT, tain pricee befee give a large diectount pecially to Wwi3 mer - I am still selling si $2.50. I also keel' b et and c eapest i p rfeePy no melees, Wareroorus iiio et?, 1 MInemothiewelvy 84 East Side, I • 'Cash for bides, s tIck or trat. Cash 25 R SEAFORTH. to Clear 1 Dui my Furniture regaird- it will pay them to &soar. purchasing elso-where. I to those pityieg oasii, og- led coriplea, highly finished chains for nowlton's Spring Bed, the the market; warranted opposite M R. Counter's re, Malo. Stkest, Seaford:1 is, fare and tallow. No fer everythitig. JOHN S. PORTER. .11URON.F.QUNORY, R THE RICH SCH001.,SEAF8RTH, And see our stock of I Which has been made espeeijally for tnis county. . I have greatly iMprovea my Gang Plow for this seasoifi, and feel satisfied in saying that it is f4he best in the market. Our LAND ROLLERS Are large and heavy, running !right and doing good work. Our GRAIN CRUSHERS Are made from heed iron, an4 wil longer th.sn any other xnachiee made. Having special tools for aecutting Rollers, we can guarantee Eatsfaction. Special attention given to repairing Steam Engines, Saw- and Grist Mils, Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of machinery repaired on 'abort notiee and at reit-seeable rates. To contractors and others -Bridge Belts and Castings at loweet rates. Qnotations furnished on application, tar Also agent for the ineplements of L. D. Sawyer, Hamilton. A full line of -repairs eonstantly on hand. THOMAS HENDR:Y. WAI_THAM WATCHES The Leading Watch of America. Great ;WI ill Prices. Twenty Per Ce*t. Lower Timm Ever. A Full Lime to be -had at R. COUNTER'S JEWELRY EMPOR11114. • The Largeet and Chea -pest (teriality considered) stech of Jewelry, Wa ehes, Silver Plated Were and Cionk 14 the conn.RctpYa,king in all branches td Watches, Clocks and J.ewelry-all gearanteed to give satiefection. Fine Watches a speeialty. :Twenty-three year' peacti- cal experieace. Rings, Lockets, Chains) Brooches, See., Mitaufactured on the shorotoekstoEtfor notice. i tree of eilverwaee in the window ; it is the place, directly opposite J. S. Porter's cheap cash furniture store. M. R. COUNTER, The Leading Jeweller,. PIJ13LIC NOTICE tuniezsignee, having seen appointed Ageni -a- for the CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, Is desirous of ipEnring the lives of all the eitiaterte of Seaforth endsurrounding eonntey, 80 as to make satiefactorY provision foe:families and friondi in ease of death. This is undoubtedly the best Insurance Coropany doirg busineee in Canada at present.- A look at the Daily Globe or Mail of May 1st, 1883, 141 satisfy any reasonable /II= et this fact. Call at 01106 on JOHN .13. EA• AgentrrI,Es,eafoth. N. Berlioney to Loan on Farm or Tionil Property on the easieet terms of payment arid alt 804 low iaterest.