HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-04-11, Page 6• tet tt, 111 6 XPOSITOR APRIL 11, 1884 Tile journal of a Nervous Jan. I.—It was suddenly sawn -me this morning that I should be o ' to day I procured gargle of oa pepper, a piece of wifch went the way. I then felt as are as destine my end was near, signed my called my family together, who amazed to see me dripping with sweat. An old in wo au, who hap i to be the house, a vised me to a cup of cold water and walk about the room. I did so, and at night, when I expected to be out." I was quite recovered. Feb. I.—Awoke this morning troubled sleep; after breakfast f commonly calm ; thought this good, for as the calm precedes th pest, and a. supernatural invig often goes before death, 1 felt con I should not outlive the day. A agitation followed ; all my flesh s to heave, and every vein -throb felt as if my muscles had tightene thought every moment I should burst, and ordered the new carpet to be taken up, that it might not be covered with blood. But nothing happened, except that I broke three &saes, van& fell from my hands. March I.—At breakfast I noticed one of my nails was blue, and felt certain it was premonitory of cholera. Sent for the doctor, who, cruel man, btok: into boisterous laughter, told me to out on my thick boots, walk six mike, a o d left by wishing me good morning. I out on my boots, and I had read the day 0 :fore of a gentleman who dropped do o dead as he left, his door, and - felt cert in I should, do the Sane°. • I tried, ho ever, to go, but felt a, kind of crack . my breart, and I thought one of the vital musolee mast be broken, so I ret orned tcr the house, as my servant tole; me, "white aa paint." .This confirmeo suspieion, and I got all my m t books down, and coadn d 1 ha an/pizza pectoris, and t at there ought not to walk. ' I April 1.—Dreamed that I sho choked with a fishbene. ' It so ha ed that we had -fish for dinner ; not eat any. Thou ht_then it apply to one of my o ildren or to Mrs. N----; and, as one of my sons was seized with a, cough after dinne , felt convinced that 1 was right. Exa `tied his throat and saw what I conside ed a bone sticking in one Id the -tonsils; but all the family said they could see ti ()th- ing, and the cough Went off. At tea I stispeetecl the water was poisoned, cold - ed the maid, who wee me notice to quit; but as I vomited that night, thouht I was right. May I.—After tea this day I thought the room was full of silver bubble and supposed I was going -blind. Se t for - the doctor who ordered me to be and went out in a huff. June I.—Changed my - doetor. To- wards evening it was suddenly im rese- ed upon me that had brain fever. Had ray head shaved and leaches ap ied ; sent for my new doceor, who langla:d to see me bald, ,ordered me a warm wig immediately, with a cordial, and to bed. Felt my pulse all night for I coulo not aleepe examined ray tongue, thouldit it was blue, got my sou to examine it with a microscope ; and, as well as I co id, I did it at the glass, and thought it was covered with animalenne. I washe my mouth with cayenne pepper wate ex - emitted again and behold i my oo °nth was all blisters. an. d to oked enne rong that will, were cold coned drink sharp ehold " laid fter t nn ed no tem- ation 9ed olent eirted d; I and my diced the ore I id be. pen- ared must • Reasonings on Debility Under this title £1, great dea been writtea, and yet the substan the entire sabject "lies in a nuts or utter in four words—impurity bidod. This is the scree of debili weaknese, whatever eay be the p mate or immediate cause of the mi tune, and they are inurnerous. Holloway directed his attention to important and not Infrequent ata ailment, he found numerous the existing; but insteal of being led by vain disquisitions, he restricted Koff to the consideration of what Na requires for the maintenance of he and strength in the human system. he said, the. stomach must .reduce into a wholesome pulp, which, iia course, is converted by admixture the bile secreted by the liver in, milky sabstance, from which the n tions portion is taken up by the abs ents of the bowels and conveyed the its appropriate vessel (the thoracic d to the heart, through; which it passe the lungs and becorn.es blood, oircula through every part of the system, w wear and tear it repairs, renews an vigorates—if it be pure. If this be the ease, then the body wastes—e part of it shrinks for Want of nutri —the vital stamina fail—and ther general debility or weakness. It this emirate and sample view of subject which led to the compositio those Pills which tbe world has gl accepted from Holloway, and found t mall a perfect restorative of broken dilapidated constitutions—from w ever cause proceeding—whether the 'atilt of unbridled licentiousness vice, or the consequence of exhaus and poisonous mineral medicines. tanate for humanity Was the day w Thomas Holloway inengurated his mode of treatment. How many lo parents have since then blessed him the preparation of a medicine w arrested the grip of Death when it fixing its inexorable talons in the he: of their sons and daughters, which stored pristine health and strengt worn orgazis, and, as it were, gav new lease of life to bodies appare doomed irrevocably to lingering de anti piecemeal dissolution ! For, there be one class of diseases more t others in which Holloway's Pills la been most successfal, it is Gen, Debilitya-Every Mae his own Doc 837.52 Theory of Crop Rotation. It is now generally' admitted to at rotation of crops is rendered necess 3 ry, not as formerly supposed, because he soil becernes exhanstedeof some iaeses- sexy element, or becomes unwholesome for that particular plant, owing to poisonous excretions ]eft by the ro ts, but because insects tied diseases acc m - pally the plant which are specie' to it, the eggs or spores of Which are lef in the soil to attack the same crop ie he next following year 1,th hundred old increase of numbers and power. _P of. Bessy, of the Iowa A ricultural Coll r ge, Shows hoW this is the ease witli seut, t which grows up through all the inte 'or of a wheat plant, at finally deve ops its spores within the bran casing of the grain., filling it not with flour, but ith innumerable black, stoking seeds o the parasite, which when Bet free float .out 4 • has e of ell," the • Or oxi- for- hen this e of ries way i in- ure lth As ood due ith 0 tri• rb- ugh et) to ing rose in - not ery eat is as the of dly be nd at- re- nd ipg or - en ew ing for ich as rts re - to a tly ay if an ve ral or. a SO a nd dick fast to sound grains 4f 'Wheat,: nd else to particles of the sc1, here hey he ready to enter into th oi (ela- tion of the next year's growth f heat - plants, sinless killed y ' stee in: the polluted seed in blue totriol sol se and, drying Off witE lime. 'As to th p • luted soil, it id purified from the 'o nt min+ tion only by using - it for so s other crop on which the ' s ut-plan annt take hod. • Romantic • dventtiree o ey Body. Some seven een - years ago, stung man, a native f Paisley, the 80 of a most resipecta letradesmate w t n see; the vessel fo nciered, and, it one solitary lexceat °mall on board pe abed. The Sad intel atence was some b,Ought to Paisley; th family went in 1` al .urn- ing, and for se4rentoen 1ongyeas, they • had not, forgotten the sailor, the had ceased to think of him as oie about whose fate there coald be t 'least. shadow of a doubt. 1 A letter late y madeits app ranoo there, a dress d to the - yo •o en'e- father, ho several years ago ed to a aterin -plait on the w litoeatetr, to enjoy the oliun curt dignaaA of 0, green old age. As h had long; :, '.out of Paieley, the postoffioe folk 1i • Or - gotten him, and coul not fin !seray to•whorn the letter s otild be d i erect It was sent to Edinburgh, and, after being t ssed about , from one a ce tell another, Iwas opened at L4nd u and from thence re -directed to Paisy with instructi nathat every effort sh a d be - tents s n led!, to the discoverye nd made to diacovcr the •own1, er. e con it; now app ars that the young nii. n Isupl, posed to have been lost at sea , a the one man saved. ; A person at present in New Zea and, in the ooiirse of his peregrinations, eard that a white man yeas living far u the country. He deterrnined to searohhim out: On arriving at the native I vil age, the white man's hut was pointed out: He entered it, and found a comely. ookt ing dameele-a New Zealande ' I— ith two or thine fine healthy white br wn i children nestling about her. She was able to speak a little . broken E g ish, told the visitor the Christian nam of her husband, and said she expected • im home shortly, inviting the strange to await hIM return. By -and -bye the us - 88 I" eband arriVed, tattooed and dres New Zealander. ' The tWo -men, of .00ur$ewi likely to have recognized each even thotigh they had been pr acquainted.; but after oomparin it came out that they were both ee Iot Vito !no ot er, sly es, eiati es of Paisley, and had.been at soltOol to- gether some twenty-five years a n. The surprise and astonishrneni Iof he stranger may be well coticeived. s for the host, he xplained that lie ad a ny d a , e • been picked up ship by a' passin curious escapes himself in the interior of Now Zitala settlement. There of the country, a hie m he has had aefemi e has been liviag v Is quite comfortable id; likes the re de from the wreCli o vessel, and after in nd adventures„ 'fon far fromj any married a! native claaghter, by wh and with whom happily. He fe( his adopted la • 1 • I 131 Y91 ry; in of living extreme) , and has no des re to return to 1aisiey. He camtet t 11 how long he has been in New Zeala di; not having adopted Crusoe's'ex edi of notching the time. . After a. long telk about Paist mad Lang syne, the stranger ba adieu, and on his return to the settlement, wrote the letter ab 1 ferred to. 4 It II a riti m e - A Countryman in Lone on. Previously to 01 mmencing the urn y be made a puro of fishhooks. ith them be c efa ly, With penn or h a lined his trousers pockets freely uia t- ing them all hooks downward T e train arrived at London, and On con try friend sauntered outof the tio and gazed about the throng°. :tre and at the busy multitude. Pr: .ent his eye caught slit of a. crowd, liith he was at once deeded. Alms t in- stantly he discovered some one' ha, d in his pocket. Having every con den in the efficacy of bis plan, he wa in ways anxious about his ppm. Pfesent- ly he moved away, and of , couirae the s arper was obliged to follow, hough the man from the country never a reared to be cognizant of his pr sen ee. Seeing the state of things, a gentiem n ade up to our country friend, au d "1 say, my ma and in your poc In the 000les s • • 11 y i, this fellow ia et." manner ims :dna e c me the reply: "Well, let him. get it eawt." Knowing he was caught and o avi g al regard for his tortured finge s, t ould-be pickpocket implored f orgi e. n aft, and begged to be released m • is • Inful and uncomfortable , positioi• sing of a generous turn of mind, t re c untry excursionist agreed to lt toe f llow off for the inodest SUM 10f 6d. t e cost of the fishhooks and aen:w eket----and at once commepo d toe o eration of cutting away his' • ock t. The London sha per's .agony provid d fun for the gro p who; witnessed tjg capture, and on oiicegetting free sew s soon out of sight. The united o dni n o the countryman's friends is a t at e is not so green as be is cabbage to •Ikin ,ss an old'proverb iri which the ! oral n -pickpocket doubtless fully con urs Virigan Observer. • • , Consider Yourself Enla ed. Yon want a situation as o n net a de you?" said the president of th ro d. Yes, sir," the applicant rePlie a Have you the necessary 4u lifi tions for each a responsible posi ion " I am sure I have, sit." ;- • "Well, suppose your train hould no eet with a serious disaster hew ich a namber of passengers would be kill d aid a large amount of property`, d str y - ed., -what action would yon take i su h a ease7" 1 1 " I would telegraph the news • ap rs that the accident was of little rap r - of ' t nce, then send word to the are ide t the roe to sell the stock short " Ef'm," replied the president !I re a raid those are not the proper; .uaY 1. Eons for a good conductor; bot you a a a man of ability, I see. We "an a fi at class superintendent. Ye, on consider yourself engaged as suaerintoi- dent of the road at a salary of ten ho s- and dollara year." 0 p a- ?•• 1 —The belief is ,general in Onoinn that no farther violence is ror ba although, come fear is felt by th charged with the duty of preservi order. • Only a few soldiers rein duty; and the barricades airmen t court house have been removed. • • ti e, 80 •g on Is MEAL SrrATE FOR SALE. anea FARM FOR, SLE.—North haif of liot 80, and north half of north half of i lot c ed , and in excellent cond tion for meadow , ioeosion McKillop- moot of this land io o ipa tura. For further ?aAloulars apply to ND EW GOVENLOcK,Winthrop P. 0. 8/9 tf SE FOR SALE.—For salee that d sirible ro 'pay on John ;13tree te Seeforth, ne IA 400r t t. Th uptie b 1dr. Boole. There is good stone founds - I, Smas chardhi earoonage, and nooc- wl io , firstolasa cellar, aix bedrooms, parlor dining oo and a good kitchen. Also a large woodshed, tand soft Water, a new etable, and all other Wan Is complete. i For urthor par iou are y tu the proprietor, D. R08S, Seaforth. 880 I : OTIPAO-E FOR SAtE,—For sale cheap; hat eaeently situated and comfortable cot age n See orth, at present occupied by the ander- igne and fortnerly I owned by Mr. Jame C. alit' w. iTherel are seven rooms and a. I rge antr), tther with a largo woodshed ee lar led a god lawn and nice fuit garden; also hard nd,,eolft ater. *Apply on the premises to M S. AME . BEN eON. i 852 4 Sr ec 1 ----- AR OR SALE-eNorthel alf of lot 29, uon- (11 c se en .8, Morris, contain' g 100 Reit , 40 of hickarcleared and nearly f co from stumps. here oreon the Ipremises a g od log , home Putt reds, 11 bearing. The fat is conve iently i) 44 ,d, being only two and a half miles from tAr! rame ta 16, two never failing wells and an ex - ellen otcherd of almost t o hundred fruit ruses and thirteen from Se forth. For for - he pPrtiOulars apply to F. S. SCOTT, Brussels, r ti ItICkIARD LEES. Linds y. 81 M' J.N TUCKERSM6 FOR SALE.— ele 88 The It is in fi good fUrtl Seater& Ph O. ROB RT MoV IIIPORTANT NOTICES. F r elle, lot24, concession 3, H. R. S. Tuck- / containing 100 acres, :6 of which are the remainder is heed sod bush. There good briok house • and h. me ontbuLdings. e s a splendid orchard an plenty of water. coo yenient to school and o,Inch, It i with - e ilea of Seaforth and si of Clinton, with pave" roads leading to b th places. For eil paetiotilses apply thepromisee or to TY. 851 lUS 0Ab.—Mts. T. D. Pre dergast will receive it‘a Ilirni ted number of pu ide for instil: ctibn n pianb sed organ lessons, at her resident a, john treet, seeind door west of En rligh church.E49-t.f. , mica 1TO DEBTORS.— 1 parties indebtlid o lthe, undersigned eith r by Noe or Bonk oco nt are requested to pay t e same en or before pril IA. All remaining unp id after that da e will hened without- further notice. ROBE T r :,01:ILT9 N, Egmondville. 848 OST RATION SEED W 13 AT. ---The end r- eigned has for sale a few • tindred bushels of et Netion Sp lug Wheat. nitable for seed. t is of lirst-slaes quality. Ptoe $1.25 per ,bash 1, apply EIUMAS GoVE elL 1 CK, near Seaforth . 13 -Ms a Thoroughbred 1 urham kept. or sere ee 851x4 AY rp. --Tlie accounts • uo Dr. Vercoe r nta Ding uncollected havi g been left in my hands far collection, all partie interested are no- ified thet he same must be s It ed wiehou t de - 1 y, elseclexpenses will be ince. ed. Parties da- ring t seetle can do so eithe by calling et my sideno , Ha r purhey, or at o be rt Jamiesai 's Ore S af rth. J. P. BRINE 851 M TO RENT.—To rentfor a term of yearh, he old,Bell Homestead Ftirrn, near Kippen eontaening xi acres, all cleared and under eu tiya- t on. 1 This ifarm is conveniently aituatedi being close k theivillrige of Kippen, and is one , of the, test farms cop Tuakersmith. Terms reaeonable. Apply -0 tthe undersigned on the premis0a. ROBERT BELL. 851 , t AGENTS WANTED. --Wanted, active, ileliab e Agent i at Seaforth, Exeter Goderich, Br s Is, By/h, 1Gorrie and Wingha ' to cane a sf r tie sale of reapers, inowes, rake, twine binders, drills, seeders, plows, sulky p!�w , straw cutter , wagons,tru kshone powers, s peratorse por - ahle ancltraction steam engine., saw mill ml- chineeyAc , mannfactured by t e North Amer - can AgriPuleural Implement a d General Manu- facturir,g Company, London, t nt rie. App y to WM.-13. cLEAN, Henson, Os t., or to the e ort Amte ban ericaufaeturing Com a y, London. -14 • -,. TO CREDITORS. partiesh Vin •irne against Neil art, lateto th teynship 01 Usbonle, in the co y of Hiner , d ceased Wh eleparted this life • he 15th ,dly o March, 1884, are hetet.), notifie • send.in 4 stat neent Of ale ir acceitnts with 1 particulars of their elaiin and of the secnri (if any) he d b them, to mo, the Undersigned, •y post, pre •az 11 such are °unto (if just and o reet) preaente o sent to mo on or `before the 4 h day of A pril 1 84, I Will ay; but I will not p y or brepon s bre for, n at:mounts tient in a t that date. Al p rties'• d bted to the said Ne tewart ari) lore by notifi d to Fend in a statem n of the aMOULt o ing or du by them to me, on o before the said 1 la day ofWA. Aptil, 1884. JAM 8 STERTI i,, mlew P. . Dated 21st March, 1884. 851, N °TICE antel te n 11 11 WANTED, PLAXJKSMITH WANTED. •sy` ats a good blacksmith steady e pl yment. Apply to B nes Is DOG SXJNS WANTED.— o 1118.4 Dog Skate at Tannery ,Egmondyi tl e. Will p to $1 each for good skins. J. • T • I a y e undereign ight work an T. RIM rEa 852-2 ted, a ntimbe & H. Jackson' from 50. cante DAMS. :85211 . FOR AL UL FOR SALE.—For sale o ghbred Durham Ball, ea red Iy80tb, 1888; of roan ed in t eCanada Short Horn H on lot 1[3, lisencession 9, Tneker • mondv lf P. 0. SIMON HUN 0 - 0 11 E STOCK FOR eap, a Thor- uke of My,' or and regi ter - Book. I Apply ith, or to Eg- li. • •851x4 SERVO E flITLL FOB SERVICE. ---The undersigned will -a-f k ell for service during the present seaaou, on lot 31,lconcession 6, McKilltp, a Thoroughbred .t Durham sill, to which a limited umber of cows iwill be ta en. Terms. -Two a Ilarefor thb eea- tton, paya le 1st of Jenary 1885, ith the prise ege bf returning if necessary. J. S. BROWN. 852-2 14A.RD TI f ' 1 W TO SAVE iMonely being scarce, wants t know, where, they best val e for what they It ROBB,1 THE SEAFORTH Hee sol.ved the problem hand as nice and phoic Fresh Groceries, for th son, tis can be found i His Teis are choice an arid 'hi& Fruit's are fres. A 'trial lsolicited. ' 1 HO Any uantity of Good purcha d, and the hi pece paid. ork and Beef Ham S usages alwayson han• Store,io. 1 Starlet; Bloc w A c oe stock of • Glasswt fe of every descri ESI ONEYI ery person can gpt the ve to eipend, GR ICER, He h a stoI of (jlida hec Uri ty, •13- a - good el e, and he P. rk an est 4. B ef ar et Baco nd t the h ap Seaforbh. ockery I nd ion. HUGH aOB • alwae e N. KING'S :nand. sure c re for Dyripepsi a on SEAFEIRTH WOOLLE I BEG inform th se indeSt n cloturing or b ok acco • • to the en re destruction of my /hi to call on you for ao ur accunt/ as the •• • Iaecond appeal will not 'ertmnPteolfey4 oioam. 1: hope esea' eleeL • - ! . . I • . f MIL S. d to me for ts, that ow.g 1 by fire, I m rompt set le- ooks J111.10 be be necess ry. EGBIQN 0 S ! PLOWS • A Car Load of Genuine ILLED PLaWS & SU CH Stlf RECEIVED AT 0. C. ItiLS 0 I men Warero Agfricuitural ipimWhich will be sold at of prio dut es, thebsciber rted One Hu dred emiently, he i en pasted. Call and e. Every Plow gu took of Massey Re were, Toronto Co es, all of which wi always on ballad fo g a machine. ;stook, i p I tariff; on stook it3 ex ferior atic] Auil Toronttds; Sharp's Ra of all,ktnds before hued • O. C ;litre 1 -IAT Notwit standing the lic, howeyet superiorott$ to by 'the Wealthy prolpriet believe iner t in the end ix the eptite c untry. " G YCER • Will be recto SORE H for one ay custotees. per botte, f W. ,h,L IRob bell, W J. K • Sc nizedIae the OATS. If a •n our store a Its healing a r sale by w otwith tandiug the bejn deter ined to ke and Fifty f them a few bled to sal them at fod see those PIlows before ranteed to give eatisfact per and VLassey Mow d Binders 1 and Massey 11 bei sold oltleap and milt' r the above machines. 1 LSO TCO h Bend PLOWS, S eaforth, ore se of 10 per cent. tho e valuable Plows in ys efore the rise in the e pr'pes until the present a common or in- Qri acr sale. ronto Reapers and Down B. der, and ble terms. Repairs fail to see bay stook in Or on n't KIPPEN Farmer Plows, T. M On Band A Spring of 1 erg interee takes this customers, hand the la tion of irnpl Land Rolle Plows, Gen Bend Chill B. Bell's Dn ers, Call an Also on han be sold at a small profit WAGONS Made to Or Waggons wi rows Reptt. fetch along Farmers wa land side', plows, can irgs and fets, plows in th Kippen, is t in the plow STILL TO THE FRONT ireii.naeroo$ imp cinemas. Pafronize Horne Industry. ritroum, Cleuills. t.vator, and land Ro LLIS, 11,1PPENf al , god Alive to B siness for the who is always studying the Farm - lin regard to farm implements, ppori unity of notifyirg his m .ny n those in need,Ithat he nes on get, ithe hist, and the. cheapest selec- m nts in the County, aonsieting of mpg Plowts, Cu ral, Pierpose -Plows, d Plows, South l4vators, Stubble d Plows, Iron bectra Plow, also OvmFarm .See American Steel Plows, Far. See, Them before buying elsewhere. liegp sill Straw Cuters, which will beigatin All implements sold for for cash, or on short time. PARRIACES AND BUFCIES r,:and all repairieg of Buggtets and I receive attention. Plows and Har- ed, Farmers now is the time to °Or plows and harrowsfor repairing. tine new mould boards, plow beams, seiond-hand iron beam or No. 14 • t aupplied at my shop. Plow east g plow castines ler all the leading tede. Remember that T. Melia' • e lace to get your wants supplied ine. Also repairs on hand for the Noxon Te(os r Drills, Rigors 41. Igla,+41,laing and florae ShoOng In all its bsinches executed with metre -is, dura- bility-, and despatch. Small Profits is My Motto. Call and He. You will always find me alive -to the trad, and good humored, and ready to do business. 849-1.f. tt, T. IsIELLIS, Kippen. reat difficulty in introducing a cooant of the enormous &mrit Drs 4 the many articles already ust ivin, and, as already in t e tend y w d lis deo OD BALSA rd int ea t thi ngon, Wrox ter lton ; S. McKib tn, dd & Son, ubli ; tt, Brucviel • J. & Son, Z rid ; Cro art; diner, F rquhar D. We s9ndler, Dryidale ; • field Ge Kana; R. WHO ESAL emedy of the age fo atelier proof, let th the Voluntary teat g prop rties are tra ward eadb ;Valid Snell, Jame ry ; 4. Go rn Drumm°, onthron & Son, 11 Sim n,` Dogma() T. Les ie, Blake; J. IVrighg, Bee ippe ; R. Dry . liewson, B z7 Stewart & Co. ew remedy to the pub - of advertising -resorted in he iparket, yet we e p rts, so throughout OF FIR" OUHS, COLDS and try a bottle, or stand on y offered by grateful a vellous. Price, 500 James Camp- Winhrop ; lyth, Wm. Iv; ag.. Wil tqw enlo ensa ino0R . °Por- i E. Kirtsman, St4 a. OR RETAIL,. B • tiUMS & WILSON, iSeA.NUFIACTURERS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 184. SE Clover, Field and G G1190 ARE•Ie'a liar The SPRING. DS AT THE ,EAFoRTH imothy anFF den Seeds; P RIES, PR d everything ighest price 1884. TORE, lax See s fresh and pure A g od assortment of • tato Oni n Tops and Dutch. Sets. Also a fall stock OVISI NS CROCKERY AND GLASS- equired or domestic use. aid for Butter and Eggs. G. A04 Seaforth. HONEY! E very cents ; two a New Gol Spring Whea • Italian, ailed Hive: rry on the amps for pr i&a Mon • rohaser sati d a half pou en Beardless White Elep Cyprean an Extractors, usiness safel ce list: y to loan at 6 REM flea wit d pail, 4 110 ITE O PURE. quality and pritie. cents., Barley, Rennie's Improved Six -Ito ant Pottoes, Amber Sugar 0 ne LAiT S.TPP)ts Holy and Bees and Qtle s, Honey nives, Veils, Bee Guar and stoessfully at D. A. Jone and 6/ per cnt, •IEY I R. McGreor, ve pound pail, 90 ed Barley, Goose Seed from Kansas. . _ ngle and Doable Everything to prices. Enclose aensall. - I WHAT IS EO.PL PHOTO ith ANDREW t at the holiday the good people 168 require sere way of Portraits friends or relatie to the linportanc, extra arrange rn e holiday trade. tures, CALDER' hoto of tasty ish, easy and a propriate. bac P. P. P. P. a tria de ight and ego!, A • IT? pc WHY IT 'S PO RAPH PAR CALDER at the Pa PUBLIC °TICE!, IS THE ULP4R ORS, elm, and mem is fast a preaching, f Huron and P rth will do thing neat and jartistle in o Send as holiday gifts to ale s, and Mr. C. b ing fully a of this fact, ha made spe ts for the accom °dation of CALDERfor hrietmas ler New Year's Pictures. design, excellence of shade graceful position, coupled ground and excesporiee, give the and then go away' smiling With pieture. IOW nd bt- the ent Live ial the For nd ifh DREW CAL ER, Scott's B1 ck,Eleaforth. i S LENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. he undersign d offers for sale 1 -is Blacksmith - in andWagon• eking establisbn eat in the yil- la e of gmond ille, together witl the tools and g odewl 1 of thej business '- also considerable st ck of iron and lumber. There are two large sh ps, olne for bl cksmithing and the other for w od-w rking. IThero are thrl fires in the bl cksm th shop This is in the o ntre of one of the best anneal ral districts in Canada. The b ines has beenestallished thirttr years and a go m with some capital can1make money 1a41. 1 le hest r ISOM given for telling- App 848 • 844 ly on the p enemas address • • BERT KILT( N. Wkti IAL,tANTYNE, Seaforth, • A MEETING of idle Bo ioners for th Lice Huron will be held of Exeter, on the 1 oclock, a. m., fort granting Tavern suing year. Amen before the Board ta ingly. The total numbe current year le : nuenber of applicat year are: Tavern The following n been reeeived for e • McBride, for the pe Hotel, in the Town f for the p• anises kn in the Village of E tn of Tuek,eremith ; Rich ises known as the 1 0 Village of Byfie a T lees known as the gra ship of Stanley, and Cr Hotel, in the Hay. Dated at Seaforth th i. 1 id of License Commis - Se District of South t Whi 49sHotel in the village h da lof April, 1884, at 11 e -m nse of considering and d hie Licenses for the en- rs n h ing any matter to lay ret themselves accord- nses granted for the 45; Shops, 6. Total ived for the ensuing s, 6. applications have ng year, viz.: James known as McBride's ea srth •iCharles Aezel, 1 w as eVanEgmond Hotel, ndv le, in the Township rd alley, for the -mem- m • 9rcial Hotel, in the om : Lane, for the prem - to • : otel, in the Town - b e 'Smith, for the Huron of Zurich, Township of t day of April, 1884.• WILEIA M B 852-2 MONE THE.nflaeaigneal for the Harailto is 3310W prepared to it the loweet rate* of favorable terme. App LLA.NTYNE, Inspector. to - LOAN a hag been appointed Agent P ovident and Loan Society, t Loans on farm property intereet and on the most cations by mail or person - r Eginondlrille P. O. ally promptly attended to. o ble in price L. P PtT't is the place to go, Ringsavi a o n gnowelsr 1 iy oqhu iat he d ,a show.rare In all th la4test styles are there, So very eon Tohlesto Lucke ice. lease ciall oa, aped, His wori t ea 1 e'r NI lig fro* others goods so poor. Rn n eve manand woman born, eieokat 's stook to -morrow morn. apst ai t aeh med to show his stock, nd carl. be found in CardnO's Block. Papa sa s 0 i I goods are best, o in a lock o Watch invest. o plea L.P. NOTICE • —TO— • - BUTTERMA411s; • •••••••••••••••••••• - The farmers of the County of -Huro, would do well to bear in min, as tee, butter making season approaches, that, it is an important query to know where to dispOse of their produce to the best advantage.' This important qtiestion answered in the following lines, (lett- , ated to the farmers of Canada. • FAIR QANADA. If I want some first class tea, Duncan dt Dancen I call to see; They keep good coffee in their line, With sugars cheap though superfie, I of% With Duncan at Duncan trade, And some great bargainer there Pve. made. My daughter Mary one day went To Duncan st D1331Calffit quite content,. She goteome Lemon Peel and Beene, Some TapioCa, and some Rice, Some Pepper and some Corn Starch, too, Some Washing Chrystal and sane Mae. At Duncan sa Duncan's one cau find Greceries suited to each one' a mind, Tobacco, Pipes, and Greene of Tartar, Hair Oil to make one's heed look smarter; Matches, Coal Oil, Lamps and Chim- neys new, Brooms, /Scrubbing Brushes, ' Picklfft- aud Mustard, too. So now, dear readers, you can plainly see Why Duncan & Dmican's store suite me, For Butter andEggs they take in trade, To give good value for whieh they ain't afraid. They heve a stock of Groceries goo& and prime, And always keep the best elate every- * tiTne. CHEAPEST DRY GOODS• Alla 71• CLOTHING IN CANADA. • 21 Montreal House, Seaton& C) The •best Watches Is at t MAIN 9HR lta e will do his best, and t rival all the rest. lace west of Toronto to purchase, locks, Jewelry, Silver - d Spectacles lar jewelry store of 4.461' PAPST, ET, SEAFORTH. L &BLACK, OTIOAL 130ILElk MAKERS. THE Subleor ben" have bought the Tools and •11- Boiler Blasinese lately carried on by the God- erieh Foundry and! Manufacturing Company, and having had Ma eve 'once of over eight yearnin that shop, are new Ix pared to earry on the trade i1 Any its tws obrrkd ths. t ue s e4 to ns will receive prompt attention. inet-la s work guaranteed. All kinds of ;Boilers made and repaired, also Sinoke Steaks apd 'Sheet Iron Work, &e., at res. sonNaebwlesztromade and old ones repaired on tereaat the shortest/not ee, and at prices that defy cOm- petitioa. OlairVISTAL & BLA031, 763 Boz 103, Goderle iT ANOTHER COUNTY HEARD FROM Groceries Oheatoer Than. Ever I beg to announce that I have banght out the grocery business of Joseph Brownell at a big bargain, and will be prepared to give better value than ever' in General Groceries. Mr. Brownell will be found With me next door to the post office, and trusts that all his old friends and customers will Ocintintie their patronage with the new firm, when a epeeist effort will lat made to give good value at the lovrest possible pries. On no account fail to try our famous teas; they are fresh and. fragrant, and willbe sold in quantities at wholesale priees. Any quantity of butter and eggs wanted, and will be taken as cash. Yours truly, M. CHARLESWORTIL Referring to the above, I wish to ex press my sincere thanks to all ray old friends and customers for their liberal patronage since 1 have been in business here, and it is my 'wish and desire that my friends -and customers will still con tinue to trade ou with me at the war stand, next door to the post Oflotr when 1 shall do my utmost to giVe them A 1 'wane for their money. Tout, faithfully, JOSEPH BROW !1.1 Arm 01111111.eion The 10 ae: taea titfo7 ethodist ersuasions 1)• : an:hatlys° re at:st it'itae;trYo:oldee411:1 utuiyde • r get mead to accept bi tho?" was t perceptibly Ji •• i; hy es:lir:he:1314re ..ra' t' vin wi• itnhinister brji o I thank ,ayeihtotoMbiei appeare •tooionn toexwoaalikni • • • now. Will cal rt r• :hpary:ievtvi iy4 3:80 dr„yi reoi eo,ntocohdanttlinhyp7; Peered at the cl wa ;1a„eeciersaceneiIs nf.ot: lris -tart on my , c .11u • 1 o0hr. itb Y wa° 11 31 1:1 •indeed, Ma, am, ityetvhe4or serious ike to get out t g perfectly P-----:—.• day week. I te Pleath be readi that day week keady t they et happily togethe II 7. •' ' 1 3" XLIhn IyI pa p I ja . Le ad! Do get- . , 1:0ioor en f:: et. with sbigeterhi at as have s'net :1,1 I 44 li,Vhy do you " Oh I becausi . i I leti nrhygat aihoni di edge Ioi vi:11:31:t I • :.-1-atiCh worse thl. ause they were tu.d. vegetables. 4e". 84t WieVeknii: II 4Lesuttroyhee ils:Isaii: ttlate • besides, ettlends. Deese : ti , 4; uyl 2 lb tuthetahhh la 117: her mei, 1 I di a 4 ao find a live b tilTdosterientwyhillotekhee . . t4 hher e:,. abnPdgsmv:hiee dead, and then iance to see The litltIllieilitarra:n(Iteitovilthe.dnirdeoTIart; withEr1)(732,1igelitay; sue foxy tee his heed As.ia Tommi, . *lore food for hi The next evni fat° the garden - per. At firet tbel oonlearned to :138:: ofblitsisiosoea: Would dart out h hugs while Tem ilig that the boy •Pa4;e°t.11 1Tmotalt mroelYitaIar'i/I 41,13:11n133,?thITF1:111 Ra ioteS :sleof ti eic: nabe • _' , past city oflie Traveler, was ent _._,atani8843awierz loini inoi tobfl whip i It, , din payahniowno; ip:le ti 3, it I rayroehfieitsanvcianrtet elvehtujidof 10iiets, erbargroifireaoetn: ant)anfhl igeiwilde itil I , ot:oanor adbnitsdathe.e ca,:fte, i eletie,e iarty were triyaterious and fl /. itsideoce. The npper had been 1 oenclusion 11 a lite], .r; l "poker"esfortabsel:oit'eirt log but fickle gal rapidly ancl merril leagth it W13.13 notit th:s clock passed til and the players NO The first hour of what cared they f large stuns of mon the 4' pet" was on -ed th7eIp'lliaya and eabie you ten," hie excitement, '1 atinaordshed her 3 Training fr-one that aresnatime T i etseetolyra, ittioins tool bt13 swept up -the *one crick .raore to d. believe that the the:Litle YerahIttfro rec--64:e:eadil:ori:svell:orib Emerson Barree. :: -tiutditleties: trifling fl Xennedy's plam ou Thursday a 8114 had his foot 13 lojOrnailatiet:itinflpeorrrio;:tler:. —A polmentaute Tueeday aftereorni of Shaftesbury Hall ct,u--ebit. Aha:dbeiorf taweenp • nutatoner for a fi' thleadership of West Tuesday tIthPePaalSePdtotwo1J aliish00asn • AI