HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-04-11, Page 22 • SENIOR AND -JUNIOR,. • BY neenten R. HTID8011. • What shall we do now?" Not go up to tbe hotel, in the face of all those peo- ple / Why didn't we think hovi late it was getting ?" The one addressed, a bright faced, manly lad, reddened a little, and laugh- ed as he answered, with an . expressive glance at his companien, "I'M Afraid I dian't want to think. It was all my - fault, Miss Margery." • • "Oh, that's nonsense!" was' the un- ceremonious reply. It was just as much my -fault as yours. I stmuldn't care, if we didn't look eo like castaways, , My hat ;a used up, my shOes aid skirt soaked, and my dress all covered with shale and dirt. And ye-9're drenohed treat. head to foot, all on nty Recount." The speaker sat down on the prow, that had jest been drawn up -on the sand, M despair. . "That's nothing," said the boyetheer- fully. "Saltwater doesn't hurt any one, and your olothei can be made all right again. I'M sure our first 'expedi- tion hes been a great success. Won't I astoniah my uncle when I show • him these fish ?" "So Mr. Douglas is your allele I.. I thought he was your brother." 1 "No wonder you did, we're -such new acquaintances. I'm hie namesake, and heat my guardian. Ire's not,very— mtuth older than I." - "Not much older. Why, he's a' 'gentleman growedt and you're only a boy," i "I'm seventeen years old—nearly eighteen.," was the piqued. reapoiase. ''Peebably a good three years older than you are yourself." " 1Well," remarked the girl, not find- ing it convenient to dispute this 1 asser- tion, "you seem young. Yon seemed very young indeed when you fished my hat off." i "Oh, come, new. How could iI see., what I had hooked on to when I had I. " You ought to have seen yourself when you whirled it off into the tvater. Thought it was some strange 'uterine anirrial, didn't you? You tossed your pole away as if it was a shark." And the speaker laughed till tears *ere in her eyes. "Come, now," protested the lad Itgain. "don't yet thiak we'd better go -on ? If our relations want to disown us, We can prove that we are Margery Parktoann and Jack Douglas by the strawberry—" " That's too old a joke. But seriously" —peeping round the corner of the Con- venient rock behind which the boat was drawn up—•"I don't dare to go up there in this plight. Mamma anti Bella Would make life a misery for the next week." " You look as if aou meant that. Would they scold you ?" a Indeed -they would. I'm the trial of their lives, and," poor Margery a ded, with a sigh, "they're the trial of Iiine. I think I shall stay behind this re k till dark." - "That would be a jolly pian; 1nt I don't think you saw the people strolling down.this way. There—jean a little forward—I think my uncle is araong theme and your sister." Margery was on her feet before this speech was half finished, looking wildly around for a place of refuge. — "What shall I do? I can't hide be- hind the rock, and I can't run awary in this wet dress without making a epee- tacle of myself. What will your uncle think! What will Bella, say !" " I don't think it's a very serious affair.! Don't look so frightened," 'Con- tinued kind-hearted Jack. " virell push off the boat and row out again, if Lyon like." f "Oh, I wish we might, but the tide has gone out so far we couldn't get off in time." -Jack felt very much inclined to 6 teas he save the tragic countenance vitua which Margery sat down on the. row again; but the unwelcome stro lers were pearly upon them now, and he tried to look unconcerned as he pi ked up the remains of the hat and w ung out the ribbons. - "Margery Parleraann 1" Margery saw, at one swift glance, a young lady in faultless afternoon bos- tume; coils and carls of golden hair shaded by a coquettish straw hat, the rose -lined parasol, carried in One lace - gloved hand, tinting slightly a snewy skin that sea -winds had not darkened, a pair of blue eyes, wide with indignant amazement; a gentleman, dirk, arieto• cratio,handsorne, with agleam of amuse- ment in his gray eyes that had taaen her fancy hopelessly captive the pre- -ceding day; a background of other faces, . all turned toward the centre of &Woo- tion—her unfortunate self.- She sat the iraage of conscious guilt, her eyes bent on the -sands, her disordered heavy black -c.urls half hiding her sunburned feee and crimson cheeks, making so pretty a picture that Mr. Douglas involuntarily put his hand in his pocket for his sket6h- book, "Margery Parkinann 1"—the aecend exclamation was not quite so shier°, "what have you been doing to yonrse f 7 Where's year hat ?" ' "I—I had the misfortune," interp s- ed Jack, "to catch my fish -book in Miss . Margety's hat, and it got into the water, rm dreadfully sorry I was so awkwa0, and she shall have another hat to -night. You won't laugh, Enact°, when you see the ash we've caught." "I'ra nearer tears than laughter," Mr. Douglas responded. " Did you dive for your fieh ?" looking at Jack's dripping attire. "He jumped overboard for the ha Margery found courage to say. " 1 -wasn't of any consequence—I mean. tir hat wasn't" " And shipped so ranch water gettitig in the boat again that her feet and drets are all wet." The politic Bella postponed her scoM- Mg. • " What a list of disasters I" she said i sweetly. "My sister is such an invetet- ate romp, Ur. Douglas, that we can do nothing with her. We ionty hope she will out -grow her bad hkbits. Luckily, she doesn't mind saltwater, Master Jack; she cell ',man like e fish." o Can she?" Jack said adtniringly. "That's capital 1" e "Can you carry those fish slone,Jaca, _ or shall I hire a boy?" '1 Oh, come, uncle, don't chaff." , "Then," Mr. Douglas continued, "a there's no question about the advisabia ity of your getting out of wet clothes as soon aa possible, we had, better go tip te the hotel, My umbrella, will have to take the place of your hat, Miss Mere gory. I see the rest of our party have -discreetly deserted." Belle perforce assented to this ar- my aaok to you 7" rangement, f annihilatingl and Margery ambrella Mr. her head, wit ungracefuilly soiled brown loose eleeyes the reckless ashamed 91 those gray e t ous than 11 t she had b ea. priety ?--th t pretty peopi not young boys at the ,propriety see to -day? W1 becomingly highest good Mr. Douglas - askance at-tJJ. held the urn fitting boott soaked num whelmed wit own deficien voring be sist r with an trek ae sh turtned back; erforo . - 1keL under the ‘i pougia ? •lite y.lield over her e ski b flapping bent her nkl a, and her ands hit den under the f her tibiae. For once ttle roma) was thoroughly herself., One ' glance of a had be4n enore-effactici- e lectar if on propriety bilged ,to listen to. Pro- ws fox pica, graceful, ike'13elle, parfor people, , azons ho eould beat own ,g wee. Why did sotmoes ry, o different did beta beentiful and-. essed see all at once the of woma ? What did ink or h e? ' phe looked nicely gl ved hand that elle, an the! perfectly t kepi p e with her own three, nd was over - _a drea ul a nee of her I The gaunt] was run and 'once in her room at t hotel,Margery'strouble, as she had fo seen, began. Tbe vials of Bella,'s wr hwere-,e ptie , and her mother's usu lamentat'oos • over the present and p dietiotts fortbe future of, such girls as e, liken a to. : These predictions fo the futur preyed to be the last dtra n the ca eas back, and Margery asto shed bothher Mentors by bursting iuto • ars. , ." Oh! I wa to be nice a (1.1, pretty like other girl "8118 wailed, s• blinded by tears that • he ooald not see- the stains she wa rying to scrub loff her hands, "but I on't knowhow" " Fiddlestic s !" said easigoi g Mrs. Parkmann. ' WhO said you were not pretty? And here there's a will to be nice, there's 'a ay, 0 e, let ee fix you for supper. For once M gery was passi e in her mother's him . And in cense nonce, when she ente d the eupper-roo that evening,dresse in a rnai4e.cojor.d mus- lin that suitedell her rich col.r land jet black hair a d eyes, more th:n one looked at her ai surprise. [ "Have you h ard the news" witty lady inquired, lowering fiber e eglass. 21 "Little Miss rkni &MI i divo d from her boating s . , e "By Jove I exclaimed Ile next neighbor. "1 ope her quarire with gray flannel ill be a lasbin o Beauty unador d,eto, is Ian e, . n n et] ' Margery's nal excellent a sn e. quite deserted her to night, together -with ease of in•d and t petite Iseemingly soli undatioris of he world t. The had given way. A hitherto n flown bashfulness a constraint oppresed her almost be. nd beari g, and one sentence out of . er mother's la, t orally kept ringing in er ears: " You now, Margery, you'r lmost a woman," 'Dear, J'ack's vodear, she mused, a- swering abili i s -quite at a dem ; ! "what a night u re a wo satelif4 must he! Every ye r till twen y takes away a little more fr a 0113, and then t' time to get married.' , At this point her reverie Margery happened to gla e across the t ble,met the gray eyes s admired so lia. ott,and flushed rosy red Her color as not abated by B.ella remark: "How very d oified Merger *a to- night! And v at has become ithat appetite which as our daily w� er?" " Appearance would seem to indi•• cate," observed t r. Douglas, " t a ' the appetite has bee transferred to J ck." 'Pas the m'an, Oriole." "1 hasten to so. Keep u your *strength, by all ,, elms, Jack, f r it's quite a walk, to p village; n you must get a hat t -night, or lo e pan - credit as a cava er," Jack looked bla k for a thomcnt redeemed himse "No n cl- t on that ground,'ole. I I' I get ih for my own' sake, Miss' a erger go fishing witho t it." .I In spite of pr estations—polite from Mrs. Par ann, ethphatic from Margery, . Dougl aa earrie .point, and. Jack s forced to forr g 1 privilege of beie the iih ow o maize colored m ' lin., So sag ry to herself, sough ut an u freq e corner of the pi za, and sat it w indulge in anot r uncornf rta le "ri" From this mils a she eva pr 13 • roused by the fra &Doe of_a cig r the sound of foot pa. She was _yoked to find her f coloriri a schoolgirl fasbon as. the owner lof gray eyes paused side her. , , re very tired tossieg the s the hotj sun ck didn't et pit 0 11 " I'm afraid yo Margery," be sai away. 01 Or perh you a headache. did he ?'' " Oh no. I'm don't know by exp is." , "Few young la health and strezag when you are.old "that health ds u " Oh 1" said Ma tress in her tones, healthy as well as grows up!' "Unhappy! .T looking at it. W balls, parties, tra from study. Why head, Miss Marge "4 I don't want ic stand On stiltsto e • Mr. Douglas fou irresistiltae. In e. he could not suppr did his best to brig gloomy and exoee girl. And. he slice Jack, on his retur guided -to the dusk ,where they sat laughter. " Why, von seem time!" he said,, disc brought you a hat, isn't la alf pretty en you remember. yo ing to morrow mor. Thank you a tae. hat. Did Margery. " Didn't you 7" "Well, if I didn't induce me to promi "That's all right, antty, "Isn't there a oh where?" "You can have ei We are going to bop That is, MissMarger a waltz with me if tions. We'll leave t ae ever ti ence yth t he les can oast h as that. You' " be add d li ashionab e." 11 then ut it hat an't ones nes his the 1the i left ted to ! re- . ttly and in the 188 c gar aye ow, he 'ch end ay, ery, unf gne "so one uo, st s- e ana nhappy whe ane at's a no el svlay , of , growing up X1eans I, societ fre d m o you s ake Jyur ?,4 cream if I ha e to this sp ech uto iation for the I h s, he sat down aid ten the imbed o t is gly °rig nal it le ded so ive1l that kern t wn, was orner Of Ithe plazas 'Marge y's nterry o behavi g a 'jolly • ten tedl "I've iss Margery, but it gh. And I bope promise to go ash- • g," ousand times for remise ?" laughed t won't be heat to nowt! said Jack, re,di- round here sop:le- er of these, Jack. ith the .hoppers. is going to attempt er mother is prOpi- new hat in Mrs. THE HUliON EXP !TOR. • Parlament:as care. Are you Jack?' To Margery's astoniehment mother, who "utterly disappre girls being pat forward till they fairly out," was All smiles and gra mats. And Margery, who had not oipated colisent, and whose we o Douglas returned in 1 11 f roe a his perfection of costume andl appearance again became visible, on1d have' been 'glad of any excuse to r turn to thee dark piazza But before be !heel circled half -way rouilid the cr wdea roo forgot shynes in enjoy elate He so mirrored er pleasu e that Mr. las co Id not resist t e temptati ask, as he le her t� a seat. "Is iamb] one oft' e chief terr your d eadful future ?" - "T atte t o bad. never d before t a re Wax da ce. • Her know ahoul1 lisle it 2' . Jack junio coming to ask fo the next q &drill , preven ed his node from replyin " M mma, said Bell Parkmann, that night, is she it brush ng out her fair hair, "1 • arge0 will be a perfect flirt be- fore sh 4's a year older. Her airs and grace his evening were top funny and all be use Mr. Douglas noticed her -a little. 1 " I t ought he hadn't mueh obance to notic ler. She was monlipolized by Meet ack."1 "O of coarse; boy always take a fqncyti the 1 st new f ce." I' "We 1, by al &moan s, Blaster ack is riob nilooneg.,hd to ,make'his fainii s of °Ouse i i" A • his oncle's fan ies ?" 1 I" I ve y+ to deci e about tho e ?" ;Ne t orning, as- Ja k aid Margery aPpro hed their boat, he figure °Par. rladck ougi rose teisurely from bahiad a with umbrella spree, ab ve, ea ing re helhad been ha0 the m ing paper. ou are' all prep red,' .he aid, surve i g theyanone a ran ementsa,p- provin 1. ",Bait, es, luitob Oars— (To be Contin d. - eameind Stn comin too, her ed of were ious- anti- Mr. she face oug- n to rs of need id I 111 1 One ,- ay of smuggling house • h der, is to wrap a ball p yarn car deca in But gees may eaeily be ing th •all With ; long not d a cult for an e stones oncealed i the mg. 1tong experi nce d vellonsld!elicacy of touch the srouggled good as as if they i were open' have o t n detebteo silks ed, bet :n clothing iti 't inga, se! einatioa s md d h fo instal:to , olbs nature, iffnesa of a Pai , , as they ere tune• over and u .n turpin • the ou : h •e diseev red ins'de., hie is ea y eno have h d years of rectio might the same thi cover a sniuggli •. Pe themse v s up in mugg general y betray : hent unnatu a proportions, we capt ed a fello syit about ,a 1 Is is limbs, t t time tb u i wind hi •• . , ottorns n d d boxes, nd th almond anti jewe aa caugat wit at. One 1 ptish the fraud. 0 , with a map Con disclo ed Oa was occ skate ELS bear was eized the oods. t °teal sm gglin nons, an AI i era to. li 1 ces, easi am i u atio False • trunks, used for _One ma in his revealed observe Examin deformi watches when w been d their dlii thing for t silks an extern al e The smaigglet clovestent caught o made to shape. visits to a place i 'had carri ing abo each. oner I ev A , goo account house o rounds. T sent to t e lookOnt f r was to ar 61O,000 • e of smel of otter hich th Scotchea rl about was mal ship, an reenwic eight of ten po as the satv. story, pu shrewd era has et story custom h a well-kn e by a ce th of dia he officer r, who w bushy b ip arrive They one of tlj lookin • his coat. the -smug I shaved o the steam at the do k preached ewhispere : You r smuggler " There ferment, o ger, who, h gling - in It nervously 1 coat. It • i to rip ope glittering 'leased and custom ho But the that the se about ten rushed bac they met t that the s Nicholas h monde sec r porous pla t ed for the o smuggler cal was the w r the enauggl There, sure e the recent y and the ind dozen big d against the of the smug diamonds, at for their 10 LS your nting to next e hands itching a not tak e coat a nes. Th e gems praiser z d genas. ehts each. Ito the e r form ggler had t and h d at his r. Therl ally; w seh ae tte of belt a ✓ on his fa ough, w remove tations ends ha dy. But ✓ had go d tlae offi. • table. 0I • a 1 11 —Easter were visite cyclone, wh o tation in its t killed and Rouses and h score, one v out of existe serious dam from it violent a ndianael a n Tueed carried ack, large me ever age being e. Pit sb e W dn windstor • . gghn. gilt said as enns OM a lady's oc et; p tIte T e in Lound by pi ro- needle!, I is pert to; de ect Ming of el•th- velops a la an- ' thet rev:ale uickly, allni st, displayed. 1 ancalaces f •141- • 11111# u 'der steam ff. rved tle- . of tantalo pitniabale ' :u tron ers ins ugh when , but a 30 gplaendwhnot w* ed dryclg lfee by th, ome Mate 1 tales weal ok naso ItAL ESTATE FOR RALE • van 1A.LE.—Lotie 27 and 28, High Strett, and th house thetieon, foimerly owned by C. H. Cu11. Alpply to 8; G. McCaughey, Executo of the Estate of the late Donald gdintdell• 8- 0- McCAIJOHEYand M,MoDERMID,Executoee. 32 VOR SALE. --A Comfortable cottage ani wo suitable fer•blaekereith and al on 'maker, iin a good part of the town for bn in s . The eottlege ie in good repair, and is plea antler situated. The wheat) property will be sul in 1, alook a meparately, and very cheap. Ap lyi to W. 'N• WATSON, Shaforth. 8684 , C.ZAW MILL FOR liALE.—For sale, a saw mill "4 with or withoue stack. Shingle mill in cone nectioter Is si uatekl within one and a half Imi es of Whit ehurch station on the Welliugton, Grey,' & Bruce Ruilway. Everything in good conatithe Will be 4111d at a reinarkably low price. Arraleete J. W. MOWBRAY, proprietor, at she mill, or lay letter to Whitechurch P. 0. Wou:d accept et e partner. 1 84G-10 . VARM FOR 8ALEL—For sale,lot 248,0coonrcewaleiii .1x11 4" 9, Morris, containing 125 acres, are cleared, and the remainder good hardwo cl bush. There hi on the premises a new frame house and barn, anil a gond epring well. Also a town wito fall whe t. It is situsted within a you g b aring, orcherd. of choice fruit tree& The property is well fen ed, and 16 acres of new lend mile and a half of Walton, where there are schools Church s, Pmt Office, stores, &e. Tams easy. 'or fuitherl particulere apply on the premises to CO IN McARTHUB, a if by letter to Walto P. 0 82C-tf . _ VARM IN Mc ILLOP FOR SALE.—The south 4- 50 -wee of lot 20, concession 18, 46 acres of which are clear /1, iree from stumps and well under drained. o tietter land in the cottety. IH situated shout he f way between Seaforeh and Brussels. It le yell eneed. 1 here is a log hou e a d a goed fiat e arn and frame steble and ed at•t1 a goo 0 chard planted with apple, Inm, pe.sr find e t • trees in good hearing neder. I is ono nd a quart r miles east from Leadbnre. pply to ROBERT fcMILLAN, Lot 83, Oat - c moo 31 McKillop, or to I3ox 1e5, Seaforth F'. O. • 834 ALUA113IE FAR4 FOIt SALE —For sale lot • No. p, in the Beyfield coneession, townhip Goderibh, 86 mete 40 to 50 acres cleared, and ee trate stumPs halanee well timbered, has •nteige 'n Bayfield River, and on the Clinto ad, a d adj4ns the incorporated village f yfield. For term?, further particulars, an ndition of sale apply to LEITH KINGSTON •ronto, r to JOH ARM() kt, Slone 18 .Kiogetreet We , MORGAN, Hotel Kee yfield. i 8 - e - i ARM I STANL Y FOR SALE.—For i the South Half f Lot 16, Bauble Line, S le , conta nit g 64 ac es, about 67 of which &And, w II fenced' a d under -drained, l' he a og him e and I frame barn, shed and sta T tere is a splendid hi ming orchard and plea ge od wate . Is Withinfive miles of Bayfield n w ye A school withi three quarters of a n ile el Yen fro 1 Kipp n, n the Great Western ail T ere are eight tieres of fall wheat and th rt acres seede.d to page. This property will be sold C eap. For further I Particulare apply on h je mises or to I Dryirdale P. O. AND[EW 10 NCAN. i 84 ARM FOR SALE IN HULLETT. — No th parts 11 Lae, 84 and 85, Concession 13, c n4 ta ning 111 acres; 80 acres cleared ; the rem in -I de is good hardwhod ush. Soil, clay loam, 0 w tered with a never ailing spring creek rising on the'premisee. I Fra e barn and stables, og, ho me and e good Iyon g °retard. It im convent nt• to hurchel and Bebe° s, and is situated 4 &les fr m Blyth and 10 1 m Clinton. For furt er pa tienlarstapply to WALTER CUNNINGH M, on the Jeonth paitiof aid lots, or to Lend 8. be on& P. 0. 79 0, dddol us fnia:nr ne f ap go ir go 4) • ssing ORE4 like are oft ry sirouggli a felse-linii on tate He'll e fellow w on his Itac fact that 1 mboyst 42 2rogko Women ha valuables comm e thei dresseswi y disclose by qui' often exposes t of roses • or ail duty is heavy. n who ha a tin ca. is body in cresce ft ing rather frequerit • We traced him street, where a - hese caris 'Nati • nds of oil of c ove est fragrant pri 1 porting to be evasion of °nate being going t nuti that word w use to be on th own smuggler tain steamer it onds sewed n were warped a well kuown, ha, aek beard. Who the officers wer ere cautionsly e passengers, wh for a diamon OTEL FOR SALE —For sn le, John Brevet) . Hotel!, in thti yill ge of Drysdale, towns tanley. The prom ty is in geed conditi the hotel is dtfing t profitable business a ure of obtairein a. Iconse, There is in c tion with it an,acre of land, on which i d stable and gaoled o chard. There are t er failin wells' T ie is an excellent °Toni a good ran withing to engage in the lio bu, mess. For fur her eartiuulars npply on t pre ides or to Dre sdale,P. 0. JOHN BRESSO I I 850 e F RM FOR SATjE.—.For sale, the south half lot 10, Concea ion '1, Grey, containing ear a. There are ares cleared,' part of t Si bah nce hes been burne1 down and part bus e Th re is e frame heuse 4tnd sable, a young • cha d and 4i a -re s if f II wheat. It is shwa wit in enure and.o quarter of Jam, stown. g • will be sold cheap. Mb adjoining 60 acres n g als ler Pale. This pre e ty will beso:d teparat 8: )y0 together. Ai.Ly to SAMUEL or ANDRE • tPo0w 1 LP() UK. 850 11 the ferm or by Mail to Jame 18 F 8 L ises a go U 85a h tind k thc 'is si and e wit] ton, part. centers a e iees, or by le 8 field P. 0. 1 11M FOR SA E.—One hundred acres f r sale in ucker untie being lot 29,•concessioe It. S' uckeramith. There are on the pre i goodMame tutus°, a frame barn and stable, e ( t d ache. d and two ethad wells. There a e .res cleated and 70 free of stumps and we 1 ,r-drarn. and in a good state of cultivation; aluncili well labiate with hardwood. elated w thin One m le of Brucefield static) uveniettt tnelschopls and churches, an in 6 milds of,Seaforth, and 7 miles of Clii and a good gravel read to both places. Fa )ply toI the proprietor on the pre . - ter to THOMAS MUNRO, Brie I — • , 805 ; vo SAL —The undersigned offer tbei -'. Fruit El aporaeor and Cider Mills for sal chea and til on eaiiy terms of payment. Th bail ings hale been fft ed up in a complete man er for the carrying on of the Fruit Evapor' atin Businrsji, and are now in first-class workin order, and a 'ne payingbusiness can be done But ts W S tohertson, one of the - partners or the 1 rrn of D D. Wilsey I& Co , has gone to Ecli •mon on, Northwest Tetritory, to remain per men intlee.thi property ust be slid and thti I busi essoi sa d firm final y closed up. For any part culare 411 i.egard t said property apply to the t ndersigned•, D D: WILSON. Seaforth. 762 FEST CLAS FARM TIOR SALE.—Lot 6, cen- .. — oesion ip, Hu;let, 160 saes, superior lend; 125 cres cleered, well'hinced, thoroughly undere drai ed an ir a high stitte of eultivation • re- mainder, hart wood bush; two frame dwelling' hone s; large rem° barnotonefoundation ; large !rem , slitd sIEd work-slu p; three good wells and ciste , 11 irri es from Clinton, Seaforth and Brum els, - and six 4 rem Loudesboro and Blyth; good gravel ror to each Piece ; yenta; orchard of 120 t ees. Th village of Harlock, in which is•a scho 1, post office, blacil smith shore, and two store , adjoin), the farm. There are 100 acres entirly free from 8tumps1 and the farm is one of the b Obient in selling : the f 0 e r- ; I 4' man," said thein - beardless passen- natant, was strug- f the office s, and the. lapel of his the office s -long d take out dozen prisoner as re• ere taken to the t once d eland ere paste, worth Then the •fficlees teamship, here r, who tot. them gone to t e t. d the re;! dta- back, beu at , a the °facers ruela they fon id tae in hit roo . omeot to brow e and stri • hitn. s the ra rk of porous pl ster, arkina w ere a- beeta p essed the confe era e e off wit, tae ers go la ghed • I 44 ad' al a, Wths e y t tlY per limbo dem in sta rg als sday tern wee nd d sons inj lish tly 811 mo Ohio by a, vas - were red, d by ipdd 1 ered 1 in:g et in the eetnitye propr etor oig to Mani °ha. Apply to JOHN TORI eNCE, on the pr roes, or- to Mr. S. G. Mee • 17GHEY Seaforth. 817 VA M IN MCKILLOP IOR SAtE.—For sale, -L. 't le north 132 acres o lot 15, concession 14, McKil op, of wbich 100 a 're& are cleared, well fence , we:1 urider-druine and in a high state of cultiv. tion. The balance ls timbered with the best o hardly& d. 1 here oro eighty Ewes nearly llo Walton, 12 from Sea - forth, free n stum s, and 200 rods of board fence. 'I here re good ,frame buil ings, three wells, and two la go young beating o heeds. itis situated 2i• mil's from the vige forth ud 8 !rem Bruseejls, with good gravel roads lending t� each plac . There are 14 acres sown with fall Wheat. Tha farm will be eold in one block, or 60 acres of at, to suit purchaser. Apply on the prlemises, or Iddress Walton P. 0. THOMAS SOUTER. 828 FAR* IN ItiCKERSM1TH FOR SALE place, Ilot 10, coneession , Tuckersmith:_a7rpgoneorr.. sae, or Will be exc anged for a 1 taining 50 acres, all of 'which is cleared and nearly t11 free lean stump, under -drained, well fenced nd in a high state df cultivation. There is a firA•elass orchard, a fr me barn and stables a hewc4l log hou?e, and a iever failing tearing well. his fara is within five miles of Seeforth, on a go )d gravel road and e school house at the corner f the lot. It is also within four miles of the vi 1 ee of Rippen. The farm will be sold with or without the crop.. Apply to the pro- prietor 11 the pilemises, or to Egmondville P. 0. PETE MOORE. 806 ABE UTIFUL, RESIDENCE) I EXETER FOR BAIA — F• r sale cheap, the re,lidence and grounds adjoinh g the village of Exet,er at present occu- pied by Mr. Robere.Fanson.1 There a.xe ten acres of land n which is a lee ge and comfortable brick house a d brick 'stable with all other necessary out-bui clings and convenierces complete, such as wood -sl ed, IAN 11, cistern, ce lar . &c. There is a splendi erchardof various different • varieties of fruit in luding grapery and small fruits. The ground are nieely rlanted with shade and. memo tal tree e and hedge The land is in ex- cellent rder. It is ia factone ef the most com- plete a d comfortable -pre ate residences in the county nd is admirably adapted for a retired farmer 1r gentleman's residence. Is within 15 minute walk ol the businesa part of the town and loe tion for.14eauty and 'healthfulness is all hat coi Id be desired. App]' on the premises, r to E eter P. 0. ROBERT sox: 824-tf BEST MON GLASS,PAINTS, 01 Any Quantity of Was Barb Fence EAL CUT NAILS. BUILDI G HARDWARE. r dMoe ire at Lowe Ol•sTS' Pn APR4 1.14 884. LIVELY Two -Point Steel K IDD EMPORI Price. S _AND 1-1CYNT EDS- • EVERY F RMER HE HARLAPIb CRE ING ANY OTH R. TH REAM FROM THE WAY WITH THE USE ERS. THE -1-1/RLAND iyE THE BES1T SATI AR. MY STObK OF Altai -UAL *COST, TO REAMERS. !NliD DAIRYMAN SHOULD SEE CANS BEFORE PLIROHAS- ODE OF SEPARATING THE IS ENTIRELY NEW, DOING MARKIN F TAPS AND HAND SKIM - C EAMER IS GUARANTEED TO F CTION IN ,EVERY PARTIOU- LK CANS IS OFFERED AT E ROOM FOR HARLAND GENERAL DRY Gm S. JOHN KIDD, Seaforth. For the hist Len OPEN.INO • —AND— One of the most complete stoc MILLINERY. MILLINERY. HOFFMA ILLINERY STOCK BROTHERS' COMPLETE IN EVERY DEP RTMENT. S I=' • r SO .C._,TOITMD. NEW GOODS ARRI ING WEEKLY AT THE CHEAP 0 Sill STORE OF Hoffman Brothers, Seaforth. CIO NOT WAIT BUT MOVE FORWARD. 0 We are anxious that you should see our goods and know our prices. 10"VT IS TIIEJ 'TIMM While stock is unbroken to make choice selections. - STILL GRESSING, Our purchases for 6is season have eclipsed all for- mer ones. We are no* in 4: position to give you 'goods :cheaper than evek have no a,ixie as cash. 4 i 1 8taj;e and Fancy Dry ods and Groceries, one door south 4 Mrs. laid 's l , , L. SMITH, or , Hardware Store, Seaforth. , ieal old tock on hand. Produpe Jit Nci o A THE MENOAL HALL, -14-1 ..A.X.1T Sir ow placed in the market a new and wonderful Blood wi I cleanse the system from all a pa ities, and leave O. It is a purely vegetable codatioutid and as a blood steamers and others whoa° system or 'blood is out of or otble of Cleanse? and Purifier. u in a healthy .con- edicine has no equal. Ler, will do well to try Duricani s Ext of Red Clover, Oa° trial will convince you that it is hdg. You can secare it at a small cost e to its merits. e convinced that it has no eqaal. atIt is represented to be, and no hit 1 er bottle,' and judge fin yourselv -1 We have n a fult ati DRUGS, CHEMICAL 1 well -assorted stock of AND PATENT MEDICINES. O also keep in stock lel n the 11E4 n't see what you want, ask for it s Patent Medicines in the market. If atit you are sure to get it. B.—Physicians' resoriptio 1 oraers from a distance filled with c s carefully and accurately netenpounded. re and despatch. - 1 C. D NCAN, • SITCOSSOR TO E. HICKSON & CO. xt Door to Duncan & Duncan's Dry Gooa Store. CLOTHING AND CILIZOOTIMI Ever Placed Before the Seaforth PeOp Notwithstanding, the discontent farmers and others over the grievan of hard times; we still march on, OUR BUSINESS steadily increing, valid is a PROOF IN ITSELF that handle the right class of goods, aid sell them on =the lowest 14ing profit, GIVING ALL LOW PRICED, TRASHY GOODS A WID.BEET knowing well they are safiSfactoryto NEITHER BUYER NOR SELLEll. ' DRESS GOODS, In this department will be foundilie choice =goods of the season in Rich SW, Satins and all materials appropriateior wedding and mourning orders. MILLINERY, This branch of our trade requires no advertising, sufficient to say IITss Hmorm has just returned from visitig the markets, better preparea than evei to supply the wants of her enstoment She, together With a large; staff of workers, are now ready to suit anyone, requiring early spring millinery. READYMADE AND‘ 01E1E01' CLOTHING. This department as fully isuppilea with all the itewest patterns at reliable goods. Leave yOur order, or ifiyort cap,; not wait, we can supply yon Ready- made Suit equal in 7E047,13 1 fit and finish to anything macleito order' . the cities.. We have now is fereta class tailor 6n the pretaiees, teadY to, • attend the wants of zustonaersul 1 TO S MA' THOSE WHA DEA WITH US We recognize as the only road fa buil* 1 ness success. FOR CASH AND FIRST-CLA DUCE WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Inspection _Invited. Yo Trouble to Shotv Goods. KIDD'S EMPORIUM SEAFORTH, boYs kue the -we at t and tbeY old 1)se1 kilO Ids wan 3180 read wan eau over stud .ten ceall was vien tbin de roan wogi 00111 sent ing ing.1 um 12Dw °ma, dreol had pr jaat, said ther the botil tsict 3,4 tionl deal we' houl ever hurl so tl heAl :seu$ Urit you= 43 51 AT4 bilti 12001 brOl len' kir Est oPP, nati verl la* Nat goad that atti4 of tI P411, au7 ootr. eaii kilthin1 just bacl wor tbapi1 the wer Vitk 48 hia2, petl ly gra. " cair Car a yl arei, so a whtl cer cra ••• nai rig gax the We. iste bra', get Gr b_ COle