HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-04-11, Page 1} APRIL 4, 1884, rusessmemnsemeemeenneneetimumiMCFAUL' L.°PERIN FOR T HE AND SU ER SLA N3. Wi nee )AY AND "TURDAY, kY AN TD -MORROW, txhihjt this Season will be STYLISH, _ D— eats Ing Price; IE WALLY I WED, 411 DRY GOODS MAN, SEA:FORTH, ie nefarious plot, at the risk their honor and character as a tarnished by those who may to naisjudge their actions es ier, that we, the meFnbers of 1, think from the evidence We the magistrate, that this tarried oe with the knowledge ders of the Dominion Govern Docal Opposition, who have it allowed political intriguer%: 'for their interests, and that take this way of showing that y condemns all such illegal of and hope no stone maybe- ed in the efforts to bring to guilty pasties." The debate ned inyour lint issue, was nd ably discussed. Decision in favor of the: negative. ing will be held on Monday' ay 5th. The entertaining: ill be " addresses, reading&; n Ohanoery Sittings. :ng chancery sittings opened h on Thursday, March 20th, e-Chancelor Ferguson.. The cases came on for trial n vs. Walker—"hiswas an ught by the plaintiff to cone- ecifie performance of an agree - he transfer of certain land& tiff failed_to prove the sighs- endant to the document, and was given for defendant. • vs. McIlwain et ad—Was au et aside a frandulent conveyt as plaintiff was not ready to ` case adjourned, plaintiff pay. sta of the day. n vs. Johnston—An action aunt of partnership dealing$• to the master. et al va. Scott—An action v plaintiffs, who were millers -m, against defendant,who is tanker. The plaintiffs allege intakes and irregularities in at. The matter was referred iter. u vs. Allan—An action to ren talent trona _ cutting timber iff`s land and for damages. for TO damages.} and for an Lennart—Au action brought a: ain t her son. Both par.: McKiliop. The suit 'WAS, fore trial, the on agreeing to ,r the land during his moth e. rd vs. K nne:ly—An action to a fraudulent conveyance o€ "tiled before tial. vs. Wordeu —An action for The partit s live in Exeter. sattle:l before trial. va.ulliu —An action to set tudulent coveyance. Settled' 1_ tno h: rse Abdallah wag 4 to a fish peddlar for $36, a naity turned out ou the sands eland to die. From hints de epdyk s Hambletoman and D worth of trotters.. SEVVNTEENTH YEAR. WICOLE NUMBER 853. ats That Are HATS. Our gook for the spring is now 00M - pieta, and comprises all_ the new styles Etighsh, Amerman and. Canadian CHRISTY In all the popnlar shapes, including High Crowns, Low Crowns, Roudd Groans and Square Crowns. American Soft and Ste Hats In great variety, and. at very lowest prices. Tlaese goods are cheaper and handsomer them ever before. A large stock to choose from. merit in the finish and style of COL- adian goods, and as they are turniiag out better than ever this season, We have bought largoly of them. They sre very dura.ble, and cost much less than imported goods. We are showing a special lot of Twenty Dozen of MOIt'S and Boys' Hats at greatly reduced prices. We bought these at a large discount, and will sell them very cheap. Bop' Rats for Vic, worth 65c. Boys' Hats for 50c, worth 75c, Boys' Wats for 80c, worth $1. lien's Good Useful Hats for 50c, 65c,. 75c, an a splendid Hat for One Dollar. INSPECTION INVITED. BOOTS & SHOES. Four Thousand Pairs to choose from at prices to suit the hard times. George Good, Noted for Stylish Boots and Shoes, and Nobby Hats and Caps. HENSALL. New Millinery FANCY GOODS STORE. . JAMES MURRAY Has pleasure in announcing to the ladies of Henaall and vicinity, that he has opened a new Millinery apd Fancy Goods Store in the Waugh Bloek, Main stook of all the latest and most fashion- able styles in HATS AND 130NNETpt Together with trimmiegs of every de- scription. This department is unaer the personal supervision of Mrs. !Situ - ray. The stock of Fancy Gooas is also complete in every department, end prices will be found right. Try bur 75c KID GLOVES ; they will give satis- faction. Inspection invited ; no trouble to show goods. Butter end. Eggs taken as Cash. JAS. MURRAY. - VARNA. 1884. REW SPRING GOODS 1884. Post Office Store. MI steel: is now complete, consisting of a splendid assortment of 15ew Spring Tweeds, Dress Goods, Prints, Tapestry and, Hemp Carpets, Factory and Bleached Cottons, Ducks and Den- ims. Cotton Shirtings, White Caverlids, Latio gar - tains and' LAmbrequins, Cretonnes, 'Rosh ry and Summer Gloves Fanoy Ties, Laces, Edgings, Parasols, trnbrel'ids, &c. Also a complete aSsort- inept of Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, ece , arid a grand display Of Croclery and Glassware just to hind. A full t.tock of! Groceries, new and fresh ; Hardware, consisting se an kinds of Paints and Raving now a Aiet-cla7 are prepared to suppl I all Who require a gpod OilsIand Glass in all Sizes, Spades, Sbove14, Itke. tailor in the Tillage, we fashionable snit e,fIctothes on short notice, and a and swath salt always kept on hand. Highest trade prices given for Butter and Eggs oats and Other farm produce. N. B.—A. silendi'd assort- ment of new Wall Paper and Paper Blinds just to JOSEPH 'MORROW. MONEY TO LOAN. ,qTRA.IgHT loans at 6. per cent , interest pay PriTilege to borrower of rep '" able ball yearly, or si per cent. yearly, with STK), Barrister, Seaforth. money at arty time. Apply to F. HOLM& aying part of princt- mateteneenneseettesstimeiseemeenameumumer he S he S ring of est w ek be re Mr. as rand jne u dr w Dr y, shliela ham ; Thomasril Joieph Willie 8, te Ho ick. co duct the Cloitic 'ma oiled an the coenterf definitio of the f ten in their (insiders ion A to th second ase oo elude by Ise Crown ttorn4 to lay efore the jail, ment The ti Dailey one of Plaintiff :claimed h on his own ac ouu them fr in one ur an agen for Alg r, judge in is oher t whether Hurnne ell he, sold to Dance) th entitled, and the be! as to the meas between the parti s. about $586 bals.n 0 capied the entire a on WedneadaYs„w in a verdict for p SECOND D./ The -Grand Jut d cases : Queen vs. John! Tanney vs Ha ris a,ssessinent of da a seduction. Jury ti r4urned in about t a erdict for pled ti ssizes. r the County of oh oh T esday and oth consicle (ail op An7 arch ,,Cliet n; :Reeee rend filtir hye Sea. rd Talle t, . Wing- . W. Hun - • eared to Lord. the end jury, len& wh oh in- t two o sea ' ikely require r off Ice, land a noe the jury e tea 0E3B. 19 3 Vic vehich he the c rge He lieh the Id iimpect r present- ing that em, hey cO would dieoha ge the at C9,80 c le Was he sale w 'log ye so newell mith the jur sold as to re n the ent o Plain ue. T and ti eu it . the j ai tiff for EDNES AY. ring the dar pre - in th fol owing Pherso artin, 18 IS arising 1880. Ige logs rboured His its rale House need df come b ties, an more s unfortu seen be for thei poverty recom County Quest was ara'gn found, one in forgery o forged ban The jury org lake, 13 ter Wm. oD Tuokertrai prAisotnet ,se of the char r matters Fore 4 Refuge 'The cone Such an in fore him itable pro ates refer No aoub ter days, vs Owe a on ' and bank in note in ailed w avid son, conclu unsel e, cont had not pn4ved t ship ove counsel h Court able 0 a la ti rr nd in 8 Wa abinitted to Our ply W s brief, Put an Gerd aurY. ed and ere- adshe said, other Minn - other and he _clear; ol them had, Was tileir the preeent nt -re tion any mak n for to w anY the he jet G. fel he Cr to 8 04 uled he made tl •ged the very strong y againsti jury retire at 7.15 they reter ed Jwit guilty. T3 annotate Many, as It been 80 pioi have it tie, Coe, The which that he le u d not co Bider ge or as ver, but if diet just endered, atter was traverse e case,. ulcl! then duced ba The pti the logs, into his o recogni difference 6,184140d Elijah M in in 020 tea mid el 0 Mart n. Prisene two indictment ny id forgery o other ts nos John Harrison chI; Robert Kers wfor titian ocdek of ed fo ng th mcitio the p ment 88 o Oro IN 11 the court as adjosur s Mee 00- 4 1' remarks, formed t s given to 0 rY brought foregoing Be wee t 350. liar kin in Outar il es in for $4 two aet on for oh ge of nute with da ages. sen— Iand airties d the red in plain - of her t 8 p. into he. Queen vs ohn aPh ra e. Prisoner as align° reside in West W wanos a, offense was olai ed to have ocou tiff's house durin he abs nce the sheriff's char e ' THIRD D • THURSDAY. mine the counoil 'e an thei Lordship had su ea up t an exhaustive ch e, the j and returned a a diet of The- announceme was for with the significa4 cautien ful whose house e would after." As the ti y left .t glance from His fee dship, marked that " it s. morel own custom while YT ii ahem ing to introduce.' jury would have verdict but that heavy a punish prisonment in p The Grand Ju came into court PRE The Grand Ju lady, the Quettn,f present as follow 1. We have ex 'fled th find confined th in 12 p males and one fe le. D prisoners, ousels mitted one for using thr ening 1 for being drank disorde insanity, and se of the W130 have been 1 ,ontinietts years of age and is lind ; a II 11 years of age and maot mo the assistance f crutches lad of weak min I ho has, firried since the )7th of Ma a charge of vagra y. Abou after 0 0848 ry ret into not all the ID gto be en u an ithe s to in ebutt ora- urt, erm Mc- ttihnge re- eri- try- the rent t so • Ib is sat'd t tentiary. TWIN T. 1 of on S 1 Jed son the f sr ler IS vagr Ode ther vgit and need itted is a ee nth die 2. We are of e opini t vagrants so confi e, are fie bje ts ' House of Refug I end we corn at some steps 'Is uld be t en t by the couucil of e coenty of Refuge in this co ty for th anc and support of such p son the jail and find erythin clea, in good condition nd find e well satisfied wit the tre I men, me: and the Crown oft era for th as ign ron, and 11 ale eny, one for om- nts s 76 64 out twe age for ung on - 882. cer- pon the for end nee ron U-40 of beton- ioh of and mates t they dship stance h has ing to e bills the Dom'n on. Queen s. J. Tediti case, it wil be rem of an art o e which Blyth Review releet pleaded guilty, a the Crovv His Lord case unti bably be left the c tiff is o Brussels, leaving t state of fused to them car i charge The case( when it a 0 ' Green for; dame fully con wee brou the clefe council, to in front o an 10th c of the w plaintiff' and to re require a hood of 2 motion case is n His Lordship gave j the actio Rion pay ants of t elcosts of and moti it in term. give pled t. an und the oper on of a Lordehip s id the Ta the gray oad, by seed, T culvert i where pl tiff's Ian and the in reased flo flow on -t he plaint Court he d that if su legislatio or it. A had no s power, Wilson v . Wilson non -jury se. juclg with cost proceedi day of ne sittings The c 8 of Ha and Hay election, assizes, a The re 1 McKillep e evidence a dismissal t His Lord , and, after dresses, the isoner. The At 8 o'clock rdict of not the part ci was receive Court ha, On the see strongly ob the se onal ion •th the ner- d that he w ul oner [then ent red more af ter whic ed. el, in his openin e ,jury that th e first of its p o, probab pered th y hi ng o one oh was rraigned an hip t aversed the is' will pro- Upshall hat ext assizes: ; T Mint hay ENID Y. 'VB. Roe— ctio for non-fal condition ill a lease. Plai prethisee pairs. sted all d given to eturned t. in an ese and itli th it Un iiTH DAY— AT s to plaint ff'S la uing a oh vett. t by the lainti ants, the town plainti noessions ntencled making MOTO eve rily card the road r, it was land to a s h it froth ain of ab it is tiaill . The zes, befo en dismis made d tried aga 11 el eli 1 —Last Mr. Joh total des tents, inc and tithe farmang tity of gr is feered kicked o attempte 1 reasonablp laintiff ,had nd seeks tp ry, and This adtioia to conapel hip of Grey ain from a culvert 's land on the 9th of G-rey. The de - at they &eel mit he road they have er to the cult/mit there prior to thit the natural fit 1 amp at the rea the culvert wotil ut fifty radii, wnich ini) the eeighboe with costs. in term,; andj th ea by the de en he format a tie No costs of i th• ea,stmeet. Hi in on each side is somewhat iloi of water fro e culvert to ever - dee they m.ueil ge at Present, the out_ for defendan es ' Vs. Armstron vs. Polled d, in re East Elarop reed until hex s of McLean VE S. l3aker were 'als e 'outbuildings jt maul ing in th he ba ns and po valuable horse , plemeets and large qna fatally injur d by hem he head a horse whioli h, to reso e. He was Wit 1 ere tray he recite() nday afte out in t amilton ction of ing titre • difilon buildi micon $7,000 Origin article erable calls made so as tuse, as to Engli ing prove viewe that t iu all is in t "Revi minis ty dragged from the burning g, and heti sinpe remaiued in an cious condition. Loss about ; insurance cannot be ascertained. of the fire' unknown. Ministers' 'Salaries. EDITO11.—.1.,EAR.DIR —I wrote au some time age on the above sub- ich Seems, to have given cOnsid. umbrage to Some person who wrote the' seid article that I had y etatements sufficiently clear be underetood by the most ob- ut it seeme I was mistaken, as wer'si" conceptive ability ie so low e unable to comprehend plain h. Mr. Editoe, I believe in prov- this etatemeiat respecting ." Re - has the audacity to accuse me of groes giving only one instance, I will give him three, all of which are in the Presbyt tery Of Huron, viz., Brumfield, Iiippen and Clinton, and strenuous efforts were made in both Seaforth and Egmondville to have the property deeded to the chureIh, but the managers resisted arid held 416 fort. In proof of my assert* I refer him to the report of the last Presbytery meeting held in Clinton,, the report of which appears in THE HUR0/1 EXPOSITOR of March 21st. " Leave was granted to the trustees of the Clieton congregation to sell their present b ing,.the let on which it stands, and lots adjoining the manse property.' the .roperty was not deeded t Presb tery what is the reason the tees ad to get leave from that bod fore they could sell their &Junta Xf the trades, whether it .1 the p the anvil. But ance t the talent of the i fertil nt of the! artisan I He a rice or wilful prevarication, !arta blies can now see where the ignore rofeesions an lies. u Reviewer " next appliee hie , brain to the seperannuation funds les if " I am aware that each !Min- er an the tal ays regularly into that fund ac•• vel. Why noe ? If talent is not cord]: g to his salary," and adds " That a commercial commddity in the pulpit, sur. el he has a right to his own." pen - wheys the reason that some ministers taml he has, but he forgot to tell that can easily obtain salaries ranging from ' a lar e amount of this money is wrung two tc six thousand aollarsewhile others ont.a. a reluctant people. If it.was all have hard work to secure six hundred their nwn money 1 am sure I would e dollart ? Of the latter class it seems the. last to find fault -with thene for that teere 're over teivo hundred iu the doing!what they saw fit with it. Ratio it not's disgrace that any body of meni, who are so well paid as the clergy!, should have the hat passea around. 'in Presbyteria sir, a move minimum seven hund Churcht of Canada. But, ent is eh foot to raise the alary `of a minister up to ed and fifty dollars, or in all tho congregations for this fund. Yen other -words, each aud every minister and tome retired ministers, who are almoen millionaires, are receiving a'a out o this fund as if they were paupe instance of this, I may meetion ase of the late Mr. Barry,. wheat) has so frequently a,ppear d ption with the litigation whic has place over the fortune whio behind him; and who, up t the f his death, was receiving a met- ance rom the aged -and infirm inlet - two le. three sere:tont thoroughly pre. pared, and Iveryoften the productions of ters'a fund. " Reviewer ' next tak s the Ministers' widows' end orphae other men. I Rut after they are induct. fund but his ideas on this fund. aripe ed, many a them caunot preach a ser - to be as crude and erroneoos as they s,r mon, but srmply read one, and some of who is now worth ene hundred dollars in the preaching market is, by some artificial means, to be made worth seven A hundred and fifty dollars. But where 'a a is thh additional thirty five thousand the dollais to come from ? Perhaps " Re- ham congregatioes gulled ter. Almoet every candidate him a vaca am, how often are take Mister who is a leefb t church will have 'Am° them misereble readers at that.. Tine °L. e as the classed miniSters who hey° trouble az.ueu in "keeping the wolf frem the door." fi°12 When once a minister -is inducted into am° a. Presbyterian church he _cannot be °an dismissed, ao matter how deficient he me° ,_ and from W4at sources they are der is in preaching ability. So, consequent. lye a congregation thus situated has church property ana snpera ots paid out of this fund." f f the total receipts of this ria, either to be bored folr years by a drone, eir or else stop the Supplies. In- England, each and Scotland, Wherie the eeta,blished age land amount receive ;I the number of orphans, thei mount received by each ; 4 age, also church is sUpported ,by the state, the' the mime§ of the persons who ar re eie*- clergy can preach their dogmas with mg sai arms m connection with this uti and the amount of each, I will Maw impunity, and can lefy the people, as one aollar with Mr. McLean, at Tn they are paid their salaries, although they may be preac ing to the empty E.XPORTou office, for him. Come, " R viewer," substantiate your statethen pews. Bu in this country where -we 11 Our f lend next attacks Heery enjoy civil and re igious liberty, the 'separation of church and state, where affirm! that the humblest Presbyteria all - denominations are supported by -voluntary contributi ns, and where the masses are, too intellgent to be priest - by superstition, d according to their rding to the dictum challenges, me to that has a better the Presbyterian rm him, seeing be ar ntl ridden or b,umbegge 'the clergy will be pa ebility, and not ace of the general seem " Reviewer " DAB educated clergy tha church. I must: inf cannot understand t that I never state I anything of the kind. What I state was this, namely, "That the education 0t the Presbyterian clergy is not ne- the highest order, al - but in the great naajhrity of congrega- tions thereatre teen Who are far better educated than the minister." " Re - Viewer " states that there are but six ministers in the .Preebytery of Huron who hold degrees from Toronte Univer- Cone If ell candidetes for the minis- try were compelled to take a degree in the said University before being licensed te .preach, there twonld net be so much ignorance in the pulpit as now exista. But where ao all the drones come from ? How different with the school teachers. How n3a,ny of the Elreshyterian minis- ters i the Provioce lot Ontario to day could pass the non-professional examin- ? All candidates 'for teachers' odes' liefOre Peing licensed to must: satisfy the board of examin- at they have the natural aptitude oh, otherutise they will not be d to enter! the profession. e neYer hear of any candidate for inistey beihg, blacked. They are ensedi, although a large per cent. e apPlicamts have neither the nor tmt the etuoation to qualify to bee succeed 1 ministers of the 1. These *ether with culls from d couutry, who cannot get churches ation cates certi teach ers, t to te allow But the li of t abili goap the o there, are the readirig drones who pre - over too any of our country hes. ,Yes, r.iEditor,the Presbye clergy of the Ipresent day are a, ay ieferioe tol the high and pub- ool teachets Of Ontario -in educe - whenever es Minister 18 incapable eating any man in hia congraga- is tisefulness to that man is gone. here le one queetion on which the dulle t clergyman Can wax eloquent without text or notes. I refer to the fine,neiel qeestion, at they seem to take a far greeter interest in the almighty dollat than in trying to save men's souls These wbo I need the " Great Phys clerg Stay an were be a my 1 man perty view side char teria long tic sc tiona that of ed tion, But cian it most are shunned. by the e That is thelreeson there is a tion Army in I almost every cityl own hi Ontaria. • If the ministers! doing their duty there would not y need of a Salvation Army. In instances the iwhole church pro is deededto the church." But "Re r " states that I " the church pro - pert is in almost °Very case deeded t the cengregation," n fact, he says, h does ot kelow s. sin le exception, an take up his ohalinge, but instead o congregation in Canada would, not a ce Beecher for their pastor even if he ffe ed hiS services gratis." But there i one fact I can tell " Reviewer" respentinig, Beecber, viz., that he 'had received morefor a single lecture even in tlais Ca,ne a of ours than a large numb r ef whic shows that the people of this counitry can appreciate talent as well als the OSople of the -United 'States. Yes, 4r. Edit dow neit and mire , the glorious fdotprints he aconsiI s the Rev. J. Hill -of heterodo I ani ot going to discuss just now w ti, bet his I will state for a fact, an in the lecture delivilired in Merl. - by the Rev. J. EdOr Hill o punishment, he made cert i , the name of Beecher will go in history as a, monument whi r time nor prejudice can effa e generations yet unborn will 1 fact Tea statetnents which have never been futed, although made in the presence prime pal McVicar and other emin men nd statements which " Reviewer?' im call heterodoxy. But perhaps h odoxy now is semething like what li as in the days of Robert Bueris it s like the bible, 8a3s lithe more a is truth, the more it ts libel." r is afraid that Emmet, person vei 1 im to be a minister, bat I own e him his fears are saperfluous. I not a very high opinion of the Venal attainments of some minie. but I would consider it gross lib I pare his ability with the poore ted minister in Canada, in fact worthy of the steel I of the axe etent to deal with. th.e points t ," To that I can heartily say y a amen. It ia the enly true state - he made in his evhele criticis °minds me very ranch of the crtt ibed by one of the English poets : "IAA some for wits whom !poets passe , cl critics next and Proved ple, espassing on so much of your va - space. I know you columns are et whether pertaining to men: r s, church or state ; and truly li e as as much the terror of tyrante s in the days of Junias. Yours 84 ,FAIR PLAYs man named Bailey Harris0 absconded leaving Pis busine s s in a very bad state: He had falsifying his books I for years 4ip to provide money for high liveng est habits. He wail a great dog er, and the Bailey. Harrison keneel rdon setters was Imciwn through - he United States and. Canada I ost valuable on the clontinent. to el view take aesa hav edu ters, cane is no is u and d Be 0 0 tarn fools for t uitbl bj 88 it a b en orde fanc of G out the dog Show was complete without there, and at New York, Cleveland, Detroit, ecured highest awards. This mi d man is the only Son of Jo on, a wealthy retired. mill omit Is ai a ler gelid 11 of Parkhill. His wife is the daughter of E. D. Tilson, of Tilsonburg, one of the wealthiest men in western Canada. Mr. Harrison, senior, was informed of his son's prolonged absence and of the reports concerning him, but he had the utmost confidenee in him, and de- clared he was prepared to assume all liabilities. He gave his personal bond to that effect. He moved to Tilsonburg and assisted in carrying on the bank, but the longer he rethained the more the rotteness bee me apparent, At last be repudiated a I his son's transac- tions. As far as asc rtained the amount will reach $30,000. The wife of Ho died in California o lame & Jones, at burned down. Los —A brick cottage forty years ago, wa down to make roo —The Gray Salt Block, in Kincar- aine, has been purchased. by a Joint $.tock Company, and will be put in hperation at once. " 1 —Mr. Cornelius Donovan, head mas- 4er of the Roman Catholic Model School at Hamilton, has beeet appointed inspec- tor of separate schools for Ontario. —An emigrant wothan in East Zorra,, near Woodstock, is ; ill of small pox. Steps have been batten to prevent the spread of the disease, —Right Rev. Dri Carberry, the new Roman Catholic Bieshop of Hamilton, arrived from Romejlt,st week, and has been installed in his seat. —Hamilton gardeners had lettuce and rhubarb in the market last Satur- day. Lettuce 5 cents a head, rhubarb 10 cents a bunch. —A grangers' joint stock company for manufacturing Balt has been started at Kineardine,and been granted. exemption from taxes for ten years, —The other night Wm. Clerk, an old pensioner of the seventy-ninth' 'High- landers, accidentallyi walked into the canal near Dunnville and Was drowned. a farm hand mem rsday last with about e onging to his em - McKenzie Bowell the 2nd inst. or factory of Lud- omber, has been erected in London the other day torn ,for a larger and sidence. —John St. John ployed by Mr. Bow altipped out Th a hundred dollars ployer. —Mr. John Bliaek, of Windsor, in tawa, on Friday atte noon, by the mem- bers' entrance, slitiped on the doorstep and broke his leg.' ' —Mr. J.. O'Brien, e hotel keeper. in Alliston, was robSed on Friday night of $240 and a v.:A watch and chain Valued. at $150. The burglar went to Mr. O'Brien's bedroom and. took the money and watch Ot of his pocket. —James Beaty, sr.!, the oldest journal- ist in Toronto, having been proprietor of the defunct Patridt and Leader, and also a prominent Orangeman lies at the Point of death. —Last Friday young woman wa police stations foil her husband, James Reeves, a baker, 'Who hed deserted her, taking all the mohey and. leaving her entirely destitutel —The amalgamated carpenters of Toronto have sent a 'petition to the Do- minion Parliament praying for the enactment of such 1 the introduction of of Canada. —A man named coat stolen from the and had cost its open e is ovee 80 years of night in Toronto, a around enquiring at ws as shall prohibit hhaese in any part orten had his over lobby of the Cen- milton,last Sunday was almost new r $24, which is all the better for the thief. —Prince Albert, Northwest Territory, has sustained. a grea loss in the burn- ing, week before last,of the Hudson Bay grief mill. The fire was occasioned by the heating of the machinery. The. loss is estimated at 40,000. 1 —Mr. Pierce mar ied the daughter of a farmer near Tile° burg last summer, and it was subsequeptly found oet that he had a wife and amily in another part of the country. He was sent to 'Woodstock jail for trial. County, found the bidy of a man in the Woods on his farrni a few days ago. Ap- parently the man ,had been dead since lase fall. He wari 5 feet 8 inches in height, and aged about 45. —James Allen, a trait; met Henr ii,nd robbed him o -about 1 o'clock o titrrivTalhferroemis rEesuigali watch and chain. a man who has be raised &numerous his fourth wife,his, ty.nine, his gran c and his great gran Port Arthur on th Way road constru by which six m aeveral injured mo The fatality was c tare explosion of a b to sliscover the w With a load of hayl, *either he nor his t heard of. Foul pl ef the Embro Co to Chesley to con printer, from De. Douglas, 8. recent d, on York street aturday morning, $109 and a silver Douglas was drunk. 4 near Sharbot Lake r much married and a, mily . His present is hildren, number thin ildren sixty-nine, hildren nine:, ter . occurred near tion on the 2nd inst., n were killed and e or less Beriously. sed by the prema- ast. es have been asked reabouts of Wm. of Cooksville, who me ten days ago, 'hich he sold, and am has since been is suspected: ormerly publisher ler, has decided to go til t a paper there. Before his depart re he was presented by a number of his friends with a gold. chain and locket. Mr. Kay conducted he Courier three yeers. , —At the Honrie I of Providence, in Dundee, -on Frida31, 28th ult., Father O'Reilly, of Oakville, died of c,ongestion of the lungs. He entered ''the Grand Seminary, MontreaL in 1874; where he Pursued his theological studies, and in 1.877 was ordained. a priest in St. Mary's athedral, Hamilton, by the late Bishop $1.50 a Year, in Advanb0. Rev. ebaucellor Keough, then paetor Walkerton, :and at the end of a year was appointed parnor of Oakville inie- sion, where he labored with zee' and success until his health failed last Christina 8. —The body of Stephen Tomlinson, a ;, farmer near Kincardine, who ham been missing since January 2nd. was found a few days ago alongside a fence near that town, where -the unfortunate mumwhilei on his way home on the night above! ter from a storm. Montreal, has been obliged to DeSign his' charge on acconnt of his wife's health, which neceeeitates his -removing to az milder clinaate. The reverend gentle- man starts with his family at once for was driving on a load of wood through. his own wood land a few done ago, a tree fell and killed his horses almost' insta,ntly. As the horses were struck on the hind parts Mr. Vack's escape wasi certainly providential, he was holding: the lines and urging them on at the time of the accident. —At a meeting of Toronto dry goods I merchants, Saturday, the queseion of an increased tariff on dyed cottens wool discussed and a deputation appointed: to proceed to Ottawa to ask the Govern- ment to define the goods supposed to be: included. It was also decided !ta ask , the Montreal Dry Goode Association to, —The ultra, fashionable anal highly , eligible bachelors of Toronto have se weakness for fibre umbrellas—no think-, er than a common walking stick, of the: finest silk, and handsome heads of gold. or bone. They never open there under, any circumstances, but keep larger ones for service. —Geo. Beaton, a clerk in the employ; of Mr. Jepson, at Niagara Falls, was detected in robbing the till of his era- • ployer and was arrested. The young man is 16 years old, and aalsnewledged to taking $110. He was seneenced to ; Otte month's imprisonment. Th.% young man's misfortune wee traceable to keep- I ing bad company. —Half a dozen capitalists of St. Paul. t and. Minneapolis offer to raise a capital of $2,000,000 and start smeltieg work% - in. the vicinity of Winnipeg if the locar, government grant 8, bonus on eVery ton, of iron :produced, and the Dominion, Government will admit the maehinery free. Every member of the Provinciald Legislature has signed a petition pray- ing that the proposed aid be granted. —The widow of the late Donald. Fraser passed away at the residence of her BOD, Mr. Thorea,s Fraser, ion the : Stone Road near Galt, on -Tneaday ist inst., at the advanced age of 84 years and 11 months, surviving her husband. only some two months. Mrs. Fraser. , was married to her late husband his February, 1818, the union havieg con- tinued for a period. of 66 Yeats. —A day or two since tfra. Mossecar, a well-known resident of the village -of Scotland, in Brent county, plated a kettle of boiling water upon the floor,: and before she was aware of the heart- rending circumstenee, her Mae foure year-old child had toddled across theI room, and stmaahliog, fell into the fluid.: The little one 'Was taken screaming. from its fatal bath, and in few hours expired. —John Spears, of Dereham, has been arrested and sent to Woodstock gaol to stand his trial for bigamy. He WA* married in Rudgetown, about four yearn ago, to Addis. Grimsoll. He had OD* -child by his first wife, but did not know whether it was a girl or boy. The first wife is living at Blenheim now. He was also married to Elizabeth .4.; Minerf of Dereharn, on the 17th of October la* —A Sombre, farmer crime to Sarnia; the other day to go east by the Great. Western Railwa,y, and while waNiag at • the station came across some eOlIfitlelloe men, who victinaized him to the extent of $40. One of them asked him tee change a $10 bill , and on ta,kitig thee change dexterously managed to get half of all the money the farmer had,. ant disappeared with his acconaRlicee. The authorities were informed, but alayet n4 arrests have been made. , - ' —John and George Stephenson, thi+ halfbreeds who murdered the old mat named McCarthy, near QtdAppelle, lii June last, were executed at Regina oli Thursday morning last ' week, The ' prisoners did not give up hope a escape, till the very last. On the scaffold they made a confession. Full details of the crime were left with the Priest, wait instructions to publish them after their death. They were both equally con- cern.ed in the murder. . —The people of Sandwiclf, who lately so strenuously objected to moving the jail from the town, begin to realize to fact that it is too near the frontlet There is some talk of turning the jaA into a hospital and building a new j'ad at Essex Centre. The advo 'ates 0 this scheme claim that it woul be far more difficult for friends of pris ners te assist thena to escape, and if prisonets did succeed in escaping from the jail, it would not be so easy to get across- the —Bishop Walsh preached au ei oquert and. effective sermon in St. 1Peter's church, London, last Sabbath.: After giving a vivid description of the- arrest, trial and crucifixion of the Savior, and the release of Barabbas, he com- pared the devil to the latter, and asked his hearers whether they would:dement Barabbas, the murderer and rolqber, or Jesus Christ, who had shed HiS blood, for them, and undergone for the sake of mankind such terrible sufferingsi on the cross as he had jurit Pietured. He said Ilea turned his evil mind towards the destruction of man, because main was made in God's image. He warned his congregation that the devil vvas. tuated 3 by the deadliest hatred towards =an- ity, and not to lend a williug e to his riunon. He wa$ 80lat as curate to the temptations. -