The Huron Expositor, 1884-04-04, Page 7t oma Heard FiOm. Limn; Algoma, March 17, 1884. neer ExPOEirroet,—Seeing that there has bee nothing in your much esteem- ed pap from this distant part of our Frovin of late, and seeing Manitoba and Da ota so well represented, I think it nothlag but joettice to this much nettle& abut Worthy part to let you and 73 e paper's many readers know • how thngs are booming around here. The weather, so far thea winter, has been beautiful and pleasant, thether- mometer ranging from 10 to 25 degrees below rare, with the exception of -a day or two) 400 below being the lowest, while at other times it ran above zero, but altogether, the winters in these parts ate very steady, and as a cones- quence 1 is very healthy. As for work- ing her4 na the winter, there has not been aay but people could work in their shirtsleeves with comfort. So mach for the weather. The prospects , of this ;country are very good at present. Everyt ing bids fair for the early com- pletion of oar railway, and reports say that we are to have it under construc- tion ne*t summer. Land is . rising in value !very fast, and parties want- ing land would consult their own inter— ests to ,secure it as soon as possible. There is still some wild land around here for settlement at from 20 cents to $1 per acre, subject to settlement duties which are to reside on itefor three years andclear and crop five acres to the 100. There are also some improved farms for sale at from $300 to $3,000, according to situation, quality of land, &o., but some have got the railroad , fever and are holding out for higher prices. But what speaks well for the country ia, that those who damage of their property sel- dom leave the countrybut they settle right down again somewhere near at hand. ' Times are just booming around here and wages good, somemen making as much as $4.50 per day, lumbering and railroad tie -making being the prin- cipal employment. 1 pity those poor prairie hay -twisters who have nothing else to do but sit by the stove and burn hay to keep themselves warm, and have not the first thing to turn their hand to to make a dollar, and I -think they must wish many a time that they were back to the old backwoods of Ontario where they could get plenty Of good wood to burn and something to do to keep the wolf from the door, as the saying is. But I am very happy to think that not all of "Old Huron " boys are so foolish as to forsake the good old woodlands of Ontario, where their fathers and mothers spent so many happy days,and be lured away by the enchanted sight of a prairie and smooth-tongued money - grabbers, until, alas! they see their miatake, but very often too late, and eherhave to fight it o -at to the bitter end. We have got a few cif the Huron boys here, and 1 -will give you an idea of how we spend. the win- ter. Tie making and wood chopping are the employments in these parts, add - on. a frosty morning, when we go out to the bush, strip off and jump eon to a log, and the ring of the axe is heard far and near, and the song of the teamsters strikes your ear, it makes you feel as if life had something in it worth living for, and all goes happy and free. Some of the boys have been doing some pretty good work making ties. Messrs. John Armstrong and Daniel Stevens. late of Builett, have made the large number of 53 ties in one day, felled their own tim ber, and topped and butted them. The timber is taraarae, and when • it is con- sidered that from 15 to 20 is a good day's work for a man, they proved themselves to be " Excelsiors," and thiuk they are hard to beat. Gama is also plentiful about here, and hunt ing and trapping is indulged in by many as a pastime. Bears, lynx, wildcats, foxes, deer and partridge abound, and are often seen by the settlers. Messrs, Win, and Thos. Murray, late of Tuckersmith,reeently captured a very large lynx and a fox. The lynx stood two feet six inches high, and was three feet four inches long, and was a good specimen of his_kind. The people in these parts are contented and prosperous, friendly and sociable, and as a community it is hard to find a better. The long winter evenings are now and then broken by tea -meet ings, socials, &c., and now I must give yon a short sketch of a very sticcesefol tea -meeting which was held here in . connection with the Sabbath school of Tarbutt and Laird. - We had a very large gathering, there being about 150 people present, and all enjoyed them- selvea immensely. Tea Was served at • seven o'clock, and after those. present had done ample justice to the good. things provided by the good ladies of this section, Me. Thomas Nott, late of Hullett, took the chair, and Malik, readings, speeches and recitations filled the programme of the evening. The musical part deserves special men- tion, there being two choirs present, which not many of the sooial gather. ings of old. Huron can boast of., They were assisted by Miss Rich- ards, of. Richards' ' Landing, who is, to say the least, an accomplish- ed player. They might put. to shame many a like gathering in the old settle- ments. After the programme was gone through, and the them' votes of thanks tendered the ladies, the choir, the speakers and the chairman fOr the very able and efficient manner in which they had discharged the duties incum- bent upon them, the meeting was brought to a close by -the audience join- ing in singing " God Save the Queen," and. the Rev. Mr. Ferguson pronouncing,. the benediction. The proceeds amount- ed to the very handsome sum of $40.66, How is that for the bush on the north I shore of Lake Superior? ' bfow, a word about the crops. They were as good as cOuld be expected on account of .the cold, wet weather which prevailed last summer, but we were not the only suf- ferers from this cause, as -I believe it extended through the length and breadth of the land. Some parties in this sec- tion had excellent crop4 despite the wet, cold summer, I think about as good as I ever saw, and I think if we had a favor- able season Algoma, could challenge the world for the quality and quantity ef the grain grown to the acre, as I notice r"..)43 that wh rover Algorcia grain is shown it sweeps everything before it. Roots and vegetables of all kinds also do well here. Markets are good, as the folloW- ing quotations show : Wheat, $1 per bushel; peas, $1 ; oats, 65c.; potatoes, 50e.; eggs, 25c. per dozen ; butter, 25d, per lb., and everything else in proport tion, while dry goods, groceries, hard- fo ware, Sec., are just as cheap as they are- w in Sea.forth. I think, Mr. Editor, I h have written about as much as you will w allow me space for in your ever wel- F come paier, and will now draw to a in e olose by asking sill in home in;a. new eotiat Algoma b.efore °satin on the bleak and tam we want in thi energy and °our little money, and e country second to no our land is good a d bountiful return t ous and willing sois ing this sornewh t your valuable,colu obiige, yours, tito. !-'' itas For Ve. Many a young fart with rosy cheek an emelaancarpeted contented and ha best her husben was confidenetha willing heart. would golden years to 60 able and pretty ho they have toiled a returns of harveat and satisfied bee prosperity of thrift settling 'upon the had alarm of thei young wife had 'an the &meta:leis of she hinted now en raises of betterie e was silenced with when the mortgag and the farm clear have no stint of co things. Bat, alas was paid off the The old barn was down affair, rand a dispensable nec young farmer w cattle and horses, .have thein exposed rickety, Was mad winds. So the the ample barn wa wife waited. The time came longer young. Lin marked the wife's' played about her k waiting still. Th avenues for money - that the enterpriei see that his home w ing. If he was rich how could he be poo sped? To him who late, buying and se ing and gathering, h it was to her who B ending to peek a y to o rae and see w themsel Vie/1f away n prat ritea i hat entry is ated with ticked up!: witha. ill s n 10131.ve a e in . metiols,Ifor will soonly eld a e sober, iadustri- f toil. ' Ity sett- op h lett r , in s you ill g eatly I NTT, BT Late o Hull ti.' ' 1 , • mers , , • ! er'swire has gone d ight heart into the sb n of a rented !arm, py becaus it Wes the his stron 1 arm and 3 ould gi •e, and she 4t ti be !all , to wiri for bei 'waited er hary se the d inda, By. lave e otitis Mel 0 thenof in this e assn ould of debt eatable when t 13:sotine t pee w ono ty. 1: proud d could o the'. honse, o petal uilt, an en the of nate titeta an e. Bn °'..4tiCthe a oe rt- '!' Tther Rabe eful ea the ry atea lily • by hey to re rip ret1;te fotte. If e old pro - °spent she 51103 that paid off ehepliould .nd ottegant- !mor/gage ping tuthble- as an in - e thrifty f his: fine et ber to en !winter email and ttle, w 'ile, !the poor ral dowiri 1 )131°e 11 she eo en to could Ind 1 nd a cab e eerily t or the.low fi ren WWI e w e eny akin o im farm r not s scant,k- J' lends in any re - was ant nd ling, 80 ud- me was ot hat cased its . beyond. his wife. had time e not as . .[owner in and- bar - self than zldom c threshold into the let try weal Yet he meant to be lied to He loved her as much as he and thought to levee Was B rich as he, the joint nd equa all -he possessed? ele worke gained and sohertied eeforhi for his wife and chill ten. So he thought; b t he was rafetalfen. He worked,. in truth, froM an inseeee thirst for more -:-- oo re cat le more I ' horses, more lands. He Was mad with the mania for pos ssiona is firm was never broadi en ugh, . h s rolling acres never stretchedfar eoon h away. His love of °wire hip ha , alwost choked out that oth and', be: tea love which filled his bre:et at thetinarriage altar and followed h with re young wife into the rude c tage where, after all, their best and est wedded !ife had been spent. Wili t wonder that he weary wife sighed a he reoat ed those days written the goldenbow , of 'l promise bent lovingly over the... 01 ourse she his good name, hie inflUenc ameng ; was proud of her ha and's! s mem of oupied. Bat with a thie here was men, and the honor le position he leo:- something wanting, ere Waslia soaatt- ness of home lov and 1 e joyraent. Then, too, the moth saw her eons land daughters growing i• into inanhOoc11 and womanhood and asking s methinj which she vaguely b vainly onged, supply—something *re of grace lend her would be better . culture, which her otrot:iheer5u"st eliaurttodia ii end cattle. i It is not the far alone nor he, perhaps, more than en ini ot I er watt tions, who allows the hirst fo ! postea- eion to choke down ,It 'e filter . feelings and rarer enjoyments of refine tient end beauty. The lawyer I oes it ; he ner- chaut, the business Da n. It a ea mistake to become thus -abet, o ed in What is the:good of possossi di if- he mere money-gettinga . t is well to wOrk but it is neither wise or well t sl ve. things possessed are n t 61.43571 F ? '. It is commendable 1 r the :• oungi to petency which shall open look forward to and trive I Id a ociml. them • avenues of eujoyniep now osed ht comparative poverty.; but let hem be ware of the money -get ing ma • ia. If now and then somE, new co t• forti o beauty is not cheerf ' I y adde to the home to increase its: ttractiN nesa i; if all the promises mad to CI yelling wife are easily forgot a or mo e evenly broken; if each sucee ding ye r serves but to increase the '6 td in th strong box—then let the m stop'en fled u - ly ask himself whet er,i for a w or acres or a few more lars he oughtto ! I have foregone all hose me tal It . spiritual delicacies Q ife-whic forri large a part of our apple() a, an have left his child 0 i mile weall without that culture!co mind d h which are esseutial . the righ use enjoyment of it. ! - 19 —Bruce Young, a anadaa .outhjei Railway conductor, ho live in IS Thomas, has skippe f r parts nkdoia eaving a large num of Cr ditorEl ? mourn his sudden de rture. —The Clinton Ne , Era of at we says : Mr. A. Sterin•, who ied . _a:t week, at the residenceof his 5!n, on t , 6th concession, of 01 erich towns i , was one of the ea 1 pionee s of t township, having co there bout t, year 1840. He was. rn in 1 97 in th parish of Pan bride. orfars ire, S laud, and came to 1514 B count y in year 11840. The Her n Tract was t attracting attentioit, nd wit oth ri he came her and as tled on the 6t conceasion, where h continn d to r side until the time i f his d tath. 11 took a,n active inter s in eh•rchnia ters, and was ever r ling to help Io ward any good caus . Polit cally was a staunch Refo er. II outlive wo daughters, and I'ved to see jtl [t his wife 12 Years, b 1 g 87 at the t in of his death, and le ves one son n urth generation. /1 w men enjoy d ider circle of acquaintances or eld in higher esteem. His rem ere followed to Bayfield cemetery o riday,by a large nuu4ber of Es mpathi g friends andsorrowing relatives. j e 6 BEAL STAT FOR SALE. TT -IE HURO EXPOSIT° PLOW" erg ACRE p lot 30ea 31, conoeseicin seeded, and in or pasture, I AND EW ab RM FOR S&1.,1.—North h lf of d north heti of north half 4f .lot , McKillop• Mosta this 1and is exeellept oondition for me ow or furth partictilars appy to ENLOC Winthrop P. 0. .19 tf 1 1-I OUSE F ropert to St:Thorn oupi by tion, ilrat-ol room ante a hard and sof neoepearies apply to the se 0 13 ALE. -4 n John St church oole. Th cellar, six d kitohen atter, a ne ornplete. roprietor. or sale !that desirable eet, Seatoreh, next door rato age, and now oo- re 11 good stone fo nda- edreomieparlond ning Mao a large wooc had, stable, , and all other or further. particulate; . ROSS,,eleaforthl 830 QAW MIL FOR SAL .—Por sale, a saw mill with or ithout stock. Shingle mill in con- nection. Is ituated within one and a half miles of Whiteehu ch station ot the Wellington, Grey & Bruce Rail ay. Eve*, ing in good condition. Will be sold t a remarkalily Jew price. App g to J. W. MOW 1 SAY, Propr toe, at the mill, or by letter to Whi eolunch Ie. 0. Wouel accept of a partner. 843-10 , I 'WARM PO SAL E.--er salo, thd, south hall of lot 10, ouoessiou 1,, Urey, containing 50 acres. There are 30 Peres cleared, part of the balance has ettburned down and part bush. There is a fra o house an 84ble, ' a young or- chard and 4. ores of fa I 4he1t. It is situated within a nul and a qua t r dt Jamrstown. It will be sold c leap. 1 h joi ting 50 acres aro also fur sale. This pro eqt ill be sold ..epa te. V or togethe . Apply t SAMiJIL ANDR W POLLOCK, o the farm or by mail to Ja les - town P0. 850 VABM FOR SALE.— ithfr.lf lot 29, op- Je cession 8 Morris, e u ain ng 1 0 acres, 4 of which are cle red and nee. ly freerom stn ps. 'There ate on he premises a good 1 g house land frame stable, wo never an ing woll4 and an ex- cellent orcha d of al os two h ndred fituit trees, all bet ing. Thp arm is oonvenie tly situated, bein only two •a d a hale miles from Brussels and hirteen trpnh Sedforth. For Inr- ther particula apply t . 8 SCOTT, Brussels, or to RICHA D LEES.I J4ndsay. 841 FARM IN TUCKERS ITH FOR !SAL For sale, 1o24, coupe sion 3, E..R S. T ek, eramith, cant ining 100 flares, 85 of which re cleared; the rnjiaindera hardWeod hash. Thre is a good briorouse n4 Mune outbuildlrgs. There is a spaa id orobari and plc ty 'of wa er. It is eonvenie t a sohooll and ehttroh. it is wi la- in five miles on . eaforth and set Clinton, w th good gravel ro d leading oth plaees. or farther parte 1 re apply °ix te premises o to Seatorth P. O. OBER' Ildo 51 VARM IN HU LETT -OR SA .—'or sale,' -a-; lot 3, con e sion 3, hIlett, co taining 00 acres, 90 of w iCi are cleared, tee f stumps,. nearly all u der-dra Mad a d in a high state of cultivabion. 'here is a good briclresidenhe, good outbuild a a sple did orchar rend ab n - dance of water rhe Mai teed River un s through the farm. It is ood for it -her stoc or gra n. Is about four nu s from $forth an seven Ir m Clinton, with a g od gra el ?road leading: to each place. For furt1 er particuhus pply •n he pre kat or address S afonli P; 0. it 1 BE;RT c - MICHAEL. 84 "LIAM IN TUC -le sale, Lot 8 amith, and the e Conceaoion, o nt acres are clamed on the smell far brenk bun, and o land is well feno good state of colt good and mosll youeg bearing There are 20 a re lots are adjoin"' g Eeparately. It is and three miles of Hippen, leading to each pl co. App to the propri t FISHER. 847! ERShiITH EOR ALL—'or onceseion llic. R. S., Tuck r - i1 et hale Of ot 9, in ! the 1 th ifling 15au es, ef which 80 n the 'Itufee, iand 35 aores . There4i a ood fearne bon e, inn her teoeSear buiedings• d, well tinder -1 raised, and in I a • ,nation,. The timber lend is all hardwood. There is a good rebate and lenty o water. of fall whan eat Bow. , he two and Bili ehe sold together within sateen miles f Searor nth good ravel roads on ehe remises or JIOSEP11 h i' Kipped P. 0. INF TAI4T TI ES. faIRL WANT ee" vent who Oa 90,'W , New York 'wages will be give MRS. T. T. CO • —Wan ed, a ood eneral self - wash me iron, to go to War - To a cntnt orson go d elAN, Seaeort 851-2 Foa palulare apply o PAY UP.—TI • accoents du Dr. Vereoe r meaning uti • llected haring been left in hands for ollecli.u, all puttees ntereited are n titled that the si e must ben net led -Without d lay, else expens4s will be ineuir d. Parties d siring to settle 4a do so either by tolling at residence, Hail ur my, or at. R bet t Jamieson store, Sea rot tin. . P. B RINE. 851 A CH ARMING- RES1MhN0 TQ RENT, lee- Consisting o seven rootns,I a ood woodsle d, &c. G oil well alis c1storr and a fine lawn with fruit nee flowers.; I is vithin to minutes walk of t e post eftece or d pet. Fr 'Maher particular enquire ,en the premises C. el DUNLOP b51 y 's !INaIelat TO REN .—Torent fite term of year el: the old -Bel. omeetesdl'a near Kippe , 'containing 96 acre all cleared acid under eeltiv Ition. This farm i convraiently sit ated, beln icleee to thevill e of KIppeneand is 'best farms in '1' c ersmith, e Terme !Apply to the n dersigfied; on th Ili013.4111' BEL I OST NATI. SEED WBEAT.— '-' signed has fo sale a fete nu dre Lost Natioh8 i g heat.: sn'tabl It is of fiestetlaes peiee $1.‘25 per bushel. Apply GOVZ 1110CK,ner Seafortb. N. B.:— lso a h• roughbred! Dtirhani Bull kept-. 851x4 one of ta reasonable. premieee. 65/ Ile undee- bushels Of for seed. 9 g e tee 'service. 1A7 ANTED, Biker, wi him. A stead nook, and he r Apply to WI 'new. 8!4ex4 N OTICE TO L' to the un account are req April lat. All will be sued wi h ,.._.- First-Clase *egad and Ca he view (*selling o tenting oung maO cat do al goo btu moderates the right ma M 'WALKlaR, Box 171, Lno ;• 0 1- FULTONI, Egm TeULL FOR oughbred oalved My ed in theleena a on lot 8, 6onees mondville P. 0. M USICA1 L.— aw-k• a "Milted uu inept -atm and or a street, sepond 110eULL bALV ed he!s, on o near Cromeety, 1 2 high fp adas, 11 "Sir Samnee," Apply rnithutio DUNCAN el cL BTORS.-411 part es indeb igned either by N ce or Bo red to peg the same In or befo 'ening unpaid after that d o t further! notice. ROBER ville. 840-4 I.! E.—For Stile, oheap, a Thor - ham eoti " Duke of MayX,' 888; of amen color and regist Short Rorie Herd Bqok. App inn 9, Tuelterstnith, or to E IMON 7ITINTER. 851f4 n A 1 Is. T. D. rinndergast will reeei e ber of pupils for instructiqn lessous, her reed enc , John r west of Eoglieh ch irch.849-t f. y FOR SALE.--- The 17, Conoessien 1 ood thorough -bre earnings They we mported ' !Knight o premises or to Cr EN. 849.4 undersig , Hiboer , Bull arld a sired Warloby arty P.,' -potuaas S'OR A -P Sale a en Bull nClav7, ran .1, They are 'Lori e the British .Ana the best and en animals oan b Us torne,jor adu re RUSSELL. 84:x E —The undersigned has fpr er of Thotonelobred Durhainl g from le, to 14 iloonths oed. inners, and aka registered 'n an Herd 'Book, aid are fro fashions ,tle !families. Thebe e , . een on „lot 7, Thames Road, n's to Exeter p. 0. THOM1B hleSOLUTI N OF ,PARTNERSHIP.—The -se' Undersign d lureby give notice elute the po- -partnership he e ofore existing between the in the Village of Hensall, es merchants, under the name and s vl of G. Kerrey & Son, wag dip - solved by mut 1 1 coeseat on the 3Ist day bf January, 1884. 11 debts dee the firm are to 9 paid to Georg ninny, MURRA JAMES NIUE" A 849-4 ! OTHEoLtell:Oin AvLipia.I—geFoki sale, John Breseon's ofi Deysdale' township of Stanley.. TI ropetty Ile it goodconditi in and the hotel h d ing a profitable eosin:lessee id is sure of obtai..ii g a liceese. There is in co vection with itia, acre of lend on which i good stable an, od en-char/IL. • Thee are t o never failing w I . This isan excellent openi g for a ewe). maul w shing to ertga ge n the ho el business. For further partieulars aPply on t ie premieeslor to lie-scla.le P.. 0 JOHN BRESSO 850 AGENTS We. TED.--Wented, aceive, reliable AgOntS at1S aforth,,Exeter, Goderich, Brine sea, Blyth, Geed and Wingliam, to canvass or the sale of rea ere, mowers; rakes, twine binders drills, seeders, e laws, sulky :plows, straw cuttees, wagons, truck horse powet s, Separators, port- able and tra.cti n steam engjnes, saw mill ma- chinery, &c , a nfeetured y the North Ameea can Agricultur I mplement and General Marin- facturing Comte y, London Ontario', Apply Ito WM. B. McLE , , Hensall, Ont., or to the Norith American man turfing eotapary, London. 841. CHIL Whi imp stoo tari stoo ferio Toro Sher of all befor hot h to by believ the e Will SOR for on custo per bo fr. II be Ag h will rt dutie impor mese is eah article full to Mo 's Rak kinds buyin P ! a Ioad Gnui. e South :13 nd ED PLOWS & :SULKY PLOW , eUST RE EIVED AT - 0. C. W LLSON'S cultural Impleme t Wtreroom, Seaforth, e sold at old prices, notwit9istandi4ig the increase of 10 per cel e rise int e , the en scriber being deteiof the a few days before th rmined to keep those valuable Plows ed One nndred and Fifty nently, heis enabled to s11 them at former prices until the prase t usted. all and see those lows 1efore buying a comnaon or i Every low guaranteed t give s tisfaction or no sale. ok of Massey Reapers and Masse Mowers, Toronto Reapers a ere, Toronto Cord Binder i and assey's Low Down Binder, a s, all of Which will be sold heap and on reasonable terias. Repoli s ways on hand for the abo e mach4ies. Don't fail to see my Edo k a machine. 11111111EIMENNINI plIPPEN STILL ITO THE FRONT For Form er.' limplemeats. i Talf7176r8 Patrorti'‘ Home Industry. rlows, Harrows, Cultivtors, and Lan Rollers. T. MELLI)§, K!PPENI On Hand Again, and ittlilve to business for the priug of 1884, who is always studyin the Ferra- ra' interests in regird to farm _ mplementa, ekes this opportunity of notifyirg his many uetomers, and those i need, that he has on iiand the largest, the b1 st, and the cheapest selpc- on of implements in the county, oonsisting of and Rollers, Gang Plows, Cultivators, Stubble lows General Purpose lows, Sod Plows, South end Chilled Plows lean beam Plow, also . Ben Improved Attie:imn Steel Plows. Farm ers„ Call and See Them before buying elsewhere. Also on hand large ail Straw Cutters, which will ho sold at a bergam. Alt implements sold for mall profits for cash, or on short time. ACONS; CARRIACES AND BUCC1E8 ade to Order, and al repairing of Buggies arid aggorfir will receive ttention. Plows and Har- ro mes Repaired. Fat era, now is the time to tech along your plo s apd harrows for repairing. Farmers wanting new mould boards, plow beam, nd althea, eecond-h nd iron beam or No. 4 Imes, can get euppli el et my shop. Plow cast- 1gal and gang plow c stings for all the leading lows in the trade. Bcmcinber that T. Melilla', p en, is the place t get your wants supplied i the plow line. Alsb rtpairs on hand for the wenn Hooser Drills, In ersoll. Ilittelmniihing and Horse Shoeing n all its branches ex cneed with neatness, _dune- ility, and despatch. S all Profits is My Motto. all and and good Youwillalways find me alive to e ored, and ready to do si ess. 8494.1. T. MELLIS, Kippn. 0. C. WIqiSO otwith wever he wea merit tire co HA.T MUST CO N 1\ain Street Seafortli ME HALL COM SP - tending the great difficulty in introidueing a new remedy tothe pub uperior, account of tile enormons amount of advertisi- gresorted thyproprietors of the many articles already in the mar et, yet we in the end must win, add, as already in these parts, so hrotighout ntry.- GLYCERATED 13A4SAIVI. OF FIIR" e recogaized as the standard remedy of the age forCOUGHS, COLDS ana THRATS. f any want furth r proof, let them- try a bott e, or stand day ir our stor and listen to the volunt ry testimony offered 3, grateful era. Tits hetilin and soothing pro )ertes ire truly marvellous. I Price, 50t tle, for sale by Pobitson, Wroxeter; Edwar Snelloramestown ; James Camp. 1, Walton ; S.McKibbin, Lead uri IA. Govenlock, Win1irop ; J. Kidd & Son, Dublin; Will imiDrirn,rnond, Blyth; Jm, Scot, Brucefield ; J. Bonth, on&,93rn, Hensall,- ner & Son,1Zurich ; L. Sii on, .1) shwpod ; M. Wil- iams, Cpmary; J. Le ilie,- ke ; R. Gar- diner,1Farquhar, ; J. TfTrig Beechwood . D. Weismillr, Kipp n • R. Drysdale, Drysdale; G. li BeWson, Bay- field ; Geo. St wart! Co., Varna; R. E. kinsmai Staji.s. WHOLESALE OR R TAIL BY 'UM DEN wiL s 014, MANU ACTURERS, SEAFORTIEF, ONT. NEW MILLING FIRM IN SEAFORTI-1 HE SEAFORTH ROIT.LER LATE THE ED MILL. 1\cBRIbE (St SMITi, from Strathroy, *wing bought the above mills, and refitt ud best machtpery that could be procur GRADUAL REDUOTI d forl d then, throughout with all the latel, N OOLLER MILL, nd the result attained is, they have on of the best mills in the Province. armers can rrow get all their GRISTING andl CHOPPING Ilene itt Seaforth, nd have it home with them the same data and; Satisfaction Guaranteed. FIJO 13Et.A.I•T •41-3:) or sale by the ton or ia less quantities—FOR: CASH. Cashfor any quantit f Wheat. McBRIDE & SMITH. MR. THMAS SMITH will persotially seperintend the SeafOrth Rolle ills. 4EY!. HONEY! --4--WARRANT D IPURE. Every perchaser satisfied with qu lity 4d price. Five gonad pail, 99 ente ; two and a half pc:mad pail, 45 cen s. 1 X",sTW .8, New Gol(tEin Beardless Barley, Reim' 's Imp oved Six -Rowed Batley, Goose pring Wheat, White Elephant Potatoes, Amb? Sugar Cane Seed from Kansas. St#1,1:2='LIMS- Italian, Cyprean and Holy Land Bees land Queens, Single a#d Double ailed Hives Extractors, Honey Kniv s, Ve1, Bee Guards. Evetything ,te arry on the business safely and supoessfully at D. A. Jones' prices Enclose t. tampE for pri e list. 1" Mon y to loan at 6 and 6/ per oe • PE AT IS IT Wliee IT IS THE PL'S POPULAR OTORAPH PARLORS, ith A DREW CALDER at the helm, and now hat th holiday !season is fast approaching, end he goo people bf Huron end Perth will doubt - 1088 req ma sone thing neat and eatistio in the ay of an-traitso send as holiday gifts to abient friends tr reLativ s, and Mr. C. being fully alive o the i epottanc of this feet, has made [medal extra : . igeme ts fonthe accommodation of the oliday Ueda. ALDERS for Christmas pie, tares, C LDER' for New Year's Pictures. For a Photo of taety design, excellence of shade and finish, e sy and I graceful position, coupled with approp ate backgronod and ateeessorien give tbe P. P. P. . a trie, and then go away smiling with delight &nd a good picture. ANDREW CALDER, oetli's lilook,8esforth. cregor, bHRYSTAL & BLACK, PRACTICAL 0LER MAlERS. THE bscribers have bought tete Toole and Boil r Business lately carried ou by the God« erich Fa dry and Manufacturing tompany, and leaving i4d an experiments of over eight years io that elm are now prepared to carry on the trade in all it e ranches. Any * k entrusted to us will receive prompt ettentio First-olass work guaranteed. All kiida of Boilers made and epaired, &lee moke teaks and Sheet Iron Work, &Gest reao heonNaghebwloerto t notice, and at prices that defy coml. ter Pans made and old onea repaired or titiopanti RYST.A.LBex&19H3L,A604Keri„ L o 1.1-1 CAR LOAD WASHBURN & MOEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY TWO- 7. P. the place te go, quite a show. eh and rare les are there, in price L. PAPST'S is axing in Jewelry trigs and jewels ;pall the latest st very reasonabl T a get a Locket Oh ! so nice. iilease call on Pap is word is sure, 'r buying from , n every man an t, there goods so poor. woman born, L.o1 at Papat'e st ok to -morrow morn. Papa ain't ashamd, to show his stock, And can be found in Cardnoli Block. 4pa says Chrs' g ods are best, Sol in a. Clock or 1 atch invest. Ib please you lie 1 ill do his best, and try to riva all the rest. The best place West of Toronto to hese pur Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Silver- ware and Spectacles s at the popultr jewelry store of 0. L. FF'APST, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. CARD IO14 THANKS, 1THE DIRECTORS OF THE MCKILLOE MUTUAL ,) FIRE IN8URAC2 OXPANY.—Gentlemen ;el aha this opportunity o thanking you for the pr mpt settlement of xxy loss caused by the burn- ing: of my dwelling houee and part of the contents on the night of the l 26t1i of February, which was inenred in the company bit the suin of 8500, which mai has been paid in full by the Treasurer of the orepany. I also than • my neighbois for their instance and kinenes to neyeelf and family on the night of the fire an4l in assisting simile to re- 1Mild. JOHN HINe CH EY, e undersigned offeks fer sale his Black8s5m1xi: A SPLENDIDSINESS th- ! BLfCHANCE and Wagon mekines ablishneent in the vil- lage of Egmondville, t era er with the tools and goad -will of the busi es ; also a considerable stook of iron and lumber. ! There are two large hops, one for blacksmi hing and the other for On the prerniees or address Egmondville Ic 0. it wood -working. There are three fires in the blaeksmith shop. Thi is in the centre 01 0110 of the best agricultural istricts in Canada:- The hueiness has been (tab ished thirty years and a good man with some cepital can make money fat. The best reasons 'given for selling. Apply 01BERT FULTON. 648 APRIL 4, 'il8 LEGAL. - R S. cARRoLL,.. LATE of Garrow & Proudfoots Ofilee, Goeeeeee Solicitors Conveyarmer, &c. Money -to j SW Office in Meyer's Block, Maio see Seaforth. •' 'pee C. HAYS,_ Solicitor, &o. Private:mot:tee 4., 1ere lend at lowest rates of intereet. Orman ; Corner of Square and West Street, Godirih. See CeARROW tt PR0T3DF00T,Barristirrigenei. 'as tors, &c.,Goderleh, Oaten T .ele • Wra.Prondloot fulig CAMERON, HOLT.& CAERON, Bearjeteri: lolicitors in Chanery, 4.. GodorichAzz M. O.Carneron,Q . C., Pbelip Holt, eron. I G eseee ; 606 w.el 0„EyEle, Barrister and Ateeey eel Il- Law, Solicitor in 'Chancery. Com seionie for taking afddait@in the Provineceof eitookeec. Solicitor for the Bank : et' Hamilton, Wingert; Privatefunde toloanatdi t 0 di per ;nett. . ------------„oe, - it/FANNING & SCOTT, Barr:lateral, Sone eel- Conveyancers, &e.; Solicitors for he Bon of Johnton, Tisdale &! Gale. Money 'le 104,- 0f:dee, Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario e . A, jile, MANNek 1YZR ICKI 1 j&AblDs8S c°NTSTClee, Barnators 781 ' 1-111- Block, Wingham. Solicitors for the Beat vioftsRainniMailt4nniiobaC°. niPnlisriv8 °enfeurnsdf:tor tlaokarligataltie pet T ATE witheameromeHolt & Canicronoderidif 0...MYER. E. L. DICKI ROL cent. Luoknow offiee eery Wednesds )4 11.z. L0E-rusi.13---------ANeyt -e-e Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyneer e, Money to loan, Beneoeses Old Office, 'Cardeoit Block, Seaforth. . 7 -8.0. IVIcOAtiHEY, A. M. - VOTARY Public, Coneyancer, Commissidnere, &c. Office in Carichael's Bleek(groled floor), opposite THE EXPOSITOR Office. Money ise lend. Farms and houses for sale. ! F. HOLMESTED, QUOCESSCR to latefirm of MeCaeghey Holmested, Barrister, Solicitor, Coneeyeneerl and Notary Solicitor for the Canadiatileankoel Commerce. Money to ;lend. Farms 'or isle.; Office in Scott's Bleak, Main street, Seafeeth. BUSINESS CHANG1 The Illiderfktied begs to announce to the pub -1 lic that he has purchased the general store bud.; nem, hitherto carried on by Ma Henry Schefer, in Kippen, and is determined to place re in eh; fronk ranks of general stores in the Count -yet Huron. Our stock of • Dry Good, Groceries, Cropkerai Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, c,, Will be found well assorted and coalelte, with splendid lines of Spring Goods arriving. nearly every day. We show excellent va1nes in New e Cottonad• s, Sh;rtings, Dress Goods, Prie, Cot- tons, Carpets, Tweeds, Ducks, Denims, Unwhiak were bought for cash at a di count, of whith we will give our customers the advantage. Remember, we do not quote low priceeforlew graded goods, merely for a catchpenny, but ratio to keep a first-class stock and se 4 it as eheap the next. Cali and examine our stock and prides tad co- vince yourself before purchasing elsewhere'es we are satisfied you cannot get as good goadsat the same prices. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange, for wich, the highest prices wi I be paid. Five per cent. discount allowed on all cash par chases exceeding 81 after March lst. No Trouble to Show Goods. D. WEISMILLER. DOMINION OFFICE AND POCKET pIARIES FOR/ 18844 CANADIAN ALMANA FOR 1884. PHICE, 15 CENTS. 1••••...iimmraii••••111 C. Ws PAPST BOOKS.ELLBR. SEAFORM CANADIAN BANK !OF COMSRCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, .:, .11,000,000. Rest, A 1 900,0000. Presii-ent, Hon. Wm. McMaster. SEAFORTH 1 BRANCH. The Seseforth Branch of this Bank onntifell.630 receive deposits, on which interest fa allewedoe the most favorable terms.; Drafts on all the principal towns and *Merin Canada, on Great Britain, and on tris Unite& States, betIght and sold. Oe----Firt door South of the Coramereig Hotel. 689 A. la. IRELAND, Manatiero F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. R. rif IR G 0 it C°NvEYA-NCER, Auctioneer, Agent for lint - cites Fire, Life and Aocident InsuranceCome panies. Debts collected and returns made with out delay. Money to loan - on improved Ural property. All businese entrusted to me will bee promptly and carefully attended to. Office era posite Mr. Kelly's Jewelre'Store, Hensall. SEAFORTH WOoLLEN MILLS# T BEG to inform thoe' indebted to :me for: manufacturing or book accounts, that °Wig to the entite destruction of my mill by Iliee 1_01 • ; cotnpelied to call on you for a prompt, seem" meat of your accounts, as the bookie thedbt closed - 1 hope a second appeal !rill not be neeenfeler7e, 8s9 G. VANEGX011),