HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-04-04, Page 5IIw7 IIIIIIf IIIIIPRIL IIRa TH -HUT C 'N EXPOSIT had P&A caldlatedlom beingfoliowed kricultural Co.Ueg d took their medicine ith TheA t e I ime, si Ii ch -Von[
Al ET9?E they- soon, as be had made free With NEW ADVERTISEMENgbis., *et befor! a 3 come! to. a plan robably! loo.1 DEA:R EXP65ITOR.' Permit me'throu A
0 Iat meal nothin 121 Il one John Slit i �he 1 g per., g ea; reg a dozen 0-1 Mr. Haughs, ba"98, -oat have belprit' he columns of your valuable paper
I lag istr1itte, r
A agonlel'of 011.00.1 an be no. I mped with hU name. I tie Idoubt that n )911 r in particials , in 9WThe figure between the pirentliellig iter (F roin Our c wn Col�r&pondint.� , hope, but T such -illioula se'ure 13i John i rigb ry him he 00vilitU
saah lin4, denotesthe page bf, the paper on wL xioh iduldc d0covered 1
t.- Thell v 1 ill., judging from the great qui nuit present to y4pur tin mercl readirg, a bri P0 Sta en %, in Some reipectE 16i IOU &W4 M, xoh 3� 3t, 1 384. him. e. account of the meeting of the 0 adicine it took to cure Ontario the adve�Alsemeut will be found. 1 Il ad better Mali alconfewou of%
I iim th,e com, it era 6, is�'i lip by Fishery Clauses a: � rough the' t, Id F31 !CLC RE. ows that he used a bo tle Experfinental,Uniob Whole actici i of the At ierican , 4i and n 0 c which was hold in� tl�he Agricultural Coll
-Notice—Daucan. & Duncan. -M f a tender -h mea Go- rernment iii tti -n sh rom May 8 to July It is q tl:L t ii,ll the nield- required. 7hif ky daily Montreal Cut Nails—Mrs. J. Kidd. ilai is evid )tit giving* the3wo yea a' notice the owners and pay them r He Docasionally skipped a day, bat ege,-Guelph, on Thursday and F 'd r
-illin'lary—Hoffma. Brothers. (5) d asit 8- T But tbel thought it M berm kre mi iest it. their he: nitenti.ion,e rid6 atly, is to force Can. * M,
d trouble. do up for this by getti i *O his union Was form av ma )f last wi�ek- T -del an
w 1li ito g anti 1g. ! morican fig he should bi amp
[ arliatiier;,proroguedb�foe Ado, n a Btu idJeB.
T. R. Ad, g tb a the next day. 0 y 2 he 'our yearg ago among
Blacksmith Wanted W. T. Hants .(5) ]I -adJustnient of hormen 9 l , e - to hive 1111 be 0 vast bii�t the officer Irdingly be Waaar-reat IDog:Skius. WaTited—, &ms. to) tier to Ms. CQ I ad 64bc ad It will bli instal a th t in his seen is to have been temporl , T 6irid ex studei its of the College and. a an as aS 0 0 Pro y a ' I - - J numli er of Ame i�ails I t -ted in fish' taken t j
ce —J. S. Brown. (5) er s Bull for S'ry a T.4e aol. It s �expect;44.1 Iasi- on, up in tile Ila is trial 'No (5) Ilindig6t spee delive eaff Fr waters, the balauce of is was the fifth t'nual. mrotilog. f at the -opril ticetoDebtbrs—Mrs,J.LKidd. pects of pt blio busines. 0 ida,3 p S� r ing it Oan than for I is namb does not turn will come Of gasmrft about six weeks. On Aul St. )bjects ofthis association are, to.form:a i Public' Nofice—Wria. Ballantyne. (5) Hon. A.']T.� a a, Pro 11-11 ial-T easin -er, John �cdonald at b e cl! bi int nti n of beneft in' ille r newal, of these clauseEi agai I for Goderioll. ly offictors, and ry with thid 25, owever, he again bobs up sal el )ond of *on SLM4))g the Cottage for Sale—Mrs. J. 11. Bonson.(5) at be alln'Rittitid t be beal c laimed t I ontit t, ough lat! till e if! 368 ibl(), Mo and 'pregent of the 06, hat e. ro rince it ed P get i gtbz by vi h Macdonald for nother bottle of ry.e. The re 0 Real Estate for Sale -7--M,, Mord son, (8) Unit d States. If 3ir J *h a, 190, Ituients 0A1 N under the Bri tie 2 No t Irlp I he -anehiae Ob seem to have Nel 'O le and Expepi ot 015,000 Reard—JameB Pickard. (8)' and it Ltea he ould dr ho ver, does D iaric, Agr o%tural C iolleg in ge Mug r, ciprocit i ho can Rucoead All Far. I. to I �romote th r tO 5 Bubsidy call lull idI fron t. 6 B T , t men Tho' store of Mr. A:, Grand Notice to Debtorl Morrison. (6), ill. It, :is uniders c4d, i 180, at tb a lumber', iroiitn, SIX I slid othe natural 0�, Seri 'us as the first attack, for fro ni I t a ei initei. YIP 0 dat Ito the end of the year John m: ourse with 16 'vie to mutual informit
New Spring- Goods—J. Morrow. (5) stead of from 187 B. W1 68 d [D) a. Am mi, - in an lad acitt red produ -,ts he wi I Brussels, has been !takent posseggion.0, Facto; Bill will no be� pmssed�l be oil I Re tion; to di ouga Subjects be i 't L L - t &ring on V CiV I age keep body and Soul togetI.er
Auction Sale at Brownell'S. _I have achie ad 6 ifi-o by the sberiff. (8) ill be.oeen b a cot. respon- its Bac� the vc ry low goo )n.d reading a socona as din g griou and b*13 tel IT age,of two bottles of whi 3k� with it 3 allied Sciences pl&i sed o his c -edit. an Ituie ullett, Seed Peas—M. A. Cliarlesorth. (8) things to a Carter, deneel this 0 nl Ila ad addreEisea d a- tb farm of M
§ C�ogalz stage i 3 that on N ilibiffill. t1he principlf of SIT TR`0UBL S. wee, rtis;, to papers and I'. for ey, 13 ear i Furniture lBon (8) RTm 'r, Poliab-'Lumaden Wi IW I the Domi -oA Go'' a ninen , *d th vered b cimpetant parties and "o
Sunday School Anniversary. 18, a le as Rho n Ville, Goderich to win . ip, for tha siamDii, Imessurels passed u O -D-1 a e details No man 4 1 in It O-Uge Imeet at Ioasli once ly for. these $100 a year and taxes'.
i f Dressinaking—Miss McDeruil'i Finane Mini itelr-ha i r01to d a Bill Such an intimilite nowl ge of tbo News of the Week. (8) are discussed in (o mi tee of the v; bo 83 tbeTel ?urposes'. t the meeting of 18 Eggs for HatchingL_A. Colder. (8) Mr. K. C: _Mr. A- M. Plo 1 roviding -for ;he' add bgidy to Northweskand to ants a5 gE aft r t [Ia. The ]a on the, rin,,iple passed to constitute 01 c n big fb�ral 11"r. C n Societi6s. that town on Tburoday of last r Q -P. itly chosen to be A LANTIC G.tns.—The violent ii. (I f oat� To Poultry F&noiers—J. A.Anderson.(8) atel -Vas a owed a fiel
cava6ron. He , was. f on tj Atlantic west coast during E at the Several Province T3.e, Din- B 11 an t be long, 'expoinentio-, 0 PreSideut� !of A weethel
IThorne. (a) the: Sunday and Monday, did itiat a able.. Rose PotAoe of the lFac iory fc r tth a Opp sition'a do day, OSII(8) tario wasuo' )Ce Sit y fo L T ' f �Le union,and to invite thl[n 25th ult. killinlry-,Opening-Duncan & Dan t alone a te'reitE d ad the for justice to the people of Iall agree u pon th )oe r su,,h a man( damalge to shipping. i's year in ali Auction Salfal Of Chattel Property. (51,,l other Provinces will deiv( I roportipla- a -nil that great co int0y. Ou Thursday 8 IN THE SOUTIL—A deStr: to the nof et ug, so , hat tb M r. W. Miller, ot ullett, last weEks no measure.; But if oi�cethe House.wert Cli`bLONE dition to �b office, students- and ex- no the tive y9lone passed through the vario sold a three yearold c ol t to Ar. Plum ately. Indeed, had infario lesi I no on I lir L onarl illey moviu,, Iintoculmittee upa it� either the de. �tuderii till e, wa i a fair represent- oUSUS Mo ion for. a Committee o Ointo, for It be sum
of Son ern States from the RoCRY Blou I- I f Ift,
interested� it a not a &"it P *O': 191 at L ore from� MI. bate w Id beI 0 Mion of pir Ctical Oe, or the Bi 1 SupT ly, r. Cim(ron 8tibmitted an tain 'to the Atlan tie, on tV�27 ti or DIX. The animal weight -d 1,390 lbs. t
wc old be e.ede I i u all I lea$ arts of Ontario lo took a lively part -ts �Chutoli would ;a Passed w h t proper con- ELmet dment to the effact tha�t the Hong led and —The stree lof % A n bar of persons were hill reSo r3pogilized a r E goin5ocolamitteecf hewloeto con.' n the di 131013S. At tan o'clock on -&at week' ibut fie
by th:� pr aa,�. c 7i m at, sideriliiiion... The G mor wounded, and an incalo Ilable nddy onal day I lernixent full-, re- SK&FORTH, FRIDAY, Aril 4,1884. ROSS iiit Rider what Iredress abould- be given to hursday t a pros (tent of the Coll a 0 But, as Mr ma ad ad be ti 0, in Al I 3r age, busEies could not 9
ama t of property destroyed. A �, i Icogniz a 61 0 nece Si - oi lit wing a - 3,00 i ames Kills, M. A., call -led the meatiOg the grievap lost. This desti..Otive cyclolie occurred onf rue Wbat &:dirty town 014ton is; ces in the Nol te r6 -
be was joined in hi. C lite licil f
r and a a propria
ill o orde tt, of Lbbdesbor.0 i 1
What the, Senate is gne -. day ning. It i :iolLod For py ill' Act, If is t,6 be I Sal a all, a her- re obition i a sapported in a compre —Mr. Robert So4o
Treasurer Of Q!aeb(c 1:111111 an he 0 �rks explained lib 0 jcts of! th!a k
o- il- er. hensive and telli Licy Speech i w-nich he —PrUBBia 11 a I t to wise:k 1 ing in er ings w TT; sold a two year old A few weeks ago we alluded to the eries of S1 PAID CLERGY, y teat take a. Bala as to -riburn, from politicians of tha Pf DV�1108 t1likel & a- nion and kindly i: I vited all to Ki for $200. 1 It
maa6A a d1amaging giray of facts show ord?3 -'i the State payment of was fiea
lei a er- rrassing t disgraceful tactics adopted by members art in the disonssions. He hoped th
Itit 111and uo tle Doinhiibn aubli: ing how deep a ad is the' r What's Wanted."' On lies the riEtors of I :?a orieS 'and. the lailtbolic clergy- in the diocese f a f armers iesent would not more y of the Sonth h&U: a L SIM oat of the Dominion Parliamene to smother they Co act diasa isfaction with the tariff the adi Coloype to be resumed, beginning wi 11, —Mr. John Scott,
namand att use toi';h r i mployee". It mitilitration of the a figure h they wou� d -essio-A of X,qrris
it Lvarliably acquieso n Is So) t� i in help to ai d to the 11 �terest of the mec t- Mr. Charlton'& Seducti n Bill. It was 1�. of ve4 inn t and laws, and thei janOry last. Of lot 91 Corte lies I"d at I t Sir J)h i playing bi enort iousadvant age given to peculators.. sold his farm, consilsting of 1 010 .a'erft,
an at, , be AreliducliesIs Marie gt that the course t&.k 7 ff —T then thoug A JANCED. Oda instance' -at a y 111%tli, t (t is old g�me of putti g, ff the presentatio: He w to follwed by Sir Ch leis Tupper,, Valor a, daughter of the Emperor''Praili-' �Ing by rel Ai ig Itheit: experience i pra a Sum to his brother Jaml 8, for Vie
would prevent its comiguf again: t�i. 1r, W the ab ence of Sir lij I. He i aid no set speeth 8 felt measa indebted �o Quebe tin( n *a I or le of i�xport�nt. ovparu re ho had to spea i in cis J sepb, has been affianced t Ole' �ical farm i 1C
session sit eve but t I B dw Were exi eded, k sa i 9 was done in -Vt.' r d perseverance to succeeded in amouu spell ine to be �r . ea and 3asy, and to, ask a� Gosman's. saw will a:; Blyth, on X�04;: rou�h in ih at the clos ouis, brother of t a Z
owing to Tdr. Charlton's de- 9d of justice she irec &7E ft 168 t aiding to go Jobn 'Mabdonall; Sir Cblirle elt: Are uke Fri eldest son of ut wish me quic Imuntil' tie I mo It —So tertubje upon the it in I uilding the tL �m; t I a 01 aukE !Charles L the Dominion, So it C ul I I a 11 wo!ist wo Catialian Pacifio: Railway, as show�ing' answer a y questJ on he saw
frustrating the designs of those oppO'Si.Dg Of tho, emioh, or 0 av: an excuse fo Em lror. The Archduke Franc a 'ii- day,when1,065teeta, iuch,lumbervEill 11 d Jupon'Mr. Battle g, aring to rec( guise' ih. ,11 Claim of �he Qovernm tt is to de -4, a I hen . call worth a d he lock logs, I�nfilda how anxious the a h ri Z th out from pine a his measure. droppi them.: h� rel R no reason Prh 7 t 3 an immense fortune from t
it came up f6r its third velop the Nortl west and romote a I she the c Ila;, r. Fj i hopropram,me other Provinces and ChAm7lo Cut the F tory Act hd Id lactlia leell its! Dnk fModen A on t of 2-0 miutes. in due course and was c arm reading' arried interests. 'Of course that had nothing' I was i pap w i wtitlf d the Model jF er, —The old brick hotel bailding at
ARHousEEXIGRANTS.—TheGo 18111111- Alth ll� th3 Ontario to, do with the qestion, for, so far, the. I y John onsiderable majority, although in the cild. passed throh.gh.. 01 �lr ches of thi ch 11, ialdsc la, B. A.,, ex- studen' 'i' Rod gerville is being I PT. Iled dol t1w by a. c* i men 3hipped by the steamer GrE h b
Lel t ure.by thi E; t. 3ut,with this m. left Glasgow for Boston OIL 0 a somewhat'em-aaculated. form. Several SUPporbers of the It 've N atiop Ll P C)Iicy il. at chi A'(' sperate fix, Canshan Pacifio, ]lag b8En-a uch: whi his paper (ame in for a lively discus- proprietor, Mr. S. Uai 41ad 111tole.
ion, whic rouglit to a close the for,l in anifested a, I h1l ng 3 bo I rualt t1eir the Go 7orn smaller blessing to the people of the. 22nd Olt., two- handired and Bevel removed to.Hen ati d re, er4 them of those opposed to it had not the coti. ment oe: IlO iare: to to. 4
oon 136SBI 13%, Z it has been to the emig asa store building. Northwest tbar rants taken from the workhouse of P rovince tj be sujel tic Pose iLrythirlig that -i lit-aly tocalmse alk 30 a Inc at t�y Iage to vote againat it, having befolre Synd Cate. Fur ibiTeimore, f3ir Charles ie�ord. Ireland. i The aft rnloon s S;Lion was o ictoriep. S nd of the m.D'or Swirl —onb day last wee'K while, 4 ou ng! IIndi a long 48 it aI i indE r. t, ale bin ad reas . 1by of. Brown,. subjeat, son of Air. glaity a to nee com Nc SuAsIoN.— a 2 their el a. Wholesome fear- of thoir Go t'imentmeasurk Tupp3r gave his 3piuion that Mr. Cam. nol, Vag ve Si [a - John DaNt, of U13�4r
ol Mr. Mowal woldo, not 4, ink ;!iue;nly eron was-unpatr otic, and his righteous'. The applie'tion f scientific and prai' at play near a )d pile., fto!mulliaer' conatit, parati ely 3arly in tk a S& on are al Gord has decided to abandon 11iij 8 Woo aeuts if they did so and e*en L ink th soul am vexed, -1 o t t 'any. Can%.. polio r of conciliai tical arboricultur in Canada. a which the low hail ba-eitea,l �the pile:;
er tough - of - th am: t bails r4 i d at t these who opposed'it by their votes, aid Ely advalicad. The.mo QrisntoftbesQ ing the natives, a d Vol S11 than hould speak ai Mr. Cameron had 610111tendei ()a d a was over Cleared
woul&submit :io so f ar Lin 11JuSJioe bowe*Ei, the Insur4ac E ill, I aoks it purist ie, 9, More vigorous one. fell over on the boy, 9 . 11 I I . . so in ilence. The Opposition to 1 it I , spoken. Huron wal, well epresented �ndalthoitiffhtbere asslargeperce of second i eadilog YE t, itil-pb re are gi A PRAIRIE FiRE.—Durin '&high 9
t Id a.. 9 lbi El rr Lig( ien e1Countr7
ever, d t ;'I - lan d y, t thir: we 3 n that debate, for as -soon as Sir Charles t11913 of t1a in wood id y �O no day last wopek Mes how id not cease --whe it as fears thi Lit ip,will ill FI 318 last Fit iday a -prairie fire broke 'O aria, ames
iiswill� A r t1 a subsidi 911 )w lie 01. F o,in was through, Si Richard Cartwright CastleIlon township ap" in the beit avriedIural distric a e, passed by Parliament. It still Bill into IiTbo ui tili.16 8 Ssion. I and George Johnston of R.. ge ME ear Hutchi a had to or d allow 0 fcr Eix yesirs, InBura we ill is I 41 Llf - ra measuir i to: rose end dressed; Tupper down in fine Kojusa and burned o�er a territ there wasinob a Ralficient amount f -t in a f ful aa)!,,,s wrk run the gauntlet of the S pu aith
enate, 8111111 tmber to keE p the e lim E6te in anifori a I, I style. mile i length. Ever (I 367-73), so fc Ilows Alitario prote h pi�ibli( Q%io b mericar co mile ything in its p Wood, of concesiol Usbo e,: t those who dared not oppose it in the SIR CHARLI'S TJPPER AGAIN., ati Ii a insm riellw. 0 udition, ie� advissd tt a cands. I It )to. was tal stroyed, including houses, bari over thirteen cords bf . maplel I as bee, i �0 ))O Nova 9(0,000; y, lanting til n bar even from a financi, I The alleged member for 0 mberland,, Stoo ad grain. One man, lost 200 nine hour Commons used -their influence. with the UiderB �t 1. Lit all be ]iI lvd an] oi- life in,3ur a with a lance t�ooth,
80otia, $4 5 00 );'Nei V, 11n, wic, all 8, �l ilaties w('rki ag bin the ask ess. Nova Scotia, wh(i. i a time siand point. The next -paper was ."a it the Sam I Shoe We regret to I esitin of a p ffiful o— Senate to secare Its defeat there, andwle 000s; Briti- Cola millif If'or twc '13, ment' --ee the peo de's repres311tatiVE, - and the FACTORT.1 Bacteria: —their felations to agri
e :: I Nallaball I b it ; to thE P ORION IN A D-TN'AMiTE I 'e- a ciderit which befel Mr. Goo. Monteit deeply regret to state that they 'b�ve ye t . I 4 of. Mo art J , t
I si !:Mo I inspect holdar of an office under tie Govern- i 000 t ire ". by j�P -ichl and. thent of Usborna, 4ast week. He:aceldentadly 9 I si litoba, 6 f the last r ice Departa eat o if the largest dynamite manufEld- been :successful., as that body hal r 1 reE ye k I I I ri
ve ment, still cause.- a good dea. of anxiety t 0 as by B. A. Rand a] 1, en, titled, I I genell- )m U. oi which just the 8 'a as orli itry, Life 1 works in -the Unite sliuped on som, ce, falling bea*ily in tin , t P0111
thrown out the Bill by a very consid' at"Oft 3 t Y.. to his friends i ad support rs. He is ; a[farm. ranagemont." This finishel er- panie§. T a perhaiiii itlie loperatio L o situs, ed at Thompsons Point N. his arm,.fracturi-ng the bone a littile ig
no Session co erative �on As estroy on redeiive in teat at tie-rilX410 5 a IN " tl lie af ter
still unwhitewas fad, and he still must ad on Saturday by an id- i - above the wrist. i genuini I vble majority. Rate is a measure i�eriaa havi g a, . 13 sea Rou COD :BO I hurry away out ( r the chalm er as Soon The all sisted in th6 cent. annin hi *3 1, make a ver Stan h the dountry, duch as th and it' earnedtly demanded.by the people, that Y. T Iplosi0l] Which blew the factory —Mr. Frank Thompsoja�of X -a; Masoni 3 a Od4lfel.ow ssociati as, am a- -vote is called, fic r big riends tell occul ants to atomis.' Seven persons alrb a eCtiOD Of of acers for the ensuing yelai;-, sed tbree stallj�ons, one
substantial increase o ON WS y Ob;o, has prcha the members of ths representative body . him. that hei-will he acting lutside the Suppowd't, ye been hilled. a' d a papdr Anderson ex-stu4,-
ton, of, ri . au a' ii, 1 $9 5, 000 to but it imer 9 at the in y o ba ()r from from Mr. H Usborne, one
lamb4i," -Th� dare not openly. oppose it, but still they arge an d wi 11 highly- ?affi Air erica frauds t, at lawiflievii6tes. Recders o: THE -Ex-.: Go. �b IN MINNESOTA.—At the Coear 6 t, enti0ed, afortb,' i a one
Mr. - Murray., near Se an rit U u6inga r venue ' Altl she is rosi age is Alone, egion, the yield of go ii I - elating re� at balf-past
thwart the Wishes of tRe' peciple aad h trade b mn ihe good rep�ut- TGR wilLememb'i that- iis o Id is ation Which from Mr. Saudrsol Hulle'i
inorni ri g, thp 0 1 1 t not neei o this =463, 11ind in her the othl'31S14VebUilt,aP. be Bill is a bef6rE the Committee on Privifleges and cordiality. One miner, a few week in tie, Fridal ew y c) ec ef� 'which were sbi ed!from Chat lost' .'O Electio ;Phe committee does not ,a q . ocer p;osiding. Dr. are, I 011. secure its defeat by inducing those wh pp o� d 0 illd pass, b be� too poor to, buy his own outfit, has Lkr is ivr' much like Tusdy. 1E1 Case, at lea it seer a wd sbo ut , t Is la
are not responsile to the people to -kin seem A rof. of clel rea"'paper. on g v I - Lit 4P
G ep) to b all anxious to put Sir I ant does tic, Seem irlelineo� to out i, 000 from a place six feet a ta �Ialoi�na Cameron one Ice I i6t, ind In t rly �s righ belore "!field ex eriment with natural it. If his,is not a cowardly way of do. taking it out 0. tting ICharle the country this an press A fam of ihis'placers are working, 01 q'h of Stanley, no�v of Sioutbern Tl SUBS] iere have been . three at- I ti is DY QUESTION - mosCof them there is from cial f r0lizers -opera- it nto the 0 h tbeivio no doubt butit I Session-. TI a tif, conducted CO
liberately insulting the people, we do !to at present on a visit tio her dala liters hi IN 11 be put o 1, good III 86: �[Ll I tempts to call a m6etillig. One of them twe:nl feet of snow. People areffic 4ve yo d !was filllowed by E. A., 8tanley, Mrs. D. Ross Rind Thomas. not know what is. This is the second 98i I Sir LmnardTiley has van noace ap
failed, there beiD a present, ennie fiami Itm, with Ontaril There is th a a bout A gi we of an ij npo.-tan'. r 3sc ation. t al io -1 .1. Fri Mo c, be F ui ing I t the mining region at the r liennifel o Mr. Hugb 0ilmour of OW;
it ight as time that this iresponsible body have and the other t well b ay, an fortaizers, what d here t( our peo belftellict :1i. [eal, e (4i 1) P Itilialm )n ave 100 a d it is anticipated t h i4� is o vi siti rig friends *uley, gone directly counter to the will of the Ple 1A tb is mitt a the fac4 Of don a I he 10,000�pj filad them.' Next, vi 6a a paper by R. A Jaw same, flor in thing was done. fl 6�.. 8 like a o 3sa [a xt6psiol tax Will reach from 5,000 to 01- he takes back stock. h a ormoi is ba� )f I is Bus )en e4between hea'ven -Uamsay, lim6dallist entl thoi
'It r'ibi aces wl ich _Mr people represent&- much of t �axes . it it I I W , '6f Sir Cb arles Ple. &a expressed by thei, t I the deaof If ing tialro a. Dr. -Mitche�l, formrli tr utinj bl� D6 jaii earth. KIT I RTOU M. STILL LOYAL To G -rangeas4n:org I i�ation for farmers,' ate co� 1131011- WE ORDC N. sure. AS we have fr;e- y to Poll int:) orce to the aBt man, for be has'l is Feat in he House, g 1vghich closbd the tur. ning session Th. tives, on this mea ib to) jr i;t,--' He ii'lubp quite an. ordinary burn, whose maiden' nam *48 MW L enue, an !I fwhich i � f�. -hf Dom- generai fled§ou. F r be benefit i of The i 1abitanto, of Khartoum still if Annie MeLcodi- died, at the reiiaenoe of i
_P aqently pointiad. out, one of the most land he is not quite a mem, or, for he main Itaunch to Gordon. Oinm Ax 1) T, those. 1 lialteeting was again r sumed at ha
Inez lys dare not. vote. 1 is not. to much to Al o'clock,.when tio following papeti igan, last week: of �ons *continuing the Senate inion tlreasur5 won d go f p a ipos 8 o ave.nctt�le taitateabatic lorlit Gordon Y31,000 as :big trea Iher buband near Kala baneful results of, the bas B of wl�ich woul, I Ill 3 of lit',),( I 11, of 4 the pr6 iti n may. bi Jam
has pt
AB at present alonatitatd, is here ver f Buy erielit say that the fact hal Sir Charles Top- is am ipped 20@ bie read: 11 A, consid Ewation of the niore y briefly f t a Ayi Another has equ te�: Unde� tb3 British North was 28 years of age dd leae �s hus.
to,! tb a pal o' 0 III 1 per has been allowed to hold'bis Course Ill k il for Gordon's service. Two la I prevalent iseases io the stoA of the Iinta -ic. Foil— hig�,s 'all i
meric. 6 A60 the ad band and two children to mabittra. her Plaly shown. It affords 'Cowardly A 111011 missual Re this country a h witholit vigorous protests from air 'r ention-l' by Pro:4 plilicum, o, benefit, how, -'s of the P Of Pashi ad for eba I I m 0 have been arrest -Ogg. members, of the Commons who are, �e- ei dr, wll� i ha.ye tbe:deb v noi?E; up to� certain majority, is a star ding disgrace to the into t Greensid S. &Bad& as an im�v on of specifielo. an Ounts. 11, .1 73 it � having a r a ( I to thank the neceE sil ions co ladil i anks of their owai� troops, —Mrs,Andrew Montgomery, of
sponsibe to . thei c0i I I I - ; . . country. By r Wn notibuents an op. r he, id, iliat the d of )ntario and efe rrit g the ue8tion to t 9 h Hill, in the township of Howick, wo, 1
i be6n folt allow y to enter he, 1p�rtaut f top in the beef and mutto '
the other Provinces. the Cc min 161 Great Brit),in:' This brought ro, th P if �dium of defetl , ifteo oul Pr Ivillages and Elec- 4
Portun to shirk the o t- Quabec—th3jold I thus ade. It is reported at Cairo th pply of
3s of Can ad i— has been so ill lately th her; Ji. a wA8 a
tions, the Goveriin!iia,nt ackno-wledges tile t Bruns ick and io treacbe rogram.. a to C � Be. Each Wnio][ g legislation demanded by peopie, ver t� -�bri re in' the of Quebec, 14'ev Jitheirs was - Se 18 Ilio IS instead black pashas, whose ilo, of for -Sfc-me. time despal a of, is 'we I i : subjects were koroughl�
I that till late Was a (Ilaw tion as ;o thejust- these' are empty, �ud the Pro, cause � the defeat of Gordon's tr bat obnoxious io'thein personally, b Are almost �of sixt iii -ti 6, illi(ps, a3 y IOR- pleased to report, Slowly imprOvIlUg,-find Silpf ses of Tuppei's Cla r i to ti a seat he have 3een 6ourt-in &rti &Red nd Bho, discussed in' t eir turn. A . r 41 h(pelessly Ju debt, all id 11 433, ha; ma b - ed, � th 3 Dorin ion LS md 51il fto Passing there is now. a prospect that �he will, shifting the responsibility upon Senators holds. Yet, though acknowl(dging that Exil 1 TEME NT AmON4 MjNEI1 �Some resolatl as the meetincy was closed S.—TILIE , 0 I
Increase deholm tiat time, and 4 -recover. -come so clalmorclue fc. r -6i d lion' Aid 0 who are irresponsible for th doubttbeG verhmenthaslicneinothing propo td reduction of wagesi for all k niotj If the year. The. p" esideit then in4 air actioldis, jagreed. allow the ot 3er Pro —Last year Mr. George Mi I .. vla "' to hav3 it removed. A worQ from Sir ti. ated that Ile wan ad all to re ire t
th A their do M res'Sted by t:b3 SirLeontO :OMafffO':w rd %hid T�i I" N ow John Tfacdcloald ould have Bettled the cause it here a Sam t ; bushek:
and inducig them to, do wh t thilay till [ not m1laCh' �11 better terms a Pro: pot tio oflat r in the Pennsylvania in n E i of Goderl township, Sen two
themselves dare not do. In this longer be, -says in � great excitement among t ( IlLe SP&CiOaS j irling� I ai of ble peas to 9. friend in itoblll�
tat once, slid now it matter or aad bell in prepared by the who was, -Teffect, Milbough:01'bar looks asif Initial 9. A spirited and prolonged at ri 474oua Rapp pay him,whatevr tey-sold of
an- 'Government, and helt th a me a o dud QuelPeo the-Easiter bolidava ti; ould b 3 upon us ino[ troli of the lto at as, h6wever, A is not difficult to a lag 3 and we are safe afl ordi !had tbif debt taken i ff heir Shoulders- is thr atened unless there is a modi oil., for. Recently he rea ived 65A, as the ng -them relief I So] Ill d the question E till nholecid ad. e6L in� saying that. we h4 a never seen atiy� I. I t n t in .1 find where the. real. responsibility ��S. tin 1873 we mus that -it an tion o: the inew schedulb. 82.75-ab-dahelfor'!!
ithou i orget THE 1i STI&A.TES. . Fully fi rig to surp, wh we do,not thi: k� ho, thousand discontented Sao it.' After the -'require.; This imeasb, has, from the first., In . la'should have been ttla. cff ia 1867.. In minors are r ad� peas is a good price.: The work of 1paf Rini � the e 'imates in uts 0 t 0 I Ian ve', Safe one 'at the iinia th`93 h i to thr )w down their tools and quit I the r were sisfid7 leas re f the m6a at ve to -pay the in- I with the most Strenuous 0* U : I- —The En t rprise iof last wd;k ssys t positi Committeeof supplygoes-or ard rather 1� iminee 1 t Is president 1propo 3i sl the usual loyal as 8 AuB**, con as the Signal is raised justice in the present lite ri, eat bi it. '!Let thel D mi3ioni there, Several bandes f Inai the b Aoia hi too slowly to' suit those who re anxious 4hat that a d patriotic asts P9 I's
from Sir1ohn Macdonald, an Slt, ough hich were
Szr, ious RIOTS IN CINCINNATi.—A eli Pe
I r
e,QOtlpu a int)reat could to be sure of an.1 c SPc'ri Southampton reserve, are at present will, no doubt, command 1, aster p orogation. I' o in. 13 h and Song in a ve 01 L
he could 'not whip him Supporters wIlto 16- in all have mouD' ed�, to i t f ve per e ous ri't broke out in Cifibirmati on Frij, el t, Itit ry The main cause of..de ay baE encamped near Gorrie. lursh li)na)le bo and allo Xt been got Appy manne� indeed. This concluded are r ment., and render it i no Nt am i teknt'on it.:,
esposible to the people, into 4- I -Then over however, and it a to be alopeld that day n $lit, and was continued Saturday jo a of the most pleF Rant and profitable evening sevkral of them, who fme- Oi aa oth r the'people generally. lot us Simi[ and S nd&y, the result being a oolli 10 rs Gol baud rOVID 31eB as evl Ir irosing it., he did Secure its defeat by in. or the debate will go on more ra p dly. The icians,tofok part fu the advant' ;g therings it been the so'es coording" 0 thd length of betwe n the military -and the na 0 L
doing his tools in --the Senate, cause of dela bah beii the I hinister of ob, iq VI ege practice, which war, listened toby 6: see on time they bivebeen i Confederation." whic 75 persons were killed a-' P th Les I large nutiabet. of' visitors. IT its beco I q Sion, Would that We. X itia, This gel: tleman is nd
Rini responsible to III ry ev perately I L Conclu inglittilai any person for their It �t There is no 3oubt'.th- OIL a pri woun ad and a vast number of r ----�Thre is in circo� ation in W
auxiouittoexplail,iev4)rvthiiai. Noper prop res.Eiort is as �dik tit it ral ib ion 'Will be gladly re'... i d- by the re. dest ad. The trouble originated 0 were more.th n ed with or first- action, to kill it- If the people. of Opt.' Fe lral agg' bon oi -tho OpllbBitiOn sic a can ask a Molson bank bill with the'lollow- :)resentatives of near not quite all vi Lit to the C Illegal a r d'We LW 6 - tario rrutL the Peb of tl ei� of th failure of a jury to return a oumadvis log written in a rather i though Vie pe Ilk v: 1191 as 0 thesimplest- que;0011 regarding Lonr broth(r farners, to visit this their Wishes to be over- the! he Provinces. Thar has been no some dict o 'wilful murder against Wria. Bar- distinct hah*d This i,,O the I .8 tb Smal i Dem of ei 6 ast of a
Imp T U ruled in this way without a those of Ontario. te t- t ritnII4 yet to judg e. effect Zilf Th 3 car dittire, bu the Hon. titution a 1,to So 3 hear and judge for
Word 0 nitering one of tier, ho bad been accused Of hil it he Ottawa G iverim ut to Mi niiater feels - oat ad upon to make a luess as a medium ten tho sand dollar fortune left � -we by f protest, they are Certainly. ntri a Fi ce Minister' c culations, but Win. Kirk. The verdict retur a emse so of ..to Use 1, my uncle, Beware of''Ifflne alld Womenli'l long-winded expla nation, which explains o instructio Theltearequite r d when t be amodels of fatio-aCeL if not of wisdom. the legislation f the I �ro ib, o 3o is, �,kea b will obably ])a on whic was one of man r
nothin usu ly under flaughter, ca The writer has III signed it but the
1L I lj�Q ni a d gures �axamindd ba Ontario will He doe not inten excitemen qr of ex-stud.auts wl o are well story it conveva mayIlll truebile. 113j, alarm. in M 6 oba a t, and a number 69
a Stand thoroughly w at the Money is I Boat our legislative
ave to my fog box o" 'n I better;terrii hot h lilded citi4las calle(I a fled to occup OrCE d Gc ver hot -h Ila. One ery phasaut feature - of IF WE are to -believe the r Illf I peoplighav wanted for, and, big remarks tire there —Mr. John Willisi f H -ay, bas pur, eports coii- d a v y large sbar of �hc 6 a
nflum-� in( nts to Ian rong t a in t rovinblas � as well. Pr, a instittttio� is th4 trog attachment! os Edwf elivered. .0 - I ing . from Ottawa the Canada PaoiA ter at,' of other fore vary amul at times. There are meeii g to prolulesV against it. chased frona Mr. Win. 1�el of:'Bruoe- i rd mat 30 were d 1 ee I %good man man in ille House, field, on of the large t� ot -End fan -Milit),ry at and best + Railway Campany are not yet satisfied, tbillSe cenrai pr(c glad line � Y. I d love whiblit thle. Students cherish,
N7 i In Data tgb to it if the at. lience were' worked up to so'ch R' �olward hey d6 ,1113 as to ae� and th(y- are full of inig a 8 t i ar old entire colts it the County of''
therefore, Sir Job might be ndifl not becat 131ana - - f frenzy tha had fro, ait. his v -s a shown in a very! ye aand the President an d Secretary are back Huro He is a dark b -own, �aoxnpaotlY Olt ly, how the. department shollid, bo run' and Pitch t they rus %0 it t ratests tario, h( J to the p' be p a of meeting and attacked t 8 riking manner upc r the appearance at made it hto'c')nfede: tion n 1 S73 o tI atl how.th3volunteeisslould be treated. and turns the set it lit he Bli4e, for agai at Ottawa, making new demands a to a r- 6 Wa j 3m. If t gaol v th the obje Mr. Willi will travel 1: im. &I O tu that f The rat ult has bee the union of h1r., Weld, of London,' I'S. Ogg vith ftl
at of getting Posse I I upon the Government, It is Sal tl:iLe all likly t dt af ear, b thdae f I Alant 0 il be voiy 11 indef d. in very latelaittings of editor of the Farme: -1 ' Advocate. t the Ho Sion O Berner auld hangitlg�him. Thai Ili well known "Glentle on the same .110va cot so, aud a greab deal of untleces- 1.8
Qu : 66 and Manitoba- and, c I a, New rlus ic, i. aud 3 iown fact t t Mr. WE a well ki seven and a half millions adv&nced them sic q den b- 1TOvR Q amovex Ad for sary tal ant was resisted and a 1, route that the latter trafirainlBa I ec ar -in more 0, leg:'3 d . t present the I)ublio Works loss ,of fearf reasons -best knop n to himself, has t yea, ly, there is hop that I r go�m I 3 I ap 3rafto fin proved entirely insuflicent for their. tim6 mile estimates are under dlscussio�, and the 1human life followe& noinglyL strn and unr Asonsibly op re c ial Btrail a and their PI eserltaives —Mr. obn Baldo# of -Ptodoerville" will he'vek a Contrast is remarl-ablia, for no Taii DEATH grlo'U L n 0 LL " "
quirements, Rind they are as imp so cause �to co! a P1 a] a ted OF FRmE LEOPOLD. ge, and the stud - seriousa ay be ex, osolid for the an in Princ( 0 A adid ent'anoay laist Ffal ora in the Ministry is so well up in the work eopo led suddenly at Canne entS week. It appears he -�vas riding� on $118 terference it. 10 chai� eJL �hpa ous as aver -t and still hae heavy de. Cal a: I %il - than assure. wit�r publishing some tit hM on Friday a the of his departine as inister of Franc last, from the.. efffe athings tha q eut ly false,, and also bench of aleigh with I a aturing daly. ; They no�v hat been the c e r few Eala effee t w, s febt -'o! m6nds in W as�. -
I Public'Works, Sir HeAor Lalogevi of a f he received Thursday evening f roller, whela, unfortunately one if them at n. A c ontem poral di E cni isingti 1 I Hon. L. H. Di the best man th re using to publish �l -air replies in his demand another five million dollars, o'r He w4i� starting for Darmstadt, -to at. slipped aff. and was d b] rd-IsIEn ba3 ever �ent to he at ely ndignant rince Ed, va B. J.
say, i ve truly - 11 7&h eaiL t �he wedding of his niece th6l paper. T P. ooery i O�w d back: under
ry end aide antl
IelSO A release of the mortgage tak n Win lectigh' ri 3present I a: ".)or iinj -on 3e —Since the above at Beat the bench, dislocal the a. an in the on H latter was in type, the tame a on It lair College Rind
upon their property by the Government wit the reiativehe 11- 11381, a btl c Lme oat a br )ng on Fit ida 7 evening last 'we learbed by tel aph from our cor- Princes� Victoria of HeBse. The bod�. were only refr ined Ifiom. passing a re breaking the l two ii laces. g in two
r oi I of th -D k ill be embalmed an solution cond � in iihe action of Mr. —W. alter Thomson, of W inhich pievailai oi the bull, eat of, r )rO1 -,ity. He p O- respondent that it a bill, wbitevashing brong tpouEenjl �Ijnd and buiried in th 'We] d by t
seearl the twenty-five mil;l'ion IORu,SO a�rl( I Ig the Que 1J)c 11 letto, to t inotion or e i Sir Charles Tu nall, 't nee and advi e of ad 80111-6 ton days agofor pmed Rn an andtin, ppE r, Was 11. they can borrow a i Y passed on -a LT' sever 4sewbere. Beforethis the changed atti de of Pre i tie Nor- , Royal; It in St. Geori chapel, the office Of he ill itution. One thing being Ommittee 61 111PPI Thdraday. St objects in view. the chie I
ri favor of openi am -4 is Biguifi 9 WindXT-,, in de can. badone the assent of Pal Can Iola indics 4 ference to ibis wishei. feltia )al t� ent will qu that lo Bigotiatior a for a Diproc Ity trea il i dis pointed in was t1w to buya large quantity I Ihave- to be procured, Sir ohn Maddon� r I a of the Duke's death was at- and consequently 9 he point )r Wbiel h i The c , 0 1 Most t senclof pure' stock, his oat Inills. He iute ads, to goals fez poli. go ment tul n- Vlhisky S Tledicine. fusici blood into the stomach ana' bred t
Iit is not unlikely th cy has reached its imib. e I wasliaii, be Fie !1e y clau sea : of t 28 t1the present time lag it was all sold at 118 Rapid City to visit the grave 'of hit a ant 'will 0 ngto 2 rest 6 in J6 y, A ret w a in the Senate, tions b 't th symptoms have long bee will have to be re opened this an.. Manito y, will expir url brought do bit that w I'd. friend and partner, the late R. wa,' at the whole question n Otta oformspondent remarks: lngs.''I'llere were no unusual premoni- b Septembe Beggoti ba join "th Ont.ti O'lu al 11 i85, and tic anxie �y, a Americans e on be remedie Prof. Brown Starts, Currie and also togoo intoDakotX-1. t
showi4th6quantai spirituous liquors threats ing. The curfew bell at Win 80 and -k-onti yet. If these rum a ing their rigl tp aga" 0
t 0 and a-ild Ebg -and this week for ana. Ors ail true it might, Ihin Ottawa to i have th( in renem ad miO if Pr perly sold by idruggi8tsin'tIL3 countly of Hal. so, Cast a wds tolled at half past for Scott
be advisable for Parhament to consider usurpation, it is ei i a' it; 6ai matters mlied, be maide'a lave, t' Secure cles Sell fresh importa ions of Ive stock, the On- L—Mr. Solomn Mulal`ng -of Usborne, 1
ton fict - medical Purposes, itiader 'the Friday vening. The Queen received; the propriety of h ing the entire have talk'- tiade r6lat"onE; bet eelt a liwo con n - S t, would a Be tario Gov last Week Sold &colt ten months old, tO eni a turl orn ent' g granted. 42' - and ir IT h Cott in to indicate that the ex, impress Eugenie, clasped her The dlauseS, tell xr d 0, itwill be I00 for tha Mr. Northy, of Wiehe [se.a, for 0 la, I i L tries. A a very unhea thy cou�nty to live her arMi� ad. was evidently much cot -1 a . would Sa i hat ivE are greatly in- rE membered, give I hell A icans tile �in rld [thaI it t lies a deal Of whisky soled I atby. Telegrams of , at Dininicia, Senate and all.,.over to the 113188 rez t ara i i uk Halton t :?urpqs(. Before closinig
lel 9 a
Heeighed. 8q,7 po��d�, and is Pr0- agoth his usual Bhre' her symp COmPaRY at once, and avoi� alffurther wi a lway ri 11it td. fieli in Ca 9a ia -ad by judges toi be theble colt Of
waters, amid 111tolcure 'bs inbabitan ebted to the off.0ep of the College rilouil-E ts There are five condol lice arrived from all p bis age in hie couty. lie was siredbY dickering and trouble, The people may to retri gr the Canadians the ri it ari nd to Mr. Mi4s in the,
aceft 11, the nto able id th- d at Ila the coullti articular, Ic
ir licensid to sell of the �rld, PrinceLeopold was oriw rery ospitabl ma norm
I which
so well become the serfs of the company' posi tion 4o has a isi LQat nalorkiett ine ruggi ut only, three of of the oat popular of England's Roya-1 ia later Lo Haddoi LaBt year Mr. fish into the Amerl quor der the a,t, I all the diti itwasunde g sold a tolt the spm W U6136 clauses- th t t1a u�ave yf.JG first as last. Iam a proper retu itors were ned. Please- or- a age, from
rns house. f ter big father's death Sa,me mare for .$165 Itleaw4rd f05,500100.!in:favor.0fCa Th ese tt ree filled ImP0r, gl-�e for ocu natich valuable ing j 86
FOLIT1014NS, arli 1 lom atime's force d to r ra for 5,270 hot- tant d t p eB which once fell to- the lam-:,- W dLe by the at fas C pace. I re —Tb�o list of convictions for tw ommils- tles of, liquor or ain o n. ,Sir. TnERR is nothingmew do funny things fol the sake )f p)irly, si ohn HE 0 itorB' certificates. dated P 'nee Albert were discharged by coull to chronicle in in lilis Assuming these to be heordinary- Hibbel ty,- returned by magistrates for the I-ILTON
as for in 8 eec- in 1 eply to sized Prince eopold., His Royal Highties Iconnection with the Toronto tance i a tie P,,riv I avies, agre.. d w quarter ending 12th �rlai number geE:az with al that1was said n av, Of conspiracy id. 8 ottle, that Wold show that it becam 1nof oi private Secretary ti), ter.
hisky I Election Commi of reca. Itook sixta v against 59. !or the previous qar. an and ahalf barrelsf whisky big Roy mother, but in many wai —One evening the otber week a notled these 13 were by Goa,erich Magi case. The Rrigurnent of counsel as to ttee at Ottawa a other piocity, but ifittimated ;h i no t during ffie last Igbt mollfib Iwho daily. The majori4 of the: C( a of last occupi(
I the posit - u ateB abou ther the prisoners should be com. ittlEb, w] so to See lover au:dpusi if you ion of confidential. ob aracter wh hy�e t four 4 by Seaforth, 2 by Clinton 4 by Villall"' mittedfortria was Coral after &dotting, a *pBll walit year to cure the 'I invalids of Acton, MiniBt r a was married April 27th,1 nailes, from G ie, md "'a visit to the bal 7 by Exeter, and the by ill, ion de a trii to makli a I cloct barl He! reminded Georgetown and 0 kvi lie, 0. W -others
einced beforb that Sir Ch L Arles T( �P)r did, ot SIOR 'g the House 1at Pearce 1882, t Ithe Princess Helena, of WaJL� granary of r. Canadi ad Davk Haugh� Oth con- . dividual magistrates. No 1ess than the Police Magistrate on Wednesday, his peat in arliame, it by two againt ought a re In to have 'had the Alice Ma:
a once and & Co., of Acton, se3
ti g tie over aeck. A Oaughter Val of the' R Ly Victorl t cession, Turmmnbsr-ry,�a till made off with of the convictions were for, violation Of issiona, IJ p, as ral] e, for 62 out of w )ats. He chose a the License Act. The total amo and is ati 11i, in progress. As there air High Com I eci- lion's share of this t'
Pit l city Tre t 7 of 1854� b b bad &I as Ill of this union February 25th,- about 35 bush0a unt Of 9 him f penaltie in a indemni athe 80 p gas of the r p rt are cov i tho gh flor a sli
Iill W Id prob�qbll t el u
I Jb Ro vi �h ot 7' 4
1 -to 8, at U C no
mOme five Or Six lawyers to address th fYi i cu rrod met *th buff fro' Bred 1883. iHs was a. blameless Iife,biiit� bad night ght snow laU the fins imposed amounted to �240- t 6 86112thOri Iti 3 OOurt, and 98 each one -so far has oce 'Wa's h i nag etter hu blameleB 'big 701 through hi having lwil)lsted a Ind in; 8 by the r turns of li4u ors, Sold by this b a ; it was a life of rendered it an easy. matter to track the L—Mr. L. Heitt completed n. He cog I not of cour;e firm. A glance tailough thege pages noble putpoR6, rich in promise, and diEi-� thief next m� who, it appears. year on the 17th inst, He is h
orning, na pendevee Parlis ent Act This is in icate w 146 line 14 a G vernmei it Show tb at some Ped 6 dai it is likely to be iWsome d0olisitirig black wbi i vith a V larigio ricb. would follow, thq world only by its to6 su4-:i made for Toeswater with hit; bo hearty still, with enough of the -Acton people poinlhg
J,but he d4 kI, ted th�j poem to phys1w
Iave been Wo i k pretty nearly all n olos4. swhere he disposed of it. It seemahe stamina apparan,tly to beoue.ofIIIIII