HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-04-04, Page 4APRIL 4, i IVELY TI DDV EM rQll. For the last ten days. 84. ES. u E-tiING UP. ND— KING 0 F of the most complete stock of .RAL DRY GO001 OLOTH NQ AND Ever,Placed Before the .aforth Peop withstanding the discondnt of s and others over the grieanceg times, we still march onk OUR CESS. steadily increasing, which ?ROOF IN ITSELF that we the right class of - goods, and :ra on the lowest living Iprolit, G ALL LOW PRICED,. ay GOODS A WIDE BERTH, g -well they are satisfactory to IER BUYER NOR SELLER. MESS GOOD is department will be found the " t the: of the season in Rick Siile, and all materials appropriate for and mourning orders. ILLINE.RY. )ranch of our trade requires no Mg,anfReient to say Miss has test returned from 1sitbig frets, betterprepared. thanever prei? y the wants of her customers. gether with a large staff of are now ready to snit any one e early spring n4llinery. MADE AND ORDERER • .CLOTRI:NG, lepartment is fully suliplier Ole newest patterns in reliable eeave your order, or if you can- owe an--`we can supply you with kde Suit equal in quality, style, ainla to anything made to order sties- We have now a #rat- or on: the premises, ready to e wants of customers. ISFY THOSE WHO RRL: WITH RS size as- the only road to buss. 3ss'. i Nn FIRST-CLASS PRO` i E WILL NOT BE • NUE; -SOLD.. 4 invited. NQ '1 roubtr t Show Goods. • is EMP0RIu I$EAFORTFI. APRIL 4, 1884. To Brother. • came. 1 - Gone from the bloom and the gladness, Gone from the light and:tbe-cheer, Gone frim the love that was oloseet, Gone from the lips that were dear. Finder the snows we have laid him, Bellowed a chamber Of rest ; (?hat are the sweet eyes, and folded The hands on the death -frozen breast. Gone, and our home is so dreary, Gore, and our hearts are so rent, Gone from the paths that be brightened Always with tranquil content. How shall we live on, without him ? How reach the endof the day ? Shadows and darkness have gathered Thick o'er the desolate way. THERE. Be has entered the mansions of glory, Elsie in the bo..om of God : walling in the highways of heaven, Free, where the ransomed have trod. Free from the blighting of Borrow; Fore from the staining of sin ; White, after great tribulation ; Glad, the fair city to win: Satisfied there with his Saviour; Ceased all the toil and the care ; never again to be burdened ; Never a heart ache to bear. TOW shall we wait 'till we meet him ? ' Now must we yearn for the day ? When forth from the f.loom and the darkness, Vie, too, shall be beckoned away. —Sister Miele. Gaieties. Courting a girl is paying her ad dresses. Marriage is paying for her dresses and all the other fixings. —The small boy who hangs around the parlor and makes face at his sister's beau should be punished for contempt of court. —The best backing a young man can have is a good backbone of his own. —When a man goes to collect abill h never likes to receive a snub, but'h rather likes`to'receive a check. THE H�[JR,O�i. EXPOS�Tp has been appointed aesaedsor o the munioipality. of Sput • Norfolk, au has about oompletedI hi.: teeak. I i. . H. Hall has been attoun. ;With, a pe ition praying the Can►da aci flc iaiw y to run their) road- into Norqusy, t e peti- tion has met "wi ; v;ry little opo ition as yet. ; Mr. Charles Diehl of o sage la Prairie is here visiting $ries s. HUR N. nada, 460 : sin Later. A swell who h) d enpaying devoted attention to a rib linker's daughter finally interviews t . e old gentl man on the subject. Aft r few preliminary remarks he said I* i °' I love your ' ug ter, psi and want to marry her." • " Ah, is that s ?" teplie the father, looking at him a rply over is Masses. "I'm not surprie at it. he's a ,good girl." " I know it, sir, an it wa heir good- ness wilieh won e fFom t} first." " Ahem, yes-••i'v hear you had some -very extravega t habit , and some as had as they. were xtraviOant " '' I've not been a s int, sit. but when I am married :anjl b ought nd{er the tender influence f a good nd ldving woman I shall r for ." " I ani glad ;to hes that ; t would he unpleasant foi`. your ife' if ou didn't. Were you aware Sir, hat en I give you my danghlter! I gi a yo i with her $25,000 in Unite St tes bo a ? $25,- 0004 sir!" I " I was not Saw �a re . f tba sir, bat it would make no differ nee t e.' Pecu- niary considerations o no enter into my' calculations at all, sir, owe is of it is a ing far more impoirta�nce, wife, not a bank iccoi for. Money is mere t Don't give your man ; don't give your when I gave you my you the money • lout y —" There is a use for everything," g said_ the surgeon, as he slyly dropped h orange skins on the pavement at mid- t night oing to give ybu my c apgea the aapeot of affair erialiy. .Good. niorni g. sit;ail tet 1 aarn rash, a r.' elf .away, ; yo ng self aw y. I laid anght: , I give on se I and not (laugh e and that 00 after you hatie been refo fteen years. :Au avoir. Traveler. —What a feeling of relief comes over fi a woman as she enters a church and discovers that her neighbor's wife has the same feather on her hat that she wore last season. ` .. Walk slower, papa," cried the little girl, whose short steps were no t match for the strides of her masculine progenitor i' can't you go nice and slow, like a policeman ?" . —A timid young man has married a n lady whose weig'nt verges closely upon I two hundred pounds. My dear,' he says to;her, " shahs help you over the . i fence ?" " No," says she to him, " help t the fence!" d —A footman, proud of his grammar, t ushered into the drawing room a Mr. a Foote and his two daughters, with this b introduction Mr. Foote and the tiro 3 'c Misses Feet." - Pretty bad under foot to -day," i d cried one citizen to another, as they i o met in the street. "Yes, but it's fixe n over head," responded the other. "True p enough," said the first, but then very ` f few are going that way." : t —A country girl wrote to her lover— bl "Now, George don't fele to be at the ' h singing -school to -night." George wrote back that in the bright lexicon of youth g (Webster's fie uabridged) there is no sneh v word as " fele." d — "Is anyone waiting on you " said a is polite salesman to a young lady froth the country,. " Yes, sir," said the o blushing damsel. a That's my young so man outside; he wouldn't come into the in shop." w — Jean, waking Tam at the dead of a night—"Ph, -Tam, Tam, div ye feel the . e smell of the gas? Are ye sure ye pit it ou out?" a Tam -11 Spre, wummnn, .1 'b wonder to hear ye talking? Hiv I no it sicallife. ' Ifyouopen t dark room, a sn the jet of light the room, von is full of floating house is always the ordinary cos ghievous, but of posed to contact they do poison carbonized particles stove or furnace to: poi blood. If you would ave goc and nerves, it by an keep as far away as pose and .furnaces. 111 yo those evils, wel.r m peoially upon t e feet the doors ancll w•ndow Most people, :any meas, have the idea tl cold room is good-ess _ is an error. It is bette fire, in - your bed rpo n phere is not onlyby h -s m stantly changebat } ou'' job tile. file ver. 3 • r n. very, S all aro Mete Open Firs vs. to 'utna s. Among health opi a this he most impo 'tart. n t perhaps no other is so . ital. In fittifug tip a ' hon: for I shoiild' `begin with, " n' o umber one wronghouse t should be 01 wood,'i. on generous old fashione. rep t fills the family gro • Wit able, social spirit! To raughts the air of th ocn arily changed. T . ea: nd other - expretion of ody can not accu a. ' late annot smell close,' ev; wbi Strange the people '• 11 no elightful sun in thei bone oat or sacrifice. An pra • of have it all I back !aim ? art of the - mo ey we fent ool%sh fashion$ were given t reduction of this g d old esaing, how much hea sappier we wo td be. Next to an o en fir , the rate is the beat mea sof w entilating. And i wit raught, the coal use.1 a bit a very excellent fire There has been a, f. a foal onsumption, bronchi i , he me -other affections, s nee troduction of stoves and fu ith the highe degre: of he: nd windows a e kepi open ntire season, s ma be e mfortably do e, th evil e so great, but, as ge• rally is the greate t mist„ ke in 11 a- nd out ant_ s any is one of e latitde IS y. fa.. ily, en hr; is blessings." of those ces How acinor- ppl - :the s Menten - ons j laid 'e animal !the room ' i cr wdea. ; hav th is es a any vvpph �If a entail invarious the rein- fashioned d hieand open; coal amg i and sal i good m>inous, it crelrs of. ache, nd e gen ral n aces. If a ,the; 400 113 • the sily a> d onlc n t. manage our ph : . got a big blister on my thoomb ?" — A little boy at a presbytery exam• illation was asked :" What is the mean- ing of regeneration ?" " Oh, to be born again," he replied.' " Quite right, Tom- my ; you're a very good boy. Would you not like to be born again ?" Tommy hesitated, but on being pressed for an answer, said : No." "Why, Tommy?" "For fear I might be born a lassie!" he replied. - —In a family where the beet of har- mony does not prevail, the couple try all the same to make the outside world believe that' all is lovely therein. " My husband and I," simpered the lady the other day, ,. intend to have ourselves painted together for the next Salon." "By a battle painter?" sneeringly asked one of her friends who was ac- quainted with the affairs of the happy family. True andFaithful. " Charlie, Charlie!" clear and sweet se a note struck from a silver bell the voice rippled over the common. "That'd mother," cried one of the boys, and he instantly threw down his bat and .picked up his jacket and cap. "Don't go yeti Have it out !" "Finish this game. Try it again,'' cried the players in noisy chorus • 'i he',wi. wall ap as 'it gill di: mote crowd dition ter th with u8 11 d w she rtnre, tream over th The wit. ey a hay seat lions me 1 on 1 c 0 d th ope bis f can rd clo d leg pen. tellig to al to o ha . tter of a ndl ok1'n th ough at t ear air f o r these. n not mi beet e • su fac of Ithe e rom ` t e un- s and at, lungs, fire and m toves t hen pcapifl es - an �j,keep nt efo7-. deep in •eal h. It an open • a mos- dna con ill keep will add on. Bat you will n, you. blaol,eta t witpi vthe t t ich the vett far= nwin- om. 1 atmos- nce be= r within r re. Let this and ary, that ifier and In my and find it were nseeep7 it ; but rtant do i5. . 11 n your window Open greatly to the n tided more than this, ith t have fewer bed lothe is a gain as.a la ge nu not only in rfe a so 1 circu ation and espirati the skis naa do In • el e 0 er' "I moat go—right off—this minute: t� shat I told her I'd come whenever she cal- n, ,b lea•" es! _. .0 e escape of t ose is constantly emi or stovehe ,t wit ieb a er n a rchange wi h the phare depends n on th ween the tap rature and that withoti Bat let us hav ns go without finery of all ki a "Make believe you didn't hear," they alt dug, exclaimed. e' But I did hear." tt th lose, c "She won't know you did." 1 • extern But I know it, and—" : diffe "Let him go," said a bystander ; "yon the to e : the can't do anything with him heal- tied 1 0 to his mother's apron -strings." " That's so," said Charles, " and -it's to what every boy ought to be tied, and in a hard knot, too." " I wouldn't be such a baby as to run the minute she called." "I don't call it babyish to keep one's word to his mother," answered the o>tedien.t boy, a beautiful light glowing 1i his blue eyes. I call that manly ; and the boy who don't keep his word to her will never keep it to anyone else— toe see if he does ;" and he hurried away to hie cottage home. Thirty years have passed since those boy ti played on the common Charlie Gray is a prosperous business man in a great city, and his mercantile friends Say of hire tbat his word " is a bond." We asked him how he acquired such a rputation. I never broke my word an a boy, no Matter bow great a teemptation ; and the halbits formed then have oiling to me through life." Littleton, Manitoba. FOR TUE Exposl:sox._. Mr. D. ` Long- ton has started a new blacksmith shop on section 4, range 7, township 11, and Fives good satisfaction. Another store la to be built in this place shortly.: . R. H. Little of this place, is about s to start his saw 'mill, Mr. D. Evans e the eeilks, de, if open •roadc neces we May have tri excel ent p diffr>iser of joy in all on hoese hones I have three ope • grate the expense rath r larg:, and in any other dep rtnnent of h ing,I should feel I eannoot effo in this I cannot inch so imp I, deem the open fire.- 1 io LE n 1 11 ' Sealskin So gb.es There are se lskine and The (best, as atm steve y on are the Alaska skins, carefully andondon dye . Th se co port from forty to Efift dolls The -inferior Alaska, skins, to knovtn as" " culls," are .� sled Copper Island, Victoria an{ skin , and these ave be n imp low s from thirt en to ixteen akin. Four skin are require sacq e of fair site, alth ugh sixes three and a half will be • Twe ty-five dollars is he 01 mak g them up. A little cal base on these figures wi 1 ens one t arrive at the jmystery c' varyi g prides that urrounds 1 o oo eted by lovely. wo en. •. a t ge family cjf growing d . 4- . d ale1 ius. knpws, selected t to;,im- s e ch. hniclly in with l L boy >rte as loll ;rs a d f4rr a ✓ r~tnall fficie. nt. rgei for ulation le [any widely e tap en *ith ugh4ers a may be n erested in studying $heft pr spec s f 'Wald sealskin hindustry, b t th y wil nd littler consolation in .t e re ort Of his year'scatoh. Ther is la de reale f several ?thoeussd from thiit reported) est year, w iebi again wis mach .bel w that of th-epr vious se eo ; so hat the prospect foramaterial ad- va ce infew year! is' ea�oellent. le - dee., th Oema ` d fo seal kine ha b- 0o a so oat t at the po Bible a tine- do of t ani el is a bonsider ti In air ady a en i to Ocean by de ler ,. ma y of whom believe alt the •ti e s not far latent, when a c at of this f r will bo a great rarity as one of u - sia sable. In the Meantime En lis ma ufacturers levepushed invention alm st the verge Of possibility in de- vise g: s bstitutes a d imitations. The mot co tly of he !fasurpass i ' ibed ty t fur w is they oounterfei , and are r duall coming into use by rea on r t er of heir iehe ent elegance, the - bee se ofany resein lance to seal fur. A h avy i pert! d ty, however, ren ers t se olio ha neerly as expeusivle as t e b st gnali y of shines, and Amer -- can rnanefaeturees o;anriot reduce there bee use of Ithe existing tariff on the raw mat rial, which i' oriecipally mohair and talie.n silk. T fike e A eveiy mome the ke expose do w i.ih made bleer t at life o that the fate of The e ;v s seam visited i person, by his r sauce dire ti n . FVhil gun w rb levelle guis ed sa the wa mow medtd of t passing to and fr ball repeatedly g whe !coolly good pzf adtice." R, in front of the lin pest na a f rmid' he said;, t' tand f not be heat n. England?" On ano man of th best and the event dou tf 1, he said; spec atr : " Ne this battle et." To another regime nt the cl eel engaged, he used a com mon sp rte g expr;ail on : "',Bard po nd ing, th i g ntlem:n • let as see vhc will po • d onges ." ra general o ce: fond m -elf unite' the necessit o stat ngi e Dui -e that ;his bri ads was red•cen to on:-t.ird;ofits num ers and tha' those w o entairled war ao exh ust:d hrong h: rd fighting th t a tem ora y relie , of • o+ever short ur+ atio , se:md -a .. ea;ure of neces ity' " T 11 h m,'' said] h: Duke, " wha he he pro eye: is ini os ib1e. He, I, nd every glishma the field us dien 'he spot tie !tow occupy." " 1� is eoli a' return d hd g°neral, "land every n . nder .. y corraimand are de terrapin t. share hie fate."—Chrisiarj Million -1 - 1 d Case; cteer end last Th day . dtoher: dear, I have a h V4llington at lrla°. and at every place in) 'elf with a red - all) ar n d him 't e. wnic i was ob iou. the batt a depend° 13a a sq are, but h eueourag ng the nd'' the o fficer-e b hi Oafs eng ged,.ee er:1 against him, di ti • by hie s aff and th e officer who er with rders. Th; aced a tee near him, observe : " T at's Oleg op to a regi en , abd even thea ex - e charge, of eavalr my lads ; we pus will !they sa i ei occasion, hen nd bravest had fa len, f they battle see ed with the coolness of eft mind, we'll wi e e is etfe id affe do "Ha inq ire " Oh, bled lif sponde "Th softy' A S r Hand�� we'r`e 3 dra vin' 1 Be abo t byr , th Ma3 a' that al lings '.b the Steut our fa' c frae th women the tar brae. •spnoha wi' the the wi son Joe the hen glory sh AB pnng.d in he sa o. know fo you ? y ha es I feel wi hout yvn r .. tiredha. A Ho "Joh Tribune made a chromo of a fra She sa inches 1 e! long, a sone bl securing stout t ea and leaiving half uncover:.. The f fastened og:ther the ends o .rojeot the pict e, Then amens t • c ildren go 'paint thesewith a heir acorns i • *la a wit each co er of t screws •er visi centre of •ac vele arranged g oup o some of e.. gilder natural, oh }gown firmly to he velvet and now nd then a the brow an. gold posed to ee. in pl ends of t•e 11th w the 'fiat charade elegant art' it lung'" she ceyly, thi.t I will liver t: ou," be fervently b tter asthma," • 00 re sh t•h C. v nistic Grac. till a we :—Pe'Ire aye gawn an e gettin. , nevet'Iese we're no ea unto Thee as weongbt. the:s house, the barn ;an' the prat stac ;an' the kail y rd. it wes h e tura lambs, . at e e tha 's o worth finesbil- orth thretty'sbillings main k air o' Belta'b. !Keep up a' ik :s till H Today" an' the tod f tilde. 1 ferj;i'e a' men an' ei -tresp es s again me, ,but ld w ve o' Catty Andeo's tans st alt my toe cco an the t' h r beak' my s ins rn tangs. , ord, turn t ou ed free tr- ubint me,:an' Amy fra: his e • i.l ways.—Jenny j ca' t o' th . p' rrich--AnR' a' the e thinAmen. ode P chirp Fra e. ife," in , he phila ielpbia and Fa mer,tells howhe 1' and •'ffeotive frame fox a ,hard y: orih the expehse t too .r ty tothrow away. a lat . n stripe, two ten and wo fourteen iuc les overe• tem eatly with elvet :he had i the 'ho- se, edg:s n th back b a eros • in beat and forth, ad ihch at the end urtiiks were then ith °,crews, leaving w ihcl}es beyond eh tylok white ak b d . gathered, a d nil ed a nantity of .up . fee ening t e i s deep f glue. ' n e tfra a where t e le,endal o on t e t a veae stick, sae ad rns and sauces, a d others in their state, >secliring th m bY meaue of gl e, ski_Ifal stitch wh re stems we)e not d s- ce.l The uncover d re then gilded, ad fastened lin place. S e it as an old but really .rnam:nt • peon, af McGillivray, r: a re.. arlkable discove .. on hi : farm he struck e u e, -and ter cleEaribg the di •t ed a p:triffied man. ane I ave b a:longed to a ra e inct, :is it measured 7 fe t 1 eight, and ise almost pe Parts .of the body a: e rest . as turned a da'k Mr. 'Simpsori brougli.t arlhi 1 a' d placed it re of his; o , where large ople call; very day to s4e f the gre$teet buriosities . Iv .:r " ° y When di a large St being must 1 long sine 4a inches feet in fo white an. th greyish cs or the figure to it. It is ne ever seen '11 t is negotia ing Zoo, in T ex Ilio, for the sail° f hia cur' -t4F THE— TOWN OF SEAF RTH OR 1884 A By-law, to rais by wa of loan th purposes ereinafte menti ned. Huron, ha e resolved to rai e by way poee e same foe August sber VanEgm end, of the township If Tu keramith i the county assist the said Aiigust yubert Van. Egin nd to purchaee a lot within the Corp ratio. of the I town of Seeforth, in th oou ty of Huron, an to build a Wool en +i ill thereon, and o fit up the same with the necessary machinery, And t rai e the said mon y it will be neces ary or th said Munil3ipal Coutal sal to ague debe tures for the said sum of fiv tho sand dollars. An , wh reaeo it Will require the sum lars, to be Teased annually, by special rate f the payment of the said debt as heieinafter mentioned. , wh mast) it *ill remiire the sum, ment If th int whole rate ble rents r fea3 fro derived fro 4. th of the sinki.g fe accord jug t o dollars, to be raised rest, 8.13 /4 Iso herein -I ,. the amonnt of thel property ef the saidI lls;interes ,dividends„! of any i come, to bel dieter any aart thereoal the last revi ed Assese-' ment o:1 f the said Corp ration, be- ing fo the_ year mat thousand eightl five h ndre and. thirty-six thousand; And whereas, the'existing debenture! debt of the said Corporation, is as fob.' lows : Thr e thousand dollars borrowed: under the uthority of by-law No. 46, of the eaid own of Seafoith, and in- terest ther on _Rt Seven per cent per first d y of Manch 1884, and fifteen: and in eres thet on at seven per cent ' per an um from , the fifteeoth day of July 1 83, and six thousand dollars boirow d n der the authority of bylaw No. 3, of the said toWn of Seaforth, and in eres thee on at' seven per cent of J uuary 1884, end the paya le half yearly, from n thousand dollars borrowed of Seaferth for 1880, and 4, at aix er ceu per annum reasl it i made necessary to; the time an place for taking I s of' the duly qualified electors, I , to ale, 'the votes of the said at the Meetitg. t therefore enacted by the cotlinty ,of Huron. t it phalli lte lawful for the Mayor id Corpeaation, to raise by way from any ,pereon or persons,body s coaporate, who may be willing oce the lame upon the credit of f meney not exceeding in the he um Of five thous/ind dollars. hat t shell be lawful for the yor to emit) any number of icl res to be ma e for such sums y as may be equiredl, not less g iri the aggetgate the sum of usarid dollars and that the said res ehall be Sealed with the he eaid Chrp4ration, and signed ayqr an Teeasurer thereof. hat the aid! deben rest at the tate of six m, from theday me aw to take effect, wh payable ern the fi and Augast in per an um, the first da sum of elev under he for the tow interee the of Apri 18 aud th re paid ei her And, avh appoin the vot and for Officer elector Be in the of the s of loan bodi to adv the de whole, said M Debent of mob than o exceedi five th seal of by the bearint per anti this by shall b Februa at the o be ma Mabee tioued at the o Cerpora to them interest said de three h shall, in raised, 1 rate up the said tanianc any of t paying t tures an hundred to all 'and coll • ures shall er centum tioned for ch interest at days of ach year, ce of the said Tree urer. hat the said debentures shall e payabl in ten years at the froin the date hereinafter man- or this b -law to take effect, oe of th Treasurer ' of said ion, and shall have attached Coapona for the payment of at for the Purpose of forming Mad foe the payment of the ndred an ninety eight dollars, addition o othea rates be vied and collected by special n al) the rateable property in noa the said debentures, or em,1 an foa the purpose of &Iasi a nue' sum of three dollars shall ie addition cted by s ,ecial rate, upon all during the'contin an e of the said de- bentures or any of th in.' VI. That, it sa aaid Mayor, to le five thousand dollar when aforesaid, to the said Augus to secure the said n of five ten years, from th fir t day A. D. 1884, on the foll wing l premises namely. P 11 b lawful for the d the said sum of raised, as Gysbert en years, mortgage thousand ration of f August, nds and rte of ,ottoten in the first and ten i th secon.a conces- sion Huron Road Survey of the town- ship of Tuokersmith; in the jcounty of Huron, commenciag at the distanoe of seventy feet fiom the northw st angle of lot ten in the secoed con ession on the westerly limit of said 1 a thence easterly paeallel wi h the northern boundary of, the lea; 50 eet the ce north- erly, parallel with, th weste ly limits of the lots eighty-ei ht fe t thence the ortherly feet the ce along he lot eighty- ings to be erect - westerly parallel wit limit of the let, fifty the westerly limits of eight feet to ithe pla together with the huil ed thereon. - VII. That this by come into o f August A. efiect, an first day of the sad on this fifteenth at the ho hat the ote ay of Ate r of nine on o'cl ing, and Loin the ce law s all take eratio4 on the D. 18841. of the electors , shal be taken Tues ay, the 884, commencing ck in lie morn- contin e till the hoar of five o'clock in the afternobn, at • For the North Ward, at Edward Casa's store ; for the South Ward at the'Town Hall ; for the East Wardi at It. t.T. Brett's store ; and that Edward Cash shall be the Depaty Returniag Offteer for the North Ward ; Willialo EllOott shall be the Deptity Returning Offiter for the South Ward, and SE‘,12T11191 Ste.4 shall be the Deputy Returning Offieer for the East Ward. i , B it also enacted, in pursuance of the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1883, Sec ion 297, '1.1 That the Clerk of the said Mena- cipe Corporation of the Town of S' a- fortl shall, at the hour of twe ve o'clock, noon on Thursdey, the sev teenth daY Of April, A. D. 1884, at t e Town Hall, in the said Town of Se give for and against the By -La , a d i N j forth, shall sum up the number of vot s ta grant the requisite certificates there - and r. 2. That the Mayor of the said Munk- cipality shall attend at the Town Hall, in the said town, on Tuesday, tide eighj5h day of April, A. D. 1884, at the t of eight o'clock in the evening, Ifcir the Purpose of appointing persons to atteed at the various polling pia* aforesaid, and the final summing op Of the Vetee by the Clerk respectively, on behalf Of persons interested iu and pr6- moting or opposing the passage of this By -Law respectively. NOTICE. The above is a true copy of a • ptca paced By -Law to be taken into °onside eratibn by the Municipal Council of the of one month from the date of the firet publitation of said By -Law in the fbl- lowie newspaper, namely, Tue EXPOliSiToR, aud that said By -Law wee first publielied on the Twenty-first day hour day and places therein fixed for of larch, A. D. 1884, and that at the takieg the votes of the electors, the polleltvill be held. - WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk. SEAFORTH 7rE, AND TI NWAR O. M. HITNEY Always keeps on and a fall line of t e latest styles of C001 BOX ANp PARLOR STOVEi. Thiele beauty shoevs them -and the pricel (sells them. I TINVVARE Of etery description always in k. We make all our goods, and guarantee the good and right in price. A 11 line of Table and Pocket lery t very low prices. and rice% All,kinds of Jobbing Work pronaptly Pa ties wanting goods in my line lit will pay them to see My stook Rad Qom are prices. I Late Whitney Brothees. illifROXETER MILLS. 141 GIBSC),TV Bags o announce to the Public that h as commenced to operate the tROXETER WOOLLEN FACTORY and tlaat he will be prepared to giy good Tadao in FULL CLOTHS, 1 TWEEDS, UNION TWEEDS, FLANNELS, WINCEYS, and varieties in STOCKING YARNS. OOSTOM CARDING, Spinning and Falling promptly attend- ed Ian! Paziies from a distance will, as fat as poieible, have their Rolls home with thetre; and as he has put the mill into good Working order and employs o ne but edlcient workmen all wor Re ember the Wroxeter Mills. LEX. L. GIBSON, PROPRIET JA ES A. CLINE & re showing- for yen to select frozt fifteen different styles of Chopping Axee ; nine different makes of Crosv Ot Saws. Also the largest and nabs oomPlete stock of! CUTLERY AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Ever shown in Wingharn, comprising Cruets Cake Baskets, Pickle Bottles Butter Dishes, Napkin Rings, Knivesi Forks nd Spoons. Also a full line of the eel bested NE ADA SILVER GOODS.; We ha, e a fall warranty on our pla ed goads, and guarantee them to be ex 1 ly 114 represented. 121 et 03 E heve now opened ard marked the bulk of Old Coantry goods, and Mvite inspection of our lerge and varied stock of all kinds of Dry Goode. We are show- ing the latest novelties in each department, and prices will be fctund lower than ever before. In DRESS GOODS the stock is very complete, embraciug e newest goods in the British markets. VELVETEENS in all shades, and the wear guaranteed. LONELY BLACK and COLORED SILKS and SATINS. Splendid rangel of MANTLE VELVETS, CLOTHS, TWEEDS, TONS, dm Good range of SHAWLS and JACKETS, CARPETS, CURTAINS, COUNTERPANES, and all House Furuishing Goods. • 0 0 till ell ct And 'Mee. Ii. laughed, thinking we referred to the above, and s id that's ell very well, but fol s can% live on love now-a-daya. Quite true, e replied, rather (doused at bee earne tness. No, nor yet by walking through the rye. And then vte had to laugh ours lves, she got so cross because we said " Worth ratioh and costs but little." Jus then we pulled out a web of Grey Cotton, and pat it on the counter before. Ho much is that, she said, rather crustily. . Five cents. She looked up in astonieh ent, but said nothing. And here's another, full yard wide, ooly 7 centa, and one at 8, and another at 9i. Now you are t Iking sense, she said, softenin down. Yes. Mrs. B., these prices will thaw outi ost people, and got them ready 'for spring, but look here : See this White C tton, overa yard wide, only 9 Cente by the piece. And this one only 10 cents, we 1 worth 14 cents. And this One only 1 cents, cheap at 15 cents. Then she 1 ghed again, and said, did yea steal h m Oh, no, but we got the chance of the greatest bargain in cottons we eve aw, and of course jumped at it- Why, look at our windows and see thoseailes there. Well I decla..e, you fellows have got the start of them this time. I'll till it piece of that, and when I go home DI tell Mrs. C. to come out to the great oo to sale at RAN N BROS., EXETER, here you get cottonr " Worth much but cost little." NEW SPRING GOODS To mak balanpe oi4 duced MCLOUGHLiN'S, e room, I am still offering the Winter Goods at greatly re- pric7s. For good bargains now is the time. 411 invited. DUCE TAKEN AS1 CASH. J. IVIcLoUGII LIN, Whitney's Block, Seaforth. WM. C401 ELL & COMPANY. Cleaing Sale of Dry Goods. "VO AIRE DETERMINED TO CLEAR OUT THE 3.A.L.NCE OF OUR WINTER DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, AND - WILL SELL AT WHOLESALE PRICES TILL THE FIRST OF MARCII. EMBRACE ri VERY CASH BUYER IIOULD WM. CAMPEtELL 00,