HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-03-28, Page 2• 2 "-TH1 PREACHINGS" IN TEE LEWIS. A -n Hebridean Saerament. - BY AMBLIA. E. BABB. We- had run into the little roadstead of VaItas with what our skipper called "& lady's breeze"—that is, with a wind that did not know its own mind ten minutes at a time—and we- determined to amber there until it came to some decision. Besides. we were now in the very country Mr. Black has transfigured for us, and we Wished to see with our owu eyes its wOnders and beatity. With some diffieultY 1 we scrambled ashore over the sharp rocks and the slippery sea -weed, andel turning southward, a walk of a mile brought ne to Meavaig. Once a traveler cast on an unknown land hailed with delight the sight of a gallows, as a,eign of a superior civiliza- tion. As we approached Meavaig the bailie lifted his, hat to a Free. Kirk steeple in mttehl the same spirit, while Christina said joyfully she felt "like a wandered wean who had just got sight o' its father's house." At Meavaig it was evident something unusual was trainapiring. An air of ex- pectancy was or every face, and boats full of people w re coming from Scalise. Carbonay, and t e circle of rooky. islets inclosing.the wa ere of Valtas. Present- ly we were overtaken by a most remark- able figure-;. -a nan in a' large, black oamlet cloak, anI a handkerchief bound. 'around his head. His steps were slow and solemn, his yes cast do•wn, and his whole person su used with an indesorib- able air of sanctilty. The bailie, wh was descanting in his usual excited way a,boa•t the conquest of the Scotch Highlands by English gold (not steel) became suddenly silent, and - then saluted this strange figure with a. deep and sincere respect there was no mistaking. • "Yon are strangers 'here," the Man replied. " Godgive you the good wel- come. And was it to the Preachings you hef come?" Then we understood the solemn hbli- diey air of the- hamlet. It was one of those great "sacramental occasions " so dear to the Highland faith and heart, and eve were well inclined to accept the invitation to remin. This was Thurs- day, and, therefo e, the first day of the holy feast. It h d been generally' kept aa a fast day, bntf now, as evening -ap- 1 preached, hand eds, yea, thousands, were flocking to he hill -sides. around Meavaig for th4 annual preparatory prayer meeting. We had received directions which Hoon brought us to the place—a gently rising series of " hills and howes " covered with blue -coated fishermen, and, plaided shepherds, and women in tartan hawls or black cam -let cloaks and snowy linen caps. I knew that a Highland sacrament was a protracted meeting, but I fancied if the man who lead called ns -to she feast was the minister it might be a very . interesting one. But the bailie said he was not a ininister at all, but one of a remarkable class of Highland Evangel- ista called "The Men." "I'm Highland myself," he continued. with an involuntary lifting of the head, "and I ken weel what they hae done for the Highlands. There's few folk know more o' The Men han I do, and there's neat) that thinksletter o' them. They hae- been the salt o' the Highlands, and that the best part o' the Highland min- istry wilt tell ye." 41 But," I askedi "What eircurnetances produced such an order ?" " Weel. there's a because for every- thing. The Men atrst were called forth by the formalism and deadness o' kirk was when D . Chalmers walked the Established Tirk: -How dead that 'out o' it wi' the grand procession o' the Five Hundred, on hat glorious day of May, 1843, you, h e only ,to read the lives o' Robert an James Haldane to understand. Afte• the Disruptien hot one of The Men was found inside' the gates o' the national Kirk, and so far as they exist noo—for naturally they are disappearing—they are all found. among the offiee-bearers o' the Free Kirk:" " Then they arose from an outburst of _ spiritual zeal, very much as the Metho- dists did in England ?" " Mainly in that way, though partly from another cause. Highland parishes are yet very exteneive, but before the Disruption it was, clean beyond the power o' any mini -ter to oversee the immense tracts of moss and mountains sparsely scattered with humble huts ever which he had. charge. So, good and zealous ministers gladly availed themselves of the help o' these men as catechists, and it must be acknowledged that to such ministers they cheerfully submitted. themselves." . "But they are not educated men ?" “No, unless to 'be learned In the Scripturee is to be- educate& If sae, they are the best o -'j scholars. They are just peasants; douig their daily darg -o' wark, paying their day and their way, but full o.' zeal, and mostly gifted wi' a. ready and wonderfu' natural eloquence. And they ken weel Iow to comfort the sorrows and cares t ey hae all had. their share o'." "Te one we met had a strange air of sanctity, and. his dress was very re- markable." i "Ay, ay ; they're'a! that way. When men talk much wi' God you'll tak' no- tice o' them. In Christ's time folk kent wee -i enough the look o' them that had been wi' him. 1 think that's nae harm ; and as to their dresl, it's nae mair re- emarkable than an English bishop's: - shovel hat and grandmotherly apron, I'm thinking. Bat there will be mair than one at The Preachings, and ye can sea for yonrael'." ! • Oh, how beautiful were those brown hills clothed with wOrshiping humanity ! The sun went alowl down behind the loch, the guillemots and razor -bills sailed oceanward in soft -breasted pairs, =tithe little highl4.nd cattle cropped their evening meal of seaweed on the beaoh ; but when the great white moon had risen, and the aurora was charging the midnight zenith [with spears el -rosy light, the crowd was still on the hill- side, and the sound Of prayer and sing- ing was carried not only heavenward but oceanward—far out to the belts of foam round the mystical " Seven REliniana,te.rs." and the lonely isle of St. Very prominent among these worship- ers were The Men. •Everywhere people were eagerly asking if “ Tonald from Uige," or Tagalcf, from Ness " was there; and a respectful homage was paid them, only lessithan that so mark- edly given to the "'placed ministers!' Their prayers were in every case re- •1 THE markable Ones, and mire offered i weirdest effect, rising a drfa ling' li kind of intoning voic hat had s "soughing" wind. All of h nawhe leading in Giallo or E gl a • had peculiar manner ; it was e . ' imotai and not at all disagreeabl • • in fact seemed just there the na u al , exp • Sion of a wild and inatOn ti le peopl Friday'woutil.haVe been, i the r lar course of things, tht a ofq tions. But it was wet an lo The Men occupied the ae v a i from hut to hut, ogee i ni n oouraging the people. S ta da ing was fine enough to : a e p delayed duty, and befor en there were about eight n d ed on the hillside; a dark, pl i ed with brown, weithe -b at n Scotch faces uplifted to t e in nis stood on the hilltop while t ey the boulders or stood in s him. The meeting was ope and praise ; then some o to stand up and propose practical religious canoe ri would like to hear an e if i or some one read a passage w Unities he Wished' explaine! man after another gave hi the problem, and the summed up the discussion; corrections or applications ea he t best. The speakers were gen ra Men. Their language a4 Oriental character ; theirim ge all Palestinian; but su li it brew by birth, and Thee the language of the Bible,. grandeur about then:a wo hanced by their peculia trernexidouaearneetnees. Elijahthe Tit -Albite, and Jc the wilderness, and their si Celtic faces seemed not counted it's the great Apes sion. . Sunday is the great da and the weather was as Paradise may be. By , e least two thousand people' n a 4ar wants they the peering as thee a Plied, I suppose, her " There is na •his ewered. "Free ed ide through th it plied the very n es- "And far mo • think. At bee d, and inteneel eould see diet v no oari me o, a few w lays anent thi hilosopher eat o' Aris y the yard t the bor he good.' rs, thi Scriptures f either fooli aye been g avefaneere iless o' the liae been so board ever o Blackie atthe• s, t adages° r." nd 'say ale anythi g s iting a • art w ' enetrin tw lest te t ave col ifs mo ' I eft- , nd flng- in- he ck le ro d, gr ve iite ho filitaotttno dii 1 ' , prayer iteuslik asked 1 he ewer, . 1 diP11 ei-• olurtlitili4. of minister m kin such right 1Y Tlae ifitirict y lw'afi el . llie- en speaking a a Ornple de fully ; en- • reits ;end 4onght sof hnicrying in Haus,' eager, n4t to be ollo r Cco8- It he eatilt, he w at er in 'cl a at ere 'the hillside; i. " For tho folk in streams wereit wini Both from near end far, 0 tic d By old wont' and reveren fe lin•, Here to keep the hallo e It*st, This calm sacramental Sabbath, Far among the hills w th Phri t.' ' Irving said he had in tondo .1). silk and velvet congregation ; this was plaided and a tartan one ; but mier haveI seen worshippers so filled with hatf ith thatis"the substance of thing:hpe1 for, the evidence of things no 846 Can you imagine what a 1 peal e ring t be, sung "among the hills' th ' t lov 1 Sabbath morning by moire t I an ; two thousand voices ? How 1 the ;ilaint tie strains of St. Mary's" echoed roan it to hill, and went floating fa Way i t the mountainous isles of th rulling Minch ? Any of' Moody o ankeyis hymns would hatre. seemeds at Oily incongruous ins that air bl• ; and when I made this remark t to bailie, he said : "Nue doot ; hymn's arelv ra oocLbut , they hevena the pith o'DaVi 78 p air nes. Thae psaumes, they tak' en awnt grip o' the heart; and I wouldna be iev . sae angel who was to tell me th' t ,hey werena inspired." - : • It 'I i 1 I The sermon was of the exttr irt Calvine f. "istic - type, but it appeared o ive' the ntraoat censforteand satisfaction to the stern, solemn men and Wera o who 4iatened to it. Most of the f Ilowed. ,every word With a critical attention.r counting off the heads of th discourse on their fingers, and . noddi g • gravely when a pint was logically carried out. It was delivered in Grelic,and I an Well understand the power • of thi 1 nguage ; • , ee over such au impressionable , nd poetie •r ace. It sounded like the s bb ng and sighing of imprisoned winds, sing at times to a shrill intensity w 'me power I could only judge by the set1 ps and gleaming eyes of the :bsteners. The bailie.—whose motheriongn • i WO told me that toward the clo e of th pennon the argiiment tune d' on th personality of tele devil ; an t I at the stemming up (which -I had no eceo drop -I ped from the speaker's lips With a—tell- ing and threatening precision .e phati. SI 08.113, indorsed by the grave real. of hie audience) was to this effect':i 'Some were saying there was no devil. Ah 1 they will find out very soon. 1 . men." The "Action Sermon" was 1p eached, a little later by the principal officiating i minister. The sermon was reallywhat; is called in the Highlands “ f' no ng 03.ei tables." In it bepointed out li slow, terrible words the - awful cone tienees; of "unworthy" participation i I had been told that not more than one fonath of the people present on such Oc asidnel as this ever participated in t 6 sacred rite. After hearing "the tables fenced" I could not wonder. Indeed beet) weal the greatest difficulty in in -tieing the. people to come to the tab es, which I were placed before the ext en orized pulpit and had seats on each s de After some pressing exhortation a fp very aged men and women,approac them, and seated themselves. The pce d, and wine had been blfbased by the in nister, and it was gently pushed toad the communicants by The Xen. ey re- ceived it sitting ; but : it w idlest painful to witness their tremb and fearful faces as they v touch the symbols of the gr floe. ' I Every time the tables we there was the same diMeulty ing communicants to approac , same touching.; and profound the awful sacredness of the ec less remarkable were the a faces of the thousa this solemn profession often been said that t Highland Scotch ' for ith Wifl hands ed to nor' - served iuduc- s't nulsethoef e''strNue t ds w d of fait t h s e rega of the the i ho sacra- ment is. superstitious in its nsit3r ; . . be it so, almost any ;Christi would prefer this superstitious fear t e for- ward confidence which too oft makes the sacred rite as 'much a It en Of worldly respectability as of ad 1.g an loving remembrance. The se e wss closed by the grand strains Co mullion" sung to those most p h tic f words: on that night whendOona'd ow The eager rage of every foo; That night on which he was betra The,Saviour of the world took bre Monday is always spent as ay of social and religious confidenc, nd is called the --Day 'of Farewell., a it hardly possible all will ever m t again in this world. On Monday Me conduct the parting service!!! and se each boat or company off with, prayers and blessings. Their own soli ty is eagerly sought after, and they wo ld be more than mortal if they did notfeel BM* spiritual satisfaction (maybe pride) in their influence and populari y. "But as The Mon grew out rt peon- 1 ' • ,441 ing\ to VI r ep ed . 0 w is life S ar Devi pi ty, Whi It he go la n. the n r he wr t, and age o' thre nine, as the good td stributed of a g , Ithe pltrish : • 0 • . AHt BLA D COMM "Come hither, 11 w o worship rVaulted with old, nd feast On the quaint rvin Is and the • le u That at the • • tent all of gent 4 li MlLjestic ; come tear on this h ape • y the bright plaehiug • f the nalou Bathed in fresh taoun Mil airs, 'nea . 1 blue cope, To find God's noble t gh inc a d Se ft hej. 4.ifd whfil the weird, ntu (red salrn1 IR hernia Paelesonant c'er p rine breas e1 hills, Starring strong beat ts and bend i ig st utast w Ss the Septrmber •reez the lull -ea ed corn Bing thou ; and, with the laided peo ne here, if art be far, feel G • d an nature n er.'" i I i 1 iii Fortun te 1,There is a plea ing connection with th Frenchman's gett fig fact almost tnipar Ile of, Quebec French ,e polite lives in a lit1e gray slate plaster d h ee our market, w ere retail fur store. Be the past fifty year • On lo kingthe old B tie oldest sacred ed fide built a hundred eer was poor, for thou • h ways of the b st q • ali inthe world,' hi: e: co parativel unkno ly little patr iniz d. pr tty much time s me twenty-five ye rs. ' He left wit i his dog shes every fa laid r Mil spring to iis i ar gan well pack cl with able furs to b sold to ' eierally did not than half his :tock ou year, but by a inge t managed to pr serve t when the fim can summon up al hilt', e tract customs s to Ihis in, s perfect o •der as stretched the.' On the to euro after s ootina btalb. liaptis e decid. MIAs winter to njoy th did i not wish t take opportunity to make Ma y other tr despe p obi y himself. oweve 'str ck him, and he a in 11 the local paper.. It grew very cold a thel opening of the ea Anterican gen leman s oury having, g . t 130 hi• during the firs part of alreoet took t o the together to gu ge it, found down ,k °eking t thel concern." This thetA erican • isitor he tinprote ted fur h r than a "plug he, d erchief o "go i Bapti te's wa:soon f -cheap st place in the city, hits;lv ole stoo ..was o ceptio, of half a doz ii .aes li lf as m ny sil•e latter bringing him i. thello . Bapti te yet Fre e -Canadi n fur tha k to the arniva He h s eevera den? wavs raploye event far h Ibrough horn . • • • an otbleu s a nd f kin om cover or od 91 nia, at h 112 igh ry e • ough •har amts bi e .A. tlhat e heart lyi ole e in t at High guineas a is coinpen ati followieg the six a 44 are wa "1 do Kir ed 11 ry to 8 • ec slevity disap- t eitig sup- s' toabe bailie.. t 0' 04" I he an - a scattered! broad - lands ,have sup - ie tly, I sh uld y roe tot fill n1 a e u le ter - wail' •bi ote . I 11." • ny it ; ind rojels kie sub) ou site t in he eit ure on t uth 4roirl of act ion igots ho do all unlett red te:ch- man tb kens the to lo erAoan n. ;et men t nd be str.ct- e4lag and t ey for it. • Hee ye alhotas " e a uirioPna 6 0 1. /5 IS t he ere at 113 8V reek ; P w s nn n N. a si ini ppo n 4) 0 r r ex at netts, ter, to of y- ry, nt- ay for To is ite he g, be he utild4ead1.1: es d ells 0 .1 y 8 opo, 4ai • re, h Leg !ls Canadian.ittle' anecdote n ca Lay 1, of a !tic in day," ed i t el4sto y'' La - :tory • pu ist bLaii. use pear th Bo he lit a m 11 e he h s liv d f r 0301 ill ust ov r. t pour eh rc , t e in ana a, boil g ago. ala, tis e is furs were 1- y and," he •ne t tabliehm nt a n and do' seqnen Thiriga went on for a tiste f r gun a d sno turtle home n e with h s t bo reci utt nd al the s aeon. : e nage t sail ism e fro year o us Oa his wi e ese fu ft,' so th.t for artiste o erprip and a shop, they weie if he I had ju t, littl ire twits a ewer i lututmh ee ca n v I. : e advan ,g of the: money, like to e, b 1 erely to ,a ha thouj4 t ertis is • f ay orIlk ival, an id, " t last' uPi 4' • ,• 519 • ft a t las e that it omet re sp ice 9.8 W tci e b t o t hangpose d who a ains hat and a s for" fere, an and to be th Iri twoday d, with the e red fo siij fox skins, thi he pelt $i50. fo rday was a ook r. Today he is, worth $50,000. rs who er al s makiiig up th • Wal -kin as a P o 1 Serge t, of deli e ed a lee ure on Uni n hall upo the He r erred to the • crit ci ras whic his nec io as pre ented last w iter ha callp Linn trition oft e nat cis s e read n arti tain d that ino erate of b i g the po fest, siblt ethod Oi exere Wall) '.•Sargen sttgg cons 4j error f dra, enc rom• on 's ow was �wn her . For a wit somnia, ervou tien eakinds of eart r cise .b .ained fro a n wal s, taketi aj inte v day, is the best, hing h Rap d 'walking or ae. y ;seer Elie eery rata e the., oiire troub es of tio for an in he e heal h !these ea nters less. What be eeds War which wi 1 start ofttlood and bring a ,of t ody into play. kind ae very benefit,. rem, ;IV rended. The m is laei wao walks from thanl teem the knees scrip . 1 t 14 • 1111 sh • • 40 4. CiSC. arvar tjeercottio;sei dg evening at th • L 'eadoilvIeing ue as in this ls n his lectures' o forth. , Ai an e of these criti.. , which mkin- alking, instead the beet os - • In answer to ed that the very g genera in er- particular CiaSEJ person trou led iseases,ead a ublee, the e er ber of M4deilat Is during he • t can be found' other triOlbn to ag ra,vat s nature 3 yrnent cf geed re vihol y -Jushi s a shar, b isk be cirojdatoii 1 the nnec1ee alks f t ia ,an. heartil st rapid walze he thighs athe Boston Tran - VS • —jiaely, wbi e an Mon er was holding meri s pf a piece of com a y expressed a good easured, and t( of the aammer replie gentile an, I trust you ii thps natter, as my been= staid to -night.' however, an elderly m to reinark to a friend, man knicht use his ton dinburgh auc- forth upon the o oth, one ,of,_ the e ire to have the his request he d " Tekdiee and ill excuse me yard stick has At this :point, ron was:heard Leah' ;me, the instead," . HURON iREAL STATE 155(<05 55555.55 POSITOR, SALE. von, ALE.—Lots 27 and 28 . th4 house thereon, former y Cull. Appy to 8 G. McCa g the Eat te of the late Donald ldopAU HEY and M. MoDER FOR SALEi+A cornfortabl ehopS, suitable tar blaok maker, n a good part of the t The cottage is in good repair, sitttate(4. The whole property block or separately, and ver W. N. WATSON, Seaforth. igh Street, and ow ied by 0. H. ley Exeout r of In oah. '8 G. 1, riaecutors 882 ge and two arnbduevis7 o . d s pleaeantly b11e pe. a Ao 1 pdp yn t t(!). 808-tf a RM FOR SALE.—For sale 1 t 2• dances don 1; 9, Moris, containing 125 a rs, 0 of which are cleared, and the remainde good hardWood bu h. There is on the prowls a new fr tzno ho sa aid bath, ancra geed sp i g iJveJJ. Alert a yo ectring orchard of chowruit trees. he propei rty s well fenced, ad 15e8 of new 1 nd aown with fall wheat. It is d listed with n a mil au 1 a half ef Watton, v er there are sch ols, churches, Post Moe, t res &a. ms 08.8 . For further partionla s a ply on the pre 'Nee to COLIN McARTH , er if by letter to Van n P. 0. 826-f a FRm IN MoKILLOP FOR ALE —The sonth 60 ores of lot 20, o�liCOSsicln IS, 45 acres ot whell a e cleared, free •from stum s and well ma er•d ained. No better, laud n he couty. Is stus ed about holt way between S atforth and Br seals It lawell fenced. There is a log hotan andi a gt od frame barn and frami stable and she au a gottel orchard planted with apple, pinjn, p ar and cherry trees in gocdit aring order. It i °tie and a quarter mileg eat froi Leadbitry. Ap ly t ' ROBERT MeMILLAN, T t 83, don- ces ton , McKillop, or to I3ox 1E, Seaforth P O. 884 VtAT LII B LE FARM FOt SALE -- or sale, Jot v No 5, in the Bayfield conceesio , townehip of Godwin, 85 am e, 40 to 50 acne 4leared, and free fro attimpe balauce wel: ti bered, las fron ego n Bayfield Rive, and m he Olin on Roa , d adjoins the ineorpoated village of Bay eld. For terms, fn ther pastivars, nd -eon itio s of sale apply to LEIIR K NGSTO E & RR UR, Solicitors, 18 131ngs1reet W st, Tor nto, or to JOHN MORGA , Ii tel Si:leper, Bay eld. . •815 ...._...... . Fth A Me N STANLEY FOR outh Half ot Lot 16, Sanble ley, on inieg ekti acres, bout 47 of cleat eel, ell fenced and under -d tune a to hot se atid fume barn, hid The e is spit ndid bearing oichilr,I a goo• wat 4.. Is within five lnilea1 f ole •n fr Kippn, on tit Ore$t W way. A chnol within thr e qu There at eight acres of all acres Set ed t ova Th cheap. ' • or further par Teen Jams or to Drysdal DU CA.. -- --- OR SALE IN HU of Lots 84 and 8., Con 2 acres; 80 acres cier.d d hardwood bash • Sol ith a never faith) spr raises. Frame arn a good young or hard and schools, a• d is • and 10 from !into • apply to WALTER ith pa4 of said lots, .0. N TUCIERS MI H F Ile, Oliap, the fa In of If Road, Tucker t 61 of which or cleft need, gad in a fir t-clas ha balaece is plead brick house 51141 new andernea h, also • of water, and is withir his farm 18 bean ifthy milesof the i1hLgo of go from 13tor is , aforth, ooing rd Ea wi 88 or to Brae. fie d P. Pr prictor. 84 -FA taint der i Ws te on t boas to oh from parti on t borm art g 1 ed o pr • 1113 rob Bly • ula e 80 gh I 1, FA ' or8 on t o Mi urea abo ed, w 111. - 17ert.io Theri is a stori sta and leut seho 1. withi i tw four Ales as th 1 pro the p cm' CAR NE F A M 11 SALE.—One s le i 1 Tuckersmitb, b ing h 2, L. .1. 8, Tuckrsmith. T iere a isesa oo framehouse, a f atne b a goo ore lard and two goo I well 85 ac es cl ared and 70 free of st uncle dra n d and in a g00 stat the b Ian is well timbere with is situi ted within one mile if 13r and c; nve nett to schools end withi 6 n iles of Seaforth, nd 7 ton, a d a good gravel road to bo partic Jar apply to the pr prieto ies,. •r by letter to THO AS field • 0. For site, Line, St n- .w`lbille"hrili . res and sta le d plenty of aatleld a»d stern It 11- rter of a mile. heat and thiifty s pro! e tywill be s Id cuter apply on P. 0 ANDRE 841 T. North ssi n 13, con- t e remalin- layj loam, will clock riHijig d stables, kg t slconvenleht at al 4 miles or further NNINGHA41,- r to Lona s. 799 -1 SALE.—F r o undersign d ontaining 125 unde-drat fano of culi- d patiture land. b ulr barn with gorid orchai(1 alfa mile of a s tuatd, and s I rugdild, and 1 e soUl cheap as. I Apply On AILEX. Me- , hun IT d !acres few t )9, poaceshioin onthe prcM- n Etild stableS, There are ps land w01 ciltivatio arc wood. t ; C( fiel station, a ur lies, and mile of olifi- h places. For n Vie pren- I. NRO, Bruce- ' 805 offer their tit -• for sale 111 (4144. The 1,, a complete ui t Evapor- a' working an be done. *tilers of gone to Ed: - 0 rcimaln per - old and the For any apply to onforth. 782 11 FOR SALE —The undo igne ruit Evaporator and Cider eheap and upon easy term. of buildi igs lavo been fitted up Mann r ICJT the carrying on • f the ating lujic, anti are now in firs order, and a fine paying bt gimes But a W 3 Robertson, on of the fir 1 of D. D. Wilson & (0., ha monto Northwest Territiry, mene tly, the property mu -t be busin ss of said firm finally i losed partie liars with regard to said pro the In ders gned•I D D. W SON 125 : drain° maind ethirsi Uri esgrees good g 120 tr Bs eh roeosl elni, t i r el tebe propri tor TORR NC McCA1 GH VAR 1 a-. the no th 132 acrea of 1 McKill up, 0 which 100 acre fence1 wet under-dreined a cultivation The balance is best of har wood. 1 here ar free from s tamps, and 200 r There are g od frame buildin twolarge y ung beatingore! 21. miles fro the village of 1, forth, and from Brussels, roads leadit g to each place. sown with f 11 wheat. The f one block, r 60 acres of it, Apply on th premises, Or ad THOMAS OUTER. 1. res leered, well fenc d, th Ir. ugl ly under T C ASS FARM FO SAL. ugi.a:Lcitowdtia0B16;118,1yareantohgn ; la: ge frame barn, el nefo 11 miles from Cl nton, :ea rth and sio 18, Bullet, 150 cres, el pe ior land r, •ardwood bush; two bed and work-sh; p ; three • an in a high state of a 1 iv tion; re. 1 , me dwelling Is, nd (di from LO: desbo el a aye road to each place; yot r:g o chard of es. The village of II rloek i ahnioah siws 64 P08 office, blacks ith e e 00 acre ad.ins the far. here . • fre from stumps. it d the s one of II t in he ceentyi Ob ect i sang : thel oing to Maulto a. A ly o JOHN on the premi es, o r. S. G. . 817 Y, Seal forth. McK ELLOP P0' SA . — c; .--r ss. 1- e 1,1 t 15, c ncftsion 14,1 are c etuted, welt d in 1 igb state of timbe td kb the eight oros nearly ds of ard fence. s, th e wells, and ds. 1 is situated 'alton 2 from Sea - with ood gravel Ther re 14 acres nm i I be sold in to s a p4ircbaser. ress alt n P. 0. 828 'V'AR IN TUC ERSMIT sa e, o will be exch place, ot 14, concession 8, taining 50 acres, all of w nearly 11 fr e from stumps, fenced nd 1 a high state of is a fir., -el s orchard a fra a hewe log houe, and a n well. his arm is within tiv on a go d g avel road and a s corner f th lt. It is also tt tbe vi 1 eYe o Rippen. The with orprietor ti e premises, or to ritl out the crop. PETE MO RE. FOR .4E.—For nged ifor t larger Tuckdr mi h, con- ich i 1 ele red and under re.' ed, well ultivat en. There Ie ba am stables, ver f i in pring miles 1 leaforth, hoot ibus at the ithin four miles of farm till be sold 1 pply t he pro- Egm n vile P. 0, 806 VARA 1 MORRIS FOR SA :J.—For sale che r L t 15, Concessim 6, M rris, contain- ing 50 cres 85 of which are •leered, Well fenced: partly • nde idrajued, and abo it 20 te3re8free from stumps and about 14 acres so ded ti),0,-ra$4. The balance of t e land is well t mbered with hard- wood a id c ar. There is a good frame house, frarne arn and stables; leo a good young orchard and a good well and I ump. The build- ings ar all ew, having bee: buih avrIbbin the last fot r y ars. lt is Winn thr e and three quarter rant from Brussels, nd fiVe mlles from Belgrav . here is a school within a qnarter of a mile. Thi- is a splendid to and will be sold chap. App y on the prem ses cal to Brnssels P. 0. 1 EN tY CLARK, Pro.' rietor ° 87-tf BEA TIkt Ft: sal ad] oin h g th pied by ir. of land n w house a d b out -buil in wood-sh d, splendi orel fruit Inc udit grounds ar orname tel cellent rder plete an c county 41141 i farmer cfr g minutes Iwal and local -don that could b or to Exeter L RESIDENCE IN EXETER FQIt PALE — cheap; the redd nce t'frounds village of Exete at paften oceu- tobert, Fanson. here tIrie t a acres deli is a lea ge an conifOrtab brick ick stable with a 1 oth4i nddessary and conveniencis corn lete,such as ell, cistern, cella &c. There is a ard of various di erent Varieties of g grapery and -mall fruits. The nicely planted with ellen°, and rees and hedge. The 1 nd is in ex - It ie in fact on of th most com- mfortable priva e resit meek in the Good range 1 of SHAWLS admirably adap ed fu a• ,retired ataman's reside ice. s within 15 of the business art o the town COUNTERPAN S, and all House Furnishing abde. • N9T WAIT BUT OvE ruipRWARD. 1; 1 f . e are tiacuesx.ipusthat you sliould see Otir g9ods an kno our p 1\OW Et W ile stock isunbrolOn to 40. choice pelecitions. mer chea We same Staple STILL PROG Thr purchases for Oils sea nes. We are no in a er than ever. IRd1\t 4ave no real old cash. 8SINge on have e ositlion to 40' litised all for - you goods stock on haud. J. L. SMITH, and F nay Dry Good3 an 4 Groceries one door south Hardware Store, S:aforfir. MARCH 28 184. THE LATEST CONSPIRAY!. ANOTHER COUNTY HEARD FROM. Girot:geriLeasiinCohn: outthet ogrocerygivebebtuteeirneve Brownell at a big bargain, and caepthe Cheaper t . Tiana:di ' 1 ' e:fvet h Will oieev' beel'. r. ght in Gmre.nBe rralowGn er (1)1c ewriiieis h. o found Iv_ ith me next deer to the post office- and trnste that all his old friends and customers • will continue their patronage with the Dew firm, when a special effort will be made to give good value at the lowest P°ssibIeoePariceoel Onnit fail to try our famous teas; they are fresh and fragrant, and Win- be BOM in quantities at wholesale priceft. Any quantity of butter and eggs w.p.nted, and will be taken as cash. Yourslruly, M. A. CHOLEMORTH, Referring to the above, I wish to e - press my sincere thanks to all my old friends and euetomers for their liberal rodnce patronage since I have been in 'business here, and it is my wish and -desire that my friends and customers wiR still con- tinue to trade on with me at the new stand,! next door to the post offic, when shall do nay utmost to 1 give them A I value for their money. Yours faithfully, • JOSEPH BROWNELL. of Mrs. Kidd's 18 Big Durim to 8ecl Our 8f and and etc., pr sol etc. 4. Central ar Bargains in qock the months of January and re the best value for y our m, • k is large and well selleted, an clery 1884 and ruetry. ever lassware w *Voio your time prices icioqn lere in Seaforth. a call. large stock qf General Groceries ces d y competition. FOUR at nill pricee. American an EE DELIVERY 61 nhand, uihich for quality_ • .4E.EDialuays n stock, Canadian' Coal il Salt, Laidlaw & Fair]. Seaforth. THE MEpICAL HALL, Has now placed in the market a new and wonderful Blood Chan' er and Purifier. It will cleanse tie system from all iinpuritiels, Elia leave you in a healthy con- dition. It is a urely vegetable compotmd, and. as a bloodmedicine has io equal. Customers and thers whose system or blood is out of order, will do ell to try a bottle Of . Duncan's Extract 6f Red And be cenvinced that it has no equa. One tr al will convince I you that it is what it ie reprepiented to be, and no Mioabug. ou can secure it lat a sinall cost of 1 per b ttle, land judge for yourselVes as to is merits. 1 • 34 We have in a fall and well -a sorted stock a ANI PATENT ME+INES. PURE DROCS, CHEMICALS We ails° kee you don't see w at you want, ask for it, and yo in stock all the latest Pateit Medicines in the ro ket. If tire su1e to get i4 • N. All order Next Door Prescriptiens caref rom 4 distance filled with oare and and accuratel corn espatch. C. U OAN, IICCESSR TO E. HICKSO to Duncan 86 Duncan's Dr $ :Goods Store. ounded. co. E hav inspection o ing the late ever before. In DB. in the Briti - 111 . XI 0 1 —1 Zi: • 1 -! I now opened and marked the bulk (f Old Country goods, n11 invite . i our large and varied stock of all kinds of Dry Goods. i We a e show- , t novelties in each department, and prices will be found lowr than 1 i . 1 , 1 I SS q-OODS the stock is very comlet, embrming the newes h mrkets._ • goods VEL TEENS in all shades, and the wean guaranteed. • LOV]3i1 Y BLACK and COLORED SILKS and SATINS. Splendi railge of MANTLE VELVETS, CLOTHS, TWEEDS, MEL - TONS, dm and JACKETS, CARPETS, :CURAINS, or beauty and It althfulnesa is all desired. Apply onth premises, . O. ROBERT F 80N. 1324-tf $et 1 S 0 N S 9.5 Cs L. P. 0 L. PAPSTS i8 the place to go, Having in Jewelry quite a show. Rings and jewels rich and rake In all the latest styles are there, SO very reasonable in price To get a Locket Ohl so nice. Please call on Papst, His word is sure, Ee'r buying from others pods so poor. Run every man and woman born, Look at Papist's stock to-morow Worn. papat ain't ashamed to show his stock, And ean be found in Cardno's Bleck. Papa gays Chris' gnods are hst, • Scain aClock or Watch invest. To please yoat he will do his best, arid try to rival all the rest. 1 The heist place west of Toronto to purchase Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver- ware and Spectacles Is at the popular jewelry store of Q. L. PAPST ' 3 11.1A* STREET, SAFORT. HARD TIMES. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. Money being scarce, every per on wants to know where they can get !the best value for what they have to spend. ROBB, THE SEAFORTH ONO, Has solVed the problem. He has on hand as nice and choice a stock of Fresh Groceries, for the holiday sea- son, as dan be found in the county. His Teas are choice and good value, and his Fruits are fresh and cheap. Atrial solicited. Any ahantity of Good Pork and Beef ppriureceh;Lasiedd., and the highest market Pork and Beef Hams, Bacon and Ss.usageE always on hand at the Cheap Store, No. 1 Stark's Block, Seaforth. A choice stock of Crockery and Glassware of every dscription,. • HUGH ROBB. N. — KING'S SPECIFIC, a sure cure for Dyspepsia, always on hand. •AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. The Glencoe Agricultural Implement Manu- facturing Company have pleasure in informing the farmers of Huron and Perth that they have arranged with W. IL VERITY, Exeter, MONROE & HOGAN, Seaforth, THOMAS titcDONALD, Mitchell, To keep constantly on hattd all repairs for the WROUGHT IRON HARVESTER and all other Implements ina;nufactured by them, also for all the machines formerly manu- factured by THOMPSON & WILLIAMS, of Strata ford. All orders for Machinery left with their agent, or addressed to Box 33, IIIENA.ILL, receive prompt attention. 83.5 1 BOWERMAN, Agent; THE SEAFORTH INSURANCE AND LAND AGENCY, 4.5.pmgla5.ma5m ALONZO S'iliONG IS AGENT for several Pirst-Olao Stock, Firs and Life Insurance Companies, and fa preva- il to take risks en the most favorable terms. Also A.gent for several 01 the beat Loan Bo. deitie. Also Agent for the Sale and Purchase of Farm and Village Property. • Number of First -Class Improved Farms for Sale. • 1 t550,00o to Loan at Six per cent Interest. Agent for the sale of Oeean Steamship Tickete: OFFICE — Over M. Iforrison'a Store, Meth Street, Seaforth. 645 CORNISH & GARLAND Beg to inform the public that they will keep, during the coming seaon, at ett mall, Exeter, and Centralia, A large stock of First -Class Lime, which they " will sell on reasonable terms. Mr, Cornish will be at Centralia every Monday and Thursday, and at Hensel! every Tuesday and Friday. Mr. Gar- land will be in attendance at Exeter every day. They are the only parties who sell Downing:a Beechville Lime on this line of railway. This 18 the best Lime in Canada. 848-8 3. •