HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-03-21, Page 7k I
DINDVILLE T� _R MILA..,S,it vair-a Roller Mil.j. - IXQW has no Superior,
-6071 of Vital lmpo,,2�47zm.
I Reduction SV8 4 airs 'now In full �ilkvs firom 81 .25 to $1 50 !re than the U title Old Procem. 19 a Specialty..
1 ia all cases get t1jel, aud, and by our ii r By,
I flour by far*ti tile, �arto been able to get. i,% no h u Wb R ty or ex.. ado,pting ttia Gr4dusj�,.
,iam. Our new systara if, s beeU
.ted, and praved a, great
Germany, Froicial,
t, �ited S mtus� Flotx previo, us to 'Ou.,r
t9a at a heavy coat, &jXd, better Flonr now. 0no-. I
Ifficient to prove oar aa-
�J N Git for this class of :worir
their etLoppiDg, jQu a at
&udtry.ou.rfa-m-ou' OW11
9 ,,flour. Shorts and Feed deliv,. . wt of Seaforth, Ha rpar- iville- free of charge in' fall operation, iyLE MUS 11ARD. IT "NI -ILL PAY YOU ?�ULL AT THE— U N DRY, iee- Our stock of 0 _W E-3 in—adle, especially for havie -grezitly improVect fur this season, and feel 1
hat it is the best, in hea;vv. running light an I
K. . 0ux 0 U S .4 R S ii hard. iron, arid will last .ay other muchiae made. tula for reoiattini aition givew- t.) r ims, sa,iii U.Lid Grist Kills, eirs, Threshiva Machines, mtchknery reptdred, on t'�, aind- others — Bridge khtitiazit at lowest rate& 4out for he im, !eMen-ts,
�=.Iy On. hand. ,bP*1_AS HENDRY. N 00 T I G'Elti I
J, having Deell appaini Agent
RAT t 0 M 'Ll FE
,.I ring the live of all the elfizen&
so as to
Usis an oubtedly the, bad
y doing baimbe-9 4 Canada At the Ddly Gr-obe Or Mil of ,,�Atisfy, &-ny raasn�able man of once OU N BEATTIE, Agent 'Seaforth. t i Loan G Fairm. or Town ..'rilest torma at Pa3i slad at 804
'1i PLANING MILL, syr, AND &URD FACT . egs leave to tli&nk his at =00% I
-b U t tirage axtelli ..zed Qrx paur neing b'131-itetia in Seaforth,aal 'ba ta-vored with acontIni ng to 4eild worild do. well: to 9111
'If continae to keep or, hand 9, zvnzher, Door -to im VWX their tiof� p4ii-I It t, Out INTIr tcR OCARDRTK-11 to Clear Out My it i1li to those paying cash, O&I L4 highly finirlied- chairs fort
ppring Bedj.thff�
�-Kt in the ry Stor&,Main reCasb� for everything,
MA-Acii 21, 188,
News Notel
_Xany frait, trees hve
ed by.au ice storm in Nei
tern fraft states.
,other BAB _The;continued raijps
0alifornia are osudibg gref
account Of 116ods.
—Floods ara causine ex
age in aiia cround Heler
many people having to
home. _Generalqrant bas left
the Sou�h-for tILe b4
fohealth. steMner Abyssinif
ing passed 70 icebergs abou
friom sawly.UOOK.
—Dio, Lew.19 says Amer
1jeed. gunebidle and not pair
w improve til
heir complexio
—It is- ruiborO that I
Governor- Ge.lueral. of India
to Engl,)nd ih a few mond
su� ceeded as vie
he will be 10
blaXquis of Lbrue.
—In cons4quence of tb
,of the foot a4 -d mouth dii�e:
]a-ritain, I the I treasuty (Ia.
.Ger-m-inv is �onsideiillg th,
t1he 0i
prohibfirloiltlnO imp
tl�at country.
—A. plot lx�s been, discov
etroy tile fma0,_Aion of Baru
Wi.th dynam0e. —General Gordon bas a
i6otalMent of 600 fndian ti
the nucleus 0 an army at I
—The Pai�.nellites are &I
s�gre&t agitation in Irelan�
the Goverrt-mbnt to re o�e.:
land quetii,ition.
—The Sen�te Committe(
to- give this of Lincoh
'Perritory to e made out
—11airs baqvp been found
of, sl5o, . ( ft by a scotet
i1lacliie, who lived tb
miser in a etc, 8 ovel and died tb e years ago.
—Rev. � as A t�xfutll
terian pastor at Mount Ple
ofunty, who haB been forty
the ministry, has just i
—poems on John Brown
pour into the boudoir of Qu
and c -he will soon bave eo
the Ii of the biggest pi
l—,Terr R a fmmet
e on B has a- two-'
ric Le for which he has refused $1
ths, four ears nd
two mou
The certtra �ves are joine
two distinct puplis - I thn
_Immfs damage has I
Uiente, Califi5inia, by a
the raUroad traak beina leet dee, Ith Band, aT
housEs btjug flooded to tl
eighteen inclies.
—An Enal ahman who bi
of cattle in,Monthna� outlit
for sliijipighve cattle to
feedillg* there for the
yt�-an, ho wave r, is declared j
b�dea,lars in dessed meat.
—The poli. e found three
-r4ostdvinao starvation ir
Allltui�]'Ia street, Montr
day 4ight of kat week. q
axe.C. M. Fitt and E.I A. J
0ver 50: y of age, and a
the latter. — They came tc
fm manths Elgo, from To,.r
little maney �nd tried to
dressmakiniv,1 hub failed.
r fteans b iting exhasted, tj
1�rond to bea, and so resigne
i6 die in th,e,0 beds. T1
einacia,ted an"d wasted that
he. taken t-) t c a hoRpital an
The two elde women ere
liyw as to be., Dable to i —T lie Hw�ick Enterpris
Witbstaudinl-'the dall tim
boen a very biasy winter foi
merchants �ud tradesme
doing, a.n acU6 huainess an
have alwayg presented a li
e-hee. RuuOred.s of loa�
logs, gi etc., have been
town. aU d f(,u n d a ready mi
t1ie except ior of the fact tb
money is a lAtle sca.ree tl
little,if &rtyi, Indication times that was Bad last fal
in usintheiface.
:9 t —D,)Dv.ld McLaueblin, o
ebip of Gray. near Bru�seh
se,wing blee at weel�, whic,
for being one of the bebt
Aat has been in the t
Fourteen men wi�h severi tween 50. -and 60 cords - 4
wood. Greed,; praise is C_
4rieve for the excellent tri
the saws in lring the day
Rii,counts in f4 large inli
pile of wood �ut. We hope
mky five loit,6 to have man
bees, -as onle.
—The Wur"Lemburg mir
intehor has i'Liraed an ordai
�Iie police aul�borities that I
I -G years (, f s to be allb
Iin Places wg u`bllic 9-muser-
only excepti a to thi-t rule
of. weddiu:a Ifekties, and th4
the Bocial polition of the -9
daince offer J..a moral gm
Saxony it bas been orde
fatureincifemale singer, ui
of age, and- no actress or d a
or im-tivw-or forei undez
allowed to P, ppear in any pL
hthe animals
Menagerie w�ra beftig rew
at a depot in a. town. 41ephants 0 4rrn ad at, th a
engines, brot,,e loose and
through the e-treets. breaki
iive gates of 1 t'he depot, a
with three WEtons, two of
seriously itijared. They I
their way ial o a house, thi
tnals into a c.-Ilar. After I
'97ork they *ere drawu I'laphantEi. I The wildest
Prevailed on the sreets.
EPPS'9 Coco.k.—GR&TEiro
FoRTI1TG-I9 3y a thorough
the natuml I w6 which goi
Wong of di�, ti -i i0a and n,
by'A careful Appliction of
Porties of well-tt;lected Co(
has provide. our birea.kfast
a- delic-&tely flavored ev
111ay' saive U13 ruaijy doctors
by the judicious use of But
diet that a must,itution rat
a�11Y b 111-11t; I.. - - until sitroii�
resist every
ery endency to- di
deds of _ �
tle maladies
around Us ready. to atte
th`EtriBia a. weak point. Wit
"'OnY 9, fat%� shaf t by keep
Well iortified with pure
Property nourished fame.
vice Gazette.—Ma a III mply .�,Wi
h bo 1
dizzyi a0coml a]
�y w di
-T signs - Grand Trunk RaflWaY4 Alqj�ALS
pe t 'etber !tb a 1� tl a other EST4A'j� X[PPLN STILL TO THE FRO NT
= or
been destroy- water or mifk., SdIdoillyin
ackc its.
for al I exertio! i,
mal he
01 temporary constit utibnal Tains, Ira Somforth and Clinton stations a4
A Tins'.(Jlb.� and 1b),by
r York a4d 4-1 I
Way be quite 4'are
�t h' i'
r UB INAW Premioes Fartners, 1juplintents.
d -i �bility. No remedy � w: 11 go 4uibkly follows: i.-Str4yed f trom the
the 15th N
abelled—l"J AIXXB Epra &,Co:.,
. ,
nd of son
to 1
her , 1* v
t GOING WZBT— RZAPORTH. 1 CLION of subrolibei about �be of vem
re a ore oolor to the to itsel 9. stre4gth to �1
Expre 50 P. M. 2:80 P. bj 61. live steers otiminir �Ixree or fortroyears F�mzers Pat)-orti�ze Home Industry.
pa,thio on On, Eng.,
in Southern � I
83i - 2
et im at ouof
lowaylo rillat
I a
C f Rel
t1 e mus es, en - r9Y 0, is im 58 P. M. 9:15 P. W. Tboy were a 0. I we w e
- o d.
tite an 1 'n"g the 9th ContoEssio o Me 10 , golug tuwards
hi M ak6 a, hem
back t o ap, is ite sit, Ithy MixedTr in ...... 7:65 A. K. 8:45 A. U.
it alarm a
Ask Yb -u r 1. rugget
will remove tbe
)tot6B, end'
4 eedily
w3man,.Ks hosphati a, whwh ig Ila 0, GOING EA $11AYORTH. CLINTON. 0.6 town Lino n1lelt. , art, not h1l of Plows, Harrows', Cultivators, nd
Express, 6.27 A,.,Af. them, are marked; with T on : I a plate or rump.
da For Dr. 13hi'lliD
anSive Vsc-er VIVO m
Creall I.'
renew his usual
ig. If
i I Land Rolleris.
m edioix e, butw fooa. F or sale by' all E xpro.s 1:w P. lif. 12' Some of them are ilgbt colorp and some dark,
il :55 P. X. I
is pre pared I t
a, ArkanK 6, It , dxq� ])'on
leave tb�'ei worms, and is, s� Bu �131 a: d
11te �
tht§,bowels be rrita
mebt abould a
the stomach Ond
a Hollc
xittly r
i nigpt
di t Mixed Triln......4:46 P.M. 4-uo p. M. i lbut cannot give a dorr dpaxlptlon of them, as I
Uggis s. 788.62
I i itbov are out of a �Iot of IS30 betid. Any perfinn
ving paeb inforr"ittiOn RA. M1 It lead to their re- T. MELL1ScKjPLP My
L 'on n, Huron and Bruce. il, and Apain', ay d.AIj,m t* usints.; for Abe
G. W. JM41gay, 1 1: I a al)ovelreward, THOMA 0
covery.will rocelvo th 13
New Yo rk
00rining. 83
0 :
I . ..
mitikil)op, eftinber 14th 1898
ife Gorr4G NOLUTIt- Spr Ig of 18tz4 who ls always studyipg tbe Farili-
P irkdale, Toronto, mrites * -Illdv w I I
. i mail, 00VENROCK, ers I interefAs "ILn rewitrd to f2ijil iii)J.Ielnebts�
inefit of I is Weather ro
Foretelling the' *eg'plier is uncertain
An E
P.M.. I
b 6d se4eral very severe att cks takes this opporl milly (j D011 -Til g WA innny
Of Lon on, depart .. ...... ... 7 47 4 20 ci �mps In the - Btomac h. He ing of Exel et ....... ................ 8 m 5 86 cuofmners, und fliose in ijeed, that be has on
e -1 apt Iro R
reports h v- at the best, but . 'it is 0,01tain til
I's catch cold in this, �at
b 1,000 wit, ch.Tg? ab]6.
if y u
�hma B
JL' gu t 2�, 1383.
"Ir. Austin's -Phoarliline oud; its Hen tan ................ 9 13 5 60 b d the hirgest, tbp b t, ad Ole elites prst selee-
p e ave I KiPI len ............ ...... .... 9 17 6 65 tit) of implement$ in the criintv, consieting �6f
asantness 0 take, h er !two L a lzoliers Gang Pjow4iii, cuitivAtors, stubble
y i 0 plOsgoode.
I Bril(afte Id ............ .. ...... 9 26 6 0,6 -s,
you can break 1 a 1 I eo e(
ts ii h
Alessrs*. Cb4ir
bill 61 Dea�
- Sire,—
ebe:haB I n attack -General Purpose sod I'lows, South
8, and ac a Clin �on .............. . : ...... 9 48 6 30
Bei�d (billied ORO
113ain worn�u Hagyard's Pectipral"B lBaw, :tl'B
t and po vi der reliable and pleno.ant 6 edv �br
00 t
I have been trp
bled Witf '168
for the
si ace, and her health F n�nch imiwoved. Lon Iesboro .......... .. ...... �o w 6 50 Ph,ws, Iii be, in Plows,
Blyta.—v .......... .. ........ 10 6 69 B l3ell's Imp,ovd AlliAlia-11 Stpel Plows. Patin-
BaleLby all drug i te
lot five �earar and
d lipp:� i6bat
!time I
.770-52-789 fit) rave ....... ........... .... 10 31 7 16 ers, Call and See Thein before buying AsewhOre.
. polds, bronch' I Knfl - 9ug C_:__
have taUen me'dicinE)"Ki%
------- 4 Also onhai�d large 011 Straw aitters. which Will
Uam,arrive .............. 1045 7 27 win
,ord Ripo�- it is so agreefble�t�at'ave 1 a ch
,will retnf7n take it. 774. 5.2�v,
ld w I
ic i ai e o
effec t a i care.
I have
GoiNd got Va- be.W.1wati,rgaill. All hupleilleiAt') ,,,jd1br
r. 51 n I
JI bave used D 4ff's nns a' I
L M. P: K. FOR undersigned vil;l small profits for cash, rr on short thne.
is, and Wit
Mad only one; boxbf
alve, %i
L yoUr I i
chn"d rom'W.
h j'PIG
Corn and Wart Erai ic tor, and can Win ant, depart ............. qiil 7 85 2 67
keep on lot 8, cn�iccssion � 2, Tuchersmitli, a WAGONS, VARF.JACES AND ny a I e
re oom In I'd it a" doi 1161 ave.,� ................... L7 49 3 09
�roy by t It Should beL 13 ve3tigmed.
Ritchie, �iif Csgoo&),
St itiolu,
ind can
y L Thorougiobred Suftolkiboar. This is a superior -g of
Bly .... 6 ........ .. ....... a4a to Ordcr, and all i
One bottle is worth fl 1 .18 05 8 28
)i r of an other nimal and frota g,4od tillock Terms— Viii T will rt ceive attention. Plo !far -
if any of our readi 8
3 prev&Ten
recommend it
as 5 is -0 Oure
to all
I con.
-a �,rgolls j rila
eBboro ............ ...... � 8 14 882 Dollar, Payable athe time cf Fervice NNi'li the
ocrn cure. Xv cornsi are missing.
r4 Clin n.A.... ......... .. ... �1 8 45 4 05 Rep4ired. Fa me -s now is the binei to
f3urtong Stratford. Brut 18 1 privi!ege of ietinvii1i e�ek&ary. ROBI�'X fe- (h P long iii harruws fur tpairing.
from chronic diseaef of th B. t
tee, in Great'
liver, )kidneys, or bloo' th, ly culd
afflicted with
lar your FO` nitain
of: Bealth an
(1,11gDed,]IF.C. esil -tielf .................... 59 4 21 yur plows
McfEAN, Kilijonl 043 W's,
Kip) ......... .. ........ 9 08 Ppimers waintitignew mould boards plr,wbea
Sold'by Lumsd6,n & Dr�ggiBts 4 30
)axtweat of-
vestigate the miari ts a Bi Lrdhlch
i proprie-ty of
. B16d d
'It tonic to uild
up the sy9teal.
. .......... .... ...... 9 Is 4 ad
0 0 Iand �,idea,f;ecorid-liirtd iron beam aor N
83 x26 R)rT) ��ER V -BOAR F -)R I1).Olvs, callet Supplied at illy shop. Plow C�it-
I..................... 9 28 460 YL
Bitter�. It is makiDf son. e �jj, tljL
)n of me at
e rno it
OU g tr t, Y,
Lon, ton, v r'rive ........ ......... lo 86 I; 50 SERVICE - � It e �u n d for and 9aT,9j).'0wcaNtinVR'f-1r all the leading
igned -1wi3l h
J. Wetli( dnriug his in Ole bade; licineirber that T. Mellis'
remarkable cures on I ?Cori
8 W.
��F, McDurmiD.
ervice t1le present se swi, on pri
!HE 8, lot 8, concesi4o.n 12, Mcj0lnp, a Tboiouph- 1 hLipren, is the p:aco to get vour . wants WritiDg from Winuipe." !Bays 41I can We R1100TI, Grey
wed to de-
i Rathatab ilkd Cure for',RhEuinati UL.-
A Good.
and on Ia d for the
ib � ed Berksbire B ei 1, payah!e at the h3timplowlinp. Alsorpi)ahA n
say more about Pbospliatine no w: than Gorz, NoRtir- ime of Aervice e of ieturn!ng if Noxon H.:oser I)kll]F:, ingers Il.
Ace. F XP. wi th t e pdvileg
'u 'aw
Sufferers frompitbEr ac ite D'r
Dear Slrs'� Ior
ever 4webty
years I
you last fachmml hIn- and ffloriji Shoebso
whe a jCoronto. My P. ryl. P. X.
4 ................. .. 2 28 9 41 h6ulth is much imp oveol and: I am 11,111 its brauehirs
.qked for an rherimatism , itivill fluid I. or
nops to form relief or bettor cure'Alau o
a re4dy
g y aj- 8
b ave sufferdid gr
Batl. vkr6n na;sal
8 el'ortaste
excentrd wilb neat -be ,a ra.
Dru sel'i ........ 1 ........... 2 39 9 55. SUFFOLK FIG. -,-T Miged wiliketip on and despate tto.
fr Be frora headaches Or aily other aches, Din, Ival-o ...................... ,(tounder h. Small My
2 b2 30 12 lot 21, conce 2, Iiiii R. 11., Tneker�,mith, - I
Wir, Cal slid see Y. -u will alkrkys, fand me nliv( to
�hartoum Yellow Oil, t�e popular ho ise 01,1
properly. The
diBe e, ust'd
gbair .... .. ..............
-havinauBed only Wo ar14 a half bottleB 3 05 10 2S aThoroug1lbre SnffolkBoai. This athriRl vaq
t the trale, and good hunioredand reai3tc do
aftNU 'recently
out to begin dy for exterriu-1 arldl interr al u Be
du over tlalegeB,
P11 I
Lu f eq an
, stop-
Exp. Acc., puTobased from the well-kuown bree er",
our Phosphatine. For sale by all k i i
Of Y I A. AT. A, M A. Franks & Son, � Lud �is from imported stoek on f, T. WELT -18, Kilylen.
di uggists. 770-52-789- , V i
-to induce painful affections. 77i%v.
the Irish
tied my wridda
The phleg in
Oil CC u t (if d'zziuess.
my t hre,& gave me
...... 5 48 11 26 �both sides. T`Arin�r,-Sl, p-tyable at the time of
............ Blu�valej ..................... 5 58 31 S8 pervicew"Whepri'vilo colretuirningifnecessar y
annoyance, eBpEcial,y
i In onitpany,
NOIV .......... ....... 6 33 12 00 4EORGE PLhW "S. 763
A Question to thi) Pjoi
has decided
Readaiir; have you! a laug ild w
to the new
tired feeling, *itll' h
k all d
of which would
i: to my tj
U roa
Oc A810 allyL fall-
t, a ,a I coyjld
.. ..................
Th: there is a relial)13 ri�medyforhia- ]Mtbel.... 6 25 12 16
0 THP, FA'M E-Riq A]�D'B TP
uby trouble, half the te�rors attached HURON 1,eep for the im- VIC
nrerVOUL1, 6-
)f North ern
especially. in tbe e�rl v a )rivg ?
I Tho
breathe tbrough
my 11 8 Ifha
at aken
tc rovement of stoe c, t�-o pigs of'surierior breefflug.
these co' plaiuts I ave1eau removed, ST. OWES' P Qne Polaud 01
� HOTEL7 ig: at.d o n e Suffolk pi r; botli T40
your livief is ina6tive aid roulat,
quarts i v riuuR
m di3in�s ifflontany
until".1w 13 induced,
F:)r this let all be thall kf �1, and to Dr. 0
phre bred and h the liew, o the bust wille in
VRn B Kid i E Cure award -of
to d fortune
poor. Aroi tbetorpid liv,r,
man Dam
the Rlug gish- bloo ll�
It Ewd. rej,
by your age -at of
your Fount in' of
69 Paute Bbreqt,totry
nren's y Aineric. Tbead-antiages
land Chias are'. T'he UP TORONTO. to ZD
alli praiee lot 11 avi g - tbus re- lk-1 heirsuscepi ibiy beik) fattened at any -%jA1W Of 011" iek; 110,
i ata ag, 2nd -Their c ipa �ity for roing very large -N & —
wovel a hither X
of a
ra secretions with -�Jl t
It New YO rarifNing
Burdock Blood Bit 741 5.,k
t tonic
five bottles I am
P F! 1X( I t 9 gi
6 it R13
deshoti 3rd. "I hcy� derably - -ill pw ute cons;
06�r path, It: was uetiver kDown to S H I -Nj1qR V E.
IAI P BFZ-1CzHA It 1) 'reg ll=e pork for thn iftni a 011i, of feed than any
my honest opinion
is t r the
cure of
falil. Sold by J be'rts, 770,52.789 ley are le mo
other bi�ecd; 4tli--TI th, st; handsome ta��t t -T- rea6lo- es
Ler, Pregby-
isa.nk Brant A Vallia,bl int.
cata6ri -h it is a
gra j supotess.
to, any jof 1my
I have
d'of Ole best a tuli 'e.
ft The Suffulks are a tried (yurajerly of S7tatp'8Hota1,,3c(yo
Kh') - � d we) I -known 1A'CL d'6 an d haV. e tbeir admirers.
all and see tbein, These wi,l be hellt for
-1 Artizans, actore, Sports en
one of whom
3ECIDISQ8 bisites
A Bankor,s restlipony.. piti
�RQPRIETORS. si irvice at !�l S L)W, �I)uyable at the t1me of Fer-
six years n7
big, chanies an
esigned d lubor112 lien, in
who unduly- ekert muse rst er
u I ar st
raci U11
gth'r are
vvith mine.
WiBb iDg you
dese ed iuccese,
'For a Cough,'Cold Or ny Brouchia ce 'thilie p�hftlegb of retutnirgifuecessir�y,
�iit N4
al .0 Mina H6tel,l Rurioij road, Ilullett. C
�ection, 11 Pectoria," in my opibion, is T� I Hotal, which is lituoted dirrictly opprtisite. IIIAR11Y CL&RK,'Prokletor. 1 845-8
to. sub ect to painful c( ntr icti nE
of 'tbe
I am
grate 114 voa.-B,
jqst.,tha- thing. I av used it in my Uoinn Station, has recently, becin re,fl- ti�d
fa�mily for 66ugbs and Colds: for the an 4-furn shod th--ougbout and is 1101%v One ot
3en Victoria, cords, stiff joints a1d. IOU
BLUCh Hadyard's Y 8
agh to paper elloi 0,1 i
to 1*11
Book-keepe 2-'
Sh etreet,
016 h 3st jill I most comfortable hotels in the * AUOTfONEERS.
p�st four years with �L a most unvaried *ffF,,vc- po.ssible attention paild to guestsand
lace in Eng- relief and perfect C rf 74. 2W.,
798.52.2 w
at coess, and to day in y of it is chit. g moderate, P. B PUNE, bioq� Aarctioneei forthe
i3ear Fred- Names, Facts F garetI'
3paded car1f, Will be cheerful v -yivt n b� tba
lid Chd1rehill
M a s r a.
of I e th
cc ourFoun-
ti at I coutione to th lu It still more of R, L. 8 E[A RP, 841 IGHA31, � ; County of Huron. SAles attended In all JNO. BE
I 0. —_
t1 at which blink'well of' partF of the Comity: All orders left rt the EX. ?OsX - Office wi I b4 wromptlyattended to. Eo. Kmm TOY 0 li:
00. * It has Burdocl
tain of Hea'th1has
dOnipat v Q
Ired nie
k: Pic'
Manager, Ontar -,keriDg,
DBLGATTY, Lf�enfi ustioneiii,ir for the
prietors of Blood
four eyes. ci rtil
regarding the ruanj
f wou.
of dyspop sla, which
a ro blell
me for
FLce 25 cents at all 1ugj ists. 8.37.26 A. County of Enro . S-alef; of Alldescriptious
W.. G. S. UACDONALD, M.D., 0. X., PIlysich;
1, but have derful-teures'madebytbal m6dicia:
i a,live and chronic dizi of ffi( b1Dod;':li1rer
hidneyg, -roveW a
r of -t b yvig P t is
nearly two ve%ri.
798.,2.2w 17,
3talgi d Arelet,"coronto.
promptly atteli to n reflroo�avble terms., Ad- I
Surgeon, Acoouebeur, &a. � Office and resi dreFts Waltoll, P.10. ior -Lot j 14, Conees2lon 14 that lately occupied by Dr. Hutehisonl 7 Auu -n. 781
ILI 14 En de&%
�een done at
G.,800TT, M. D. &a, PhyRician,13urgeon,and
the possibility of di tit
P te by cloud-bu
a, intoat
Pier 20 Nor I il Aecoucheur, Sesforth,Ont, Offlaoandreni� I
j Sail f ]N�e
incredulous. W.
,overed two
Gainte& Sevei,al
pt. fiet,
I oin er, me Ront4 side of Goderich St
orki east (f Pro 4LE -The'underRigned has for I
Eveiv Satnrd , for del reet,second "' tULLS FOR S
.- .1 byterian Churoh. 8442 1
GLASGOW TIA L03TD0XD'�IlREY.- Sale IL I Um ero Illorcugbiwbred Durham
d adjoining The Weather: Frolp h
a depth of
Looks.f6r spr4ang tb s inon�Lb The
W m. Churchill
been troubled1vith
Co... Xel --I
Catarrh Tor
. I
the past
. TiATk-S OF I'll 1319AGID. 4angl f om 10 to 14 mowhs old.
L. 17 Bull ottlVeH.
Tb GLASGOW, DJ�RRT, BT, L EFAST OR LIVER �1100E,M-D., C. X.. Physician, �ar'! They are a ' prizewin erd, a -ad are rrgiitered in
_an -e -)Ii
00h, CAIN. $60 W $80, SECOND geon, etc.,Coroner for the County of Hmom the Britis c)d Book, ard are from `-w)jl he
man looks for. a blo ifi*
d PLUX a ji'at
.s large b erd s
two years. Y -our
Fou at n of
Mali cul -dv- a, Tna-i
UABIN $44). Sir] ERAGE, UT 0 bt I-R.6ionallle families. . These ,pe; -1 Wltb IT
Mee and Residence, on Jarvis street no tih� the best a o n,cy disease, I
ot iuj ure bis: system he can hti
as a scheme
'be wants in Dr. n a StolmEch
d vtib4 t
was recomman
Bay of thiS.
led ic 9 b ]Mr.
After 181lig tone
and a
cilyopi?ositoSe2fdrtbPubllc,Sohool. W,&�t 1WPWID) laminli can be scon� on Lot 7, Thams Road., 1
b, $ 1.
A.� a tt� 0. THOMAS plaiut, and ctlier wait"111tr d
lUs;lorne, or dAre s O Exe r. P
ope ers, the greatest of a 1 blood' purifi;
Darket.. T114
half bot t e a
I 14 alms of
rr pt
_11 L t rate eire
or Ine D rafts iBst Pi , lo*es 3L. Graduate ol RUSSELL. 848xil
d, Boot and and McGill University, Ph.ysician, Surgeon and
p id ftle of charge in I �n 'Ia f
aIn large bot�es at 50 ents. 83
Every 0 UE S
have disap ep r
mpr VL
d, Old it V tealth
tha� I h,ive gai
is so
aed say-
I Acnoqcheuj,Sea:forth,0nt. Office; and Residenoe
age, Cabin Pfa S, B (ink of Tcnrs, &c.. 140.0b Fi Goderich Strerfi,first B,,riok Eons AL, WHO IT MAY CONCERN. -We d3
For pass I
i on or Tobere y ford ypei RIply to RENDOR90N 110TUSItS. 7 OWLIG enatuIthe Methodist Church. 496 ersons from
11, ' �rt in dated
women al-
a house on ]E�ig hly of-Dr,'C&rs6u'3 St)rndd
M1, on Men- ag a Stomaoll., Live� and 'Kidpe.
I -
79 3.52.2v.�j. I
0 i kr. rq ly,
I .
t&4rt notesf,
iletrotiat ng pr(jinissory i
G RBEN, Nrw YoRk, or 8, DICIRIS N, Post 0
jalillaq 1-i 38)-4, Ida by : W III
am 31--Clk y, forth.
flee, k3e% R. W. BRUCCE SMITH,
- - § I
0 t ive dollirs each, drawn In
for the s im of Si%. y-
31-:D., 0. 311., Yember of the Cc Ilege of Pbysiclans our fav - anti payablelOn tho Ilirst Day of Janu-
A :4 3
The beSt. Wnel
, I
NENAf G0,L EN and Suigd iis, &c., cafoitb, Unti Office have
heir times cine. "lily Me
ftly. uaq Arid re8p(etiVely'. as we To
foi ly -value:oi
ever used," sa the all. Tr�
daughter of this sprivig as a, blood pu fie
bc t4l e
83E -C
)O a�d
aWl as met ceived n) coilsi eratim), or endorsed the
Occupied by Dr. no ell
ARDL SS BARLEY, 848 IRARTil-i 'SLONI&ICO., Implem, t
Br inti!ord, Ou!t-' 848-,K4
Montreal a
' :
mto!with a Dys'
1. epsia
)et work &t And Dr. Car. b Bi;tters
c1a "t
Irtdikeetiou,' Costive
that are u
irt fo�ll Dy
e ;s,l, Head
ej f,on a oj
wL ich
This valiiety nf 3d from En
Birlkywis import(
DiRS. ELLIOTT GUNN' ,d a few years sgo. aud it is no, K.( red to the
It, - fle
Imblie fur the first time; �t i4 a two ro'; ed kind, Of F L L E: BRUN a
All their live in the saiime stol m %ph, ortiEt:,or
t am
aire from pers09B
in tafleB c
r thou
taw ar d lay Fre compact heads; w th strOT g'Stiff S n 4ND Gi
ey were too has got to 00, and it idn't bbe! Stomaoh
andB of miles alvay,
ro Pit
roons in
ai� the grain ripeils ie a, vus dr(l) aay, leal,ilag Li�entiate A the Roy I Licentiate c f the Boyal I -T-T
the head quite be*rdless In Lvorablt�,%_seasoijs C,.Ije;e of pilysiciang Colliege. of Pb3siciams
thP-msel Ves Bitters.: Tj Papp Wr3 lowt .
ravoO 6
and around B
amil iont! 00ta
fre I i; t,
io. We
'tl e yield is often tl� Iii -11 as 70 Luslleh� lu acre, 1 find urglotils, Edin- and Sursteors, Edin-
IR ; :A GuAntntedd ro for Gorlon hCea fi Gleet.
ardthograin isve6l briiiit a6l extrenildy band- 1) tip Llccnti�e in burzh;'lateoftliellos- ]�-o L�k Uk
By V, ere so family medicine in large bittlE
a at PO
give brial
of COE
L�i I ; Sa d reiiable. bad effbets from
it 666 I
measured bush el ; Miklvvifery, -diet. 'ry
they had.to tentF 83626.
y on eanilot bE C
ecel 0 � y I ure
_iasing a
weigh P6unds per
a 8 nie,
g Edinburgh. phal for Women, Lou- itsuse, Dnep not int��fero with buiness or e.
P1 foe, f. o. b. care here, $, per - -hot; �'.l 25 lialf rgland. 1 83326 don, �ricc $2 3er box, threa boxes for $5 Written
I dared for.
ry, go weak and Great Disco e
4 L L I t
wortaless artiola,
befoi e buying
bu it OM it
T tl ea a
a value
i d testi
bus,.el ; 76c per peck; altim a qt ai t1ty of BFINIOH'S gUa 413 U I F; issued Illy very db 1�y a uthov izod agent
ED 81 boxes fail to Carlo.
N Sw I �)Ipitov I owy BX LLEY, t be beRt six- to relfriti tbe monpy i th,ree
ey itiX ,,
rt wei bar] i6fi - price $1 25 per
�U,.t.vvt, address
Mr. Vm. ew
says: 11!M , Itol
3 says Not-
y lifef bai been 1 Z
I Wa,
-rio y
mortials giver
tore':'1$eEL forth.-
-795 -52.
L I postag-! prep4id :: n receipt of pries
a sliel, "i half b
b U, bel, p Ck "12. Go(�Se 41-it"r I J. S. RoTp,riR aut�loiiied agelitifnr Sonfort.h. Dr.
"heat free frem oat'; RD I fo I ceds, S,41 4 0 p Ji� Felix T GIBT!ID & 0�,)., $1 88 XiDg St. East, T6r-:
tiffected a eougih for t"we
2 ty fi
.ii �,nd
1 -52 GEORGE SP RYERSON, onto, Sole Proprietors'! 793 bittii half 11ushel, 7te. NIV'hite Elepl aut Patin- i
bushel $1, half I 60c linen bi,,�
Gorrie. Our years, aud this raor sever0y
a have been than before. 8115:lbafl'usac�
1[ad U3i.^
t s jier nshc i
t iccand 15c cottort'll�gs0b. ' Amber Sugar Oane L.R.O. R.C.S. E.,t,ecttliler on the Eye i �f A M $5001
d the btreets
d I
Deal Sir's,
bayo' eeU at,
Seed. iillorted froin Karso's, 40c per pound. Ear a ndp��LrLat, Trinity Aledlea.1,06-Utege, Town-
TEBMS—Wrifl Wi-Pil 0RUT.- eon to the blercer Eye and 11' a r'In -
'In 11
remedies W*itiliout r6llief. ar eir
vely appear-
to tr y Dr. K jig'9 Now DisCovery
s of woci
g urg
from Costive
Lo3s of Apr el
, , fio SD years
ite r
We Wi .1 pay the!aboTe rewaTd for alay case o
fir I] EL r te Clinical Apsisl-ant Royal Lordo -ok HeMache, In- L
I Liver Co mplamt, DyrspepRia, 8
]a Jospito.l, Moorfielcls, uniA Contral
en ' im
R. cGBEG H sall. digestiol 0 t:
Constipationorc, tveness we cannet
with m6st�ratif�inlg results.
i nt
al v, 7 a ys ti red, i 3o
tha a a
T ro-.t alli Bail �08pital.
Wit] West -s '��gciable 1.14or Pills, when the
brought to
bottle r4liove her Very n acb, and
rket. With --cond 6otUe'absolutely ot red h
-r. Sbe
and all Seell2tid
had 3 aedical a tt
da�k 0 a.
e d an of),!! an h
4e t ad
re I
ell .P i
directioT s are strictly com i d with. Tbeyre
WA, LTHAM WATCHES t purely Nemetsble, iindmeve I to givi- satis� a
it spending-
has ii o bad -o good a Rh fa
alri adverti�e4�
io it all the
iles, but
I 111. Large
tion. S�gar Coat6d. 1 b, xes, containing
Lere is -very: I bottles fre
years." Tri at
f te hard '
RobertB drd store, Largo' I
[to be star- 783.52.
J -
dZe .�I.
wi I hi �ut effect.
who -.iad used your
urge( meto-give
A n. r of nei
F u EW Of
it 'is. three
Pills,254euts. Folre eby rnkgists. are
The Leadirif Wa ch of America.. I of counWit-its na 1mitat1ions- The genuine
C a AIRTWRIGHT & S N, tured onlv b� JoE �N C. WEST &;,Co.,
0 manatee, is t2ic on'y ,It'
filThe Pi Ti i
tle (f which
ide e el Up
9, new
to, : nut col"r the tett.11, antIv;X
ENTISTS will Tisit Scaforth Ont. Free trial package sent by mail
rl ot
D 'dO` For sale at t3uc heaclach or
the town- Ngver Gi- 9 e -I Jp.'i,
bad. a wood
wo M AID.
el ecelptofa. 31roont lt,mi
I f i. r
every W doebday and Tburs- Pftl to, 793 52 day, and Clintolli Friday of Robeits rug
If yo 1 a.r� su fferi K d ith I
i was not . ed
w and
r-atili weeli e.xcelit the week when
6 reat Fall in Pril TiventyPer 000 Fs EiT 1
depress(d Api its, loss, )f ppo 1
14W.Dg b eeB
oral de tyl� disord, 'ed blo
a, keh-
i �
74 Ki g tre
— Z I
Tnesduy eomusilvat in the mouth; parlor
o(t lextrfloted without pain. 04 Havin the utmost nfulen e in its su Ity
C ev Lower Ever. T arges moderate
. . there, thoil s do of tests of the
collstitudo !headaclio 01 alay
%ws ct be- U
of a bilious n4. re, by i 11 rnea�ils
pro ur�e
Salt Pv
hem 1 U; ed,
bled, I I.Ab 13, t
over all af er
an e t cases we conld I
ai�ld erms amb 730-25
most eomplic-It
n -ad, w feel jaB fleatin ofNring to forfeit One
isT rr �3 rr� 61
if1r8t Class a bottle of lectria 1�itters. 1"ou
Arg you
C" nk ,,r Adres
-iD--P, -i Thom d Dollar IOA any CS13 coughs, colds,
sore t1toat, infi enz�&, bo ness, bronchi 1
ue to Joh
be surpri ed, see t,aripicalin
pr V..e-
rot gli shi U,p
sog at O Ce O
ples c r
LU7 9dE 16
VrilBon a
Full Line t14 b had at it' L I t in i p ear y s age � Whoii Cong
W d FEA$?.L.D-.S.,als6 consumption' hil
A f,,w* 0
m he h ept. ment t 3&t
and which
inspired t Ikith new I le itriisn�lth
8 fort he big I
store a f
Grp )r ana P,
ps k 91 I a
rke �s Carbd ic
Of Me-
11. R. 0. D' S.'9 of Toron - and all diseases dif the thmat xkd lumRs, excep
to School of Dentistry. Office in Asthma, lot.. whidh we ouly c aim releil, that we
,iey's Block; up tho arm CaLlit, On -e with 1) (i cough vrrp, when taken i WhitL
bottles 25
lictivity will, return jpa�l I and
that Donald
PricE twenty fiVe
Ce n I a. Ii wig
arcordin ectiops. Sihniple and
stkir as t late M. BaegiuVrooms. Offlat g to -diT
PA. R. Geni wrap- *0 TIE I
inne dolitir-
wil ce se, vd: be 4pi tb y
7 such good, - _ce
the El(ctric
knovi It to fvi
houri, 8 a to 5p.m. 8412 50cerits ; largelli. Dttles 1
pers ou-11, in b1ne. JOHN U. I'MST & Co., 8i
rtjodge i a praise ol
Sold at tO conts a bot,le by
ister of the
The Quich&t
Th�n oh
83 lKilig1t. Ekst,
Oat,. For sule at & S. Rubel ts D -793-52
rug stordi
Is E I'
Lli� 2iD,
a r Neu-
0, W,ftT30T DENTIS a, LTH 13 WEAL'i
iabody under It IV
Has Afa de a Nd; an
-,f I die.
ram's uid
�xan-Treatmenb, Ladies.
red to
I am tbe� most agreeably st
rpr sod .
ralzia, Eeadacae,
does not- bl 3t
�r or,djis lor t
to. it
4 1 1
1P pkl'n
es 6 and a
F4c Ity Gold Me,dalist and colleg naTavt�ed specill . c for BytU-44, Dizzinoss, Con- rab
est (quality .9 _Zia, hysteria, mulkindre&con
The Largeist and Ch�ap -
ant. and
man in 'ibis section oAdountry.
in tbb care
I d:)4't
requires but A
ap tiol t. 1;
Goid Medalist, Toronto. Schooi of vulsionp& Fite Ner 3 nitiragi, Headache, 'tbout an equal_'
'f ion will f-.nl it w,
c,( nsidered) stock of Jev; elry,. Watchus, Nervous' !P3rostrfatlon slused b� the use of alcohol
Medicine. 1
z only when think any onepcould %ei w )�.sl
all plin ma C
01y 'it) u u
f R
X19 a. Y
or toba�co, Wak lne8k' ental Depre sslzu,
S lver Plated 'VVare in C of
I Clocks in the
cally th I (lid' whEn I c hwal
iverB of the
takine, oWfv,ot Bitters.. It; ha
Lrantee. In n a� of Me
anew 8 t is )est
- er c6d,
13�a" 0
doll r
greasy linim'd it
Lin 1 ])OU1t'C 0 1 D1
five cent bott 1 3
or C �rS 11,-1 y
wee Tr�7 a
!r head
o( unty. Softeniiig of the Brai I rosult-4 ng In InswaitY and
Saving Natural Teeth a! SpectaltYll. led(ting tO MiSer-yo a cav and death, Premstare
epairing in atches,
bil'fLne 613 of W ]�U;S Of F OW81 in
R Teeth Easily ad Cairefuuy Old age, Barrenness, either sex,
Jewelry i Losseti; Spermatorrboes,-cansed
to 'Extracted.
-ed that in
'I ever spent.! I cord&j � eat or
der 21 years �Mis ra y. NO,
aud fel; liej cte i.
near (wheth-
sot I diriggist
79 2
! -
Or-aelis and, all guaranteed Involuniary find
g4ve Batisfction. FiAe Watches a I)y over7exertiOn 61 thij b-. ain self-allu,e or over
indulence. One box will '4ure recent cases.
-ges Moderate. ?,C I t thr
speoialty;,.r Twen e years' practi Ck ai Each box conti -t'
y ELins ono montli's b eatmen One,
17 will be taking C rolwfoot I col I d at. sleep,
h Ald
Buckl a
s A.�hid a galve.
c%l experience. Rings, ckets,.Chaine., t out �he
o I f dollar abox, or sii boxes for'fl o dollars; sent by c0i I N. B. 'A,; I have bnli�h
a plendi�'appetite, i lid elt first-rate.
Xe.6f amuse I can beartily recorardEnd tho 8,13ittelfs.
fUle best s),IvE)
in the 6oild
ror cuts,
CJ urec '"'a guarantee
I on the r6plete all op mail prippaid on receilAt 01 Pri'fl. � C
Brooches, &c., maku6L th6 1?.te Mir. Btiggin, I v6ill co era- W.th each.order re- 43
iotice. tijnE begmk by him salipfactorilyto each six boxeR to cure M13T ea -e.
,I believie it to be*: the )Le -s ied
of Sanger's
'the par'od-for*Dyspc[�ia ana Indigds-
wed from a
ine �f
bridEes, sore , i:
soi eB, t otter, b
lcers� sall r rlieulr,
1ppeO h ds, I chilblains,
ff &ad
slortest 3d with fivel ceivcd by Uj; for sh: bo,zes, aceo: panli
Look Block, Main Street, Seafort purchaser our writteut.
outfor atreB of silverware in office over &hupon's Rardwa Store, Meyer's dojl:trs,we wi I sii the
t�e window it is the place, directly guarento f Al the mot el, if the treatment
a Ken t, tw 0
Wn 1,31i Hi�
wbistfiric, of
821.2G airmbu,
't, out.
col M1 1, and a .1 6
tivel, 7 cures p1tt
It te,gimrantee
iin uptionB,
a, or iao'4 p&7 required.
to give erject
o; osite J. S Porter3 cheap cash does not eff 4t a any 11:1 isSued only
pp byT.S. Roberts sololautbod!wd ai�eut for Sea-
firniturt) Btore %Sn forth Ont-tyio- ohn -West Co., Sole propri
793 2
ran wildly
ig the m as-. 'Was! Reco I E nde'd
ad colliding
Lilld'say,"s Wha, Ag. 22,
wh m were
1 883. i
tion, or men i
per box. V1
; -.
788.5 2
efun'ado Piice
sal by
2' cents
0, 'borta.
tors Torointo.
eedsman has iii
on liand a Is Se fnrtb.
W upply of the Oltbrated 'TIono
RI rC,tl OU,JP4 forLqj?e(l. The settl f Pr t1ii oats AL
- i s a. I CHR
he L ad�ing Jeweller. w4s i 111poAcd from Ohio, and the' have provet to
bei the oat ever groWn in this cal A.L
�nally made Messrs. Chlarchill I O.,
i flooriDg of have been afflicted wi L. E alt r
na the &ni- the tbr ea, yeai d
m f O 1
b In
7 e - be
the n 'il
itor ol,� M6. di
has al ed�l Bur,
c fne
iii pro"ific -in, PRACTI.
t' I he,�, are a -white branch 6at.
P if
bushel, payable next October, and ptlr�-
P1111 from this --ed to fli- BOILER!
ret dru oats grown 4
I I -
wo hours of treated byome of fl�) les hort aljiy
ut by other EasternL OntariQ wil
toe n !,
lastj 9!
Spt commondatio
itjaffiras, and tLie
fo=o alleviation
Cure it
11pH],ase'ean as tliesei,-d they receivefroin bfill, I
lie will allcw thern 10 e-nts pii,-r bmhel over tbe
ubscribers A the Tools and
the time delivery. Svc Ii
excitement benefit was rigoomoiez ded:b3
Lindsay, of Kars,
J. y our
n.of ftekth.' Aft'! asi iig five
tai a.
r, AND COM- the Fountain -A.nd tvvo ottles
f I .
MrA '
bottl es I
of yo r
a �eots in hiq6e
Tren's Kidn 3�
thew � distraB�: b
dis aset,
Cul -a. :; It a
COU I plaintik is
Sal b , . .
Dr. Van
C tion. in
re� -r]W price.at of
m I ar iiia W -W. REMLL, Seaforth. THr usiness lately oanled. on btbeGod-�:_ I i
WE U ly ir IS THE 846-V 1 Boilppr B
T IS rr? 7 hlamufftclu�.iLg Company, and
erich jFoiundry and Lill ts aj d
I — eightears In d t
haviLghadow experloi.ce allow
�hat fAjop, are now prt pared , to carry on the tratle tFRIEE .,outordiii it
PEOPLE'S PULAR Egp'ff MULS, KIPPEN.c" I I. t ,%.ra� �ms, , rices, aescriptions anit
its branellies.
knOwl.e(190 Of Climax Salve, I believl'e I i P
In all rk*c'i( r., i -,r planEing all Vegetable and Flowei
Any work entrmte4 to us Ivill receive prompt
XLIXVWUaa'b1e�10 all.
orn ,the oper- is
Cured. My general h 'fat Is
itirition, and improved, and 1. no 1 1 k E
0 MU.Lh.
Ippimp F
and ' o tch,
3 g.
First-elaos work g L ante
LORS I s made and i _h
P R. �ed W1.jjD$0Rj
PHOUG AP All kinds of Boil -epairod, also
C;O: otac
'tacks ancl
r5moke Sl loot IrOl I Work, &a., at reft
bho finepro-
oa, Mr..Et pps Yours truly'
at Lu
Ca 11 at Lu
.tiorvand get 9,
kaen & ilson'g
pacl age jo.' McGlregor
V11th AN�RB,W U. he helm, and now
sonable ratietit. k.LDE at ow $&it Piano M� and pl ones repal"d on
i N
tj tat the hol iday se ison i� fast approaching, and p lees that defy
doubt- the shortest notice, a d at com-
tables with
3racya which R.oBERT �Ul �Nv�tl
Engineer Str. Olive, Mienti-eal
bills. It is
a d
P�rh eta Carbolic
p6se i ot Vaiseli
Ce. ate�l �t
ne, arwii6- acid,
i 3 COM
Otis good people of Hnrqu an a PerVh will p, ol rietor of these well known and popular mill% MARRIAGE
Mise requibre sumet n t Dd artistic in the h l hg in find -class workiDg PC'titioll� n
sy of Portrait" to sendZ91hollday gifts to absent ol4d(r, andl is prepared to turn out an article ol
h articles of ; .0 _9
66riai a, ad ba, s
Pjml les, blotch
I , edi to
never fa'
s, u.'eark. _,ed sor
�.s, and
I M 11-�V F LO U R whiell cannot be e*-
Ifiends ok. relatives aud 11, C. being in,
ta the importanceof Ill, fa6t has made special 21 d by �ny mill in the country. Box 03, Gadtertch�
y be gradn' e t a�n
Holloway's Oint C
enough to
I P11],
roug I 8 kin. It
curE w eni! ' al
I otheri
t, (ommodatio of the I 1
61tmarrillgemell . for t e ac
l'o, Cbriatm 8 Fie. -FART� — I -FIOE
11DlidWOade. Ck]CDi 0,R16TI_qd Dol�qE 'WHILE THE OF
R'Sjor N6v Year's Pictfir . For r% . N THE HURON ru
ti ires, CA fDE 43 R E T T11
3ease., Iffun- Bilious affe -v!ith al I
6cn -
EL Photo of taety d,-si h iddJand WAITS FOR IT
gn, zeeUence of s
are floai comitant annoyaInces induced batiia
pheric obaugesi or I toc lil�erll
may escape should be. -checked 91 0. 2ce, i ox
ser,i 8�
1 The Sickly
And.the delicate
ol LnA, r
y DO woma,ift
i rl
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finish,easy andATficeiql poiftion,co d wit C
Flolir emcbanged.for wheat. upping of evety Whol6g*le and Rst-stl Dealior in LEATHER a3a i� SEAFORTH, 01qTARI
a o floto backg round wad cessorie ive the p i promptly attended to. Flour and wit), desdriptiol 13HOE FINDIV08 Of I�VdYY Description.
P. F. a trial. %nd t 11 go away B 9 I i
tie lowest Term
Brati alw on Ead, and sold at t' t the Ve*y Best Eltoci kept. light and a good platu
consequente as may etsue. W
ien I;&, lty
Dr.,juBtin"s PoLospixatiie.
� N
7 hen thi
cse em. ember the ATA&19� lieited,� kllorilerpb� MD^f L:
market p[ s. it
ng, ourselves
blood and one finds his ideas IeF 0 cl aar the
n DO L1,
n .1g,
counte anee
pale, thti blood
ANDRE C&LDERI 0M1r�0t1r,:;Wej
N, Kippen.
7—Civil Ser- his eyesi bt dimme'd, i Lnd h,
a paid:;
Bluggisbly, el rt
ptiol -18 0 the
face ap
Soo 0 Block, eaforth.
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