HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-03-21, Page 6.1 T HUR txp siton' MARCH 21, i • is 6 Si: of Infer OritY. - ' , Mrae Mar, Booth,editress of Harper's Bazar, says he faot that women submit to have but one pooket',and that nsually practically inaccesible, proclaims her inferority o sex. Man has conquered and secure his: pockets,. proving his supremacy it is the great advantage he has over- woman in the struggle for existence* e has pockets enough to make him walking aggregation of *is- - gellaneous rticlea. 'But the woman .has: this to her advantage; if 'she. has that one pocket, she -knows,if any article is not there •n., that she hasn't got it, While a mn must search a round dozen, one fter the -other, twiee in suc- cession per ape, to assure him ,that lie $as not eve looked the missing reqs ite, and finally onclude he a left it la !the pocket of that other snit." T.,:etter Fkom Central America= one ezareet.CL11taTE, ruoDuoTIONS APiD IND, $T1UIEs DE8ORIBED:.• To the Editor of the Huron Expositor... Knowing s I do that you are always pleased' to receive news from every available so rce is my plea. for writing yen this lett r. I left Bay City on Fthe morning of t , 4e 2nd of .July last destined for Central America. The distance from Bay Ci y to Chicago- is about 300 miles.: - The country along the wa is rather low and sandy, and to my mind ill adapted to farming purposes, hemp and corn being the chief prodnctiori of the cultivated soil. The unbroken land ie indeed weird and gloomy looking. ;On this occasion: I staid two weeks in Chi= cago. This great mnetropolis of tlee Weary has a population of 650,000. Its area is said to be 12 miles one way by 15 the other.. About 17,450 houses were ;de- stroyed by the great fire'of 1871: Upon leaking down the streets and avenges flare the railway depot one- can distin- guish through the dense awoke nothing but buildings towering skyward, and a continuous. Bustle bf vehicles, street cars and multitudes of people passing to and fro. Ishan not attempt the arduous, task o€- telling all that I saw and thought during my stay in .Chicago. There is Much to admire- and mach to abhor. The whirligig of business that is carried' on in this city knows no rest, no inter- mission day or night, Sunday as well as Monday. The liquor saloons, many of the business places, not a few of the mnanufactories and workshops are kept oen and buainess transacted on. the day set apart for rest. Theatres give per- 'formances twice a day on Sunday and Multitudes of people attend them. The wickedness of thiaplace is indescribable. ' Os the main streeta nearly every second door_leada into drinking saloons, gam-. Wing dens and other brothels of inigg,,ui- ty. This pr eves the ruin of thousazids of the unw ry and thoughtless. No pains are sp ed to render these vile in- stitution:s as onspicuous andattractive as. possible. In order to gain access to a hublio rea i:ng roars, a Good Template Lodge or eve i a church, it is necessary to look up t e city directory and find Get the par icular street or avenue. Hundreds of laborers and mechanics who have liv d here all their lives -are roaming ab.o t in quest of employment; yet a strange may obtain a job right away. - Th disparity arises partly' from the fac that a oom.pany once die - charging a . an will not -re-engage the. Berne indivi ua1. 10a 1'eavin Chicago I took the Illinois Central to New Orleans aver a distance of 1,100 miles,, completing the trip in about 72. hours. I remained three diva in New Orleans, with its 3.00,000 souls. Tlus city is situated on a bend of the Mississippi 100 miles from its ,month. It is. the greatest eaten port in the world and has also an extensive trade in sugar, molasses and tobacco.. Its levee or quay is four miles long. Owing to the prevalence: of yellow fever in summmer the private residences of the Wealthy in abitants are chiefly out of tl e•eity. We had a splendid view of the fruit and plantations whilst sailing down the Mississippi. It was splendid sailing on the Gulf of Mexico till we got sea -sick. At first we thought we would. die, after a. While we began to fear that we would net. die and the pain and agony contin -e-.: We were thus afflicted. for nearly 24 hours.. After sailing for five days °o: these sultry • waters our eager gaze caught sight of the beautiful I$1aud of Yucatan.; five- days later we landed in Belize (10,000 population) Honduras. Central America comprises five indepent:ent States and Honduras the only British colony. In 1870 Hon- - duras was m de a separate Crown col- ony. It is 170 miles long,. breadth 100 =ilea. It i4 a low, marshy, poor coun- try, Its cli ::ate is warm, moist and unhealthy. About mid summer in this ceunery one eels as if he were in an oaten'. The hermometer ranges from 16.0 to 120 during, the hottest sea- son ; in Jan ary or February it falls as low as 650 bovezero. No rain falls to moisten the parched earth from January to eptember, but from Sep- _ tember to Jai nary- it rains about fifteen hears out o the 24, so that the whole .country beep , , es flooded. People pro- cure this rai : water for general use, -as the spring and mineral water is very bed. This' et season is the winter.. The sten is north at twelve -o'clock. The days are aboo t the same length through= oust the year. Heavy dews and dense fogs are q ite common.here. Old Guatemela=i: the filthiet -and most ix►significant own' of all. The 'wale of the homes. a -ebuilt of clay, then cover- ed with ama'1 poles and Leaves. The people here ::peak the Spanish tongee. We next visi ed Parte Cartes . thepc.e by rail to San edro, a. distance of forty miles, which we made in 28 houre. The engines nseel here are second-hand, being were used in England ; r wheels instead of eight. .d the chief places of inter- �l Ancerica with both pleras- t.to myself. With a little erson can make the rorlud the first the they have fo I have visit est is Ceutr -tyre and pro economy a p trip for 5250 I will now conclude by making a few general rem rks that will apply to rho whole count y. The people are a bicker- ing, thoug .tless, improvident rale ; clail.aren go lmost naked till they attain the age of 1` to 16 eyears. People get married at the age of 12 to 17 ye..ra e.nd turn grey in; the head at 25 to 30. V ry little clothing is worn—just a b dy wrapper. A pair of ordinary boots ill cost from $20 to $a30. I purchased 'f ur panama hate for $100. Daring my s. ay here I neve,~ slept in a bed, far, ind d, there aro rione. We slept well in ur hammocks Suspended from trees, `.th nothing but the blue sky for shelerr. Reptiles and insects are so numerous that it is not very pleasant to sleep on the ground. The woods here are so thick with shrubbery and vines tat is compelled to cut Iiia way t . ro with a sickle. There ar no wagon$, sleighs or farm impleneer is maedi iu tl4s country. -No floors orfarn.tnte in theCOP t6, d h w ed nd elf eey ate e s hats Th s 'opP poor Yonts huts. The peoplelitet °Sicily on meat -and fruit. Iedi en pun es asses, mules, pigs, fowl ane o sre net wor h much owing to th iclimate, w en killed and cites mutton. hey are reit ed beck used for se des. Birda o gorgeo country is rich in silve , geld, adapted fo farming pa poses. truly, Vormetly of Belg iv . nadian Ines attention h a beeia give to gra For the 1 at few yeitirs consi It is gratify ng to now ,. hat character a to rec lye th hig Europe. i tandin the 'h the list of Canadian a ne ard placed the now .4' celeb a ed -lei of Pelee Ieland." Thee ere est ed in 1866 by, a 'compel] of 80 gentlemen, who were at recited i island by its Peculiarly esir bl Beath of the moat southe nly p less great iclimatic advent es rest of the Dominion, an to t the fact that the Cataw a gra reaches ail greatest perfec iroteeektialo sibility, iii any other p As an evidenee of the sap riori y climate df Pelee Island for g, a autumn, while the I se ver ear y swept aw y the entire vin age 1 Island vh/eyards es aped. The acreage of vineyard: island now appro ches 00 the_entire oont Of their pro the hands' of th old aud reli and ipiriti firm, Messrs J S.' shipnient they are ehi pe to, they are _shipped to al ,se ill dian wine should be 'he obi interested in Can d'ati via and in thi connection we mii to advance the iriteres s of wine trade and to- Or name of Canadian win s t competitor's -cominycl, T. accomplished by the 'pri quality of their vfinds, nd - and attention '11 ee ng th and in good s Toth. ndi ' Stanley. Steuley, has for a long ti er uu ry of Wi sue rs ad f thtrn to he loca o the int elf doabli- er 1 htise mpos- na fir of e en t frOsit roughi- is ip se sbsterh ensiv ns hie e Can at of k • win lite h mer the a. Dr thOi in tulle • for peculiarities, and i ste there %bent 'eight o'c and made things 1:) _reception of cold ahild otherwise. rihe teach along the road, not at gun, norenine, but ten rives at the sdhoel scholars are begiunlin one, two ot three hdar be, which- tircie they s the desks, at -the windows, &c., ienderi fit for respectable c which, no doubt, undo to do with; the erne teachers or Such aet0 encouraged ; they ate down disgrace to any great inistake for any to hire a teacher wbo tinae wholly to the scholars, When there a teachers who are willi not hereby blame the gaged thit teacher, peonaises *ere ma e regard to Purictuali y, she makes teaching n jab. Bearding five err the schOol, in order to beard. bill, is clingiu passionate,griesp to Oi • • ectilen No e been no e se. heti .11 e tea er go oak, built a lire fo table et, tie en New hdeefr lea n, i quite lie the iti e to thi 'k ab tet av bee th r he desk under ildren It be s Shen ot by. we fere but eadl th ng ;bu with le thet ed font The Indian Soare west TItITE VR Mr. C. DoWn, barris sends us the followin Indian teoubles near t prevent the spread 4f groundless reports res troubles of the past w particulars of, this tiff the skilful manageMei governor and the lo might have assumed pect. The wildest r until it became hap anything that one hea The principal facts ar Monday, the 18th. Feb AI1MED BAND • • came down to the sup Keith, the Indian iust the Reserves, at a spo eo the north of Broad ed increased rations. SO1Ile few Months ago 'issued orders to dec given to the Indians, have been starving. coarse, refused their ,upon they overpowere !into the store, from away about GO bags of of bacon, as mnch "iumpers" could es, came in to Broadview for the police. An o geant with eight men, from Regina, but whe to the Reserve they powerless against so and MORE TOO were sent for. Colonel er, a er ec thy Ce na thel vi count lot ri gerete ng thee ndian f the eating s barge, re Eeri us were aflocti, le to elieie • DIANS ly stoke uo or, situ out 1 mil s of It appeaos that eas the radius h m an broke i h the tett: fact a their w re son n any arm d mein, OP erch 11 er thirteen more men came kio n, The Indians, to th nut' bet o bout, sixty, swith arms an am'.Unit n, had taken possession of : n e a' pty to h use, about four miles fro'• th ins p ator'slane, which they had lodkac' d' andrluop- holed, and eff:otua ly held On the ap- proach of the polio:, who, :.or ung sly as it turned out, ha. not +.r ught their rifles with, them, b t en1 th it evolv- ers, an. Judi c : me o ' o the house and placed a etch -t';in t,.e gran d 60 or 70 feet fro the howl : n th eaten - ed that ;if + our me lady o d yond• that !point the w • old b= fire , upon. Colonel Mead nald Indi. a ge , went close to the h use nd tr : d 1 to eason with the nd ane, but wt on avail. e wan.te th m t give p the ring- leaders,i but t e'a:'d TI1EYOUL a E 16'" All this; time bhDIE ar-d usual a000mp nim nts and there being no hing°tp to wait, the p hoe rainstruotor's house, end the C sioner, Mr. Hayter Reed, ih ae IF% 80 Solicitor, Cony Ur Office in Se orth. PArolf yance eyer's CLL, PL )WS. 4 SPS PERFECTION AT LAS, SUCCESS EXTRAORDINARY 0. HANS, Sol • lend at lowes Co ner of Square an . Private root, Goder oney to mow— ROT -,LER MILL The only genuine Roller Mill in County, which new hue ne *uiperfort and few equals, on the continentitt Anierioa fur manufacturing Rah, Governor Dewdney, for. He arrived by e •with him Mr. Siperintend of the railWay The Iudi ,ened to [shoot Mr. Reed i When he went out, there 'Parley, and tkie Indiarie aver. The conference on Ult., lasted from ten o'cloci it was finatly agreed that should give TIP fain' of ith and'that the others, slatul A small increase th promised them. The and three others, ace the principal men, we Broadview and taken evening expless. 1. 'THE FEELING ,10 though the uthoritios in:readiness to convey fighting. T ' Len in hold the te the Indians and - the wh been broug hours. The ever, happli the careful; Governor an 'position of men was a brought fa savages, fro rifles, and t Mr. Keitht. his orders, s is understo Dr. Dodd, shortly goin of the teepee of the India 4 fo ad o • olo yth tin eir he we tb SOW ot gi the t entu dered emen lonel el He ng b to fa the beha stuck 1 wort ou to in COUNCIL. he °one hotel, Cranb ok Marc all present,1 ace t Mr appointed t w it on with respect to t e La Fund, Mr. isle ,Dep oliair. Min tea of la aud approv (14 Corn before the co nci a. d e by Walter, liv Mole, that t adopted spa t publish the a s Post.—Carried dliver, seconded by Hartwell Spier 1 b pit on lot 29, c aces for public roads u 'appointed far t e ur Division No. 2,' Dan ae 3, Joseph Arm tieing James Scott 0 mcfess Donald, p nee aims' Adam Duke o ce Division No 1, F an No. 4, Georg Weis lard ; No. q, cb,t3. ri Concessions 7 nd 8, road beat, icherd 9 and 10, Di istln No. 2, Janie Fe gu Robert Mo au hli Stevenson ; o. road beat, J hn le 11 and 12, ivi+n No 2, Robe t Dick Robert LeclAie ; No 14, Division No. 1, David Gran ; No. Concessions 15 nd 1 No. 3, John Ste ar Concessione 17 nd ac an Vey, lot 11, cola esS ou Bowen, B,obt. ro nt ARROW & PR -w T, arriste Garrow 686 Solicitors in banes 606 be d e but est ogler 1 tr if, and a. hreat- r ed to lay t le in - atter , 25th v: and lians oned. s also in to by the • o nd till lie ri ng - pa hi f el to a led o in it i- liDF }Jai take every in case of any ere in, t e guns os is ou d have Ilene es acy by °beet nd his with these o • • • • • pe t t n of ty ep sec u luedrkto d g ra-se. It 1 facer, on ld are he whole th state • et at M tr ch a al TO leeVe catio e Gr rt w 11 1. mbers n, who ment ement in the g read from s laid Moved report be ns ed to alter Mil e, that in tad to see orth gravel th r than ni ale b asters, e d , Division . No. 6. A. .4, Malccilm 4 7, Michael ee • 0 • ort 8011 O. IleDry T m on one C ne SS 0118 obe • side- ssions No. 5, ernes ; mill ssions eorge vane ; 3 and No. 2, o. 7, j1 Whitfield. elfer ;- Kendall No. 6, wales ann. Divislion o. 1, 114 aE.S. Dudley ; 3, mi. lltitchell ; d r Rose, James co rci Lamont, o. lsh, Philip rg Avery Sohn Pyanifikee ars.-- incl. th u ad- ond y, the u k's Hotel, Joseph Whelp on Hartwell Speir n, e Whitfield, Jas. (I 11 er. Thomas MoEw n, Ja Gathers, Moles or h; Ethel ; Isaac ac Millard, W. 13ir es 11 Cranbrook, spa Co t 19 • Law, Solicit° in 011 fo taking affidavits in the of prigiplteorno,en 088 A Car Load of Ge4u1ne Soulth end CHI LED PLOWS 84 SULKY PLOWS, Conveyancers, &e. oe, BeaVer Block, Can NNING, 4-AMES SC TT. Block, Wingh of amilton. Com vi in Manitoba. ariistera, Jai ors for t e Bank 781 SON nissio EINNO ici ors for to takin to loan e Rank 738 O. C JUST RE 1VED AT LSO 'S Money to loan, Benson's! ld Office, ardoo's 786 Block, Seaforth. S. G. 11111cCAUG &c. Offiee in Otani flo r), opposite THE XPOS CO 0 near, CommissiOner h I's Block, (ground' ffiee. Money to Agricultural inpleme Which will be sold at old prices, notwit standin import duties, the subscriber being det r ined stook, imported One Hundred and Fifty 6 them tariff; consequently, be is enabled to sell theM A full stock of Massey Reapers and aasey Toponto Mowers, Toronto Cord Binders and assey's Sharp's Rakes-, all of which will be soldicheap and on re of all. kin& always on hand for the abo e machines. D before buying a machine. the increase o o keep those val few daysi before fore buying a .c isfactio or no MI seeable it 10 per cent. able Plows in the rise in the til the present mmon or in - e. Reapers and n Binder, and rms. Repairs o see my stock Notary Solici or for 1. e Canadian Bank of . Farms for sale. 0 xxr • A GREAT REVOLUTION IN blithe. The Bread Question of Viltal Importania, The Gradual Reduction S stet by Rollers now in Operation - Roller Flour brings from, -$1.25 to ail% per barrel more than the best Rom. _ made by the Old Procem Farmers will in all cases get their own wheat ground, and by our ne,w-sts• tem get a stronger, whiter, richer and better grade of flour by far 'than the public has hitherto been able to get. Remember, there is no humbug oxen periment in our adopting the Gradele Reduction System. Our new system is thorough and reliable. It has lien thoroughly tested, and proved. _a gr snOcess in Hungary, Germany, Fran England and the United States. We gaiie A 1 Flour previous to oar extensive change at a, beavyzost, we guarantee better Flonr now. Oiee trial will be suffielent to prove eur ase sertions Correct. Notwithstanding the great difficulty in intro acing a new remedy to the pub- lio, howeVer superior, on account of the lenormou amount of advertising resorted to hy the .4vealthy proprietorS of the many article already in the Market, yet we believe merit in the end mUst win, and, a$ alrea y these parts, so throughout the entire country. GLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR" 2 .71 re 0 0 'S AVS DV TCS QNB' NEW IMPROVED CHAMPION CB 0 'Daum `SIXV tri 0 • HARD HOW TO SAV Money being sca ants to know where st value for what be as solVed the pro hand as nice and s n, as can be foun is Teas are choice d his Fruits trial solicited Any quantity A rchaired, and. the ice p id. Perk Sausag Gaassw and B•3ef ES. MONEY. every iperson y can get the aye- to spend. H GROCER e a stook of holiday • sea - the County. d good value, h and cheap. ork and Beef s, Bac n at th oice stook !of lerocke re of every dleecription. HUG RO rNe e Bre. —forKDINyGBp'e 8;a7aCiwi nd. aumsonsmonsum i) 8, cm,ip el Land ly attended to. Do S. CAMPBELL, Cheap rth. y and B. ys on Surveyor tarompt tonal wi ilqa recognized as the standard remedy bf th age for C UGHS, COLDS and SO ti TIIROATS. If any want further, roof, let them try a bottle; or stand for one day in our store and listen to the lonta y testimony offered by grateful co tOrlier$. Its healing and soothing 0-ope ties re trulY marvellous. Price, 50o pe bottle for sale by W. obin8on, Wroxeier ; Edward nell, Jamettown ; otames Camp- cott, Brucefiel ; J. Bonth+1 & Hensall ; -Wag- ner & Son, Zurich ; L. Simon,' Dashwood ; M. Wil- liams, Cromarty ; _Leslie, Blitke ; R. Gar - direr, Farquhar ; J. Wright, BeeChwOod ; rna. WHOLESALE OR R TAIL BY ItiUMSDEN WILSON, HONEY HONEY i WARRAN u lity and price. Five pound pail, 90 Every purchaser satiSfied with olden Beardless Barley, Renni 's Imioved Six•Rowe Barley, G-oose eat, White Elephant Potatoes, Amber Sugar Caine See from Kansas. New Itali n, Cyprean and Holy Len Bees end Queens, Sing e and Double he business safely and SUCC SE tlq ti.• D. A. Jenes' prices. Enclose price list. oney to loan at 6 and. 6t per be t. BITT RS, THE ONLY GENUINE INDIAt[l MEDICINE vegetable a d perfectly harmless ; it is the ches Nitw in the Canadian mrket. It is purely daily Weal g the most miraculous cures of the I es and! mo t reliable of ell paten medicines, and is Sick Head che, Wind on the Stomach, Baur 8 oil wing complaints :.i Liver Complaint, Dyspepsda, ach, Costiveness, Weak Back, Pimpled Skin, Salt Rheum, So rvy, Scrofula, etc. Yon may say it ear s T Much, but; rerOon as well as experience teatilies tha by regulating the Liver, clPansing th S tom eh and strengthening this system, will cure all the abov named diseases. Try it and use agio ding, to directionsj, and you will bless the day yon first used 0 owfoot Bitters. For sale by LUM8DEY & WILSON, Druggilts, Seaforth. BUM NESS CHANCE! The undersigned begs to announce to the put]. lie that he Ilas purchased .the general stOre bust ness, cithero carried on by Mr. Henry- seb.afert in Kippen, and is determined to place it in thit fronk ranka of general stores in the County o Huron. 0 r stock of Dry Eats Caps, Boots & 'Shoes, &c., splendid es of Spring Goods ,arriving nearly every day. We show excellent values in New tons, Carpe s, Tweeds, Ducks, De ims, whiel were bou,ht for cash at a discon t, of which w will give uu customers th_ advantage. ..Re emb r, we do n,,t quote low prices fur lo grade goo, merely for a catchpenny, but mean to ke p 10 st-class stock and sell it as cheap Cal and xamine our stock and prices and con vince yours If before purchasing elsewhere, as w are s tiste you cannot get as good pods at th same rims. . Bu er and Eggs taken in exchange, for whic No rou Ie to 5how Goods. Fiv per ent.d;seovnt allowed on all cash purl chase • exce ding $1 after March 1st. DowilNioN OFFICE iAls113 POCKET HIOIR, 18E34 - CANADIAN ALMANAC FO 8S4. PHICE I CENTS. c. W. PAPST9 ,Our facilities for this class ef wdrk are unsurpassed, and customers may de. pend on getting their chopping done:at once. Be sure and try our fam+suOvr' process—roller flour. Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed deliv. ered to any part of Seitforth, Hereto. hey or Egmoudville free of charge. _ Aar Our Saw Mills at Egmortaville and Brucefield in full operation. FARMERS,. IT 'Witt PM Ylill HURON. FOUI4DRYI NEAR THE [UCH SCHOOLSEAFORTfir And see our stock of Which has been made especially for my Gang Plove for this season,l and feel satisfied in saying that it is this hest:in the market. Our Are large and heavy. running light Ina doing good work. Our qRAIN 011 USHERS Ake made from hard iron, and will last longer than any other machioe made. Having special t,•ols for recuttbg Rollers, we can guarantee eatisfactiert Special attention given to repairing &emit Engines, Saw and Grt.i. t Reapers, Mowere Threshing achinast and all kinds of machinery repaireden short notice and at reasonable rates. To contractors ana others Bri Bolts and Castiugs at lowest riltieS. Qootations furniehed on application. Also agent for the implements of L. D. Sawyer, Hamiltea* A fullAns of repairs -constantly on hand. TH OIVI AS HEN RV; PUBLIC IN OTIC41 Hyorntreeersigned, having oeen appointed Agent CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOC! ATION, Is Kiesitens of it suring the lives of all the eltizent of Sealorth and surrounding country, so air in make satisfactor , provision for families and fdendi in case of death* This is undoubtedly the bee& InSuranceCompa.ny doing business it Carnal* present. A look at the Gloire or Mail nt May lot, 1883, -.yin satisfy any -reasonable man of this fact. Call at once on JOHN BEATTIE; Agent, Seafortk. N. B.—Money t'r Loan on Farm -or Town Property on the easiest terms of payment and* low interest. 804 SASH,DOOR AND iBUNDFACTORY THE s abseriberb cgs leave to thank hisnumszoll trusts kat he may be favored. with a continu‘s11 of elle same. kiledostiinue to keep on hand Dry., Pine Lumber, ,Sashes, Doorif nds and Mouldings, Shingles' Lath, &c. wlm may favour him the ir pa tronage,woun* 11 J. S. PORTER SEAFORTH. .1" can cletermixed to Clear Out riN 1 less of Cos& THOSE IN WANT, it yip pay them to eon te.in prices before Fart:I-lasing elsewhere, giVe siert,...) discount to those paying 00,110P pecially to newly married eouples. beet and cheapest in the market ; warrantO, perfectly noiseless. Warerooms directly opposite M. R. Conuld_i Mammothjewelry Store , Main Street, swarm East Side. Cash for lades, aldns, fttri and tallow. Et track or trade. Cash for everything. 82§ JOHN S. POBTE1e. .a.g:t_haioeiciFr:fli 1:Iii 'fb:rlitt''brell. 1111:7-mnieTtY:1:1 - Jag pas frOM litoelaiX)Bral , wItlie_it :II:a% oofatitbicie ff jott3:0:2:01 arf:i sleigsrkdbeirnio:Riiir:51tteroi' iiii • ,) :ti Is it th g rite: Y:: Ili: li: . 1 ici t SV;onrulidi ns ,131):11: .,:i c I: othoeur mini te i it i _ _ ,ed f;j. h:t ;el): iiwtoeiibuti. 1 rtt Wwb:o: 1 21:13:i 1 1 tthillie vra: • iei 9: uht 1 - e4c topfei oiat- cal lai,:tlbgl -na;;;Na. 1 •tover 50 1 .hteie Tai;kkeit ' The tw b'whalii—wtivhnnelfigsaeltati; raercbt ta iht au e: ic ' I nsit 1 ihi 133:i pnenesosyt; saw': fFo. or :tiel ;:b.N.,:ttsper ai huhroi raitke:ieoietseysde .areTveai.;033; enconn only el' tiost.nbieexpywsopieaxicio::: af :tune: ,!',etaomewspraC9Ntvrtiriifirvio:aei83.81°Itgeneprionilivh:ksahagtnaNg:tEtegiitra, , weerlIii0c1:1' _their ev etigines ,i,:' PtepaieilleErto:111,:iii .e si aba 1,1 tbn aryyeaodituyeat It:sit:: ! rheassispt r: ' atarhIleaYer sat': many well to PWPfarl