HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-03-21, Page 5ARCU 21
panne. The usoal loy
toasts were conspicuotut
AtEitarREs.---A %meat
Aar has been sent to all pni,,
attorneya and niarahalte ean,
use the utmost diligenee to
prosecute those eugagoatitt
ti,loaives to foreign porta
h, Cain -Mere
ated Holeteio Cove die
Iowa. a few days ago.
'a. calf, which also died, eileta
,410 00ft. Mercedes had' file
th and butter record in the
st fail her last calf sold foe
state of Massachnsetto
ain of illiteracy, neinete-three
; its popultetien tieing -unable
frite, a tell is to be introdnot
the employment of minors
eeifi who cannot reacl flee
th, correctly,
Inntee.-A destructive prattle
eted by a spark from a keen
be 10th inst., near Kinaley,
ktrning a number atrauches,
'end other pr6perty. one
Iburned to death while e».
aave her home.
sekl at Mancheeter and
ist against -restrictions u
;den of fareign cattle,
rater meeting a resoloti
;the Ration of the House
eediug the Contagious Di
Me) bill was passed.
;.E.sys,„__.The troops und
ham, after a severe engage.
ted the camp of Osman
;Thursday last week, ana
11 the evemy. The pluelt-
the Stinclau rebel's in the
to be unexalupled. They
tselvea maeses on the
petsan .., h
f d faucht with suc
ni as to compel the Sixte.
int to retreat, a disaster
'felted by prompt ass
believed the great joss ef
(eke the confidence of the
) afehdi, who has fled to th'e
ritish less is stated at one
ed, and one hundred an
hanon, Notes.
icksort, Patterson de Milt
I have purchesed a farm
tderson, Turnberry,for the
'eters of the Illeilett Agri-
tty have decided to hold
;how in Clinton, on Taos..
alatitta, of Maple Lodge,
tly seld a very fine young
" Alexander Rosa," to
in Kincardine township for
nielay is appointed preeen-
lyth Presbyterian church,
iaeer, resigned. He is at-
roniz9 a choir.
Armstrong, of Morris,
;three -Year old fillyfrom •
aid which weighed' 1,400
ice paid was 1&) The
;111-igtort, far a long time
t. B. McKiumenht store, at
ioa shert time ago moved
returned. to Blyth, and
aleamau in W. H. Wat-
in Erwim of Clinton, has
Ingham pep works, and is
Machinery to Clinton; he
[new machinery frona New
Petter was presented by
Temperance Lodge, a
ono, on the eve of her de'
North West Territory,
silver cruet stand.
krnaerhe of Olin: -
,.of Kingeton, while going
innhat city, on a tobog-
On, met with an aecident,
wrist and injaring his
Tipiady, of the baseline,
lehip, has a cow which
tar calves inside of eleven
ng twin calves running
Who says this is - not a
ductive len&
ter, formerly of the town -
e, shipped a carload of
eaderich, for Dakota, on
eerie them was one brood
1,400 pounds. The lot
4 in different parts of
eletalt, of Grey, lost a horse
in a very singular man -
White's mill yard for a
the team ran away and
tree which iniured one
such an extent that it
Iler foundryin Goderich,
ittelic, auction last week
for the sum of $5,100.
knocked down to the
memo that institution
td in the affair. The,
ktM he ha charge of C. A.
Itrtirt. charged with the
Inev business at Blyth.
ed OD bail to_ appear at
;Isl. Elijah Martin and
1.f Goderich, are the sur -
being 42,000 each and
ebber, a little south of
he township of Howiek,
nue to lose a horse while
swamp lately.. While
the trees a sharp limb
uirattl's heart killing- it
Eife of Mr. Alex, Milne,
h in the township of
t her residence near
,teleota, on the 7th inst.,
A (nab day of inflame-
% a husband and. five
c, mourn her loss.
„ who, for several years,
e position of head mil-
eatablithment of Mr.
Exeter, has gone to
tich place she has pur-
rv which she
et on her own account.
uran Teachers' Asso-
ited Professor Melville
known elocutionist, to
elocution, interspersed
his choice readings at
ertainneent in car nec-
(meantime to be held at
h and 16th of May.
nate man, fames CoI-
h feet so badly frozen
d was taken to London
a operated on Monday
he city hospital, The
MARCH 21, 1884.
Burgeons found it necessary to out off
*he left leg above the ankle, and also
,aeoptitate half of the rieht foot.' -
a -Says the Butesels Poet : It affords
tes a great deal of pleasure to stete that
"G.- L. Ball passed his final examination
;last week at the Dental College, Toronto,
'with flying colors, and stood well to the
front in the honor class. Ur. Ball in-
tends locating in Brussels, and will
occupy the office heretofore under the
direction of D. Watson; L. D. S., of
-t--While Mr. john Neil, of Centralia,
in the tOwnship of Stephen, was digging
gravel oo-Saturday 8th inst., he made
e small hole in the ground to get a
drink of water. He was about to stoop
-down when over a ton weight of gravel
fell on him. Had it not been for
plenty of help he would haVe been
smothered. .
--A minister in one of the Brussels
-shurohes Sunday before last administer-
ed thid reproof to ECIDO people who
smiled when a crying baby was carried
out: "Young men, you should not laugh
at that, as you were babiesonce your-
selves and probably made a great deal
more noise than that baby." An audible
smile beamed upon the countenances of
the congregatioe.
-The annual dinner of the officers of
the 28th Perth Battalion took place at
the Oxford House in St. Marys on Tues-
day evening, the 6th inst. Those pros-
-ent report the evening one of the most
pl ant they ever spent. It is ;worthy
-.of no that the temperance element is
-very ). ropg among ,the officers, fatly
ene Vali of whom are total abstainers.
-otA ',Dumber of friends gathered at
the residence of Mr. W. iSit'istard, in
Stanle§, on Wednesday of last Week, to
'witness the marriage of his daughter
Ann to Mr. David Walks, of BrOoklin,
the ceremony being performed by Rev.
J. Ross. The bride was the recipient of
many presenta from her friends in this
neighborhoed, and the best wishes of
all accompany the happy couple in their
rough life.
Holmes and McKelvey, of
held a post mortem examine-
e body of Adam Schafer, of
Tuesday evening, -4th filet.,
out the cause of his death te
rabundanoe of fat around the
he deceased arose from his
parent good health in the
journey t
ton on t
:Grey, on
and forte
be a sup
bed Re a
morning, and at twelve o'clock he was
a corpse. He was 48 years and 1.3 dayki
old. , I
-Last Friday evening while the
members of Knox church choir, Brus-
-gels, were practising at Strachan Bros.,
, a lamp was accidentally knocked off a
table and broken on the floor, the oil
instantly!igniting. A cloth was thrown
over it and A. Strachan went to lift it
Off when the flames ran up the oloth to
'his face, scorching his right cheek and
singing his hair. The fire Was aeon put
out and no serious damage done. I
-Dalai I Eckmier, who has ;been a
laborer o the railroad for the past ten
years, lef the employment of the Grand
Trunk C topany last week to take pos-
session of the farm adjoining the village
of Ethel, which he. bought eotne three
months go. Mr. Eckel:der rill, no
doubt, m ke a successful farmer, as he
is a stead, industrious man with a good
knowledge of what a hundred cents are
,-he Clinton New Era of last -reek
says:.A few days since one of the thor-
oughbred cows belonging to Meek's. H.
Snell & Sens, Hullett, dropped twin
calves, male and female. Next day the
cow and her progeny were said to Mr.
Forest, of Stanley, at a good ,figure,
One or, the calves was, unfortuhately,
since smothered by the mother. Four
Shropshiredawn ewes, importi3d by
them so e time since, have each added
two to th ir number. _
-The ' etal receipts for the tottniship
of Grey ft r the year 1883 ameerited to -
$18,995, 1 ss a balance of $1,600 carried
over from the previous year. The col
lector' roll amounted $12,449. The
disbursernents for the year amoanted to
$18,79‘, and a balance of $270 wee car -
was exp nded -on roads and- bridges,
ried over o next year's account. There
43,577; oh salaries, $91; cuntY rate,
$3763' education, 5,Z26;$interest on
railway debentures, $4,200.
-Mr. Jahn Holmes has rented his
farm of 130 acres, on the Huron road,
just west Of Clinton. to Mr. Albert May,
for something over $500 for one year. Mr.
HMmes purposes travelling in the west
for a year; and has a sale of his stock on
the 21st inst.-Mr. Robert Coats, Clin-
ton, has rotated the Laval farms, on the
9th and 10th i conceseions of,' Goderich
township, ' to Mr. Pierson and his step-
son, Mr. McGee, for three years, et $500
a year.
-The oderich Star of last week
says : Wel had quite a boom in real
estate de iug the last few weeks. Judge ,
Toms hail purchased the old homestead
of our member, M. C. Cameron, near
the rail War station on East Street, for
$2,200.-1, r. Holmes, our new County
Treasurer has purchased the Savage
lot and br de residence now occupied by
the American Consul, far 43,500.-W.
Berry, druggist of Lucknow, has pur-
thased the residence and lot of Mr. -
Seeger, fot $3,250. i
-The death is announced 61 Alex.
Barbour limb took place on Saturday:
March sal, at his father's reelidence,
10th conceesion West Wawandsh. A
week before he was in the enjoyment of
perfect he Ith. but contracting a severe
cold it speedily developed into acute
pi:lento:lord , with the result above
Mated. e was a young man of exem-
plary cha eater, steady and -Mai trions
in is habits, and his sudden de th is a
matter of great regret to everybody with
whom he Was acquainted. _
-Mr. Duncan McLauchlin, r6- ne of
the leading farmers of the towniihip of
Grey, is busy preparing material:for the
erection df a large bank barn, I50x85k
which he ilutends erectieg this Coming!,
summer. Mr. McLauohlin will then be
able to corepete with the best of breed-
ers, as he :s already becoming noted for
his good sock. Mr. Jernes Car iff, of
the i same ownsi lip, is also making pre-
parations ,for the erection of a large
straw shed, BO building will be b omiug
here this snnainer.
-A ca.road of stallions was s
from Goderich station for the
States on day last reels. The ship -
pen were erguson dr Old and joseph
Bell. Among, the animals were two
-fine stallions purchased from Leonard •
Hunter, of Usborne, being the fourth
handled by northern buyers from that
enterprising breeder within six months.
The horses shipped were good Huron
atock,and will go to improve the equines
of the western prairies. Messri. Per.
gttson and Bell are personally attending
to their c re.
Helm* 1.
NR'isr Szeose-Clevei• seed nd as,
sound and clean, at Inarket pilede ' Be rdleas
Barley and Epyptian Cats,' eael;t bs 36 croter
post paid. Potatoes--rWh te lephant, White
of any variety 40 cents posit paid, 5 bs o ach
Star, Pride of Amencet, agou Beim 13.1as
bushel on 01nel:cation, d livpred at tation hero.
variety, 2p lbs $1.00i bag 10 cent., pill r
Delivery rext month 0 der earlyMu ply li i ed.
Mot ey to loan on ignore ed; enderse pappr and
real estate security. Pa ties havin fanns i.nd
village, luta for Sale, ' seni in partie Bars sin ing
locatiot, puce, tennb &c., to R McGita on.
liensan. 849tf
A Nur BUSINESS Mr. 1.9. • it' t 1 37,
of this place, folitt rly of tl e fi i il • of
Murray & Son, gene all mere ants ae
recently rented the shop ,in Wa '13
block,- adjoining a . A. M Phere il'a
tailor shop, end wn oh has I tely ben
nicely! re -fitted and ajut,ed, and is,
weekeopeuing out new , aid c lice
stock bf fancy good Anhillinorr, deo. he
millinery departrne t will be nde It le
charge of Mrs. klur lay!, who t Ofot ly
under tends these is e, having had ihtny
years experience eels whose good tste
and jt.ilgmeut will doubtless nable her
to ch oee for and -suit the mist fa
ous. 1We underste d Mies Laird of
Seafortlowho eornee highly re ,om cp di-
ed, intends carrying on dri3se 100 aliig in
the same building, in t e re of
Mr. Murray's entre,
LOCAL BRIEFS.----TI18 roads owiiig to
the recent thaw, ai i9. a Sve y sloppy
condiiion, and tit want if several
crossings in the e -ill e , p rti ular y to
the east and west of te Manson h use,
is badly felt.' A Id alketils. le ding
to our village soho I°use'et
nd hich
was egitated so € ittle
ti ils e a es is
very much required -Mr. J DS His,
of Dakota, and Mr.1 IL L rural of .
Maniteba, who have been her for ome
time Past visiting friends left for ijoo
on Wednesday. -The eev. It. Y. T orce
sou, of this place, Who has bee pre out -
ed thrioneh illness from tilling him lpit
for some time p et preach d iu the
Presbyterian °hoe In Rodg rvi lie on
Sa.boath last with e y Mac at eptIr
ance.-The Sacranient of t e Lord'
SuPper will be diselen ed in t a itresby-
terian church, Rod er ille, a. Sabbath
next, 3rd inst.- r. , Peter Munp, of
Hay, has exchange his fifty drfarm
in H y for Mr. a uel M ra 100
acre arm in Us or e, tea Ki ton,
payin the differe co' of e4, 00 Mr.
Mnnrij goes to resid in Usb rn , and
Mr Murray comes to Hay.
' Tusi -1.TIXOD178.-- 11r deplet was the
scene of a large at e ing on Ttie day
laid, t 0._day on w tide thole' unti ii or
settleils train for i the '{ N rthteet"
passed through. nonabe 'et in Wee
from this neighbor ood, as we 1 as ram
the townships of S eplien, Sta ley and
the vintage of Z riela to et er ith
their stock, implet en s, 46eirf, «ski in
all seVen car Nada took pass ge orn
this static,n. The a es of hose who
left this pait . ars as folio a: J Ines
Lang and family James lder and
family ; John Moir and fami y ; a avid
Dougall and wife; James Stark, , in.
Johnston ti.rid G- 'e Sproat and 'wife,
of Tuckertith, ills ameelB,lakk and
wife, Of illoP. A large, numb r if
the friende of thositleaving were afl the
station to see theneo , and 4anv were
the expressiobs i'of regret at thdir de-
parture and geed w shes for' t ei fut-
ure welfare. In; ti. us alledi g to the
number leavieg it might be -bit far in
the iutereet s ti our county, arid to the
Soil end climateofd uron Counily to
state that the grea, er number of those;
leaving on this: c, ca ion were ether
returning after lia.v n spent the ea titer
with theirfriends �r eoug cit to settle
on lands they; had iu chaebd sometime
previous. t i
I .
Old Fall Wheat per Jou
New Fall Wheat per o
Spring Wheat per bukhe
p busbell...1...
Oats 1r bushe11...1...
Barley rey buithal •
Batter, No. I, I osei
Butter, tab... ...e
Flour, Or 100 lbs.....
Pork, per 100 poeinda...
Hiees, Per 100 1 a.. ,
Sheepskins entail.... ......
Wool. ,t 4. es
Salt (retaii ) per barrel. • • • •
Salt (wholesale) per barel
Potatoes, per bushel New 0
Wood, Per cord
08s 00d; red Winter,
California No. 1; 08S 0-4d ;
No. 2, 078 10d ,• ,oats, 5e 05d
55 6d; peas, 6W03d pork,
cheese, 71s 001.
11,F_CH, Mar. 20,
el $1 00,t
070 t
34 t
68 t
46 t
0 14 t
.,. • • 0 16 t
, 0 16 t
. • • • • • 2 60 t
vt • .. • • • 7 00 t
. 6 00 t
5 tOt
0 40 t
0 18 t
..... 7. 0
r •
. • -
• • IP
65 t
00 t
; b
• 1 05
• 00
• 1 05
0 36.
0 75
0 16
, 0 18
0 10
2 65
7 50
7 00
6 60
0 20
1 26
1 00
0 60
3 60
0 ;
,.., s I • 1
TORCNTO,MARC11120 ---Fall what,ti 1.001
to $1...b8; Spring, $1.08 to 41.12. Oa 8 303
to 40c; peas, 75olto 77 ; bail y, 68 to
ogs, per 10 llet, e8
68c ; ;hay, per to!i, ft7.00 t $
b a tteil, 18o to 25c p4tatoes per
$0 80o $0.85; -eggs pe dez.i:, 21.o t
dressed h
Local o ioep.
-CLOVER SEED. --Just arrived ice
lot of Clover and Tinanthfr Seed at 0. , W I on's
Seed Store, Seafoeth. 0. C. WILL ON. 84
p, , SEED. -T e • beet alu s in
Clover ini Timothy secd, ad 4 Pea', Fla and
Barley , ill be found at nu Awe CAs 's Seed &
Butter Store, Goderich tree , Sea ort 848 '
SEED PEAS. --A c r 1 ad of cod eas
arrived and fr r Foie at. t e ('entel% oeery and
Seed t tore. LAmieew ,. FAIIILEX,, Se forth 1348
,..,, , bo
teLOVER :.:ED. Ti I Oth Seed, Ore erd
Grass, Seed Oats, etci. 1C., at the Central Seed
Store. 1. MLAW & FA' LEY,: Seaton, . e
ATION See( W eat of very fine
.c. wieetoit i3 See d Store, Seaf h.
ON CAR LOAD Vas burn & oen
manufa tu ing Co. two it rb tcel Wir F rt lng,
the bt s in the world, at Lo est Pric • tip &
soe, late 'W. o er son Se Co, Si en of the
Circul Saw, Seaforth. 839-1 1
FIN AmiLY PLO It and Oat Meal in
median e for oats at 0. C. WILLSON's Seer nd
Feel St ire Seaforth. 84 -2 I
Cm; CE SEED P A 1,) at . C. e ?ON'S
Sced 8 rel, Seidel th. 8 9-2 .
' WI SON & :YouNo have just received
direct f oni the maker, t efiziest ess rted Stock
of Finn h end Ehglish C noeware, and plain and
decorat d Stuneware ever br nght to Se iteth.
Dinner set for $8 and u ; o ergoo' s e teeny
low.. Our tock of 6,00 ery, Glacswa a amps
anti Lamp Goods is large and well as nr e i and
we will ,ioL be undersold by any ho Ise kn the
trade. Wd have a linnet eto k of the net pat-
tern rquart Tea Sets, wh eh are sl t e fLsiion
in ti e eitict. A large et( ek ofgoods 'uitnbR for
presents, eunprising Mil and Bread Sets or-
oidge Sets. Five u'el. Ole ea Set', Itlot o Cups in
Eegiish, k`eloch and Ge ian China 1 i ou t che
and Plain, Square aod R rued Calla d examine
our stock, Whether you b ry or not. 8:7
Yearn Win STORE.- C ebrgeGood. noted for
stelibh boots and shoos ad nobby hats and s),
begs to anaouncethe, ar 'vat if large qua ties
r f new spr tog goods,' 0 r a in for ti is -thson
has heft, i c' pos-ible, to 'ntd all for or ft rts,
and we tNnk we are saf in a ying th tin a few
days we w 11 be prepared to 13 low our customers
the hands meet stock of good ever isplay d in
OW county. Our stoc wi 1 embr ce al the
novelties ill both shoes hts., We get al
boots specially mann/act ed or ours Ives so we
know just what kind fJ s •ek is it ed, and all
qualit) at
goods will be found as represtnted r no
Our stock tbi ,seas n will be c,n arg r t
heretofore, aid prices lower. Uatb and cape
men and boy' spring and s anr or *oSr. We
bpectiully in ire the public.to look rough ur
s ock of hats. If th y do tit buy IC is all rigl t ;
we would lik them to et pent o r styles d
Prices with other h uses. You c n hole yu ur
choice of 100 ogzenti and w guara the st3 es
to be the or I tee , and t e prier m ight• G o.
GOOD, the gre t boot and ghee home, Seaforth
et -
On Satuid
at the
forth, a Bin
quantity of
'Melee, the
Terme, Ca,
On Tues
noon, on A e
on tbe Mill
Stoclr, I
On Tbur
at 1 o'cloc
room Furti
M. Smith
ters ; Geor
y, arch2, a
C mnietcial
le coterie -1 lbu
ouselabld Fuhni
8 collection of
h J
erty of D
. 11. ,rine,
y, Maijch25, at
otid, Tu
tel, S
,a la.
re, RD
12 o'clo
y's *far
h, Fa
• Sto
u re, B
ke enn
iletnrnts : and
.P l3rine,4ucii
April l 3, at
, hOrp, Far
sehold Funii
8 I laud
Ki khy, ttuc
wife of hi ,
wife of M
wife of M
cat e, of a
Wife of M
wife of M
of a clang t
WATT. -In It)
Mr Wett if
ult., the
Mr. Hugh
the wife o
COAD. -In E is
wife of Mr
ef i.Jr. Jo n
nue saes. /
wife of Ille.
wile of M .
the lentil;
E enuer, of
to Miss Set
• Joseph. T w
bride's fat
. • Scott, rl
Sea ofth, rn he lit° inst., tfre
1m. initn of dU hter.
Wal on) on th 1ij inst., tlhe
Vire slimes of enti
- a P isley, 'tn the]3d inst., liho
'me. R Aii bison, bf the Ad o-
ght oe '
o'er.% et , o tile 1
aSret1 relletyr,e 'onea
. 0 mptiell6 former
el, oi the 8th inst.
a da 7g ler)
t Brat do , MOnitoba.
if of r. pli E iotio
r y, on the 14th ins.,
McKa3' of e son. 1
At Br,isstUs, on It
r. Nth lcE4anghlino
Witetetniorht on the14
nhn Co d of ad tugh
bur-' c n Lie 1 th in
Clarkof a Ll,'tI1itc1b.
Senior h, liii the). I.
co. Smithel a eta d
u Huth tt, r n tilee
neje Fe gukon df ti
WNSE1.6.1-At the rlesidence of
ather, 'lue)iltusr4ith b,y Rev
Clinfonk 11 ..R iber ' . Gibbi gs
h it. izabeil , el est anghter of
pen 1, Esq, all L T e amnia]
AR:1,.-eAe the ree cl -nee of .
h e on th t It Ii heir , by Rei. P.
lenieh i%Va bit. 'Leo t. iehoff, of
le erutty0xf ra,'4) hiselltribti uft,
! A, treeter ,on the 27th
sec e-dj"ME R.
h1, d u bier of . John arr, Hibbe t.
ult., b , .• G. Bi ha dsoe, A r. Alexan ey
Fraser, 01 113 usecls to i -a IMa Ude bitten
oAr111it rt
MeliY--'GOR.-el Ai
tl 1 . Presbyteri n
manse, PM Itiver,1 c n the 6th bt., by It v.
J. 11 arl e, Mr. obttMcKai to Miss A.
oth of 1 sbfleld. .
CR1011-T1 WN ENDe-ffn Tocikerxjrnith, on t
27th to t. y Itet.,, Ak btobbe Mr. Herb
Odell t Mi. s Sa.ah Totkinse id; IIl of Tuck
ITUGDEs C ET,. --On the 111). inst., y
smith, I .
Rev. A. St War , of Clinton, r. Frerier'etc
. 3: Hug les, t14 W rgllarn to Miss Eleie Oald -r,
cf Mori ie.
DANIEL- EL LE. A 1501 1 iir etreet, e-
t oit, o the 27t ult., We Rev. W. W. We lo -
burr , 4r. 'dm Intl Daniel to hot Theo.
lieltie, form ny C iutlen, oti of Detroie.
WA.LES- . USTAR] . e ithe res demo of the
• bride's stale St Liu, eu t e 1 Ith inst.,
Rev. J. Loss Mr DeWalles, of rooklin, ( u-
tarin, o wit nn foneth da ghter of r.
W. Mn tard of tan ey.: .
MEGA.W- ON GE - t the fresi enete of to
bride's mother, f y 1 eneArc detmon Elwet d,
on the th Oise, Air Wm. a eg kv, ruertha t,
of B.i ish boluinbi i, fieem .ly f Clinton, Ito
Miss ,A na Donagle daughte of .s. Donaeh,
mo. VTG-Goud
riEellit. -GAL- 1AGIHE .- t the re i -
deuce L the bride's arets, on he 6th inst.,
by Bev J. B Isaac, Mt -. Win. 2, nigennery, of
Wroxeter, to Mies Sastulia ollagher, of
RICE ARD.. ON-4-McFARLANE -4-At the residence
of the tide* father in Grey, Oa the 28th ulIt.,
. by Bev e.r.1,13icklee 41r., Pitniel 1 ichatdson to
Ni8H: tarp Aen, eecorld dam beer of th,.
Us -
borne. Thos.. cFerlane, late of til to 'nehip of Us-.
ANDREW MAillESO ''.-- t the residence of
the by deet father, on - be pth nst., by P. v.
W. M. Martin, M. litn A drew, of 0 k
3113StIROV -FARROW .-at tie re dance of the
Elver, aeiteba ta bet A'. rga et, daugh er.
of Mr as. MathIewr y Of tx ter.
bride's ather, leluev .1e, n the 9th iust., jy
Bev. E A. chow e, i;r. it cbert I usgrove, of
. Turtle lotint lin Alenit ba, to ¥iss Frau es
A., oul daughtet of' JO)I) arr w, Esq., a -d
IleiCt) of T. 1.1_?arto+..er, .1i. P : Ea t iron.
peath0. 1 !,
KERR.- I Seaforth, rn .fhe 2th hist., Jape
Ferbes, wife of Mr, Johnlit-nr, ti eft 83 yeslrs
and 7 onth E. . '•
KER11.-Ii Seaferth. on 'Oho 20th It., Lev n,
only el, Id of Mr. jolin Kerr, ego ' years ad
8 moat is. . I i
.CAMPBEL ,.-10 Millen on • the ' 16th
- James ardpbcni aged 12 year',,11 mont s
and 5 d ys.. '
MeLEt.D.In Seafonh, ba the 117th inst., An ie
MeLeo , eldest dirup 'ter of the ate Melee] 1
-MeLee , age 18 beats and 8 omer ths.
McTAVISBj.-Ir Tu her mith, on to 15th ins
Peter'eTevieh nem e egn f Peter
Tavieh, Esq; age 19 years.
TAM BLYN -In'Bra dub, /*aid obs, on the 27th
L limn 11h-1 the, twim d ug ter et Mr.
A. Ta .• hive fo mezrly i of lila etc., aged
months and 3 ti4
LINDSAY. In Roe for,
tlDlielii an, on J/anua y
ys. ' ,
'26th, Id s. Mvth Lineny, lie of he late
Rev. R bett in say of ;Ayr, On lino, ed.(35
years, '2 menthe a d116 Weys.
inst., flhe
lust., tie
cf Clint n,
he wife of
be 1
a IOfl.
tbcl wife of
th in
ha i
t., the wfe
inst., the
.r -
0 -
THE untie signed, h ving been app
-IL for the arailion *roirid t and
Is now prep red te eff ct Loalte on fa
at the loves rates f i rterlest and
favorable te ma. Ap lit tiohs by m
ally prompt y att nde
The untie sign(
lug and We 'on ii
lage of •Egi ond
good -will of the
steek of nie • and
shops, one I r bl
blacksmith Lip.
the best eg icult
business has bee
good man w th. st
fast. The b st•r
on the pi em ties
slated Age it
oan Societ ,
no proper y
on the mo t
il or perso
doters for ieale his It lachsniit
Eki rg cj'talllisltnent in the vile
ille, og their with t e toOls a d
bu me s; ia.teo a onsiderab e
Inn her, 21lierei a two lar e
as] it, ing and tl e other hr
he e 4rc Ithreie irs in tl e
q i ji in ben r4 of one of
ral disolets in C n da. The.
eetebli hed i hirey yeltre and a
me ap tat, ,can mike money
aso a g ven Ifor eel idg. Apply
r a dr ES !Igmondvi o P. 0.
N. 84 .
¥1i0 ILO
RTRAIGHT bails at 6 per, cent, i
'1/4J able half yea ly, dr 04 pier Ont.
privilege to borrol.ver f repaying pa
ral money at an tim Apply o
SPED, Barrister, Seal rtli.
-Ito est pay/
-gaily, wit
t of )rine
1 j850
Assisted by Eevkr
T14 01e
lot 11 leadinelLoea
itlet mniVoealisis.
.27, I84
Yeoing Co edia
, Iirf
Igdy an
MR. SP U -L lt G,
Sohi Colic ,
Programmes w 11 ha ot t in 4% f w da for t)3e
Great Concert cf he seater). ,
Admission, 25 sent:; Resereed Seats 35 cent.,
for sale at C. W. Os 'e BookStore.
Doors open a't :30 Concert at 8 p.
`-' Stook, Implement e nd Honeeliol Furniture.
-Mr. J, P. Brine has een instru.o ed by Mr.
Alex. McCartney, to sell by Public Auction, on
his farm on the . Mill It +tut," Tueke emith, two
miles east of Brtleetieldl n Tntaday, ii arch 26th,
1884, at 12 eolook, hood, the following property,
viz.: Farm Stock --One an of wor log. horees,
131X yells °Li ; 1 bet °din mare,. id .e.1 to Mc-
. Tavish's imported bonne 'North Star;" 1 driving
-mare, 1 Clear Grit drivIn mare, (lire' years old;
1 two year old Clear Gili filly, 2 n why calved
cows, 1 tow in calf to's l oroughbred lull, 2 far-
row cows, 3 two year old tears, 43ear in heifers,
2 yearleg steel al, 2 three year oh a ears, 5 two
3ear old t-teers. 1 'mole • ents.-one iii -by reap-
ing maohlue, neatly Ile ; 1 MAX ell „mower,
n eeily'..new ; 1 sulky hey akp, 1 iron low, 1 Chill
plow, 1 thistle cutter pho , k set di mond har-
rows, 1 sprieg teeth leer I turn] seniner, 1
broadeese seeder, °stew tote; 1 horse bay
forkeall complete; 3 sete of team ha 'nese, 1 set
of double Integy harnese, seta singl ham.. as) 1
single buNgy, with pole zed Omits; 1 single
buggy, 2 cum er5,'2 iron xle NsagOlIS 1 pair of
bob -sleighs, 2 fanning nei Is, 1 . 'Mateo m scale. 1
grind stone, 1 sugar s
k_it e, 1 wagon r ck, 1 gravel
forks, hhovels, clams, hifiletrtes, `c. Theie
pox'1 water trough, 1 r iu'er ale, t get/au with
'will also be sold a lot o ay du the ba n. hold 1u Ferniture.-The it us bhold la niture con-
sis; s in part of 1 .bodroo .. set, 1 centre table, 2
fall -leaf tubles, Leant) b ttona arm Ob ir, 7 cane
bottom chairs, 2epting b ds and 2 reneh bed-
s+ ends, 3 cernmop beds e ds 1 hair mattiess, 1
not, 1 hatirack, 1 glass c 'Award, 2 \ ash stande,
coal move 2 hot stoves,' eeoking stores, 1 what-
, a lot of common theirs a d many at er articles.
The whole 'will Potitive v be Bold esti e proprietor
is goine to Kauties. Ti;a of gale. All auras of
$5 and under, caeh ; 0vbr1 that aniotilt 9 months'
credit Neil be given orr toleiehiug a proved en-
d reed notes. - A discoe of 5 emits n tbe dollar
will It. allowed ior cuRb i on ere& amounts.
Xel‘Ca, . ,
NEY., P cpeietor ; J. P. B RINE,
IN THE Hiii C11 f - 8-0-1
CHANCERY. pivigi • N.
, __....
14 EVI1101101, lee .S,c TONZEL.
—1 1
Sale of a Valuable 0 rnt in the Township
of Colborne. 1
URSVANT to' a juag eet and •rder made
herein there will ho 4uld by. Pub ic Auction,
with the approbation of eutherland Ialioneson,
Esquite, Mabter of the Su1pieiio Cuur of Judica-
ture at Goderiela, by Jo u -Knox, Ai etioneer, at
the Colborne hotel, Goa ioh, on th leifth dee
1 of April, 1884, at 1 o'eloc in the aft moot), that
1 valuabie property known s 1"Cherry,ale Farm,"
situated within had a nile of th.1 rill ge of Bon -
miller, in the township ofj CoPorne, In the county
of Huron, and about Idol_ riles from t to town of
Goderieh. The property B improved nd et:resists
of One Hundred ar.d Six y -two and _Eighty One
Hundredths aereS, leo pding some f the beet
farming land in the tell ehip. . Th buildings
thereon are fair and coI at ;of a thre • story atone
dwelling house, good b r a and stables, a fruit
house 40(20, a prate hen e and cane ill 10Ux20,
a.dairy With a constant i oW of wit or runuing
through it and al dweliin home In a working
Man. There arelalso ab uti - 1000 fr it , trees in
good bearing condition. ' here are abo 140 acres of
lend covered with good • erdwoed Lush aud 20
i kb alluvial Hatt, well u led for pea ng. Terms
Acme ul land fronting on 143 Sicilian liiva are
of bale. -Ten per cent:11 ore on (Lie ti y of-sele to
the plaititin's boaters, and. the bale uf‘, without
into est, to be ride Mt* utit on the 5ilt day of
May, A. D. le84,1wheu th purchaser 1011 be en-
titled to a eonve3lanee abs tObeletint posseesion.
Aepottion of the Slurchas mpney will be allowed
to remain on mot tgitge w th interest a 7 per cent.
The i ur chaser at the tim of Hale will be required
to sign au net...Gwent fc[or he comple ion of the
purchase. Tlie propeati vin be put p eubjt ct ta
a reserved hid. In onoer efittootS the couoitione
of sale ehall be the stand ugiconelithe is of aale of
the said cowl-. Further eattionletre 'Jay be ob-
tained from the auctior e r, lor frum tl e plaintiff's
8:elicitors, or to Mebane 8 eget & Lt- v. i. , Bari isters,
Godei ieh. Dated at Go midi the th : day of
fdarch, A. D . 18e4. 8. MALCOM ON, Local
Master at Elode.itib. tife It()W & PR UDFOUT,
, •
Pluintifre Solideors. • _, 850-2
VARM FOR SALE. --for sale, the a uth half of
1: la 10, CdneESSiOn they, co taming 50
ames. There are 30 Ores . cleated, at t of the
balance hiias been butned doe n tied part bueli.
'1 here is 4 frame house rid ;stabh., a young or-
chard clod 12 acres of faill1wheat. It is _situated
within a mile anti a quer er t of Jtait stown, It
will be sold ahewp. djoi, log 60 acres are
also fer.sale. This prop ley will be ed d oparato-
ly ol together, Al ply to SAMUEL oil ANDREW
koLLiJoK, oil the f nn, or; by mai to James-
town P.0.
1 850
• .. , _ ....1,..t.
i_l OTIJI, FOR BALE -HFor Sqlc, Jo!
i 1 HOtel, in the villag • -of Drysdal
of Stanhl. Thp_prope t - IS in goo
and the 'hotel is doing al profitable I.
is sure of obtait.ing a lih use. There
nectkin 'with it an acre l ..f land, on
good etsble and eood tote lard. Theo
never faille g vers. Thp. is an exce.II
for a geed man Wishinge t et gage it
busintss. For farther Pa tiaulars np
premiees or to DI ysdale, • p. JOHN
. ,
n Breseon's
e township
is in cm -
which is a
are two
nt opening
the hotel
rly on the
- -
dersigned.w411 keep n lot 18, e ncession 2,
East Wawanosh, during the pr. sen Reason, a
Thoroughbred Dothan), 131111 of red color, to
which a limited number dl clews will be received.
This buil is from the Ve y beat families and is
registered in the North,. rnerican Herd Beek.
enreee--$1.50 per ()ow I'D the reason, eetyable on
the 1-
st of Januery, 1885y ROBERT JOHNS row.
Groceries Ohea er Tha Ever.
I beg to announce that I ha e bought
out the grooery business of Joseph
Brownell at a big berain, an will be
prepared to give betten value ban ever
n General Gtoceriaso
Mr. Brownell will -141 found with me
next door to the iost.,pffice, and trusts
that all his old friee ag, and chetomers
will continue hen- afronage with the
new firm, wh n a sp oi1 effor will be
made to give ood lthe at t e lowest
possible pricee.
On no accoant fail ta try o famous
teas; they anit fresh and frag ant, and
will be sold in quito idles at bolesale
prices. Any quautityi of bu ter and
ggs wanted, end wil he taken as cash.
ours truly, I
Referring to the above, I wi h to ex -
rose my sincere the. he to all my old
riends and cuStom(irs or thei liberal
saironage siuqe I have been in business
ere, and it is !ray i h and desire that
SI y friends and cue o ers will Still con--
inue to trade withMe at the new
tend, next door the poet- office,
hen I shall do m ntmost to give
hem A 1 value for their money. Yours
BALED TEN ERS Wi 1 he reePi4d by the
undersigned townith p !clerk in behalf of
he municipalite of the tbwnship of Tucker-
, until 2 o'clock, p1 m., on Wedues-
ay, April' 2nd, 1:84, forte jireetion of a 'bridge
cross the Minh d River ort the 1st eoceession,
H. B. S., at the ansfcra prciperty, ne4r Clinton.
lane and speeifi eflons e,en be seen sit the real-.
mice of Mr. Da id Wal 'en Reeve-, Mill Road.
Iso for the erect ion of a bridge between lots 5
rod 6, on the. th con csSion, H. It S., near
proat'e 1 rick ya d.' Pla, s and specifieatiene' can
e seen at the re idcoc of Mr. John Sproat.
enders mast be addrets d to the n dersigned
I- Seaforth P. 0 or deli% ered to him at Daly's
otel Egmoudvil e befor 2 o'clock 41 the day
hove mentioned The Cobncil dot not bind
hemselves to ace pt the owcst or a y tender,
nless otherwise atisfact
W.L • McCON LL„Clerk.
Tuckersmith, .,farth 17 1884. I 850,2 •
We are anxious that you should sele our
w our prices.-
inc blies. We re now In it, position -6 giv
ch aer than ever.
1 IOW IS TIT rrx
Our purchases for tills eas n ha ereclip
ile stock is unbroken to niike choice s
A=\&jqZ/1 V, .
- ,
a4iel as. cash.
have no 1-a,1 old gtock ,on hand.
goods and
lection s.
ed all for -
you goods
and Fancy Dry Goods and Gtoceriee, slue door south of Mrs. Kida's
Hardware Store, Seaforth.
Millinery Announooment.
sPizma-, lee.*
Ou lMillinery Goods .to Hand and Rea r Inspection.
A.s we intend to have no regular 9pening days" of ituril show eloom this season,
we hope our customers and the public generally will :acheptIt is invitation to
call anti inspect our stock. Our Millin4r has returned from the astern markets
With a very large and select stock of everythingrequisite for a fir teelass millinery
feed . Our staff of hands are now at vork and ready for ord re. Please call
earl and secure first choice at the CHEAP CASH STORE 0
Illoffman Brotihes, Seaforth.
Dry Goods Stock C
UNCA 1\-
13eg leave to announce the
arriial of the first of their
Stap e and Fancy Dry oods, which we are glad to
.ay is much cheaper Man last year, the
W oollen market being at qte lowest dunt
of February .while our M
. DtINCA t
an depoid
Cotton and
- AT-
For the last ten dept.
One of the most cemplete stocks of
C 1-11eIMS
Ever Placed Before the
SeafOrth P oiple!
N-otwithstanding the discontent of
farmers and others over the revsomee
4 hard times, we still /118.r6 .1 on, OUR
BUSINESS steadily inereas g, which
hi 'a PROOF IN ITSELF; that we
1 --
handle the right class of .goods, and
sell them on the lowest living prat.
knowing well they are satisfactory to
In this department Will be Ifound the
ionnice goods of the season in -ItiCh
atins and all materials a.pprepriate for
Wedding and 'mourning orders.
This branch Of our trade requires no
:advertising, sufficient to say Miss
HIGGINS has just returned from ;visiting •
the markets, better prepared than 'ever
to supply the wants of her customers.
She, together with a large staff of
workers, are now ready to suit any one
requiring early spring millinery.
91 the month,
as buying.
oi ,
getting their wants
supplied at the very lozvesi price in every department.
We want Customers to Catl a examing goods and
ompare prices with any lh
New goods in everil
nd Millinery will receive
This department is fully sumlied
with all the newest patterns in reliable
goods. Leave your order, or if you can-
not wait, we can supply you with a
Readymade Snit equal in quality, style,
fit and finish to anything made to ender
the cities. We have now a first-
class tailor on the premises, ready to
attend the wants of customera,
use town or ciiy.
TO num THOSE no ofm.
epartment. Fancy Goods We recognize as the only roa4. to busie
ttention ir
zext paper.
Our Milliner will be on hand to fill orders
the latest styles of materzW' an
)1888 success.
P. S.—Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs.
i218 ection Invited. Wo Trouble to
Show Goods.
KIDD'S EmPoRyqm,