HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-03-21, Page 4119-
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F *E orst I i
. 11 i
. -NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. save hit, I , , T ii I - OUR 101 iii6` ET 'ER. ! ; off there Wae an Oy losion, ; and the drop i a ; of tlie Franchise Bill N, w in had a pea nis , , interest in a bill t , ion Leaguo. suld 10 via i
. I - . - . L:ir m utter ) 1 nkruric TO! . S ' ' . I The u
. , - . . . I .
D to I e . 'O I i
I I — i d, i4to Service, but I tel 0 work momewbat. The Fsk in gh t speak rl oil i , but might not vote. 1patriotic toasts wer
-fact was. it i'A said, vi a., I ino I Alcorn' n wer) calle C0110i
OrThei fignire between the paront-keels after . . I ell
, . 9pt, . P 1 ) . : 0 8 1
1 3g hi the , I : r i . ory A 31 i is the only great Governme a%' T, de of course was not the point at all, ,their absence. I
Glob line, denotgo'the page of the paper on which COnSpir' I 7b . (Frotn Ou Owl loll It? . The ex 08ion &Sol' 1, . : t 61 i
and jud I , a 1 ;
the adIrertivenieut will be.foand. I I . rs, and jud ; ;, I . rl l Mr. Cameron s rove .to enlighte DzTEcT1-V.v PJZA,13V y.B,
- ,qelves t ey no doubt 6 icl I I Tonm",.. arch I t li, 1884. FOLI CAL IDYNAMIT I Measu -0 on which there is yet to ,be is -at a' 11 — L Gov I
10 - . I : I nde a I .0 wol 11d I . and the arrest that welle ma,cic . .,bu: J the ruling was repe9ted .. ent circa a ' ft
Lively Timel—Th s Kidd. (5) . - Tbe,"week which ba,6 litased iuco m I I not of beavy dabate. . ,I # a h posher i r has been sent to 0,11 v .*
. r . I - . battof "big I toned" B3 It CHARLES TUPPICK'S POSITION. ' at: , even . , in I rillialgi I
Still Prcigres ing—J. L. Smith. (5) . . I In gar , ed Staites orne 41.
. I fall an easy:1) ey in t I i sigli t . of t1a il . ki i 1-11 I I incendi rIes, . d Ar. Cameron's respectful stt ys an d
. I . last letter waswri enib 0 not been at I I - - -- .
. Annonace crisp neir dollar bills . . . gentlemen bribers. The .Rcuse met The event of the week has been the del'orlontial, effirt, to have himself put g- them t* use the utmosta .. I I 11 1*
- I
ment—Hoffman Bros. (5) I Fortunately lox I , _ lifigeneeiii I
I I univappritaint one, 8 I fir as Ord I r ary. oc. i ,ad went into bo an itte x)f ht 'was met with cries of 11 chair I" eiect and prosecute t
I Spring Trade,—E.. McFwal. (8) the con trYi . 4,oweverl tbey Mi8 A I ie . I 21 e I or pply, as debate c n the position of Sir Charles rio I . I i'111086 kloga
Harland 8 am an— 'rs.J.Kidd.(8) . - t4v ) .00 if tbodiallness of the fig end of -the T 8 of Railways, High w a' compelf0d hir to sib down. Nowi: hi pping explosives to f6r , g4 I
. L true ell'. I ourren6es.of % legisial: . I . I I I ports, 1
acter of theimala, and instE Ld . I , I . .
. I I . Eassion were tio -suff r to iate ruption. C Dom, s ioner to England, alleged to I *e it 11wri.,ave be3n partizatasbip wfol I Loss OF A N7'iLUAW,t, . .
Spring, 1884- -A. G. Ault. (8) . . . cernead' Tbe vigo bas 1 protsE ; w ic rib 1. 1 ) , 0 1 1 1 .--&e;t;lIl% !
'L " . I
of his a, liug- Ia I ; . h a xe dy h Speaker to lact as lie did, or the celebrated Holstein c w -4,
Latest Obilsp racy—AtCharleswortla (5) . prey I t their ;Vvilea, 16 Was Made I&Ft Thu .. is m;tne, h)w Isel I t a 3
I 4 also a !melaber of Parliament. Mr. oal I !
, . I . evt r, 1 va an - I , i , I
I -, . .A. a$, on A otion O . na'ade,"s, it , Q .
New Goods— D. Weisinjiller. (8) proved A a inotrumeni . . . I vas about to burst. I 'be oo urnittee B ake, A will be remQmbered ons, r havo e bee u simple rudeness, but lows, City, lowi%. a - 14
, expose th Ir I . - . . few'days a. 0
! 1 , I 9 I I . g . T -h .
: . . L X a d In r <ialf , which &I -so ,died C
i Hr. Pardee liguns v e! assuirption, bYI I ose a' i
oney th Los n—F. Holm ested. (5) cr . : t , L ' . nd tb,p Sreake, resun ed the spleud d speech before the bill to whUe ce tai ly it was Ojos, r otb er, if not both , 6)w ,,, st,e
nefariouli , schemes, aild briL ", a t lea ti %l Vft, !
11 . .
1 -Lam' . : t . ; I - . he'Dominion Gow Int of it ePro, chair. Before any bcsineBs,w . Baggert moved that his Tied I et
-9—Town of Seaforth. (1) . the leadi I . ..to t I rR . I . done, wash 3'r 0harlies Tupper was intr?- N. $10.1000. Keret.d.eg i
,:g perpetratc r i jus',ic). T is . I I hadi Ili ;
Auetion'Sale—A. McCartney. (5) 1 . - I vinotaliov'stern of rall the Attorney General r is in a place duced. Oa the second reading of the bil 1. nanleibe p.nt in place of Mr. Abbott's as reatest milk 'and butter reci . ei
I . otheriniel beis!spproeW1ed,vhJ'- Mesa a. Os,waii worth ' . I 9 . )r,d i4
. ig , . . 'tu
In the Ri h ouirt of Justice, (5)- . . and ta ed that he h%da very in portant: tL a daly of making the leading speech promoter of the bill. Mr. Cameron ob- *or)d.; Last fall her la6t calf sol '
' i of note as in i6ativ I If Ithe about i resis' s I i d for!
. —JamewPollock. (5.) owli I ? .1, fiu&sta tl* , latter to! lay be, ore the - in oppcs bion to the measure foll t M Jected ,of course, th t there was no 04,000 1
Farm foi Sal Bmlfour,P .ng and )asoad3b, are 11 . 51, I 01,
.. t . i . 1. . tarooe which I he Mc w t - mid str%tIOD 0 'T IDgr If
Hotel foir, Sal —John Bressou. (5) VoUng "i`n - : . . I I' , Use ut th,t befurel he -p oceeded M. C. I Jameron. It is needless too s no ice of the motion, but the speaker ! EDUCATIoNI'll VIAHSACTrl-,
, ,andtheirin I perie lie I was, . . Sr5TU,-1
ice. (5) . . i - - a 04ef '
Durham Bull for Serv' :0 a!j ell farther;1e would as the Spe kerL to that B'h. Cameron acquitted himse'f ruled hat no notice Y 4:
1" e[ are de ermin ed to , 11111 agaitr t ou as neceBser , and t6"relieve th;e State o'if Ma8ff&ChU
doubt, t ,, e induceme i - : : I ; 11 f . . Iset
. , -( -N.m the Stain of illibLor,aCy DIIiety IS
for i ridges I . . I 4 r t - r3ad cor[tain documentsi which e bad in ist c -ditably, The question involv#s So extraordinary W S the ruling that f LJ)J
Tenders —W. McConnell.(5) I 1 uriwarrantable interfir ices. Bu . tbr%
. . , law p I
I ; . Ed 3 , - , -
Cho*p vagabon, a to.' select , nem. Bat tb Y! In his posessiou. In obedi uc to this p )iIJtS ) ractise uud policy whic' Hcn. 14, ward Blake ppoke abobt it, and tUttsand of its popula
I . tim bein,
Flour"m& W. Ogilvie & Co. (8) L . even t has, 0(30 at red 11'alol -o ,.; traordi'llilary in " unable
. L . -`
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ii I
,I I
:i I -
; I 1 it , 777:-
P1 I
I 0 02 a,
- i a, t, I fit, I I
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41 11 I
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L m Xtt ;sY Hr 1-1
, I 1 1
- I I i i I 4 .( 'Bi f
"I , a, s
" ,, , I I
, t 0 'i
j were eqt, 611y a's unfori unable I I ,e,st t.be Speakei i Ind pro. he is Fp cially 'Competent to handle, when he Spa ted.asked that it tb read or write a bill is to hil in
Concert i2a Cardno's Opera Hall. (5) N rith - tb( : 1. r3qu tdod up, a . if) F ak rjirl is
I 6 its character, as t6- put al Oth mat- d lett .1 I I ! a trQu..
'Seeds - Morison. (8) . . ci a 1r] sn be pul on record I
—1,11 - . , a d , jIl ro fro 41essrs.- !McKim ard bii contentions must st d irr(- . Sbon afterwards Mr. edprobibitingi etl , of raillorg
. . as they , 6re with Mr ' . , N mploymen ,
. 0-ibeNbadefolritl 'time being, 11 .Balfou I . I ,in U .
-- - I Maxim I terg int . U , r, w iich' h4ve mee tioned, futable 6uless there are some argial. Cainnerou secar an --Opportuili y to call under fourteen who ' a
. I - ---.-, .. . We nottic.6-that sevoral.cobs(rVati , ... 4 ,read them alou If, ani I 10unted ut the in into 6 the 9ther side which hav this sp 3aker's atten ti( u to the faet that w r,am,O ` Tlead -4ita
1 . e w4h the d .tailB:c ,lbich t lie read. . ri WE uglisbaorrectly.
I : I
. * t e and I i I I O-qsanaand eight , the previous . .
! # ers, f6ilowing the exam ]a of , . several S'ums of 'a
I JO I T* pap i I , ! one !I nctbeeriladduced yet. Mr. Cameroula he:bu :day, ruled on a PRAIRT' z. FjBz. —A destructiv.e p
It fo I . 1h 11 , 0 * t JV I . ers 6f the EXPOSITORe gL t to be in& . I
- I 8: is I . de hundred! dollars whi'll they contained only diJ6 ulty was that be had no bod I . rslizie ;
LK Mail,. la Ive the indecency o accu I I I I point bich he (Ar. Ciamerolo) bad Dot fire wbLs started by a spark I orn -a 1,1 ,
Q ); &I . 4 P 11 4X
. Q ".;" I t I I . .
- fri I I 11 I 11- .. 0 11 I
- - ;, . .Messrs. McKim and B&If
I .
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, March 21,1884 conduct 1a,ud to' insind
I ,
I . ' i
. II . .equally al
- 1
Is bad as tboE
L AN Bfaxi,ous Plot. % I .
O' n bribe. .31bey say tbatili I
I no of the r nest dari; g and disreput .. 1. I .
I lDg Of , )i le Money, ffie
able attempts topurehase and debauch
' spurned -lithe overtur lis
a deliber4tive )6dy that has ever be . I
h , . L I
I on . n. taking thd in
-ads has been unearthed .
disclosed n Gin and that I
i.,n Toronto w, thin the past few dayal as crimink, as those w 1)
. th i . ! I
the 1partidia-lan of ii bich are fully de- ey kep the money f br
. . ;
- they would haver been, I ,
tailed in %ur Tbrouto letter of this Week - .
.. . .
It Will bo,adeu that, failing to secure the a v6ry dilleren,t course ,.
- ,
I I - of theirs li-hat the wt re
defeat of the hLowat administration at . ! Y
the polls,qr thr nall the medium. of the proacbed. Thfi.v linew
to . - I
aloof . certain parties had ,etspiracy wag on, footj. t
. ,
to work to", plardbas'e, the people, ,3 .- repre- GoVernm0int Of which l e
Bentativ-01ETtl thus obtain against the ters, and are the part r
. i _ ini i
m e e. - Several'- are mem ra. I I
- . They, id; I
- . .
members of the Ontario Legislature on was iLhei d-uty, as holi 0
. L
the Aeform-isme have thus heen ap- circumvent the conapiraio
I I -
I proaclied, auii[in at least two instances the plot. HOW, were tboy
i I
the cashbas been-- paid. Some of the this 2 Had they madeth
, Il I . I
parties, imme'Mately concerned in. ,',his to Parliament without i ,3
I business a -re leading and trusted man in up . tbeir 0
z .e , r lebarge' , the 4)
. . .
-the Conservati e ranks. Mr. Bunting Very parti s who are now
. I
is the Managing Director and Editor in *ith tbeiq cours L
1 , . . is, WOE 1.41
, - -
Chief of the Us it Newspaper, the accre- tbenn-1-to scorn, and their
. * f .
I 1, aitea and acknowledged organ of the the laugWiog stock of t,u
. party ill thi's Ptovince if not in the Do- they repui-lood. the lof .
' I I
- winion. Mr. 7ilkfnsola, better .kn6wn elitent n th ittior otb te
. ma -te a
us " Rig Push" has Ion been an active be'sought naigl r I
, , ut who
I .9
- resolution
and energetic election agent, snd a re O' Fhey possessed,
. -
I i
cognized. wire - puller, WInd prominent eimme'ut It ey believed in
. !t . I .
man in the ranks, and his character has 'W'ula rruptly turne,d
L . . I
orlee - . Lererin whom tlogy
- '00
More, than been defended and ex. ah,d ot S. 1.
- . .
I toiled by t4e leaders of his party when - Is011s to -lilave little 001) ,
I . attacked. by opponents. The third con- ed in their stead., Th4 I
.pirator, KttkWall'L is an American, of' p I pper 6oulise for' -
. them. to
- I L
not very savory reputation, whof it k pt tbe:lti counsel: ull&
. i ,
Would seem thus fair, bad an indepen- 11"Itil they lilecured
. such , 6
big 01VII to grind and had td, place blefore the 116E
. . I
only coate - seed wi&h his fellow conspir- C61112tiry thl't even. the' incls
ators for tbeL phl L ose of serving his own eduld not refuse. tol. bal I if
L ends.. 'At'leas" this is what the dis. rectuess ofjt their . 191
ales ares. thas ar seem to indicate, lal. is still Milore important,
- .
though there is, aL strong possibility tbtat punishmeDt of at least
I- * L , I .
he. nolay yet turn out to be Out aut agont .traitors engage
. Y - of in the sesi:
. _ L
Of Buntiog and -others behind the n esg. The course . es I
. . tb . e gre n
Isereerls who have not Yet L been dragged pursued entitleg themi to an
. 7
q,rsc,.na.1 . ure them the he ar't lelt 11
to, vie*, and his preterided - p , * I
claims agai-rist the Government were . true Canadians who wilth -
- . -
. pat forward as a blind,. ,But, however- ment of our country conclub,
. . . .
. . i
this M, be, a few days, will likely and who h
aly 1. alve a proper re
disclose. Sd far as. the evid-enc-e has houor and ilategrity. o . f cur
yet been prod -aced, it doeik not seem tiary representatives.
- . .
-, that any of the leaders. Of the Mr. Bu6ting h , as pu,blii
. .
Conservative party in the Local House over his o4n '61gloatu're
wzera:ffireatly iMplicatedfor were even truttlif ulness of the claarg 3s
, L
- . - cognisant of wh t *as going oij, but .it self. Dr.' bowliDg, siod,
must be admitteW that the conduct and ho vever,-stil,te- equally p5 8
I 1 . . L I
utterances of- botill Mr. Meredith and he is- guilty of all that i's all
' , I . 11 .1
Mr. Morris in th 6. House when the mat. him- an'd more. Wbich, is
ter was .being discussed, were scarcely will, no- doubt, bqr ascort
L such as: Should be expected from in . .
. no- many.days ass-round;i- In
L . .i I
cent, men. Indeed, the unanimity which time, and tibbil furthbr if
- '
. vervade& the.attexances of the leading we do not care-to' ay ;mCre
Conservative papers, and the Similarity ject. Should it turn ciut I 8
between these, and the remarks made and other C' I ,
. it, ill
- 4nserv'tiv4 p ,e
by, the Conservative leadersin the House, to make it appe&r L ithat the
"' 1'
ga very far to. indicate. tbab the whole is gotten up by tbd ei Me nolb
. :
thing was a preconcertei. scheme ',which, liament, aid6d an& abetted b
'had been thoroughly,, underatood &II'T ernment, to ibi are . the C
; - J
I around. This, however, May not be SOL, p&r y and ruin *tlbe' chlaraet
and there iAL no direct evidenLee to justify - Runting, the' will des4ve
the'4M.em6n.t., bat if, it is not not the the condem Zatio
- n Of ie,ir'
. I er I
little,orgauff &-fe very apt students of the in the country. But if I or: th
! . .
la,r9017 one, and the latter must know as Ilow seemal to b.zbh'!.: el.
I almost by intuition what is passing ing, at the i tiuce of Iiis p
withih.the mijuds of its leaders. -These and in the ir teiest is of, I *E
. - I
. U4 ,
SO questions which time will clear up leagued'him, Blf.Vvitll 6. htir I
I and set at rest. It is quite evident, scoltindrels t4lo, carry, ou a B
haweverf.-ii we can believe the state- reinstating ibis I olitic I
I p -
ments of the, conspirators when they power by oldbauch .. the I
- I 9
,,were attempting to enana-re their intend- he will deser he'scorn - d
ed victims that the Dominion authori- of his er! ' an d
ties at Otta,wa, are not ftee from com- tem iij '
. - punishment the IaN .can i,
. I F
. I
plicity i,u the disgraceful proceedin ga, as him. " And, if the . Dta *
. . 0 rio 'o
Dominion officog- were freely promieed fail to follow *U.P, an . d h2c r
as rewards for the turpitude 0 Lf those cute the they av `be I
who were being 4
tempted, and that too, halt 'or waverl, until the, r Seen
it. was said, with, the consent of a Db- ' .
L guilty Ones the punish'7
. me t
minion Ministertand the assurance from acts so jinabl' I .
Y entitle, their, t
him that any larrangernents which Might' be undeserving . of the
: 1:3 CQ d
be Made would receive his sanction. people f th i Vince, T i
. 0 1 1 ro
But thia is. another . important point plain. . They I sab '-'-be 7 by
on whiall
Up , more light is Yet want6d. the chips fall willere they -will
- ; are
The gentlemen who were tampered- of their past, ecord-'we i
I with and whom it was intended to - pu.r- concl I
. . . - # they,wi-11 do t
chase, axe tolerably well known to the I . mm" ;
, - I
country. Mr. XPKim, the member for' THE validity. of,the Dom 1111(
West Wellington, is a man of unim- Act is to be rol tdrted to I ti ie I
; I
peachia-ble verancity, and is one who has decision L .
.4 . A mbti nforitgrep .
' '
stood, true ,to his c6lors for Y6a,rs, up in the Dounimon Pa ii . i,
through evil as well as throngh good substituted by an amendm. m ;
report, and is one of the 'most upright by Mr., Lange in, that &!teE t ( ,
and reliable supporters of the Govern- be prepared arid submitt led o t
ment in the House. In view of these and that in the' mea' ; :
. ntinne th
facts, it may well be wondered that practically Suspended untils
1. - . i
such a man- should be approached in.- given. This shows that no
any such manner. . But, Mr- MoKim- Government nor Parlia,tiez t'.!
is at present in straighbeifed circum- confidence in their own Act'l
" ,
stances financially, and by unfortunate stjH they are willing 'io I
. , , 111
speculations has recently been reduced liquor dealers to the incoInvehi
:' *
from wealth to poverty. A couple of expense of takin; out 11,
-- . icensek
. 111111111111111111111111 I !i i
thousand dollars would be, at the pre&. I
ent time, a M&tter of the greatest con- tion has been Solicited by 0 id
nquence to him, aill might probably herse and France. 11
. 1! I if . tj i
- I . .1L i
I .
1 4 1 . V 3u i ou ; I
. J "I W loll It- U V46W 01. Lue Hi ) so. The money torepil to. Sirionu Macdonald wit rail led and Mr. irkpatrick bad to rise w-)tiveon the 10th in,st,, near Lrins. ;
ouro improp r - I . . . ) I 1.16
e n g ross a so lap t ell att in I r l an is the I WAS IN $110 0 BtLLS. , I . even InJI p than his usual contempt f fro n his chair a, A acknowledge that he in Kabsus, burning 9, ii umber ofran6h 7, I
e tha; -ti ey.'a a r . I . ; rrer st e a Op. hill foll 1) , . . ell
- pes of th ors made tie defence of tb* hai I misapprehei ded tile point, and that dwellitfiggs, and other p "
I I "theme pt e ry pers)n, The bb rich I fa' . () . I
0 .gave le i I . . ; I 17 iscourse at I . ropertv O., I
wh I I - po,sition'showed, wba- a bomb fit- ell this bill. Be Simply read the clauses and Mr Cameron wa3riglit.' Therewasthe Woman, was btrrned to deat wfi* , .
,. .
. . ,e 11 I 1 male disclosure was, but p . iorfect. Etillness ex )laj , )d thot - in - i , ile en. !
pr sent'is tbq exposarie wlinichuss 1
tead of iccey t, , i I by putting the saml rul ng which, ha. I it been given before, .dea-voring -to save her home. I
' I
. . . 11 '
. .
.y6sterday evoiairig of' I reigned a,wong the metInbers' fienobea ideas ir Oifferent Words, and resume(I wo ild have at lei st prevented Mr. Ab- 1XI?bRTAXION RESTRICTION't- -Meetfrl
y sla I --- ! I . .
. . . '
)uld ha e, . . I and in the galle 6 At ter ' y- ,hif seat Ovideutly it . fied tba bot -0 from MOViDJ his bill, aDd thus " go
. . THE G OSS A D VILLAL.,( PS -ATZ r. fPTS . ries -wliet th no , qui 0 8 tis put lisAve been-beld at Manchestet' and Sil.
Mad(, to: thed General pose to resubne Ibis staternent. argume:lf .or no argum. nt, right or an mol to a publi - scandIrld. The scamdal
4 which h :In madeltd. r cer . I ford to .rotest against re
.1 I I . p striations 11p.,
I . - Ho went on to recite thd facts colarlec- wmng, 11's staff of votersifor the s ut n end to, ut only by the sub- tl le - pertation of foreign
- r of IM
oney, they a- er t'meh bei' s on'behalf of tqd with, tile ii -fari( U'S 0ansao don, as no hing ,Ise—would pnt the mi a urel to 7 a n 0
. I I 3 a uh Subs.. tuting, another name tbe Manchester meetio attle. Aj
POEiti011. I nalsi ti Ined le A I 1 i 1 a I . g a resolution
I -p , 6 week re'lated''ibove, aid when' he sat down th -ough fpr bim. One couI4 understand forithi )t of Mr. Abbott. Had the ruling condemning the aetion of tbe1douse of
gave it Hail the 0 1
their 6wil us,i. . . I : , L . . I ' .
' *
.1 tba,t it was matter 0 , Itntroon ra mor every one felt Llat WE 0ppositim bad tbQA DO !Conservative member would. been gliven before it would have saved LI)rds in &naeDdjJ)Lg the Co ' I
I I I jcl i
the",. parsuEd that suc L bf en dealt -a. to -rible, i I xuribing blow. care tov( te against the dovernment's the Spoaker from another act, a further . 11tagious Di -
. h N'ttem its-lbi d b en m; o le, but . I - . I 8-
I . .1 e4 (Amimale) bill was pass - ,
I . I A, ')tbrney. Gen(All I oo c no ed .his I recital wishes Fi oply because his desire for in- , accqm lation of bich ill prove con- A : ses _ ad.
Itwall ofatilb it wasthe prelv1.iIIDg10 - -ion tAt Ill . . W I SOUDAX N.EwB.—The ' troolli8 u ,
. .1 P, is b3 -movilog tbat be a tt, r he rit'iferred &rmation. was not cobsuited on one cla live y what miny ous ect that he IS . I uder
. . . . I 1p
* -
,e 'bee rejec e. .nd that !the I . d ec- I G iineral Graham, after a seve e eugage.
corzi,pfilY all. off rs had 1, i to AII6 Committee On I 1V leges at el such poidt as this, but no men with a, either artizan or incompetent. I
I I .i I mie
thaul a, con. affair would fo allowA" hietly k Oro tions. Mr. Balfour bil wed, co robor. spm -k c0po-itical manhood in thorn' THE LATEST X. P. ARR*NGEXEXTS. nt,-captured the camp. Of 08mau
I . f P. - . .
. Such, hqwever, was riot ffie case at 'ng brie'fly w 11 bt IM I 1, M at hal stat- woald su t Di -ma on Tbursday I V
o de tr )y fill I ' A . , W I 4mit I o have it Shown day Last !Tuesday the Hodse was "ked to n a's" *tek. aria
. : . . e
. I '
. feet, aViDg Iod regarding himse f r.. M wedith after day !that they are merely parts ol. concur in the tariff changes propot3ed by ,my Tibe pluelt
. I de p laid scheme wa q , tm killed 4 000 of the en *
Y ar s ippol fo i ts object n tlliDg,jessl ;baal t lo 4 shown by -the Soudan relools in .t
- : thf I % * :) er- ,pnAested, that the U30106fit(i was 'as a voting Enacbinei- If they did riot- de ! the, Fina,nce M inister andadopted by , he
.ow . i
i I b,A.:Ltl,e is said to be nnexamplea. -
Of w ic i the , ci Ahe Qoverni dni slid t e fok- I in Itch a matter (if stir isla to hil a as to cia e ti ir- opposition .publicly ,the be committee of the whole Honse. . Thcly
. I . . I . I 4
),. kn w 1at i1i mktion of I a Mew a t .ration. The a member of the Bomb, but t iought lit a tb rew themselves in, -mmuljs,B4 on tibe
,I d6 ni I ' PY I mi lit a, least expostulate with thei ii 31r Richard Cartwright took oc-
I ans wilicill e e &a, pl Jd to 1' M.7, Bunting'sna,[De 0 - I" private. Though there werail )asion to show., that I the ellanges ritip ts ,
rable in on, tc 'in r . secure gl not tol have eader in B. .h bayone , an4 fought with such
tb s end were i 1 bem introduced with(l] t_jurther I In oint 3 to reply to; Mr. Cameron soonil eaut addition determination as to Compel thfi, .
! )f th " most iufiplitous I roof. no.) p ction, all to -
re an I d est,170 i kihd. The us of oley bias always 24r. Mori -is seemed I O I know raised poiats enough to give the other! mall specild industr and tibut this ' fitk Regiment to retreat ' isa fgtr
. P la aly t I Fot ; , , a di
1, kessts. side evfry opportunity to talk. He! d cost tile being wily averted by
to acbbr plif3 ! formed a: 8tron 1 ,actor n be Conservia wl,at to Say, but feebl, tttlacked dotitiollal prote(:ti 1,8
t - 1) I - - . -,),] Woul abee. , PrOMPIP Isslat-
eir stat, men: Itive'noetbods of )olit 0 I arfarE but it M(Aim and Bali: our foll 46t ha-viug at p(i ted out the peculiarlt' es of thef, ounGry about $300, (10 a year,wbile the It is behoved tbegre'atlosi.of
P t ' I
pr I ba3 hitherto bite I aul n1vardo. bing , 013C4 Spurned tb off 8118. 'The 90use Bil . Ir i-ihe first place it declares that pecialiudustries, ouldnotern )loymo.re tile will Bhake the confide4ceoftbe
00 to bac i 11 I
-. .1 - 11 - Tory I vould , wbo 1. has b i n if a ibember has accepited an office I hail 600 extra In de—in oth 0
10 ,,tbi th t the ijimt dalring l clobered.M-r. MI. im 6eu,, in eve Arabs;in the Mebdi, wh has 4ed toihe
pp( , , a t -] ep,v, et ill health as wel 8 1 ugibess trouble under G60'ernment to which a salary ori he country would be ta'x'd to pay 600 olie
; I silch a fraud 'of the wl )osale I a ' ' 'words bill?. The British IGSS is stated at
:0 Of t": e ,Leg i 3 ati ve 1 . bundred killed and one, h--unartd iina
filadiiia fau pu base of me rr bers; this session, wbe he (olired his! belief Other err Timent is attacb ed—an 'actf eople's salaries of W10 a year each .
As cembly iDvolv)d. A f tt'lug instria- ,Uatbe had do'n no ishonor to, him- which ui or the 2 * flf by womided. . I
havIB! ia olibe ' ' . I independence of Par- - irRi ard sspeeab p -ovokeds number i
,, I i - -
I- m nt for the d i rl y W(,44 N sei! or his COMiti uent ,:sod wheh Mr. lianient lAw makes him- no I -----.-.--- -- I
vould! lbecom . bich icla a . t tiger a f back seat Gove -101011 In t 8 upporters to
.... .
pr ceeding Dec-Mitatac Vi' i 6" i Fraser in apt t—he sh 0 t -
i . fox I d in ph ase o enoJanced member Of Parliamen all still peak. Among thein was Ur. Lewis 11'aron Notes. I
0 pu lid; Ea i . .
th 4 -notorious li PtiF,h W- lkiriso, w 0 THE " BRAWLIN BROI)I) Op BmBEI s'l , be E howed to sit in the Hoi se - -- .
. . e notorious It ' I I of Com- i "Vigloil of Essex. - It woti'd be impossi .
ra sod kep wag ably aided a id abe it thE desks all are nd hinj 'ratitl ' - NeaRn;. Jackson,, Patterson. & w.
. 8! i by C I isto. 11 I e4 and m0i s, if ' is commission I letter of'i ble to either condense orl describe Mr.
. I untiog, Mani" . Af" uppeintil I I J leir of Uorrifl
victim, woulz r W. 13. . .- 9 g dir6i I or!of shook. as' if they w(uld.1 'break e,ut sayd that- he is to 'Nigle's Ppeech, but OlLe poiut is worth I . , have pnrc4ased , a farin -
p 11 licitor ror - c,tdpn il ri salary i in ,
til Wail, Edwi 'rd 1&2 _8 Gribam al!ld Mr. Ca f rom Geo.. k derson, Turx-iberry, for tl e
. I I tb e S , ,told hol . off! I wilthoill-t or other noticing, as a sampb3. 1110 admitted I
ot live tht M jl I be, v they bad been a , like emcl Dom . . . i . .
newk5papeir , who i p roi lcbea iula U. suiJa of S2,750. . .
* well mown 4 He is at perfeet. liberty to here were bard time i Ili Western On- ." .
Mt ioner, and the moti, - - ct
and I l!ie Gov, be0e as a"ward - litic sit of the i nscru- ! )n'to refer to s ta-ke any almount. for,, exper ses.11 Far-- ario just new, Caused by 'the failure of I The dire' ors of the 4 bll tt Agliii.
. I . I -
pe. Th 10 ec- COMID'ittee was carri 4 Junallim ther the Jill declares that Sir Charles i tile wheat a I It Bill " he culturid Society have decided !to hold
and 4rusti6d, PulQus tv i is pre is gan ,,,, 8 . . . . usly. . . I Ind cor It, dll i
Onded by the le fortf, of !two - Theimpre,4sion made )v the disclo Tupper Ii I I a a " - their spring show in -Cli ,O 08.
out - office, : . j8CC6ptIDg the offibe ;of High I showed, -if we ba
- el a : . . I ve "'off,,sood crop an- n'ton, a Ta
dastarda binauloE Kir kfau& and s evidf:iltly deep, a Ud it e- d4th Of Corrim,ssidner "without qalary"I did c ther year, day, April 10-th, . i I
1. Doll, w8 ;.b . I I guar lint 6 tbRt you will i I
Ill u 4Tam.ies G-fallam, of 4,1 -
had g0oot kes. wbowerepec, -urilyinier'siedi I u 11' - niquityr6ealed took the Hou e! by not violate the present ]a ,nd didnot I see the ]Wioual .
I 1. . n . i ; ., come out on top. aple, Lo . If
encelinstall. ih-4beGovern O:DtOlot, ad re B uroirise. Whervthem)D -Iycaw from forfeit bis ieat Still fur w or it 11 I As4deld,receutbly &-)Id a very fide
. - In ! . Wing . I . . - . . . I th . ena3ts and that evezytb . Lit will be all right." I . yo
it by one chosen ron In Opp ition "o i o the bribery 8 no -ough that Sir 3jarles shall not ' 0 called $0 doubt . shott-thorn bull "Alexander
Ook I e 0131V si kyown, th b Mr Wig e thin s that there
' I 1 14,088,11 4.0
belaylles, as'I' : . 'or the offt..rs Of onah 1i Ull offices I I . I
, shall present ,she Vie I only upon to 1, a y any flues for liolation of ' a a6ntlemaniu Xincardinetow4sllipl&
ta,ke . il V I Wer DO h - t ID, as I . .r
rhe' sue bad crops to i I
Y first member ho W&E ap oacbe w as I sli onsiloh i, It tbe 'aW, IL ol if arly suit has In 1 125 :
I me source can bE belfto i p X een enter- ! a us- - d eprepsion "' bef re , the National ,
the JaE elves Mr. McKim, I ember '6.t st! 9 likely enough t Liat s, 0 -of the ed or sbql be in future ente' I —'V. Y. Halliday is oilAe
, W Mp - .
. I I . ands ; a p
.9 . ed against olice, aDd.no ,doubt,,he I-elieves 11 P 4 precela.
I -
, ) 'ha' for ma0y oricans, irk 'verdict shall not be given W is i3f,c(seary t9 bav atioual Poli. - I , I 'churelb
ngibl proof ton, a gentile an wb ex e f uraikibed 1)y thoAm: - him, the t at! ter in tile Blyth Presbyterian i
. In who vrere ihte es ; . a . a . i vice' John Fraser, resigned. Ife ,
se I'll .... a ... d the ,years been. i Political lif . , and ho e and. and . LyDc. I , ted againstib'ni. Thereisalre4dy a :Bait a in order to hiduce tile larmers io sell , is 4t.
I ; a iqu I Ina ange i L t pompel the . i . . P
t ill a 11rocur a cl , iug I -Ion. I gen tlem an t ,gr d crop. I i
bf lGovernment Pell eir gr n when there w it got) m
lint grity cannot he as [16 stiop. " I . I tempting to,organ' ize a .cboir. , .
. . I
I .
exeldulbue It I vas known to the inmen ber's - ; f the frora the fact tha they a' . —Mr. G eo. Armstrong, of i '-
I I Ve OWDE 4e for his violatio of the !law I4 connection w th this deba.te, Mr. . .f 1 14,
ve Illie cor.; tbribery brigiule that 'N'Ir. lJoKin 'h" art owLier@ of a tirge areiii, of niio*iug of %v Jich It has already U oved three ve
. I I . I an cAlent resolution, purchased a . L fr?pi
t, an hait I -me with som 3 . e ere fidarciallol ges f alm in the Lake Supetior egion. This and, unless Pttirliament taies mercy ' respoki g crockery. i T ie resolution A-rch. McDonald which wev2h6l. 1-14W
. iv I
I lato, and t.he3 I oabtI3:s b 4g Iand is heavily ooded w til valuable upor the mfortunate man w oto institut I w as In . lbs.11 Thepricepaid was sift The
Bectilef the . I I A , . fe vor of the view ffiat; the heavy I
witAn fheir:,owe oreastA which ould ])ill,(, which is reserved f 'the' Go ern. ed it, bewill ha animial is -a good one. I I i
. . ve to Pay t le Costs Of leqat, raf packing, ship - :
some 0 . the ' I 0 - ping, and hand . !
beach them tl a6 8 *man' cou'd holi Iiii ner t. This pin!a they mlis to O tain, that suit, e -ea though the i -egult of it li Ig 1COMMOn Oro . .—S. , Harrington. fnr ,a lolig time -
daloll ousi. . I . I i kery: was equiva. . I
HONOR but under the system aflo tie th e w0uldine , t, V3.1
. d In ... tably have been il nt to a 11heavy pro;ection to the Cana !
I DUAREF THAN MEE ,POCK)D ; u his fsvor If ,salesman in D, B. McKimilon a # or t
An offer of men I - rewnt Goverumnit, no -timber -1 mitig had -1 t beE - Blyth, and ,who a short ti
tlem have Y was triad ',to M . M lil . la allowed to go on. - D i 4 an I' m4nufacture r, siod tbat it * was Ino a,90 mov4d
. . aring I .
Kim, on cand Iffir tbat be woul. V%e ca n be disposed o,f e2oop at P. blic this who.e sessictin, a : to Olinton, has returned to Blyth, '
d will sea. o I sue ion. . By bringillog in vern- points o s Mr.: Cameron unjU4 to have a, bigherdutyon the 0 . alla
ank. r all, w&r1t.OfcoDfi.d6n',e in t6ef'roverionenli., * a ew Go Elf, Sir Charles Tuppler has not ci C ' f the pooi -man thau on the is n w head Salesman in W. H- WA.
s o . . ,.
. RepresaiDa hi I i 2 igDQfti6D, Mr. 31 , ,K` we t these gentle men. lxped tbat the:ir vote oncf / Soll'is store.. A . .
I r, . Ilin , . . - . -He bas 11 cro vded" the c ins o the rich. Eve Mr. Farrow . .
the Govern- cquamunicateo t If fac; that a,n off( aid ase would be cot l4nientl t . — .
. rh sider o ,and Can than Racific Loan Bill ebiough, he hl d ide Jared in a Mr. Davin Eriivin,of Clintlon, -hu a
lovern Dent, . . .Or, a bag I fations involving the ex- t. e q 11 ea: *on, tl1a, . " s; and
te-d boliestly, bee made to -ii M to he ( . %t a- thpy would get t 41 timb ' previ )u-,3 debate on bouAt the Wfngllam pop w ork .
, . . er,w - oved li-eso
'I the the int Iresis I Ind., 'rN il ing . pend ture :) i . L perba,ps thecrockery Ovin.g the maah-inervtoClintm-'14
d inview o fact,tHat son .. Kirkland on. were : m .
" . I lie
,ard )r. the- a" f millions of the public work i wc- re not s ; as,could beprofit- I
. I
I of political pbrity JemiAided tliv t the Votipwrested last uigbt, a ad will pro- Mon(y, but on no division list this 130, 1 fi3 also getting new Inachinery fron Xe -v
A . i I . s- a ly I pro:ected - , bu Mt. Farrow, like a .
p Ad .i Ra a e n - bribery shon of be ('Xp036((, th bably have an opporta oil . I : I
.. e Ggvern- iity of tbirking sion Oes the Darn York .
I I I e of the redoubtable igo d oil iervative. votO with the rest ' i :
me .t advise thO negotialticus be con. . over their cooduct in the quie . 1) 1 % Minister appear. his . bi pal . —INTrs. A. jB-. P,,Mter wa I
. I I I . . 11 He belieVes, as ty againF;t the resolution. s Presented
i ,ard ri,. , I I .
ied Ll *, ti 1 ed until the hitibeis had thor6aglaly prison cell. Wbat will b1i lbe: fats Of friends have frequently s the 'Berimiller Temper -
I aid, that under 3 U GE ' UARD.
. . . . . , I -TOR IN RAL L ance Lodge -
ga ago,.On th,
pir tors is lbp3 Las no right ew evenin ,.e eVe of
le* MsE Ives, ' nd proofs wece tie, othbr cons 7ond my the law hE to vote, having i 11. trouble between ajor :Geper . ber d .
Dyia the co mitted thE r, . - &I - 0 IA
.r 4yo propbe v. 11 d' . .
. I
. O"ainable which4orul I ]?Ia::e tbei cou - Pow . i is cer baiii -takeq tile High , Commislioniershij. aid and Lieutena at Colonel Williams., dartinre for the X.N1,orth WOst To tznito4f -
again i- i him. - 4 ventua, t Iiat they will ge * it . I I
- .
. viciions beyond a 00111 Dt. 113', t the bEli.4fits of the This mear s under the law a'. man can P. a the Subject -%vi-,h *,a valuable silver cruet stand.
Z, ul ' L , wal of a long discus .
t ed in J'k. - d fo offe, lea's I be a — L
he c thers, the bargaining 6nd ,q: .,Ki r I p )u Ities, provide , r E ell 4 ember of Parliament to speak, n in ill a House last Mo day. Rev. Mr. M, c0aaig.farmerl
. , I -his, put foi- From DOW L --f Y of Min'-
beibg paid by W'i kin oil t1b Sa a of Mr. Meredith in ' is n at& .but 11 t to Vote. "'The thing is, on the ic ton, buit of Cing8ton
itivel v tbat I b, speeches, it _wai wbile goi '
. $1,00, and receivi, g t' ard no evident that the 11-0
rged. 26 p o mise of % 'ote sff repudiation o r r Hpcmsilility 'face (if it, 11 0surdity and no reading r thy al . Major enera bad do 17D Fort bill, in that cit'
t 4 id profane 13 V. on a 1 tobogm
I "as further payine Ito f r t. air on tb:a par i of lithe ] Op )osiI of the law that can be iustffl d by any Any frif Dds in the House who believ-
I the fir atlo; 11 .0 01,000, als well 4 I -gan -with his son, met with, an a-ebident,
. the assura,ninE of a regis rl i p at ti n. It is difficult indeed ito See ho I dictionary ektant will makel it appear d that hi breaking his wrist -and 7 inju 4 ng bi
I I arsb _ , le o treating the I
. . - w . a bru que style o . 171
tied' before Edmonton in 1 he ITort be ci)uld do so I Side.: i..
I 11 bi ,esi , at a silapy . I is scarc6ly conceiv. less absurd. Mr. Canauron showed that 111 01unteer wouta do more good than the . I
of 61,000 - -bat such dir A an I p Irsistent at. the generg. at to! the law - I . Tip] ady, of the ase , '
the an- . a yea r. Th S lat er, pro mise able It a I q amendme ; . ore olessant method of compliment- —Tv -Tr. W In- . b hn4f
, ; h . bott Wilkinsa I and J36 ti 19 assured t mpts to Purchase sup ortifor.him by is one uni5eir which the Crown can nj at' ha ads. The speech: of the occa.. , A
Ve o in t , I , I Goderich township, has a cow iwhi
9 him was-imad leadi iog.. mem hers 0 his 0WI1 par appoii .
i i
. 1. , fi up A the PIE Igo of the . rty a uld t ba f the members of the 10 a v as I h at of Alo zo Wr ight, I I Kin g has dropped four calves inside of ', ele o
0731, 0 ub- Doul inion Mini swir of LbG Ii terior that continueaudprogresswi10 thisknoW. House to ).ffices, making fibem. Dot f -t'be ; Gatineau," per aps the most months, hAviDO twin calves rionni -
I I .
. i I .
tbe!i ail t wOuld i le gE, and if.holl was awE re. then, he popul irrepreseu tatives, but- GovernMent ol I-111 -rtaialy I t I ,a), mean- with itnow.. Who says t
be car ied;ont. BE i the pur- . f . , his is .
I .
. i ba , I I Iiitii r, a, . I I'll I
. e Most I:Feni not
Be of on in I 3 nob r wELs no ; §uf5 pient C uld very easily bave.b 7iougbt them to hireli Igs" )v SIMI. e
. . .
e b t lie at, end had -he so des 70 a salary,"but Oexpenses" - i I Wright Imak . .
rs inoiv try a Ay declaring. that they ex of the House, fertiI4 and prod.--tictive Isua. - .
I . o biging ai on 11 . r. : .
; I . qwnfa I of the ired. 11; any I at , shall not 1: a .gs it . thas Fisher,'-formorly of
. Qv- e I t 0 — . -
1. .
WhOl-E thing ornM 01 make ,lat eastonefdziny the town
. . -
I I . ent, and ichoi e Ill A_ o Je ma( e of had the attemptsibeen 13tecessful,he on y. Agi in he showed -tbat the'elause pEeiOl e r. ry Session ship df Colborne, shipped a carload of
. 9 , 4 O this occardon I
eral of I lar- dthei ; a &M a ibe'party be, leads would have wbict she v ! horseh from Goderich, for Dak
I I a for the P114mid M( srs. all ved that Sir Charles'load not e ad Oro d the ci I .
E , alfour an I reip( - I So ffl Lusird with ota, on
: -
Y :t4 . ( -ov- d Do w1ji g, met ib:rs re pec - b 3i;e d tLe bene t, an t ley cannot brokel the I w was a lie, and that to e ap [ior., , poetic qL oitatioD s and classi Tuesday.. A,1110119 them was one brooa
erv' ive Y .1outh .Ion. t fore avoid th resjoiEibility. To give b im, b is seat in the House meant: to al all sians; he d to history . ds. Tle lot
0338 a ii * Ims 3ex in , ma,re'weighing t,40@ pou-n
Vol for Soutli Es 3ex in
I a Tes, . i
r- frew' were the yept lem 3111 w tb is sad pass has Qntari) )q'litics come.' make him a, member of Parliament by r I I were purchased in diff-erent ly#ts -01
er,: &i U I P . I Ij 0M i t was" ,,r I . 0 , paraw cases, ind ransacked the
I ,- Pailij.ment, the people having le4f-Greek myth Aogyj lor illustra- - . 0. , 7 :
i i I . deemed safe to amrcae. . The same rbe matter wasi cons d' d by th& Act DO Hur 0 and Bruce. I ;
i ,
- .
I.II& roof ive gan3e. was played a4in ill".4 case of Mr. C(minitteelon privilege and Elections, noth - —M - John:Casb, of Grey, lo .
I I I . . i g to Say in the matter. The oi is.1 9 speech v st a borso
clKim, and fill 3 same I ri, laid for the I ,s morning, and essr g. I owling nd speakers,ou. f In e- other side, wrelstled with _! Th reg a rs,Dd success, a few,aays . ;
oftest in Ian . tlo
. .
, . moksters who vve . goi g,.t . 0 inaugurate .B I'fc at made form .1 sta;ielb ants corro- . i tile argum lots put forw I Or it Jtept the House in r) rs of laugh- ago Ina very singular: m a -d.
eooOlraxy, ,,,,, j. . I . ) ard ana succeed- &r. . ,The result of t ie d6ti, te is that it ner. While in. White's mill yard'for A
e g . rhaen 6 in I
I .eign of pur by whole- b ath'ing what had 1 een made Dow in, Ome ab befOggirl . 10 I's nober, the team ran away an.4
Mr. , I at. I g all tutone of " . od. asaa in itted th at the Major- I load 0 f in
! ILI bribery. 9 he sum of $6 0 was aid th 9*House, and add iDg man, detail's Of 03 e V ry fe Tories w* ho car 1, sild collided with a,tree w '
rty I , . , I th 3 v Ilainy. . I Is& to think Gel lot I will not return to anadi , . hich in.jila,r,erl On4o '
i ki ere o Mr.- Balfour in cas I y Wilkin, Mr. Dowli 3g, I itatea hat a ou of the'borses to such an extent that it
, . 3on, . atter at all. The exception that 1. Williams? charges : ainstbim.
I . k .
lim . p I
J be also promis?d I a1ur her suin of Mr. Bunting bad offerEd t) poly a in was 14r. '1 rieu of Muskokar. This had I een withdr . bad t i be shot.' I
,partyl IRS
aw . i
i - A0 at 'a future d 3 )0q i q in on ey an d to 7 :
isrqpix ; ay.- Ki kland had 0 1
. Its, -anfee hat' gentleinan eclared his belief; that the aR —The Seegmiller found ry in
le " q I : AND TRUNK OUBLB TRACK, by public iauctio n Godericlil, .
, I 1, 200 which lie was 1 lin ,I to part th 3 pirotest 9, ".the leqtion w uld,. d made a mistake and bad The bill to enabl. e Grim,l Trunk was Sold "
charnel. for a "Inst I last wee'k
' I ith if Mr. Balfour-cou d leethis way to be dl pped if he wq,uld vone !against the violated th law unwittingly. e would t, 11110ney to double-tr ick the line . to R. Runcimall for the sum of t5joo ,,.
. tbe- Oppcsitic 1wer, In ve a 8, I protectio Eigains-f- froin 1 oro- ito to Montreal.b. is met with The stock was knocked -a-own to the
friends in oting. n i to G( nient, RDC1 afterwaid ' resign bi . be glaa to ki0e him 9 laffie
.. 'ds for i
at %tu re, iddition to the3e jecu: seat. Mr. Balfour 1narrat3 eual Bauk of Commerce, that institution -
e I jhyly ' onsic Fra,- d! the of ,'ere ally that unititell onil the Giove -nment,,s approv 1, and. bas
. I iots the -store of Domini I . anl,pa,ymentsof in neyina to bird by , ti .
c9n finipt . O 1: offief in a error, but at the same time la 'opposea pasmaj tb3 conamiltee on Railways, being I interested in- the -affair. ' The -
. e I 'orthwest. was l r I d Ki kland, the latter of _ ' w s
I !,
. - - I again .; ,wn upon, W Ikinson an I - the amen dment of the law and declared (1all slIq and Telegra. LineF . Th Plo 'bu iness will be in charge ' I
e wl, . . e cost . , of C. A
se, ribrest no. % I . orn. mada) the d aperalo-like, threat the GOvern nentls position aib sulrd and Of i0tiblirig the trac 'k is eptimate i at I r
. I Humber.
. ; z
. I . - (I 4
fli ur on A HAND.hOBI ,' SAL that lie would go all lemyths short of illogical. He Showed it went(! be more E C at; 18. YOO.000 Manat r Hickson ith the
. . . . . , y 1. D . . . 7 —0 G. Martin. charged ,w ,
I murder to accomp sh I is. object. A dignifi Sir Charles, iuBte4d o , counterfeit money busi,ness at B-lyth,
V6 ri'lietatil. ttaii ed would be t e Ukrpyjlot, 0 the d fo If Cal- s ; ; Oat i I the W04 It grades and .
! I , her for Ess : he woul(i be p; - Bull -committee CODSiStiDno D th ,Conservative ma ority to ct,11veA,i will bel P4 ove W Stat,ODS I
al Ilro 3e- x ii 3' Df Mes 3ra. lilig 0 . f le lom boen released on bail to appeii at
. -aor inary means of giving t a '
. Ic Dough to sell himshit! `1tri M(wat, Fraser, BOgeraw, Merei5 ith, take t is ex 1 1 the n1eX aSSIZ88. Elij JW ' and,
; sT d casl his pi; t, and the e et I
In ; il th ey I . , lin , de in every respe . all artin.
. and Morris Was &I POiDte I b i m It , tog to his con atituents, e u al;, if not super -
. I ti I lin the pro er w iy. Ill; ti e ;cas s of - ( Ito further, sses Henry Wells, of Goderich, a
' what steps ought I ,to itily other y re thel suV-1
be i be talk en. ,. i I On 4 I
re foc'; the ego;iationq , ere com I consider tell them If nkly the: mistake he had e I cohtin, mt. A. B. J. ieg, the amount being $2,000 estiall and
L fr. IDowling,' I . . ot
: I .
th. ir base I 1 a bax ain . r has created erel the ro. made, an ask -them to re-elect I — I I I
et6,d anc c)n(.uded, -b The affai I f - --- bimmif in $4,000. . 1,
. : . Y foundest excitemeil I . 7--- : 1— i I
I .
4 eirivvill libieb be,waa to receive $2,000 in ba - - . I . him. But ir John Macdon Id is a f I 1 News of the We ek. —Mr. John Weliber, a little ,
1A . . I Did , I ; I It . , I , 60tia of;
. 11 4 Alike sum st a fa bule dria'e, 16 I I- = 1 . . gre E t, t , I I . Newbridge, in this townshi -Df He wick,i
Dee o the Ani'lly ]p . . nd I - I I utional author ity, and PIrTSrciA.N,4.—TwEnty-six wo- p
I rillkiinsonwas a i . I , hi pin I iol must be 'backed up, ' PEVALE had the migfortune to I
. . )n kiis wa, r to 0 R. OTTAWA - , -. F, T TE R. : ' ' 13 e .
eir di ty is I , I I L have received lie degid Of ose a horse While! .
tyi over the ma ley when' th t ger 1e. . . I , therefore, I , spite of Mr. O'Brients at ee M. D. working in the swamp lately. %ilef
I i a 1 cruel logic, l; hilladel bia. - s
he Iii 6 let I an"'la i n terestin I cai -eer as i 'corrul-, ter ( om Our oton. corr polzden :itere is no doubt 1hati the .. drivinig among the trees a jsb : timb
.11 I . W ) aO a' uddenly on b short by %( inter -er- . : 0 I Mirlister of Railways will be white*. . I NTIA GARA PATtic.—The bill to so- penetrated the animal's heart arp i I .
, I - I killing iti
q 11 0 .
I n vi I cobfapolicem%n. Imme ! Ottawa, a:i Loh 17th, 188, 1. wasbed by the Committee on Privileges , Ian to mak a St*te Park at iiIstantly. ; . ;
.. I -di itely u )on I I
i I
u0ifi d in f PRORO GATION ATE . m Falls ha@ bc en pa sed b
're,ciolpt'Of the money wh I S, VE . I i and El 30tioi is to which this bill, like his the —Marizaret, wife of Mr. Alex. Wlne,
. . ch -. ii i the ci ses I I is 'Y F
his. 1 ( It Mi. MaKirn and Mr 13a 1four , vas Groo I progress hao been I own case, his n referred. . fi a ork State Assembly. I . late of Fordwich in the tdwnsh,i I p of I '
I ,
. . . . raa de in pass.
, r ait I over "" ? I NATiox.0 FOREST REsEiivAmwiz.—A
I I ..d . yest(rda ie ,e entlei ing tl e estimates, an HON. J. J. ( . Howic k, die t b
y, It, en d *j the work is . BBOTT 8 NARROW ESCApE. a a er resid6nce near!
: I . X I I I I . bill , B been introduced in. the Ameri- Gran& Forks Dakota, On the 7th jilst,,
. 161deed it in the hands of . r, I ; ; Spea' er, proceeded with as steady AD4 , There is auloDher memberi -of the ca
n. Lie en Be I ) , I with as,
'', , ith it 1 bowiiig ;',y W1 om . i I i " square a ter ab illness of one day of inflama-,
I I i
courts f ar little rriction as h I House, whoa anamolous position has milds of forest in , ontaila, 'a' a roational tion. She leaves a husband and Ave;
. eretofore, it is pro-! I a
I . I d for what purpo3e it h d jeen p 11 id. 1 I I not escaped t a attention of Mir. Cam- fciiea reservation. I
1. e asst, y Bill ! !
. in loss ;
- . . eron. This is Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, the T — I acards an- —Miss Willis, -who for several' ,
ai broui. at 1.1 : terday evening, be or t b . al let that the 13UPPI . ill be passed RZITE: qIXG PLACA aDs, I small cbfldren to mourn her
melat Iib of the' Hot Be * it was ispeZ an( tb e House readiv top ere
IN 8 I . ;
I i i3 6,ue before, receiver of the 11 Send me ano,ther ten io nllciug tl ie outbrea i Oi . .years, ,
to i a -m rig the corrido t ati qometh Eaitei. All theno a civil war in basloccupiedthepositionof head mil -,4
p 1 I os4d - Ing mbers,selem, to be! thou8azid 11 I elegram, the solicitbr of the I ieland during the pr,:sent month have ;
: Mar , g was 1300 a to ocair.1 I was I t In avorof "early closilrif. . liner in the large eFitabli.ohment of, Mr.. I
.. , - nd Cana.:: 'CaDadian Pa ific Rallwa,
ase,0 60 e Kai t, `3 known what, but t'be'e wa Its dia r I eggislat . . ! Y and repre- b0en postf ,a about , Skibbereen in the I James Pichard, Exeter, Ill 'gone to ,
. 1 4 1 f t d, wit -as
' a eif t h t e i sentatip e of Argent
bil" It y expec I euil in the House. Piolince of Munster. 1
he po4rl:13, 9 talicy, in tbh ,e )qwer of getting thr, h ah I . Stratbroy, in which place She has pur- - -
. eporti rs, l ,enormous E SARY.- -The . .
I ,r l )11 i , Mr. -Ab otthis been "promoting" a bill NYMUNZIRT A,nxry anni- chased'a, millinery busines,ii whichi she,
e A 11 11 ,ries and elsewhere, wb ,,h ndica, , I . I E
I a )e 911, a i iioptoetbing unq8ual, a,' ed lot of work if they see be Gove n- . to provide for the leasing of the Ontario v0m ry of 'tile Communist - iprising in . I on cc?Tlnt.
ecision , til . I - is ment business is Well advalaced atid and Q*i:ebee Eystem. to the Canadian ,e 7
a . i .E in , . utends to conduct "' her own a
. Win I The time anq the citrou . P4riR in 1871 was P lebra;ed in New —The West Huron Teachers ASSO-
; i -1 : Stan (is Sir John seems to b hon -80 anxio'las Pacific. There is Y yatho sand men ciation"have invited Professor Mel I .
ither the Were, like remark ' , I. y a rule of the British ort on Sunday last
, of St. P a le. It I was tbe to talltbemeasuresbeoretheHouse Hou' I .vi le ;
' !
have at y is 1. I I se that hic member shall be allowed and three hundred women. .
eripg atrichladdaN, and in rteaemably good- tilme. 1; Bell, the vell known .elocutionist, to ,
, . . 'Oen if the to promote I ouse in connec- Hba DISEASE.—
but tlikt, Surd rumor hal b6en ini. e I )ills in the H Swibe, plag, e, similar give a lecture on elocutioll, into o , sea 0
a I r8pe -
I rcula,t :) prorogation takes place olk the Thur!s- tion with which they have received any to tbiiat wbi h ravaged amo Western by a number of his choice readints'st .
. t i . at .both Parli mont buildings a l' day bei 'ore Ea8ter, there w", . - r I
bject the I . 11 have been
Qpv3rbment h pecuniaiy fe 5 or reward. Mr. Cameron , herds 9, f years ago , , ha M&d:6 its the evening entertainment in corne-e-'
I . 0 e w'ere to be ))lOwn 1p - a twel e weeks S388ion, which i's 10 ' I i
ence and 201 oremidniRla y ng raised que ition. of privilege that Mr. appearance ,PattS of Mas achusetts, tie
f t d namite A dou Ile enoi igb in all cons on with their convention to be held -at, i
i 'I b twn
undo -r it. i , . ' ,: I cience for the work,to Abbott n in 4ina that the Hous and ilil deva4ztsting the droves by whole. I
Owl lof police on i and 6 go I .1 ;
e iial c6XX- I be I roperly done, if the rr 'Blyth on the 15th and 1-6th,Df Afay, I
p 0 1 ; 4 1
embers fro into com mit ele of the whole on this bill, s0e. I .
' S 'iab'e ' s was on (it -ty, And the specti of the arst apply themselves to work wi —The unfortunate Man, James
sh modi '. - . h came tuiider - hat rule whi I Col -
;e old barracks on' . cla is applicable UN.6-kT1110,frIC BANQUET.—A banquet in ter, who had both feet so badly frowl, '
.. t)!i Fr:)jh, i SO - gettingtbrough,I dtheGoir- here as Ill Bi ii1ain. Speaker Kirkpatrick hopor ofI enry George, the American am to London
I I ' as a View to An
k betw: a most that of a Place at out ' r6e' ' orn ot unnecessarily delay without, wail i4g to hear all Mr. Cam-' la.1241 agitator, was given in qlasgow on I
, and was taken
I * 1 0 bepiks. I , obt does n at Winglo
i SAU'l ; Led by force c f *rb3 s. 1.8 hap 41 1. - the, regioutation of its in ' I for treatment, was operated on Mon
I . I
; I . . ! , assures. The aron. hail to sz , ruled that a member Sat9rday last by the Scottish,Land Res- of lsst week at asy
! . I . . -
I . .. . . E I .
I t . . i . . I . , ! I I the city hoapital, The
. I . I I A
i - I i . . :
I . I I
i i . ! ; I - .1 .
. .
. . :
I I.. 11 . . I . I : I ;
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---l --1 .... . .. t, - . -L - -- - .- - 2 -- — I --J---A.,,W,—
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I 1 : a
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VnIth f
. Iront, i
. 1 ccn ov
I . .
; jiil the
. -
I a I sma
i ,Wnk
"4own I
! fell oi
Jouty i
P . I 1.
'. I ,0 thi
, . , ,
.. ,
. ,&!
. i
. ,.#Ihur-A
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; dl&Y evt
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Zf zote!
I "ry fil
a .one bal
1 '
i —A J
I , the rel
i stailleN
i vitnesl
. Ann'to!
. I the CI&rj
I J. Rol j
Inany r
. neightt
I . I
,;Ournp y
I —1)n
:tioin 'on
r - 7 Grey, C
I and fou
U a so]
,heart.. 1.
bed. in
.. .
I 1 3 q
it zcorps ,
I !old- . 7;
i 1 —Lo4
1- -Jaela, Wee
i . I
t :% lump 1;
table ,all
] . instantll
I 10 -Ver it I
! 2
off wbex,
. WS lai'L .
I i t ,
. . el
singlug 1.
iont RDA,!
. —Dali
liborer I .
ypeiam- .,-,
TrIank (11
fession 4o
of Ethel
doubt, 4'
is a steal
: knowled,
i worth. 1
. —Tb0
sayvs, - ,
I ougbbrel
. I
BlIell 4-
Calmest 11 ,
-cow -aud
Forest, .1
I 4 .7
One .oif p
Since `8111
i them isol
two -to 0
-of Grey I
118,905, I
lectoes I
I JiBlourqC-1
i 1
$18,794. 11
. tied ovnev
: . wss i-exl
i 33,577 -, "N
I -
- 1 $3,763 ; I
I 4
farm, of I
just Wesi
. I
. for a yea
the 2113t -i
ton, has 11
%h and 1
son, Mr.).
-a Year.
I ri
.8syla : W,
L Aest%te A
; 11
Toma bai
Of A. ur il
I the raiq%_
10t.6;ad b
Berry, ,d;
-chased t
% i sea ger, f
I —The
4 -Barbou-r,
I March
I 10th ,cono
'week bef,
. pedt,et L
I -Cold it
. Pri,elainon
. atated.. --
, N
I P lary ch L
I , I
in Ili is -
Mktter (II C
'whomh4e I
. the lead-,".
I ,Grey, is I
I , lelteeltion
I Wbi&L,ol
abl,6 to 00.
13" u 11 6,
hislgood I
the 13alue
I str
I avy, -gu`(.
I .
i here this
. —4 Cal
: from 'God
ft]Lf,eg 40n:
- Pers were
. .krs
'fine Stan!,
bandl-i 'I
The borst
. stOck,azd;
I of the %e
9USOU jmaa]
to their CA