HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-03-21, Page 1Ica 14, 1S84. tho ob eot is: not- for ay. J. Rosa, of li ei r, d his second lectt,re lo a very large audience,. foun°ied, on his late, ad. The lecturer prine item Scotland and the, gave a very graphic and Int of his -trip.---John Donald Lamont, who old country, returned —W. G. }finds in, welt roan in this part, es agriculturists, is very rat preseut.—Mrs. Wim. e. John McCallum are Some affection of ,the, se the trouble in both siderable rowdyism. has. n in our streets after his is not as it should night in the cooler or a, costs might have ata the morals of sever._ might be rentioaed, LEcruuo.--•:fir. A, AL delivered his prom. :lie future of Canada les of the Young Z€Ten's a very good house, es- :e state of the weather Et was the largest au- listened to a lecture -in . moo it was built. The, his subject in an able nittect, more properly .'What the future of e, and how to make it anon and emigration." a national system of provincial one. Re. nigration that is not/ country, and he sug: migrant agents should the best to emigrate to if the lowet classes are we are destroyiug the oiintry. He also paid our forefathers, who, land: and crossed the hew out homes from far west for -yrs. It elogneut effort, and of the largeaudience last week the hand- tee i nd-ice of Mr. Thos. Jack cad a narrow esoape by fire. Seine green in the oven of the dry, and all the raem- hold being absent for rneury was anticipated. 36 for, same purpose in the eveuiug, Mr. latest- suffocated by a, and quickly making ae fourrd the kitchen wood in the oven hay= ;sited it, It was put damage had beendonee' good while before Mr, s got back to their UL, Y DS ANI FORTH, 4 1VED D AND- FOR SALE Fancy Prints, Cottons,_ ed Cottons, d Shirtings, and Fancy and Fancy Fancy Ducks,. .€Rands. 1S, C., Si C,. • SEVENTEENTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER 850. BY- LA -- O. 24, s 0' TOWN OF OF SEAFORTH,, FOR 1884. A By-law, to raise by wry of loan the sum of five ttiousaud dollars for the purposes hereinafter mentioned. WI/EiiEas, the Mnuieipal Council of the town of Seaforth, in the county of moon. have resolved to raisetby way of loan, the sum of five thoulaud dollars for the purpose of lending the same for -"Storm of teu years, without intere.t, to August •Gysbert VanEgmond, of the township of Tuekersmith in the county of Huron, Woollen Mauufactarere- to assist the said August Gysbert `Van - -Egmond. to purchase a lot within the Corporation of the town of Seaforth, in the county of Huron, and to build a Woollen Mill thereon, and to fist up the tame with the necessary machiuery. Awito raise the said money it will be necessary for the said Municipal Coen- sil to issue debentures for the said sum of five thousand dollars. And, whereas, it will require the sum of three hundred and ninety-eight dol - len, to be raised annually, by special rate for the payment of the said debt as hereinafter mentioned. And, whereas, it will require the sum of three hundred dollars,.. to be raised annually by special rate, for the pay- ment of the interest, as also herein- after -mentioned. And, whereas, the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Corporation, irrespective of any income itr the nature of tolls, interest, dividends, rents or fees from said property, and also irrespective of any income, to be derived from the temporary, investment of the sinking funds, or any part thereof, according to the last' revised Assess. meat Ro.1 of the said. Corporation, be- ing for the year, one thousand eight hundred and eighty three, is the sum of five hundred and thirty-six thousand two hundred and forty dollars. And, whereas, the existing debenture debt of the amid Corporation,, is as fel- lows : Three thousand dollars borrowed under the authority of by-law No. 46, of the said town of Seaforth, and iu- terest thereon at seven per cent per annum, payable half yearly from the first day of March 1884, and fifteen hundred dollars borrowed under by-law No. 100; of the said town of Seaforth, and interest thereon at seven per .cent per annum Ecom the fifteenth day of July 1883., Mud six thousand dollars boirowed uuder the authority of by law No. 3, A of the said town of Sea forth, and interest thereon at seveu per cent, per annum, payable half yearly, from the firat day of January 1884, and the slim of eleven thousand dollars borrowed funder the authority of by law No. 6, A for the town of Seaforth for 1880, and interest thereon from the fifteenth day of April 1884; at six per cent per annum sod there its nothing in arrear and un- paid either for principal or interest. And, whereas, it is nnade necessary to appoint the time and place for taking the votes of the duly qualified electors, and for appointing Deputy Retureing Officers, to take the votes of the said electors at the meeting. Be it therefore enacted by the Corporation of t1 a town of Seaforth, in the county -of Heron. - I.That it shall he lawful for the Mayor of the said. Corporation, to raise by way of loan from any person or persons,body or bodies corporate, who may be willing to advance the same upon the credit of the debentures !hereinafter mentioned, a sum of money not exceeding in the whole, the sum ,of five thousand dollars. II. That ii shall be lawful for the said Mayor to cause any numb.er.. of Debentures to be made for such sums. o f money as may be required, not less than oee hundred ddllars each, and not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of five thousand dollars and that the said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the said Corporation., and signed by the Mayor and Treasurer thereof. III.. That the said debentures shall bearinterest et the rate of six per centum per annum, froze the day mentioned for this by-law to take effect, which interest shell be pay able on the first days of February. and August in each year, at the office of the said Treasurer. IV. That the said debentures shall be made _payable in ten years at the furthest from the date hereinafter men- tioned for this by-law to take effect, at the office of the Treasurer of said Corporation, and shall have attached tothem, Coupons for the payment of iaterest. V. That for the purpose of forming a sinking fuud for the . payment of the said debentures, an equal annual sum of three hundred and ninety eight dollars, shat-, in addition to all other rates be raised, levied and collected' by special. rate upon all the rateable property in the said Corporation, during the con- tinuance of the said debentures, or any of them, and for . the purpose of paying the interest of the said deben- tures an equal annual sum of three hundred dollars, shall in addition to all other rates be raised, levied, and collected by special rate, upc;n all rateable property in the said Corporation during toe continttance of the said de benturee or any of them. I. Tliat, it shall be lawful for the said Mayor, to lend the said sum of five thoosaud dollars when raised, as aforesaid, to the said August Gy sbert 1'anEgmor,d, filer a term of ten years., without iutereet, and to take a mortgage to secure the said sem of five thousand- dollen, housand-dollars, payable at the expiration of ten years, from the first day of August, A.D. 1884, on the following lands and premises namely. Parts of lots ten in the first and ten in the second conces- aion Huron Road. Survey of the town ship of Tt:ckersmith, in the county of gnrou, commencing at the distance of seventy feet from the northwest angle of let ten in. the second concession on the westerly limit of said lot, thence easterly parallel with the northern .1. CH 21, 1884. boundaryof the lot, 50 erty, parallel with th of the lots, eighty -e westerly parallel wi limit of the lot, fifty the westerly limits of eight feet to ,the ,pia' together with the buil ed. thereon. Va. That this b effect, and corse into 1 first day of August-, A VIII. That the vot: of the said Mumnicipali on this 13y -law o fifteenth day of April, at the hour of nine o'c in f;, and frons thence hour of five o'clock in the following places : For the North, Cash's store - for ; the the Town Hall ; for t R. N. Brett's store; a Cash shall be the Officer for the 'North Elliott shall he the Officer for the South Stark shall be the t Officer fur the East W Be it also en,acted, the Consolidated Mu Section 297, - 1. That the Clerk cipal Corporation of forth shall, at• the o'clock, noon, on Thu teeuth'day of April, Town Hall, its the, sa forth, shall sum up th given for and ,against grant the requisite ruder. 2. That the Mayor cipality shall attend a in the said tows, eighth day of April, . hour e;f eight o'cloc,lt i the purpose of appoi attend at the vario aforesaid, and the fin the votes by the Q ler', behalf of persbus inter meting or opposing th By -Law reepectiveIy. e t thencE nort westerly In tuits g t feet ! then' the norther f et tbencie ale h Iota, eight; e of beinnin T f gs to by erect -1 w shall take ration on tl 1884. p f elec y, shall o taltoo Taeed% ,, !th 8 tb- 8 8 4, cow encir g ock in the morn- contin.ue till tie the afters oon, et tied, at Edward outh1 Ward, t Eerst Ward, ` t that ',Silvia 9 d aputy Retarni Ward ; ' iillia epIuty Re' carni ard, and arum °platy R:!levei r i u puree icpal A It, 188 f ",he Sal t, M be I Town : f Ike bio r of 'twel e isday, the seine 1884; at It d ▪ 'own g e f %ea►- n tuber f vetus h ByiL: w, and er ificatethere- !f he suit Mtrni- tl e Tow. Hall, n .Tuesd..y; !tie . 1884 at 'the the diet' ng,! f r ti persons o 8 polling Otto s summr. g up of respeeti ely, oin sted in a d pre - passage of this NO."% The above is a true posed By -Lo too be t. oration by the Manici Tema of Seaf r•th,; aft of one mouth from th publication of said 113y.- iowiug newspaper,' nal EXP •SIT• n, and tha first published on the of March, A. D. 188 - hour; clay and placles taking the votes of polls will be held. M. EL eo • y iuto of al ounci. ✓ t a ex. date of t a in t el, aid T•R ar heein fi he," els Icto 'I(pri s a.jr con pi of t e ire.tio •efir t ne o1'. El U , Tee o By.L w s enty-fiirat 'Jay Room on d tha at the .The 'tunnel Paul. That's wha it see such artio es as th Presbyterian,. cam- ari with the rig la • y leaving their oorer charge of mo e we: It Do they do tb's for th more souls ton hri's ? " we meat pro well as other wolf from the dreadful as al they not ret many of their men live on $ past a little, for migiaters and a manse over $800i in from the loo of the high What has th required to 11 is obtained ? to live ou bet Some say the than other m petted to .dre more to charit Think of it l as other I me them $409 mo pear in finer c more towards A man is no clothing than people appre minister they with shah y a expected o gi than be c n a a right to eco men. Ar th luxury and ea: souls ? Are t and be spent i Some of them not without g not actuated b the evil mould salaries held u Same of them the example .s even of that time, in regar not this wha "allure to bri way," are the dross of this w the spiritual at feeling that is 18 !' • ide f eopl: door. 1e; this wo 1 ve h'gl er.;' bear• 00, $ 50, ben he as to b which Is rder ;,o +, " But w : n to do - tit elucati on titer ! oe8 a' in use he. ha, list h,ti , hecau •: s better, v, etc •; th You pts receiye, : nl e. so that; th o bink taiga y rani ny xpecterd `: to a: call aff #d, te the iter w 11 -net aliew o.hin e to o d. orris: y not e for r 1 tt rra n the h pec and ions y E cougr Ole, of oint s }r fam 9 e their PI :L tui s ew ansterada s.e pastor sit take ations. inning they les as ep the ase so, , Do than o v . other $ 00, ns lay /limn+. salary ised o $750 equiv lent to eep t ija wolf arae ruminded they ossess. tete lien e requi au ed a l erg tiky ncl co cher hem t t c e a a v a t f h .. e The Ea t Willis Claire , Clint Preebetery of Euroir Pre lltb inst., the modera Turnbull, presiding. favorable Weather- Ian bylter on T or, Rev. w'ng to attendancawas smalle‘' than us The recordslof 'th seasiotis the bounds; for the pa 't year, w led for end examined. r he s to have -beetei on the tvli le, o and carefully keptt ' sessions, the cc:inmate oh the religion had not been a licit() pr report. Defaulting E w minded of their dray furni comnaittee with the rirmefali port. ed tion was held '11 s, tie) on Saturday, t to the call of lark. Strachan, Es not so large as a - owing to the S not knowing oi st of the bad stat esday J. A: order of busin annual addre he n - 4s, Ithe al. jectsbefore th and the part wit i4 ehould takeein er forlin #1 always be pro motive. The Thos. Stream then elected fro tate f dent ; Andrew E eir re- las chairmen of t ., we an vic hi i.ile9tli r i ardcherit Th, m nis 'aspen a wiliLhng to hes, lee 'f p no wil6n it( the 'tauter te o ; ut it is fen, re soneth t m he -e fecI'n s, a stl incr ase w for their iillu e c min g far 1 by he A ; ostle a Toady lin o o t is atter •+iu sterq Who er orl!ti i and 1 :e1va8 allured Id, the treat agnu ion :and t at the j resen t • oo ee the 15 he 1 airou! :Left: woirc:> lug Gf tbi$ town hall, 8 It EL ek ug tit the we ted by a tor nloc rna 0117 fol owin Tan es dg r, ie 1113 ny ay a Ca In jut ro en m de on th a fro th ir n th o al endue na on e Pe tYthi aki eir pr aie ye ret o th re id st Se W re next General Assembly we; appE inted : shine ; Grey— bite Taylor and oth the c • eom 1/11331 to the tee on a c - gr taping of true ring of tee on Si.bath Sche she letter were a and orderec to be ti ns representati Couveuer of the Sync) regretting th present en a onto. The tory to all pr Was ably stir Province the The follow un a,nimously will Moved by desires to ex r with and endor sued by the his oolleaga alienable rig exclusive cou and resieting ram table encr Government to,support th aro now 80 at to uphold th the Province Moved by ed by George begs to expre the manly co Edward Bla Majesty's Lo the granting sum of thirty eeason. or con jug to wrest rights and pr association, their able an With the p a very please a close. —A conpl Shame a far cession, of M binding pole some poison it and was p the juice of t 0 Sabbath Schools. ' Coy, were apPointe Hills Green, Blake, of these congregatioria not be effected. . Leave was granted t the Chilton cougregetir present buil:cling, the 1 stands_and the lots adj property. It was agreed to hold a pe ial Synod in Seaforth, nex Mont Visit Be 'fie rde tte th as ees th hieh Ministers' &aeries, it w give the subject a Mier This could be clone by the public the (1°1111110S circulated paper. W It the latterdoee net a pea before him, and the fail y received, be goat 'on i e his to go into the protessi I. te study law or raedi me a else ; then Why: covet 6 18/ the lawyer 7I la ie As ese .1038 ef OS meet - mg of nd te int n ere t ab ell ti ati 113 0 ell id ist e er up 0 does to he su -ely to , wh 'otee hi ryi nkstrioklo - But to come back t what are milniateta [09 money ? Dcinlare . I/ kin von du to th kepti he A 1.1 ayl s it eel f he er ist n he T RD 86 e poli e Mow ning vince W local and the incial ge ert pri kin ly vil Hood, he 18 R8S0 vi eges, an hat tv mount kation .more ation ? salary Ore ex- ribute e same n give ay ap. d -give finer if the of a to go man more ✓ has other forego •isbiug' spend rvice ? d, and y are that o large meet. ort of aul, or ✓ own andis hould d the y the use of ub of • .13. pouse ornas was eutrituiLs h 'clout's before , aud onest Were Presa town- ataxy- lected cipali- orrie Hul- Able Hood, and orthy ouse, to be itisface 4at he of our y good ended iation action y par- t and Et in- to the stwar- elderal ' they eking es of eeond- Oation al of II Her posing ithout for etivor- ern in me the nth bus hand. s ow in cutane i mediately se e ded his life fo is of the ✓ ch. The de Mr. "David G elph,and was w knew him. el to te c fa ar eyntptonit in an fe otwi last est te eased tirteiti highl egan to. nerene uding the ef- hysicians within wals a brother of , postmaster of respected by all auge has bee factory are —South Du ntemplation —A farm of ar St. Thom sold file 45,750. yes at the Ilali fries ou cil ha but. • iron Mr. Fox, of Windaeri hag g t far frora the town. Samples of Aphis I re/ the ew pin tory of Cane, GO-urle & Ce., alt, now in the Market. Chief A. G. Smit h a been nomi- n ted to eucceed 0,60 te Chief Johnson as Government ntertnteter for he Six Mr. Justice Rose, lin !hitt ad tees to t Grand Jury ii,t the Renfrew Issizes. In Elgin co nty, fruit tree , espec- ie ured by the sleet freezing to the A peal of three hells,' costin about $8 0, will be preseiatiedi to St. Pdary's b ls will be 300 70d and 1,000 pounds. rn Ex - ax cot- e it in ridge in rence, Id for yea for f wood ch Anne Bosto , the )ble, of 'London so el 80 se fo do Cll Other of to i hang e Other used the longing von eggs. TI 6 mot, or hen tenders for 1,000, 00", to be LO13don. Stippose to he shove, 625 for ibe; hest collie for the best pointer. ! A $5 is promised I y the Toronto gt ad One night Neely k (mar helot 131 nbeiin, brok loose in the stable, and T ey were Loud dead in th stable Theee are deveute five intn tee at th Elgin County 11=se of Iudustry, Ifi an a lerge number Of them ar sick. M e. Marian Sntith int cid him te died th other day, aged 5 years. She was The Shelbukne town: &their have a reat idea of the fitheas of things. th y charge $3 a nighe for the to u hall fo a 'deuce aud want $8 e night or the se vices. I p() ed about half! the petty were uot. so fottunate. ' They all; lapPeared to be ile returning from ,wierk at th Hena- n rolling milhe-wasilittooked b, three a and struck Ion the head -Ali' a ne. An artery wag Out and h bled Mrs. Susannah ENAD8 Peck, k,the talented temp raece leo present on al, lect eing tour t Province. She adressed eting in Knox' chnecheAyr, th niug, giving the bast of satis eh heaters. : by the eleven herself ight in insane o Mrs, ht out s from as but t as ontleal drawn for the onasteet ,,roti to og and silver n club. ging to w. t sto ne Yo at eV to tie an va at the deoe, Said Wes nleatiel marelegl from mud, When t.. ion Attny drain wakened the forefoot du his mitstel'e!foet, inju The Agricuttural and Arts eel me, to prohibit importatio cattle, sheep and pi s ipto th mi ion of Canada mit tieh tim foo and mouth disea is a,ba Gr at Britain wept the nited St The other oigh on York wa attacked and robbedlof $17 wa ch. Not long afte wards thr ba ly worted in the e donates a ine men e' to scaoprtey.n ployed lid T4nilt Ratlway ops ern had been Wit thelcompany for staff its still oily einplisyed 41 days in e week. r living o the 9t cow- hide' hi e cut 'lig a which contact f 'New reugh large other action horse g the choes terri- ing it ed H. Agri. s of Do - as the treet, and a 6 men being a glad a the raiat- Some of of t the bot wa ter 2nd tha Last Friday niglai tiael experiment ossing two trains Orli the same track tried again on the Toronto e Grand Trunk and the resu smashirg up of a number of c trains. The scene 'of the co within a few hun , The engineer a they could net pr di, yards ie of J ren oh t was rs on lision of the nary eeittag ision juhaped for their lives. bie ground was hard; frozen and the engineer re and body: The fireman eshaped with broken nose and bruised shoulders. —Mr. F. R. Lingham, of Bellevillei the cattle king, has a Durham bull calfli three weeks old, which he was offered] $500 for, if he would keep it till si months aud then send it to Chicago Desiring to retain the animal here, Mr Lingham refused the offer, and sold th calf to Mr. Way, of Tburlow, for 6100. —Mr. W. A. Macdonald, formerl hook -keeper for Messrs. Macdonald Macpherson & Co., of Stratford, wh ha for the last couple of years been att te ding the Agric,ultural College at ch rge of the Farmers' Adyoeate.' Mr Mitcdona.ild was formerly on the Gleb in the A Bruce, w _London a mentally him in th Financial Caroonaotte of the old settlere rau Lake sectidn, county (4 s last week conveyed to the ylnm. He has ,been ailing for some time, and placing e asylum was a necessity. Hid ve hope of ultimtte recoverya troubles are cr, dited with! being the cense of his derangement. has prese ted to the apostolic delegate at Montr al, a petition signed by 100 priests and 500 laymen of this Province Galling for an official enquiry into the religious difficulties existing in thisl Province. Hig Excellency promised td take the °titian into consideration. ' —An nknowu man suicided on Thursday last week, at Longwood eta) tion, near Glencoe, by throwing himsel in front o a train. Several people a the stati noticed the excited ceeditio of the Man, but never fancied for a mo ment he intended perpetr ting such horrible Eta. Death was i stantaneou and the body was fearfu ly mangled i —Ur. udrew Allan, o the Allan Stearoshi Company, who is now in Ottawa, i reported as sa ing that al large falling off may be ex ected in till emigratio from the Britis Isles to the Canadian Northwest this- ear in con -I sequence f the disturbed condition of that con try, and reports making it certain that the Governmeia Vs tailway and land monopoly policy will he ad -I hered to. —A wealthy farmer named Thomas Goddard, of Sutton, was murdered one day last Week, at St. Ceseire, Quebec, where he had gone to buy la farm., The body Was found in an open field, with the head plit open. Fifteen hundred ;. dollars vt s fouitd. in his room at the hotel, andiit is supposed $600 was taken , from Lis Dockets. No clue to the mur deter is reported. , 1 --The 'rand Trunk and!Canada Pa cific Rail ad Companies bete arranged their diff Irences. The latter abandone the proje t to extend the Credit, Valley1 weetwar to St. Clair river. All terri- toay wes f St. Thomas is to be left to the Grau, Trunk, which will abandon the effort ) get a ehare in the control of the 'allender and Gravenhurs1 branch. The decrease in the Grand Trunk compare with the coreesp riding week last year The falling off i attributed by railw authorities to th stagnation iu local rumerce, owing td the partial failure in he last harvest. ' There was a decree e of 65,000 in the receipts o the Can da Pacific railway, which i i attribute to the suow blockade. —In a :ermon delivered at Belleville recently, It ishop ilarman expressed his belief t t the Salvation iermy iii its present f m could not last He spoke of ' the cerement with espect, but t that it lacked One of the 1 al principles of the church, ' lato teach their eople, they oung man, Edward McDon- as sent from Toronto to the enitentiary for Weeny, died nstitution Friday last. Mo- ils convicted with another boy ,gers of baying attacked a y, stealing her aatchel and He received his sentence two his two brothers had been e Humber railway accident. e meeting of representatives pointed fandanie via, inst would evie ald, Who Kit:sten in that Do eld n anted young la con tents. el befo kil ed at fro diffetent Protestant congregations in ttaw was held. the other night in th City Aseociati cided to pees such the bette in this cur ions On brate b. anti 834 t 3,in 1 t 120,093. Toroeto has not simply lamed in wealth and 'population, has veloped as an intellectual, re. is now the acknowledged anada in thought, in edu- in literature. prisoners confined in Sand- er the Harrow' post -office ected their escape last San- g, after shooting the gaoler eating the turnkey fatally. ttle. Kennedy was suttee- h fie. The excitement in the ery great as the murdered s well known and much re. 1 cel tie In 9,2 ed pTO but cen leaeer of cation; an —The t all, when a Sabbath defence Was organized. It was de - memorialize Patna/emit to nactments as slain. eecure bservance of theLord's day minion by prohibiting the , steamboat and railway ex- ursday last week, Toronto its semi.centenvial, the fif- ersary of its incorporation. population of Toronto was 84 the populatIonis estimat- wic bur da gaol lazy morn dead, and with a quently who is sa still at la town is gaoler wa —The death of membere Mre. Lind Robert Li church, A last, at R vived her She was land, on in 1833, and lived n the parish of of DOIE church for 14 years. M sTse4libeuarrign, unaelar:Eeedmongbuoright,bSecotTlaenmd., ta , o, (then Canada 'mesa) where in the un il 1$43, when they removed to On - pe ancd Colonizstion Society (limited) wat held at the Company's office, Tor- onto, on Wednesday, the 12th inst. A lae e number of the Stockholders were pre ent. The Directers in their annual rep rt say that the condition of affairs in he , colony is satisfactory. A. good nu bar of settlers were placed on the larels hist season, and the prospect is fay) rabic for a very large settlement the co ing summer. The other day in St. Thomas, a ma named Reid,1who had been. begging on he !streets and! was in a filthy condi- tio of squalor end dirt, was taken to the' pocir house, and ou being stripped gol and silver coins to the amount of $220 were found tied up in old rags con- ceal ed about his body. There Were up • ard'of 1,500 ten cetet pieces among the hoerd, and much of the money was cov red with mould. A pleasant family gathering took pla e at the residence of Mr. John Baia ted , postmaster of Burlington, near Ha is iltion, to celebrate the golden wed - din . of Mr. and Mrs. Bastedo. The h4py pouple received many handsome pre ants, accompanied by the hearty goo wishes of their Mends. Among tho e present were three who attended the, wedding 50 years ego. Mrs. Joseph Roffers; of Toronto, who officiated as briaesreaid, was aisiong the guests. -I-Jetties HeathJ of Toronto, a promi- nent member of Dr. Wild's congrega- tion, llut8 created a scandal. Every Wednesday even.* a prayer. meeting is held in Heath's house, one of the regu- lar ' tteud.auts being the wife oVanother pre inept meniber. One evening late- fla rante delicto b her husband, who ly eath and the atter were caught in gav Heath* three days to leave the city. Heigh ' and his own wife accordingly cleared out for the States, and their property will be sold next week. —About eighteen months ago Mrs. rna y in search of her son Henry Enner- ma n, who had left home two years Were and settled somewhere in the to.4na the boy, and at last ascertained that after leaving the Home in Hamil- ton be had been apprenticed to a farmer, 'bilit not liking tbe hard usage -he got ran tha a eopy of the pap r in which the ai away, to oue knew, w ere. The.Spec- NV+ mall's story and a description of .the lad. The other day the woman and her son were in Ha ilton. They say cri er in Lonisvil e, entucky, -who at 11C knew the e me and description atit4itieg college in that city. He howledl the paragraph o young Eimer. in °route. udiiiafter some seerch timid his mother Between five and six years ago a --ii ton g man was erre ted iu London attics. Althoue,h t is said his employ - et ;the circurnsta ces were such that he young man ha to uffer the eenalty f the law, and is s nteece was five otedly attached th hi young wife,and he Bepp,ration was pro ounced by many t the time a cruel one. After being a limit time in Kingst n, the husband revelled on bis wife t visit him,which be id but she would not accept his rot st Mons of ionectince, and some itt r Words passe,d between them. In he centime the Young man behaved im elf, so well th t hie term was short- im age, he arrive in his native town - hip looking for his wife. But it ppear a the place that knew him once 81101 had been the change in the neigh - mho* knew hirn no more, nor could nyilone give him, intelligence of hia ifet After a season of unavailing eareh the wandeSr arrived in London ast, and applied to Mr. Channeey semis, the barrister, who conceived. the dee, of putting bailiff Seott on the track. cott after many dayst was successful, ed. informed the hoaband that his ife was married to, another man. The eight en the. devoted bead of the wan- erer, who on hearingi the news from Le bai4ff, staggered to a seat in the : ffic , tied putting bilis hand over his f re eaq, wept titterly. The kind Lear ed bailiff now undertook to open rego Ations with the woman, but she tern a sn unfeeling ear to all advances, told he bailiff she was in comfortable c rc msfances, and did not wish to be i te ered with. SI yr Recorder publishes the lady who will be well ra- by many of 'our readers. ay, widow of the late Rev. dsay, first minister of Knox r, died on the 26th January ttsband nearly thiirty years. ern near Londpfiderry, Ire- ovember 7th, 1798. Married AO Pert Iteras. P*th Teachers Association is to eetF in Stratford o the 9th and 10th of — 'hely have a dancing master in itc iell who is no credit to the profes- on. So the local press saya.I il'e nd ct divine wo ship in the Fuller - church every i Sabbath i i33°r.P. jaisintes Dongherty, of Mitchell, I nor 1 ented Mr. A. Forrester's farm on yoting cattle now to etock it! with, cc ssfplly the cheese faktory at Ful- rto village for" maity years, has re: ; "Oidet:ftSertruaotofnorlda.tely some twenty of 1 e well-wishers I of Mr. a. Fran- 1 d rt ood supper, the I leaning in con- I ✓ reading. Mr. 8, Mo iEAN BROS., P ubiis her$. ttil.50 a Year, in Adv ll ee, Francis has been for some times° afflict- ed by eciatica as to be unable to attend to his out -door duties, and though far from well yet, he is much better than - Jamea Smith, of Thallarton, recently purchased from Mr. Taylor, of Guelph township, a Shorthorn bull, fer which he paid the handsome sum of 4200. — A Trowbridge raerchan t, Mr. Charles Cesens, while in Listowel the other day was thrown from his eleigh end had his collar bone broken. —The Presbyterians of Listowel, have subscribed about $220 to the En- dowment Fund of Knox college. Elma centre church gives 5200. —Mr. Wm. Buckingham has return- ed from Manitoba to Stratfoid, and has again accepted of the mane:gement of the Biitish Mortgage Loan Company. —Mr. james Dow has purchased the property on Main street, Mitchell, frOm Mr. John Wessman, for the. sum of $2,000, being 5500 less than he sold it for a few years ago. —At the sale of the Matheson proper- ty in Mitchell last week only one pareel was sold. That was a corner lot -on Main street, which was bought by Mr. —Rev. Geo. Chrt ea'', formerly pastor at West Flamboro, Wentworth contety, has been called to Avoeton, in this county. The stipend is $1,000 with faee manse and glebe, and four weeks helie days each year. e -Mr. E. G. Freeman, a clever young student of Knox &liege. freneNorth Easthope, lately won the first prize for public speaking in the roetaphysical end literary society in connection withlinox The two rinks of St. Marys curlers wife carried off the silver tankard from all corners et the provincial contest in Toronto last week, were badly Iseaten by the " home guard" -when th-ey came backetfter their victory. —Mr. John Nelson., of North East - hope, having disposed of his farm te Mr. Wm. Rennie, rsmoved to Wallace. to farm on a large scale. 'He has bought the McDermott farM of 300 acres within two miles. of Palinerston. —The Salvation Army wants to locate a wing in Mitchell, but the' people of that town think the revival ,serviees goieg on at present in -all the ehurches thole, quite sufficient to reach the most hardened sinner as well as the most amiable society butterfl . --The provisional co vention of min- isters and laymen (if th Canada Metho- dist, Primitive Metho, let, Episcopal Methodist and Bible Chtietian thurches, in the Stratford district of ihe Canada Methodist church, met in the, Central Methodist church, Stratford, en Tues- day, the llth iDBt. was driving his handsome blood stal- lion along the street the other day a dog ran barking and snapping at him, causing the animal to kick and break the shafts. Mr. Clark managed to hold his horse from getting away, but not till be had been dragged quite a distance and badly bruised. —The attendauee at the M arch cattle fair in Listoe el was uitueually large. The quantity of stock effered for sele was =Iv lirnited, pet More than exact hundred head. Most of the cattle were in good condition, and 0116 or two car- loads were purchased at from 3 to 4i cents per M. Mr. Thos. JoneS, of ogan, was the priucipal hotter. —The Mission Sabbath school in St. Marys, under the energetic Management of Miss Moscrip, held a social aedmagio iug. The benevolent and indefatigable labors of Miss Moscrip for tbe physiCal and moral welfare of the poor of the town is beyend all praise, and will only be rewarded when she bears the " done " of the Master. —Mrs. Ann Porteous bad a package of money containing 61 600 stolen nem the Safe in Mr. J. B. Myers' grocery, Stratford, where the money had beim placed for safe keeping notil bankieg hours next day. The mouey had been placed in the safe shortly before Six o'clock, and at seven it was naiesing. !A detective has been set to woek on the case. —Last Saturday morning in Strat- ford, while a boy named Waugh Was searching -for a leak in the gas pipe in the Liberal chib room -with lighted match the meter exploded, setiiing fire to the building and breaking all the windows. Waugh was bloWn some dis- tance by the force of the explosion, but escaped with the loss of his hair and ' a few cuts about the face. The fire was speedily extinguished. LOB8 about 450. —Mr. Andrew Waddell shippel from Shakespeare the ether day, for Buffalo 21 head of fine cattle, the product of North Easthope. Some idea of Mr. Weddell's bueiness may be gleaned 'rota the fact that laat year he paid over ten thonsand dollars in duties, for which he was ' recouped with interest by th American consumers, About the firs of May he will have his amine]. show o fat . cattle. Over 100 head are already purehased for delivery est that time and destined for the English maeket. - —In the Methodist -church St Marys, on Sunday evening, the Rev. Mr. Hen- derson delivered an able diecourse on the subject of dancing. The reverend gentleman reroarked that whilst the modern pleasure thence was contrary to the discipliee of the Methodiet chard], it had. also been denounced by the heads of other churches. Tbe /tumor- ous arguments in favor of dancing. both from a healthful 'and a moral etand- point, were contended with by the preacher, who made good his objectives staeces were quoted. by the reverend gentleman in which many evils had emanated from the inflaences of the dance room, which was the resort of many to drown religions convictions. The sermon was ehiefly for the younger portion of the congregation, and was listened to with marked attention. ng,and th wo pkrtaking of a, 0/Ant a pleasant tion, singing and •