HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-03-07, Page 7IN AT LAST
R 114 A 1L., T-4 SRI
"'I'ller the
itow hta
-, on, the 0"
;_03 I elori 1
'ion of 1-ital Inulortance.
Reductiqu systera
ra nGw la full-
P1,q from S-"5 to $1.50
,e than. the Flour
the Old Process,
a Specialtv-
in all, cases get th
Uil,. aritl by our new sys.
�g r whiter. richer
Idaur ky f ar than the.
'irto been ahle to get.
�er!13 is no hum bag or ex.
� adopting the Gradual
im, our new System "
Ireliahle. R has. been,
-�d,aud pr-oved a, gre4%
Germany, Fra . nee
ited kq-tatea.
Flout Previous ta our
�,a at a heavy cost, aI
etter Flour uaw%
*ient to pruve oar I
for this class of WOtk
and customers iI. -de
their anoppitig, lone, �t
wd try' our f amous, nqw
orts and Feed deAV.
of Settfortli, Hewpqr
1.1 e fre e Of c h a rlf a
Mills at E-ginou."
fall operation,
Ye U_
e, our stock- of
made especially for
h&v.e gre%tly im-provea
or this seasuu, Etna fee.
"'Ig that it is the best in
ftVY . rialunit) 11 huht and,.
t7 lz�
hard- iron, aud will last
,14 other =Kchiue ma-ad04
lur reauttina 1
gua,rantee s!ttisfactiou.
on given to repairing
gmv mid. Grist Mills,
ret. Threshing Machines, 11
mazhint-ry repildred on
d at reasvnable, rates..,
and - others, - Bridge I
,.in s at ltyive,4 ra6k
'd on &Pplic&tion,
at for the implenaeatEt
Hamilton. Afaill-ine
Ai5tly an hand.
I havin�- been appointed Agent
g the lives Gf all the citizens.
ndijag. c
ountzy, so 54. to_
ovittion, f ur falmi.lies and frion
hiais unjoabtedly the, best
doingbuuine�,s it Causidsst
-the D-1fl- G'obe or Mail of
y zesisonable,maIt, of,
Agrant, Seaforth.
Loan on. Farm or Town
fst terms Of p-Lyment and at
galeave to. thank h1anumervit
iiberadpatrQgage extendedta
ang busfiAess in Sexforth,and
e f&vorea with & crontinuancle.
tobuildwonliddo,wellto, gilt
oontinue to keep an'4ant! 6
nd a �,f
74bV, &'�.aAes. Doarst
&f g, 4 viug4rtisfactiontot jolt
withthi irp%tron&ge-,XsnOA#
.ell 4) Of,ar Out my,,.
61"r F�crnilmrc -regard-
T, it will p&Y them, to War,
_trc 1�nrelxaFing elsewhere.
i�t it, tho4o pzying oash,
Mrdud couples.
rirt highly daii;hed alialro. for
4urtowlwu'a Spring Bedj,
t im tLe market; warramUd.,
ly opposite M. R_Zonnteell-
toxe,21&izi Street*; .4
;bk$ns, fura and tallow. MI
sh for everything.
MARCH 1884.
the fa k Railway, F, S �ANI Change of 'Rusiness.
many a pain ov: r tl e eyes, and, freqr ez op- liqgie ly
Items.. fatalshaft'l keeping 16urse I tly st sli3ggis �eri;tptla s 0 4rand Trun'
e Train 8
pear, t 96th ji, with all 1the otber'l signs leave Sonforth and Clinton station $ 1jFW.ARD.dtrayod from the, Promises
a" CYing of welt forbiled with lure. blood a d Ped my wriiii ing on acb&nt 01! � izziness. 1 .1
Thousands of people auc�� of eith r temiloraiI d�- constit�tiotial fDllowjs: of the subrerifter it�out tbel5th 'of Novem-
ourish d .'�-Civil Bet. The -h,egm iamytiIroat.gave ne 13
properly ir p e p ODING No, bar lat, b, five steers on three or four ye
fOVer in tile -South ebilit v. 'remcl, i �Vlli F30 quickly' lExpref 8 ......... ;-1:60 P. M. 2:80 P, 9
vice Gazette.-Ivlad� Simply with 01- adnoyai ice, flpecially i oom ny, balle.., d L. 9 'hey were he rd c I about two weeks ago on
Queen and Princess Beatrice Ybeleks, strength, to ON
dow reston color to thq o .......... 8:68 P.U. 9:15 P� 'OPI
-Th ing water or mil, , S.Ad only in, Pace a 8 of, which wouldoodasibnall3 t 11 energy to the limbs� briDg Mixo n..... the9th COD00 Si011 Of MeX')' gOtrg towards
Is Windsor.Castle for Germanyl seldom the muscles, RGIOLAR SAW,
will 1e&V and Tine (I lb� an I -.1b.). by gro(eills, irito -my fliroat, could a DINO AHT— SZ"ORTIX� CLINTOI ti -e town Line of 1101 le+t. Plitt, if not lk11 Of SIGN -OF THE Cl
�tite Odd make a healtlay - itli T (n I he platie or nimp.
April 21ad or.3rd labelled- I I Jkm� s I PEI 00.4 HOT le - bjt�eathbthroug�my�ncoe. Ilisvetaken' back the appE L I ExproE 8 .......... 6:46A M, 6:27 A. rittd. w
n as phosph,� iW3,.wjaich is, not a re light colored and some dark,
oi: -Two a petsons left Jamaica 831-42 quarts (Of various mOdi(jDes without any, W01I Exprof 8 Traln.....1:50 P. M. 12.5& P d: someof thein a
0 En -eri-ption of them,
n the Pft�llic Chez�i:sts, L( d ni 9. 46 P. 11. 4:00 F. 4. but cai inob give a c6r) 6- 4 aer RTH. i
ry to a. food. 7ot sale b 11 Mixed or obtaiu. work -0 apparent banefi.t,u0tiJw9E nduced medicine, bu y ut of a li)b 4t 130 hlI Any person .,9EAFO
asill lead to the;r TC -
a bt, to try.. druggists. -718.62 ivirg such informittio
FS-nalia Dan, 1raps. by your agent: of 69 au �er Btl P n hy
bond -holders at Paris I Loiadon, Huron and Bruce receive (ho ubove reivard, T110'A1Aq
I eovery Wi I
-Suez C, ur Fountain of He Ith. ier using - -_ _t 14th 1888,
0 ac.3ept t -be -agreement made Neglected oolds. i re the fatal t a a YO C31114
W. Gollm golaTIK— Expregs. Mai GOVE qKOCK, I. Decoubef
epa4td to e it as
refuse t am pr G.1 W Iil�gay, 837
ith the Britislisbip- that ensn' five hot es A. m. r. DISSOLUTION OF
are many victim beyond jpos
I)e LessePI3 W )a a for i if cure of xvoiI writes "My wife
by iay honest opinion t Parkd�le, To' LorI deparo ......... ...... 7 47 4 2)
sibility of rescue, keA ooldi o
r c0u
o.WnerI3 catarrh it A a grailid ucce have attacks of tor3 ........................ 8 56 5 8
-iengers.eight of them in -time und it is a 'ily o6u4uercert t la ad sleveral [ very severe
y riends, 9 13 b 5
ecominen Cr&M tho StOtnjaO r p a .... .... 9 6 . The unaersigntpd berOby tAve b *ing Hensa� .................. .... 9 13 )5
d 3d. it to �a ai iy Of 3 f Heft of . .
were'killed qY the ex. that rj&fe an' a, pie tsa vegotalD4 rem' d , Ki ............ .. 17
aropeant who encl Fie i h j atine aTia IES
being Unina from Hagy Bruce old ......... I .. .. ...... 9 �16 6
o e nial Dr. Pluntin's g � Is her two canto .............. .... 9 Ih
0.1,d's Pfttora 3&1Fftm. As that he co-partneribip ' eri�tofolI4
135101V of a stea-mer ru - 1 48 6
bronchitisand iul�onary ccmpfi�iiI with mine. pleasa"ntness to tab DIV
to Loll(I'loro ............ ...... 10 07 6
wtibivou IIe I sue 6E 181 d he ha not bad an attack n
vited' by nerally spoi a. its heal n bottle4, an a isting between tbem, in th0 To'
- i yieldt I g illfl i . I
_rjuglt4LjTj iLj gaid, to be ii ge .1 am rat afully YD'urs, e �healtl is much improved. Blyth .............. .. ...... . 10 16 6
SiDl3e,find h r� ....... :30 31 L's un-
-in building a citlatil from Once. 774-65.2,W. -beigrave .............. 7 Seifrth, as Hardware Xer�ba. V
tIlOWN, For sik1le by all druva Its. 770.52.789 Wingb am, arrive ........ .... 7
jtUl3sj,.a to join 081' PIE der the name and aLtylef W
m.. Rbbe
the sea in Tartary, tothe f ron I -N rt -
of A r Book-keeper, 25 Sherb )nrne slireet, GOING OUTR— Mail. r
i Yned will
of 1-0 Fact Straja el, Lan Fictio: I. A.M. P. - PIG' FOR SERV1CF_,rhe undersig
798 IToronto. itb, a 8011 CO., Was dit y niutual
is a I ao Ho- 3 0 1* 1 have uReq! Dr. lljcr�pemoff's Rnssian win 'amd- .... 7 35 2 7 k,,ep on lot 8,1con6ess'on 2, Tueltergm
opart ..........
-An t placaras. aslKing the peo It, tlia; Alonz. v 3 (9 7:1684.
lAelAr*e .............. Tlioro)trt-bred suffOlk Boar. This is 9, superior Consent On the 1 t Of Jar!'nau,
pie how 141719 thev Witt let the monirch Tweed, bad ' f er I ore that alE 3tod I th�8 S_(�aSOIL Corn. and W&rt Bradicator, and, can I
a 8 06 849 animalt'and Trom! good stock. Terim;--Onn
places in 11 -recom men d i � as doi n all � i t professes. ............. .. 8 14 8 1 All debts clue the brm �ie to, be pidd. to
�.fi ottl Is Of 6i on I b 1IN D1.1laT, payable a' flie tinie of f ervice wi-b tbc,
vebeen Posted in many him for thirt 8 yf rs. Ix shoulh: be ii ottle of f e Oro ............ .... Rai,
live, ha him, w jin: oi the year there One bottle is!rwortl Nut of any other 1 Ciito 8 41( privil(Ke of retnrnlug if. necesiziary. �LOB11111 Wi"Son, W110 1�1,00. Burdock Blood i tt, �-j s cured ,h e, 3 onequall-.
Pect.ori� in Pery hous$� It My oiI are m ................ .. ....
toot for the holdi'19 he considers almoEt a iniracle.. It was corn 'our issing. Bruc- ield .................. e. 8 69 41-1 Kipl en.] e.43 ounts
-A saheme is a e. thorizod to receive and r,leceipt
I ed for Coug Co I d a d Hc ir aen esg, is Rippot ............ .. .... .... 918 41
ti(,Tial industrial corigress, with but the natural r&�flt of th reinedy 1 P Yhes, Stratford. ...................... 9 18 416 C
Of leasant, leq u Uy oa e f ebil i van. price (Sigued,) F. B -son ol
ain en-nnection tberewithi restoring put t seer Sold y Lumo.den Dru�lgists, 1 FxatP4 ....................... 9 28 4110 -A B 7,11KSHYRE 1 PIG. -The undersigned -will due the firm of Wm. R 7bLrt
osition Is bj'oo Lnd perfe 6_1 pi
i 25 cents I dro ,ist 10 80 510
.an ex -p g ee �dwiogtbep�er;erlt semon at his bo!( -1
Seafolth. 8&U26 Londop, arrivo ........ ........ a Tlji:;
auring the cou ing summer. tion. 774.65.2w. in VARNA, a Tho�oujiI Berkshire Pig. in Chic 9,
reportpd in var pig was bred by 0. Simmons, Of Lobo,' and is
Grey and BrI L 0 both sides. H
ere gales are gtoT fq -Bev 4 11 om ' mported atoo� e is seven
Its of Yagland, sni have caused 0StJ1jV ry J,. WE t h6re
lous par avo -v�e I
ontAs old find is bne A the pur'est brod pigs
A _F ri e1q r ere. lomel. otbEr' mineral can IGOING IKORTII— Ace. ssIn St. GeoiI Chan: colitains c4l Writi g from Wi ipe , says ie ouuty. Tornis-$1, PtY-
ev rc
Wherever intiodi ded Lrd'S D or b Ought into t�
wave in the River Mer- Yel- compounds Dr. Curson"13 'Stom�ch N t1a an P. M. N. Seaforth, Jan. 1, say in a abont Ph piiatilae Doi able at the time of;s&ry o,-, with the privilrzp of
nal larae tida n d tt ..............
low Oil find$ ri is: 43 old reli- Etbel ...... r 2 2 8 41
o, ateayfters to ground. Bi ersispnelyyeget l;lle a a, takes the A� I, i 55 yeturt ing if ncces-4r. coox, Nrarna. when I saw _You I& Torouto' My I B 289
Id lem ly fox extarnal and
say tw 1*11 V d I ......
-kfo�thevaoant al"Obo�usebo In large be&1tlL is Inla0h irX I . i ....... a ....... 2 62 10 12
't'On at Cai place of ll other I ir. ved'
Lches, pa�ilaal, lame- '10 23
-The Meci internal UFO; in 16IJ 8 *26 rar aches,' WinR air .... .. .......... 8 05 AR FOR
ns resulted'in the re- buttles:at 50 cents. free hombeadacheE r&n�oth RO UGHBRED BERKSHIRE P
seat in tj-, P C, Irn M 0 GOING E OUTH— Exp. Acd. THO wi - eep I CARD OF TPADlKs
Dess alad Bkreresw& the fle8li. -.A. L. 'having used only Uno 4nd a half bottles -Ithf-uneeipigned .1 L or
Deasy, NIltionalist, who re- A. 1A. k. 31'.
GeeU, & PTOII at dr aggivt of tblle, ille, all Fervice duri6g the present si-ftso, On his Prem-
-Mr. n e ofectl ured-� by Wingbarn .......... ... 48
ceivea , 1,50 votes, against 1,153'fo Of yotAr Phospbatii j3. j For sale isea, i,)t S, coneession 12, Mellllo-po a Tboiough
says i& avoriteffiere. andi i its, e at the
.a grek, f ug� !0. 52;. 7, w� Bluev ae .................. 5,58
Gonlding� the Conservative. I Li ndE Wh ff 2,1,1883. drugg tits. 71 - b -,ed Berksbire Bo&r. Terms -'$1, pllyabl Rferring to the abovo we fali4e this
has ft. R004 sale. I . . . I - I . .
ruse 8 ....
-i editer of the Free 4, 40� time f service -with the pivileg of icturningif
Col; -to
ye Ethel ..... 6 25 a m
_F,)o,ts, tilt i, Ethel ......... 866 r
I I Messs. CA urchil t N 6W 110D ARD McKEE. opportunity of tbanhin� ou� cus erg
eted his vear's 11111
Tliiiaker, hai comp hava be' en af licted it sal, b i deum for
erally� forl
A Dou Bene -A nd the public gqn the liberal
ee YOM 1 re Pj�Tho undersigned will
onage wl�jch we b at
nm�-nt for baFtphemy. Bradlaugla, and lave been Th ��hereisareli&We medyforkid
�j the p4st br I
0 James Moore a pr ininentle A 2 por) qvinpathizers, met him at siaeut of! all patr
pr treated ly cme of tl 31, beEt octors in uey 6, half , he! terTors attached re -son,
with Ou JAMES' HOTE kee orFe vice �Uring e i e. e
a Thoroiwbbred an4 trusb
the gate of the prison. Leamington, wAt 14 that he cAred b.im-!
Eastern OnArio -- il iont atq lasting to these -complaint 4 b4ve been removed, on lol 24, concessiol their hands for over 20 eals,
hire ig. 'elitls-One dollar with the
self of a year'p dd raM6 a by,
-Thirtv thousand casps of dyspeprs 0 tba kfal, and to Dr. B e r,
beuefit. lwttBr6c(mi��endfiil'.byMr...C.* Forthislettillbfi. TORONTO. -1 me pleasant giplalions Ivill, be
irivilxge of returnlug if necessary. WILLI.11 that the Sa
I-,U,nt in the American Rhip one bottle' of B_ r,�lock Dlod.(I-Bitters,l ney Cure award 884
ry Foun- Van Buren's a wife'l wb
were ire,' at Cacutta a and two bottles en A I bi, 0 had J. Linfthy, of Kars el for having tbus re- HABKI K. contin-na to tbie firm of eid,& �kikoi�
Aurora bottles all praise I I
few days asm, and the shippino in the been for yeIiirs-a su rr from -the I lame 11 11-IG.-:Tbe uuderr-igned wilikeep on Wishin a you &11 a happ 'ala PrOsp
of the Fou tain and t vo bo 'Ve of your mo a hitherto f4tal' disease from S H PARP B�-IGHA&jq STJI FOL
which took f tain of et Ith. Aft
f 11 a,3� the town, itself nar disease. He co ebientiously re3om- lot 21, concepsio� %L.R.9.,Tuckeramith,
li ve, I beli6 a, 1 erfectly our ath. It Was never known to New Year, we are, ywil trull)
river as we C m a Thr. roug-libred Shff olk Boar. This animal ws
mends it -to all s Tering frc in Bi I nilar -merly of Sharp's Hc tel, -1 It,)
cu'red. lvffl� general lit b E �Iilip8so much fail. Sold b J. 8 Roberts. 770 52.789 (i 7o? Seafol ers,
rowly eRcape I destracti6n reeen Uy purchased fro�n the wll-kuow brce
5.2 1 W5f. RU-4SRTSOX A� CO.
oubles. 774.6 & Son, iand is from imported s tock on
-An America�n sb.iD has been seizea tr improve('[, d I n)w eel li e 9, new A. Fr inlis
by the Sp&niAh authontes' at Gibraltar PROPRIET0RS. both ddes. Terui,-01, payable at the time of
to MEL11.
-1Y. servj(
A. B =ker's r -V,, esilmol e Vth the pr?vile4o oireturaiugii necessary�
a heavy fine. The Only, ne Fac�age Cures I)yB- I
and sub]-eeted to ours traly I 1 788 Seaforth, Jan� 11 1884?
a he auclaored in British pe Aa. Fo, a cough, C&I r any Bronchial Hotel, which is tltuljt�d directly opwil e
1013 T13TS
captain betieve Ur ion Statwn, lisLa reedlitly been refit t d
-0, 11 gineer Str, i and ie-furnlshu�d thioughout daid. is now one )f
w and has Oemanded British pro Only a dollar pafk ige of the Crowfoot itreal and afl.ec ion, � tector,ia, 11i.my Opinion, is i I
ng. � I li�v it in my i AUCTiONE BRS.
Bitteri cured me of Dy pepsi; 4 after 811 798,52.2iv. Line. jpBt the thi uqed 'the heA and nioKt conifortab e hotels in thA ci . I
-ues,s d
tile - floorl-s in Las Coldii -NOTICE 'OF W-PARTHERSHIP
-The loss from other iemedie*s family for CIOU01 n for the iWE've,ypossibleattentio paidto P. Bl' UNTs, Lic(noed uotineal for thO
charges -noderate,
1. H . EAstoN, past our y l varied very i rr. J. snies attended in all
Coia laty, California, are estim. i I t un
Ang-elos Jk. Saf e j eW L. S -11A R County of 'Hnrcn.
on. i I R.
&tea at three-quarters of a, mill' Marlet. Clerk,Dutbam Out. I cce3s, aud'to diLy , I P'Opreto partj of the County. All larflere leftat tbUx,
821.26. At 1'�st 119PI 1883. 13U �'WiiiOlal of it is 1843 JNOI. In reference to the, ti�.� �under-
�till ria(
Tbijs will be more than coinuenaeted ki . I t notice that�- they haye thiB
thst coutinne to tbi )re of I pi)jjiI Office. -will be Dromptlyattendedto
almenyPe T' Isgoode.
the wheat,fruit and I n tq think well of signed give
I beg�
by. the good do e tOrushe", the C.; LrS. hat ?vhich Dr4,LG.ATTY, Li enbed Auptionecr for the.
Messrs. Church-il I e 0.1 lhiftr Site,- I
other crops. X , o. KrutR, A dav entered into a ed partnerf hip as
nro a. Sles of andesci-iptions -Thn -remans of Delon A little son 0 J(� Spink , Tdionto, d v th Fi es for the ITanaae CountY of H - Ad- 1 Hardware Merchants, �nder thA
g and h' by a G. have been, troubl d 16ng tbat time I r, Oul t ii, Bank, Picl, W. G. S. X&CI-10MA C. 'AT., Phi sician prompt 17 atton
e( LD, A aed toou reaporltiblp t,�rms
0 Jean- s five yea -8, and d 837.26 - : f N41ton P.: 0. or Lot 14, Coucess!
unfortunAe companions- of th Price 25 evats at Ul ruggibtS. urgeon, Accoucheur &a Office and! resi- dre Ellp' thst
had his foot cr. 81 la t doctors, n14
ago. IT T. dence, hat; lately ocoupiedIby' Dr. 11ULchiso MeK.1lop. press train s9m 6 t- EC e 'Ot ohave ta On iiedicine. Ireniflve 77 ft-Ild fitYlg Of RE11k,&
_xpe-jition -h
uOtte e atteuded him iWol f benefi i. and am- Aubqrt.. 78 L the business of th& 1= ot W -M.
from Habake to New York, whence - i .effEct I have
utation was pl�oll Osed, but Havard's the bodies followedby an irnme'lase used only ici - box of lyour Cj *max Eye erbs6n & Co. will br) CE�rrie- on by
aician'surge V ma Rob
cession, were taken to Brooklyn Lavy Ye�llow'Oil ich�gave pi ompt T G SCOTT X. D. &a, P1 y
was ;YiE d, whi ' m W. F. AGeouchaur, Seeforlh Ont. Office anA relit- M 4ack's NOT! ag' c �Iedicine rtb, and we
: Salve, whici I purciased. them in the
a spee ure. 6ve TION S4LE oi Favin Stock and linple Town of 2,eaf
Osgoole �Stat AU( been in -
relief and effeo ea dy and can dence hou;M side of Goderleb Street,secon I do Y
Ritobie, of j ments.-Mr. Alec, lilts by east oi Presbyterian Church -.1 A avor
yard. re%ving -all at 11a ess of t' Ly� int. lall i sell 84T NERVE 146 SPAIN FOOD. hope to be f ed with4he same libera
i 4 :safe Cone-ssioll 8,MeKil- on �hO -old flim.
-Four livesi were lost and, $175,000 recommend it as i sl ruct 3(t by the undei ;Wn(d priolir ctor to
80 Coll
Publi( � Auction�, oil L(t 14,
,worth of property destroved by a fire 65.2 afflicted w � i the s n 0' &180 IttL, the Following- Valu- VERC01% M. D., 0. M_ PL yeician, Svr- patronage bestowec
1. ___" _* -J , : � I Fi Way* Marcb I
S&tnrday, sid Or yoi III I on n tai n Healffli an excel- l0p,O
at Grant) RELpid-8, Aliabiga-la able Proper of geldinVa oming Eeonjetc.,Ccirouer for he 0onnty of I Inro a.
1 Ages.,_ 3 yef; rs old,
hotel Fo lent ton c C build P 16 141 it �rn. t � 1(i Vr 11 1Z g6ld �no ebmiug Offlee and Residence, -on iarvis street north,
23 ult burning of a 3 yeai s old, u jn� r grIide cows in calf, directly opposite Scaforth wm� 0j
By th I Yol to' of Cie II Gi iL sthek, 4% School, RMD
son, Michigan, on Sunday The ged, debili ;a;od and i nfir !wil 4 ROBERT NY I LS 0'_N�
'e faxrow �cow ck m ou� old, I grade
a number of lives were lost. find renewed vig.01 id s;reDg,h b, 798.52.2 �vi, A WcDIALY11). I gra
steer oming %years al 1,,� grade h, ifers comi�,g M. HAN OVER, M. D., M., Gradu to of
rt 2 pLars old, 4 �rade a Ivc q 0, nedil I Unif ersity, P sioi
prope y is estimated ELt taking Burdock B o�d Bitters. old, an,Snrge)n&nd
The loss uf Seaforthl Jam I. young bast6nin j, t eftr�y dec. Wi liftla E iiiii, mill, 1 pair Accondhentr, Seaforth Out. )Moe and Res! denc e,
Fl. 0M 1 wtigon, i liay raek, L r ew fai 9 7
$200,0m bob-sleigbs, 1ravei 1)0 nov pluws, I Stolle- Nortl side Goderieh Straf-4, firat Brlok ponse
boaI 1. pair iroo barr Ni
41 1496 -N -The snxrvivors of the wrecke bar- find in. this ng toni a re and Kid le�,e &rise I all h aff, I he sickness. -s dozen grrain bagso 1 east of the Mothodipt Ohurdh.
q, a Barton when rescued. were on worth trying. 774'..65.2 Dr. Carson's StOMEM: Bittf pair iron awtivat rs,. bug i rolter, I A Cure Guaranteed.,
.ue Adl, inau- W ,iet of AND
ts to see which of n1 neW hay rghC ILL Ver�W;Cd, 1 11C
point of Casting lo SU es kG
the borli'liver and -h dneyo ashirg ELLIOTT & iGU YOTNO, ',KALF. AND FEVALB.
;or the others r double liamuss, I w R$, I OR OLD AIJ OT—T-r
I in
bue a ius disea, 6 al O_ machl Is U. sure, prompt an
the three bhOuld be killed f Matb6is say it io n t an (3 ne4, 3 Royalcr Can idian oothes BRUCEFiELD. effectual remedy for Ner-
masts of n ttles at 50 Dilm-e
to eat. They had clung to the There is nothli like br.�'Schffling's holic Stimulant. En arge pair of pliI ,I; WDS ss in all its stodes, we-zil- blemory, Los of A Guarputeed Cure for Gi?noiihom und Gleet..
(Ibis farm, WILLIA11 GUN Von Me sthe wreak- fivt3 days and niglIts without Germn Wor 0: -eani foLr' exr in,, Conte. 835.26 articipi. AstbcirojrieUrhMrentc HOWARD ELLIOT, BraL Power, Se*ual rostration, ight Swm Safe, plejtv.ant and reliable. j Ro baA (-fjects!T,�
g,)jnjr to (111*t i Li� al Lite use. Does nut interfture Vith buiinei4s or dit-t,
togefit,rwitbiiisbi-ob,,r'3,fiiidis T_ icen I iate of the 11 oy?iI entiate t f the I.o) lweanes Leiicorrhaer,
Spe -ma rrhowa)'Sen in.
food.L worms. G'bildi'Ola t Lke it frEely, i nd i 5 0 old S:k la is � Price $9, per box, or threa boies for �$5 : Writteu
farnii ag,'tbe wliole A ill ii sit i le 'C- llega of Pllysichms 411(ge of Pb3s1ci ar 11 1 ss, and Gen ral Loss of 1�ower it re- i
sit-ot the Prince bf does its busiiaeq� 6v �,ry time. S(ld by 5,000 1 Bar e. s ipsued b eve! y authol itzod 11geut.
to commep c -n when refretlh- Edin- a d Siirpeovs Fdin-
The revent- vi e at 12 o cl no( I and 3urgeoi s, t 3 n vous waste. r(-invenerates tho jaded in- gus.'aut
e sjujil-i of tlje ffolbi)rn di -s- t: al jl�rpjze,4 Taiins -All bnrgb; ficentiat, it, ho, gh ; ate of ti te 114 s- PftiT3 U the moni�v if th� e(4 boxes fail to cure.
Wales t -o th 'Bta. . L I reminniendiu� m(.t)ti will be �eived tellect %IrCngt,ljL0ljs lie enfeebled brain, and re- to relnull - pt of rri4. all drugg" 83�.L, 2 For any atim 0 emt postagi-prepaid. on
f(l, �pyspepsia. rtic !% sold I �s tha $11 j all sold for ovr Edinburgh. piW for Wonicit, Lcn-
11 .5, i, a Mid%i StOTS 'surpritihig to vigor to
oinforrnein it] rt-gard to i in* to c a the exhaust-
Mc-Grq or, s Speed �ar Wp b I T. . Robtrts OLUthoiWeduggkia fox $erf�'tith. Dr.
14 SIM :Uire fo I I
ight w 01, c.. c4i, griven on gobd! gland.
tbjt. moulit el 83320 don, E
I ed enerative orgars in either sL
the lito f4 fill) to ussist hita as a Indiges dob Gostii allek s, HOD 4 ache etc. botei S Vell P lit's .4 cleditl ccompanied Fclix Le Brnn,& Co., bi &,A Rinlg St. Tor,
fff o r o,j
Founthh,_'cd Health. eaelt order for TwAvB paclages,
mision on
e R etnl rcjsh 3' ,, , Pro- witi,,�-5.wewiii seu� onr -written guarantee to onto, Solle Proplictors..
that are ii0t, gelab UE ; no e of wbicl artiou tits f 11 0. - 11) k, 41,
p)or, bai beell suffi- Messrs. Oburbill& Co,, - 'Your ?Oun- prietor; Ablix. I)EI t IY, Auctioni.�er. 847.2 AN 0 HR At refLud the raotey �f the treatment 'does not
dwellings f the are from P6 BODB 111 th" St E� or thous i
:1 - ;5 REWARD�f
I S: 00
Hcw has intimat. t-a;in of Healthaa compl.stely Cur ild uI effect a cure. is tlieel;eapest nd best meai-
I Persons ii S I TX of Farin
and[B of mileB awa c t fr 0 ull particulars in our
cient'for thr- jrp t,�ck'l cind in the m4rke
of dyspepsia, �bich has troubled m,
ed tbat lie htd seen enov,,11- 'to justify amund Hanillin , On ario, Wo C has b eu I ON. GEORCE S.. aesire to mail fiee to any We will pay the above i �ra fox an -4 case o
nearly tiso Ye4is. and ad._Ijjjpleweu1s� i P lionf panipbiet, wbiell we s-ja,�S.ick
r.. to sell by 1 7% cine is sold Liver Complaint, Dyspep
the object,4 ()f t1le 001 ottlef; f -(C_,E (f C0 1 so tba inwructd iky* N, address. llack�s 3xvagnetic Medi,
give tri d �b .11113a 241 puldid on Ijecturer 01.1, tbf) E 7e tilt., 4nrinSr J., CDAR11, 1 fxt L.R. by Dr t at 150 c s per box, or 12 boxes for aigestion, Coustipation or Co,
I chasigg e -n Vegetable Liver'Pil"18, svhen the
_Su [I Ilty mol you caulaot by yucke smitil, ill, tty, \i ch 12'b, 1884, i Ear tuid Throat, Trinity Ifiddiod Colle or s ge, its value i - AM AGNE T I C diTeetions are stiiet ith� �Tbev are
cle 11 �, i ter Eye and Mir Ir - )r be nialed: ree of postaze on
is a �ti at 2 o'cl ck, tim m, 111 it, prop - ! ly complied w
19 oyal Lquilon
-v an rug- pu
lyun(i Goh-,rado Central firma-rY. Late Clinical Apsis-taut R moltey by adw
the spa)[, ME DICINE Cf) Whi dsor, Ont. Sold b. rely Yagetab!e, and iievar I -nil to giv. 1 satiEfac-
before buyi ig. Opbtbalmic TffoKp t.%I, 'N100fields, awl 11ential Ln4gp� b. xep, con*' uir% 30
terrible w�p two coaches- of 798.5-2.2-,v 17 d tre't,Tb�ontc. wc)rtl)le' kucNv to, an i Surgeon to the �Jer $5, receipt of cure with West
3 it: i �1 bottles. nd teSti erty, v z. (%e f Fr-nv,til irros I
aral 11 ns en & risiing7 foid 8 Ill. gnst3. Guar ROBICRTS, L e.%- t
Tbront and
.8, Sat. I'st, 1383- t E-795-52, III The,- Viciniky 1 f 4.rrtiw i o Pills 25 cents. V or t:sleb all I rn-giAtfl, 1i-wtr16
- blown from the track in the Pcund , ; 5 il.-Ij c Wsil)c%1.ttoatbotousZh anie�es is iurad by J. S ion, SugareoAt(�d.
train we, (I aine d 1:3) molji&IE f iven fre at I
Two I' dies bred bull b0fev; r-,,ing three� Fa- Hospital.' forth. 781-52 i
Wflson's,Drug Store lirce; 2 t�t er- corning of counteift-it amid imit
C. Wh $ T & Cb,,
(Itrlh.V htifers; 7
were Blig.itly burned 9ud two other pas- L
Win: Cburcb ll Co., GOT ts, avle 2 3ea,linv stm-8i 2 -317 THURCH STREET, TORO NITO�. nianufactnred on1v by 3,
well bred LoNres 4 r zgl _n1
asr,, Tonni-
jurt-d, hat not seriOs1v 0 t,p
seugers been troubled witb Oatarrh bk bliI t breedi , I , ; Tbe i in mulu-rs,"81 �& 8� King St. E
Had 11edic 'The o a I Att ni ance. I to,Ont. Free tr.al pft6age kent by piail I re -
2! umbe. d(lub*o 1,ug-- '
Three yeal s ugo, it exactly the same two yipars. sow n pig, ly;i plaid on receipt of a 3 ccel! b stami�. Fct'r Flot, .:Yoclr vountwu of #�alt I
-al Sir, -7I bal e 1-e n a 8 Uff 0 1'e I I jair b� u I le, t I am lid 1-1 Cs- 0. CARTWRIGHT & ON,
tina the b
iodfaity, ,u (-utire train cxCep )y Mrline its Dru- store. WIS -r-2
m I' R 011-a
was recommended. to me I. ache,.au� sot plow llfk� 11II veht Qu(e" (LA�TE C RMICHAELS)
from Costivetiem, Sick H &I wi)l 'visit esforth
011,011-e, WR5 =pEiz A by the. wind and n,,wtir;
y of this pltic;�, !_WtEr using 0 Braii ifoi d every W &jc-sday and TLufs-
Iand i -in& y'years, fel i ptirpose plow; 11
a I i8yrnptc tarrh Lot�s of .A tipetit, ffil p!rlw; 8 ),on b It"r 1 wlit el- SE AFO $1000 FORFEIT'
day, and Clinton every FAday'of
wrecketl. EiI of
halt F ch week,iexeept te we k who'n RT ONTARIO
pear dZand I I,ba
,e new editor of the. havedis ELl"I;VRy% tir,ed, so that I fe vs Is a bbrdei b.rrlw- a�jdii c- a'
-Mr. Backle,'th ap ealthi is E0 rne V s; I 1 gi-ind stone, takes, I I
I Beerned dark t ittak ole� i Having the utmost eonfiaeuce4i its r-upe
and al I � Tnesda y colilvs fil st in the woij4b. j London Tiri,ei, is oulv .33. lie owes uch improved tat I have gained sev. 1 -id, ol hot chains, ad a he i;ti over all others, 11A after thotisa.L& of tosts of The
In had me3ioal attendae 1) C6, a have tried, shov Is forks, cow a L Teeth extract 0 3 without p aila. Chargesmbder�te JAMIES WEIR
I most
,,nt to. an Osord f rieudship of 80 0 Intim tniis to, ruention; -Mro tc ievercst cases we could
i conipli4m- A and ii
his appointai eral pounds in - fle 4L. and ti rins cash. �,30-25
'Times ed rk; ediea, bu 1111 t"Ok t"O n"m old by: iends and the travel- 7find wt feel ju-tified in ciftring to forfeit C�ue
Walter The almost all the adNe �tlmfl 11.y bay. to be f to inform lah old ff
with youn-_, Ur. I ata your� truly, --two stackl; of toi�d Ids con, I'luing aj out: B EGS so of coughs, COWS,
f 11 her neigbbo s,. bn1k 4 a,,d one pit of n, ling p�ubli6 that having pui-chased this now Thousand Dotars for any ra
Waltor sr., Mr. without 4f&ct." A t I
le y- n
'11e)01 Will ositive he has thorough, sore throat., influenza, hwLrsentss, bv)n
will.be by 2 798.52-.2w., W H. LAT11 Who had nEed-your (ulatt -13 of Healtb , 100 I and commodious hotel buildiw
Walter jr., and A11r. fdacdoua!d, with witbimt rewrve lip, the 1.4 1 L bas I old bis I lyre-furnishedand e-fittedit. from top to bot- consumpticia in its carly A agc-s, whool;llnR tousb,
i give it i trial,,three hot- casb; X - i
le, t( mitt Pnd lungs, r (a I't
He won urged III larm'j 1'e'rm@(,tllkuLjsof J. EA L4 . 9., also I tol , and it is now o'
R 1e of the most comfortabl and all disettses of the tb
Back!e, as a 9 8 of;
A R.-emar]Able 1411S "06pq- tle of which made ine fo en dit will be andconvenient iiote� sin the couni Asthma, for which we only claim t)iat 45
pleny t Oxford, wrote the Iver bat Alulount III mol W. D )Mce;in ty. By strict
Mrs. Mary A. Diffley, of T111I woman. on forrishii g aj)prowd e.i0ord ijot s A di- to Seljoot of Dentistry. atj ention, to the wau ts of his custonlers lie hopes cault cure with Wcst's Cvujh Syrup when taken
prize p0t�rfi, acted sometimes as Mr si coun , of 6 cent -i or tbv, d,,]Isr -will ba alloWeff Whitrcy'ti Block, up t nrij I ibbepatronage. Theroomr according to direotions� fs-'Imple botfles254,nd
to � n erit a shard of
Dock, Pa., was al I cted or yea a o edit &T1011111 R. 1. r ru, c and well heated Genuine wrap-
4C)heneV'8 h8qiBtEtnt. ftUd is. generaly for cish oi �,E, Pro s as the late Al. Boeiivs ooms. oil CC The bar 50cents; large bottles one dollar
P_ stai * M ar( all well fu W,
ct1o_wr. hours, 8 a:' I
ith: asthma a c. ronchitis, uri 9 798.52.2,V9,., 574 E lyg st ast, Toronto priel or; J P, B111 Y u -2 n, to 5 p. m. )e best, and an at- per8nlyinb;ue J011XC.NVH8T& CO Etl wi.) I be kept supplied with tl regarcled as an extremely bright follow t.. For $nil! U,
rorthy hostler WD1 always be 8*3 Ring St. Fjirt, Tot.*outo, On
of a lime light in the wbich time tbE d I ter tative and trust
-An exploion f �r�Lrffi-Stock aid Imple- ! Goo sample rooms for Commer- S_ Roberts Drug store, gie no relief, er life w is d Apair- IS ),It Rheu i Ci ad. 'CTION SA�LW 11 in ittendance. �Goo
town hall at Oldham, Enaland, Satur- Alment-s, t. jitive b, en in- +
n jD II cia I Travellers.
UyniallL,23-dult.,whi18 chi4dren's ed of, until n :last !I Oc to'be 113110 Are yon roublod With 81, t rheum, structed by r. )1crt X01 ichaul, to 901 by I Iteniembertb�01111,)YftlHotrl,"corr�er of Mai HEALTH I -S WEALTH 1
ured -a, bottl' i' ng New ,I Co ce�.sion ajjullt� and Goderich.9t 733
rough skin r ca kw sores ; i pub ic Auction, on Lot tr reets Scafortb.
B.1 ek, ii,;on' ATSON, DEN-rk�;T,
entert in eat was being given there, p pimples pr ca 'rid y, Mareb I ILI,, si-4 at 12 fj'clu D
K19scovery, when drim4ate rehof was on'. 1)3-. E. C. jVf.
c&used gieLLt excibeLmeut. All the lights so go at onoe to I ini iden 4 � Wilson 3 -st'j; I
,e folt-Mo propirty, Viz JANES WEIII., Proprietor, ��erve and Brain TreatpjLL
'for a P guarai;teed specific for liyvterla, Dizzillic-11., Con -
6 d by couti j:iin use.: I Pao. c sbaj p. tl. Medalist and qollege
felt, an 1 get I 3ale of 14 -: GX 0 1 d
were extiu-juistied and a, terrible Paulo n 9 drug stor and Farr i Stock r I liorpos e mt e,' I driv- Facult vul.41onp, Fits, Nervous J\P.uragixt, +113 co 1plately -cure Oile p
.rowded shot Vs Carbo.ic CeratE. 1 hevyA aught mare onto Schoo of
t time Bbe Gol Medalist, To�
took place." Tht, children who e Gregor aad Park ing I iorse cuniin,-, at Ve Neivous Prop.tration caused by the �taie. of alcohol
mare co iang f (A
It 1w
I ur, I horse BLACK
Oae of gai ning in fleFth 5 Y lbs. it th ree mouth s. price twEn y -five ell s. as nevec c -mi 1 g five, I Medicins- t I or tobaoc:o, the hall rutilied down stairs Old filly, 1. qHRYST
Fr9e trial bottl-s o' this 11cer-'ain cure f four I mare coming t jil i two year Sof tenig of the Brain, resultini in Inparity nvd
known t 611. -79115.� orkix�lg- lurse coluiu, six, 1
them was suffocAed wad nine others 0 f yearling filh-, 1 leading to- misery, decay and- death, Premature
all throat an I :Lug diBeas'es at J iflell Natural Teth a Spe
I i Wd COWS In fujqialsy-w
were removed in an uT1cOFiGiOu`. Co'� wor4ing h-)rge conlink keven.. 5 n PR OTIOAL (Ad age, Bairem-eml Loss of Power in -b,-e( till- 8 st� E-rs coulling two, 7epth Easily aiXd care
Roberta' drue, stmre. Large.bottles 01. o a tbn ()u�.�li Lor-ses and Sperm&1bTJ-l.w&, caueA
The others 6scaed irijury. culf t
dition. okest T Ang Record r in calf,
i The Qui 2 belfers comipgo, t W% 1!tm O-N,er-old li(ift- Extracted by over-exer. ion of lb -1 1�! air, telf-abutte o2
119.1i rnaills stemmBhip 788.52. i 1 induigoaze. One box will cure rrec-rt careq.
-when thc A arling Leict-ster rain. 2
7 yetti lings, I0 1Y1 -
for Neu - suff ()lk so,, s, bot - in pig, I suf-
-ive Is, Kram's Fluid I bmrj),-ed to
Gircassinuari d at on the - ightu 31Y -ges M! deratc. R MAKERS..; month's teatitent, Ona
ary, from r-Phese' 3 Solid Fact Chaq
-Mornirtg of the 126 Febru ralgia, id ache, Tooth ac I ie, etc. I folkiboar,6 ljjg1;,1:thnrou.hbred bull oll'tir il, box, or six bnxiL-9 fA-,r fivO 4f.1lar4; ent by
disco. the shin coming three' , inr4we _-Two lumber wat- It We guraraft,
Liverpool, clue of the first-class passen-. 'Thebestbl od 1, rifler and Byst does Dot blister ot N, B.--jA9 I have bouilit cuf the business, of five bought the Tpols and mail prepaid on reeeiptof pr
T 4, 1 ers t wg on. I I.e_
pair H b �b 10 11 1 111 nio
U Boiler Business live
1ELtor eve c ed within'�tbe reach of's-uf-. g the late �611 conlPlete 811 opqra- _r - six boxes tt? cure anT ca- 0,
n lietoilging to Port n' rpl requires]) tone ap to banisi 9 ol a rid sl,alttz, I curd binder atidnt. T11 1 tLtCJ_V 01I d on by th, ceiviLd by us for Fix boxvH, aecompauied with gers, a gentlema sillgie cutter'with y tionsibegun by him 8ftf19(fLQtorily to each Manufactudrg COM1)0nY, ant
H. Haigh, f bring bnME3 Y, t -uly is 1 i E lei-ftic Bit. Win. all pain' rnagicaly vithout using I Pilg 5 er eh:eoundry and ameo off, ce overohnsou'R Hurdwaro Stux do;lurs, vd," i I st-1,41 thc. put ell r our Wrift kn
Hope, 0 Ei II n x eight years in
together missed ters, Iuaativ,ty cf the liv6r,.biljO1lsneq,s1 silgle m.)wer,l othl I b it. guarentee to refuud the njoiPvy if ibe.
�fcltjoe greasy liniineut o- rryin ur hea I i inLd L:Ptler and dtill, Block, Main Street, Seaforth g had an experiOncO of ove *on the trade
on gettiijg hi In, 0 Ig �'n that sbopi are now In -up %4t!ke
ekages. It jaundice, con;tipal w:ak kidiie,ys,br ltya twe nearly new, fannii 11 nearly I SWICY &red to carry I dor-s not af eta cure.
a poul Ade for we.( S. and 7-7 1 its branches. o-iztd agert fcy SE -a -
one of his liaust valuable pa hay rikke, in al by J, S. Robeit a sole ant'll
alr orgaas, Pr I to us will rt-ceive prompt
hich con rly all- any di'gease rA thE urin �1, 7 dill good ny work eiitruste a . I 1101 s -power,coinp i & a for
or-, ir t --elf ss work guaranteed- i
-was valitw w, t&ined nea five cout bottle from Lumi c 'en & ij OATS. th Ont4rlo. John 0. `Xt
SEED ention. F 9 7 11): 11
appeffier, tonic set cfplatforll 3 at torsToronto.
whoever reqi ires En Or, 7)5. d iepaired, also
lad money son, drumi3ts. der, 11
his jewelry, diumond rings a, In Is, all I ga '�cafnrth., as ow III kinds of BoiR-rs made an
w- I iron hit. rt ws, 11. BF11ILL, Seedmial, E
a' s'find E 00- plom I
mild various
property, with pref�ents for 'I . I I- Stont, 2 on hand a supply of� the celtbratJ I'Vit %i- Smoke stacks 6nd E best IronWork, &c., at rem -
s d..jiblo - h aru -s I I grind
3 se, J�
friends. The totul. contents are esti- trio BAters the, beA aI on Es ica 11,3al-Nre- rks,s altR, thovels, atid.a lot of al -ell tontm, for seed Th e seed for tiiese ats sof, able rates, i
Bu 111en, rae s, aI fo NEW GOLDEN;
%vas imported from 0 u
nownj ey a6t 1surely a6d 0 1111.110011. Th h- ve pioven to �QwSpltpansynt(leamdold ones repaired
mated in value of about $3,000. Th6 cure k t oth r articles to njimerons to 0, and tbeN vor gro?�rn in tbh' nd at priceB that defy coin-
quickly, every bot e guaiI The bE Bt salve., in he V.r nil d for ep i i, wbole will 1) -,vithout re,,erve as be tfle m43,.t pro ific oat e co - th i shortest notice
eed to 'give I be Rold.
t. T III
valise had br me BEARDLFss BA'RLEY
-eti a white bi4ncb c; $2 petition.
entire satisfac, do I or money ref a n1ded. bruises, sores, ul4er salt I eum f�vi r th e L)roprietdi is gi tuk ul) fafmillg- try- They ale
pillows iu spara berth in a loser's next October. and
b� S. Sollt-s tettEr oI banZe,obil�14bs, All surns of $5 snd_Atd,r.Pab; over that per I usbel, pamblL -if pur
Sold at 50 drt3 a hot le I CHr,,YSTAL & BLACK-
.)axt of the mv-11 on fill- ;oat, gro-WD �rom this .,, ed to Ir
4 aniolu,nt ten t�lon,W bv chiisers returi This vaiiety t-1 Barltv Nxw; imporAed frm
kiii tio D B aiYd p 8
n inent T corns aud all s otes A discormt, of po4i,as clean as thesevd;theyreevivefric
ship, and w;js tCera until the prev-* us 'Roberts. .783-52 UP nisli ing appriivf d ei -do t e I 10.3, C.oderich. lay ji a few yt..ars ,go, - d it iso-lp't flen d t',Ae
10 lbe dollar i I tively cures piles� oi no pq, requirel. 6 eel -As oil (I for cash ou lie will allow then, 10 c- 11til p, -r bushel )Nevtbe 7M
e f or the far -A timv* it is a, to4ov-1 M91,
ABL, I?ro- me of its presence on e pe d wt t 0 -Arm gr stiff st arid lar_rt
day no one knov I R011E11T h101101i recru vr market, price at the 1 raw
PMS, It is gUarante d o iv satisfae- creillit ilmOuIlTs.
0 ]�tme� t andi' &f0ith.
n,.; tY�e grain ripei Q the riwils Arop away, II
ce 25 cent s plictor; J. P. BRINh, lirtioneer
board. Mr. llaiih baj�pened to men- Hollow, ay's
- I I I tion, or r Dey reTu (led. farm on the 11 -ea -1 quite in ftvirabil- tian somethi- )uslysolj, the
13.8y, u1paps,
a -bout it to fl� fef low Pas Iufluenza The Farn, �-If no t I re also be offerrd r
, soi: e t h roat, qui per box For by 3. RobErth. w
ersation. t' wbich thisstde s to be held, PE -1 the, yield is oft -vu as -11, a-, 14) seager &ad a friend in conv and sitnila oamplaints -414ays ound MILL$1 JUP 783.52. for sale o., tbe a �(11`hc gi Very
-xen over -
is suppoed he must have I)c ther, antil 'ar lir-ore sonic pf-r in unsettled I
_heftrdbvsowe(nfje1se,fur the valisO pyicv, f. 4). b- earg liere, !�2 pt nd effpcta 1,11), subdVed by, rub- I �01
was misnmf on the 8hip's arrival. The safely a, Ila t) I Hist 01 of 11 dicine
pr ek; a! --,o a tit%* <4 I' ep a eaE w, ce bing Holl L I [A e
Y's 1) ntlia
Nrw d such uni- A -I-) iier
168s was immediately reported to the Naprepar tionhas Ocely JOHN WNEVIT.�, I i I Z. J.. 1�1 . a, day upon tbe c 3. ipd glendE her we' b-tricy i,j captain and all hands (.n board search-. versal cc m-endatift. fort IA alleviatidu U. S TIJAI StflNA1l9HTPq
tbroat. The0intme-nt penet'rabe the I -\(w York, PrT ell 11jown and popuiarr.4ill,
the tbefb dA, d the arra-ahent cure Sail fiora)lior5 U (rth f. ef-4P W 4,1t, f -w
ed, but without r(sult. How 1 3L) B, -1 1 got eve Y
it affordfi, nV , alin rday, f or 11, If I I.A!
of � S.. .1 .1.1%..
ase E;,: 813 Dr. Vg n t -1
rti,ver rietor of these
skin, red III i I aua m tic Evel white Elel
was efft-cted is ;.j,)t. of colirse known,. af(ect�s in kidDey di! Or�Lr, turn ont all
ulceratio6s. Th. q, treilt�:,n lit ill suffi GLL8'G0W VIA L()�41)oYDEIU�Y- limit busliel. lin�n 'r, 'PASSAG11
action n Al
-the jail VIILY FLOURo bet ex- es yer ]a Most
s Fen us a
but moA In obOAV Qie c(Intelits of cient for edri Bureii'F3 Kidney C1 le. ill ill the country. It , 20t --All,
9 cellcd by any.
Yttlise were A P t4esd diEtiessing co C plaiii t4 is SiMp,y TO!r_TT,,kSG01Y,D Jil," BbJYA'�,r Az'c J-r p-Ird.
.te -nd cc complicatea ctic tis 04 ic ed 'VOND
p 0 POO CABIN. td
tea. rc-9 aff Se a by N itqelf hrourn overbo� . RobprtB THE
U ! ame wonderful For
Hollowdy's, r 0 tallep at hJiA',TF 0137- Gj13STI-_,-G Do -7,F,
;-770 .789
1he .5 lit PAIj,, AVAIT F611 IT.
time., When Ives paJi AV A U L), 1P
AN -D CO -211- Epp',; (:oc-)�_- Glt&TEFUL . �e � till )rOv-
OintmeD;t M& rel
ledo, of B111 hes. K choy-Lin- r tf: e�,Xlp a
Pi pleB am
voRTi.xG.- By a ornq ak, roit o.f pail less egItiti- T Ing sympt 1, and ll�
pai frm; (if which gove drita. ul!d suld at th, A
tha rn the oper Cull it LumEoer I .4
ronoliltis prie na:niia 11
tion. Tn. astbina, I . . . , 17 , I nowr the jujimlr it,118. t,
atious tLud nutrition, and .18 (if I,t,nl*" 0 niarke pri
Llig, -wb:)ol i 3 a cougq it ci )i�nt i anil oret a r1la&ag fl:AcGregor F r 1) 1 srAn. 91, Cah i0l ir,, eels_
pleurisy, : -
y to
C, ratt'. ��'It is �Or
by a carefni Of tl16 filae Pro- f 14 ParWe's '-'arboliel J011N consumption, soli lot ever nd m cNL N,
d 'I�W 101iii"j, or t
-,electt-d Cocoa, Ur. Epps acid ai 'Pit. I ft
(-I Of VILS81iD 0, TO UU;
perties ol well Holl0way's M die ups are I ot le 38 posp 3:�) rtj- 0 r -CE N.
f R%t me, D A X U-1 U i--
pf The V.-JelhIvned
ul;I31711ge whic, lies Mutclies r peratec. sores, al d 11. prr I ated
featurpd. thtL M�y are cortain a 1. 1V ARRIAG P S E
has providett our brt tal,h�s with 1 basnev f Effl : d to remo e abl ri3ifiatillgithO Most troul le e, a,
ain �O apprl'ilifil a_ 11t fol
iu�ty jit, u us i. IdI113. It thEfs Fj )Jr. v III A
diieturs roug whe n all o 1 ;ur fiv m, towl: and
7.52 t) takellml-S On rty
� r. . u- m'tely Fnr;nc 3U ED AT
r.,)t or t, th -,p(
I - , h -t, re -A
by ilari Be 04L slach articles (it f td 1. T -y it. 15.
i at re of will IA 1771-1 -d tfte
all ow qiO I P hijor 10ard to tha
diet that e0hStitution may be graclu- Tegtimoniad - 'ing done -with aloildtiv.
�11kintUof Conveyank �
cl.:13 Yonrl!Or Girl THE HUR
ly Iyujit up until s,.-rojig enough A Goz�j :00"i-ITUR OFFCE I 'V'I SiaOR FIN DIN rji )j T( 01111t
I 3 eatne -11 iaty y4am 1, t�@k keptfi fibil dial at
resist every- teudeucy to i Dear irs.-_F over twe 2e but the VaryBest WILLIA
disease. ;01).
m liaBal And tbE fflelicate Oulag ;01nan 12elld ONTARIO4 mb Trial Folicited Allordef, E01`1 _%V I t
.9 t 1 r U D. r. f
drads of sul-Ale, milaelies are floating 1 have suffered re tly fro e) - to t8 Ste Dr. Austi 'q Pho51 atin -'When t le orotbervileproMT-01filled
-110f nable smell 01
around us ,ready to &ttach wherever sometimbs IN
-properly. �T) ic I I seuse. al i s ecal -0-6unten a ce is the blood cour, n WITN4 S.
there is a weak point.
We may escape
t ge . ex
r tern
t n
Et6T; e,