HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-03-07, Page 66 A Farmer's Orion of the Northwest rievanoes. The foltoviing sensible letter by a Manitoba farmer appears in a recent issue of the Winnipeg Free Press. He hits the nail right fair on the head. He says: ➢ifs. E»Trod.—Sm,—I have watched with great interest the discussion on farmer's grievances and like all my brother farmers, I feel the depression riaw.even worse than during our strug- gle with the grasshoppers in 1874-75. For then, if we hadlittle our wants were small and it was an easy matter to keep - clear of any monopolist's talons.: But our railway age has led es into faster and perhaps extravagant notions and has opened up- a fine opportunity for alt sorts of fleeotngs from us. In seeking a remedy it looks to me very doubtful if Jahn A., or John B.,. will give us the relief we require, for four per.; cent. protection is about all agriciiltnral implements will stand and allow a Northwest farmer a margin of profit and this certainly is as hi -•h duty as we would be paying if we did not be- long to this great}Dominion. Then the money -bags of the manufacturers have got too heavy (out of us) for ns to meet them in any Iobby successfully. Many 'about here and all over the country, both Tory and Grit, talk fight, and.I suppose bleeding with bayonet and ball will hurt no worse than the vampire bills that are in us now. In presenting my remedy (which is to let them keepl their implements) if I ap- pear to speakwith a"little authority, be - 'lug a fairly siecessful farmer in Mani- toba for more than ten years will have to be my excuse. . First then f will say that at the prices implements cost us, we are using too much machinery and pushing too fast. The average farmer with 'moderate means, onegood span of horses and one ox team, if he has rising boys, can live well ot_ fifty or sixty acres under culti- vation tion 'and that will be all he can handle profitably and do everything well. He will require to hire but little at busy seasons.. One thing he will be bored by agents_ to buy a seeder which, in the way of economy, we are better off with- out, besides the satisfaction of playing protection on the protectionists. A seeder will cost, say $100. The interest on $100 will be, say $12. This amount would pay a good man to sow -sixty acres and do it well. Old aa I am, I can sow twenty acres per day and do it properly. Twelve dollars would be good pay for three days work. Then there is wear and breakage of seeder to spare. Imple- ment agents will tell you a seeder saves seed and does the work so much better, and a lot more bosh—• • all bosh." No good farmer but bas bad as good or bet- ter orops from hand sowing than from any other,and your team on a first-class harrow will make.a much better show- ing each day than on any new tangled hoe rigging humbug. Next comes a, roller. Rolling is a doubtful piece of farming anyway. My own impression is that the June rains: roll our lands in this country too much, and I would prefer breaking this surface - crust to making it firmer. Afield looks better rolled. It would look better still paved with brick. If you think you mast have a roller, and cannot do with-. cut one, and cannotmake one out of a log, do without just for spite. . My advice is, roll with good harrows as often and long as you have time and your rolling neighbor will never beat yon at harvest Next comes a mower. Well, rather than shoulder a musket I would. go away back to the old scythe. I would not like to try the rake or flail, but I believe that if I spit on my hands and straightened the kinks out of my old back, I could cut a good acre a day yet, and our meadows here will cut one to three tons per acre. - lout five tons one ordinary day's work with scythe, and my boy, twelve years old, followed and coiled itup out of the swath, and it eared well in that way. - It will be easy to figure the interest on what a mower will coat. and I allow it will pay fo cutting more hay than the average farmer will require. I find cattle well sheltered do just as well on straw here as they do in any other country, and oats at less than ten dollars a ton (the price tnow) may be sprinkled in liberally if neoesaary. The binding harvester is a costly ere- pliant we will be able to do without now thatlaborers are plentiful. is might say here we farmers often get a slash from the papers for not giving this inz- plemeni especially,front. parlour accom- modation, when not in U80. In reply, firstly, we cannot afford that yet,for our overworked wives and fanailies. Next- ly, it would not add one season to the life of the beast if we did:. Take my neighbors, who ' are among the beat farmers in Manitoba, Messrs. K. Mc- Kenzie, H. Grant, R. Bell, M. Ferris and others,they will tell you it is a good machine that runs over four sea- sons, and it is not the wood. rattling that troublesthem at any time. If all. the parts ran right and kept up with the age we would make the wood rlast twenty years instead of throwing them. aside in four or five, or doing worse, wasting time and grain by working them. A binding harvester costs $340. Interest and repairs for four yearn will be sixty more. Thiswill be one hun- dred dollars per year this pet machine will cost you ; and this is not all, for my experience has been that the very necessary article that they. sell us just at net cost (binding wire and twine)cost me fully as muchper acre as it did to hire men to bind after an ordinary reaper that cost one hundred dollars. GEORGE MARKLAND. RANGE 22 West, February 1. A Night of Agony. The following "true tale" was recent- ly told by the mayor of Stratford - on -Avon when delivering a lecture on "For- rest and historic trees." Some years ago a gentleman, mounted. on 'a horse set lilt in order to cross the Dartmoor.. Thoughthe thaw had commenced, yet it had net melted the enowheaps, and our travelers got on but slowly, and to- wards evening it froze again. The shades of evening came on with vapor and mist. To reach Tavistock that. night be knew would be impossible, as a fresh snow storm began to fall. - Te stay out all night would be certain death. It was, therefore, with no small satis- faction that he saw at a distance a 'cot- tage partially covered with snow, and it wan not long before he reached it. He dis- moanted,ancl the door was opened by an old woman. He entered and saw a sturdy peasant, the woman's son, who sat smoking his- pipe beside a blazing fire. The stranger's wants were soon made known ; au old outhouse aocom t naodated his hors; :, and t • of s rnave up his bed, adding t at he oiil : leen in the old settle by he o b' znn :y corner.; After supper he w: s eh. _„ n, t his room, where there was lain • ak 'hest, very old end curious, .'o n fib : s to cause him to remark u' on it th : old woe man, who had lig • to Li up stairs, and he could. not el + env •ng some thing.shy and. oda a on he rraenner. After she had go a e e It nclned to l peep into the the : t, ut 1 elf 'rebore and went to bel: H: f It is:rable and could not sleep. h o oh :at haunted him ; a hollow so • n , a if • ehind his bed's •head, suddenl .st !ted him ; and as he raised him:el i his bed ; .the' first thing he sa w s t ch : st. There Allay .in. the sliver si en of the moon- light ; liis fears g:'ve ct n t • the inani- mate thing and a Ie g; he anoied the lid of the chest b;.ga t . ! o :. ' Start- ing from his bed • e ra:ped the lid and raped it up.. Ina gi e h fee ing of hor- ror when he beh Id a u •• an corpse stiff and cold. One thought d i rile t et ' of the' night possessed h m—t t .h was in the house of murder s ! ere was no es - nape. He than ed Go ' )wh n morning came... On oorni • g dew stairs hefound; the old woman a • d • er boon preparing! breakfast. They 'ho .ed •• h s ;'honor ": had passed a goo lei • ht and bade' him. east hie breakfast co • Sid is g of broiled' bacon, the son c imi • g "t at mother was reckoned a g•od on t salting' it. He enjoyed the b ea fade an recovered hie fright, and j' et s t e o d wornan was broiling hi 111 :not er rasher he sa minoned up courage o d`solese the se ret of the oak he t rid sk - for an explanation. •s Bies: y ur heart your honor, it's nothi g : t all,' said the young man ; • it'. ly farther !",• "Father!. You f: th Cr!" cried` the traveler ; "what o y u ea ?""Why you see, 3 our hon r, he no being so thick and the oads s el dgey y like when old fayther died t w eke agone, we couldn't carry un t T vistock to bury un, so moth r pat i thej old box and salted un in." he traveler's breakfast was spoiled. e g t up from the table, paid.for hie lodgin , s died his horse and has ne er been' kuo n to touch at rasher of bacon Sno: , as i al- ways .. recalled the feeling • f • ingest con netted. with the advent r e • "'sa ting an in." An Anecdote of " The last tinsel s w m was bout two weeks before his ss ' ation. I He sent me word by; m of • er Ja es, then in his cabinet, t at a desired- to see.me before I went h, e. I Went into his office abo t ! o clock. He Looked jaded . and e: r . I staid in his room until his he r f r alien was over. He ordered th d r lose'd, ; and looking over to where I ss e'tting;, ked me to.draw up ally c air ! ut instead of being alone, as he an •' os -d, "n the opposite diregtion fr m e fe I ea ,and across the fire -place ro •r bias , sa two humble looking wom n Se ing j ens there seemed to pro ok thi , . a n he said : Well, ladies, w at c n I de for you ?" One.eas au ld o an and the other young. They bo om enced talking at once. T e res de t soon comprehended theth ' an • po e,"said he, "that your son a d •our has ar;d is in prison for resistingth.t dr ft its '` est - ern Pennsylvania. h:re i your .•eti- tion ?" The old lady epli d : I • 11Ir. Lincoln, I've got no peri ' °on I we t to a lawyer to get one d awe, nd I had not the money .to pa 'itn and •one here too, so I though I. oul just •ome and ask you to let m ave my . oy." " And it's your hus an y u wa • t ?" said he, turning to t e ou g : wo •. an. " Yes,"said she. He ru g his bell and called his servant, an ;b de im go and tell Gen. Dana to brig im he '.1i t of prisoners for Fesis:tie tb dr ft in est - ere .Pennsylvenia. The general soon c e,britt+ g a package of papers. T' e re 'dent .pen - ed it and counting t e n mea, aid : " General, there are 7 f th se .tize . Is there any. difference i +; ega a of heir guilt ?" " No,"; said he en al ; " it is a bad case and ! a m : rcif 1 hind ng." " Nell," said the• Pr sid.nt, lookin out of the window, and a e=.ing y telki gto hiinse:lf, "those poo •llo s ha e, I think, suffered enoug, ; he have een in prison fifteen mon hs. have cele thinking so for some'tiw , a d I ha a so l said to Stanton,aed hea wa s thee tens to resign if they are rele sed. B t he has said so. about o he ,natters, and never did. So now, wh le hav the papers in my hand, wi '1 t . ma' OU the flock." So he wrote :" el/ 't t e prigs nets named in the within pa , er a disc d arg- ed," and signed it. he ge eral •• aide his bow and left. Ten ,tri Hing', to the ladies he said : "No f la • ies' yoti c : n go. Your son, Madame, led your lens • and Madame, is free." The young wom n ran ao o: s to him and began to kn el. He too : het by the elbow and sa yd,"impatie • tly : " Get up, get up no a tit his." .Bat the old woman walk . d. +Q , int, j w ping with her apron the t:ars that -ere coursing down her he She. gave him her band, and 1 ok pig 'tit° his face, said : " Good-bye, inc ln, we may never meet again til ' •• a meet in Heaven." A chang ca over; his sad and weary face: H c'ased her and• in both of his, and filo e. her t the door, saying ae he a ®t : " Wit all teat I have to cross ;e 'er_:,Iam afraid that I will never get�'th re ; bet- 'your wish that you will m t in: . there has fully paid for all I b ve o e for you.' Extract from , a s etc f Joshua F. If 6 el .. d• • peed. Infirmities of t :Wales. ' The lovely Princess f most beloved of all the royal family, and it 's that the probability s s e and less in public a d i certainly there is no 0 place. She has a e ar. her own ; a charm t at 1w and makes her popu ar w ofthe people. The Qu e tion for all public a d s'ci thrown the burdens f r Prince of Wales, and, h mous and nieritedpapula every demand upon !lis t`t and his purse. And. 1 dutiful wife has shailed t' and fatigues. This at circumstances, oughtn.. the Princess mach 1 nge . ber health is not what i though she is a wise core own strength, which eb. votes to the care of er so far aspublic anal soci But the Princess has a this slight lameness., pre lag with ease,_ and she e .. • • 1 ,1. e a 'rinoess of ales i the e.• hers of the h regretted will be less ciety. And to take Ther f person' all ns all hearts i h all classes. 's disincline - 1 duties :bas lty upoi the as won enor- ty by meeting ,his strength lovely- and th his scares under the o be put upon First of all, 1103 was, al- vator of her; aithfully de- ely children, • tiuties permit, ff knee, and. is her walk. es to appear u 8 e • u H 1-1 mole menumeimielmomemememarecommeimemommiias trbli =' y where walking is • neo low er, one is informed t`• at tb est Marti of this sad sto► is t • •rile'ess' deafne s, which hi: s I n • gre: t infirmit.3 , . s now `so j bad t lets • er off fro ready int:` ootirs ode y.and the, she begin': to s tot u • naturally, from the o tside The Fa ons Dr. ity. sad - the een t it ith ink, r1d, On egg ens ilk ba. alk in an old egu as r. or or :ery nyor o og ed eno Lf a ami ere area hal •• ost Ki d N It 11: •f of hi fri:nds rem waS os cased of ers,'b t of the strong " He bre . kfasted on and; w let o bed at .9 0 seen im leave his ith ;a isi or for a len •''Ther r one -and then I . ith rnuoh z lit wit ." An old 8 rice asked .y her he egg made : ny special abbath or• Saturday nt rep ied that "she ing he did on Saturd: ny ither fo bye that h ' parriteh a• a went s • The do=t.r had ve s when .dea=r bing i. cer very coarse 11 oking b y he said h rooked " of the ea i t earthy.' talker at t• : dinner -t. • ers wbuld s tsilent,- coastehtly t:Iking.. 8 old, ` ,f g Kira sty cLe ,• en of.a w rashly nd her c pa 'I ere well k owl er f'sahoa oh f•rmbouse aily :hon name: l age, utter; g t e nd the o ildre he 3v. Is ac ti• a aeish fc r t e ie . inistratio s f tef 1 moment er for th nn o seal n. rsty cl er arms ki •• b ini ter a 1 ok If o led I'll war ak' main n ise you ha'e a han rive nd gie tie. Ekren b W118 in East Lot ties wit ar and n refs wh gale 'on i sty flew most frig rina' who w soporific drew n d began ly vehe.f ew hers:l , and; cornful t, Mr: P my dis mair e followe 1 1 a e oc .ern So c : s of ;P dreds.. salty wh energy mea, of D camp t on wh said a with ar lent of "I hav egarding ave been practice ked wit• own in be some rpose in heir pu see by� ure tithe Fain themast pop chiefly, ferheps, d in the elides, ted by the ne ood pries. Th rds a d hina ie upatic n, yieldi work. wield e There are hu moved.from n:o ill; ingeuuLty, these a stheti or little hi kn lye but the p o hale some pent) ,' NOho a relation Maks a lar e a avail ble to him iinfor ing tinsel i f th•s thing auc iud t so general aio a lady who would be frowne many ladies cult: arts for .no other than to replenisl employment of le'i and embroidery a•r forme of'art work, cause anything go ticularly that y cline finds ready sale tit ()oration of neon c a•emunera,tiv oc cellent pay forlfine that a young ady dantieet brus es n appiyi menu cards. lie disposes work. Severs ladies not.o broidery for s: lei • ut one or deftest give le so in the a nice return f r t�: achin they know. , I ao ndsodd, the nicest 'peo.le; s 11 th it They do it dec. fie) • ally a a of their pride, to; onvin.e that if put to i th:y could own living. i 1 he a are h In polite circles ar stool. Utiliza i• n .f He _ • u Vi 1• 1 0 v p • e ysi t co cinch 'clocks olds, th of !turnt 1st as 11e 'vent 'D mist preps • ights. . didn �• nibh. tocok Ener aiu pith t very. as' if He w ble. Vi �, egg •• • the e Ian fs thet ar. A pees even t the itfu`1 o y in e not ;quail i Eh at dmpn s once 1 up, 1. ing or • ischii same ourse eck." the 1• Dr. lest on - and and ime his b ad his :s if tion. The ken air rifor his 880- pie. rick hey sa cbile s al - .• t�loy- r» er, o•gue 'um - the ng to in a ses, ror. in s of this ing her oed the she , if I ban he hil- • U cn�ey. ',di far turn II their to ace out chose h 'ndi- to t em - h i6 a ery gee *Span ante- rise inforn tion mean of the; ex out 1urpris-. to Ten n':ars her ands ociety.; ow of the fine the w.rld the ing lar be ar- dle, I s Ie - Iso ex - ;under s and one df; the 'g color: to of all her iy do : ns - two f the et, an• get thers ,; hat but so e of handi rk. ratifi ion !them .e ves I earn t eir t are • lied tic arts.'" L. P. Abbot ,in he R er, says: "Ne rly every a little fanny m a • ure f poses in the, s rip;, and ing guano'' a, d super doubtful qua ity, he ea his own at far les: cost, considerable n • m • er of ing their drop ilig: for t "It has bee • m,- prac dry :arth undr tee roo full its equ:1, a ad di fro•• the high ay colle wea her. This g t Bred the : oil is of a I e y ch • fro•• sand, ani pi t awa bar els for ns: lu wint By, using thi wee ee or Twee., and oft:n•ir In war bad odor is pr:v • ted an the ertilizing pz o lerties of is a rested. f r n if at c is t to n ra fo •• he aceu sho • ld be rem wee:, wee : , and thi begi,• ;to'ferm less: heat as t in : pring. sho . eyed over w to b: generate•,!t its altue for manure beco me tertian an '• i s ed a cl rningle'P vii deo orizer an 8o to 'be the growing apt year of t i' . kind o ver �ctiv fe cot' : 4 applie the dsed for itsbulk of nn pin it in the me lately. abl Moisture the adition mot i . to Roan sho ill be last as t e earth! a s per ids of the mat for of am'incuxiia alk li. On g esu use kb us Ne rl: every ca s psi can peak icer tO go,Oro 'e has the adva the seeds' of —Mr. Geor ado s best k whom the c Leadville:-der v Den ver one even ago he wag w travaganoe an caused his fina tion u as of vele& nd ge eath lonely_ n undo e pro sprin decoio partic la the ea crude e. read ily Id e• in er r e 88 anu New f rk- mer rite special ur- teacl o i bay- sphats` of, anuf: cure �e ke:pa a s, by tiliz- I• urpo o. to hp 'iikle or wast is r sortangs duri ' f'dry laces Here ter an • Ifree n bo es or nd a •ring. ✓ trues a eath fir' all e eso ? e of the •• : ure r the as o a pil to m rows tche eat is will ops, posed b nure er. or the ill toes a eent es SO 8 tire t by th a den very er, by t nough of of Is in es and w 0 eg osts ce a will or arm and able d to the fer- rat- ged for teem hels fou it a °tate and iiin ith ashes. rep - chi t Inure ce time ree the ta le this ing ittle saqh geed ne hie rom ne Of Color- er at at to nds 0 rni ated its na by poise liberalit al ruin. 10 P SI j ORr MARCH 7 184. Ofile in Me e `e LL, Money to loan. , Main !Street, 794 trate naoney to BROW & PRO DrOG Proud' oe. 680 de ERON erw HOLT & OA 0 in Oh teary 210 4.0., Philip 0. 0 ON, Barristoree 606 o t So i Priv W.C. EYER, snider Law, Solicitor lir Oheneery king a davits i the Pr vi itor tor the Bank ef H mi tefund to loan at64 tb d Attorney , at Commissioner oe of Manitoba. ton, Wingharn. er cent. 688 of of vi ce 0. DM, J BS fiCOTr YER Montt Life Hs o ere, Solicitors, for the Benk oney ler loan. Ingham. Sol ba. PriVete Ow office every! • OF US E with, &moron Holt Eit Barrister, Soli itor, 1 y to lotto, Ben ores to fo ed s for the Bank taking affida- o lean at 6 per 738 veyancer, &o. thee, CartIn010 786 &e. Office in Cannich , opposite TIER E;POSITO Fermi and hou es for A• Kit Block, (ground 836 and Com Ofilc P 0 0 0 0 .71 0 0E81 to la ohntste Barris Notary 'Solicito erce. Money in Soot 's Block, e fir for t o lend. Main tit De r McCaughey & r, Conveyancer nadian Bank of gene for sale, ! Jolt tt q..4>1 1-4 tml 1.14 t • 0 r 0 PL • OWS A, Car Load of Ge um• e CHILLED PLoWS S —JUST REC Agricultural I Which will import dut stook, impc stook is ex tenor edict A full took of Massey Reapers and ennastey Sharp's Rakes, all of which ill be sold cheap and of all kindsi always on hand or the above machine before buying amachine. es, e subscribe be at old pri equently, he is e austed. Call an INTED AT WI ILSOION S KY P RFEC1iON LAit SUCCESS EXTRADRIMIARYI EGMONDVILL ROLLER 1.W The only genuine Roller Mili t and few equals, on the continent AI:pence for manufacturing Ren PLOWS, A CHAT REMIT -ION ill MALIN The Bread -Question of Vitelll iniportanO, by Rollers now in _ha - m, Seaforth, s, notwith tending 1.1(3 increase of 10 per cent. being detertnined to kee those valuable Plows in abled to sell them at fan er prites until the present and Fifty f them a ew4lays before the rise in the hee those Illdwa bet re flying: a common or 'in- oaranteed td give satis act on or no sale. ow rs, Toronto Reapers and eyls Low Down Binder, and n reasonable terms. Repairs . Don't fail to seenny stook ILLSOiNT, Main Street, Seaforth. color kept our 84)0 just ,opene such" as L Acourat SUCESS E MEDIOA HALL, to get }Jure Divas, Ci4 icals, Dye cods and Dyes every constantl on, it nd. Customers 411 complete out a dies' an nd many in no y respect. We ne assortment of impo Gents . Furs s Comb too nd Patent shade and will find have also led goods, Brushes, g _____physf,ficns, Arelscri:p ims Ca7 efully and th care .an despatilt 2 Next Door to Duncan dziDIuncante Dry Goods Store, Seaforth. RO ban 8 HOW TQ 8AV oney being care t8 tO know where value for whet th solved the probl as nice and ch le Groceries, for sedl his Fruits ere ny quantity a Go r hased, and ;the lie paid. 'Pork and Be f H sages -always on h 143sware of eve 13 Pia cure y de KI G'S for Dyspe ONEY. eivery person eyi oan get the htit, ve to spend. T GROCER nd' jitgileloiadacYovilanBleUtyae:, .and cheap. Pork and Beef ighest market Bacon and t the Cheap Seaforth. rockery and ly B. neisinnELL Pro and Civil Engineer. 0 nded Di ECIFIC, it 'always on al rand Surveyor er by mailprompt BELL, 1111E0141J vegetable and daily bffeeting Sick Headacb teach()) that b all the above orte the Wi mod, diseases. Try it and -use-aerde ditig to directio est miraculous cures of the fol ow d on the Stomach, Sour an a BiTTERS, THE ONLY CENUI E INDIAN MEDICINE Now in th ng compTetinta coetiveness Canadian maeket. It is purely e of (di ;patent modicines, and 13 : Liver Complaint, Dyspep .1a, Weak Eack, PinapIed Skin, Suit reason as well so experience ngthening the system, will mire , and yon will bless the day you BOSINESS CHANCHIP. The undersi lie that he h ness hitherto in Kippen, fronk ranks Huroa. Our ed begs to announcte to the pub - purchased the general store bust - carried on by Mr. Henry Schafer, is, determined to place it in the f general store in the County of took of With ANDEEW CALDER at the helm, and now th t the holiday eason is fast approaching, and th a good people f Huron and Perth -will doubt - lees require sum thing ieat and artistie the way of Portraite o send es holiday gilts to absent friends or relativ s, and Mr. O. being fully alive Dry Goods, Groceries, • Crockery, to the impoetano of tinS fact, has made special ex ra arrange,neots for the accommodation of the b liday trade. CALDER'S for Christmas Pie- ta 'es, CALDER'S for New Year'e Pictures. For a hoto of tasty design, excellence of shade and firish, easy and gracefel position, eounied with appropriate background and aocessoriee, give the P.IP. P. P. 0, trial, and then go away Broiling with dellight and a good Vetere. Eats, Caps, Boots Shoes, eke., • Will be found well assorted and complete, with splendid lime of Spring Goods arriving tearly everyl day. We show excellent Values in New Cottolated s, Shirtings, Dress Goods, Paints, Cot- tons, Carpets, fTweeds, Ducks, Denims, ace which, were bought for cash at a discount, c4 which we will give our customers the advantage. ReMember, we do not quote low prices for low graded gootis „merely for a catchpenny, but mean to keep a firstlela.,ss stock and sell it as cheap as the next. Call and examine our stock and prices aed con- vince yourself battier purchasing elsewhere, as we are satisfied e Lu cannot get as good goods at the same prices. Butter and ggs taken in exchange, for which the highest p lees we 1 be paid. No Trouble to Show Goods. Five per eetlit: discount allowed on all cash pur D' WEISMILLER. tee all applicants and it rp.r,-Almcep Icy /et WINDSOR, IVIO EY TO LOAN rpHE under igned, having beery anpointed Agent for the Hernilton ProvidentandlLorai Society, is now prepared to effect Loans en farm property at the loweet rates of interest and on the most favorable terms. Applications by Mall or person- I ally promptly attended to. Soottla Block, Sea -forth. THE H COUR OF JUSTICE. N the Miter Of the Suth- '1 of Lot No. 14, in the Third ConteSsion 1 f the Township of McKillop, in th County of • iron, and. the East - clay ten attes of the Nerth-hi If of the fold Lot hitving a bteadt of sixteen ode by one hundred rods in length. °dee her by Oven that Peter County of Huro , yeoman, let - made an s,ppliee.- a Certificate of Otoperty, tinder the g Titles Act," end hes produoed deuce wher by be appe trs to be the owner fthere in fee, fr e from ell locum- bi-ances exeept mortgage in favor of James Alfilson to emir $1,60U sed interest, hreefore airy other tiers° haviog or ). eteteling to have any title tq or i terest in the -aid land or any Part statement of hisf verifi d by ander-It, at my Chambers in loode Hall, i the eity of Toronto, cflice in the teett of aeaforti , in the County of Huron, aelSolicitor Ler the s id Peter O'Sullivan, and in default ery shell c aim will be barred and the title ef be said Pet O'Sailiviin benotne absolute and in °feasible at Law and in Equity, 84bjeet only to the reserve.ti naade in the 26th the said Mortgage. GEO. S. HOLMESTED, Ref •ce of Titles. 847-4 Boller Flour &rings from $1.2.3* ito $1.60 per barrel more than the bk.tst made by the Old Process. - Farmers will in all cases get their own.wheitt ground, and by our ilewsyS. tem get a stronger, wbitea, richer and better grade of floiir by far than t a public has hitherto been able to get. Remember, there is no liunibug ore periment in our adopting , the Grad Reduction System. Our new sylstena thorough end reliable. It_ hits b thoroughly tested, and proved ' gre t success in Hungary, Germany, ran England and the United States-. extensive change at a heavy cdet, an we guarantee better Flour noW. trial will be sufficient to prove our ale cHOPPIltG. Onr facilities for this elees of worh are unsurpassed, and customers may d4 - pend 012 getting "their chopping done sit once. Be sure and try our faincius nelir process,roller flour. Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed deli ered to any part of Seafertie Harem hey or Egmondville free of charge. *a- Our Saw Mills at iEgnartudvill and Brucefield in full operation. 808 ' KYLE in xuse D. FARMERS, !IT WU PAY NEAR THE HIGH SCHOOL,SEA And.see our stock lot PLOWS LAND ROLL.ft7R1 Which has been made especi lly f this county. I have greatly i. prevail my Geng Plow for this Beason, ud feel satisfied in saying that it is the best* • the market. -Our , Are large and heavy, runnine light ' doing good work. Our 1 GRAIN CRUSHE S 1 - Are made from hard iron, and 11 lain longer than any other =chin made. Having special tools for re -utti Special attention given to re irr Stearn Engines, Saw and Gris. Reapers, Mowers, Threshieg al Olin* and all kinds !of menhinery repaired oh short notice and at reasonable retell. To contractors and others — Bridge Bolts and Castings at lowest rate,. Also agent for the implements of repairs constantly on hand. THOMAS HENDRY. i PUBLIC NOTI EI THE undersigned, having been appoined.Ag CONFEDERATION LIF of Seaforth and surrounding eountty, yea as Is desirous of It -Baring the lives of all tb.0 eithet make 8e.tisfactor) provision for familiesendfriende in ease of death. r This is undoubtedly the i Insurance Company doing businees ix Canada preemie A look et the Daily Globe or Meal f May let, 1883, will eatisty any resonable mai; f this fact. Call at once on . JOHN BEATTIE, N. B.—Money , to Lean DU Oarm fir ToVin Property on the easieet terms of payment and 9.1 low interest. 804 •SEAFORTII PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLINI3 FA:ORA ettEstibscribeebega leave to thank hienurateriei hived -nee commencing businese in SeetOrthalt*. tenstehat he maybe favored with a nottinuangs of th.e same. hien a cello's he -will continue to keep on band4 Div Pini Lumber, Sashes, Blinds and Ifouldings, Lath, 47c. who mayfavour him with theirpatron7s. but first-cIassworlcutenareerOployed. Partioulas attentiosa paid to Cristo 201 JOHN H. BROAD • OT. 1 I am determined to Clear Out '.Entire Stock of Furniture rev" -1588 of Cost. THOSE IN WANT, it will pity thereto aBei tett prices before purchasing else- here. give a "nage diseount to those paying teeth,* pecitelly to newly married couples. I am still iteiliog six highly finished 0:5 airs fitfr best and eheapest in the miteket; arrantet6 $2.60. also keep Knowlton's Sprintred, perfectly noiveleita. 1,1 tatIti Wareeaoms directly opposite NI. R. ronn Manaraoth .To leery tore , Ma in Steeet, oda* East Side. Oath for hides, Aim', furs end truck or trade. Paid]. for everything. 625 8.2 W. 112 Mel Tb ver Neill au A durih Pans refus ewne being the 8 -tier 0 ple h, View of ea Ch ious seri mai a seat turn ceive with ' the were Au few rive row by an aapt wate tea - Thi by unto net fr the cesat yard wo at 23 bloc mor $20 du the the the foo trie th Inc dw cie trim yid wer sen Tb loc wr hie lee pie reg we the the Ci on prci he oa