HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-03-07, Page 4.4 44 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -is:-The figure between the parenthesis after eaeh line, denotes the page of the paper on which, the advertisement will be found. Preparing for Spring --G.. Good. (1.) Honey—R. McGregor. (5) Throat and Lung Institute. (5) Lime --Cornish & Garland. (5) Anotion Sale—Wm, Diamond. (5) Gard R. W. Brnoe Smith. (5) Notice to Builders—J. Gilchrist. (5) Dyeing—Maes McDonald. (8) Notice—L.. Thorne. (8) Dissolution of Partnership. (1) Farm for Sale—A. McCartney. (5) Wanted—Wm. Walker. (5) Notice to Debtors—R. Fulton. (5) Balls for Sale—T. Russell. (5) Card—Dr. Yecoe. (1) Business Change—RR. Fulton. (1) Estray Boar—A. By:ermann. (5) Glearine Auction Sale—J. Graham. (5) A Splendid Chance—H. L. Verooe. (5) Abstract Statement. (5) Seed Peas, &c.—Laidlaw & Fairley. (5) Colts for Sale—James Wells. (5) - ztxan �x�ras�xax. SB_AFO;RTH, FRIDAY, March 7 ,1884 The Liquor License Muddle. The License Comnnissioners. and In- spectors funder the Dominion Act have been, appointed and have commenced. operations. They have notified the license holders to send in their applica- tions to them accompanied by t,: until it wag determined) by court in the land that 'the, not belong to the Province. ,4n the' same day ever thohe• Opposition . in the e ported this view by vet ng declaring that " imam oh is of the opinion hat! " regulate the .liquor t�affi laws belongs, under: t e B " America Act, eaclueiia'e1y ": latures ' of- the.' Province " expedient to settle a call " under the Dominion Lice " 188.3, which this Houise bi "beyond the jurisdioti n of `tion Parliament." ore Sir John=Macdonald, h mss pealed to by the Licens Ottawa the other day; take out licenses under : of showing that he had n . c the validity of the Dom to he had caused to be par ed he is now arbitrarily tri± ng In view • of these fact , t think we are jastiiie . in those who pay' their fife e d i Dominion commission s throwing away their tit This conflict between ties will not only occasion anew and inconvenience int it the liquor trade, but • he much to -embitter the ire) tins be ween vi ey th • ighes pow ;r di me o ber o later: sup r a otio the Eons he right t by'licens ritiah Nort • tot e Legis. ss, it is no of dutie u88- of o 3lieve to b the . orcin than this If, wh n ap iatna lers o ed them t.' Act , thus nfiule ce in Act biota and hich to e force. erefo e, .we sayin • that liars uO the re ' s• triply wo a..nthori- loss', ose en ill 'a •noy aged so do necessary fee, and in many instance these Inspectors have called upon th. Retinae holders under the Provincial A personally. Under the Dominion Ao the sum. of $1.0 has to accompany th application for a license, and a forth. sum of $5 has to be paid when th license is issued. This is all that is collected under the Dominion Act, and this: goes to defray the expenses of the commissioners and inspectors and to pay the requiredtadvertising. ` The Act, however, provides for the collecting ofa fee under Provincial authority for Pro- vincial and municipal revenue purposes, and the commissioners cannot grant a license until the applicant has give: satisfactory proof that he has paid or tendered this Provincial fee to the Pro- vincial authorities. The Dominion -Ac: thus recognises the power of the Provin- cial Governments to impose and collect a license fee. So that the $15 charged ander the Dominion Act for.the license is simply a tax placed upon the liquor dealers for the purpose .of_ feeing and maintaining a horde of useless officials. So -me of the dealers, for the sake of peace, and it order to. make assurance doubly sure, propose to pay this Domino ion tax and take out a license under the Provincial Ades welt. Of course, those who do this, will not likely be molested by either, but it seems to us, as we shall hereafter show, that they are parches. ing peace at too great a price, and that they are simply throwing away the $15 they give to the Dominion comanission.- ers. The test will: come with those who .may he refused license by either author- ity. If the commis'aioners under the Provincial Act refuse a license to a per- son who has been granted a license by the Dominion commissioners then the trouble will commence. The party will, claim the right to sell under the Domin- ion license, but the Provincial authori- ties will; fine him for so doing. Here is where the conflict of authority will come in. Bat, we have said that those who take out Dominion license are throwing away their money. This is practically the case; as in' any event they must take oat the Provincial license and pay the pro- vincial fee This is sufficient to shield thein from loss or harm, as the Ontario Governme t have pledged themselves to protect he license holders under their Act, and i : the event of the Ontario Act being decl red ultra viris, the Govern- ment. are onnd to re-imburse those who suffer loss y, complying with its provi- siona, so th t it is nnecessary for the sake of protection to pay the Dominion fee and take out the Dominion license. The Dominion Government, however, give no such guarantee. The money collected under their Act. sloes not go into the public treasury at all, but into the pockets of the commissioners and in- spectors to defray their expenses and consequently cannot be returned, and those who pay it will just be so much out. In fact, so far as we can see, the .collection of this fee is simply obtaining money under false pretenses. In view of the decision of the Privy Council in the Hodge ease, there can be no doubt in the minds of any that in pass- ing their Act the Dominion Government and Parliament assumed powers which. do not: belong to them, and that the re- gulation of the liquor traffic comes exclu- sively within the control of the Local Legislatures..This is the opinion -now held by the highett and most eminent legal authorities in the load. Mr. Meredith, the .leader of the Opposition in the Local Legislature, is of this view. In the Legislature on Wednesday last he is reported by the Mail to have said : " So far back as the winter of 882, before the general election, he' (Mr. Meredith),, when addressing meetings in the western section of the Province, speaking on behalf of the Opposition, took the ground that in his judgment the right to regulate the liquor traffic, under municipal institntiona and police regulations of the British North Ameri= ea Act, was a matter entirely within the Jurisdiction of the Province. (Cheers.) Be had also taken the ground that it was the duty of the Provincial -Legisla- ture ture to continue to exercise that power 8 the 'Federal and Loi 1 d it is but right t at bility tor. this nnfor t.na airs should be mlaof e Ac 's t a�. e right shoulders. • The dotal er I have ' exercised nodi Out e (ler the . liquor traffic s'nnee tion, and there was no ; ler reasonable excuse for tlai on_ the part of the Fede But the Ontario Govern every exertion to get an trent of the dif lty.: twice written totheDoInini went pointing ont the eu 1. must flow from a clashi n and asking thein to sus ation 6f. their; act . u could be submitted to t oil and a.deoision rende. 1-thority. These proposit ed with silent contempt ion Goverriment, the ` ece letters being simply act ?tv ' Clerk of one of; the : cue ar [ fact the Mail 'has .s4i noa offers of Mr. Mowat for a__ settlement as "impnden ;' be seen that Sir John the Dominion Governre and solely responsible fo_x and trouble the liquor d being subjected to, an entailed upon the con4 proposition of the Prov ment been accepted,tbo have been amicably an settled and no person or suffer, but it was treated and the result is confetti annoyance, and we fan the sufferers will unite minion Government o autho he r. to st d .o. fnthc rd Conf itima s' ii1nterf= al lautho t hav ibable Mows q. Cants o anth. n the la teat rivy! �y th were he .D• iptof edged media ;;sed 1 aril twill ac • onald are w e 6g s are con fi ad 1 Goy culty c tisfact rest w iih contempt ages and hat few of • the Do. in stig itis- owat as im- e r: n y t ei g ing the overtures of Mr. pudent." ities, spon- te of the rities ntro dera- e or reuse ities. used ettle- has vern- that rit3, oper- oase oun- t au- reat- min- the_ by a Iu hese able thus and oily suss DOW sion the' ern- ould orily ould THE result of the , o Santh Oxford on Wedte beta surprise to many: the duly accredited .Refs was defeated. by a majori Cook, his successful opp dependent, with Conser debts, but is pledged 1 Mdwat Government on questions. Mr. Notion's doubt due to a feeling loi on the part of his friends €electio -in last will as. on, ca di ate, f 11'. Mr. edit is a In- t • ve ' 'n ece- o bupp.- rt the im,o ant feat 1 i no over -security 1 aJ d IT is stated on what ; e authority that the Attar Qdebec -has refused to Dominion License Act, tine to issue Provinc formerly. The- Quebec are bringing very strong upon Sir John tie fere the Dominion Act, and t be suooessful, as .whenev Blues make a detnandn ion Government they !S ante.. In this inet fuse will succeed.` me to b'e ey-G'o crb recognize n F will! al lioenee C nser's-at essurelto' to re. ey will' li; ✓ the• ,,`u� on he of o ,ce tort e hope 1 OUR OTTAWA: TT. (From Our 01E13 Corr • s . nden _ • Ottawa, . ar 1i & d1 4. 1 THE.C. P. R. LOAN BIL P $SED After about four we:ks of al steady debate the Can: di: n Pa Loan Bill has at 1 t' p: ssed its t reading in the. Co moa t only mains now for. the U pp r ll use o gorse the measure to t}a, e t r the Governor General's sin tore. 9 . ordinary course is f r Oh the close of the -see ion' t o ve h sent to all the bills asse. ,,b t it is balite that Lord tined e will asked to snake a special visits to to this bill. TheSedate Chamber to signi y his' a fly . di ate w money. Its floating deb iti b the it a good deal and the ;lo stock in the market is ;so imi out: of the magtiates' +pock; ts, becomes finally known th . t dia>f Pacific -Railway ' C•rn thirty millions of gdod .. on • y •r ood d of the Son- as Ives. ear peal ely bee ntn- Pli- hey ted ft within the - money it does not; it Wishes, surely t a price ` at which make enough mill to sell. The last were tame enough ie ttw n d e ►e stock wi he 1.. ag ions to- in hours: o I t An i ost ific ird re- en - for' he at as- ro- be the ent nts ng ride sof- the lchl =fro. ey it na- • as an- ich ess to an thm eb: to the Ce: ai y y ga�a ars,' w' pay nn &� Iit 081 nee ]e Id punt s a 11 all 'with int r st. Hi surpl s es ow finds, we made u of the a a t e Govertimen chest. he 'N ., ren year endin n June will is brut had iner:a ed so much h t a e now being 11 a'de in he con t y. he one single tit I that r Leo a d ill ons of sarpls s from th peop !of cora lete without s me Frac char s very important fact . His fir, t utter e was gadnet the ger ynaande -which d kept him out of th Rouse I or ov r a been prevented by wenn% provi Rio of a Act of Parlia, 'sent to 1 hat in ent mad and provided from b ng pre ent ing sus reminded is opp ents hat OUt 9 f the Hole h d been ul mimes f 1, IS cial situation an. the re :Mi. . His arg meints ol. the fi a Its of t to, PI taxi it were simple means ,erable. t Gov rnment, h we er, that he din with Most tel ing, force. e sho settl rs in a thi li se across thous mile of plains, he3 have gi n over bran h lines its:lf, or allo other buil them, ans th y have eated cred ted the co s ntr in ever way orat a in eidetic id s yle, a,tid as he men , he was e con aged b loudi id eat y cheerin I he, get de pent business, no s as thi ebate, th th e days s eelil devoted to the de e, it is ot iimptbable th t i may la t until he Nati6nad Policy can be eh w , land tate. g Ju time has t Da,Vid Mil 8 is affair nit id a the me, ber ulatien of vo lit elastic che rs, eel how w lee signal via ory on. David he seat for of aaothe oussion on the • uestion Charles 'Flipper • ad forf in the House by : emitting of High Gomm stoner w about idnigh on Thu the question of he third r bill came up. B fore mo passed this fina tage, Sir per Moved an 1 ,• endmen amalgamation i e ween t Pacific and the a rand Tr the branches or 1:ased li Ico pang with th other,a inning arrange ents sa approval of the Govern() council. The endmen o, of Course, nd wa o malty introd r.ed into a intended, of ourse a or public favor b the Gu obody knows be ter than self how easil it wool ;o nponies to co..e to an chichi no such la could i his little piece of clap een Cot elude • several ere brought f.rward osition all of • hich, w oted idown in s ort orde rovided for the ranches ins of the Can s ian Paci he main line bpi g made h +. ng of tenders ax d the pro loan the se o d for t o struction co••.any swi h'rd for the au i ing of -t h Canadian a ific by etieral of the oneinio easonable ams• d.• euts co sen imagined t . • these, rnment has a • o'el deal t eying directed i;s folio% h m down. T e vote on to .s was 58 for e Oppos or the Govern .i a t, or tee Out Majority • f • 4, .or me o one.) 1 THE ]3 liDGET DEBAT E. So the Canadi; . Pacific! questa c ut of the way a ast and is pias edn taken by a flea • bial d rifling out -of t e Finance 1 Mini uc)get speech. a budge r was br• own en Friday Sir Le nard . iliey Making his it se oh sten =led hard Ito nt a :good face on mat ers, bu is oeition now is uch di erent fr ,m at he_has cotep ed for t e last flew 3 ears. Since 18 ' he has «sen .able to ost of' lucre: s'eg revel ue, bi is r- 13 general pro;.erity an good pros- ects. But he b gine to t nd that, ili- • hetb ted hi the p 8 con slay: ading ing tl harle to p e Ca k on es of d mak jeot t Gen was duly the bi me ernme Sir C be. fc derst terfere rap mend y tit e of . Th and C as securi publi bition Iles, a accou the a No Id wel ndth anew rs .to these ion an ear G e tha 1 t THE HUH ( it at on ea en f he p- it an of it er .gall he al l in ed nd It id or es he dug ith. ng its e11 fi 'St aed 1 l are s nor 11 be, of ur. re• sive 1p. for, vote u43s- 22 e u 0 IN b is as to te� 's„ ht b .] n Hon. teat +fir th Mani 'ion8li .ions lrhur� entht him s thi Orion theB John held 't part OR BO ast b once or Bo or th es, ha nde h the - s gree s mu e to e and s and 11:. M ho ole s still o 0 is a • LL. done, Ore in ell, ne ubseq abled from e mber with s ave m wel if) bile ghteon on ana wn. buildings, and it i that he is trying t -ment to give h sort whio will re he. has SU cessfully t that the s same sy seem to recognize polidcal gamest stakes, and rea scheme in order t EXPOSITOR. ire and d genera induce ay him 1 ly ,believed the [Gov on. tion of some or the loss ta.ined in carrying on unsue- e fight for the seat. Now at is t en from him, there pathy shown *en for John t still e en his own friends that he as a mere r, plead fer high y r ort to any win. e is, beaten wrelted and he can in the place a honor, to feel th ife is e to acrifice ttain all ag attain.for short time. THE RAMER OR Cum lege i and elect ono. committee that la t y ar Macdonala. of Prince 'd because of a techn 'cal_ i ti fin return of his o, pon at, standing that Mr, acd minority *of the v tes. mittee is to have hi something which I 'indeed. On Th speaker to:order a new per's const,itneucy, on he had violated lie Parliament ect in Com MisSiOnership qualified himself a plena Mr. Blake on papers which takea good care n House before t nece3sary to the su cess member of; Perlia position under the or other einoluna place of High Com form ally enithout usual allowance of posed to be for exp vatiy es urge that- a paid there was uo while the Liberals that the payment is not necessary to debao,e on the eines Among the priucip matter in. a clear. that made even th ties and the close, Macd onald undert leagee, but he mad success of ib. -He hiti side the testine a, high authority o this. In order to John read alf of a • IS in the, his is the ard Island, nality in the botwith- n "balli upon the ace pti h the High and by that act dis a ember Of Podia- arg Ds at was based he ov patent had t to )ri 4. before the in absolutely of, hat measure. ,can be a ent whe,..acoepts any row to Ivhich salary issione last session seeary, hut with the uses.' The COuser- th re las no salary Ma Of the law, poin to the statute iloenq as rltivieet; ali alt rs was Mr. Mr. 'Clarke's; adinission,it male be noted, clefinesarrthieatt' an oe THE OPPOSITION in financial matters to a nicety. They are always eady to crv "extravagance," and. to denounce the ve,aste, of the peo- which they say' is taking ple's moue place, but t ley are careful to ,do so in a 'wholesale ay, and avoid Coming to ,particulars. It would be a laaatter for surprise eh aid the Oppositidn this see. Sion propos any more than pne or two definite red ctions in the PrOvincial ex- penditure. They would in doiug so be entirely rev toting their record for ses- sione past. The motion being to go lute Cbmm ttee of Supply, Alr, Carn- egie wound up his remarkabY a motion condemn at ' ry of the Govern en t action in aothoriziug two sets of sc col read- ers. Mr. • oss, Minister of Education, of Mr. Cars egie in insinuating while afraid to -m ike the charge openly that he (Mr. Ro fs) had used hie official posi- tion to fart} er the interests of a certain hook.publis ing firm, he showed that only 2i per. ent of the children of the and that on y some $3,067 had bee Spent upon hem, consequently the lo to the coun ry would be entry sligh The Conser atiye press has been e Ross on ace • unt of hip allege comae tion with Messrs Gage 1 & Co , but Mr as thorough y satisfied iwith that gentl mans exists &thee of his pbtition. I remains to be seen whether the pres will imitate Mr, White's candor. The busi ess transacted .ori Wedne day was of veky miseellaneous elm aster. The claim made by the Do miniou for dditional payments to th Indians un ter the Robins° treatie was again_ d scuesed, Mr. Mowat statin that wherea the Dominion authoritie formerly m de this claim ale agains Ontario alo e, they now make it a against the ate Province of 0 na,da, in - Treasurer. ointed out that the sum claimed, $4 0,000, was in any case far too great. Mr Ba,skerville (Ottawa) brought up he question of t e reepon- sibility of th Government fo bringing out from Ir land the large ii mber of pauper ina igrauts who have been living on ch. rity in Toronto and else - It where for a number of month . Messrs tElardy and Fraser proved that th blame lay with the Dominion Govern ment who rought them out to thi country, and not with the Provincia Government who had kept them eedeavored to I obtain work for them Mr. Gibson (Eaet Huron) moved th second. readi g df his bill -to amend the Ditches and We er Courses Act of last session. The bi 1 proposes to limit the amount whi h ay be awarded by the engineer for ditches censtructed under the Act. It as read a second time and referred to committee. Mr. Mereclitfalin resaraiug the budget debate on T ursday, protested against the 8, ss t. r. 0- lf e- 8- 1 1 11 • 11 1 sp ho ea ti with the oat 'sou Isense way eres ing. Sir John ok.t( &fiend his col - ba indifferent ndeiltoo to enlist on ny lef the late Dr. ria Partianient, su h questions as BBC ee ;in this Sir lett rlwritteh by Dr. ke, n his reply, ea is e clear that to play a petty er's case at Todd ; but when Mr. BI ✓ had tried the ou8 fraitied fro ir Chs. les g the d bat t besid the s seat as been et ntra Mina hi la hes. he d elect ons ng 'nye tiga, and teen there will be majority will deelat e th not disqualified fro III sit ber of Parliiiment. Th has nst voted once t is s shows that he believes h'f at least some infor alit that a bill h'as bee in demnify hiria for an mo may have occurre p a ley With the oth THE OHL read the ot the Premi npinion on all. Duri for while h and not y would have for him to terial ben privileges a tip in Controversy intnittee, it .Ye no thtlao etoirnuilse_ ail solemnly go te end the t it- Charles is cit that he h, however, elf guilty of nd the fact ro oced, to in- ey penalty he s that the to Set irn quite on r mem pers. ont wil lar un me sio Act pro tha be cisi al swe ion day Id a the • licenses Under this Act, therefore, hav the pleasure o paying these e fee in adtilition to those payable er th Ac The Govern - t he e, brder to void the confa- whi h the conflict etween the two m st ,nepessarily produce, have ose to the Govern (sent at Ottawa the opeiation of th McCarthy Act ostp nod' fo a year .ntil a final de- n as to its. alidity •ould be obtain. he presebt Provinci 1 law to remain 11 fo de in the mean irne. - No an - has yet been made by the Dorain- ove nment, but as he Mail yester- de ennuis:I the proposition as wnright impudence, ' it is not likely will' entertain it fay stably. ge i it is that the is t aensferred from erno -in-Council to t ogre ment 'recently one nments of On as t the administr e di puted, territory a reaohed by th Fres r's bill fo a' em toyed in a fir t time. for it e safety stringent regu fare OT CREDI ha oll po Mo the the in t il. Mr. f. luso bee rea pro ision and chil ay dow pp -lane 11 It is n Governm heir. sit o ever attebapts gentleme ed—it w names, b fact that Opp Bid° When su seer 88 di veral of the m nt e of th glance, and to have been enti h, from the c uld etiot be fa t the clean be moue ary and re hel out. T st be h graceful s Bill has once the commis-- . The only ower of fixing he Lieutenant - e courts. Mr. bill confirming ade between ario and Mani - ton of justice until a final Privy Coon - the protection factories has t makes ample f women, girls factories, and ations eat re - capes, sanitary at attempts— been made to inhere of the House from cause them to ion. As these unsucceese erecter of the s to be expect - r to mention o doubt of the other bedtim- e case of 'the pelees indeed G. H 032 Not s. last wee at the age of 6 on the d Orange ingh m in Fe prominent citiz ns of La 'tow car ying The ext incia Gra at to remove to Blyth. 1.,kas leased th tho Ma. The lad thout on the Domiuio for the amount retain- ed out of th su eicly from186F down to 1873 at whi .h ate the surplus debt was assume t will be recollected ,that Trees Ross in hia financial faded that the assump- s debt by the Domin- utended to take effect . If this claim can e Province will be the a half millions. The o being -urged' by Que. VI dissents from it as is concerned, but has condemnation of the bec ; and from the recent t Ottawa, it is ego to Say will get the full- amount s. He also criticized the s course on the reader ch the Opposition were king their grand ' point of Hardy showed that the of the two sets 'teas made ice of the central! commit - the reversal of the Gov - icy would be folloWed with lancial loss either to the to the pablishere, 143 both en alopted in other Pro- ey could be easily! disposed . Fraser, who is, this ses- it Ev sion, once m re in good figthtiag trim, Th Bill to ine Oranqe Society of ea came up for a se evenings ago, but A storia, who has the was, ot in his plac had he been, that p the B '11 fro the h of Ha ttngs, who h year tho of Mr augur illfo its cha meas re wil not la rota ur Ow To Th disou sion o effect ally ' laid t been raised regar finan es by r. Cre way &A. over the n spent the in rcli. tE i s 7 _ ond re rtteic el: Coil ou He ces inio st to On statement c ton of the s Ion in 1873 as at date of be made goo gainer by tw same china i far as Ont nothing to s action of Qu occurrences that Proviuc of its dement Government question, wh evidently m at tack. Mr. autborizatio upon the ads tee, and that ern men Vs po very slight fi the Loyal of there. M rer nt rpl 186 an al red rio Mr. White, e of it last nt cne for go very mud change en gentlemen benches, and 1 Cameron, the reader q Policy adopts) year. There set for two w re that the y pressed • was 0 ing t the e tails From tory c ed b thirds forma career act of the co some LI ly a s ittle ti VCR LIC PE traffic teebear a -portion of • TTER. Cerra ndent.) ONTO, Ma dth,1884. budget was. ns that had th Provincial at f rt years, and. e i3 owing that: y,b o • ing ght la • NSE e di ion of fore- yery year. parliamen- pon the Pr ond adoubt of the inmat ories and asy tion to drink • • • t as pbssibl whiela sent here th diture for public ins every Int) as fair -1 tion is erely from point 'uf vie -s—that the ev 1 she Id be diture ,Mes rs. 01 replied on be alf of formet admit ing t point to any item in fairly ay thf? it ou vino hYaeta at least two - and ib as only an as len e a share of uPen he cause re. A he expeu- do la a ana-cents mat origin of ke and, Carnegie , he pelopition, the i at e Could not ; the lestinaates and i, ht be reduced. 1 1 speech, which geemed to against the grain of the a the front Opposition completely vindieated the by the Government on estion in sobetitating one en it became evident that popular feeli g had set in in favor of the about one 'clock in the morning on Mr. Carnegie's amendment, 'the vote 35 against it, Mr. Neelon t vote this eession with the The Opposition had e a better showing on this zi on the amendments moved to the address, but' muat have been eonsider- hey were confronted with the Government's majori- 14. OR LICENSE QUES ION. giving his fir hoped to ma question th which they their ohagrin able 'when ty from 12 to THE LIQ 11 The licens: maddle. betwee the two Governments seems , to be growing worse. The Ottawa authori ies have apparently cided to put the °earthy Act into oper tion, while the Ontario Govertarnent are equally reselved to stand by the rooks Act. In one im- portant part enter, however, the Pro- vince has the advantage of the Domin- ion, The L cal Legislature has the power to fix the prices to be paid for all licenses, whe the Dominic) in express te to be paid by prohibitive, c Act coming i instanee they license under to do. ; The ffect would and ubtedly peL licenses from the ' Dominion officials. As a Matter f fact, the Government have not gone so far as this, but they have made a very coneiderable discrimi- nation. The fees for licenses under the Doi:minion Act are to be as follows: For wholesal saloon and sh in towns $250 adopted lir de ships $120, ai a scale very her issued by Ontario or , and the McCarthy Act ma recognizes this power. herefore, the Pttevincial „t by making the license fees licenses under the Me- Piad high as to be practically I to operation. Su enacted that the the Dominion A h they have a per wee Fra Ar plsc afte cis stroll last enmiller, died. years. Belgrave, is rand Union in eting of the Lodge will be rnary of 1885. e of our Moist .hapinane of Brussels, Leadb ry hotel, and on; the nine 'yearn.. of first of next Mr. McAdam, of Exeter, a age, died last a ye y short illness. gret t learn of week • the death of son of Robt. s, which took _Mr. . owelt has removed from ti Win ham to hi farni oil theLs.ke Shore, nett Analterley, latelV occupied by Mr. --Mrs. Norden, wife of the pastor of S nda evening lest. Mess te W. Craig an Jas. Hearn, Alla tic , Some tine in May, with t two li und ed heed o prime Huron ne ay la t week Mk. John Ander- of th B. li e,Torni, rry, brought a of ba ley to the ,Win ham market h we ghed sixtv-two pounds to the he Morris Branch Agricultural ty will hold their s ring show at how On the 9th and, 10th days of r. James Clarke, who lives near op, fit the township of Colborne, is collar bone beoken on Saturday, ult., by his horpes running away he was hauling! firewood. - t is repotted that Mr. Jas. Brown sold his . magnificent farrn on the n road, jiist at the eastern limit of on, to Mr. Wm. Bowden, late of clatt the abo datt lead whi lius Soci Blyt Oct 23rd has Hue Olin Exe altid wan the Gatti the spat and eiad barn neat ten from r aid rent 21, 5 jitm rip, t $170_a year, int adv year . on Manada stepe/ of hi 1ms m. It er. t is ported that M ‘. John Coad r. esley! Pattison, of East Wa- urpo e of I buying lad. shipping ond other live stock n T esday last; as r. Archibald onald was driving np the hill from atitl nd river to Ho raesville, his ess James Crich, and putting stone st , when spring opens. est Wednesday Miss. as married to a .youn Manitoba named • 11 idney Johns of the west raising their bling under - Maggie Ash- gentlisman lark, at the lace s4 her ifather, Mr. WM. Ash - Clinton, hap es, being lot ley, to Mr. hip of Mor- tice, for five r. JOseeth W. Mill, o d far of 80 a,c h co cession of St Nel es, of the town • chan eh pose for WI Y t should rice of a html ect right Mor licenses $3o0, for tavern, p licenses in cities $300, in villages $150, in town - a for vessels $250, being on ach in advance of that the Crooks Act, even in form. Those who take 11 cdrn year pare the Sire st bl he A ed h et wi mo hous he a burn nds ispos'ng of he proper r, of oderich. The pos anion March ma named Tames dging for the night in one night last wee h s feet were so ne o them had to be rs, H wick, recently ing b 11 from Mr. Quit bred urhaim and is rice p id. not little surprised to fin e as not heard of it sin r. Doll, a carpenter while fihiogling on a ning; he 11 from the and alra st fractured ni has bee broken be - house, at anchester, list week, Mr. Nichol - y to Joseph new owner Oth. Price • Butler took a shed mid- wer Wing - of Scarfe's urchased a is is a fine well worth ent to the es, but was one of the here was the the yard. e. oof lot Mr. Brook's house, Belgrave„ slippeal fell to the ground, and ' a buncli shingles fell ton him iniuriog hira ',seta onsly. - He was taken home to Viing.1 hani and has eine° died. —On Saturday evening while Mte Rosso', of Stephemwas 011.a step lagaer hanging up an auger in an out building his ,1 feet slipped from under precipitating him very, heavily on his back on a sharp piece of cord He was badly injured and has suffered! considerably frona the effects. —Mr. Robert Smith, omatession 14,1 once in horse flesh last week, he hump, bought a horse of Mr. Robt, Way,iaotr, cession 8, Morris, on Tnenday, and tic animal died on Thursday. The 4ors& was to all appearance sound and healthy on the day of sale. --Finlay, son of Mr. McLennan, of' wh;ile chopping in the woods one day lately, out his loot by the axe accident.1 ally striking and glanting off a. tree,TheI wonnd fortunately Waa net deem mei he Will soon be able to be tireund whei anto-1,4w.T5moohf.reT. Enw;tiNaeria.calhoouLlattit:, 4c)fanWiaoibnag,, keeps the postoffice there, *ad Vithci beep in Winghaar: for the winter, i pre., Province s.hont the middre of eat, In . month. Mr. Niehol would prefer I third Province, and does not intend. perana.1 vention of the Presbytery of Maitlandi will be held in the Presbyterian chnrch,1 mWainroghhaipait,honauTdnie2attlhaynaexnat. WeTdhneel:yo,j gramme is a naost intereSting cue. -Ai mass meeting of Sabbath school chile dren will be held on Tuesday afternooni en's corals:aerie of thet week, to take action in reference to the; Manchester bridge, and decided that thei Waiden and. Messrs. Hardy and Adain-i son; proceed at once to Hatnilton to seei an iron bridge, to be erected ae soon asi —Edward O'Connor, a btailder of Port! Albert, was returning from Manchestari last Saturday night with a load of brick. He lost his way and was discovered. with his team in a farm yard Sunday morn. ing, about half a mile from hie home. He -was half frozen when foiled and diea ii -ore the effecte of the exposure at noon Su—ndGaoytilam joint stock cheese faetery in the county df Perth. held their an- nual meeting on the 29th ult., for the purpose of winding up the husinessof the past and el ectiog officers for the present season. The secretary gave astatetent of the business, which shoWed the tal amount of milk recoiled at the fasttory to be 1,094,384 Mee total cheese, 1,06e 146 lbs.; total money, $11,061.37 ; rabeney of milk to pound of cheeeer10.41 itbse averago price of pound of oheese, Ii0.4.1 cents. Mr. and Mrs, ()vans, who man. aged this factory so successfully for, the past year, have been engaged to inaluage the Bluevale cheese factory in this —Last week Mips Alice Hewitt,oligan. ist in St. George's church, Walton,' wai waited upon at her fatheil,s resiehmee and presented with an addresss acCom- partied by a beautiful gold hunting ease watch, guard and locket, ati a mark of esteem and appreciation of her services. The presentation was made in behalf of the members of the congregation. 1 —The Howick Enterprise says: A private letter from Mr. jeines Do ley, of Heaslip, Manitoba, info nas us that the family of Mr. James rabam for- naerly of the llth concession, Ho ick, are suffering from a severe attaek ef diphtheria,. One of the children; a little girl live years old, has died, and 'the mother and three of her children I are ittill very ill. _ —On Friday evening last week, las. Kessel wife of Charles Kessel, Esq. of Stephen, met with an aocident wl:;ich might have proved much -more seitions in its nature than it really did, It seems while getting into the sleigh.land about to sit down, the horses suddenly started, causing her to fall over 1 the side, but being miabIe to extricate! her feet from the robes, sh e was draggediaith her head on the: road for Wine distance before the horses could be brought to a stand, We are pleased to learn. she is recovering from the injuriee received. —A number of the friends of the Orange Association assembled at the residence of Mr.' Wm. J. Fennell, near Scarfe's corners, in the townshil Of beautiful pair of blankets, 'as a small token of their respect and affection for hina. Mr. Fennell wa.s an active em - that place, and will be greatly lief sed 11. ber of the Loyal Orange Lodg at and readings was arranged and thel ';3 when he goes to:Dakota. A good ro- gramme of speeches,- songs, recitations • evening passed off very pleasantly. —A few days ago while MX% and KM Kerslake, of Exeter, were returhitig home from the oountry, they met With a narrow escape from being serionsly injured. While'driving along the Lons don Road a short distance south of Exeter, Mrs. Kerslake felt someWhat chilly, and hoisted the umbrella for shelter. The horse ,caught eight 4 it, lake not having 'a tight hold on the lines, the horse ran into the diteb, up- setting the occupantb, and Wrecking the cutter. The horse rip a shfirt distance, when it was stopped. Mrs. -• Kerslake was slightly injured. —The Orange Young Britainte of party on Wednesday evening, 20thlult. Tea was served in the -Orange hall,after which. all repaired to the Canada Meth- odist church, fOr the intellectual portion, of the programme. Speeches were' de- livered by Mr. Wilson and Rev. J. Flartley, of that place, and Rev. Mr. Morrison, of, Whighana. A union choir furnished excellent music. On the fol- lowing Friday evening a social ivae. given; by the same order, in their it3,11. An election take contest reaulted In a victory for Miss Mary Johnston, of that place, over Miss Bella MeV-ail, of —For some time past circulars have been sent out from. Blyth,sijgnel, A. W.a Garland, offering to supply counterfeit money. Although the local authorities appear to have known who else party was making these offers, no action Wsz taken to procure his arrest, and it *az left for a reporter of the Hamilton Spectator, Mr. Nichol, to work nP ce.se against '1 Garland" and secure hIS arrest. Mr. Nichol entered into oorres- pondence with Garland" which lei ta tbe vealitY xfatin tini wag prrim liewu jail, bn to bini. asp what is a point from tb hot sari t nutzbi jap,roed.wwan:etirninenwata.ae,nttbtitilf:heoli r °tic _sea: I 11 IF:brt of the 1 34 11 Di fj 31 St :Del ihne ischoot Istei,:zoltait2eai2thtading,oehvt.:41.:;:b.hm1Tiewew,rizti told th not see :Bri:ecrileseeleliaerevnanleti substa elst °:t leMyEl The se :wnof ha:s4°1 lout 1 ehi bir4 or tha eon wn :rut; last th smould the loa but th houset fiavreert have o e 1.0 natball retBurrien Webb °8 31z e' whooalritavi liat_egs 11, E -We ho if 178h3)Si:i:61111allgerirg:i:tit Mid; t32Ka; ticoli oeatb: Ps:::bacecitai°: cesease Xov A. to oor 1