HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-03-07, Page 3• MARcli 7, 1884 ZTHING NEW MILL. e„ pUrehaSed the Grocery Bent . D. Itose, Seaforth, it wilt Ie strae at the old stank.' to the post office,, nd choice Stock of Groceries tonsisting f a thie assort. • LACK AND JAPAN TEAS e flavor and goo a drawing mallet be surpassed. I would 1,whe have any curiosity to eet my 25,t, 50c, bOo and ne ETort will be made to main - est reputation of this stand, ; the freshest and best goods rt, can supply for the least Farm produce taken a9 he Egmandville Gilt Edge ur alwaes ort hand, and goods ree of charge. g to the above, I take= this - y of thanking my customers shlie generally for the patron-. I received for the last six trust that the same liberal "wilt he coutinned to= my suet Cherlesworth. D., D. ROSE. PST'S is the place to go, a Jewelry quite a show. jeavela rieria and rare latest etalee are there, eatienablein priee 1* Lt•eket rice. di on Papst, I is- sure, t.ig fr. en others goods BO poor. y matt and werain born, .apst'aatock to morrow morn. dt ashamed to show hia stock, f.3and in Cardnett.Blook. • Chrhd gnale are beat, c,r :it' at ch investa eou he will do his best, an ry to rival all the reat. , place west of Toronto to Inircbase atcckg, Jelvdry, Silver- ware and ispectades he popular jewelry store of L. PAPST, . STREET, SE4FORTIL placuLTuOAL E MENTS.. roe Agricultural Impleraent MJIUP retmparty have ple 'sure in infarraing of Huron and PertIr that they halm ' :E. VERITY, Exeter, ROE a; HOGAN, Seaforbh, _ rAstlepOir-ALD, rditchell, nstantly on hand all repairs for the • 10111. IRON HAEVESTER ther Irrip'eusents manufacture by !for all the nalichines formerly pane - k HOMPSON & WI I. LIAMS, of Stat- es, for Mechinery left with their War sd to KOX 111ENSALLyWin leapt attention. 1. BaWER,MAN, .••••••.* .! THE SEAFORTH ME MD- LAO AGENCY, NZO 811ONG T fur several Firet-Paas Stook, 111. 44E/mace Compartlet and is prelia. eieks on the =mit favorable terra& mt for several of the beat Loan 80' int far the Saleand Porebe.se 01Fos e Property. Ymber of 19•rirst-Cla$4 r,I.;raved Farms for Sale. 'V to 1.osto at a.ix per Wit 1.11LPECKE• the sale of Oectan tateamehip Vete% ()vtr -Morrisoo's Store,g0 afertl.. PMILY WEICO Eg k th. largeet and best etory naPers :111 AT. I.rielf It full of :V AND) 6t4t, TIANCE., %» UL.1D1. 3' DOT Le A La VE tt) °SI 3 re '11.1 n t be a eireel r line of dug 24 it. ettlai-hed the 1st anel 15th °I Terms : • ne dollar per 8nnul:021 A• eerste 'wanted ever where. Sarn_ell lie Weleume," Lanow`" 817.4 RCTI, 7, 1884. Roussmalill j3ey-ond These Chilling Winds. Fromthe New York Observer. - aleyend these' °billing winds and gloomy skies, Ilfiond death's saltum portal, There is a land where beauty never dies Am& lees becomes immortal; A land Whese Kght is never dimmed by shade, whose nettle are ever verniti, Whet e nothing beautiaal can ever fade • Bat, Weenie for aye, etexnal, aeronomy not know how stweet the bahrty air, ow bright ar d fair its flowers; iee may net la ar the songthat echo there,. - Through those) enchanted bowers. Mist city' s shinieig towers we may not see With our dim earthly vieion, For death, the rodent warden; keeps the key That °pee those gates elysiau. sometinre when &down the western sky The fiery sunset lingers, eel golden gate- swing inward noiselessly, Unlocked by sileet finger& and while they etand a moment half ajar, Gleams hem the hitter glory Stream brigle ty through the azure vault afar, And half reveal the story. hula unimown f 0 lard of love divine! • nther all wise, eternal, - nide,.guide these wandering feet of mine Into those pastures vernal! Nala'er AMELIA PRIEST. Gaieties. At an Iriah league meeting sorne one in the audienee got up and moved that no lane should vote who was not neeeent. is one thing to try to behave like geutleman and quite another thing to be a gentleinan and not need t� trY• Wilhelmina, my dear, I found these stockings lying across a ehair in the parlor." She-" YeE, dear old goosey 1 Why, those are my new thre-aAglaatugoing e"ing to plant my •foot down," said tbe lady of the house in Wrathful tones. "What 'yer going to raise, corns ?" interrogated the man of the hous,efrom behind his paper. -When some of his courti4rs endeav- oured to inmte Philip the Good to pun iah prelate who had need him ill, he said, "I know that I can avenge myself, but it is fine thing to have vengeance in onete power and not to use it." -" When are you going to make me that pair of new boots I ordered ?" asked Gus De Smith of his shoemaker. "When you pay me for the last pair I made for you." "Whew 1 I can't wait so long as that." -"Dear George," said a young wo- inan, "I am willing to marry yon if I have to live on bread and water. "Well," said the enthusiastic George, " you fur- nish the bread, aud I'll skirmish around and find the water." -The Irishman is funny even when he is sad. They were lowering a British eaptain into his grave, and as the com- pany fired a volley, poor Pat, with eyes brimful of tears, cried oat: "Ah, mas- ter, that's the last shot your honor will ever hear." Will you hae a sowp kail, Mr. Brown ?" asked a lady of oneof her guests at a goed substantial Scotch din- ner. "On ay, mem, thank ye. I aye like a pickle kail. If they're glide kail their worth suppin' ; and if they're no gude, Re a sign there's no nauckle to come after." • -A plain-spoken old Scotch lady, Mrs. Warrehope of Niddry, being very ill, sent fur aunt Soph, and said te her, “Soph, I believe I'm dying. _ Will j ou alwaye be kind to my children when I am gone ?" "No, na ; tak' y'r spoilt deevils wi' ye:" was the reply, "for ha.e needling ado wi' them." -They were returning home from the theatre, and. had nearly reached her home when the young man observed : "Isn't the weather cold and raw ?" She must have raisuuderstood him. '•Rave," she mid, rather heeitatingly. "Yes, I like them raw, but," she continaed, looking sweetly in his eyes, " don't you think they are nicer fried?" What could he do? ---'1Good morning, children," said an Acadia phi sician, as he met three or four children on their way to school, "and bow are yen this morning'?" ''We darsn't tell -s ou," replied the oldeat of the crowd, it. boy of eight. "Dare not tell -me 1" exclaimed the physician, "and why not?" "Oauser papa said that last year it coat him over $50 to .have yoti come in and aek ns how we were. *-"Good morning. Is Mr. Bleak in ?" • "Noesah ; he's gone to his business, Well, is Mrs. Black in ?" "Dat depends, sah. What does ye want wid her ?" "Why, here's a milk bill of $32 I'd like her to settle." d She KM not in, sah." "But E know she is in." "Can't help it, sab4 De orders am dat she am never in fur meat and milk bills and skit. Good morraird ; 1 has to go; she am callin' me." -A reluCtance ever to be character - as old is a. well-known weakness of the female sex. The Rev. Mr. Robb Episcopal clergyman at St. Andrews, waited, shortly after his ordination, on the Hon. Miss Erskine, one of his con- • gregational adherents. Miss Erskine Waii.p.n octogenarian. After a few com- • monplaces, Mr. Robb exclaimed -"I perceive, madena , you're a very old lady," I perceive, sir," rejoined the offended gentlewoman, "you're a very young man." --Dr. Maeduff tells a goocl story of Dr. Chalmers, " the simplicity of whose character was out of accord with the -rush and torrent of his magnificent verbiage." On one occasion the great orator had been invited. to addrese primitive prayer -meeting in a remote • Highland parish. The parochial minis- ter begged as a personal favor that the distinguished minister would speak down to the intelligence of his flockoand USG only the simplest words and senten- ces. Chalmers good-naturedly assent- ed, and. begin with this easy and un- studied sentence: " My friends, I have been specially aaked, in addressing you to -night, to avoid the technical nomen- clature of scholastic theology." Kisses by Post. The young postmaster of a village in the district of Zuaira was busy at work in ids office when a gentle knock came to the door, aud iu stepped a buxonn young coentry lass. Walking up to the desk she handed the official, with a haahful smile, a postoffice. order, which he closely examined, . and paid the taming woman the sum inscribed. At the same time he asked her why she had not detached the coupon from the order, as the sender had written on it a further communication for her. "In- deed?" -said the girl; "well, you eee, I can't read: perhaps you'll be so kind as to read it for me." The postmaster read as follows: "I send. you herewith three &ride and a thousand kisses." Glancing rapidly at the troang person, he added, with his tie gravity: "You have and I am ready to giv once." The young cepted the balance of reaching horn° she "Eh, but it's a gin postoffice *on can an alongwith, our moult Journal. stobied official g t_ ithe money. ou the kisses at ant -woman a;o- er order. On id to hr fol1: c nee n—t4is get kis es sent rot ra." lei4s American A New York stockb his Way to Buffalo Observed that one o gers_ was closely e after a time the ro asked: “ Didn't see you in The broker- wasn't year, but, thinking. stranger, he replied m "Don't you remeln devil a silver dollar b the Tremont ?I" =1 " I dol" . "Well, I'm the cha out of work, andaabout suicide. The money of me. By one lucky I am now worth $25, " Air! gled to hear 1` And DOW I want place of that fifty cen easy until the debt is • The broker protest but finally, just to jh took his 20-do11ar 11). back 15 dollars. I withdrew, „and everyt ended then and there reaching Buffalo, h that the "twenty"*: that he was 15 dollar mon. Who was on the wee f Pow -passe di g him, a d 'camel o er ad ce, o iii 1879 " Chioajg� th t - r the ativp.i a pobr froet o ham affit • bandin ig t iu 11 I was ard ea y to cola de a n w 1)1 ift and not n • • la to ta 11 ea aid ' or the an ga tran ng emigbr aso 'etun.te ut of po A Good "How do you like St. Pant ?". asked a p edy, daring a conve old saints and apostle she, "he Was a.good, el know, for he once Said yoit know, t we ,rtaist eat what a set before and ' ask no questioa for consoieu . should 1k iyte ea _ "Where will we st P i St Lo is Charley ?" asked. a -brd o her ran- e hubby as they were ied ng eatw r on their bridal tour vi' the Wabas 1 e $5 ,r el bject d, an, iie e h in er BO t have n rtaiijed feit,a d kat.' e char cter of on, of h s larid. tihn about th " Ah !" sai ver ol soul sake. I always tlioug ft I him for a boarder." ".Don't Call a e' • " railroad. "The Hotel Behnke' "Hush Charley, doe' in public or every on newly married."' e.' e dee ill kno we r • The Fou S. 1 monk !who 4a t- ith . a ljtItl old tan '6 d o fo rp1aat beg nningt e se ond 14a to t e ear h hrn , wh Is tt•e . T e yo ng cm There was once in ell walking through -a for scholar by his side. T le denly stopped and polet ed close at hand. The firat peep above the grouri ' rooted itself pretty 01 the third was a . siniti the fourth was a ful l the old monksaid pardon : . - "Pall' uP the first. The youth easily 'iiul his fingers. ' 1 "Pull up the second - The youth obeyed plo And the third." 1 But the boy had to p strength, and use both r succeeded in nprooti g its " And now ' said Ithe Ines your hand upon the fourth." But lo ! the trunki o the (grasped ill the ,ar s f th scarcely shook its le ep ; and fellow found it irnptkisibl9 t o roots from the &Ala Then the wise old rb@rtk exp ained to his scholar the rneaning of be fear trials. , " This my sou, is Chat what happen with our passions. i Wh a ti isey r ng and week, oneLeona , by a 1itt!i. watcWu1uess over seilf, ud th help .o a little self denial, essiiLv tear hem u but if we let there cast !their r ots d e down into oursmile', tibOri 11s hu an power can uproot the , the lmig tir hand of the Creator; c u ado e pl c them out." n "For this reason, My chi over the tiret moventents of y and study by acts of alietuis to passions in check.: l: I ,, A Question of titece "You know, ma,th t in Phi people always ask :.bo one' father was, and an 1 soon yon meat tell M father a iudge or a go dent, or, a anything !" " Well, no, my , very rich, though; an had something to do, " But what •vnts: trade ?" "Ob never mind tha "But these Philad I ask me, you know." " Well, the only tre was shoemaltingro " Shoemaking ! Olt, so that is all right." "Yesr h i t t'sol up wit easil 4. forti all hi s b .fore h r, "tr all tae yonth be liiittl tear 4/1 • a, watc ur s(IIul, eep ypn mats. adelphi grand m pi g titer .. Was: y graa rnor, or a pres a , deare He becalm you znay ear h th the banks." is Ipeof 'ssion. 0 years. He ed at it in made B 0 earned ti penitent not mention that. A True Story of • his pe pie tin 1 he eve!r learned ell, he got rloh, ar at m tny tirade and work- ry, but yon need ladelp ia Clall. The other morni ' were looking out Of house when they 0 roll off a market wag the S reet g two' wind eetved a bb that' nr Instantly over a dose° well.dr apparently sane per ons b' after the wagon, as though had been a gold w stopped, looked bank yawned, and drove qn. "What an a,bsurd a entle w 0 • Oab 8 passing. ssed 0,nd ye] ing e veget ble The dr ver t the °ebb ge, flies peop e in the street make oyer ttjivial occ rrenc s," said one of the gendl mem "Now, I'll bet a Bilk hitt I coul get a aro «d of five hundred persons arojun1 that inside of thiety mine enand ye this room:" l , . "1 take the bet " said pulling out bus wate -4' Yes; give the ity "11; is now 11-30. The proposer of friend to the wind sesteand taking a ea ly at the rand cover terrified expresaion. Presently a cab action,and began to from the kerbstone, black stopped, then senger-boyo and a m '‘‘ What'slthe mat man, approaching t his national dish. . • 1 ..i nionamewanee TH UR "Don't tou Stand back!" the window. At his horr fell bank pre dense circle a, b ge. Hilmar t e exeitemen it 1 L onted t r - stricken i itately, o nd the s Oana6 r noreased "Loi* out t e the better, W t at dog awe, Several sto e t at was 80i. "Take care p licernam, w W y through fernal machin thing" Meanwhile the streets be screamed an •an d ,a shopke oti the *ad o to pour wate 14°nTla. e crowd over a thou moved aVVLS.7 f down. Ina f hurried tap a peered a man delegate egafire fro B 1" I should 1 What the fact "What fa Why, wh at cabbage IV en a age cab age not 1 ave is fri ud, Are yo read ?" Go1" the W ge isd, tier° pointe d• cabbag ri er no tit at the 'nd then rob ant. er inqui e ifinoce ! ' 1 led bis up lthe earnest- witha iced the vegetable a bot - r, a Mes- ed. a er- t base of 11 rel" fra ving hi nick!" • were th around said a was 8 e Mass. itro-gly pa,veme aIf e imp rushed ✓ began long p n the 'oh, ou outi unest df nn006 nning rapid' tically cane. t ere an at crowd ..ed a cab - and am- ' ake own a he sea aoubl ddies iv It, a erine,l s t was nilohbjtete o tie aeb e with evilish r' clir e. to a his in me - °eked, omen sIiops, °het hide veu- REAL ESTAT XPOSITOR.1 • FSR SALE. • t. -North half of AOR FARM FOR lot 0, and north h 0 borth half of lot 81 conceeeion 9, MeKillo 1 hest of this land is se 'ded, and in excellent . ond t on •for meadow or pasture For Ruth° p iculars apply to A DREW GOVEN OCK,Wn t trap P. 0. 819 tf OUSE FOR S ALE.- eel°, that. desirable property on Joan Str et; iatti forth, pe s t door to St. Tholuaa church p rem t go, stud now co- ca tied by Mr. Soolei 'I he •e is 1. ) sd etone feu n, fir firet-elass c1ln1r, s1 td. erns parlor, 0 ining re. en and a good kdt4ben. Aho a hop wood -bed, ha d and soft waterate ne et, t 10 aed all (drier no et.sariest complete. For j th, r petticulare ap 1,y to the proprietor. D R Seaforth.: 880 8 las; MILL FOR s8-aL ne ,tiwutiltwsiiituh:tue HNtv(i,.ch of Wniteehurch eta I ,n oi th Sr, 311.1ee iilw .y. :vet phi.' W 11 be s Id at a reijinrkably Jpa. r‘tVu.ohir.t)WBRAY,. rept etoe le ter to ariltechureh P. . reale, a saw , mill Ingle mill in'con- and it half miles " etiii.14Goss, prey Ln goeti con sittioe. v price. Appli to at he mill, or by oud uer ept f a 846-10 "Nothing ✓ ply. "excep ✓ elided by b ggest fools f r yon ?" The man r t ought not, this tie e nu tering d, the two geed men the window nd at MOMers ,s thert as a he door, aud P e ap- ho had een set as a he ma -meeti g out- . • 1 meen, • 1 11 to kn re," hes ?,• t there is t there? he worl hat it se a out a t town. fleeted a d retire 1) al w, g id. peculi ," was ms to amend o auyt =oil, a bout hp soft , sur ' 0if the g elbe Out ittin.g Fog. A scientist while out ight On a ri • ei in Flori iji a fog so desse that h twenty feet 8. ead. Th ed rowing, ud said tl o wait for d: ylight or t 1 ina • wa eon! boat ey wo the 1 d away, as t ey did no know irection to s ear. The scient d thorn wha science c n do f an emerge y. He says: I at once s alloed. So ointingitt t he echo ca earest land. Rowing a the echo, we • "coasted" hp 14 The boattn that they ha lives and ha tile and easy when lost in A knowled e many a oo, on -the • Fisherimen ated this h his would o hole nights aye been w heir husine Steamboat tted. ' I ha ith the ee eeth. Daring a 1 aturated w tech better vheu dry. Two reau - urravnsmelsfearsete ouud is bee • Rent emhe on with a li ermine the nearest land s c ood up in the e directic I said: 0, a 11 f-reile iij on reach 6. 18 express een on t ever tho plan to fog. of so si mal hou r. tit whom v4 told m n have s f males h hundr s • ' plots ma, e seen th o strikirij the at moistu nductor the ho ca, )a front I" The the dit d the 1 d grea -e river alit of ad th ple a f night have c a Imo ved th toil, a ds of d id he at °De aught ot see h staovpe- clear- 8• WhOhWat- man ti at and O back. which is the 41 ion of rid and rprise their sim- shore • saved nd day, romuni- dge of from would . ars in also m ru the osphe e tha f so follow -Piz e nd bent! the eedily ; nd se more di inctly ir g these o practi p sroxint o woods. - o lac cau dista bene- a,ehore n the is so lt is a than. Sad Term The last •i I phine Gallm Vien u a stag nese public, adorn a tale. had often be by her ad might be lai grave of the igood reason leave ,enoug • She was wit angel On a g ,literary wore)) was a great a of engageme dent. She • she earned i and Ada Me brains and g she died pra she played t creatures of well to the I -that is, if ladies on eh the cruel tri child of the the footlight • of bewitchin and sang th himself won ' I Leipsic at a She coined United Stitt last visit by . never put as d day, and wh showers des shelter. -E The Lat ir 8 a 0 ation 11 Caree and tes ament er, the •bueirl nd the ri nts a m She, at cast in of t ral if i wh ose heir e rs, wed o rest e the uper, foil the si t she was to • purchase a p clever,. hands healthy patt pper dericribed orite, atd was - ; but a nt Moue and • lik sound o re- d, the • ,la per. n- de - o of -the illliant fi J098 - of the 6i Yien- di pt e gs e nmo st hinsiasm bit she m mon pe and iboor to ivete lot. , "an eno" as a hr; she Her out ir4iprovi- tban MOD tes dpubted in'ations, [though fteehest ed them ben old t that 1. PIoiled1 ped to CrOW1.3 , grace, Strauss s born at eluhatttlee. h don her lint she he rainy and the without El Was quic e Lola en, won4m of re t perso oally peri brightel rlesque, she m ; al fas iless. t and nd pi: st hay e permi ted to tage evei grow must b4 told, t • iserstad a who o airily, aris wi !teeing sau usic of SLranss l. have detaredi riod anterior to t a in h tours althong a painful a prose the clo ded it f ng S ta A earriag Cunard dee headed m Cunarder "Yes, sir, Down ea off the dri carried it, steamer. mended, t enger pa days," ret eously; " Great S ea man," It was ex made a courteous ea men in of sonae later the friend adi for their hours lat ed man a • gloating watches, former h which th thought o • oome in o 41 11 61 er ot is int st to efir re u, be r, 1 • :lojv db 011 et.X Smu rove fu a New •unced he ail lied a e red -he perch, his v hen do d-heade the de d the has 3 ?" roar this th ed to ke in t nger iuv is state - shut en t. -headed 'th ma ter acq New Y O court he vali s, and t$ like, ought fr loa the aials tut he r. Is tortur atady ion for s brok and he dard. glingli D dge. ously ovilta the °rite aud u. red - t. " this the d hre t lessly. ustont official. ded ma 'strut:di nd togd her they lise, ah add. the s she (ti iI ?" de - k. "It a few asseng r court- st co e in." a the ed head - outgo& g boat ?" • tm the, bo had e day,and the ted the ed head- om .t4 partake Half an hour - a. man e his y kin wishes • aintan e. Five •It, the ed -head - pus at nger sat e full f laced, h'Ich the h p, and d never had not 3 man a pass - 01 tl ARM POR rth 1 If of 1..t 29, con - c essin 8, Mori -tie, cot tent ng 100 aer s, 40 of ich are cleared a rd net rly f ee limn stumps. ere are on the pr mise -a le d I 6 house , and me stable, two n ver f liu wells and an ex- Ilent os chard of a,mo t , t o lanidred fruit 'es, all bearing. 1 1 he 11110 ie eonve iently tatted, being on13 two nd 4 hell miles from aforth For for- 80oTT) Brussels, y. • 841 ussels and thirte er particulars ap to RICH/alai) L 'ARM IN HULL lot 3, cotscesst • es, 90 el which aro ale' tarl. ell well undttr-dati cultivation. Tilprt is od outhuilding•sea sple nee of water. s1 valid farm. It is good for 1. about f ur milesiftom iutou'woh a gooll gravel re. et sding to, estc014011p ace. Pier futth riparti al • is apply n the prem- -s (.1' ad tress Se foil h i) 1t98ERT e 0- 10HAE'L. •:846 11 fro rly to F. '1% 'ES, a de ETT tat , 3, 1 • • , t1 S't[.l.-F r stile, t, C Mahone 100 re+ f m stumps, ed seal ma high state did named d rbun- gep. briek reeicence, lati4 Overrates throueh ith ,aifn etoelt or gr in. th and seven; from 1 5 'h 5 'ARM OR SAL, .---0 subseribtr offers f .33.• , in the eth an:cession acres, neatly lall c allied, and on wlijch i ick house 4ex26, with trd and s it wa lx40 with bugge viali ih he ilth the ale Le mist half of let of • 'Wren, cunt lining sae well seaced mad fir tett it etsbstinv Ina kit a en altd woodehed, good'. fr me . barn a d rattle stables, ale) a. On lying Tee farm is in a tales front Dublin a goo school. th down balance 00 mortgage for 10 ;Hers IC Ge.1113U1', Kia, Auctiartrer, 846 er, LI S 1' route, heti. a I it. good repair. • Th re i ut 3 ng oleheird in f 11 beet isee g od locality-twe and a hal: 1 a d one and a 11 If miles 1111 eons liberal-abo, t unc-ft Li 'purchase inonel ea . ars -if ee ired. pply n 11 the pi emises, oijto TIO1lifi C. Dubliu. -`ARM IN STANLEY. ale 6 mini. go d 11 of 6 rouse ai ()Veer farg Ugh t at the . t an bin as ou t' 3 ile o and 15: Po isee ttr 13Elt RE NT. -For ine, Stanley, c n e cleared and in alence ul compos here is la frame abling undernea riving shed, with a here Is a splen i O es k g thr ever -failing wells 11. acro cif fall wh t glaeseI It wi s x from Brucefiel •ay, aud within,a '1 a first-class far ✓ nted on easy te pply on the p e ay fi. Id 2.0. R toms ofi mining, e steam 1V P(1/1 T. SALE OR TO to eet, lot 16. Goshen 1, 1 0 ac era 90 i f which eta e of cultivation, the steel is h Irdwood.bluth. g ed bank bean with d frame ' stable arid ne ersery ' . utb-uildinge- 0 ,o •chard ; and *a sprieg ae arm, t .g. tiler with I) illhogS . here are ,a cad 22 acres seedsd ar i lilts s of Bayfi• hi and 10 s eat Western: Rail. sets o aria church. ..It w'1. b . 'sold cheap t r ifurther ea- Oculists ti the un resigned, 8 • HNSON. 842 ARM IN TUC1eERSA sale, Lot 8, Leer> mith, and the e ha onees-ien, cent ining ores are clamed en the n the Brutal larrni. The rank b n, and ot ter 411.1 is Ca fnced, IV' 11 cod estate of cull odd and mostly oneg ticari.ng 0 lune alio 20 acre 1 ter are adjoining eparately It is nd three miles' f 1 raaing to erch pl o the Iproprieto, ISHEF1.. .847 . • T 01 15 la re 00 vatien • heed cr ehar.1 of fal w and 11 wi-hti Kippt ce. Ki 1 FOR 8 -LE -For .fll. 11 11. te., Tutker- n L t 9, in the 10th e •t res, of which 80 rge, in 35 aortas' on is &goats Jra»e hc.nee, -s r3 hulloinge• The . r-dreisted., and in a ale timber land is all tj.'there is a good rad plent y of water. Ireit sown. The two 1 L e sol togethei or von•mi•es of -eatorth ei .11 g• 0.1 gtavel roads .iy on th premnats or eh 'P. O. JOSEPH 14. 1, P• IMP() TA T adOTICES. I, . ., • OLISEKW le -EEP R s 1 1-; -Addiess, ening wages, JAS. III -41, tP,I geroxet. r 1•.u. 845x4 '*1 PRING SET'D a he rtuamisigned It ,s on hand a supply of fats, Na a 11 • pring Wht at, suit- e 1)'e ler seed, ale ) Me ellistel Oats warmatted 'eau and free from ha I s t 40s. This a ed was town on the Gold Mt. 01 .:101, Tuekeramith. .pply t•, JAMES DI, K 'I 'lila Tuck., rsmitli..,_b_41-8 11.TSIC BOOK :Los %-tost, On the coming a- of Wedeest av, 1, . br 4rr3 21 th. near Eg rondvire eliu eh five:. r,a nu ic b. okeeentis led ' Tetnparanee ch note " T i4 finder will oblige tt leaving the a re wit 1 111 utalete'.g ed at E. IeFaul's Store, S taloa' J. .1.4. KEN £. 847 2 - -- -ICINSES IN OU I' = HU WINI%-applications . for lintel an ehop i i •-elis• s, f tr the 1 ite-se. t. )istriet of South Inren wil ).• tedeas el by the indersigned until April et, le84. Forms gent on ipp icatien. Wa . BA I. N 1 YN1t, It sps ctor, •caforth. ' 847.4• . , 20 BEWALD,-Th • ab vs; reward will be paid for elicit in al !nation as wi I lead to he detection and 'cote it•tlite 11 the peres n or tersous who, on art abet t t143 20t1) ef cannery, oisoned two dog?' helottit . to the undersigned n the villa gesof Verea. Si A. alt•FFAT, JOS. ORROW. 847x.t )LAIDLOST.-LOS a -Christmas eve, on the Bre field Ro d, hetw 'en !Varna rind Brucefield, brown homeont de pl id The ti, der will be uitably rewarded on les vi. r' the s. me at the ost Office, K pp 'eatorthor at lot mull. •C. ROBB tit 13.XPOSITua Moe, No. 1 , cusitessii,u 11, Tucker- • ' 841 --1HORTH0RN ULL FOR; SALF.-aF x sale, a ••1 thetee Cruiekshatik Shorthorn Bt 11 10- ertiler old, heap pure nmorted stook o both d amity Col ft, 8. ich r an. . em the • herd of ohn Dryden, Br °kip is dam. took fitst deo v.t Toronto lxhib' tionlits 1881. Apply on ot 23, concessi n 10, Haebert. BENJAMIN IOGGARTH, Cr ;mart P. la. • s 845 GENT 5 ,WANTED.FIValited, native; reliable , Agents at S afartl , laxitter, -Goderieh, Bins. e's, Blyth, Gorri told ViriOnw, ti canvass for • be sale of reaper , mot e se akt s, I wine binders, •rills, seedets, Mi t ws, et lky ; ) aWs, straw cutters, vagons, trus ks, 1 0r40 1 owel .. sop • raters, port- ble and traction steam /regales, - saw mill ma- hinery, &c , mai nfact rred by the North Amen - 'an Apricultural intake ret,t : dltd Ges.eral- Manu - eau, ing Compel y, IA icioni Outer:'. Apply to WM. B. McLEA , Ben 'all, Ontee se td the iNorth mericen Manuf. c•uringeo ; any London. 841 HE EGMON f v oar,•NIr •.E.-Tendll ers wi be rt calved b. the under ignati instil Fraley, March 14th, ler t e ert• tion .1 the Egmonclville Manse. The bur darg it. be of risk, and ten- ders will he recei cd fo • thd wind • woik, rr for the mason wok and ittst. •i• g, and carpeeter vork anD. paint i s, le, term si ty. 11 0 ,owe -t or ny ten itr not n male 'I,v act pted unless other - Viso satisfactery P1 ti e ars s•perifications can e seen at the res fleece in Ma. D 'Clark, Egmoed- 'vine. Tooders t be, a dies ed to the undersign - d, Egrocndville . 0. Jeff .' HANNAH; 847-2 • - 0 THE FAB IER (:', AN p BRE I. DEBS .OF HURON CO -rNT-1 .----1.3:i.ai1i lc eeii for the im- rovement- of sto k, twe pigs of .1-ut-el i a breeding. ne Poland 01 -in pig lid one Huff 31k pig; both rare bred and IN n the pens of the bsst swine in merica. I The a %mestere:I of Poland Chi Ias are: st--1 huh suseel tibiet • tot mg f3tte••et at any go ; 2i1al-jeTheir • •pac ty foe wowing ver,* large f fleshed ; 3rd- hey .1.1 produce considerably nore perk for th same wet:4 t of ft ed than any tber breed; 4th Thea are the -mos, handsome rid of the be, st -le. "be Saiffolks are a tried ed well-known'red, id have their admirers. all anal see then . Th se pi' s wi I be kept for h ;the pt • vilege Qf ratu ni. g if 114t cessery, ervice ,81 per ow, 1 ayable at the tame of ser - '100, wi t • the Alma ot el, Burton Road, H8141511-e8t.t. • ARR)1* CLARK. Prop inter. • 1 , i NGIN EE •*ANTED. I . Applieations ill b reestived at the ! Clerk's Office, Seafortb, up ill N- (lustily , March I (011,Inext, lot . he sit aaien of . Engineer for the Wat,er1\orks. H will 4lao be ponnd-keeper, and do ench other wo k as the 'ounell may direct. Must be etrietld so er. ree 'house; fuel and light provided. pplie nts nay etate salary. - . wir4t2i4r ELLIOTT, Clerk. &aorta, Februa M NTREALt. HOU DUNCAN We h reliable E, 85AF9RTH. DLTNCA : ve much pleasure in announ4ing hat every departmen is full in this use with goods 4nitable in atyl or price to cause the i 1 i of goods can be sold lat such reason - to be sur rised how such al splendid floc able prie s. 3The lecret is: we buy krom none but Britain atta the United States-direct-iaco get all th advantages of the best house in ence end, le us to be better able to supply resolved 0 keep going ahead, and, if Poled yet offer d to an appreciative public,1 an habitant of Seaforth and eurrounding dist fully tobe prepared to inspectnin mune o ex.Whitel Star S. S. Britanica, from Lond y 274 , 18814. 847-2 ost fastidioue the leading maitufac sequinitly, beinlj dire omhaion, and 3/ ants of our cu is year, to eclip e returning th would solicit pu days, goods ju gland. the he le t -whi lots, a fe n, E niers of Great t importers, we ears of experi- torners, we are e anything ever nks to the in - chasers respect - 1t got into port NEW PATTERNS SPRING TWEED, WOWED: COATINGSA SERGE& PRINTS IN AL • Cretpnnes, Printed Sateens, Thousands of 1Yara of Prin Grey Cottons, 37 inch Cotton Shirtings, A.me ican Cotton Ducks arid Denims, Sheetings and I Pillow Cott n, Dace Curtai and Napkins, Ulster Melton Cloth,' Rubber Oiroiklars, Umbrella Corsets-elargest stock in trade. Clothing Department 1 Spring Overcoatings, Fancy S itings, "just twine over th lJnderelething, in all varieties, S irts Collars and Cuffs. D come and inspect •• ARI ETI S. BEitter Th ENCLiSH AND AM. ERIA14 1:1E VER 1 Vga-acYs. 1.A.rrir Min Nobbies Spring Hats you ever saw. is DUNCAN dt DUNCAN, who have just recei The Grocery Depar ment .DTJCA1 Is ad-wa s well stocked w411 Choice Teas, Coffees, TAKE IN EXCHANGE. Don't forget 7 ; bUNCAN 8t. DUNCAN, , White Cotton, weeds, American s, Table Linens , Gloves, Hosiery, n Ever! 3 SEAFORTH STOVE AND TINWARE EmPo ium. C. M. wHiTNEY Always keepe on hand a fall iinef tbe latest stades of . i - d COOL BOX Imo PARLOR sTOVES. Their beauty showS price sells them, ocean." Serges nit be afraid to TART. TR/ ? ed some of the f DIACAN & Sugars, dte.. PRODUCE ISPkF'ORTH. • NEW MILLING FIRM IN SE • THE SEAfitORTH ROLLER LATE Ti-iE ,tED M LL. Having aud bes FORTH. ILLS, BRIDE & SMIT I frOm. Strathroy, ought the above mills, and refittled them throughout with all the latest machinery that Wald be proeured for a GRAD.UAL1 REDU8TI And the result attained in they have' on Farmers can now get all their GRISTIN and haVe it home with them the Ram° da ON ROI,LER MILLI of he best mills in the Province. 0I4OPPING done in Seaforth, , anj Satisfaction Guaranteed. • • 13R.4.5A_IsT For sale by the ton or in less qua,ntities---1-F0 of Wheel. • tD SI-1011T'S cAsg. Cash for any quantity , IVIcBRIDE & MITH.' MR. THOMAS SMITH will pprso 1 ally superintend t e Seaforth Roller ITE,?,S. TE ' THE SEAF011.',14 ' , I Still etanhe firm at the front, and is the oldest one on 1tbe list, and will sell Teas as cheap, if tot cheaper, than any other honse. I i i. . • , . . , 8. TEAS TEA STORE 'It now receiving daily largo lots of Holiday Gods, ea eheapest goods ever offered Seaforth. s kis invitation to all to call and inSpeet his stock bele 8 p ant his stook will please and satisfy all who May In or hi Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Reams, Currants, P unes, kinds of Canned Goods, Jellies, Candied Peels!, Statche for Flavoring, a Ifull stock of Flonx, Bran, Shorts, orn Peas, Graham Pour, Buckwheat Flour, apples, Snioua Dairy Salt. Pork and !Sugar Ourrd Hams and •ar Crockery and Glassware) Tea Sete and Toilet Sets,a sttn cieek Oil. Oatmeal exchanged Mr Oats at mill rates. 5 °ode I A. G. MIL d is opening outsome of the finest and now complete, an be he extends a cordial charring elsewher• . He feels confident with a call. His stock consists of Teas, tied Apples, Coff ea, Spices, Cheese, all , Soaps, Tobaccos, all kinds ef Extratts eal, Oatmeal, Oat , Peas Barley, Split Potatoes, Solt b the Barrel and Pita° also a well-seletted stock of China, of all kinds of Fish on hand, also Coal °livered free of charge. them and the TINWARE Of every description always in stock. We make all =our gods, and guarantee them good end right in price: 4 fell line of Table and Pocket Cat- lery at very low prices. We have a fine 10t of Granite Kettles in stock for; preserving, dm. All sizes and prices. • EAVETRObGHING. All kinds of Jobbing Wolk promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Parties wanting goods in my line it will pay them to see ray stock And compare prices. Seatorth; Cheap Stove d Tin Howe. aan Street Seaforth. ;REMOVAL. Seaforth Musical fns SCOTT B • Beg to announce that they have aemo door north of the Post Qffice, where Ithe selected stock of DUNHAM PIANOS, spoken of by all musicians. EXCELSIO ceived the highest rewards wherever sho the Industrial Fair just dlosed at Toronto and Organs, and all kinds of small inst •books. Agents wanted. 1' • • SCOTT 0. M. WHITNEY, Late Whitney Brothers. WROXETER MILIA ALEX,. L, GIBSON Begs to announce to the Public thathe has commenced to operate the I . WROXETER WOOLLEN ffiCTOU and that he wilt be prepared to give, • good value an FULL czotns, , TWEEDS, UNION TWEEDS, FLANNELS, • ,PLAIDINGS, 7 WiNCEYS, -and varieties in 'STOCdtTNG YARNS. CUSTOM CARDINQ, Spinning and Fulling promptly attend- ed to. Parties from it distance wili, 48 fara. possible, have their Rolls honae with them, and as be has put •the rcrill into good workieg order and employs none but efficient workmen all work is warranted, Remember the Wroneter 'ALEX. L. GiBSON9 PriOPRIEToR JAMES A. CLINE & 00., HARDWARE 21-ERCHANli,S, STONE $LOOK, WINGHAM - Are showing for you to select from fifteen different etylea of Chopping Axes ; nine different Makes of Cross- cut Saws. Also the largest and meet eomplete stoek of • CUTLERY AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Ever shown in Winghare„ comprising Cruets, Cake Baskets, :Pickle Bottles, Butter Diehes, Napkin Rings, Knives, Forks and Spoona. Aleo a full line of the celebrated. • NEVADA SILVER GOODS. We have a full warranty on .our plated goods, and guarantee them to be ‘exact - ?.y as represented. JAS. A CLINE d; CO. • THE CANADIAN BANK Of COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. 'Dahl up (*pita', - $.0,000,000. Beet, e 1,900,000. Presio-3nt, Hon. Win. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bunk eontinues to receive deposits, on which interest seno-wed on the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principaltowne and cities in nanacte, on Great Britain, s.n4 on ant United States, bunght and sold. Office -Pint door South al the Conti:eel-dal Hotel. 689 A. H. IIMLAND Manager. F. HOLMESTED, 8 -elicitor. • G R EGO CONVEYANCER, Auctioneer, Agent for first - thee Fire, Life and Accident InsureneeCom- rat les. Debts collected and returns made with- out delay. Mt ney to lama on improved farm property. All bufiiticess entnisted tO zne will be prpriaptly and earefully attended to. Office, op- posite Mr. Kelly's Jewelry Store, Hensall. 840x52 rument Emporium. • SEAFORTH WOOLLEN MILLS. T BEG to -Menu those indebted to rne for • manufacturing or book aeconnts, that owing to the enti, e lestructIon of my mill. by Are, I am OTHERS .. ed to more commo 'oils premises, one will be found ,with a large and well - which are so well iinown and highly 0RGA1S.—Tbe83 Organs have re - and have also received a diploma at We alskeep in s k other Pianos I uments,, sheet rnuso and instruction 1 BROTHERS Seaforth. t' s compel ed to all on you for a prempt eettle- ment of your accounts, as the books , must be closed. I hope a seeond appeal -will not be noceeeary• 839 • 36;.• G. ITANEGMOND. - A. IR, D VERCOE, Seaferth, being obliged to go South fer a month for the bettellt Of his health, would be greaalybbliged if these indebted to hint would eall as early as possible and -Settle • their indebtedness. During his abaesee Mrs. • Vercoe will receive morties and grant receipts for the same. ea L. VE.1300E, eaforth, -846 - , a 4-;