HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-03-07, Page 1•E Al r , 1S84 it IcFAXJL, DRY COD AFOT -1111811111.11111111.1111111.111"111116111— MAN. RE E ED ,Ptz.NEDS— KED AND SALE. E Fancy Prints, ory Cottons, ched Cottons, .ked Sirtings, im and Fancy and Panay Wes,. i & Fancy Ducks,. Hoiianc s, Le Linens, .c s &c., &c,, • • SEVENTEENTH YEAR. SA ARCH 7, 1884 REPARING SPRING SEAFORTH 1300T STORE. GEORGE GOOD, noNINVITED. (Noted for Stylish Boots and Shoes and NobbyeRats and Caps), begs to an- nounce the arrival of large quantities of NEW SPIIJNO GOODS. S FOR or PRODUCE Wroxeter. -&id wheat, $1.05 ; new peas, g e. to 68e ; barley,. Eats, Mc.; pork, $7,ta $7.40; are, 10c.; tallow, dc.; -eggs,, h.. John Moffat and family • ft for Harriston, where he — genertal store, and promisee • la losing Mr. Moffat, es one of its most influent rl, and what is a great deal 0' their best curlers" ecet.—A team of football. eagles' school carne. €iter. ay last to play the rem tter one hour and twenty 1 play the ball burst, neith- tg a game is a well known. fact Lodatioil for; the travelling ten at a deeicledly law ebb ,r a long time,and it hat expressed wish among the Is" tht t some one would house, where the selling of` tet be lessan ob ea than nience. sa that Mr. Oo18, nmer, bought Ben's brick making arrangements to of the block into a hotel, is long felt want. The north. lower flat, comprising . the by Robioson et Twee, who.- eo the south room. and the; tcupied by cCulloch wild =into the hotel, while the eingv2ry commodious, with€ room, will, when cam: ono of the best houses in Mr. Cole ie busy making ss for the transfoentation, the manner in which he 4 block last summer when. his hands, zine one doubts make a complete jab of it. i iron Newv Era of last. week k- }. Cox, of 'leetrait, shipped did horses from here last fg them being one bought Uullett. at $170 ; cue ;Ferran, at $170 a' ; a tea= tr= rratt, I.1<ultett, at 63501, hies. . Baker, G dericteto"wn- t ; mare from Jas. Brown, I. at 5irit1. Mr. Frank f 31w:.::i,il<l, Ohio, last e'ff'ete .1,1 !lily from. Mr" 11?it:7t, :kL x X00', he ales Tilted :tele eeiendifl twee ter id `h he paid h1m very promising e 'timelier t €s r will make €F :iir_; heat. and a year G.= sszue l spam ` for $.140; €g lithe of R. Charters, h; f; ,r x<i:1I'; two yearling V. Rhin, M ul lett, for 64251 filly of J. ii 1o0laeb& Yi. �.,t]tI ; yearling stallion of T- Hullett, at $145 ; yearling ohu Erratt, Hullett, $P00; i fitly of J.. Snell, Exeter, at rng filly of W. Grant,Tuoke8p 07. Our aim for this season has been, if possible, to outdo an former efforts,' and we think we are safe in saying that in a few days we will be prepared to !thew onr customers the handsomest stock of goods ever displayed in this Our stoek will embrace all the novel- ties in both SHOES and HATS. We get all our Boots specially manu- factured for ourselves, so we know just what kind of stock is used, and all goods will be found as represented or no sale. Oar stock this SeasOn will be even larger than heretofore, and prices lower. Hats', and Caps For Men & Boys. SPRING AND .WIVIMER WEAR. We respectfully invite the public to leak through our stock of Hats. If h they do not buy it is all, right ; we and prices with other houses. You can have your choice of One Hundred Dozen to choose from, and we guaran- tee the styles to be the very latest, a,nd the prices right. George Good, Tile Great Beate and Shoe House, DR.VERCOE having decided to leave 8eitforth, 110 begs to notify all those indebted to him that their accounts MUST be settled on. or before the 2/4.0 Match. All accounts r rnairting unsettled liter that date will be placed in other hands for collection and expense:i incurred. Parties desir- big to settle can du so with Mrs. Vercoe at her residence, she having the books and being em - Powered to grant receipts. IL VERCOL 848-2 A SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. The tmdersigned offers for sale his Blaeksmith- fug and Wagon making establishment in the vil- lage of Egmondville, together with the tools and good -will of the business; also a considerable stotk of iron and lumber. There, are two large shops, one for blacksmithing and the other for woOd-working. There are three fires in the blacksmith ihop. This -is in the centre of One of the best E? grit ult aral districts in Canada. The business has been established thirty years and a good man with some capital can rn ike money fast. The best reasona given for selling. Apply 05 the pteniises or address Egniondville P. 0. ROBERT FULTON. 848 -1)ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.—Notice is hereby given that the Partnership hereto- fore subsisting between us the undersigned, as iiaah„ Door and Furniture ilanufacturers, in the Tillage of Zurich, Count; of Huron, has been this dae dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to William Holtrman, at Zurich aforesaid, and all claims against tbe said partnership are to be pre- se,,trod to the said Witham Henry Holtzman, by 11,11010, the same will be settled. Dated at Zurich Twenty -Ninth Day of February, A. D., 1884. my 1.0th 188.1. at present I thought I mild write y. u a line or two. Your c,or espondent from Oak Lake would li e alto you bet- lieve that everyt in i 'miming very ernooth here. Wel , ou pan see by. his lett& that he has t ood 'stiff Con- servative lip`en hi hat late prole tint Government co de ! uothing wrong. Went if h that Governinent h a to se; what one f r the Northwest he neigh, c , to oosejaw, and see how man so tented. fermets land far nearly two, y rs as squatters, andwho do net think t t they will get tt now without payintt a ut two or three prices for it. These a eot specelatore, but hard-working far ees, who' came to this country to ear it honest livin , bat the Governrcient I bound td beet them out of it ifi they n by holding entry this spring, I 0.0 A thin that 4 io. reserve. Now,. if th Geyer meet does not give, these p. or fee eta sin we will have half a d z farm rs• left in six rctouthd. TIT e thing is the see anything wrong wit t, but I think if he Would look at the he wouhl see , that ri ht aid of it _ Il 18 130 right there. He would sole that t e poer farmers are paying a out thtee prices for freight on ever3Ithing that comes into the country. Whet do they haVe to pay for takine a; c rload of from Brandon to -nearly as - much does from, Eneerso five times the distatie the tnonepoly mutt he does not say tha th Railway is in it. would look at it vit vectuld see that the ba way is in therm:meg° ehe presient time. The anadaliPecitut Ratite, /working class ? They I eome out here on the wages, but now th+3 them starving ab pr se are working are 'on day, and have to p board, which _leeve if they work eee y say how. much. the far oats. I suppose a mistake when h being loaded , on th bery at 8 cents pe lett they (tome hereit ma about 35 cents per bus have not got a railroa not know what to call very fiue wiuter so far, said clear.. -,The therm on an ;average frem below zero, but we a blizzard as yet, and t have got a good far Goverenaent would at any reasonable p for th.e spaae in yo I remain yours, etc. the last issue of tie' ; xebineot a arti- cle from the pen of o e one ov r the cle may be ptee, bat it is certain y the most unfair play I evi et saw. n thP first place he. put the tale t of th min- ister and the talentof the; artie. on e e Fair Play " calls talent, hel Wil make a, very poor pastor. It' is a well. now fact that some of the m st B1/0 essf pastors have been men unknown o the world—humble but fai hfol work rs ie' the Master's 'vineyaeclienten whom th' great Head of the char h ' will one da honor far above the ighty int Ilect bow. "It is also a wel -known-faet that the education of the P shyterian iergy is not of the highest °titter " says ' Fait what denomination has better edre the denomination. He says tthat " itt the great majarity o clgregation there are men far better ed cated th n the whieh is utterly it on foundations, church." The chnrch p operty is, in almost eveey case, deed d to th omit duce one. ." They have he po er of raising their own sitar es to o rtalt4 minimum.t - What s t e fal o th are, or mayebe, compos di of en hal elders and one half 1 'eters; a inis ter is always in the oh •ri3so th t th laity Jew, i always o f a Majority each minister pays regale ly into tha fund according to his sale y and urely he hate a right to his own. The wi ows the coals." Now, no rlei later' ' f mil owl receive help froM t fun takes the minister haaMade reg la con- ey is sing mi nexn. i to t to wheet k it titer as It hicago, neatly he mine s, bat ink that if . y. carefu ly, lie too,atile at the rd agains it at re indn ed to raise o good He dies n t quid thi k' t cars at Ca s them wort etng very frost later. ha bee 10 to 4 had ilik et 111 a recelves reg 1 r stateir eats amounts paid o t of this und. see there is n. ' hole an corn about it et all.'' The com eelso Canada. Presb t rian wa not tre a as ?dr. 'i air play' wou youo believe, but betwee two equ ability. Fair Pay" s would eonfin 1 imself to the terian denoaii : tion but he dar to New York : ud drag .up Beeeber. We 1, Beecher : on great intellec s, I suppes., so mired by Alr.1 ' Fair Pla, " and not dispute f r a mom :ut h ability, yet at e same ti e I c fideutly affirm t at the h mbles byteriau coag a ation in snad not acceptBe e'er for th .ir pas if be offered is sei'vi ;{ s gr Edgar Hill t c es not • along Presbyterian th rch of C nada sides he has a ready :reit Bred notorious for is heterodd y. Now let me s, y a few word the education if the different ions. The P e..byteriau Ininisl to take a thre ; •'ear's cou se in three in theol e _ y. The octor through in the years, and very the lawyers ev • attend a " ollegE kiucL In the I .esbytery f H Havel. six Pre..yteriait inist holdidegrees f •o.t Toron Dn. How many la ere and ctors that 'circuit' a e there o . h: same standin ? If there' a si 1 do not kno im. Be ng ne miuieter nor a er but 0 ly an member of th "resbyterc do not feel co etent to peal the points at i s e as they sh. dealt with, bu think I have sufficiently c1 a that the :writer articles woefully ignorant upo single point upo t which > o has t I cannot imag:n: how :an; ma. have the "ghee: " to writ: npot ject'about whit he - abs.lntel nothing. I tbi k the bes: thing dois to crawl i to some ole a the hole in afte E him. 01 the *o you t work n the ex - have en of he esby- away f the h ad - will great con- Pres- ona t even J. d be - In' the Lo a of last- weela on for the, Hon. e amendment cen educatioee de the douree c)!• au excellen Bisho the moroing discuss the Bill, the Li giving of $ 0 minor matters great and mo one or more se be apthonzed. the Opposition OT. lieve that all d the sun eho ld to merrow that it was t rat Bt on fire tt H ,admitted (dint of d oke, and • away in fire, end f, what d the smok *Ust Cam ister of eral diss is op's S egislatur the moti to go in Meredit nriug tint rized two their c itrtment 2 0, he wa 0,000 to by the D s comps, of school ouorabl uld like euded on se in the lige We rowning at the co e had. and alP after th it all anion dust is ation aso anuary, 1882; opinion ; hat a have the land aable epee, 1 IS which any minister is allowed to and women living as pens nry and idleness off t ,is our critic. Thia stat either gross ignorance o ieation. As soon as th old enough to earn any selves, say from ten o age, they are cat ff and should a widow gei supply at once cease , d get little more than will& body together, and each young merit i fund," says pr var. hilcire are mg for t ern - waive yea s of om' the and, arried her at most they ep soul and congteg tion • • de 111 ha it Mi ge th miler to ins er , asking t re ere were of he depart opi ion of t th CO set Ilo sai So in Go th to all col the trio of the to aft the the reg aft poi Op bac no upo Go sto the COT sor the bon ask WO • 11 • 11 11 Is of readets series f 11 ea servants ;if eery out hp was desi op ew to ha ing sehools,a di oStpone brim tion of th be policy of ehe rd to the 'a r the Gov cy these ed down att d the wi hes sought t eh bad and w to do as ld set the eec ✓ per p ties t say w s, books should e used. They had aloe told us that tb trust es wer not ahl or qualified o make select on. He (Bishop) had ar hon ra,ble gentlerae Bay so. The pocris , of these gentle en is mu- .. Tbey liaee a very different tune sing when asking the e same men om ttey now brand as illiterate and orant, for their vote t elect them to the co ntry, tut eto having served ured about ideas - et. has rts and !den go ew of f any n we leibohtnhinee er a mble i h all tebiet t that every 4c° ohne Idd a sub - knew lie can pnfl bein made may cl an ets o chool neluc if the urou made this. our of - not O ng to ,the emits nor ett u the the 0 nada ear, i re all ed wi lit this tion, ether eader mild gentl en of o ma ns be - this ether ast West ad b e told een great nt h seen time of the nd a t to ? After at t t late issue. : Gir- a da t; that Odd s iu submitted ntral , co mitt the 12t of authoriz tion hat on the 30t se in public. this publt set of ,r king on e people ent to lobe as a of havip rther co one set f rther ad few wee reader appeari fully s Govern ter, and eut had able gen he Gov rnme e held t et the might nestl ed the w dom as soon they of the peepl ich they ere i le gentl, Men honor le m rough, a d the North tey ed to xia ment b ad given hat boo rong • 11 • it 1 each - r the es df es of r the and re - two June wtiht he ools. ders. The hemse es as ppear' the edito i I, to of ace - r the, se Of A now, g, an after isfied what ent with hanged their emen sked ment The had WaS iffer the der - that ac - only 6 LIS duty now that ow, ke a point cause they, he truetees s sho Id be r one, Could 11 • with regard to t for East Peter able member fo gentlemen had in .their wisdom the pawer to sa use in the soh o not see anything 11 • 1 se a th ge rite heir seats in Parliament .they ve the audacity to st aitiou by informing t nd up ttnd pub - ave them that Om that they ve not Buff:laic ut intelligence to act as bile awl Trustees, but that the pector shou be al. powerful. This the ol Tory dee:Adult : Take the wet fr m the people and place it in bandit of ou man 1 He asked if ile ese gentlemeu desire a return to the tem which e powe di the infipectors e people did n A walk up to their die- . If they dtd he wasivery sure they re not in aecorda ce with public eighto , had dared ny supporter of Gov rnmeut to stete his views on s subj et. Well, be hid done so and did not suppeee those! views would very cougettial to the honorable tlema . But as thee entleman bad. n fit o throw out . challenge to 11 return the eompli t by cha.11eng• 1/1 a has mede in this House ; let him tell those people if •e dare that they are too literate o act s Pab lc, School True - e s, and that t ey are dt fit to manage 11 o shout be all supreme The honor- s 130. hy t en cleat e make Such ria 1 TV [PEAR aposie0e,---Le -ionising ' your kee wich, ler gros tguorance end e from whom ve gotta expect better. e only chant ble way to account for ted hi tine to eke usiyely to the owing het US going n in the eut- eur wto° TM in •eadieg t e cause (tithe olt of he ten tribes that there was a u (piton yoke of our Government at ng on here 8 the work of a e Ifew onishe thee map 0 veracity like of elle people of Manitoba, regard' ess etre yo the a most auenimons o in - party is, that we TOUSt have relief ni the too heavy Itu demi imposed; t that constitutional eans will first 15 on wee d Mr. cFarl feu mey rest con - relief hen le the fa ther cousequen- be on the heads of those who are ing to grind us dew . For my part aye n hope of re ress from our end your reederet are pretty • of hearing lebout Manitoba. icture by some, nor the hor- re wil add Mr McFarla,ne's of this Wetter and the ugh ge tlemaa's together and 't idly prospect , but padreds could able homes i Ontatio would gladly tted advising any otie I to leave On- o befoTe I ha been in the country was ot on this side of- the Atlantic o darken the scene s I the millers, I can ,assure him if the farmers of th Oak River had g t the returns he they onld have be n well satisfied. Rive is said to be -. the garden of nitoba, and I never heard of more n 30 bashels per acre oh new land 15 on, stubble grouret.• I asked the ers of two steam th eaters and both ed that 20 bushels o new land and special to the Pion (4 Press, of St. ph Beach shot and kred his wife himself at Now H t ord, Dakota, 0 o'clock this menu g. Beach used Pine Creek Valley. everal years ave a farm and blac sfrith shop in his first wife died, a d he married iiage. After 1 • h h r o 811 '8 you W 11 tire il ex wit d le con yo r read de oriptio Pe arbor di te 11 va 1 1 • a th ow eig Jbs Mi one 110 she of this se ond her took her hild se of her siste , Mrs. was fohowed y the an the rest, the nd fled to the Olow, whither vaeole clan of male Bea,ehes, who had cente to recover the child., Some kind of combater:sued, and Joe secured the babe end went to Canada. !Mrs. Beach obtaitied a writ of habeas corpus in Toronto!, command- iug her Inisband, then living at Brock- ville. Ontario, to produce the child in court. Mrs. Beach recovered the child and brought it back to New Hartford. Beach cattle back and the tragedy re- sulted. ; • Canada. Mr. Beendry bas been elected Mayor of Montreal for the fourth eime. —Mr. lima° Weaver has eold his farm neat Plattsville to Mr. Henry Rush for 07,000. —A half-witted youth, arrested at Chatham 'on Saturday, corAssed to four acts of indendiarism. —An e ectric! fire alarm it to be erect- ed in St. homes. Professor Anderson, of 'reroute, has [the contract —A magnificent, free, p has been Opened -in Toront which is over $12,000. —Mr. John Williams, of fiued $100 and costs for viol Scott Act this being a eeco —The oronto Teachers dent of Public In —Mr. 'olio library the COat of tion of the d offence. dueetion and. a Council of constable, has received the tsppohatment of License Inspector for ivest Bruce und.er the Dominion Act. —A bill is to be introclao d into the House of tension o from Woodstock to Sarnia. , —Lewi and ,Wm. Holt, two farmers, ran a toll ate near Hamiltoh. The fee was ten cease and it has mat them $18 to settle th? casein the Magistrate's Conte ominous to &nth eize the ex - the Credit Val ey Railway mass -meeting at Portage la Prairie urged an appeal to the Imperial Privy Cmincil to compel the Dominion Government to concede tbe jest demande of Manitoba. ' —Dlr.. James Glennie, of Puslinch, has four Shropshire iambi; dropped this year, evhoee united weight is 501 pounds. The heaviest, a ewe, weighs 45 pounds. —Duri g the past ten days the Am- erican ho ber of ver se buyers have taken a num- . fine animals from around the prices paid ranging from I 10. —Win ipeg and Toronto head the list in mo ey order business done in the dominion the amonnt paid last year at the formet city being over $520,000, and overe$270.000 at the latter. —The oung lad, Hugh Denoon, of ' Lucknovv, who was so seriously injured ; a short time ago while sleigh riding, bucket mbed to his injuries. He died on Monday, 25th alt. issued his annual circular, calling upon all the lo gest° observe the 26th of April as a, day cff thatiltsgieing to God for the prosperity of the past year. —Two amedted and fifty-five applioa- tiOUS have been; made to the Dominion license c mmissioners for licenses, in Toronto. he li t includes several of the leading litmor eaters in the city. recently riaid a fine of $200 for perform- i production of a license by the couple, has been presented by friends with a purse of $045. —Immigrants, ill -clad and in a state of Starvation, have been arriving in Moutreal of late, and are a pitiable sight waridering through the streets with scenic!), clothing enough to cover their nakiduesti. --The manse belonging to the con- greg&tionel church in Garafraxa was burned. the ether morning. The past r, Rev. Mr. Black, loses heavily. His library, worth $1,000, was totally dest o Me! beades all his household effects — he other day a five-year-old d.atigh- ride, and, fallin asleep was carried to Eastwood befor it was known she was in the sleigh. She was returned. safely at eight o'elock tn the evening. —The Canadain Pacific Railway authoritiee are E tided to have effected arrangements With the steamship corn - patties wherebY immigrants for the Northwest will toe landed at Montreal instead of Quebec, and taken direct ta —A young m n named Frank Collins was. removed fr m one of the leading churches iin Ha ilton, on Sabbath last by the police, o account of making an unseemly distuithance during divine worship. Some people are born fools and ()there make.fools of themselves. —A coldred woman died at Windsor the other day at the extraordinary age of 113 yeats. Her husband. is still living in the township of Maidstone, and it is said that he is 115 years of age. They escaped f om slavery in the State of Virginia 4 years ago. --Dinin the past 12 months there were 6061 a,pplications mede to the Dominion immigration agent at Hamil- ton, for farm laborers , and domestic servants. The number of hands desired was ahontI1,400, of which. only about 500 mold he supplied. --WindEfor sportsmen will send repro- sentatives o the Sportsmen's Conven- tion to be eld in Toronto in March, to urge the n cessity of appoi ting Berne person in ssex county to nforce the law agains pot hunting. he law is said to be penly violated in Essex. —Mr. Itilman Shantz, ofi Waterloo, has just pnrchased a the year old bull, "Loyal Subject," one of the best speci- mens of the famous Shorthorn stock. He was bred by Mr. Cruictkshank, of .A.berdeenshire, Scotland, and imported this wintee by Mr. James Davidson, of Whitby. The price paid as $450. —Mr. jernes Menzies, at one time a a resident Of Hamilton, died at McGre- gor station Manitoba, on ednesday last week. ile was one of t tiers in th t section of the oo deceased! geetleman was a native of Scotland, removed with his pareuts to flemiltoe, When he was about five yhars. Ile remained there for about ten yeaes, then moved to Elora, where he remained. up;te the time of his removal tit Manitobad During his life the de- ceased hed alliways been an active worker f r the church and temperance cause. e established a church and Sabbath sehool near hie home in Manitoba. —Pour hundred and eighty-three care ot freight we e handled at Halifax ter - Minns of the Iiatercolonial Railway dur- ing the week ending February 16th. Of the 298 cars inwards, there were 176 coal. Oat of the 183 outward, there Were seven fieh, 44 sugar and 82 English I Rodiscar, who was sent from ort Burwell nine or ten months ago to oenaIepsnannee sylum at London, returned last week looking well and hearty. His memory seems good, far he went end found a hammer and a silver dollar ithat be had hidden before he left. —The fart ef Wm. Rice, the Comber otel-keeper, who disappeared mysteri- usly last sunamer, was sold at a mort- gage sale last week at the suits of over e dozen creditors of Mr. Rice. There Were ten la,iwyers at the sale ;looking after the interests of their clients. Rice is now iu California, and his wife has gone to him. —A woman at Halifax on Saturday last was seen to go to the head of the wharf and, titer throwing her child taped in herself. A man ry, and pulling off to them, man pushing the little girl down into t e water. He rescued the Phild first, end succeeded in getting both ashore.' The woman was thOught to be insane. —A comp ity is being formed in the city of Bran ford with a capital of $15,- 000 to establ sh sanitori-am in connec- tion with th sulphur springs situated On the °atilt rts of the eity. It is pro - (toll otodaetrien t a building capable of acid The medical tihe late m. Came avid Mills s Presiclen ameron ha the gener f the advertising and ci Monts of the business. Quebec Rail ay will p when spring opens. t ack is did o be laid. t is distance lies betwe launched a d. found the w some 80 or 40 patieets. fraternity without except dorsed the movement. - don Adv rtiser Printing y has been re- pon the death of on. The Hon. of the company 1 management °Illation depart - e Ontario and ceed vigorously otne 38 miles of Thirty miles of n the new Don ridge, in Ytrk towns ip, and Myrtle, nd the rem ining eight near Peterboroh he iron b idge over the Don east of ci 1 —Alsike c over seed Paying crop. Mr. E. eve of Opel, received he sum of 4256. Mr. tiny, Ops, for thirty- eived nearly' $351: M f r over six+ bushels —.Lest Saturday afte well dressell young m rs. G-ormaa on Yo ot out of he grasp in ere runt= 'to the I nd bolted i with $1 iamond ring. The r t the time. —James Sttaith, of t ba last spr ng, was f (mace that is son, w ear Regina, where he nd. It appears he earest villa hen it is s e was form iles from • 1 • 1 11 e to get s apposed home, an —The following sch ies, may bet of intere pril to 15ta May; April to I5th May ; ba Nona 1st No . to 10th 1 tth Sept. to May 1st. aeons for sh in 0 • seems to be a opkins, deputy - for twenty-five r acres of land, F. Costello for 90. MaPatrick ne bushels, re- , John Connolly received nearly noon in Toronto n jostled against ge street. She le ensued. He time, as people and a valuable bbery was most were orowded e first concession the sad. intent- ° went to Mani- und frozen dead had taken up started to the me necessaries e lost his way. nter only three one mile off a • • dale of the close tario during the mat been hunted arine of Fish - t : Pickerel 15th askinonge, 15th s, 15th April to t and large grey ove whitefish, epeckled trout, —An ()wail Sound rower says: Capt. dlover, of the Salvation. Army, stated on the Army ha when it ente —it would st unday morning last that " come to stay "—that ed a tow it never left it y till the eat man in Owen here, and one which w sincerely hope leok upon it es a pertinent institutions may accomplish the object for which it eei—meThere isievery probability that the Six Nation Indians on the Grand River Reserve will told a centennial in Octo- ber next to celebrate the hundredth an- niversary of their occUpancy of their . reservation near Brantford. Two coun- cils have recently been held with regard to arrangements in connection with the affair, and the proposed demonstration. gtves promise of blossoming into a mon- ster celebratietn. —During the tobogganing party at vernment House, Ottawa, last Satnr- dee: evening' two toboggans, on which were several la,dies and gentleman, col- lided, giving the party a bad shaking up and slightly injuring Mr. Allan, M. P., Ornikshtk, private secretary, Sir ,Lponard Til ey and Mrs. Wilson, wife time Hon. Mr. Ward, who was visiting Rideau Hall, was fatally injured in !going down the toboggan slides at the Government House. Those who wit - e first set- inessed the accident state that it was ntry. The oat a miritole that the result was $1.50 a Tear, in Advance. not naore serious. When Lord Lane- • downe first arrived it was announced that it was hie intention to close tip the shdesi but he was prevailed upon to keep them open, although he did tea • reltatittly. r. W. Hudson, coucession 6, let 19, London township, has a,dog that bed the naisfortune to get his left fore, leg and hts left hind leg both out off bra reaping maehine. Althongh it may seem incredible, it is nevertheless a faet, he manages to run about 013. the' two legs {both on one side) neatly as well as - he would with the four ; per does he ever put the stumps of thefother two to the ground. Mr. Hudson saya he is a better dog in every way that:1;11e was be- --The solieitors for /Plaintiff in Smith vs. Goldie dt McCulloch receivedta cable dispatch oe Saturday last,that the Privy Gouncillad dientiseed with co* the a,Pplicatiou of defendant for leave to appeati from the judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada. The suit , was iestituted by Smith, the patents° of a naachine for purifying middlings !in the process of milling. The plaintiff lolst the suit in the Chancery Gourt and the , Court -of Appeal here, but was snocees- ful before the Supreme Court. lads efe respectable parentage, residieg , in iBrantford, anti aged about 18, halm been rrested on a charge of stealing s. buggy A eearch revealed th•s,t the boys had a out $300 worth et stolen property preda, ions, recently reported, have been atece to theneand it is plain they halve foe so e time past practised eystematic mime ary proepeces when he became of add- whic has. been posted up at Grimsby. It see s to indicate ehat there is at least one f her iu that town who 'belongs to the cl es that believe in heroio treat - men lading my son Charles in a y net h ving been forcibly taken the e) who ill smeer him all over with rotten eggs nd. tar and feathers, and then tol bitia and his family, I remain-, is a9ectionate father, W. W. RUMEN. !---Ia the latter part of October an old men ohoked to death while -at dinner in one of the betels at Niagara Falls. undenta,ker took charge of the body .a d enaba med it,. with the expectation that some elatives would appear and clailm the remains, eonapeneating him for his werk. He wets doomed te disappoint- '. ment, for, thus far, no One has appeared 1 to ,cla'na the body. The tindrtaker is men ef his work." The ca. e has -created mpch interest, and. people have co e from far and near to vie the hody of the unknown man. A nura.ber Of pity- sietans have been invited, ;and Will ex- amine the body in a few dayst - London fountry, was severely burno. the other day with molten iron. Re picked up a dipper, not noticing it wets . wet, to skim some dust off a, caldren Of 1 iron. The wet dipper can ed an explo- ' caldron, and nearly all of his mass was Millar like a shower of r in. He was thrOwn into the air, fain g upon Mr. seyetely burned about the shoulders, arms, and down one side, and will pre- bably be laid up for.,a week or so. Mr. 'Geo. Ouimet had also a narrow escape. He emptied 801318 Molten iron into a pot containing water, when the pot explod- ed with a report like a cannon shot. The pot itself was blown to atoms, hat Mr. Ouimet escaped with a slight cat and burns about thet.ace and neck. • —A Montreal insurance, agent is re- ported to have s.bsconded iander rather peculiar circumstances. its the story village named • St. Joseph du Lac last sumnaer, he captivated the affections of a beautiful daughter of a wealthy raiser, and subsequently corresponded. with the girl, until finally the marriage was fixed for Tuesday, 26th nit, Last Frit day the lover visited St. Joseph du Lac, and, after an interview, the father eif his affianced handed over tO the intend- ed son -in Is,w his daughtetts dowry ef 45,000 in cash. The insurance man then departed, promieing to return Tuesid*y morning in time for the wed- ding, btht the bride and het friends are said to have waited in vain at the vil- lage chapel for the coraitag pf the bride- groom, who has n.ot been seen in thee° parts aim°. It is supposed he has fled to the States. teSome few days ago John Pope, a labouring man, and Ed., Renshaw, el blacksmith, both of Evelyn villageolear London, fought about a Division Court decision. Pope knocked Henshaw down and broke his Shoulder blade. In a day or two they met again, and' the WOU114• ed Man struck at Pope with. a whip. The battle was taken up by a sonof Ed. Henshaw, rand he and Pope rolled over and over each other on the frozen snow, ribIe manner. Pope had his nose and ear, mutilated in a shocki g way, while yonng Renshaw had his fingers chewed to the bone. The case Oecupied the whole of an afternoon before Squire Hannah. Mr. Ed. Meredith appeared. for the Henshe,ws, and Mr. Essery foe the complainant, Pope. The case WEI fipalcailnlyg 851f;ttled between the partiesi Renshaw paying $25and coots and Popei -e-After a somewhat lingering illness, Mr. Jonathan MoBrien, of the base line, Hallett, passed away tbri Tuesday last. He was ,one of the early settler!! of the township, and had !large circle of ac,quaintanoes. His remains were interred in the Clinton cemetery On Thiarsday 'afternoon. • •