HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-02-29, Page 7225V 1884. AT LAST* EXTRAGIDINAly I IONDVILLE El R L L enuine Roller Mill ill. 11 naiv haa no. superior a1g, on the ,V marlufactdring EVOLUT183, IN MILL11(c. of Vital 114POrtant,,- al Reductiqn syste, lers, now MI inre than the best 'Flour 511 -the Old - Procelia. Mg a, SpecialtV% in, &I'll cases got t heir oand, alad by our fiew r0riger- W, 14 --ter. richer and- -of floux 4r fft�r- t.jL ��arto� been . a - the,, Able to get. there is no humbug orez. mx adoptin& the, Gr4dW stem. ­0-Qr new B`Ysteln iff Iasbert �sted, alld proved ia gre In r I . 'at gary. Go many�Franca, he United States., 1 Flour previoug to Our at- a heavy coqt,, amcl better Mour Uow. one mffieient to Prove, our sia. 6t. 6a for this �,01&88 of wark led, %ad customers May do. ag their ellopping do -no: ac * and try oqr famous new �r f bur. 1, Shorts S114 Feed. daliv. ,iart of Sealbrth, Harpur- Ildville free of chaxge. �W. Mills at E.9mandvi-11%, a in f -1 Opera W KYLE & AEUS CARD. ------------------- P Y M OLLL AT THE— .N FOUNDRY, see our stock of 0 �een M. ad -a eai>ecially for have gresitly improvea w I or this. seia on --a d fweWel that it is t �e best. ia T 7ID ROLLERS heavy, ra.unting light snd *k. Our R U H E RIS ba. hard iron, and wiU last 1 �LuY Otlie 19-achiue made. tools, for Utt M -g rec In guarairtea eatisfaction. RtioriL gi-ven to repsiffig 9 and Grist. Milk, vera, Thraghing Alachineg, of Inaakinary repaied on at r d-eaganable. rates. )&rs and others — Bridge ,astings at lowest oralteit, on. application, kgeint for the im.-olements Harailta, A f ull tatantly on hand,.. IQMA-5., HENDRY. OTICE I a,ed. having veeii. appointed Agent DIFERATION LIFE ��iring the livesof au the 016 zens- -&hrrounding, Qountly.,. so sat&' provision for families andweride, This ta undoubtedly the WS -411; Zing' bnainess ii; Cal - 1�", oil, �'Atthe paiiy Globe or mail Of any reasonable mmi, Of r -t once on W BEATTIE, Agan�t, Seaforth. to Loma On )?arta or Town ,easiest terms of payment and at 904 M PLANING MILLI, OUBB 11 D-FACIT-0 a.ye, to than -It 4j,%nuwOriD* =era,lpstronage oxtondo4to �enoilg busivaka in ,y be favored wUh a, oabinu=N Ingto-buirdwa,ulddowellto 91TS Ountinas to kee�p on haudz # Lumb6r� saghes, Doorh I rzd �P-Rt of 9tving,3-i'atisratioz tot100* 12im bention P&id to CustomPIW3,114. H. RROARFOOT. INT T rly -CT--R:s ,�TER SEAFORTH. �Zzned to Clear Out my; L -o k of 177,urnitttr6 regurd— 'AN it w;1JPft3' thOul to SSW' purchaging el.sewhere. I caunt to til(yoo paying casho OP y roarried couples' LID9 six hhehlf finished chairit for keep Huc,�;jtoals spring, Bedlt tho 'Pest in tha Za&rket; warTin"d Irec t ly oppogtte M. U.. counterys iry Storet Maiin Street,Seafor* 10-Y, skins, farg and ta­ljowo cash. tot everything. FEpituARY 29, 1881 News Notes. butc, 2erg an4 'the piogress, an4 nd [a inters el6ut 0alth 'Will, you caunotbe deceiv4d by pure4aafng a Of .1 ie abo 1� i. requo Grand Trunk Rallwa Wolves and, cayoteg are destroying h soon be re-establisbe 837, 0 a -wort less &j tiole, b it; know its value Tr Oita and calves on. the ranches between In"': Qline oijets'! Mat a ad opted al S leave Somforth and;.01inton statio' 6nd i ate no r years befor buyir g. TA01 bottles and testi. follows Calgary and Fort McLeod. forge b to respoe & G61XG WEST— SHATORTif. CLINTGk. �e iO her old NY ide Awak Dru' opt. moni Is g1ven freo at Lumade Chat. clotl s. This )tiv) was Wilson'sDrog EXPI OF)$ ......... ;.1:60 P, M. 2:30 P. OT. —A $250 000 fire o6curred in lottetown, Prince Edw&rd's Island, -on Preld )Usibl com. Mr. S. Roberts is &I# s Wive I 80r�, PWortb .-795 -52. EXPI Ogg .......... 8458 P. M. e; pot� tbyr or decen. ly 9.15 P. N trici y to his bUBi ! MiXCITridn ...... 7-.�G A. M. 8:45 A. Iff: Wednesday morning. as in the 0413E of LD(3681 spares no. pairial ge Saad. M ch ImV GOING BART— SEAVORTH. CLINTOlf.. roved. —T. he County Council of Bruce at R �a was eighteen to secu r :he beat of evei y article .......... 6:4 5A- M. 6:27 A.M. ars of . age he b" his )in!). He has 8604red the E ars �'Sept. lot, 1883. Exir a8s Train..... 1.50 P. M. 12� 56 F. M.' their I -ate meetins! passed a by -la* 13 e exhibited her h6t pict re at I �r g76,, the Salon of lgt -h ency r . �jT Mixe I Train...... 4:4o P. x. 4-.00 P. M. wherebyarewairdof $40 will be paid' q,h Be are two the ceh arated I h Wt I. Churchill & q1o., Oents,—I have for the arrest aud conviction of any per. fimalipa�i.ntings—r New Dh leov! )ry for Oc USUM11)t been wouble with O*tal,,rh for bbe past Ats ni I bliDgearrots and Jnly cem '111 Cure hno *n for 1 onsump-' two � ears. Your FountiLin of - Health L�ndon, Huron and Bruce w, pilfv of -horse stealing. .1 3 tion,cou s,Colds,H rsems%Asthma, was reoommendel to m. a by Mr. Lind_ Goins NO'ATU— .Express. MmA'l. —A man named Cardival, who had Peyrol., is the PosieFsor o�Ale Pic ureR� large sum c -f money oa his Pers and r,Bi, or &� i affection say o, this p lace. jkf �er Using one at A.M. PAIL .o breasures, the n as an ay, Eei ida 7 47 4 u, and i eir, obr'. Lond)n, depart .. .... A of the hroat and Lunge. Sold on. a half bottles all symptoms of Catttrrh Ex,t, who was being d riven to biB home t Rosa'6 second 4ke: f hei w as I a death 0 ................. ....... 8 56 15 i6 teacher 'and father 081tive Eumhantee. "Irial, lottlep free. have disappea-red, and my health is so Hen ..... .... 9 13 '5 50 f;t, Genevieve by a'Montreal-carter, has 8 1 .............. iE 1849.- Love fo!r 'P Kipp �n ............ ... 5 5 Foul pla him and for art u F ize 61. 8352. much improved that have 11 .... .... 0 17 Mysteriously disappeared, y 41103ed bar heart foir R69 "ar ad sev. Bruclield ............ .. ...... 9 26 6 6 I 7 ai�n is suspected for the purpose of - robbory. any third affecti era ounds in flel b. 1011 Bav& hat (it h , . - I .......... ........ 948 6 0 r Land asboro ........ ...-...10 07 6 0 hcusan.0 Say 30. 1 atll:�Okirs tru —Mi,,E; Carrie SheadB, principti-of the ily. W hen Jy nf he b0gye'd Rosa 6 ().akridge Seminary at the date of 1le bring him the Mr. T W AthiAs, Girar i ]Kansas- 791.52.2w. Wm, LATIMER. ........... .. ........ 10 16 6 19 ture she had com- Jb pletel—L -b' writes: I I ic ever b�sil lite tor' commend 'n-o'r Ive ............. ........ 10 31 7 6 'battle of Gettysburg, who earned a na, erne$�'. She, di& g laim, ..10 45 7 7 ,tional raDutatian by her heroiQ coududt' so, Bobbin 1 a Y, our E, le c tric Bit-Wrs �to my I:c ustomers, I Salt RholLM Cured. GOING BOUTH— (if ido. He too 688 on that occ,"ioa in succouring wounded her.tw, a in h;is bey gil entire ba�idaCtiA and are A.M. P. 06DC Ofideavoringto Ar� you t oublel vtith salt i7beum, Wing itim, depart .............. 7 85 2 �7 Federal soldiers, died a few days ago., smile, expired I �apid. s3lera.11 E lectric Bitl are the rough skin, pimp] 3E o canker sores; Flelgr�vo ........... I . if ....6 ..... 7 49 3 N —Mr. N. S. Appleby, ex -M. j?. P. for In �� 1853 e Ired purest ai id best m6awi.le Ila own, and, B 0 LB]ytili . ................ app er beleb rated goa't OUCE to In I dan & Wileou'13 .... 8 05 -3 �3 k . I Lood3aboro ............ ...... 8 14 3 02 Bast Hastings, was la,,t Monday -waLk Ho 'Be Fair an in 18L 5 I, Haym kin will' posi urei Eidney aud Liver drug store a, d get i Package ' Me- d L On a Cli in Ai the Luxembo= Complail i eve, yp(3 re of .. ...... 8 45 .4 05 apprehende arge of forgey gu- regor and, Par a vorgnq,, urif � t !6 blucd and Carbolic Cerate. Brno- ileld.. ......... 8 69 ;4 1 'W.han his case was called by the Police UIU- Empress Eu late t i w, �,J s. N( f u W il y c ii t afford to Prico,twentM.five een 9. was never Hippm ..... ........ 9118 4 30 be witholuk.t iern. � They will 1,1,ve, r Heiisall ............ .......... Magistrate in Belleville he failed t6 that Iot oul 8 on Rosa elDg: hun, know -tofari�. 79! 5'�. 10 9 18 4 1 35 d( Rxetc. r ......................... 9 28 4 50 decoilited t1h the giou of Hopor, London, arrive ....... * . ........ io 36 5 io appear. oil, )Ilars[i b( I very He was out on six thousand colpea w dreds o co "torld i Is r&rel- co'nf year. S:)Id at fifty :cents 11 bottle by d61'Ja1P` bail. erred bn th[a fair sex--bu' n havii; S. Roberti. 78 52: The Quicl�dst U hi on Record —Tutmlay morning last week in 06- g succe dad.tTirined the red ribbon -V�eUlngton, Grey and Bruibe t taw% DEvniel Nifaloney, an elderly mau, b lerse f on Z artist!g btoast.—SILva-iji. Is Kram's . V I uid Ig Ing for Neu- Gomm NORT11— A cc. I9XP. who son waa murderedID Rat POr- nah ews. What a Druggist '�Ys ralgia, lleadache� Uothache,.etc. It P. ,VT. P�Iml tage some time aro, waa strrick, on tb; Etbe111 .............. ........ .. 2 28 41 0 Dear Sirs,—The Crowfoot �itters are does not blister Or iscolor the skin ; I Ar You rxo�ng. t( I 11 Ilruoel;j ...... 239 0) hpgd by a large stone blasted 'from -an me?, selling rapid ly her aild-givil r quireB but orle +I,p ica, tion to. banish I . Bluevale ....... if vbr j go �'nto. a e� loca ! remark: Y . ........ 23 exca,vation on the street and died a short i t4e all plin ma ically. ithout using an i ty a0 ai a, able satisfa,,tion, § eviderc-10 by a Wingliair ...... .............. 3 05 10 - I wil study G $OX;Tli— tup m g4phy. bette demand wbi-,h is d6l i ng! grea,sy Iiiiinient orl a -ryingr your bead 01NO Exp. OLC( ' In or". I . 11 did- this ti liq orl my ljgnotatj(� 3 . - Try atwauty" A.M. 4 A] —The Stratford Herald says: Th6 th a&,n in a , oulticelfor W�ek PA IXBt it �Q, O., p Wlnp.hFini...' -ery i I ..... 15 48 11, 23 lock up Is very freq a-ently, Used, par- got Ix a into a i ncor�fortible !poei $21.26 I Owe�n 4ound :0 rio. five copt bot le fir m Lu L nta msden Wil- Bluevale.... ....... 6 58 11'83 a DOS, druggistp. 7 5� Brnspols ...................... ticulariy in winter as a refa,ge and plac� jiOn. As th neqted. . $&nfo, L j . �rd, son 6 is n op go Ethel ....... .................. 6 25 1 of shelter or trii,mps that are guilty Of WASEI ta11din u ith others on the ech, Dr. Scr�p Moff �S, no; greater crime than poverty. A visit f.heti a Pretty ou glady came no - to uckli n's AriqLica Salve. Russian Cor and iWVt Eradicator is to it will 41iow that the only bed is the me, a ad with i.sw et:smale on her face, a 'sc one of the In st relilab 8' pXep 11tiODS in The best s lve n t o world for cuts, JAMES' HOTEE W vip 4 A ,Old side (q a plank Nv _Ctiou of lookelintoraiie 4hal)air�of I uniaity ie- a re yoak t kis.� eyes, iud sked A rOiD -tile marl:et. 011ie ot �a wil convince bruis s, sore , Ulc ��lt rbeura, fever gnother for a� pillaw., H �Oir)g t ,quires that protection from cold should me, 8jr?" If so us 0 of its Ruperi.bi-3" 8, tetter,lehap ed ands, obilblalins, TORONTO. ne had offer 01 u . Y OV& all othef sore tt Yo For aul.6 1, all druggists. corns, -'be suipplied, even if same regard for the I8nd,.j1ne ton d4lars, I could not aV6 1, Y and all, skid �rtiptionB, and posi- 2. I - beenbaore surl rise Itively cures pay reqaired. comfort of the ooctipauts is not thou_jlt 3, and hardly k Owl 837.601"T' )iles,- 6� �rio necessary.' The 1hat to 89, 71 d to g4n it is uaroajn edto gi,%e Perfectsatisfac- 3"�RP BRIGHAM proper authoriLieh iUg V should attend- to *this matter. 1 little ti rpe, I gE spe Had Medical, 11 tbn(tce tion, r morl - r ' efundud. Price 25 cents- it, " Patdoii,uiss 'elt'tbafsheltrlew -1 blLve been suff per r7nerly of Sharp's Hotel, Set�forlh,) —Con siderable wb eat has been f rozei what did you A ilt 9 I ' Deal Eire, erer Ox, or sale Y J. S. Roberts. 40 a-dher,bu sh3said'sw 4 1 1 ge Are ja� . ran �ic Hea al I c in the 'Iieighborhocd c 0 villb. I be eetly It from Ccstivbness, I . PE."OPRIETORS. Mr..David Goldie,of Greenfield mills, you g)ing to ki� s i9a t. Inigbt here Loss of Appetite fol I many �ears, felt was omit3und.��.rst]6nd.ingLertli.is i s tired, 1h -the I listorIV -of Medicine so tb8 t Iffe was. 4 burden all seemed (lark to a I ha. a Lituated dirro ery I No preparatikn bw,­� THIS Ayr, sent a myer up to tba,t locality me., alway I he Totel, wbjeb is ly opp�, short time ago, who made the discov -d ' her an.1 so aid others, aid, I and 1 -tived su'ch Uni- Us oil stati-ii, b' -is reacntly �een re-fifte, that the dainago by frost was prettj felt t a blood rushing into had med: cal attend im an ave tried n and i-c�-Iirnislildthiougliotitaiid Is now oil. 0 . . aly! face, and versal comm� ndation orithe alleviatio general. This is the first instance O'j I stanimered. out, I,would li�e tq ac,. -almost a] I the advei,tilbj, rer dies, but it affords, and the pqmaiient Care it the best und niost comfortable hotels in the �ity� I wnnld,; t�ruly; without 14ect. A i eighbors, affects.in hidilley disealses, as Dr. an lwt.ve-ypossible attention paid toguesfu,mill wheat baving been frozen in Ontario re'. coma: odatp HUriber bfl V cry moderate. ported for yeara. but I.4vei w�fe md, thirte.en smji who bad used your Fouutaiu W Health, Bureii's idz:lley Cure! Its action in It. L. SHARP, —The expedition for tho relief 01. ebildieii on boardwA me� and if ni 61",gea me toglive it a! trial,16ree bot- *tlles r simply 843 JN0.13RIGHAm, Froprietj�rs�' a diStrCB�iLig Complaffits i a al , .1 - r Tokar-Dumljers5,000men. A fugitive wife shouldpee me kissmg tl a of which made �me fuel `4e a new 1 4 wonderful. :For 6 a PY J. S. Roberts. fronitheVesieced town declares that Kissipg me, ycm ba eful . old ti ing t w6mati. MEDICAL. 0 : i 770-5�-78 watek, but Uto sBme?:1­You,Iid," IJdRs. E 4r, they have plenty of food and ho asked vo .. 1 � I I . are shott'lof ammunition. Gen. Gordori I yelled 798.52.2w. 574 1P1 stree Torontoi jpi I !Blotches. lysi4in you asked -Jme twice ?11 you, mp�es an: G-1 S. MACF)QN1A1,D 3LD., 0. A -T., PI 1 NV. old f �'urgeoii, Aecoucheur, &c. Office and ilesil Is"Proceeding-4ctively in the work (,f SSh611 YOU if YOU Were f,'OiDg Cali at LuimE-den drug deuce, t4stt imtely ,ccupied by Dr. Hutchi8oni artoum4 ssime-1118si a city to n ht Good Tes imor i 1. repressing gross abu eR at Kh I store and get- a packa�fe 9, c egor.& Aubuim - don't you., kno an -thing 211 and of she j Two thousand pounds ha- -beau sent to Dear -S irs,--F.or vcr twelt! yearo I., Parka's Carb lie (jerate... . It is com� j Gl El Mehdi by the Anotriagn Wunsel at went. alud- if ever a )yi)oay :felt, mf aner have suff ered greatly hom nai allcatarrb; ! ACOTT, N- D. &o, PhTsioiau,Surgeon 413i posed of Vaseline,', Carbolic acid and. A econcheur, Eftaforth,Unb. Oft Khartoum far the relem,e of the Catholic tban I did I wouli like to axe Dge sometimos bdiug unab.'e to BID c- ortaste d9rate, and blas neVEr failed to remove dance autb oide of Goderich Street,second - I I 4001 pr.�perl '16 dise misBionaries. as t of I Ires byterian Church. phot(graphs with laq. aBe causr. It severe impl6s, blotches, b1cerated sores, and 2 Y - T I p —A -fourteea-year-old daughter of b 'r . - pai over We eyes, and frequ ntly st6p- roughiskia.� It cures hen all 'others Richard McKeown, of AWfoutrea, lat-ely A Good Ji L 41 VERCOE, 11. D., 0. M.. Ph-vsician, qnrl 'Pad my ri fail. Try it. 795-52-' crop. � ting on h0c uut of izzipees.. getm, ate.,Coronei I or the cot�nty of uui�on I returned from 9, ladies' college in Otta,- I u4,ed carbolte apid. and soapsud The phlegm � n- my ffirpat ga-v 3 me much Offloo abd Residence, on Jarvis street moithl B Oni wa, and to avoid beiog sent to the high my plann: trees Iast* spiing, with pedect '46noyande,leipecial Y ill com any, balls r ckl YC)i:img G directly lbpp�osite Soxforth Public School. Phb S -f t her home and proceeded to school. it ucce is. The curci*lic invariably i ake ly wbich wc ald oc asionally fall down New York, where she arrived one even- . i 8� f . And the deli ate. Y)n g Woman need anatel 01 the P Urn. ei a tr es are loaded ith into my th oat, a d 11 con d seldom AVIL Ti&Novr,,R,M,D..C. if., Gra ing last week witli 30 cents in her p. -)a- fu I Dr. Austiii'13 Phospliatine. When the McGill Univeroiby, Phypician,surgeon oul nit, nit fall tc the gmund before tbey 'breathe thiough m3r nose. 1 iave taken Acooncheur, Seaforth,ont. office andResidem session. W%nderiog into- &II orpeu door. ripen� I Used one large spoonful countenariceis pale, the � blood courses N orlh side Goderich Strect, first Brick Hausq of cud�� quarts of vadous medihines v ithout any the depot she slept all . night BInggishly, latiruptior s in: the face ap. east of the Methodist church. 499 way near carbolic acid to one 1 of apparen- leae t'1111tj 1wa ijiduced:, peolr,togethe with tljtb:e other' 810118 in a vacant room Next morning the Boa sfds, stirringitth4roughly and zbe by your a of 69 ImAter st ept, to try Police -wired her pareu ts,who had been das i gitupthroughthe tree wijfi. your Foun &in of � Res ith, I ter usiri� of either temporary or con8titUtional DRS� ELLIOTT - & GUNN11 0 . debilit' 1 thrown into. a sad ri-tate of anxie-tv and tin e Mori ing y. Ncremedy will so quicklyl BRUCEFIELD. I �lid Wis ear;y in th five bottles I am pr Pf red tc E ive it as the little tourist was brought home by -twic restor43 color to the strength to f% Week, COMM ricing as soon iny honest ) inibn hgt for f a 3 ure of r. gi h , t i d succeE 3. *I have the museles, anergy o. the limbs,, brip Il')W.4111) ELLIOT, WILLIAM GU.�Nj hor mother and brothe the Nh ssoms be n ) all, and continu-1 Catarl I i a gra 9 Licentiate of the Royal Licentiate (if the lidyal' —By the will of the late David John- ed 'un be fru rec6mmenqled it back the app�tite arild',riaake a healthy C, nelly of Pbysicians Colit,ge of pj)jscillrl� it V' i 3 i,bou half grown. to niaqy Of 12:7 friends, be y1til � . stone, writerin Dumfries, Sentland,who Thrt . ' maia, as Phosphathie, Nybich is not a and Strg(,ors, E -din- a,4 Surgeons, Edin i theIornbardyv ety.� One of whoinencl:)BEs histaktimonial WO' medicine, bu� a food. For sale by all burgh; Licentiate in bni irli ; jote of the 00.4-t' died about 24 ears ago, the Durrifries The �ree4 �vere loae c I. with fruit.. Thal with mine. Alidivifciy, Edinburgh. pir,.-dfor Women, LbnJ chanties have just become entitled to first tlikt ripe druggists. 788.62 ! . UEd­-VV re 3omewbati per- Wif31li13g'7CU. de'sery d suce �ss, 83326 dou, Ei gland. the round sum oFf about :630,000. ld woXmy. I 1 Isc picked from two, [am gra,pdully V mrs, Finin was left on the tl,--statar'd death to trees I one i oddari: backqtf 51 t G� W Mijagay, Of bat was, �QSRPH BitowN, THROATI .1 EYE;! EA his niece, Urs. R. J. ThompHOD, entin rotterl"afte w 'Clitbeyrip,)Ded Book heeper, 25 Sli 3 Urne it ree-t,,' Parkdale, To�louto, Writee: 11mv wile Y r Cal ont, and 9 2.'2 w her heirs with the. nicel were entir I �Jifijree from worm 798.5 Toronto. had several I v4:,ry selVete attacks of dUCEORCE S, RYERSON that if she died without issue or q� 3r blemi8h: WoOden, crampsirlt4 stornaqh. Hearing of picked six it BhoUld -o to- the charities above bnek ;fUlB of fruit 10 tboBe two t eas .10, thi8 Season Dr. Austin Ph(s -hatiue and its L., R. C. L. R. C. S. V,-, Leaturer a P. n the ye named, and through the death of that an El � e Y y v io0s. No Wir 0 E nd Thkoat, Trinity Aledical College Toren - ere del of the year b3h ere sho ul I be a bottle of pleasantri�ss !to take, I gave her two trAar a 0. mud : urgeon to the Mercer E yo and in r In - lady last week at Lockerbie, the provi- anytl- g io distul.. it while ri a in�� Pectoria in ell ery bous �. It i 0 1113equall- bottles, and she bas- pot bad an attack fjr;�ary.` Late Clinical Avsistanv Royal London siong of, the will will be carried out. Well, IeS, it tempte� 0 childr Q. ;ad for CougLE, Cold and HoE r3euesg, is- since, and he health is much improvea. Ophthaii�lo HdHpital, Aloorfleids, ana Central Among the charitie,3 which will benefit Para., �eon. in Fruiq: I pleasant, equally safe W obile r6n. Price For sale by ll drup, .789 Throat nd Ea) Hospital. ecorder. ots. 770.52 largely by this ae tb a D arnfriep Infirm- 25 cents at all druggistb. 83 +. .117 OHURCH STREET, TORDUTd. vxy, and the various alms houses in the .Lima l8eans. I have used. Dr. Syrapemoffs Russian burg. The poert - ii3cludeB several May be consulted at the Y TbIA year 1� bfqtve tried R%, new 14ri AlmostEv ry L I Corn sDd Wart Eradicator, and an farms in the parish of Loahmaben. i —A despatch from Windsor Says : with , ftna beani's. I have always plant- contains G 416mel and otbe - mineral recommendi, as d4gall it prOfe138eB. ad them in row ::fo X feet -apart and the compounds , Dr. Corson Is 1 Stomach. One b �ttle is orth foqr'� of any other WINDSOR. HlOtEL, STRATFOI�Dl George Fraser, formerly a ell-kn6wn hills two feet apa t in the row, set tin Bittrs is. p irely vepetE ble &n# Mlies th corn ure. My dor . na are missing. 'Windsor newsdealer and manager of the 9 a stake or pole wnd t4en planting four place of al.. advesq in 19rgc (Signe 0 F. C. B.urropgbes, Stratford, local telegrarh office, now afarmernear On the 'Last 14ATUP.D.&V in ]EAV111 or fivE, beans arou 4s. them, manuirhig' bottles at 50 eents. K. 8.26 Sold b LUM den & Wilson, Druggists, MIONt". Wi Iiipeg, was in town last evening on i . ; I 1 h. 83Ox26 in the hill. Seafor his way east. Speaking about the farm- This ear I ri 9, a pfurrow wiith a tj 11 pn 111fectly Q 0.0ARTWRIGHT & ers in the territory nea that eityhe says t plow'- . a pu b': a Iffieral Supply Of T, WetbLerell, their lot is very hard. They are entire- Linds%3 o Wharf Aug. .2,1883. ENYESTS, will Visit Seaforth Manure and wa -lied the soil into Writing from Winuipeg, . says I can D every Wednesday and Thii a - "the furrow, mix ng B t: orougbly as po3. Messrs. Ch ireilE Co., ly at the mercy of,that grinding mono �, - a . - I say more about Phok phatin6 now than day, and Clinton every Fziday..y poly, the Qtu%4i9u Pac-ifi:6, Railway,- Bible ith- maUre. . I hen planted n. bave been aff ict�d'%kit, Balt 4eum for when I saw y u last in Toronto.' My each week, except the week wj an which controls'all the elevators in the beas Y the past th--ee ! years, and. .1 6ve been *� Ttiesday comes first in the mo)3 . bout 4 inche3 trt in the 17, health is much imp oved, and, I am 1`eeth ex4aoted without paiu. Chargesmode'to eatedbyEo a of the best I )etors in freefr m beadaAeB or'any other acheS, amd terms cash. ind fixes the price of farmers. and t a rows U� feei., 3., aft. When ;hey 0 730.2 country, a tr prodacts at its own figures. He men- astern Ontario without ah� lasting were u well I stue them the saM 3 as having used c ijly two 7 a a half bottles tioned on' I ! . An a intance this winter where a pems n1v and benefit. I a recommended I y Mr. 0. I hoe vil6j Df Your Phosphatine. ;For sale by all IDT,�Wr=SX! fheY i acbed tl n- When iie to 11011 druggiAs. 7'ij0.52.7qq.T -brusil 1try YC r farmer brought a loa of heat to the J. Lindsay, of 1 -tars, to It . After-hisi manager of an elevator, and was obliged tain of Heaft ing I a bottles these I pinched off bla running sh(ot J. FEAR L.D� S., fllsol to sell the w hole, load for $1 1 He was of the Foun to in and tvto bott e� of you X. R. C. D! S., of Tor -5n-s and furd the bea,ns 4� )ebter. I find No to Sebool of Dentistry. Offic( hiz told that it was frozen and not of much Climax Salve, I bellev4J am erfectl can rarise more bibDi 3 on the -'s: 411 value for"milling. Thia farmer bad Cured. My general 4e# Thal, ffiere iBia relia ale remedy for kid- Whitney's Block, up the fin Te Itb is 61�so much amount of grqu�d aul IaVO less groan, t%drs as the late Al. Bupgin's rooms. Of lee ney trouble, I 0 50,000 bushels Of saah wheat -in hi ..improved, and I now �feel I ,a a new jalf th 3 terrOrB attached hours, 81 a. in. to 5 p. m. 84 to boo over- that� hasi ni >thing 04 it. 1 granaries, The farmers all along the man. to these comp�',Iaints b0o been removed, only tried the pia 6. -8, small scale I his or this let all be t n u bit kf� 1, and to Dr border, Mr. Fraser says, are emigrating ter Youro tru�y, ii F I , I D Fj Iq rT E r- r IZ I year, I ut shall pantimy hole or O -P f Vaii. I uren a Kid ley Cure award' .to Dakota by scores, largely on account ROBER� AURNVI�' that pan next year.�. 13ae prefer t ril- j, all' - Fraise �or baiving thus re-' of the high price of agricltural imple- ing the -eyes Engin Er Str. Mo i4real and O seed'down when I herto fatal disease from D.,"W11ATSON, DPENTkST ments. The freight oii the tool� ig very plan —Farm ana Garden.. 79'� 52.2 movel a hit IP i tland. Line. g. or our I p�th. er known t heavy, and besidds, they have to pay a �4 wa 0ey 0 Facultt Gold Medalist and Collake duty of 35 . per cent. om them, which A Safa Qae. fail. old by, J. S. 1qberts..770.52.789 Gold Meaalist, Toronto Sobool of EPP 's. COA.— G THFUL AND latter item can be avoided by mov* lag. Medicine. FO Y. a th .1 0 gh knowledg a 4f ugust 29, �-883. into the territories over the border. A Banker's. Stimony. the-na,urml laws wh govern the ol)Q�- Dal n: any Pi O�, TIP sgoode. Faw Iiew prm%iient settlers are coming aio, I Saving; Natural Teeth a, Spec no Of digestion SM� nutrition,. In Messrs. Cburcbill I& Co., D q Sirs,, Cot any -Bro into the colIntry. For t� Cougt a o� nehial �eeth Easily ad CarefuUy by a careful applicatibu of the fine re- I have been �tz ouble 'with Pil 11 ?r t a affectiOn, 11 Poctoria,' in my opinion, is Extracted. Rosa Bonheur. parties of well-sleleope I Cocoa, Mr pr s last five years, and U14 119 that tl"e I just the thing. a a used it in -my br Wast tables Charges Moderialle. Iftosa Borlhenr is Dow in her sixty- die FgT has pravided our 7i t I b alve taken m e , in f M fivi doctors, famil for Coughs a�d Colds for'the Y a delicately - avored average wl dc a which failed to effect I have past four y a wit a mos nnvari s I have bought out the busine second year, and still continues, when 0 '13 I , N. B. -+A may 6 ve us many doc ors' hill& 4yq succe o inion -of it is the late Mr. Buggin, I will complete 'I, 0 health permits-, to give her Bervices, as used on - ur Cl ax L s, and ta day p pera!' Bhell� done far years, gratuituously to by theJudi - dous Use:( f such Orticle(s of -Salve, whic' . I purob', ad fr arl W. F. that I continue to t u. still more of tion a begon by him satisfactorily to each patie t. the school of Debiju for Girls, but it is diet tblat a coristitU06n -may- be gr du- Ritchie, of Office pyerJohmou'slTardware StoreMey E 8 sgdo a ta on,, and can tbat Which I jegan to %hink well of. Block, MAn Street, Seaforth. star that practically conducts that a �' ji up u. t as a �i�afe ;are to all her �i 11 b 'It ntil trong enough!, W recommend E RERR, very tendency t di Hui: - am 'i selilool now, Mille. Rosalie Boulieur resist isease., icted witiI he sa e4iseas con. Onta o!B%Dk, Pickerin m Manaer, 9 a tog baptizea -RoBa,, dreds of subtle � mf 41 icties; ar flo& whom her sebool m 6 Ang Bider your F ol in tain ;of ealt 0' excel- Pri' SEED ce 2S cents at al dr! ggists. 837-26 OATS. Up esc ape for 9hortness, is rich, as she could ever arouric us ready attack W erffiver lent tonic tc I uil RER ILL, Seed-,inian, Scaforth, has nejw d 13YBt W. Ilama her own price for her paintings, there i i a weak poini I ;. We m -kour on, hand a supply of the celt brated ilkip "2-: m ari� i, fata Bhaf t bly k eping ourse. ve s aj ch Olatt,, for seed. The seed f-wr tlipse o4ts 79�.5Mvv -3 Uly" 0 L'I 'Lp En Rilcithepurchaw.rs, almost wholly En �It AIE A rted from Ohio, and they have provewto glifsh and Americana, bespeak them walt'fortified. with U 6, bloo I an 9, was unp years in advance, as they did Delaro-, proper' nourish!ed U. S. AIL 5 EMSHIPS be the m)lit pio ific oat ever growrn in this imin-' Y try. 'I white braneli oat. Ternis 1.2 f4a j Q."--�-Civil Sei- From the, , -liver, 20 No h River New Y ChOs. Her life was a hard struggle in Vice Gazette. adE bixnply with lo4l- Sail lyloul. �Pie ork, 1)er busbel, pa�ablo next October, and if -er and Kidneys ...ise fully'. ialf th� �ickness. E rySatardft;�,fb' chfisers r turn oats grown iroin this .4, ed to itS youth -time. -A iiative- of Bordeaux, ing wat or 41a 0131yit PaC at! GLASGO VIA DERRY. P Dr. Carson's Stomach I Bittet Btimn- LONPON Rehill,as clefln as thoseg!d they recelve from bi�ii, she came. to Paris with her father when and Tins, (I lbo aZ4 lb by grocer ii RAT S OF IIA$SAGF, belled—" JAME�S ET vj Honied ' lates bot4 liver and kid beys and insures 0 GLASGOW, DERR-5 B OLFAST OR Lrvr,,R lie will allow them 10 etnts per busliel oer t�ie: 111-rie Years, of age, bat he had to send la disea t is nc OLi 0. 8D reguar n Larket price at the tinie of delivery. i 0 one against 66; 0an alco- PO CABI 7 $6 t&$,S ','O X D P tkee at 50 aforl her and her two brothers and sister to paithic Ghernists�-L I Ln, *R n 8 31.- 5 2 840.\3 Ww. REHILL, SL .# ABIN, $ 0. 3TE BRAGE, OUT- — . ?. holic stimul ift. In lailge bo a boaxding school in order to" leave bim r cents. WA.RD, S. PRAPAID, $21. ve ow Pills. 8 3 8..,", 6 ; . Hq11 i UVBELLS MILLS, XWEV,01 free to goin a ji lihood as an artist Ancho Line Drafts is �ved a are designer. Sudden chan,038, fl -e Uerit logs"and Co lete.-Y aidfreelof charye in ngland, Scotland and Cure I fellow student of Rosa's once told pervading dap e,38 so ely im')ede � the reland., I Messrs. Cliurchill & 06 —y6qr Foun-1 7me that Rosa was oe of the 11 jolliest vital functions, an I ondUCE to 1 For pasoWge, Cabin Plar 9. took of TourB, &c., tain of Health II�13 'I telyieured. me ipply to HF,,Ni)BFtSGN fto!=ns, 7 BoiNmixzG JOHN McNEVIN, girls in the scool ; was unequarled in health, The reined, f r'such (jisorcers .7 tr 0 u b 1, 3 mEN, INF, -%v Yanx, ox �o S. �DICIKSON, Post of yspepsia, which me for romps and ready wit, that she lyad the lies in some pdrifyi g medicine, I ike )ffice, Sqatorth. 832 Proprietor of these well known nd popularmil3q, nearly two y S. - tberb ills wbibli is C ompet6nt to g ap- has now at everything in fi st-class ivorlziig! habit oi Bquatting in a corner and de CLA�l UC cessf Ull 819lailig her dass-ma�tes with - a rapidity ple s y, V1 .,he ISO 1 a I 2.2 w to. ARRIAGE LICENSES order, an is prepared to trn Out an article of 798 5 St qrd' Toron, I - Ut, Witt at flat- street : . FAMI�V FLOUR whi i cannot be dx Slid surety of touch that Chain only source and StOmp it T celled -by lany mill In the country. Could match. It wag this precocious ting th ) nerves, r wE a onii igithi system. ISSUBD AT thlentfordeBigning that decided her 'Hollom a 8 Pil 8 extr13 c� from t 2e',bl)od $0,wo . Y- Istherto bring her home and educate'� all box.ous matter ( golme: tl 9 iLet ion or any tEEltinlOnials' reico a nending GRISMIG DONE WHiLE THE r 3' 3tim llato%he McGregor's Speed b for WAITE; FOR r P I L -S ­ayJ r4 d h L n's lve t tPy ti 0 K her himself. She became not only his of ever 7 disordez ed y spepsia, 1i E URONI EXO)iftOR OFFICE f4vorite pupil, but also his ho'use-keeper. liver a d kidn ey 31 ay�oi q el x Phe bow 31s.' Indigestion, Costivyeqn�juslq, Head be,ete., But what energy a -he had in her teens I Inburi g cheat Co I nt the 3e I ills that are not g nuine; none 6 which Flour ex alnged for wheat. Chopping of eveTy She went. alone during several years, to are ri imarkabll� e s in i6 S AFORT 2 ONTARIO& desdripti n promptly attende to. Flour abd Te6tiv I ;pecil Lily are from per B States- thouA- �A r Bran a1w s on Rand, and sbld at t4e Iowd.4t %ttl markets and 'clentril -,slaughter when i ided by a' frei i I I ca snide of mile � i way, b e i9lp.. lical ion U6. from kirsoInsin market p Remember thel popular mills. o - i 'louses to studY groups of animals. In of theQi-latment, TM I tleat ut slid around Hamiltou: On a io. , W6 Qrder to avoid the - curiosity of drovers, will enoftre a certain�. fit ead y an I be efl- gf� Ve trial � bo t] es freq of cost, , io that N 0 i REOUIRED. JOHN McN19VIN,.1KiPP6iI. a R "I �ESTRAY ANIMALS DR. FELIX LEE BRUN'S 9 $5 IZWARD­�'Strayod from the Premiseiv G wDG of We subroilber about the 15th of Novem- ber I&Ft, five Btee�s coming'three or fofir years old They were heard olobouttwo veeks. ago on A' Guaritnteed Cure for Gonorybms aAd Gleet the 9th Conerssion of Me-Kil"op, goitg towards Safo, pleasant and roltable� N bad eff4-ts fro;; the town �Line Of Hialln't. Part, If not all of Wi ulso. DOOR not interfere.with buainegg ordict. the , are 'marked! with T on the plite'dr ramp. Pri4c $2 per box, or threo boxes 'for $5- Written Som ,of them arellight colored and sonio dari., gnat antees issued by every ftlyAnt-h-3lizod agent but uno4 A,.ive a co j c --t deseriptiou of tbom, as 'to refund the money if t1n ce boxes fail to curb, they i,ro otit -of a ilot of 1100 lit -id. Any person Sei�t postage pripaid -on rec6pt of pxice iaddress givip sueP infor4ation a -i will Iced to their re- J. S. Roberts autbo3ized agent for Swiforfh. Dr. -ward. FAiX Le Bran & Co., 81 83 Zing St. Elast, Tor- cove] receive the a)jovp rc THOMAS GOV.3, CK, Mckill'op, Dclatinber 14tb 1888, oZ, Sole Proprietors, 193-52 $500 REWARD' Wowill pny the above reward far any "Be 4D I Llvdr Complaint, DyspepsiR, Sik Healacthe, In- dige;atif)n, Constipation or Costivmnzg wo'�aunct -s Vfgp - , eurl with Went !,L!jle Liver pips wk -en tye 'di eiltions nre striefly conipluil w;th: They ar6 i pnr4ly Vegetable, and nevc-r'fail to givt, *iatislap- 1'tlon� SiigarCoqtcd. Larg4b-xi--s,c,)Wui�i1ng80 Pilbi,26centO. For saleby all DAirgistfl. Bewaro of Oonnterfeifs and iniltddone. The genuine P1 mst�qufartured onIv Ly - ji)UN C. WEST, & ,Coq FOR SRERVICE.—Tbe -will CT11) 631 lot 844 concesfrion 12, Tuck�ersinitb, A Tb�i e8 Hing St. 'Eagz,'To-ron. Thorongtibred St,ffolk Boax. This is a superior to, IfWt, Free trial packaga i;cr.t by mair I PM- anfinul a . ii -I from good slock. Terms.— One an receipt of a 3 cceit stanip, For 'sale At Di -Ila -, pa3;able aL the fline of t-ervi rlili'1�7rts Drup, store. ev 5 ce wi.b the privil.,geollretarnhig if necessary. MCL AN, Kiplom E43 SIC -00 FORFEF—IT! IT�Ting thrtmogt confidguee in 14UP sueriorify ERKbTfIR]i PIG.—The upetersignied will over' alltherg, and after thousavii[4 c,f of this ABkeep Ul I I g Vie preef lit semon at I& botel e -d anti sevo- st easesi wo. coul 'in V1 112NA a Thw�ouah br�d BorkRbir,- Pig.' This fitidt" waletl jtiifiedin ofteringto fovf44t Or -a pig w is br d by 03. -11. Mmrpona, of Lobo, and is bol ars for anyeave of cougho, coldo, from iniprtcd stock on bOth sides. He is sewm :,.Oro thi. f, i,Aluenza, boam..ent-Fa, bronchiti.s. .rdont is old and is:oi.e of the purest bred pilza confumpfi.-ii in its enrly 8 agieft,whoopir.11, tougb, ever Iro t into tbe couilly, Terms—$I, pay- and all disesses of the thr(,at and excet able v t the time of servicn, with- the privill-ge of I Aqthm,), for which we cnl:y claim Mat ira retal 'neecssary., IV. COOK, Varna. 1canq cure vpith West's Cuugh Syrup� whea talmn c -eectir �Rc O"diig to di )ns. Sample bottles25and T R0UC+T-TBRP,D BEURSBIR-ri, BOAR FOR p5ers onlY in blue JOHINT C. NVEST & Co., -81 a H1 r"RVICE —The unPert-igncd wiA I;eep for 1 �,81 JH11119 St. E"t, Toxionto, Ont. For sale at J. 1) )rc.ln_ tervii a Ourong tbiprer-ent M asoii, on his oberts Drug store. is( 8, ot 8 concespion 12, XcHillop, a Tho)ough- Viodberk'siiire Boar. at the time bf ser�ke with the pt ivilego Vf xeturning i.f JklCliARD. 866 11HEALTH IS Dr. E. C. Nerve an Brain Treat ment, a ATTIRF, PIG —The underafgned will A guarai,teed apecifie f Jr Hytrtrria, Dizzineo-9, Coa� 4-eep Vor Kt N'iee diinfug the preent ize4soli, r rVulsinnia, F�ts, Nt Vou'i on lot 24, 5, Melii Ii,p, a Thoi Berl;-41iire :Pi,-. Rer�jpus Proptraf ion eq used by tbi,4 uf;e of �SICZ10-11 Tirms�()iie dollar ,%rith the li privi �go ol� returnit g if -necessary. WILLIAM or Vban ' Wtikefub-e�F, Mental Dep+"sialut !Sof i Mug i4he Brain, rEBultirag in ln4-anfty aVd 834 112FLd* gt misery, 'decay ar-d death, Proinatuire, Old gel Barrenue�-s, Loss of Power in lt)ier ftex, STIVT X PIG.—The undertigned willkeep on t In -V untar tomses and 21, conceppion 2. L. R. R., Tufkerpmith, by over-exertion of ths bi aiii, self�abuige or viez aTho�oughbred Suffolk Boar. This aijimal was indulgence., One box will cure reeont. cages, recen4ly purchased from the well-nown bve,- ars, t. contah�s Aine, month's tlatmeiit- One A. Frguks & So, afid is from imported stock on 1dolla a box, or sx bezeb for five d(41ars; eut by both qides. � Tnrms,—$I, payable at the time of I j!ius,ij repaid on receipt of pricie. - N-Ve guaant" serviO w-th theprivilegoof returningil necessary. Isix bp to 'th each oider re. XR rurl'. any ea.e. Wx GEOI-IGE PLhNVZ,8. 783 eive(l by us for six boxes. &ceompmiied w1th flive 041aIrs we *i 1 4sei d tbe 'pai chaser our MerQu W�refund the monty if the treatniett AUCTIONEERS. loes: not eir eta cure. Grarantex-A ii�qup-d only I)y J. S� Roberti; sole anthoiled agent V�r Sea- J. P.. BUINRi Licenced kucti 'arth Oiatari,�. ohn C. West & Co. Sele p royr.,3. or-elty ($0-UntY 01 11WOn. S31ef; atte-nd,ed in aW pitrf t �of the Comity. Qhr E�x. POIRXT�y 01hee will be promptlyattentled'vo, �'F,LGjATTY, Licenspil Auotin,apr for tb8 is A.:90nunfy of Hurou. Sales of all deFic-riptiona' lttrntledto on rntPon-ililp tarms-. Ad- )rom-' �ession 14 �re - 'k Lbn P.O. or L3t 14,Coac Me ,�ij or 77 r Tj$ACHEI RS WAINITED. XP.P blood is the foum TEA,011FDR, WAN 1! clrl 1:1 fe) circulates 11 Trtl) .—Wanted, a male ton chir.r i i Adino a thir elm -43 certifielte, $or schooll paft of the seetloi iNo 118 HoNrick Duti(-Ht,) commenee 1.9t s Nvill be reuived Up L,J.!e,S it is tothell5th-of'November. 3oite salary anil.eX- perien�e. JOHN. AltGUIR19, Secretry, Gorrie P.O. tile I -EA HER WXNTED.—A male teacher for S lool. Section No. 7, 11 i to u.111-tt, clunty of ay to Griv.­ it out L 0 1,, _"oe J011u. ar, 4 Huro . Duties to comm Trutdrs: Joij.N Bitoinq IV�LTEX VIDDELL, JOHN Bmon,.Nt, Steretary and Tr asurer qellooi Seitilln No 7, lIullqtt. il) LAIST. Law O dhiistmas eve O the .3fle Ro-o a brm4p honie-ni do plaid Me 11-6er willbe ie wmie at the ii.i Offlee, Pa -,t X*ppen, at 11H X110SlToR 11, Tneker- 841 e I 1) ,\'TS WA'XTED.— ai)ted,aetbe, re. A'A',rents at E eter, C�oderieh, Brus. lileadche, anl fie7a, Blyth, Gorrie and Wi gliam, to canvas for the of ri2a ers, oweig rakes, twine binders, �;Juri()Us. drillsi'leede s, plows, F;ulky straw cutters, T— wagonk, tru�.Acy, 1141TAO pow4iis, sepirators. port- ahle wod traution steam engineq, saW mill nia. ill tborou, Chibeq., &01, inannfactured by the North Anipri. can AkMeul�ural Implemeiat and General Maim- factuthig Ninpany, Loudeii. ! Apply to )Urifying and WM-. B. McLEAN, neilsall, Ont., or to the North Aineri !in MILnuf=uring Company, London. 841 nd tbus drive frou ny part of the ,�y Ma 's Magnetic Ale'dicine ill not Macken tb­ t-7,, i. i 6use hea-dacbe or N PERVE AN D BRAI N F0013 in and is i�c,, t �ious. St. Johnsbury, Vermott Oct. I—en -1 nd 9cons tiori, and bec-tnic%-) d.- t I could n.- �on my stumacb, in fact bad It become a bui den, ard htn hope 11 abnoFtleft me, I wus iiiduced to... SULMUR AIM ITZOV DiTrVIts A Oure'Gugbantee!d. arii now tak Fon OLD! AD YOUNG, MALE ND r!B11ALz. have not felt so i-1 is a sure. ptompti abd effectual remedy for INrer- I do at present, vousnoss in ill its staps, Weak Memory, Loss -of S. L. '3= au, Brain Powe Prostration' Night Swe Spermt,torrllom�,SeininalWeab-nes.4 Leucorrhaea, I ,ULPFW, R A�W' IrRO'N Barrennews, land Geuera.1 Loss 01 'It re- 'TERS effeetUaUy CUTCs (I,,- pair8 nervoo 'vva,,4td, ej# enerates the jadedi- -ndit-estionand tellect, strei�ztliens the enfeebled brodn, and re- We& Z�- stores surprfaing tone and V1;.,ror to the exhaust. ilepsia, 1 ed s7eneratiVe org�Lns in either sex., f,4- With ACSS, alid rende,rs the gr t- each order'for TWELVIC packages, alacompaijed test- relief and benefit with 5, we will send our wriften guarantee to refund the money if tbe treatment does not Persons sufibrincr from -fleet a cure. It is the ebeapest and best inedi- u cine in tlic:market. FW1 partie lars in our panipblet, wbieb we desirO to inail fie.e. to addres,q. Mack's Magnetic Medicine 'is sold c6niplaffits, by DraggistA at 50 cents per box, or 12 boxes for $5, or *ill b Ilia: Padiaestion Q iled free of postage on receipt of nioney; by AIAGIVS 3UGNETIC I Sold by all AIED14INZ Op., Windsor, Out. Sold by all Dru 9 9- gists. 0uECOMitees issued by J. S. RoisnRTs, -,Rca- atDepotHO St. Jamie.s,,it. forth. "West Montreal, Prive 50C. The Royal 1-lotel, (LATE CARMICHAEL"19) TO CONTRAOTORS. Teniers for the construction of a drain an tho SEAFORT-H, ONTARIO. 10th and Ilth eoijeessio.lis flie f JAMES W= r ew;oe, Lot 4, oncestion �w (ro L and 7tEG9 to Inform his old friends and tbe tralvel- I 1881. T dersvillbeo, em, At fbe'lConu- B litg public that baving purchwied this new ettin to be hPId at 11ALIt �rsob-ls 11alli Bluc- L and coromodious hotel buildims, he hastborough. at 2 oclock p. in. -n the'above The ly c-filriiiibt-d nd re -fitted it from top to bot- west er any, tendr not neceRgarily aeej,�jjttd. -Rtisfaeftwy the work will i e ILt toin, ar)(1, it is now one of the most c.,uiforl no tondi table and coxivenient hotels in the count iot J.y publie ancii", �atue time and 1plaft- y. By str I MAS FORTUNE, %erk. attentilm to the wants of his ctistonicr�iho hopes tomer�tasbareofl)iibliepatroiinge. Theroome areall ivell furnished and Veil heated. The bar will be kept sopplied with the be -.4, nd an at� tentative and trust %yorthy ho,dler will alwvs be inattlexidande. Cood sample rovins fur Commor- cial Tr4vellers. Remenibi-r. the "RoYal Hot-] corner of Mair and Goderich Streets, Scaforth' 733 JAMES WEIR, Proprietort CHRYSTAL & BLA ;PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER,-& B Subscribers bvg bonght the Tools and I TT Boiler Business lately earriki on by tlii-- God- erichFoundryand Ma. ufaturirg Companv;and C- ba,vizig',hadan experionce of oyereig)atZ, arsin that shop, %Tp now prerared to carry p13 the trttdu in all it.4 brrnobes. Any'Vork 6ntrusted to us will receive prompt M ONEY TO:LOANal attention. Virst-clase work gnaranteea. All kinds f Boilers mgdo and rt1t,oatred, also The udensignd, beivg a:Ppointed agt4t for Smoke $tscks pmd Sheet Iron Work, &-e., at rea- $am(: first-claF[Sioaii oowparle�'B, is now pre�ared sonablejrates. to take loans on ja*v, town ad Viflage property c al ,d New Wt Pes made and old ones repaired on at rasonable rates iiatere4it. Also age* for the shortest notice, and at rices that defy cora.; the 11owick Vatmers' Mutual Fire Jus0ance petition. Combany. Allkindsof Conveyancing donelvith neat�esg and dispatch. MATTHEW 310',RRI. OHAYSTAL & BL-AC1Kj SPN� Walton. i - - �: I tA-,Commissioner in. B. E. 10rtA=lrSMd�V1t8- 783 Box 103, Goderich. I .!