HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-02-29, Page 5RUA. IT Qk 1884 mprovea in.: various. ery for putting the hitehthitetet 3uron Notes. rcdi, Assizes will open 11.4 E Tuesday. April 1st. as•.u, ex -Reeve of Hallett, et prostrated for some time :el- Rees, of McKillop, h ag the farm which he recently n the township of Itorriat •noes, the new County Tree*. tur<-1i iset the residence present occupied by the !ellen". lin Polloekk has taken the y occupied by Mr. Stalker -,in d itit .ode carrying ea bust. to veru for the future... .longing ter D.W. rileMan nsi f; rm, township of Colborne, U three lambs ou the 14t all are thriving, iving. belet. McLaughlin, of GOxrie Neff a half interest iu the; ` llifn 'count Careless , I.D.►w t t ielqulioun,.of Rib- kani €tf $ 1000. Sys slues :�r.Jixo.McMllan, uliett, soul a two-year.old ..re for the stun of $380,, does not pay to raise god slake the sum of $4,000 r the 50 acre farm belong., a to estate, on the town line and Stanley,but was not did Dobson, of the township last week on a trip through the country suits mills, and Ali a bargain, he may par„ E there,. de to Mr. Morrison who has :of the V iugharn Baptist for some time, has resign. E. and preached his farewell itunda v. ay friendseof Dr.. Woods, of ci has beeu seriously ill for rill he pleased to learn that iitg, awl hopes are enter- le vel Root be around again les McCaliurza, of EastWa. a load of four feet wood to few days ago whioh weighed ,t was weighed ou the mar= He has a splendid team of €lays ago while Mr. John wife were driving from iorse left the track coming ch -hole, throwing therm. out. Mrs. Essery,a collar bone, ight she will soon recover. ipts of the Willis church Cliu ton, fast year amount- ',and the disbursements to: r $9.000 have been. Billi- e building fund for the new is to j be erected.. next Iastiugs, of Stanley, has i -year-old stallion, "Black Ir. W. C. Hays, of Earraeraa l.. This is a splendid Cana - hie, ie, is froth imported a+took and _weighs 1,790 pounds. wmnaii hats purchased 100 lex. Ingram. r't Morris, for c the sam of S.5.810. The .1 one and Mr. Bowman •r •f the beet farms in the 4fr Ingram talks some of Brussels after his sale on lay night of last week, Mrs. ger au iI1n se . of only a rs, died of inflammation of at the residence of her.. Clnff, Bayfield: concession,. 'i=ship. Her husband was Prairie at the time<< he i years of age, and lea es iinclair, only son of /his Srecieir, of Hamilton,(!pr ,derich, received wordrthat rticle of his own on histo accepted. by the Century eublic atien in their famous Ir. Sinclair is said to he a 6n• young main, with liter- a high order. ;t, to have to announce the a Morris,€,f Duncan Living- and all it contained, by ey night of last week. The ee not at home when place. The family t ail safe. Mr. Living - to be unfortunate as he burned by lightning a few knot, of the 12th comes- , towuahip, has sold lug tee to a Mr. J. Johnstone, t the sum of $3,200.. •Mr sale of his stock, eta., on az-ch.—Mr. John Sunder - ns 40 acres on the 9th and ane, in the same to-wnahip, with Messrs. Lasham di 100 acre farm, on the 8th wing a consideration for t. n , Wiggins, has said his 'lth cunceseion of Howick, outb of Gerrie, to Mr. Is, cf Bornholm, Trr-mgan session to be given in. the Wiggins has lived on this t Iv 30 years, and by his €ring that time it has been from solid woods to its lout state, but the gradual of the old gentleman's �atllyr left him withoutthe istaaee to work it properly to dispose of it The price me ago Mr.. J. Golding, of of Hay, while crossing the ti discovered a uumbee of it der the lame elni free u that limnea..bout two finless z` ich road. Looking up he t of a hive in one of the ratting till evening so that it rot molest him he oboe- : , w n Lied took f r one called poirn'T of honey. Thebees h Italian varirtty, and Mrs thin, from the appear - ti of the comb, they had- • there for, at lettet, three- learn hree1eari of the death of tee't_, yt'untieet ton €,f W.G. tl . of Morias, neer Be s - •k !dace last we_�k in Viet le id fever. The BreaIa went west :Aver a xlear { lt',uald fire €:gine for the =f €'_;. a.. pf•siti€ . he was well tee, not of lierviug hie time <ld works. Every person pmt was fa• :;rahly impress( d Itis. eerie- death, at e 22 yeare, is a cause of deer hit r any friends in tibio EtITARY 29, 1884. TtIE H rt N EXPOSITOR. \ locality., . :His body -was interred at Winnipeg-, ander the:: direction of his brother C -f orge,' who went to him from ;diet, Illf hois. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire com- munity. —The following have been appointed license inspectors, under the Dominion Liquor Libense Act, for the eounty of Huron: C 'ef Inspector, Henry Perkins, Gerrie. speotors- West Huron, H. W. Bali, oderich ; East Huron, Wm. Ellison, inghana ; South Huron, John Kelly, ABlyrth. _.-T.�e i Gerrie Enterprise says that eensi(ietehte excitement was caused in that villa one day last week by the rumor of ay accident to a man and team at the railway bridge east of Gerrie, and in a: slight -time a lame crowd were at the serene. It seems that a man named Tisk whe . w s considerably intoxicated while erossi`ng -the track east of the tank, evidently mistook it for the ninth eine, for turning his team (which were attached to the front "bob" of the sleigh). sharply to the right, he drove safely through a deep cattleguard and went .tearing down the track abort ten min- utes behind the afternoon train. The team managed,%ml some miraculous way, to cross the railway bridge known as • to 35," without getting down between the separated timbers and passed on- nntil they came to the iron structure ewer the rhlaitland, nearly a mile east of Where they were first turned ton to the track. Here they were not so success- ful,for after they had advanced upon this high bridge about 120 feet, both horses went down between the timbets and were unable to regain their footing. A young man working near by gave the alarm, and after about an hour and a half of hard work by the crowd, the animals were extricated from their peril- ous position, neither one being. injured "beyond a few setatelies. BeowN OVER.—The smoke stack of Mr. Smith% grid raill was blown down last week, and considerable damage done to it, which is causing the mill:to he idle for few days. opening far an active aud reliable ma- chine agent in our village. The old ones are leaving fast, and not forgetting their friends. It is an old saying " There honor among thieves," but it does not •hold good in an cases. gough gave en° of his popular lectures inDixon's Hell, on Friday night- last. The hall was crovvded, and all went home well pleased with Ithe night's fun. Mr. Bengoagh drew ontIour postmaster and veterinary surgeon, ; also, " Chicory Ward," to the entire satisfaction of the audience. After the leeture was over the- pictures were pu't up at auction. Corapefition ran high and bidding was spirited, and the picturele sold at good figures. Our genial friend, Mr. J. aoyees, was the auctioneer. Sociate—The fruit social held under the auspices of Mr. Jamiesort's choir in Uhion church on th.e evening of Thurs- day, 21st Met., was a decided success, notwithstanding the bad roads and the fact that Mr. Bengough was to deliver his lecture the following:, evening. The meeting was addressZd by Rev. Mr. Musgrave and Drs. Gunn and Camp- bell, all of whom gave very interesting and instrudive addresses. The choir enlivened the meeting by giving several choice selections, and the able tawnier in which they were rendered reflects much credit en their leader, Mr. Jamie- son. Preceede $30. Heleber t. GOOD PRICSS.—Messrsie Alexander Hackney and Jas. B al 1 au type have_sold a number of fat cattle at 6i and 7 cents. fine lot ts indicated by the. prices. GOOD WEIGHT.—Mr. John Stewart had his two year old stallion weighed at -Cromarty on Saturday last, 8.0 though only very ordinary conditiou he tarn et1 the scales at 1,750 lbs. If he thrives as weil during the next yeah as he has done in the past he will weigh tat ton before he is four years chd. This animal is a beantiful,dapple brown, with good limbs, finely developed Ennecle, and splendidly proportioned body. OBITUARY.— On Saturday morning, the 23rd inst., hire. Win. Henry departed this life after An illness of some weeks. She wat3 thie victim of inflammation, tat her attending physician had suc- ceeded in checking it: so that on the • morning she died apparently elle was some better, until twenty minutes be- fore her death, when she partook more freely of nouriehment than usual, after this she rapidly sank. She leaves four little children and a husband, the latter of whom is very ill ale° with inflamma- tion, not being able to get up out Of bed. Truly, this is a pitiful case. , Deceased was en her fortieth 'year, and was highly esteemed and respected, as was attested by the large number of friends, relatives and acquaintances that accompanied hee to her last resting place at Roy's CONCERT.—The concert and literary -entertainment held at Staff& on the 15th inst., under the auepices of the Agricul- tural Society, was a grand success in the literal sense of the term.' Although the hall was not so well filled as the affair merited, yet the seating accom- modation was all comfortably occupied by a very appreciative audience. The chair was occupied by Mr. Livingstone, banker at Mitchell, in a very happy; unassuming and satisfactory manner - .After giving a speech pointing out the - importance of the agriculturist, be called upon Miss Mulheron, of Mitoliell, for a piece of instrumental music on the organ. Thia lady appeared several times. She has rieh, musical., Well - cultured voice of good compass, and was highly admired end applauded for the excellent manner in which idle rendered the persons of Dr. Campbell, Messrs. t Carmichael and,Scott Bros. Dr. Camp- bell gave a, short, pi thyhddress on Robert Burns, abounding with argument and entlausiasal. Thr,ugh, perhaps, not a' very forcible speaker, yet he is logical and pleasant and uses choice language. Mr. Carmichael gave a, couple of good Scotch sOngs 'Which were well reeeived. The second parr of the programme was opened by illeesna. Scott Brothers by playing on the violin and 'organ. . Mr. Wilson and Mise Francis, of Russeldale, gave" Jenny aud Jamie " and were en - chorea, thee the t Matrimonial Sweets" with aplendid effect. Itliss Francis, al- though scarcely out of her teens, has a voice of considerable compass,. sweet and melodious and of great promise. Mr. White, of Mitchell, appeared four Mines in a solo "White hire a d vccppice and, arti� Bie rendorbd hi and energetic down the kions place, sang a were heartily tertainmeet byTether na once in soundi tiletes very eongs in Su other giving thee ke pl pa er ra fir etie el en readiuge. He ie a go broad &doh. Be di in hii3seittetions. Mr. soege in a very pa, evident consciou detrantasorciewh audience Omens concerts that ev part was brought verse of Au 61 La God save the Que a ra its le 'ipei 10 Toatest T Supreme David Mills the seat and Mr. Hie very .reluciantlY, °mere very ranch days ago ICOrnmen Moun ted Police' w and arrested it Co lodged them in p —Mr. Hardy into the Lout fees to be p d License Act: carried out, and t licenSes are fixe double t Ose char cial Act. Governm tt to pa majority n the P at Ottaw on ity likely lie the lett pore -ton ill b fo blizzerds Of the a and Dak ta were in Canad seem o tail end the Ito trio. Mr, Loh au- eu- lent -the aste the e of ottish ut his bility Mr. sang y' Ain leased the of theibest ee in !this a 'twee of tigs ex der of goo Bro sin of S ner. his ffeot tfor 1 hr of ,C nadit have has b en tly hay iss tidied and ed o • ProniP I of the nrtert ur slatiete th coital cialiG- -and Western o ed rough Min 04 Wei for the div -es of end ; his rierlds strife in ard to But this e do years the °cat control Of lie n Englaud, hes s lei British hTorth At authority for t e liceete by tern. Ti that if t e app that the i0nta ses being taken o tion. tbeee is o fact that the dnt place just %filial p sionf.Ts may see fi the fighting on t seen fit to' peas, i the Local Legisla. rights, and to m tac4cs, to use Mi. knowledged on virtually restrict toryI fee. In vi ought to reeogniz that the Crooks and right on Its power else, to to dal legisletion as usu paten. inber n his out. the be few fight. The ly on chief gime ed bill Do r inion mmr fore: is to be Do loinion he PI eolvvrinlY- and since inion neer- edge CLOVER will lot af Clove tncor- Seed Store, , AUCTION SALE On Wednesday,IMarch 5, near the village of Walton, and Implements. Without the proprilet • r has Sold his fa Auctioneer. On Mond Fault Steel Holden, p tioueer. On Tue noon, ou George G 'by, Aueti9u On Tues eh 'berry, Au Oa We Coneessio Impleme prietor n ear Port Pister, Pr Auctiouee Oa Thur • ncesaio sharp, Un Steck au Alexande On Fri Oeseiron 8, Farm St Auctionee On Fri noon, sha Hallett, • Melifi Auctionee On Wed o'clock, n • PeBri • a 11( a Dotht it. positoe, no ritY'ofl the publishes t John, Mac eekingl. toe that her sev merit has h nd that a Privy Cou decided t nt ie, rand ca Act the larly cops Hilted know mote, too, :be for lieeniles are he MeCarth Act, s the seued 1 Par- SEED Oats and B rl tides Caliorvireel. wattneda t, and S aore, Sento a 0 eBdaY SEED, esota Clover and 1We Barley will the Butter Stor seed on ban and Seed St Ortald the (3 -olden d full number of ten, Plows oil of Pey U at the Shoemaker, S tierce ithoh if pa r the has nn his b 1 e for a license mment to on immedia the People's VITALIZ into his offi Vitalized Ai Government can Wins() egislation has , we will not defense its ittelzsecreuiatir: T 18, Grey, arm Stoek reserve, ari m. Adam e Kirkby, oprietur Jame Coke, Ade. ay, Marc 4, a 12 o'cloek it 28, C noessi 12, Mo- n _Stook; and I pletoents, y, Proprietor ; orge Kirk Stock and ft plements oneer. Itt esda,y, arch 5 on Lot 8. 13, Grey, Farm lock rtill 30 Litke Road aBt, Haiti, c. Pete lake, Fa prietor; day, MS served Sale of ' ctioneer nitare E. oh 2 ropr and haple oprietbr Al 4. on Lot 3, en Stock and X • , tea Lei ckersmit tare a, Far Auctione r. ID rra, Farm 00 !Stk. 11;, Dalget y, cession 3, lemon s, ciession Stock a kopriet 908111 id Timothy orth. 0. Is.el,aeydr:Eribt or seed ; also pri ED. -17 , othy see seed nd for sale nt the Angus en old et Will. LAW &FAT s.—A. rose to e vat id NTED. Land hich h Robe aforth, would itors, aymen my exp L. 11 th wer they bands to h he issue o of tilts, th i they do -no ot maybes respect for rovin- sed to 'Do ohibi ttade uetice fit the pa ot Sus It paper of 4heru in te rest Me -at ina Southern reFe red to by r wa, in Northern settlemee t, it 11,1eif. Rife, 8,1presper TIP surely I Must ay our adopted. c un ers of year xr were_ a disco te from Mr.iRife is little of Dakotte more than sixlmill. his arrival until le a refati of capital sayrso too, and T a man een't do capital. Twill n to Sae, it is not n with smell mean :long into hermit, a man from dein land for settling such a vast arao farming es sortie if you cite 'do imo aii it is the wage but that will 800 as. wages, must 0 gets more settle sake the country Vow, I know of eireurn stances. it would be a them. He 'says the bush is good en bat we can bay it load, and. enough to come. l -The ra n of many mi. goes to Michig a.kota, Feb. 8th 18841 hat I read i Our 18th. ti It t le to a wait the lace Yid Rife, bu hen a mistake n he kota and 1"n our or the man read; i e Might th nit well . people. think nt he think very should jud . et the Rife was never one Sheldo from aperture. e says yet to lear where so recaleit ant as • here, but Man d not rush head - what is to it revent 11 when he :eta the f "wealth" to etart le represe t, i and the work y utself, t eats the ptofit, down her as it He says eiha,d ey had the rot ear] S. ere be such I think olent act t. devise e might ge rid of refers the b sh for the acre or by the eat for a lo g time saying is " many " While Ir, Rife there are ots of here. aidge Sets, ,Begaisht Fr and Plain, our etook, a bed see ar of see arrive. T1 2 r. .1c. wale 844 (red Peas rat Natio extra choict values i tis, Flax in Str's Seed rth. 846 titMat the ke e peas mi. rely free fr • 1 11 s. Hendi.y • Straw gut for wood a ut his in t at ease an ns quently b, must inSis et visit fr Joe Brine AIR INSTEAD 4 s an an- stiletto. to Nitrousi Oxide tist in Western On ,.• combirtatiien,lalth ng oft* hi the q ted States.:1 843 1 makers, the finest English Chinaware $1 and up 'i other k of Crockery, Gla ds is large id we 1 it usidersold by an rising Milk and Br li and German, OH tare and Rqurd. Oa .ther you btty or not. SEAFGRTH, Fe Old. Fall W1 t per bush' 1 New Fall sA h at per Flour, per 0 lbs Pork, per 1 0 minds Salt (retail) p r barrel., Wood, per or introdup dministerie in ever lir) who h h ft is tt of Toro t sorted st to Seafo, beds equ 11 -ere, Larnp house in th be new iTat the fashio suitable fo a, Mous( Bich and exaMin 837 0 0 70 to 1-0 1 25 0 55 to 0 b. 28,483C 0 60 to Oats, per b hs• ',ae• t1 Eggs Peas per b s•el 0 20 to 2 Potatoes, er buahel New., 0 00402 -ttto 20 (00 Apples per a rel Hides, per • 0 lbs Pork 2 5 ; LIVER 08s 02 Californi 5s 6d e cheese, 7 TORON to 38c; p butter, dressed 0 ti JACKSON wife o , the lad wife o ix if o LOUNSB the •wi MX LLEP.. wife o wife o PICKET wife 0 8 red winte CrOd ; oats, 5s per ton, S6.01 to 25c ; petit gs, per ;100 lb • Births. In Morris,,1 on the r. Peter Jarson of a Egst Waw troth, on 0 18 to Q 6 00 to 7 8 26 to 4 Califor 6o $13 aon .—In Exeter, on th t 18th e RY.—In Seaforth, on the 16th ilia; n Wroxeter, on the 22eld inst. —• In Hullett, on the 26th inet. t In • Hullette on the. 19th instl, ...r. Geo. Piekett of ti qa.ughters 0 0 0 FROU: THE :1st Of Receipts an Expenciitures of ownship of uckersnailth, I' FEBRUARY, 1883, TO THE 31st OF JANUARY, 1d84 A. Forsyth, ipound•keei er's sale.... Bank of Commerce, no tbscounted, 81,630, less 814.76, di caunt,. A. M, Ross, Cottnty Tre starer, boun- dary line tipproptieth Treasurer of Stanley, b lance due ou 13 60 . boundary line amount , Samuel Carnoehan, eon tor, county 3,637 23 Samuel Carnoehan, township rate.:. 3,1-03 32 S. Carnochan, general school rate, ... 8,602 15 Oarnocbau, Union Schbol Section 102 74 S.NCoar.nio'cMhal,illeailway te ,884 20 Dog tax. 8482 0000 Commutation of statut liabor SOHO° FUND18,906 Q0 Balance on hand from 1 audit. $R70 62 Interest on investments 1,269 47 $2,140 09 eve By paid for roads and bridg4s...... 26 00 I3y paid Bank of Corammice note 163 88 disoonnted 31 30 Charity Public Schools • 986" 24 Union School No. 1, McKill Salaries 180 71 Railwa,y rate, RAILWAY lid ACCOUNT. Balance from ia.et audit Interest on investments. .1. Special rate for 1883 . ASS Asses13ed value of the t Balance iu ha d on tow Balance on ha d • School Fun Tucker mith, 8299 84 215 00 884 20 $1,398 64 nship 82,205,270 00 8 I. .14'1e.e.1 17,968053 0090 121 61 708 64 BalancO boar 1,004 00 18i 49 29 00 102 74 652 00 884 20 pi 54 SCHOOL FUND. Treasurer of publici school $1,190 00 y pai Treasurer of Union No: 1, McKillop. 4 00 alone on hand 90 01 RAILWAY Ii'UND. Al 09 pai interest on coupons Jane 3113'13ce°Pmtahliier 80th interest on coupon to De - Balance on hand School 804 79 5 LIABILITTRS. Railway . $10,00 0 Debentures London, Huron 86, Brace the 'T easurer's Welts, examined- seeurities held bn Railway Etnii Acco nt, compared vouchers, an G. E. CRESSWELL,1 L Auditor's. RI HARD HICKSi found everythhati correct. ebruary 12th, 1884. McLAREN— the reside -X. Thorns Tnckersm Chambers Robt. Pei Mar lages. OUGAL the 25th inst., at ee of the lifide'rit father, by Rev. R. FITZGE ALD.—Tn Hibbert, `on to Miss 9. A. Fitzgerald, both of L—At till manse Brneefield, by Thomson on the '27th Meta Mr. • DEWIA R. -1n Seaforth on the 26th inst., Archl McKENZIE. In ListoW4 at the residence of A. aaughter of Mr. A McKenzie, of Wroxeter, aged 20 years, 2 mo t and 29 days. OHE —In Ushorne, o he 17th lent. Edward Jiuhn son of Mr. Vm. Olio, aged 8 months • and 3 wee s, PER trUSON.-1--On the 15th inst., iefent son of tames and Malian elignson, Asbfield. Months Mad 19 day -. I Goder c4 township, Base Line, Jonathan Marten, aged 57 years. HISLOP.—In Turnberi y,lon the 23rd butt., Annie aged 13 years, 10 allolths and 23 days. IMP RTA T NOTICES. aast,PRING SE D —The undersigned has ou hand able for seed,1 also A lister Oats, warranted clean and free from f eeeds. This s •ed Was grown on the Gold M .d 11 Farm, Tuelter-mith. Apply tv, JAMES DI' N, Tucktrsmith. 847-8 USIC BOOKS LOST1—Lost, on the evening T erotic rant,. t Mutes Tlin finder will oblige by leaving the „eine w th the undereigeed at E. Dittriet of Si undersig. ed pr) leation $20 piliEtidWf tbe detection persons who, poisoned two 1th Hurt Mil Apri WM. B 7-4 will be iceeived by the 11st, Tanis sent on RD.—The I abr ye reward wilt be r such iikfermation as will lead to n or pliant. the 20th of February, THE EGM NDYTI, MANSE.—Tenders will Match 14th, r the err ction 'el the Egmondville Manse. 0 he building is to be' of I ri, k, and ten - the Inati#14 rk and last, deg, and carpenter work and pa Ming, teparatel. Tie lowe-t or wise! satisfae ery. Plana and. f-perifictitiOrts (ran be seen at th reaidence of Mr. D Clark, Egmot Tend( II to be adcfreseed to thetnnderaigrf- ed,Egracridv Ile P. 0. ,101-1/1 BANNAHi 847-2 FARM IN acre§ are cleft on the mall bank bait), a Ian?, is well good state ot good and m young beori Thele are 20 and three mil 1 axing to ea t the prop e east alf of Lot 9, in the 10th ontitining 160 acres, of which 83 ) ed on the large, and 35 mires on farm. There is a good frame house, need, w lliunder-drained, and in -a cult ivati in The timber land is all stly har wood. There is a good g oreba d and plenty of water. ores of all wheat sown. The two mg and Will be sold together or t is wi in [riven miles of aeaforth s of Kip eh, with geod gravel roada h place. Apply on the preiniees or This is one of the 1 .published erica. 011110111( AND A,NECD TE; WIT Art'or 11 In fact, tber reading in i every month advance. A Ont. will me Terms exits Wm TI DIXON HO r anti best story papers lit is f011 of 0011, be a Fingle line of dull shpd the 1st, and 15th of : ne dollar per ant um in AO ever where. Samples DOPAINION OF ICE AND DIARIES CANADIAN ALMANAC FOR 1884. ICE, 15 CENT$. We' PAPSTo, Gre N SALE One bine • mare, of Samuel Peavey. amount of 8. 6. eue WILL litiE -Appliratio is will Office, Seafpith, 10th, euxt,!fo• the Must be Etrittl, light picividild. App Seaforth Feloruary 2 The above w 11 be sow on 30 er, ft r boartt to the Dixo n. R WANTED: be received at the Clerk'e till ouday, ;March itria.ieu or Eegietet for the LTHAM WATCH t Fall in Prices Twenty Cent. Lower Then Ever. A Full Line to be had at COUNTE JEWELRY EMPORIUM. Th Largest and Cheapest -(quieli y cosi ered) stock of Jewelry, Waten i3,_ S lve Plated Ware and Clocks in t 0 tine aR Y'iring in all branches of Wat 66, CPC' s and Jewelry—all gnarante to dye satisfaction.- Fine Watch s a specialty. Twenty-three years' p °R- eal e perience. Rings, Lockets, Oh ids, i Brae hes, &c., manufactured on the 1 shor est notice. oppo ite j. S. Porter's cheap 0a h so be Itouneekeei, cr. n. d Council may (Wed. tbtir. Flee house, fuel and icaluts may state salary I LAX ELLIOTT, Cltrk. M. R. COUNTER The Leading jewelller. NEW GOLDEN i B ARDLESS Th' variety of Barley. wail; imported fro Eng- land few years ago, and A is now I ffert d to he with •trong stiff - straw and, large cunpaet lea s ; the head quite beattllees. In fev,.rable s as ns the y eld is often as high as '70 bushe•s pa a re, busa 1 • 75e per peek; also a gnat tity Of R 'INN .'S -.NEW IMPROVED ti1X-1.1)WEN SABLEy, the beet ix- Wheet het. from mite. and f, ul seeds, 81 0 ter thee /ler bushel 81, ha f bushel 6)Ie ; line bags Seed imported fioni Kat sett:, -roc per ipound. CO RT SHERWOOD FOREST, 0(65,, of the . 0. F., mints every alternate Mo aay thriA Oddiellows Hall, at 1:30 P. M. is.ting b ren cordially invited. 3. FINCII4 Secre- tary NEW SPR NG GOODS A 3. McLOUGHLIN'S make row -115 a. still offer ng the balance of Winter Goods at greatly re - duced prices. For good bargains now the irne,, All invited. PRODUCE TAKEN Ai4 CASH. J. McLOUGHLIN, Whitney's Block, Seaforth. ARTISTS' MATTIRIAL. wing to the increased demand for thoe -Supplies, on hand a well -assorted stock of Winsor Newton's celebiated goods, -comprisI!ing Oil Water -C•olorS, Oil Penc ls, ketch Blocks, •Oolor Bo*es, Cabinet Warej Sze. • emember these coldrs are the best in the world, and .'kire supply diem as low as they can be got anywhere Calnada. Prices inrnislied on application at LUMSDEN & WILSON S, WM, GArtir ELL COMPANYe Clearing Sale of Dry Goods. WE ARE DETERMINED TO CLEAR OUT BALANCE OF OTTR WINTER DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, AND WILL SELL AT WHOLESALE PRICES TILL THE Frizsi OF IVIA CH. EVERY CASH BUYER SHOULD EIVORACE THIS OP1ORTUNITY$ sp4. JANUARY. 1.884. U1LDERS3 FARMERS & MECHANICS OOKING AND HEATING sToyEs. COPPER ANb SHEET IRON WARES. MRS. 0OHN KIDD'S Cheap and Stove House; Seafo