HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-02-29, Page 44 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. the Indians ill I n to p gWThe figure behreen the parenWevis after denoe in � th teitch irs,' nd
will event esoh Rue, denotes the p%ge of the paper an whiob an -RAY Be d t ieir �b i
the advertisement will be found. '1y to the seho'D-�S._ B condit
New Spring Goods__4. McLoughlin; (5) Indian tribeF of I-Bitis C
Receipts and EXPeDditures - (5) The Family Welcome, London. (5) generally satili fact ry ; b.0 w
Good Read 86 I&VI"ge t
ing—Falmily Welcome. (8) still i'emain il Auction Sitle—Witia., Dixon. (5) progress of an; R04 oulit h I AB 1)
Engineer Wan ted — W m. E I ho tt. (5) w ith them, during ihe -past. 7
Honey, Honey—R. McGr�egor- (8) —R - Iudians of- Que)c and On t
Beardless Barley McGregor. n$2Q Reward—S. A. Maffat.L (5) the'exception of tl e tab OR
Tenders Wanted—J. Hannah. (5) shorg - of the Loy er A,Ijiw
Licenses�Wtn. Ballantylae. (5) ainly self-96ppoirting. Auction Sale—J'X. ,ftrriisoia. (1) b io I especially Music Books Lost—J. E. Kant.'(5) � -, ihthe 1189
Auction Sa-le—R. McMichael. (1) th8ir annuities I
sad tb ! in
In the High Court of Justice. (1) Weir invest9d in I �y be
Clearing Auction Sale—R. Murdie. (1) � I
Farm for Sale—J. Fisher. (5) i e� - as being- on -the wb al(; it a:)
BuAness, Cange—D. Weismiller. (1) oi.-camstancesi; I they emb
tr r nothing ex'--ept, in
,pring Seed—james.Dickson, (5) Be 10018 of a 'e�v� of1th ba- Is
Unnc t I pi3d& enough i a I a,
0i wer6m ant. 0 pay eL eTs
The Indiaus X, w Brat'swi
lscatia,� an d P, ripe d Is
SEAFORTIEL, FRIDAY, Ft -b. 29, 1884 . I .1 11 I nobinsosatiofal6t. ac liffillL
at a
t th se of; 0
The Repo of the Indian 0 taio at d Q,
Department. were not 191 wed I : r %6 i'vi 39,
helreport of the ludi&n Depa!tment I unds to the�'.. qredi itA,61lat
forthe past year has been laid onthe, Government and requirelcon
table Of t1le House' of . Cam, Inwins, and as istad"afroL11le t,pprcpi.ia&
printed copies- distributidd. to We press. fra yealfoyetrbylariame
TheL repqrt: is dated., Jau-nary 1st, 1881, rel ef of , thEl. "ad an d 'lei] pl a
anai s � si, n a d by -the Premier in his the capacity of Superintendent- General of From a tabular stat in i affairs. It may here be remarkz port it appeak �Ibbai'tb a Init is r
ed that the Indian Department is tfie tiolt � of the DolniltiLio a it i a 3 al only one of -which Sir John Macdonald Ont, io - - now retains persoual control. The r6- Nov; I Scoi ....... is Exel. Ne, Bru port, which is addressed! to h Prinve Edward- SI lonoy the Governor -Genera contains !Lan b,,L and :� Llwes; T, rTitoHes.
ver Distj ice .......... much interesting information regarding AKh baska Dbttrct the present condition of the Indians, McK nzie Distric i ....... 1 East rn' Pnn.ce 1upe'rt'siand ... the progress they. are making in civiliz- L&br idor (Canad an interidr) Arcti : Coast .... .. sion and towards.'becoming. Self -SUP' Biti,h Columbi Iporting, th4ir tiumber in, the various I I Iota!, .......... ... ..... ..... .
Provinces, andL their cost to the cautitky Of those In iabs 86,27D,
St large las year. The report states 'UpO., I rleklbiveg' and Of th
that the rel0ions of the Government drer, atteu i d -a ho'ol duri ng Eibm a
with the various Indian - tribes and theyea-r.' Th bandscontinne to be -satisfactory. It 6.1,0 il acres 0 and, ha- re'll 51 A I
is admitted -that no very rapid strides 3,39 barida . Di, StablE H; 2,� & towards civdization have been made b ; �-, i Y 1,90 a onsi 17,4,921 h rE e4, 1 6
the Indians of the outtlying. territories, tile, 08 sheep, 8,782,.pi all
but -it is claimed that a, gradual move- last ear 90,71 4 bushels al W, hesmentin that direction' is observable; A I ui ill blis
bus,, els of oat., i, 55 1663. 1
and it is afl�rmed with some emphasis � I i. .
i 237,634 busb6ls of �Otf as, an
that., so far as the IrLdian ]?apartment t ons of -hay, besides va a- is:Ah
and its offio . erE . ; . have been advised, a the value O'. the full c gh
general exrqsion of contentment -with Indians durini �tdhe st y'ak is
their treatment is prevalent;qinong the. at C -,3a6,047,, wd of tb a f� l7s ludiaus from one end of -the' Dominion then, at 630),'601. 'Othe in
totheo-ther. The special efforts made pra ised by them . axe tin
by the Department of late y�axs to ren- 63,�q 000. Oi eml -ei i An
der the Indift" the Northwest self- I . . s of Indi u'Deparitmellatfor fl
saporting-havaL not been relaxed dr- year fr91 , I , .
aring the past year. They have received was 1,081,361,'Theamcubt�,:,-,
instruction in agriculture; and imple. of tj a In. L.. diaw nMonts, seed # and catte, wherewith to 03,150,68', �an the 4xl)
een prosecute their I txrML labbra have b froin the sa- a Min I for the' fs
supplied to them,.. lu s, me instances was78,57 The forE going
but little has been accomplished by able facts stated in a iel )00, I E
such Means -, but it is tAffirmed in the the present is te of he indi �i n
report.that the majority of the hads Caada, and t awrhP have received tha enefits m6u- during ! the y ear t [be
tioI;ied have proi[Ited . by them, their iLmust be admi bed tb Lt t 0 Kl'(
adi-ancement being very marked. The � is consider& but on the wl
Depaty-Superintandent of the D6&tt, report cannot be' rag rded'I. &E C t
ment, visited:the Northwest during the than satisf a" lid !it rib e s
past season to ohquire personally into peace with 'b�ch (bbef, andyi
the, condition of the Indiana. He re. whitle pdpala�ion,,: 14r - r aa�I:iy I . d ports that their condition generally is makiing cons�,derabl I rc r
very satisfactory, that on may ro. arts of oivilizaltion'. hc- rE is
oerves great illaterest appears to be taken able prospect -a n time 01
by them in theL work of cultivating the 0 -me self.supl
I - 04 ))rti 9 It the 0 I
ffoil and radsig. crops, and that as a re- the just alaq, _hber vl' ific yJ
sult the Dep4irtment has L been able con- - t- V
�towadsthainlby Dit siderably to reduce an savera of the re. vents war a�d bhod oerves the rations Of flour isstned to the heavy expenle' w i,.h �F�rl wl Indians. Still greater progress i,ia this I I 1 would iiavolve�. 0 ' i he who'le,
direction is hoped in the f ature. -In I
we think, has Was n to 1) �Wud
order to get rid -of the nece oIndian policy �Of "t GO
erii in a
issuing'meat rations to the tribes, it is its results it 0 nupsa;r( a —V,F- et a
now proposed to distribute swlne with that oJ tba�l stilong them 'for breeding purposes. 11 United St is expected that by this means they will in a few years be able, to raise MR. Ross,; Le m' ember, for
their own pork, The danger is that Manitoba, in be Doninicin. F! ail
they will at -once -ki 11 and eat the pigs I i I
is gene -rally sLL pposbd to bp &I R 3
instead of keeping them for breeding; At least he hals P086 as a' R fc r
but itis ih ought that several of the bands hi . 8 , life� B0, Mi ROE vqte�
.are now far enou-b advanced in civiliz- resolutions gr'ln'tin I �- 9 ston tot see tie wt5isdona of keeping the millions to. t C a lawr acitc.
for 'br eeding parposes. The Syhdicate, a now I he flarti F,
home farms established some years ago are writagling over I r. loss'
on the reserves, with the view of show- standing, gom� claim'mg at he'.
ing the Indians how a farm should be a Reforitior and othe: a tl �itt` heh
planaged, are' now being gradually clos- OLVertotheCop'86-1alivef., 11)
ad.. They are considered as having -ser- are making a�ltogat
'lie toc'muel
ved their turn:; but the superintendents oss. Itmatters xylifileto.
will be kept 'Lon the regerves to oversee go u, except hlimseL, wh5the1i-
the farming operatons of the III'djang. Reform er or a 1 Con s -11 aviye. B n
It is believed that, this plan will work M though. be be still 16 ef r, or, h
Inore satisfact�orily, and will Aiminish on the regoluti t 0 be W'D
Q1158 13 3 i
the expenditure. The Deputy visited at. A very sid ei i bl onric r
the Blackfoot nation., the most warlike' money of tb4 yr d (ate ha i b,
of the tribes of . the Nor thweSt. 1EL4 ended in Xa�it
ba, ad the ano
hing from the receive fr m �he reports that he heard not .0
-olliefis -whombe met in council' but ex. the more'abl a �hey w i�l I b E) to c a
preBsions of good Wil I I tow&rds the %AVY- spendingi a.,pd the bal� of this 'arnment, and of satisfaction wit I i . 1
h tbLe *.-contributed- by Ontsri� and n6l by
manner in which they had been treated. toba or any of the ( 'ti r .:)roi',nc
The Blackfeet, he says, have settled therefore, -Ontario. 3a b b 3 bl . d
down to peacef al. pursuits, Iti ' itevery benefit of , Manitoba C I co irse
MOE family having a house and farm'o gar- t as a represent iv6 of tha; Pi v n
d0ll, cultivating crops, and storing them no objections. Be Ld )s t ais, 'IV r
RwaY tor !Ise in wiuter. Three indus- is a good deal. �nore: al ws. n1alo
trial schools for the jusruction of Indian he is either &'Cous'l V&ti , i a
children in the mechanical, art, as well former. Re.is one :)f theL bOoj 1111
as in the ordinary brauches of educa- aires who Wen�t rip e
bion, have been opened in - the Nort;h. came down j 9t a� 'West, one ai Battleford, another at R0138 is a Badly beli 1d 'Via if �is d
Qu'Appello, and a third among the' would not have bez al
Z goo de
Blaakfeet. As the Indians do not like i rapid and disaiistrols I ' '
ad be., do
to have their children separated from eased in big fa�lby ill th
Oly, a�
I o
e k
them, the pupils in these schools will, CompaIly, Uhfortnaa�4 If
je. )rtbe
at first, be �rnostly orphans, who have try, Mr. Ross is not tlie On.. y spee
lost their natura protectors. i n . I
It is hoped memberr Of Parliam� w that by judicious treatment of these monopoly ha bol i
MdL— IVAIRY 29, FEBR. V� OSITOR L1 R mproV *O.,.Rnd i as if two- and in varions. I of the part came to a .40, led the ben 911t to the extent 0 fl- W&3, an( if the publil 1 Could but get is Northwest, and ill&,, it that mo6ey has severa, y the machinery br low
ace 3011 half ini,lWino of dollars. In glancig at th" attp.,* that they 41impsebebind thev WOU d been.going into the )4tQrio �iad!Qaebeci conefusion that riding stich a long additions Operation e with the thermometer at er) the sur&s and the, probable and Credit Valley: r )ad it was taken tane -it brol
ldren free- not be si is rity with it in 14ture years. be �estjmated the rpilsed a4 The a the end considerably or to under false prateuce 3. i he Tory part� costs ifi ion Af timber ta;nds of tha Crowiii yet ansold at 11 -h e-ery demai d knade I I ., bbing of filat. e Whiv ibe,colnilLi ill reck n TI eir!answe� than any benefit derived. from s OteS� i 20,000 iquare mile" wibiobl at 0500 4 The HuronliAssm!s will ..charges in the futtlie j I I . �0 en ilumbia is pan� is a6t tined i ni I suppo 4d Ly n4 to all' 0 Willbe tha;t, ail OXCUrSiOD. square laile—leas than the a�erage price Gode-Tiell on Tilesdaiv, April -and Troink monopoly �7
me bands a few m Imb 3rs of �al iamer t �ts well �8 they roke the Gy. w,f11 be a popular r lite
in 0 ta'rio, and thatlili received at the I.ast:8alo—'w'o'u I'd amount +
—John Mas,,b, ex -Reeve of
OUR TORONTO LETTE14. to $10, the Proiuce might e, at, a no to er of 1overumi �nt, ilt Ough tho 000,000 which who has been p it e y or i that Province, i one -calculated a 40 . - . aid would Ita ag expect to receive from tily! to ti imb from I 11 eon do m ood agon �p to b 'd tbe people to �hol_ injustice: done is recover orieB. If domP i 9tt -om Our Own Correspondevt.) this source. In & 8 arIfions —Allr. Peter at, )T ear. The be, serio sly alarmed �6r the I dture. t in gi ing d other , Provinces I .- ToRoNTor, Feb. 26th, W, I. with Quo'bec and tht he tb,(5 &rrj w:bich be W.
"'botor terms," none I
hase A corpory ca� doubt. acm Th? scerie in the Legislature on ,, d showed, bat the expenditure oil Civil tly I -1
grio, with is a dailigeroUS tbing The debate on the 1,080�utionB showed purchased in tb� tr,��nsbip Of grorria, Flu
the.. 10 th tion of t is character Iso clo... ly ali(d that tie man ou each sidb differed from nesda�y list, when Mr. Mowat moved Governin lot and Legislittion—in which —T)r. 110.1ittlef tlbe� new coula file]
re . nod, are witl � the Goi ernme at' the t ntry ar d his p rty ou t air quep'tio.n. Mt. Ross, and Mr. Meredith seconded, tbeTadjot rn� branch ithpire would be ext avagance urer, hus ur.lawd the'rewd t in arliametlit 9 nitoba,who was �Ie6b iber if aby a ea t &R—was �ell within 0(,derich-at Occupled 1coni
On-_ ieldiug an noP ment of the House on account of It apil much less tlian - ia� the thal
go of f M A by al lit tbear by t1le votes but who seems igo have bee� trying America CoTlf.'j ist 0 of hi�h it could onlyse are ffirOugh t'e death of i case of 6 ber the sister Pro�ljlace or the —.11r. John ollt�ck baS P A - to st�raddle befeucei since be' came al en ille, He believe.d. 0 a tario sh-oul
teresb' o� Olney given it by, t1h, J p d tavern litely 0cl."Llpfed by Iker here, Imado an exceldiiingly good a THE LATE N.R. LAUDER, . Il- M- r. I I subsidy froin the Do- T�ayhvld, and �arryilag' get ail incireased wqvarnment ipolicy, can't id 9r' 4.enta'tivE a. in suppoi t of the 01
takin�), the ground tl-.&'p ru, in and desola. was of an affecting hind- . The Attort: lby miluion. � Quebec wati pressing for such OVW3 ill th a av r1i for Una future the
mfol table Garter I's brief speech was naarked v Itb an increase, and, ceirtaiuly, if Quebec
O�UR. or R. tion would come ilp Ii the 0(juntry if —A ewe oD,W. N_exu _�TA"Wrji LE F E I) al-io w-oul.( he elitit"Ie to it as the ootini. a got it, C bipof',col
the nadittu Pa� were " b . , ns bo
tlie utmoHt feelit- and -food taste, of Lakiiviev fari in, tow rue, -evenpe for 1884 gave birth to on th art of -the givela'any offence I h would' rovoke referred to the good qualities of The well. The estimaWi i tan]
I Fro A Our OW700 rnmpon(knt.) i I 4 be plac at 02,6 4,669, 'Which was stant UT)d alltre 01-1ving, line
who Go Bus work.7%n the otb r hand ave pen otta a, ebrua6 4th, 1884.! 'the ME, dece'as?d gentleman, the length of ti ne Mr. Rond a 'who al)out s4(,000 less t ari the itinticipated _,Ir, Ro bert 5R�Ltmgbli, �f p a spoke.' d6 a the Since lie xciteirl i I �t over b threat- be bad heell in the House, tb' 6 I Ic 19 Pro:311- expenditure. � The woulJbe a,falling has pure P . Cam d Sir Jo4m acdonald to pro- bals"d 4 b4if intf-ret on d; defeeticil of tt a Prencl : Oembers mi8e ant pisition be bad occupied in. t1be off in the ecuipts fr(. . Oro w;u Lana son -j.ioporte ftalli,xln be abolitioni b w eat.tix if it n of t a � h arele%,,, siou un'tbe lumbr D� 6 & (Vilqulio-an ok''Tova �Xom -the Conservitt �e �arty, ;I li�ngs here. ghoul I become burd n othe t 10 Quebec 4, counsele of his party, and -bis strong b 0 d account a tbe depre land are he is Ae Man wb' I t d with Mr.13lake It trade, vwvb le oil the iothier band it Was bert, for the Bunelof-$4.000I utel
d, .0 upon We allegiauce of bis conatitueul s ave been rather ta EE i b5 9 P&1`1130101. I I YV9 ! in 18E21in favor 0tv3s, adian expected. bat —A few d ay8 Yr.Jiuo, XCA on a, are However the debate' � n the anadiau' f, never oneL having lost an electi U. MUCH LARGER SUN an, I cla IOdependence. H,e spoke )rie y, Reeve of Hulk 61 sold a tw-ytit,-4 to ic.
6. ..h,Y Pacific RailwarIlloan, Ohich i�. practi- ut summed up the 13 itination ver well, Duri� the delivery of the Attorney- would be obtained fir,ot-n hqui,r licenses, Cauadian mare ifor he suria'.0f 0 b dsi wperance hav( ii cally;' the only subje A been and o4me to the cone Isio av foll6wed the progreas 3W as 0 that il i would Generu I's rem arka, it was evident t. at Those Who say I3 it df i s tQt Vo the:
which ; pay ti 'also I be better to risk. th 3� s dig, the 1. (if the t caufoe, south of the tj
a before tha House,ba been i: itleresting lip -It R111(den and 'unexpected event N�as pleasure and keep,ou ,�tbl!ruty imitillions of line knowthat inaln roberof the States —A few days J'in" the fi-aim f s ralsivg was offered for t 4e' 0 acre f artu Begidesi tbe'e two, tber 4 sidwalle and occisionally Jiv ly� It'had been dollar a N�as very u) ach felt on both sides of the policylb&s bleen 4'dlopted of _el;4
g. ons ade the Goverimant's ffit to force & a indtled the price of liceluses,!, arid the results are Ing to the Watt stat�, On the io I Mr. Singh Sutherland, of Manitoba, House, some of the member int ft. 010 divislon cit the mailil saidtobe very satisfi,tatory.- Friend'sof b tween Hay an L fall
q6stion Tue elected.as a Liberal, wid hitherto ookod malcilag little attempt to conceal thl'i e Stanley:. buti s- WM 6t indent views tempera I(ewill, the efore, be gratified upon as a man of i 00.0e accepted. i Els am, g da The air dme[ t� moved emotio i. Mr. L y ovenir g. Pin 33 who gl%v(N a silent vo d inw:'favor :,of the Meredith, on rising 'to to lind th6t the Government, have re- 'Ur. David n, -of thelowjajh�l by Ur. . . Cam er 12, quite I _palli I r 91- Goveroment's policy. It b as beeti freely second the motion to adjpurn, was solved to i -)crease th ef')Rt of wholesale -and
a' of Grey, left last wee on a trip tbxo*.!
r stated i the corrid(�s, and evideutly unable to Control himself, and aft!er licenses Irkin �150 t $225, oflavern and f the re- committee of ibqui Ao t a a vris f -gas. If the ioon�ry 1311its bim, A y,
shop liCe'u., Om $100 to $160 po Ul),-' the 6ainadian Pacific,,v 9 with good authority, that there ere a standing a �noment or two, w*as obli W seR in citie r he meets with a 1 b4rgaila, he PM. a v� a� down may Itownsbips half
in towns f -om $80 to 6110, in, ows: about halt past one 'V� bdn'eBd mor num ench CaniLdia;ns who would to hid3 his fuce in his bandkerobiVi. chase a farm th� n". I - Sou
have. oted against tb raBolutior s, but orn 060 o 575 and for vessels fromi —Th Revj 'who has t When he.had recovered Buffic A 4orriflon g, �and everythir g.iseemed haing -I that 4 oculd have ha no possiblE effee i6ntly 0 $100 to i$ 25. 1 This; was e2ipected to b pastor- of d Wilugham, 134ptw 2,2 24 it; �-de�ate!'o on the' result, and Id have end anger- enable him to proceed, it was ft a produce P) increase �Jn the �6venue of een self, for i th r a lor W9 : ome time, has some i I co-. areaation for 1,619, I ken an eaclid his other dr The lGovertim. b aho 2.4 aldment, cr III sp�edy ate on' I ad the� political I U lure lof every c ne of bro voice and with hesitating Race ts over $100,000. ea I�is,�barge an pr them 'As the /vote w S taken, th( three which told low severely Lie w a proposed; to issue 11ON 71, rai I way, scrip at. serroon last SUnl as affect �O tfi8 Mail WOU011.1 Bifti just- t this per ce)nt. iutier4st, �6r that how yearly. members named abov3, w0te the ODI —The many t ena� of Dr. 4�
Y by his.'colleaguelti. sudden death. 8,0)0 momlent,,WW Mr. C as in, jid a fe falling i . which Vear3 6 per and B-ayfield, who ha w ones who did not fo'llo* their les,c- erg. House adjour'necl - immediately aft4r- Serionsly-ill for
... 7.0 10 wordalronk him cause le nier to The, Governmen 's tilation bein car- wads without; doing any bus' Mr. in this vay the aid to railways which a time, will _P11 s4OL6 iness. s0m "ad to learft that l measure b ga the 91 0 1'10)0 d pro- Lan r the Province has so libarall� granted, ecide vat y h urriedly t i at it U!id be as de had been a member of the ho is recovering-, Ad hopes are 'entert
1,010 L gress �f the stops 00bidh it is neces would be spread ovei a series of years,
to adj DUkIl the, lei ate on Legislature -continuously since Confe�d- taiued that he w iLl so oin be -around ag&iiq 6,4 33. -re It becomes law. eratian,aud his taidug off leaves but Vyo and.posterity would have an opportunity sary far it to go be�o -a motion. Mr. Cos g �n h a, merely as usu j. IBL,1371- moved tb ad'ourintir at � of ths 1. eba The loan will be imaA :under act of of his fellow- mern bars of whom the sai �e enjoy-, .—Mr. jaitnes I of sharing he urde as well as [lum, of Basit W16I tot I Ij a 'd Parliamient, As that tot, involv is the an t of that expenditure. residei lt�' an t hat he o4d sp I th if Sit b said, viz., Mesgirs. Pardee a W ing the )etiefi s wanosh, took a 1, Ylad cif for feat w 0_0d to Bax e)l He was a leading member a d Mr. Rose spoke enditure of pbic it oney, it in st be r whith weighed eir— ( h: 1-; don"ald* wa'ki 'date i1i ad-tO -P t atl greater length WiDgham a few lays 4,00 presented fi�st 11 the fo �rn Of reach tio A. office- than is usual making the A h Metropolitan Matt �O_ t s weighea on eij
push'the: Lat er for, vmd, , It w s 0 I' Wer in the seven tons. JLt w the., mar' th par J )f., do,intly at, re t, and Si John oumb2 Those i resol-titions ar consider?d in dist ell rch, and every olie lookilig )11 riancial � it atement, Dut bisspeech was ket scales. He hai3a splendid tesDl i is h4
itee lucid Ard comprobensive resume of a, ed with g 0011111114 .�f tb e al J: an d repor ied to his stal warblorm. in the Ch am er a Qw ))d irace. I linnoris a ant at a repo t n f the J,bhe H�use-;' Th i Of the am- days the mon3lary affairs of the Province. 4 h6 time and iftwe Win Lrmed, 6s strong.' kefore his death,,. wonl —A few day.; a wbil: Y-r.� "M t 84 8" d -have e ittee is ieceived,lthE resolutions are Mr..Creif1toi,,he Olipositin financial as BtElonents in the party press I marked him out as destined to a lq�g Esery and wilb were drii from plan a t 110 90
b ead a &st time,th n r( d % second time life. critic, ocet pied;two ])our$ in depreciat- lef t t' e track co can confirim. tiem, 9%v:i 1een oint to 1 Mr. Land-er's decease' na ura;y Exeter, the b6rj83 n mitig 1 In ,000 ot t. Mr. Costill b id bee nd1co4curred in. The bill is introduc- g the si u plusan d pting to prove bat'p- word it in It I calls up other sudden deaths whi,11i in through a pitcb-b 0e, 4hrowiig,theimod The
the, A second time, extravaga-rce oil the 4rt Itb Govqrn d ra is id o�enly stated n the IQ bies during d and read thefir6t; have taken p ace among. the memb F .0 6 - J � I. is arid craekiDg MrCi Estery's eoParbone,� t, 96 0 2 eriloon, whle the fa'e of th� Govern onsid ered in oOV3 M ittee of the who] i 3, then of tbeAssembly -while in attendance ��� n ment. confende that there was In but it is thougbt sho �vill gooq, re' i pover1 t 1: be deci ad of 0 ant was. by P1 6 actio ead the third t6me an I refer�ed to the their R,giislative duties. The late Mr. reality in urplus on hand at all at the —The receiptsbf the willig Aurdt, and!
0 'te I euf'� Costila. hadl and lime, and th t tbe Province onat The Senate ':ad �tt a firs" )r � I . I 01 W that Mr. McLeod, . who formerly. repre cangregation, ClilltonJastearanioutit. d 18 5 9 econdtime, consider a 11: Com i was On the highway to direct taxation. ad to $2,075, and tfie 'f disburs r'doijitied - fis portfollic I ap -mi 3is'ter o� i . ttee, West Durham, died during the sessiOn emleots to ead.ib' - t . . . resses $1,9.89. 0 arok) a.. I land, R 7enue, and �is positiola as a I tbe'tbird time, ubmit it 0 the Rome ree or four years -ago, but 1jiE On FAday a' were a -ed to Lox d L er G have bee t by tie a' 6he Cabinet -It -was I overror General, wilo pigniffie -the -as not wholly unexpected. Ldopt Owne a ibed to the bu din' fundor t
mber goner. death vi al d that hit !had be, 8 -So Lord Latine ; to the former on his ser 9 bo now, 11 v under 3too )n given I loyal issent to it pawind,.. rapid Bonfield, who preceded Dr. Dowling n church, which to be erected iaeO SPIT-'
8'at do.; rn rning t IE er II4 tice t I vas theprogress made unwer th 3 de- the rep-resentation of Sout re i duties of 66v` a Esig at tbe, 40se Of:: he Bs- h Ran Vs oi,-General, summer. ormined pressure br bear upon took it.'Iast session, and went I an d to tl 8 latter, on bhe ;�ble Ai id happy sold by si! in, an d 'i a is f ction i u s 6 at A 1 - criti - 7 borie, �--Mr. W. Has lags ir Stanley, his I b t �'to a House by the Gavel nt, that on dustri08 Cal junctlire might 11ave 14§4 tovery only toi lie in a day or two, Bdt de manner il which disebarged the I sold his four- . .1 - ye r-oldtallio Blad I The 6 party ast' a H ' I riday the Bill was �'ut�oducea and the -i
serious copseq iences,, most all �)ckila g even t of the kind w functions A that Some little
at&[ at . I Cornet, to r. ays, of F&Mer& ead-lbe first time'. P oigans Nilee with- the k& -Oak place -d to thG 0 Ing ones us t6 this death of Dr. Harkin, formerly m-eini r discussio I in I rega) Vni'
'e'by the h6re that Mr. Costigaln,'s ob �ec of re. v for Pres 2ott, who, some bhree years af P" I dian bred hors -, s frow imported -etod WO im portant amendn nts proposed b boundary letwecu Quebec; and 0 VI: 1.01 for $8W T Jis ig a splendid Omit.
a St. si�nind wF h to am barra4p� the a who ib6ra's� had. been Eifla,unchly voted. while §i utinc, in the Chamber waEr seiz id which is tiot in diap te, but which has Own. One wa3 move I oa both sides, an I wdghs f,790 p nn& not
d com '( I led him to Ive , 11 by,Mr. Watson, iatioas Ina i7 000 a with au apoplectic fit and carried i4o never. yet been d finit6ly laid down I p E upi 1 I —John Bo wM qLn has purcliasell I an toba, the OnIv I min froin the 1 ftet . I
0 ml f U an C tain ydar, and-: n order t lei�vo Ili 0# in a a wing room, where, in spite pf tbroughout itB% enti-e length. " . ' I aeres from Alex. Ingram. tf ,e credit I position ( I . i rairie Provilace who -i - voting, against legialatiol On the pact of the Domiii i ' ; big
in case t eie ho d) be a ion of ine anythin of that could be done- he died which be paid tbb sum of it any be Governmenton tbiii,' Farliame at is 'quij ad to complete th I arr-n is a good ono an Mr. Bowma change of 3ro'v)rnmaAt) a ac i pt,-- lue8tion.1tealled few bourk. The Old buildings on N 1 .1 Fr t re enditure fa�orjthat mif lit be g or tb eal of the ly 019,11188 street bave'stood IODg eUough now to a matter, an is lik(ly this will soon be has- . now uije i tittv 1 -jest arms ill fie �Oing. hat he n the Canadian Pacif 'Charter obtained. and
cal 3 E ar coiil�'� have � one on tb a 11 oc r bf the a historiAl, aud have many saddenifig tol Mr
- 11 - . ;. I vbsbip. Dgram talks somie loan. The U136: axe 8 pt -a im ab a scene ! THE QUESTION. doluditii)n'of tbe OtP Was are ie �would i 1113190(11q.tions c(,nu(-cted with them, p3 removing to B atiselis after his B4416 on
by Mr. Weldon. of 8,�. John New Bruns- I 'overini-elit -took a be! hard to say Istfli, I even well 4 1bozie of a, differeut ki Last ses0on the G li 4th chty
ga,rdi awick, making the oai of tb aeplave in the Oppoidtion ranks On N-landay night of last *-eek,I&L 9 wa's to be aVOitied. Sir An. d:::. Vlhin conditional on Land vote e House fo the purpowi (I an- the Canadian P eifi9 wi i'l aut ba eusily filled. abling them to erec tbree creanaeries MeVittie, v
�ribes in allowing an ad jouriarrent of th debate. pendib iio Ne make a m t r port oftside THE BU SPEECH. the Premin neur,ed t��day Mr. Cofnigln wa,'� �'q tbe'17' n differew; parts of Go, in son
DGET days Cab" '(,f= until the lo couple of �d 011 influmination 'Of itiet maill all 8 Jag. 6� has all been The eititioutes were brought down- (n 41 order to i al part instliructiou to farmera John t be lresiden6e of -her alf. It f his the bowel explained that the d6nduc id back with hite est4 The MOtiala Tuesda3, andou Thursda the Provi I- I and others in the ar of liutter makiva ndit3re was siuii�ly another w . Ofl� SaViDg that 4' brother, Mr. ClaP'4 Bqfleld conceWon colleague— -- who, be lo,��ed, Wl�ldd IODg. ci�l Treasurer made the customal y. rhese�creamerieis haiVG Dot beeia erect I ole 13�oney sh 11 ot,�be sp I God-erich towi)sbio.. Her hui� - etcalin, su Canad�l L "'it to flualicial statement. Mr. Ross mailo A, and of. course the Opr)('Bitiort now-- baul wu lie r (h --bad )a(',, u D a X" e, 13 e
ptiola in Portage 1-a Pr at the tim �'She G
Imild u� Ja C,rei-,u p. rb. Other amend. his firht budgbt 1-peeCll in a R *,harge th a herwise a le in' E very way, that he� 1 *d re- aoverDM-813t withrieverbav- ityle whi at 34 ykirs; iof age, Andoavft gig q for )u;ely pe trients would have ba fully t1lem and two 0 a nt
sc )al reasi, s, but ,an Inlo'Ved I for d d to orect; was b are at �qst,ified—ir any justification were'4' ng ilaten bildren. the fact as r. Blak� said, tll in- o Irecouki,1141, the I ha been Ind ced 4--hisselvetion. as the financi�'i __J� H.
: . . Dee it. olding them up in various localities as 'incl ir bis ith %e a act tbat he Prepii�r said f irmatiou nect-ssary, t .,an intelligent ribes to influence the elector , only son o fte
I them 1 th, s6 thipp�d as not p ove t discussion of"toe det.6.11 ly I HoDor J5dge SjJjL ilair, Of ilankliltolijor. !party had not! been over1fial V68 is uudenia,ble overnm6nt have, it ap*ars. (i eive I arnish �d, aml it w $ and he ewfu , v me.rly oi God-eri [b. rep d wordhat- in be at tray i r s 4-ting'.1161 facts bo':' impoosible grapp] U. with tho intricate complic her tonsid ration and in view�af in ha
or rus to t for. I artic: 0 his owu oil Efito-'�
f .)r the :)�popit ion to mOve some ti( a seieri tific I f 4 4cro
in, `46otber. wEty. "The ,Le arE cabinet Iments.. )118 wilica do duty -as the acconi. I mation reCEived'from practical and ex- easm. The further Wsidiiratibn of 1he bill mv hail- been ace ptcT by tho LCe' se( t tl�et DC MiDifitel L ais bomdditore- )erienced nien ELI ter the vote was 0
om. pany for publi �aftoja in tbfir fal
wift :)a. vat Iroce between Outariog Quebec an the taken, 1
Lind t - eds'to-day. i ; , . noug; ircumsta�ces al . K. I , , ! lecided not to proceed with the 1� , I I miuJoitil, arid suem-eded in making thei a erec- eat
a ome t> i MR azine. Mr. 91 .3 to The �g iiiguation t ire -priba y a but, ! comar'b e ,ee creameries u -o esta - i 'wel
Premier Norquay. stN inclair is ai allti ide Go i a n 's �ra rted h with 9 tiv'y cliar—tbey can never I a na I ung man, -with it ; I Clever and r1s iter . eurt ai I ish one iA the lieantime at the A -i loor al L- ?Ursl Led Cal in'6t Becit. If tL � party ol ';aas fire I eon rf-called to is 8 has quite cfEar—to the ordinary non -fin ary talents 6f a lit ri Mr.LL �'os. gain mk' bim- be asked -to take pi al to i n 1. T 13 ere appears at last to I a ollege, Guelph, at a cost of b order, lat I re- I ore" orl w ultural C -to satifto I Bel Sir JQlin Mae- som- the very fa " -et to V politic Ily doomed. ich a chall e of having, these account 2,500. It. now seemseertain 'that the We recit ave c� the; dol g bnavailingly oi the i a 'has been beggi dogtructio'n �ris,qf Due4nLiWq d d w IlEver kn6 n tw which for so imariv years have bee iatter mi safelybe ftto private eu-, tb 3,M awho etserted him in thelffiour of ever since the session 8ton's house and !all it contained, b )Pete ban 1 araggitig selotig, bought to a settlemen erprni-se, ich in the States h as been 'on n1anito a returned two 3 yed-in-the-wool fire'on 2d day ni�htf lst week. The. i The Dominion authoritieg and 4W sufficien� to deal with the
'anala, -have, withi .0
Mol td ad'liot rn tb U)ries like Mr. Royal an I C&ptairi Scott, parents- a Dot itt hom *hin�l on bate the last- few months, furnished it stati. lu6stiOD, d besides, in the opinion of the -fire took place. The fsraily'; of I be two speculators like-ME,srsi Sutherland I was ment oi their side of t4eL Case, whic4 syetena of were got out all safo. having boe(carried, &E discus4on. itiany a radical change in the thi
n t. In. resumed c a ud'Ra�s, and only one. sound Liberal, 1 ber iscloseat haiad. 'Fac. t 6 seems t Mr. L Vednekda�,. T �3 day's however as Mr. Ross poi6ted out, is i*. mf�king b, I 6 01 . U a b _ I Me
ry v ay do a -to' broil' bt out alaotber ami Ailment, Mr. Watson; when ft� in,in January, ! ; a utiforturiate as be;
9 accurate and usatidaciory in inan� ories4hibh will collect thecr! f ; but
to 1883, tbeProvince retir ad Noiquay an .; eam from lightning a few t of 1 he ethbr w th an able 8 7eech � �,ojn the he farm � had his bArn b r-Jabd b�, ElUdL Sir respects, and 'can not by ant' rs and maiiufactur� it into Ow
of years ago. Meting mover Mr.' Blake. T avowed fri ,611an: M acdonald 44 utter, on uch theame PMU �e am !a ment be accepted as final. T as that la this rer showed the receipts I ,was in, effect a declarabi in, ths, and, a baliever in mono),61y; it is hardly —Mr. A. Arnot, jof tbe 12th ColaM.. Treasu doptled for cheese -making, atie looked sion, Hullett tow ship� has t) be wolu'd9red at that i,be Government sold hisl a. year to on -S lik(ly er in . One I W�s bei ig adv %in ied as. P. rt of have been $2,439,941 and th� a to take the man- Lisgar, Acbemie for E oro should think th%t Ithough YThiii. farina of 46 acres tc a Xr. J. obustne, i n!route Otainirg i tbrou�' t.controllab)e expenditUre $2,548,171 ctr facture 4 )utter almost entirely on 6 6f of 131iff alo, for the sure of $3,400. 13ft-, tL oeal iame n' from 6ceffl] to'O t)bans may threaten, they -can always lAtle Gmcr ment total ex enditure $2,887,037. The �he hands 0"' farmers and farmers' w on PI assetp tArnot lias a sal I be' coulabed upon to do iotbing to, am-- of his toft etq,, OW forme th 3reaniery I utter, it is well kn lit to declare its wiloto poli: I Upon 0 ovin-ce were $4,7410,6654 and tbb tM . J-0 dar, scheme. Tile repl�y t9.JU;, Blake barra8s the admini-3tratiplil.-i Now, how- 1: f the 'the 3,rd of � March_ r war all' L: a er,tb yare begiuui iabi lities $3,56,413, or a 6ulrplus of $4 - vorW selveral cents per ouiid more cook, who'owns 40 1,acrtsn tb� w4s, of course, indertakeh-by SO Obarles ng- to find that tlie I 96,
.84,241. Oue of the items of expend -J',_ an the, to tiole made in the ordinary eagions, tb:e Battle L tio, I orth 10th cone for I he Tupper', and ually, of bourse tl�e r* people re determined t wnship, Til
P13. Co L a- t, ba" their grievar tare whi,,h of late years -has been id- ay- This matter Came'up yesterday, bas. traded with .1 Memrs. Laslicain A wel f tbi..-ty nsisted o a few �Ague atild ijudefl- redressed. The creasing very rapidly is that for 9 rid the eip. aluations of Mr. Frazer and Pite statemI3 Is of facts, a grea deal of ews O� secession beinc lopexily preach- Bell for their 100 ;ere farin,, on th4.43th
PUBLI INSTIT'UTION.9 MAJNTENANOE, r. YouD, behalf of the Gov; ern m ant . I I - i ail y tal fak alout what t al has warned the GovUlament to -be concession, grivilog 'a consideration for 1.0 Go' r4ment by papTris cireful and it is said lay tal . made u 'of the eemed quit 3 satisfactory t th House. the ifference. h3hilng, and �o a a I Ir cF �Torqttay on outlay in connectio* 0 i i
was accou), W1 [AT ABOUT -DAKO I TA. alil; as of with the various asylums, reform ktoriefill —Mr. John Wi 'has sold bLa� oliti"3&1 want I pa Wtism his way,home has been �intb'rcepted by 0 ag%I1 t Dpposl- prisons. tbroughout.the Provin �A few a go-t1i -in.ting orit het
&]na a'. e pl. ract I arm on the I I th c t "i-wesilon of Howick 1
tic: Ill - were return Two p sBageB i at a a telegram and asked' to chn
t dk the situation oV r At, Mr. Ross remaked, this is an iterlh %latt whicli-some'of the Conservative & few miles souft to - Mr.* ex(eedingl it a ortaril, d t for Was He will which isi to a large extent, b . II&Nyspaperi lbefore the meeti of Gorrie, as 9(ne , L eyond th 6 ng of the Thomas Sall I but fro h F robabl, get gomethilar. bf benefit to his Bornholtr, Lo A was in icated] n the gaul Frovince—what, Qriglar mote,,on control of the Governmen', as go long ' House 4o affecting to consider an. 'to papers 6 t Placet ' Charlel al id, acm, d ing. to epez� aii di wnhip, possesi �n o -be give, in. ilie the unfortunate class *as fo other 16 e4ce of 'corruption on the of fr.. th( �;fficial,,re)okt t ]a im which theS soring. Mr. Wigg has lived ntions are required continue to e I ant came up for farin for p )rtance of the s 7,�Hafjo I than on hastit I on thig i Cl )art of thel Governal t, )a just.ce of M nearhy J ydarg I the discussion, and even th
-overnment must take charge q ny p, 3r- If the GovernmentL r vinCe anitoba Ms. i0t, the G the , spea! klers n haxd work dul"In, that:t- by- bis;
ofVuebac pul This Week.was markeA;b' the- !first them, and - ime A their int0 a reas� y so long as they grow in num,l the Opposition -'side could bring Igo tr formed fro 'solid wo ta I
LO 1E a ur5 I thatT ovince, n ap t yiT 0 bill passing its third re ding. The: bill aus 011
wn hors, the necessary provision for the in charge agai st the Ministr for their t, even 0010 b rthe ing the it one t protect the pi present excelleut A*ate,� but the railull.
u Ir own Alic, itgainstj the or6ase must be made. Mr. Ross how., action in t1i ) premise ine
built a line of radlwayit any nefarious oonfiden,�Is games cakrieA "ntwhat has breaking up..... of kle is vote i t for s 4 most ever, brogght out the" interesting fac; become of ',he great Dakota scandal fam important link in theij�anscoiltidental on under the gittise of f *]as, '� Of Patent th:4t the iumbers of the blind, and dea' lail rolled under: its torigue ily ha fin -ally left lIim withoutthe ladered line from the harbor M nebec bo' Port- rights. �he bill provide�s t -which the iA nec8ssary assi tani:b 1worIvit pro] . 1 1 , hat ay pro- s . to perly y not and dum z) in the Province seem to hav-8 ors some two or three ba
of t1be Moody- on the Pacific Cean, it trassor I a or due bill Igiven in i3laCh ag so be deci,ded to 4poise of it. Thepnoe Somebod does reached I, maximum, and that the figir I nonthe y mu8ti have run paid was 65 000. d fair ground, on a transa It' sbal have r6 .,the' :face een fo'iri a,just an I part 'ss ures of the paBt)year or two show a del I 'way with it, or it has been killed by —A shOTt tM of the Goverrment givqn aterit rigWt and the per- a a p Mr. ,T. Goldin 0 rat, y and 6'n the irb of scendinginsteadofan ascending scalet the hard -Winter, for not the faintst the township of Hi 1 4.0 eas thi Parliawcri andl,a'. glac, to find "n Wb.o purA ses or inegotiatps- such This is al so the case with regard to thl hisper he a been beard since the s t dart. sue as4th concession diet" a fail
ury froi ja the enla r ed sen ti ' lents v� I ich the E`ii instrutrien recover only �;evred, a fr of I I plel
11311aates of theReformatoryLfor'boys a an a tracts of deatl bees urder 1 the t L
inti 6i�orable g(D lem&n., s-ibiect -to any defen(�4 of' set.off " or ail ion large 61M trae 14 I rg
feel 11 uel. h I ' r. BI has the Central -Prison, in which there i, I d owned in 1)akata� b tbOs'b&melesB wbiah grew on tli line' about ttwo 3*i Day is� tb frandwhich could be�mlade- in y
rown oub, t it) t wbe a obliged suit in this year a c1porease, both as regard' ardy and tbe perfidious Pa;raee, an � i Mal todome to tb �s House aa brougbt,by the person ho at- from the Zurich ro d askh it Ron- eit gold the . p numbers and cost- The numbers of 1115 at a word about. the fertile areas of. ad. Looking upthe jol
the gratt exp6 aiture ich the lao.to was given. saue, however, and idiot ur own - I rovince which, saw evidences of a !hive in one Of! .f e- 9 are still on thi were being brala�h. waitin L till �evening. so MA'i,d on du iranscoutilneufal line of This lavv will be a bomiltolarmerfi, 60 increase, and the expeuditure in coul �ept out of the; market in order that 0 f . .or t, rr any 'whom have bee� the bees,,migbt no m oleat bim lie chop- I railway., the lio jorable. gentlerar I will Ja t6.keu -in by nection with these afflicted class tille la;nds Gv,naed (yes, actualy owned) ped tbL as of er
r"Ro s, be:prepared to live us th at hea sup- the wiles Of the patent. Ot seller. a tree down and fook how one lihawiEie giowilug anuually greater. Al by these inen might be settled upon' rthe limb 1:05 poulajs of li"Dey. Thebw ce,ba 3� ipor) vvbich hi3 i tatement f3howE414 -A, B, J, at he thesu institutiolis are very economiLca enharidea,in. price. The Opposi. were the8 wil give.- black ItJ n -ty, and Aft., of th Rc s the cost per patient 0on should �beware ]low they thro biel
ater on Si Marles roferre" w Golding tact -s, that, I )Peox-
C; the —A dorresponden't :)f the Chititon Oylums, or the insane, indeed, being 41way so g9od hing as tbiz. The ances of part rom. the at r than, pv osod bridge at Quebeb, and 11 a t s of the conab, they h9a leahLt, three Li tmat- 'New El A fe4 !of � the many litt) ill I *ail will n ver forgiv(5 th rn if they do. been located there for, at e thati half that of the M0131
Ask I or friends of Rev. Ddr. Sto6s, �residing I i londucted as lum in any gtat4 a Ee- ed iat the Government wou I d it obeaPly 1 AME-N1DM �qTg TO TH4 LAW. appropri d. fb aso. y years. an im, towar Turner's settlement,L ill the townshi of hi the p TA -ion. Mr. Ross also draw atten" Mr. Har4y 8 b i M
ill to prove tb a liquor —We rgret t 4 I the death M Heie were plain intimati( n! 9 to tb �F�6]a ph Tackersinitb, piiid him �a; friendly visit, a 141 rn heir :t im us against Albert 11higttoill S�,ungeft It a d 0aiAdians that two of 'ondesboro, on al his resience, in tiOn to t6e fact that by the dense lawiprovides. for petitio d .1 .-r. I I I Ine gi antii* of the lic 3nBe to any -appli- Hi n9ston, E,q M -ant demE nds had b �iday E -i eiiing, 15f ver- Bras- pOr een anted. F! V I h in 6. The rp wsquilae�f the wh�ol(_� del)0 plant ou th� grounds.cf bad cbaracter escent Later on Sir Cbarles pitched i to the- end gentIlk-MIL11 was tal0 entirel � by (if tbe lat i Prov�iilcn o which to k PI -e lh�st w'e2k -in Win- y I Canida, amount" that no license sball be nipeg fev(m The 01osition violently . for su,, rtin 11 41c., eacts fmill t more surprise, buti hein th I Brusels'
_R at b�oo and in,t a ill,!� to owir $73-000.000 instead a granted to ttuy new ap Gr 3 d Trunk.Mqnopol U I $62, pheant for a Ii- Post says Iit, Nvet t
y I Outs, 1, and best of humor, a wosbeinjoyableevehirig 500 wfiq.t over a Vag t bee 000 V; was supposed to be thol d6llf9e if a, 112113-01 ity of the Parliamentary ago to run the Rollald fire cugine fai th8 gav
lauailig his Govern-mei)Ng lavidl-istood Tivis spent by all parties. At a late bour' f1go're at lie titne of Confederati on. 14' f3dector i the sub-livisin petition city of 'Wiiij,ipeg, L, p(If;itio out agailistthis and furnish., Uey took leave of U ailw Ly leir rtiosT, hos itable, coutended that this assumption was ili� ag nat it,, sna looks forward Ile wa�s WeIl oppy"es"i T al wn tb mono. 4 I 'wi
coup- ad bbe'money,to break d�o Merids and departed to the fittedforonaccount,of erviligbi'stimai 1867 U fo their homes, to take pluce as at date of ftbolition ol shop licenEes by providing in the Ronald' wor poly. : PeoPlOmay say hat the a- expreB13i4!g themselves!x' kf�. Every perso r th
llatfl�e a r( �eedingly well and'nob �873. The Province of Quebe shop licenses shall hereafter be who hint -w bin, was favc sentations w rao jinpresid lie tiltii tl;e Day V1 6,eipved Is8 tisfie&-with their everiiing's entertain. also stro�gly f�vored this view, and i '4�r an- te'od t O the! persons not now holding the with him, arid bis r,,rly death, at all by the Canadian Pacific �rom t4i Gov Iment. After driving, ho1'w'6v6r,fr6m nine they war able to make the contentio dame. it tincreases gmerally the pen- age of about 22 year% f aeep pria quent, was I eing expended in. the �to ten miles on their hom'eward march, good, the� is a cause.0 iftances of Ontario would fee �,Ities for P_qlling to raf!noris, after 'hours. reret among his MaDy frienU in �tbig T di
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