HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-02-22, Page 7Un"RY 22�. 18st At
M EXT Rikonwky- I
r genuine Roller X. ill in t Aeb, now has. no, sa, on the for manufacturing ot
REVOLUTION tu fA Question of Vital lual Reduction a. Follers now in Operation. best Rour
by the Old proce Aing 0, Speoialty. will in a11 cases got th* Around, and by our naiw -biter, richer stronger, W I'd, of 110im ;by, far thau� 6itherw � tean able to ge, iet r-. ther a is no h b
4lu ag or ft. .6 our adolating 56. r4dial ur new syst-em - tested, and proved a great Germany Fraacq, t 4 the Un4ed States. 'A 1, lour previous t otm
�han,a;e at a, heavycost,sma ,ee
better P1 ur now..
0 sufficient to Prove our as.
CiOPPIN"G. [t`ies. for this class Gf work customers way de. ag their choppilig, i -one at
We arud try our farous rLew ller flour.. ,au, Shorts and Feed, delHiv. part of Sea -forth, HarptLt_ ;Ondville free of aharge. 3aw Mills at Rgraoudiville,
aid in fall operation. KYLE MUS CARD. WiLL PAY Y1 .90 0,M14 AT TEM_ >N MNDRY., RICK S A SeeL our alto A
been made especially for
I I have greatly improvsa
ow for this season,, and foot. that it is, the beat I& ly�l iugr !ND ROLLERS
Ld heavy.,. gand Our,
I om hard iron, and wiU Iasi
864Y other machine made. pial toos for recattling guarali-tee, satisf
6ntio;it given tio. reps' lrMgL
Saw aad Grist Mills.
�-wersi, Threshing Madhin94
a of machinery repaire czt
and at reasonable ratim
. and' Others — Brido
Castings, B,.t lowest rate&
. �Urnihihed, OIL app.lioation,"
agent for the implement&
�'yari, Hamilton_ A, fall lint distantly on hand. 40MAS HENDWC IC Iq OTIC I ped, ha-ving oeen appointed. A&nk 11 suring the U-,ves GJ- all tits eltije ng,
��i PTO")Iill��laziftrfamihesandfriends
adonbtedly. the bN* ir Ganado-42
the Dfkiliv Globe or Xxik of
satly. stv- reaganabla marL ot
at once on N SEATTIED Agent, Seaforth. to, Uan on Farm or Tows easiest terniaof p%ymen.6 and. a$
804 .TH PLANING, MILL, AND BLIND. FACTO" rbegaleavo to thankhts-un-worod, �theilber&lpatr,onage extendiod-441 oncingk huaillegs in ReaforthAild y be tax-ozed with 1k 6onftumm build wonIddo we] Ito gi 11 Tit
will cGatinue to keep on ha" & Winds e6t A.
�d Moulding, Singla,
hum wiflitheirpstronage,sancal. �tentftn paid tio� Gustom F10101
TER SEEAFORTH. ined to Clear Out my
_oc* of _Furnitum regard.- NT, it will pay them to Awl,* efure purchasing elsewhere. .0011lat ta those pa,ying cash, SP Y married coupies. ng Wx higbI7. finxshed.,fth&1r#L fol I-eep Y
Lnawlton�s, gnrm� Be the
F uAR-Y 22, -1884. ula News Items. A temperance. arty has been form -
,ed in P%rhament.7 Fifty -live me�nLbers
anef-for bonferenoe. They appointed a
,conimittee to keep watch upon. propo-
Sgs which promise in any way to affect
-ighe liquor traffic. —severalinarrow esoa from suffo.
4%tion, by coal gas, to(, from ill
regU,lated oaal stove -dampers, have 00-
,curred in Hamilton. —A Montreal man named Wilson,
iled the city on the eve of his marriage,
and the bride. remained ignorant of his
ftht uptil her 'wedding hour..' - . i
—H,on. G`( W. Ross, Miniter of Edu-
Cation, addressed tho pupils at the
0po11111,gc,Gf the Norm 9.1 School, Toronto.
--Eight thousand dollars' worth of
liquor, the largest.haul ever made in the
territories,_ was. seized at Calgary A short
time since and destroyed. —John , cKenzie, of Clearwater,
Iffanitobs., hose parents live in Elora,
wenti into OL hotel at Pilot Mount X few
d tea, and fell asleep in a
days ag"),
chair in the barroom - When an effort
-was made to aroua6 him it was found
thatbe was'dead.
—The Grtrid Trunk Railway alone
brought 52,000 passengersinto Montreal
the first day of the carniva, besides
�hose arrving by suburban trains. Tire
-Canadian Pacide and North Slaore
br(5ught in 20,000. —Mr, charit38 A. MasBey, Vice -Presi-
dent and Manager of the M assay Mauu-
facturl Dg Cpiripa, Toronto, died on
the 12th inst. of typhoid fever. De-
ceased was a young man of strict integ-
rity -1 to whose efforta and ability and
close attention to business the success
of the company was in a grettt measure due. —About noon, on Tuesday, 12th inst., while a, f,tst expresik which did -not stop
at Whitb� was ne�ring that Eit&tion Mr.
j. p. Bea`�I, a com�marcial traveller of
Montreal, and wi.d.ely ]known, jumped from the ts;in and rec-Aved fatal inter-
nsl itiiiurilis. Re died at seven o'clock the game eVeDlUg.. - He had been on the road seventeen years. —Three SpauiFl� editors. have be" I
jeutence4 to lofig terms ofirn prisonmelit for violation of the press law, which s being Strictly enforced in Spain. —Leshe Josephine Ayer, $10,000,000
heiress, a -ad daughter of Dr. J. C. Ayer,
has marrjed Lieut. . -Com. Fred. Pier -
Son, 1J. lk N. She issaidto have broken
theheaxtd of aud driven insane half a
dozE�n princes, lords and noble dukes.
—The 'hedive of Eg�pt appears to
be !in as. d - lorable conditiou. He labors
under th delua-ion that a piat is on foot
to, poison im,, and Sands his wife to the
kitchen daily to inspect his food.
—Teri invincibles from Iri4h prisons
who were lauded at Portsmoatib, Bing land, by the frigate Valorous have been
taken, along with many others, to Chat-
h&m fur confiLiement in the large prison
there. —The death of ames McLeavy, a
native of Aleiandria, well known in
sportir-g-ciroles- as a7loing distance run-
nar, took place in the Royal Infirmary,
Glasgow, recently. McLevy, who 7 as
for a number of years the champlon
mile runner of the warld, entered the
hospital some months ago on his return
from America, where his health broke
down. —The end of the first week of the
spinners' strike at F&LkRive, Massaabi-
Batts, fitiLdFS thirteen m.ills shut dow.n,-Df which five were cl(jaed by the weavei a'
strike. About 7,000 operatives are idlb.
The loss of wagea is over �20,000.. The
Stock on hand is 155,000 pieces, and the
production last week 125.000 pieces against 160,000 usually. —Advicl9s' from Sit. Paul de Loando,
capital. of the Portuguese, Province of
Angola, West Afrioa, are tb a t an attack
hag been made upon the whites by
Muculla natives. Dnring the fighting
an, explosion of gunpawder.kill6d forty
native$. —Clara Belden Tibbitts, the actress
who died recently in a New York hospi- -
talywas a grauddanghter of Gov. Bell,
of Georgia-, aud was a woman of attaia-
merits. Sbe was for many years Euro-
pean correapou dent for the St Lous
Republican. She was a personal friend*
of Chaq. Reads and other eminent Eng-
lish lit&rary men. I —C b ales Bradlaugh,the infidel mem-
ber Of Ps�rllameat, has a brother who is
actively eLgaged in evangelical work.
The latter diwlams any aifferenGes
with his brother, except in religioup
opinions, an d. though there is no frater-
nal compa.-niotiship between them, be
says he love3 him as much as ever and
confideLntly looks for - his conversion to
Fidedly Advice to Swearers. Nobody cares fbr the swearin�, of' an
habitual swearer-: His VOIJOYLS of PrG_
lanity have no terror in them. They
mean nothing. It is the In a who never
Swears who scares you out of your boots,
if once in a life -time he does swear. So
lax as we can learn, Washington only
swore once during all the eight years of
the Revolutionary war. But that -one
time counted, It turned back the tide
into a ViC_
of retreat,. changed a routeL
tory, and made �hings hum. But the
fellow who Bweaiia on all occasions, slid
Bweaxs hot and! zold with the same
mouth I the int(-Itectual paper who ekes
out his barren supply of -ideas with an
abundant crop. of profanity, whose Con-
verSELtion is ajong Chain of mill pri-'
vileges, and who talks as a beaver
works, his swearing is weak, rapid,
tiresome, disgusting. So, if you - want
to swear with any effect, my boy, be
'very Beldom about ft. Be exclusive in
Your Profanity. If you can't get along
without it, brhig 'it ont occasion ally.
like rare o1cl family diamonds ; don't
keep it running six or eight hours a
day like thekitchen. hydrant. Aud�you won't 'be 86nded, my son
--batL if you Will observe closely, you
'Will perceive that young men., boys,
aeagings of a,bout Your age, sweat more
than men. More irequently nd more
&wkwardly, with lem point and , direc-
tion. A main becomes ashamed of it.
it belongs to the cigarette and matinee
period of life, my boy. It, is a habit
that flourishes in the bread and butter
days, along somewhe-re between the
hizh school. and college, and while the
blEe ribbon on the diploma is bright.
It belongs to what P ach So aptly calls
the 11 unsalted generation ,') the'fresh
Young men. So nut it away and nut
in the market; :�Arraijted on manly things. W, ly apoall, a X., R. comtelt I know some goocl men, some of the
beat in the world, who will confound it,
and even doggone it, and in New Eng-
9kina, fars. and talla* 1qW leven a deacon has been known,
Cash for everything a terrible strain, to 1, condem.n."
JOHN, b. FOBTIM. Ent as a rule, don't do it. Don't swear.
It isn't an evidence of smarfiness or
'Worldly wisdom. An� fool can Swear.
o in a do. ony 01
And a goloA an Ah, if I 00 I Id onry gather uip b
alled fol, it effectiv 11w, a]
un I I'heive drol pod -alonlj the -pst way life,Iknowj would remove shimbin
blockg frO11 many , ne: �periendod
Bud my heart w
, ouk be I a
d ut ighter� , 6 to
than it is to -div. if you 0 goln
to be a foo', jist b�oa se otl�er, lhe
h ave -bison, ny gon, 1 r hi t a hop, j] aso you will be lawl Qyl 14" Rul ot COUNCIL IFinxq. in Aing
the Hulle, , Coull(il held oi the 9t
inst., the ti 3asurerth I account vith, th
tovfthship s audit was paised kn
fifty copie ordere -to bell p nte i
Sliest for $4001 was vau ad fo
repairing road viz : $80 in oa di ion No. unde
the . direati n of 1080 i
division No�, , 2, nde�. ft a diract 6n of. J
McMillan 86 in divis on No. 31 undo
the directi6n [)f B C urchill4l, $8TI
division No. 4, nde: 1iihe dir $n 0
Lagham; 6$0 �11 d vision No. , un�e
the directi6 n ,of A r. MeDor ald, th
treasurer to pay, t1i Le E ad amlell nts] o
the orders o� said re fie tive Q'01 I cillorg
A. T. M oDo'Aald, to Kamine't 1E bri g
it, bri
.on the Bage line aorcessi�)n 12, aw
have the same ad or I B�uil � i
necess Robert K OX to, 0 re is
12,000 Not cf good r ck elm� �1 link, I a
510 per i thou sand, to be deliv6ri a at �,h
following placbs) vi 000 ife 3 5'.at B
Churchill s, 1,000 fe 4 it Lou, eab r
6,000 &et atMc gc es bridl 0, 1, 0
at XOTdoha alls' brid a, 1,000 at, 7�- ton's and the remaii a.-, to rE�,iai a
"I 8.,nil
Knox 1 "The ' 11)wing �� ocount
to be fiald: ThO'FsJ.:: rowu, ba&ilte fo
P planking bridge, S& 5C J. Thp'm PF On
McKillop, dt�iages r. gra Te
�4; J. Gove,t, bonti Or wi,re nice oi
-S. R. 25 &U. 267 C. lee isiou a cepb8perio when ilt, John ash
to'.' examine said ce and ii fo 0
satisfactory to giv an orde,,on ih
troasurer-for full. a untof sai. i bor uE
Connail thb� adjoq ed to me ag 1-1.
when c&lled:.by fthefl Epps's COCOA.— Gim -, ir -c L All a tho ough kiaovil ago 0
1PORTnTG.—"B: ,
the, natural whi Aa � govern: 1 a a ol �er
ations of Ad nutrit 11 14n(
-by a careful applicat ou of the me pro
peLAies of �V, 11-tselect 11 ocoas, I B �)p
has priavided dur br�A: 'ast t&b.. IN it
a �Eiicately -flavoreq �Aeverage wh.c
ma Save us many )Ot rs'hillt, R i
by the judia 'ons use )f sucli'm O
diet that a donstituti in may bo gra u
aliv built u illitil 4�r ng on) gh t
re%st bvery endency 0 disease. H �n
dre. s of su. tle ma'�d'es are float in
aro6nd us ready' t9i attack ereve
there i s a w &]k &inli6 � We In tl�eSCILP
many � fata shaft b. kE aping d4rsel vb
well fortifie With ) I a blood !; an .
properly nourished r , ame."—CJv',,11 1zei
vice, Gazette,—Mad. iply- vi h b.)f
-mg'watar orimilk. , 861donlyiulPachet
sud " Tins' (J lb. at dAb.), by 10'roc r
labell6d-11 4AMEs E:,.P,q, *&Co.., !�Iorr at
pathic Ch63jists, Lo Lacn, E'ng. !,I 831-5
Rev,�, R. L e. Says 1:i B eiqg for ear.s a i ted N4tli. PySp8p
sia, and ffilLuding,my L a th
grett'�Iy im
proved by o ly, a lit a of the I/iow 0
Bitter% I a ti please�� Ito those lTka man r or it 'c a LA Minister of The H. E. Clint �eakrd
Ontario. 82.1.26.' -Wor�a� Ca- I iA'L i where Dr. $ctillinc, 3 Gertdall Wc r
Cr�am is used. I i ever f J�s. N
fa,u�ily should be w th, iut it'.[ �or i &I
by all druggists. An Fditor'��; I IribiA0
Theron P. Keator. a itor' of �he Ft
Wayne, Ind., GazettO, mrites!i I.For�h
past five - years ha� a1w . ad Dr
Kirig's New Discoiar7r, for coi gh o
the'most se'vere ch Affr, as will as fo
th6se,of a milder ty E. It fail� t
effobt a speedy cdze. Myl frjend� t
whmI have -recomi c ej ided it E )e&k9 o
it i' the same high te �r is. HRv g b�e
cured by it of avery. i (in j,,h I !,hE 5 1�a
'for I five. years, I po i i ii ler it - he O�l
reliable and sure ourp r Cough , Coldi
etc!," C&f1atJ.,S..11o)erts'dr1'
f g stor
and get a free trial to itle. Layge siz
$1. 783.52. A Blessing C M -1 "nd. izi these times whon our 'eigl6payer
are' flooded -with pati At medi oir �O adi,
tis ments, it is grati yal g to nic W w a
t6 firocure that will ier. aintil 6 i re y or
If , rou are bilious, b ),byZ oulil I o I od is
Li;,er inactive, , or gE de, -ally eblital e6
thE rig is nothing in t ie, �vorl It" iat , vil
cute you so quickly AS . _71lect �,ic Bittim
They are a, blessing I q E R In" kind, an
can be had for fifty [,Qe ts lottle
J. S. Roberts. F,laxiiinlg H s 11 Mr. S. Wabb'lof A burn, ut' , baiii
most distressing con for 8 x# - on 13
dtiring - which he - aE und at c
ad 'vice. But still h grew wo se i in
wo se, . -an his i CaselWasgiviinip. H
bou as d I r. W "s
Ight t ro bottl Ir.Wls u
mon,ary �h . erry.�Balm and, f; r usin
th 'm WRE able to a&. I is 0 r livin�,
It IS the very best Cure r all mane
of 'conghi a]3.d col d rm 0
disease - of the air a la liass 6E
it . cuts ;away the M, Ono ales
inflammaltion, And up .the 0st Ir
79&52. iHad MedicM Atten4l al� ; �ce- -
Dew. S rs —I bai-e beeii1 ! a sufft re
froi� Costivlenes�, 2 Ich Heaqa(lie, an
Loss of Appetite lo'r i;qf6_n3 1el"I ays tired, so that WE w * 'a burde
an all seemed --d:.rk to is. I h xv
hal medi -,al attends! ice, an h e tiie
alm� oat all the adver ised re eldles, bu
withoutEffect. Anumlerofnoi�bbbr
-j�h!o had ased your I oul ltai� of : Is& tl
uroedm'e to give it a brial'j.thleebo
tles of W1 Li ch m ad a i ae feel �:
.like! a ne
woman. Bairt.
798.52.2v;, 514 ]�[ng Stree orolitc
Hollow Ws Oint me nt an I Pil 1E
Whenever t4e v eatb�er' I s aria . bl
an the tempera,ture cor staia ly ch rif
ing, the N rqaa and di �s i be nr
careful tc neglect no Symptom of i
ordered iction or 11 health_ W a
chested a, A Str=01 S Subjects
in �these n abo rome ties the 1 i
ca8 I t ing ( t the b Ld hum'r
Originate nd prolon,l 'their: 81
Th� , - Oin went sbohld be W6
twice ad Y!ov'�r thE obost, nd
taken in alternative los�s. 0 v
t ate and Be Sol
r t mO;t whole energeticall on the lis6
y I lased 01'.
Theee reimei[ ies ml anife: t Nonderful Fou cannot be dece�'fvned y puroliaeflig a 'Power in re oving all aints 1�rom the ivo ithleog arti4le, but I now its value Trains
blood, and consequenply in 1�quring a )efore bnying.1 Trial I ottles and Osti. fol)owa:
multitude, ct chronic iilmeg: 5 Which nonials given free kt Lumed n & GoiNe W
seomed to to almoll irreto ediable. lBon�s,Drug't Store, Be aforth.-7� 5-52.
t 88�.52, 4, .0 MlXodT
Mudh Imptoved. Fxpreas
'A G d Test: oni Kars, Sept. Ist, 1883. Ef rpres
—I have Afixed I
Dear Birs or Oval twen y years I Wm. Churchill & Co., Gents, have ouffere greatly fric ta, nasail 3atarrh; boen troubledwith Cate rrh or tibe past
2g . u n abli to sm 11 or taste i O' Lot
som6times b i W . cars. Your Fountain of H alth I ded to a by, Mr. Iiind, GOINGN
properly. 3 disease caused severe as, re0ommeA I
paiin over tb 3yes, and '�eque ily stop. day; Of this place. Aftel: using one ind a ondon
Ped my writ � on acew �t of zziness. lia4 bottleg all symp lionis of Catarrh 9xter.
T ei phlegm it, my thro ' uch' lisve disappeal1ed. and my health is so Renaall
t gave,'x ie In an
1� oyance, (specially in Domp : Ly, balls inn3h ib2provieO that I have gained, Bev- Mppon.
of � which would oo'oai3i( 6all y all down era I pounds in: flesh. Olinton.
in my tbroat, and I coul seldom am your � trulyll. Londest
lar'60ablie tbrougli my noi 3.1 h4vis taken 798.52.2w.' Iffi LATINER. Blyth.
qp4rts of vai Wus medic'nes iw�i 1, out any Wingha
apbarent benefit, untill' was I duced, S al heum ; 'ured. GOING So
b your ager t of 69 Hui er stri � I I Y: , to try Are you troobled wit i salt rheum, Wingba
yo�rFountainof HeaWi. Aft3rusing u h shin, pimples or 4 ianker sorep'; if Belgrav
five bottles I a�m prepitz d to f �i �re it as 0 o at once to' Lumsden & Wi�aons Myth my honest opinion that for t cure o Loudesl
I ru store andget a Package Of 1 MO- Clinton.
catarrh it ig a grand E ccess have agor and Parke's Car-bolic Carats. Bruoi-ift
req.ommendecdl 't to mau'r of In friends, lice twenty-f�ve cents. It was ever Rippon.
one of whoIn eholoses his imonial nc wn to fail.;: 795.52. HenRall
with mine. Exotr.
Wishilig Y)u deserved -Buc i -uiokest Thing on Re(�ord I am graiully yburs, a J JsurH iftowk, d Ligh �uf ug for Neu -
.13 am F1 � Jill GoXG No
B06-k-heeper 25 Sherbo Me 13 r 30t, i al is, Ueada6he, ToothachT etd It
798.52.2,v oronto. tthei..
does not blister or dis-,olor �e . n Brussel
i,eqaires-buton:e applic tion to banish Bluoval
Gr-Eab EXcitl Men sil pain magi(3411y witaout using any
'$Chors is a ways great exci6 ner)t in greasyliniment or carrying your head GOING SO
case of su� den 'accidkiit ai�l injury. L a poultice for `weeks.' Try a twenty- Win�bR
E V. 6 from Lumsden & ilWil-
.�ry one Bic uld be 1)r8pari iJ for an IVE odatbottl 13luevall
emergoncy. Hagyard'B: Yalld,w Oil is Son d-ruggiBtB.; 795.62 BmBhel�
tb a reliable : ri end in ne id ; i t i ii for ha- Ethel..
ternal and eXternal uE �3, curi�ig Burns Buckleii's Arnit3a S.alvbv�
Scalds, Bruises, La:uieuess, Crimp, Sore I IA
Throat, Rbeimatism The best salve in bhe! world forCUtS,
ai d pairij!iLl affec- bru I ises, aores tions and wounds, 77165.2wl Wears, i3allt rhourn, iever OTICE
sores, tatter, apped h -suds, chilblains, N
J- hors
'W*ninr porbs, and all in eruptions, and!posl- ply to J0
ively eureB pi, s, or no pay required. If troubled wi6h conkipatedi, bowels, t is guarantecid to give p-rfecit sati,dac- N OTE I
DeVeT 11 . ealeci iti, or the hyBtem liecomeB - - y'refunde(l. Price 25 eients a no
0 I on, or mone - favor of i
clogged, the secretfons ried no and he )erl box. Fu� sale by, J. S. Roberts. All paytjL�
Rame as p
systern poiHmied Nvith f ul ras k. Bur- 831.52. dodk Blood BiAers cur con8ti ation by REITH.
unlocking th3 becretion6and p0g,blating CAu,ri(
]In the -History of Medicine
0 an u ar 3YS OM. W. NO preparation has received SuCh uni- bbawer, fo
erml commendation fol fibe alloviati
She DeclarTs, It ,led Her Life. r lon a d paya
Mrs. F. Ts,ylor, of . !Toronto, was . a it a Ords, and the Permanent cure it ceived no
&ffects in hidnoy diseases, as Dr. 'Van tained thr
gr6at suffereir irom. iuUnimato -y then- Buren's Kidnq Cure. Its action in NAB..
matiam, whial. for a lo4g time' baffled all: treatment. At la9t �be t -f, ad Hag, these distres8ii)g compldints is simply ULL 0
wonderful. F�r Sale b; J. S. Roberts. B
yard's Yellowbil, and declares. t saved Y_ Youl
to 14 mon
70 5021-789 her life. 77-1.65.2w. i* (10.438),
Pimples and Motches. A �ply oi)
P.O. Jo
14of :PosAive-1 Call at Lu'mEden & Wilsou's drug you suffer fr om paiii in th region to a and get w- packagd o' . McGregor & S,PLMNI
0 a(lac i: f the' Shoulders, he regular ai ke's CarbA-c Cerata� t is Com- Old Ch.,
bowels, f aintnE Ss'sick st, ma6i,l - 7ariable' osed of Vaael�ne, Cartolic acid and coit is a n
ap . petite, bad taste inpthe mo*th and erate, and has never fa'led to remove and altho
sallow complexiim, your liver il bi)iary imples, blotebes, ulcer�ted. s�oreB, and It can be
milts Rout
Organs are seriously affect d nd Bar- ougliskin. Iiicureswhen all others ticulais dock Blood Bi Iters is t le -;01110 and I'l ail. Try it. 195.62. P. 0. DA
certain r6me,13. 774.6512w. Hol: el in Hope -v -Me. The Sio, k-ly Young Gir Mrs, MoAi t4ur, oi HOpeville, (leclares ii� bhe delicote youn woman need ri.lAustin% Phosph tide. When the W.G. 8
:11 she could ho� keep houk8i %ithout Hag- 1 Sa
I- I uJiltenanceisi pale, -;h( blood-coqrseB dence,tha
yard s Pectoi a'. Balsam. It is' 0, remedy I In gishly, erroptionE ol: the face � ap- Auburn.
in which the siffererniq safoly hope )a r, together With all tie �.'.other 'signs
f0rBpeectyrEh,-f and cftectua� cure of f either tem y Or COUSt J. G. 8
Couglis, Hoarseness,,BrInchia.1, Throat Let ilit 0 �orar itutional Ac
and Lurig Tro�bles wbi h negl'�Otedend, . N emed�l' *ill , so quic'kly donoesou
tl.� ,a,, iore color to the o4e�ks, strengt� to, efiSt Of Rr
iu:,hopelees co�sumptioll. 774 65.2w. he muscles, e#.ergy to 4he'limbs, bring )ack the appetite and ake a healthy gool
A rtain 13�-,�esul voluan, as Ph sphatine which is ii ot a Woe an
�f your bloo is it vi,iill burst nedicine 1. � I
but a fooc torsa.16 by, all dirootly o
foith in blotches, pim Iles a4d Sores, ru ists. 788.52 9 11611 I ,
f q8tering and dmightly.1 Burddc Blood W Me
BAters wiil thoroughly 4leansel'the blood G. iW NU noh
n ay, Ao - co
a d eradicat-a all -Ioul homors Dom the North see
.JtVaihdale, Tor(iiuto, wr S "My iwife eastofth
6- system, 774.(5,2w. lad Several very Severe attacks of pap Perlectly CVred.� Tra sin the stomach. Hearing of DRS.
Dr Austin's Phospbatine and its
83 Lindsay$ Wharf, ��'ug. 2?l 18 e San tueSS t�- take 1 1 gave her ;two
'had an at ack HOWA
4essrs. Clinrebill Co, ', Gents,—I ).o.ttles, and ablo bas �Ovl Licentiat
have been af liated with"' Salt rilieum for i a . bee,and bar bealth is �nucb in -proved.
. I C,illego o
or $11 a e the past 'three years, and I ave been I by-all1i drugistk. 770.52-789 and Sur
treated by. Some of thell; best � o toirg. in, I burgh;
f Eastern Out rio with)ut at y lasting I have used br, SGra,Oem6ff's Ru6sia-12. Midwifery
benefit.' 1wasrecommt.nded h Mr. C. r, and can orn and -Wart BradiYato
J. Lindsay, c f Kars, to t kiy your Foun- ,ecommend it %a doing all it profe ses.
6 tain of Health After t sing fi q bottles ()ne bottle is orth four,', of any other EYE9 T of the Fountain and tw bottles of your (iorn cure. My Odra's are miming.
a Climax Salvi , I believe �� am 16rfectly JSigned,) F. 0. Bur=4!lhes, Stratford. DF
d cUrea., My,eneratheal,tib is aho much Sold -by Lumaden & Wilson, Druggists,
I t L. 0.1?
v improved, and I now 'eel li a new *F and
eaforth. 830x,26 ato, and Si
a Yoais truly 11rX iary.
T. W_ ethev.'ell, Opbtbalm
a ROBERT B�RNET Th�oat a
Nriting from Winnipegi says : "I can
EnginEer Str. MO14t eal and i a;y more about Pbosph�tina now han
Po 798.52,12w. itland us. 317 C
Rhen I saw yolu last in Toronto. My lealth is muc4. improv0d, � and I am A S�f Care. free frombead ches or �ny�other a hei3
August 29, 1 i83. iaving used ly two allid's half bo tles
Dal myP.O.J�T'pOpgoode. -1 of your Phosopl iatine. For Bale by all 0,,, the
Messrs. Churchill & Qo., De4WSirs,— I "ruggists. 77(.52.789. MONT
I have been troubled wil 1h Pil for the last five years, and dur: �g th t time I NOW. have taken raddicine fro fiv _ Joetors, hal there is reliabla!remedy for kid -
d which failed to effect 0 cnre� I have icy trouble, half the tbrro'm attam; had
il U Sad Only or a box of y lur Cl i� ax Eye o these complaints lissw beenremcved,
Salve, whica, I puroba erl frk i W.. F. Foi this let all be thanhful, and to Dr. Ritchie,of 09goode S�ation, Ludean Va� Buren's Kidney, Cure award Teeth ext
F: thus, re- and term
recommend A as a �afa C' -a to all dl praise f Dr havi'ng
a4icted with the same7 Idiseas 1 c'on- p ove1 a hitherto fat4l -disease from a �.O War ourFouutainoflaealth", excel- )ur path. I was nevet kno t Ed y i 'IV I f. fail. Sold by S. Roberts. 770. 89
lent tonic to b ild up t syst6, Yours ti�uiy, 798.52.2w. M �1$iIARMID, A Ban er's Testimony.:
I i I stt&irs 9 �&t this Se I ; I ForaCQugq,-.Co1dor1any Brondhial hours, 8
s on : . I] lIffection, 11 Pe toria, iy opinioii, is i of the year tij Ere shotild be a I ottle of ust the thi g. I ha%mq�ed it in, my
r Pedtoria in e very house, -It is ih iequall- am ily for C�ughs a�d dolds for. the JD3
a for o s ala, o seness, is )art four years with th most unvaried pleaeant, equa� I y safe foi childlfe a. Price uccess, and tid day my, opinion of it is a .25:cQntB at all druggists 838. hal I continue to thin still more -Of F culty
hat which I began tb think well of.
Alniost EV :y Filli: Gr,,o' Krum
C611taln's calomel arid other iminera Manager, JOntario ]Bank, Pickering. t
compo . unds. - Dr. C on'a E tomach Price 25 cents. t all droggiats. 837.26 S ving
r Bitters is purely vegetal ile and t tkeg the T
place of all other purgatives. In large t bottles I at 50 cents. 83 ,,26 1 NCHOR Ll N mrs
Frobithe Diver.'� Sail from Fiei 20 North iver, i9ew York, t and Kidneys aise fully 1 �Ialf the; E ickneBB. i Ev�ry Saturda for tho late I
Dr.Carsons Ro'mach.,Bitteil's stimu- RATP,S OF PASSGE
6, i Office
lates both liVe � a d k a �insnres VO GLASGOW, DERR-Y,BEkFA8T OR LIVER Blocki M
as:idt eysnoT Oil i is an alco- POOL, CABIN_ $60 to 80. SECOND t- a against dis ; CABIN, $49). STEBRAG19 OUT- holic stimul t. In lai.ge botitilles-at 50 . � I
kv WARD, 52S.. PR1Z;PA1D:J_,q21-
cents. 838. 6 Auchor Line D!pJts issu"i ,at lowest rafies are cb�npletely iure midlireecif charge in Engand, scotlan� and
[reland. Messrs. Mutobill & Co --your Foun- For pasaage, Cabin Plans, �onk ol TourO, &c.,
tain of 41th has corftoletely ci�ired me �pply to HENDFRsoN BROTHERS, 7 130 1'1LPr,,'1,,,0t of dyB a sia which has,troublp'4 me for 3REF,N, NLw Yoax, or to B. DICKSON I i � t )face,- Seaforth. 832 Fir oprieto
nearly twq y vxs. hat; now 1
J. CLAR�� IT, , MARRIAGE L�OENSI 8 order, all
Y 798.52.2w,� 17 Stafford strebt, Toronto. FAMI
celled by
ISSUED AT W0,000 Reward an - ties imonials if, For y recon�ziiending GuiSM
McGregor'S peedy Cur for D yf3pepsia, Indigestion, ostiveneS8 Headathie,ete., that are not gannine; none which Flour ex
I from per 3ons in the States. 0 thous- SEAF0 THS Q_VT4R C are Bran alw
ang of mile By, but from ]PIE rsons in market
and around Elamilton Ont6xio. We 3o that give trial bo;t as free of cost, i N 0 WITNESSER REOWOED.
b i
h h
In J_
te I n
rand Trunk R411wayi i
wve Sonforthand OntostationesO
$ RFWAR D—Striqed from Promisea 15th of No
of the su broribet about vem-
O.....1:50 P. M. 2:80 P.M.
.......... 8:58 P. X. 9:16 P. M.
berlaeb, five steers coming three! or fouz years
old. They were heazd of abo t twit weeks ago on
A Guaranteed Cure fo 'Go
8 f a 0, pleasant and relilab 10 bad effects froln
ulu... ,,_7M A.M. 8*45 A.M.
6:45A_ M. 6:27 Al.
the 9th Corer ssion of eR 16p, golug toards
the town Li o of li-ahelt. Part, it not aH of
iU use, Does not interfe 13 wit4 buminess or dkt.
P Hoe $2 perbox, Or "' oxes 4er $15' Writtetk three
Train..... 1:60 P.M. 12:65 P. X.
them, aro ma ed with T (in the T late or rump.
guatantees issued by e duly*uth-3nzedagent
rain..... m4:45 P. X. 4:00 P. M.
Some of them are 11glit colored wid some dark,
to refund the mon ey if th,ee botims fail ctira.
but cannot giv a a corre, t dvacription of them, na
8 I., t postage O - i , . I
� price addrVas e pure—paid on r
ithey are out 01t lot'w 180 ben.d. Any person
J. S. Roberts authorized rent for Seaftirth. . r.
don, Huron an1d
Bruce. 1
1 Vving suoh Wormittion as will len d to tbeir "
Felix Le Brun & Co., 81 j83 Ming St. East, r -a
Mail. 1
covery will ref -eive tbe abov� roward. THOMAS
1GOVENKOCK, Alckillop, 131ecemliier 14th 1888,
onto, Sole P rietors. 1, '793 5"
A.M. P.m.
Aepart.. 7 47
....... 56 I
.......... 9 la 5 60
lever brought'
We will pa� the above roWara for a3py cage of
.......... ..... 9 17 6 55
!able at the thr
TAMer Complaint, Dyspepola, �Sie)C n-
.... 14 ...... .. ..... 926 6 06
948 6 80
returning if ne
digestion, conotipationor!CojBti-�;c.tlepFt we canvot
wita Wiestis VcgetablO Liver tho
....... .......
cure when
Dro. .............. 110 07 6 50
directions are sUictly cooiplled with. They lire
............ .. ........ 10 16 6 Q
4gnedivill 'h, cvp for
purely Veyetable, and ne00i fail:6 givit Batisfae-
..................... 11031 7 16
1 T
tion. SugaCoated.
....,,1045 7-27
Killopk a Thorough-
Pills,26ceuts. For salebf -all Dr�,,&ts. Dieware
a, . xpres i
M. P. M.
ir 2, depart .............. 1 7 85 2 67
E* ......... . 7 49 3 09 ............ 805 8 28 aro ........ a ... .... 3 82 .......... .... .. ... 8 45 405 ................. ::: 8 59 4 21 .......... .. e... 9 68 480 ............ .... ..... 913 4 86 ....... 4 ........ 6 ..... 9 28 450 arrive ........ ..... 10, 80 5 50 00ni G-rey a'd Br-uce:
Acc. Exp�
P. At. P. M
.................... 206 9 4
9 ..................... 2 20 94
0 ....... ........... 2 37 10 11
Ia .... i . .............. 2 55
1 T11— Exp- A=
A. 11. A. WE
In.... .............. 5 50 19 bt
4.. L.! 1, s. — 5 58 10 00
................ 6 13 11 28
.... ................. 4 6 25 11 4$
PORTANT NOtICES. —Thirty Dollars ivill �uy an 9,80 two'
savvingr machines z0od as now. ADI
0. MORRISON, Winthrop. 842.-,4
08T.—Lost on or abo6 the 25th it'
to amnunli- g to obout 4267.00, dra-,� ft�
ames 11elth and sigind by David Relth�
a aie cautioned tigaiiist: negotiating th,
ayment bas been sz�pped. JAME
839 )N�Tho rublic are h6reby cma tiloned
3, iiurcliasitg ( - Un a Doe
I ,by ine in favor of xeorge James, b
i the stim of $5, date anaH 14, 1&411
M six montlis tifter d09, I ave reil
-a] ue f.. -r the said note'ah Jt was W
ough misiepretentation. J011a Ate,#
842-4 1
FOR SALE.-LFor sale, fou* Bull CalveB, magir g in age frrin 91
s. 'I hey are g. t I ky Royal Duko'
fl-om cr,ws -with good pedigtees.
I ot 2, eO7 Wsioa 14, Gmy, or t6 Brusseli
]IN-HISLOP. 843-6 ID COLT FOR SALE. — Por sa]4
a Stallion Colt comin), three, sired b#
-Orit;" dam by "I'lator." Th
ice che&!nut co!or, lia., spleuffd bone�
ugh never handled, sbmvs fine action�
E cen on lot 23, concen on 7, Hay, tW6
11�,f HilIq Green. F or further par�
,Dly to the undersjgn�d, -Hills Gree�
RIFE . 843.x4 1
MEDICAL.! ---------- r
MACDONALD ' M D 10. 3-1.,physiclail
-geon, A000ucheur, &.1
� Office and re
i lately occupied by Dr.. Hatebiso
TT, AT. D. &o, Phyizd4lftri'surgaot an�
o )uche, 8 eaforth, ont. OMreandroslL
I h side of Goderloh StAiet,second doq�
e�abyterian 0harah. B42 @R00E, M. D., 0. mi. rhysioian, Sur
eta -,Coroner for the County of Huroni.
Residence, on arvile street nortV,
Oposite Soaforth Publie.' School. OVER D. 0. Graduate
undcrsigned %III
keel) on I
it 8, concessim
112, Tuckerismith, a
SrfoW Boar.
This is a superior
animal and
rom good ai�,
o s.— One
Dollar, payable
at tbe: time
of "�Yice wi-h the
iprivilege of -rotarning:
if ne,cessairV.
un-errigricd w11I
st, A, at bis 110ftl
ire 'Pig. This
,pig was bred b;!
0. 11. Simnicris
ofllLobo, and is
'from imported
0ock on botli
sildt-Riil He hi t;vcn
imonths old anti
is orefif thu
puyesh bred plaR
lever brought'
to tbe counh.
TOMS—Sl'- p:ly-
!able at the thr
e of servio-, v
ith f110i privilrqo 01
returning if ne
espary� W.
YOOX,� Vrna. t --M-12
I —*J he -under
4gnedivill 'h, cvp for
his prem.
lob'8, con,u.-Ridon.12,
Killopk a Thorough-
Boar. . Term;—$l,
�)pyalble at- the
time of servict
ith the priv
It-ge 6f rc-turningil
necesaary. rMlIARD
-PIG.—Ihe undorAgnicl x0ll
seryiee,!Jurin, tl)e I reselit
on lot �4,
S., 101), a1horou-_rh�red
Berkshire PIg.
dollar with the
clessary,. WILLIAM
UFFOLK XG.—Thounderi-igned
.'-J lot 21, c(neoszion
willk eq) on
2, h. R. 9J, Tuchcrvmftl�
a Thoroughtirt
d Suffolk B�ar. TM,s arihnal wm
recently purcli
ased from the� well-kiqown bria e ers,
A. Franks,& Son,
and -is frow impbrted stovk on
bothaWs. Tiirms,—$l,p&1yablea�
t the firre of
service w-th th
i� privilege of r' turni I 11neciessary.
R, Licenced
Aucti . Oneez foz the
i Connty c�f
ITuro. Faleg
tend*tl ir -311
pa;tf� of the
oonrty " All
orderileft at
!P081TOT, 011100
will promptly-iftendied
fuai-tjanerr for the
-' County
A ]i n.
1promptly attu
&!d to on rie?
tl�rms. Ad-
4rem Walton-P.O.
or lot
F AN7 E D.
nted maletonchr,
holding at
hir i cla".
eertffic' te, 1or ellool
section No. 18,
Hvwick. Dafiest)cominencelst
January, 1884,
will be recAved up
to the 15tli of
3 -ate anii ex-
zperience. JOJIN
secietaxy, G irrie
�P. 0.
A inale tealcher for
School Sciction
No. 7.
I.-fullett, v-11uty of
Huron. Dut
a to
Yo-nua-ty, 1884
Trustees, Jo �
��N 13RoWN,, W . ILTER
No. 7, Ilullott,
wi Mirlstm
1 Dayfleld B
Yo, on the
Varrin "e Brucefield,
,a, brown bomc
.m.-tdo plaid
The .der will be
suitably rewai
ed on
the shme at the
'Post Office, X
ppon, iit TiiF
Fxlosrriian (Me-,
_Seaforth, or at
lot No.�10,
11, Tucker-
bmith. 1161313.
V coull 0 an M 011"! io genu a mantiraintured ionlv by id. WE.9T & Co.i, i 11'rbe Pil. Makers,81 A 83X!vg�St. East, Tor0n_ to, Ont. Free trial package Lidijit by mail pre- V d 1011 ree.eipt,of a 3 ccett stuwp. For sale. at obell 8 rugs re. W 000 FOR Having the uLmoosb eon4deucp in it r-uporionty over all others, and aft -or thousai�& of teei s of the most complic,itead and al Verest case -4 we conla find, ve ftel juAtified in lofferhl� to forf6t One Thcluiz:an d - Dul'ars for an. case i0f tougba, COME, Fore throat, brnnobRiN conpumpt iiin in i s a y i ages, whooping eongb� and all disea exek-pt Afthm,R, for wbich we c tily elihn that we can't oure vAb W60's Q Igh Sy�rup, when takf-n atoording to directions. 8=�Ie bottles254-nd 60eents; largebottles nn4E �,011art Genuly.e Wrap- perR ottly in blue ORN V. WIJST'&- CIL) 81 J; 83 Mug St. East, Toi:oLt 1, On For sale R� 1. S. Roberts Drug -store. HEALTH IS WEALTHI Dr. IC. 0. WesVp Xerve and Bia,in Trautinent, a, guara-uteed specific f or D�y teriai DizzinesF. Con- -TU14.�ion., Pita, N6rV0U6 Nervous Prostration oftu Od bIr the u". of Rlc�'hol or tob"to, WEL-kejulne 11fintal Depresslo SofteWvg of the Brain, r isulting in lui;snitv and lo!itihig to iniser, decay and Areath, Pematuro Old age, Barrenress, Loskoi PoVer in eit or sex, Involuntary Losses and,Spern�atorrbcea, canFd by over -exert ion of the b ain, soll-abuse or 4over '11 bidlgence. One box rteent asef;. Etich bo contains one m0nith, , t at V One dollar a br)x, or six boxes ihr fivo d I by muil prel aid on receipt ol- pried. We guqmiltea oix boxes to cure any ca iq. I Wit14 each oidr�ro- Aceived by ua for six boxes,j�ceompaniud with ivt dollarp,wevilsprid thio�vuichaser our wivcm tice tf) refund the i�;nvy if the ti eal-went guae does not eff ct a cure. 01 tiara-bitees isatied Only by J. S. Rbei ts so1r, autbo, ltg,-Lt for Seflo- )AhOntario- John 0. West &APo�,Soleprola- b I ttrs TDronto. n "Flic blood is tl-Ne foul &.1- lifie it 6-c it— + i711 eveyy Pl-14- Of 17i. v.- -Y to drive id oul i -i to 4 y and eni-ichan, Surgeon au Arents a Scaforth, oderich, BT11's- ill University, Physioi br,Seaforth,Ont. 0Md.eandResidenee, els�ii��th G6irriewidWiright lo ealivassfor & oat, firot 13r1ok Goderich Str H018i the sale of Yrea ers binders, e Methodist Church. 496 1 drills, seeders, lows, SU Ry 11:0WS'i straw tuttevs, 17 wagons,tru-i ,:, ors6powois septirators, port able and tract )n steam engines, saw inill Tna- EL1,10TT 4 GUNN! ebinery, &c, amifactured by.the:North Am(,n- B R U C.%,F- F I E L D. ean Agrieult. al lnipl�-meut and Oeueral Hanu- 4 faataritig C pany,`London. Ont -an. Apply to RD ELLIOT, WI�TAM GUN W31. B, Mel, AN, Hensall, Ont., Or to the North 1,111d tis d..;V,_:'1 e of the Royal Licentlate of the Roy4l. A-mericstu Malulaolturng Company� London. 841 Physicians Colleg� of Ph3slciail.s pqr-, pf the ,ecins, Edin- and wirgeons, Ed* Licentiate in burzll late of the Ho..,- W.11 not Edinburgh. u, Lo4- Mack's �Vlagnetic Medicine piral r Wome 63326 don, Xr;gland. NSRV�ANDBRAJNTOOD rJOUS. EAR AND tHROAE SON CEORCE S. RYO # I@-,1;6otn,rer on th; E Ye Throat, Trinity Modica College, Toro�- I _tte I that I cou!d jo t rgeon to the Noreer on illy 'ye and Ear In- Leforric 2 buiJen, nri r. 1i rn b, LateClinioal ARsiaa tRqoyal London lmo-t left nie, I was iail�irckl t.) J�.. Jo Hospital, IvToorftelis, and Centriiiii �d Ezi Hospital. i AND IRON J'tT' a: U, i A ure !Guara�leed. takin�,y t j 1,� OLD D YOV�ZG, _11AU A D FnTALYS. HURCH STREET1 TORONTO' Foll, I J0 at present. Is a sure. pro pt and effee�ut tiedy for Ner- =113- si� L,. May be con8ulted. ait the veusness in 111 its Weak Memory, Loss of.. stration, Night Sweats, is, Brain Power, 'exula3er8o, qfrL-r11rR A -ND T SORHOTEL TRATFORD spemiatorrhoy2a, Seminal Weaknes s Leucorrlmea, Barremlots, d General Loss of Xwer It re- TiaLs le5ectually �Ilrpq , ot SATURDAY in -EACX'l imirs nervous Avaste, rejuveneraths the jaded in- it 708; t494ect, Btrenetbeim the enfeebled brain, and re- stores surprif ing tove and vgor the extiamt- lies,% ed penorative organ in either ifx. te"With ARTWRIGHT! & SON test Tdief and �i��nefit it - v, 3 each order ffir TwPLVIC accompamed ENTIST9, w 11 visit Seaforth With $5, Ive -Nil ill end our written guarantee to D oney if tba treatment does 'not every Wedii,siI&Y and Thurh- refund the in Persons suffierincr from S'U.r day, and 011titoil every FrAiday f effect a �cure. It is the cbeapeEt nd best Me& each week, 6Xcei)t the weex cine in the market. Full parlivulays in our diseases as hidifey L n Oil pamphlet, W11 ch we �dcsire to mail free to any T neaday comes Ersb in the m liver complaints, &yspepsm racted without pain. dharges modera i address, 11 ek's Atag-rietic Me ine a so 0 Cash. i I I
730-25 bY Druggists 50 cents Nr box, i ir 12 boxesor receipt of $6, or will be nailed free of postage on MANETI Sold by r- r-- r-rH monoy by ME DICIXE C Windsor, Ont. Sold by all Drug� me t a I)epot 1r)o St. ' ts. Guarx� ecsis.qued-by J.S.RoBnms, Sea- gis J.FE RL. D. S., alio 781-52 fbith. M. It. 0 D. S., of Toron- to Scbool of De tistry. Office in 'Y Whitney's 1316 up the sarxie The - 4o a I 14 otel e late M. Buggin' rooms. 01hee ln.to5p.m. (LATE CARMICHAELS) To co-NTRA R Tenders for the co-natmetion of a drain nn:the received bl the Clcik, -rosidea ce, Lot 4, Concei.-ision 9i � (wheru plan w3d ; 10th and 11th concessions of -the TEZAFORTH9 0- I A T AR 0. Tuniberry, will be ATSON, DENTIST' jAMES WEI� t! spreille-itions ran be sceri), u�,'to lill-Ldayr, ft -b. I -Rb, 1884. Tenders will be oponed at the Ccian- Gold ME(lalist and College to in6rm his:old friends a6d t1he travel� 6.1 mo,ting. to be held at PattiorsorN ball, lr�.uo- BET% pub�ic that having urclia-sed this Medalist, Toront4i School of p ne-Al Yale, nt 2 4Y.clock p. m. -a the rabrjv Afe. 11 he and commodij)US botO buil4inv, b� hasthorough-1 J0 ost rr any t4crider not uemssarily aceipkil. Medicine. 1� re-furni%sh and ro-fitted it fropi top to bot- If no tender isz Fatififartory, the7 wollc will bl Rt tog and i i n1c)NAj ol)e of the mo,At cumfqrl 131))t by publix., auction at the� same Uy- e and place- t Natural Teeth ia Specialt� and con -v miepthoiels in th couh, ty. By .9 rict Tao)IA13 FORTUNE, Cl*k. 14243 tentioi�i to ew I pits of Ins cust4mers he hopes eth Eafi�ly and:C;�refuUy to merit 91i re ot pu lie patron e. The MOMS .E racted. are all well fu 'and well he ted. The bax will be Rept s pp ed with t1i Charges Jfodeq� e. be- t, and an at- ,ate.
tentative and trus wortliv hotlei willalways be G od saniple roor is for Colinner- in attendance. �s I ha-ve bouFht out the, busi6ess qf OIL oitiplete all I opera- cial Travelle I :r. Buggin, I ii ill e 'r Remember )011dyall blllc�rney of Mail! n by Min satisfactorilf to each paticut. for and Goderich Streetsi, Soaforth. i werJohi3son's flardwm�o Store,bleyees 01 7ETR� Proprietorl Ki I I st in Stree, Seaforth, JAXE S N be TJ CHRYST AL BLACIN LUS MILL IPPEN.-" IPRA.CTICAI�-, a C, all- IIBOILEX A K E IR, & -I t IJOHN McNEVIN, SnbSei ibers lia-ve bought �he 'Toole and of these well inown and popularmill�, TRF' 'Boiler Bu Iness lately rried §n b� tho God. Pt everything in firiqt-clilss workiAlg and: Manuf cturirg] ;Company, and d is prepared to turu out an art'cl * f erich Found . a-v!L,ghadall expefiol.ce of ovt� eight Tears 'In h _Y FLOUR A'be o kay mill in the Country. that shop, ur( now prelarei � toes ry on the trade in all its br sted to u� will eceive prompt Na Any work e tru MONEY TO LOA pART� attention. Rrst--0lasswoi;kgn teed. G DONE 'WRILI&I THE I illdra In d6 an repaired,alse The undersigned bein, appointed agent jar All IdT)ds of 13( i some first-clars loan comPaLicsi; is 1a0w prepaxed WAITS roR it. acks an' Smoke t d. "eet ron W rk, &c., at re to take loans on farm, to, and village proporty sonable rates. New Salt &us taade 9�m old ojes rep�iroaon atotl3oneble ratos of in, res Also 4gent for �hanged for -wheat. shortfst otice,-ana at prieek that defy com- llowick Fa-tmels' utua4 Fire Insur4nee. hGppiDg of eve"y the shortfs the a on promptly attendedl to. Flour nd petitiou. Company. All kindo of 1donveyllacing a 0 vith 4ys on Rand, and solg t the loi% e�t neatwsa and disflath. 1 MATTHEW 310]�R& es Remember the; popular mills. 1! waltm- CH $TAL BLACKY ing E Mda-Vltv tr!�- CDwmissloner in Bi E. fdrtakm Box 103, kW �OHN MCNEMN, KiPPeilii 788 1